#even if his hair is a pain in the ass. but i think im getting the hang of it
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Velvet & vice II

summary: Sometimes, the best moves happen offstage.
pairing: customer!Lottie x stripper!fem!reader
a/n: Yayyyy im so happy this is finally out (even tho i lowk hate it)! I hope you guys like it though because it seems a bit bloated and whatnot to me, im happy to get feedback as always. Also i had to proofread this on my phone to add emojis to the text parts. English isn’t my first language!
warnings: strip clubs, alcohol, suggestive themes, making out, angst if you squint
word count: 3.9k
part 1
taglist: @towabirdno1fan @minariiis @lesbabe6 @maksysti @radioactivesweet @ambessasevikasexslave @ashliami @johnnytoothpick @ikeepgettinglostwithchairs @jinxslapdog
You woke up in a cold bed, alone, your very first thought being that this wasn’t your bed at all. Hearing the faint commotion of the coffee maker, all memories from last night suddenly hit you.
Your hair stanched of smoke and bad decisions as you scanned the room for your clothes. Spotting them all, in the most quiet fashion you got up and started getting dressed, ready to sneak out. Was it the best thing to do? No. But you were way past good choices right now.
Silently, picking up all your stuff you tiptoed to the front door, getting the hell out of that house. Once the door clicked you could hear Lottie calling your name, which made you walk faster, barefoot. Not like you could run away in 7 inch heels - though at least they weren’t your platforms.
As soon as you got down to a more civilized street, you called over a cab once you spotted it.
As soon as it drove up to you, you got inside, telling the man your address.
You pulled a compact mirror out of your purse, internally groaning at the sight. Your entire base was gone - likely lingering on Lottie’s pillow, while your mascara was smudged all over. You weren’t sure if you thought you looked like a panda or a raccoon. And of course, your hair was no better either - messy and all over the place. Fortunately for you, you carried some wet wipes and removed what little was left of your makeup.
Finally, your hand landed on your cellphone. 8%, enough to make one call.
“Hey?” A voice belonging to your coworker and friend Jade called out.
“Hi. What’s up?” You growled out, hoarse.
“Not much, honestly. You don’t sound too good.” She said bluntly.
“I’m having a bad morning. Anyway, I was calling to see if you could cover for me tonight.” You said hopefully. Fingers crossed, I guess.
“Seriously? I don’t-“
“I’ll do your Friday!” You cut her off. Sure, Fridays make bank but they’re also a pain in the ass.
“…Deal.” She relented, after which you blew her a few kisses over the phone.
“Ugh, I love you!” You exclaimed dramatically.
“Yeah, yeah. Better be there on Friday.” Jade said in a flat tone before hanging up.
Now you could finally breathe out. There was no doubt that Lottie would be back tonight, even though it was a Wednesday. She simply struck you as that kind of person, one that wouldn’t wanna leave anything unfinished, even if it ended badly.
As if on cue, the car pulled up in front of your apartment building, and you hastily paid up and made your way upstairs.
Plopping down on your couch, you prayed that a gallon of coffee would magically appear in your hand, along with a painkiller. You were a little hungover even, likely since you took shots between rounds. Don Julio 1942. You’d even think she was trying to impress you, but she wasn’t falshy like that. And as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret anything that happened. It was hard with the ache between your legs being such a bittersweet reminder of the events that took place.
Without even realizing it, minutes after plugging your cell to charge you dozed off in the living room. It was that same phone that woke you up approximately four hours later - once you did awake you felt even worse somehow. Still, you lit up the screen and checked your messages.
“AHHH! Saw you leave with that hot girl last night, I need the teaaa!” - Jackie💕
Should’ve expected it.
“We hooked up, not much more to it tbh.” You replied.
“Suuure, but we’re still going for drinks tomorrow, I’m off too.”
“And wear that new black top you told me about, you’re gonna look sooooo super hot :))” - Jackie💕
Of course, she left no room for argument.
“Fine, but it’s your treat.” You texted back before putting the device away.
Tomorrow night came sooner then you thought, and there you were in your cramped bathroom, drinking diet coke while doing your makeup.
Trying to get a perfect wing for your eyeliner, you pondered on the text lingering in your phone.
“Everything okay? Missed you yesterday.” -Lottie club
Yeah. You didn’t respond. What the hell were you even supposed to say? “I had three cosmos before my dance and I shouldn’t have come with you” ? (You were going to but realized how bad of an explenation that was).
Most likely because booze wasn’t the reason. You wanted to go. You wanted her. But you’d need to admit that to yourself before Lottie. It was a dumb mistake, a slip up. A one night stand, and it couldn’t happen again.
Finally getting dressed, you put on the shirt that Jackie suggested as well as some flared jeans in the back of your closet. Anyway, you looked amazing.
“Y/N!” Jackie called out, sitting by the bar as you entered it. You sat on the high chair, greeting the girl.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late, traffic was horrible.” You huffed, setting your bag down.
"That's alright, I haven't been here too long." Jackie replied, waving her hand in dismissal as you put in your order hastly.
"Okay, well how have you been?" You asked, turning on the barstool to face her.
She herself looked gorgeous too. There were her signature glittery eyes and glossed lips that made her features stand out, as well as a black based floral sundress that hugged her curves perfectly.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She brushed the question off, "Tell me about the other night." Jackie exclaimed with a grin, sipping her diabolically pink, sugary cocktail.
"Not much to tell. I mean the sex was great but then I snuck out in the morning.” You said in a flat tone, making Jackie’s eyes pop out of her sockets.
“What do you mean you snuck out?!” She exclaimed.
“I mean I just slipped out when I woke up. I wasn’t gonna deal with all that!” You fought back.
You dreaded coming here too. Knowing Jackie, she’d always be this pushy, and knowing you, you’d bottle everything up until it was dangerously close to spilling over.
“Are you serious? Why?” She inquired.
“Because I made a huge mistake. Who sleeps with a client? It’s like the first thing you’re told not to do!” You tried to reason with her, though she didn’t seem to bite.
“A very hot and rich client?”
Well when you put it that way…
No. No way, you may be a stripper but you won’t let yourself be a sugar baby to a girl your same age.
“Jackie, those are not the only important things. Maybe, if you’re a one time thing kinda girl but you know I’m not.” You argued.
“Maybe she’d date you.” Jackie said, though you both knew it was utter bullshit.
You just gave her a small eye roll and and stayed quiet, not exactly wanting to voice why she would never actually go out with you. Slut, whore, hooker, stage stain and many more were names people you tried to be in a relationship in would call you. Safe to say, all ended badly, as if you weren’t simply trying to get by, just like them.
It always hurt you, no matter how many times it happened, because you still let yourself fucking hope. You still always hoped to find someone who would accept you, full package, and not just pinpoint what worked for them.
“Sure she would.” You retorted sarcastically.
About a month had passed since your encounter with Lottie, and you weren’t quite over it yet. Still, you thanked every god you knew about that she didn’t show up at the club.
In this particular moment, you sat in the backstage, applying eyeshadow when someone tapped you on the shoulder.
“Hey. Need any help?” Jade said, leaning on the counter beside you. Her hair almost reached her elbows as it trailed down her back, her body barely covered in a black babydoll with rhinestones.
“Nah, I'm okay.” You said, gluing your lashes on.
“Okay. I'll leave you, I'm having a bit of fun tonight. anyway” She said in a singsongy voice before walking off. You chuckled a little, thinking her idea of fun was likely some stupid guy buying her a few extra drinks. Not like she was to blame, it was fun to milk those dickheads for everything they were worth. Unless they acted respectful - which was tough to find.
Finally you went out, greeting the crowd with a big smile and a killer dance. Playing in the back was an upbeat pop song to which you swayed your hips in a faster manner, eventually dropping the skimpy dress to your feet, staying in your lacy, overdesigned langerie, spinning around the pole with practiced movement.
You thought you would faint if you saw Lottie after all this time. Not seeing her was bittersweet and you found yourself thinking that if she did come, she'd want a simple show.
Much worse, you wanted to cry, since you did spot her, surprisingly, and it made you feel like you got stabbed in the chest. Because unlike last time, she wasn’t in the crowd, engrossed with heart eyes, looking at you like you hung the moon and the stars.
No, this time she wasn’t even watching from the sidelines. This time, her arm was entwined with Jade’s, who led her into the private space. Once the song ended you scrambled all your tips and rushed to the ready room, avoiding any conversation and catcalling.
It was such a gnawing feeling, her pretending to care, and then doing this. Her writing to you and showing up just for Jade to snatch your ride and take it for a spin.
“Y/N, I need you on the main floor.” A manager said, kocking on the door hastly.
You let out a frustrated groan, not exactly in the mood to deal with drunk men and get payed with crumpled five dollar bills.
Still, you went out and immediately were met with a swarm of guys calling you over. You recognized a regular, making your way over to him. He was mostly nice, save for some comments, and spent a few hundred at most - which was still more then usual when mingling with the average folk. And he was your age, at least.
“Hello there.” He said, a low smirk on his face as he spread his legs slightly.
“Hey Trav.” You greeted, putting your best seductive face on.
By now you already knew what works for him, as well as all the tips and tricks that’d make him drop a few extra bills. A couple of his friends cheered over to him, though he payed them no mind.
“Good day?” He asked to make the time flow nicely and as little awkward for him as possible.
“It was. And you?” You asked. And no, you did not have a good day. Not that he actually wanted to hear about it.
“Yeah, it was fine. Work’s been crazy though.”
“Don’t I know it.” You humored, hands tracing his shoulders as your waist met his on your way down. He slipped a 50 into your bra.
Finally, you felt like something was going your way, even if it meant subcontiously manipulating a dude.
“You look especially good tonight. New set?” The guy under you pondered, nodding to your clothes.
“Something like that.” You replied teasingly, finishing the dance off with a finall roll of your hips. From Travis, you gathered 150$. Not too shabby.
“See ya. You know, one day you gotta give me that number.” He said, making you internally roll your eyes. Externally you just scoffed, giving him a small wave before walking off.
“Y/N!” Misty, a server called out to you.
“Yeah?” You replied, the girl always annoyed you, though truth to be told you were already agitated.
“There’s a Charlotte Matthews asking for you.” She said once she set down a shaker of shots on someone’s table.
“Who’s that?” You asked, a puzzled expression on your face.
“I don’t know, some girl. Just go see her, she’s in the VIP.” Misty called out, disappearing before you could protest.
Not that you really wanted to, anyway. She’s a girl, and she’s in the premium space so she might be the easiest customer you’d have all night.
Unfortonately in your working haze you didn’t stop to think what specific nickname could be taken out of “Charlotte.” At least not until you saw her sitting at the bar with a bored expression.
“What is it?” You barked, walking over and standing next to her barstool.
“Excuse me? I should be asking you that.” Lottie said, turning to face you.
"How do you figure that?" You questioned, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Because you- look, I don't know why you ran away or why you ignored me but I'd like to." She said, sounding awfully sincere.
"I felt like it." You retorted childishly
"Right. Just how I felt like getting a dance from that tall girl." Lottie said
"Jade's beautiful." You replied right away. Your tone had a facetious bite to it.
"She is. But you're my favorite." She stated, eyes boring into yours. "Did I see you with Travis Martinez?"
"Well he's an asshole." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"They all are. He's still a customer." You replied, patience wearing thin.
"Seriously, he cheated on my friend." Lottie stated with a small grimace
“Lottie, what do you want? Another dance?" You asked in a flat tone, dismissing the former topic.
"An explanation." The girl shot back, though in the same moment you heard a man call your name.
"I have to go deal with actual customers." You called out before walking off.
"Wait!" She yelled, grabbing you by the arm. "He a regular?" Lottie asked, pointing to him. “What’s he usually pay you?” She asked once you nodded.
You were a little stunned by the question. "Like...a couple hundred?"
"I'll double it. Just let me have one conversation." Lot said in a pleading tone.
"Fine." You relented, mostly to get her off your back.
You led Lottie outside to your usual smoking spot, the infamous “Blacklight” sign casting a red glow over her gorgeous face. She put her jacket over your half naked form, stepping closer.
“I can’t stop thinking about what happened. Especially not after the other day.” She spoke softly.
Oh yeah- the other day. The other day, you agreed to meet the girl Jackie was dating, and she so happened to be Lottie’s best friend. Who had to bring her along. Her visit today wasn’t all that unexpected when you think about it.
It was a beautiful day, sitting outside in a coffee shop next to a small park, waiting for your friends. You made it first since you had some errands to run close by.
“Y/N!” Jackie shouted, clutching Shauna’s arm. Setting your drink down, you have her a small wave, the sweet smile on your face disappearing once you saw who was behind her.
“Hey, I’m Lottie. Not sure if you remember, but you danced for me a couple weeks ago.” She said, visiably nervous while extending her hand for a handshake. In order to let things run smoothly you took it, squeezing it harder then need be.
She sat right next to you, and you didn’t dare turn your head. It was bad enough that you didn’t expect her presence in the least, and now you were meant to entertain it? Yeah right.
Why would Jackie do this? Were all three of them playing dumb or did they really not tell Shauna about your little get together a while back? Was it all a fucking scheme? Sure enough, you iced Jackie out for days after.
Well you did talk to the girl after a bit, and she went on a rant about how perfect you were for each other if you would give the poor girl a chance. It just made you angrier at them.
“Oh the other day? When the two of you fucking cornered me?” You spat, standing quite close too. How did she even have the guts to bring it up?
“I’m sorry we did that, look if it’s worth anything, Shauna was furious at the both of us.” Lottie said apologetically
“She didn’t know?” You asked, quite surprised.
“No, she never would’ve went with it…look, I know it was shitty of me but I needed to see you. Even if I pissed you off like crazy.” She confessed, looking anywhere but your eyes.
“Well you did piss me off. But it was kind of…romantic?” You said, unsure.
Your mind was utterly at war. Here was this girl, standing before you, begging for your forgiveness and a chance. And the thing is, it wasn’t just any girl. It was the most perfect one you encountered yet.
God, how you wanted to wipe that cute grin off her face. And God, how you hated yourself for actually not wanting to do it at all. She looked illuminating, really. Both in the moonlight and sunlight, you learned as of late.
“I don’t know why you just ditched. I wish you didn’t. I made you a really good latte.” She spoke up again, making your own lips travel upwards.
“You’re dumb.” You said quietly, your chests brushing against one another.
“Maybe I am. Fucking crazy too.” She whispered, practically against your lips.
It was as if a switch flipped in you. In this moment, staring into her eyes, you couldn’t help but realize that all this time, you let your insecurities hold you back. An amazing oppertunity presented itself to you, and you best believe you weren’t gonna pass it up because of your addled brain.
It seemed as if neither of you could take it anymore. Your lips crashed into one another, bodies rocking together in a desperate, long awaited dance. Was it cliche to fall for a girl you met three times? Yes. But it was different with Lottie and you. You both had a fire, a passion inside you that sparked for one another.
She really did spend a month thinking about a stunning girl that whispered sweet nothings to her when her orgasm crashed over her body. You were no better.
Who even cares? You’re young, you should mess around with someone as risky as her.
“Go out with me. Please? Give me a proper chance” Lottie panted, still holding onto one of your cheeks.
“Okay…yeah, take me out.” You nodded, looking up at her.
Standing in front of your bathroom mirror, double checking your makeup in the reflection, you finished up getting ready for her to take you out for the third time.
The last flowers she got you barely plummeted, however you knew they'd get replaced by the ones she'd bring tonight. The shirt you wore hugged your body deliciously, making all your best features pop. It was fun, leaving a lot to the imagination even though she already kissed every inch of your bare skin.
A ring at your door made you jump slightly, tough you rushed over as soon as you heard it. You really were acting like a horny teenager.
"Hi. You look...wow." Lottie said chuckling, inevitably handing you a fresh bouquet of lilies.
"You're not too bad either. Come on, the reservation is soon." You said, exiting the place hurriedly.
The drive over was filled by a comfortable silence and your hand in hers, but once you wined and dined, there was no way for you to shut up.
It was like this every time. By date number three, you'd think all the secrets were spilled, still, with Lottie, there was always something interesting to talk about.
She wouldn't let you pay either, role playing as a true gentleman.
One of the most prominent things while you did this was a rule: no sex until you became official. Really, the both of you just wanted to ensure that this goes fucking right, it'd be silly to lose such a person over a misunderstanding like before, which is why you got dizzy as a few words escaped her mouth while she walked you to your door, hand on the small of your back.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Lottie asked, admittedly after four glasses of wine.
Stopping in your tracks as you unlocked your apartment and turned to her.
"Are you serious?" You inquired softly, taking a step towards her.
"You don't want to? That's okay I just-" She started, a slightly hurt expression on her face.
"Lottie, yes, a million times, yes." You cut her off.
The charge between you changed drastically, and her face gave away a lot as she pushed you door open with a devilish grin.
You followed her inside, smiling to yourself as well. It was almost cute, how she was so giddy when you said yes. There was no doubt to what was about to happen, and you felt a wave of arousal and contentment hit you. That was it, you were locked in with her. You finally got the happy ending you always dreamed of, at least for a moment.
“Babe! I got chinese and that book you told me about yesterday!” Lottie called out, entering your shared penthouse.
Yes, it had been a year or so since you started dating, and you recently decided to move in together as well. You still worked, but only part time and focued on your studies while Lottie’s guilt ridden dad took care of the both of you. However when you did go in, your beautiful girlfriend was always there to support you.
You even got a kitten named Ziggy. She was only three months old but loved to play around, and was getting used to her surroundings since you picked her up from the street.
“Hey sweetheart!” She greeted her, scratching behind her ears as she sat the food down on the coffee table.
Lottie climbed atop of you while you were under a blanket, watching a show you didn’t pay much attention to.
“I missed you.” You said, kissing the top of her head.
“Missed you too. Jackie and Shauna will be here in a few by the way, they just went to get snacks.” She murmured into your chest.
“Oh good, I was wondering where they were.” You replied, knowing the plan was to have a movie night with the two.
“Think Jackie will make us see some romcom or cheesy flick again?” The girl joked (mostly), breathing you in.
“Probably.” You chimed, rubbing her back.
“We’re here!”
“And we’re watching The Notebook!”
A couple hours after, the four of you were splayed across the couch, laughing about unimportant topics while munching on takeout that got cold, passing the kitty around to cuddle.
At this moment, you realized just how truly happy you are. Here you were with your best friends and the love of your life, no real worries or burdens, simply existing after an interesting period of your life - a fun, lively one that provided you with everything you now knew. Still, it was an almost closed chapter, and you were okay with that.
That contentment? Definitely lasted more then a moment.
#yellowjackets#yellowjackets thoughts 💭#yj season 3#yellowjackets showtime#yellowjackets x reader#lottie matthews x reader#lottie mathews x reader#lottie matthews#lottie yellowjackets#charlotte matthews#lottie matthews smut#lottie matthews thoughts 💭#lottie matthews x you
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Holy crap I haven't looked at your account in a while (idk why but your posts just haven't been popping up on my home page) and I saw your new pfp! IT'S ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! Your art is so good!!
Also I wanted to hear about your personal head cannons for Warriors because I would love to hear them!!
a lot of people have been telling me that actually, that they’re not seeing my posts on their dash anymore, i wonder if something is going on with that :( (and also IVE noticed that my engagement has been down, tho i’d thought that’s just because this is a busy time of year)
HEHE THANK YOU!! :3 i love my blorbo and the voices wanted me to draw him again
god there are. so. so many that i have- but to list off a few:
- middle child (he’s number four of seven), and im so set on this one. he has six sisters (one of which is his twin (Linkle)) because i know in my heart this man was raised by women. also i hc his mom is still alive because he deserves a living mother after everything (and he loves her and shes awesome and she misses him very very much)
- he has the worst vision ever, he cant see more than like 20 feet away from him without things just getting blurry, but he genuinely doesn’t realize that his vision is shit he thinks hes normal
- due to his burn scars its hard for him to regulate his temperature so he overheats easily in hot weather if hes not careful
- i hc after the war he took in two cats that he found abandoned in a destroyed village. he tried to find who they belonged to but couldn’t, and initially he wasn’t going to keep them but then he got attached and now those are his babies and his girls (Rosie and Delilah). He knits them sweaters because they have no fur and knitting is a good productive mindless activity for him to do when he’s stressed
- on a similar note: i hc he has experience as a tailor and is very good at sewing and mending things because while his family does own a small farm and sell some crops (he’s a country boy turned city boy and this is another hill i will die on), they’re tailors and thats the main way they make money
- absolutely terrified of cuccos because Linkle would chase him around with them when they were kids and eventually the cuccos took this to mean any time they saw Warriors they were to chase him, without Linkle even being there
- i hc his eyes are hazel and that his hair is naturally dark brown and very curly, but he started bleaching and straightening it when he ended up in the army and got to Castletown
- hes scared to go home to his family now that the war is over because he’s worried hes changed too much as a person after everything he went through and he can’t mentally handle the idea of being rejected from a place he gets so much comfort from just thinking about, so he keeps his distance and is full of some pretty lame ass excuses as to why he wont go home (it’s been well over a decade. i hc he left at 15-16 and is currently 27 almost 28). Linkle is the only blood relative he’s seen since he left for the war and she tries to convince him to come home whenever she sees him
- i hc he looks just like his mom, which is a blessing and a curse for him because he can never hate his face because he is literally IDENTICAL to his mom and he loves and misses her so much, but it’s painful to look at himself in the mirror sometimes. Linkle, being his TWIN, is can also be hard to look at
- HUGE history nerd, and getting to travel through the eras and learn about them has been the most exciting thing to ever happen to him. he didn’t have access to a formal education as a kid, he would’ve been home schooled basically, and once the war was over and he had access to a library full of knowledge from all over the place on topics he’d never even realized existed he just started reading and didn’t stop. he LOVES to learn and he loves to explore, and half his journal is just all his observations on the eras a little notes and could literally be a history book on its own. he draws diagrams and maps and all sorts of stuff in there, and when he goes home he LOVES getting to tell people the history books are fucking wrong
- the other half of his journal contains more personal things, and also notes on his companions and strategies for battles (he is INCREDIBLY observant and keeps very detailed notes. his journal is basically an extension of his brain because the ADHD can make it hard to keep track of all his thoughts sometimes). none of it is written in ‘hyrulian common’ (english), the entire thing is in his native language (portuguese) written in an alphabet none of the chain are able to read (and no one in War’s Castletown and read it either. should someone take his journals it would take them a good long while to translate them)
- his left hand is a little messed up, sometimes it shakes and sometimes his grip is really weak, so on days his wrist isn’t strong enough to wield his sword in a way that makes him feel safe, he brings out the fire rod. two handed weapon, offers him more stability, and yeah he also does just like watching shit go up in flames
- he’s actually an introvert. the loud obnoxious personality is something that was created from rumors and expectations of him from the kingdom and the whole ‘Captain’ persona is really just like some character he plays. he’s definitely a bit dramatic at his core, but hes a much more quiet and reserved person than he comes off as. he greatly values his privacy and alone time
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boy why you so legs
#i dont even fully understand why i even draw him so much. hes like 4th place in the strawhats for me#its just that hes so fun for posing and simple scribbles cause his designs so simple. just one big dynamic line bc of the silhouette#even if his hair is a pain in the ass. but i think im getting the hang of it#i liked when in fishman island they gave him a little fluffy cardigan sweater for a second that was cute#too bad that was when chopper euthanized him. havent seen sanji since... what a shame#wtf... art#one piece fanart#sanji#black leg sanji
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NNN Hcs With The Hashiras
🥀A/n: the title says it all!! (i didnt include muichiro for obvious reasons)
🥀Cw: smut, dirty talk, praise, degradation, breeding kink (rengoku + sanemi), squirting (mitsuri)
🥀minors dni
🥀Pairing(s): Hashiras(minus muichiro) x reader (seperate)
when you first suggested the idea of NNN to giyuu, he was kinda confused
why would you participate in a competition not to have sex? did you just not want to have sex with him?
after some gentle reassurance and explanation however, he agrees surprisingly quickly
not only is giyuu ridiculously patient, he also has incredible self restraint
he would make it to the end of the month, but i definitely think he would have "almost" moments
when the month is over, hes begging you to fuck him
claims that hes waited so long, why should he have to do any work?
the minute it's december first hes waking you up, mewling and grinding on your thigh half-delirious as hes whining in your ear, begging you to take control
teasing him throughout the month will only make him more determined to last longer, if only to inflict the same suffering onto you
giyuu is very, very sensitive and you can use that to your advantage in a variety of ways
he gets really blushy when you tease him, and its only amplified during NNN considering he can't even get himself off
he also has a tough time ignoring it when he gets horny, he just feels like the type to be soooo sensitive and it's torture when he can't even jack off to relieve the painful ache in his pants
Giyuu pinned you down, his chest flush with your back as his cock rubbed against your hole. He was a panting mess, shaking above you as he pushed inside slowly. One of his hands tangled itself in your hair, forcing you to look over your shoulder as he began to thrust into you steadily. Soft moans and whimpers filled the room, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping again skin. You could feel your orgasm building as a coil tightened in your stomach, and Giyuu let out a soft groan, signaling he was close as well. You clenched around him tightly, your release ripping through you as you clawed at the sheets. Above you, Giyuu tossed his head back and whispered your name like a prayer before cumming as well, filling your hole with his dripping seed. "Giyuu- ungh- wha-" you gasped, drool spilling from your lips as he sped up the pace. You had no time to catch your breath, and your hips jerked from overstimulation. "baby, i've waited a month, please?" Giyuu whispered in your ear, eyes blown wide with lust. You knew that you probably weren't going to be getting up anytime soon.
im sorry but he is not making the month
he'd last two weeks at best
you and his wives would probably all team up against him, and this man is unable to restrain himself when it comes to you
quickest way to get tengen to fold? lingerie
just the sight of you in some flashy, lacy undergarments has him practically dragging you to bed
teasing him while wearing lingerie? hes gone.
"fuck the stupid month," he'd grumble, throwing you over his shoulder and slapping your ass for good measure
tengen would be rougher than usual, hes pissed at you for teasing him after all
"hey!" you gasped, squirming in Tengens grip as he practically dragged you inside of the house. You and the other wives had been been training outside when all of a sudden Tengen had snatched you up, throwing you over his shoulder as the other wives followed behind you. Your husband ignored your indignated cries as he brought you to the bedroom and tossed you unceremoniously onto the mattress. Maki, Suma, and Hinatsuru joined you on the mattress, and you turned to look over your shoulder at Tengen. "giving up already?" you giggle, crawling over to the other wives at the head of the bed. Tengen Tengen smirked and slid up to you, pulling your undergarments off in seconds as your head rested in Hinatsuru's lap. Maki and Suma began to grind against eachother to your left as Tengen's breath fanned over your bare skin and thighs while Hinatsuru ran her fingers through your hair. The five of you were in for a long, long night~
Shinobu is definitely making it, no questions asked
she's patient enough to wait the month, however she will be pissed when you deny her
would totally try to get back at you, Shinobu would wear lingerie under her uniform and flash you when nobody was looking
she would run her hands up and down your thighs during hashira meetings, fingers ghosting so close to where you want her but not quite
she would enter a room and sit on your lap, kissing you senseless until your grinding up against her and then walk away like nothing happened
she's teasing YOU
i don't think theres any way to get her to give in, but at 12:01 on December 1st your waking up to her head between your legs
she would make you work for every orgasm, edging you until your sobbing
"you made me wait for so long, shouldn't i make you wait a little too?"
Shinobu smirked, gently swiping away the tears streaming down your cheeks. She placed a finger on your tongue so you could taste the salty drops, and you let out another needy sob. "Are you getting desperate already, little butterfly?" She cooed, thrusting her fingers deeper inside of you. Another mewl escaped your lips as she fucked you dumb on her fingers, stretching you open and prodding the place inside you that made you see stars. You could feel the coil in your stomach tightening, and you whimpered. "Pl-please Nobu, 'm gonna cum, please lemme cum-mgh-" Shinobu smirked at you, smacking your core lightly as you squirmed beneath her. She leaned down to whisper in your ear, caressing your sides slowly. "Shh, c'mon doll, I know you can take it. You made me wait a month to ruin you, didn't you? You can handle waiting a little longer to come~" Your body quaked at her words, soft sobs and pleads filling the air as you begged her to let you cum this time. Shinobu only shook her head, smirking and removing her hand as your orgasm begins to fade.
i went off there for a sec omg
i think he would make it without too much trouble
i really don't think his sex drive is super high, and hes pretty patient as it is
so yea i def think he'd make it
unleeeesssss you teased him
listen, Rengoku LOOOOVES to please you
if you bat your lashes and play your cards right, he'll fold you in half and fuck you senseless less than a week into november
it would be the roughest, sloppiest sex yall ever have bc once Rengoku is done, hes done
He'll fuck you every day of the damn month just because he wants to, and be prepared bc this man has STAMINA
normally rengoku focuses solely on your pleasure, hes def the service dom type, hoowwweeeeverr, depending on how much you teased him, hes gonna be sm rougher
i also think rengoku would last the entire month just to irritate you because, lets face it, hes much more patient than you
just imagine begging him to fuck you at the end of the month, pleading with him to pay attention to you after he's deprived you of pleasure for so long... how could he say no to you?
the sound of skin slapping against skin and muffled groans filled the room as Rengoku pressed you down into the mattress. Rengoku leaned down, close enough to whisper in your ear, "fuck baby, can i- can i lift your legs up higher?" you nod, head foggy as he tossed your legs over his shoulder. Rengoku adjusted for a second, folding you over and beginning to thrust slowly. Your hips rocked against his as you clawed at the mattress, the new position allowing him to go so much deeper than before. "mhm baby, just like that. gonna make you feel so good after you waited so long, gonna fill you up so nice.."
i think Mitsuri would last ab a week before crumbling
She'd be so embarrassed about it, all blushy and shy
you haaave to tease her ab quitting so early, you'll get the most delectable whimpers from her<3
Mitsuri folds from MINIMAL teasing its almost like she wants to lose
once she gives in tho, please pamper her. teasing is okay but PRAISE HER‼️
shes a pillow princess at heart and will def want u to take care of her after u made her wait for sooo long
she cries sm more easily during sex after being teased for so long, and it's impossible to NOT overstimulate her (she loves it)
tease her and praise her, overstimulate her and watch as she falls apart~
fat tears streamed down Mitsuri's pink cheeks as you pumped your fingers in and out of her slick heat, mesmerized by the sloppy sound it made. her legs trembled and her lip quivered as she sobbed from the overwhelming onslaught of pleasure, and you leaned up to kiss her on the cheek. "d'worry baby, im gonna make you feel all better," you coo, smiling as she whimpers. your fingers are coated in her slick, and her hips grind down onto your fingers with every thrust. "need you.." she whispers, reaching out to pull you closer. "kiss..?" she whimpers, large, teary eyes staring into yours. You chuckle, unable to deny her. "Of course~ how could i forget?" you kiss her slowly and sensually, running your tongue along her bottom lip and gently grabbing her jaw as you pushed your tongue inside her mouth. Mitsuri whined at the feeling, clenching ariund your fingers as her tongue collided against yours. her chest heaved, perky breasts bobbing as the coil in her stomach tightened. you could tell she was close, and moved the hand holding her face to massage one of her breasts as you deepened the kiss. your fingers curled inside her, pressing against her g spot as your thumb circled her clit. instantly, Mitsuri squealed, gushing around you and squirting onto your hand as she writhed in pleasure. "t-too much!!" she gasped, pulling away from the kiss as a thin trail of spit lingered between your mouths. "was that worth the wait baby?" Mitsuri blushes, nodding profusely.
i genuinely think obanai would last like
a week at most
im sorry but this man worships your every move, and theres NO way he can deny you anything
you tease him once and hes already bending you over, fucking you senseless as he bites harshly into your neck
or hes whining, dragging you on top of him and begging you to fuck him just right, ride him until hes a sweaty, needy mess
sex with Obanai after NNN would definitely be much rougher, he just cant hold himself back
he NEEDS to ravish you
you gasp as Obanai's cock sinks into you, his thick length filling you up as he spreads your legs. one hand rests on your inner thigh, the other entwining your hands together as he presses hasty kisses to your collarbone. your back arches off of the bed as he bites down hard on the sensitive skin, a dark hickey left in its wake. Obanai travels upwards, his teeth grazing your neck and shoulders as he kisses and nips at the exposed skin. his warm breathe flushes against your beck as he begins to thrust in and out of you in a brutal pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by your moans and whines. Obanai pants, his hand moving from your thigh to fondle at your chest. "can't believe you made me wait this long, bunny.." he murmured softly in your ear, nipping at your earlobe. "fuck, i missed this pretty hole..."
he likes to think could make it the whole month but "doesn't care about a stupid ass challenge"
he cant make it the whole month hes too whipped for you
i think he would either last like. 15 minutes or two weeks theres no in between
Sanemi would either fuck you out of spite immediately after november starts or genuinely try but give up pretty early on and make up some bs excuse ab how he "doesnt even care"
either way, hes not making it 💀
prepare yourself, cuz the sex is gonna be ROUGH
Sanemi totally has a breeding kink, and the thought of NNN definitely ignites a feral need to fill you up- not a drop of his cum is wasted, hes bringing you to at LEAST 4 orgasms, and hes coming at least twice as well. hes also gonna finger fuck his cum back inside you, maybe he'll use a plug too just for the satisfaction of knowing that your filled up to the brim with him...
congrats!! u have a feral boyfriend
"s' too much!" you sobbed, tears streaming down your face as Sanemi fucked into you harshly from behind. his hips snapped against yours as you whimpered, face down in the sheets. Sanemi gave a swift slap to your ass and you sobbed, mewling as he fucked into your weeping hole even harder. "oh yea? shoulda thought of that before tellin' me about this stupid challenge," Sanemi hissed, thrusting deeper into your cervix as you keened. "im- m' close-" you hiccuped, warm, wet tears slid down your face as he looked into your glossy eyes. "oh yea? i thought it was t' much, doll- fuck-" he gasped as you tightened around him, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass was amplified even more as you came with a squeal. you came hard, coating Sanemi's cock and the bed below in your juices as your eyes rolled back into your head. "fuuugnck- doll your so tight- im coming too, don't waste a fucking drop of this- its what you get for makin' me wait.."
i think Gyomei would make it
honestly i dont think he has a super high sex drive, and as much as he wants to please you, i think he would make it through the month with ease
hell at the end of the month hes praising YOU for lasting so long eithout him (in a genuine way, not in a condescending way ofc <33)
hes pretty chill when it comes to sex, but after NNN Gyomei might be a little rougher
he has STAMINA tho
prepare to be overstimulated bc he is MAKING SURE you are blissed outt af by the end
if your not a whiny mess in subspace then Gyomei's not having it
hes praising you for lasting so long, making you feel so good while bringing you to climax after climax for HOURS
he miiiiight fold if u bEG him but its a small possibility.
Gyomei held you in his lap as you squirmed, fucking yourself on his cock as you buried your face into his neck. "mnghh- forget how big you were.." you whine, grinding your hips sensually against his. Gyomei chuckles, brushing the hair off of your forehead and kissing you gently. "do you remember how many times you've come, little one?" your brow furrowed, your head felt foggy as you tried to remember. one of his hands squeezed your thigh reassuringly, and you whimpered, eyes rolling back slightly as you tightened around his cock. Gyomei hummed, taking in your overstimulated state as he brought you closer to release. "im so proud of you little light, you lasted the entire month," he cooed, rubbing soothing circles on your back as the coil in your stomach tightened. "let me reward you, my precious dove~"
#demon slayer x reader#kny x reader#giyuu tomioka x reader#giyuu x reader#giyuu tomioka#tengen x reader#tengen x wives x reader#tengen uzui#shinobu x reader#shinobu kocho#giyuu smut#tengen smut#shinobu smut#rengoku x reader#rengoku smut#mitsuri x reader#mitsuri smut#obanai x reader#obanai smut#obanai iguro#sanemi x reader#sanemi smut#sanemi shinazugawa#gyomei x reader#gyomei smut#gyomei himejima#kny x male reader#kny x you#kny smut#demon slayer smut
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im on my knees begging for jealous Simon headcanons 🧎🏻♀️
The thing about Simon is, he really has no reason to get jealous when it comes to you, and he knows it
He knows there isn’t anyone else who could make you smile so much your cheeks hurt, no one else who could make you laugh until you claim you’re going to pee your pants, no one else who could make you feel as good as he does, in oh so many ways, because you tell him so
You tell him that those same feelings of being loved, understood, appreciated, and wanted, those very feelings that you make him feel each and every day, he gives them back to you a thousand times over
He knows when you look in his eyes and tell him that you love him, that there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he is the only one for you, and nothing or anyone could ever change that
You’re as smitten with him as he is with you
Still though, Simon does have eyes
And while the logical part of his brain is telling him that he’s got no reason to be gritting his teeth and clenching his fists underneath the table, he can’t help but grow more and more frustrated with the way Soap and Gaz continue to flirt shamelessly with you
To be fair, you had warned him that keeping your relationship a complete secret from everyone would likely result is moments where Simon would have to watch you get hit on, and simply have to grin and bear it
That didn’t mean it was any easier, watching his only best mates try and work their charm on you, all while he sits at the same table and watches you roll your eyes at their advances
“Aw, come on love, just one chance, s’all I ask for!” The handsome, young sergeant practically whines to you, cheeky grin plastered across his features as he tries in vain to convince you to let him take you out some time
“Pfft, ye’d be nothin’ but a waste o’ her time, Garrick. We wouldn’t even ‘ave to to leave base for me to show ye a good time, bonnie.” The Scotsman winks at you, pointedly ignoring the way Gaz elbows him in the ribs at his comment
Throughout the entire exchange, Ghost’s gaze has never left your face, watching every time you scoff and roll your eyes at the men’s antics, reminding himself that you’re his, and he is yours, and the two sergeants are nothing more than pains in both of your asses
Finished with your pitiful meal from the dining hall, you stand from the table with your tray gathered in your hands, flipping your hair over one shoulder as you look towards the men trying to win your affection
“Once again, gentleman,” you say to them, knowing that they’re listening to your every word and watching your every move. “I don’t fraternize with colleagues. At least not the Sergeants.”
The two men groan in feeble protest at the mention of their ranks, having heard this reasoning from you before
“Ach, what if I get myself demoted, lass? I ken I could do that, easy!” Soap teases you, only kind of joking
“Mmm, don’t think that’ll work.” You reply, beginning to slowly walk away from the group, but not before glancing over you shoulder to lock eyes with Ghost and add, “You might have to become a Lieutenant. Those are more my type.”
The two Sergeants are staring after you, slightly gobsmacked, while their Lieutenant hides an overly smug and satisfied grin beneath his mask, shielding the pride that spread through him at your words
“Shite, sounds like you might ‘ave a chance, LT.” Soap laughs, smacking Ghost across the shoulder in a playful gesture, thinking that the larger man would never actually pursue you, let alone sleep in your bed almost every night
It’s a few weeks later when you and the rest of the 141 are all out for drinks at a nearby pub however, when Simon finds his instincts growing stronger than his insecurities
Because that’s just it isn’t it? He’s not feeling insecure when he sees you walk towards the bar by yourself to order a new drink, at least a dozen pairs of eyes watching you weave through the crowd in hopes of making a move on you
He’s not feeling insecure when he watches some tipsy idiot try and pretend he’s drunker than he really he is when he ‘accidentally’ bumps into you, apparently feeling the need to put his hands on you as he apologizes
He’s not feeling insecure when he watches you shove the guy off, reading your lips he knows so well as you tell the guy you’re not interested, nor is he insecure when he knows the idiot won’t give up that easily, likely asking if you’re here alone before you point over to where the 141 have overtaken a booth in the back
No, he certainly isn’t feeling insecure when he sees that the man never bothers glancing back to the table, still trying to land a hand on your body somewhere, when Simon’s instincts take over, rising from his seat without a word to the men who glance his way and ask where he’s going suddenly
He’s acting on pure instinct as he stalks over to you, the crowd parting for his large frame to move by without hesitation, locking eyes with you just as he lands a massive skull gloved hand on the tosser’s shoulder, wringing him around to face him
Your would be admirer isn’t feeling so confident now when he’s staring up at a 6’4” wall of muscle donned in all black apart from the white markings of his skull balaclava
If he were a more jealous man, Simon might take more time to admire the way you can practically hear this idiot gulp over the loud sounds of the music, the way his eyes bulge out of his head and how he looks nearly ready to piss himself on the spot
But your man knows who he is to you, and so instead he shoves the geezer away, turning to face you as one hand lifts up the bottom of his balaclava, just far enough to swoop down and meet your lips in a passionate tangle of tongue and teeth, tasting the alcohol on each other’s breath and the desire in your systems, a kiss that says to everyone else watching, including the bewildered Captain and Sergeants gawking from across the room, that you are his and his alone
#this kind of turned into the opposite of jealous Simon didn’t it#sorry anon I promise I’ll do a proper jealous Simon soon#just wanted to post something short and sweet tonight#simon ghost riley x you#simon ghost x reader#cod simon ghost riley#cod simon riley#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#call of duty fanfic#call of duty#call of duty fic#simon ghost riley#simon riley#cod fanfic#ghost x reader#simon riley x you#ghost x you#call of duty ghost#simon fluff#readwritealldayallnight#asks#anon ask
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bsf!chris x reader
“what took you so long?”

summary: chris is in love with you more or less,he never made a move on you though,always scared that might ruin your friendship. but now that you’re taken,he wants you even more. in your grey set that he loves so much,you come around for a movie night and he is painfully hard the moment he sees you walk in.
warnings: male masturbation,pet names(?) idk what else to put in,not proofread
a/n: this is a blurb for my bsf! chris au,find more of it here
“we’re not watching cars for the third movie night in a row chris!” you snatch the remote from his hands and settle down next to him on the bed.
too close for his liking. dont get him wrong being close to you only makes him happy, the way you smell, the way your hair smells and sometimes tickles his face when you move. but right now he is focused on covering his lower body with the covers, to say that he is bricked is an understatement.
“do whatever man,and can you move i feel nauseated by your perfume” he puts his head on the headboard, trying to act like he is not in excruciating pain
“woah there,whats got you all riled up?” you ask, moving your face towards him
“nothing im just snacky, mind getting me some snacks from downstairs?” he asks with a sincere smile.
you nod thinking nothing suspicious of it, he does get hangry alot so this was nothing new, you walk out the room telling him to pick a movie before you come back.
chris watches you walk out,your ass swaying in perfect sync,in that soft material that sticks to you, his thoughts not helping him one bit. he quickly puts a hand under the covers,reaching his hand down to adjust himself just a little bit before you come in again. that slight friction from his hands making him bite his lips.
“okay..i got you skittles and pepsi,thank you for restocking redbull before i come,you know me so well” the comment earning you a wink from chris to which you smile, his cheeky behaviour is not-not normal to you, thats how he has always been.
you both settle on watching “how to lose a guy in 10 days” , because , well chris lost the rock-paper-scissors game.
not even halfway through the movie, you notice chris moving every few seconds, annoying you with every move.
“motherfucker could you stay still for a moment im trying watch the movie!” you scream at him clearly not having a single clue about the agony he is in right now.
“my allergies are making me itchy” chris says lowly knowing you’re too focused on the movie currently.
“im going to go to the bathroom” he finally decides he’s going to do something about it or else he might come in his pants just by looking at you for so long (he has been staring this entire time, ofcourse), you nod in response watching him go up to the bathroom in his room.
“turn the volume up will you? i wanna hear whats happening in the movie” he says standing by the doorframe of the bathroom, his oversized hoodie kind of covering the tent in his sweats.
“i can just pause it until you come back weirdo” you shrug at him with a mouth full of skittles.
“nah, i might take a little while” he smiles at your disgusted face, watching as you turn the volume up.
he closes the bathroom door behind him and lets out a huge sigh,he looks at himself in the mirror not believing what he is about to do with you sitting right outside.
he pulls his sweats down, looking down at his boxers which have a dark patch growing on them.
he cups his dick through them, biting his lips to prevent letting out any sounds.
he strokes himself a couple of times over his boxers before pulling them down,his cock desperate for touch more than ever. his tip swollen and leaking.
his thumb spreads the bead of pre-cum leaking from the tip, making him moan softly, his hand drags from there to the base of his dick, slowly starting to pump his cock in his hand.
“fuck” he curses softly, thinking about you who is in his room right now, sitting on his bed, the bed that he has imagined doing the most unimaginable things to you on.
“oh-shiiit” his strokes get faster,the contact of his hand with his dick making wet sounds, but the movie is still louder outside.
“chris!” he hears you call him outside,but he doesn’t respond, scared his voice might betray him and let out a moan.
hearing your voice only made him feel closer,closer to cumming, cumming on your face, cumming in you, cumming in your mouth,these are all the things he thinks about,that grey set stained with his release.
“fuck-f-fuck-oh—-fuck ma- im-gon” his voice breaking apart, his whispers so low not a chance you could hear him.
“ah—shit” with that,white ropes of cum spray all over his hoodie.
his legs trembling for a few seconds,he knew he was going to cum hard but…this is a mess.
he quickly gets rid of the hoodie,balls it up and throws it into the laundry basket that he started keeping in the bathroom after nick told him too,thanks nick-he thinks.
he was still wearing a black tee under so he wasn’t walking out shirtless,its not like you’ve never seen him shirtless but he wanted to be decent (?)
he cleans himself up and walks out of the bathroom in a record of 6 mins. yes .
he sat down next to you,now comfortably snuggling close.
“what took you so long? and wheres your hoodie?” you ask him,noticing that his hoodie is not on him anymore
“had some bad food for dinner last night,and the hoodie was making me hot and itchy” he smiles at you when you reply with an “ew” not questioning his response.
taglist: @espressqe @ginswife @nononononshahsbba @sturnsburna @carolina454 @hope2244 @hotgirlbl0gger @violetstxrniolo777 @riggysworld @verycoolmiyah @kier-with-a-k @fadedstvrn @purpledreamertyphoon @mattsplaything @numberonekiddie @whore4chris @chris-hallelujah @sl4ttformattsturniolo @annsx03 @mattsdemi @chrisslittleslut @chrislittleslut @poolover123 @luvvnai @chrissturniolossidehoe @pompomprrin @idkwhatthisis2009 @harmonysturniolo @sofia-is-a-sturniolo-triplet-fan @soph-loren @ccsturns @lovesturni0l0s @chriss-slutt @wysmols @sturniolosluttt @mattsdillion @alyssa-sturn @herewegoagain-b @bilssturns @sturnobessed @mxnsonn @izzylovesmatt @sturniolosymphony @chrissturnioloswife88 @sxphiee3 @purpledreamertyphoon @whoreforchrissturnniolo
#chris sturiolo fanfic#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#chris x reader#chris sturniolo smut#chris imagine#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#chris smut#matt stuniolo fanfic#sturniolo x reader#sturniolo#sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#bsf!chris texts#bsf!chris x reader#bsf!chris
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Birds of a Feather || Old Man!Logan x Reader x Worst!Logan
summary: Logan loves you even if he can't say it but he knows that given his old age he's been lacking in the intimacy area. When a strange portal opens up and another Logan tumbles out of it, things get a little messy. (Or Worst Logan cucks Old Man Logan)
warnings: SMUT, MINORS DNI, fem!reader, cucking, fingering, rough sex, cum eating, masturbation, thigh riding, oral (female receiving), overstimulation, mating press, doggy style, dirty talk, kinda mean!worst logan (he taunts old man logan a lot), slight pain kink (Logan), ass play, nipple play, breast play. Also neither logan ever interact with each other beyond talking.
a/n: Soooo Merry Christmas!! Here is my gift to all of you lmao. So to set a few things up, At the start both men are called Logan but a couple paragraphs in is when I separate them into James and Logan. I really hope it doesn't get confusing but I did my best lol. I really hope this lives up to peoples expectations im kinda nervous lol. Anyways happy holidays and I hope u love it!!!
Logan was an old man now. The adamantium was seeping itself into his blood. Killing him. It had been for years but with his healing factor starting to fail him the poisoning was truly taking its effect. He was weaker, tired. His heart was touched by a poison and it was turning him cold. There's only one good thing in his life now and it's you.
You're too kind. He tried to keep you away from his fucked up life but you were relentless. You were an experienced nurse who could take care of Charles. Free of charge. He fought you at every step of the way. Not wanting your pity. But he caved.
Eventually you started taking care of him too. You were just too pretty, too charming. He couldn't stay away. This old man doesn't believe he gets to be happy and you try to change his mind every day. He did his best to take care of you too but the one area he knows he's lacking is the sex life. He tries, he really does. But he's old and while you're the sexiest thing on the planet, sometimes he just can't keep it up or he just can't finish.
It's embarrassing. Humiliating. You wave him off, telling him that it's not a big deal. That he still pleases you in a million other ways. Riding his face, his big fingers, you don't need his cock to know that he can take care of you. But it still bothers him. Still you lived your lives and things were fine. Until something weird happened. Really fucking weird. A large yellow portal opened up in your house. Logan bared his claws and pushed you behind him, ready to fight whatever the hell stepped out of it.
To both of your shock another...him?
Beaten up and bruised but its him. He looked younger but his hair was in these little tuffs and he was wearing a god awful yellow suit. He was kind of cute. Is this what your Logan would have looked like when he was younger? You snap out of your thinking, this is another man. It's Logan but not Logan.
"Fucking shit!" The other Logan yells as the yellow door closes behind him.
"Wade you dumb motherfucker I'm going to rip your head off!" He roars. He turns around, wiping the blood from his face. His eyes go wide when he sees you. He calls your name and steps towards you. Your Logan growls, putting up his claws.
"Back the fuck up bub." The other Logan looks between the two of you and just narrows his eyes. Both their shiny claws come out to threaten the other.
"Logan?" You call softly. Both of the men turn to you.
"Can we just talk?" They look at each other and slowly retract their claws.
After getting both of them to calm down the other guy explains exactly how he got there. He's from another universe, another time. He was pulled from his world into this one by an asshole with a stupid face and red suit. His stupid friend was messing with a little time machine thingy he stole and now he's here. That was his summary of things. You...tried to grasp it. You live in a world with mutants so time travel and universe hopping wasn't exactly strange. But to see another Logan. He also keeps glancing at you.
Every time he does James, you've decided to start calling your Logan by his childhood name to make it easier, James tightens his grip on your hand. The way this other Logan looks at you, they're such sad eyes. He must have had a you in the other universe.
"You can stay with us for a while, until you can get back to your time." You offer sweetly.
"Thank you sweetheart." Logan's hands twitch, like he wants to reach out for you but he doesn't. James reluctantly gets up, pointing to the spare room and keeping his eyes on Logan's every move.
"Don't drink my liquor." James mumbles as he heads to your bedroom.
"He's the anchor being, really?" Logan whispers but you catch him.
"What was that?" Logan freezes and turns to you.
"Nothing sweets," He flashes a smile you know he's lying. This Logan has the same tell as your own.
"Who am I? In your world?" You ask curiously. Logan's face drops and he seems to close up.
"No one, just a friend." He stalks to his room and closes the door behind you. Sighing you wonder what you've got yourself into now.
Living with two wolverines was not easy. Especially for you. They didn't get along and you had to play peacemaker. It was exhausting. Logan was nice enough to you but closed off and James was pissed off and protective. You were worried they'd slit each other's throats.
Plus...it was hard living with two Logan's when they were both ridiculously attractive. You never wanted anyone else but James. But this was just confusing. He was James but he wasn't but he looked like him and fuck he was ripped. James had a body to envy but so did Logan.
You were ashamed to admit you thought about Logan, just a little bit. You never let it go far but your dreams ran wild. They were hot and dirty and you woke up feeling soaked and guilty. You didn't say a word to James or Logan. What good could come of that? But they're perceptive men and you could feel Logan's eyes on you in the mornings. James' too. You couldn't escape them forever.
You should have known something was up the moment you walked through the front door and saw both boys sitting together in the living room. Normally they'd stay far away from each other.
"Hi..." You say suspiciously as you set down the grocery bags.
"Come here." James pats his lap and you walk over. He pulls you down onto his knee and smashes his lips onto yours. You can't help but moan as his hand squeezes your ass.
"James!" You moan as you try to push him away. You look over at Logan who was watching with hungry eyes. Licking his lips as his eyes trail up and down your body.
"We had a talk sweetheart," Logan's voice is deep and primal as he stands up and grabs your chin.
"We both know what you want. The old man over here can't fuck you the way you want to be fucked." James tightens his grip on your waist as Logan flirts up a storm.
"I...James I-" You look at James with a guilty look on your face.
"It's okay honey, I want you to feel good." He says while glaring at Logan. He isn't going to just hand you over, but he knows you crave to be destroyed, ruined and he can't do that for you anymore. So reluctantly, he's going to let his other self fuck you.
"Rule one. You don't get to come inside." James situates you on his thigh. Slowly rocking you on it until you're squirming.
"Rule two. She says stop, you stop." Logan eyes your cleavage with a hungry look.
"And rule three. You don't get to kiss her." He says possessively.
Logan rolls his eyes but agrees to the terms. The three of you head to the bedroom. James sits on a chair facing the bed. He groans as his bones creak. You shoot him a worried look but he waves you off. Unbuttoning his pants and letting his cock free. Logan pulls your focus as he leaves hickeys up your shoulder, sucking on a particular spot on your neck.
"Shit.." You groan. How did he know that was your sweet spot? You don't have much time to think as you hear a claw come out. Logan waits and you nod your head. He cuts through your clothes and they fall to the floor in shreds.
"Fuck." Logan groans as his hands trail up your body. Your bare skin drives him nuts. He closes his eyes as he takes his time exploring. Committing your body to memory, each curve and dip.
"Missed this." He whispers softly for only him to hear.
"Lay down sweetheart." Logan hums and you obey. Crawling onto the bed as Logan sheds his yellow suit. Your eyes trail down his built chest to his already hard cock.
"As big as your boyfriends over there?" Logan says with a smirk.
He kneels onto the bed and grabs your legs, putting them around his waist as he bends down and goes back to biting your neck. Your nails dig into his biceps as you buck your hips. His cock presses against your thigh as he moves down your body. Stopping at your breasts, squeezing and teasing one of your nipples while sucking on the other. You whine when he bites down. Licking over the spot he bit.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He smiles through his apology. He moves down your stomach and rests himself in between your legs.
"Let's see how sweet you taste." You gasp as he buries himself into your cunt. His hands locking you in place, not letting you move against his pleasurable assault.
"Logan!" You moan as you claw at his hair. Raking your hands through it until you find a grip. Pulling on it only eggs him on. His tongue moves against your clit over and over again. He refuses to let up as your moans get louder. You try to move but Logan growls like an animal.
"Don't fucking move." He licks his lips as he raises his head. He looks over to James and smirks.
"I see why you're so protective, wouldn't want to share a girl as sweet as this either." You look over to James who was slowly stroking his cock. It was painful watching another man feast on his cunt but he can see how much you're loving it.
"Play with your tits." James commands as Logan goes back down.
You listen and slowly play with your nipples. Squeezing your breasts and arching your back when Logan sticks his tongue into your cunt. Fuck he knows what he's doing.
"I can't- fuck! I-" Your back arches high as Logan sucks on your clit.
He doesn't let up. One of his hands lets go of your thigh and his thumb presses on your clit. His tongue is now moving to your cunt. You roll your hips as Logan fucks you with his tongue and rubs your clit with his thumb.
It's a deadly combination that leaves you helpless. You come around his tongue hard. He groans as you leak around him. Licking up the sweet taste until he's satisfied. As you start to relax you feel Logan's tongue back on your clit.
"Fuck!" You gasp in surprise as he places himself back on your cunt.
"Too much! Can't take it!" You claw at the sheets but Logan pays no mind.
"You can take it, always have you crying on my face." James says huskily.
He wants a taste, mouth watering at the sinful sounds of your went pussy. Tears threaten to fall as Logan shoves two fingers into your cunt. He fucks you like he knows you, curling his fingers just how you like it. The sounds of your cunt get louder as he roughly fingers you.
"One more come on, fuck give me one more." Logan props himself on his elbow as he pistons his fingers into you.
"No No I can't." You cry. You don't want him to stop but it's so overwhelming. It's too much pleasure.
"Yes you can." Logan cups your cheek and wipes away a stray tear.
"I got you," Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you come again. Your cunt clenching around his fingers as soak his hand. Both of them watch in awe as you make a mess.
"Knew you could take it." Logan takes his fingers out and sucks them clean. He eyes James who hasn't taken his eyes off your cunt.
"Want a taste old man?" You look over with pleading eyes at your boyfriend. You need him too. He winces as he stands up but leans down and gets between your legs.
"Shh baby, just want a taste." James squeezes your thighs softly.
Your cunt twitches as he leans down and takes a fat lick up. You're on edge from your previous orgasms and it's borderline painful. Both men look up at you when you gasp.
"I'm okay, just please be gentle." Your lips form into a small pout and James melts.
"Course baby," He takes a few soft licks and you sigh as Logan strokes his cock.
He takes your hand and wraps it around his cock. Fuck he's big and hard and leaking over your hand. You can't help but notice it's different from your Logan too. But you keep that thought to yourself. James grunts as he gets back to his feet. His beard slick with your juices. He slips two fingers into your cunt and pumps them slowly.
"Did so good, baby." He praises and you smile. You bite your lip and close your eyes as you take in James' thick fingers. They work you like magic, he knows you inside and out.
"Are you gonna take my cock now sweetheart?" Logan purrs in your ear.
"Tell me, what dirty fantasies do you have up there." Your breath catches in your throat as he cups your breasts in his hands.
"Any positions you want to try? Face down ass up is always a favorite of mine, or I can put your legs on my shoulders and press you into the mattress." You moan just picturing each scenario in your head.
"I can hold you against the wall. Bounce you on my cock so you're forced to take every inch of me.
"Even better, we can do all three." Logan lets go of you and nods his head, telling James to go sit down. James takes his fingers out and brings them to your lips, pushing them into your mouth as you suck on them like he trained you to do.
"You okay?" James asks and you nod.
"M'alright baby, are you okay?" You reach up and grab his hand, squeezing it gently. Is he still okay with this? If he's too uncomfortable you'd stop but he just smiles. He leans down and kisses your head, then moves to sit back down.
"You've been talking a lot of shit bub." James says gruffly as Logan nudges his cock at your cunt. You're on your back with Logan pressing your hands into the mattress.
"Don't worry old man, I'll take care of her." He slides in and you moan. He's going too slow, relishing with every inch.
"Faster!" You beg but Logan doesn't listen. Instead he pushes all the way in, balls deep and throbbing just being in your sweet cunt.
"Oh fuck yeah." Logan purrs as he draws his hips back, slamming them back into you.
His pace is slow and hard. He watches your breasts bounce with each thrust, enjoying the way they move because of him. He's still got you pinned down and you want to move, you want to hold onto him as he fucks you but he won't let you. Logan's got stamina and it's clear as he doesn't let up.
"Logan I-" He growls and pulls out much to your dismay. Manhandling you to your knees, grabbing your neck and forcing you to look right at James. You couldn't meet his eyes as Logan sinks back into you.
"Ah ah, don't you want him to see how good you feel?" Logan says in a mocking tone. Smirking as he sees the fire lit in James' eyes.
"It's okay baby." James says as your head falls down to the comforter. Logan's just so big. He's overpowering all of your senses. He just keeps going and going. Logan tilts his head back as he digs his fingers into your hips.
"Such a tight fucking cunt." He presses your face into the bed and grabs a handful of your ass. Pounding his hips into your pussy and loving every little noise he's fucking out of you.
"She likes it when you choke her." James says, his breath ragged as he watches you get fucked. Logan chuckles and puts his hand around your neck.
"Of course she does, such a dirty little whore you got on your hands." His mouth is filthy, the degradation pouring from his mouth with ease.
James mixes his praise with his meanness but Logan is pure filth. The pressure on your throat sends you into fucking orbit. A fat cock pounding your sweet spot and rough hand on your throat is lethally delicious. You could die happy.
"That's it, just let me use you sweetheart. Doesn't that sound fun? Being my little toy? Our little toy?" You look at James who's perked up at the mention of him, your cunt clenching around Logan's cock.
"Oh that got you interested huh?" Logan teases.
"You can be our plaything sweetheart, just nothing but a couple holes for us to use. Big man over here can stick his cock down your throat while I get the back." Logan rubs his hand along your ass, his thumb trailing down until its teasing your asshole.
"He ever been in here before?"
"O-Once." You mewl as he presses his thumb, not breeching you yet but knowing he could if he wanted to.
"Is it as tight as her cunt?" He asks James.
"Even tighter." James spreads his legs, he was getting hot. He sheds his jacket and unbuttons his white button up. Being this old and still ripped was so fucking unfair. His pants were already at his ankles and his cock was stirring just remembering that day.
How you cried and whined as he prepped you with his fingers. How fucking tight you felt when he slid his cock in. You were a mess, babbling and whining and begging to be ruined. James opens his eyes and sees you staring at him. Hunger in your eyes as you take in your handsome boyfriend. You may be getting fucked by another man but you only ever want James.
“Maybe next time." Logan moves his hands back up your body.
He sits back on his knees. His hands come to your breasts and pull you up so your back is against his chest. His cock somehow sits deeper as he bounces his hips up and down, spearing his cock deeper and deeper. One of his arms wraps around your waist while the other plays with your breasts.
"Logan!" You chant over and over. He's grunting in your ear whispering dirty things that only you can hear.
"I know you're loving this sweetheart, you may love the old man but you love my cock more." You whine, words failing you as you try and talk. You start to go limp in Logan's grasp so he tightens his hold.
"Come for me sweetheart, go on." He purrs as he lets go of your breasts to pleasure your clit. Rubbing small circles until you're squirming out of his grip, or trying to.
"It's okay, I got you." Logan whispers as you tilt your head back into his shoulder.
Eyes rolling back as you fully submit to the man. Your legs shake uncontrollably as you come harder than you have in a while. He holds you up as you melt, your vision blurring as you're sent to cloud nine. You were clawing at his arms, digging your nails into him until he bleed which only made things better for Logan as he humps you like a crazed animal. Grunting and groaning.
"Fuck!" He lets go of you to pull out, whimpering at the loss of your wet cunt.
He's rough with his hand as he jerks himself until he comes all over your back. Hot cum spurting from his cock and drenching itself on your skin. Your eyelids are heavy as you collapse into the bed, your body aches with a delicious sort of pain. With all the energy you could muster you glance over at James. He had cum staining his chest, breath ragged. He was worn out just from watching.
"I love you." You say softly, reaching out for him. Your hand doesn't make it very far so he meets you halfway. His pants pulled up and cum still on his stomach.
"Feel good baby?" He pets your head and you nod sleepily. Logan has gone off to take care of himself. Redressing into that god awful suit and coming back with a towel.
"Can I?" He looks over at James who nods. Gently he wipes his cum off your back, cooing when he accidently stimulates your clit again.
"Sorry sweetheart, just gotta get you nice and clean." Logan looks at James before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
James doesn't argue. Once you're cleaned up James tucks you into bed. He sits on the edge as you curl into his lap. Logan comes back with water and a towel for James. You're sound asleep by the time he's back. Logan smiles at you with a fondness that James can only recognize as love.
"You know her." Logan looks up and shrugs. "Heard her say she was just a friend. You were lying." James continues. He knows Logan was lying because they're one in the same. They may not like each other but they knew each other better than anyone ever could, even you.
"Look. You may think your life is fucking miserable but you had your family, you have her. You don't know how lucky you have it." Logan growls.
"Lucky? You think becoming a shell of who we were is lucky?" James feels the anger surging inside of him.
"At least she's alive in your world." Logan hisses. The truth comes out. Why Logan worked you like he already knew you, why he looked at you with such sad eyes. Why he listened to you. James caught all of it from the start but you never did. He looks down at you and you barely stir.
"What happens to us, in the future?" James asks while staring at you. Timelines don't need two of the same man and he knows that. He just needs to hear it. "I don't think I'm supposed to say." Logan mumbles.
"Who fucking cares?" Sighing Logan looks over at you before revealing the truth.
"You die and your world starts to fall apart, that's why I got pulled into it."
James knew that death was coming. He could feel it. He had been slowly dying his whole life. That's not what bothers him. There's only one thing holding him back in being ready for the end. You. He can't leave you alone but it sounds like he does anyway. Failing you once again.
"What about her? Is she okay?"
"Yes.” James nods, he doesn’t ask what happens. He doesn’t want to know. As long as you’re okay then that’s all that matters.
“Take care of her. Please.” James asks, for once letting Logan see his gruff façade break.
It feels like an odd request. Both of them know it, but he wants you to be safe and protected and no one will love you more than him. In any timeline, any universe, he loves you.
“I will.” Logan promises.
The two of them don’t share many words after that. It’s not like they’re suddenly friends now but they’re less hostile towards each other.
Eventually the strange yellow portal appears once again and Logan leaves. The time he spent here feels like a fever dream. Maybe it was? But you notice that James holds you a little tighter for a little longer now. He also rests a little easier. He knows where he’s headed, what’s to come.
But its a little easier knowing that no matter what, you’ll always have him.
#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#old man logan#logan howlett smut#wolverine smut#worst logan howlett
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other fingers in other holes
words: 1.3k
warnings: 18+ only, dubcon!, smut, fingering, reader x barry, reader x rafes (nameless) friends, spankings, punishments, mentions of p in v sex, anal fingering, mentions of anal sex, established relationship
“you're being a fucking brat.” rafe growls out, not bothering to lower their voice as everyone on the patio turns to look at you.
you know it's true but you still pout and cross your arms, defying him even more.
“if you wanna act like a bitch, im going to treat you like one.” rafe warns. “act up one more time and you'll see what happens.”
you're good for less than five minutes before you do something else to purposely get on rafes nerves, and something snaps inside of him.
he pulls you into his lap, shoving your face down so you land with your stomach across his knees. you instantly know what rafe is planning as your hands come to your skirt and hold the material down, but it's no use.
rafe doesn't care that barry is sitting right next to him. doesn't care that a couple of his friends had joined them, he still pushes the fabric up to reveal your panties.
“rafe, im sorry!” you squeal, but his hand still lands on your ass, making your entire body twitch.
“i told you there would be consequences.” rafe growls out. “now you have to take your punishment.”
he doesn't stop with one spanking, hitting your ass again for all of the peering eyes to see how your plump bum jiggles with his strikes.
another spanking as you clenching your legs tightly together, attempting fruitfully to keep yourself somewhat concealed, only for rafe to rip your thighs apart, lifting one so effortlessly it's like you're a doll.
“look at that, guys.” rafe scoffs. “she's already soaking through her panties.”
“rafe, man…” barry says, and you think for a moment he might defend you. might tell rafe to not embarrass you in front of everyone. “take them off.”
your heart sinks as you press your face into the couch cushion, knowing rafe will listen to what barry asks of him.
rafes hand delivers another swat before tugging your panties down your legs, flinging them onto the floor. you don't even bother trying to keep yourself from being exposed as rafe sits your hips back onto his lap with your legs spread wide.
the second the fresh afternoon air hits your pussy, you can't help the moan you let out.
“shit man, she is soaked.” barry laughs.
you wait for rafes touch, but you can tell this hand is different as it delivers a rougher spanking, surely leaving a red mark.
your eyes widen when the fingers the delve into your folds are certainly not rafes, not as long and not as slender as the man you're used to.
you instantly realize it's barry, rafe having allowed him to reach over and begin to finger you as he prods a digit against your entrance.
“don't bother being gentler with her, man.” rafe says. “she's used to getting fucked hard, huh baby?”
you let out a little whine and hope it suffices as a good enough answer for rafe.
“oh, and don't look so jealous.” rafe says to his two friends whose names you've forgotten at this point, sole focus on barrys finger slowly sinking further into your cunt. “you'll get a turn fingering her too.”
rafe then bends over your body, making sure you're listening as he gathers your hair into a ponytail and tugs your head up. “and you're not to cum, understood?”
you nod, swallowing thickly as barrys finger starts to push in and out of you as you struggle to find your voice. “yes.”
“good girl.” rafe drops your hair and your face presses back into the couch, attempting to hide your moans somewhat in the cushion as barry picks up the pace, listening to rafe and not bothering to build you up or take anything too gentle.
it's not long before a second finger is pushed into your entrance, barry seeing how quickly you adjust as your walls give way, pussy sucking his fingers deeper in every time.
“remember this is your punishment.” rafe says, slapping your ass harshly, the sudden stinging pain in sharp contrast to barry fingering you.
you can hear rafe, then soon after his buddies, let out a chuckle at the way your pussy obviously reacts, loving the mix of pain and pleasure as your pussy grip around barrys fingers so tightly he almost struggles to move them.
“god man, you get to fuck this cunt every day?” one of rafes friends pipes up.
“nah, not her cunt. she's not good enough for that every day.” rafe separates your cheeks and you know exactly what he's going to say. “i fuck her other hole when she's being a brat no matter how much she screams and cries.”
you can tell some sort of silent exchange is going on with glances and nods, and then a finger is touching your other entrance.
“rafe!” you squeal, even though both his hands are still holding you apart and the finger certainly isn't his.
“shut up.” rafe growls. “you were asking for this by being a little beat. take it.”
thankfully whoever is touching you dips down to gather some of your wetness on his finger before attempting to push in.
rafe smirks as he's able to sink inside, pumping slowly but rafe doesn't care enough to correct him as his friend surely imagines its his cock instead, probably using this mental image to jerk off later.
“i- rafe.” you cry out, your hand moving to tap his thigh before squeezing it as your cunt flutters, the intrusion of both holes being filled causing your high to quickly build.
“hold it in, slut.” rafe says. “besides, my other friend here hasn't gotten to touch you yet.”
barry clearly isn't giving up your pussy any time soon, so you hear the groan of disappointment as the finger leaves your ass only to be quickly replaced by one that is clearly less experienced.
you don't even bother to let out a cry in complaint, kind of enjoying the erratic thrusting compared to barrys even yet hard and deep strokes.
your hand grips onto rafes jeans, especially as barry pulls out only to dip briefly down to your clit and then back inside.
“making it hard for her.” barry says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“good.” rafe gives your ass a spanking, letting your cheeks go to continue swatting against your ass. “this is a punishment.”
rafe leans over you again. “have you learned your lesson or are you still being a brat?”
you tilt your head to the side, pressing it into the wet patch you soaked with your drool.
“ill be good.” you tell rafe. “promise.”
“you better be.” rafe leans in to give you a sloppy kiss, loving the way you can't hold back your moans even as his lips are against yours.
rafe sits up quickly, suddenly feeling possessive as he shoves his friends away. “fuck off.”
rafe fingers enter your pussy, pumping in such familiarity that you don't even need him to touch your clit before you cry out, high breeching suddenly from having your boyfriend being the one filling your cunt.
your entire body shakes as juices drip onto rafes lap, the squelching sound filling the room along with your moans as he fingers you through your orgasm.
“you weren't supposed to cum.” rafe says, your eyes widening when you realize he never gave you verbal permission, your high built so suddenly just from feeling him that you didn't even think about it.
“guess ill just have to take you upstairs and make sure you cum many, many times.” rafe stands up, his arms easily slotting under yours, not bothering to grab your underwear still laying on the floor.
“make sure you thank barry for fingering you so nicely.” rafe says, holding you against his chest.
“thanks, bear.” you whisper, managing to glance down and see how hard barry is in his shorts before rafe whisks you up to his bedroom.
#rafe smut#rafe cameron smut#obx smut#outer banks smut#barry smut#barry obx smut#reader x barry#rafe fic#rafe fanfic#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fanfic#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe x you#rafe x y/n#rafe x oc#rafe x reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x oc#rafe imagine#rafe blurb#rafe one shot#rafe drabble#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron one shot#rafe cameron drabble
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Isagi loves your thighs. And even though he isn't the type of guy to answer "personality" when asked "Boobs, thighs or ass?", he doesn't want to outright say how attracted he feels to them, mainly because he doesn't want you to think he only cares about your body (even though you know he doesn't).
So, imagine how heavenly it felt the first time he got to sleep on your lap. He remembers it as if it happened yesterday.
He had come home after a tough day of practice, in which his coach seemed even more angry than usual and just determined to make the whole team's day a living hell. Everything in him was aching, from his back to his feet, and he could swear he had a fever or something, because his head was starting to throb too. All Isagi wanted to do was get home and lay down, even if it means sleeping without showering (which shows just how tired he was).
"Honey? You're home!" he heard you saying from the kitchen "Welcome home!"
He tried to answer your sweet voice welcoming him home. He really did. But his mouth just wouldn't answer his brain's commands. So, he was just standing, staring at you with his mouth wide open, looking like an idiot.
"Isagi? Are you feeling alright?"
He couldn't even register what he was doing, but the next thing he knew, he walked closer to you. His body was just moving on it's own, as if being as close to you as possible was as natural for him as breathing.
"Sweetie, you're starting to scare me. Do you need to go to the doctor? Did something happen today at practice?"
He couldn't resist the urge to hug you anymore, even though he was trying to restrain himself because he was still stinky from practice and he knew just how much you hated it when he hugged or kissed you without showering first. He couldn't explain it, but you looked so huggable at the moment! He took a step closer, hugging you tight and burying his face in the crook of your neck, innaling deeply and letting out a satisfied sigh. One of his hands was travelling your waist while the other was playing with the hem of your shirt.
"Yoichi!" you exclaimed, voice worried yet still not loud enough to make his head ache even more (he doesn't even think your voice will ever be capable of doing him any harm) "You're burning up! You have a fever! I can't believe it, I told you to take better care of yourself!"
Ah. So he was right. He had a fever. That's why training was so hard today.
"Hm" he muttered, still with his head in your neck. He closed his eyes, enjoying the moment you both were having.
"Stay at the couch, I'll go grab some medicine at the bathroom."
"Noooo, don't leave me here" he said, clearly affected by his sickness. It looks like his mouth finally started to work again. "I don't want to be away from youuuu"
"Yoichi, my honey, you're clearly not thinking straight right now. But I won't go away! I'll be back in like 30 seconds. Sit on the couch and count, I swear it won't take long"
He sighed, but complied anyway, sitting at the couch and waiting (im)patiently.
You were right, because in almost no time you came back with pills and a cup of water. If there was a sport where the champion had to be the person who brought a glass of water and medicine to their sick boyfriend the fastest, you would win, Isagi thought (and that thought made him strangely proud).
"Here. Drink it up" he obeyed
"Everything hurts"
"I know it does, love. What you need right now is sleep. Come here" you said, patting your lap. If Yoichi was in his right mind, he would've blushed hard and maybe even denied at first, but he wasn't. He just wanted to rest, and he always dreamed about laying in your lap. So, he quickly grasped the opportunity.
And boy was it as good as he imagined it would be. Even better, actually. Your thighs were fluffier than any other pillows he had ever used before, and he felt like he could hibernate there. And as if it couldn't get any better, you started playing with his hair. He was in heaven. He couldn't even fell the pain anymore, and he was sure it wasn't just the medicine doings.
"I love your thighs" he admitted, a honesty he wouldn't have when he was healthy, which made you chuckle "And I love you too. Thank you." He kissed the inner part of your thigh to show you just how serious he was about it
"I love you too, Yoichi. Now, rest. We don't want the best striker of the world to be sick all week, do we?"
"If it means getting to lay on your lap everyday, I would be sick my whole life"
"You're silly"
"And you're the love of my life"
"Good night, Isagi"
"Good night, my love"
#i love Isagi so much it's not even funny#bllk manga#bllk x reader#bllk x you#blue lock#bllk#blue lock x reader#blue lock x you#bllk isagi#isagi x reader#isagi x you#blue lock isagi#isagi yoichi
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things that get svt vocal in bed
hello, this is (once was) @wannabelife :/ my acc got suspended, and now im trying to start new on this blog. consider this my first post all over again ig...
WARNINGS: smut headcanons, general reader, mdni
a/n: finals are all done, im baaack fr 🫡 requests are open
tags: @huen1ngk4i @aaniag @svteensworld @unlikelysublimekryptonite

seungcheol gets wrecked with a little bit of pain. nothing too crazy; the grip you have on his biceps, your knuckles white that will leave red marks in his skin later is more than enough to make him lose it. he goes insane when you pull his hair and neck, and scratch his back and abs.
jeonghan loves to hear you, be vocal for him, and you will hear back from him. the little whines of his name you let out makes his cock harder, the low groans making out of his lips as he watches you squirm and moan for him.
joshua loses it all with the skinship. hug him close, press your bodies together tight. he loves how your hard nipples stroke agains his, and your sounds are beautifully on the nap of his ear.
junhui loves when you move to meet up his thrusts. the way you roll your hips onto his while moaning, losing yourself, more desesparate to chase your high than anything else. nothing else matters, makes his hips hault because of you.
soonyoung gets crazy under pressure, truly just push his bottoms "is that all you got?" and he will keep doing a better job each time. he fucks you so good that he, himself, cant believe it feels that amazing, his moans louder and sweaty skin.
wonwoo is only mewling if you edge him, that's the only way you will be hearing those beautiful low husky moans. the overstimulation kicking in, his head going back as he lets out the nastiest moan from the back of his throat with eyes shut.
jihoon is most vocal when you give him head. you will hear him throughout the whole thing, but he gets louder when you look up at him. your gaze fixed on his, his face twisted in pure bliss and plesure, as your mouth is full of him.
seokmin feels he's about to bust his balls when you praise him. "so good, oh my god, you're perfect" "you fuck me so good, im gonna cum" "like that" your sweet words, making him twitch, his lewd moans almost music to your ears.
mingyu gets weak when you take over, rolling his body to the side as you crawl to sit over him. your hands going behind your back, finding stability at his thighs as you ride him with the sounds of him whiny crying out your name.
minghao loves the dirty talk. the way you get bratty and challenging with your words makes him lose it completely. gets him on the edge, grunting and groaning, fucking you restless.
seungkwan also gets louder with a little bit of pain, he's a bit freaky, tho. grip his hair, pull his head back, bite his neck, choke him, i'd even say slap him, i think he can enjoy that too, dig your nails to his skin, and this man will be squirming, moaning, grunting, completely at your mercy.
vernon goes crazy when you beg. the little cry on your tone as you beg him to not stop, to make you cum, to fill you up. and when you wrap your legs around his hips, kneels on his ass and lower back, pulling him deeper inside you, that's his end, he's a sobbing moaning mess.
chan is gasping for air when you put a show for him. his cock dripping and lungs burning as you play with yourself for him, pinching your nipples and swirling on your cunt, has him letting out those needy breathy moans as he watches you.
#was wannabelife#seventeen#fanfic#svt#svt x reader#seventeen smut#seventeen scenarios#svt smut#svt scenarios#seventeen headcanons#svt headcanons#seventeen x reader
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Im so glad you're writing for Curly bc I'm so obsessed with him rn!! May I suggest (if you haven't done them already) some soft/fluffy post burn hcs? Like finally seing him again after a long drive to the hospital, mentally preparing yourself for what he might look like. Curly being so afraid about how you'd react, and just breaking down when you let out an "oh, Curly :(" and softly place a hand on his cheek, so worried that you might hurt him by accident that it's hardly even a touch at all. Curly leaning his cheek into your palm, having been so scared to see you and now so desperate for your touch.
Life returning to a new normal after a while, prosthetics and PT, skin grafts, so on. Lying in bed with him and being so relived and happy when he gets a spark of mischief like he used to and tries to tickle or play wrestle with you. Him quietly asking questions when the laughter dies down. if you missed his lips, or the blond hair you loved so much that now hardly grew at all. Reassuring him that it didn't matter what he looked like, or what he could and could not do anymore. He's still your curly.
Sorry this turned out so long 😭 I can't get him out of my head!
I LOVE what you wrote 🙏🙏 I'll be going off of these, taking bits and pieces of your hcs and then putting them in here. Overall just gonna be fluffy post crash Curly hcs :)
Of topic, but the way some people in this fandom treat post crash curly makes me nauseous. Finding out that some of you wouldn't treat him like I would makes me wanna cry. Maybe I'm too empathetic or maybe I'm a baby back bitch, either way, I'd care for this man so much. Y'all don't understand how much I love him.
Tw/cw; none!! One curse word but that's literally it (I think)
Not proofread
Extremely sensitive to touch for the first few weeks. I feel as though curly would be in incredible pain, but would try his best to keep your hands touching his cheeks, face, body in general. He'd even go as far as to whimper at how bad it hurt, yet still enduring it because he needed to know you still loved him.
He'd be so happy to see you anytime you were around. Just like pre crash, but it was more special. It got to the point where you would take off work for weeks at a time just to be with him, just so you could see him happy.
After the first two months of agonizing pain, you'd start touching him more. Not sexual, obviously, but just getting more physically affectionate. You'd be able to hug and kiss him goodbye, and hold on to his arm as you talked with him.
Speaking of talking, he wouldn't be able to, so you would talk for him. Basically telling him something, then answering any questions he may or may not have. You've known him long enough, you know how he'd react and question things, so it was practically a no brainer for you.
Now that he doesn't feel as much pain as he used to from your touches, you'd begin sleeping with him. NOT SEXUAL!!! Just cuddling up next to him in the hospital bed, laying your head on his shoulders and kissing him goodnight. Just like how you used to.
Eventually he'd start getting prosthetics, and aside from the physical therapy he's usually getting, you'd bring board games and playing cards so he could learn to use his new hands while still spending time with you.
Curly used to kick your ass in uno and honestly he still does. The trembling in his hands would slowly go away over time, and you were helping him with that much more than his physical therapist was; because at least he wanted to actually be around you.
After months and months, he'd finally be ready to take home. New prosthetics and a bunch of skin graft surgeries later, he's in good condition again. Not perfect in his eyes, but it is in yours.
He wouldn't be able to work, but Pony Express sends him checks as if he was. He gets enough from them, you could quit your job, but you don't want to be dependent on them. So you keep working.
Getting home from work is your favorite part of the day, having Curly be so happy to see you makes everything so worth it.
Your home life goes back to normal with a few exceptions, but nothing too drastic. Curly being in a wheelchair and still not being able to speak, but it's nothing you can't handle. You love him, you're willing to make sacrifices. He'd do the same for you, and you know that.
Bonus content; if you guys were married before the crash, once he got his prosthetic hands, he'd have you help him make a little beaded necklace for his ring to go on; that way he could still wear it :) he'd never take the necklace off once it's done
A/N; I've been pretty busy recently so sorry for the delay on requests; I have a lot of ideas for them though so hopefully they'll be out soon
#mouthwashing#curly mouthwashing#mouthwashing curly#mouthwashing x reader#captain curly x reader#curly x reader#captain curly#i love him so much you guys dont understand id sell my nephew for him#AND my nieces
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content warning. unprotected sex , dirty talk, dry humping, degradation
request: heyy love your work can i req of reader wearing nct dreams shirt.
authors note. i hope you like it ❤️🫶🏾
𐙚 : MARK ֶָ֢ !
after sex but in the late night , he wakes up with a hard on, flashes of the previous night in his head. "fuck." he groaned , looking to the you who was sleeping soundly , looking so good in his shirt you threw on after , your black underwear on display for him. "fuck baby , please wake up." he gently shook you. "baby i need your pussy so bad, im so hard." you woke up to him rutting his hips against you. "m-mark." you felt him pull your panties to the side, the tip of his cock pressing against.
"just let me put it in, fuck baby."
𐙚 : RENJUN ֶָ֢ !
well of course you knew it was gonna rile him up , that's why you did it — you wanted to distract him from whatever he was working, and it work, you soon found yourself ass up in the same shirt as he fucked into your needy cunt. "fuck your such a brat." he cursed. "riling me up by wearing my shirt." he slapped your ass, making you yelp. "couldn't wait , just had have something in this needy pussy." yanking you hair. "answer me slut." you moaned at pain. "fuck yes!" he let your hair go with a scoffed , waiting for you to about to reach your peak before pulling out , leaving you a mess. "wh-why."
"whores don't get to cum."
𐙚 : JENO ֶָ֢ !
like with mark, jeno it's right after sex , finding his shirt on the floor , picking it up to cover your body — unaware that it would make your boyfriend hard as rock even though he just fucked you with in a inch of your life. "shit baby im hard again." he palmed himself through his boxers. "how jeno." you felt his hand reaching up his blue shirt , rubbing your sore unclothed folds. "just one more round baby , i swear." he pulled his underwear down , freeing his cock. "i'll be gentle." you moaned felling him enter you for the third time that night. "fuc you're still so tight, even after i fucked you open with my fat cock." he groaned into your ear, rocking back and forth.
"i cant help it , seeing you in my clothes all fucked out.
𐙚 : HAECHAN ֶָ֢ !
haechan already has low self control — but seeing you on nothin but his black tee shirt and underwear just makes the rest of it go flying out the window. "fuck baby please." he pulled at the hem of the shirt. "you look so good in my shirt, please sit on my face." he was whining like a child on your hip. "haechan i don't know." you worried. "please, i don't care if i won't be able to breath i need you on my face now." he laid down, grabbing your waist to straddle him. "come on." his hands came to your ass , patting it gentle.
"please smother me with your pretty pussy."
𐙚 : JAEMIN ֶָ֢ !
thinks you're the cutest thing in his shirt and his favorite pair of underwear; bouncing on his cock like a bunny in heat. "fuck baby." he groaned, holding your hips. "keep bouncing, you look so cute." he cooed. "taking my cock like a good bunny." he toyed with your clit , rubbing circles on your bud , making you whine out for him. "that's it , keep making those cute noises." he help you by bucking his hips up. "nana gonna cum." he hummed.
"go a head bunny and cum for me."
𐙚 : CHENLE ֶָ֢ !
he's the one who gave you the shirt , he wants to see you in so he's not gonna beat around the bush, asking you to put it on, immediately pouncing on you once he saw you. "keep it on." he said pushing you on to the bed. "i wanna fuck you in it." he said , pulling your underwear down along with his. "fuck." he cursed as he pushed into you , not wasting time fucking you. "shit le." you moaned. "you look fucking sexy in my shirt." he grunted. "need to fuck you." every time you wear his shirts he's gonna remember this and want to have sex.
"I cant help it my girlfriend is hot as fuck in my clothes."
𐙚 : JISUNG ֶָ֢ !
i've said before jisung is a little pervert in sheep's clothing — so when he see's them the only thing on his mind when he see's you braless in his white shirt is sucking on them; sitting you on his lap, not even bothering to lift your shirt up , sucking on your nipples through the shirt, the lewd imagine of the shirt and your nipples covered in his spit , making his cock hard. "fuck baby i need you." he sighed as you rocked back and forth.
"i need to fill you with my cock, please."

#kpop x reader#kpop smut#nct reactions#nct scenarios#nct smut#nct hard thoughts#nct hard hours#nct dream imagines#nct dream reactions#nct dream hard thoughts#nct dream smut#nct dream headcanons#mark lee x reader#mark lee smut#huang renjun smut#huang renjun x reader#lee jeno x reader#lee jeno smut#lee haechan x reader#lee haechan smut#na jaemin x reader#na jaemin smut#chenle x reader#chenle smut#park jisung smut#park jisung x reader
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i said in the notes of this that i wasn't coming up with theoretical zelda game ideas but apparently i lied, immediately after posting that i spent multiple hours writing down an idea i pulled outta nowhere
guhoghgjj i have so many art ideas but so little time;;; the eternal curse
#josh talks#WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF#i wanna draw something for my idea sooo bad but i cant yet#i basically threw several of my favorite zelda things/things in general in a pot and stirred em around a bit#like my link for this fangame idea is pink haired cuz i love and miss Pink Link#god i wish Pink Link was like. truly canon. cuz its true that alttp link technically has pink hair in his sprite#but artwork doesn't depict him that way so the pink isn't actually intended. So canon in the way that yes technically his hair is pink#but not canon since he's doesn't *actually* have pink hair#and that fact makes me so sad cuz that makes it unlikely we'll ever get another pink haired link :(#only get the range of blond/orange/light to medium brown#we don't even have a link with hair as dark as TP zelda's#which makes me sad cuz i think a link design with dark brown hair could look so good#anyway yea i made Pink Link a thing and brought back the fairy spell from loz 2#and shadow link is there cuz i love shadow from the four swords manga and i think Shadow/Dark Link is underutilized <3#but yea if the stars align maybe someday ill draw something for it#one issue is that i'll want to share details about the story and that would require a lot of typing stuff out#which is a pain in the ass to do on my tablet#if im ever making a ton of typos its cuz im on my tablet :/
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Kinktober Day 31

starring: james mcavoy x male reader
request: James mcavoy fic where James is reader’s dad best friend and he is coming over to stay for the summer reader and James don’t really get along at first. But one night James comes out the shower while reader is still awake and James ends up fucking him and eating him out hard and has him worship James body through scent and kissing etc
warnings: smut, cursing, slightly rough sex, cumming untouched, pervy james, sweat kink, unprotected sex, creampie, ass eating, cum eating, slight muscle worship
directors note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN i hope you get a lot of candy or pass out a lot of candy and you better watch some scary movies tonight ����👻🍬🦇💀🧡

it's not that you hated james, it's just that he really just wasn't your kind of guy, when he came around he would always get you in a head look and mess up your hair or just 'jokingly' bully you and your dad never said anything to him about it, he just told you that's how james plays.
now he had to stay at your house for the whole summer after something happend with his house, i think it was something about he has renovations going on at his house, him staying in the guest room wasn't any better seeing as it was right next to your room and the walls were pretty thin so you would have to be extra quiet sometimes.
but god you had to admit when he was here he was so sexy, especially when he offered to mow the lawn and he was outside shirtless pushing the mower, sweat dripping down his muscles and abs looking like a greek god, when he came back inside you tried your hardest to hide the boner in your pants but it was kinda hard (pun intended) since it was painfully up right.
you thought james didn't see it until later that night when you thought everyone else in the house was asleep and came out of your room, accidentally bumping into a james who just got out of the shower, his arm subconsciously finding your waist out of pure instinct "oh shit sorry" you go to push off him but your hands couldn't move, to stuck feeling his chest and pecs.
seeing your infatuation with his body he picks you up by your thighs and take you back to your room "your dad's sleep right" he smirks above you pulling at the hem of your shorts "mhm" you nod and he takes the rest of your clothes off along with his towel revealing his girthy cock to you, whimpering at the sight of it making him even more eager to fuck you.
your legs instantly wrap around his waist "you want this cock bad huh" he chuckles and you nod up at him, his shoves his fingers into your mouth, wiping all around it before pulling the soaking things back out and bringing them to your hole, shoving one in then two then three and working them in and out of your to open you up nice and well for him before pulling them back out.
he looks down at you as he pushes his full length into you, your eyes widening in shock at the thickness of his dick, you were pretty shocked to think you were fucking your dads bestfriend but if it meant getting fuked by such a good cock you could give less than two fucks about it being wrong.
his hips start to snap into your ass, his tip hitting your gummy wall again and again, it was a little painful but it felt so good to stop, all you could do was let out little moan, small enough to be heard but not loud enough for your dad to hear and come see what the ruckus was "i saw that boner in your pants earlier today, such a pervy little guy" he taunts you as if he wasn't in his bestfriends sons ass right now.
"shut up please and just fuck me" you whine tightening you grip on his arms as he went harder into you "mmm fuck im cumming" you moan spurting your load all over your chest, head dropping back into the pillow a little dazed as james kept going "cumming without even jerking off? how much more of a perv could you be" he smiles and leans down to kiss you, his tongue maneuvering into your mouth and exploring it, his slightly sweaty scent was filling the room faster and faster with the mix of heat between you two.
your legs starting to go weak around his waist but still strong enough to keep him in you as he came, cum shooting up your ass as he bit back loud groans, pulling out of your messy hole he immediately went down to your ass and licked at it "push it out" he demands and you do so, pushing the load out your hole which he catches on his tongue and slurps up.
beginning to eat you out to get the rest of it, cleaning you up a little more around the hole before standing up "i take it this is gonna be a regular thing" you asks catching your breath "come to my room when your dad falls asleep and it will be" he responds putting the towel back on and walking out.

taglist:@mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat @addictedtomalepits @staarb0y @crispysoup318 @its-ares @gargoylesworld09 @kadenvatsune @fuckshft @wompwomp-1mh3re
#james mcavoy#james mcavoy x reader#james mcavoy x male reader#x male reader#x male y/n#gay smut#x male smut#x male#gay#male reader#bottom male reader#james mcavoy smut#james mcavoy x you#james mcavoy x y/n#kinktober
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if zayne had any say in it, he'd have med student!reader's exams moved to another week so you can go through the brunt of your period without having to bury yourself in stacks of books and flashcards.
but he doesn't.
so zayne does what he knows best—make the pain more bearable, the challenges you face easier.
he lets you sleep in, brushing the hair curtaining your face away to plant a kiss on your forehead before he heads out. he comes home an hour later, strong arms carrying bags stuffed with menstrual products and your favorite snacks, having already placed an order to your favorite restaurant.
you're already awake by the time he sets the goods down on the floor of his bedroom.
it's clear to zayne, though, that you don't have the strength to stand up, let alone walk all the way to the desk in his office, body curling into yourself as you whimper in pain, so he sets up a foldable table he was gifted years back on his bed. he coaxes you into propping yourself up against his headboard, a cautious hand making sure you don't hit the back of your head on the wood.
he gathers all the materials you need study and begins to recap to you the topics. his voice is low, steady as an anchor. his hand acts as a hot compress, pressed over your lower abdomen, fingers drawing circles to massage the flesh and ease the pain. he makes sure you're able to soak in every bit of information that comes out of his mouth, asking you questions in between with the promise of a reward if you get them right. he even lets you take more breaks than he usually would, incredibly lenient and succumbing to whatever you want if you so much as whine.
the rest of his day is spent in bed with you, surrounded by your notes and empty takeout containers and crumpled bags of candies and chips on the floor. and when you wake up the next morning, you're more than ready to take on your exam.
zayne can't make the world pause over your suffering, but he can and will help you bear the weight on your shoulders.
a/n: notice how med student!reader only comes out when i, too, am suffering over my course ... anyways i actually think this sucks ass but im on my period everything hurts i need to study but i dont want to study anymore so this is the best i can do for now (not proofread btw)
#zayne x reader#love and deepspace x reader#zayne fluff#love and deepspace fluff#zayne x med student!reader#deusfoundry writes!
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take me back to eden
「 ✦ seong gi-hun / reader ✦ 」
tags: nsfw // jealous gi-hun, thigh-fucking if u squint, exhibitionism?? i think??, very very very light angst cuz im emo like that a/n: no titles we use metal songs like men original request (x)
Twitching skin, excitement lying under the stones of your mind, fingers that can’t seem to hold you tight enough. You wish you could face him, bury your face in his chest and drag the tips of your fingers up and down the length of his body just to summon goosebumps in their wake but he’s got you on your side instead. Almost intentionally so, just to keep you in place as he took his sweet time.
You haven’t always been so impatient, but he drove it out of you. To get back at you, you think.
Your back is so flush against his chest that you can feel his every shaky inhale and exhale. One arm remains tucked underneath the cradle of your neck, the other draped over your waist so his broad hands could splay over your cunt and drag languidly through your folds. He’s trying to be coy- you can feel the way he smiles into the back of your neck every time your hips try to leap into his touch. And maybe you’d believe it, too, if not for one damning piece of evidence that said otherwise.
Tucked between your thighs lies his cock, so hard that every time you give him a squeeze his breath hitches in his throat before he’s burying his face in your hair and groaning. You can tell he wants to rut into the feeling of you, the soft skin of your thighs a heaven sent, but he’s got enough brain power to understand the slightest noise could alert someone of your activities. He couldn’t risk that after he’d been so discreet, so silent from the moment you’d laid beside him and first ground your hips into his own until he was nothing but putty in your hands. Silent when you’d let him run his hands under your tracksuit and caress your chest, silent when you’d shimmied your pants down around your thighs and he slid himself in between the supple flesh.
And to think it all started because the man was jealous. A player you didn’t even bother remembering the number of had given you their portion of their dinner, something about the food always giving them stomach pains. Or maybe it was allergy related? You really didn’t care to remember that, either. All you did care about was the fact that your stomach was doubly as full as it could have been and you didn't even have to swindle for it.
Now, that harmless little interaction alone wouldn’t have been an issue. The problem was that Gi-hun had already offered you his only moments before, wanting to ensure you felt your best the next coming games. He was always sweet like that, always looking out for you. You turned him down, but gratefully accepted a competitor's meal. He took it personally, not understanding that the reason was simply because you didn’t want Gi-hun going to bed on an empty stomach. You cared for him too much to take. But a random competitor? Sure. If they were offering, why would you say no? It was hard to give a damn.
Then, almost to add salt to the wound, not knowing you’d offended him, you even tried to share your new spoils with Gi-hun but he insisted you kept it all for yourself.
You think if it had ended there, he likely wouldn’t have become the crab-ass that he had right before lights out. But then the player randomly checked in on you as you climbed into your bunk, leaned on the side of the frame with broad shoulders and watchful eyes.
“If you get scared, come find me.” He’d said. You barely batted an eye, but you curtly thanked him regardless to send him on his way.
Sharing dinner, fine. Whatever. But man. That bothered Gi-hun. He sauntered into your bed beside you, grumping about the player having such a sudden interest in you. You teased him, not understanding the scale of his envy for your attention. As if you gave a shit about anyone but him. He didn’t appreciate the way you provoked him with that humming tone, but you knew what he would appreciate, and you were quick to get to work.
Just like you knew he would, he did appreciate it when you started kissing at his neck, dragging down the collar to his tracksuit to nip at his skin and add to the countless hickies you’d already left there from your previous excursions. He definitely appreciated it when you’d unzipped your jacket and tossed it over your waists like a blanket before dragging your hand over the growing bulge in his pants.
He was so easy to please. So easy to provoke.
But you suppose you’re the same- melting in a puddle of drool and squirms after he’d rolled you onto your side and started poking and prodding wherever he could reach. Little swipes and grabs here and there to remind you, and to remind himself, that you'd given yourself over to him entirely.
At this point you’re sure that you’ve soaked the mattress. You need him bad, so bad that you can hear your wetness as he sinks in a finger down to the knuckle. When you spasm around him, Gi-hun curls around you and croons small sounds into your ear, his cock twitching to be buried in that heat as if it had a mind of it's own. You urge him on, clenching around his digit, twisting your fingers in the thin sheets of the mattress. He slips another in and they drag along your gummy walls.
You could get off like this. You have gotten off like this. But he’s so neglected between your legs, his hips barely rutting for any stimulation he could get, you can't help but try to get this show on the road.
“Gi-hun,” You sigh, breathless. “Please.”
He doesn't waste much time after that. How could he, when you sing his name so sweetly and rub your swollen sex over his aching tip, a pleading invitation.
And when he finally sinks himself into you, your greedy cunt sucking him in and soaking his shaft, he has to hiss into your neck to avoid outright moaning. You know you’re tight around him- you can feel your walls constricting, zips of pleasure racing up and down your body. It feels so damn good, fills you out just right, and you’re so wet that he doesn't even have to adjust himself before he’s pulling all the way out and kissing your slit with the tip of his cock and then he’s chasing that heat all over again.
You shove your face into your pillow and bite down the fabric. There’s an audible squelch with each idle thrust, and if he weren't bear hugging you against his furnace-hot body you would be jumping in his hold every time he sheathed himself within your core. Your hips bounce back against him as he sets a rhythm, little noises chirping from his lips as he did. You're drunk on every sound, feeling your skin growing hotter and hotter, your toes curling and uncurling.
He reaches up to hook your leg over the bend of his arm before he carefully drags it up, just barely nudging you further onto your belly before he started fucking into you all over again. The new angle is exactly what you needed, his member showing that sensitive little spot inside of you some much needed attention. Now you’re really struggling, eyes screwed shut, your chest heaving. Everything's tingling, a simmer building in your gut that has you chasing and matching every thrust.
His fingers find your clit again and you arch against him- thighs starting to shake. You’re getting close. It’s so dirty, the way you can hear people in the distance rolling in their beds while you’re seeing god behind your eyelids. He’s determined to get you off, to bring you to that lovely high before he does but you’re so hot, and you’re so wet and you’re squeezing him so right that he knows he doesn’t have long. Trying to make every second last an eternity, trying to stay enveloped in your walls where he's safe and riddled with a sense of pleasure so intense it leaves him trembling with aftershocks. He's almost there- you can feel it in the way he changes his tempo- plunges his cock into you so desperately and then stills to regain composure before doing it all over again. The uneven rhythm makes you kick your legs uselessly.
“Please, please,” You whimper into your pillow. “-M' so close…”
Gi-hun’s feeling like he’s on the final lap. You’re close, finding your way to the edge and teetering right on the precipice. He latches onto your neck and drives into you almost hard enough for the frame of the bed to rattle. Your fingers grip onto the sheets for purchase, it’s like being on fire from the inside out. He’s panting into your ear and it’s only spurring you on, rocking your hips until each thrust impales you to his very hilt.
Your brows knit, your lips falling parted as you focused on how that simmer had turned into a raging inferno, growing and growing until finally it combusted and burst throughout your entire body.
When you cum, you see fireworks behind your eyes.
Your back arches so intensely that he has to catch your hips to keep you in place, flattening himself over the cat-like bend in your spine, trapping you under his weight. Waves of mind numbingly blissful pleasure have you covering your own mouth and drooling through your fingers. You’re tight as a vice around him, and he’s still filling you with each thrust until you’re struggling to take it in silence.
With one last powerful thrust, he stills inside of you for just a moment. He curls around you and you think maybe this time you'll get the joy of feeling that familiar warmth of his seed filling you to the brim, but instead he pulls out and sinks himself back between your thighs. Hotness paints your skin in spurts, thick and oozing. A deep shudder wracks his body, his fingers gripping hard enough into your skin to leave marks as he rides out his orgasm, shoving himself into your shaking thighs until he’s spent and shivering over top of you.
Your hearts beating so loudly in your ears that you can’t even tell if you’re being noisy or not. Hard breaths panting in tandem, a concoction of juices pooled between your legs, you can’t help but feel like a bit of a whore.
But then again, you don’t really care that much. It's hard to bring yourself to give a shit about much these days knowing any moment could be your last. And you certainly don't care about being judged. Not when he rolls himself off of you and drags you against his chest before you could even think about gaining the strength to move. He’s as warm as a furnace, his unkept hair stuck to his forehead with beads of sweat gathered at his brows. It makes you smile- his blissful exhaustion was god’s greatest gift on this earth. You wished you could see it every day of your life.
You hoped one day you'd get the chance to fuck him properly in the privacy of your own room. But, until then, this was just as good.
“Thank you.” Gi-hun murmurs. You snuggle up against him, grinning like a fool.
“I could tell you needed that,” You start, sliding your hand under his shirt to trace imaginary lines over his skin. “I didn’t know you were the jealous type.”
He grunts, exhaustion lacing his tone. “I’m not. That guy's been watching you. What does he want with you anyways?”
"Dunno. Maybe he's the jealous one."
It’s cute when he’s trying to act like he’s not pouting. It was one of the things that drew you into him- this sort of pathetic need to be touched and wanted by you at all times. He would have to be a fool to think you'd ever have eyes for anyone other than him.
You just wish you hadn't had to find him at the games.
“Look, whatever it is he's wanting, he’s not getting it.” You kiss his shoulder.
“Good. I like this, what we have.” Gi-hun’s eyes are slipping shut, satisfied with sex and content with your in his arms. He pets down your sides with sweet strokes.
You trace his chest hair. "I do too. I like you."
He peeks at you, those eyes swimming with tender love. It makes your heart flutter. He answers your sweet words with a kiss to the top of your tussled hair.
You can’t help but glance up at him, and appreciate the way his furrowed brows have untensed, those deep lines on his face disappearing with tranquility. A small bit of you dreads this part, this inescapable heaviness drawing your eyelids closed. Sleep would slip through your fingers like sand and before you knew it you’d be awoken to a scathing alarm reminding you that death was around every corner.
But you try to not think about that. Not yet. Not while he's clutching you against him like you're the only thing keeping him grounded. The slow, long pets from your sides down to your hips slow into a still, and just like a light, he’s out.
You watch him for a while, memorizing the maps of his face down to the minute detail.
Just in case.
Tomorrow would be a new beast entirely. But for now, all you bring yourself to care about is matching your breaths with his, and the way he murmurs your name in his sleep.
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