#this is a non issue and everything
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Enki S Ending: God Blocking Gambit
#fear and hunger#enki ankarian#rher#fear and hunger spoilers#He showed up in the ugliest outfit ever and still served cunt.#Everything about him is so indirectly funny to me.#He canceled his own crucifixion to make sure *he* was the blonde bitch of the non-specific prophecy!#The old gods are running a gambit of trapping humanity in a perpetual timeloop? Just say “Um. No <3”#“Humanity will always be tempted by power and will be tricked into false godhood.” Skill issue.#(Yes I know rher isn't there in the first game but I needed one of the old gods in this comic and...he is the easiest to draw.)#Part of me wants to keep going and sillify the other S endings. Much to think about.
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I get that to be completely honest. I mean, I still like the show, just the fandom isn't one I like interacting with too often. I only like interacting with you when it comes to the show.
I feel isolated as well, I'm not the intended target when people talk negatively about men I guess cause I'm a trans guy so most people don't really think of me as a man anyway, but like. I *am* a man. So I *am* included when people say that. It just feels. Idk. Upsetting? I'd love to interact with the fandom, but a lot of people in the fandom wouldn't like to interact with me. So... 🤷
I hope this doesn't sound like 'oh woe is me pity me I'm so sad' because I don't want to sound like that, it's just awkward when someone has 'i hate men' all over their blog but then interacts with you because of your Yellowjackets post and you're just kinda like
talking to a Male friend about how he feels unwelcomed in the YJ Fandom :(

“This fandom just isn’t for Me” :(( guys
#i remember that one post i reblogged from you where i was like 'oh wow i didnt catch that since i skip the adult scenes'#and i got hounded on by like three people#i deleted it so you probably cant find it but like idk it just felt really gatekeep-like and condescending the way they talked to me#i skip the adult scenes because i just dont like them a lot i dont get the issue with that#i wasnt claiming to have some untapped ancient knowledge about the show and acting superior#i literally just went#'oh wow! i didnt catch that because i skip the adult scenes lol'#and that was like?? wrong or something? idk.#kinda killed my interest in the show in the sense that when season 3 comes out I'll probably stop watching and being invested#i was going to watch the adult scenes when the show ended so i could watch it all chronologically but like idk#this is a non issue and everything#but it just really bugged me
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I think that Orym actually does doubt Imogen, but this isn't a thing that is unique to Imogen. Orym doubts all of them to an extent, because paranoia is something he struggles with (and this is continuously reinforced by the story).
It's not a 'good' thing that he should never get over, nor is it an immoral character flaw that proves he actually hates Imogen. However it's also not something I think he can get over as long as the threat of having to possibly fight his friends exists.
"I have all the faith in the world in you guys, all of you. And I have also spent time thinking how to neutralize each of you."
#cr discourse#critical role#cr3#orym#text post#people talk about orym being hypervigilant and then deny his behaviour created out of that hypervigilance#but also see people being weird about orym due to this. you can dislike him all you want but some people are doing too much#“he hates imogen! she has given him no reason to doubt her! she is good” guys its literally just paranoia#he doesn't need a reason to doubt her nor any of them. he just does due to their uncertainty about everything#this group is impulsive. shown by their 'we are an improv group' response to the question 'whats your plan to stop the end of the world'#this is all in line with oryms usual level of slightly paranoid behaviour which is exasperated and justified by the story#he followed fearne away from camp when she wanted to do something on her own but then she was jumped and nearly killed#that paranoia was proven correct#again the next night when he slept with a sword on his back after fearnes dad threatened to come back and attack her friends#and he was attacked in his sleep (by laudna but at the time he didnt know that)#then imogen told the whole group that she and laudna considered giving into the darkness together#something that both ladies then expressed they wanted orym to take them out if they went too far#this is just a result of all of this#so i think this is a non-issue. if you like it great. if you dont then whatever#just this time it rubbed people the wrong way because of irl hang ups of people valuing their own personal privacy#the same way any kind of mind stuff 'modify memory' or psychic reading of minds without permission rubs me personally the wrong way
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The fandom can't make up its mind on what's supposed to be a joke and what's supposed to be serious because the show can't either half the time. It's a tonally disjointed mess that wants to have absurd over-the-top humor as well as a plot and moments of drama, romance, and angst that demand you see the characters as people and feel for what they're going through. Except you can't do that without also treating the dumb bullshit in a somewhat grounded way. Like, you're still dealing with the same characters. You can't just go "Oh, that? Let's ignore that!" the moment it's no longer convenient to you. You've opened this can of worms and now you have to sleep in it. So, every character flip-flops between two different versions of themselves depending on what the writers need in any particular scene.
This is not to say surreal humor can't be used right alongside characters you're supposed to empathize with, Teen Titans (not Go) did that and it worked. It's just that the absurdity can only come from the setting (Mad Mod, Mother Mae-Eye, pretty much anything Control Freak is in) or from designated joke characters (Date With Destiny). Teen Titans never had the main characters acting in clearly absurd ways as the butt of a joke unless those characters were brainwashed somehow, because the writers knew that would ruin any of the more grounded moments they wanted to write. The writers of Miraculous missed the memo on that one.
I don't disagree. A perfect example is Derision where the show takes all of the bad jokes about Marinette's crush and decides to take them seriously as if you can possible take them seriously without making Marinette come across as unhinged and dangerous. You can't, which brings us to the topic at hand: how do you even begin to understand these characters when the show is constantly making character-breaking choices?
My approach - and the approach I recommend others take if they're going to keep watching the show - is to focus on the characters' cores and reject anything canon does to violate those cores. I don't argue for this stance because I love the characters so much that I only want the good things to count. I take this stance because, if you don't, then the characters fall apart. There is no way to make them work as fully realized characters while embracing every choice canon has made. Miraculous has massive characterization issues that go well beyond the humor.
For example, Adrien has multiple moments of terrible behavior that are played in a serious manner such as the moment in the episode Frozer where he tries to start a fight with Ladybug in the middle of an akuma attack because she wouldn't accept a rose from him earlier:
Ladybug: I can't accept this rose from you. I told you already. I'm in love with someone else. Cat Noir: I know, M'lady. But if he weren't here, would things be different between us? Ladybug: Well, you know, I can't even begin to imagine him not being here. I'm sorry, Cat Noir. I really gotta get going, and you better do the same. (Swings her yo-yo to head back home; Cat Noir is sad, looking downwards, with one petal of the rose falling.)
Ladyice: Cat Noir. We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink. (throws yo-yo) Icecat: (bitterly) My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine. Ladyice: Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose. Icecat: There may be a certain chill now between us. Ladyice: I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris right now. Icecat: We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. (skates away)
There's no way to argue this off as a bad joke. While Adrien has every right to feel hurt, those feelings don't excuse him acting like a pouting child in the middle of an akuma fight. It doesn't excuse him acting like this at any point! Ladybug is not a villain for telling him no. She wasn't even mean about it!
I clearly fully agree that Adrien looks awful and selfish here, but I'd still argue that it's not something that should be used to define Adrien's character if your goal is to tell the "ideal" version of Miraculous. "Ideal" being the version that canon seems to be going for based on the overall picture we can sort of make out if we back way, way, way up and look at the extremely abstract picture canon is clumsily painting.
Unless canon is going to do something monumentally stupid, Adrien is Marinette's endgame romantic interest. It's also clear that there is no plan to cut him from the team. He's going to be Chat Noir for the rest of his life or at least well into his adulthood. This means that he is supposed to be a good hero who deserves his miraculous just like he's supposed to be a charming and cute romantic lead. These are the two things I keep in mind when trying to shift through canon to figure out what writing choices I should fully embrace and what writing choices I have to either ignore or treat as true flaws that get an actual character arc. In my book, either approach is fine because most of the characters are deeply flawed at this point and you can't give them all arcs without bloating the story to nonsense levels.
My goal with this approach is never to say, "oh, that moment shouldn't count in terms of how people feel about the character." It's more, "that moment goes so hard against who this character is very clearly supposed to be that I can't take it into account if I want to tell the kind of story that Miraculous is trying (and clearly failing) to tell."
As an example, let's list off Adrien's worst behaviors. The things that make him look terrible:
He sucks at communicating his needs and feelings, leading to multiple moments where he gets mad at Ladybug for things she's totally unaware of
He has quit or considered quitting without warning multiple times and only one of those was because of something he did "wrong" (NYC Special)
He puts his feelings before the safety of Paris on multiple occasions, even going so far to purposely miss akuma fights to see what happens
He is incredibly pushy about his crush, often ignoring Ladybug's feelings on the topic by continuing to bring it up even after she asked him to stop
There have been multiple instances where he almost cataclysmed multiple people in a fit of anger
His love for Ladynette isn't strong enough to let him break free of things like akumas and nightmare dust even when he's looking her in the eyes making him a pretty crappy romantic lead
People will argue that some of this behavior makes sense for his character because of the abuse that canon has technically introduced, but that the writers seem blissfully unaware of. I don't disagree with that argument, but that doesn't change the fact that none of this is acceptable behavior for a hero and Adrien is a hero who keeps doing these things. A sad backstory doesn't give you the right to behave poorly without consequences.
At the same time, if I fully embrace these elements of canon, what I get is an Adrien salt fic where he loses his miraculous for good while Marinette finds her real true love or even just a non-salty fic where Adrien leaves for his own meatal health and gets replaced by someone who can handle being a hero right now. Canon's not writing either of those, so the only way to engage with these flaws while enjoying canon or aiming for the same end goals as canon is to say, "I guess this doesn't count" or "I guess I need to tone this way down and work through it via a character arc" or even "I guess that was just a bad joke maybe?"
That is the essence of what I mean when I call myself a writing salt, character sugar blog. It comes from looking at canon and seeing that there's simply no way to embrace the worst moments and the best at the same time. We're not dealing with a coherent plot and/or complex characters. We're dealing with a nonsense plot that will warp the characters to bizarre shapes to make random ideas work even if those idea go wildly against canon's end goals.
As an example, Glaciator and Frozer should not exist in the same universe or, at the very least, something should explain why Chat Noir randomly changed his stance on Ladybug's crush from acceptance to pushiness. As is, the pieces don't fit together. The behavior is too contradictory. Remember, this is how Glaciator ends:
Perhaps Ladybug will love me someday. I mean, like, I love her. I have to believe. In the meantime, her friendship is the best gift of all.
Where did this version of Adrien go? Why did he regress in Frozer? There's no in-universe reason. It happened because the writers weren't ready to let the love square date or grow close, but they also wanted the love square to cause drama, so Adrien ends up looking terrible just like Marinette ends up looking terrible when it's her turn to cause love square drama. Her terribleness takes a different flavor so it can be hard to realize that this is a systemic issue, but that's what it is. It's deeply frustrating, but it also clearly stems from cheap writing and not quality characterization.
This is also why my stance is that canon as a whole only supports my Doyalistic core-character analysis style of approach. The writing is too poor quality to do Watsonian analysis where you embrace the full picture and try to put it all together. The closest I'll get to Watsonian analysis is pointing out how much the writing botches a Watsonian take by showing you all the way the writing contradicts itself, twisting into a nonsense pretzel of frustration where the payoffs never satisfy! (See the season four rant for an example or anything where I talked about Chloe's supposed damnation arc.)
There are even characters where canon is such a total mess that you can Doyalistically argue for two separate takes! Gabriel is a perfect example. He is all over the place and his ending was so poorly handled that you can make strong arguments for writing him as a cold-hearted villain or a sympathetic villain without the end result feeling like it spits in the face of canon because both takes maintain his one core element: villain.
That's the big thing I keep in mind when I look at the characters and the lore and the plots and try to come up with versions that the average fan would like. I don't think that there's one true version of any of these things, but I do feel comfortable saying that there are versions that will very clearly only appeal to people who are salty about a specific thing that canon did poorly. That's not who I want to appeal to in my adaptions, so while I'm not going to argue that those takes have no backing in canon, I will argue that those takes are not supported by canon as a whole. Embracing them requires you to take the worst parts of canon at face value while ignoring what canon is clearly trying to do with the overall story.
I get the appeal of that, but it's not fun for me because that approach feels like rolling around in the mud with the pigs. I don't want to sink to canon's level! I want to have fun! That's why I talk about how to make canon into its best self, not its worst self. If you want its worst self, just go watch the actual show. I will be shocked it if disappoints you.
#anon ask#ml writing critical#ml writing salt#pandaofsecrets#character core#Once again none of this is meant to excuse any specific actions as “not that bad”#This is just me explaining how I approach the characters#I know there are fics out there that try to be sugar while embracing some of the bad parts of canon and that rarely works for me#To address these issues correctly you basically have to rewrite canon with the goal of properly setting up and addressing a specific issue#You can't just jump into canon as-is and fix anything in a truly satisfying way because canon is such a disaster#Lila and Alya is a perfect example#Alya's writing in Lila's episodes goes so hard against who Alya is supposed to be that you have to completely rework Lila and/or her lies#Which is why my list of favorite Lila takedowns is so short#Even the ones that are kind to Alya have her painfully gullible because of how badly written the Lila stuff was#You can't have Alya smart and clever while including all the things she's canonically done in the Lila plot and I hate it#Season five at least temporarily killed the fun of writing for this fandom for me#I hope to get it back so I can finish my in progress stuff because I really do love these characters#Canon just makes it so hard to have fun these days#The stuff I've heard about season six is just depressing#I hope my love for the characters and ideas comes through on this blog in addition to my frustration#I wouldn't be here if I just hated everything about the show#Canon is so beyond saving that I can't even read a lot of non-salty fanfic these days#The stuff that tries to embrace the later seasons while also giving happy endings just depresses me because it never works.#I can only read early canon stuff AUS and reboots#Only way I can enjoy the fandom is to treat canon as a popular but horrible fanfic that a bunch of the fandom is embracing for some reason
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honestly one of the most disgusting things ppl can do is weaponize the various atrocities occurring around the world to "gotcha" people online and win The Morality Game.
Especially if the ppl you're going after are part of those targeted.
#serious tria#grow up for real#no really what DO you want#if you want everything to be black and white all evil or all good how do YOU propose solving the chronic issues around the world?#no really give me your perfect plan with no grays involved#I'll wait#we all want things to go perfectly & have no moral issues involved#unfortunately that's not how life is now#and we have to fight for it bit by bit#cissplain my wife ONE more time#this is shitting on queer ppl for non-perfect rep over actual queerphobes all over again#tria rants#also if there is a shitty law in action who do we want in charge#the people who are likely to not abuse it & maybe see reason?#or the people who will weaponize it to harm millions#b/c that's the stakes here#sorry I'm sick & cranky#I need sleeep
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I just feel like if the issue is “one of them is being a bully” and “one of them is being a baby” then it’s very clear to me that one of them is more in the wrong than the other.
#completely unsolicited pov from a non canucks fan btw#i have no skin in this game#i literally just decided to learn everything about this issue yesterday i am not caught up on the lore#vancouver canucks#canucks#canucks hockey#elias pettersson#jt miller#pettersson#miller#petey#hockey#nhl#nhl hockey
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don't ask me why, but me and my friend were talking about how carlos is going to be free from fraudrrari in less than 20 days and we ended up comparing him to the virgin mary (i swear it will make sense and we both grew up in christian italian families as atheists) and... how her given festivities actually add up with some of his important dates ??? buckle up!
⭒ "Festa dell'Assunzione di Maria" — august 15 she was raised to eternal life without bodily death, and very close to it carlos announced he signed with williams.
⭒ "La Natività della Beata Vergine Maria" — she was born on september 8th, he was born on september 1st (BOTH VIRGOS)!
⭒ "L'Immacolata Concezione" — december 8th, "from the first moment of her conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary was, by the singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of Mankind, kept free from all stain of original sin."... and what happens on december 8th? his last race in fraudrrari, exactly.

she was the lightly brushed by melancholy blue print after all!

#il vaticano hates to see us drop this hits ngl#i show my hatred for this religion by blasphemingly ruining their iconographies with these posts😋#you thought you saw everything with carlos being san sebastiano NOW GET READY FOR CARLOS BEING THE VIRGIN MARY!!!!#another hit post if i know my chickens well#no but fr#what were the fucking odds of the dates being actually so similiar???#carlos sainz jr and christian iconography? sign me tf up#virgin mary#frauddrari's worst nightmare bc they're always comparing the other one to the pope and carlos gets compare to LUCIFERO#SAN SEBASTIANO#LA VERGINE MARIA#c'è chi puo' e chi non puo' 😮💨#carlos is just so mystical and lovable you can't help but compare him and worship him like a god#(he's just a man and im a 23yr old teenager with mental issues and a lot of time to think)#this being said#he also gave birth a lot this year#and he's finally about to be free of sin🥴#is this considered web weaving?#leave it to him to be so poetic in just living that my brain automatically does this#lando being god's lamb and him the virgin mary GET A BETTER DUO#maybe its because maria was always a figure that stuck with me more than anyone in the bible and her sufferings and her not having really#much of a choice in her life and having to accept her faith... idk#but this makes sense in my head#carlos sainz jr web weaving#carlos sainz jr#carlitos#cs55#f1#formula 1#carlando
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Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy the false sense of peace All Might and Heroes created
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy everything that lead to the existence of that house, which he conceptualizes as the embodiment of rejection and injustice in the world. Be a Hero for the Villains.
AFO basically literally created that house
Shigaraki/Tenko helps defeat AFO
Deku telling him 'you already destroyed it' is... apparently Shigaraki/Tenko having finally gotten rid of the true cause of (his) rejection and injustice? main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society... solved? (main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society not actually being the problem he thought it was but now also solved?)
No longer a need for there to be a Hero for the Villains, Shigaraki/Tenko dies.
Heroes not to be blamed in the first place. also fuck everyone else and all other 'actual' outcasts I guess.
#i understand that Tenko not having 'supposed' to be rejected doesn't mean the rejection didn't occur for the other League members#but taking that away from Tenko/Shigaraki - leader of the League of Villains - wanting to be their champion#symbolically being their collective grievances and wills condensed into one#taking that away makes the story a lot weaker#GOD what happened#nalslastworkingbraincell#honestly making everything AFO's fault#and making Tenko's main issue being his despair toward himself (created by AFO)#allowed for the (seemingly for now) clean resolution of 'get rid of the both of them' possible#It's AFO's fault? Kill him! Problem solved#Tenko's issue not actually *harm caused by other (non-AFO) people* but instead *harm caused by his self-conceptualization/his own self*?#Tenko's projecting his own self-loathing and anger onto the world and causing trouble for everyone and making his crusade meaningless?#let him die too. Pity but problem solved!#AFO gave him the specific quirk that was Decay because it was such a brutal and deadly quirk that would guarantee rejection#you cannot tell me he could've been fine after manifesting Decay if only AFO wasn't there to tell him he has an innate need to destroy#not after what we've seen of Shinsou and Toga#other 'normal' people would not have let him live a normal life#that *is* also very much a problem that should be addressed#but it was AFO who gave him Decay and Decay was also actually not naturally existing#so everything's fine! no changes for anyone!#all this could've been saved if this was transferred to AFO - AFO also seen as a victim of societal apathy#especially since he was BORN A TRASH RIVER RAT ORPHAN#but he's just a lonely guy who was too unpleasant to form real relationships#so. only real issue Hero Society ever had that needed to be addressed was civilians being too hard on Heroes#gotta love them more and demand less of them#yippee
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another thing i dont like about the belief that soulmates are a strictly romantic thing is like... people in this fandom will be like "aiura and saiki are only not dating because hes aroace" which does not make sense and is weird 😭 so like you think soulmates have to be romantic but it can cancel out if one of them is physically incapable of feeling romantic feelings... which, even though its STRICTLY romantic in your mind, is apparently totally possible and somehow more acceptable than just not dating your "soulmate" because you dont like them like that
"theyre not dating AND hes aroace" makes sense. "theyre not dating BECAUSE hes aroace" does not make sense.
#im definitely not properly phrasing this but i feel like other aroace people will get what i mean#it sets up this weird 'you WOULD like them like that if you werent aroace' thing which is... ough not a good thing to say imo#it makes it seem like them being soulmates means theyre SUPPOSED to be together#and him being aroace is like an anomaly that went wrong#does anyone get what i mean#can we all please just accept that soulmates doesnt automatically mean two people are romantically in love#it makes everything make sense and also not gross#idk maybe this is personal maybe im the only one bothered by this#but i dont think so#im not going to go into why i dont like when people use aroace as a term when they actually strictly mean 'romance averse aromantic'#or 'non-partnering aromantic'#but i digress#whole other conversation#meows post#also i feel like i should tack onto this that yes i was reminded of this because of a post on here but in no way am i targeting them#sometimes this is just a really simple phrasing issue and they probably dont mean it like this at all
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Like Solas? Gareth David Lloyd? Beautiful, perfect, no notes baby you did phenomenally I love you I’m giving you kisses through the screen. I wish the game was written up to the standards his performance deserved because him and the pig-sized nugs were the only shining light in this entire fiasco of a game.
#datv critical#solas#the issue is that if i were to listen to a dialogue comp. i’d have to listen to shitty non-Solas dialogue#and i cant do that to myself#i aggressively hate everything that was not written for Solas to speak
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Do y'all ever draw something and you love it so much you can't honking stop looking at it
I've been sitting here staring at her for like 20 mins

ignore the derp in the corner
#im sorry i love her way too much#i love everything about her#im going to pass away shes so precious#lol i have issues#spam#non tk art#fluffy's ocs
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Hello, I blinked and March was over. Another busy/hectic month in regards to Real Life things + I got pretty sick at the end of it (because being sick in February wasn't enough lol). With that being said, here's what I did get done:
Wrote 16.1k words (Chapter 2 total word count: 27.4k )
Started editing/coding in the start of Chapter 2
Did some more coding/tweaking for stat pages
Fixed some variables in Chapter 1 + added piercings and facial hair options to character customization (these will all be added when Chap 2 releases)
Posted Rhea's bday art
With that being said, I thought Chapter 2 would be a max of 30k words, but all the small branching and flavor text in this chapter is really adding up lol. Of those words written, most of it went towards the Lars/Student Warden path. I did however write one of the three endings, and one of two of the RO pov ending scene variants.
With that said the Rhea/Student Government path should be a lot shorter since it's more straight forward, and once that's done, all that's left is a handful of smaller scenes/variants to finish up and then Chapter 2 will be done! I'm guessing it'll end up being between 40k to 50k words in total. I'm hoping to finish up the writing in April and then code everything in to release it by late May! This is obviously very tentative, but unless the universe decides to cause mayhem once more, that's what I'm aiming for!
Lastly, here's another little preview for the confrontational MCs this month (ft Lars):
#BA: updates#didn't hit my word count goal either but I did lose an entire week of writing to a fever in my defense asjkflas#health>>>>>>writing#also if you're reading the tags random off topic request lmfaO#but I like to read during my hour break at work and I need book recs#I read pretty much everything in all genres and age demographics#non fiction and comics/mangas included#anyways I read a lot but I think my issue lately is I've read so much in my comfort zone and now nothing looks interesting#I've read 33 books this year and only a handful weren't fantasy (I know that sounds like a lot but like 19 of those were manga asfaklj)#the only limit is it can't be self published since it would need to be available at my library and they never carry indies
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cavan got an ask about it so i am thinking of it but it is truly really funny when raven neil aus have ichirou or kengo or even tetsuji for that matter weirdly fixated on neil even if it's in a bad way (re: going out of their way to abuse him). the powerful men with a bloody empire that cannot even acknowledge their own blood family in riko would not spare a single thought for some no name wesninski downgrade in the perfect court i fear.............. as far as they are concerned pc members are literal dirt under their shoes. just a deeply unserious way to create angst for a character that does not need it
#it annoys me a little bit because it shows such a disregard for how the moriyamas operate#i think its fun and interesting to create worlds where they can find any meaning at all to the lives of pc members#and if you want to ship neil x ichirou seriously be my guest#but its kinda silly to have characters who canonically do not give a fuck go out of their way to do damage to#essentially this random ass kid. just some guy#when we fall into the thought that the protagonist is more important than he is we risk sacrificing his place in the narrative#for cheap angst#and likewise when we treat our villains like mindless bloodhounds we forget everything that makes them scary in the first place#sorry this is literally a non issue i was just thinking about it. good meowning everyone#txt#neil#moriyamas
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idk if it's because my mum worked in a tv magazine or what but all the media wars and backstabbing and stuff happening behind the cameras is so so interesting to me
#just saw what happened yesterday in la revuelta ojalá se muera el enano pelirrojo#so for non-spaniards here's a crash course on the situation (i could do a post about media groups in spain cause it's a lot)#there's this one late night show that's been on air for about 15 years called el hormiguero#it started fine (i used to watch it with my family when it started)#but soon there were some issues that people were seeing#especially concerning the presenter (who's also the head ofthe show) pablo motos#and his attitude with female guests he'd interview#basically being very weird and gross around them#apart from that in the last year he started to get very political in the show#he invited right and far right leaders while refusing to do so with the left wing#started making monologues at the beginning of each show critizising stuff the left had done or said#and finally included a debate segment in the show in which he invited liked-minded people to discuss politics#this has directly affected his audience. my dad is a fan of el hormoguero and i've seen him turn more right wing every year#so. last summer RTVE (national broadcast company) announced they were gonna do a late night show presented by david broncano#it's hard to describe everything here but basically broncano already had a late show called la resistencia in a streaming platform#it has always been very popular with young people and it is quite left wing#the new program made by RTVE was called la revuelta. it is exactly the same as la resistencia#before it started airing people were sceptic that broncano would be able to defeat motos' hegemony#BUT. ever since it started aiting in september it has consistently been getting more audience than el hormiguero#who would've known people were tired of the redhead bastard#anyways. apart from this. different celebrities on ppdcasts have been saying that in order to promote their product they are forced to go#to el hormiguero even of they didn't want to#there's also rumours of pablo motos blackmailing people (mostly comedians) who make fun of him#and now to what happened last night. i don't watch tv so i just saw it on twitter#broncano opened the show saying that they were sorty but they had no guest tonight#they had this one person but 30 minutes before shooting the people from el hormiguero had called him#he was originally going to go both to la revuelta and el hormiguero#but the guys from el hormiguero called him to tell him that if he went to la revuelta he couldn't go to el hormiguero#el hormiguero is bigger than la revuelta so. he had to cancel#broncano went on to say this had happened before and that's why he was talking about it
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Genuinely so happy to see that Totodile made it into ZA! I haven't really consolidated my thoughts on the trailer yet (I feel like I still have more questions than answers about what the plot itself even is beyond 'make the city better' tbh?), but Totodile is there and Absol is there and that is genuinely enough to keep me excited
#random thoughts here! I won't be a killjoy- I am excited- but i might mention stuff I'm a little *???* on#but this isn't going to be some super negative thing because I am excited about it :)#omfg and my sibling is one of those people who just cinemasins the shit out of everything and I love them but I'm not gonna do that#ok. so. first off. I was really surprised to see that it was current day and not past or future but I'm not disappointed. just surprised!#I am really excited to see Lumiose so fleshed out!!! My only worry is that it'll feel repetitive to explore since there's *seemingly* littl#-variety in the overall ecosystem. you've got the little park areas but that's. yk. not all that visually different it seems.#and I loooove exploring new areas in games. it's my favorite thing so that's my main hesitation/what's keeping me a little unsure#BUT-#it looks like they really took their time with making Lumiose as big and truly city-like as they could and I'm psyched for it!#I hope different parts of the city have different vibes to make up for the same-iness of the game only taking place in one area.#supposedly. it is confirmed to only be set in lumiose and no other in game areas right??? no routes or anything?#I'm also excited for the new battling mechanic. I wonder how pokemon speed and size factors into hitboxes and such with dodging???#my mind also always goes to accessibility and i do hope that it's not *too* reliant on reaction-speed dodging.#I like turn-based stuff because it's easier on bad nerve pain days#but I can't imagine they're going to go. like. skyrim or botw with it where you *need* a certain level of coordination.#like as long as it's no worse than PLA's noble pokemon fights (minus the goddamn electrode one) then it should be fine#and I cannot imagine it would be harder than that or that battles would solely RELY on dodging.#like. sorry to the people who think pokemon's too easy but idk. if I wanted to play dark souls then i'd play dark souls.#but moving on from that because it's probably a non-issue:#the graphics are amazing. I'm so impressed with how good it looks- esp side by side with SV!!!#and look. is sv a little rough here and there? yes BUT I think it looked REALLY GOOD OVERALL.#so i'm super excited that this looks way better!
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In accordance with the funny response. How do they handle situations like "Let me see what you have!" "A KNIFE!" "NO!"
Que dramatic chase sequence with child running into the crowd and two very stressed robots yelling “Stop Them” with tiki bots diving into a sea of very confused and alarmed people in attempt to catch one very slippery child
Only to end with the “knife” being a broken piece of a toy shark (still hazardous but very less concerning)
This is a tiki btw
#you will see a few of these running around the park#their non vocal so they are extremely expressive and have high energy#tikis are all about having fun their job is to keep everything cleaned up and issues dealt with so the fun can continue#tikis are around 5 ft and love playing along with the kids#they are the biggest sweethearts so please be nice to them#waterpark au#WP asks#daycare attendant au#dca au#waterspark
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