#this is common sense I fear
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proshipwanderer · 8 months ago
“why do i see proship stuff on social media ALL THE TIME 😡😡” idk probably because you keep interacting with proship accounts + their posts and algorithms feed you the stuff you interact with?? and you refuse to block people for some reason? just a thought
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marvelsmostwanted · 9 months ago
I haven’t even watched this yet but I’m posting it here because truly, not enough people are taking this election seriously and it is giving me violent flashbacks to 2016. By all means take your time figuring out how to vote. Make sure you are fully informed. Make sure you fully understand the consequences before you decide. And once you do, I don’t think it will take very long to choose who to vote for.
If you’re already voting and feel like this doesn’t involve you, maybe consider how you can help others understand the importance of this election. Can you talk to someone in your life about it? Can you send postcards or texts? Or call voters? Volunteer or canvass? It’s tempting to sit on the sidelines and think you have no role in what happens here. That it’s simply up in the air and out of your hands. But if there’s one thing we should have learned from 2016, it’s that every single vote counts.
I’ve seen so much discourse about this election and far too much of it discounts the power you - specifically young voters - have to change things. “Voting doesn’t matter” “it didn’t change anything” Statements like these are not only meant to disenfranchise you, they are also blatantly untrue (see below - the two potential futures depending on the outcome of this election are, to understate it, substantially different). I could make a whole other post about the enormous list of things that have changed for the better because we voted in 2020 - and 2021, 2022, and 2023, by the way - but the point is, please don’t silence yourself by not voting because a random person online posted rage bait that told you it’s not cool. Instead, educate yourself about the choice and work toward the democracy you want to live in. Vote.
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curpstomb · 6 months ago
Are we collectively aware that Norris is outperforming Piastri? Are we collectively aware that team orders exist in every team when they have a chance of winning the wdc?
let's keep it objective
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i would say piastri is a better, more consistent performer.
as for team orders, yes anon, we are aware that team orders have been a thing since the dawn of time. we are also aware that team orders have been enacted for drivers who were actually contending. norris has lost A LOT of points (refer to the sheet above) throughout the season because of unnecessary errors and poor starts. no other title contender has done that. it isn't fair in the slightest to restrict oscar piastri for the sake of feeding norris points to compensate for norris' mistakes instead of, i dunno, having him improve his form?
he's a talented driver, but you don't win championships on talent alone. look at verstappen, hamilton, rosberg, vettel, and everyone else all the way to 1950. were there team orders? certainly. were the champions making myriad unnecessary errors that had to be compensated by their teammate for them to have a chance at winning? no.
nobody likes team orders, but it would make more sense if this was a hunt or piquet or raikkonen or hamilton situation. but to bench a driver for one that can't hold his own ground? undeserved. gifted. et cetera et cetera. i'm sure you can understand why everyone isn't jumping for joy :)
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ifr1t · 4 months ago
I think if you’re going to make a joke about something/someone you should actually make an effort to make it sound like a joke because otherwise you’re just being a rude dick
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zmbienoir · 8 months ago
it's so funny seeing an older adult (over 35) be like "don't add things onto my posts, make your own post!!" as if it's not half the purpose of tumblr to literally add onto people's posts, you cannot get upset for people using the main feature of tumblr.
ESPECIALLY if you're boundary isn't listed in the actual post, you cannot expect people to read through your intro on your profile when they just wanna reblog something, dnis and boundaries are only useful when you're putting them in the actual posts, otherwise it only filters out those who wanna follow you
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theiloveyousong · 11 months ago
hey. please dont pirate dropout stuff
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the-physicality · 11 months ago
the wild thing is that a 4-1 loss isn't even the worst loss or the most goals scored against today
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spotsandsilliness · 5 days ago
pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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library-fae · 8 months ago
"they ruined this character, they would never act like this" and its just a character making stupid decisions while they're in distress (or a teenager)
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fawnnpaws · 6 months ago
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don’t make me tap the sign
is it not common sense that art donaldson isn’t real. like. he’s not. real. he will never read fanfics, and he doesn’t give a fuck if people are writing about him begging, or humping a pillow, or being treated like a puppy because… he does not exist. he has no stream of consciousness. he is fiction.
like i promise u, tashi and his daughter will not be affected by the fanfics because. again. not real. no concept of space or time.
plus who r u to say art wouldn’t enjoy being dommed wholly and completely by tashi behind closed doors. luca guadagnino wasn’t gonna show that ! ! !
and there are real-life, grown men with wives who enjoy being submissive. enough of the submissive husband erasure ! ! men can be submissive and enjoy it ! let men be on leashes !
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sharpestlives · 2 months ago
i’d really hope this would go without saying but a ceasefire does not mean you should stop donating to gaza
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h0oty · 3 months ago
"who radicalized you" the magic of friendship and love
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satansrequiem · 5 months ago
“You are a misanthrope? YOU MUST HATE ME!! I HATE YOU TOO!!”
Misanthropy: Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, or distrust of the human species, human behavior, or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings.
I won't hate you if you are not an ass. Most misanthropists won't actually. There is not only one sort of misanthropy, there are multiple. I personally have a dislike and distrust towards humanity.
(Also, what's up with the alterhuman community changing the definition? <- a non-human folk)
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delicate-sketch · 6 months ago
I just want to say that i did not vibe with tsats and thats fine i am not the devil for this there is another pjo books that i dont vibe with too i like solangelo i like will solace and nico di angelo i just didnt like the writing and the story I did not have a good time and thats fine i am happy that other ppl have a good time i can see how this book can be positive for queer kids nothing is black and white there is positive and negative cool cool
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ultimateinsomniac · 5 months ago
hopping up on my special interest soap box to say: i think we as a fandom should discuss the satire in danganronpa V3 more.
idk if it is just me but i have always viewed this game as a satire, if only just because of the ending. it exagerrates the formula set up by the previous games to criticize the current state of media and media consumption. i know a lot of people in the fandom don't like V3, and i think that is by design. it is ridiculous, it is over the top, the ending is a punch to the face, but it's all on purpose. you're supposed to be uncomfortable because it is a satire. (of course you don't have to like the game, i just think it is intentionally like that)
the whole theme of fiction vs reality is put in there intentionally to make fun of the fandomization of danganronpa, as well as to poke at game studios and companies that put out media in general. tsumugi, in my interpretation, is representative of danganronpa fans (hence why she's the ultimate cosplayer). she is the mastermind. you aren't supposed to like her. her insistence on the idea that "fiction doesn't affect reality" is a direct criticism of that exact idea in real life fandom. the idea that this is the "53rd" danganronpa is directly making fun of other pieces of media "jumping the shark" because fans insist upon it. this is not to say you can't like tsumugi, i think you absolutely can, i just think her character represents some key ideas relating to the satire of the game.
this is why everything in the game is SO over the top. kirumi being the prime minister, korekiyo both having DID AND being a serial killer in a reference to the first game, EVERYONE'S over the top backstories (gonta and keebo come to mind), it's all acting as an exaggeration of common tropes (albeit highly problematic in several areas, not trying to excuse those aspects by any means).
and then there's kaede. they set her up as a strong female protagonist, only to kill her chapter 1 to be replaced by a male protag. on paper this is very misogynistic, but in the context of satire it is an exaggeration of the danganronpa formula. of course we couldn't have a female protag in a main line game, of course it would have to be a man. shuichi having a secret ahoge only adds to this; it's making fun of the trope. the best part is that i truly do love both of these characters, and their role in the satire doesn't diminish the excellent writing that went into them and the story.
this entirely shapes how i view this game. it manages to tell an incredibly compelling story with very complex characters while making fun of itself at the same time (as a good satire should). i know a lot of people have said they feel like the writers of v3 must have hated danganronpa, and while i see exactly what they mean i don't think that's necessarily true. i think it was an intentional choice as a work of satire.
i can see an intense love behind the writing of this game. the characters are rich and the story is compelling. the ending just serves to send home the point they wanted to make. i think it adds a really beautiful perspective to the danganronpa series as a whole.
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cutefoxgirl2992 · 1 month ago
I really love the donghua design for young Qi Rong because it really shows he was just a kid during the Xianle arc. I feel like a lot of people forget that when very little is mentioned or drawn of him during that arc but he was really just 15 with an admiration for his older cousin
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