#this has lowkey been the hardest one yet there are SO many
pliablehead · 1 month
in the same vague vein of my alex ask: Top Five* Jeremy Pritchard Moments
*that come to you right now in the moment, as per. we operate on a loose definition of "top" here (dont)
hi here’s what ive got for you
summer six live at isle of wight festival 2013. literally the stupid jeremy interview ever (bonus very good michael-ass michael)
attempting to review the namaste nepal menu (extended version). rice… is… A personal area
the first time I saw him performing Syrups live on the ENSWBL tour (washington dc). i wish I’d had the forethought/wherewithal to film it because the second time i went (philadelphia) just did NOT hit quite as hard, i feel like there were definitely elements of the venue itself (lighting cues in the space, the sound mix, etc) that put the DC incarnation truly on some other level, he was like fucking superhuman. kill meeeee
zipping up yannis’s jeans for him at the 2019 mercury awards like are you fucking fr.
that post you made of him smiling at jon you know the fucking one. just. the whole entire situation that is That. kill me x ∞
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yellingart · 2 years
Yet more characters to introduce (Horse edition)
This time I'll bundle them because I have way too many horse OCs, it's not a problem, shut up
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First, Horse, the love of my life, this baby is Jack's horse for most AUs and he's just the sweetest bravest ball of anxiety you will ever meet, this horse has such a big heart and wants to please so badly but he's scared of his own shadow. His name is Horse because while they were trying to figure out a name for him they were just addressing him as "the horse" and eventually he started to respond to the name and it stuck because it was funny.
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Now with Canalla, this is Jack's mother old horse. She's a mean mare, she worked so hard and doesn't like the company of almost any other living been but she's a good leader, she has a bit of a guard dog personality and will try her hardest for you. Currently in most AUs she's retired living her best life, they keep her as a way to thank her for the hard work she's done for them.
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Imperious, poor thing, he's Rickey's horse and while he's absolutely gorgeous, he's been through some very rough handling and doesn't accept many riders. In general, he's a fighty roudy stallion, very heavy and not the fastest, but will literally charge through a wall and is generally more scared of his rider than anything else he could encounter in front of him, so you can be sure he's quite a war horse.
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Milk and Choco are project horses, normally from Jack, they're very young and just starting training, they know how to drive in long reins and pull a small cart and they absolutely share one singular braincell between the two of them. They're also chronically buddy sour and will become such an issue if you separate them.
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Walter is Eloise's horse, hes absolutely the goodest most calm, safe horse you will ever find, the kind that will nap while you're grooming them or rest their head on the back of the farrier while getting their feet done. He's very sweet, very good intentioned, he loves people, loves other animals, even innanimate objects, super friendly to the point of lowkey stupid.
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Sunny is one of the latest additions to the herd, she's usually Jack's projects just as Milk and Choco but she's a rescue. Sunny is a failed racing prospect, she was sold multiple times in a very short amount of time and probably had some mistreatment along the way, beheavour issues and even some sort of fear aggression, she hates to have her face touched and in general is scared of people, but she tries very hard to understand what you're asking from her and is, ultimately, just a baby.
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And last today we have Chester! Another super super sweet gelding, loves jumping, has such a good heart when it comes to rider mistakes. You really want a horse like him for your kids or like any beginner really, he'd be the first heart horse of so many kids but he's most of the time the horse of a secondary oc that I haven't introduced yet named Luca
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broadstbroskis · 3 years
no better company than you | nathan mackinnon
a/n: alright, i’m rolling in late for @antoineroussel oussel summer exchange (thank you love, for running such a lovely exchange again, it was wonderful and i’m glad i was able to particiapte) and i’m very sorry for the lateness! i had the pleasure of writing for the lovely @ghstandpucks​ 💜 again, i am SO sorry about the wait but i hope you enjoy this! 
word count: 3.2k
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I’m late!” You slide into the booth and throw your bag down next to you, hoping to god you don’t look as frazzled as you feel; this restaurant is far too nice.
Nate just smiles at your words, too familiar with your family by now to know that you’re always running 5-10 minutes behind. He’s ordered a bottle of wine- a nice rosé, fitting for the beautiful end of summer day- and had already started pouring a matching glass for you the second you started sitting down. “How’d the interview go?”
You bite your lip. “Eh.” 
“I’m sure it went better than you think.” Nate says encouragingly. “You’re too hard on yourself. All three of you are.”
And well, that’s not a lie. Your siblings were just as critical of themselves as you were. Sid was famously known for it and Taylor, your twin, was as bad as you. But…
“Listen to you!” You laugh at him. Nate’s just as bad as the three of you. A mini-Sid in many ways, to many people in your hometown.
But that was in Canada. This was Denver. And here, Nate was cool. Laid-back. Lowkey. Everything a professional athlete should be. Nobody knew about what a dork he really was, except his teammates.
And now, maybe you too, if all went well with this job interview.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nate says, looking at his menu to feign ignorance.
You giggle, pulling your own up toward your face. “Sure, buddy.”
It’s not often that you and Nate spend time one on one like this, even if you see him all the time over the summer. He’s usually with your brother when you see him, politely trying to decline your mom’s invites to dinner or already hanging at Sid’s house when you invite yourself over to your brother’s house for pool or lake time. Usually time one on one with Nate like this is brief, usually like in passing while he’s waiting for Sid in the kitchen while you’re eating.
It’s nice. Nate’s funnier than people give him credit for and it’s easy to relax into dinner and conversation, to forget about the anxiety from your interview as you chat about what’s new for both of you and gossip about people you both know.
By the time he drops you off at your hotel, it’s late and you’re too tired (and maybe just on the right side of tipsy) to even worry about the interview. You just barely change into pajamas, run through your nightly routine, and climb into bed, before shutting the lights off. It feels like you’re asleep before your head even hits the pillow. 
In the morning, you’re awoken by the sound of your phone ringing, and it takes a second for you to place the sound, but when you do you pounce on it, recognizing the local area code immediately. “Good morning.” You say, trying your hardest not to sound like you woke up literally thirty seconds ago.
It’s human resources, from the job you interviewed for yesterday.
You got it.
“Ew, no!” Your dad holds his hands up innocently, when you rush over to stop him from unpacking a box. “Why would you put that there?”
“Hey, sweetie, maybe it’s time for a break.” Your mom says gently, exchanging a look with your dad, who nods his agreement enthusiastically.
Which is fair. You’d just about almost taken his fingers off just because you didn’t like where he was unpacking colanders. 
“Dinner!’” Your dad latches onto immediately. “Nate offered to take us all out tonight, I’ll let him know we’re ready.”
“Ready?” You frown, looking down at your workout shorts and baggy t-shirt.
“We’ll be ready in an hour.” He amends, already texting Nate.
Nate knocks on the door to the new condo you’re renting an hour and fifteen minutes later, sheepishly grinning when your dad tells him that you and your mom still need a few minutes. “Thought I had my timing perfect.”
Your dad snorts. “Oh buddy. Keep dreaming.”
He’s not too off on his timing, but unfortunately for Nate, you don’t have too much else going for you in your condo yet. Your dad had gotten your TV all set up, but in addition to the TV and living room furniture, you haven’t gotten much else, and that includes food and beverages. So the two of them sit in mostly silence while they wait another few minutes for you and your mom to finish getting ready. 
“I told you that you should have just met us there.” You tell Nate, as he trips on a box on his way out the door.
“Oh, so this wasn’t deliberate sabotage?” He deadpans.
“You caught me. Just trying to keep you around the city full time until I have time to make better friends.”
Nate laughs, as the two of you follow your parents out the door. “Be nicer to me or I won’t introduce you to my friends.”
“Who said I want to be friends with your friends?”
“Children.” Your mom turns to look back at you and Nate smiles at her innocently, but it’s been a while since that’s fooled her. “Do we need to stay home?”
It serves to get the two of you moving, even as you laugh at her joke. Nate drives you to another one of his favorite restaurants, and dinner flies by, with Nate insisting on picking up the tab, even when your dad tries to fight him on it. 
It’s started to cool down a little by the time you’re walking back toward the car, Nate and your dad still fake-fighting about paying for dinner, and you find yourself not realizing you’re smiling at the two of them as you walk behind them until your mom bumps your shoulder. “A few hours off for dinner with some good company was just what you needed.” She says.
And even though the smile on her face seems too knowing, you’re too tired to ask about it right now, so you just nod in agreement. “Yeah, this was nice.” You smile back at her.
Mel Landeskog pokes her head around the corner and you wave at her, trying to catch her attention. “Jesus Christ.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t think he was serious.”
“I mean.” You bite your lip. “I did have to work today.”
“I would have picked you up!” She shakes her head, muttering under her breath, and you know Nate’s going to get an earful from her later. “But no, no. That dumbass just let you come all the way over here by yourself. Sends me a text to come meet you by the door. All casual.”
“I mean.” You send her a look. “Did you expect anything different from Nate?”
It’s the way she looks at you and sets her face that almost has you nervous for Nate. You’ve known Mel for a long time now, but really, you don’t know her from more than just years of NHL events. “I do now.” She says.
You hope Nate knew what he was getting himself into sending Mel a text to come find you earlier.  
Once she leads you up into the box with some of the wives and kids, she’s back to smiling and laughing, making introductions all around. The mood all around is light and easy, everyone excited for the home opener of the season, and happy to be back with everyone again. 
It’s fun to be back in this atmosphere. Hockey’s been a part of your life for so long and there’s truly nothing like the energy of the first game of the season. You feed off the energy, catching up with some familiar faces and chatting with all the other girls, probably too excited when they invite you to a girl’s night later in the week, but it feels good to have plans that don’t involve trying to invite yourself to Nate’s when you’re bored.
“Hey, good job tonight.” You nudge him afterwards, catching up with him in the family room.
He laughs, pulling you in for a hug. “A little different than what you were used to?”
“It lived up to the hype, I guess.”
“I’ll turn you from a Pens fan.” Nate promises. 
It’s your turn to laugh. “Feel Sid’s wrath.”
“What’s he going to do? Check me into the boards? Bring it.”
Nate’s been hanging out with your brother and your family for years now, so he should really know better by now. “Okay, buddy.” You pat his shoulder patronizingly. “Sure.”
“I could take him.” Nate insists. 
“Throw hands. Next game. I dare you.” 
He side-eyes you, because you both know that’s not going to happen and it’s only a minute before you’re both laughing. 
“I better see you on Friday!” Ashley Kadri shouts out to you as she’s walking past with Naz and Naylah, interrupting your laughter. “No excuses!”
“I’ll be there!” You call back. “Promise!”
When you look back, Nate’s pouting-exaggerated, albeit, but pouting. “Are you ditching me this Friday?”
“Yup. Found better company.”
“How dare you?” He cries. “There is no better company.”
“Well.” You shrug. “I’ll know for sure after happy hour on Friday.”
“Find your own ride home.” Nate says and then he starts speed walking away from you at an absurd speed.
“Nate!” You protest, jogging to catch up and he finally slows down enough for you to catch up when you round the corner, bumping your shoulder right back when you purposely bump into him in retaliation.
No one lets loose like a group of moms when they’ve got a night without their kids.
Someone has mentioned this to you before, at a bachelorette party or a wedding or something, but you don’t think you’ve ever seen it really in action before until this happy hour. 
“If the waitress comes back, order me another drink!” Kerry calls, before running off to the bathroom.
The waitress nods at her, before addressing the rest of you. “Another round?”
“Oh, please!” Mel nods quickly and repeatedly.
“Can we get a few more orders of mozzarella sticks too, please?” You look down at the empty plates in front of you. “And maybe some nachos too?”
“Yes!” Jackie lights up across from you. “Great call!”
It pretty much only goes downhill from there and by the end of the night, both Mel and Ashley are crying for reasons no one is sure of entirely and you’re pretty grateful to see Nate among the group of husbands and boyfriends to come to pick up all their girlfriends.
So grateful you scream his name the second you see him. “Nate!”
He winces, trying to pull his ear away from you, but he’s laughing. “Guess you had a good time, huh?”
“Uh huh!” You nod enthusiastically, not realizing how loud you are until he winces again.
Nate laughs. “Alright, I think it’s time to go home.”
You gasp loudly. “I can’t leave my new friends!”
“Your new friends are all leaving you!”
You frown, but look around and realize he’s right. Naz has already sneakily pulled Ashley out of the bar and Gabe and Erik were collecting Mel and Jackie’s things. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Nate parrots. “Come on, get your stuff, crazy girl.”
“Hey!” You protest, grabbing your purse. “I am the least crazy person in my family.”
“I hate to break it to you.” Nate says, as he guides you into standing. “But that’s not saying much.”
He’s right, but you bump him with your shoulder anyway as you walk past. That’s about sibling honor and shit.
Nate parked too far away and by the time you reach his car, you’re leaning on him, the adrenaline from hanging out with friends wearing off quickly. Nate’s nice about it, guiding you to his car and then helping you into his front seat before heading around to the driver’s side. 
“You guys had a fun time then?” Nate says, once he’s started driving and you’re half asleep leaning against the window. “Looks like it at least.”
“Yeah.” You nod sleepily. “But you were right.”
He chuckles. “About what?”
“There’s no better company than you.”
Nate becomes pretty clingy after that night, texting and facetiming whenever he’s out of town, and stopping by pretty much anytime he’s got a free minute. It quickly becomes something you look forward to, missing his visits when he’s out of town and looking forward to his calls, smiling when his texts come in and breaking up your work day. And it isn’t long before you realize that you’re being just the same. Sending him messages before and after games. Inviting yourself over for dinner and making Nate cheat on his diet.
In a blessed move from the NHL scheduling department, Sid and the rest of the Pens are scheduled to arrive in town on a Friday morning and aren’t leaving until the end of the weekend. 
They have a practice scheduled for early afternoon, which is perfect for you to wrap up your work day before heading over to watch the end.
Geno lights up when he sees you watching from the glass, the first person to acknowledge you, and skating over in the middle of the drill, leaving behind two shocked linemates. “Mini!” He shouts cheerfully, even as you roll your eyes at your least favorite nickname. All because you happen to be the shortest of your siblings. “Great to see you.”
“You too, Geno.” You smile warmly at him, a little annoyed that you can’t get a giant bear hug from your favorite pseudo-older brother right away. “But I don’t think a few other people feel the same right now.” You jerk your chin back over his shoulder. 
He turns his head quickly but then looks back. “Psh. They’ll get over it.”
You bust out laughing, which is right about when your brother comes over, and in classic Sid fashion, is all about hockey. “Stop being a distraction.”
“I was minding my own business until Geno came over here!” You protest, even as Geno starts laughing and Sid eyes you skeptically. 
“Why don’t I believe that one?” Sid says dryly and sure, maybe you were making faces at some of the guys you knew well as they were passing you, but you weren’t actively being a distraction.
“That’s your prerogative.” You tell Sid, who shakes his head and pulls Geno back for the remainder of practice. 
Practice doesn’t last for too much longer and you spend a few minutes chatting with the coaching staff while you wait for Sid to change. But he and Geno finally come out of the locker room and you stop mid-sentence to throw yourself at your brother.
Sid’s laughing and so are you, but both of you start laughing even harder when Geno pulls you both into his arms. “Two of my favorite people!”
“Taylor’s going to be so offended.” Kris grins, watching the three of you amused.
“Taylor?” You grin back at him, going for a hug once Geno releases you. “How about his wife and kid?”
“Those are my other favorite people.” Geno reasons.
“Now I’m offended.” Kappy deadpans.
“You’re not even close.” Geno grins, roughing his hair.
Kappy tries to get him right back, but Geno just swats his hand away and then Sid’s shaking his head, like this is just the same shit, different day. “Look what you did.”
You grin, leaning against him. “Not sorry. I’ve missed this entertainment.”
Sid shakes his head. “Then you can round them up for dinner.”
You do. Easily.
Nate had suggested one of the team’s favorite restaurants and you’re happy to see that he’d accepted your invitation to join everyone, even if he rolls in a little late. You’re deep into Kris’ camera roll, looking at pictures of his kids and catching up on stories that you haven’t heard about them recently, so you don’t even notice he’s arrived and said hello already until he blows on the back of your neck.
You jump. “What the hell?”
Nate’s grinning. “Hey.”
You shake your head at him and bump your shoulders against him. “Hey.” You mimic and then turn right back to Kris.
But your shoulder stays leaning on Nate, and it remains there comfortably all night.
Sid’s a little cranky when you first meet him for breakfast the morning after the game and you’re sure it has everything to do with the last minute turnover that cost them the game (and bragging rights over Nate this summer, which is really what he’s probably cranky about).
He gets over it pretty quickly though, and soon the two of you are laughing and talking, catching up about your family and your lives.
“-and I even love my office, the vibes are just great!”
Sid shakes his head. “Vibes.”
You grin. You know he hates that word. “Good vibes.” You confirm.
“So you’re liking Denver?”
“Love it.” You confirm, smiling.
“Meeting good people?”
You eye him skeptically. “Yes dad. I already said my coworkers are great and I’ve been hanging out with Nate and his friends a lot too. It’s good”
“Geno thinks there’s something going on between you and Nate.” Sid says casually.
The jump of your heart is far from casual. “Oh yeah?”
Sid eyes you but his response to that is surprising. “You know if there was something going on between you and Nate that would be okay?” He pauses, watching you again, but your face is completely neutral, purposely not moving. “Right?”
“You know if there was something going on between me and Nate that your opinion wouldn’t matter at all, right?”
He grins, laughing as he nods, but after he takes a bite of pancakes he says, “To you, yeah. To him, it does.”
“Why?” You blurt out, giving yourself away before you can stop yourself.
But Sid doesn’t say anything to that. He grins again and then changes the subject entirely.
You only make it about a day before you’re knocking on Nate’s door, pretty forcefully.
“What’s up?” He swings the door open, with a frown. “You okay?”
“Does what my brother thinks really matter to you that much?” You blurt out. It’s been bothering you ever since Sid mentioned it at breakfast. That you lasted this long was probably a miracle.
Nate blushes and your jaw drops. “It-”
“Oh my god.” You grin delightedly. “Come on, really?”
“That’s not-” He blows out a frustrated sigh. “You’re really going to make me say it?”
You nod, but you’re pretty sure he’s not going to get far into what he’s going to say.
He sighs again. “It’s not about, like, his approval, or shit. It’s just- he’s important to you. So obviously he’s important to me-”
You kiss him. 
“You know that you don’t even have to worry about that, right?” At some point, you’d slid one hand to his hip and the other arm around his neck, and the hand there plays with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I’ll argue about that with you later.” Nate says impatiently and so you’re laughing when he kisses you again.
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silkgonerough · 4 years
Astrology Observation/rants? #1
❤️I’ve noticed that people who have venus unaspected in their chart are incredibly attractive idk why???
👸Moon trine/conjunct venus is such a nice placement to have in regards to people in general but especially to the opposite sex. I feel like ppl tend to treat you more gently and kindly bc of it’s feminine energy. It gives a prince/princess charm to the natives mannerisms bc they’re so kind and warm! Men with this placement are kind of babied and seen in higher regards by women (especially older women!!) and the women are kind of protected and nurtured through men. This also goes both ways where women with this placement probably have amazing relationships with other women and the guys are that one friend who has a lowkey bromance with all of his friends lol,, It’s rlly hard to see these ppl in a malefic or fearful light.
🙎‍♀️Moon in Scorpio females have eyes that can pierce through your soul
💆Men with Aquarius venus and Capricorn Mars are top tier
👄Women with Scorpio venus are usually very pretty and sexy and known for their sex appeal if famous
���Capricorn + gemini venus or rising women are really pretty and make great models
👯‍♀️Lilith in eighth house is considered a sex symbol placement (Brigitte Bardot, Elvis Presley, Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren)
🤔I would say gemini and virgo risings are the hardest signs to identify because of their mercurial rulership and mutability unlike Pisces and Sagittarius where there are clear distinctions in facial features and physique because of the Jupiter/Neptune affect (long legs, round faces, prominent forehead and eyes) gemini and virgo can easily be dominated by other planets in contact with the ascendant or first house but both signs give someone a very youthful doll like glow
🧠People tend to shit on hard Saturn contacts but I find that with time they usually evolve beautifully and the aspect can become a huge benefic but only with hard work. Saturn is the only planet that rewards for perseverance and patience but it’s always worth it
🥰Leo and Virgo’s are actually really similar in what they expect from themselves and others. They both just want to be appreciated and considered important to those around them.
👩‍🦳No matter what signs are involved sun conjunct venus always has a very feminine and pleasent face usually with a prominent forehead,, they’re also rlly well captured in photographs!
🤳Mars square Neptune probably had a period where they may have read a lot of dirty fanficton or fantasized about weird concepts sexually
🌝Leo moons are WAY more of attention seekers then leo suns im sorry but it’s like their emotional well-being depends on the amount of attention they get whereas Leo suns don’t necessarily ask for it bc they just attract it naturally with their aura (this isn’t every leo moon ofc just the ones I’ve observed)
🤦‍♂️I think Virgo suns are more critical of those around them and how that affects who they are whereas Virgo moons tend to be more critical of themselves and how their actions affect their surroundings
🦵I’ve noticed Mars in the 1st house females are usually rlly toned and skinny with long legs
💃Mars in Virgo is known as being prudish or like a not sexy placement of Mars and I rlly beg to differ, I swear every person that the general public’s been obsessed with when it comes to being hot has this (Dylan O brien, Austin Butler, Idris Alba, Blake Lively, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Felton, Ariana grande, Johnny depp, Britney Spears?!! there’s so many more u guys need to get on this)
🥴Aries moons are all about talking the talk but I swear half the time are not walking the walk and when they do they’ve talked shit to about 6 ppl already and waited for like a week before telling u how they feel
🤡Pisces moons (myself being one) can be so fucking stupid when it comes to liking someone I swear. We tend to make excuses for them and cling to whatever image we’ve set up in our head on who they are. Once evolved though it’s way easier for us to see ppl for who they are off the bat without going through the emotional distress!
😒I can confirm that we attract whatever signs in our eighth house mines in Aries and I swear to god not a year has gone by where an Aries man hasn’t infiltrated my life
👗people who have venus in the second house are the definition of quality over quantity!! always dressed so well with the cutest jewelry. They’re style carries libra energy :)
🥺Aries sun men are some of the most sensitive ppl I’ve ever met!! I didn’t realize it at first but they’re rlly soft and uwu. I don’t know how to explain it but think of Eren from AOT or Natsu from Fairy Tail! They’re kind of like a cheeky kid you want to protect at all costs
🤝I think a lot of square aspects can work in your favor if there’s a specific trine or conjunct aspect that’s energy can balance it out once activated if that makes sense ? Like for example I have venus square neptune and I used to put myself in alot of unnecessary painful situation bc I had a problem with deluding myself when it came to liking someone. Yet I was always aware that the person was not right for me or the situation was toxic bc of my sun conjunct pluto. The Sun/Pluto aspect has kind of forced me to be more aware of the venus/neptune affect and I’ve grown a lot stronger through those painful plutonic experiences in love and I can see through other people’s intentions for what they are with ease. I think that sun/pluto helped cancel out my delusion by making me go through a lot of intense experiences to finally understand what I was doing and see things for what they were.
🧛🏽‍♀️Going off of that I don’t care what anyone else says I LOVE MY PLUTO ASPECTS and trust me their pretty shitty (sun conjunct pluto, moon square pluto, pluto square asc). I’ve been put into some rlly crazy situations for only being 18 but I can go into the world with a lot more awareness of who I am and the people around me. I like the intensity they bring and the forcefulness of change in my habits and life. Pluto has made me a rlly strong person in terms of persevering through life and it’s challenges. I thank pluto for that.
👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼👨🏾‍🤝‍👨🏻👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏼I think one of my favorite placements I have that is also super favorable in others is Jupiter in the 11th house! This may seem kind of random but the amount of opportunities and cool experiences I’ve been given through my friends and social circles is something I’m soo thankful for🙏 Friendship and just being a friendly person in general is something I’ve always found luck and happiness in and it’s so rewarding to have so many ppl like and support u for who u are! Making friends with ppl online and making friends from friends is super easy with this placement as well💞
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arrowjaeger · 3 years
TMNT Christmas Headcanons
i probably should’ve started writing these way earlier but ok- here we are- this is mostly based on the 2012 version of the show but it can apply to most universes.
merry (late) christmas to those who celebrate it! (better late than never ig)
here are my headcanons about the Hamato clan on Christmas. i hope you enjoy.
warnings: some 18+ themes
not really a warning- but i ship apritello- xD
also, for reasons, don’t ask where they get these gifts from- it’s magic
was planning on starting to celebrate christmas when he moved to NYC but after the mutation, he decided not to.
after a few years with the turtles, Mikey found a picture of Santa in a magazine and asked Splinter about it
told them about Christmas, Santa Claus and the elves as well as the Christmas story in the bible
told them it was a time to give gifts and celebrate
Mikey showed particular interest in it, he didn’t ask if they could celebrate it, but it was highly understood amongst his brothers
it was the first holiday they started celebrating together as a family (other than their mutation day)
he likes christmas most when all of his sons are together and happy
it’s the only thing he ever asks for
even though he doesn’t want gifts in return, he makes an effort to find gifts for his sons
gets Leo anything that has to do with Japan. he’s always had a very high interest in Splinter’s culture and always wants to learn more. he’s gotten him manga, japanese snacks, and more traditional things like a japanese tea set as well as some teas.
for Splinter, Raph is the hardest to shop for. he has asked him what he wanted before and he asked for a turtle (hence Spike) since then, he had gotten him things Spike would like. Ever since he got Chompy, he tried to get him more things for Raph. He didn’t know how much longer he would have with his sons…
gets Donnie anything that has to do with science. he has given him anything electronic. he has been gifted his tool box, his microscope, and, as weird as it sounds, many broken appliances. he fixed their toaster then quickly asked for a coffee maker, blender, or mixer so he could fix them too
gets Mikey anything that has to do with cooking/baking, he senses a talent in him (that he doesn’t quite use to its fullest potential yet-) he’s gotten him cook books, cookie cutters, most of the stuff in their kitchen had been gifted to Mikey whether it was christmas or not. he definitely enjoys the gifts regardless of what it is. (he also gets mikey plenty of snacks)
gets April anything that he would’ve picked out for Miwa. She gladly took the role, feeling only a little bit unworthy. She’s gotten several pieces of jewelry and a kimono (Leo was suuuper jealous but it’s fine-)
gets Casey anything that has to do with sports. he knows the least about Casey but he hears him talking about the Boston Bruins enough for Splinter to pick up that it is his favorite hockey team, so he gets him one of their jerseys unknowingly gifting him the one which happens to belong to his favorite player on the team
believes that christmas is a time to spend with family and lowkey gets pissed when Raph or Donnie spend time away from the family at all in december-
ideal gift would be a Hakama (go tell Splinter for him-)
thinks the idea of Santa Claus is terrifying-
“why would you want a fat man to break into your house and steal your cookies??”
is incredibly glad he is not real
eats one of the cookies Mikey leaves out for Santa
wants tea before they start opening presents
is more excited for christmas than he makes it seem. but he’s only excited AFTER his tea
gets Splinter his favorite kind of tea every year. like- just a giant box of tea leaves- it’s honestly tradition at this point. one year he got him a few english teas to try. he didn’t end up with a new favorite but is always willing to try new teas
gets Raph a YUNGBLUD or My Chemical Romance CD they get tired of hearing ‘the freak show’ or ‘welcome to the black parade’ by the next day. needless to say, he likes the gift.
gets Donnie different kinds of coffee. he even tried to slip in some decaf but Don swears he can taste the difference.
gets Mikey some new wheels for his skate board. “they reminded me of Ice Cream Kitty so i figured you’d like them.”
he doesn’t necessarily get April anything… he told her that he would help her learn some of his fighting techniques. she normally trains with Splinter or Donnie so she would enjoy having someone else to show her some moves. it counts as a present in her book.
gets Casey new hockey pucks. he genuinely didn’t know what to get him and figured he could always use more-
started being a grinch ever since that one christmas when they were 7 and mikey unwrapped his present for him without asking
never really forgave him
convinced Mikey to leave out four cookies for Santa so he could either save some for later (or so he could share with his three brothers *wink*)
when they were younger, he stayed up with Mikey to see Santa so he could punch him for eating their cookies and drinking their milk but ended up finding out that Santa knew Splinter’s Kata-
later realized that it was just Splinter.
but it took him maybe a little too long…. “it was dark, ok?”
hates christmas movies
LOATHES hallmark movies-
like he will smash the tv if he doesn’t get adequate warning that they’ll be watching one (‘they’ as in Donnie and April ofc-)
gets Splinter cheese as suggested by Mikey. like a huge cheese plate with most kinds of cheese on it. he was very impressed by the diversity and was surprised by nacho cheese-
gets Leo Star Wars comics on purpose as a joke. Leo was not amused but he actually enjoyed them.
gives Donnie relationship advice- it’s not received very well.
gets Mikey grip tape to go with the skateboard Casey told him he was getting Mikey.
tells April where Donnie’s off switch is- “if he started rambling about something super boring just slap him on the back of the head” “oh- i normally just kiss him. i think it has the same affect.”
gets Casey a variety of spray paint colors. he pretended he didn’t support his graffiti style when Splinter reminded Casey not to vandalize with it-
believes christmas can start being anticipated AFTER thanksgiving, and here’s his list of reasons why-
made a master plan of how to end up with April under the mistletoe
it totally worked
finessed his way into making out with her
it was totally awesome
watches hallmark movies with April. they cry the whole time
“Zach is obviously the better pick! come on Marilee!!!”
“ok- but hear me out, Miles has a dope haircut- i’d stay with him for the haircut..”
uses the holidays as an excuse to cuddle with April
uses the cold weather as an excuse to cuddle with April
he will use literally any excuse possible so he can cuddle with April-
makes most of his gifts
makes Splinter a batch of retro mutagen. it took him months to make and Splinter knows it. he keeps it safely in his room while he tries to decide what is the best decision for he and his family…
makes his brothers all new tPhones. new and improved! with better cameras, more sleek design, and better processors. he ended up having to make April and Casey phones too (they got jealous)
makes April an entire PC- ok, most of it is made from recycled parts- but it is one of the coolest things he has made. he is convinced once he gets her all of the right equipment, she’ll game with him. they play overwatch together- but Casey crashes their party…..
fixes Casey’s roller blades- he told him several times that the idea was great but he feels like he could’ve carried it out better… so he pretty much makes them way better
keeps reminding his brothers that he is the reason they celebrate christmas
starts singing christmas carols right after halloween
puts waaaayyy too many marshmallows in his hot chocolate but everyone has given up on trying to stop him
bakes DOZENS of christmas cookies. every kind possible.
frosts gingerbread men to look like he and his brothers
makes Splinter a book of coupons- like, a coupon for a hug or a coupon for him to clean his room
makes his brothers coupons as well- things like get out of the dojo, get out of my room, and get out of the lab. he’s really using his annoying-ness to get out of actually going out and getting presents
gets April minecraft for her PC so they can play together. they own 26 cats-
gets Casey a new hockey mask. it’s a lot like his older one but he paints it for him. not exactly sure what it’s supposed to look like, but Casey and Mikey think it’s super dope
always has the guys over for christmas eve
they have hot chocolate and sticky buns. and occasionally alcohol we are looking at you raph it leads to a nasty christmas for the rest of them
tries to catch each of the turtles under the mistletoe to see how they would react
is extra careful when Casey is under the mistletoe though….
only eats the ‘Donnie’ gingerbread men Mikey makes
she ate a ‘Raph’ once and- “why are you eating Raph? i don’t want him in your mouth- i want to be in your mouth…”
they just stared at each other while Donnie’s face got redder and redder
gets Splinter a ‘worlds best sensei’ mug. it’s one of his favorites, not because it’s his style, but because she sought it out to get it for him. Leo definitely has used it more than once
gets Leo a limited edition Space Heroes action figure. it is his most valuable possession. he doesn’t even let his brothers look at it..
gets Raph anything to do with fitness. back at the farm house, they both would work out together a lot. she learned what he liked the most and got him weights accordingly. she adopts his old ones as he upgrades.
gets Donnie lingerie- it’s not for him- technically… it’s purple and it’s April’s size.. she accidentally gave him that present in front of everyone- his head looked like a tomato in a matter of seconds. Raph choked on his eggnog and nearly died
gets Mikey a cat stuffed animal with matching blanket. he is obsessed with it. she would’ve got him a real cat.. but after what happened to his last cat- let’s just say Donnie talked her out of it… she also got him a Domino’s gift card
gets Casey tickets to a hockey game. she was almost sure he would invite her to go with him but he actually when with his sister (Donnie was very thankful)
likes christmas more than Raph but pretends to be a grinch/scrooge with him
accidentally got caught under the mistletoe with Raph and it was the worst experience of his gd life
April made them stay there till they at least hugged
always tries to spike the eggnog
gets Splinter a block of cheese. that’s all. he accepts it gratefully
gets Leo a super dope Space Heroes comic. he’s pretty sure it came from Casey’s dad’s basement but it’s super rare and he doesn’t want to tell anyone-
has the most potential to get Raph a gift that he loves buuuut opts for a hilarious gift instead. he gives him a figure of sailor moon. Casey nearly died that day.
gets Donnie an Einstein poster or like a periodic table of elements poster both of which he already has but it’s the thought that counts ig-
gets Mikey a new skateboard. he really needed a new one…
gets April a necklace. it was actually really thoughtful- it was sterling silver shaped as a turtle with several amethyst stones making up its carapace. Donnie even thought it was a great gift and has no problem with her wearing it (which is great cuz she wears it 24/7 now) he doesn’t seem to mind that it’s from Casey
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
petals | bts [1]
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petals | bts
teaser | [1] (could be read without the teaser)
characters: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, reader
pairings: ot7 x reader
categories: angst, fluff, (light???) smut
genre: idol!bts, idol!reader (fem!reader)
warnings: reader is a bit sensitive but comes out of her shell slowly,, uhh,,, grinding???, making out ;) , sad kissing????, hoseok is lowkey whipped for reader, so is jimin,,, taehyung is a little mean for like 2 sentences
a/n: this first chapter introduces the reader, j-hope, and jimin! more members will be introduced with reader next chapter :]]
The seven of them may not have been bound by blood, but they were in every other way. Their interests often aligned and common actions were shared where sometimes they did not know where one began and one ended. They began their days together as they made their way to the practice room and ended it when they loaded into vans to make their way back to their shared dorm.
It wasn’t as though they had never noticed the fundamental difference between the seven of them and you. They were keenly aware of it whenever the stylist squeezes you and your other girl group members into shorts opposite to their pants or the added slits to accentuate your figure when suits were the dominant style. Yet, your performance was the tipping point.
Each of them had drawn silent as they watched you move like a siren across the stage. The male dancers seemingly falling at your feet while your white chiffon hugged your every curve, floating like water with each move to the beat. Never mind that you were in a group with seven other girls, all of their eyes could only be glued to you.
They would like to think that it were the performances that had them glued to your every move - that it wasn’t the remnants of false dreams that led them to watch you like a hawk. Almost like wolves, they would be eager to pounce at you if there was one misstep. Yet, you made none.
Hoseok was the proudest of them all. He purposely would stay up to watch you practice, giving helpful tips to evoking further emotion.. but this? Seeing you move this sexily as an enchantress almost made him feel weak in the knees.
They had attempted a lot to make you feel welcomed into their tiny home of seven. When BigHit informed them that the top trainee from Produce 101 would be joining their company left a sour taste in their mouths, but after learning it had been you who captivated millions, their worry lessened. BigHit had provided themselves on growing from the ground up - working organically to cultivate each trainee with precision, sincerity, and perseverance. Their own premonitions of how you functioned as an artist did make them question your credibility. It was only a matter of time before their watchful eyes looked after you since your pre debut days. The trainee girl division of BigHit had been long gone, but BigHit could not let go of you, not after so many monthly evaluations, tearful performances, and years going down the drain.
It was not as though you were coming into the group empty-handed. You had your own fan base from the show and project group who swore to stay by your side no matter what. Admittedly, your fan dynamic was a bit more mixed - guys eagerly flicking to see you and the other girls in school uniforms while you belted your heart out. The latest addition was the reassurance that BigHit needed to their girl group that they intended to put together.
“She doesn’t belong here.” were the first words you heard when your bags finally were placed down. It had been Taehyung who had uttered such words. You instantly find your blood run cold from the words. You could not quite understand why Taehyung was so against you. The two of you had never spoken more than three words to one another outside of promotional shoots where you were slated as an MC for the few shows variety was on.
Nevertheless, you tucked your head down and followed your other group members to the practice studio where you would dance for hours on in. You would practice until your limbs ached, taking every moment of a break as one step closer to the solace of your bed when comeback preparations were soon approaching. But every time you rested for just a moment, you could remember the echo of Kim Taehyung’s words. She doesn’t belong here.
Unbeknownst to you, not every member of BTS was antagonistic towards you. In particular, Jung Hoseok admired your tenacity more than anything. The two of you spoke in quick words, him congratulating you on your variety show appearances and complimented the way your freestyle had improved over the years. He was in complete awe of you.
“You’re here again?” His soft voice greets you at seven in the morning on the fifth-floor practice room of BigHit Entertainment. You would be embarrassed that you are currently laying on the floor looking utterly disheveled with your gray sweatpants loosely hugging your hips and the way your shirt is drenched with sweat if this were the first time.. but it had not been. He has two iced Americanos in hand and his lovely heart-shaped smile to match. “I swear.. you’re one of the hardest working people I know.”
His words lift your heart and you scramble to stand up and bow deeply to him, “Thank you, senior.” You say before bending a full ninety-degrees to show your respect.
“There’s no need for formalities… aish… are we not close?” Hoseok teases playfully as he places his keys onto the television monitor’s counter and shrugs off his jacket. He has always been one of the more friendly members of your senior group. Most likely because he catches you in the practice room four days out of the week when your leader, Roa, has not realized you snuck out of the dorms in exchange of the four walls. “You can just call me Hoseok. Or j-hope if it makes you feel better.”
You shyly rub the back of your neck, “I.. I suppose we are.” You admit sheepishly as you watch him pass you the iced americano into your hands. His hands are soft and gentle as they overlap over yours. “Congratulations on Billboard and the Grammy’s…. It must be very exciting,”
“Yah, yah, you said that yesterday.” Hoseok has always teased you as his hand raises to your head and pats it gently. In particular, Hoseok has always found your shyness cute. He thought it was sweet that despite years of being an idol, you still never lose the softer parts of yourself. “Let’s talk about you. And Reverie, huh?”
Your girl group, Reverie, had ultimately been a successful feat despite Korean netizens eager to question the validity of putting former IOI members and BigHit trainees as the first girl group the company would produce as opposed to using ‘fresh’ talent. Reading article after the article had made you insecure when they commented on your rather ‘boring’ facade compared to the other members that had charms that seemed to overflow. Were you that bad?
As though reading your thoughts, Hoseok gently clears his throat. “You should show me your dance.” He contends with a warm smile.
Despite only having these secret times in the practice room, Hoseok felt as though he could read you. He noticed your demure way of approaching things that were unfamiliar to you - the sharp contrast for when you performed on stage. If anything, he wanted to help you find the same confidence you felt on stage. He wanted you to find it with him.
“I can do that,” You say as you take another sip of your iced Americano and rush to place it in front of the mirror. You steal a peek from the corner of your eye as the older man settles into the chair and shrugs off his jacket. The other members (most likely Jimin since he tended to be as much of a practice fiend as he was) would not join for another half an hour, so Hoseok was eager to spend this time with you.
His eyes follow your every moment as he leans forward like a man entranced. He’s always admired the fluidity in your movement; the way that you texture changes without warning and how sharp each move is when it needs to be. Like water, you move as one with no disconnecting movements until you want it to be. Quite literally, he thinks your poetry in motion.
The latest comeback is equally as alluring as it is power-based. BigHit quantifying that girl groups should not be held to a double standard meant the choreography being just as difficult as your male counterparts. More than satisfactory for you, it let you feel a greater sense of accomplishment when you hear Hoseok’s claps of approval.
“You’ve improved a lot.” Hoseok remarks with a bright grin as he stands to his feet before walking over. “Though… I would say that this one move could be drawn out more. You’re focusing more on the timing rather than the execution.” He watches as your features contort at his words as you try to piece together what move in particular was he talking about. Could it had been the pas de bourrée? “Here,”
He moves closer to you with a reassuring look in his eyes as his hand rests on your shoulder and slightly presses down, “You’re supposed to have your shoulder go slack, right? You shouldn’t be so tense. Relax.” He says as his fingers trap down your arm to graze over your elbow and tuck it in more. “Your arm was taking away from the focus on your legs. You know the choreography, so why do you dance like you don’t?”
“Ouch,” You say with a forced laugh. You knew he meant well, but from to time, Hoseok did tend to critique you more like you were a member of his own group rather than a junior. Regardless, you were still thankful for his key eye for detail. You never would have deduced it was because he was looking out for you far more than just as a senior, but as something more. “You said last time you wouldn’t be so harsh,” You joke after mustering the courage after fixing your posture and your eyes reclaiming Hoseok’s.
Hoseok chuckles softly, “If I knew you couldn’t take it, I wouldn’t say it,” He remarks gently before turning on his heels beside you. “You’re practicing for the partner stage within the comeback, right? Then you should do it properly.” His voice lowers ever so slightly when he speaks, “With me.”
This hadn’t been the first time you had practiced with Hoseok. Early morning practices often consisted of him arriving at roughly the same time each day, if not earlier, with his small critique prior to him opting for a more hands-on approach. You saw it as nothing more of a senior looking after his junior, but Hoseok saw it as far more than that. How could he not when you were this cute without realizing it?
He wanted to ruin you.
Your thoughts melt away when you feel Hoseok’s hands settle onto your waist, pulling you closer to him as the two of you make eye contact. The way that he looks at you, his pupils slightly dilated with an intensity you can not quite discern, makes you let go of the breath you had not realized you were holding. How come it never felt like this when you were dancing with the actual backup dancers?
“Your leg should rest on my hip, like this,” Hoseok says as he purposely tucks his hand in the dip of your waist to press your waist against him. He’s warm to the touch, much like the sun itself and you have to bit back the blush that threatens to paint on your cheeks. “There, you’re doing good. You’ve always been good at listening.” He praises you as he guides you through the next move. Each moment you spend closer to him has you nearly buckling in the knees when his voice tickles your ear. Did he have any clue what the hell he was doing to you?
You may not have realized it, but Jimin ultimately did. The shorter man has grown familiar with the scene as he tucks his bag under his arm and lingers by the door to watch. He’s not surprised that Hoseok had shown up an hour early for practice in the wrong practice room when he leads you across the room. Jimin has to wonder if being attracted to you is infectious when it seems he is equally infatuated with you. Perhaps even more than Hoseok.
Jimin chuckles to himself as he pauses the music and leans against the door frame with an amused grin. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you two were star-crossed lovers.” It’s almost biting the way your face changes of recognition when your eyes meet Jimin.
You immediately pull away from Hoseok to bow deeply to Jimin out of respect, “It’s not like that. He was helping me-“
“You should let me help you too,” Jimin almost pouts as he repeats the familiar action of discarding his jacket and strolling over. “I can dance too, you know?” He teases as he notices the chuckle that Hoseok had been holding back. Both of them found you being flustered adorable, especially when this normally wasn’t like you. What happened to the alluring siren on stage? They practically craved to have you put them in their place.
Unlike Hoseok, your history with Jimin runs deeper than your ties to BigHit Entertainment. The younger man had known you at your lowest point, kissed away your tears on the night that your first group, I.O.I, had disbanded after the project’s deadline came and went.
You had never mentioned it, but you remembers the last night in the IOI dorms like it was yesterday. You had never wanted to know the pain of your group disbanding again. You had called Jimin that night because you didn’t know who else to call. Somi had been crying in the bathroom for hours, saying how it felt like SIXTEEN all over again, and you could only console your dongsaeng for so long. Kyulkyung and Nayoung already were going to be debuting in PRISTIN with eight other girls as though IOI never existed and was another project group. The time zone left you unavailable to call you parents and Jimin was all you had…
“I’m always going to be here, you know that, don’t you?” Jimin had whispered into your ears as his fingers gingerly stroked your cheek. He looks into your eyes, hoping that your words give some semblance of comfort when your heart ached to no return. How many times would it be that you had to build yourself up to be strong just for everything to fall apart outside of your control?
You sniffle when Jimin makes you look into his eyes, “I-I-I know,” You stammer out as you try to regain your control over your emotions, but it hurt. It hurt so bad that your head was pounding and it felt like you could hear the blood rushing to your ears. “It just.. I just want it to stop hurting, Jimin..” You grip the fabric of his shirt as though he were the one person in this world that piece you back to gather.
“It will take time.. but I will be here until the very end.. you hear me?” He whispers as he stares into your eyes. His soft monolids drip honey when they meet yours. “YN-ah… look at me.”
With a sniffle, you nod, “I am.. I am…” You whisper as your eyes scan his own. You never quite realized how long his eyelashes are or the way he holds the entire galaxy in his eyes up so close. You never have clung to him this much either, so it leaves you a bit breathless when Jimin says nothing for a while, just admiring you. “Jimin?”
“Mmm?” He asks as he does his best to wipe away your tears and not think about how pretty you look right now. He was here just to comfort you, but why can he not stop himself from looking at your lips? From thinking about how badly he wants to help you forget and kiss you?
“You’re pretty,” You say simply as you sniffle slightly and wipe away a stray tear with your sleeve.
“You’re prettier,” He tells you with a soft laugh as his thumb brushes against her chin. He wonders how close it would be for him to close the distance between the two of you with just a kiss.
Jimin has always complimented you, reassuring you of your every perfection, but this time he seems to mean it a little bit more as he presses you tighter against his chest to hold you close.
“Jimin…” You whimper as you hug him closer to you. “Please.. please help me forget,” you whisper softly for just the two of you to hear.
So without thinking, you cup both of his cheeks to close the distance between the two of you. Your arms snake around his shoulders to pull him closer as his arms instantly wrap around your own waist. He is warm to the touch, but fits like a perfect puzzle piece.
Jimin can not say how many times he had thought of this moment - the way you would fit around him like missing puzzle piece. The way he would kiss away every worry from your pretty little head as his hands bunch up the sweatshirt at your waist as he would kiss up your stomach before peppering kisses along your thighs. He’s dreamed of what it would feel like to finally hear your soft moans for him and him alone, but he still holds back as he lets you take the lead. Especially when you are this sensitive.
His lips are soft and pouty; they feel like the inside of a rose as his jaw slacks to let your tongue brush against his own. The taste is sweet with a bit of a tangy flavor: much like that of strawberry lemonade when each finger that presses against your side feels like keys being paid against a piano. For the first time in a while, things feel stable, sure, certain.
You’ve never wanted anything more in your life. You have no doubts as your hips grind against his own on the floor of your dormitory. His moans are soft each time your hips rhymically brush against the hardening tent within his pants. You like this reaction from him, the way his hips buckle into your own as your own teeth begin to nibble along his plump ones to elicit another mewl of pleasure from him. He feels like a dream, the way his hold on you tightens to bring you closer to him ; a sneaky hand that brushes along your hip to graze against the strap of your bra and tug it down in anticipation. You’re thankful that your door is locked in case one of your fellow members were to walk in on you grinding against your best friend after a fit of tears. God, you want him. You want him. You want him.
“YN-ah….” He groans as you begin to paper kisses along his neck. “I.. I want this… you have no idea how badly I want this… but I don’t want this if you’re just trying to forget,” He whispers as he forces you back to look at him. “Do you understand that?”
You grow silent as you watch his chest pant up and down in excitement. You know he wants it as badly as you do. You would be a fool to not see the way that he looks at you like you are the only one in the room. But you feel ashamed from how quick you are to close the gap between friends and lovers in the blink of an eye. Would crossing this boundary ruin things for you?
Jimin wonders if you remember those memories as vividly as he does. Sure, it had been a couple of years since that time, but he could not forget the way you fit perfectly around his lips. The memorable roll of your hips that nearly had him crying for him to be inside of you. He could remember all of this when you stared at your figure years later no longer as just friends, but with you as his junior and him as his senior.
Was it incomprehensible that he would wish to cross those paths again?
- - -
Don't be a silent reader! Let me know what your thoughts are! How do you feel about Taehyung not liking the reader very much? What do you think about the reader with Hoseok and Jimin? Let me know your thoughts :)
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hi!! do u mind if i request? maybe a tommy x reader who’s been struggling recently, with like getting out of bed, doing homework and stuff, and one day she doesn’t respond all day (probably just lying in bed all day or sm) and tommy goes to her house to see what’s up and comforts her and tries to help (even tho he’s lowkey bad at it he can always make u laugh that’s fax) and they kinda have like a ‘self care/help day’ with face masks and movies and unending laughter? thank u so much!!
Oooooo my first writing request! By the way it's written, I assume the reader is a female so that's what is gonna be written! Thanks for requesting!
I accidentally made this a little more dramatic than intended...
I Don't Know What To Do (So I'll Make You Smile) (Plat!Tommyinnit x F!Reader)
He didn't quite understand why you became so... Unmotivated lately. You briefly mentioned that you couldn't drag yourself over to your desk, let alone bring yourself to do the homework your teacher assigned.
Normally he didn't care too much and always said (jokingly) about how you should drop out of school and become a minecraft streamer. He got heavily scolded by Philza for suggesting it though. Normally, though.
Lately he's been taking glances at your report cards when you weren't looking and saw you mostly has C's and D's down the board. You were failing.
At the time, he didn't know how to bring it up or whether or not he should, and asked Philza Minecraft for help on what he should do. Phil explained to him that your mental situation was actually looking pretty bad and he suggested that Tommy go check up on you as soon as possible.
So, like any modern day teen, he texted you way more often than before, anything from asking if you wanted to hang out or stream with him, or sending you some stupid tiktok he found.
At first it was working and Tommy couldn't help but feel proud of himself. But then one day you didn't text him back.
His brain just told him you were busy at that time and left it at that, but then it struck 6pm and he still recieved no response.
A little annoyed by being ignored, Tommy threw on a quick sweater and his shoes before heading to the door. After a quick shout to his mother, explaining that he was heading to your house, he stepped out and walked across the pavement.
Within a few steps, he was standing at your door awkwardly. Normally he would've just burst in with a lame yet some how dramatic greeting to your parents before storming to your room (it happened at least four times a week. They got used to it within the first month.) but now... Something held him back.
Were you okay? Were you ignoring him on purpose? Maybe he was being a bit too dramatic?
Ah. Since when has that ever stopped him?
With a sudden burst of confidence, he grabbed the doorknob and let himself in. Your parents were at work so he made sure to be extra annoying this time, pay back for ignoring him! "I'm breaking into your home!" He yelled dramatically after reaching out and pressing the doorbell a few times to alert his existence even more.
He took his shoes off and made his way to your room, the pathway ingrained into his mind at this point.
When he reached the door, he gave a brief knock (he had manners. Sometimes.) Before turning the knob. "You better be decent for both of our sanity!" He called before finally opening it.
Your room looked... Empty... at first. In the beginning, he thought you weren't home, that is until the blankets began to shift and there was an annoyed groan.
"Soooo dramatiiiiic..." You huffed, unfurling yourself from your cocoon of blankets to glare at him jokingly, but he looked more surprised.
"You look like you got hit with a bus!"
"Well screw you too..."
Tommy snorted before awkwardly sitting on the edge of your bed. "So.. why haven't you been up today? Or... Well.. Passing your classes?"
You were definitely shocked that Tommy noticed, and part of you wanted to joke to ease the tension, but you figured that would make it harder on him. "Well... See... I've been struggling a lot with my mental state and everything just became really stressful, but even then I couldn't do it... And.. Well still can't.."
"Why... Not?" He looked at you in confusion and you just shrugged slightly, running your hand through your bedhead... Which you could see Tommy trying his absolute hardest not to snicker at.
"I don't really feel motivated... I can't even really get out of bed.."
The blond boy gave you an awkward pat on the arm, making you roll your eyes. "Uhhh.. You.. wanna watch a movie? Or... Oh! Maybe we could go egg Wilbur's house while he's off being a simp for Nikki!"
You scoffed and began to laugh into your hand which caused Tommy to greatly relax. "That's hours away, Tommy... We'd never get there before my parents get back. But we can watch a movie?"
"You're no funnnn!" He whined dramatically with a slight hint of a smile before shaking his head, "Go at least brush your hair while I find a movie, it looks like a porcupine got struck by lightening."
You rolled your eyes and slowly began to shuffle out of bed to make your way to the bathroom while Tommy turned on the TV in your room, having been here enough times that he knew how to use it.
When you came back, mostly cleaned up with a sweater thrown over your pajamas, you saw Tommy putting on one of his favourite comedy movies. There was also some snacks he had probably raided your kitchen or secret candy stash for, but you didn't mind. You flopped back down into your bed, while Tommy hit play.
"I never under stand why women always make such a bit deal over pulling those face mask things off of their face!" Tommy gestured to the scene that was playing in the movie. "Also why do they need so many face products? Doesn't water and dish soap do the trick?"
"You do NOT use dish soap on your face!" You gaped at his response to the movie. "And trust me... Those peel masks hurt." You saw Tommy roll his eyes for a moment before you got an idea. "Wanna try?"
The teen looked at you as if you were high on glue, but then he saw the challenging look in your eyes, and everyone knows that Tommy Big Man Innit NEVER backs down from a challenge. Or maybe he knew it would make you happy? "It can't be that bad!"
You knew he was gonna regret that.
You paused the movie while you scrambled to get your skin care products ready. First you made him wash his face, moisturize, etc etc, which he complained about non stop, but you always told him to quit whining or he was admitting to losing against the woman in the movie. He instantly quit complaining, calling the actress and pansy and hell bent determined to prove himself as an alpha male.
You made him put his hair back with a cheap headband you had, which caused his blond locks to practically flare out in every direction. After laughing about it for a minute, you made him sit down so you could paint the mask on.
"Sit still!"
"But it feels weird!"
"Keep quiet or this brush is going up your nose!"
"You wouldn't DARE."
"Wanna bet on it?"
After about five minutes of even more whining, you finally got the masks painted on you both as Tommy decided to take a picture of himself for Twitter to meme about.
Women are weird with their face skin care stuff...
While you both waited for the masks to dry, you had some how convinced Tommy to let you paint his nails but ONLY if he could do yours as well. We all know Tommy isn't about that toxic masculinity.
Once it was dry, you could see Tommy scrunching his face repeatedly, most likely not used to the unusual feeling. "Can I take this off now? I'm determined to prove myself better than those actors!"
You bit your lip to hide your grin as you gave a nod. Because yours was also dry, you showed him how to find an edge and how to pull it off.
"Ow! What the hell!?"
You snickered as you watched Tommy begin to yelp in pain as he began to pull the mask off, only able to do tiny tiny little bits at a time before needing a moment to gather himself, eyes watering.
You, being a boss, were already majority of the way done pulling the face mask off causing Tommy's jaw to d r o p. "You're a literal hell spawn! How are you not bawling your eyes out from the pain?!"
"I've done this quite a lot of times honestly. It's not that bad." You lied through your teeth. Honestly it hurt quite a lot, but you were just enjoying seeing Tommy gawk at you before trying to peel the mask off more, only to yelp and whine.
It took twenty minutes, and eventually, he got the product off and stared at his reddened face in the mirror. He decided to take another picture (with permission) for Twitter with you being a smug little shit while his eyes were still watery and his skin still irritated.
I respect women even more now...
@/tommyinnit Wimp.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
May I please request headcanons of the octavinelle trio + Idia finding out their S/o is self conscious of their body?
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Oh dear, all it takes is a simple contract and he can change your figure to whatever you could've wished for and this time, he would do that for an genuinely affordable price; a contract which you can actually live up to. Anything for his darling. If that what you'd wish for he would spare no effort in pleasing his beloved's needs, but there seems to be something wrong with this...,Why would you even want a change?
Your anxiety on its own gives him thoughts, mainly because that reminds him of himself. As a child he's been bullied because of his chubby figure, so he does get what it feels to dislike something about your body, but he sees no reason for you to feel the same as he did, to him you're just fine, you don't need anything.
He wonders if he's done something wrong about it because he's told you that you're beautiful and he loves you many times, but since he's gone through the same self-consciousness experiences he understands that you don't really have a word in that matter, sometimes it's hard to accept yourself as you are.
He lets you know that if you're looking for a change, he'd respect your choice and tries his best on giving you what you want, as said it's no more than a simple contract with him; he's capable of way greater things that you can't even imagine. Doesn't matter you decide on doing it or not because he's still here to tell you that you're beautiful everyday.
Even as it may be hard to gain confidence over your body Azul wants you to know to see that he'd love you nonetheless, no matter how you look or what you wear, he loves you and it's all that matters. He has falle in love with you, all of you, that's all it takes for him to love your appearance and body as well.
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To be honest, it lowkey surprises him to know that you're self-conscious of your body. To him, you've got a pretty strong and well-developed personality which he appreciates, and your body on the other hand wasn't ever a matter either. He isn't one to judge though, perhaps surface standards are pretty different from underwater ones; but to him at least your shape is just fine, adding your wonderful attitude and unique personality to it, you're an absolutely gorgeous being.
Humans can't be quite self critical, can't they? Well in that case he shall lead you to being more acceptive toward your body.
If he needs you to believe that your body is beautiful, first he's got to speak these words on their own. Sometimes just hearing it by words can be quite effective.
He gently comes to hug you from behind whenever you're starting at yourself in the mirror, gently holding you by waist and lowering his head to put it on your shoulder: "My my, aren't you just beautiful?" he whispers. He mostly phrases you when you're looking at the mirror, judging your body and wondering if it looks good or not for the hundredth time. You've got questions and Jade's there to answer: Yes, you are beautiful. Doesn't matter how many times he's got to repeat the same thing, as long as he can see a sight of relief in your face whenever he tells you how lovely you look he's satisfied.
His attempts aren't limited to words and regular phrasing, showing that he admires your body in action as well is just as important. Oh man, he's greatly aware of your tastes and your size, he definitely knows what clothes you'd not only like but also feel comfortable in. He wants them to be neither too loose nor too tight, just your own regular size. He gently hands you the clothes he's bought you, puts on an dreamy smile and softly asks you: "My dear, I'm sure that these would look amazing on you. Would you mind wearing them for me tonight?"
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Just like Jade, he isn't one into judging body shapes or having an specific preference over them, he's more into attitude and personality rather than physical appearance and beauty. He loves you because he enjoys hanging out with you, he never seems to get bored or tired while you're around and and in general, he adores your personality and just the way you are.
It's true that physical beauty isn't one of his top priorities but he still thinks that you look pretty fine. He doesn't see anything wrong with your appearance and he finds you really cute.
If you're having trouble liking your own shape he should keep you away from anything that may cause you to think about it. In case that it helps you to slowly get over it getting your mind off the anxiety seems to be the best choice.
People around you, even your friends better not comment on your body, otherwise they're going to regret it. Floyd would literally get rid of anything (or anyone) that may humiliate or make you feel insecure.
He is mostly focusing on indirectly telling you that your body is okay, more like making you believe it on your own instead of him having to force the belief on you.
Floyd isn't afraid of complimenting in public at all; he confidently phrases you and tells his classmates how adorable he thinks you look today, sometimes giving them a chance to agree with him on it as well: "Don't ya'll agree that (y/n) looks so beautiful today? Not like they don't always do though~" It will make you blush so hard but showing this kind of affection publicly is also a clear sign that he is proud of you and the way you look. Having people agree with him too is a way to show that he isn't the only one admiring you as you already are, it makes you feel accepted and loved.
Giving you the mental support you deserve so you won't need to question yourself or anyone else over the way you look too much, but when you need to talk about your frustration with someone, he's there to listen. It's okay to sometimes dislike something about yourself but you should know that it doesn't hold you back from being wanted and appreciated. Doesn't matter if there are people whom you believe have better figures than you cause there is no comparison on it; they are them and you are you, when it comes to worth, you can be compared to no one but yourself. At some point, he's just surprised at how you can't see your own worth like he does, you shouldn't let your body blind you on it: "You know... you're a lot more than your body,"
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'But... you're already perfect as you are..?'
Idia isn't one to randomly admire anyone or to praise them, but he does really mean it when he says you couldn't be any better that you already are, you're sweet, kind, supporting and beautiful; he couldn't have asked for a greater darling.
It really breaks his heart to know that you feel bad about your body, just what might've put the thought in your head? Has anyone said something rude? Anyways you should realize that there's nothing wrong with your body and you're already gorgeous and lovely as you are.
He isn't the best with words yet he tries his hardest, it's usually easier to motivate you during the enormous amount of lovemails he sends you everyday, but in reality he needs to come up with more of creative ways.
He wants to show you that there's no need to feel embarrassed or shy because of your body, you should know that you're loved just as you are, no need to be changed. If words aren't strong enough to prove his point, he goes for the second plan. He starts taking pictures of you, especially your full body pictures.
Doesn't matter whether you're on school uniform or just chilling on your T-shirt and baggy pants, he just says that he loves to save your pose whatever it is. His favorites are the ones with you wearing hoodie for fun, damn only if you knew how cute you looked whenever you put them on, it left his face all red and flustered as if he was looking at a kitten playing with his clothes.
He creates a separate section in his gallery just to save your pics which somehow embarrasses you, but he's strong on his point. He sits beside you as he scrolls through that special section he has for you, showing your pics and madly giggling over how lovely you look in each and every of them. No matter how much you beg at him to delete them he's going to keep them all. See this isn't his fault, it's all on you for being overly cute and adorable. He would directly show that he loves all of you as you already are, and there's nothing that can ever change his mind over this. He loves you, deal with it.
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kaiwritess · 4 years
hii love! i think i have an emergency request? or idk really lol kill me anywaays, what would Daichi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Sugawara do if they found little notes in their so's phone/phonecase/wallet which are telling them not to eat, starve themselves and stuff like that? (1/4)
+ idk, i just feel my mindset going back to these kinda things and i know its bad but at the same time i dont want to stop, because i feel like i am in control and i dont want others to butt in and tell me to eat and stay fat, but then again, i would love to hear it from someone so that i would know that someone cares about me (2/4)
+ but i lowkey know that no one actually cares about me and im not important to anyone, so all i do is looking at myself in the mirror and crying and seeking comfort from fictional characters who would probably think that i am ugly and fat and hate me too oops🤷‍♀️ (3/4)
+ and i am sorry for dumping all of this on you, i promise i dont want to make you feel sorry for me or anything, it just came out? finally i could actually send it to someone instead of writing it into my journal, it lowkey made me feel better. okay so, if this triggers you, then please, feel free to ignore me, i know what this shit feels like, and the last thing i want to do is make you feel bad, seriously. and i am also sorry if seemed to be rude, i swear i know my manners, just not right now:(
author’s note: okay first things first, you don’t ever need to apologize for venting! i’m honored that you’re opening up to me, and it truly means a lot. i’m sorry this took some time to write, and in the end, this was more like how the guys would react, and less of what they would do, if that makes any sense. i’m certain that all the hq characters would aid you with recovery. and i know we don’t know each other in real life, but i wanted to let you know how proud i am of you for staying so strong. times get rough, and the fact that you’re staying strong is amazing. i love u so much, and thank you again for opening up.
S/O Has Harmful Notes in Their Belongings
Daichi Sawamura, Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Kotarou, and Sugawara Koushi
trigger warning: eating disorders
Daichi was always wary about your behavior. He picked up the small hints you unintentionally left behind, like how you always found an excuse to skip a meal.
His worries significantly increased when he began to notice the small notes in your wallet. Sure, there was a possibility that it could’ve been a grocery list, but every time you opened your wallet and saw the note, he saw how sad your eyes got.
He found out about the whole thing after he got a hold of your wallet. You dropped it while walking, and his curiosity got the best of him. As soon as he read what was on the piece of paper, his heart plummeted.
Daichi tries to avoid confrontation, but in circumstances like this, it seems like confrontation is the only option. Although he tries to bring it up calmly, Daichi finds himself having a difficult time forming words. What could he say to make you feel better? How can he help you?
“What have you been hiding? These notes... how long have you been carrying them?” his voice cracks.
From then on, Daichi will be monitoring every meal, making sure you’re getting enough nutrients. Despite all his actions, he can’t help but feel so helpless...
Like Daichi, Kuroo was always concerned about your appetite. It didn’t help how you always avoided restaurant dates or anything that had to do with food for that matter.
Nevertheless, he brushed it off as you having a small stomach, which is something understandable as Kenma also barely has an appetite.
One day as you were walking to the grocery store, Kuroo noticed that you were holding a piece of paper. When he questioned you about it, you said it was a “to-do list for school”.
Kuroo saw through your lies easily (lying to him is one of the hardest things to do in the world), and immediately called you out on it. “You’re lying to me, aren’t you. Let me see it,” he said firmly, taking the note out of your hands. He read over the words at least ten times, each time beating himself up for brushing off the red flags you left behind.
Oh man, this dude is going to feel so guilty. He’ll probably blame himself for not being able to help you when the signs were glaringly obvious. By now, you’re crying, angry about how he found out.
All Kuroo can think of is helping you, and that’s it. Nothing else. He pulls you in for a tight embrace, unable to stand how you were dealing with alone. He says softly in your ear, “I’m so, so sorry for not noticing before. Please let me help you.”
It’s no secret that Bokuto can be utterly oblivious sometimes. However, through Akaashi’s influence, he found himself improving on picking up important signs.
At first, Bokuto didn’t think much of your “unusual habits”. There were many times where you checked your phone before eating something, but hey, doesn’t everyone do that?
It became a routine. Before every meal, you checked your phone, turning the screen away from everyone else as if you were hiding something.
He found out what you were hiding in the middle of a coffee date. Bokuto was sitting beside you, trying his best to hold his tongue before saying or doing something stupid. You checked your phone as usual, but this time, Bokuto’s overwhelming curiosity made him act without thinking.
“Hey, what’s on your phone?” he asked, leaning towards you. Before you were able to close the notes app, he caught a glimpse of one, very concerning phrase: “Don’t eat a lot, or you’ll regret it.”
Everything clicked for him; all the times you checked your phone before every meal, how you had an unusually small appetite, etc..
For the first time, Bokuto is speechless. His eyes are wide and his mouth was slightly agape. You didn’t know what to say, nor could you think of an excuse for what was on your notes. Before you could even stammer out a syllable, Bokuto looked at you dead in the eyes with a look of pain, and whispered, “Why?”
Sugawara isn’t a stranger to the red flags of eating disorders. His incredibly perceptive nature allows him to notice the signs you leave behind, like how you barely eat any of the meals he cooks.
His concerns were confirmed after finding about your disorder unintentionally. Sugawara was helping you clean up your room when he discovered a little note that escaped from your bag. After reading the words you wrote, he dropped the note with various intense emotions.
Immediately confronts you about it. “[Y/N], can we talk?”// “What’s this?” he shows you the note with trembling hands.
You knew you were unable to make up a lie, and so you confessed about everything that was going on. The tears kept flowing, and you were so ashamed that Sugawara found out. You knew how much it hurt him.
After you told him everything, he started crying as well. He’s so thankful you told him, but at the same time, Sugawara felt so... scared. He hated how you did this to yourself, yet Sugawara doesn’t know how to help you recover. There was no promise that you wouldn’t do it again in the future as well.
Dropping to your knees, you let out the sobs you tried to hold back. You thought he would be mad, so you were surprised when his thumb wiped your tears away.
“I promise I’ll help you through this. You will not be alone, okay? So please... please let me into your heart.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Thanks for reading!
- Kai
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Plot: Yeonjun was tired of not being able to do things normal couples could do with you so when he has the opportunity to sneak out and visit the Christmas market downtown, he doesn’t hesitate to do it and drag you with him.
Word count: 4.7k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None just fluff and a lot of cheesy stuff!
Pairing: Yeonjun x fem!reader
A/N: THIS IS FINALLY FINISHEEEED!! This oneshot was made for @key201303​ for a Christmas game I did with the network @kafenetwork​, thank you so much for letting me participate in this, I really had fun! ^^
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Yeonjun couldn’t help but smile softly when he opened the door that guided into the hotel room he had been sharing with you since you arrived to the United States. Seeing you laying on the bed, hidden underneath a bunch of blankets and surrounded by all the pillows you had, the idol suddenly felt lucky, mentally asking himself how he had been able to conquist the heart of somebody as amazing as you were. 
It wasn’t easy to date somebody like him for you. The amount of attention he was getting the more famous he got was way out of your comfort zone, he had been afraid to approach you at first because of your shy and timid nature but he lowkey loved the way you fidgeted and blushed whenever the two of you talked. Nobody really had much hope in your relationship though, everyone thought you were too different, your lives were complete opposites and whoever knew you, doubted you would be able to stand the pressure you would have to deal with if your relationship went public.
However, against all odds, Yeonjun succeeded in asking you out months later after your first encounter and since that day, he had been trying his hardest to make you feel like the most special yet happiest girl in the universe. It wasn’t easy, things didn’t come out as well as he wanted every single time, sometimes his schedule got in the way, sometimes your studies did and sometimes it was simply his fame that got between the two of you but he always found a way to make you smile, there was not one day your boyfriend failed to make your heart flutter.
More than once, Yeonjun found himself thinking about it and it ended up making him feel guilty, no matter how many times you’ve reassured him, stating that your relationship was perfect the way it was, the ugly truth of him not being able to give you the things a normal boyfriend could give his girlfriend still roamed the back of his mind. For example, now that Christmas was getting closer, Yeonjun knew he wouldn’t be able to walk around town with you, holding hands as you searched for presents and made good memories together. He wouldn’t be able to run down the streets when it started snowing, dodging people to not bump into somebody, he just wouldn’t be able to visit the mall and hold your hand as you dragged him into store after store without a bunch of securities guards around you, making sure he wouldn’t get hurt.
He wanted to give you that. Even if it was for one night. 
You deserved it.
“Yeonjunie?” His heart almost melted when you poked your head out of your blanket fortress to see him standing on the door, leaning against its frame as he watched you. The smile that curved his lips simply made you fall for him all over again. “What are you doing there?” You sat up on the bed, keeping the blankets around your body, patting the empty space beside you so he would join you there “How did the interview go?” 
This was your first time travelling with him, Yeonjun and you had been dating for almost two years and were already considering moving in together so it would be easier to spend more time with each other. You knew there would still be days when Yeonjun would have to stay till really late in the studio or you would have to spend most of the night up, locked in a room preparing for one of your exams but if living together meant you would be able to spend five more minutes with him every single day, then you wanted to do it.
Before his Christmas break, TXT had scheduled their early debut in America and Yeonjun, being the clingy boyfriend he was, had used every single bit of his time to  convince you -and his boss- to fly with the band to the new continent. You hadn’t hesitated to accept the offer though, hearing the company was alright with it was incredibly surprising and you knew this was a chance you simply couldn’t miss. All your exams were done already and classes had ended, besides sharing a room for the first time would kind of simulate how living together would be.
“Not going to lie, it was kind of awkward” He admitted with a boyish smile, sitting besides you onto the bed and crossing his legs. His eyes lazily dragged to the television placed in front of you as his head landed on your shoulder, getting comfortable besides you “Soobin and Taehyun did most of the talking” 
“Mhm? What about you?” You asked looking down at him curiously, bringing your hand up to poke his cheek, Yeonjun shrugged at your question, eyes still on the television where one of those cheesy christmas movies was being played. You had been watching these kind of movies for the entire evening but never got tired of it no matter how cliche or silly they were. You were a sucker for romance films. 
“My mind was somewhere else” He confessed looking down at you, smiling when your eyes met. Your cheeks turned slightly pink at his sudden confession, not having expected that at all. “I was thinking of you all bundled up in this bed, watching these boring movies by yourself and how much you must have missed me” His smile turned into a smirk and even though he was kind of right, you would never give him that satisfaction. Rolling your eyes, you pushed him back, making him lay down and away from you, stealing some chuckles from his lips.
“Oh yeah, I missed you so much” You scoffed, fighting hard to keep the urge of laughing back as you felt him moving behind you. His long legs spread to position your body in between them and his arms easily surrounded your figure, allowing him to give you a back hug. Yeonjun’s blue hair tickled your cheek as he rested his chin on your shoulder “What’s gotten into you today?” You asked, turning your body to look back at him.
“Just missed being like this with you, I’ve been working non-stop since we got here” He said looking at you, a small pout forming on his lips "And I was hoping we would do something together, something we can't do back in Korea"
You frowned, not really following where your boyfriend was leading the conversation to. The things the two of you could do were very limited thanks to his fame, not that it bothered you, you knew what you were getting yourself into when you accepted going out with Yeonjun, so that’s why you didn’t understand what he was thinking of exactly.
“And what is that exactly?” You asked curiously, completely ignoring the television now to keep your eyes on his.
His boyish smile turned even brighter when you didn’t reject his advances, his excitement bubbling up “How about we go out?” He asked quietly, almost as if he was afraid that somebody would hear his intentions “I saw an arcade nearby on my way here, we could just go and play some games” He proposed, resting his cheek on your shoulder “But I also saw there is some kind of christmas market downtown, let’s go check it out, it will be fun” 
You wanted to, there was no point in denying that his excitement was contagious and that you felt like checking the place out but you were also a bit worried about the consequences your sneaking out adventure could bring him. The company was surely not happy about your relationship with Yeonjun even though they hadn't made the two of you break up in order to protect themselves from a scandal, Yeonjun would surely be scolded if they ever find out about what you did and it would automatically involve Soobin for not paying enough attention to the group as the leader. The fact that he could get hurt was also there, holding you back from accepting his offer, despite Yeonjun not being as equally famous here as he was in Korea, there was no doubt fangirls would run after him if they were given the chance to. You had to recognize this little excursion had more bad outcomes than good ones. 
Knowing what was going through your mind exactly, Yeonjun didn't even wait for you to answer his question before he stood up from the bed, looking around the hotel room before his eyes landed back down on you. 
"Let's go" He suddenly said, reaching down to grab your arm and pulling you out of bed.
However his plan to suddenly run away backfired when you stepped on the blanket that had been covering you and tripped thanks to him, falling down onto the floor with a loud thud. Yeonjun flinched, looking down at you with an apologetic smile, ignoring the way you glared at him from the floor as he rushed to your suitcase.
“Get rid of that pijama and dress comfortably” 
“Yeonjun” You warned, still sitting on the floor as you looked at him
“Listen to me, let’s just do this” He said, throwing your clothes everywhere as he searched for something, hitting you right on the face when he threw your jeans over his head along with one of your oversized jumpers.
“Yeonjunie” You tried, whining as you looked at his back.
“If we get out in five minutes, we’ll be able to sneak out in the security’s shift change” The amount of details he had taken into account to make this possible made you arch an eyebrow, incredibly surprised by him.  This was not a sudden occurrence, Yeonjun had planned this.
“YEONJUN!” You screamed willing to stop his rant
“WHAT?” He screamed back, suddenly turning around to look at you with your shoes in his hand and your scarf around his neck “WHY ARE YOU STILL WEARING THAT? GET CHANGED!”
“Breathe” You said looking down at him, standing up with your clothes gathered in your arms so he could start feeling less anxious “Do you realize in how much trouble we’ll get if they find out we’re gone?” 
“I don’t care” Yeonjun replied with an ecstatic smile on his lips “Get dressed” 
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The two of you couldn’t stop laughing as you ran down the almost deserted road and away from the hotel where you were staying. Yeonjun had been totally right about the shift change from the guards and the hall where the TXT’s rooms were situated hadn’t been watched for a good ten minutes. Nobody, not even the guys, knew you were out of your room and they hopefully wouldn’t notice until you came back later that night.
“I can’t believe we did it” You said chucking, slowing your pace down as you turned your head to look back at him. Yeonjun intertwined your fingers, stopping his running too as he suddenly pulled you closer to his body, smirking as soon as your faces were merely centimeters away. “You’re insane” You whispered, looking up into his eyes.
This was probably one of the few times you’ve seen Yeonjun being this happy, the glint in his eyes told you he was already having the time of his life. 
"You're right" He agreed with a playful smirk on his face "I'm absolutely insane for you"
Your heart stopped beating at the sound of his words. Since the first day you started dating, Yeonjun has had the ability to make you feel as shy as you felt the first time the both of you met. Maybe it was because of his enchanting smile, or the way his eyes lit up when they met yours or how your heart skipped a beat when his nose scrunched up in pure happiness but your boyfriend simply made you fall in love with him all over again every single day you spent by his side. 
"What? You're not going to say you love me too?" He asked teasingly, rubbing his nose against yours affectionately. 
"I think we've been watching too many dramas together" You teased back, laughing when he groaned, not letting you move away from him. 
"Come on, I just got out of the hotel knowing that if I get caught I'll get the scolding of my life for you" He said smirking, pressing small pecks on the corners of your lips "The least you can do is profess your eternal love for me"
"Oh Yeonjun-ah" You said dramatically, bowing your head "Thank you for sneaking out if the hotel to spend some time with a mere mortal like me" Even though those words weren't the ones he wanted to hear exactly, Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh, throwing his head back amused. 
"Just kiss me already, idiot" He insisted with a small grin, looking down at you, straight into your eyes. 
Rolling yours, you finally gave into his wants -which were also yours- and went to close the small distance between your faces, craving to feel the warmth of his lips against yours already. However, as soon as your lips were about to touch, a driver that was passing by, honk their claxon at the two of you, whistling and cheering with his friends at the small romantic scene Yeonjun and you were starring in the middle of the street. 
The sudden public appreciation made the two of you shy and instead of kissing you, Yeonjun just rested his forehead against yours, letting out a quiet chuckle as he closed his eyes. 
"Why doesn't the world want me to kiss you?" He asked quietly, still smiling through his words. 
"Screw the world, I just care about you"
Surprising him, you grabbed the front of his hoodie and pulled him towards you, making your lips meet in a rushed kiss. Yeonjun couldn't help but smile and you giggled against his lips, shivering coldly when his hands reached up to cup one of your cheeks, caressing your soft skin gently. 
After a few seconds of just kissing each other, refusing to be the one to break the moment, Yeonjun ended up pulling away "Are we moving or we're just going to make out in this shady street?" He asked playfully, refusing to move his lips away from yours, letting them brush against your lips with every single word he said. His eyes opened, watching your features curiously yet amusedly. 
"Let's go, we've got an entire Christmas market to explore"
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When you got to the place where the event was being held, there was no point in denying anxiety was starting to get to you, there were a lot of people around and there was no doubt that somebody from the crowd would surely recognize your famous boyfriend if the cap he was wearing fell down.
Yeonjun fixed his cap, lowering it a bit more so it would cover most of his blue hair and his eyes, his hand squeezing yours to reassure you that everything would be alright. He wasn't worried about himself but the fact that if fans started gathering around him, you would also be trapped in the middle of that nightmare with him and the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt. 
"Maybe it's better if we go back to the hotel?" He suddenly asked, the thought of you getting hurt being too much for him to handle. 
You looked up at him confused yet surprised, after how far you’ve got he wanted to return to your room? "What?" You asked as if you hadn't heard him correctly, frowning softly, intertwining your fingers tighter "But you wanted to take a look, right?" You asked again, turning your body so you would be facing him. 
"I don't want you to be trapped with me if someone recognizes me" He confessed, feeling a little fidgety yet shy at the sudden confession. Yeonjun shrugged when you kept watching him in pure awe, kind of fidgety under your unwavering gaze.
“It’s alright, nobody will recognize you” You muttered, pulling his hand as you stepped closer into the market, noticing he was feeling even more nervous.
“You sure?” He asked looking down at you, squeezing your hand even tighter.
“Let’s get some waffles!” You pulled his hand tightly, ignoring his last question and Yeonjun, unable to say no to you when you had that childish yet incredibly beautiful expression on your face ended up following you into the market, praying everything would turn out fine.
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“I can’t believe we wasted so much money in a waffle” He muttered, walking away from the little stand as you bit down onto the nutella waffle he had just bought for you. It was true, it had been ridiculously expensive but seeing how happy you were eating it made it totally worth it.
“Shut up, you could buy the entire stand if you wanted to” You said amused, groaning satisfied when the warm sweet flavor overwhelmed your paladar. “This is so good, try it” You pushed the waffle in his direction and Yeonjun couldn’t help but laugh when he saw you had gotten some nutella onto your nose.
“Can you stop sticking your nose into our food?” He asked jokingly, using a tissue to get rid of the sticky chocolate stain on your skin before he leaned closer to take a bite from it.
“Our food?” You asked shocked, watching him take a huge bite from your waffle “Hey! You might as well eat the rest of it!” You scolded with a pout, trying hard not to smile when he just chuckled after swallowing your food “Not letting you take another bite”
“Oh come on, I want some more” Yeonjun whined, wrapping his arms around you from behind so he could keep you close to him and avoid you walking away. “Please babe?” He asked, using the petname, knowing that would make you feel weaker against his advances.
“Nope” You shook your head, firm on your decision.
“Please, please, please, my loooove” Yeonjun added in a cute voice, leaving a thousand kisses on your cheek until you started giggling in his arms once again, absolutely melting against him.
“Fine, whatever, take another bite” You said trying to sound angry but laughing in the end.
Yeonjun smiled satisfied with your answer, leaning his head over your shoulder so he could still take a bite from behind you without having to unwrap his arms from you. The side of his head rested comfortably against yours, his body slowly rocking to the beat of the christmas carols that played in the background. So far, nobody seemed to be paying attention to any of you and Yeonjun was glad the two of you could feel like a normal couple for once.
“We should buy another one on our way back to the hotel” He proposed, watching you eat the last bite with a smile on his face, his head leaning down instinctively to place a kiss on your cheek.
“Didn’t you say it was too expensive?” You asked tilting your head back so you could look at him
“I never said I was paying for it” He replied, smirking, making you roll your eyes and break free from the comfort of his arms.
“Amazing, cute, adorable, absolutely handsome, sexy?” He asked lowly, his deep voice turning your cheeks slightly pink. Yeonjun smiled at your reaction and you shook your head.
“An idiot” You finished before walking away, amused when you heard him whining and complaining behind you.
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The two of you started walking around, looking at all the different stalls and seeing the things they sold apart from buying more food for the two of you. The atmosphere was fantastic and being able to walk downtown with Yeonjun like you were doing right now felt incredibly domestic yet it somehow felt like one of the best dates the two of you ever had. Walking while holding hands, drinking hot chocolate and just joking with each other would be your ideal date from now on.
Unfortunately, the time to go back approached and even when the two of you wanted to spend more time out, stay there for a little longer, you knew you should go back to the hotel before someone ended up realizing Yeonjun and you had sneaked out without any security. You loved him and you would hate yourself if he got in trouble just to please you.
“Wait” Yeonjun suddenly stopped walking, stopping right in front of the gigantic Christmas tree that had been placed in the middle of the square. The sight of his face adorned with the colorful lights of the tree made you smile, he looked so cute, so handsome...It made you realize all over again that you were truly lucky to have such a boyfriend “I bought you a present”
Your brain took a few seconds to process what he had just said, you were surprised and shocked to say the least “You did?” You asked curiously, kind of feeling bad for not buying anything for him “You could have said something and I would have also got you one” You said pouting but he shook his head, pulling you a bit closer to him so you would hear him perfectly over the sounds of the music and people talking that surrounded you.
“I know dating someone like me isn’t easy” He started off, his smile fading a little when his eyes met yours “Like yeah, having a famous boyfriend must be cool and all of that” He joked, making you smile “But I know for sure that you sometimes wish we could do things we normally can’t do, like what we did today” Yeonjun squeezed your hand when you shook your head, wanting to reassured him but he kept talking “I’ve never really said this out loud but after this trip I realized it might be important for you to hear it because you are the most important person in my life” Your heart skipped a beat at the seriousness of his voice, his words making you tear up a little “Like, I can’t believe almost a year ago I was afraid to talk to you and now we’re travelling all around the world together” 
“Thank God I approached you first” You interrupted jokingly, rolling your eyes, making him laugh
“I thank God for that every single day, trust me” Yeonjun said wrapping one of his arms around your torso, keeping your body against him, making the moment even more intimate between the two of you “I want to thank you for being there in my hardest days, for giving me support when I most needed it and for accompanying me even when I push you away when stress gets to me” You shook your head again, feeling a tear roll down your cheek “Things aren’t always easy for us but you’re such a strong person….We wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you...I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you” He said resting his forehead against yours, smiling even though you were starting to cry even harder at his words “So yeah, thank you for staying by my side, for standing my annoying ass and for being my number one fan no matter what….Thank you for loving me”
You opened your mouth to say something but Yeonjun shut you up with a soft kiss, not letting you say anything yet since he wasn’t really done with his little speech “And that’s why I bought you this” Excitedly, he took out a Santa Claus’ hat, making you laugh when you saw the small present he had bought for you “I want you to have this through every Christmas we spend together as a memory of this moment” Yeonjun let go of your hand to reach out and put on the hat, smiling widely when he saw how cute you looked with it on your head “Of the night we sneaked out and finally had a normal date for once” He added chuckling, making you giggle “Of the night I said I want to spend the rest of my Christmas by your side”
Without saying anything else, Yeonjun leaned down to seal his words with the sweetest and most wonderful kiss the two of you ever shared in your lives.
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Running down the hall, you couldn’t help but keep laughing when you should be dead silent so nobody would notice Yeonjun and you running down the hall. Right when you were almost in your room, Yeonjun spotted one of the security guards walking towards the direction you were and pulled you into the staircase, almost making you drop the waffles the two of you were still eating on your way back.
“Dude!” You whispered shouted, hitting his chest for almost ruining your favourite jumper with a Nutella bath.
“Ow!” Yeonjun complained, frowning as he looked at you “He’s coming this way, shut up, shut up!” He said panicking, pushing you harder against the wall as if the two of you could magically camouflage like chameleons did when they were scared.
“Yeah, everyone answered when I knocked on their door except Yeonjun, maybe he is asleep?” The bodyguard asked into the walkie talkie as he walked towards the elevator “I’ll check on Soobin and then come back to his room with a key”
Yeonjun’s and your eyes opened as wide as plates and your boyfriend started running down the hall at light speed as soon as the bodyguard headed down another hall. “Come on, come on, come on” He muttered, frantically patting his pockets when he arrived at your door. As soon as he found the key, Yeonjun opened it and gently pushed you inside, closing it as quietly yet as fast as he could.
“What do I do with the waffles?” You asked panicking, whispering as he ran around, already undoing the bed sheets to jump inside.
“Hide them!” Yeonjun said turning around to look at you from the bed
“No way, are you Sherlock Holmes?” You asked rolling your eyes “Where do I hide them Yeonjun? Under the freaking bed?” 
“Just put them somewhere, they won’t check the bathroom!” 
You ran inside the bathroom and left the waffles there before rushing back into the room seeing Yeonjun was already laying under the blankets. The two of you giggled when you slid besides him, instantly laying on your side, being the big spoon and letting Yeonjun be the small one this time. You barely had time to pull the bedsheets over you before a couple of bodyguards poked their heads inside, their eyes instantly laying on the two of you sleeping there.
“Is she wearing a hat?” One of them whispered, his voice sounding confused.
“She is” The other one replied chuckling, you felt Yeonjun burying his face into the pillow to not start laughing himself too when he realized you had forgotten to take it off “Hey, it’s their way to celebrate Christmas together, that’s cute”
“I guess it is” You heard them stepping out of the room communicating through the walkie talkie, Yeonjun was safe and sound inside his bed, sleeping like a baby besides his girlfriend.
The two of you started laughing quietly as soon as they walked away, placing your hands onto your stomach as tears of happiness rolled down your cheeks. The two of you were almost breathless when your laughter finally died down, turning your head to meet his eyes again.
“If you get the waffles from the bathroom I’ll love you forever” Yeonjun said happily, making you groan obviously disliking his words.
“No, you get them” You replied pushing him gently, successfully kicking Yeonjun out of the bed.
“I hate you” He said glaring at you as he walked to the bathroom
“You love me” You said giggling when he walked back out, holding the two waffles.
“I guess you’re right” He admitted sitting besides you, rolling his eyes, acting all confident as if he hadn’t poured his heart out for you a few seconds ago.
“YoU’rE tHe MoSt ImPoRtAnT pErSoN iN My LiFe” You mocked smirking, laughing when he pushed you away from him. “I love you too idiot” You replied, watching him going from pouty puppy to a huge bright smile
“I love you more Miss Claus” Yeonjun replied, making the two of you giggle, pecking your lips before he handed you your waffle “I love you more”
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Not Alone: Chapter Two
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck I want :3 ik last post says bakugo is the main love interest but that tis not true anymore there will be a love triangle k bye
-> Word Count: 3.9k (lowkey popped off once again)
-> Warnings: Blood, mentions of gun, mentions of sexual assault
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat [if anyone wants to be added feel free to lmk <3]
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Y/n sat by the fire, zoning out while watching the flames as Hades sat pressed against her. Suddenly his ears perked up. Y/n’s aching feet twinged, begging her to not follow through with her instincts and stand. So she watches Hades as his hackles rise and makes no sound. Y/n believed that it was a survival instinct he picked up from her. He never gives himself away with a growl like a dog. Instead he hides in the shadows, waiting for his prey to make a move. Hades crept to the door of the old cabin and Y/n picked up the rifle and silencer that she had stolen from a military base. She crept low, just as Hades does.
They sat in the dark, waiting for any noise or movement. Y/n never turned the lanterns on; she rarely used fuel for anything. If someone’s here it followed the smell of the smoke from her fire.
Suddenly, in the dark of her cabin lit only by the glow of the fire, there is a sound.
The sound at her door was worse than anything Y/n had ever heard. This category included women being dragged into trucks while their kids scream on the side of the road. Worse than the sound clothing makes when greedy fingers tear it. Worse than listening to the infected eat people who are still alive.
It was a knock.
A simple yet quiet knock. It was timid. It felt as if the person knocking was too afraid to knock, but had no choice in the matter. It was like their failing bravery can only muster a tiny pathetic little tap. In the same breath the knock was pathetic, but it was also more frightening that anything Y/n has ever encountered.
The knock might as well have been one of the infected clawing at the door and making high pitched moans with the way Y/n trembled. Either way, it means she had been discovered.
Hades looked at her, he too seemed confused by the weak little knock at their cabin door. The very same cabin where she found Hades outside whining and scared of everything in the world, just as she was. The cabin where they sat together hiding, praying, hoping, that they would be left alone.
Y/n stood frozen, holding her gun and trembling.
Hades sunk into the shadows of the coat and boot closet as Y/n slid up against the wall and tried to take her breaths slowly. She doesn’t move, just watches Hades's yellow eyes. They were hypnotic in the way they never moved. They calmed her with the way they wait, focused and calm. She nodded at him, which made him crouch lower, ready.
She put the chain lock on, making no noise just like she’d practiced numerous times. Putting her hand on the knob she stepped back slowly and positioned her gun. Her hand was shaking as one finger was put on the trigger and the other hand turned the door knob to open it quietly. She had positioned one foot behind the door, in case whoever it was decided to kick the door open.
In the tiny crack of the door there were two eyes, black eyes. They belonged to a girl, younger than Y/n. Y/n thought she was maybe fifteen but no older. She had dirty pink hair and a gaunt face. Her tears clumped her black lashes together, which made the pleading look in her eyes tremendously convincing.
“I-I’m sorry please don’t hurt me.” Her lips trembled. She was shaking in fear as she sniffled.
Y/n quickly closed the door and clicked the light. She felt her stomach sink, she knew she was in a fight for her life. She was bait, Y/n thought. If she’s ever seen bait, that girl’s it.
Hades cocked his head as he sauntered to the door and sniffs. Y/n thought about just opening the door and freeing him on her, but his tail wags. That made her doubt his ability to eat the adorable girl.
“Please miss. I need your help. Please.” She shouted, no longer stuttering. Her voice was desperate as she banged on Y/n’s door. “Please, he's dying! My friend is dying, please!”
Y/n had watched children be left on the road screaming. She watched teenage girls get dragged into the woods and be forced to listen. Y/n had survived because she watched and listened. She ignored everyone at every cost. Several times she had lain under a truck with her eyes closed and waited for it to end. Waiting for the screaming to stop.
Y/n was sure that the girl was bait.
Y/n closed her eyes and waited, but the banging kept getting louder. If they weren’t already here they would hear the banging. Dejectedly, Y/n opened the door again, putting the tip of her gun through the door. She was ready to shoot and again she felt the path of the coward before her.
“If, if you kill me, please just go find him afterward. He’s hurt. They’ll find him. He’s a hole south of here. Please help him.” Her words weren’t a plea. She was resigned to die for him. She wasn’t a coward. She wasn’t like Y/n.
Y/n slumped and pulled her gun back, closing her eyes for a second to let herself acknowledge that this was a bad idea. She had no doubt in her mind that she would regret this. Y/n opened the door and watched as Hades walked cautiously to the girl, sniffling and circling her.
“Please if you must kill me just go to him. He’s back a ways down the big hill. He’s fallen in a hole and broken his leg I think. He isn’t conscious.” Y/n watched her eyes, they never darted. The girl was speaking the truth. Y/n didn’t say a word as she grabbed the bundle of rope she kept on the storage shelf and closed the door behind her. “Thank you so much. Thank you. My name is Mina.” She held her hands together like Y/n had saved her life. Her tears still pour down her face. She was small and weak, but appeared stronger than Y/n. Braver.
Y/n looked at her and chose to ignore her. After she had gotten Mina’s friend out of the hole she would send the two on their way. Hades rubbed himself against the girl.
“He’s not going to bite me?”
“He might. Let’s go. Stay in front of me where I can see you.”
Mina nodded and tucked a stray strand of her short pink hair behind her ear. She was thin, everyone was thin, but she was thinner than anyone Y/n has seen in a while. Y/n frowned herself at that thought. Who had she seen in months? No one.
Mina’s gaunt face told Y/n that her and her brother had been alone since the beginning. Like Y/n and Leo. No one takes care of her. She fights for everything she has. That is what made her Y/n’s enemy.
Y/n knew the exact hole her friend was in, if he was really in there.
Y/n kept her ears sharp and was thankful that Mina never spoke. It was easy to tell Mina was a survivor, she had common sense. She walked silently as Y/n did, her breathing was even. As the two girls approached the hole Y/n waited at the far side, assuming that she was being led to be pushed in. She had a bad feeling that they would take her cabin and leave her here to die.
Mina got onto her knees and crawled to the edge, “Kiri?”
“Mina?” A guy’s breathless voice rised from the hole.
Mina started to cry again, “Kiri we got rope, I found her. She’s back now. Everything will be okay now.”
Y/n felt the hair on her neck rise at the words ‘she’s back’, “How long have you been following me?”
Mina put a hand out, “Let me have the rope.” Y/n took a step back as Hades took one forward. Hades could sense Y/n’s agitation. “Just let me have the rope please, he’s hurt.” She pleads.
Y/n shook her head and pointed the rifle at the girl’s face, “How long have you been following me.”
When Mina realized Y/n wouldn’t let the question go she slumped slightly, “Two months. We stayed in the woods outside the cabin. We needed the well water. I’m sorry.”
Y/n wanted to feel nothing, but she knew that she was lucky. Her father had told her about the cabin in the woods his family owned. She knew she had somewhere to go when it all ended. They, on the otherhand, were no doubt, left with nothing. But that thought didn’t take away the sick feeling in Y/n’s stomach, knowing that she had been spied on for two months. Y/n glanced at Hades and raised an eyebrow. He knelt his head down slightly, he was ashamed but didn’t know why.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you. We saw how many guns you had and we knew you had the wolf. We wanted to leave you alone but we had nowhere to go.”
A voice spoke up from the hole, “Look, don’t hurt Mina please, just pass me the rope and I’ll pull myself out. We won’t bother you again. I know you’re scared but we really are just regular people like you.”
Y/n heard her father’s voice again, ‘it’s us and them Y/n’ and remembered that there were no regular people in this world. Not anymore.
Y/n leaned her gun against a tree and Hades stood beside it at the ready, just like Y/n had trained him to. She turned the rope around the tree next to her and tossed the remainder of the rope down the hole. Y/n thought about setting booby traps when they were gone, she would not be caught by surprise again.
“Tie it under your arms,” Y/n says toward the entrance of the hole. She could see the rope moving as he tied himself up. “We’ll pull you up, just try to help a little, okay.”
Y/n looked at Mina, waiting for her to come help, but Mina just looked back at her expectantly.
Y/n frowned, “I’m not pulling him up alone.”
Mina laughed slightly and it felt weird to Y/n. She couldn’t remember the last time she heard someone laugh. She gets up and walks toward Y/n. Neither of them trusted each other. She eyeballed Y/n as much as Y/n did to her. They both take the rope into their hands and wrap it around their palm.
Mina nods, just as he calls up from the hole. “Ready.”
“One, two, three.”
They dug their feet into the dirt and pulled hard. Y/n could see Mina’s neck straining against the pull. It’s the hardest thing Y/n has ever done and she grows frightened of just how big he was. He weighed a ton.
Y/n watched as a huge hand reached up out of the hole and clawed at the dirt. Mina dropped the rope and ran to it. Another huge hand popped up and dug into the dirt. Mina reached down and pulled on his arms and Y/n tried to not gasp as a massive man crawled out og the hole. It was easy to tell that he was thinner than he should be. His frame towered over Mina.
He smiled at Y/n, “Thank. I never thought I would get out of there. I honestly didn’t think you would help us”
Y/n’s heart does something it’s never done before. His dark red shaggy hair hung around his forehead at eye level. His red eyes sparkled, even in the faint moonlight. His smile was devastating, with chiseled features and a strong jawline. For the faintest of seconds Y/n imagined the feel of his lips against her’s.
Y/n shook her head, and saw the smile across his lips, “What?”
He laughs. They laugh a lot.
“My name is Kirishima, but you can call me Kiri. And this is my friend Mina,” He stood on one leg and rested his arm over Mina’s shoulder, supporting his hurt leg in the air.
“You’ll need that set.” Y/n said, pointing to his hanging leg.
He smiled again and Y/n felt like something inside of her was being lit. “You can do that?”
Y/n nodded her answer and tried to calm down the disturbing feelings she was now riddled with. She pointed to the cabin, “Let’s go.” and picked up her rifle.
“What’s your name?” He asked. Y/n liked his voice.
She walked over to him and tried not to stare, “I’ll help you, I think I’m stronger than her.” Y/n didn’t trust herself around him, but the fastr she helped them the faster they could leave.
His warmth crashed onto Y/n as he clutched her shoulder. Y/n never really wondered if she was short, but he made her feel tiny. She could smell him all around her. His smell made her insides hurt. Y/n looked at Hades, who walked up to Mina and nuzzled her, encouraging her to start walking.
“Traitor.” Y/n whispered.
Kirishima laughed again, “She’s really good with animals. It’s the only fucking reason we are still alive.” Y/n didn’t understand what he meant by that. Was she going to eat her wolf? To Y/n she didn’t look like the kind of kid who hugged and pet her food before eating it. She wasn’t even sure there were kids who do that.
They walked the short bit back to Y/n’s cabin in silence. He tried talking but Y/n just listened, not to him but everything around them. This wasn’t how she wanted to do and had no clue about how much noise they’ve made thus far. He didn’t seem to have a clue how to be quiet. Mina was the opposite. She listened like Y/n does. Y/n started to feel considerably better when she was able to smell the fire from her cabin and could see the front door.
“How’d you find this place? He asked as Y/n opened the door.
She put her finger to her lips and crept in with her rifle raised. She never locked the door. Another rule she’s broken. After clearing the two rooms and the bathroom she turned on the small lantern, creating a tiny orange glow.
Kirishima hopped to the couch and sat down and grimaced in pain. Y/n felt as if her house was exposed. No one has been here before.
“Kiri you’re going to be okay, right?” Mina knelt in front of him and then looked back at Y/n. Y/n locked the door and closed the curtains completely. She felt vulnerable and Kiri’s eyes watching her made her feel worse.
She needed them gone.
“He’ll be fine, just let me take a look.” Y/n brought the lantern and sat on the floor beside her, “Go sit by the fire and warm up. There’s a stew on top. Get a bowl and eat.” Mina didn’t have to wait to be asked twice.
Y/n looked up at him. He laid his head back on the couch and looked like he would fall asleep any second. She smirked, knowing that he would be wide awake the moment she touched the break.
“You can’t scream okay?”
He lifted his head and smiled bitterly, “I screamed like a little girl when i fell in that damn hole.”
Y/n took a deep breath and put her fingers to his button on his jeans to undo them. Her fingers trembled. She hadn’t touched anyone in ten years. It’s only been her and Hades. He’s all she’s touched.
He grinned, “Don’t I get anything to eat before you try to take my pants off?”
Y/n glared at him, “No. You’ll throw up and we don’t waste food here.” She didn’t appreciate the awkward joke.
He laughed weakly and gripped the couch with his massive hands. Y/n unzipped the pants and started to gently pull them down.
“I would probably be enjoying this if it weren’t for the unbearable pain. I need to get injured more often.” His stomach flexed which revealed muscles like Y/n has never seen before. His hip bones stuck out a little too much, but otherwise his body was strong and amazing. He looked like the men on the cover of romance magazines.
Y/n started to slide the jeans down his legs just below his grey underwear. She tried to notice his grey underwear or what was beneath them. When she tried to pull the pants down his legs they got caught on his thigh. Y/n grimaced as she heard him cry out.
Y/n had seen disgusting things in her life and as she felt around his thigh for the break she prepared herself for the worse. Fortunately, there wasn’t a break, but instead a large piece of wood had pierced his thigh. Y/n didn’t think that it had hit the artery in his leg. His blood loss was nowhere what it could be if it had been pierced. Y/n wondered about removing the stick and what damage that would cause. Because Y/n did not actually know where the artery was, she just knew that it existed.
“Your leg isn’t broken.”
He looked down at Y/n, “What? I felt the bone sticking out.”
“It’s a stick not bone. A stick must have stabbied into you. I need some things. I’m going to have to cut the pants from your body though.”
Mina speaks through mouthfuls, “I can sew them.”
“Don’t watch this Kiri. Just lie back and give me a minute to grab everything I need.”
He nodded and laid his head back. Y/n walked to her bathroom and sat on the earth-friendly toilet. Y/n sat and cried in the dark. She looked at her filthy hands. Even in the dark she could see the dirt. She could cause an infection and he would die from that. She could pull the stick out and rupture his artery and he could die from that. She wished that she had read more of the books that she has.
Y/n didn’t know what her options were, but the thought of Kirishima dying hurt her more than any possible loss she could face, beyond Hades. She thinked about her family and the years of life experience that had brought her to this moment.
She lit the candle in the bathroom and stood up to look at her reflection in the mirror. She was a ghostly girl in the muted light of the candle. Her mother’s bracelet and necklace glisten in the dark light. She lightly touched the metal and wished she was here. Not just her, any adult. She didn’t want to do what she was about to do. She grabbed her medical kit and took a deep breath, walking into the kitchen and pouring a pot of water.
“Boil this now.”
Mina hoppedup and grabbed it, stoked the fire and placed the pot on it. Y/n was glad that she didn’t have to tell her how to do it. Mina was capable. Y/n liked her for a moment, before closing her heart and turning away from her. They still have to leave when this was all over.
Y/n grabbed the whiskey from the cupboard and cracked the bottle, she’s never opened it. She poured some on her hands and hisses at the small sting. She scrubbed her hands and put more on, then dried her hands with a clean.
She drank a swig of the whiskey and carried it to her couch. Her throat was burning. She grabbed a thick blanket and put it under his leg and felt a small sense of pity when he groaned slightly. He was falling asleep. Y/n took the scissors and forced her hands to become steady and started to cut the fabric. She tried to cut along the seam to make it easier for Mina to sew it back. After pulling the pants off she threw them to Mina.
“The sewing kit is in the bathroom.” Y/n said before turning back to look at the stick in his upper thigh. Y/n realizes that this could be a real problem, the stick had broken off and gone in deep. She grimaced as she touched the opening of the cut. Y/n walked to her tool bag and grabbed a wrench and poured whiskey over it and her hands. She took another swig and there was fire in her stomach now.
Mina returned with the sewing kit and looked at his leg.
“At least the stick went into the side.”
Y/n nodded and passed her the whiskey,” He’s going to scream when I do this. You need to put a pillow over his face and hold him down. I’ll need that boiled water the minute it’s ready.”
She took a swig of the whiskey and nodded, “Okay.”
Y/n dropped to her knees and placed the old wrench around the nub of the stick. She tightened it so the bark made a very slight crunching noise. Y/n looked at the blanket she had ready and took a deep breath. Mina goes around to the back of the couch holding a pillow and wrapped her arms around her brother.
Y/n tried not to think about what she was about to do.
“One, two, three.” She pulled the stick hard and fast, ripping it from his leg. He jerked as hard as he could and kicked her in the face with his other foot. In mere seconds Y/n is on her back on the floor. He screams but his friend and the pillow muffle it. Y/n saw stars for a moment but found her way back over to him. She picked up the whiskey and poured it over the wound. He started to scream again, ripping the pillow off his face and shoving his friend off of him.
“FUCK! FUCK! WARN ME NEXT TIME!” He looked towards Y/n as if he could rip her head off and for a second he scared her. But Y/n just nods.
“I’m going to do it again.”
A tear slips from his left eye but he nods, his jaw trembling slightly from the pain. Y/n looked towards the wound as the blood rushed out. The flow was lazy, meaning it wasn’t an artery. Y/n sighed in relief, knowing that at least that wouldn’t kill him.
Y/n poured more alcohol and mopped up the blood and liquor and then pushed the towel against the wound and waited for his body’s natural clotting to at least make an attempt. As she looked down at the wound she saw blood drip down onto her hand. She touched her fingers to her face and found out that her nose was bleeding. She grabbed the other towel beside her and pushed it against her face. Hades nudged against her to check if she was okay. Y/n rubbed her elbow against his fur in an attempt to soothe him.
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gins-potter · 4 years
What are your winx and specialists tattoo headcanons? Who would have tattoos and which one would they have?
Heyo, as usual sorry this took me a little bit but I wanted to properly organise my thoughts and find reference pics as well. and tbh I could end up coming up with more stuff but this is what I have so far.  (under the cut because it ended up kinda long af and tagging @catlliecal​ because she also sent an ask asking for this).
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Ok so my headcanons for Bloom’s tattoos have changed a bit over the years 
but at the moment I imagine her with a fairly large hip into thigh, full coverage piece of the Great Dragon
she chose it’s position because i imagine oritel is probably a conservative old man when it comes to tats (even tho i can so see miriam also having a dragon tattoo) so she puts it on her thigh so she can easily cover it by wearing a long dress for royal events
it would probably be in black and white but I can see the Dragon being intertwined with some flowers, probably Daphne flowers for her sister (which you can see in the two images on the right) and I can see those being coloured a pale pink kind of like in the middle reference pic
and because this is the magical dimension i imagine it’s been spelled so while it stays confined to the one area, it can move a little bit and change positions
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so because bloom is both a basic bitch and completely extra i totally see her having more than one dragon tat
her second one would be a lot smaller and probably be a lot more simpler in design compared to her thigh dragon, so something more like the top two images in the second graphic
also in all black but maybe spelled to breathe red fire?
and it would also be enchanted so it can fly around her body, and unlike the bigger dragon it’s not constrained to any area - it’s favourite places to be are flying in circles around her wrist or sitting on her left collarbone over her heart
the other two pics in the second graphic are just older ideas i had for bloom’s tattoos, i was convinced for ages she would have it going down her back like the one on the left (i might eventually give this tattoo to either miriam or daphne) and i just love the design of the one on the right so i briefly considered her having like a shoulder/half sleeve dragon
all of flora’s would be in colour i think and she would definitely have that sort of water colour effect on them that’s really popular now
her first two are similar in design to the pic on the left and she would have them on either side of her torso, sort of upper rib area, to the side/just underneath her boobs and they’re like a mirror image of each other
these ones probably wouldn’t be spelled to do anything special
the one on her back is similar in design to the pic on the right, but i can see it also being drawn more like a full tree
the writing down the centre would be her and helia’s family names (because i can definitely see them hyphenating when they get married) and then on each leaf is a name, first helia, then each of her children
i’m playing around with the idea of this one being spelled to change with the seasons, the writing would always stay the same, but the leaves change colour and eventually fall off during autumn and then grow back in the spring.
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for the moment i can actually see layla only having one tattoo
and that’s this yin yang/opposites fish design that you can see in the reference images (they’re all more or less the same i just found too many cute photos)
it’s actually based on a mosaic in the andros castle that layla loves, and she gets it because it brings her peace when she’s feeling upset or anxious about anything
they would be all in white, one fully white, and the other just a white outline
i think the fish would probably be on the inside of her forearm so she can see them and they would be spelled to swim in circles around each other
i can see her maybe getting nabu’s name somewhere after he dies but i’m not 100% sure where she would put it
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musa’s are actually the hardest to pin down for me just because i can see her having A Lot
like at least one full sleeve and maybe two
one sleeve would be mostly made up of the music notes for a song her dad wrote for her mother before she died and that would run down most of her arm and would be decorated with birds and flowers important to melodian culture (like the flower top right)
like bloom’s hers would be mostly in black with a few pale red and orange accents here and there
the music notes would be spelled so that when you touch them they play the song
her other arm is more just a collection of stuff she thinks is cool or pretty like the bottom two pics or the boxing art below
and i can eventually see her completely filling her arms so the tattoos spill onto her back
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stella in my opinion just has two
they’re very minimalistic designs, plain black, and on the inside of either elbow
she has a sun for solaria on one side and a moon for celestia (her mother’s home realm) on the other side
the moon tattoo causes quite the controversy when she gets it because some solarians think it isn’t right for their crown princess to show such strong ties for another realm but stella refuses to remove it
they aren’t spelled to move or change or anything but they do have the ability to glow a bright gold at night
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like stella, tecna’s tattoos are rather minimalistic as well
but unlike stella, tecna’s are very meme-y
tecna gets a QR symbol on the inside of her upper left arm that when scanned is actually a rick-roll
and she eventually develops a spell for it that allows the QR code to change so that it takes you to whatever meme tecna currently finds the most hilarious
her other tattoo, which is on her right forearm, is written in binary code and no one actually knows what it says
they can never get a straight answer out of tecna about what it is, and everytime someone asks her she tells them something different, so they assume it’s meme-y like her other one
but actually it’s a short sappy quote that reminds her of timmy but she’ll never admit it to anyone
(don’t ask me what that quote is i haven’t decided yet)
that one has a simple spell on it that makes it look like someone is typing out the code over and over again
kind of like musa i can see tecna having more tattoos than this, i just can’t decide what they would be, but i think they would all follow the same simple, minimalistic design
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it was hard for me to find reference pics i liked for the guys so i’m just going to give a brief description of some of the tattoos i think they would have
i don’t know if i’ve written about this on tumblr before, but i have a long-held headcanon that heros have a big tattoo culture:
getting their first tattoo is part of their graduation ceremony from red fountain
they’re encouraged to get tattoos that remind them of their family/friends/loved ones - some yada yada about remembering who they’re fighting for when facing evil forces
and it’s very common to honour fallen team members by getting a tattoo of their name or something that reminds them of the person
sky’s tattoos are mostly on his chest and back
his graduation tattoo is an eraklyon prayer of protection that runs down his spine
he doesn’t get any other tattoos after that until nabu dies which is when he gets his friend’s name on his ribs (right side) and that’s where he adds other names of fallen friends/team-mates
later after he and bloom get married he gets her name on his left pec (right over his heart the big sap) and then adds his kids names beneath it after they’re born
none of sky’s tattoos are spelled or enchanted
brandon’s grad tattoo is a list of his siblings names on his left forearm and Stella’s name on his right arm
eventually, like sky, he also gets his kids names added to stella’s
all his name tattoos are individually spelled to burn really hot when that person is in trouble
brandon struggles to decide for a while where to put nabu’s name but eventually decides on the centre of his back because he likes to think that wherever nabu went after he died, he’s still there in spirit watching his back
riven shocks the fuck out of everyone when he graduates and gets the red fountain school motto (”live with courage and die with honour”) tattooed in giant fuck off lettering across his shoulders
they all figured he lowkey hated red fountain and maybe he did at first because come on he’s a rebel without a cause at what is basically a military school, of course he kinda hates it there
but he also acknowledges that red fountain more or less turned his life around as well as brought him into contact with the people who eventually he comes to regard as family (much more than his biological one)
like musa i can see riven getting a bunch of other tattoos just because they look cool and putting them all over his arms, chest, and back
but his right bicep would be reserved for tattoos of his fallen friends
unlike sky and brandon he doesn’t get names however, but instead gets symbols, the first being a likeness of nabu’s staff after he passes
helia i think would have all of his on his back because he understands the importance of having them but also doesn’t need to see them every day
his grad piece is kind of unorthodox because he gets his favourite line of poetry to remind him that there’s still beauty in the world even when he’s facing evil
later i feel like he would get something like outstretched bird wings just below it
and under that he gets nabu’s name in really nice script
timmy is probably the least prone to tattoos of the group and he has to think for a long time on what to get for graduation
and people assure him that he doesn’t actually have to get one just because most everyone else is
but eventually he decides to get a small coloured blaster on the inside of his elbow
when he was in freshman year at red fountain he was lowkey ashamed when all his classmates took to using swords almost straight away while he preferred using his gun because he thought it meant he lacked the physical strength and courage to use a short range weapon
but he slowly came to realise that it wasn’t a weakness, but just that he had different strengths to his friends and classmates and that wasn’t a bad thing
so he decides that’s a good thing to remember
and when nabu dies again he debates whether or not to get a tattoo commemorating him but ultimately decides he will and gets ‘his name written near his blaster
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luvdsc · 4 years
would you mind doing a description of each member of nct dream? you don’t have to cuz that’s lowkey a lot BUT i figured i’d ask since i’m trying to write something and get their personalities right. i really admire your work!! have a nice day, babes!!!
yes, of course, lovebug 💕 I’ll be rewording the analyses from the asks about my ideal type and adding to them, so it might be a bit familiar! I could’ve written more, but I had to stop because I reached max length for each paragraph 😅 I hope these are helpful to you, and thank you so much for liking my work, honey bee!!! 💛 best of luck with your writing, and I hope you have a good day, too! 🌼 also, I’m on mobile and I’m so sorry for all the scrolling! I’ll add a read more when I get on my laptop ✨ edit: the read more has been added :’)
MARK :: oh, where do i start with mister absolutely fully capable? mark is the definition of adorkable. if you look up that word in the dictionary, you’re gonna see his picture pasted right under it. he’s endearing and awkward, and he tries his best in everything and puts his best foot forward, giving 110% in whatever he does. he’s a hard worker and a good boy. he laughs at that’s what she said jokes, and he’s the type of person to think of a funny joke from three days ago and start laughing at the most inappropriate time, like in the middle of standard testing. he’ll say things he thinks are funny, like “five guys hello guys” or that long sentence about possibilities and immediately look to you with those wide doe eyes, seeking a positive reaction from you and hoping you’ll laugh. he’ll try to wink at you randomly sometimes, but he always fails and just ends up blinking, which will make you laugh and call him cute and have him scrunching up his nose because that’s not what he intended to happen and he’ll be really flustered at the compliment. he’s really sweet, and I think taeil called him the most romantic? however, I feel like having a relationship isn’t a high priority for him right now. he seems to have workaholic tendencies, which could frustrate his s/o. he would need to have someone that understands his work and music is the most important to him, and he might unintentionally neglect checking up with his s/o at times. he’s a little shy and introverted, so it might be hard for him to make a first move if you aren’t friends at first. he’ll write dozens upon dozens of songs about you. that’s the way he’ll express his affection because he’s too shy to in the beginning and music is what he’s good at. there will be lots of late nights with him strumming his guitar and you sitting next to him, reading a book or playing a game on your phone, and he’ll call your name and you look up before he nervously starts to play a new song that he’s written for you. and at the end of the song, he’ll glance up at you really quickly before looking back down at his guitar, and you’re going to have to go over to him and take his face into your hands softly and tell him his song was amazing and you love it as much as you love him. and he’ll smile so big as his glasses slide down his nose before he quickly leans up and presses the softest kiss against your mouth to show you his appreciation before he loses courage to do so. sometimes you steal those round rimmed glasses of his and try them on yourself, and mark has to cover his face and look away and wring his hands and he makes those little oi mark noises because you look so cute and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. on the other hand, mark is also very stubborn. it may not look like that, but if you notice the relationship between him and hyuck, hyuck is always the one giving in at the end. mark will absolutely not do something if he doesn’t want to do it. I do think he will go after something if he wants it, but he will hesitate slightly at first. he follows the rules a bit too much. he doesn’t seem to be the most fun person to party with either unless you get him to drink a beer because he’s a lightweight, but that also means you have to take care of him afterwards. also, he said in an interview that he doesn’t like rollercoasters or fast rides, but he enjoys the cotton candy at amusement parks lol but he did go on those rides in the end, but his head was down the entire time rip. mark gets easily embarrassed. it’s like in that video where they read tweets aloud and mark got super embarrassed when jaehyun read this tweet that gushed about his laugh, and mark just curled up into himself and couldn’t lift his head up and awkwardly laughed. he’s adorkable. please tease him and hype him up in this very same way just to get this cute reaction out of him.
RENJUN :: renjun is the one you can call when you have a body to bury and he’ll show up with the shovel. he’ll call you a stupid idiot, but he’ll still show up to help you. he’s the type that would come over at 3 a.m. if there’s a bug in your apartment and squash it for you after much complaining and telling you that he won’t do it. he’s fiercely loyal and caring. he took care of chenle when chenle wasn’t as proficient with korean and made sure he was doing ok and was always ready to translate for him whenever. he puts up a tough, ready to fight front, but he’s a scaredy cat and if you pretend to be a ghost (read: jisung), he’ll be scared shitless. you can see him get scared and hide behind jeno and hug him so hard when the zombie jumped out in one of those save dream interactive videos. he’s the person you can banter with and he understands dry humor and sarcasm, and I think he’s best for e2l story plot lines because of this lmao but he also fits the best friend role well. he will roast anyone with no mercy with just a few words. he’s artistic. he’s super good at art and has shared several of his beautiful digital drawings before. he’s the person to go to when you want to have long, serious talks at 4 in the morning, and as seen through his radio show, he will try his best to give you advice, even if he may not be experienced enough, but he is trying his hardest to help. if you read some of the advice he gives on his radio show, you can get a better sense of who he is as a person. he’s really insightful and puts a lot of effort into giving the best answer he can. also, he really reminds me of a little brother or someone I want to be best friends with because we can roast people together or talk about paranormal stuff. he just seems really fun to mess around with because he gives funny reactions. he gives off that younger sibling vibe where only your big sister can make fun of you, but once she sees someone else doing it, it’s not ok and she’s gonna go after that person for making her lil bro cry. in a relationship, he wants someone he can trust with his thoughts and interests, such as aliens, and while his s/o may not believe in them, he wants them to genuinely listen to him and not just brush it off. however, he will still roast his s/o into oblivion. it’s how he shows his affection lol. he’ll call you an idiot and cute all in the same sentence. but he’s really a soft and sensitive boy underneath his snappy, sarcastic exterior. he cried when they won first place for the first time. i’m sure he cried when ridin’ reached number one on the charts. he’s attentive and likes affection even though he tries to say he doesn’t. in that one weekly idol dreamie episode, hyuck listed who hated affection, and he wasn’t one of them. he’s a good boy, and underneath all his snarky comments, he wants to be loved and cared for. you can see how he got a lil huffy when jisung chose chenle as his favorite hyung lol he doesn’t express his feelings outwardly as much, but if you’re his s/o, he will quietly adore you in his own way while outwardly being that one snarky couple who banters all the time. he’ll draw pictures of you, secretly have you as his homescreen, or have a secret photo album on his phone of just pictures of you. he’ll complain if you get him a couple item, like a bracelet, but he’ll wear it 24/7 and refuse to give it back to you. he will absolutely lose his shit if he misplaces it. he’ll cook for you if you ask, but he’ll make a big show about fake complaining about it beforehand. I think he’s okay with hand holding and kisses here and there, but he won’t do grand gestures of pda because he thinks those should be more private and between the two of you. he thinks pet names are sappy as heck, and he’ll get terribly embarrassed if you call him one but he’d be like “that’s so gross and corny... but call me that again.” honestly, just tell him ily and his cheeks will turn so red and he’ll bury his face in his hands but he’ll say it back in the quietest voice and he truly does mean it with his whole chest.
JENO :: jeno is someone who fits in so many roles. his character is versatile in a sense. you can make him into a bad boy, the boy next door, your best friend, anybody. his humor is underrated, and he makes funny puns. he’s good at sarcasm and wit, like when he asked jisung if he thought jaemin’s iq was single digits or when the instructor complimented him and said his rap sounded like mark and he was like “oh.... that’s not good.” he worries about being funny. he mentioned losing sleep over it in weekly idol, so please tell him he’s funny and laugh at his jokes ): he really is funny, and i love his humor. jeno is really smart. he managed to rank 4th or something I believe in his school after cram studying the day before. he’s really self-assured and confident in himself, but he doesn’t show off or act cocky, yet you can sense the quiet confidence in him. he’s humble and works hard and deserves more credit than he’s given. he possesses leadership qualities and is a source of strength for other members. i think they said he was one of the cleaner members and when he’s drunk, he cleans LMAO he is into sports and gymming, especially biking. hyuck said that jeno’s bedroom has his and jaemin’s bikes hanging on the walls lol he also is really competitive, but not a sore loser type. jeno doesn’t strike me as the type who needs his s/o around 24/7 and prefers to have hobbies and space separate from his s/o. he’s laid back, but at the same time, still energetic and fun to be around. he’s still weird, but not over the top weird. jeno is insightful and kind, and he has stated that he’s very shy and timid before. doyoung likes him the most because he’s kind and respectful and takes into account other people’s feelings and listens well. he’s a good boy. he’s also really playful and teasing and plays well with others, like jisung jokes around with him all the time. I feel like jisung jokes around with him the most out of all his hyungs aside from chenle because jeno doesn’t get mad. i believe the members say he’s the only one aside from chenle who doesn’t get mad when someone messes up in dance practices. he cries when he gets angry. jeno is also really affectionate. he enjoys cuddling and holding hands and back hugs and whatnot, but he doesn’t overdo it. it takes a long time for him to trust and open up to someone, and you’re a very lucky person if he lets you see this side of him. he won’t force you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. If something is bothering you, he won’t pry at first if you refuse to talk about it, but I do think he will eventually make you talk if he feels something is terribly wrong or if it’s affecting the relationship. jeno is driven and knows what he wants. he’ll give you space, but if you’re not what he’s looking for or if you don’t put the effort in as well and won’t open up to him, I do think he will move on. he might bottle up his emotions at first, but as the relationship progresses, he’ll be fully open to you and tell you everything. I don’t think he’ll be terribly affected if he’s rejected because he is confident in himself and able to brush it off. he knows his self-worth. oh, and he loves animals. obviously, jeno loves his cats because he has them even when he’s allergic. he’s the type of s/o who, if you mention you’re walking back to your dorm late at night after staying in the art building to finish your painting, he’ll show up with messy hair and his glasses in his sweats with a hoodie thrown on haphazardly and walk you back safely even without you asking. kiss him on his nose at random times just because you love him, and he’ll make that jeno trademark noise of confusion before giving you the prettiest eye smile that makes the moon dim in shame and nuzzling his face into your shoulder shyly. call him jeno darling or jeno love if you want to see the same reaction as before. it’s gonna be a total KO to his heart if you call him that and boop him on the nose with the softest kiss. anyway, jeno is the bestest boy in the entire universe, and give him all your love, please and thank you.
HAECHAN :: hyuck is so fucking talented. he’s good at everything: singing, dancing, rapping, variety shows, you name it. he was born to be an idol. he’s the golden one and excels at everything. he’s an ace, and he knows it. yeah, he’s cocky and brags about everything he does, but he actually has evidence and proof to back it up. plus, no one can stay mad at him for very long because have you seen how cute he is?? he’s a brat, but you still love him anyway. he’s good at sweet talking and getting what he wants. he plays a push and pull game, and you end up falling for him in the end. i know in fics on here, you often see jaemin in the playboy/fuckboy persona, but I think hyuck absolutely exudes this persona. he is able to read the room or a person and knows the exact way to act in order to get the reaction he wants. it’s hyuck’s world, and we’re all just living in it. he can have all of us eating out of the palm of his hand if he desires. i think he truly embodies the traits of a slytherin: ambitious and cunning. it’s every man for himself, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get what he believes he deserves and plays by his own rules. hyuck is so smart and intelligent, both in terms of brains and emotion. he’s absolutely brilliant, and he’s the type of person to ace an exam without even studying for it. I think he did very well in school, and he also beat doyoung in mental maths when they had a competition on weekly idol lol and he’s also street smart. there’s a reason why doyoung and taeil are scared of him and why they prefer to be on his team than against him lmao. I think hyuck is also a people pleaser though. he wants to be liked, and it’ll drive him crazy if someone calls him boring or shows no interest towards him. I think he’ll want a s/o who plays the push and pull game with him. he’ll playfully tease them a lot, and they’ll have to be interesting and able to dazzle him with their own wit and sarcasm. he, like renjun, is snarky and sarcastic. he likes to make people laugh and enjoys being the center of attention. he is super affectionate and rivals jaemin in this aspect. he thrives off of physical touches, hugs, cuddles, etc. he likes to cuddle when he sleeps, and I feel like he enjoys being the little spoon. he isn’t afraid of pda and will show off his s/o to the world with a loud kiss or back hug anywhere. he’s the type who would do that back pocket spin peter does to lara jean lmao. the two of you can laze around at home, while he plays video games on his computer and you can sit in his lap and he’ll do that thing where his arms are around you and his chin is on your shoulder. he’s a good cook, and he’ll cook for you, but he expects you to pay him back in kisses. his s/o might think he doesn’t pay attention to what they’re saying to him, but he does. he absolutely adores his s/o and remembers everything about them. he’s the type to surprise his s/o with their favorite flowers on a random day, and his s/o would’ve thought he wasn’t paying attention when they told him their favorite flower months ago. and please, please, please surprise him with flowers too because that will catch him off guard and you’ll see him blush and get flustered for once. it’s like when the dreamies first debuted, and chenle said hyuck was the best singer and he wanted to be like hyuck, and hyuck got really quiet and shy and flustered about it. however, he’d get really shy around his crush if they weren’t friends first. there’s that video of him returning something that twice’s mono dropped I think and he was so nervous before and afterwards. or there’s that time when he handed flowers to seungwoo and got so flustered as the dreamies teased him afterwards. also, I feel like sometimes people forget that so much hard work goes into what he does because he makes it look so effortless. hyuck works so hard in everything and puts his all into what he does. anyway, please appreciate hyuck and love him lots. he deserves to be showered in love and affection.
JAEMIN :: jaemin is like jeno in the sense that his character is also super versatile. you can make him fit any type of persona for your fic. jaemin is a sweetheart. his entire existence is love. hyuck said that he treats his members the same way he treats his fans in an episode of weekly idol before. he’s a really affectionate person as seen in the way he showers jisung with affection. he eats, sleeps, and breathes aegyo. you’re going to experience his aegyo a lot if you’re his s/o, so brace yourself. he even managed to make hyuck flustered when he kissed him in that recent reload era game video. he has a lot of love to give out, but he also wants the same amount of love in return. you can see how he craves for love from jisung in return and the way he gets a little upset when he doesn’t get it, like when jisung didn’t call him his favorite hyung. his s/o needs to be okay with being showered with affection and love, and they have to do the same for him. call him cute pet names, give him random kisses throughout the day, back hug him while he’s cooking, he will just absolutely glow and bask in your love. jaemin is good at cooking. he will cook for you, and if you cook, he’ll eat what you make with no complaints. it’s like that meme where person A gives person B a drink with salt in it, and person B drinks it all, and when person A asks why they did that even though it was salty, person B says it’s because they didn’t want to hurt person A’s feelings. jaemin is person B. he’ll also make you model for him and pose literally everywhere so he can take pictures of you because you’re the prettiest person in the entire world to him. he’ll make you his lockscreen, homescreen, hang up pictures of you in his room, all that jazz. he’s the one who buys couple items or outfits and makes you wear them with them. his entire Instagram account will be pictures of you or with you. however, he’s also petty af and nags a lot lmao. he complained to jeno when jisung said he wanted to eat bread at 3 a.m. and how he couldn’t go out to buy him any. he also nagged renjun in one of those dream vs dream videos for not having any questions about him, while all his questions were about renjun. or when he was sulking about jeno not knowing his favorite cartoon character. I believe he mentioned having extreme mood swings too where he’s either too quiet or too loud and out there, and as a s/o, you’d have to cater to both sides of him. jaemin is also an introvert. he’s very quiet and shy around strangers, but he’ll unleash his inner weirdness and loudness when he feels comfortable around you, and you’re in for a wild, fun ride. in that video where he and jeno were making cakes, he seems really hyper and wild. same goes for that video where they went out to eat, and jaemin was pouring soda into a glass dramatically. or when they played that dance game where you have to add onto the dance and copy the previous dances, and he added some random flailing motion and complained when someone did it wrong. or when he and renjun were paired up for that guessing game when they both had headphones on, and he started flailing everywhere and getting kinda frustrated at renjun for getting zero right. he’s a bit weird lmao. as his s/o, i hope you go along with his weird antics and have fun with him too! you also have to remind him to take care of himself. make sure he doesn’t drink that ungodly coffee drink of his or eat too much sugar. take care of him, love him, cherish him, and jaemin will be the best boyfriend ever. he might even set up a whole led light display for you at night declaring his love like he did for jeno. actually, no, he definitely will. he’ll do big grand gestures to show his love for you. he’ll fill your house with roses and press kisses to each of your fingertips with a different reason for why he loves you. he’ll continue to list the reasons for why he loves you for every star he sees until he runs out of stars, but he’ll never run out of reasons for loving you.
CHENLE :: chenle was born to be a star. he is so incredibly talented and picks up skills so quickly. it’s evident because he managed to debut after two months of training and he became fluent in korean quickly. he’s humble and gracious, and he’s the embodiment of that miss universe song: he’s beauty, he’s grace. he doesn’t flaunt his wealth, in fact, it only ever comes up because others bring it up. or he accidentally shows it off when he asks what rent means or when he tries to innocently rectify the situation, like when jaemin was like “oh his parents held a concert for him for his bday” and chenle was like “noooo no it was just to make a memory” on idol room lmao. the way he expresses his love is through gift giving. it shows in the way he told mark he’ll buy him anything he wants for his bday or when he gave apple watches to the 00 liners or when he immediately agreed to buy jeno a plane ticket to china to show him around his home. but he’s not trying to flaunt his wealth. this is simply how he shows his love. chenle is laidback and easygoing. he doesn’t care about jisung using honorifics with him, and he’ll go along with whatever’s happening. there’s that one video during mfal era where hyuck and chenle won the prize and hyuck was like “hey I’ll take the prize ok?” and chenle just immediately agrees and doesn’t care at all. but don’t get me wrong, chenle is super competitive. he wants to win, but it’s more about that feeling you get when you’re the winner, rather than the actual prize for him. he’s really into sports, specifically basketball, so i feel like he’d enjoy it if his s/o expressed some sort of interest in it with him. they don’t have to play basketball with him, but he’d appreciate it greatly if they listened to him talk about stephen curry or cheer him on from the sidelines. he’s affectionate. if you read my renjun description, chenle is the other one that hyuck said doesn’t mind affection from the other members on weekly idol. I don’t see him showing affection blatantly as much like hyuck and jaemin, but I think he loves receiving it. chenle obviously receives so much love from his family and is super close to them. he will love his s/o with his whole heart, and I hope his s/o will love him back just as much. also, I’m pretty sure he’ll love his s/o acting cute because his heart rate spiked up when jisung did aegyo on idol room lmao. I think he’s the only other extrovert in the dreamies, besides hyuck. I believe someone asked jaemin or skz hyunjin if they got close after the collab stage, and they said that they were really awkward with each other. however, skz felix and chenle became good friends! chenle is friendly and a people person. he thrives in social settings, and he’s a social butterfly. he’ll help people out of their shells and make sure to include them in conversations. he’s the type of person who would clear his throat and be like “hey y/n has something to say” if you tried to say something in a group convo and weren’t heard. he’s fine with being the center of attention, but he doesn’t actively seek out that position, like hyuck does. unlike hyuck, he’s not a people pleaser. I think he’s confident in himself, and he’s self assured and satisfied with who he is, so he doesn’t really care what others think of him. chenle is really playful. he likes to tease the other members and wreak harmless havoc lol you can see how he plays around with the other members, like in nct life where he just throws snow at jisung or scares jisung with a rubber chicken when they went to an amusement park in shanghai. he’s a thrill seeker. he loves roller coasters, shooting games, laser tag, etc. he gets excited over the littlest things, and he’s a naturally cheerful person who lights up the room and just naturally has people gravitate towards him. however, he has his serious moments too, and I can see him sitting next to his s/o behind the piano and playing something for them. but then, he’ll probably ruin the soft moment by slamming his hands down on the keys and scaring them at the end.
JISUNG :: jisung reminds me of high school puppy love. he’s curious about the world and introspective. he asked the fans to send him pictures of the moon because he couldn’t see it himself. I think he has a lot of deep thoughts and keeps them to himself because he’s introverted and nervous about sharing them aloud in case he’s not taken seriously as the youngest. he’s inquisitive and sweet, and he’s the culmination of everything good in the universe. he’s the one whom renjun talks to about aliens and paranormal things, and I believe he’ll want a s/o who will take him seriously on these things and listens to his concerns without teasing or making fun of him for believing in them. jisung is shy and gets embarrassed when he’s given compliments. there’s this video where the dreamies read compliments from fans aloud, and you can see how flustered and shy he gets as he ducks his head, has to pause and cover his face before playing with his hair as he reads through the compliments with the biggest smile peeking on his face. I think this is the cutest thing ever, and at the beginning of the relationship, if his s/o compliments him or does something cute, he’s going to react exactly like that. tell him his dancing is amazing, watch his fancams around him, tell him his face is nice to look at, etc. and you’ll see him get reduced to a flustered, blushing mess. the first time he sees you wearing one of his sweaters with the sleeves covering your hands and giving you sweater paws, he will combust and stutter and not be able to look at you as his cheeks turn red. he might just suffer a heart attack if you decide to casually call him a cute pet name one day. additionally, jisung is at that age where he wants to know what others think of him and he wants to be liked. I think this is the reason why he’s more hesitant about speaking up or voicing himself in an unfamiliar environment because he doesn’t want to give off a negative image. he’s also painfully shy, but he wants to make friends, which he explains on dancing high. because of this, he truly cherishes any friendship or relationship he has because it’s seen as something incredibly special to him. as his s/o, you’re gonna mean the world to him and he will value your opinion greatly. once he’s comfortable around you, he’ll be loud and talkative. jeno says that jisung talks the most at the dorm and he’s never quiet. jisung is also a lil shit lol, and he knows how to get out of things, like cleaning up after dinner by locking himself in the bathroom. he’s also a little lazy and probably not the cleanest tbh. he sleeps in jaemin’s bed or in the living room because he’s too lazy to go to his top bunk. he doesn’t listen to his hyungs and talks down to them in a playful way because he knows they’re whipped for him lmao. when the relationship progresses, jisung is going to act in the same, exact way with you. he’s a savage, and he will roast you in the same way he roasts his hyungs, like when hyuck wanted to go to LA with him for why not the dancer and he was like “you have to be good at dancing to go” (which btw, fight me, jisung, hyuck is literally the best dancer). he’ll tease you, hide items on the tallest shelf just so that you’ll call him for help, and smush your cheeks and call you cute. he’ll ruffle your hair and run up behind you and sweep you off your feet princess style just to scare you before carefully placing you back down or tossing you into the pool lol he may have complained about carrying renjun in that reload era game video, but he’ll give you piggy backs when you’re tired or carry you around if you asked. he likes playing video games and those block breaker game apps and when he loses, he’ll sit there and pout without realizing it. he does that little nose scrunch unknowingly, and it’s the cutest. he’ll like dates at home the best. he sucks at cooking, but he’ll try to do it for you. but it’ll end up with you cooking while he back hugs you, and you have to walk around the kitchen with him being a koala attached to you as you feed him bits of the food being made.
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down-thedrain · 3 years
"this is the only way I can write lore" god yeah me too. anywayz
6, 8, 11, 17, 18, 30, 34, 35, 39, 40
6. are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?
does real life dr**m count as a character. i mean ig since he wants his fanbase to ship himself w ppl so badly
to actually answer the question. i'm sure all of them have super subtle inspirations that i sort've subconsciously added on without really knowing it but specifically:
- the main 4 used to all be undertale ocs before i rebooted them and they still have very vague references to the aus i created them for. i don't really wanna mention which cuz just thinking about it makes me lowkey nauseous but it's definitely there
- similarly c4's based on grillby from undertale and c4 and java's dynamic is based on grillby's and sans's
- given how much avatar the last airbender inspires the pacing and writing style i wouldn't be suprised if requiem isn't at least partially inspired by the idea of the avatar (particularly with the idea of being a bridge between the spirit world [gods' and good/evil spirits' plane of existence] and the physical world [earth])
- like i said there's probably a lot of subtle references that even i don't know about djfkdhdk those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
8. is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?
- here comes a thought from steven universe reminds me a lot of ruby/java
- regular lake and reviator lake make me think of swift and python respectively. these two songs make me very mentally ill
- fun fact! vysel was the result of me listening to lifetime achievement award by lemon demon on loop a trillion times and thinking "hey. what if that was an oc". but also kicks by barns courtney fits him so so so so so very well it makes me go stupid
- i just did a bad thing by bill wurtz also reminds me python which is funny cuz it sounds so Not like python but it just. works (particularly with the line "i just did a bad thing, i've ruined everything, and i've let the things i've ruined ruin me")
- dasher by gerard way also reminds me of java unfortunately. i think java would like gerard way nd probably mcr in general too lmao
- i could also sit here and talk about jack stauber all day but no one wants to hear that so let's move on lol
11. which character has been through the most design changes?
swift. easily. she used to took so different (and so worse tbh) it's crazy
ok remember earlier how i mentioned that the main 4 used to be undertale ocs. swift used to be from a completely different au. and her role/personality was completely different too. again i don't wanna go into details cuz i don't wanna remember my ut phase Ever but like. she used to have gray as a main color n shit and god her old design looked so ugly lmao
the main 4 all used to look so so different tbh. all of them has different clothes and stuff cuz i made their designs in motherfucking g*cha l*fe cuz i couldn't draw yet. (they all used to be part cat part demon btw. did i mention that i made these guys when i was 10.) but swift was the only one who went through a complete design overhaul cuz their design was That dogshit
(python does get an honorable mention in this regard because it used to be a girl but then i changed it cuz i had too many girl ocs. he transitioned in universe AND irl go figure)
17. who is your favorite OC?
ruby lol. i think it helps that she's the first ever oc i made period but also she just,,, ouhdjdhdjdh i really really like her design even though it's not the most interesting but she's so so so so friend shaped i wanna give her a hug irl. i project onto her the hardest so i feel very personally close to her too, she's the person i wanna be when i grow up. she's very easy to draw too, i don't have to force myself to draw her like i do my other ocs (not that i don't like drawing my other ocs but ruby is the one i go to the most when i have art block). and she's just a lil silly and she laughs and i don't make her wallow in her own sad backstory so when she really gets sad it feels so real and just thinking about her gives me the warm fuzzies :) i like her so much
18. who is your least favorite OC?
vysel. holy fucking shit. out of every oc i've ever made (for this universe of otherwise) i think he's the only one where i've actively given him next to no redeeming qualities cuz he doesn't deserve any. i don't wanna make him symathetic i want him to fucking die. his entire meta purpose is for me to vent how much i fucking hate e-celebs and how much i wanna see them fail. that's why he dies twice in the story he's just that fucking terrible
i do think he's fun to draw and write and i really like his contrast with python character-wise and how much influence he has over basically half the world and i REALLY like how java has a "don't meet your heros" moment with him but like. personality-wise i think i made him a little too hateable for my own good but. wtv it's ok
30. which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?
i remember vysel and especially swift were hard to design but i'd have to go with requiem. they're design is nooot veryy interestingg atm and while i have a good idea of how they fit into the story n such i just. i don't know how to write them. at all. and i never feel like focusing on them either so i'm stuck in perpetual hell lol
i think writing specific scenes with them in it would probably help but then that means getting into "season 2" of the story and s2 is a lawless land LMFAO
34. what scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
(okay here's the part where i go too way to hard in on responding lol)
python/vysel confrontation scene my heart goes out to you
it's set in the middle of the story and it sets the tone for both vysel's character and is basically the launch point for python's arc and like. it's the point where the story goes "oh shit we're getting serious now" and it sets the tone for the back half of season 1 and. please whoever's up there give me the strength to write this i'll go absolutely batshit
without fully spoiling everything building up to that moment, i do wanna say that python isn't a bad guy. not at all. but...
y'know. when you leave your life of endless work and ridicule from almost everyone around you, only to be forced to marry someone you don't even know at 14 (when it was born the world didn't see a problem with doing that). so you leave in hopes to find somewhere you can truly you call home, scamming and bartering for everything you have along the way.
and the you finally find that place, and you think that you'll actually be happy for once. and then some guy who doesn't know a thing about what you've been through makes you the laughingstock of the city. and you're fucking done being pushed around and forced to leave cuz everyone thinks you're a freak who doesn't deserve happiness.
so you stop the problem at its source.
and the audience and the rest of the characters don't know ANY of that shit. all they know is this: up until that point you see basically no genuine emotion from python, he just jokes and insults everyone around it and hopes that they hate him enough to never ask any personal questions. and everyone is used to that by that point. but then you see the anger, the heartbrokeness, the hell on its face when he sees the flyer and the characters don't understand why or what vysel even did but when python looks at them and says that this fucker has to die they know better than to try and stop him. and. and fuckenkasbwkdhwkevwkdhekev i go absolutely bonkers
i wanna save what's actually in the scene for another time though. i think it's better if the characters tell you what happened, not me.
if i ever do write it i'm posting it instantly this is the one aspect of the story i can confidently say i'm proud of
35. which OC would beat you up if they met you IRL?
vysel. i don't care that he's a whole foot taller than me i'm kicking his ass i'm grinding him into sawdust
39. what's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
i love drawing ruby's lil dangling star earrings. i used to not draw her earrings but now that i have i'm not going back jfkdfhfkfh they're just so fun and they're so her yk
40. what's your least favorite part to draw on a certain character?
idrk? i designed all my ocs with the intention of being fun to draw
i have been wanting to do a map of python's body markings and that hasn't been very fun. i feel like i'm very very close to making them look like how i imagined them to look but it's been slow going unfortunately so there's that
and that's it WOO
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mish-tique · 3 years
Could you do protective Alpha Lewis with Omega Max ✨
hi anon! sorry it took a while but here we gooo. big shout out to @transparentpot for making the cutest 4433 fanart and lowkey keep me motivated to write this.
Hit "keep reading" or read this on my ao3. And don't be afraid to sent in your own requests in my asks! info is available here.
As they got older, things changed. Of course they did. Racing tracks got changed, teams disappeared while new ones appeared and drivers seemed to keep changing. But nothing changed as much as their pack did.
It had always been dynamic but for some reason, Lewis realized this morning just how much it had changed. To the point where Max was one of the oldest and that almost felt wrong to Lewis. Because in his memories Max was still the youngest driver to enter the grid and technically he was, due to the FIA changing rules about the super license, but they weren't the youngest anymore. Not even close.
Lewis really didn't understand why it hit him now, with Max to him in the nest the omega had made for them the day before. He didn't know yet if it were just Max' hormones acting up or if his heat was coming close but he couldn't complain. Because after years of practice making nests - regular ones, heat ones, those for the whole pack and those emergency ones when someone was incredibly sad, Lewis had seen them all. He never complained, they were great and Max' smell was so good it relaxed him in no time.
But as he kept thinking, he began to observe his omega. But not just his omega - Max, winner of the world driver champion ship, the cutest, sometimes the harshest yet also his sweetest boyfriend. Though he had started thinking about finally proposing with that ring because really, they weren't getting younger. But those sweet, happy thoughts were pushed aside when he looked closer and saw how exhausted Max looked.
He hadn't been taking care of Max properly.
Because Max wasn't just Max, he was one of the best racing drivers - though not at the top anymore. At one point Max and Lewis himself too got replaced by younger blood, newer talent and they both decided on a more midfield team. It had been strange at the beginning, somewhat insulting sometimes, but somehow it just meant fun for them now. But that aside.
Next to being a racer Max was an omega, and not just an omega. He was one of the eldest omega's and mated to Lewis, meaning he became the pack omega. It came respect and love as much as it came with pressure. Because it meant they went to Max for their daily dose of smiles and hugs, but for comfort too when needed, sought advice when no one else felt smart enough or when they simply needed a listening ear. All of those things, so many pack members and most of them went to Max for all of it.
Lewis knew it wasn't easy but as he looked at the eyebags Max was sporting, it seemed like he hadn't been stepping up enough as pack alpha. Omega's were usually seen as comforting but surely he could do something too.
And while he noticed that his scent had soured in worry, he couldn't help but be filled with warmth too. Because he was so, so increbly proud of his omega. So proud of his boyfriend, his love, his mate.
But Max' spare time was scarce and almost all went into the pack. Lewis started wondering how he could help and couldn't help his own scent from souring. Because as he overthought everything he dismissed too easily before, Lewis noticed that only two race weekends had passed and that this season would be the hardest one ever, pack-wise.
While certain guys like Charles, Carlos, Lando and George had stayed, they had gotten a whole load of fresh names too.
Fresh names that seemed to either be unable to control their nature for whatever fucking reason or ones that were somehow just always stuck in drama. That only Max could fix, who knows why.
Hell, last week Lewis had even walked into the scene of one of the newbie alpha's yelling at Max. Where they got the guts, no idea, but they seemed to have gotten manner lessons from guys like Mazepin, from back in their days. It had taken 5 seconds for Lewis to snap out of it and pull rank on the idiot, commanding them to submit and learn his fucking place because Lewis would turn around in his fucking grave before one would dare to show such attitude to Max Verstappen.
Honestly, the disrespect.
Lewis' scent must have soured too much because he suddenly noticed Max waking up, the omega's scent smelling worried. But Lewis managed to ease it quite quickly with a smile.
"Slept well?"
Max did one of his cutest wake-up rituals and Lewis had to stop himself from smothering him with kisses. Well, fuck it. Lewis didn't have to stop himself from anything so he just did so - kissed him breathless. His omega mewled and damn it now was not the time to get horny.
"I did, what time is it?" Max asked.
Looking at the clock Lewis got surprised because they rarely slept in nowadays, but here they were. "Almost eleven," he replied and he almost wished he didn't because the omega was out of the nest within seconds, smelling even more worried.
"Fuck, Christian needed help with his press scandal and Louis-"
Lewis stopped him right there with a look. "What?" Max was obviously confused and worried, his smell souring and damn this was not wat Lewis wanted.
"No, no you did nothing wrong don't worry," he soothed the omega, pulling the younger one in his arms. While they had gotten years of practice now, Max was still insecure about his role as omega, especially as pack alpha. "In fact, you have been amazing, working so hard," he praised, happy at how Max preened at that, "But I want you to take care of yourself too. It has only been a month and I feel like if we keep this up you're gonna neglect yourself the whole season."
Max seemed to understand it, though reluctant. "But if I don't do it, who will?"
"I will," he reassured. Which apparently didn't appease his omega, who gave him an unimpressed look. "What? I'm the pack alpha, have some trust in me."
He was a bit offended but the chuckle Max let out soon pushed that away. "I know," Max said while getting closer, into the nest again, "It's just that I don't see you handle omega drama yet. Really, how jealous can they be, I swear I should be paid for relationship counseling."
Lewis laughed at that, resting his chin on Max' head, rumbling at how his omega pleased him, even by just sitting next to him. "You're the pack omega but most definitely not the only one. Charles knew how to keep Lando in line, he should be able to keep these guys in line too. And Lando was the devil himself at that age - you know what they say, takes one to know one. I'll have a talk with them, they'll understand. Sleep some more and maybe then come to the pack room to have some fun? No counseling, no drama, just snuggles."
Max seemed to actually glow at that.
So that was what Lewis did - he called a meeting. He might've neglected his duties a bit too much so he just called everyone. Young alpha's got reminded of the rules, even if they were silent ones. Omega's got told that they could go to him too for help or one of the other older omega's like Lando and Charles. Said omega's got asked to stay longer and were understanding when he explained the situation.
It was around 4 o'clock and while Lewis had no idea what the omega had done all the time, he seemed rested and smelled very happy. So Lewis scented him, updated him on the situation and if he found his omega in a pack nest within the next five minutes, he kept that information to himself.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! music idol au (seijoh and shiratorizawa vers.)
hello hello! now for the groups with seijoh and shiratorizawa! if you like this why not check out music idol au karasuno vers.
okay so basically this is now the entertainment company for the groups FALCON and KING
okay but yes
they're one of the biggest names in the country and their groups have been around for quite some time
washijo is CEO
they're known to be very hard to get into because all of their idols are trained to be polished at whatever they do
but all of their releases are top quality
so lets get into the groups !!
KING - seijoh
Tumblr media
okay so KING has 8 members and most of their comeback concepts are pretty bubblegum pop and boy-next-door
our leader for this group is oikawa of course
he's also wanted to be an idol for so long and trained really hard for it
• he managed to pass the auditions but his trainee years were hard on him because of all the expectations and work
luckily he befriended iwa who was also a struggling trainee
they spent years helping each other out and leaning on each other for support until their debut came
oikawa's the all-around vocalist, visual, and dancer so he's almost always in the center
the kind who nails all the notes while busting out the hardest dance moves
he's also multilingual because he wants to talk to a variety of his fans
everything he does seems so natural but in reality he practices so hard that iwa has to drag him to bed
iwa's our main rapper and main dancer of the group
his audition tape of him dancing was a bit embarassing because he was wearing a godzilla sweater and his hair was gelled up
everyone likes to bring it out from time to time
his fans also like sending him anything godzilla
his rapping is pOWERFUL and he can also beatbox really well
he also leads the dance breaks in performances
everyone thought he was scary until oikawa accidentally called him iwa-chan in a radio show and now everyone calls him iwa-chan
while oikawa is the leader, iwa is the one who manages everyone and makes sure no one gets lost when they go to awards shows
matsukawa and hanamaki were trainees that came in later and they became friends because they were roommates
hanamaki saw matsukawa taping printed out pictures of memes on the wall beside his bed and immediately knew they would be friends for life
and they were
they're notorious for sneaking food into their dorms and also picking on oikawa
they're kind of like an inseparable duo especially since hanamaki is on vocals and matsukawa is on rap
they have a lot of onstage moments and fans love how playful they are
they kind of improvise a bit sometimes when it comes to dance moves which makes washijo want to pull his hair out but fans like it so :/
they're the oldest members but they still call iwa and oikawa 'mom and dad'
they like doing weird shit to hanamaki's hair and taking videos of it 
the ‘what’s a contract? never heard of it’ duo basically 
yahaba's like the resident beautiful guy apart from oikawa
his voice is really melodious and he's often the one harmonizing with the high part
also sUCH a fLIRT
camera: *is directed at him*
yahaba: *blows a kiss*
matsuhana try to get him into their pranks on oikawa but he's too much of a goody two shoes
likes to film his skincare routine for the fans
secretly oikawa’s favorite junior
kyoutani auditioned for CROWN because he thought they were forming a hip-hop group or something edgy but no he was put into KING and he has to be around softies
he was desperate to get kicked out at first until iwa convinced him that he could still keep his look
they gave up on making him smile or look bright on cameras and said that if he's going to glare at least make it sexy
only listens to iwa and always stands next to iwa during award shows 
kindaichi and kunimi are their most treasured juniors and they'll do anything to protect them
both of them are vocalists and even though they don't often sing the melodies or hit the high notes, they're great harmonizing
actually knew of kageyama back in their auditioning days and were lowkey jealous of him
kindaichi is the sweetest junior he's always the one giving the members water and making sure they're alright
kunimi just silently observes the entire time and barely says anything but he'll often approach iwa for pointers when it comes to dancing
they were super young when they debuted and attended high school together in between practice
their seniors surprised them by coming to their graduation and even performing at the ceremony
both of them aren't as good as their fellow members yet but kindaichi works hard to be able to earn a few more lines in their songs
kunimi doesn't show much effort but he secretly likes to learn songwriting and music production because his dream is for KING to perform one of his songs
FALCON - shiratorizawa
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another group that debuted about a year or two before KING
it is a POWERHOUSE of talent
also pretty much the OG group for most fans that inspired other upcoming groups
a lot of their concepts are centered around a mature gentleman image
idk what im saying but i'd compare them to super junior pretty much
they also do a lot of edgy concepts
ushijima's the leader of the group plus main rapper
he was actually inspired to become a rapper after watching another idol's performance
tbh he never expected to debut with a group but he had grown attached to some of his fellow trainees
he's also really talented at writing and producing songs
super stoic, even in front of the camera, but fans love his attempts at humor
tendou's like their main dancer and rapper
when he was younger people said his dancing looked weird because tendou could do those really cool, almost jerky movements
when washijo saw his audition tape he was like 'hmm we could use that'
thats because FALCON is super big on choreography, especially the ones that look like all the members are creating this huge other thing just by using movement
tendou pretty much leads the dance breaks all the time and he looks super serious and intense
he likes saying the most random, funny things during interviews
sometimes you'll catch him dancing by himself when they’re just waiting for results in award shows
so many conspiracy videos as to whether or not tendou has joints
now we have our shirabu kenjiro
this boy is like a prodigy he was destined to be recruited by CROWN and to end up in FALCON
the more i spell out these names the more i see how absurd they all look i'm sorry
tendou likes to call him his 'beloved junior'
he's as serious as ushiwaka is but with sASS
is known for sassing out interviewers and show hosts when he can tell that they're making up bullshit and now everyone's scared of him
he's main vocals and visuals
his voice is like a really nice baritone and he's very powerful with his singing that people don't question whether or not he lipsyncs
actually gets the most lines in their group
he likes to challenge the limits of his contract and even cut his own bangs and that's why they're Like That
he ended up getting chewed out by washijo for it
ya boi semisemi is out here being a dAncE gOD
he can learn choreography really quickly and in variety shows the hosts always challenge him to learn another group's choreo by looking at it once
so far he has not lost
everyone in his team cheers him on
also basically the group's main choreographer. he'll lowkey get mad at someone who forgot the choreo but teach them anyway
interacting with fans makes him so happy and soft he treasures every letter he receives and likes giving out gifts during fanmeets
he keeps his room really neat and likes to display the presents he receives from fans
also main vocalist in the group but just gets a line or two
his real skill though are opening dance performances during music award shows
he, tendou, and goshiki slay every opening performance and its amazing
reon is the last main rapper of the group and basically The Mom of the group
he's the one calming everyone down and checking up with people before they perform
his rapping sounds really smooth and very close to how he speaks normally so he shines most in the b-side tracks of their album
he had a lot of struggles passing auditions because most companies would discriminate because of appearance but washijo saw a lot of potential in him
he likes to speak out about the discrimination in terms of appearance in the music industry
everyone in FALCON supports him
lastly we have goshiki the precious little maknae of the group
everyone dotes on him because he was a skinny child when he debuted with the group
goshiki's like the legendary maknae who could do pretty much anything
he's main vocalist, dancer, and visuals
when he started out he was always super active and full of initative as a trainee
he trained super hard just to debut with FALCON because he looks up to ushijima
like shirabu, he gets a ton of lines and sings a lot during the chorus
when he graduated everyone from FALCON attended and he treated them all too lunch
after every comeback tendou's jus like 'our little baby goshiki is growing up'
i basically wrote him as jungkook from bts didn't i?
additional hc’s for funsies
oikawa was actually supposed to debut much earlier with FALCON but he had grown attached to his fellow trainees (iwa and matsuhana) and wanted to be in a group with them
FALCON and KING have a small rivalry ongoing to see who can get the most views in one day during every comeback video that the members do all these crazy things to get their fans to stream their comebacks
one of them was matsuhana promising to release a rare picture of kyoutani smiling 
FALCON has Boardgame Fridays where they just play boardgames all night and it’s super fun and precious because goshiki gets super competitive
also all of his seniors tried to get him drunk after his graduation and goshiki did in fact get drunk and ended up spilling some secrets about how shirabu cuts his bangs on instagram live
FALCON and KING love having dance-off sessions with each other and the music they always choose is ‘Crazy in Love’ from the White Chicks movie
the reon and semi have a mukbang series on instagram live and sometimes yahaba and kindaichi join in
ushijima allegedly wrote and produced a song about the joy of farming but washijo rejected it from appearing on the album because it was weird but thanks to tendou spilling about it, fans demanded to hear the song and ushijima performed it in one of their concerts
kunimi also wrote a song about that was supposedly about a loving a bad boy despite being a nice girl and when people asked what his inspiration was he just said ‘kyouhaba’ 
haikyuu!! music idol au series: karasuno vers., seijoh and shiratorizawa vers., nekoma and fukurodani vers.
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