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ladytauria · 1 year ago
"tell me a secret" with jaytim if youre still taking prompts, been enjoying all of the snippets!
this one ran away with me. a little bit.
it's. it feels very messy. but i like the direction i ended up going with it. i think--- i think i might revisit this premise again. but for now, nonny, i hope you like it!
(also, i'm glad you enjoyed my snippets~)
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There are few things worse than truth pollen, in Tim’s opinion. Give him fear gas or sex pollen any day of the week. Losing control of his tongue, confessions spilling from his mouth, helpless to do anything to stop it… It makes him shudder just to think about.
He would gladly have taken a blast of truth pollen right to the face, if it meant Jason wouldn’t have.
Jason’s locked himself in an isolation cell, now, while Tim synthesizes an antidote. The general pollen vaccine had done little to help the effects of this strain. Confessions had tumbled from Jason’s lips all the way home, all through the blood draw. Tim tries hard not to think about them, to forget them completely, but they linger in the back of his mind. Whether he wants them to be or not, he knows they’ve been imprinted in the back of his mind, where they’ll be sorted and cataloged, brought out later if ever he needs them.
He never forgets. It’s something of a curse.
As soon as the antidote finishes, Tim sends it to Jason through a panel in the isolation cell. It should take an hour for it to kick in—Tim will be upstairs, whenever Jason is ready.
Two hours pass before Jason joins him. Tim sits at the kitchen island, hands around a mug. Steam still wafts up from it; his face warm and damp where it caresses his skin.
“That better not be coffee,” Jason says. He sounds even grumpier than usual—not that Tim can blame him.
He chooses not to comment on his mood, for the moment.
“It’s not,” he says. “It’s tea.” He pauses. “Herbal tea.”
Jason grunts. 
“There’s some for you on the counter.” He gestures.
Jason rounds the counter, finally coming into view. Tim’s shoulders loosen a little at the sight of him; curls and skin damp from a shower, cotton tee sticking to him. Sweatpants ride low on his hips. His socks have little gray cats on them.
“Did your cameras alert you I was coming up?”
Tim ignores the confrontational sneer in his tone. “No.”
For a moment, Jason’s body tenses like he’s going to challenge him on it—turn it into a fight, until one of them storms out or ends up sleeping in the guest room. Then he finds his tea, in a thermal traveling cup. The tension drains from him, then; weariness in the bow of his shoulders. He takes the cup and joins Tim at the island, settling onto the stool next to his.
Their shoulders brush. Tim knows it’s as close to an apology as he’ll get right now. He brushes against him again when he raises his mug to his mouth; a silent forgiveness.
Jason drinks his tea. He hums softly; a quiet, pleased noise.
They drink in silence. Tim wouldn’t describe it as comfortable, but the air isn’t as thick with tension as it could have been. He knew they would have to address it before they went to sleep; knew, for a while at least, that things would be… delicate. He’s not looking forward to walking on tiptoes—but it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than Jason leaving.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Tim murmurs, finally. “I’m not— I won’t ask. We can pretend like you never said anything.”
Jason is quiet for a moment, and then he says, “Thank you.” It’s barely a whisper. Tim isn’t sure he would have heard it, if he hadn’t been listening for it.
He brushes against him again, as he gets up to put his mug in the sink. He smooths his hand over Jason’s back; from one shoulder to the other as he walks by—both touches a silent reassurance.
He puts his mug in the sink and stops by Jason again. This time, he kisses his temple. “I’m going to bed,” he murmurs. “Join me when you’re ready.”
Jason leans into his touch—turning, when Tim pulls away, to catch around the waist and pull him close. He kisses the corner of Tim’s eye. “I love you,” he murmurs.
Tim squeezes his forearm. “I love you too,” he breathes.
They stay like that for a moment—a long moment. And then, finally, Jason lets him go, smearing another kiss against his skin when he does. Tim lingers a moment more, and then he heads off to their bedroom.
It’s maybe ten, fifteen minutes before Jason joins him, curling up in Tim’s arms; letting Tim plaster himself against his back, sighing sweetly when Tim’s chin rests atop his curls. He tangles their fingers together over their stomach.
Tim falls asleep knowing everything is going to be okay.
Tim doesn’t just forget about it. He can’t—though he tries. The things Jason said turn over and over in his mind, every time there’s a lull at work, on patrol, in the quiet moments he spends with Jason. He keeps his word. He doesn’t ask about them. He doesn’t even go digging through Batman’s files, or the city’s files—although the temptation sits heavy on his shoulders.
Instead—he ends up thinking, again and again, about secrets.
About Jason’s. About his own. About all the things that sit, buried deep under his tongue, where he would never dare to speak them aloud. But the more he thinks about the more he sees them as cracks—fissures, things not sitting quietly in himself but things keeping them apart.
He finds himself wanting to dig them up. To look at them in the light, offer them to Jason; see if he finds even those parts of him worth loving.
He wants to do the same to Jason. To look at the ugliest parts of him again—this time without the wrongness of pollen coating them—and cradle them in his hands, tuck them in the spaces between his ribs. Soothe the hurts they left behind.
Tim knows Jason won’t let him.
Tim has never needed reciprocation.
He starts offering them, impromptu, in their quiet moments.
“Sometimes I feel more like myself in a dress and heels than I do in a suit,” he confesses, while Jason is reading; Tim’s head in his lap while he plays on his switch. “I’ve thought about looking into it—but honestly. Exploring... that on top of everything else just sounds exhausting.” 
Jason pauses, fingers in Tim’s hair, and says, “If you ever want to, I’ll support you. I’ll love you, no matter what you decide.” 
Tim turns and kisses his stomach.
A few days later, they’re cooking together. Tim stirs noodles, while Jason chops vegetables. “The first time I dressed up as a woman, I looked so much like my mother I almost couldn’t leave the manor. I don't think I would have, if not for the mission.”
The knife pauses; the sound of chopping stops. “That must have been a lot,” Jason says, tentatively. 
Tim doesn’t have to look over to know Jason is giving him a weird look. He can feel it on the back of his head.
“It was,” he agrees. “Are you sure I salted this enough?”
His next confession is delivered when Tim is donning one of his aliases for an undercover job. Jason is sweet enough to do up his zipper for him.
“I created my first alias when I was seven. I mean, I guess it was more playing pretend, but... I dunno. It felt more serious than that, even then. I kept making more as I got older, trying them on... whenever I felt like it. Now it’s something I do as a hobby, to keep my skills sharp, but there was a time when I wanted to be anyone other than Tim Drake.”
Jason meets his eyes in the mirror; gaze unfathomable. “What changed?”
Tim’s lips quirk. “It’s hard to fall in love as anyone but yourself.”
The flush on Jason’s face is vivid red. Tim is helpless to do anything but turn and kiss him.
After a fight, Tim calls Jason. It goes straight to voicemail—not unexpected. It still makes his heart clench. He ignores it, instead offering, 
“Jason… I’m sorry, for what I said, earlier. It— It wasn’t true. I meant it when I said I can live with you killing. I don’t—I don’t… The truth is, I don’t disagree with your methods. I’m tempted to join you, sometimes. A lot of times. I’m tempted to go even further, too. I… Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps me from going bad is Dick’s disappointment. Bruce’s, too, but. I don’t care what he thinks as much anymore.
“Some days the temptation is stronger than others, though. And that— It scares me. I cling tighter to the rules in response. I… It’s not an excuse for me to hurt you, though. I’m sorry. I love you. Come home whenever you’re ready.” He’s crying when he finishes, hanging up the phone. Thinks about staying in the basement; distracting himself with cold cases instead of going to bed.
He decides he’s disappointed Jason enough.
Jason comes home that night. Slips into their bed, gathering Tim in his arms. 
“You could never go bad,” he whispers. “You’re too fucking good, Tim.”
Tim shakes his head, burying his face in Jason’s neck. “If I convinced myself it was right, or for a good cause…” He holds him tighter.
Jason is quiet. “Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” Tim doesn’t even hesitate.
“Then trust that I wouldn’t let you.”
Tim knows Jason has broken his own moral code more than once.
He also knows that Jason is far more careful with the people he loves than he is himself.
It’s a trait they share.
So he nods. “Okay.” 
“And you’ll do the same for me,” he says, softly—almost tentatively.
Tim holds him tighter. “Yes.”
He’s quiet for so long Tim thinks he falls asleep. Then, he offers, quietly, “Sometimes I think I’ll go too far, and— You’ll leave. Or that you’ll wake up one day, and realize I’m not going to change, that… That you can’t handle the killing after all. I don’t… I don’t want to lose you.” He doesn’t say, I thought I was losing you tonight, but Tim hears it anyway.
He kisses Jason’s neck. “You won’t,” he says, confidently. “But— If you ever do, or if it looks like you’re going to— I promise I’ll tell you. Warn you. I won’t just disappear without giving you a chance.”
Jason shudders in his arms. He tucks his face in Tim’s hair—Tim cups the back of his neck in response. “Feels like all you’ve given me a hundred second chances,” he whispers.
Tim nuzzles him. “I’ll give you a hundred more. You’re worth it.”
Jason starts making his own confessions, after that.
He lights a candle on the coffee table, filling the air with the scent of sandalwood. Then he stops. Turns his lighter over in his hand—flicks it on, then off again.
“I didn’t stop smoking because of how I died, or the Pit, or Talia, or for my health, or—any of the bullshit reasons I told everyone else. Sheila— Cigarettes remind me of her. The way she just sat there and watched.”
Tim stands, stepping into his space. He winds his arms around Jason’s waist. “You deserved better,” he says, quietly.
“We both did.”
‘We’ means Tim and Jason. It also means Sheila and Jason. Tim doesn’t know if he agrees with the latter—but. Whatever else she was, she was Jason’s mother, and that means something to Jason. So, he says nothing. Just presses a kiss to Jason’s shoulder.
After a rough patrol, another argument between Jason and Bruce—one that took both Nightwing and Red Robin to break up—Jason sits in the medbay of Tim’s nest, letting him stitch up his arm.
Tim is almost done, when Jason says, “I’ve given up on Bruce killing the Joker for me. I wish he’d let me do it. More than that—I just. I want him to tell me, to my face, that he missed me. That he loved me. That the loss of me was something painful. That—That he still loves me. I don’t. I don’t want to hear it from someone else. But I know— I know he won’t. The man who would have died with me, and sometimes I think that’s the worst of it all.”
Tim snips the thread, laying the needle down. He kisses the skin just above the wound, and lingers there. “I’m sorry.”
Jason is quiet. Then he turns, pressing his nose into Tim’s hair. He doubts it smells great—he hasn’t had time to hit the showers yet—but Jason doesn’t seem to care. “Me too,” he whispers.
Tim gets a box of cologne samples in the mail. He’s going through them, just for fun—handing the ones he likes best to Jason. As he passes over the third, Jason says,
“I don’t remember what Mom’s voice sounded like anymore—but. I found the perfume she loved. It was one of the most expensive things we owned. She only got it out for special occasions, or—or when she was sad, and needed something to help remind her of the good times. I— When I smell it, I can almost hear her again. Singing in the kitchen, or… Reading with me on the couch.”
Tim puts the cologne samples down. He tucks himself against Jason’s side and holds him tight. The vulnerability in Jason’s voice, in his expression… It scares Tim almost as much as it awes him. He just— He wants to protect him, to hold the softest parts of Jason close, where nothing and no one can hurt him again.
It’s an impossible wish, but. That won’t stop him from trying.
“Tell me about her?” he asks softly, laying his cheek over Jason’s heart. The steady beat is calming.
Jason does.
It keeps going. Back and forth.
“Sometimes I think no one actually wants me around—that people are happier when I’m not there.” 
“I think I left a piece of myself in the grave. It hurts less that it’s missing these days, but. It still hurts.”
“I never felt like I was alive until I became Robin. That’s part of why losing it hurt so much.”
“Sometimes Bruce and Dick will mention things—and I don’t remember them. They sound like happy memories, but, when I go poking around, all I can find are blank spaces. It’s fucking terrifying.”
“In the early days—sometimes Bruce would forget, and call me by your name. I… It feels awful to admit, but. Those nights were my favorite.”
“I hate looking in the mirror. For—for a million fucking reasons, but one of ‘em is how much I look like my dad. Like Willis. He wasn’t a bad man, except when he drank. He just… he drank a lot. I don’t want to be him.”
Secrets traded, back and forth. A lot of them big, some of them small. Always in the quietest moments, in the carefullest tones. Each one met with acceptance, with love.
Tim feels freer than he ever has. Not even swinging between buildings leaves his step so light.
He thinks Jason feels the same; thinks he smiles more, now. Tim has caught him humming in the kitchen more than once—finds himself humming the same tune.
Tim has never needed reciprocation to love someone.
Jason has given it to him anyway.
Ivy’s not done with truth pollen—determined to perfect this strain. This time, Tim is on the other side of the city when Jason catches a face full. He doesn’t miss a beat; working with Spoiler to wrangle her back to Arkham. As soon as it’s handled, he beelines back to the Nest.
Tim meets him there.
Jason doesn’t lock himself in an isolation cell, this time. He works with Tim to distill the antidote. Tim isn’t foolish enough to believe that all of the secrets Jason has buried in the recesses of his mind have come to light. He knows his haven’t. He knows, too, that for both of them, there are some which never will. That's okay. Jason has shared enough that the pollen’s compulsion has little to cling to; little to nourish its roots.
So this time—he doesn’t talk as much, this time; only the occasional confession spilling from his lips.
Most of them make Tim blush.
It’s a torturous hour—albeit for entirely different reasons than last time—and it ends not with a shared cup of tea but Tim pinned to the wall in the Nest shower, Jason on his knees, worshiping him until stars burst behind his eyes.
Tim turns the tables on him as soon as he remembers which way is up—and then they stumble upstairs, to bed, curling into one another like two mis-matched halves.
Jason tangles their fingers together. “Tell me a secret,” he whispers, to the darkness of the room.
Tim does.
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grantwilson · 1 year ago
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we are discussing our childhood passions on the dash tonight
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i feel bad for disappearing for like 2 weeks... so have a tidbit of what i've been working on! not related to any of my aus, just a cute lil one shot
He waited for Grian to nod before moving closer to him, pressing his stomach up against Grian's side and snaking his hand between his legs, idly circling Grian's dick with his fingers. Grian moaned at the touch, bucking his hips up into his hand, searching for more pressure on his dick, searching for his orgasm. He turned his head towards Scar and hid his face in his neck, moaning into the skin there. Scar couldn't say that he didn't enjoy pleasuring his partner or feeling his breathy moans on his neck, and he was more than happy to press down harder on his dick and let him buck into him but... well it was a bit dry. He couldn't imagine that it felt too good for Grian, rubbing his sensitive dick against his hand dry. He looked over his shoulder, eyeing the drawer where he kept the lube and quickly discarded the idea of grabbing it - it was too far, and he really didn't want to leave Grian without something to frot against again; at least not until he finished. Scar's next idea was to wet his fingers with spit but that had the same problem as the idea where he grabbed the lube, where he would be leaving Grian to his own devices, and he didn't want to do that. So instead he acted on his next idea, dipping his fingers lower and gathering some of Grian's slick onto his fingers.
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rottingworship · 8 months ago
I'm super duper excited to say!! The next chapter of Beg and Bargain should be coming out tonight (if all things go well)! I have to finish it up when I get home and then do a little editing to it.
Then I can focus on some requests again! Before buckling down for chapter 7 lol
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 month ago
haha yeah i'm really into vocaloid. what songs do i like? oh u wouldnt know them. im sure youve never heard kairikibears mane mane psychotropic. or deco's liar dance. heh im sure ur unfamiliar with i'm a female ninja but i want to love by mikitoP. u'll never know true gems like szm's over indulgence:idol syndrome. i've been getting really into tetoris lately that ones by hiiragi magnitite who im sure u dont know. perhaps u've tangentially heard of naisho no pierce's propose?
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flowercrowngods · 1 year ago
i have reasons to believe that who did this to you part 3 is bringing me my words back. will collect more evidence and keep you apprised.
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lapdogchase · 2 years ago
im not like. a big blogger right. at what point am i a big blogger. or like medium size. is it the point when i get nerfed for a couple days and i see someone say like "oh no he deactivated he had some bad takes but he was cool" in the tags of one of my posts when i come back. is it when i get reposted on instagram all the time. is it when peiple get anons "warning" them i support mspec gays.....
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rubberduckyrye · 7 months ago
I keep thinking about how writing 3k words every day for me might actually be feasible
Write 1k after each meal
1k three times a day
I chew through words so fast so I only need about 30 minutes to write 1k?
It's not hard.... I could easily do it!!!
And that's without my meds--I was told my meds are safe to take but I did feel a racing heart issue so I want to switch to a lower dose or a more mild medicine tbh.
I'm trying to plan this out. Ehe.
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questionable-doctor · 8 months ago
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guess which part was my favorite to render challenge (impossible)
#art#artfight#this is clementine by qatoqat#gritting my teeth gnawing on the bars of my cage its fine that it looks awkward i was experimenting... its fine im normal...#i wouldve just shaded it like i normally do but i really wanted to do the eyes that way#and you cant JUST do the eyes like that. on account of the devils#i also got to contend with the new thumbnail thing today... tell me WHAT is the point of requiring a 200x200 square in the first place#if youre just gonna make me crop it again. be so for real with me#i wouldnt be that ticked about it except it started skewed off to the side when i put the thumbnail in???#so i had to. get it as close to normal as possible#instead of just importing it and being done.#glad to see that 100k being put to good use to better the site#complaining aside this is my third attack this year meaning i have reached my minigoal :3#getting to eight should be a breeze if i can keep pace. huzzah !#aaand this piece is a spiritual revenge thingy#the user had drawn my (now deleted) wc oc pretty late in the season. and at that point i had already mentally checked out from it#i cant remember whether it was i forgot to draw anything in return or that i only saw it after the event ended#but they then didnt end up participating the following year#you have no idea how many times i checked that profile.#obviously they are participating again this year so i can finally put it to rest#sidenote they almost exclusively draw cats. like 3k attacks they have probably 90% are cats. and all of their characters are cats. exquisit#after this i have one more revenge i wanna get to and then i will finish up my bookmarks#i <3 putting essays in the tags
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year ago
only have 2-ish scenes left for the ricky fic 😭😭😭.
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the-travelling-witch · 1 year ago
thank you for the valentine’s day gift!! <3
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does that mean i have to prepare sth for white day?
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acerathia · 1 year ago
14k of writing, and we're only getting a nice moment now??? insane ngl
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its-stupidhours · 1 year ago
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here we go!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH
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valyrfia · 2 years ago
are there any rules against posting my Lestappen Week Day 2 fic tomorrow instead
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feeshfries · 1 year ago
this picture haunts my dreams
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vvitchynerd · 2 months ago
Consistency is like my nemesis
First it was character designs, then lineart and shading style
Now it's chapter length of story
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