the white-green gradient of a freshly chopped spring onion…. c'est magnifique
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“if you’re working a full time job you should be able to afford to live on your own and have access to food and transportation” gonna be real with you brother. everyone deserves this. Not just people working 40 hrs a week
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‘There’s no platonic explanation for this’ and it’s just two people caring about each other’s wellbeing
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“but friends dont—”
yes they do hope this helps
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The arofish.
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We were at Target the other day and found the only good Valentines merchandise!
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how about people let others define their relationships on their own terms?????
if they say theyre friends, listen
if they say theyre in a qpr, listen
if they say theyre in love, listen
lets not make life harder for the rest of us, thanks
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As an aroace person, friend crushes are INSANE. And I don’t mean this like “oh I want my friend romantically” I mean like “I need to be this person’s friend so bad they are so cool!!!!” Like there’s this mutual I have on tiktok who I have been sending cat stickers to back and forth all day. The day we have an actual conversation about something will be the day I’ve won. Like is this how allos feel when they have romantic crushes on people???
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Kind of interesting that there’s overlap in the aspec and poly spaces
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I think people who consider aromanticism as "basically straight" underestimate how noticeable absence can be to those around you.
Whether you're a kid in school with classmates who won't take "no one" as an answer to who you have a crush on or an adult whose coworkers have picked up on the fact that you've never mentioned a romantic partner; after enough time, a lack or insufficient amount of romantic interest will raise the antennae of friends, family, coworkers, etc... They will notice and they will speculate and they will ask.
It is impossible to meet the societal bar for straightness through inaction.
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beING SUPER SUPER IN LOVE WITH YOUR FRIENDS BUT IN A FRIEND WAY but also a little bit in a gay way but also in a frIEND WAY
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Source | Day 10
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do you ever watch a movie and it’s like. I’m too aro for this
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Being aroace with a squish is really like. You look so nice and cute and pretty (not like that), I’d like to snuggle up in bed with you (not like that) and play with your hair (not like that) and lay there for a while (not like that) and hold your hand all the time (not like that) and hang out with you one-on-one (not like that) and get to you know you on a deep and personal level (not like that)
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i keep seeing misinformation about this, so: queerplatonic relationships do not have a set definition. the name comes from the idea that it's "queering" the platonic relationship, tailoring it to the individual relationships' own desires. it isn't necessarily romance lite, but it also isn't necessarily whatever definition you want to impose on it. the point of queering the platonic relationship is to break away from strict allonormative views on friendship, romance, and sex, not to make a new categorical box to fit in.
the answer to "what is a qpr?" is "whatever you want it to be." sometimes that is romance lite. sometimes it's a deeply committed friendship. sometimes it's friends who have a sexual relationship. sometimes it's based on an entirely different mode of attraction. sometimes it's fluid and impossible to put into words. it's whatever you want it to be. it's queer.
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I am so proud.
My mother, in her mid-50s, just came out as aromantic. She never knew there was a word for what she felt. She asked if this means she's "part of the LGBT now", and I got to happily inform her that there are more letters now, and Aces and Aros are absolutely a part of our community.
It's so important to remember that there are people in generations before us who still don't know themselves, and self-discovery is for any age. They should know they have a community. I am so proud of new, older queers!
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