#this is cannon i read it in a lore book
wwwormmie · 1 year
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mintaikk · 11 months
Shadowpeach According to my Sister
My older sister spent 20 minutes explaining lesbian lore to me last night and this is somewhat how she explained Shadowpeach (yes, she calls them lesbains.)
Me: "It must suck for Wukong. All of his jttw friends are dead except his ex"
Sister: "That's the thing about lesbians. No matter how much they want to escape each other, they can't. Not only are they physically intertwined, but spiritually. Their souls are basically connected. So, Wukong and Macaque will have to deal with each other, and no matter how much they deny it, they're going to have to except that they'll forever be connected, weather it be through love or through hate"
Then she showed me a diagram on space lesbians.
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nightynightghoul · 7 months
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I have so many thoughts about the ghouls and the ministry.
So this is my take on what the abbey/ministry looks like + a lot of my own worldbuilding. (I made this in Inkarnate, which is meant for dnd maps and stuff.)
Be warned that this is like 2000+ words of what my head has come up with. So under the cut it goes.
I based it on actual abbeys. I've been to like two monk ones and a few convents where I live and abroad and this is what I came up with. I also attended a catholic nun school for a good while, so many of the things here are actually from my memories...
From what I've seen, abbeys are usually isolated and at least partially self-sufficient. Even when they happen to be in the middle of cities. The smaller ones are like a square corridor surrounding a courtyard and the bigger ones have many buildings with that pattern.
I'm not sure where this would be located, maybe Sweden, maybe the US. But since I Imagine the ministry being so old, it wouldn't fit in the US, since there aren't buildings this old or with this architecture.
I also read up on how abbeys work to bulk up the lore in this map and what goes on in the buildings.
So strap in because this will be long.
The biggest building in the abbey is the Grand Church (Ghurch), I headcannon that they have this very big beautiful sorta gothic style cathedral in the abbey grounds, since religious live does kinda go around services and all that. Them having this pretty church would also mean that there's no need for a chapel?
I also think ghouls are not summoned in the church proper but rather from a permanent circle/well. So there's the Summoning Well beside the church. They probably made it that way because it would be dangerous to have any sibling walking in there.
To the other side, there's a sacristy and a Papal Office. The sacristy is where Papa would have his ceremonial robes with his mitre and stuff. I also think it works as storage for service supplies. Things like incense, books, all the plates, cups, and things they would use.
Then the papal office would be the actual workplace for the current papa. Big ol wooden desk with lots of bookshelves, a sofa, probably one of those fancy liquor carts?
There's also a mausoleum close to the church. I mean, I needed a place to keep Nihil's corpse… But it'd be pretty useful to keep the memory of siblings that pass away in the abbey.
Under that are the Clerical buildings. I imagine that when people say “the ministry” it's the Clergy Offices they're talking about. Since most siblings/clergy spend their time within the abbey, it only seems logical to separate living spaces from working spaces to keep people moving and changing environments.
Since I also believe these buildings are super old then the most sought after and fancy offices and quarters would be on the ground floor (no elevator and all that). Which means Imperator probably has her office on the ground floor here along the past Papas and older clergy members.
The living quarters would be much the same in that Imperator, the Papas and now Copia have their rooms here. This building probably has a common room but most have their own kitchenette. Since it's such an old building, the interiors of the rooms have probably been remodelled many times. But it being built out of stone also means it's cold inside all the time.
Both buildings are inside a walled garden. I head cannon that way back, like a couple hundred years back the ministry didn't have a very good grasp of ghoul summoning, and they were sometimes more aggressive or feral than what they are now. (It's probably more of a case that in the olden times, clergy treated ghouls like shit, so they had more reasons to lash out and or kill someone) So they kept some of the abbey's buildings behind tall rock walls and wrought iron gates to add a little more protection. Since it's hardly necessary today, the gates stay open, but the walls are still there.
Then down the path there's the chapter house. What is a chapter house I hear you ask. It's the place where the people that live in the abbey talk and manage non religious things related to abbey life. So this would probably be where poor Aether get's relocated to do taxes and where other mundane office tasks are done. So accounting, admin work, grounds keeping and “housekeeping” are all located here.
Across from it is the Seminary. A seminary proper is like priest school, they go and study for a few years I think, and then they come out priests. But I imagine that in this case it's like a college/university thing, where siblings have Latin classes, horticulture, demonology etc... There's probably some teachers offices here and several classrooms raging in size from auditorium to 3 chairs and a letter sized whiteboard. It for sure has a pretty foyer thing. Imagine groups of siblings sitting around before or after classes, complaining how they thought Terzo's basic Latin class would be a breeze, but it's actual hell. This building has one of those pretty inner courtyards, fountain and all. I'd like to think some classes can be held there, like outside but not outside, you know?
Beside the Seminary, there's a school/nursery. I think couples that have children within the ministry can have the option to move into a bigger space together within the siblings quarters and their children will have a regular secular education until they are old enough to choose satanism or something else. The nursery part takes care of the babies and ghoul kits during the day or while the parents are busy.
I think joining the ministry and becoming a sibling is not something that happens easily or quickly. The same way, nuns spend a few years being novices before actually dressing and having the same responsibilities as their elders. Hence, the Novices Quarters. They are still part of the abbey's daily life, but they have to attend more classes at the seminary and are just a bit more separated from ghouls than regular siblings. Since they probably want to make sure they are really devout and prepared before seeing and interacting with an actual demon. Out of all the siblings and clergy, Novices would probably be closer to being actually “recluse” since in my head there's no way they can freely explore the abbey without accidentally running into a ghoul or walking in to a ritual or seeing things that shouldn't just yet.
In front of it are the workshops. I've seen some people headcannon that the ghouls not only have “jobs” in their downtime and retirement but also hobbies. Like fire, ghouls probably frequent the forge in the workshops or blow glass. Earth ghouls can maybe take the prettiest wood here to be turned into furniture. Ghouls and siblings would work together here to repair and maintain the abbey's physical structure.
Down the path there's the main storehouse. Pretty central in relation to the other buldings. It has 2 floors and a basement. That way they can keep everything, from ageing cheeses and wines to office supplies and staples.
Across the path there's the sibling's Infirmary. I definitely wanted to keep the ghouls and siblings apart in this case. Mainly, because if the building are so old, and they were protected by walls and gates, ghouls would most likely not be trusted to be left in the same building as sick and defenseless siblings. But I think that nowadays ghoul medical staff like Omega, Aether and Phantom work in between the “sibling” infirmary and the “ghoul” infirmary with no trouble. But ghouls do prefer to stay in their own infirmary, since it's closer to the dens.
The siblings quarters surround “Mother's garden” or “Lilith's garden”, both wings share a common room but since the buildings are so old they were built to segregate women from men. Hence, the two quarters wings, two office building and two distinct baths. This separation is ignored nowadays. One, people can have other genders. Two, the “sisters” side has been remodelled to accommodate families.
Like I mentioned when describing the siblings infirmary, there's also a ghoul infirmary. Much smaller and closer to the dens, this infirmary does not have much regarding sophisticated equipment. But it's rather used for minor injuries and easy to fix things. Although the second floor does have Omega's office and private rooms for ghouls. Like Dew (not me making a whole building to be able to imagine @littlemoon-beam fics and headcannons about Dewdrop) who's a frequent flyer of the infirmary.
Of course there has to be an outdoor space of recreation, so I made a “central” plaza with benches and a fountain in the middle (Is this where a high, zooted of his ass Rain has been seen naked? naaaah. Surely not). I called it “All hedonist's fountain” because I can and because it's a nice mirror to things called “All saints whatever”.
Behind the ghoul's infirmary, there's a huge stone wall and gate. That would be the dens. Since I headcannon that there are more ghouls than just the band ghouls, they also need a place to live. Hence, the “General quarters” of the dens, there's also the “band quarters” separated from it. They both share a common room, but they're not directly connected to it, and both buildings have their own little common room. I think the band quarters was the first building made to house ghouls and that's why it has it's own kitchen.
There's also the ghouls workrooms. I think this is where they would have a rehearsal room and other offices.
“Father's gardens”, “Lucifer's gardens” or more recently “Primo's gardens” are within the den's stone walls. (I like to think Primo keeps them all pretty for the ghouls). It has a little pond in it too, no fish though. Blame hungry water ghouls for that.
Across the dens there's the Library. When I was in school, that was the biggest, grandest, most secular place there was and I loved it. So I made this library huge. I separated it into two wings connected by a hall. The only difference between both wings is that the east wing houses all the older books, and it probably has a “restricted” section that only higher clergy members have access to. Maybe for the better, since they wouldn't want a curious sibling trying to summon lord Leviathan and pissing him off.
In the middle of the wings there's the scribes hall. I'd like to think that when people write ghouls working in the library this would be the place. They would probably have book binding equipment, scribes tables, the whole thing. All to maintain the old books in a usable state and register new information the clergy learns from hell.
By the library's east wing, there's "The observatory". Again included because my head needed a scenario and location for the quints to watch the stars. I'd say its a fairly tall tower with a glass dome, some furniture, some books, maybe a desk and telescopes.
There is of course a mess hall. I imagne a big kitchen on one side and a cafeteria like thing where most have their meals, or at least they can go get them to take to another place in the abbey.
Beside it there's a pretty herb garden, animal pastures, some crops, a barn, granary , mill and the greenhouses. I think it was @mac-and-thefox who came up with the idea of there being a farm like think within the abbey and my mind just ran with it. (Do correct me if I'm worng there).
Now there's only one more man made bulding in the map and that would be "Mountain's greenhouse". A true staple for ghost fanfics. It probably was a run down space abandoned by groundskeeping but Mountain wanted privacy + plants and everyone agreed he could do whatever with the little building. Not that Imperator needs to know that Mountain grows weed and hellish plants inside...
The whole eastern side of the abbey is flaked by a forest (ghouls need to have hunting grounds people.) In it there's Mountain's greenhouse, a small rocky hill "Starry hill" and under it a small grotto. More like a hole the water made within the stone, so it's now a tiny cave.
Of course I had to have "The Lake", or else this map would not fit any fanfic involving Rain and Dew. There's a small stream that crosses the abbey and ends up at the lake. Most siblings know to stay away.
The "Southern Clearing". A little clearing full of clover and flowers, a nice place for siblings to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes.
Finally, just beside the Summoning well there's a rocky hill with an old wrought iron door closing it off. I headcannon there are indeed tunnels and crypts running under the abbey but they're closed off now since they're dangerous. Doesn't mean the ghouls don't have a way to go in and out but it's still dangerous for humans. I think the more elusive ghouls, like Special and Cowbell stay here because they want the isolation. There absolutely are old abbandoned torture and sacrifice rooms down here. But modern siblings don't need to know that. (Also, I very much think old ghouls before Nihil and way back were not only not treated nicely or fairly but straight up chained or tortured sometimes. (I'm still in the air on the fact that Imperator knows this and threatens misbehaving ghouls with that along with banishment.)
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lilybug-02 · 9 months
Any more random Soul or other such Lore you’d like to share with us that you’ve come up with but can’t fit in the comic anywhere?
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GET READY TO READ. Chara Timeline Lore!!!
Also take all of this as soft cannon. Most, if not all, will not be showing up in the comic (or at least in this amount of detail). And the comic does not need this information to make sense.
These book entries are from an in-universe source.
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I hope you enjoyed the world building :> Again this is mostly all for fun!
4th Wall Break Time! - Humans are completely oblivious to the fact “soul entities” are humans themselves. Their little heads would probably pop if they truly knew. So don’t tell them! - Monsters are still made of dust in my AU, but they are more physical than their Undertale counterparts, only slightly… - Both Humans and Monsters cannot do magic freely. They would need to go through extensive training to get…a Wizard license! :O - It’s strange, but the Monsters seem more human than the actual humans in this world…huh…
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eggyrocks · 6 months
whats da band lore how did they do dat
okay if i’m going to answer this question it’s gonna be LONG (also cannon does not apply here yall im making this shit UP)
noya and yn are childhood friends who kinda discovered punk music together at a very young age
like they were seven listening to agent orange together
yn liked how angry and passionate it is and noya liked how high energy and badass it is
yn’s favorite bands/biggest influences were skinned teen, gitogito hustler, and melt-banana
noya’s were sicilian blood, social distortion, and minor threat
yn was obsessed with learning guitar. she would take books out from the library and imagine she was playing on a fake one & would ‘practice’ and memorize as much of the technical terms as she could & this was how she learned to read sheet music
noya’s grandfather got him a guitar as gift one day and he let yn actually practice on it in exchange for teaching her what she knew
so they were self taught guitar players together 🥹
and they always knew they wanted to start a band but they were both guitar players and two guitar players does not a band make
yn was willing to learn bass too but even if she did they would still need a drummer
enter: tanaka
(influences: fugazi. that’s it. that man loves fugazi)
they met in middle school and the day they met tanaka it was like they were life long friends
like that bond was instant
and one day they were hanging out at noya’s house and tanaka saw his guitar was he was like “oh you play”
“yeah we both play guitar we wanna start a band but we can’t find anyone who can drum”
“oh i can drum. does that help?”
“???? yes???”
and so tanaka became the drummer and that’s when they started having practices
at first they were so bad
so so bad
yn tried to play bass but was not the best at it and yn and noya kept arguing over who did vocals bc neither one of them wanted to do it
until one day yn said “you know if you’re the frontman and the vocalist you’ll get the most attention from girls” and that did it for him
only problem was tanaka wanted to be a vocalist after that too
they mostly just played covers at first but noya was writing his own songs too
he’d mostly write lyrics and yn would mostly write music but most of the time neither were very good until tanaka came in and edited what they were working on
their sound was extremely sloppy and unrefined but by the time they entered high school their technical skills had improved a lot
except for yn’s bass playing. she hated it and practiced as little as she could
so one day during their first year of high school the band made a ton of posters asking bass players to come try out
enter: yachi
(now yachi did NOT like punk music. her influences were more like: the strokes, pixies, elliot smith)
yachi plays A LOT of instruments
clarinet? she’s a pro. cello? of course. girl can even play the harp.
she’s an extremely technically gifted bass player
post-high school yachi has really come into herself and gained a ton of confidence but high school yachi was still timid as hell
she saw the flyer and though it would be a lot of fun to put her skills to use in a creative way
but then she showed up to their after school practice spot, flyer in hand and shaking like a leaf
two scary looking dudes and perhaps even a scarier looking girl? yeah no. she’s out
but she couldn’t get away. yn was so excited at not just the prospect of having a bass player finally join them but also another girl? she dragged yachi back there lmao
and even though yachi was so visibly anxious that all sort of melted away when she started playing and she became the coolest most confident person alive
they were actually sort of blown away the first time they heard her play. like the band was like !!! you might be too good for us to tell you the truth
yn was on her hands and knees begging her to join
so she did! and was very happy to feel so wanted and included
and then with the addition of yachi that’s when they really started to get good
while noya and yn were self taught and though still pretty knowledgeable, yachi had a lot of technical knowledge that really helped them grow
and they started practicing more and more
like too much maybe
their grades suffered
but they really improved a lot and halfway through their second year, they played their first show
it was a disaster
so extremely chaotic
they had nothing set up right and they kept having to stop their set to fix shit and they got heckled and yn threatened to skin the person and from there they were politely asked to stop the set early
it was bad
they realized they needed more help
enter: kiyoko
(she doesn’t play any instruments but her favorite musicians/bands are mazzy star, fiona apple, and the cardigans)
they had met kiyoko before
they were all hanging out together when tanaka tried to talk to her and yn got so embarrassed to be seen with him she hit the back of his head and apologized on his behalf
kiyoko kinda got attached to yn from there; she didn’t have a lot of super close friends & she appreciated her consideration of her feelings
and they started to grow closer and yn, yachi, and kiyoko started to hang out a lot more
it was really good for all of them
yn didn’t have a lot of friends and she was really grateful to be with people who didn’t judge her for her more alternative persona
yachi kept getting more and more confident and felt like she was discovering herself
kiyoko was always very timid and was not the best at initiating conversations or being part of a group but she felt no pressure hanging out with yn and yachi and talking to them was so easy for her
so they got really close
so naturally after the disaster performance yn and yachi were complaining to kiyoko
who said without really thinking much of it “i can help you guys out”
so she did
it was super overwhelming at first because there’s a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of technical things to learn
but kiyoko really loved helping them out
and the more she learned the more she started to offer input or take initiative
tanaka and noya of course loved this
their natural instinct was to act like freaks around her but yn kept that in check
with a lot of threats
and occasionally following through on the threats
and kiyoko started to feel like a member of their band
and they always practiced with her and listened to her critiques and followed her advice
her input and guidance are extremely valuable and half of the reason they’re still a band
tanaka was so in love with her from the start and the more dedicated she became to the band the worse it got
he was so in love with her he didn’t even notice that she eventually started to show signs that she might feel the same way
it only took 6 months for them to start dating and the only person who was surprised was tanaka
it took a LONG time for them to record their first album
it was a mess
a lot of arguing
a lot of clashing opinions
but after writing and rewriting and recording and rerecording
they finally put together a full length album
12 songs, 39 minutes
it’s a little rough and sloppy but hey
that’s punk
and they were all really proud of it
they’ve since put out one ep with 6 shorter tracks
they’re working on their second one now but hey. albums are a lot of effort to make
but tanaka keeps saying it’s going to be the greatest album of all time (it won’t be)
and that’s the freaking band lore
if you made it to the end. you’re a real one
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The Forgotten Gays of Western Animation... apparently.
Tw Lily says the F-slur despite her having a problem with Q-slur and talks about incest... again.
Now I'm not from Canada, nor was I old enough to have seen these shows that she's talking about, meaning I have no choice but to assume she's telling the truth about these shows.
To get this out of the way. Lily, throughout the whole video, was also making jabs at people who like lore based shows how they're the ones who are ruining shows because she thinks people on Twitter have any power over what a creator does on the show I mean if that was the case then JK Rowling would actually shut up about her transphobic thoughts. To put it simply, people on Twitter with their egos don't have much or any power over a show their not a part of, not even the people who are in charge of drawing the frames. now a creator can see multiple people asking about the lore of the world they worked so hard on. Lore might not be important to Lily, but anyone who's worked on making a completely new world wants to talk about and show the lore of the world. To get a bit personal, one of my siblings is writing a book, and there are days they will talk about the lore for hours because they're proud of it.
Now. Lily is very much wrong about moving the goal post for LGBTQ rep. Moving the goal post for LGBTQ characters means we are highering our expectations for what's good rep and what's not. To keep that post in the same place would be doing more damage than good.
Personally, I think (if we have to) the goal post should stick where the owl house is as that's one of the few shows that doesn't really have straight ships, hunter x willow and amity's parents are the only straight cannon relationships (and that's straight in quotes BTW) and I only think that because I haven't seen any of the nickelodeon shows with LGBTQ rep.
Something lily really needs to understand is that CEOs and the men in suits have a huge say in what goes into shows, so most shows aimed at children that want LGBTQ rep have to fight to have it Steven universe and the owl house all had to fight to get the rep they wanted. The reason you didn't see much of ruby and sapphire is because they are always fused together in perfect harmony. Every permafustion in SU were in a healthy relationship and only unfused was when they need to play the part their made for or fighting she also needs to remember that SU had the FIRST same-sex wedding in a kid show. The owl house was already set to be canceled, so who cares if they have a main gay couple it's not like they were gonna see them for long anyway. To me, it seems that if the character isn't kissing, holding hands, or cuddling, then that's not good enough that the LGBTQ rep has to be the most perfect relationship and never show what a real relationship can be like i.e. sometimes unhealthy, one-sided, and unrequited.
Lily then goes through a really long rant about how we shouldn’t hold She-ra to such a high platform because of the incest and how abusive the relationship was... completely forgetting that catra was the scapegoat while adora was the golden child. Both were in an abusive relationship with their perennial figures, with catra getting the brunt of it. Catra and adora are friends to enemies to lovers. Just because you wrote your incest story (scars, pokemadhouse) as some sort of coffee shop, AU, you think that you have any footing about complaining about catradora? Lily can't talk smack about adora and catra being technical sister when all of her fanfiction and even the books she reads aren't technical incest. It is incest. For all the mud slinging Lily does to She-ra, TLOK, and SU, you'd think the creators killed her family.
Also, I haven't heard of anyone saying that those slice of life relaxing shows that have the same rep as "not counting." In fact, people who like those types of shows have praised and really liked it, there's no one saying that shows with rep aren't valid just because there slow pace I've seen that's not valid because it's not good enough rep as in the LGBTQ character dies, doesn't get into a relationship, never get screen time, or how in Steven universe pearls love with rose is one sided and therefore pearl is an incel and "doesn’t count" funny enough all the complaints about rep not being good enough is from Lily herself. Steven universe doesn't count because you don't see enough, TLOK doesn't count because korra and asami didn't kiss as they walked into the spirit world, she-ra doesn't count because catradora is "fetishist towards abuse" and the list goes on.
Despite how much Lily praises Brace face for having a good gay character that wasn't the butt of the joke, he's still a stereotype, 6teen had one episode with a gay character and is never seen again, Lloyd in space had one Non binary character that in the end chose their gender and the main characters forcing gender norms on them. All of those in Lily's own words and past videos those shows aren't good enough.
No one has forgotten about the Canadian shows with LGBTQ characters their just not talked about, which is a shame. If I had seen these shows when I was struggling with my identity, it might have helped me deal with it better. As time goes on and millennials who grew up with the shows that said "its okay to be different and that just because you have no one now doesn't mean you will be alone forever." Begin to make their art. What was good then just isn't good now. Sure, those shows were ahead of their time, but now we are getting shows with better rep that don't need to use slurs or stereotypes.
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Honestly I haven't really read most of the fnaf books, but I would totally buy this new book if it's about him cuz like, it'd be the only cannon lore we have on him 😭 His name being Ralph is the most anticlimactic, but somehow also just the right amount of average for me honestly, like what were we really expecting it to be lmao? Could also not be about him at all tho, gotta remember that lol
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edupiii · 2 months
im distraught by the fact Murder Drones is ending, so to make me (and possibly you) feel better, here are:
Some Random MD Character Head Cannons!
Most of these are goofy silly and aren’t really that important, but I wanted to share them anyways :3
  *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Uzi 🦇
- uses she/they pronouns but is fine with being referred to with other pronoun sets. however, they don’t like to be referred to as it/it’s since this set was used in a derogatory way towards her when they were younger (still sometimes is)
- has autism + ADHD but is not accommodated for it in school
- her guilty pleasure anime is Ouran High School Hostclub (kiss kiss fall in love!)
- had a My Little Pony phase when they were younger and even made a pony sona. When she’s tired and can’t sleep, she puts on their favourite mlp episodes and listens to them while they fall asleep
- is a Warrior Cats kid
- listens to hyper-pop and scene music along with their usual rock, goth, scream-o and night core songs
- is a passionate artist but has kept her sketch books and digital drawings hidden from others ever since they were mocked for drawing “cringey stuff” in elementary school. They still draw when she has free time and she has become more comfortable sharing their art work again (though mostly only with N)
- has multiple fursonas
- also has a crap tone of ocs with super traumatic backstories
- loves to watch crappy horror movies because she laughs at the dumb choices the stupid human protagonists make. however if N is ever over for a sleepover, she’ll refrain from suggesting any scary movies since they know he doesn’t like horror
- they were picked on for having a unconventional name at a young age, but when she found out it was the name of a firearm, she began to believe she had the coolest name out of all of their peers
- knows all of the FNAF game and book lore and will talk about it if given the chance to
- wants tattoos and piercings but thinks they would look weird or bad on her since they’re a robot. to compensate, they occasionally will put super cool stickers she finds on her plating
- has extensive knowledge on Pokémon types weaknesses and strengths
- writes and reads fanfic
- after Nori passed, young Uzi would try to talk to Khan about mechanical engineering just so he would pay attention to them
- Uzi and Thad were decent friends in kindergarten and elementary school, however they grew apart due to their differing personalities and social groups as they got older. Uzi believes that Thad did this on purpose to preserve his popularity. Thad is not aware of this belief.
- already had intrusive thoughts before the Solver was activated, but they became more aggressive and disturbing after it awoke
- despite enjoying getting work done in silence or listening to music, they find that she works better when N is nearby talking about anything. it’s like a comforting white noise
- has a bad habit of challenging V to anything and everything. this is simply because they know V won’t back out, guaranteeing a fun yet quite spiteful competition for the two
N 🐶
- mainly uses he/him pronouns but is open to multiple pronoun sets
- has ADHD and social anxiety
- whenever he hears classical music, his anxiety spikes a bit as it reminds him of his time in the Elliot Manor
- knows how to slow dance but isn’t very good at it
- before Tessa repaired him, N was originally discarded due to his lack of boundaries with humans (aka, speaking casually to them/out of turn), and his clumsiness
- is the fastest of the DD trio
- he doesn’t really enjoy anime as much as Uzi does but he really likes western cartoons like Adventure Time, The Owl House, Craig of the Creek, etc.
- very much dislikes horror in any form (have it be in a movie, video game, book, etc)
- likes to watch nature documentaries, however he skips the bits when an animal dies or is hurt because he feels bad for them
- doesn’t enjoy loud noises or shouting, however he makes an exception for Uzi and V when they yell out in excitement
- knows an ungodly amount of information regarding dogs, wolves or just canines in general. he will start talking about them if ever given the chance
- he doesn’t always understand some things Uzi talks about but he listens anyways since he enjoys her voice and company
- brings V out to social gatherings in the bunker in an effort to get her more aquatinted with the colony and make the workers feel more comfortable around her. However his efforts are in vein since by the end of the party, V is standing against a wall gabbing with Lizzy and every other drone is avoiding her
- N has tried to learn about football so he could play with Thad and his team, but he didn’t understand the rules in the slightest and worried about tackling Worker Drones and potentially hurting them
- when him and Uzi first had a sleepover, he wandered around her room and asked about all the trinkets, plushies, books and posters they had
- draws whenever he gets the chance and gifts his doodles to his friends
- isn’t very good at fighting games, but loves playing games like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Spiritfarer
- whenever at sleepovers, N tries to get everyone (usually Uzi, V, Lizzy, and Thad) to play Just Dance or do karaoke of Disney songs
- vocal stims words he thinks sound interesting
- he often feels as though he speaks too much, so he usually apologizes when talking about something he likes or just knows a lot about. Uzi and him have actually developed a thing where if he feels like he’s been talking for too long, he will give her a thumbs up to which she will respond with two thumbs up, letting him know that he’s good to keep talking and doesn’t need to apologize
- really wants to find out where all the immortal dogs had been put so he can go visit them
V 🦊
- uses she/her pronouns but she is okay with they/them pronouns too
- has generalized anxiety disorder
- when she was a worker in the Elliot Manor, she kept quiet to avoid upsetting or disturbing any of the humans around her. even when spoken to, she would speak as little as possible
- before Tessa repaired her, V was originally discarded due to her poor vision and skittishness around humans
- always found her maid uniform to be stuffy, irritating, and incredibly hard to move in, hence why now she doesn’t wear pants or anything constricting
- remembers the entirety of her Solver transformation but isn’t able to remember much of her time being possessed by the Solver
- she is physically the strongest of the DD trio
- whenever she is introduced to someone new (have that be through N or Lizzy), her first response is to try and intimidate them by saying unsettling things or bringing out some of her weapons. this is her way of judging the individuals character and helps her decide if she actually wants to be around them or not. due to this way of introduction, her friend circle is very small and many workers avoid her as much as possible
- tries to avoid affection or comfort from others as much as possible since she doesn’t know how to physically or emotionally react to it
- also try’s to avoid comforting others since she doesn’t believe she’s very good at it (she’s not good at it but she’s learning lol)
- thanks to Uzi, V now likes to listen to J-Pop and vocaloid
- whenever she is genuinely complimented she sputters a bit but will quickly respond with something along the lines of “i already knew that” or “and it took you this long to notice?”
- V is still unsettled by Uzis wings and tail as it is a continuous reminder of her own transformation. she’s become a lot more used to them being present but they still cause her to twitch uncomfortably
- doesn’t enjoy parties or sleepovers but if N, Lizzy or Uzi invite her to one, she has a bit of difficulty saying an honest no. she’ll suffer through the social interaction to make the few people she cares about tolerates happy
- unlike N and Uzi, she enjoys hunting for her oil and feels embarrassed when it is given to her in a canister. in private, she will go out and hunt for a bot or two from a different colony, however she doesn’t torture her prey like she used to
- V will occasionally put on her prom dress and strut around in it because it makes her feel good
- she isn’t very good at video games, but if challenged to a fighting game, she can’t say no
J 🐯
- uses she/her pronouns (trans women btw)
- experiences imposter syndrome quite frequently and when this happens, she will become more strict with her peers in hopes that the overcompensation will cause others to not question her authority or ability. This applies to both her time in the Elliot Manor and her time being the DD trio leader
- acted as Tessa’s main assistant at the manor, helping her keep on schedule and debriefing her on the days tasks. despite her attempts to keep Tessa on track, J found both herself and her human companion getting sucked into whatever nonsense Tessa wanted to do
- before Tessa repaired her, J had been originally discarded due to her unwelcoming attitude and overly strict demeanour
- J likes to draw but she doesn’t/didn’t often have the free time to sit down and doodle
- has the most difficulty remembering what happened at Elliot Manor since she is the most in line with her original programming
- is the main strategist of the DD trio
- would practice her monologues when she flew alone and would try them out on unsuspecting prey
- pitched the idea of keeping count of kills to V, which created a not so friendly competition between the two. N attempted to join but would forget to track how many kills he got during each hunt
- once on Copper-9, she found herself getting homesick fairly often. despite her workaholic tendencies, she misses the days of goofing off with Tessa
- J has a large skill set when it comes to her arsenal. V prefers her claws and blades while N prefers his blades and guns, but she doesn’t prefer one weapon over the other(s) because she is well versed in using all of them
That’s all for now!
       ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
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silvermaplealder · 2 years
I have a theory (head cannon?) that the only vampire that died in lost boys was Max and that the deaths we saw of the other vampires was a trick performed by David to protect his companions. I went perhaps a little too far in depth with this, but it has been bothering me for years that 4 very powerful vampires were killed within minutes of engaging with young teens. After reading the book, prequel script, and watching the movie too many times, I actually think David and his boys threw the fights to get out of the situation all together, and got the added benefit of Max being killed. Warning, spoilers from the book and prequel script because I'm considering both of them somewhat cannon:
To start, I have to bring up the fact that in the book, David's challenges against Michael to join the gang were considered harmless tricks. The stunts David pulls are things that he can get away with as a vampire that wouldn't actually kill them. Quote from the book: "This was another one of [David's] tricks... something that looked deadly but was nothing more than a simple stunt." David has full control over all the stunts and knows that no harm will come to any of them. Star also calls David a 'magician' with his tricks seeming to be real. And of course, as we saw in the movie David can alter the perception of what someone sees
With that in mind, we start with Marko's death. I don't even want to talk about how Edgar would have to be pretty freaking strong to shove a stake completely through the diaphragm of a humanoid being (including through the front and back layer of his jacket, spine, etc. but whatever). However, Marko's hands appear to be covering his heart. Edgar puts the stake under Marko's hands, below where his heart should be. (heart is marked with the x, yellow is where Edgar shoves the stake)
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so while Marko certainly had a pretty bad day, with the lore mentioning it has to go through the heart, he should still be alive, albeit, in a lot of pain
It would be after the boys run from the cave that the vampires are obviously aware that hunters have found their nest. At this point, they would only have two choices: either try and kill the hunters, Michael, Sam, Star, and Laddie, whomst they have close affection with, OR they would have to fake their own deaths. Otherwise there's no way that they can continue living without the hunters and Emersens returning to kill them again.
David likes to plan shit
When they go to the Emersen house, they would have to leave Marko behind at the cave. Since everyone thinks he's dead, they wouldn't have to worry about him being hurt. Then the fights begin, and this is when it starts to get out of character. David is vibing up in the rafters, alone. Dwayne takes on Sam, alone. And Paul takes on the Frogs, alone. But in every other scene that they kill, they are always together. Their deaths are not simultaneous, meaning that they could have taken on everyone together.
Starting with Paul, I mean let's be real. He could have killed those two Frogs at any point in time when he was chasing them. He literally even shoves them. But the plan isn't to kill the Frogs, it's to fake his death. After getting splashed with the holy water, he has a solid few moments to actually do something. And instead, he stands and waits for the dog to tackle him. Seeing that these vampires can literally fly/float there is no reason for him to actually fall into the bathtub. David is still vibing in the rafters and did nothing to stop the dog or to rescue Paul meaning that this was a part of the plan. He would use his ability to create illusions to convince the Frogs Paul fell into the tub and burned alive. It would also be a perfect way to make his body 'disappear'. The explosion of the septic system is extremely unrealistic, and literally I cannot begin to explain how the heck that would work besides someone manually doing it behind the scenes...
Then to Dwayne. Dwayne literally could have easily killed Sam twenty times over. But again, if killing was the plan, it would have been done in seconds. We saw how violent these boys are with their victims. And speaking of Sam, how about that bow, eh? The force behind the bow to literally yeet Dwayne backwards would not have been something Sam could do. It would take a lot of poundage(45ibs I've been told at the bare minimum to kill a deer with a bow at 25 yards, but should really be 60ibs) to physically drive the arrow clear through his body and throw him back into the stereo. And remember, David is in the rafters watching. He's not jumping in to kill Sam. He didn't try and grab Dwayne out of the air. And yet, when on the boardwalk if someone trips his boys on a carousel David loses his mind. Another explosive death, leaving little to no body for clean up...
And then there's David. Now for David, he'd have to take one for the team. And as we learned in the prequel, it has to be wood to kill a vampire through the heart. David tried to kill Vlad with a metal pipe and Vlad literally just pulled himself off it. Spoiler alert, antlers are not made of wood. So Paul and Dwayne are 'dead' and can leave the scene. That means that David needs to finish up. He fights with Michael, Michael clearly being a baby vampire and David having so many years under his belt. But the plan must go on. David sees Michael's plan is to impale him on antlers, and he makes it happen. David plays dead meaning that the three of his companions are safe and he just needs to finish the part before he can return to them.
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As a bonus, Max comes by. The man walks straight up to his 'son' (whether he regards David with parental love or as just a lackey is up to you, but regardless he doesn't seem phased at David being dead) and is like oh damn not my boys being stupid again. Max doesn't look sad or anything when he finds David playing dead.
Max being impaled on the fence post would have been his own fault and David wouldn't have been a part of it. And Max would have to die to release the half vampires from their vampirism meaning that he really did explode.
What happens after that is up to you to decide. Besides David appearing in the comics (which if I recall correctly Edgar says that half the stuff in the comics was fake anyway? My copies are in storage so I cannot cross reference that), the boys disappear and no longer have to deal with Max.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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thatmooncake · 1 year
I am genuinely confused on what Moon is supposed to be. The cookbook basically says he sucks. However in the security breach DLC Cassie says she slept better in the daycare so that's gotta mean Moon was good at being the nighttime attendant. So like why would the cookbook portray them as sucky if they were good at their job as nighttime attendant?
But then there are the complaints you can read about in security breach where Moon is scaring kids (but that's when the virus started right? Or no? I am not familiar with the new fnaf lore).
But then there's also the fact where Moon played the villain when they used to be in the theatre (I say fact but I am not actually sure if this is cannon or just a popular headcanon that I am confusing for cannon)
I haven't even read the books yet so I am not sure how they characterize Moon there. I figured I would ask you since you seem to like Moon a lot and know way more about them than I do. Sorry for bugging ye
No bugging done here :) my take on this is that it’s all a matter of the perspective - so for characters like Moon you’ll get some things painting them in a bad light and others more favourable.
(More explanation under the cut as I tend to get carried away when it comes to character analysis)
So generally speaking the FNAF games and books heavily play into the “creepy” “uncanny” aspects of the characters - it’s a horror franchise, it’s gonna play up any spoopy vibes it can and in Moon’s case sadly he gets the short end of the stick because he’s depicted as the darker half of Sun, so a lot of general descriptions will point out how Sun is the good one and Moon is the evil one and leave it at that. However, that doesn’t mean that’s as far as Moon’s characterisation goes or that that’s all he’s intended to be.
The FNAF guidebooks and cookbooks and stuff are written for a broad general audience who aren’t necessarily hardcore FNAF fans but maybe just like the vibes of FNAF, so when those books mention the characters in passing they’re like cameos playing up to what you see if you casually play the game (like “you better watch out, Moon’s gonna get you” “Sun turns evil when the lights go out” - that kind of thing).
The Ruin descriptions are from Cassie’s perspective, and Cassie likes the animatronics and clearly isn’t all that creeped out by them. Could be something to do with her dad working on them making her more curious and less frightened of the way they work and all the “uncanny” vibes other people are getting from them. Either way, it definitely adds more nuance and tells us Moon wasn’t written just to be the evil side of Sun, even if a lot of descriptions and cameos play to that.
In the Tales of the Pizzaplex book, The Bobbiedots (spoilers ahead) Moon is written to be the darker side of Sun that staff in that pizzaplex tried to erase when Sun was updated from being a theatre bot. Even in the theatre, Bobbiedots Moon was the stricter side telling people they’ve been naughty and need to go to bed. This was all a theatre gimmick using the lights and would likely use Sun as kind of a playmate but then he turns into Moon, and suddenly he’s chasing you telling you you’ve been naughty. The thing is, I think some kids would have kind of loved villain Moon. I mean, kids (and adults) generally like booing pantomime villains, they love when they come onstage and tell them they’re all naughty and need to do what they say. I don’t think Moon’s theatre persona necessarily took away from his being liked or made him a bad guy offstage, it just made him inconvenient to staff as a daycare attendant because of power outages they were too cheap to fix. Honestly, I think that characterisation says a lot more about how cheap Fazco were than how evil Moon was destined to be.
Then in another tale, Somniphobia, we have (spoilers ahead) Moondrop and his dream sphere. So two things about this one: Moondrop, the little Moon inside the dream sphere that seems to look a bit like a snowglobe and supposedly “helps you study” (toootally not a ploy for some soul stealing) …he is never strict, he is never harsh, he never tells you what to do. Getting sucked inside the dream sphere is entirely a matter of getting in too deep on our protagonist’s side. He’s given several opportunities to put the thing down and gets called out for overdoing it by basically most of his friends and family yet he never stops because the dreams are too enticing. Moondrop just takes him with him for the ride. It should be said that the dream sphere in the book is wildly popular as a prize and teens love it as a study aid because it literally takes you (in your head) to historical places like ancient Egypt and to the bottom of the ocean etc. it’s just very addictive. So basically Moondrop in this story is neither good nor bad, he’s just a lure. He even takes the guy by the hand at the end - if anything, he’s a quiet and gentle and reassuring presence, for better or worse.
Moon in Security Breach absolutely scares some of the kids - and chances are, so does Sun.
Here’s the Fazwatch message about the daycare attendant:
My son never had sleeping problems. But after spending an evening in the daycare, he refuses to sleep with the lights out anymore! He just cries. And then when I do let him keep the lights on, he wets the bed!”
Poor kid can’t win either way. (This message absolutely could mean that the kid can only sleep with the lights on but still has nightmares about Moon - or it could mean neither of them provided a reassuring presence for the kid. Maybe Moon hunted them for sport. Maybe both Sun and Moon’s mannerisms creeped the kid out. For all we know Sun insisting on the lights being on in a dark tone and forcing the kid to remain in his sight might have terrified the kid. There’s really no clear cut way of telling but we do know from this message that the daycare isn’t going great for some kids.)
And then in contrast to this is Cassie’s message about the daycare - sounds like she loved it there both at playtime and naptime. So this is definitely a point against Moon just being pure evil. I really think the guy got a bad rap in Security Breach due to the virus - he has a ton of merch and a whole line of candies. Would you eat a candy based around a guy who’s always trying to kill you? Would you hug a plush of a guy who’s just pure evil?
I think Moon was very convenient for Afton and Vanny since he’s pretty strong, fairly graceful, operates great at night and he basically has a retrieval protocol to get naughty kids to go to bed. Tell him everything is a naughty kid who needs to go to bed and he’ll round up anyone who’s acting out of line because the virus insists he has to. Make him hurt whenever the lights are on (and we know it hurts him intensely, he says as much in Ruin) and he’ll fight ferociously against Sun for his freedom to stop the pain, and won’t listen when Sun tells him something is wrong. Sun kind of confirms Moon isn’t evil in Ruin by insisting they need to be whole. And Moon isn’t trying to be evil in Ruin, he’s in pain and can’t stop himself. Once Eclipse is activated, Moon (as well as Sun) can start healing.
So in summary I think that basically if Moon makes a cameo appearance, it will usually be as “the dark side of Sun”, but that isn’t all he’s supposed to be and the writing shows there is supposed to be reasoning behind his actions and contradictions to the idea that he’s just a bad guy.
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nine-is-not-a-ten · 2 months
Ill be perfectly honest ive only come across the '6 crows' in your taggs and have no idea what it is, but i love the mental image of this just being a blog dedicated to narrating the little head cannons you have for the crows in your back yard, gave each of them names and the lores just been building
Oh my god. You just gave me an amazing idea.
plus, in a way, I suppose it is? my little crow babies and my strange little headcanons---the only difference is that Six of Crows is a book and these are the characters ;^; YOU SHOULD READ IF YOU CAN! love you <3
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kit-kat-katie · 2 years
There Are No Victors, Only Survivors
A/N: First fic ever on here... I'm a little nervous, but excited to start a new chapter in my life! Let me know what you think of this! [ I also read the books 7 years ago and I'm almost done binge-watching the movies so don't burn me alive if I get the lore wrong :) ]
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader (platonic or romantic)
Summary: After winning the games, you go on camera to discuss your win with Caesar. Footage of the games causes you to recall a painful memory, one you'd rather leave in that arena.
TW: Trauma from the games, large crowds, murder
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The crowd screams your name as you enter the stage. Your ears still ring from the sound of canons, your mind is numb from the numerous deaths you witnessed and caused, and your lips are dry even though you had plenty to eat and drink before this.
Caesar kindly waves you over, and you stick a warm smile on your face as you head towards him.
"Our victor, everyone!"
The crowd goes wild, and you bow to absorb as much attention and positivity as you need. You're a possession of the Capital now, and any out-of-line move could end with 24 dead tributes instead of 23.
It's just an interview, just like before the games. Stay calm... you can do this.
"Now, there are many pressing questions that the people of Panam want to know... including myself," Caesar nudges your side, and you laugh as if it's the funniest joke you've ever heard, "but there is one question that is on all of our minds: who did you hear after the jabberjays were released?"
You pause, and the smile slips from your face for a moment before you notice a camera. You quickly recover with a small head shake.
"My mom and my dad, of course." You gracefully answer.
"Really? No special someone? You seemed too torn up after that bird followed you around for three whole days." He exaggerates, and the crowd has a mixed reaction to his question.
"I-" You pause as you hear footage play from the screen behind you.
The crushing of leaves and the pounding of your heart are the only rhythms that your ears hear. Your feet carry you along, but your mind is in a much different place.
The game makers, after deciding that their handmade hell wasn't enough torture, decided to send each contestant a jabberjay just to see what would happen.
The screams of your mother and father were the first, and you immediately jumped up from your hiding spot to find them. When you realized that the sound was coming from a bird, you tried to bury your head in the sand and continue along as if nothing was happening.
The cries of loved ones turned into the cries of your friends. The ones that you had trained with in District 4 before you had been reaped. Those kids, especially the younger ones, gave you the motivation to keep fighting.
You didn't sleep the first night, and the second night was interrupted by nightmares and cannons booming every other hour. You figured that the other tributes had gone mad and had taken their anger out of each other.
...Good thing you kept away from the pack and tried to survive on your own.
The third day, however, was your breaking point. The screams of your friends had died out, and you thought that damn bird had finally left you alone. You were a defenseless fool in that moment, especially when the scream perfectly matched Finnick's voice.
He was your mentor, your friend, and had been your rock when you were scared of being another victim of the games. Hearing his screams, his cries for help... it broke you behind anything that had happened to you so far.
You didn't hesitate to pick up a rock and strike the bird right between its eyes, killing it on the spot.
After that, you came crashing to the ground with tears in your eyes. You didn't eat or drink anything that day as your thoughts were consumed with worries of his safety.
When you looked up to the sky to see the tributes that were honored at night, you realized that there was only one left: a career from District 2.
You didn't have to do much, as she stumbled upon your camp later that night. You managed to gather yourself enough to grab a knife, but she didn't attack you.
The desperation, the fear, the anger inside of her eyes... but everything else about her was deflated and depressed. You were sure that you looked the same, if not worse.
She closes her eyes for a moment, and you say a small prayer before throwing the knife into her chest.
The last cannon went off, and your ears were buzzing as you were announced as the newest victor. Nothing seemed real anymore, for all you knew, everyone you had already cared about was dead and the jabberjays were just used to mock you.
After being airedlifted out of the arena, you were taken to the Capital, where Mags and Finnick were waiting for you. You nearly fell over when you took a step towards them.
"Easy there, honey. Don't want you hurting yourself before your big interview." Finnick catches your arm, and you softly thank him before taking Mags' hand.
"The jabberjays, they sounded like my parents and my friends and..." You pause as a few tears slip past your eyes, "and you two."
He pulls you into a warm hug as you bawl your eyes out, not only for the three lives you had to take inside of that arena but for the part of you that died in there as well.
"So, who is that someone that had you all choked up, huh?"
You blink for a beat as you pull yourself back into reality.
"My best friend - they're my everything, they've been my rock for so many years, and I'm so happy that I get to see them again."
The crowd eats up your answer like it's a five-course buffet as Caesar smiles at you.
"Well, I'm glad that they are part of the reason that we have such an amazing victor!" He takes your hand and raises it high, and the crowd in the Capitol grows louder.
Your body was there, and your innocence was destroyed in the arena, but your thoughts and feelings were settled on one special person.
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aujbabeyy · 8 months
i'm crying over the detail that was put into the mage tower in the underdark.
it's an absolutely tragic love story.
lenore de hurst is a cleric of mystra living in the mage tower. before you ascend to the roof, you can find and read four important books and papers. two, the threadbare book and the roads to darkness, are plays (rather, excerpts from plays). the other two are poems, one on a 'torn-out paper' and the other on a 'patched parchment'. quotes from these works earn you items or actions when you respond to bernard correctly with them.
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based on the somber themes of the written works you encounter in the tower and how bernard responds to you (healing potion, a hug, "remember: you are loved, lenore. so much. you're doing great. and everyone will be so proud of you, as i already am.") you'll likely realize that lenore is... pretty lonely. two letters give more context to lenore's loneliness: the letter from amarith, found near some of the other works, and the letter to yrre, found outside the tower near the first arcane cannon.
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the letter from amarith reveals that lenore's dog, myrna, passed away. after the death of her dog, lenore attempted to tame befriend a bulette (yes, the one you can use 'speak with animals' to talk with from the deep hole by the myconid colony). very "i'm lonely" behavior if you ask me. the letter to yrre reveals that lenore was, at one point, not alone in the tower, that her and her partner (yrre) split up for some reason, and that she wants to reconcile. I'm assuming that yrre left lenore some time (weeks? months? a year?) before myrna passed and that lenore wrote her letter to yrre some months (a year, maybe?) afterwards. i'm not sure which time-frame would make this story less tragic, but whichever it is... i hope it's that one.
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also this... this is fucking sad, man. more magic was used than necessary to create this tombstone, out of nothing but sheer love for the creature buried there. oh my god my heart hurts.
the last bit about lenore that makes me want to sob: lenore and yrre, most likely, would have reconciled. yrre wrote back on the letter written for them to say that they waited, that they would always wait, and that lenore didn't come. the diary entry found in the basement of the mage tower indicates that lenore fully intended to return. lenore meant to come back to her research, to come back in hopes yrre would be there waiting for her, but something happened to her.
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what happened?
one theory could be that the sussur flower and lenore's use of it was seen as a threat to mystra (it's noted in lenore's treatise that even those unattuned to the weave feel the anti-magic effect of the sussur flower) and she was punished for it. these events would have occurred nearly a decade before the events of bg3 (as noted in the diary). within the last year of game-time, mystra punished her chosen for attempting to reunite her with what he thought was part of her weave, lost to karsus' folly–without even telling him the orb's truthful origins. it would not be out-of-character for mystra to have punished a follower of hers for researching something that threatens her power. none of this is for sure, though, it's just a theory a game theory.
i honestly have no idea what happened to lenore and it pains my heart to not know. and what about yrre? they return to the tower to reconcile with their ex, only to find a note asking them to wait for her, that she'll be home soon. she never returns. where did yrre go? what did they do afterwards? i haven't finished the game yet but i really hope i end up finding some more lore on these two in act 3.
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magixfairyix · 1 month
Ink Exchange (and the rest of the Wicked Lovely book series by Melissa Marr) definitely impacted me on a psychological level.
Read it when I was just starting to form my own opinions and did I understand all the topics in it such as trauma and SA? No. And also effing hell in one of the later books of the series it made a comment about how SA to males exists as well.
Also the first LGBTQIAS2+ characters I had read. Like, bisexual Niall and Irial (aka the one man my lesbianism excuses) and the cannon Nial X Irial X Leslie.
Didn't know what any of it was when read it but I liked the ship so lol character development.
The first book honestly will seem like oh urban fey king tries to romance human girl (not Irial or Niall or Leslie those three are in book 2) but it's done in a really good way.
Also, urban fey book.
And along with the main series the author wrote a prequel book, short stories taking place before and after the main series (that introduces such a big plot twist) and a book that takes place afterwards (I haven't read it yet but yes). So there's a lot of lore.
Also, I would let myself get spirited away by the Dark Court. Irial is the one man I would marry for tax benefits like effin hell, because the terms of endearment he uses are "love" and "shadow girl" like congrats Irial for making a lesbian disaster straight panic.
Ink Exchange can also just be read on its on so slay cause its honestly the best book in the series in my opinion.
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turtlesundaes · 7 months
Completely copied and pasted from my notes so you guys can have some cringe ramblings :>
And I sort of got grounded…ish..
So instead of actually doing the prompts like we’d normally do- (drawing, writing, etc.) -we will rant about the topic instead because depression sucks but I still really want to do this !!! :>
I will be letting my mind wander so I will probably get off topic but I try my best.
Also some of these might become actual fanfics (???)
And it will all be posted within the same five minutes because why not.
DAY 10. Bowling with Casey
I did start drawing this one and it was gonna b a bunch of Raph and Cassandra doodles bc I had done Casey jr. for day six but generally they would be SO chaotic.
I totally see Raph having to explain what bowling even is to Cass at first (bc yk I don’t see her knowing much bc of being in the foot clan that is literally just a cult with ninja skills- I do see her knowing hockey tho from her childhood bc I don’t think she was born into the cult but just been in it from a super young age like six or something? yk what I mean??) but once she gets it she will absolutely demolish!!!
Like as in the bowling ball won’t even touch the floor because she throws it just perfectly.
When I think of Raph bowling I instantly think of him using baby rails and it TAKES ME. But I do think he would be decent at it, not the best in the family but also not the worst. (no baby rails required)
They would be super loud the whole time though, like, 100% would be kicked out b4 they finish the game so every turn matters bc they go off whatever score they had before getting kicked out.
They would yell a bunch of catchphrases and trash talk basically but Cass probably would curse very loudly out of habit and that’s like, the main reason for them getting kicked out.
Raph wouldn’t mind the getting kicked out part (cause I totally see them doing this on the regular so he’s used to it) but the cursing will be only a slight annoyance. (Just cause of how LOUD Cass would be not anything against the girl honestly he just gets embarrassed)
I see Raph using curse words but ONLY when he’s alone with Cass just cause it feels normal with her but even then it’s still a rarity.
They would totally travel from place to place after getting kicked out though, then tally the points from every place and loser hosts the next outing.
DAY 11. Favorite novel
In cannon his favorite novel is obviously Jupiter Jim or something but I’ve seen so many people saying Percy Jackson and I find that hilarious.
I never read much Percy Jackson (my brother is trying very hard to get me to and I probably will… soon enough-) I did read the first book, the sun and the star, saw some of the movie aaaaand I think like two episodes of the new series ???
But as we know the guys LOVE sci-fi so the whole gist of Percy Jackson isn’t too far off from Raph’s liking me thinks.
But personally I think Raph would ADORE the Wings of Fire series (if we’re gonna get all projecting here, as per usual /pos)
Like think about it !!! Cool mystical creatures, mystery, cool diverse magic AND THE LORE ?!?!?! Also the fact that’s theirs like sixteen books (???) not Including the many spin-offs and side stories- (I have no idea what the average number is for a large series so that’s a lot for me :^) oh! And the graphic novels!!
He would so relate to Clay and think his fireproof scales are so cool. I see so many similarities. He would match his brothers with the MC’s (Mikey with Sunny, Donnie with Starflight, Leo with Tsunami) ((I am so not saying this bc I’ve done it myself-)) GOSH HE WOULD TOTALLY MAKE FAN FICTION AND HAVE LITTLE NOTEBOOKS DEDICATED TO HIS HEADCANNONS AAAAAAAAAAHHH !!!1!!1!1!!!111!
In conclusion he would be a huge geek about it all (he would rope Mikey in bc YALL-) and Mikey would make them cool cardboard wings. The end :]
DAY 12. Stir Crazy
I realllllllllyyyyyyy wanted to draw this one with Mikey and Raph in the kitchen but alas.. 😔
But yes Raph can coooook!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Not actually though. What I see in my very good vision is Raph helping Mikey out in the kitchen. Specifically, stirring.
I’d think that after the invasion Raphs motor skills in general would need improvement. This is not based on anything actually scientific I just have a ✨feeling✨ that after his whole kraang-ified ordeal he would have trouble with knowing he was in control (as most have headcannoned yes, but I like to think of mine as slightly different :p) his arm and eye and insert other places he was kraang-ified that I don’t remember here, would be significantly impacted from this worse than his not kraang infected side.
Like he would have a lazy eye, his arm would twitch/spasm and/or that whole side of his body would get pins and needles or just go numb at times.
But even then it would take a long and I mean LONG time for him to even get to that point. Before that it’s going to be even worse, like, being temporarily paralyzed and/or he would have to learn how to move that side of his body all over again.
This gives us Leo and Raph learning to move again bonding, your welcome.
But I’m not that evil to actually make him forever paralyzed, even if it was just the arm. (I’m too much of a wuss 😔)
The other side of his body would also take time to move again but that’s like a few hours compared to the months of work Raphs gonna have to put into his other side.
I don’t care that he bounces back immediately in the movie that is going to be labeled adrenaline. Also that one scene where Mikey and Donnie get thrown and Leo’s all like “go for them!! 🥺” and Raph falls on his side for a second and his arm is limp before running to them.
That split second scene is basically the whole reason why this headcannon exists.
During healing Raph would do motor skill practice with Mikey aka baking cause Raph loves to lick the batter of the spoon when their done and stirring helps his arm. He would also flip pancakes maybe but I don’t see him doing anything like measurements cause it’s Mikey’s whole thing to cook but he helps keep the place clean :]
Anywizle, my apologies for missing a few days and coming back with a messy rant- but it was fun so who cares!
So buh-bye! Have a good night and/or day! It may be possibly impossible but possibly I will see you tomorrow!
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seitosokusha · 2 months
Hi sorry I just got done reading Before Dawn and first of all ouchie ow ow ow ow. That hurt in the best way possible, but also do you have any ideas for other Dying Will Flames for any other characters? I’m a huge fan of khr and so it was a big treat to see such a well thought out au in the fandom
>:3ccc I am here to hurt with Before Dawn haha.
SO! okay, it's not really in the fic but it's something I kept in mind while writing it and it's kinda colored the assumptions. This whole idea was inspired by saunne and day on the jrh server who basically said sky!jy and lore bit of "thanks to the pact Lan made with the Flint Emperor, Xianzhou people have Dying Will Flames". This is why the Astral Express crew don't explicitly say what Flames they have because they don't have any.
It also means there's this whole side story in my head on why Yingxing, who isn't a Xianzhou Native, has Dying Will Flames. It's mostly an adoption thing and "what does it mean to be claimed as a xianzhou alliance citizen".
Huaiyan: I've adopted you Yingxing: Cool? -explodes with Dying Will Flames- Uh... Huaiyan: Allow me to explain...
This means Gui and Luocha who are both associated (or "associated" in Luocha's case) with the Xianzhou Alliance in-game don't have flames as they're not Xianzhou Alliance Citizens.
The only other XA characters not in the fic are Sushang and Yukong. Sushang never travels to the Luofu. She's a Lightning in my book. There's something inflexible about her that I just associate with the Lightning Hardening effect lol.
As for Yukong, uh well tbh I don't know why she's not in the fic. If I had to pick a flame for her though, I would like to give her Sky Flames. A Sky Flame user who lost the only Element she connected with Caiyi. And I think Sky flame fit her natural Helm Master position leadership role. (And having just written that, that might be the reason why she isn't in the fic because she was taken out early by the Ten-Lords).
Hanya and Xueyi are Judges. They're... well thanks to the sheer amount of experiments that the Ten-Lords have done, they're effectively Flameless. As Dying Will Flames are the "regrets you have as you're dying"/the "willpower to live", the somewhat mindless obedience that the Ten-Lords enforced on them means they're nothing more than puppets who follow orders. If we're talking pre-them becoming judges, Hanya would be a Rain Flame user (to match her mellowness) and Xueyi would be a Storm Flame user (to match her doggedness persistence at hunting criminals).
Oh! Wait Ruan Mei counts. She's a Cloud in my book to match with her natural aloofness and well Cloud's Propagation effect goes really well with the fact that she tried to make the Emanator of Propagation.
If I throw out that worldbuilding tidbit completely, my gut reactions are
Stelle - Sky (as fitting for an MC) March - Sun (to match her sunny personality) / Mist (to match her limitless creativity) Himeko - Storm (because just think of the relentless hours she must have put in to fix the the Astral Express. Also the sheer amount of destruction she causes with her sub-orbital cannon.) Welt - I can go two ways. He's either Flameless (since from another dimension) OR you give him Earth Flames (that gravity manipulation he does is basically just Earth Flames in use).
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