#this is based on stalker: reborn
tsunagite · 1 year
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A slight throwback
Note: Flash and Strozi (and sorta Areo?) doesn’t belong to me
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
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just little cloud guardian things
now gotta speedrun him to 80+ so he can actually equip one of the tonfa models
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otakuworks · 2 years
❛ 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑. reborn au
feat. Zhongli x Reincarnated!GN!Reader | PART I | wc. 4.6K
Based on 'See You In My 19th Life' | overview. this webtoon follows the story of a woman who can somehow remember all her past lives.
sum. after a sweet hello, your lips never found its way to say the bittersweet goodbye. because you knew you would always find your way back to him even if he won't recognize you in your renewable lives.
note. some scenes are purposely inaccurate to the canon lore
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main.mlist genshin.mlist | xiao ver.
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You first met him as Morax, a little child dragon you grew up discreetly meeting at a very convenient time of your day, never knowing what's stored for the two of you.
He first met you as Y/N who resides at the countryside near Mt. Tianheng in hopes to find new things to discover across the vast lands of Teyvat. And he did. He found you.
Young Morax found you crouched under an oak tree, the wind flowing with your otherworldly voice, enrapturing him in blissful comfort.
Perched in the tree branch, he listens intently and let himself melt in your grace. It wasn't the first time he finds you warbling a melodic tune, and each time he comes back to hear more from you, it's always a different song and it wouldn't cease to amaze him how much ditty you know.
He lost count on how often he'd fall asleep with your voice lulling him and wakes up feeling empty as the epilogue of his day is always spent without your presence.
Sometimes he wonders if you know he has been watching you, and if you do, why aren't you approaching him? No matter, young Morax doesn't intend to befriend with you.
But then one day...
"Hello! You must be the boy who likes to hear me sing by the tree."
He was caught red handed, perhaps he became distracted that he didn't realize he's been shamelessly stalking you. He couldn't stop his curiosity to follow you in your way home.
Not only he's been spying on you, now he sounds like a stalker. But you didn't suspect, there wasn't anything to be suspicious of anyway.
"H-Huh? H-How did you know?" He gotta commend you for your keen senses. He's the Dragon between the two of you, which means he's supposed to be the one who has sharper senses.
"You must be good at anything but hiding. I have known you've been following me, but I never get to see you up close, you're really majestic looking, by the way." You chuckled as his poor attempt of masking his flushed face at your compliment.
"I don't mind your company, in fact, I want to be friends with you."
Friends. What a foreign concept for young Morax.
He has heard of that term, it's common among mortals, but he's not a mortal. Does this 'friend' term stretches to immortals like him as well? If so, then he has no reason to refuse.
Says the person who one minute ago thought of every alternative ways to stay out of your way.
He was skeptical at your optimism, most mortals would be astounded at his appearance and try to persuade him to spill whatever secrets he has, but as he got to know you better, he was a bit guilty to categorize you as one of them.
His horns and inhumane features? Young Morax found out you're only fascinated by his unique physical looks. And never doubted it.
"Cool! You have horns just like our boars, where did you get those? Can I touch them?"
"Did you just compare my horns to a pig? Pigs don't even have horns! How disgraceful!"
The sparkle in your eyes quickly died down as it came, and the young Morax feels tight in his chest just seeing your smile turns into a frown. You insulted his pride though!
You mumbled a meek apology but still kept your sheepish smile, a glimmer of hope that one day he'd let you do it.
The next days were spent by you sneaking out your house every midnight to meet up with the dragon, Morax. He's slightly skittish, oddly resembling him that of a cat, which is cute.
You probably shouldn't be calling a literal Dragon cute, legends depicted them as tyrannical creatures who seek treasures.
Ah! Classic children's story to scare the kids away at night, it did affect you in some way.
But you can't help it when he would eagerly look at you whenever he asks you to sing him a song.
You'd sit side by side under the tree, you have to admit he'd either falls asleep amidst your song or asks you for the lyrics so he can sing it to himself too.
You even dedicated a song that lets a certain flower bloom.
"Glaze Lily? What's that?" Young Morax asked with tilted head.
A smile outstretched your lips, "Beautiful, right? It transforms the memories of the land into its fragrance during florescence."
"Really?! Is that why you're always out in the dark?" You chuckled sheepishly, feigning ignorance, "Don't know what you're talking."
You got to know each other, held hands like innocent children, share what little knowledge your pea sized brain can, hug whenever one seeks comfort, eat under the glistening sun.
Morax is... a sensitive individual, albeit rough around the edges, but he's young and still learning, and you're unbelievably patient with his attitude— a quirk from you that he greatly appreciates.
From that, young Morax grew fond of you and it isn't one sided.
He flies by the same tree and gives you random things he finds magnificent, whether it could be a rock he found by the lake or a rare item that no one has ever discovered before.
Well, the legend wasn't lying about Dragons and treasure, for sure
You'd laugh at the strangest things he discovers but accepted them nonetheless. Every object he gives you is worth something.
This has been part of your routine for days, weeks, months, even years maybe. You don't know how much time has gone by whenever you're with him and you never bothered to count.
Before you know it, the two of you are almost in young adulthood, he grew up to be a fine man, much unlike you were expecting. Nothing changed from your friendship, until now.
You were taken by surprise when he suddenly blurted out one day
"I want to show you what I see from up there one day, Y/N."
He gazes at you much differently when he looks at you when you were younger. There's a glint of promise in his eyes that you can't pinpoint, it sent shivers all over your nerves.
"You can just fly me up there, Morax. I'm sure I'm not heavy." You muster a smile in an attempt to ease your quickening heartbeats.
He never gave a reply, he only stared at you so intensely that it feels like he's poking your deepest and innermost thoughts.
The way he stares at you never fails to summon the tickling butterflies in your stomach and the blood on your cheeks. You merely regarded that as your hormones, anyone would be flustered if someone they're close to stare at them like that.
You should've known better that nothing in your world stays permanent. The only thing you remember after that day was his twisted look of desperation to keep you alive and tear stained amber dyes trying to get the last image of you in his memories.
"N-No... Y/N please stay with me. D-Don't leave m-me just yet." It hurts you more than the numbing pain in your abdomen to see him broke down like a cornered prey. So helpless and vulnerable.
"I-I'll always be w-with you, Morax..."
So cruel, just when you've begun to realize the burgeoning feelings you have for the Dragon, fate took you away before you have the chance to confess.
Should you be selfish to confess your feelings to him? If you do, it seems like you'll be punishing him an endless torture ahead, and you would never wish Morax to suffer for eternity.
You only smiled and caressed his horns, even in your deathbed you're glad you died in the arms of the man you ever loved.
At the last moment, you heard the anguished wail erupts from his throat as he clutches your form closer, begging and crying for you to come back, to not leave him like this, that he needed you, that he loves you. His pleas fell on deaf ears, for you weren’t there to hear him anymore.
But it became clear to you that he reciprocated your love.
It came a shocking twist when you opened your eyes you can hear multiple cooing sounds from around you. Didn't I die in his arms? Where am I? Turns out, you were reborn. But not as Y/N anymore and you were given a surname.
Unfortunately, the Celestia isn't so forgiving. You were suffering from an unknown illness that took away your second life at such a young age.
You trained hard and learned martial arts in your third life as you were born from a family whose tradition is to produce well-trained warriors in the future.
Fourth to eight life came by like a blur, there were times when you get to lived as an innocent child only for it to be ripped away a few years later with your past memories resurfacing.
You stopped counting after it hits a dozen, born in different class, society and unnamed nation. There's no point of it.
All you want is to look for Morax, but will he remember you? Will he even recognize you as Y/N? You're no longer the kid he grew fond of. No, you're much different than before.
What about him? Decades have past, does he still know of your name? You could've been a fragment of his childhood that he dare not talk about with his new friends.
Will I make your life more difficult by trying to reconnect with you, Morax?
Those thoughts haunted you for nights, often occuring in your dreams.
But what can you do, you're so far away from Mt. Tianheng, you don't even know if the village you lived in still exists nor do you know if Morax still visits the tree you first met.
Even if you did meet him in your new life, you ought to stay as acquaintances.
Aiding him in the shadows and lessening his burdens within your power.
In your hundredth life, all of your training in your third life is proven useful at the moment. You're known as the infamous warrior with no name that took down the monsters around Teyvat, you were revered to the people in the Guili Assembly.
War is threatening to wage amongst Gods and mortals alike.
When it came, no one is safe in and out of the battlefield. To survive they must fight tooth and nail, paint the lands in sea of red and play the game of thrones.
It was gratuitously morbid, gruesome and unjust. A macabre of series of deaths surrounded your every wake, your hundredth life is the epitome of a living nightmare. Horrifyingly memorable.
You were at the sidelines, watching as the war unfold, keeping tabs on Morax's allies and eradicating whatever threat they face.
That's when you came across the stunning Goddess Guizhong, the Ruler of Clouds, Goddess of Dust. A very close companion of Morax whom he met at the Guili Assembly along with the others.
She's capable and quick-witted, a type of peculiar person Morax wouldn't hesitate to be friends with.
As of the moment, a claymore is alarmingly closing its gap towards her, ready to slice her open.
Then you heard him scream, a cry of a man who's about to lose everything he has gained of.
That cry sent flashbacks of his tear-stained cheeks. No, you don't want to see him like that again! You'd do anything to chase away that vulnerable image of Morax, he deserves happiness and love.
Your feet went autopilot and swept away the Goddess out of the way, severing your lower limbs in the process and instantly killing you. Your eyes opened and you have started your new life.
Was Morax relieve that Guizhong lived? Did he wonder why a stranger would save her? Did he ever ask who you were? Did he... recognize you at the very least?
Your new parents panicked as they tried to appease the crying infant in their arms. Unbeknownst to your pained heart.
You saw for a brief moment before your demise how Guizhong's plausible absence will affect him. He will mourn her death as much as he lamented yours. For decades or centuries, you know he has been scarred by your passing.
You don't want him to go through that again. It's a different pain you feel when you see him tearing up, you rather get minced by a claymore than to watch him break down.
He garnered the reputation of a tyrant— but you knew better that Morax grew up with compassionate heart, he appreciates anyone no matter how insignificant they think they are.
Which is why you hold yourself from meeting him. He may not remember you, but he will certainly get attached to you once you had your way to his heart.
And a dragon who can outlive you in any lives will only suffer more from your death.
You dedicated your lives in living peacefully, learning history and new things as humanity evolves.
You vow to never fall in love if it isn't Morax you'll spend your mortal life with.
Even if he has someone he can fall in love with.
"Have you heard about the land Lord Morax and Lady Guizhong are building in Mt. Tianheng?" Gossips are everywhere about the infamous partners who survived the Archon War, there's no mouth that has not utter their names, and you're no exception.
A grin spreads over your lips as you sip your tea with elegance, "I've heard, I haven't seen them in person but the rumors about them guaranteed they're ambitious people with good hearts."
This has been a hobby you never knew; praising Morax to elate people's opinion about him. It's your small contribution to his flourishing nation.
You want people to love and respect Morax dearly just as you loved him in your childhood.
You prayed to the new Archons for Morax to find someone he can love and lean on. Someone that can be his source of strength to keep living. Someone much better than leaving him with death.
Now that he found someone he can be with, your goal in your next lives is to protect Liyue's history.
From the names of ancient relics and objects, war waged by the Gods, Nations that were built underneath the once blood soaked lands, fallen heroes who are forgotten— you know all of them. You're openly willing to offer tutelage to the inquisitive.
You sighed at the thought, it certainly will be lonely in your part. Immortal gods can still die— a death in which they'd leave their memories behind and start anew. Morax will eventually cease to existence with lovable Nation and Guizhong to remember him.
And you? Countless past lives yet you never found true happiness, and none of them was worth to remember for anyone.
Part of you feels happy for Morax finally moving on from your death eons ago, but you're still human so you're susceptible to those horrible impulses of bitterness at a basic level.
But you don't want to be a person who looks at Guizhong with jaundiced eyes just because you couldn't have Morax, so you suck it up and move on the fact Morax is in love with another.
At least my sacrifice isn't a total waste.
"Aren't they? I've met Lady Guizhong, she's such a beautiful and soft spoken woman. She and the Lord of Geo are a perfect match. I wish the two of them eternal blessings."
A tug at your heart left an unpleasant feeling, your brain tried to reason that at least he's with someone that'll love him more than you did. That can appease your bitter aching heart a bit.
How ironic. You built a nation where you first met me.
And showed her what you can see up there like you promised me.
Is that how you honor my death, Morax?
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"Wow! You sure do know many things, Y/N!" The floating emergency food expressed her awe in your display of knowledge and the traveller couldn't agree more with her, "She's right, you never cease to surprise us."
Their exclaims were followed by your enchanting laugh, "I'm glad I can be at your service, Honory Knight."
You were simply ethereal to look at, you maybe a mortal like the traveller but the Blondie thinks otherwise.
Paimon and her travelling buddy met you by the Starnach Cliff when they were attempting to subdue Dvalin. Jean and Diluc already know you're part of the Adventurer's Guild as you often visit Mondstadt from time to time.
They didn't expect you to join them in their excursion in Stormterror's Lair, it turns out you're a great addition to the team.
You befriended with the traveller after the whole Stormterror fiasco and catch up with Kaeya.
You don't stand out the most in the crowd, you can blend in with everyone and no one would acknowledge your existence. But the traveller can sense the weight of the wisdom you withhold.
It almost feels like you're one of the Seven...
"Is there something else I can help you with, Traveller?"
"Huh?! Oh... I— Uhh... You've been telling us stories and fun facts about Mondstadt. If you don't mind, can you tell us about Liyue?"
For an ephemeral moment, the traveller saw your facade crumbles and slowly morphed into a nostalgic expression.
"Hmm. I'll tell you a quick introduction. Liyue is built in Mt. Tianheng after the Lord of Geo attained one of seven seats, unlike the Anemo Archon who's known to not show himself, he descends down once a year to give blessings to the people of Liyue."
"Exactly how Venti told us, but more detailed."
"He sounds a lot more of a decent God than Tone-Deaf Bard."
Her statement elicited a quiet snicker from you, "I'll be off then, I'll see you around soon." Paimon's expression deflated, "You're not coming with us?"
You shake your head, "I'll visit you when I can, until then I hope for your safe travels."
You forced a smile and took a different path from the traveller, as their figures disappear in the horizon, you felt your smile slip up as the sun whisks past the mountains turning to dusk.
Solitude in the dark has been part of your daily routine, you come and go whenever you feel like it, not knowing when to return.
The excuse you told to Paimon isn't entirely a lie, you couldn't bring yourself to go in Liyue when there's active Fatui agents scattered around the vicinity.
Let's just say you're not in good terms with the Fatui. Who isn't?
Nevertheless, whatever curse you have continued to persist in your thousandth life. You roamed around Teyvat and tell stories that even historians don't know.
Repeated lives were lived by just you traversing in each corners of Teyvat that even Archons never knew it existed.
Along the way, you've come terms with your feelings and settled it down like a dormant volcano. Morax is your first love, you enjoyed reminiscing the memories you made with him, you keep those memories locked up in the depths of your mind and often recount them in particular leisure time of the day.
You still love him, and you'll always be by his side whenever he needs a helping hand, but enough is enough, you've suffered enough to your own idiocy and fears. It's time to move on.
Morax continued to strive forward because he has changed, for the better of course. If you want to continue living the next lives of yours then you need to change too.
You met new friends and companions that you begin to trust and have fun with, the traveller and the emergency food included. It wasn't lonely as you thought it would be.
Sometimes you wonder why do you have such curse bestowed upon you. Did the Celestia punish you for a crime? Did you touch a forbidden relic in your first life? Is there a way to get rid of it?
You stopped in your tracks and you gaze up in the sky.
Am I the only one with such curse?
Damn, you really need to get your priorities straight when you have so many unanswered questions.
Basking the remnants of the ever glowing star, you turn around to walk the path that leads you to the Land of Eternity.
A new journey awaits you as you skid through the mycelium path.
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Rex Lapis has died.
What a year starting with the news of a tragic death of an Archon.
Fret not Liyue citizens, Rex Lapis assumed the form of Zhongli as a consultant in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. In all honesty, he thinks you would facepalm on how poorly delivered that news was.
Zhongli now blends in with the mortals, often strolling to acknowledge the accomplishments he has done as an Archon.
There were too many sacrifices he made just to achieve such title and godly powers. It's uncountable.
Whenever he strolls down the streets of Liyue, there's never a day that he is not reminded of the fact Mt. Tianheng is the very foundation of Liyue. It serves as a reminder that you are his pillar when intrusive thoughts start to linger in his mind.
Oftentimes, your face is only a blur in his memory, no matter what he does he can't seem to remember your face, but your name has been engraved on his mind for eons.
He misses hearing the sound of your name leaving his lips. He misses how ignorant you both were to the world's suffering. He misses your mesmerizing voice that lulls him to sleep.
Whoever fellow Archon listening to his complex thoughts must have heard him and granted his not-so-impossible wish.
"Hey look. Doesn't that sound like a story Y/N has told us before?" A child(e)— no, a floating fae pointed at the storyteller.
But Zhongli couldn't care less about whoever she was pointing. Did he hear her right? Was it just his ears deceiving him?
Y/N... that's your name.
That's the name he longed to hear again.
Why in the seven nations of Teyvat would they mention your name? Is it just a coincidence that someone has the same name as you? No, that couldn't be it.
Something flared inside him, it's been awhile since he felt this excitement, it's not far fetched when he became your friend.
With no recollection, he became friends with the traveller and the emergency food floating companion.
When he asks them about you, an array of hope filled his entire being and he swore his Dragon feature almost burst into existence
Y/N L/N, a member of the Adventurer's Guild, he's certain you've been in Liyue if you know about its rich culture.
But where are you? He wants to go find you. Hug you like when you were kids. Sing him songs. Bring you random things he can find. Speak the words that were left unspoken when you died.
So many questions brooding his mind; are you really Y/N? If so, were you reincarnated? Does that mean you don't remember him?
The elation he felt dropped. Right... he shouldn't be disappointed if it turns out his hunch is wrong. Even if you're not the Y/N he was expecting, he wants to know you as who you are and not compare the similarities and differences you have with the Y/N he knows.
"Oh yeah, Y/N mentioned they'll be visiting Liyue soon, Mr. Zhongli." The Traveler quipped, assessing the abrupt change of emotions on the consultant's face at the mention of your name.
Paimon and her travelling buddy can't help to wonder if you two are acquaintances, or perhaps something more than that. Zhongli seems to be expecting your arrival from now on.
"Is that so? Thank you for informing me, Traveler. I shall see to it that their stay will be comfortable." He smiled.
Stay in what? In the Funeral Parlor? The Traveler sweat drop while Paimon is tempted to point out that's Verr Goldet's job. Good thing their companion put a hand on her mouth and excuse themselves
There's no time to stall! He thought.
He's determined to check it himself, it can go two ways and Zhongli won't be petulant of the result.
Archons forbid if he ever finds you, because he will not let you go.
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>> PART 2
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iamgrape · 2 years
Incubus!! Mayoi Ayase in a Soulmate AU pt2
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TW: Borderline Yan Reader (mayoiisfinewithit) ??? I mean he is one too???Only small part of this chapter is smut, sowwy hornie folks??? Bondage play?? Drama???? Too much plot being slap???Not proofread. How do we tag ????
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Demon realm
Since mayoi have graduated from being the only ancient virgin incubus--his friends cant help but congratulate him the moment of his arrival at the shared home he have with his fellow underachievers demons... After some weeks being out doing naughty stuff with you~
"Uwaahhh~ mayo-senpai have a glowing face of those of people in love!" Aira tease the demon of lust senior of his who have a wide silly grin and bashful face as if still immersing his head on the moment he shared with you. .
"I... W-was I-... T-that t-transparent...?!" He held his warm cheeks as that wide grin never seems to live his face. His so happy! He can't contain such happiness!
"I FELT BLINDED. IS THIS WHAT AN INCUBUS LOOK LIKE WHEN FEED WELL...? THEY GLOW AND BECOME MORE BEAUTIFUL? HOW ENVIOUS!!!" aira commented as he cover his eyes from the radiation of the attractive level of mayoi seems to increase ten fold.
"Did that mean you resolved your issue with the help of soul #142269?" Hiiro ask his friend. "#142269....???" Mayoi and aira look at hiiro in confusion on who he meant by that code. Hiiro realize he use a soul code instead of a name.
"Sorry. My bad. They are called (name) (surname) now right?" He corrected his label on you. "That's good that mayoi-senpai issues have been fix. It's time for me to help (name) with their issue too as thanks for helping you." He laugh as his happy that his dear friend have finally been feed well.
"W-whats the issue with with (n-name)...?" The moment the incubus hear such statement from his leader who is a soul reaper.
He wonder if you have unsolved issue that he doesn't know about! But he clearly know what gone to you life in all your lives! He even know the simple problem like you hate and dislike!
Ah. I'm a failure. It seems that I don't know everything on my (name) life.... ' he cried at his own misconduct and incompetent of being your guardian (stalker) demon.
"Oh. It's not that bad of issue like you have, senpai!" Hiiro tried to reassure his friend who he think is worried for you since you two are now a bit of acquaintance since you two did went to do the deed until the fourth base.
"I just have to find certain person for them!" He says as mayoi felt more dejected that he realize your looking for someone, who he doesn't even know about!
"They called the person they are looking for as their very important person." He added causing more painful arrows to be shoot to a certain incubus heart.
"M-mayo-senpai are you o-ok..!?" Aira notice the incubus losing radiant from earlier as hiiro continue to explained as he take out a soul reaper list of souls name. Not noticing the change of mood of the incubby.
"You see I'm always been the one who take their souls and guide them to their next reincarnation! They don't ask for more time as they always been hurry to be reborn after the fourth life. " He look at the list of names, looking for something through the list but failed to do so again in the nth time.
"Base on the happiness level of their years being alive in each life. Their happiness only on its prime on younger years till the age before they hit their adulthood... The rest is just simple living in the edge of breaking point and depression... " He felt bad for his human soul friend who have to endure such repeated cycle.
"Big brother said, depression can be a cause of early death to human. Physical death could be forgotten through reincarnation but emotional pain can cause a seed of madness to root to someone souls... Through dispute all those. The most purest soul I seen to reincarnated over and over again is (name) soul. How amazing is that... Maybe cause their guardian angel is someone unique... " He smiled widely as he share his finding as his finally does soul reaper like job after long study being one. "Eh ... What's wrong mayoi-senpai?" He look at the incubby who's crying in the floor and aira comforting him.
"HIIRO YOU DUMN ASS. HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL, MAYO-SENPAI PROBABLY BECOME EMOTIONAL CAUSE OF THIS?" aira wanna ring his leader neck for being dense and non using common sense again.
"Why through? (Name) is fine through those time. They still smile when they great me each time I guide them. They even smile when they said they say such threatening word toward that person they are looking for. I never seen someone that pure soul yet have that twisted plans toward such specific person." He laugh as he try to lighten the mode.
"What. W-What's the p-Plan? W-who-- is this person anyway.... IdontknowifsomeonelikemehavetherighttoknowBUT...." Mayoi finally find his voice again after feeling more guilty than he should be.
"Eh. Why are you so interested in the topic, mayoi-senpai?" Hiiro is curious why his senior is so engrossed in the topic, as far he knows he shouldn't be that worried about you.
"Hiiro just spill the tea already!!" Aira who's also curious about the whole ordeal wanted to make the soul reaper to continue.
"...ah." hiiro look around for something and look apologetic to aira. " Sorry I don't know where the tea you want me to spill." He stretch his head as he smile sheepishly.
"Let go of me mayo-senpai. I wanna hit this dumb airhead." Aira is quickly stopped by mayoi as become annoyed hiiro being an airhead in the wrong time.
"A-aira-san. P-Please. C-calm down...." -mayoi. His worried that aira is the one who would get hurt instead if he try to punch someone like hiiro who's hard as a brick.
"... Is it a classified information, hiiro-kun?" Tatsumi who's watching in the sideline turn to ask hiiro instead, as he notice the soul reaper seems too reluctant to continue more of the topic.
"Ah... I don't think so?" Hiiro try to think of it's classified category or not. "then can you please continue then?" Tatsumi smile as mayoi and aira look at him with eyes sparkle because his a life saver to people suffering the cliff hanger.
"Ahaha... Ok. Since you all curious lil devils." Hiiro happily do what was ask. "(name) is looking for their 'soul mate'...?" He finally says that cause a certain incubus to look at him in shock. He felt his heart just skip a beat.
Fufu. So there was no third person he doesn't know about. Mayoi can't help but sigh in relief as he fear almost suffocate him at the thought your looking for someone else.
"Oooh, so (name) important person is their soul mate? How lovely!" Aira can't help but commented how romantic it is.
"But don't you say, they have 'twisted plans' for their soul mate?" Tatsumi wonder why is that the case. Aira pause as he remembers now what hiiro said earlier and once again realize his left in a hanging.
"TELL ME MORE!!" He beg.
"On it! Ahaha." Hiiro give a thumbs up as he continue. " The help I'm going assist them is find their soul mate and hit them with this fragment real hard till they get concussion. And then tie them up to be send to (name)." He was grinning cause such plan is such a devious and he can't help but devil approve it.
"...won't that be against some rules?" Aira who can't help but amaze at the help hiiro would go for you.
"Did they request that?" Mayoi who have very concerning grin and love sick gaze ask as his mind went and imagine being mailed to you.
"Crap! Open the windows!! The incubus is letting out lewd hormones!!" Aira who is notice the noticable pink drug gas that the incubus friend of their is letting out is quick to cover his nose and went to step away, waaayyyy away from from the incubus and the other two follow along.
"Oh Devil! I-im s-so S-sorry!!" Mayoi who realize what he unconsciously did cried out an apology as hiiro who is less effected by the scent open the windows and let the scent be blown outside with the help of a fan.
after a while the room finally free from the scent, he curiously look at the black cats who suddenly enter their mating season because of the lust demon drugged hormones scent.
"Oh the cats outside are mating! Won't that mean there will be cute kitten in few months or weeks?" He gleefully commented as aira dragged him out from watching a live cat porn and close the window much to dismay of hiiro who's interested how cat mating goes. Not because he was hornie. His just genuinely curious how it goes.
"S-sorry..." The incubby apologize the nth time as Tatsumi serve him some tea to calm him down.
"It's ok!" Hiiro don't think there something wrong as mayoi is an Incubus to begin with. Such mistakes would been understandable. Through he never know his that strong of an incubby to create such strong drug that almost bother someone who's supposed to be immune in such sexual pleasure needs.
"Ah. Btw it's not (name) request. They said they'll take action on their own. They don't want to bother me but just let me decided how I'll give their soul mate their last memories after death in each life time-- fragments. This very pretty rocks over here." He then show them a jar of sparkling fragments. "They do hinted how they want to throw it to their soul mate head to the point of amnesia or concussion maybe they get forgetful to forget of trying to run away from them." His quite excited to throw rocks on someone. He never know what's the effect of being hit by one. So he is willing to do so once he find the so called soul mate.
"...." -mayoi. Who is the soul mate you been looking for. (The target)
"Woaw (name) seems such a devious but I can see their point they are coming from!" -aira.
"Yup~ I don't understand how human emotions work but guessing the endless cycle being 'rejected' in each lifetime by the same 'bastard' of a 'soul mate' they gotten enough and want to take matter in their own hand. Like that one time they said if their 6th lifetime. They will chain and put a collar on them--" hiiro then continue to say the things you said before.
Each time mayoi listen solemnly taking note each of it for later purpose ~ He already felt excited at the thought of those punishment!'
"Uwah... Mayo-senpai why are you getting turn on by such sadistic punishment..." Aira already back away in the far corner the moment mayoi start to let out hormones again. "Your an M?' he added.
"Ah... I c-can't help it... " Mayoi cover his face that have a wide grin and his sure his eyes being love sick again.
"Agh.... *Hic... SORRY!!" He cried when his senses return to normal when tatsumi start spraying him 'anti-hornie' spray ( one drop of holy water in a spray: a way to keep your Hornie lust demon friend in bay. 100% SAFE!)
"...mayoi are back to your senses yet?". Tatsumi look at his friend worriedly at he put away his spray.
"y-yes." Mayoi weep his tears away as others fix the mess he made again.
"Ah. Mayoi-senpai. Do you 'like' (name)?" Hiiro somehow manage to find connection to his senior action. He did notice how very curious demon he is when the topic of you is being tackle. Remembering some pass event like mayoi being down and mourning each time you passes away till your reborn again.
Each time mayoi would be gone for a while, everyone thought his doing an incubby job but his always come back sometimes when he forget to turn back to his original self, as an innocent looking young human child holding story books.
With a happy grin like he get feed but in reality he did not do a lust demon job but playing with you.
Hiiro did once conclude that he could be the so called soul mate but do even demons have one? As far he knows the only cause he heard someone that isn't human having one is being his parent and airas parent. Yet that's already a rare case.
The fact his an Incubus also don't help. Lust demon usually only feed on Lust not Love. If they were to be soul mate with someone it's one hell of a problematic thing because they will go crazy.
Mayoi don't go crazy yet. Only you did but Only in a sense.
"...*hic... a-actually..." Mayoi realize his now the one who gotten the spotlight and need to confess his own side to tell to the curious lil devils friends of his.
"Imthesoulmate...pleasehitmeimprepairedtosuffer--" he confess as he ready himself to be hit by Hiiro.
"..." The three become silent before Aira start to clap his hands in glee. "Oh how lovely! An incubus with soul mate!" being a happy fruit of a two rare soul mate of non human pair aira is so open in such revolution.
"Oh. Congrats senpai!" Hiiro who find his voice smiled happily congratulating his friend.
"... Incubus and human pair... Ah. " Tatsumi wonder who's your guardian angel who let such odd choice. Knowing that human soul mate have been approved by both fate, angel and that person above.... That being said he who once a guardian angel also was force to do such event.
"How beautiful fates work. Congrats on having a soul mate, mayoi-san." The fallen guardian angel finally join his friends on the happy party.
"T-thank you..." Being surrounded by friend who happy for you in a demon realm is such a happy chances. His glad he have friends like his unit.
"W-wait-- hiiro STOP YOULL KILL MAYO-SENPAI IF YOU THROW THOSE!" aira notice hiiro happily opening the jar of fragments and was about to throw a curve ball directed to the incubus as promise.
"Eh. But mayoi-senpai is fine with it!" With eyes sparkling like little innocent child who don't know if he did throw one of those to someone with his very off the chart straight they going to meet their creator.
"It's ok aira! Someone irresponsible like the insignificant me is fine with it!" The very insane Masochist incubus who find such punishment you indirectly hinted is so hot. " I-- I have a rope too! Tie me up and m-mail me to (name) afterwards!" Taking out a red rope he have for incubus stuff but never use able to use but seeing this is a chance to use it in such amazing case.
The lovesick grin and eyes of the incubus seems like a lost case beyond help.
"OH GREAT DEVIL, YOU BOTH ARE DEVIOUSLY INSANE. TATSU-SENPAI HELP!!!" aira cried as his thorn of wanting to spray some anti hornie spray to the incubus and stopping the very excited hiiro who wanna commit crime in board daylight.
"Ahaha... How lovely day it is..." Tatsumi can't help but chuckle at how lovely the whole place is but seeing the pleading look of the young demon, he did offer some help to console and stop hiiro from doing such act and just let him give mayoi the fragments without going physical.
Mayoi held the jar carefully and left his friends before he could be another season of being out of self control again.
In his secret room, he held the fragments that let him hear your last words before youll be reborn in your lives.
[ Does this thing really work? If so... I wanna ask if there's something wrong with me for you to run away from the moment of meeting... If so I'll try to change it in this new life! ]
[ .... I guess I did something wrong again. ]
[ ... Your not human? If that the case it's fine with me. Just don't disappear each time when I reach that certain age and just be with me...]
[ Clearly your doing this on purpose. Bloody hell. when I get to remember your annoying routine before the said age. I WILL MAKES SURE YOU SURE THAT YOUR NOT ESCAPING AGAIN ]
[ Ah. A person who went too a lot of cycle of rebirth just to make sure a stupid demon soul mate would appear again to only leave afterwards. This is getting tiring... I hope that soul reaper crack your head open to get some senses in that silly head of yours to see I'm fine even if your a demon! ]
[ .... Ya one selfish devil. Not only ya'r like ya some spineless slug for runnin a'way from me but never let me find love that isn't ya.. ya are lucky I will not throw ya off the ship, ya bloody chowder head]
[ Mk. I have enough of you lil antics. If you appear and leave again. Fine, be my guest. Just remember if you appear again in different occasions I'll make sure you'll know a human being is a worse demon than real demons are. :) ]
The incubus felt tears falling in his eyes when he realize his actions out of fear and cowardness to face you because his not a human like you when your will verse of how bad creature, a demon like him for a soul mate is horrible choice of fate ( even through his so happy having you as a soul mate )-- cause you great suffering.
"...*hic.." holding the precious fragments he walk to the black mirror walk through it, soon he disappear from demon world to the human world.
Human world.
Your in your work place, listening to an amazing ASMR while working for the society. "Hm.. hm... " Humming a tone with a smile that leads all your coworker who's use to your neutral or gloomy atmosphere to be leave in daze.
Coworker#1:"uwah.... (Surname) sure is unusual happy today ... They look kinda attractive when happy... (◕ᴗ◕✿)"
Coworker#2:"they are probably listening to a porn again." (◔‿◔)
Coworker#1 wack the head of the disgusting word of her fellow colleagues. "Don't slander (surname), they aren't disgusting like the likes of you." She nags the man.
Coworker#2: "what the hell?! (Surname) always read porn when it's lunch break! They read it with a straight face too!" He always seen you read it and not even bothering by the content like it's some Shakespeare novel instead of porn.
You look up from your work as you realize your name is being called and chatted many times by gossiping colleagues.
"im reading those books for reference." You corrected the assuming thoughts of your coworker who thought that you have bad addiction to reading unappreciated things out in public.
"... " The two colleagues of yours eyes widen in fear when they realize they were heard. "S-SORRY!!" they both apologize in unison. You lower the volume of your ASMR and look at your coworker.
"It's fine. Gossip is normal thing in work place." You really don't care what they do or gossip since it's their own free will.
As far you remember you live your life researching about incubus and succubus --because your so called imaginary friend is one-- using an open source which is porn or hentai.
Since you don't know where to find a proper book for those kind of subject. Through you still did what normal human in a society does. Go to school, go to work and be plastic to people around you and research more about lust demon in the sideline.
"man... if your hobby is reading such lewd books what would you do if your soul mate dislike such concerning addiction you have?" Your male coworker thought that since your fine with gossip, he thought it be fine to finally be open with his concern about such hobby of yours.
"...." You look at your coworker dead in the eye at the mention of the word 'soulmate'. He seems to notice that it's a bad topic and was about to apologize when you give them a close eyes smile that almost blinded them.
"that won't be a problem. Worse could happened is me locking them up in my basement and making sure they won't run away again even if I mean I have to cut of his wings :)" you says like it's not a concerning words of deranged person.
"Ahaha. You two should really go back to work of yours. Boss is giving us warning look." Your quick to change the topic before they could comment what's wrong with your mind.
"Oh shit! Let's go!!" They both forget the words you spoke our of surprise of the boss yelling at them again and run off back to their own space.
You went to your space again and turn up the volume of what you been listening on all those time.
" ahmm ha..."
"ah... T-touching the root of my w-wings... Ahh...haa...*hic (Name)~"
"n-noo.... Ah... Y-yes.... I-im just sensitive in that part.... "
"m-my h-horns...? Ah... I g-guess I have too many erogenous zone.... Fufu.."
"... Yes my wings do work and aren't for display... "Hic. Do they seems like they were for show? Isweariwasnotprepairedtoflywhenilandedontopofyoudontturnmywingstofriedwings....!!"
While listening to the ASMR that is recorded by you. to record the incubus of yours words and voice when the two of you are apartment at your day offs you use in one go after piling it up for long time. Just so you could spend more time with Mayoi without interruption.
You made sure not to speak loud enough to be recorded since you would rather listen to his voice telling you about himself.
You close your eyes and yawn. Looking at the clock at the wall. You went back to focus on your work.
Time goes by in a flash and the moment you arrive at your apartment your barely awake.
"!!!" Your eyes widen when someone envelope you with a warm hug the moment you close the door behind you.
"*Hic..m sorry. I'm sorry..." You heard the person holding you so dearly cry. Hearing the familiar voice of the incubus you let your guard down and hug him back with a smile. Your tiredness seems to disappear at your soul mate presence.
"sorry for what?" You wonder why his crying again and pat his back as the two of you slowly seat in the floor as gravity seems to pull you down but you have no problem at it as you rub his back to calm him down.
"s-sorry for being s-stupid... *sob...t-thinking you could live without a ...*hic l-lustful d-demon like me... in your l-life because... someone like me is fated to be your e-eternal pair... Someone that is not like of your kind... You could gotten someone normal ... A human like you... Instead of me..." He says as his hold on you tighten. Even so he said you could be more fortunate if you have a human soul mate and not a lust demon.
He dislike it, he loath the very idea of someone holding you that isn't him. To do those fun time together with someone else instead of him, makes him want to drag you to the demon realm with him instead.
Yet he can't be that selfish. What if you dislike him for being selfish? His long gone deep in the whole of adjusting his own moral just for you~ he don't even know if he should behave like a demon or a human.
"What if you get judge by your fellow humans and get burned alive? What if you don't accept me cause your religious in one lifetime... ?What if I'm too problematic with my needs...? Many what if stop me from trying to approach you ..." He let out his deep secret and you hear him out with open mind at his point of view.
"Sorry I only stayed by your side till your in your teen... My lustful nature would want me to jump on you and ruined you each time I start to sense hormones from you... " He don't want to leave you when his always been by your side each time you the you open your eyes to your new life... to play and spend time with you to be your very precious friend. That he would happily teach and guide about basic things you need in human society in each era your born into.
".. what if? What if it's all fine? Won't that mean we been long together?" You mumble. Through you chuckle how such events of endless circle of him disliking his own nature.
"Those are what if. It's fine now since your here with me~" you hummed as you lean your head against him. Enjoying the warmth and close contact.
"I ... " He wanted to say something but he wonder again if someone like his kind can even say such words with full honesty. You lean away to look at his bashful face that have tears running down from his beautiful teary eyes. You reach out to weep his tears away and kiss his forehead.
"I wonder if it's because we're soulmates... But even if your so stupid ln those lifetime. You still there beside me even it's a short while in each lives... I love each moment... I love you..." You will never continue the endless charades of searching and being reborn again just to make him appear again by your side.
His a selfish demon who shower you with affection that demons won't do as it's a sign of weakness. Yet in your memories, his pretending to be a human while teaching you things school or your guardian won't teach you since they are all busy being a slave to society and currency.
Teach you and tells you stories about long ago. A friend who would weep your tears away or play with you when others think your weird.
His eyes widen at your honest confession. He can feel your love and honesty and it's drowning him with love he felt drunk.
"I... l-love you too.." finally able to find his own courage to say his own reply. Even how odd it's for incubus to desire and to love someone. His already an outcast from his own kind, being honest now doesn't change his status either.
Laying his forehead against you and looking at each other eyes. Enjoying such moment of peace.
"... So mayoi gotten my last words fragments?" You break the silent as you realize why he suddenly went up apologizing to you like crazy. It's a guess but seeing him shaken up and blushing as if he remembers something that cause him to felt hornie again.
"... I don't remember saying anything lewd???" You wonder what's up with this incubus who start to fidget and whine while holding you close.
"Agh... (N-name)..." He whimper as he control his lewd self but he felt so warm and running with lust in mind again! You being close making his self control disperse.
"C-can w-we...." He flatter his eyes are you.
"smh, I have work tomorrow." You apologize as you realize that you can't get late or be absent for tomorrow since there's a monthly report.
"i-is that so..." He suddenly become a sulking puppy when he realize you won't and can't spend time with him!
"... Ah. I can help you but I won't engage to much because I need to wake up early or else I'll get fired." Seeing his pitiful face. You give up on your pass. His eyes sparkle as he heard it before he stood up with you in his arms And run to your bed room with happy smile.
Oh shit. I been had.' you thought as you fallen in his trap. 'its fine. It's fine... I just have to let him have some fun without being engaged in it!' is your thoughts before you were thrown in the bed and kiss by the impatient needy incubus, tasting sweet honey that seems to drown you with lust instead of keeping a firm mind, you two did not go out of the bed till early in the morning.
( ring )
"ah.. ha... P-please.... " The mess of an incubus under you is already in a begging mess will being tied in a red bondage he brought with him. His limbs tied together as his on his knee with his back on you. a bit of move would cause friction of the tight rope moving around his sensitive nipples, crotch and his semi tied wings. His in edge each second and his loving it!
"Hmm???" You were playfully trace his collar bone down to the root of his wings, he squirm and start to wine when you stop touching his erogenous zone in his wings to look around at the source of the ring.
"(Name)...?" He calls you as he look over his shoulder, at you who's attention is else where. He cant help but pout when your not giving him attention.
"Did you hear something?" You ask since your pretty sure that ring sound so dreadfully familiar.
"No." He denied before he use some dirty trick to remove your attention to whatever that is distracting your attention from him-- by increasing the effect of his mark on you.
"... You." You quickly notice such move and narrowed your eyes at mayoi who seems like a irresistible drug.
"S-sorry I accidentally d-did that... Sorry, am I p-pushing my l-limit?" he give you a look that was thought to all sex demon to use when their prey is trying to escape-- using beauty trap.
1. Release full charm point
2. Try to act pitiful.
"Ah..." He whined as he try to get off without your help. But his still tied up with a rope leaving it a hopeless case, causing him to shed crocodile tears. "*Hic... Ah.." he bite his lower lips at his tragic situation.
3. Look seductive while doing so.
"(n-name).... " He whimper looking at you with hopelessness but dejected when he realize your occupied to help him."n-nevermind..." He look down sulking. His wings lay flat with him.
"... Bruh.." You who get a gasp on whats his trying to do since you seen such case in many books.
You watch him give you a side look before looking away whimpering like a pitiful man, thinking you Wont get fooled again.
"it's ok, you can leave-- ahh...." He thought he failed on his move until you flip him over to seat on top of his trobbing boner that is leaking precum.
"Hmmn~" you hummed as you held his neglected dick to position it at your ready entrance, teasingly. Upon contact he squirm and trying to move his hips but it only cause him to moan cause he created friction again.
"Agh... *Hic .." he cried because your playing with him again.
"(name.... Haahmm...!!" He don't even have to plead you before you seat and pushing him deep inside in one trust.
"Ah~ so w-warm...!!" He moaned as he felt his head just went to cloud nine.
"Ha.... Ah..." You cover your lips as your too embarrassed to openly moan like this hornie bitch under you is doing. Your sure his wailing could be heard across the thick walls of your room.
"S-so noisy.... Ah..." You start to move as you finally adjusted with his bulging size deep in you. You could felt your soul ascending each moment you try to move but your body unconsciously clenching your walls on the him, making your legs weak and trusting back at his base.
Causing both of you two moan each time, you already fallen at his trap and ignored the five following ring.
"you hornie bitch is going to get me fired." You groan as you rush to get your morning routine done just after you heard your alarm rang loudly for the last time while still on top of him, moaning. "
S-sorry...! " he apologize. As he serve you some cooked breakfast. He thought that's at least he can do to help you.
"your apology won't get me out of my current dilemma if I were to lost my job. I still need to feed myself ok?" You rolled your eyes as he try to look pitiful in front of you again. You seat in front of him to eat breakfast And internally thought how good of a cook he is.
"I... I can take you to your work faster." He felt even more guilty, so he offer to take you to your place without going through public service.
He look at you who's about to leave the house in hurry.
"..." You look at him doubtfully before you take your chances. He held your hand and went to one of your wall mirrors and walk through it.
Eyes widen you follow along and soon you find yourself at the break room.
"Wow... That's fast. I'm even five minutes early!" You smile and sigh in relief.
"I..I'm glad I can help then... " He felt happy your not longer mad.
"I'll be going then --" he was about to leave when you held his hand.
"Can you change your outfit to something casual? Human casual ok?" You look at him and thought it's a good time introduce him to your coworker and work place. Not because their approval matter. It's a normal tradition in your work place anyway.
You also just want to do those stuff you read, Introducing their precious person to anyone they know so theyll know your taken and found your soul mate. Your proud and boosting that soul mate is not someone to hide and keep hidden like some other people.
"e-eh... O-ok..." He saw the happy smile in your face as you wait for him to change cloths with the help of magic before you drag him to your work area. With happy grin like an innocent child introducing their new friend to their parents.
He usually don't want to interact with bunch of people because being a incubus made him very sensitive to all emotions of people around him, cause him problem if they all in one place. But he is willing to do so if your happy.
Your coworker look at mayoi who they never seen before but the fact his incubus beauty would let anyone in any gender fall into lust.
"who's that looker with you?" One of your coworker look at mayoi with flattering gaze of flirting. Mayoi fidget as he felt the emotion of lust coming from the your coworker and hide behind you.
As an incubby it would be a praise if someone think of him as attractive to lust for but his not your normal incubus. He dislike it.
"if you flatter your eyes at him again. I will make sure you'll be blind the next moment." You giggle as you glance at your coworker.
"(N-name)...!" Mayoi can't help but blush at your Possessiveness over him. His heart flatter at your fear of losing him.
Ah, He wanna kiss you so bad right now~
"t-that... Why did you even bring someone that is not an employee with you?" The person who wanted to flirt with Mayoi can't even resort back as she felt like the threat is not a joke.
"oh. I wanna introduce my soul mate, of course. Isn't that a tradition in this office? " You act dumb before you hug mayoi with a child like smile. "This is mayoi Ayase." You Introduce him to all. "his my most important person~ " shamelessly kiss his cheeks causing him to look at you in surprised at your pda. His look is the same shock your coworker is giving you. Because they all thought your that robotic person who won't show much emotion much less do PDA. Yet seeing that side of you that let them realize your still human who would be open to your soul mate. They all congratulate you even through some envy how lucky you are for you good looking soul mate and jokingly say they might seduce him one day.
"oh? You wanna seduce him? Do you know it's not a crime to take precautions against thief... Nor society of ours question if we our possessive on what's ours even if we eradicate the threat before it become a problem~" you giggle as you clap your hands together that is still linked with mayoi. You felt him shudder in delight at your possessiveness.
"Not that I blame you~ mayoi is sinful beauty ~" your quick to change your mood as you slap the back of the coworker who jested just now.
"Awm.." the poor coworker groan at your harmless slap on his back. "Sorry I was just kidding!" He added quick. He is bloody sure you are one of those psycho people who's possessive beyond normal on their soul mate and your soul mate seems fine and more happy that you are. His worried for him because you seems problematic for human standard for a mate.
He don't realize mayoi is not human. And having a soul mate for a demon like him that is also possessive over him is a blessing and wonderful thing for a demon~
"you better be." You says before mayoi have to leave since it's already too early in the morning for him and he need to go back to demon realm again.
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defness · 7 months
What game in Roblox is Flash based off of?
The Stalker: Reborn! Idk if it's popular anymore or if it's even still on the site but yah :3
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mmeveronica · 2 years
God I want to play a sneaky heavy armour character in DnD. Like I have 2 characters ready to go set up for that, one ranged, one melee. I'll detail them below for your use (obviously don't use these for commercial purposes)
Both of these characters benefit from Mithral Armour, but the ranged character gets more benefit.
Melee, The Monster in Mail
A knight perverse, the glorious shining plate a dull grey hanging from arms too long. A wicked mane of hair spikes out the back of its helmet. Its greatsword carried loosely in one arm. Its other hand itching to toss a handaxe from its bandolier. Few know what lies beneath the helmet, but all know it is nothing they wish the ire of. In battle the swings of its blade aren't carefully measured strikes but a fierce butchering as it clambers around on three limbs.
The clambering around on three limbs and carrying a greatsword in one hand is just flavouring, mechanically this is a Bugbear Battlemaster Fighter. Though I do want to lean into the primal beastial uncanny stalker feel of a character like this.
Bugbears get a lot of benefits from stealth and the Ambush Maneuver helps offset the heavy armour stealth penalties until you can get some Mithral, which eliminates the disadvantage. I'd also recommend the Menacing Attack and Quick Toss maneuvers.
The skills I feel are necessary are; stealth, athletics, survival, and intimidation.
The feats. I'd reccomend are; skill expert (dex boost, acrobatics proficiency, and stealth expertise), heavy armour master, and great weapon master. However I would reccomend resilient (dexterity saving throw) if you get mithral early, and possibly athletic or tough.
The starting point buy ability scores I'd use, including racial bonuses, are; 17 strength, 15 dexterity, 14 constitution, 8 intelligence, 10 wisdom, 10 charisma
Ranged, Heavy Commando
This character was designed for use in a sci-fi campaign, however it could be adapted for use in standard fantasy.
"My first memory was waking up on that asteroid to my helmet beeping. 'No oxygen', it said, 'return to base immediately' and pointed me where to go. When I got back the base was taken over by pirates, so I grabbed the biggest gun we had and started crawling through the vents. In 1 hour I had the base clear."
This character was heavily inspired by Titan guardians from the Destiny series. I went with a reborn, but you can alter it however you want.
This character uses the fact mithral armour has no strength requirements to be a heavy armour wearing dexterity based character. If you're a dwarf and okay with stealth disadvantage you don't even need mithral though, keep that in kind for your characters.
This character would use the Unearthed Arcana Close Quaters Shooting fighting style, but Archery works fine if your DM doesn't allow UA.
I'd play a Champion but Battlemaster with Ambush is always a good shot, and you could really go with whatever.
Feats. I'd reccomend are heavy armour master to get the most out of heavy armour, and sharpshooter and/or crossbow expert/gunner, and skulker because you're a ranged stealth character.
I'd reccomend starting with 13 strength unless you're a dwarf just so you can wear chainmail. The rest is up to how you'd want to play it.
0 notes
rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
sung jinwoo makes a mobile game and lets beru decide the plot and characters of said game au
brainrot anon's shen jiu reincarnates as Yu Ziyuan au
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shang qinghua vs jiraiya: the battle of the better smut writer au
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Star Wars Galactic Senate has a long history of physical fights breaking out and if Palpatine ends up dying from one of them... heh. au
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luo bingge goes to kamino to get himself a harem of shiun clones made au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
sung jinwoo somehow ends up dating kim kardashian au
Cultivators meet Jedi (Scum Villain meets Star Wars) au
when that Heavenly Demon physique unlocking itself made Luo Binghe get Pregnant by holding SQQ's hand except he gets pushed into abyss au
shen yuan's 600 children au
Han yoojin (s classes that i raised) transmigrates into sung jinwoo (solo leveling) au
toss a danzo into jjk and then sit back and enjoy the chaos au
ed (FMA) becomes overhaul's adoptive big brother au
the time sung jinah signed up her brother to be the Bachelor au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
aizawa gets put in charge of a deaged angry xanxus who's anything but happy about being in a child's body au
kakashi awakens shinigami (bleach) powers an becomes a substitute soul reaper like ichigo au
in which obi wan goes undercover as bounty hunter rako hardeen who is an omega posing as an alpha au
the many ways to make obiwan's rako hardeen episode 100X harder au
jedi obi wan's deep dark secret: his illustrious film career au
meet percy jackson god of kamino and star wars clones au
system plucks wei wuxian (& wen yuan) out of mdzs & dumps them into mdzs - shen yuan & shang qinghua have a lot of outlandish theories au
in which the system picks up a 12 year old Shen Yuan to transmigrate into PIDW instead au
in which batman turns out to be a potential cloud guardian for xanxus au
checkerface decides to recruit sung jinwoo as the cloud arcobaleno au
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deafsignifcantother · 3 years
♥ summary: The Joker had managed to catch you in his arms, and you became obsessed; in love with the idea of him loving you back.
♥ relationships: unspecified Joker x deaf gender neutral reader
♥ word count: 1340
♥ warnings: stalker tendencies, reader wears makeup
♥ author’s note: based off of this song.
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You would have never thought you would be one of his victims. He is just all over the news, and the talk of the city: he's terrible, a killer - dangerous and the predator of the streets. The demonization of him was something that even lingered in your own head. He's a monster, of course, but then why did he save your life?
Thinking about that situation became addicting. It was something you tried to fight against, something you pushed away at first, but it had gripped onto you and clung to you as if you were made of glue.
He was polluting your everyday thoughts. At work, at home, even while the reporters interviewed you with interpreters- you thought about him, you talked about him, bringing him up in every conversation. You're the one he saved. You felt rebirthed, as if your life had a new meaning. He gave you that.
The times you used to glance at the screen when he got shown warped into you seeking out the entertainment. It wasn't just talk anymore, it was full-on conversations, clinging to anything you can hear - anything about his location, anything about where he might hit next. Anything to find him. Is this how Batman feels, you wonder, though the thoughts fill you with envy.
"Are you in love with him or something?" Your coworker had grimaced. The remark made you blink. It was as if the melody in your head contorted into one still note, continuing, ringing, a minor chord that never stopped.
You love him.
It's a canvas of many different colors - dark shades of red and blue, mixing, turning brown instead of purple. When you close your eyes, you see it, it's a splatter instead of an image. Maybe if you see him again the colors will turn vibrant, there will be yellows and pink, and it won't be so sorrowful.
You paint your face, adding small lines of color under your eyes with eyeshadow, staring at the clown-styled makeup you decorate yourself with. It's beautiful. You feel refreshed - terribly so - as if this is your new face. You start wearing it out of the house, every day, doing different variants of the same makeup. The reporters stop caring about your story but the audience, in public, only stare more. The job you worked at fired you - a disturbance to others they said. But it didn't matter to you.
One evening, his car drives by. It's just a moment, speeding down the street, henchmen dangling out of it. The purple color is momentary. It's as if it was flying, off the ground, rising into the air and disappearing with the wind. You stared at it - that's all you could do. You wanted to know if he saw you if he'd even recognize you.
The idea unsettles you: would he even recognize you? If the opportunity came, would he save you again? A part of you, not romanticizing the beauty of loving him, doesn't think he would even remember your face. But maybe it's because you look different. Maybe it's because you've been reborn - a different person, a new life. Yes, that must be it. That's why he didn't take you away in that fast car of his. You've moved beyond that moment.
You started carrying knives with you, in your pockets, and you started going outside more. You'd walk around Gotham throughout the days. You look, you stare, you do everything you can to let people know that you're here - alive, and his. But he never showed himself to you, he never came around your side of town, and his public appearances lessoned and lessoned.
What was he doing? His absence wormed through your veins, igniting them, pulsating through your head, and making your body feel like it's on fire. There's a rage inside of you. Why is he hiding? Doesn't he know how he makes you feel? Maybe you reinvented the definition of stalking, and he noticed, and now he's scared of you? Is that it - did you scare him away?
Your prancing during the days turned into walking at night, with only the street lamps to light your path. You have to find a way to see him again - what if you lure him out? Whenever someone walks by, a stranger, someone insignificant, it kills you inside and makes your heart beat faster. How easy would it be to kill someone?
It's a terrifying thought. But strangely, it doesn't affect you. You imagined that thinking things like that would unsettle you the same way people express they do. Are you different - is he contagious?
You lean against a wall, the cold night grazing against your skin, giving you goosebumps the same way watching strangers walk by does. One of them looks at you, with fear in their eyes. They say his name. You read it on their lips, it's something you've read many and many times again.
You did it - and it was intentional. It wasn't an act of passion or an accident. You wanted to do it. It came naturally to you. Maybe this is how you've been this entire time, a monster, and he saved you because he knew you deserved it. Did he know you'd become like him? With the clown makeup smeared, blood on your face, you feel complete.
In the corner of your eye, you see a figure, and as you turn your head you see he is clapping. You straighten your back. The moment was supposed to be special - you were meant to feel an explosion of butterflies and feel as if you were falling all over again. But seeing him like this is as if you have known him for your entire life. It's as if this is every other day for you.
The last time you saw him, it was when he caught you.
His goon had pushed you out of the window of your apartment when they were raiding houses. You felt defenseless, with their masks, you couldn't understand what they were saying. They didn't know that you were deaf. They didn't care.
The glass cut your skin, and when you were flying through the air, it's as if time stopped. You became one with the pigeons, alerted of your presence, that flew through the air to escape the loud noise. It was as if the gods were gifting you one last moment of clarity.
But then he caught you. He grabbed you roughly, holding you close to his chest. You smelled him. And when you looked up, you made eye contact with him the same way you are now.
"Brilliant." He signs to you, his gloved hands expressing more than his wide smile. "You're very brilliant."
"Have you been watching me?" You ask - it's almost a plead. Tell me, yes, you're begging, I need you to say yes.
"Ever since I saw your beautiful face on those televisions. You made a very pleasing appearance, entertaining."
The word entertaining sinks in your brain, planting itself deep, refusing to dissipate.
When he finishes, you find yourself losing control. Your body lurches forward, taking steps, corrupting itself as you land against his chest. You hug him and his smile widens.
His fingers land on your chin as he tilts your head up. "Aren't you the cutest?"
It's rhetorical, but you mouth the word yes, your eyelashes fluttering.
His hand goes to the back of your head. You close your eyes.
The kiss is short. Your lipstick mixes with his, and the blood from your face stains his pale face. It's all you need - the way he annoyed you, your rage, it all disappeared. This was his apology. It had to be. He knew you would be upset, didn't he?
You found yourself not minding if he masterminded it all. All you cared about was the fact that now, he captured you, and you don't have to worry about anything else anymore.
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nyacat39 · 3 years
So I get bored at work a lot, and normally when I have someone to talk to I can filter ideas and shit to them so I can refine the ideas I have for fanfics or stories in general and keep them relatively sane….
But for the past year that hasn’t happened so I have crossover fic ideas where you would never even think of the potential crossovers or settings. I have yet to start writing these ideas (yet) but I’m gonna share them here and if I ever do write these stories I might post the first chapters here and then the links to the AO3 and FanFiction.Net for the rest of them.
The first one is a Miraculous Ladybug Kingdom Hearts crossover. Okay normal thought process, the miraculous holders being keyblade wielders or like Sora going to this world or something right? Nope fuck that, Vanitas after basically dying in KH3 gets reborn there as Miranette’s twin brother and shit changes. We are entering crack treated seriously territory with this story, as well as Vanitas redemption. I have been rewatching the Miraculous Ladybug series to take notes on what would change in each episode or if some of them would even happen at all with Vanitas being there!
Big events that may definitely happen: Vanitas blowing up at Chloe. Adrian having a friend in this dark boy from Fencing Club(?). “He was a skaterboi” Vanitas. Miranette being less stalker like and getting a bit of a chill pill. Vanitas: “Sis come on, we know I’m supposed to be the evil and less responsible twin here. You’re making me look like the good one here!” Mom: “Don’t think you’re not in trouble as well young man.” Vanitas “And all is back to normal.” And still more.
Likelihood of this story being made: Already planning out the first chapter that dives into the twins childhood before the series starts. Might take a bit though. But this is one I’ve been thinking about the most and longest.
The next one is an idea of possible one shots/short stories of a crossover between Batman and Devil May Cry. Normally people think “Dante meets DC hero’s/villains”….. NOPE Complete AU where the twins and their mom were attacked by demons way earlier, Yamato was used to get them to safety by sending them to another world (whoops) Eva still dies but Dante and Vergil are adopted by a not yet Batman Bruce Wayne. Twins are four when they get into his care and don’t entirely remember much of their home.
Ideas include: little snippets of a vaguely normal life with Bruce learning to parent much earlier on, and Alfred learning much quicker on how to deal with the twin terrors. Vergil “So am I to expect a father at my violin recital? Or the Batman and whatever criminal he’s fighting that night?” Bruce “I’ll try to make it.” Dante “Ooh that’s code for Batman bro. Harsh.” Entertaining the idea of the twin demon Robins that seem to only part time due to life and stuff. Can you all not see the potential familial fun/chaos of all the Robins and Dante and Vergil just acting like brothers and getting on each other’s nerves?
Potential of this being made: Kinda? Like I tried writing it a while back but I haven’t touched it in a while. Working title is Sons of the Dark Knight.
Next idea is one I’m still refining and working on. It’s basically a Bleach, Overlord crossover and I’ve been on this idea for about two weeks now. Basically it’s a story that has two different variants but I’m leaning more towards one of them then the other for convenience, but I’ll get to the main points of it first. How many here have played Bleach Brave Souls? Well for those that haven’t there’s like alternative forms for some characters for like different events and stuff, but the one I’m focusing mostly with is Spirit Society designs. Mostly 4 in specific and well I was planning out an OC that makes NPCS for Nazarik based on them (cuz if you ask me Spirit Society matches the kinda them of Inhuman NPCs of Nazarik) but sadly she kinda dies leaving them alone.
Still planning out moments and stuff so it’s a little to jumbled up together at the moment with nothing to planned out. However like I said I’m still working on it mentally and will definitely have a bit more focus for it eventually.
Possibility of being made: Maybe…. Just maybe…
Aaaand those are the big fanfics I’ve been thinking about for a year now. Should I write them? Do one of you guys wanna try writing them (I’m okay if you do just send me a link and I’d love to read it) either way just thought I’d share what my mess of a mind can be like.
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Oh goodness, lol here we go!
1. Who would sell their soul to the devil to save the other?
Bex would absolutely do this. She's already lost Jess, there's no way she's going to lose someone else she loves if she can do something about it. I would love to be able to say that Dean would, too, but I honestly don't think he would.
2. Who would become a stalker, in the right (wrong) situation?
Neither. Following them to make sure they're safe is one thing, but stalking them to cause harm? No way.
3. Who would pine away in silence their entire lives without confessing their love?
Dean. Bex would confess her love for him long before he would - if he ever would.
4. Who would leave their friends, family, and life to move overseas to be with the other one?
Neither. Their friends, family, and life are intertwined with each other.
5. Who would be the most worried the other might cheat on them?
Bex, definitely Bex. Does she think Dean actually would? Probably not but that doesn't stop the thoughts and worries from crossing her mind.
6. Who would run into a burning building to save a stranger while the other calls 911?
Both. Who's doing what in this scenario would just be based on who ran into the building first.
7. Who would haunt the other after death and chase away other suitors?
Neither would get the chance. They'd both make sure the other didn't end up a ghost.
8. Who would stand up at the other’s wedding and say they object?
Neither. Hey, they're endgame in my mind. If either of them are getting married it's to the other.
9. Who would write long, beautiful poems for the other?
Neither. They're more of actions speak louder than words variety.
10. Who would love the other no matter how evil the other became?
Bex. No matter how dark or evil or anything of the like, Bex will always love him. I can't say the same with Dean because he'd try to change her back to the way she was before and won't accept that some things can't be undone.
11. Who would be the most likely to become an addict (gambling/drugs/etc.)?
Is it horrible that I think Dean would?
12. Who would propose in a grand gesture of some kind?
Dean and I only say this because Sam would make sure that he did.
13. Who would go berserk at harm or death befalling the other?
Both. Oh good heavens, both.
14. Who would spend too much money on expensive gifts for the other?
Neither. At least not when it comes to impractical gifts.
15. Who would fight an impossible battle to give the other time to escape?
Neither. They'd either fight together or run together.
16. Who would be able to spend centuries in misery waiting for the other to be reborn?
Bex. Dean's it for her and she'd never be able to move on from him.
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Thanks for asking!
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
Full clear Cat × Wes!
Alrighty this is mostly for their Friendship! There will be distinctions made for a possibility of a romantic relationship for some.
1. Who would sell their soul to the devil to save the other.
Cat more so only because she would just not listen to Raf’s wise words of “Hoe don’t do it” Wes would listen more to avoid the lecture, but he wants to though. 
2. Who would become a stalker, in the right (wrong) situation.
Given Wes’ tendency to run away from things Cat will stalk him down and bring him home. She also just wants to make sure he’s okay.
3. Who would pine away in silence their entire lives without confessing their love.
Both. Honestly how these two would end up in a romantic relationship is a damn mystery if they were left to their own devices. You would need to make some more elaborate plans to get these two together than Wren and Wes in jeopardy verse honestly. They will remain such great friends and just play on the whole stereotypical Gals Just Being Pals notion. It’s terrible.
4. Who would leave their friends, family, and life to move overseas to be with the other one.
Wes is more impulsive and if there isn’t much holding him to a place he’d leave faster. Not like Cat would want to leave him behind anyway. People on the military bases kind of wonder what the heck is going on in that house, while Major Raf is just tired.
5. Who would be the most worried the other might cheat on them.
Romantic relationship? Wes. He can be more insecure whereas Cat is a very committed person and expects her partner to be the same or else why be in a relationship with them in the first place. 
6. Who would run into a burning building to save a stranger while the other calls 911.
Wes runs in and Cat calls 911. He’s better suited and she wants to help but he’s more a danger to himself after the fact and needs more medical attention than she can provide. 
7. Who would haunt the other after death and chase away other suitors.
Cat. No one will ever be good enough for him other than certain people she knows and likes. She may stop trying to chase away people if he’s really happy but she’s gonna be petty and untrustworthy of them. Oh that’s a nice piece of jewelry would be a shame if it fell down the drain. Or nice pie there Raf too bad you accidently burned it.
8. Who would stand up at the other’s wedding and say they object.
As friends? Both would because both believe the other belongs with someone else! Friends don’t let friends marry the wrong people! Romantic? Both again, though Wes a little more so. Cat would but if she likes the person then fine grin and bear it, but it will be known after she has some drinks at the reception. 
9. Who would write long, beautiful poems for the other.
Wes would. Surprisingly Cat has a love for the arts and creative things but is not the very best at them.
10. Who would love the other no matter how evil the other became.
Both would, Cat will always want to make sure Wes was okay and Wes would also try to bring her back from the dark place. This would translate as both platonic and romantic. 
11. Who would be the most likely to become an addict (gambling/drugs/etc.).
Wes just given his past but Cat will always be there and help him. She would never give up on him until he’s dead and even then see if she could bring him back from the dead.
12. Who would propose in a grand gesture of some kind.
Cat would. She can be a bit extra at times honestly and she loves to express her love.
13. Who would go berserk at harm or death befalling the other.
Both would, but again there is a difference in how this happens. Cat would have the rage building up inside and have more control to make sure everyone pays feeling the same pain she feels. Wes is impulsive and will make it known right away. Bad timeline BnD verse though she does fight like hell to keep him close to give him a proper burial though and he is included in her slow and steady method of harm.
14. Who would spend too much money on expensive gifts for the other.
Cat. Disneyland is a bad option because she spoils the shit out of Wes and will say Yes to just about everything honestly. She’s....she’s terrible and has the spine of cooked spaghetti with Wes
15. Who would fight an impossible battle to give the other time to escape.
Both would. But Cat has the more authoritative tone of voice and would win this one. She would make sure to get Wes out first. In BnD she does this a few times once leaving the cult and it is much to Raf’s dismay, but she’s scrappy and tiny and uses it to her advantage. 
16. Who would be able to spend centuries in misery waiting for the other to be reborn.
Both would. They also are both not the brightest to figure out that being reborn doesn’t mean that you will look the same and will become ships passing in the night. But given Cat’s stalking tendencies she would find Wes easily in each life and dote on him whether he wants her too or not.
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an-aura-about-you · 4 years
Every single otp ask for Autor/Erina
1. Who would sell their soul to the devil to save the other. - That’s tough. I’m inclined to say Autor, but that’s because Autor’s more inclined to sell his soul to the devil in general.
2. Who would become a stalker, in the right (wrong) situation. - I don’t know if it’s a matter of BECOMING a stalker because Autor already IS one. But I can also see Anteaterina petty!stalking people. So both?
3. Who would pine away in silence their entire lives without confessing their love. - Oh good lord, I think they’d both explode. Anteaterina’s more likely based on Autor confessing his love to Rue the FIRST TIME THEY HAD A CONVERSATION.
4. Who would leave their friends, family, and life to move overseas to be with the other one. - Speaking strictly of canon, which seems pretty foolish in light of this Pair the Spares, I’d say Anteaterina because Autor clearly has A Connection to his family. In my own writings, I’d say it’s about 50/50 just because, while family is very important to both of them, Erina is willing to tour for her career and Autor is used to family members being away for work.
5. Who would be the most worried the other might cheat on them. - Autor since Anteaterina has already displayed her homewrecker tendencies in canon.
6. Who would run into a burning building to save a stranger while the other calls 911. - Autor would go to run into the building based on his actions in the last episode of the series. Anteaterina would try to go instead because she can actually carry people and she’s not sure if Autor can do that. Autor would relent to this and call 911.
7. Who would haunt the other after death and chase away other suitors. - Autor would haunt Erina.
8. Who would stand up at the other’s wedding and say they object. - Anteaterina would make SUCH a scene. (Bonus: if Autor’s intended happened to be Rue, she’d basically proposition that they become an OT3.)
9. Who would write long, beautiful poems for the other. - Autor. Hey, he’s gotta get his writing out somehow!
10. Who would love the other no matter how evil the other became. - That’s a dangerous path. They could very easily turn into a villain couple. But if I have to pick only one, I’d say Anteaterina.
11. Who would be the most likely to become an addict (gambling/drugs/etc.). - Autor, no question.
12. Who would propose in a grand gesture of some kind. - Anteaterina. She is ALL about the drama.
13. Who would go berserk at harm or death befalling the other. - Anteaterina seems more prone to going berserk. Autor would probably go the Calm Fury route and go to work on some storyspinning.
14. Who would spend too much money on expensive gifts for the other. - Anteaterina. Autor would, too, but his gifts would be more along the lines of antiques, which don’t necessarily have to cost a lot of money.
15. Who would fight an impossible battle to give the other time to escape. - Autor. He’s already proven that he’s willing to act to stall for time.
16. Who would be able to spend centuries in misery waiting for the other to be reborn. - Autor. He can wait forever.
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shellheadtm-a · 5 years
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i should move a list like this to my rules or 616 tony care manual but, for now, i realize i’ve never given a list of the most important runs to how i view tony.  so we’re gonna do that now, so you comic-savvy folks, at least, have an idea of where i’m coming from.  i should point out i’ve read (and reread) about 99% of nearly everything tony’s appeared in.  so you won’t find just iron man comics on this list.  these are kinda done chronologically timescale wise instead of date of publication.
hold on to your asses.  this is long.
+ tales of suspense:  for obvious reasons - it’s the origin story and his early adventures, and how he earned the nickname the golden avenger. + invincible iron man vol. 1:  good insight to how tony viewed himself and iron man and the public face of tony stark in the early days. + avengers vol. 1:  second verse, same as the first, formation of the avengers, their thawing steve from the ice, and all the ups and downs of the team roster. + captain america: man out of time:  after finding steve tony introduces him to the modern world.  steve wants out, realizes he’s been viewing the past with rose-colored glasses, and comes back to the present to help the avengers defeat kang. + demon in a bottle (iim 120-128):  the start of tony’s issues with alcohol but by no means the last.  the set up for his time being homeless. + doomquest (iim 149-150):  firmly establishes doom as an iron man villain, on top of everyone else he bothers.  also known as that time tony got to live his ultimate wet dream as a knight in king arthur’s court and fight alongside king arthur. + invincible iron man (163-170): covers tony’s fall from grace as he gets played by a honeypot and loses his company to obadiah stane, and he turns iron man over to rhodey.  + invincible iron man (172):  also known as that time steve found tony in a flophouse and tried to talk some sense into him but you gotta want to help yourself first and tony very emphatically did not (he was actually trying to drink himself to death so...).  also also known as that time steve bridal carried tony out of a burning building like the cover of a cheesy romance novel but no homo, right, marble. + invincible iron man (173 & 178):  tony hits rock bottom after skipping out of rhodey’s mom’s house.  otherwise known as that time tony lived on the streets for months and no one knew where he was or if he was even alive and helped deliver a baby in a blizzard. + armor wars (iim 225-232):  also known as that time tony’s tech got stolen and he went on a rampage to get it back, and also betrayed steve for really reals the first time.  it’s okay, they make up (the pink superstar shirt). + onslaught (event): it’s a mutant based storyline i don’t even know where to start explaining this one.  but it ends in heroes reborn - which is acknowledged but not written in on this blog. + iron man (early 00s):  a darker, grittier iron man.  also showcases tony’s utter self loathing, loss of hope for any form of happiness for himself, and the things he does to try to make himself not feel like such a waste of space.  otherwise known as the time he had an artificial heart from the suit that went obsessive stalker on him and the birth of FRIDAY.  one of my penultimate iron man runs, highly recommended but super dark. + avengers disassembled:  wanda destroys the mansion and the avengers break up, seemingly for good.  tony can’t afford to rebuild and no one has the heart to keep going after what happened. + new avengers:  until there’s a breakout of the raft and steve decides it’s time he and tony put together a new team.  tony can never say no to steve when he begs.  one of my all time favorite avengers line ups, including wolverine, luke cage, spider-woman, spider-man, ms. marvel (carol).  that time the avengers ended up in luke cage and jessica jones’s wedding photo. + extremis:  that time tony could talk to computers in his head - how that came to be.  also incredibly important:  sets the stage for civil war. + execute program:  definitely sets the stage for civil war and displays in a lot of ways how extremis is effecting tony. + civil war:  self explanatory, i think.  comic civil war was entirely us-based, did not involve bucky as a focus point (he becomes the new cap, after all, at tony’s request), and concerned the destruction of stamford due to the new warriors confronting a villain known as nitro.  bitter is the war between brothers, etc. + fallen son & the confession:  steve is assassinated (or...lost in time, more is the case) on red skull’s orders.  tony stark completely loses his shit and falls the fuck apart.  the confession solidified - i think - stevetony as a valid possible ship. + mighty avengers:  explains tony’s reasoning for doing what he did concerning civil war - which was play damage control so people like spider-man didn’t end up on a dissection table instead of the negative zone.  ultron gives him boobs. + iron man - director of shield:  post civil war, tony’s time at the helm of shield, and having a few mental breakdowns, fighting the mandarin, and finding out fun new things about extremis. + secret invasion (event):  skrulls have been infiltrating everywhere.  tony gets uploaded with a virus that takes out all of his tech?  and extremis itself.  is removed as director of shield, osborn is put in his place.  takes place in the middle of the fraction run of iron man. + invincible iron man (the fraction run):  literally the absolute, hands down, penultimate you won’t find better iron man run and view of tony stark as a person.  includes fear itself, dark reign, and the seige of asgard.  cannot recommend this one highly enough.  tony dealing with the aftermath of civil war, and then the brain wipe.  we love a broken man. + avengers prime:  tony and steve finally make up when the realms merge together.  he and steve and thor have all kinds of fun adventures against hela, tony ends up naked, we find out that thor and hellcat did the do.  good fun for everyone but also displays how much tony’s faking what he does and doesn’t remember, if you’re willing to dig a little. + invincible iron man (2013):  tony’s vacation in space, discovering he’s adopted and has a brother, the return of the mandarin’s rings, inhuman fun, the test city that was really a giant iron man suit, and fun times with dark elves.  this run is a ride and i love it despite everyone else hating it.  it has some juicy tony characterization moments. + avengers 2013/infinity:  look, you’d need a decoder ring to understand this shit without reading the whole damn thing.  contains superior iron man and the incursions, the time tony used the infinity gauntlet, the illuminati...there’s a lot of unpack here but explains the weight the current tony stark is carrying from what he did - especially as superior iron man - during this whole timeframe.  includes old!steve. + invincible iron man (2015):  the lead up to civil war ii/secret empire (note:  we don’t even look in secret empire’s direction on this blog).  just a good little snatch of characterization (surprisingly by bendis).  nice look into how tony views himself and how he handles his problems (which is to say he doesn’t handle them at all). + all new, all different avengers:  tony and his tiny little team, comprised of a bunch of kids, the vision, sam!cap, and jane!thor.  lead up to the thing we don’t speak of, but puts into perspective where tony sits at that moment post-incursions. + winter soldier (2018): he shows up in all of like three pages and is mentioned in a few more, but it solidifies that tony and bucky are close?  that bucky trusts tony knowing where he lives and working on his arm, and it puts tony in a support role over being a main player.  also rod reis did the art and it’s fucking immaculate.  
this is pretty much where, right  now, my full canon for tony ends.  i do include some bits from the newest avengers run (up through the vampires - and possibly tony being tossed back in time, i have the feeling he’s gonna hook up with the prehistoric avengers).  also from marvelous ms. marvel and captain marvel, and web of black widow.  what it does not and will not include ever is tony stark: iron man.  we don’t let slott into this house.
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katiezstorey93 · 7 years
October 11, 2016: This Week on Blu-ray, DVD & Digital HD
Ghostbusters, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, The Item and a lot  more come dwelling October 11!
Welcome into ComingSoon.net’s look at each of the best  titles  arriving   this week on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD. Check out the gallery viewer below to get a look at the releases, television collections and catalog movies hitting on shelves or VOD beginning October 11, 2016.
The week kicks off with the arrival of Paul Feig’s new   Ghostbusters in a fully loaded special edition collection. Along with the regular Blu-ray, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is also releasing a 4K and also 3D variant. You may even take a first look in one of the release features with our clip in the base of the webpage. It goes behind the scenes, taking a look at the electrocuted ghost that the group encounters in the subway. Check it out in the participant below!
Other recent big screen releases coming house October 11 comprise the animated adventure   Ice Age: Collision Course, the jungle blockbuster Tarzan, the Mel Gibson headed action thriller Blood Father and director Brad Furman’s The Infiltrator, starring Bryan Cranston as an undercover agent who, in the 1980s, attempted to infiltrate the drug network of Pablo Escobar.
October 11 also brings us a domestic home video launch for Blinky Bill: The Film, the most popular Australian animated feature film that hit theaters down under last year.
New releases hitting DVD merely comprise the Current Hong Kong terror thriller Ghost of the Theatre, the Mount Everest documentary Sherpa along with also the thriller , starring Wes Bentley, Jaimie Alexander along with Cam Gigandet.
The Criterion Collection this week provides their third Richard Linklater title as a new variant of Boyhood combines the previously published  Slacker along with Dazed and Confused. The week also sees the first ever HD launch for Robert Altman’s amazing 1971 western McCabe and Mrs. Miller, starring Warren Beatty and Julie Christie and backed by the songs of Leonard Cohen.
Two more film classics are combined together to your . The new set includes both Cape Stress and To Kill a Mockingbird as well as some collectible photographs and poster reproductions.
With Halloween just over two weeks away, October 11 also proceeds the shipping of terror movies of the month. Shout! Factory’s Scream Factory line has two new editions of must-own classics. Look for impressively-loaded collectors variations of the John Carpenter’s The Item along with Brian DePalma’s Carrie. Meanwhile, the Arrow Films has his own double attribute arriving with both Wes Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes along with  Hideo Nakata’s Black Water.
On the small screen, October 11 brings home the sixth season of the two  Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and of IFC’s Portlandia (the latter arrives on DVD only).   There’s also DVD only first season sets of both the Ken Jeong sitcom Dr Ken and of the stop-motion animated superhero comedy   Super Mansion.
There numerous complete series sets, as we gear up for the holiday season. Look for, on Blu-ray, Hannibal, Knight Rider along with  Miami Vice, while, on DVD only, we are getting newly-released sets for Bitten, Kolchak: The Night Stalker, Monk, Sliders along with  The Twilight Zone.
Digital HD titles debuting October 11 comprise Warner Bros.. Pictures’ recent terror hit Lights Out, the well-received thriller Nerve (starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco), the current biopic Papa Hemingway in Cuba along with the first animated adventure   Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, which includes the return of Adam West and Burt Ward as the voices of Batman and Robin.  
It is possible to check out cover artwork for all the October 11 releases in the gallery viewer below along with a listing of every release’s special features (where applicable).
– Extended Edition (133 minutes) & Theatrical Version (116 minutes) – 2 Hysterically Haunting Gag Reels – 4 Unearthed deleted scenes – 11 Totally Possessed Alternate Scenes and over 60 minutes of extra extended and alternate scenes with Ultraviolet download – 6 Jokes-A-Plenty alternative accept reels – 5 Supernatural Featurettes: – Chris Hemsworth is ‘Kevin’ – The Ghosts of both Ghostbusters – Meet the Team – Visual Effects: 30 Decades Later – Slime Time – Filmmaker Commentaries – Photo Gallery
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Blood Father
– Lost Souls: On the Road with Blood Father – Featurette
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Ice Age: Collision Course
– Scrat – Ice Age: The Story So Far – Scratasia: Scrat’s Solo Adventures – Mysteries of the Scratazons – Star Signs of the Animal Kingdom – The Science of It All: deGrasse Tyson deBunks – Figaro Sing-along – Gallery
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Broken Vows
The Infiltrator
– Audio Commentary with Director Brad Furman along with Bryan Cranston – Deleted scenes – The Three Bobs Featurette – How to Infiltrate Featurette
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The Legend of Tarzan
– Tarzan Reborn – Featurette – Battles along with Bare Knuckled Brawls – Featurette – Tarzan and Jane’s Unfailing Love – Featurette – Making the Virtual Jungle – Featrette – Gabon into the Big Display – Featurette – Cease Ivory PSA – Featurette
Blinky Bill: The Film
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Ghost of the Theatre
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– New 2K – New audio commentary featuring Linklater and nine members of the movie’s cast and crew – New documentary chronicling the film’s production, featuring footage taken within the course of its thirty decades – New discussion featuring Linklater and celebrities Patricia Arquette and Ellar Coltrane, moderated by producer John Pierson – New dialog between Coltrane and actor Ethan Hawke – New video article by critic Michael Koresky about period in Linklater’s movies, narrated by Coltrane – collection of pictures of the cast and crew by photographer Matt Lankes, narrated with personal ideas from Linklater, Arquette, Hawke, Coltrane, also manufacturer Cathleen Sutherland – An article by novelist Jonathan Lethem
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McCabe and Mrs. Miller
– New 4K recovery, together with uncompressed monaural soundtrack in the Blu-ray – Audio commentary from 2002 featuring director Robert Altman and producer David Foster – New making-of documentary, featuring members of the cast and crew – New conversation regarding the Movie and Altman’s profession between film historians Cari Beauchamp along with Rick Jewell – Featurette from the movie’s 1970 generation – Art Directors Guild Film Society Q&A out of 1999 with production designer Leon Ericksen – Excerpts from archival interviews with cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond – Gallery of stills from the collection by photographer Steve Schapiro – Excerpts from two 1971 episodes of The Dick Cavett Show featuring Altman and film – critic Pauline Kael – Trailer – An article by novelist and critic Nathaniel Rich
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Gregory Peck Collection
– A dialog with Gregory Peck – Fearful Symmetry: The Making of To Kill a Mockingbird – The Making of Cape Fear – Academy Award Best Actor Acceptance Speech – American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award – Excerpt from Tribute to Gregory Peck – Scout Remembers – To Kill a Mockingbird Feature Commentary with Director Robert Mulligan and Producer Alan Pakula – Theatrical Trailers – Collectible Photo and Poster Reproductions
– NEW 4K Scan Of The Negative – Original Theatrical Trailer (HD) – Carrie Franchise Trailer Gallery – NEW More Acting Carrie — containing interviews with Nancy Allen, Betty Buckley, William Katt, Piper Laurie, Edie McClurg and P.J. Soles (20 minutes) – NEW Composing Carrie — an interview with screenwriter Lawrence Cohen (29 minutes) – NEW Cutting Carrie — an interview with editor Paul Hirsch (25 minutes) – NEW Shooting Carrie — an interview with director of photography Mario Tosi (15 minutes) – NEW Casting Carrie –an interview with casting director Harriet B. Helberg (16 minutes) – NEW Bucket of Blood — a new interview with composer Pino Donaggio (24 minutes) – NEW Horror’s Hallowed Grounds — Revisiting The Film’s Original Locations (11 minutes) – Acting Carrie — Interviews With Actors Sissy Spacek, Amy Irving, Betty Buckley, Nancy Allen, William Katt, Piper Laurie, Priscilla Pointer and P.J. Soles And Art Director Jack Fisk And Director Brian De Palma (43 minutes) – Visualizing Carrie — Interviews With Brian De Palma, Jack Fisk, Lawrence D. Cohen, Paul Hirsch (41 minutes) – A Look At “Carrie: The Musical” (6 minutes) – TV Spots – Radio Spots – However Gallery — Rare Behind-The-Scenes Photos, Posters And Lobby Cards – Stephen King And The Evolution Of Carrie Text Gallery
The Item
– NEW 2K Scan Of Your Interpositive Supervised And Approved By Director Of Photography Dean Cundey – NEW 4.1 Audio Mix Created From The Original 70MM Six Track Dolby Stereo Soundtrack (5.1 Audio Mix Also Included) – NEW Audio Commentary With Director Of Photography Dean Cundey – NEW Audio Commentary With Co-producer Stuart Cohen – Audio Commentary By Director John Carpenter And Environmentally Kurt Russell – Teaser Trailer (1 minute) – Theatrical Trailers (U.S. And German) (5 minutes) – TV Spots (1 minute) – Radio Spots (2 minutes) – However Gallery (Behind-The-Scenes Photos, Posters And Lobby Cards) (15 minutes) – NEW Requiem For A Twist Shifter — An Interview With Director John Carpenter In Conversation With Filmmaker Mick Garris (28 minutes) – NEW The Men Of Outpost 31 — Proof With Keith David, Wilford Brimley, David Clennon, Thomas Waites, Peter Maloney, Richard Masur And Joel Polis (51 minutes) – NEW Assembling And Assimilation — An Interview With Editor Todd Ramsay (11 minutes) – NEW Fixing The Chameleon: The Sights Of THE THING — Evidence With Visual Effects Artists Peter Kuran And Susan Turner, Particular Make-up Effects Artist Rob Burman, Brian Wade And Stop Motion Animators Randall William Cook And Jim Aupperle (25 minutes) – NEW Sounds From Your Cold — Interviews With Supervising Sound Editor David Lewis Yewdall And Distinctive Audio Effects Designer Alan Howarth (15 minutes) – NEW Between The Lines — A Interview With Novelization Author Alan Dean Foster (16 minutes) – NEW Back Into The Cold: A Return To The Shooting Locations Of THE THING — A Animated Photo Gallery Narrated From Todd Cameron Of Outpost31.com – NEW The Art Of Mike Ploog Gallery (12 minutes) – John Carpenter’s The Thing: Terror Takes Shape — A Documentary About The Making Of THE THING Featuring Interviews With John Carpenter, Kurt Russell, Special Effects Make-up Designer Rob Bottin, Legendary Matte Artist Albert Whitlock Plus Members Of The Cast And Crew (80 moments — SD) – Network TV Broadcast Version Of THE THING (92 moments — SD) – Outtakes (5 minutes — SD) – Vintage Featurettes In Your Electronic Press Kit Featuring Interviews With John Carpenter, Kurt Russell And Rob Bottin (13 moments — SD) – Vintage Featurettes — The Benefits Of A Chilling Tale And The Making Of THE THING (14 moments — SD) – Vintage Product Reel — Includes A Condensed Version Of The Film With Added – Footage Not In The Film (19 moments — SD) – Vintage Behind-The-Scenes Footage (2 moments — SD) – Annotated Production Archive — Production Art And Storyboards, Location Scouting, Particular Make-up Effects, Post Production (54 moments — SD)
The Hills Have Eyes
– Brand new 4K recovery from original film elements, supervised by producer Peter Locke – High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation – Original mono audio – Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing – 6 x postcards – Reversible fold-out poster containing fresh and new art – Limited edition booklet containing new writing about the film by critic Brad Stevens along with also a thought of the Hills franchise by Ewan Cant, illustrated with first archive stills – Audio commentary with Wes Craven and Peter Locke – Looking Back on The Hills Have Eyes — making-of documentary containing interviews with Craven, Locke, cele from network 8 http://www.blueraysearch.com/october-11-2016-this-week-on-blu-ray-dvd-digital-hd/
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blissfulalchemist · 4 years
Full clear for CatWren for the dramatic asks? 😘😘😘
Alright so there is a verse with these two and distinctions will be made if these Gals are more than just Pals. 
1. Who would sell their soul to the devil to save the other.
While I have no doubt that Wren wouldn’t also sell her soul she would be smarter about it though. Cat I love her but she can be so dumb and impulsive to those she loves and she hates the idea of losing another person that she loves is just too much to bear, she just takes the near first deal offered.
2. Who would become a stalker, in the right (wrong) situation.
Both kind of stalk each other in college verse just trying to get to know the other outside of the pool class they share with Wes. It’s just some light stalking really. Nothing to big. 
3. Who would pine away in silence their entire lives without confessing their love.
This might be a both honestly. If Wren wasn’t more forward than Cat is comparatively they would have just remained as friends. Now if we are also talking about them being friends though! Cat would, she would watch from afar and be like “Damn I wish I was cool enough to be her friend.” 
4. Who would leave their friends, family, and life to move overseas to be with the other one.
Cat would I think more so because of the fact that she is more action based and wouldn’t want Wren to feel alone. She doesn’t like the idea of abandoning Wren even with today’s tech she wouldn’t like it. As friends this wouldn’t really happen as much because they never really leave the other and understand that. So long as they come together often enough this is fine to happen because that’s just life sometimes.
5. Who would be the most worried the other might cheat on them.
Wren has more insecurity than Cat does and does not want to be proven that she just isn’t enough for a person. It breaks her heart. She has nothing to fear though, Cat loves her and will never stray.
Though I will make a distinction that Drunk Cat might present as more jealous given Wren is very touchy feely and Drunk Cat gives no fucks(Leave her be. Cat’s other partners are not known to be as touchy like as Wren) she will even act jealous towards people she knows are their friends, sorry Wes you’re staying six feet away covid came early.
6. Who would run into a burning building to save a stranger while the other calls 911.
Both. It’s a matter of who gets there first, probably Wren cause she’s the Tall in this relationship. The other will call 911.
7. Who would haunt the other after death and chase away other suitors.
Both would and both would surely be petty about it.
So in the romantic relationship, neither believes there is anyone that is better than them. Even if they see the other is happy you can bet there is petty and not so petty events happening. Wren is a horror movie lover and will pull off those acts just to fuck with Cat’s suitors. Cat will again go a little more Invisible Man on them. Just make their life harder in subtle ways. Wren is just more extra.
Friendship way would be more to let the other know that they’re there and they got the other’s back. If they are friends most likely the other is with their true loves and more so mess with them to help the other out. Like making Raf lose a cooking battle or make sure Wes isn’t being a gremlin so Wren can some sleep for once. 
8. Who would stand up at the other’s wedding and say they object.
If it’s anyone but Wes Cat is standing up at that wedding because Wes ain’t doing it himself. I feel that Wren would do it in return for Raf if anything just beating him to it. 
Romantic would be Cat more so. Wren would get a little more defeatist and just sad, though I would think she tries in private with Cat. 
9. Who would write long, beautiful poems for the other.
Cat is not very good with her words but will try. Wren it comes more natural and it’s probably a song. Both go to Raf for help. Or they give up and just have songs they send the other expressing feelings. 
10. Who would love the other no matter how evil the other became.
Cat. There might be a limit with Wren especially with how an evil Cat might treat Wren. I do not hold my daughter to being kind to partners if she is evil because that seems a little unrealistic. Loving them as evil though Cat will stay with them.
11. Who would be the most likely to become an addict (gambling/drugs/etc.).
Hmmm neither really want to go that route but Wren has better smarts about her a lot of times and seen what it can do first hand so she’s in more control. Cat on the other hand thinks she can handle things sometimes and really can’t. 
12. Who would propose in a grand gesture of some kind.
Both would. In fact you know what they forgo a proposal and just go straight to the wedding! Why go through the trouble when you can be efficient and just have one giant party.
13. Who would go berserk at harm or death befalling the other.
Wren would. Each time. Cat will get her revenge but hers would be slower each time. As friends or lovers you don’t want to see what comes from that happening.
14. Who would spend too much money on expensive gifts for the other.
Both but again depends on the fact if it was impulsive or not you know. 
15. Who would fight an impossible battle to give the other time to escape.
Both would there is no question. This fight is more even and will have to have a few more details included to determine the real winner here.
16. Who would be able to spend centuries in misery waiting for the other to be reborn.
Both would again and they would find each other more easily because these two can be friends or lovers and it may change up every few lives. These two manage to find each other in a sense that they just have a connected soul string. 
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