#bayern munich x reader
cher-rei · 2 days
love song ♬— pt 1 [ J.M ]
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pairings: jamal musiala x fem!oc
summary [please read]
genres: strangers to lovers, fluff, angst, sports romance
[w.c: 2k] masterlist
notes: it's finally here!!! I hope you guys like it, because I swear as the story progresses you're going to fall in love with them xxx (I hope)
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noelle braun sat in the crowded lecture hall, here eyes fixed on the clock as the minutes ticked by at a glacial pace. the air was heavy with the scent of coffee and ink, the oddly calming sound of textbook pages turning filling her senses.
all of this was a potent reminder that today marked the beginning of the end— the final thesis topic, the last hurdle before graduation, and the moment of truth that would make or break her academic career.
she had been looking forward to this moment for weeks, yet now that it was finally here, she felt a sense of trepidation wash over her. their psychology professor and head of department, dr. braun stood at the front of the lecture hall with a stack of papers in her hand.
“today you will receive your thesis topics,” she announced and began handing out the reports to the respective students— a few groans and sighs of dread filling the air as she continued to pace the lecture hall.
"remember this is a milestone in your academic journey, and the first time that you haven't chosen your own topics for your research task.”
noelle's knee bounced eagerly as her professor neared her seat, passing a rubric to a learner down the row before finally playing the piece of paper gently on noelle's desk, her eyes widening in anticipation and expectation for a topic that would challenge her.
something that would get the gears in her head turning nonstop, something to feed her curious and knowledge hungry mind. noelle loved thinking. it was her favourite pastime, just simply taking a stroll through the streets of munich with her airpods in as her mind wandered.
but unfortunately that was not the case today. her eyes scanned over the thesis title written at the top of her page, a sinking feeling in her stomach swallowing her until she was drowning in a pool of disbelief.
her hands absentmindedly clutched the piece of paper, wrinkling the edges and her brows. the sound of the bell sounding signified the end of the lecture and day, the clock above reading 2:15 p.m. dr. braun continued to go on about their due dates and so on along with the turmoil of students that stampede their way out of the university to ffinally emerse themselves in the freedom of summer break.
it was only when the lecture hall was empty that noelle hurriedly grabbed her laptop and bag, her eyes narrowing as she approached her professor. the florescent lights overhead casted and unforgiving glare on the worn linoleum floor.
“romantic love?” she questioned dryly and held up the page in the air, the crumbled edges being enough of a telltale that she wanted to shred it.
from her position behind her desk dr. brauner let out a sigh and gave noelle a questioning look. “yes. explore the subjective experience of romantic love. it's a fascinating topic and I think that you'll find it quite rewarding.”
noelle had to bite her tongue in order to stop herself from being disrespectful. how was this supposed to be rewarding? she paused for a moment and watched as the older woman continued to pack her things away, her eagerness to get home evident.
she was just about to give up, a few steps forward but she couldn't settle for this. this was her entire grade on the line. “it's just that–” her shoulders squared, her eyes pleading as dr. brauner took a seat on the edge of her desk. “–I'm not comfortable with this topic, which means that I won't be able to do my best an–”
“–that's the point noelle.” dr. braun threw her hands into the air, a lighthearted smile on her face as she stared at the conflicted girl in front of her. “this is a learning experience. a reason for you to explore and get out of your comfort zone.”
noelle's jaw tightened. “I understand that but–”
“–then you don't understand if you have something more to say,” she shot noelle down and the girl was quiet, her lips slightly parted as she contemplated fighting.
the tension in the lecture hall was thick, noelle's throat constricting with every second she stood silent. she wasn't typically the type who liked arguing, she remained as much of a pacifist as she could. but now that her degree was on the line over a stupid theis topic, she was going to fight for it.
a heavy sigh came from dr. braun and she lifted herself from her desk to take a few steps closer to her daughter, her fingers brushing a few dark strands out of her face. a warm smile drew to her lips as she felt the girl ease under her touch. “I am not just saying this as your professor, but as your mother. I really think this could be good for you.”
“mama, how am I supposed to do a research paper on something that I've never experienced? i'm not interested,” noelle said barely above a whisper, embarrassment and slight irritation looming over her head.
she felt her mother gently squeeze her shoulder. “ella, this is not just about romantic love; it's about understanding human experience. and it's exactly because you're not interested that you need to do it.”
noelle’s face twisted, her mind racing with counterarguments, but her mother's expression remained unyielding. for a moment, they locked eyes, the tension palpable.
finally she looked away, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “fine,” she muttered, the words bitter on her lips.
as she turned to leave, her mother's voice called out, “remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone.”
noelle's eyes flashed with anger, but she bit back her retort, the words burning in her throat. she knew her mother was right, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow.
instead she pushed open the large campus door and let the munich summer air hit her face— much cooler than you'd expect as the crisp air brought her back to reality with a deep inhale and exhale. she looked down at the page in her hand one last time, the title mocking her.
the phenomenology of being in love: exploring the subjective feeling of being in love.
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that thursday afternoon, noelle found herself in her usual post lecture spot— the local coffee shop not too far from campus. she felt down, unmotivated and… bleh. which meant that she needed one thing. coffee.
she pushed the door open, the bell over it ringing out as she stepped inside. the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped her, immediately lifting her spirits. she made her way to the counter, where her friend, lauren, was working.
as usual her smiled beamed the second she caught sight of noelle, the familiar face giving her a reason to take her third break of the day. “I know that look,” lauren said with a sigh and started on noelle’s order without a word.
the glum university student managed a lopsided smile and sat down on one of the bar stools with her caramel macchiato in front of her within seconds. the two sat silently for a bit until noelle mustered up the energy to realise that the coffee shop was emptier than usual.
“where is everyone?” her gaze drifted to the booths in the far corner that were empty, the faint sound of music playing through the speakers. “is something happening today?”
from behind the counter lauren scoffed and continued to wipe down the table. “everyone is getting ready for tomorrow you idiot.”
when she didn't get a response lauren furrowed her brows in shock, initially waiting for noelle to catch on but she didn't. instead she took another silent sip of her coffee.
lauren let out a laugh of disbelief. “summer break means that it's international break.”
there was a beat of silence again which caused lauren to dramatically throw herself over the counter and slap her friend on the head. “the euros you dut!”
oh shit.
how could she forget?? it's been on her mind since the beginning of the year and she planned her entire summer around the football tournament. it was the whole reason she was banking on an “easy” thesis topic, so that it wouldn't consume all her time.
almost as if on cue noelle’s phone rang, making her jump up. “shit,” she cursed and gathered her things so that she could answer the call.
lauren watched in confusion as she scrambled her things together, barely being able to put her coat on properly as she answered the person on the other end of the line.
“I was just about to call you– yeah I just got out of my lecture.” the lie slipped past her lips easily, earning a judgmental look from lauren as she handed noelle the coffee and headed into the back to fetch something.
“I'm literally on my way to the airport right now– no I'm not lying. okay, bye I'll see you soon.”
noelle ended the call as quickly as she picked it up, and hastily grabbed her bag and coffee to make a beeline for the door she completely forget that she had to pick one of her friends up at the airport and somehow needed to be there in the next 20 minutes.
she was more than ready to get at least 3 speeding fines and–
she stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes shut as she felt the liquid seep into the fabric of her sweatshirt and even on her skirt. just great.
“oh no, I'm so sorry!” the man infront of her exclaimed, as noelle tried her best to dry her jumper with the napkins on the counter.
“no, no it's fine! I'm just… really late!” she discarded the napkins carelessly, hoping that lauren would understand when she came back.
“wait, let me help you with that,” he said apologetically, trying to get some napkins to help noelle with the spill but she insisted that she was fine.
“are you sure okay?” he asked again, but she just brushed him off with an awkward laugh and a thumbs up, not giving a proper answer since she was running to the door again, her bag hanging on for dear life.
the stranger watched as she checked her phone again, her figure disappearing through the door and around the corner and surprisingly she bumped into someone as they were coming into the coffee shop again. but there was no time for apologies.
the new customer looked to the dumbfounded boy in front of him. “jamal, that girl that just bumped into me,” he turned to the door again, “sounded a lot like one of aaliyah's friends.”
the stranger now known as jamal let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. “I don't know any of your girlfriend's friends flo, but she bumped into me too.” he looked down at the ground where there was still some coffee. “I spilled coffee on her… kind of.”
florian took a few steps further into the empty coffee shop, his eyes squinting in confusions at the empty reception. he came here for coffee because aaliyah really liked this place for some reason, and so far he didn't see the hype or the employees.
he leant back on the counter to look at jamal who was still hung up on the coffee spill on the floor. “dude, she didn't even look me in the eye.” he let out a groan and put his hands on his head, “oh god she probably hates me!”
“she doesn't even know who you are stop stressing,” his friend replied but jamal was still stressing for whatever reason, letting his guilt get the best of him as usual. “it was aaliyah's friend that recommended this coffee shop too, the psych major–”
“–noelle, what the fuck?!”
the two customers jolted at the sound of the new voice, florian jumping up from the counter where the employee was stood with her eyes wide in anger and shock. and this just made jamal feel even worse.
“yeah that's her name, noelle,” the shorter of the two said and snapped his fingers, looking back at jamal with a smile but the boy looked as if he was ready to crawl into a hole and die.
note to self: apologise to noelle, the pysch major. (double check with sophia)
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thewosoway · 2 months
Georgia stanway masterlist
On my 18th birthday
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helen-with-an-a · 13 days
Oh yay a new Oberdorf story this weekend!
Wait no more Obi fans - here is a smutty fic to keep you a little full until November hehe. And it's before the weekend (sort of). Ik i asked for reqs and to the Anon how sent in the jealousy idea - it's such a good idea and yes it will be written but I was about 2k into this before I saw it so I decided to finish this first.
First Time
Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Description: It's R and Lena's first time doing anything sexual
Word count: 4.5k
TW: Smut, 18+, fingering (R receiving)
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This was so not how you expected your night to go. It was supposed to be romantic and gentle – a night that you and Lena had been anticipating for weeks. Although, you supposed it was just not in the at you were expecting. Tonight marked your first official date as girlfriends, an event you’d been dreaming about ever since your friendship had blossomed into something more. From the moment you first met as kids, there had been an unspoken connection between you two. The years went by, and though you were close friends, it became clear that your feelings for each other had grown deeper over time. You had been pining for each other since adolescence, each of you harbouring a quiet hope that someday the other would feel the same way.
It had taken a month of playing on the same Club team for things to finally shift. The constant exchanges of longing stares and the shared, charged glances hadn’t gone unnoticed by your teammates. They’d grown weary of the unspoken tension and had taken matters into their own hands, staging an intervention that left both you and Lena flustered but undeniably grateful.
A month ago, Lena had taken the plunge and officially asked you out. It was a moment you’d both been waiting for, and since then, your relationship had deepened in ways you hadn’t imagined. You’d been on one date a week, each outing a new adventure and a chance to explore your blossoming romance. But it wasn’t just the dates that defined your connection; you were inseparable, spending nearly every evening at each other’s houses and sticking together like glue during training sessions.
It was as you stood in front of your door, your hand firmly in Lena’s, she had asked you those immortal words. Lena’s words and the earnest look in her eyes caught you off guard. With a mixture of nervousness and hope, she asked if she could be your girlfriend – officially, in the way that only a heartfelt question could make it feel.
You had, of course, said yes. Your heart was racing, pounding so fiercely it felt like it might burst from your chest. The excitement and joy coursing through you were overwhelming, making your breath catch and your head spin. A nervous bubble of anticipation settled in your stomach, causing a fluttery sensation that was both exhilarating and a little bit unnerving.
You could see the hope and vulnerability in Lena’s eyes, and it only made you want to reassure her with more than just a verbal affirmation. With a mixture of eagerness and tenderness, you leaned in. Your lips met hers in a kiss that was soft yet full of unspoken promises and deep affection. It was a kiss that conveyed all the feelings you had bottled up inside – your excitement, your love, and the sheer relief of finally being on the same page. The world around you seemed to dissolve, leaving just the two of you, connected in a way that felt both new and perfectly right.
And now, exactly one week later, the world had shifted in a way you hadn’t quite anticipated. Lena was lying on top of you, her body warm and soft against yours in a way that felt both exhilarating and comforting. Her mouth was pressed firmly against yours, a kiss that was both passionate and tender. One that felt so foreign, yet so familiar.
As you melted into the kiss, you could feel her hands exploring, tracing a path down your body with a deliberate and gentle touch. Each caress was both thrilling and reassuring, a tactile affirmation of the connection you were deepening together. Her fingers moved with a kind of reverence, exploring and savouring every inch of you.
The sensation of her hands on your skin was electrifying, making your heart race and your senses come alive. The way she seemed to be attuned to your every reaction, adjusting her touch based on your unspoken cues made your heart leap.
“Lena,” you sighed, the breath escaping your lips in a shuddering exhale as her mouth remained pressed firmly against your skin. The sensation was both electrifying and soothing, and as she moved to suck a delicate bruise into your neck, a mixture of pleasure and anticipation coursed through you. Each gentle pull of her lips sent ripples of warmth down your spine, making your pulse quicken.
Your hands, almost on their own accord, slipped away from her hips and travelled upward, threading themselves into her soft, tousled hair. The strands of her hair felt silky and alive between your fingers as you pressed further her into your skin.
As her mouth continued its exploration, Lena’s hand ventured toward your chest, hovering just above your breast with a hesitant but tender touch. The pause was filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty, as if she was waiting for your approval or perhaps gauging your reaction.
“Is this ok?” she asked softly, her voice a gentle murmur that contrasted with the heated intensity of the moment. Her eyes, filled with a mix of affection and concern, met yours as she awaited your response.
“More than,” you gasped out, the words escaping in a breathless rush. The moment her hand made contact, your body responded with an involuntary shiver of delight. Her touch was a perfect blend of softness and warmth, and as she gently squeezed, a low, instinctive moan escaped your lips, a sound that was a melody to Lena’s ears. She smiled, leaning back to kiss you with a renewed sense of purpose – wanting to draw those sounds out of you again, and again, and again.
“Can I take it off?” Lena’s voice was a soft murmur, barely audible over the sound of your shared breaths. The question was wrapped in a mixture of tenderness and desire, as if she was seeking both permission and reassurance. Her lips lingered on yours for a few more seconds, brushing against them in a delicate dance that sent shivers down your spine.
You could feel your chest rising and falling with each breath, the anticipation of her touch making your heart race. With a nod, you responded affirmatively, your voice barely above a whisper. “Uh huh,” you managed to say, your eyes meeting hers with an intensity that mirrored the fluttering in your chest.
“Words, baby,” Lena replied, her words laced with a promise of more to come. Her hands were poised at the hem of your shirt, their warmth radiating through the fabric and creating a tantalising contrast with the cool air. Despite her gentle touch, she didn’t move her hands, waiting for your final confirmation.
The moment seemed to stretch out, filled with a mix of longing and anticipation. “Yes, Lena. Take it off,” you whined, the urgency in your voice betraying your eagerness.
Lena’s response was immediate, her fingers finally moving with a deliberate and tender touch, as if savouring every second of the moment. The anticipation was almost palpable, and as she began to lift your shirt, the sensation of her fingers against your skin heightened by the cool air.
“So gorgeous,” Lena hummed appreciatively, her eyes roaming over your body with a mixture of admiration and desire. Her gaze was filled with warmth and appreciation, making you feel both cherished and exposed in the most intimate way.
As the moment stretched on, you found yourself hesitating, caught between the exhilaration of the present and the vulnerability of the situation. “C-can I take yours off too? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, it’s just – ” Your words stumbled out, the nervousness evident in your voice. The last thing you wanted was to impose or make her uncomfortable.
Before you could finish your thought, Lena interrupted you with a gentle, reassuring kiss. Her lips were soft and soothing against yours, and the warmth of the kiss was a balm to your frayed nerves. “Stop overthinking, it’s just me,” she murmured softly, her breath warm and calming against your lips.
Despite her soothing words, your anxiety spilled over. “That’s the problem,” you blurted out before you could catch yourself. The confession was raw and unfiltered, a moment of vulnerability that you hadn’t intended to share.
Lena’s eyes widened slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her features. “What?” she asked, her voice sharp with worry. The shift in her demeanour made your heart sink further, amplifying your embarrassment.
“No, no, that’s not – fuck, so stupid. That’s not what I meant at all. Not in that way. God, I’m such an idiot,” you stammered, your cheeks burning with a deep flush of mortification. The words spilled out in a flurry, your mind racing to correct the misunderstanding. “I … I meant, that I am bound to overthink this because it’s you. I’ve had sex before, Lena. But none of them have been you – ” The confession was raw and heartfelt, exposing the depth of your feelings. “I’ve been in love with you since I was thirteen. I’ve waited so long for this. I just … I just want to be perfect for you.”
Lena’s expression softened immediately, her concern melting into a look of profound understanding and affection. She pulled you closer, her voice dropping to a soothing coo. “Oh, baby,” she whispered, her tone filled with tenderness. She pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead. “It is already perfect. You are perfect. It’s perfect because it’s you.”
“What if I mess up?” you asked, your voice tinged with worry as you searched Lena’s face for reassurance. The thought of making a mistake or not living up to the moment was a heavy weight on your shoulders, and you struggled to push past the anxiety swirling in your mind.
“You won’t,” Lena countered firmly, her tone leaving no room for doubt. The confidence in her voice was meant to be a comfort, but your nerves were still on edge, making it hard to fully absorb her reassurance.
“But what if I – ” you started again, unable to shake the nagging fear that you might fall short of what you wanted this moment to be.
“Baby,” Lena said gently, her voice softening as she reached out to hold your face in her hands. She waited until your eyes met hers, her gaze steady and full of warmth. “You won’t mess up. Just let yourself feel good and I’ll do all the work.”
She began to run her hand up and down your sides in a soothing motion, her touch calming and grounding. “Focus on my hands,” she instructed, her fingers caressing your skin with a tenderness that made it impossible not to relax into her touch.
“On my lips,” she whispered next, her breath warm against your skin as she planted a series of gentle kisses along your cheek and jawline. Each kiss was a soft reminder of her affection and commitment to making this moment special for both of you.
“On the way you feel,” she continued, her hands sliding back to your breast. She gave it a tender squeeze, her fingers brushing against your nipple in a light pinch that made you gasp softly. The combination of her touch and the intimacy of her words helped to melt away your apprehensions, focusing your attention on the sensations she was creating.
Slowly, Lena allowed her hands to wander over your body once more, her touch gentle but exploratory. As her fingertips skimmed your skin, a satisfied smirk tugged at her lips against yours. She noticed the way your eyes fluttered shut, your face relaxing into a look of pure pleasure, and it only seemed to fuel her desire to make this moment as perfect as possible.
“Pretty baby,” she murmured softly, her voice a soothing whisper as she nipped playfully at your earlobe. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of pleasure and anticipation building with each tender bite.
You felt her hand drift lower, her fingers teasingly playing with the waistband of your shorts. The touch was light, almost playful, yet filled with an undercurrent of desire that made your heart race. The anticipation of what was to come had you yearning for more, and you could barely contain the excitement bubbling within you.
“Can I take these off?” she asked, her voice a soft, seductive murmur. The question was more of an invitation than a demand, her eyes locked onto yours with a look of sincere affection and eagerness.
“Please,” you moaned in response, the word escaping your lips in a breathy, pleading tone. The desperation in your voice was matched by the way you lifted your hips, giving her the space she needed to slide your shorts down. The gesture was both eager and vulnerable, showing just how much you wanted to be closer to her.
As Lena tugged the shorts down, she used the momentary distance between your bodies to quickly and efficiently remove her own shirt and shorts. The swift motion was both practical and electrifying, her actions carrying an air of confidence and intimacy that left you breathless.
You watched with bated breath as she moved, each motion deliberate and graceful, a display of power and control. Her muscles rippled beneath her skin, a testament to years of dedication and discipline, as she reached up and casually pulled her shirt over her head. The fabric slid away, revealing the sculpted curves of her shoulders and the defined lines of her abdomen. You couldn’t help but gulp, feeling your pulse quicken as your eyes hungrily traced the contours of her muscular figure, every inch of her exuding strength and confidence.
She caught your gaze, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, clearly aware of the effect she had on you. The air between you seemed to thicken, charged with an unspoken tension. “And you say I’m pretty,” you scoffed, though the words came out softer than intended, almost a whisper, betraying the awe you felt in her presence. The corners of her mouth lifted into a grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement, as if to say she knew exactly what was going through your mind.
“Stop,” Lena laughed, her voice light and melodic, the sound of her amusement filling the space between you. She looked at you with eyes that sparkled with a mix of affection and mischief, the kind of look that made your heart skip a beat. There was something in her gaze that went beyond humor, a depth of admiration that made you feel both warm and self-conscious under her steady stare.
“What?” you teased, raising an eyebrow at her, your lips curving into a playful grin. The challenge in your tone was clear, daring her to say what was on her mind.
“You know what,” she retorted, her voice carrying a hint of mock sternness as she pointed a finger at you. Her smile never faded, though, and without another word, she began to clamber back over you, moving with an effortless grace that made your breath catch.
As she settled down, her body pressing against yours, the familiar charge of electricity crackled back to life between you. It was as if the very air around you hummed with energy, every point of contact between your bodies sending sparks through your skin. Her warmth seeped into you, making you hyper-aware of every inch of her, the closeness of her breath, the rhythm of her heartbeat, the way her hair brushed against your cheek.
You lifted a hand, your fingers trembling slightly as they found their way to the back of her neck. The warmth of her skin against your palm sent a shiver down your spine, but you didn't hesitate. With a gentle tug, you pulled her closer, guiding her towards you with an irresistible need that had been simmering just beneath the surface. The space between you disappeared in an instant, and your lips met hers in a kiss that was anything but gentle.
You arched into her, your body instinctively seeking more of her warmth, more of her touch. The kiss was fierce, filled with a raw intensity that left you both breathless. It was a clash of desire, both of you giving as good as you got, lips and tongues moving in a heated dance that demanded everything and gave even more. The world around you seemed to blur, fading into nothingness as the only thing that mattered was the taste of her, the feel of her pressed against you, and the intoxicating way she responded to your every move.
You gasped, the sound escaping your lips before you could hold it back, as her thigh slid between yours with an effortless precision. The sensation was immediate, a shockwave of pleasure coursing through your body, igniting every nerve ending. Her muscles flexed against you, firm and powerful, and the friction was enough to make your breath hitch. It felt like electricity was dancing through your veins, each spark traveling directly to the core of your being, making your skin tingle with a fiery intensity.
A moan spilled from your lips, unabashed and raw, the sound of your desire filling the space between you. It was a sound you couldn't suppress even if you tried, a wanton expression of how deeply you craved her touch, how desperately you needed more“So sexy,” Lena breathed against your skin, her voice low and filled with a husky reverence that sent a thrill through your entire body. Her words were a caress in themselves, making you shiver as they lingered in the air between you. You could feel her breath, warm and teasing, ghosting over the sensitive spots of your neck, each exhale stirring the hairs there as her lips brushed against your skin. Her fingers, light and tantalising, began their descent once more, trailing down your body with a deliberate slowness that made you ache with anticipation.
Her touch was both gentle and electrifying, setting your nerves alight as she traced invisible patterns along your skin. The tension built with every inch she traveled, your body responding to her in ways you couldn’t control. You could feel the heat pooling deep within you, your breath coming in shallow gasps, your heart pounding in your chest like a drumbeat.
“Can I?” Lena’s voice was barely more than a whisper, the question hanging between you, heavy with promise. But you didn’t need to think, didn’t need to hesitate. You were nodding before she even finished her sentence, your need for her overwhelming any semblance of restraint.
“Yes, yes, please. Lena, please,” you begged, the words tumbling out of you in a rush, raw and unfiltered. Your voice was thick with desperation, each syllable laced with the fervour of your desire. You wanted her, needed her, more than anything, and you weren’t afraid to let her know. The way you said her name was almost a plea, your eyes locking onto hers, silently urging her to continue, to take you where you so desperately wanted to go.
Slowly, almost agonisingly so, she let her fingers glide over your skin, parting your flesh with a deliberate, teasing touch. The pace was torturously slow, every second stretched out as she took her time, savouring each moment, each reaction she drew from you. The anticipation built with every heartbeat, your body humming with the intensity of the moment, straining toward her with a desperate need for more.
When her fingers finally reached their destination, she paused, and you could hear the sharp intake of her breath, a gasp of surprise mingled with desire. The wetness she found there was undeniable, a testament to how much you wanted her, how much you had been aching for this touch. The sound of her gasp sent a shiver through you, a silent acknowledgment of the effect you were having on her.
Her fingers began to move, exploring you with a careful, attentive curiosity, as though she was mapping out every inch of your most intimate places. Each stroke, each delicate brush of her fingers, was like a spark igniting a fire within you, making your body respond instinctively to her touch. The way she moved was almost reverent, as though she was discovering something precious, and the slow, deliberate pace only heightened your arousal, making every moment feel like an eternity.
You couldn't quite pinpoint the exact reason for the overwhelming sensations that coursed through your body, but it was undeniable that everything was intensifying far faster than you could have anticipated. Was it the way your body had already been wound so tightly with anticipation, each touch from Lena pushing you closer and closer to the edge? Or perhaps it was how intimately Lena knew you, her familiarity with your every curve, your every weakness, allowing her to play you like a finely tuned instrument, hitting all the right notes with unerring precision.
But deep down, you knew it was more than that. It was Lena – the fact that it was her doing this to you, her hands, her lips, her voice coaxing you into a state of complete surrender. The sheer intensity of it all – the way Lena seemed to understand exactly what you needed without you having to say a word – only amplified the pleasure that was rapidly building inside you.
Embarrassingly quickly, you felt it start to happen, that familiar but almost overwhelming sensation beginning to gather within you. It was like a bubble, fragile yet unstoppable, growing larger and larger with each passing second, threatening to burst at any moment. The pressure mounted, your breath hitching in your throat as your body tightened in response, every nerve ending alive with sensation. You could hardly believe how quickly you were unravelling, how fast Lena was driving you to the brink, but there was no stopping it now – the bubble was on the verge of bursting, and all you could do was give in to the inevitability of it.
You groaned, a deep, primal sound that resonated from the very core of your being, as she finally sunk her fingers inside you. The sensation was immediate and intense, a mix of pleasure and pain that sent a jolt of electricity through your body. The stretch was a delicious sting, one that made your muscles tense and your breath hitch, a reminder of just how desperately you had been craving this connection.
The feeling of Lena’s fingers sliding deeper, filling you completely, was almost too much to bear. Your back arched off the bed, your body instinctively seeking more of that exquisite pressure, your hips lifting to meet her touch. It was as though your body had a mind of its own, responding to her every movement with a raw, uncontrollable need. The tension coiled tighter within you, a fire igniting in your belly that spread outward, consuming every thought, every sensation, until all that existed was her touch and the intoxicating pleasure that came with it.
Each thrust, each subtle twist of her fingers, sent waves of ecstasy crashing through you, your senses heightened to the point where every detail became magnified – the way her skin brushed against yours, the sound of your mingled breaths, the warmth of her body hovering above you. The delicious sting of the stretch only amplified the pleasure, pushing you closer to the edge, making you cling to her as though she was the only thing anchoring you to reality.
“Are you close, baby?” Lena's voice was soft yet filled with an unmistakable urgency, her words dripping with both tenderness and desire. Her breath brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine, but you were too far gone to respond coherently. Your body was a live wire, every nerve ending on high alert, and all you could manage was a ragged gasp as your eyes screwed shut, your breath coming in short, desperate pants. You were teetering on the edge, your mind clouded with the overwhelming intensity of the sensations crashing over you.
“D-don’t… don’t stop,” you finally managed to stammer, your voice trembling with a mixture of need and desperation. The words were barely coherent, slipping past your lips in a breathless plea, as if they were the only thing you could cling to in this storm of sensation.
Lena’s response was immediate, her voice a soothing anchor in the maelstrom of pleasure. “I won’t, I’ve got you, baby,” she murmured, her tone steady and reassuring, but laced with an undercurrent of passion that made your pulse race even faster. “You look so good, sound so sexy too. I can feel how tight you are, how hard you’re squeezing me.” Each word was like a spark, igniting the fire that was already blazing within you, pushing you closer and closer to the brink.
Her voice was a tantalising mix of praise and promise, and every syllable seemed to resonate deep inside you, amplifying the pleasure that was threatening to overwhelm you. “I bet you’re so beautiful when you cum,” she added, her voice dropping to a husky whisper that sent a fresh wave of heat coursing through you.
Each word she spoke brought you closer to the edge, the tension in your body winding tighter and tighter, until it felt as though you might shatter from the sheer intensity of it all. The bubble within you swelled to its breaking point, ready to burst at any moment, as Lena continued to work her hand in and out of you with a steady, relentless rhythm. The way her fingers moved, the way she knew exactly how to push you to your limits, was driving you wild, and all you could do was hold on, every fibre of your being focused on the inevitable, earth-shattering release that was just within reach.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Your eyes rolled back into your head, the intense pleasure making it impossible to keep them open. The world seemed to tilt and blur as your senses were consumed by the overwhelming tidal wave of ecstasy. Your body arched involuntarily, a visceral response to the intense sensations coursing through you. It was as if every muscle in your body was trying to stretch, to reach out and embrace the intense pleasure that was building to a crescendo.
A guttural groan escaped your lips, raw and primal, as the first wave of your orgasm hit you. The sound was a reflection of the sheer intensity of what you were experiencing, a vocalisation of the bliss that was beyond words. The pleasure surged through you like lightning, an electrifying current that seemed to pulse through every nerve ending, igniting each one with a blinding brilliance. The sensation was so powerful it felt almost like an out-of-body experience, as though you were floating above yourself, completely enveloped in a storm of bliss.
The waves of ecstasy crashed over you in rapid succession, each one more intense than the last, washing away any remnants of coherence and leaving only the pure, unadulterated sensation. Your body shook with the force of the release, the contractions deep within you melding into a rhythm that seemed both endless and exquisite. The lightning of pleasure danced through your veins, making your skin tingle and your breath come in ragged gasps.
As the waves of your climax slowly began to ebb, you were left in a state of blissful exhaustion, your body still arching slightly as the aftershocks of your orgasm lingered. The intensity began to fade, but the lingering warmth and the residual pulse of pleasure left you feeling both spent and satisfied, a soft, satisfied sigh escaping your lips as you slowly came back to yourself.
“I was right,” Lena said softly, her voice a soothing murmur as she leaned in to press a gentle, tender kiss to your forehead. The touch of her lips was warm and affectionate, a delicate counterpoint to the intensity of the moments that had just passed. Her kiss was a silent affirmation of her feelings, a gentle reminder of the connection you shared, and it left you feeling both cherished and vulnerable.
“Huh?” you asked, your voice a mixture of confusion and lingering pleasure. Your mind was still hazy, struggling to catch up with the present moment as you tried to make sense of her words. The clarity of your thoughts was just beginning to return, and you were still enveloped in the afterglow of your recent release.
“You look so beautiful when you cum,” Lena explained, her tone tender yet imbued with a sincerity that made her words all the more impactful. There was a softness in her gaze, a deep admiration that shone through her eyes, making it clear that her compliment was heartfelt and genuine. She seemed to be drinking in the sight of you, her eyes tracing the flushed contours of your face, the way your hair was slightly tousled, and the lingering traces of bliss that still adorned your features.
“Shut up,” you muttered, a blush creeping up your cheeks despite the lingering warmth of her touch. The compliment was unexpected and flattering, but it also made you feel a bit self-conscious. The heat rising in your cheeks was a testament to how deeply her words affected you, leaving you both embarrassed and pleased. You couldn’t help but hide your face a little, your shyness contrasting sharply with the intimacy of the moment.
Lena’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling with a mix of affection and amusement. She didn’t push further, allowing you the space to recover from the intense emotions, but her presence was comforting, her touch a constant reminder that this was real. “Never. I will never stop praising you, baby.”
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trulyhblue · 4 months
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Georgia Stanway x Reader
Warnings — smut 18+, buildup, mean! Boyfriend! Kind of toxic! Georgia, dom/sub dynamics, drinking, partying, jealousy, strap, millie bright hate but not hate but pls I love you millie bright so flirt with me x, kind of dumb reader but like she actually doesn't know, praise kink, degradation kink, breeding kink.
Your dress had hitched to an unethical height, but the state of your tipsiness provoked a desolated ignorance accompanied by the thunderous beat of the club. Grace was behind you, swaying her hips with yours, the two of you celebrating your most recent win with the Lionesses.
The room was crowded with dancing bodies, mashed together with the concoction of sweat, alcohol, and oblivion. You had seen Less, Ella and Niamh nearby only a while ago, and an ample group of your teammates were sitting in the back corner surrounded by a booth, projecting their triumph in the form of the burn down their throats, the drinks they nursed holding to a product of victory.
“Ugh, I'm so sweaty,” Grace whined, loud enough in order to be heard over the booming rave. “I need a drink.”
“Same, let's go.” You nodded, feeling the girl’s hands snake around your waist, pulling you closer to her figure as the crowd collapsed further into your figure.
The two of you sauntered through the crowd, giggling at the mob of people struggling to find enough space to properly function. Your cheeks were stained a vibrant pink from the flush of adrenaline. Grace was humming along to the tune in your ear, her arms still holding onto you tightly so that you wouldn't lose each other.
It wasn't often that the team went out for drinks, especially not the likes of such a mix of the different friend groups. Lucy and Keira weren't set to go back to Spain for another three days, and most of the girls would seek refuge in the comfort of their own beds tonight, as the match held in Wembley sought itself in the midst of the WSL.
Georgia and you were set to leave for Munich two days from now after spending the last two weeks preparing and playing for your national team here in England. While Gee had transferred from City a while ago, you had only just moved to Bayern from Chelsea, where someone like Grace had become your closest friend in the WSL. As one of the younger players on the team, you wanted to make sure the debutant felt welcome and comfortable in the senior squad, despite her training with the team long before her match debut.
Over the last couple of months, you had been working really hard in order to aid your club to victory, but after the nasty blow in the Champions League, and some defeats sprinkled here and there throughout the season, this night was long awaited.
Once Grace and you had finally woven your way through, you were quick to find refuge on Georgia’s lap, leaving Grace to sit on the opposite side of the booth next to Mary. Gee found her hands secured on your waist, ignoring the way your hips wiggled in her lap.
“Having fun, are we?” She asked, watching as you hummed in reply, taking it upon yourself to take a sip of her drink. You failed to notice your girlfriend's fimble hands tugging down the fabric of your skirt, hiding the notion by massaging your thighs and kissing your exposed shoulder.
The enriching taste of lemonade made you turn to straddle her, holding the drink up to her lips while the straw was still lingering close to yours.
“You’re not drinking?”
“I’m driving us back, baby.” Gee shook her head. “Do you want me to get you another drink?”
You thought to yourself before slowly reaching down to where your girlfriend’s collar met her throat, toying with the cloth in your hands before pressing your lips to her pulse point, letting her take the drink, placing it back on the table as you ran your tongue along the column of her throat.
“Y/N, baby.” You heard Gee mutter. You lifted your hips off her lap, combing your hair out of your face as you counted to speckled freckles on Georgia’s cheeks. She took out her wallet, handing you her card. “Do you ‘wanna go buy yourself something? The girls and I were ‘gonna go play pool over there if you want to meet us there.”
“Do you want anything?” Shaking her head in reply, keeping a prolonged stare down the trajectory of your low-cut top. You tugged at the bottom of her shirt, letting your hands roam freely across the waistband of her trousers. Rocking your hips, you found Grace already standing behind you, grabbing your hands and leading you over to the bar.
It wasn't unusual for Georgia to brush off your public affection like that, especially when you were obviously tipsy, and the lingering eyes of your friends were all at your disposal. If you had kissed her in a secluded corner of this club, she would've taken you up against the nearest wall as fast as she could. She had been eyeing that dress — or moreso the skin it was hardly concealing — and wanting so desperately to take you home and show you how much she loved you.
The games against Sweden and Italy were both masterclasses on your behalf, and Georgia was merely waiting for the right time to reward you for scoring in both of them.
“You need to get a room.” Grace teased, her eyes peering back to where Georgia shamelessly looked at your arse. “No wonder the fans found out so quickly.”
You turned to face the younger girl, a smirk adorned on your face. “Two months was a struggle in itself.”
Gee and you had tried to keep your relationship well out of the media. But after your move to Munich, and a few too many proper English celebrations, the media had caught on to your affection and adoration for each other far too quickly than what you had hoped. Nevertheless, both of you sprinkled your private lives into your Instagram every once and a while. Save some photos of you that Georgia was not willing to share with the world.
“No, I know.” She replied, pivoting through the crowd. “But it's cute. Traumatic for me… But cute.”
You used Georgia’s card to buy yourself and her two lemonades and Grace a drink of her own. Grace’s regard for your relationship was an unusual sentiment because while you strived to hold your private life out of the fame and publicity of football, there was an inevitable spark between the two of you that fans caught onto long before you ever thought of Georgia in the way you do now.
Despite what is displayed, you were two very reserved people, with Georgia being the more talkative of the two of you when it came to interviews. You loved your social life — your friends both at home and away. However, there were many differences that distinguished a shift in personas.
You liked to push the boundaries. If you could test your luck, it was impossible to tempt you otherwise. Georgia liked routine. You didn't mind testing the waters and going with the flow. Life was more enjoyable that way.
At least for you.
Georgia had watched you make your way to the bar, hoping you’d return with something a lot less strong than what you had been downing previously. Grace was hung by your side, the younger woman holding onto your arm with giggles leaving her lips. Gee waited for you to inch down your skirt before following Mary and the others over to where Leah was lining up for a game of pool.
“Any reason you're easing off the drinks tonight, Stanway?”
Millie was lingering by the group, nursing her own drink while Rach and Lucy talked beside her. Georgia shrugged, moving her hands to her pockets as she watched Leah take the first shot against Keira.
“I'm driving home.”
Millie snorted. “Will you make it home?”
If Gee was drinking, she would've choked. “What?”
“Well, you were pretty much eating each other’s faces off just before. Figured you couldn't wait.”
Georgia shrugged again. She wasn't too keen on the conversation, especially when the topic didn't deem either you or her in the highest regard. Everyone knew that Georgia wasn't into that type of PDA, but it was also noted that given the right reasons, she’d be worse than you.
“You’re a lucky one, Gee.” The Chelsea Defender clapped the Midfielder on the back, downing the rest of her drink. “Enjoy your night.”
Millie left Georgia to stand a few feet away from the rest of the group — leaving her to mull over her teammate’s words. For some reason, she couldn't shake Millie’s comments off. What did she mean — enjoy your night? What was she implying? Of course, she was going to enjoy her night with her girlfriend. Of course Gee was lucky, but why was Millie saying that? Normally, these comments were used as a compliment, and with Millie’s best intentions, everyone knew she was only pure. But when Georgia saw the way the Chelsea player flung her arm over your shoulder upon your return, talking down at you amid the booming music, something in Georgia flicked.
Everyone had gotten progressively more drunk as the night went on, but you were fully immersed in the way everyone was interacting, holding your own conversation with Millie, who was going on about some football thing happening at Chelsea.
Leah was swearing at Keira, who was cheekily laughing away at the ratio of her balls to Leah’s left in the game. You had left Georgia’s drink in front of you, and you continued to keep it by your side as you watched the bickering between Lee and Keira transpire.
“You're a right cheat, Walsh, go home.” Williamson quipped, shoving Keira playfully by the shoulder. The Barcelona player poked out her tongue, jabbing the Arsenal protege's side. “Oh, cry me a river, Leah. You're just a sore losers who’s downright shit.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Oh, piss off.”
“You first.”
“Right give someone else a go!” Lucy called, her accent slightly rasped and slurred. She scanned the room, looking straight across to where you and Millie stood. “Go on, you two. Show ‘em how to play normally.”
You felt yourself sober up a little from the attention of everyone’s stares. You felt your ears go a bit red, shaking your head by the time Millie had already picked up her cue.
“I'm no good at it.” You spoke.
Georgia watched you saunter over to the side of the table, using your arms to lean, stabilising your ditzy figure. She could tell by the blush across your face that you had sobered up significantly, but she knew that the alcohol still held a prominent hold over you.
“It’ll be an easy win for me then, gorgeous.” Millie taunted, readying herself for the first shot. You shook your head, caving by grabbing the spare cue Keira was holding, all while Georgia looked on with her hands fisted in her pockets.
She wasn't usually the type to get like this. Georgia and you held great independence in your respective lives. Both of you enjoyed letting the other do stuff without the prodding of the other. You trusted each other too much to breach any boundaries, but if there was one thing Georgia had trouble keeping to herself, it was her jealousy.
Millie took the first hit, causing the object balls to cascade across the green fabric. Leah was standing behind you, muttering something into your ear. You stood there with your figure half leaning against her, the other half fidgeting with the cue.
“Wait, so, I don't remember-”
“Well, don't be asking Leah for advice,” Keira’s teasing voice came from nearby. “She’ll just tell you how to lose.”
Leah looked utterly exasperated, glaring at her best friend with annoyance plastered across her face. “Oh, give it up, Walsh, will you?”
“Alright, Milton Keynes, it's okay to admit defeat, y’know.”
The England Captain marched over to a laughing Keira, punching the girl’s shoulder. Everyone watched in amusement when Keira retaliated, using her arms to poke Leah in the ribs.
You were left fiddling with the stick, laughing along at the sight in front of you while internally pondering. You had never properly played pool before — obviously with friends, of course, but never taking it as far as playing by the rules. You had no idea what strategy to use, or what ball you were meant to hit. It wasn't like anyone cared, but the perfectionist in you just couldn't wrap your head around it.
“Give it here.”
It wasn't until you felt familiar arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you instantly closer to her hips. You let yourself fall limp against her, chewing on your bottom lip as you stared at the game you were clueless at.
“I don't know how to play.” You spoke, handing the cue to your girlfriend, who took the stick from you, moving her head down to your shoulder, letting her breath fan over your neck as she spoke.
“How ‘bout I show you then, hm? I’ll teach you.”
You sighed at the goosebumps running down your neck, nodding as Gee kept you in front of her, maneuvering the two of you in a way that made it possible for her to play while keeping your arse against her hips. You watched as Millie made the next move. Georgia waited for a moment, letting everything station before proceeding. With one arm circled around your waist, she bent over to make the next move. You felt her body press into yours, stuck between the table and her.
After her shot, she slotted back upright. She leant down once more, combing back the loose hairs that framed your face.
“How are you feeling, Baby?”
Her voice was deeper, more grounded by the time of night.
You couldn't help but look up at her, licking your lips as you nodded. “Good, why?”
Georgia held your hips, moving them so that they were glued to the table. “Just wondering, pretty girl.”
Her body loomed over yours, her arms sanctioned on either side of you as Millie thought through her next move. You tried to conceal your neediness, the feeling of Georgia’s body pressed against yours sending heat down your spine. “Gee.”
“What is it, baby?”
You struggled to focus, hoping Millie would hurry up so that Georgia would move away from her unrelenting pressure.
You managed to swallow your whine as her hand moved to fondle your thigh. “Nothing.”
It was soon Georgia’s turn, the game becoming more fluent as both sides successfully slotted in balls left and right. Though, as the game went on, you could feel your girlfriend grow more and more handsy. After every shot, she’d kiss the alcove of your neck, whispering a sweet nothing about how you looked, or the way you felt against her, that was borderline testing the innocence she often preserved out in public.
“Looking so good tonight, darling…”
“Can't believe you're all mine, babygirl…”
“So perfect for me, all to myself…”
In between turns, Georgia let you lean on her, loving the way you sighed at every ounce of affection she would give you, making sure it was obvious enough for Millie to catch on, while discrete enough for you to not feel like it was truly public for anyone to actually notice.
You nearly lost it when she slotted her hand in between your thighs and squeezed them while you kept a watchful eye on the game in front of you. Her body covered your back, hiding her obvious display of desire by letting you push your arse against her front.
“Feel so good, don't you?”
“Georgia, please.”
“You're doing so well, baby. Might have to reward you for being so good.”
You should've known that she would keep a straight face the whole time, refusing to give you the reaction you so desperately hungered for by the ache between your legs. You had tried everything as she massaged your shoulders, and whispered passive teasing that sent shivers down your neck. Despite your honest belief that Georgia was unfazed by your antics, she made it clear that your actions were heard when she dug her hands into your hips.
She had beaten Millie by an easy mile, though she did not bother to make any celebration, instead looking down at you, grabbing the back of your neck and kissing you softly.
“Can we go, Gee?”
“Why, baby?” She asked, a knowing smirk plastered across her lips.
You whined for the first time that night, making sure Georgia heard it by lifting yourself up to her height. “Just want you right now.”
“Want me? But I'm right here.”
“Georgia, please. I need your help.”
That was enough for Georgia to bid everyone good night, sending farewells as quickly as she could while you tried to forget about the growing arousal in your core. By the time you had both gotten into the empty car park, your lips had started to attack hers. Georgia pretty much coerced you into the car, moving the driver's seat all the way back so that you could sit comfortably on her lap.
She shut the door promptly, knowing that her tinted windows were enough to hide the way her hands played with your arse, your clit immediately rubbing against her hips.
You started tugging off your shirt, leaving your breasts on full display. Georgia couldn't even register the sight before you grabbed one of her hands, pulling it towards your nipple, groaning at the way she pinched it.
“Where is your phone?” You uttered, moving your chest closer to Georgia so that your tits were pretty much in her face. She took one of your nipples in her mouth, moaning when you moved your breasts around her face, making them bounce erratically with the lack of bra you had worn. She grabbed her phone from her back pocket, handing it to you without a second thought. You didn't waste any time in pushing back, opening the device before swiping to the camera, hastily pressing play on the video, and moving the phone so that it showed your tits in Georgia’s mouth on full display.
“You’re such a good girl for me.” She groaned. “So thoughtful, aren't you? Gonna watch this when you're not with me. Need to see these tits every day, don't I? Gonna watch you every day.”
“Need you to fuck me, baby. Need your cum in me so bad.”
You grabbed the top button on her shirt, moaning out when Georgia grabbed both of your tits, sitting upright and playing with both of them with her mouth and hands. Her cold rings pressed into the delicate skin of you nipples, the distant pain of her pinches making you squirm irresistibly in her lap. Your skirt had ridden up to your hips, where your g-string went exposed to the camera’s lense.
You moved across to the console, using your spare hand that wasn't tugging Georgia’s hair to find a hair elastic, though you graw impatient when Gee stopped kissing your breasts for you neck. Instead, she found the all-too-familiar toy hidden neatly underneath the lube you definitely wouldn't need, and you moaned as your hand squeezed around the strap that you pulled out once Georgia pinched your nipple once more.
“Haven't used this one before.” Your girlfriend whispered, nibbling dark, callous marks across your neck. “Bit too big for your small little hole, darling. It can't fit, can't it?”
“Try it, please.” You muttered, unbuttoning the woman’s pants and letting them fall to the floor. You buckled the harness around her waist to the best of your ability, giving up when Georgia took over, letting you discard the short, flimsy fabric of your skirt. “Make it fit.”
“You're so desperate for my cum, aren't you darling?” She rutted, fastening the harness so the strap only just missed your folds. “Want me to fill you up with kids so bad, don't you? Want me to make you full and pregnant, yeah?”
You moaned. “Want to have your babies inside of me. Fill me up, please. So bad, baby. Need your help cause it aches.”
Georgia bunched your hair up into a makeshift pony, pushing you down so that your mouth hovered over the strap. Your arse in the air, your tits kneaded by your own hands. Georgia moaned at the sight of you so desperate, the notion of the camera recording making it all the more sporadic.
You wasted no time licking the dick, holding the base of the silicone toy with one hand, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked the tip and first quarter of the strap in your mouth. Gee pulled your hair, letting you move up and down on her dick. The vibrations of your gagging mixed with moans made her sigh at her newfound, growing release.
“Fuck, keep going, Y/N.” She groaned. “Just like that.”
You continued until tears pricked your eyes. You could tell by the way Georgia’s grip on your scalp tightened and your tongue flicked along the tip, your cheeks hollowing and allowing more of the strap to fill your throat. It didn't take long until Georgia’s breathing had staggered. Short, uneven breaths mixed with erratic sweet nothings. You pushed yourself down her dick one last time, feeling Gee’s body collapse from all tension as her orgasm washed over her. You pulled yourself up, wiping the spit and cum off your face with your fingers, prodding them towards your mouth. Georgia watched you lick them clean, rolling your head back at the taste alongside the subtle pang of your throat.
The car windows were not only tinted but misted due to the humidity inside the vehicle. Your hips shadowed the strap, Georgia falling back into the rhythm of toying with your hips, kneading them as she kissed your neck.
You could feel the ache between your legs grow at the sight of your girlfriend beneath you, maneuvering you to where she wanted you most, giving you incredible amounts of pleasure at your disposal. You were starting to moan at the simplest of movements like the way she gripped your hips, or the way she licked over the bruises down your neck and chest. The last piece of clothing you had on was your underwear, Georgia now discarding her shirt so that you were both in states of nudity. Sweat beaded from your forehead.
Your legs started shaking from the mere want for the woman below you. It didn't take you long for your desire to take over as you grabbed one of Gee’s hands, slipping it down your stomach and along the fabric of your underwear. You painstakingly pushed her hand underneath, letting her move her fingers up and down your folds. The slick covered them instantly, and she rolled her head back when you began to rock on her hand.
“Do you feel how wet I am, baby?” You asked, Georgia nodded. She watched you bounce up and down, grateful at the way Gee pushed one of her fingers into you, letting you ride it in short pulsates. You whimpered when she entered her second finger, crying out when she entered her third. Georgia took one of your breasts in her mouth, groaning as you bobbed up and down. You felt your pussy clench around her, your arousal coating her fingers each time you pushed deeper into your strategic strokes. Georgia continued to hold one of your hips, helping your shaking legs hold yourself up as you neared your climax.
“Fuck, you're such a slut, aren't you?” Georgia uttered, her fourth finger nudging your clit as you sunk in once more. You rocked yourself back and forth now, relishing the way your nub ran itself over her hand, the coil in your core tightening as your climax neared.
“Grinding on me at the pool table cause you're so needy for me… everyone could tell that you just wanted me inside you. You made sure to show everyone who you belonged to.”
You were a blabbering mess. Your stokes became sloppy, your legs non-stop shaking as your body tensed at the pleasure running through you. Georgia curled her fingers inside of you, assaulting your clit as you struggled to keep your pace. There was no way you could reply as all your thoughts were focused on the sounds of your juices being leaked out from your hole, Georgia’s fingers forcing them in and out as she spoke to you in rasps. Your noises became pornographic, and you no longer cared about the thought of someone hearing you.
“Need me to do everything for you. I didn't even need to fuck you dumb. All I need to do is bend you over.”
You could finally feel your orgasm washing over you when Georgia pulled her fingers out, laughing at your instant cry out.
“Aw, baby.” She muttered, wiping your sweaty flyaways out of your face, tears fell from your eyes, your cheeks reddening as you fell onto her lap, your legs no longer able to hold you up. You looked down at your girlfriend, finding no remorse on her smug face.
“Why didn't you cum, pretty girl?” She tutted, pulling your body up from her chest so it was exposed to her view. You shook your head, fully dumbfounded at her actions. It wasn't like you had done anything wrong.
“I— Gee— I’ve been good.”
You sounded pathetic. Normally, if you had been a brat, you’d have said that as a joke to put on an innocent facade and get the sex you had desperately craved. You would pretend to be nice and suck her dick or eat her out just because you had done something to provoke it. There were countless times when Gee had edged you for doing something provocative, but tonight you had no idea why she had done it.
“Really, baby? You think so?” You looked at her with the saddest eyes you could muster. “You sure you've been good all night?”
In terms of your sex life, you had your fair share of dominant and submissive moments, but with Georgia, you found yourself subbing out to new extremes. Your girlfriend would do anything for you, on and off the pitch. You could act dumb and she’d fuck it out of you. You would fall over on the pitch, cry out even if it was a fair play, and Georgia would be the one receiving the yellow for defending you. When you were at a bar, or anywhere for the matter, and felt someone look at you in even the slightest wrong way, Gee would hold you in front of her and make sure you were always safe in her arms.
But Georgia could be mean, even if you hadn't necessarily done anything to make her mean. She usually got like this when you had hugged someone for too long, or made a joke about yourself that she thought was too far.
That made it all click.
“Are you jealous?”
Georgia scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You can't flirt with Bright then bend over for me two minutes later.”
She grabbed your waist and lifted you, switching positions so that you were lying in the driver’s seat and she was hovering above you.
“I wasn't flirting. I was talking.” You moaned at the contact of the strap’s tip brushing against your folds, moving up and down as Georgia’s hands massaged your arse.
“She called you gorgeous, you know.” You felt her breath fan over your face, her lips ghosting down your neck. “Said I should enjoy my night with you.”
“She did?” It was probably not the right way to phrase that response, but it didn't seem to phase Georgia anyway. “We were just talking, Geor-”
“I bet she wouldn't fuck you as good.” Georgia spat, using one hand to circle your clit. You threw your head back, moaning at the small discomfort from your prior denied orgasm, writhing at the sudden pressure on your sensitive nub. “If I showed her all the videos of you screaming my name I doubt she’d try that shit again.”
“What videos would I show her, hm?” Georgia started dragging one of her fingers into your pussy, beginning with slow, painful strokes that squelched with the sound of your juices. “Maybe she’d like the mirror one. Y’know, when we won against Wolfsburg and I fucked you in the bathroom?”
“Fuck, please Gee.”
“You were so hot in that one… bent over like the slut you are… came three times for your three goals.” She added the second finger in now, speeding up just a smidge all while kissing over your chest. “Do you think she’d like if I sent that one?”
You moaned at the third finger, tears pricking your eyes as Georgia entered your pussy hard and fast, enjoying your pleas and begs through mindless mumbles. You were so far gone that everything she was saying was only making you closer. The sound of her voice was enough to help you closer to release.
“Or maybe I should send the one after your first game with Munich.” She snarled, admiring the darkened marks on your neck. “Do you remember who we played against that game?”
Of course you did, you thought. The game has been one you were stressing over for weeks in advance. You and Georgia had only just moved in together, and there was significant pressure on you to succeed and prove to everyone that you could perform under intimidation.
“Good girl, baby, that's right.” She cooed. “Scored in the first fifteen minutes, and I had to reward my Stargirl for that. That's what they all used to call you, didn't they? She called you Stargirl back then, now it's me who says it, isn't it?”
That was enough to push you closer to the edge. You gripped hard onto her shoulders, crying out as you felt your climax rush over you.
“How bout I send both those videos… show her who I enjoy my night with. Fucking you for being mine.”
“I— I'm yours, Gee. Fuck, please, I'm-”
The release left you reeling. You felt your orgasm leak out all over Georgia’s hand, your head falling against the headrest as you rode out your high with her consistent deep strokes in and out of your pussy. You didn't care about the mess you were making, nor the inflammatory noises you had been making as soon as you felt Georgia touch you. Your body shook from the much-needed release, and by the time you had somewhat caught your breath, the familiar pressure on your nub resurfaced.
You cried out, whining when the silicone dick entered your folds. Georgia looked down at you, kissing you passionately to silence your post-orgasm conscious. She made sure that you didn't push her away before moving the tip of the strap into your hole, smirking when you stretched open for her like you had been calling for it to be filled.
“Gee, its too big, I can't.” You whined, squirming as your hair stuck to your skin. Your girlfriend held your hips down, lowering herself down to where your pussy clenched around the toy as it moved.
“You’ll take it.” She growled. “You said it before. If you can suck me off I can fuck you with it.”
She kept an even pace as her hips finally reached yours, the strap filling your pussy with your slick. Your eyes were firmly clasped shut, your whines filling the car as the aching pain slowly turned into lust. Georgia waited for you to start rocking on it gently. The way you rode her dick so desperately turned her on to extreme lengths. She was somewhat surprised that you could take the length as well as you were, and when your hips met hers, and she felt the toy being bounced on, she realised that she had been still for a few minutes. She wanted to feel bad, but she knew that teasing was good for your ego.
“Gee, can you move?”
Georgia caught sight of the camera, the video still recording the vulgar sight. She groaned at the sight of your shaking legs, and the way you could go longer see the strap that was filled in between your legs. The camera showed the way your tits bounced so perkily every time you tried to gain friction. Your body was enclosed by Georgia’s arms, her thighs overlapping yours, her muscles on full display. Sweat beaded off both of you, moans cascading from your puffy red lips.
With one hand holding her up, she grabbed her phone that was sitting by the console. Her sudden movement sent shockwaves through you, causing you to scream out when the strap pushed into you impossibly closer. Georgia positioned the phone so that it was leaning on the seat, right where the strap was. When she knew that the angle caught all of your body, she lifted her lips slowly before pounding into you.
Your cries were music to her ears, and she thought it sinful to cover them with her hand in fear of being heard. If anything, people would be blessed with the sound, for she thought if heavenly. Your sounds mixed with her groans mixed with your slick against the strap. If any other size, Georgia would move even faster, but her pace was already hard, and you struggled to keep up as your pussy clenched around her.
“So gorgeous.” She uttered, feeling you near your climax for the third time that night. “Such a good girl for taking it.”
“Fuck, Georgia-”
“Gonna fill you up so that you get pregnant, baby. You tell me when and I’ll fill that beautiful body with a baby of our own. Fuck, you’d look so hot with our baby.”
You couldn't even begin to speak, your moans now babble, your speech completely incoherent. Georgia could feel her own release overcoming her, but she waited knowing that you were only seconds away.
“My pretty girl.”
You cried out her name for the last time, your cum coating her cock as she rode out both your high with sloppy deep strokes. You were in a state of pure bliss that you didn't even have the energy to push her off your overstimulated clit. Though, from all the times before, Georgia knew you would be sore, and after keeping still and waiting for both of you to even your breathing, she began to pull out.
You winced, waiting for Georgia to discard the toy and hakt the video before pulling her body into yours.
“I love you, Gee. No one else, baby.”
“I know, my pretty girl. I was only joking.”
You couldn't help but laugh, finding that statement ludicrous. “Yeah, alright, Stanway.”
“Okay, touche.” She replied smugly.
Maybe Millie was right — Georgia couldn't wait till she got home. And she did enjoy her fucking night.
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meazalykov · 10 days
nobody's type
sydney lohmann x reader
summary: people wonder why you don't want to make the first move..
warnings: insecurities, overall sadness
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you stand at the edge of the pitch, the crisp air nipping at your skin as the sun dips below the horizon, casting the bayern munich training ground in a soft, golden glow. 
the stadium lights flicker on one by one, their harsh brightness chasing away the twilight shadows. 
training has ended, and most of your teammates have already made their way inside, but you linger, your feet rooted to the spot as your gaze settles on sydney. 
she’s the last to leave, her laughter ringing out like music as she jokes with a few others– tuva and pernille– who stayed behind. she looks so at ease, so effortlessly beautiful, that it makes your chest tighten with something achingly familiar—a longing that you’ve carried in silence for far too long.
it’s not that you don’t want to talk to her. it’s that you can’t. every time you think about approaching her, the words you want to say dissolve on your tongue, replaced by the bitter taste of insecurity. 
sydney, with her easy confidence and radiant smile, seems like she belongs in a world far removed from yours. sometimes you wonder how you ended up on the same team as her. she’s someone who could have anyone she wanted, someone who would never look twice at someone like you. at least, that’s what you’ve convinced yourself.
after transferring from spurs to bayern munich in 2023, you found a bit of relief. you’ve always struggled with this feeling of inadequacy, this deep-rooted belief that you’re not attractive enough, not interesting enough, not enough in any way that matters. 
you had confidence in your football ability as a striker– but still— you’re awkward and quiet, always feeling out of place even among people who know you best. you’ve never quite managed to shake the feeling that you’re somehow less than everyone else, that the flaws you see when you look in the mirror are just as obvious to everyone around you.
the idea of someone like sydney seeing you—really seeing you—fills you with a fear so intense it’s paralyzing.
so you keep your distance, blending into the background, watching her from afar like you have for months now. 
you’ve learned to be careful, to avoid letting your gaze linger on her for too long when she’s nearby. but even then, it’s like your eyes are drawn to her, seeking her out without you even realizing it. 
you watch the way she laughs, the way her eyes light up when she talks about something she’s passionate about, the way she moves with a grace that seems effortless. and every time you do, that same painful ache settles in your chest, a constant reminder of everything you want but can never have.
you’ve spent countless nights lying awake, staring at the ceiling as your mind replays every interaction you’ve ever had with her. you analyze every word, every glance, every smile, searching for some hint that maybe, just maybe, she feels the same. 
but then the doubt creeps in, the voice in your head reminding you of all the reasons why that’s impossible. you’re not good enough for someone like sydney. you’re too plain, too shy, too broken. and so you push the hope away, bury it deep down where it can’t hurt you anymore, even though you know it’s still there, waiting to resurface the next time you see her.
the sound of footsteps approaching pulls you from your thoughts, and you glance up to see georgia walking toward you. 
she’s one of the few people who seems to notice when you’re struggling, and even though you appreciate her concern, it also makes you feel exposed, like she can see all the things you’re trying so hard to hide.
“y/n,” she says softly, coming to a stop beside you. “you know your crush on sydney is pretty obvious to everyone, right?”
your heart skips a beat, panic flaring in your chest. “what? no, it’s not… i mean, it’s not like that,” you stammer, the words tumbling out in a rush as you try to deny it. 
but georgia just gives you a look, one that says she knows exactly what’s going on.
“it’s okay,” she says, her voice gentle but firm. “but, y/n, you’re selling yourself short. sydney likes you. you’re attractive and she sees that but she’s been waiting for you to make a move.”
the words hit you like a punch to the gut, disbelief washing over you. 
you shake your head, a bitter smile tugging at your lips as you try to process what she’s saying. 
“there’s no way she could like me. i’m… i’m not enough. not for someone like her.”
georgia’s expression softens, her eyes full of sympathy and frustration. “y/n, you’re more than enough. you’re caring, talented, and honestly, anyone would be lucky to have you. but you keep convincing yourself that you’re not worthy of love, and that’s not true.”
you want to believe her, you really do. but the voice in your head—the one that’s been there for as long as you can remember, whispering that you’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not worth anyone’s time—drowns out her words. 
you look away, your gaze drifting back to sydney, who’s now slinging her bag over her shoulder, ready to head inside. the idea of walking up to her, of telling her how you feel, seems impossible. 
you’ve spent so long building these walls around your heart, convinced that no one could ever love you for who you really are, that the thought of tearing them down is terrifying.
“what if she doesn’t feel the same?” you whisper, the fear creeping into your voice. it’s the fear that’s been holding you back all this time, the fear that if you let her in, she’ll see all the things you hate about yourself and turn away.
georgia sighs, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “you’ll never know unless you try. but, y/n, you’ve got to stop tearing yourself down. you’re incredible, and it’s time you start seeing that.”
her words resonate with you, but the insecurities that have rooted themselves in your heart are stubborn. they cling to you, wrapping around your thoughts like vines, choking out any glimmer of hope. 
you want to be the person georgia thinks you are, the person who’s brave enough to take a chance, but every time you try to take a step forward, the doubts pull you back. they remind you of every time you’ve been overlooked, every time you’ve been hurt, every time you’ve convinced yourself that you’re not worthy of love.
you watch as sydney disappears through the doors, the opportunity slipping through your fingers once again.
you can feel georgia’s gaze on you, a mix of concern and sadness in her eyes, but you can’t bring yourself to meet it. instead, you stay silent, trapped in the fear that has held you back for so long, wishing you could be someone different—someone who could believe in themselves, someone who could believe that they’re worthy of love.
as the last traces of daylight fade and the stadium lights cast their artificial glow across the field, you turn to follow your teammates inside. the weight of your unspoken feelings, of your unfulfilled desires, settles heavily on your shoulders, and you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever find the courage to break free from the chains of your own self-doubt. 
for now, all you can do is hope that one day, you’ll find the strength to see yourself the way georgia does, the way sydney might if you ever gave her the chance. 
but until then, you’ll keep your distance, hiding behind that brick wall you’ve built, afraid to let anyone meet the real you.
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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wosoamazing · 2 months
Sick Days
Magda Eriksson x Pernille Harder x Teen!R
Warnings: Sickness, Vomit, Mentions of Parental Death
A/N: Not two people I usually write for but thought I would try something new. I hope you like it, let me know what you think and whether you want to see more of Magda & Pernille. (Do keep in mind it is 12:35am here and I've just written this whilst watching the rugby 7s) 1.2k words
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You’d woken up feeling like you had slept for days when in reality it was only two hours, which had you letting out a groan after looking at the clock on your side table and realising it was only 8pm. Your body ached along with your head and you felt hot. Your chest also felt gross and your stomach uneasy. You slid out of your bed, causing your vision to swim which you ignored as you began your journey to Magda and Pernille’s room.
You were Magda’s niece, she was your aunt, and you suppose that meant Pernille was also your aunt. However it felt very different, they were closer to being parents, but more relaxed. However, you vaguely remember that change happening 3 years into living with Magda, when your parents had died, she had definitely been more strict before then, maybe it was also the influence of Pernille. You’d lived with Magda since you were ten, the Chelsea Academy had their eye on your for a while and when they were signing Magda they took it as the opportunity to try and sign you too, and it worked, your parents allowed it, as long as you kept doing school, and that you came to visit them, something which Chelsea facilitated very well. You’d made your official debut for the senior team when you were 15 years and 9 months, making you the youngest player in WSL history. You’d then signed for Bayern with both women, them having to convince you that you got an offer before you were the top goalscorer in the WSL and not because you were the girl without parents and they felt bad for you, you were incredibly humble, honestly too humble, and Magda secretly hated it, whilst Pernille thought it was cute.
You knocked lightly on their door, even though it was half open, you always felt guilty for interrupting their alone time, you also didn’t want to disturb them if they were feeling as bad as you, wondering why they were already in bed.
“You can come in, it’s all good,” You heard Magda reply and you pushed the door open, before attempting to shut it again behind you.
“What’s up?” It was Pernille who spoke this time.
“I don’t feel well,” you mumbled as you climbed onto the bed, positioning yourself between them, Magda placed her hand on your forehead, you’d gone to bed really quite early but they figured it was just the exhaustion from the last few months catching up to you, you’d made your debut in Sweden’s opening match of the world cup and surprisingly (to you at least), you’d played quite a lot of minutes, you’d moved to a new country, where they spoke a different language and pre-season training had started, it wasn’t a surprise you were tired. However if the heat radiating off your head was any indicator of how sick you were it wasn’t good, Magda got up and headed to the kitchen to get some items you would need.
Returning with many items, she placed them all down before checking your temperature properly and then trying to give you some medicine from the box, however she tipped the box upside down to open it, not realising the other side was already open, causing the many sheets of tablets to fall all over the floor, causing you to let out a slight laugh as Magda was crouching down cleaning them up, however your laugh very quickly turned into a chesty cough, one that had Magda’s head popping back up as she looked at Pernille with concern.
“That’s it Älskling, just cough it up, it’ll make you feel better” Pernille encouraged you as she rubbed your back, Magda handed you your water bottle along with two tablets after you finished, the ice cold water soothing your sore throat, and you momentarily felt better, before you started hacking up a lung again. 
“Oh, it’s okay Älskling, don’t worry,” Pernille tried to reassure you, as you threw up some of your stomach contents onto the sheets and yourself, due to your coughing. Something that wasn’t the best, neither women cared you’d thrown up on the bed, it could be washed, it was more so the fact that you very likely threw up the tablets you’d just taken, but you still wouldn’t be able to take more for a few hours.
Magda helped you have a lukewarm bath as Pernille changed the sheets and grabbed a basin just in case. You hadn’t even notice Pernille and Magda switch, so that Magda was able to have a shower, until it was Pernille who helped you get dressed and back to bed where you noticed there were now three sets of pillows swished onto the bed, your’s being in the middle, you all but collapsed onto the bed, the fresh sheets feeling nice and cool on your burning stomach. Pernille sat down next to you, turning on the TV, which was playing one of the many football games from this weekend, deciding just to leave it playing that, she turned her attention back to you, placing an icepack on the back of your neck before her nails ran up and down your back, using her free hand to message ahead that the three of you wouldn’t be at training tomorrow, due to you being unwell and not wanting to infect anyone else. When Magda joined you both on the bed you were essentially passed out, however you were awake enough to clumsily reach your hand out, trying to find Magda’s she helped you by taking your hand in hers, and kissing the back of your hand.
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It was four days later and Pernille and Magda deemed you well enough to come watch training, the three of you making your first appearances since you got sick.
“You still not feeling very well?” Sydney asked as she sat down next to you, being told to sit the next few drills out due to her having been out of training for the past few days as she was sick.
You nodded your head slightly before placing your head on her shoulder, deciding it was a nice place to rest. Before a coughing fit racked your body, your cough was still very chesty and did not sound good in the slightest.
“Oh Mini M, dir geht's gut (you’re okay)” Sydney said as she rubbed your back before handing you your water bottle.
“’m sorry,” you mumbled as you tried to move away from her, not wanting to make her sick.
“Come back, Ich bin derjenige, der dich krank gemacht hat, obwohl ich fairerweise nicht so krank war (I’m the one who got you sick, although to be fair I wasn’t this sick,)” she confessed as she pulled you back towards her by your sleeve, and you gave in, curling up on your side, your head resting on her thigh, falling asleep.
“Oh look, Mini Magda is sleeping,” Georgia exclaimed as she walked over to the sidelines with the team.
“Was,” you grumbled as you death stared her.
“Mini Magda is grumpy when sick,”
“Yeah I think anyone would be if they got woken up by some annoying English girl’s yelling,” Sam teased her, causing chaos to erupt.
“Can we go home?” you asked Pernille who was now sitting next to you.
“Of course, Magda’s just gone to get all our stuff now,”
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woso-lover · 7 months
Home is, whenever I'm with you | Lena Oberdorf
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Lena Oberdorf x german!bayern munich!reader
Summary: Lena suprises you with her move to your childhood club. To finally be with you properly.
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Girl, I never loved one like you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You grew up in Munich. Everything you know is there. Your famil. Your friends. Your bestfriend, Sydney. Your club.... Everything you loved was in one place. Exept your home, your lover, Lena Oberdorf. She plays for Wolfsburg. That wouldn't be the problem, even trought its the rival, but Wolfsburg is too far away from Munich, to see each other more then once in a month. And its slowly infecting your realationship.
It's started when you both grow out of the honeymoon phase. That doesn't mean you're stopped being smitten about each other. But the distant made it worse. A 6 hours drive or a one hour flight. It started to come to much.
It wasn't because of the lack of trust you have for each other. You trust each other very much. But you missed the closeness, the cuddles or the kisses. The things you would only get, if you play each other or in the german camp. It was rarely that one come to visit the other. To caught up with training for your clubs.
So everytime the national break started, you follow each other like lost puppies. It's mostly Lena, who follows you everywhere. Her Wolfsburg teammates will tease all the time, when the break is going to start or gets closer. But she doesn't care. She only cares about being close to you.
But you follow her everywhere too. And your teammates tease you about that too. Like obi, you don't care either. You're just happy being with her again.
To the problem is only one solution. One has the move clubs. But you both are too stuborn.
"I'm not moving away, liebling. (Darling) I have everything here."
"I change would look on you, baby. You can't always stay in the same place your whole life." Obi argues back on a face time call. It wasn't a fight. More like a discussion, in wich you both bring the same arguments over and over again.
"You know i can't handle change. And it would be a change for you too."
"I know you can't. And i already had a change. I moved from Essen. There wouldn't be so much change. You know half of the from national and you got friends with Lynn."
You look away, to the wall, feeling defeated. "Ha Gotcha, Schatz. (honey)" Obi said happily. "If you move to Bayern, you can play with and see Lea more often." You knew what the Lea card would do. You know that Lena misses to play in the same team as Lea, like in Essen.
"Didn't you wanted to show me your new tattoo idea?" Obi distracts from the topic.
You knew Obi wants to distracts from the topic. She was a bad loser and she knew how right you were, Obi just didn't want to admit that. So you played along.
"What do you think of something like that?" You showed her a page from your sketchbook.
Since then none of you dared to bring up the topic again. In the meanwhile Obi has gotten an offer from bayern munich. She didn't know what to do with it. Should she tell you? Should she ignore it? These question were toturing her mind.
Her solution: She's going to ask on national break what you would say if she got an offer from your beloved club.
But unfortunately the right time wouldn't come to Lena. Everytime she was close of telling you something happened. So she finally decide to say it to you no matter what.
She walked into the chill room, wich she knew you mostly are. You were there but you talked with Sydney. She didn't mean to overhear, but she stayed as she heard her own name out if your mouth.
"I love Lena, but i don't know how long it's going to work" Obis face fell. She doesn't want you to think like that. She wants to be with you forever. With sad face she walks away. She talks to you after your conversation with Sydney. But she stopped as she heard Sydney speaking.
"Don't say stupid shit like that. It's going to work out. You both are so smitten and follow each other like lost puppies. It makes me love sick. It's getting to the point to become disgusting."
"Yeah because your Single" you chuckle and on Obis face a smile grows.
"But i'm serious. If you leave, then there would be nothing much different. You still have me and Klara. We still be friends and pull pranks on camp or annoy Laura. Okay? You still got us and the team. We're a big family." Sydney hugs you.
'That's why' Obi realized. You're scared that if you move, your friends will turn their back on you. Obi walked away with smile. Knowing what she's about to do, calling her agent.
You were more then suprised as Lena said she will be visiting for a few days, but gadly take it. With Lena being in Munich you were happier. Sydney and Klara took notice of it and asked themselves why. But they got the answer, when Lena picks you up from training.
"Hope it wasn't too boring, being alone." You kissed Obi. After you two broke apart, you hugged her. Behind your back Sydney, Klara and Georgia made gagging faces. Lena rolled her eyes at them.
"No it wasn't, Liebling" It really wasn't. It was exhausting. She was talking with the club, her agent and the Bayern coach. All to negotiate her move to Bayern Munich.
The day she signed the contract she had mixed feelings. The tought of leaving Jule behind haunted her. But the blonde told her to go, to get her girl. It made Obi feel a bit better about it, but not fully. The other side was excitment. To be near you. To kiss you everyday. To cuddle with you. To cook with you. To do everything with you.
Before the national camp in february the romurs of Lenas move spread over. You saw it too, of course. You didn't know how to feel. There was hope, but you knew to not trust rumors. And Obi wasn't a help either. She only said that she didn't know how or why there are rumors. It broke her heart to see your face fell, just to cover it up quickly with a smile.
On the 14th february her move to Bayern will be officinal. She came to munich for the day, because of valentines. She knew you had a came on the evening, so she took you on a date for lunch. The whole day you weren't allowed to look on your phone. You wondered why and asked her. She only told you it would ruin her suprise.
After lunch in your favourite restaurant she took you to your favourite park, in wich you finally were allowed to look on your phone. You looked confussed at her but did anyway.
"Now go on insta"
"Obi what have you done?"
"Nothing" she smiles at you.
You looked on your phone your confussed look turned into shock. You looked up at Obi, who smiled slyly at you. "Suprise?"
"You fucking idiot. I love you" You run to Lena and hug her. "But why would you do that? You didn't had to"
"I know. But i love you. And Bayern didn't Sound that bad." With that she kisses you. Happy play with you next season and to in with you
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summer-princess · 8 months
Far From Angry: Hardersson x Reader (Part 1)
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Summary: You meet a stranger and her girlfriend at the bar. Things escalate quickly. Pairing: Hardersson x Reader Warnings: 🔞Smut. Mdni🔞 Disclaimer: Obviously fiction Words: 2778
Pt. 2
Ever since you entered the bar, the pretty blonde sitting a few stools away hadn’t taken her eyes off of you. 
You weren’t normally one for going out, especially without your friends, but the sound of music and unseasonably warm night air had drawn you out of your apartment, walking downtown to your favorite bar, ready to enjoy the evening. 
You were certainly enjoying the sight of the beautiful woman in the flowy white top, her sweet smile as she looked across the bar at you.
Her eyes didn’t leave you as she finished her drink, sliding her glass back across the bar. You blushed as she looked away, and you caught a hint of white teeth scraping across a pair of ruby lips. 
Taking a deep breath and gathering your courage, hoping you were interpreting her glances correctly, you hopped up from your stool and walked the few feet between you, hoping you looked more confident than you actually felt. As you sat down on the stool beside her, the pretty blonde tucked her hair behind her ears, turning her head to smile at you again. 
“Hi,” she said, and you caught the slightest hint of an accent, one you couldn’t quite place. 
“I’m Pernille,” she said, turning her stool to face you. She leaned forward, toward you, giving you the same  brilliant smile that had drawn you over in the first place.
You introduced yourself, pleasant shivers running up and down your spine as she made eye contact with you, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows, clearly waiting for you to continue.
“So, Pernille,” you said, matching her posture, hoping to convey just how interested you were in getting to know her and her pretty smile a whole lot better. “Can I buy you a drink?” 
Before she could answer, another blonde appeared over Pernille’s shoulder. Her hair was darker than Pernille’s, and the hand she put on Pernille’s shoulder was attached to a muscled arm.
“What’s going on over here, love?”
It was like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over your head as you processed the words.
She had a girlfriend.
Of course she had a girlfriend.
As the other woman, just as blonde and just as gorgeous, claimed Pernille’s lips with her own, you felt a humiliated blush rising to coat your cheeks. 
You wished that someone would break one of the legs off of the barstool and beat you over the head with it. Or that a freak sinkhole would open beneath the floor, somehow burying only you in the dirt. Because this was beyond your worst nightmares. 
“Fuck,” you whispered, not sure which one of them you were talking to as apologies began to spew from between your lips. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I didn’t mean… Fuck, I’ll just-”
You made to stand up, charting the path that would get you to the exit quickest, but before you could make your escape, Pernille reached out and grabbed your hand, clasping it in hers. You let out a tiny gasp, still on your stool, at the contact, your eyes flickering back and forth between your skin touching hers and the woman whose hand had moved from her shoulder to her waist, possessively gripping her flowy white top.
“Don’t go,” she said, voice somewhere between a command and a plea. Even though your heart was racing, your legs longing to carry you far away, it was enough to make you pause.
You looked back and forth between Pernille and her partner, beyond confused. There had been no mistaking the look in your eyes as you approached her, or the undertones when you asked to buy her a drink. But there was also no mistaking the fact that she had a girlfriend, a very pretty and very strong looking girlfriend who had, out of some miracle, not yet put you on the ground. 
“B-But,” you stuttered, trying to make sense of the increasingly odd situation in which you found yourself. 
“Y-You, your girlfriend- She’s already angry enough at me, I-”
You didn’t have time to finish your runaway train of thought before you were unceremoniously interrupted. 
“Do I look angry?”
You didn’t think you could stand looking at Pernille’s girlfriend any longer without wanting to light yourself on fire, so you didn’t. Instead, you stared at your nearly-empty drink, trying to think of how to escape this humiliating and bizarre situation with some of your dignity still intact.
You didn’t see the look they gave each other, but you definitely felt it when a hand grasped your chin, forcing your head upward. A pair of blue eyes met yours, clouded by mirth and something else you couldn’t quite place. Your eyebrow crinkled in confusion at the absence of anything identifiable as anger, a confusion that only grew when she spoke again.
“I’ll ask you again,” she said. “Do I look angry?”
Answering wasn’t optional this time, you could tell. So, trembling a little, you shook your head.
“N-Not really.” 
“Clever girl.”
Her voice, smooth and seductive and just a bit condescending, hit you like a jolt of electricity, and you couldn’t stop the shudder that ran through your body at the tone, from the tips of your fingers to between your legs. You quickly lowered your eyes again, hoping that she wouldn’t notice. 
The self-satisfied smirk on her face made it clear that your hopes were in vain.
“Magda, baby,” said Pernille, standing and taking her place at her partner’s side, tucking herself under the taller woman’s free arm. “I think she likes it when you talk to her like that.” 
Your mouth was slightly open, gaping in shock as you pressed your thighs together, unable to deny the arousal beginning to pool in your core. No matter how embarrassing Pernille’s words might have been, they were undeniable- the condescending tone of Magda’s voice made your mouth water, the need for the two of them to do what they wanted with you taking over your mind. 
“Oh, she’s so cute,” said Pernille, relishing the way you shuddered as she placed her hand on your thigh, fingers sliding upward and creeping closer to the hem of your panties under your new skirt. Magda nodded in agreement.
“Her face is all red,” she said, the two of them exchanging comments as if you couldn’t hear them speaking. You had an idea of where this was going, one that you desperately hoped was correct, and the thought of it made you press your thighs together with need. 
“I wonder what she’d look like all spread out on our bed.”
You gasped quietly, initial arousal only amplifying as they confirmed the thought that had been solidifying in your mind. With a squeeze of Pernille’s hand, Magda took a step forward towards you, her gaze piercing through you and making you whimper again. 
“Do you want this?”
Magda’s breath was hot against your neck as she whispered the question into your ear, and you were sure that she could hear your pulse pounding. 
You nodded so quickly that you could have given yourself whiplash, still gaping in disbelief even as she smirked, helping you to your feet and throwing a wad of cash behind her, payment for the drink you had tried to buy her girlfriend.  
This was actually happening. 
Their apartment was only a few blocks away from the bar, and when they guided you through the door, you had barely kicked off your shoes when you found yourself pressed against the wall by a pair of strong arms.
You hadn’t noticed Magda’s muscles back in the bar when you were refusing to look at her, but now that they were being used to pin you against the wall, they were difficult to ignore. You bit your lip, letting out a little moan, one which she immediately swallowed with her mouth. Magda’s tongue pressed insistently against your lips, and you didn’t waste any time before granting her access, letting her dominate the kiss. 
You weren’t normally this submissive- typically, you would have made at least a token effort to take back some control, but something about these women made that seem like a concept far too difficult and complex to grasp. So you let Magda devour your lips, her hands on your waist as you started to move again.
Guiding you backward into their bedroom, Magda’s hands migrated downward to your ass, giving it a hard squeeze. You could vaguely sense Pernille nearby, a few steps ahead of you, but you couldn’t see the way she’d already shed her top, tossing it carelessly aside as she flicked on the light switch in their bedroom.
When Magda stopped moving, hands on your ass stilling you as well, you felt the other woman come up beside you, but still shivered when she whispered in your ear.
“You gonna do what we tell you, baby? You gonna be a good girl for us?”
The coaxing voice in your ear made you tilt your neck in the opposite direction, exposing the soft skin to Pernille as Magda broke your kiss, releasing you from her hold.
“Uh huh,” you said, and were rewarded by a new pair of warm lips pressed against your own. Pernille’s kiss was dirty and tender at the same time, her pink tongue gentler than Magda’s had been but with a similar level of control and the identical result of making you crave more of her touch. 
“Let us give you what you need, honey,” said Pernille, voice saccharine as she pulled away from your lips. “Let us fuck you like you need to be fucked.”
Your nod was desperate, her words only adding to the copious arousal between your thighs.
“Good. Then strip for us, pretty girl,” she whispered in your ear before releasing her hold on your body, raising an eyebrow and fixing you with a coaxing smirk.
Blinking a few times to regain even a modicum of composure, you blushed as you pulled your shirt over your head, both of the women’s eyes locked on you predatorily as you set the garment atop their wardrobe, revealing your lacy bra. 
“So pretty,” said Magda, as you reached for the hem of your skirt. You had to wiggle your hips to slide out of the slightly-too-small fabric, a sight which made both pairs of eyes locked on you darken, the couple exchanging a look full of hunger. When the garment finally dropped to the floor, leaving you in just your bra and matching panties, you looked back over at them and found the pair exchanging a heated kiss of their own. Sensing your gaze, Magda pulled away from Pernille’s lips to raise an eyebrow at you.
“All of it.”
Your flush deepened as you undid the clasp of your bra, shrugging it off your shoulders and letting it join your skirt and top in the haphazard pile on the floor. With your breasts exposed to their hungry gaze and nipples beginning to harden, unprompted, into peaks, you reached for the waistband of your panties and let them slide down your legs, stepping out of them when they pooled around your ankles. 
You had somehow missed Pernille approaching you, the lighter blonde woman reaching out a hand and slipping it between your legs. You gasped at the sudden contact, unable to stop your hips from jutting forward, seeking friction against your throbbing cunt. 
It only lasted for a moment before she turned her head back towards Magda, giving her a smirk and a nod.
“Get on the bed, pretty girl.”
You nodded quickly, scurrying across the room and seating yourself on the edge of their sizeable mattress. One look from Magda told you that that wasn’t what she had meant and so, still blushing, you laid yourself carefully back against one of their pillows, hyper-aware of their eyes on you, gazes locked on the curve of your breasts and the copious arousal gathered between your pretty thighs.
You could tell what the order of things would be when Pernille walked toward the edge of the bed, lingering beside you without sitting down, and Magda climbed up immediately, her large hands pulling you just slightly further forwards to where she wanted you. 
“Open your fucking legs.”
Magda’s words weren’t a request, but the order was one that you were all too happy to obey. Letting your thighs fall apart, you watched, unbreathing, as the other woman pulled a hair elastic from her wrist and tied her blonde waves up into a careless bun. 
Feeling the bed dip beside you, you heard Pernille’s voice against your neck as she left a trail of kisses across the sensitive skin. 
“Magda’s going to taste you now.”
Barely had the words left her mouth then Magda’s tongue connected with your core, the woman wasting no time before licking a wet stripe over your soaking hole. You gasped, fingernails digging into your palm as you clenched your hands tightly, and the sound must have pleased the other woman, because her soft chuckle vibrated against your core. 
She took a minute to explore, warm appendage tracing a path up and down your cunt, unmoved by your breathy pleas for her to go faster, or to put her mouth on the one place you needed it most. 
“Patience, honey,” crooned Pernille, noticing your gyrating hips. “Stay still. Let her enjoy you.”
You sobbed in pleasure as Magda’s tongue swiped through your pussy again and again, Pernille’s soft hands tugging at your nipples. The woman between your thighs was talented, the wet muscle of her mouth lapping and kissing all the right spots, finally running her tongue across your swollen clit, even letting a hint of teeth scrape across your thigh once in a while.
You couldn’t have closed your legs if you wanted to, a combination of Magda’s shoulders and her hands combining to hold them open.
“Stay still,” she reminded you with a gentle smack to one of your thighs.
Still, you couldn’t help but buck against her tongue, trying to get her mouth back on your clit.
“I told you to stay still,” said Magda with a growl, strong hands pushing your hips back down to the mattress.
A shudder ran up and down your body at her harsh tone. Pernille, you noticed, now had one hand on each of your tits, the strength in her arms a warning that, if you moved again, she wouldn’t hesitate to use that muscle to keep you pinned down with no choice except to take what her partner gave.
Your body shook with the effort of keeping still, of not allowing your hips to rock against Magda’s tongue, but you were rewarded by attention lavished on your bud, able to feel the other woman’s smile against your cunt.
You shuddered, feeling your muscles tighten as your peak began to grow closer. Apparently Magda could sense it as well, because she pulled her mouth away from you and reached for her girlfriend.
Pernille obeyed the summons, leaving you writhing on the bed, whining pathetically at the loss of contact as Magda pulled her in for a deep kiss. Your eyes went to the two women, unable to stop a groan as you watched them, Magda’s hands wrapped around Pernille’s waist as their tongues battled. As hot as the sight was, it only made you wetter as you realized that they were sharing the taste of you between them. 
Even through your haze, you knew that, no matter how desperate your cunt was for their attention, you couldn’t let your fingers drift down between your legs. They had made it clear since you met that they held the reins of control, that you were their plaything for the night.
“Pernille,” said Magda, rocking her hips subtly as Pernille pressed a line of wet kisses along her neck. 
“Look at her.”
Pernille’s eyes drifted back toward you, wriggling desperately on the bed, twisting your hands in their covers as you fought not to touch yourself. 
“God,” said Pernille. “She’s desperate, isn’t she?”
You made no move to deny her claim, rather nodding in confirmation. Any shock or disbelief you had felt at the situation you were in had certainly vanished, replaced with pure, undiluted need. 
“Please,” you whimpered, soaking pussy still perfectly visible between your spread legs. “Please, I need…”
You trailed off, the blush that was quickly becoming a familiar companion returning once again to your cheeks. Luckily for you, Pernille was able to translate the low moan which replaced the words you couldn’t find.
“I think she needs your cock, Magda.”
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mysunshinetemptress · 1 month
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Anxiety (lil McCabe universe)
Leah Williamson x McCabe!reader!ex
Magdalena Eriksson x Pernille Harder x McCabe!reader!platonic
Warnings: Talks of anxiety, not edited or proofread
You’re anxious, a feeling that has followed you around way longer than you would like to admit, a feeling that has consumed you way longer than your family, your Mam, knows about, longer than anyone knows about.
You had tried to tell her about the funny feeling you had as a kid, your little heart racing, your mind spinning, spiraling into the never-ending feeling of fear, but there was always something else, someone else. It wasn’t your Mam’s fault, nor was it your siblings’. They had things they needed her for, their own problems. Your Mam had her own problems. Surely this feeling, this sickening feeling, wasn’t as important as your siblings’ feelings, their needs and wants. They were older, so much older, they had more serious problems, more important problems and feelings than this feeling you were dealing with, right?
You didn't know why you so sick, it was so much more than butterflies, defenitly not excitement, it wasn't until you had been all grown up and earning enough money to visit a doctor did you get a diagnosis.
"Miss McCabe, you suffer from anxiety"
You had felt a weight being liftied off you the moment your feelings had been givien a name, that you weren't just looking for attention, you weren't just making it up, made you feel so much lighter then you had ever felt.
"You said you have been suffereing with these feelings since you were a child, did you ever try to tell anyone."
You nod, you had tried, when you couldn't go to your mam, you had tried one of your older siblings, you had tried to tell Katie, but she was to busy to deal with you "Y/n, can't you see i'm playing with Lauryn, your supposed to be a big girl now not a baby stop makeing things up for attention." you dropped your head as Katie muttered "Seriously she really needs to grow up."
"I tried." the docotor nodes her head her eyes scanning your solum face "How come you decided to look for answers now? For help now?"
You pick at your fingers "My girlfriend...She-she said she was worried about me...that-that sometimes I have trouble sleeping" you take a breath picking at your fingers looking towards the door, "I have trouble concentrating, she...I don't...she just said i should come here, that i should get a check up make sure im ok." The doctor smiled at you softly "If your girlfriend hadn't pushed you to come see me, would you have come eventualy."
Would you? "No" she looks surprised at your answer "No? why?" You look at the door again picking at the skin around your nails "I-I-I have to get on with it, I have to learn to get on with it-I have to grow up." The doctor looks even more surpriesed, sad, unhappy with your answer. Why is she unhappy with your answer?
“This isn’t something you can grow out of Miss McCabe, anxiety isn’t something you should just push on with, it can cause serious mental health problems for you if you do.” You shake your head no “I-I don’t have time-I have to get on with it-it’s the only way.” The doctor lets out a sigh “You said you come from a big family, surely one of them doesn’t mind talking to you about these things.” You shake your head again “They don’t need this, they-they don’t need anymore then they already have.” The doctor wants to press on you can see that but her attention is pulled to your bloody hands, you’ve picked at them till they bled. She looks to the door “Your girlfriend then.” Again you shake your head.
Leah doesn’t deserve the stress of something being wrong with you, she doesn’t deserve the possible sacrifices she’ll have to make in order to make you feel comfortable and happy. Not her,not Leah, not when she is the only person who looks at you and not through you, the only person whose hand fits and hold yours instead of passing through.
“I can look after myself, I-I have done it for long enough.”
You can look after yourself, you have done it for long enough, it’s the mantra you repeat in your head again and again as you arrive at the training grounds for Bayern, it’s the mantra you repeat every time your anxiety strikes and you feel yourself pick at your hands.
Bayern Munich, fresh start, no Katie, no Arsenal, no stupid bets, no Leah. Y/n, just Y/n.
“Hi.” Bayern Munich and Magdalena Eriksson, Bayern Munich and Pernille Harder.
You look behind you trying to see if it’s anyone else they are talking to, but there’s no one, there’s only you.
You think for a second and the voices scream in your head, they are just like the others, this is a joke another bet, who can get closest to the new girl first. Who can pretend to be her friend the best.
Your hands, your poor hands sting as you begin to pick at them again, they are the same as the others, they have to be, all you are is worth a bet, 100 quid.
But still, there is no one behind you, no one new in the car park and the older women continue to smile at you softly.
Magda looks at your hands her smile faltering, she drags her eyes up your body, now noticing your heaving chest, your panicking, your shivering slightly yet you speak, you force yourself to talk to them even though it’s scaring the living shit out of you
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cher-rei · 3 months
Heyy girlll, loved your last Musiala drabble. Could you maybe write another one where reader gets really jealous and Jamal eventually notice and just teases her ?
the boy is mine– jamal musiala [ J.M ]
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the boy is mine, I can't wait to try him [the boy is mine– ariana grande]
pairing: jamal musiala x fem!reader
summary: the new intern seemed a little touchy and you felt the need to put her in her place.
genre(s): take a guess... (fluff!)
[w.c: 1.4k] masterlist
notes: *giggles*
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jamal was having one of his best practices yet as you watched from your spot in the stands. you wore a proud smile as he deftly maneuvered the ball past the defenders and scored, looking to you with a puppy-like smile to see if you noticed.
when you called to say that your lecture ended early and that you'd be joining him for practice today, he was ecstatic. he loved the opportunity to show off whenever he could and you were more than happy to cheer him on in whatever he did.
you always said that watching jamal play was a privilege and that it was an experience like no other, and were filled with pride knowing that you got to experience it first hand. however, your pride was mixed with annoyance today as you noticed hannah, one of the new physio interns, being a bit too enthusiastic every time he did something impressive.
you noticed how she would stand a bit closer to him than everyone else, giving him pats on the back, high fives, and once, even a playful shove. your annoyance grew with each interaction and you tried to brush it off, but it was hard when hannah was hovering over jamal like a bee around honey.
perhaps she was the main reason you showed up to practice... for the past two weeks jamal had mentioned her a few times, saying that she was so helpful and always offered to help when he needed. to you it was obvious what her objective was, but your boyfriend was oblivious. so instead of calling it out, you decided to see her in action.
with your jaw clenched you sat back in your seat, your attention on the girl who was well aware of your presence and who you were. she even had the gull to smile at you, but there was nothing genuine about it or her competitive glare.
eventually, jamal jogged up to you, his face glowing in excitement. "baby! did you see that last goal?"
the annoyance still evident in your demeanor, you forced a smile with your arms crossed. "yeah, you're doing amazing, sweetheart."
jamal wasn't an idiot, he noticed your tense posture and uninterested look immediately. he leant over on the barricade to get closer to you, a look of worry on his face. "is everything okay? wh--"
he was abruptly cut off by the call of his name. an annoyed groan left his lips at his coach calling him over but he made sure to reassure you that he'd be back. you couldn't suppress the smile tugging at your lips and nodded, watching as he hurried over to his coach, once again leaving you alone.
it wasn't long before that empty presence was filled by none other than hannah herself. she leisurely made her way over to the barricade near you but didn't say anything, instead her attention was on jamal. you couldn't help but look at the back of her head in confusion, wondering what she was trying to do.
eventually, she turned to look at you, her smile in place but her eyes evaluating every inch of you. "hi, I'm hannah. you must be jamal's friend."
it took every single nerve and muscle in your body to stop you from jumping over the barricade and gauging her eyes out. she knew what she was doing, and at some point that annoyance died down and was replaced with shock. you wondered where the hell she got the audacity from to be so blatantly idiotic.
you poked your tongue into the corner of your cheek and nodded. "girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend."
with that, she didn't say anything and just laughed. what the hell was she laughing for??the two of you held your gazes, but all you could think of was how she thought this was a competition. you couldn't blame her for her little crush on jamal, it was understandable. but it was the fact that she thought that she had even a slight chance.
bless him for not having any idea that she was hitting on him. it genuinely made you feel better, knowing that he couldn't care less but this girl was stubborn by the look in her eyes. but she didn't know who you were— not in the slightest and you were more than open to watch her shoot her shot.
you wanted to see how far she could get, but you knew that jamal only had eyes for you. he was yours. and you planned on having it that way for the rest of your lives.
when jamal came back, you didn't even spare him a glance and instead watched how hannah's eyes lit up as he got closer. she straighted her posture and fixed her hair, causing your lips to part in shock.
jamal glanced between the two of you with a sweet smile. "I see the two of you have met." his attention turned to you immediately, your look of utter shock causing him to worry but he couldn't even address it because hannah decided that she had the right to speak.
you remained silent and watched the exchange between the two of them carefully, mentally urging her to test her limits.
"you know if you ever need someone to help you cool down after practice, I'm available. I could use the extra practice anyway."
oh, so she wasn't embarrassed at all? her lack of shame had your mind running in circles and you wanted to laugh so badly. all you did was lightly scoff, a smirk on your lips. "he's got me for that."
hannah looked to you with a challenging gaze which you happily returned, the smile not leaving your lips. this was pure entertainment right here.
"yeah but seeing as I'm an actual physio, I know more when it comes to that," hannah said with the fakes laugh you'd ever heard. you wanted to wipe that smug smile off her face and bury her six feet under.
from the corner of your eye you noticed jamal's more than confused look but brushed him off. "and seeing that I'm his actual girlfriend, I know just how to help him relax."
jamal quickly interjected when he sensed the tension, knowing just how far you were willing to take this. "thanks hannah, but I think my girlfriend has it covered."
hannah shrugged, her eyes lingering on jamal. "well, the offer still stands." she smiled and sent you one final look. "it was lovely meeting you."
there was a boastful smile on your face as you waved her off, the annoyance slowly dripping away the further away she got. just how you liked it.
when she was gone, jamal looked to you, trying to stifle his laugh. "is that why you were upset earlier, hm?"
you shrugged, eyes darting over to hannah who was gathering equipment nearby. "just wondering how often your intern friend gets all handsy during practice."
with a teasing smile jamal rested his head on his arms, eyeing you up and down. he loved how overprotective you were over him, it made him feel special. "hannah, is just really enthusiastic about her job."
"enthusiastic, huh?" you mimicked, voice dripping in sarcasm.
jamal decided to play along for the fun of it. "yeah, she's like a cheerleader, always there to boost morale. she even asked if I needed a personal watter bottle carrier."
your jaw ticked. "did she now?"
"yep. and she said that I have the 'perfect shoulders for pats'. very specific compliment, don't you think?"
you rolled your eyes, trying to contain your jealousy and got up from your seat to stand against the barrier to be closer to your boyfriend. "she does realise that you're my boyfriend right?" you pointed towards yourself and jamal smiled. "you're mine. nobody else's."
a scoff left your lips. "the audacity."
jamal couldn't contain his laughter anymore and reached over to pull you closer to him, his hand resting on your cheek as he looked into your eyes with a softened gaze. "you're adorable when you're jealous, you know that?"
instinctively, you melted at his touch. "just wait until I'm burying her body then."
with that, he laughed again and kissed your cheek. "I only care about your shoulder pats, baby."
your annoyance melted away once again and you looked up at him with a pout. "really?"
he grinned and nodded. "absolutely. you're the only cheerleader I want. nobody else."
with that, you got up on your tippy toes and gave him a short but meaningful kiss on the lips, squishing his cheeks when you pulled away. "yes, because you're mine. are you mine?"
jamal couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks and simply nodded, an excited chuckle leaving his lips and you could swear that he was jumping in place. "nobody else's. just yours, love."
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httpsdana · 12 days
Hiiii!!! can you write a jamal story with promt 107 where they're having an argument (he's at fault 🤭) with like HEAVY angst where jamal is lowkey being a meanie and not trying to understand readers side but ends in the cutest fluff tho (cuz can't accept sad endings 😭)
Also thank you in advance!!!!! 😽🩷🤍
Lost In Translation~Jamal Musiala
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THANK YOU SM FOR UR SWEET MESSAGE. i hope u enjoy this one 😙🫶🏻
request from here
master list
players/drivers I write for
107-"please stop. you're scaring me."
She felt it from the start of the season. Jamal had said he was going to give his best this season and push himself to his limits. He promised to avoid any distractions and focus solely on football, fully committing himself. What she didn’t expect was for him to avoid her too. It made her feel like she was the distraction, rather than the support he needed.
y/n woke up every morning without Jamal by her side. Every day, she rushed to the kitchen, hoping to see him and wish him a good day.
All she wanted was to hear those three words she felt like she hadn’t heard in forever. But every morning, she was disappointed to find that he had already left without even a "good morning."
When she returned from work, Jamal still wouldn’t be home. She knew his training sessions were intense, but she also knew he couldn’t possibly be training from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
She made him dinner every night, hoping they could share a moment together when he came home exhausted from practice. Instead, he’d arrive late at night, claiming he had been at the gym after training.
He no longer wrapped his arms around her at night. He hadn’t touched or kissed her in over two months. It felt like she was invisible to him, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to tell him how she felt, or she would have no choice but to let him go.
y/n sat in their living room, waiting for Jamal to come home. It was 10 p.m. After what felt like 100 episodes of her show, she finally heard his keys and the door opening. She remained seated on the couch, waiting for him. He walked into the living room, seeing her sitting there, watching TV.
“Hey,” he mumbled, dropping his bag on the couch and sitting down, keeping his distance from her.
She wanted to ask him about his day. She wanted to ask how he was feeling about the start of the season, especially given his incredible performance. But she didn’t. She just wanted to know what was going on and why he was avoiding her.
“We need to talk,” she said, looking at him intently, her voice blank and direct.
Jamal sighed, running his hands over his face, exhaustion clear in his features. “y/n, I’m tired. I just want to shower and go to sleep,” he said, already standing up to leave the room.
That’s what he always did, avoiding any conversation with her.
“No, Jamal. You’re not running away this time. We need to have a serious conversation, and you need to listen to me for once,” she said, standing up too, her voice tense with all the frustration she had been holding inside for so long.
He turned around, surprised by her outburst but clearly annoyed that he was going to have to talk. “What is it now?” he said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice weak and hurt.
“What do you mean, what’s wrong? You’re the one who said we need to talk, and now you’re asking me what’s wrong?” he snapped, his voice getting louder with each word.
“What’s wrong with us? What happened? Did I do something to upset you? Why are you avoiding me and acting like I don’t even exist in this house?” she said, her voice trembling as she fought back tears.
“Oh my god. You’re always so needy, constantly craving attention. I can’t have you clinging onto me all day, y/n. I come home every night exhausted, and all I want is to sleep. But you’re there, nagging me because you can’t survive without attention. What am I supposed to do?” he shouted bitterly, stepping closer to her.
“I’m not asking for anything crazy! Just acknowledge me. Say good morning, make me coffee before you leave, tell me you love me at least!” she yelled back, her hands dropping to her sides in defeat.
Jamal was fuming, his face red with anger. She had never seen him like this before, and it scared her. He paced around the room, his steps heavy, before kicking a vase, shattering it to pieces. y/n flinched at the sound, stepping back slightly as Jamal moved closer.
“Please stop. You’re scaring me” she whispered as he stood in front of her, his face inches from hers. It was the closest he had been to her in weeks. She could feel the heat radiating from him, but his cold expression sent chills down her spine.
Jamal didn’t seem to hear her or care. Instead, he continued hurling hurtful words.
“I come home to rest. I don’t need anyone ruining my mood before I leave for training. I don’t need anyone distracting me from having my best season. So stop with the attention-seeking and deal with it. It’s not like I’m treating you as if you’re dead,” he spat, his words cutting deep into Y/N’s heart like knives.
She fought back the tears that threatened to fall, refusing to let him see her break.
“But you are, Jamal! You don’t look at me anymore. You don’t remember anything. You’ve forgotten our date nights, and we haven’t had a Sunday date in weeks. Sunday is your rest day, but instead of spending it with me, you choose to hang out with your friends, friends you see every day at training. Why can’t you acknowledge your girlfriend, who’s doing her best to stay calm and deal with the consequences of dating a footballer?” she cried, finally letting out all the words she had been holding inside for months.
“For fuck’s sake. You just don’t get it, do you? I’m going to shower and then go to sleep. I better not hear about this childish problem you’ve made up in your head again,” he said coldly, leaving the room and heading to their bedroom.
y/n collapsed on the couch, the tears she had been holding back finally breaking free. She pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed into them, her heart aching.
She didn’t understand how Jamal had changed so much, why he had become like this. They had been dating for years, and every year he wanted to have a great season, but this was the first time he had acted this way. She felt their relationship slipping through her fingers, and she didn’t have the strength to fight anymore.
After crying for a while, exhaustion overtook her, and she wanted to sleep. But she couldn’t bring herself to sleep next to Jamal after the hurtful things he had said. She began walking to the guest room when she heard his voice behind her.
“Where are you going?” he asked, making her turn to look at him. He stood there shirtless, fresh from the shower, his hair still wet and dressed in the shorts he always wore to bed.
“To sleep in the guest room,” she replied, turning away.
“Fine, be like that,” he scoffed, and she heard the bedroom door slam behind her.
She sighed and entered the cold, empty guest room, with only a bed in the middle. Lying down, she felt as though she were on a rock.
She closed her eyes, hoping for some rest, but after tossing and turning for hours, she gave up. She sat up, running a hand over her face, wondering if Jamal was struggling to sleep too.
A part of her hoped he was awake, thinking about her, just as she was about him. But she knew he was probably fast asleep, after using "needing sleep" as an excuse to avoid their argument.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. She looked up and saw Jamal peeking his head in to see if she was asleep. When he saw her sitting up, he entered the room slowly, standing awkwardly by the door.
“Can I... sleep next to you?” he asked nervously, avoiding her gaze and looking at the floor. When she didn’t reply, he looked up, seeing the hesitation in her eyes.
“I won’t touch you or anything. I’ll stay as far as I can,” he pleaded, his eyes begging for some rest.
y/n thought about it. She couldn’t sleep without him next to her either. “Please,” he said softly, and she finally gave in, nodding her head and moving to the far side of the bed, turning her back to him.
She felt the bed dip as Jamal lay down next to her. Even with the distance, she could feel the warmth of his body close to hers. y/n closed her eyes, hoping to finally get some sleep. As she drifted off, she felt his arm drape over her body, a small smile forming on her lips as she welcomed his warmth. She knew they would need to talk about their fight in the morning, but for now, they could rest.
Next morning, y/n had woken up by the sun that was shining in the guest room. She turned around, hoping Jamal was still next to her, but as usual, he had already left the room.
She let out a sigh, knowing he probably left to training too. She hoped he would stay and explain his hurtful words, but it seemed as if nothing happen to him last night. y/n entered the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth, before going to the kitchen.
She was surprised when she saw Jamal there, his shirtless back to her as he was making breakfast. When he noticed her, he smiled at her, making her more confused. "good morning darling. I made you coffee" he pointed to the cup of coffee that was next to the coffee machine.
Jamal moves quietly around the kitchen, the sound of eggs sizzling and toast popping up from the toaster filling the silence. y/n sat on the counter, the cup of coffee next to her, arms folded, watching him, her heart heavy with the weight of the argument that’s still fresh in her mind.
He seems to be gathering his thoughts, carefully plating the breakfast before he turns to her, his expression soft but full of regret.
“I’m really sorry,” he starts, his voice low, almost hesitant.
“I’ve been thinking about everything, and I know I shouldn’t be trying to explain why I acted the way I did, because none of it excuses what I said or how I treated you. It was wrong, and I wasn’t supposed to do any of that.” He takes a deep breath, looking down at the floor before meeting your eyes again.
“But with the new coach and the new season, there’s been so much pressure. The coach has been really strict about us not getting distracted, and I... I let that get into my head.” he said, his voice weak and unstable.
y/n doesn’t respond right away, waiting for him to continue, her gaze steady as she takes in his words.
"I thought that maybe you were a distraction," he says, shaking his head at himself.
"But that was so wrong of me. All you’ve ever done is support me. You’ve been there through everything, my ups and downs, every game, every challenge, and instead of seeing that, I pushed you away. I don’t even know why I said the things I did... I just... I took my stress out on you, and I’m so sorry for that. I know it hurt you, and I regret it more than I can say.” he stuttered, seeming nervous
Her chest tightens, emotions swirling inside her as she thinks back to how hurt she felt. But she remains silent, waiting for him to finish.
“I shouldn’t have acted like football was more important than you," he continues, stepping closer.
"Because it’s not. You’re so important to me. Honestly, most of my success, it’s because of you. You keep me grounded, and your support means everything. It’s not just my talent that’s gotten me where I am, it’s you. And I was stupid for not seeing that." he said confidently, stepping closer to her
He looks at her, his eyes full of sincerity, waiting for some kind of response. She hesitates, his words slowly sinking in.
"You really hurt me, Jamal," she says softly. "It wasn’t just about football. It was about how you made me feel like I wasn’t enough, like I was in the way." she said, her voice filled with pain.
He nods, a look of guilt flashing across his face.
"I know, and I’m going to spend every day trying to make up for it. I want to fix this. I don’t want you to ever feel that way again." he said honestly
There’s a pause before he speaks again, his voice even softer.
"I took the day off today. I thought maybe we could go for a walk, spend some time together, and get some ice cream, if you want? I just... I want to make it up to you." he hesitated, waiting for her to speak
She tries to hide the small smile tugging at her lips.
"You got me with the ice cream. I can’t say no to free ice cream." she jokes
He chuckles, though there’s still a seriousness in his gaze.
"I really am sorry. I swear to you, nothing like that will ever happen again. Football’s important, but so are you. More than that, you’re more important." he said, grabbing her hands in his
"i believe you Jamal. I hope you don't break your promise this time" she said, giving him a small smile.
He smiled back, squeezing her hands in his.
"you won't regret it i promise" he said
After breakfast, they walk side by side, hand in hand, talking and catching up on everything that’s happened since the argument.
Slowly, the tension between them begins to ease. As they sit on a park bench, ice creams in hand, y/n leans her head on his shoulder, the warmth of the moment filling the space between them.
"I missed this," she says softly, closing her eyes as she let the comfort of his presence wash over her.
"I missed it too," he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss on her head before resting his against hers.
Everything was fine now.
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pelova4president · 28 days
Gone soft
Sydney Lohmann x Reader
summary~ Your cocky girlfriend finally gets humbled by you. Well, you tried.
!warnings! not proof read, suggestive
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Sydney was arrogant and cocky. She knew she was good at football and she knew she looked good playing it too. You’ve always done as she asked, wether it was making her a sandwich or whenever she was asking for a kiss. Sydney is just too beautiful to ignore.
You were sat with a few of your Bayern teammates. Sydney had you on her lap and her hands were resting on your thighs, you knew she liked you like that, close to her.
It started with a little teasing from Georgia, she had accused you of being a pillow princes. Yeah, you were one but it wasn’t like you were about to just admit it. So you shook your head in protest.
“Oh come on! You do practically everything Sydney asks you to do. You’ve gone soft.” Sam Kerr scoffed at your denial.
“I’m not soft, i just like to do things for Syd.” you tried to defend yourself but your effort was utile as your girlfriend laughed at you.
“Even your girlfriend thinks you’re joking.” Jill comments with a grin.
“Fuck all of you. I’m not a pillow princess and i’m not fucking soft.” you told the girls.
Sydney began tracing patterns on your thigh to calm you down but it only spurred you on.
“I can prove it to you. At the end of the week you’ll all know who the soft one is.” you said with a huff.
You kept your promise. As soon as you arrived home you went to the kitchen to cook your favourite. You had a soft tune on and were in a good mood. Sydney came into the kitchen minutes before you were done.
“Hi schatz, what’re you cooking for dinner hmm?” she hummed getting closer. She put her hands on your stomach and her head in your neck.
“Smells nice baby.” she complimented your cooking skills. Your girlfriend kissed you on your rosy cheek and went to kiss you on your lips but you turned away.
“Babeee.” she whined into your neck. You had to hide your sneaky smile and acted like you hadn’t done anything.
“What Syd? I’m almost done, can you lay the table please.” you asked her innocently.
After dinner you didn’t really give her any attention. You knew Syd loved physical touch and you weren’t giving her any, she had to be the first to break.
As the both of you got ready for bed you rejected all her little tricks to get you to sleep with her. The little kisses she planted on your neck were wiped away and her soft hands on your body were swatted away.
“Baby come on.” Sydney whined when she tried to kiss you and you turned your head away for the third time in a row. You looked her innocently in the eyes.
Your girlfriend knew it was time to adress the problem. “Schatz it was just a joke, didn’t mean anything by it. Although you are a pillow princess… not that there’s anything wrong with that! You’re my pillow princess hmm?” Syd told you as you laid in bed.
“Yeah but Syd everyone thinks i am one! I’m not soft! And you didn’t even tell them off, you just laughed with them. So i think you can deal with a few days of no kisses.” you told her off.
Sydney looked like the most horrible thing happened the her. “No kisses, but that’s just not fair!” she groaned.
“Should’ve thought about that before you told everyone i’m a pillow princess hmm?” you grinned.
At training you really tried to keep your façade up. Sydney had tried all of het little love tricks on you but you kept your cool. When you needed to partner up for a warm up she planted her hands on your hips and pulled you towards her. Her head came to lay on your shoulder and she whispered in your ear, “Wanna be my partner, babe?”.
You had to admit, it was harder to reject her than you would’ve thought. Especially when she was showing you some extra affection.
You groaned when you noticed everyone had already been partnered up and you had no other choice but to work with your clingy girlfriend.
“Looks like i have no other choice, hmm?” you grumbled under your breath as you walked away towards the dugout.
Sydney grabbed your by your wrist and spun you around so your front collided with hers. Her mouth hovered over your right ear as she whispered, “I know you want me, just give up already.”. You scoffed at that and went to walk away again when you felt her hand slap your ass. You shot her a deadly stare and you received a light laugh in return.
It was the fifth day that one of you broke.
Sunday mornings were always for staying in. It was the day after your game day so it meant resting, well on most Sundays there wasn’t much resting but today you were determined to yet again, reject your girlfriend’s horny teenager behaviour.
You woke up to Syd already awake. She had her arms around you and her legs intertwined with yours. Her warm mouth was pampering kisses all over your morning face.
“Good morning mein schatz.” she whispered in your ear.
You loved her morning voice and it was hard to resist her with her morning hair and soft touches. Especially if she looked as good as she did today. Sydney decided to sleep in one of your old England jerseys and panties.
Being too distracted by your girlfriends morning appearance you failed to notice the warm hand wandering south.
“Hmm Syd..” you groaned into her neck.
“N-not until you tell me i’m right.” you told her.
Sydney was surprised you didn’t just give up. “But babe, it doesn’t matter.” she grumbled.
You went to lay on your other side to check your phone. It was already 11am so that meant it was time for breakfast. “Come on baby, i’m hungry.” you told her. 
“I’m hungry too.. just not for breakfast.” Sydney groaned into her pillow.
But Lohmann didn’t give up though, not until she had won.
The lingering touches and the constant affection didn’t stop. She had you sit on her lap while watching a movie, cooked for you and even fed you. She was upgrading her game.
“Hey schatz, come try the soup i’m making you.” your girlfriend yelled from the kitchen.
You walked over to where she stood and she trapped you between her front and the counter. A spoon of red soup was tilted towards your girlfriend’s mouth to blow on it. When she thought it was the right temperature she moved the spoon towards your mouth.
As you tasted your girlfriend’s cooking she whispered in your ear, “Is it any good?”. You hummed but it quickly turned into a moan when she kissed up your neck.
Her hand traveled lower and her kisses got sloppier. As she set you down on the counter where you were trapped against earlier she hovered her lips over yours.
“Say you want it, and i’ll give it to you.” Sydney told you patiently.
“I want you.” you finally told her.
“You’re just my soft pillow princess hmm?” Sydney smiled against your neck.
AN. haven’t written in a long time and didn’t really want to proofread
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pixiesfz · 3 months
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Crush. My. Head. With. Your. Thighs. pretty please
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helen-with-an-a · 1 month
Lena Oberdorf
Enemies to Lovers fic?
It isn't really enemies to lovers but I think it's kinda cute? I hope you enjoy it <3<3<3
Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Description: A miscommunication led to years of hatred between R and Lena
Word Count: 2k
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It had been a pretty rough ride for you to say the least. You were just 15 when you made your professional debut. At the time, it had been all you ever wanted, professional football at such a young age. Who wouldn’t want that? But like most young players who started their career too early, you were plagued by injuries. An ACL at just 18 years old and a meniscus tear at 20. It had been a long, long road to recovery, but you were just beginning to reach the levels you once were. The previous season had been your first full one back since you were 18 years old and you were storming ahead.
You had completed the season with SGS Essen, and you had gone from strength to strength. It was a true come back story. A player riddled with injuries becoming integral to her team’s defensive line. In fact, you were doing so well that you were gaining attention from top teams all over Europe.
You hadn’t really intended on moving teams, you still had a season left on your contract with Essen, but this was an offer no one could pass up. It happened late in the transfer window. Just days before it closed. Your agent had called and you were in a meeting with the higher ups within hours. You didn’t really want to leave – you liked it at Essen, there was pressure to perform well, of course there was, but there wasn’t the intenseness that you had felt prior to your injury.
You had been expected to make the move to Wolfsburg during the Covid outbreaks, but during a training session with the club, you had felt the pop and heard the snap. Wolfsburg rescinded their offer for you as a young defensive midfielder, arguing that nothing had been signed and stating that they couldn’t take you on since you would cost them so much time, money and effort to get fit again. It was a risk they weren’t willing to take. It had broken your heart when you were told, but with a little cajoling from your teammates and the staff at Essen, you had turned that disappointment into fire. A fire to be better than you ever were before.
Your heart had shattered into a million pieces when you found out who Wolfsburg had signed instead of you. The same age, the same position, hell even the same team. Lena’s farewell picture and signing announcement happened within moments of each other. To say you were devastated would have been an understatement. You were friends. Good friends. Maybe there could have been something more between you if the time was right. Was that why it hurt so much when she had disappeared without warning, without telling you? Maybe that was why it felt like she had just thrown you under the bus. Your loss was her gain, right?
You never anticipated that you would be doing the same thing to her a few years later. You hadn’t quite made it back to the international level just yet, but you were getting there. You still had many friends on the team, so you liked to watch their games. You saw her go down and knew almost instantly what it was. You saw the way her knee popped and moved. You heard her shouts. Your heart was breaking all over again as you saw her get carried off the pitch. You had debated messaging her – you had even gone so far as to click on her Instagram profile and go into the messages. You backed out when you saw what the last message you had sent was.
8th June 2020, 12:13
yourusername: https://www.tiktok.com...
yourusername: how fucking cute is that ^^^^
yourusername: also
yourusername: https://www.tiktok.com...
yourusername: I wanna make this for lunch ^^^^
lena_oberdorf: omg cutieeeeeee
lena_oberdorf: ooooo that looks so good
lena_oberdorf: ugh i want it now too
8th June 2020, 15:04
yourusername: You signed for Wolfsburg?
lena_oberdorf: Right?????? How insane is that?
8th June 2020, 15:34
lena_oberdorf: Y/N????
8th June 2020, 23:56pm
yourusername: You backstabbing bitch
9th June 2020, 01:37
lena_oberdorf: huh?
lena_oberdorf: what did I do?
lena_oberdorf: Y/N
lena_oberdorf: Is something wrong?
lena_oberdorf: Did I do something?
lena_oberdorf: Y/N/N?
lena_oberdorf: ????
10th June 2020, 12:40
lena_oberdorf: please
10th June 2020, 15:19
yourusername: Don’t ever talk to me again
lena_oberdorf: What did I do? Please? Y/N/N???
yourusername: Fuck off
You remembered everything. The pain, the hurt, the frustration, the fear, the anger. You didn’t mean a word of what you said, even back then and especially now. But how could she had signed to Wolfsburg when she knew that you were the young defensive midfielder they were signing for the upcoming season. The pain had settled into guilty not even 30 seconds after you sent it. But you were hurt and embarrassed and broken hearted.
You hadn’t realised that you were doing the same thing to her. You knew that she had signed for Bayern back in January. You had tried your best to ignore it, but it was major news in the Bundesliga. The transfer seemed almost rushed. One moment you were sitting rather happily in your little flat, the next you were in the SGS Essen’s main offices, and then you were in the car, pack up and ready to make the move down to Munich.
The dreams you had harboured since you were a child seemed within reach. The club’s history, the chance to play alongside some of the best players in the world, it was all you could think about. But the thought of leaving Essen weighed heavily on you. This club had been your home, your sanctuary during the toughest times of your life. The support from the fans, the camaraderie with your teammates, it all made leaving incredibly difficult.
The meeting with Bayern's representatives was intense. They laid out their vision for the team, how they saw you fitting into their plans, and the opportunities that awaited you. It was everything you had ever wanted to hear. But there was a part of you that kept thinking about Essen, about Lena, and about how history seemed to be repeating itself.
You had a sleepless night before making your decision. The messages with Lena replayed in your mind, reminding you of the hurt you had felt and the hurt you had caused. You didn't want to be the reason someone else felt that same pain. But you also knew that this opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. You had to take it, not just for yourself but for everyone who had supported you through your journey.
Your arrival was a little awkward. It was clear who Lena’s friends were and where they stood with you. It was a hard pill to swallow, considering a lot of them used to be your friends too, but that was in the past. You were here and had a job to do.
On the pitch, everything was fine. You were all professionals, and it was clear that you were doing your jobs. By the Christmas break, Bayern was well on the way to take the league title again and were doing well in the Champions League and the Cup as well. It was off the pitch that things became less friendly. Lena was recovering well, but it was clear she still had some work to do to get back to match day fitness. You were in the room with her the first time she ran on the treadmill. The memories were an almost constant in your mind, those first steps, the first run, the first time out on the grass. You couldn’t help yourself but look over and join in the cheering when she started up the machine.
It was afterwards that things took a turn for the worst. You had coincidentally finished in the gym the same time as her physio appointment. Normally, this was no bother, you had been skirting around in silence for months now and you were well-versed in ignoring each other. But this time round, she had slipped in the bathrooms. The small puddle of water that had been left by you after the shower was invisible to her as she made her way into the end stall.
You heard the shout and the loud clatter as she landed in a heap.
“Oh, my god.” You raced back into the room, intending to help her back to her feet.
“Don’t touch me,” she yelled. You took a step backwards, stuck halfway between leaning down to help and backing away from her anger. “Are you trying to fucking kill me or something?”
“Lena, I’m sorry. I-”
“What was it you called me? A backstabbing bitch? Takes one to know one, I guess.” She was standing now, her body seething in anger.
“Lena,” you tried to speak.
“No! You called me a backstabbing bitch for no apparent reason and here you are taking my spot on the team! What? Just ‘cos you couldn’t get into Bayern without a player being injured, you have to keep injuring me? Is that it?” Did she really think that?
“I-, No apparent reason? Fuck off Lena,” you shouted back, using anger as a way to mask the hurt. “You know exactly what you did. And talk about not being able to get into a club without an injury? Please, Wolfsburg only signed you since they couldn’t have me.” You snapped back
“What?” she spun back around to face you, your bodies so close you were almost touching.
“You are a total backstabber. You saw that Wolfsburg took back their offer and signed instead.” You willed yourself not to cry.
“Huh?” you could tell there was genuine confusion in her face.
“Wolfsburg’s offer? Back when you left Essen?”
“What about when I left Essen?”
“It was supposed to be me,” you exploded. “Wolfsburg told my agent that they could only afford one of the defending midfielders from Essen. I had the contract drawn up and everything. It was supposed to be me.”
The silence in the room was electric, the tension palpable. You were nose to nose. One slight adjustment and your lips would be on hers. Your breath hitched. Since when did you think of Lena like that? She was the bad guy here. Why were you thinking about that? She had been a friend, a really good friend. You would be lying to say that there wasn't something bubbling underneath. But then she left for Wolfsburg. Maybe that was why it hurt so much?
“Why didn’t you go?” Lena asked quietly.
“They took back their offer. I did my ACL just before I signed with them. And then you swooped in and took my spot. You knew how much I wanted to play with them. And you did it anyway.” The tears welled in your eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You cannot let her see you cry.
Lena's expression softened, her anger dissolving into something that looked like understanding, or maybe regret. She took a step back and resting against the sinks, shaking her head slowly. You tried to ignore the way your heart sank as she moved away.
“I didn’t know,” she murmured. “I had no idea. I would never have done that. Especially not to you.” She looked like she wanted to say more, but thought better of it.
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest in a defensive gesture. “How could you not know? We were friends, Lena. We ... I ... You knew how much that offer meant to me.”
Lena looked up at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and pain. “I thought... I don’t know what I thought. I was told you weren’t going to be able to play, that your injury was too severe. When they offered me the spot, I thought it was because you weren’t an option anymore. I didn’t realise it was... I didn’t know it was because they pulled your offer.” She looked like she was reevaluating everything.
You stared at her, your anger battling with the seeds of doubt creeping into your mind. Could it be that she really hadn’t known? The timing had been so perfect, too perfect, but now, looking into her eyes, you saw the sincerity there.
“You really didn’t know?” you asked, your voice wavering.
She shook her head. “No. If I had known... I don’t know what I would have done. But I wouldn’t have taken the offer without talking to you first. You have to believe that.” She pushed herself off the sink, covering the small distance between you in moments.
The weight of her words settled over you, and the anger that had been your constant companion for so long began to fade, replaced by a hollow sadness. You had lost a friend over this, and maybe, just maybe, it hadn’t been entirely her fault.
“I’ve been carrying this anger for so long,” you said quietly, more to yourself than to her. “I blamed you for everything.” Her hand came up to cup your cheek. This wasn't new, you had been ... something ... back at Essen, never crossing that line but the boundaries had been blurred. Your skin felt like it was on fire wherever she touched you.
Lena nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “And I’ve been carrying the guilt. Every time I saw you play, every time I saw your name in the news, I wondered if you hated me. I guess I know the answer now.” She rested her forehead against yours. She was so close. You closed your eyes, letting her cinnamon scent drift over you.
You both stood in silence, the weight of the past hanging heavily between you. Finally, you took a deep breath and looked at her.
“I,” you started, your voice shaking. “I ... I don't really know what to say. Maybe we can try again? I don’t want to hate you anymore, Lena. It’s exhausting.”
She smiled, a small, tentative smile, but it was a start. “I’d like that,” she said softly. “I’d really like that.”
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meazalykov · 19 days
so so kind
lea schuller (platonic) x lena oberdorf (romantic) x reader
summary: your jealousy blinded you from the support you had all along
warnings: jealousy, injury
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the weight of the match against wolfsburg hangs heavy on your shoulders as you step onto the pitch, the red and green spreaded across the crowd gives you motivation. 
normally, the energy from the german stands fuels you, pushes you to play harder, faster. 
but today, the noise fades into a distant hum, overshadowed by the anxiety gnawing at the edges of your mind. 
you’ve played for bayern munich frauen for a while now. it's been four years since you left arsenal as an eighteen year old, hoping to find something new outside of your childhood club. 
every time you wore a bayern kit, you felt right at home. 
but today feels different—unsettling.
lena, your girlfriend, isn’t on the field with you. her mcl and acl injuries wil her on the sidelines for nearly the entire season, and the absence of her steady presence beside you has left a void. 
ever since she transferred from wolfsburg to be closer to you, her girlfriend of three years, you were excited to have her as a teammate. a little too excited. 
when she got injured during the national break before the olympics, your heart broke for her. she is the last person to deserve that robbery.
but still, it’s more than just missing her support; it’s the knowledge that she’s out there somewhere, watching, unable to join you, unable to share the intensity of the game and having to watch instead. 
lena likes watching games, but she hates watching when she knows that she should be out there. you feel the same for her. 
as you take your position in midfield, your eyes involuntarily search for lena on the bench. she’s sitting there, her leg propped up, her gaze fixed on the pitch with a look of hope. hoping that bayern will win– you don’t think that you’ll get used to that look, considering that lena was your rival for years. 
your heart aches seeing her like this, sidelined when you know how badly she wants to be out there. 
but before you can dwell on it, you catch sight of lea standing nearby, sitting beside your taller girlfriend and laughing at something lena said. 
lea didn’t start this match, so she sat comfortably on the bench planning to watch the first half before being subbed on in the second. 
lea’s always there, isn’t she? always so close to lena, so touchy and affectionate in a way that feels foreign to you. 
it’s not that you don’t trust lena—you do, more than anything. but the friendship between lena and lea has always made you uncomfortable, even though you know it’s irrational and stupid of you to feel.
a few weeks ago, it was a casual evening at giulia’s after a long day of training. everyone was relaxed, laughing, and enjoying the moment.
 but as you stood by the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink as sydney begged for you to try a pastry that she made, you couldn’t help but notice lena and lea across the room. they were sitting close together on the couch, lena’s arm draped casually over lea’s shoulders as they talked, their heads bent close in conversation. 
they were smiling, laughing at some private joke, completely at ease in each other’s company. lea smiled brightly as lena suddenly bursted out in laughter at something. 
the sight of them like that, so comfortable and familiar with each other, sent a very sharp ache through your chest. you felt a knot form in your stomach, a mix of jealousy and insecurity tightening around your heart. suddeny, sydney’s pastry wasn’t important or on your mind. 
you knew it was irrational—lea was lena’s best friend, nothing more—but that didn’t stop the doubts from creeping in, from making you question your place in lena’s life.
you tried to shake it off, and tried to focus on sydney again, but the image of them together wouldn’t leave your mind. it felt like a dark cloud had settled over you, dulling the joy of the sunny evening. 
you forced a smile when sydney turned around from the oven and handed you the brownie in a pink napkin, pretending everything was fine, but you could feel your mood slipping, the heaviness settling in your chest as you chewed on the chocolate dessert.
too busy staring at your girlfriend and her best friend, you didn’t notice some of your closest teammates, georgia and sam, coming to sit next to you on the kitchen island. 
georgia and sam had always been perceptive when it came to your feelings. they followed your gaze to lena and lea, then looked back at you, their eyes softening with understanding.
“y/n,” sam said quietly, her voice low enough that only you could hear, “you okay?”
you nodded quickly, not trusting your voice to stay steady. 
“yeah, i’m fine,” you replied, but even you could hear the unconvincing tone in your voice. 
“come on, we can see something’s bothering you. what’s up?” georgia raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. she gently nudged your shoulder. 
you sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to hide it from them. 
“it’s just–” you couldn’t say, but instead nodded toward lena and lea. 
sam expressed an “ohh” facial expression, while georgia nodded her head. 
“i know they’re just friends, but sometimes i can’t help but feel… i don’t know– jealous? i don’t know.” 
georgia and sam followed your gaze again, watching lena and lea for a moment before turning back to you. 
“i get it,” sam kerr said softly. “but you have nothing to worry about. lena’s crazy about you, everyone who knows her can see that. and lea? she’s known lena since they played at essen. they’re close, sure, but they don’t have feelings for eachother– if i knew or suspected that i would tell you. you’re the one lena’s in love with.”
sam’s words were comforting, but the ache in your chest didn’t fully ease. “i know that,” you whispered, more to yourself than to georgia and sam. 
“it’s just hard sometimes, seeing them so affectionate like that.”
“trust me, y/n. lena’s yours, and she wouldn’t trade what you two have for anything. see– she's looking at you right now.” georgia says. 
you look over at lena and she smiles at you, waving and happy seeing you in conversation with georgia and sam– she doesn’t know what you’re talking about though. all you do is give a light smile before lena turned away to talk to tuva, who sits by lea and lena. 
“thanks, georgia and sam. you guys don’t understand how much i needed to hear that” you nodded, giving a light smile at them as you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“anytime,” sam replied with a smile, then nudged you playfully. 
“i would suggest talking to them about it.” georgia adds on. 
“i can’t– lena’s gonna think i am a jealous insecure freak and will leave me. i can push it down, don’t worry.” you ramble. 
“don’t. that's how resentment starts. don’t be mad at me, but i think that is happening now.” georgia said with concern. 
at this point, sam gave a sympathetic smile before walking away– being called by klara in another room to check out something. 
“you think so?” you ask. 
“yes, you need to talk to them as soon as you can. now come on, let’s get back to the fun. no more people watching.”
you managed a small smile, letting her words sink in as you tried to push the insecurities aside. it worked, temporarily. 
back to the pitch– the whistle blows, signaling the start of the match, and you push everything else aside, focusing on the game. you will not let their moment affect yours here. if your mistakes from that cost you a loss for bayern, you’d risk your starting spot next game. 
for a while, you’re lost in the rhythm of the game, your focus sharp, your movements precise. you channel all your energy into the match, letting the intensity of the game distract you from everything else. the ball at your feet, the opposition pressing, the cheers from the bayern crowd—it’s all that matters in this moment.
you dribble around a few defenders in green before shooting the ball. you put your hands up when the ball reaches the back of the net– goal!
everyone gathered around you for a hug. you smiles in joy before jogging back to your spot. 
lena smiles at you and puts her hands up in her heart. you stop jogging, now walking, and put your hands up into a heart as well. a camera captures you putting up an “L” with one hand and your other hand making an “O”.. fans will obsess over this later. 
after halftime, you’re on the pitch when lea comes on. you didn’t show any emotion, hoping that lea makes an impact like she usually does on the pitch. you’ll give her that– she is a damn good striker. 
after wolfsburg conceded a corner kick, you stood by the back post. 
the ball is kicked by giulia and you unplant your feet– thinking of going for a header. 
the ball soaring through the air toward you. you leap up, determined to make the play, but lynn from wolfsburg shoves you mid-air.
it’s a hard, intentional shove, and you’re caught off balance. 
time seems to slow as you lose control, your body twisting awkwardly in the air. you crash into the goalpost with a sickening thud, pain exploding in your head, the metal reverberating as you flop onto the ground. 
the world goes blurry, and the sounds around you fade into a muffled haze. you’re vaguely aware of hitting the ground, of voices shouting around you, but everything is distant, as if you’re underwater or in a cave far from society.
nobody noticed at first, since the ball was kicked into the goal by lea. she didn’t care to celebrate when she noticed your injury. 
you were barely moving, which freaked her out internally. 
a voice cuts through the fog in your head—lea’s voice. she’s there, crouched beside you, her hands on your shoulder, her face pale– just like yours– but with worry. 
“stay with me, y/n. stay awake,” she’s saying in german, her voice shaking slightly. 
you try to focus on her, but it’s hard, everything spinning and out of focus. you catch a glimpse of her wide, panicked eyes, her grip on your hand tight, almost desperate, as if she can keep you tethered to consciousness by sheer will.
the weak hand of yours touches lea, signaling that you have no energy to talk. that knock fron lynn took all of the wind out of you. it was rough, the yellow from the referee proved that. 
you’re dimly aware of the medics rushing over, of being lifted onto a stretcher, but all you can think about is how lea is holding your hand, refusing to let go until she’s forced to step back. her concern, her fear, is palpable, and it cuts through the haze of pain and confusion. 
it’s a stark contrast to the distance you’ve been trying to maintain, a reminder that maybe, just maybe, you’ve misjudged her and her intentions with your girlfriend all along.
later, when the dizziness has faded and you’re back in the locker room with an ice pack on your head, guilt gnaws at your gut. 
lea didn’t have to help you—she could have stayed on the sidelines since you wanted distance from her, but she didn’t. she was there for you, just like she’s always there for lena. and that’s when it hits you: lea has never hated you. she wasn’t trying to steal lena away from you. you’ve been so blinded by your own insecurity that you couldn’t see it. you’ve let your fears create a wedge between you and lea, and it’s been unfair to both her and lena.
you know what you have to do. so, after the match, you ask lea to your house. she would probably be there anyways, since it you and lena’s shared home in the bavarian countryside.  
luckily, lena had a doctor’s appointment at bayern– so she had to stay behind and encouraged you to go home since you’re tired from the match. 
it’s awkward at first with lea, the two of you sitting across from each other in the cozy living room, the tension thick in the air. 
you internally freak out when you realize that you’ve never had a real conversation with her before, not like this. now, the words feel heavy on your tongue. 
you take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. the silence in the room feels heavy, almost suffocating. you’re sitting across from lea, her eyes steady and patient, waiting for you to speak. 
this conversation is long overdue, but it’s hard to find the right words. finally, you break the silence.
“lea, i– i need to be honest with you about something,” you begin, your voice wavering slightly. 
“i’ve been carrying these thoughts around for a while, and i think it’s time i finally tell you– or rather ask you.”
lea’s expression is gentle, her gaze encouraging. “you can tell, or ask me anything, y/n.”
“do you like lena?” you ask, your eyebrow knitted together as lea’s face fills with confusion. 
“as my best friend, yes, anything more– i don’t.” lea answers, not trying to show that she is nervous about the upcoming conversation. 
“it’s about… about how i’ve been feeling lately. about you and lena. i know it sounds silly, and i’m trying to work through it, but—”   you pause, struggling to find the right words. 
“seeing you two together, so close, affectionate and so comfortable, it stirs up this weird knot inside me. i keep thinking, what if one day, lena decides she doesn’t need me anymore? what if she doesn’t love me anymore? what if she… decides she’d rather be with you?”
lea’s eyes widen slightly, and she opens her mouth to speak, but you hold up a hand to stop her. you need to get this out, to lay everything bare.
“i know it’s irrational,” you continue, your voice cracking. “i know you’re her best friend and that there’s nothing more between you two. but every time i see you two together, laughing and being so affectionate, it feels like a reminder that i might not be enough. it’s like there’s this part of me that’s afraid lena might see something in you that she doesn’t see in me. and that thought… it terrifies me. i don’t want to be fooled, if there are feelings between the both of you– just tell me and i’ll get out of the way.”
you look down at your hands, unable to meet lea’s gaze. the vulnerability of your confession makes you feel exposed, raw.
“i’ve been pushing you away because of these feelings, and i know it’s not fair to you. i thought that if i kept my distance, i wouldn’t have to deal with these insecurities. but the truth is, i’ve let it affect my relationship with lena, and with you– and it’s not right.”
lea’s silence stretches on for a moment, and you’re not sure what she’s thinking. when she finally speaks, her voice is soft but firm. 
“y/n, i had no idea you felt this way. i’m really sorry if i’ve contributed to those feelings. but i want you to know that lena and i have known each other for years, and yes, we’re close, but that’s all it is—a close friendship. our friendship doesn’t change the fact that lena loves you. she’s never looked at me in that way, and she’s never given me any indication that she wants anything more than what we have as friends.”
you glance up, meeting her gaze. there’s sincerity in her eyes, and it’s a comfort. “but you’re right,” lea continues. 
“i’ve seen how much lena loves you. it’s obvious to everyone around us. i care about lena deeply, and because of that, i care about you too. i’ve always wanted us to get along, but i didn’t know how to close the distance between us.”
“i’ve been so caught up in my own fears that i didn’t see things clearly. i’m sorry for the way i’ve treated you.” you swallow hard, trying to process her words. 
lea reaches out, placing a comforting arm over your shoulder. “i’m glad that you found a point to start talking about your feelings now. i want us to be friends, y/n, and i want to support you and lena, not be a source of conflict.”
your heart warms as you listen to her. “thank you, lea. it means a lot to hear that from you.” 
lea smiles, a warm and understanding smile. “there is no problem, i promise. we both care about lena, and that’s something we have in common. we can use that as a way to become close.” 
you nod, feeling a sense of relief and clarity that you haven’t felt in a long time. “yeah, i’d like that. thank you for being so understanding.”
“anytime,” lea says with a reassuring nod. “now, there is just one thing—” 
your heart sunk, afraid of what lea might say. 
“you have to talk to lena now about this.” lea says, firmly. 
“i will.” you swallow.
when lea leaves your home, you feel lighter. 
just a couple of minutes later, lena comes through the door. relieved seeing you resting on the couch. 
you and lena are curled up on the couch in your shared apartment, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of a lamp. darker from when lea was there. the day has been long, and the tension between you has only recently begun to ease after your conversation with lea. 
"are you okay? I saw that hit you took from lynn earlier, is there anything you need?" lena asks, rubbing your head.
she hated that she could only stand and watch as the medics surrounded you earlier. she was glad that you had lea, sydney, pernille, and georgia watching over you.
lena’s presence beside you feels comforting, then it feels the same as it did before your conversation with the blonde german. what if lena doesn’t react so kindly? 
your girlfriend isn’t mean, so you take a deep breath, preparing to share your feelings with her.
"I am okay--- but lena,” you start, your voice quiet but steady. 
“i need to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind.”
lena looks at you, her expression soft and attentive as she plays with the hair in your ponytail. “what’s on your mind, love?”
you hesitate for a moment, then continue, “it’s about you and lea. i talked to her earlier and for a while i’ve been struggling with how close you two are. it’s not that i don’t trust you or anything—it’s just— i’ve felt this knot of jealousy and insecurity whenever i see you two together. i know it’s irrational because you;ve been friends with her since even before we knew each other, but seeing you so close with her, it makes me wonder if there’s something i’m missing.”
lena’s eyes widen with concern, and she reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face that fell out of your ponytail. 
“y/n,” she says softly, her voice full of warmth. “you’ve been feeling this way? i had no idea.”
you nod, trying to hold back tears. 
“i’ve been pushing myself to stay calm and rational, but it’s been hard. i guess i just needed to hear it from you. i need to know how you really feel about lea and why you two are so close.”
lena pulls you closer, wrapping her arms around you in a comforting embrace. 
“lea and i have been friends for a long time, longer than you and i have been together. she’s like a sister to me. we’ve shared so many experiences, and that bond is deep and meaningful, its not going anywhere. but that doesn’t change how much i love you.”
you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. 
“i understand that, but sometimes it feels like i’m competing with that bond. it makes me question if there’s a place for me in your life where i’m not overshadowed by your bond with her.”
lena kisses the top of your head, cheek, and nose– her touch tender and reassuring. 
“you’re not competing with anyone, y/n. my friendship with lea is important, it doesn’t come close to what i have with you. my love for you is different—it’s deeper and more significant. our relationship is something i cherish and prioritize above all.”
you close your eyes, letting her words sink in. “i needed to hear that. thank you for being so understanding. it’s just hard sometimes, seeing how easily you connect with her. maybe i didn’t understand because i’ve never had a close bond with a friend like you do with lea”
lena pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, her gaze intense and filled with sincerity. 
“i want you to know that my connection with lea is like that of family. it’s a bond that’s been built over years, and it’s special, but it’s not a reflection of how i feel about you. there’s no comparison. my love for you is above anything else– ever since i met you”
the taller girl takes your hair out of your ponytail gently– your hair falls down from the hair tie and she runs her fingers gently through your hair, her touch soothing. 
“if you ever feel uncertain or insecure, please talk to me. i want us to be open with each other. and remember, you’re my priority. nothing and no one will ever change that.”
you nod, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. “i will. i just needed to know where i stand with you.”
lena smiles, her eyes warm and loving. “well you aren’t  standing now– but you’re sitting right here, with me. and that’s exactly where we belong.”
you lean in for a kiss, feeling the connection between you deepen. the reassurance and physical affection from lena makes you feel grounded and loved.
authors note: wrote this on vacay but had to fix a ton of it since it was originally on my phone LMAO
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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thewosoway · 3 months
On my 18th birthday// Georgia stanway x reader
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One thing about Georgia that you absolutely loved was her love for tattoos. She loved getting new tattoos so it was no surprise that when you were both officially 18 she took you to get your first tattoo.
Georgia had been giving herself stick’n’pokes for years before she could legally get tattoos. She had often tried to get you to do them too, jabbing you here and there just to give it a go. With Georgia being a year older than you she had to wait longer for you to turn 18 so she could get a tattoo with you.
“I don’t understand the obsession g but fine I’ll get one when I turn 18” she always asked and that was always the response.
When Georgia had turned 18 she took you hand in hand to the tattoo shop and made you sit with her to get her first official tattoo. It gave her some kind of thrill to get it done finally. You and Georgia had been inseparable since you were little,remembering georgias braided hair when she was younger and using that to your advantage when teasing her.
Since you were little being a bit smaller than Georgia you had adopted the nickname bug. Whenever Georgia wanted to find you she never called you your name it was always “where’s bug?” She was set on it and there was no changing her mind.
On your 18th birthday Georgia woke you up with a balloon in the shape of an ant that said 18, a card with bugs all over and a few presents. She told you there was a surprise for you when you got up.
You kind of knew what she was planning already but not wanting to ruin her plans you went along with it.
Going along with it meant that an hour later you were dressed and ready sat in georgias car outside of a tattoo shop. She was very happy with herself and announced to you that she had booked a matching tattoo session. The plan was that you were going to go in and sit with each other and get matching tattoos of her choice.
You went in and sat quietly thinking about what you had got yourself into, wondering if it was too early or too late to start teasing her about the braids before you got the tattoo as a way of her backing out. There was no chance.
Once the tattoo artist called you to their stations she was practically buzzing. She sat next to you holding your hand as the tattoo artist spoke to you about the process and aftercare and things like that. Georgia showed her the picture of what she had come up with and they decided on one that was perfect for you.
A surprise tattoo was not what you wanted for your first but knowing Georgia was there with you getting the same thing made you more comfortable.
About an hour later with both of you having had your tattoos done Georgia paid and you both walked to the car to look at the tattoos she had roped you into getting.
“Georgia Marie stanway. If you have made me look stupid with a tattoo I’m going to get your mama on you” Georgia’s mum had always been welcoming to you and made you feel like part of the family. Even if Georgia was slightly scared of her at points.
“I haven’t I promise your gonna love it. Just take the wrap off” she looked at you waiting for you to take it off.
Taking it off and looking at the tattoo you realised she had tried to be cute and funny with what she picked out. She took the wrap off hers and put your arms together. A pair of ants. “For my favourite bug” the grin that she wore was an absolute picture. She was so happy with herself for the decision.
“You’re gonna be the death of me Georgia. A bug. On my arm forever. Why do I let you make decisions” she just kept smiling “cause you love me” you nodded “I do love you Georgia I do”
So on your 18th birthday you got matching tattoos. Courtesy of your favourite person, Georgia stanway.
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