#this is a fluffy one
bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
Don't Blame Me || John 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem!OC
Chapter 3: The Very First Night
Ao3 Link | Masterpost
John and Nina start warming up to each other. (this is a cute little domestic chapter)
Tags: Fake Marriage, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Build, Canon-Typical Violence
CW: N/A for this chapter
Words: 2k
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He decided he would sleep on the floor, for both their comfort. He was still unused to the soft comfort of a real mattress and she most likely didn’t want to sleep next to a stranger. He took two pillows and laid down with his feet facing the door. Maybe it was because she seemed so tired and it was getting to him but his shoulders felt heavy and his eyes dragged along the ceiling. He left the pistol from the supply box by his side, ready in case he needed it.
He had wished for something with a bit more firepower but he wished more that they wouldn’t have to use it. Price had assured him on the phone that it didn’t seem like they were followed or that they even knew she’d left the country. He had tried to gain a little bit more insight but Price stood firm  “Laswell hasn’t even told me everything, I suspect.” It was a short call but he still lost track of him. How long had she been in there? His heart dropped. He could break the lock if he needed, remembering how many times he did it in Las Almas. 
“Grace? You okay? It’s been a while. Say something, please.” He could hear the water running. He counted down in his head, waiting for a response. “I need a response or I will come in.”
His hand rested on his knife, prepared to slip it between the door and lock. He let out a sigh of relief when she answered him. Had he overreacted? He didn’t exactly know what her mental state was. He was just glad she was okay. He grabbed her unopened suitcase and left it at the door for her. 
She was asleep again, curled up under the cheap sheets. He turned off the lights and closed the curtains. The only light in the room was the grimey green of the clock
They’d have to get up early tomorrow. He elected to take a train rather than go by car. They’d have to change trains in Chicago but it was a straight shot to Seattle after that. The train car had two beds as well. 
He wanted her to open up more, she could be funny at times. It would be a dull time if she didn’t. Even Ghost started joking with him at some point. Maybe he would have been a better escort than him. 
He took a shower the next morning. She was already up and dressed when he got out. She was sitting on the desk chair, knees pulled up and lazily spinning around.
“Having fun?” He asked, checking his appearance in the closet mirror, making sure his hair was neat. 
“Not really.” She said, spinning around again.
“We have time to grab some breakfast before we have to get to the train station.”
“Yeah. I figured it would be easier. Straight shot there.” He started checking over the room one last time.
“Do I get a gun?” She asked.
“Why would you get a gun?” He almost laughed. 
“Because they’re trying to kill me.”
“And I’m protecting you. I’m trained for this. I’m not going to give a gun to a civilian.”
“I don’t think I’m a ‘civilian’ anymore,” she mocked his accent. “Plus I’ve used a gun before. I’m a good shot.”
“There’s one gun and I’m keeping it. End of discussion.” She gave him a look like he’d offered her a challenge. When her back was turned he double-checked the secureness of his weapon. 
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“This isn’t good,” she grimaced looking at the syrupy black liquid. 
“It’s a $2 cup of coffee, it isn’t meant to be good.” He also grimaced as he drank it down. It was bitter and so hot it made his eyes water. “There’s cream and sugar over there. Just add it till it’s good.”
He watched as she dumped a bunch of sugar and cream till it was almost white. She seemed unconvinced, swirling around her cup. 
“It’s still not good.” She said, taking another sip. 
“What cave did Price find you in?” He laughed. 
“It was a cabin and he didn’t find me.” She snapped at the end of her sentence, her grip tightening on the little paper cup. He backed off. 
“M’sorry.” He felt awkward now, he wasn’t always sure to act around her. She was a puzzle that he wanted to solve but if he made the wrong move he’d cut himself on one of her edges. The cabin comment made him curious, he wanted to press but also didn’t want to end up covered in coffee. He looked around the station, they still had about an hour before boarding. “I’m gonna buy a book. We’ll be sitting on a train for a couple of days and you’re not exactly talkative.” 
She followed him. That was one good thing. She’d talk back, she’d sass, she’d snap but she always followed. He could tell she hated being around so many people. She always stuck close to him, her eyes darting around. He wanted to reach for her hand and let her know he was there. Anything that could happen to her would happen after he was dead. He promised Laswell, Price, and her. He wasn’t one to let promises go. 
He hadn’t stayed up to date on what was good or popular but he decided to avoid thrillers and anything having to do with the military. Maybe something that took place in Mexico? There was also the safe option of a black-spined penguin classic, he’d either enjoy it or it would help him fall asleep. She wasn’t having the same issues as him.
She’d grabbed a little basket, already half full with candy-colored covers. She was crouched down, drawing her finger across the spines as she read the titles. She was dazzled by it all, it made him smile. 
“Whatever you want,” he found himself telling her as she picked up another book. “We don’t know how long you’ll be there so might as well keep you occupied.”
She looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you, George.”
“I think we’ll be okay if you call me John.”
“Thank you, John.” She slipped another book into the basket. 
The cashier raised his eyebrows when he paid in cash, almost $300 worth of books that then had to be shoved into their backpacks and suitcases. 
They had to run to catch their train, managing to sit down in their little cabin as it started to pull away. It was nice but cozy would be a kind word. The couch and part of the wall could be folded down to form bunks and there was a small table to set down drinks or food. The view was nice though. She helped him pull down the top bunk and fix up the sheets. 
“Top or bottom?” He asked but she was already climbing on top, book in hand. He sat down on the bench on the opposite side. He could only see the top of her head and her feet as she lay on her stomach. She kicked her shoes off and they clunked to the floor. 
“I’m still down here.”
“If I wanted to hit you, I would have.”
“Really?” He was amused by her confidence.
“I am polite enough to not throw objects at my husband who just bought me so many nice things today.”
“Am I only your husband when you like me?” He stood up and stepped on the bottom bunk, resting his arms on the top
“Yes. If I didn’t like you, you wouldn’t be my husband.” She didn’t look at him, content to flip through her book. 
“So you like me?” He teased. She went pink, slowly turning to look at him. She was the one offering a challenge this time. 
“For now, maybe.” She pressed two fingers against his shoulder, pushing him backward. He laughed and hopped down. 
“Just let me know when you want lunch.” He double-checked the lock on the door and kicked off his own boots, settling in to read his book. She was warming up to him. They always did, even Ghost. She reminded him of his Lieutenant. English, always a little angry, frequent user of a hard stare. Closed off, as well. Little hints here and there of something behind the mask, an anger or a sorrow. Even with her feet kicking and ankles crossed like a little girl, she had this deep wandering look on her face. She’d float her gaze up to the window and watch as the city turned into suburbs into forests into fields. A glossy white landscape that sparkled in the light. 
Around one he left for the dining car and came back with a plastic bag of snacks. He’d asked the girl at the counter for the best of the best for American snacks. It was insanely overpriced but it would be fun to try. 
“Got you food.” He threw the bag up onto the top bunk. His smile left when he felt a candy bar smack him in the back of the head. He heard her giggle while he rubbed his scalp.
“You fired the first shot,” she said, sitting up and dumping the rest of the contents of the bag on the bed. “The word artificial is on all of these.” 
“It’s not everything.” He climbed up to look. “It’s only half, maybe”
He picked up a bag of fish-shaped crackers, ripping it open. 
“Hey.” He threw a cracker at her, expecting her to catch it. It bounced off her face. 
“Stop throwing things at me.” She laughed, pushing at his shoulder. She didn’t mean it though, she could push harder if she wanted. He pulled himself up and sat next to her, leaving their hoard between them. 
“You were supposed to catch it, like this.” He threw one up and caught it in his mouth, smacking the back of his head against the wall. “Ow..fuck.”
She was laughing hard now, he was too. She was cute when she laughed. He offered her the bag.
“It’s okay.” She said, eating one. 
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makenna-made-this · 8 days
Okkkkkk so where is Chicken Miku?
Anon the way i dropped everything when i saw this
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(based on the Onagadori chicken breed)
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the-holy-ghosted · 1 year
Girls will say "this is my beautiful wife" and their beautiful wife is just a weird looking man
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beverage2000 · 3 months
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Printemps x Mecha PaniQ
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hinamie · 15 days
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lesbianballofgender · 8 months
Happy 55th birthday to our feral, light and fluffy, serious actor and truly just the nicest person: Michael Sheen!!
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delicourse · 8 months
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i miss them a little if im gonna be honest
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reineydraws · 2 months
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i regularly think about mishanks immediately post luffy becoming pirate king and this is one of the fluffier ideas haha
also kind of the spiritual successor to my very first mishanks post :'))
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fl00mie · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PALETTE<33 ofc took the chance to draw them as a found family, and ink being over-emotional as a plus💖💥 ahh, 21 years, i didn't know he had grown so much
i would've loved to do something WAY bigger but inspiration never came as it should:( hope this is okay!
palette roller by @angeutblogo ink sans by @/comyet dream sans by @/jokublog
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musubiki · 1 month
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balor + ponytail (feat my farmer isa)
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corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Danny's Strange Gifts to the Bats
So you know how it's common knowledge to not accept any gifts from the Fae? Well, even if the batfam knows about it - I mean, they've dealt with a lot of otherworldly stuff, besides, you shouldn't take things from strangers no matter if they are Fae or not - they might not always abide by it. Unknowingly.
The trick is that you never know if it's a gift or not when you're dealing with the fair folk.
So things start appearing in the Wayne manor. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. A book left on the table in the library, a vintage teacup in the kitchen drawer, a cat toy with some real bird feathers. No one pays them much attention. After all, when you live in a family this big, you don't really keep track of who brings home what.
The book was probably left by Jason. The teacup is most likely Alfred's new addition. The cat toy is totally Damian's. It's not the first time and surely not the last when one or another member of the flock brought something to the manor. The book is put on the shelf, the teacup is now Steph's favorite, and Alfred the cat really likes those feathers.
And then, one day, they all get down for breakfast. Damian is the first to appear, with Alfred the cat in his hands, then comes Dick, who stayed in the manor for the weekends, and Steph, who was here for the movie night and decided going home was too much work. Tim comes to the table with a tablet that is quickly put away the moment Alfred starts serving food. Bruce and Duke come the last, taking their seats, and it is almost like a signal for everyone to start eating. After all, everyone is here now. It is peaceful and quiet, a rare but not unwelcome occurrence that Bruce greatly appreciates.
That is, until a few minutes later, Damian appears in the doorway.
"Good morning," he greets, and everyone at the table freezes.
And then does a double take.
Damian is in the doorway.
Damian is also sitting in his seat, eating waffles, the only one who did not stop when the other Damian appeared.
There are two of them.
Damian-sitting-at-the-table looks up to Damian-standing-in-the-doorway and smiles. His face is stuffed with waffles.
"Goov movning, bvothev," he greets back, and before anyone else can react, Damian-in-the-doorway clicks his tongue.
"You are in my seat. Move."
"I don't see your name on it, therefore it is not yours," argues the other one, not moving from his place. Yet now, when everyone can see his eyes, they finally notice the difference. The one sitting at the table has blue eyes.
Tim all but jumps up from his seat, slamming his hands on the tabletop:
"You-" he nearly chokes on his words, when blie-eyed Damian looks at him, and then at everyone at the table with a confused frown.
"But I thought you liked the vintage films for your camera that I got you? And those four-leaved clovers?" He asks, looking almost hurt. The normal, green-eyed Damian looks thoroughly disappointed:
"Have you been accepting my brother's gifts, Drake? You're lucky they were not courtship gifts."
"Court-" Tim sputters in the middle of the word, looking between the two.
Bruce lets out a long, absolutely resigned sigh. Was it too much to ask for just one, single normal morning?..
Long story short, Danny, being a fae and also just generally a little shit, kept leaving gifts for Bats all over the manor, and they all unknowingly accepted them one way or another, so now Danny has the power to ask for something in return. He chooses to just come to the manor and dump the fact that he is going to live here on them at breakfast. Technically, he just ended the long line of gifts by giving the last one, himself.
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
cute glasses ◦◦ d. winchester
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summary: your eyes are dry because of your contacts, so you have no choice but to put your glasses on
pairings: established dean winchester x reader, dean winchester x gn! reader
word count: 1.3K
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warnings: none really, no use of 'y/n', major fluff, some insecure thoughts, but mainly fluff
a/n: first official fic for dean!! also this was intentionally written as a blurb but as always, it seems i have more write than intended lol
please reblog and comment, i love to see your thoughts!
𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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You had to fight the temptation to rub your eyes as you stared hard at your laptop, the screen emitting a blue light that was beginning to give you a headache alongside the dryness of your contacts as you sat at the table in the motel room. You blinked hard multiple times, trying to bring moisture to your contacts and find some relief from the dryness, but nothing was working.
You were still dressed in the FBI garb you had put on in the morning when you and Dean were going to the station to gather information on the hunt the two of you were working. Sam would have joined the two of you, but he had come down with a cold, and Dean forced him to stay back at the bunker while the two of you would work the hunt.
You glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, seeing that 10 minutes had passed since Dean went out to get dinner for you two. You threw your head back with a groan, feeling the soreness in your shoulders as you sat down and hunched over your laptop, researching for hours on end.
You stood up from the seat and stretched out your limbs like a cat waking up from a nap and stalking over to your bag to grab your pajamas and glasses, and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get comfortable.
You jumped into the shower and rinsed off the day. After showering, you took out the dry contacts that were irritating your eyes, put them back into their case, and let out a sigh of relief when you blinked, and moisture was restored to your eyes.
You put on your glasses and strolled back into the room to find Dean sitting at the table and pulling the food out of the takeout bag.
"Took you long enough, sweetheart. I got us Chinese since there was a place I saw when driving in an-" He stopped talking as you crossed the room to see what he ordered.
"And what?" You asked him, looking at him with furrowed brows as you took in Dean's stunned expression, his mouth agape as his eyes flickered around and all over your face.
"You have glasses." Dean pointed out, blinking slowly as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Uh, yeah I do."
"Since when?"
"Since I was a freshman in high school." You told him as casually as you could, not wanting to make a big deal out of you wearing glasses.
"How come I've never seen you with them on?" Dean asked you with knitted brows.
"Err…" You trailed off. You didn't really want the boys to know you had glasses since you could be considered a liability if anything were to happen to your contacts or glasses. But hey, you've managed this long hunting with them, and you haven't died yet because of them. You just didn't want the boys to look down on you because you had them, and they could potentially hinder you in hunts.
"I wear contacts, and I try to keep them in for as long as I can until I can get back to my room and put my glasses on." You finally explained with a sheepish smile as you rubbed the back of your neck.
Dean's face turned into one of realization. "Is that why I sometimes feel you slip out of bed and then come back a couple of minutes later?"
You felt your face flush with heat as you nodded in response. Dean chuckled lightly at your embarrassment and leaned in to kiss your forehead. Then, a chaste peck on your lips before turning back to the food.
"You're not gonna ask me why I kept this from you?" You asked, confusion coloring your words as you saw him sit down in front of your closed laptop and dig into one of the takeout boxes with a plastic fork.
"Do you want me to?" Dean questioned through a mouthful of chow mein.
"Uh, not really. I was just ready for you to go all Spanish inquisition on me." You sat down across from him and looked through the takeout boxes before opening one of them to find the orange chicken.
Dean swallowed the food he was chewing. "Look, you had your reasons, and yeah, I have many questions about them but right now I just want to stare at you with them on."
You raised an eyebrow at him again. "You like them?"
"Yeah," He shrugged. "You look beautiful with or without them on." Dean reached across the table and traded chow mein for the orange chicken box in your hands.
You smiled at him, feeling your cheeks flush with heat again before huffing an amused breath through your nose. You narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned forward, taking Dean, who was still in his FBI suit, minus the jacket, tie, and a few of the buttons on his shirt unbuttoned.
"The glasses are doing something for you aren't they?" You teased him as you took a bite of the chow mein.
"Yeah, you have this sexy librarian thing going on. Could only imagine how much hotter you would have been if you left your FBI suit on." Dean's mouth pulled into a coy smirk, his green eyes alight with mischief and desire.
You chuckled as you shook your head. "Of course, you'd be into that."
Dean shrugged again as he popped a piece of orange chicken in his mouth.
Later, when the two of you finished eating and did a little more research and while you were doing your skincare, a sliver of worry still sat with you as you thought about how this would affect Dean and hunting. When you climbed into bed with Dean and placed your glasses on the nightstand, your world got a little blurry, but you could still see Dean's slight smile on his face as he pulled you into his side, wrapping an arm around your waist.
Dean pressed a warm kiss on your forehead. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asked lowly, his voice laced with care and fatigue.
"S'nothing." You shook your head.
"Come on, don't like seeing you like this before we go to bed." Dean squeezed your waist.
You sighed before propping your chin on his chest. "Just concerned that you might worry about me because of my bad eyesight."
Dean looked at you before leaning forward to press another kiss to your forehead and brought his hand to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against the soft skin. You leaned into his warm touch, pressing a kiss into his palm.
"I'm always going to worry about you," He started, pausing before finding his following words.
"But you've been hunting with your contacts and glasses for a long time before you met me, and you've been able to keep up with me and Sam without us knowing. I don't care that you have glasses or contacts because you're still a damn good hunter."
You smiled at his words before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss against Dean's full lips. Dean kissed you just as softly as you pressed your lips against yours and chased your lips as you pulled away.
You rested your forehead against his. "Thank you." You whispered, your lips brushing against his as you did.
"No problem, sweetheart. Let's get to bed, we've got a bastard to hunt."
You chuckled softly at his words and pressed a quick kiss on his lips before settling beside him and melting into his side as you guys slowly fell asleep, finding that your dreams were filled with Dean's joyous laughter and playful kisses.
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wtfforged · 5 months
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boy why you so legs
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buumbaby · 22 days
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merthur, but theyre dogs and cats
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f1-stuff · 21 days
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Monza GP '24 // Post FP2
"[The upgrades] we've brought to the car seems to be working as expected... Now, we've just got to focus on the balance... I feel like the race on Sunday is going to be a lot trickier for everybody, mostly because of the new tarmac. So the tyre management is a much bigger thing."
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
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words: 1.2k
warnings: ex!rafe, reconciliation, kinda sugar daddy rafe but he just likes taking care of his girl mhm iktr
“can i say no?” you sigh.
“say no? did you not place this delivery?” the man raises his eyebrows.
“i didn't. my- my ex did.”
“well, i have to deliver it, ma’am, but i don't care what you do with it afterwards. give it to your friends or throw it out.” the man sets the bags of food at your doorstep, snapping a picture before walking off.
you can't blame him, plus it's probably a situation he's never encountered before.
you sigh as you pick up the bags, carrying them into the kitchen counter. packages, deliveries and letters have been showing up on your doorstep for two weeks, ever since you broke up with rafe.
you're sick of it at this point. as you go through the food, picking out something to eat for dinner (you're not just gonna let it go to waste!) you grab your phone and unblock rafes number.
you wonder how long it will take him to realize as you sit at your desk and eat. you're in an apartment complex with pretty tight security, it's the only reason why rafe isn't knocking at your door himself, instead sending whoever he can to get a message to you, while simultaneously making sure you have plenty of food to eat and things to take care of yourself with.
you answer your phone after the first ring. you deleted his contact, but rafes number is forever memorized in your head.
“stop sending me things.” 
“baby, its a relief to hear your voice again.” rafe sighs, sounding genuinely happy, like a weight is suddenly off his chest. “please, let me just talk to you. i miss you so much.”
“no, rafe. we broke up. you need to stop.” 
“why'd you break up with me? what did you tell me princess?” rafe questions. “i wasn't giving you enough attention. now im giving you everything. please, y/n.” he pleads. “im not going to stop.”
you take a deep sigh. you really love rafe, despite your relationship being only six months old when you broke up with him, it was just too much. too much attention from your friends and too much pressure from his family. it pushed your relationship farther apart until rafe barely paid attention to you, receiving constant questions from his dad and friends.
“you have to, rafe. clearly things weren't working out. we tried. we can say that. gave it a fair shot.”
“im not done trying. yes, i let my family and other people get into my head about our relationship, but im done with that bullshit. i want you back.”
“let me think about it, okay?” it's an olive branch. the best thing that you can extend right now.
“okay.” rafe agrees. “how about i call you friday?”
you glance at the calendar hanging over your desk. two days. two days to think. you're not sure it's enough or too much.
“that works… but rafe, stop sending me stuff.”
“i can't, baby.” you can practically see the way he's shaking his head right now. “gotta take care of my girl, even if you don't wanna see me.”
“fine.” you groan. you know there's no talking rafe out of it. “order me some lemonade next time then.”
you yawn as you wake up with a big stretch, instinctively reaching over to the other side of the bed. your hand pats the sheets before remembering that you left rafe.
you slide out of bed, heading towards your kitchen to get something for breakfast when a knock on your door interrupts you.
“one second!” you're in pajamas, but they're far too small and tight to answer the door in. you rush back into your bedroom and pull a robe on to cover up.
“hi!” the delivery woman smiles. “y/n?”
“yup.” you nod, stepping to the side. “do you mind just setting it down on the counter?”
the woman places the bags down before saying goodbye and seeing herself out. you sigh and look into the bags, eyes bulging when you see velvet boxes carefully placed inside one of them.
you pull out one of the boxes, gasping when a beautiful diamond necklace is revealed. you continue to open them, realizing rafe bought you jewelry of almost every variety.
“oh, gosh.” you grab a note, opening it to see his handwriting.
it's just what you deserve. i love you and want you back. can't wait to talk to you tomorrow.
p.s. i paid your rent for the next three months
you grab your phone before even looking in the other bag, dialing rafes number. he picks up almost instantly.
“you know you can't buy my love, right?” 
“im not trying to.” rafe says. “im just trying to take care of you. did you get the breakfast?”
you peek into the other bag, seeing a stack of delicious looking pancakes inside a clear container, as well as some other options.
“yeah, ill eat it in a minute.”
“good.” you can practically hear rafes smile over the phone.
“how about we meet up in person to talk tomorrow instead of on the phone?”
“ill go wherever you want.”
“our first date.” is all you say before hanging up, grabbing the pancakes and container holding scrambled eggs.
you're aware you didn't say what time as you pull up to the pier. it's a warm day, sunny with almost no clouds in the sky, but a light breeze gives you the perfect amount of cooling.
you walk down the pier, unable to hold back your smile when you see rafe sitting on the bench where you ate ice cream on your first date after finally agreeing to let him take you out.
rafe watches you carefully as you sit down next to him.
“you're wearing the necklace i got you.” he smiles, seeing the gold chain around your neck.
“i am.” you nod. 
“can i… can i hug you? ive missed you so much baby.”
you nod again, not sure you can find your voice as rafes arms wrap around your body, holding you into his side. you snuggle into his chest, eyes sliding shut. 
“love you so much.” rafe says, pressing kisses to the top of your head. “so much i messed up the first time not trying to be too obsessed. i just didn't want to make you run away, turns out i did the exact opposite and you felt ignored. you know how my dad is…” rafe trails off as you pick your head up to look at him.
“we shouldn't have let others get between us.” you know you're not innocent in it either, contributing just as much to rafe to the tension that had grown between the two of you.
“and we won't let it happen again now that we know.” rafe says, a promising look in his eyes. you swear it looks like he might cry as you nod.
he ducks his head, pressing your lips together in a sweet kiss. you fist your hands in his shirt, keeping him close as you kiss back, having missed his lips on yours more than you'd like to admit.
“does this mean you'll tell security im allowed back in?” rafe laughs gently, cupping your face, his thumb gently stroking over your cheek.
“hmm, i guess.” you giggle.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @sourkittie @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @drewsephrry @1aarii1 @bejeweledreverie @winterrrnight
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