#this has been pestering me for about 2 days now i need answers
bluekidchaos · 7 months
i have a question regarding why rumple still is the dark one through out the show.
so, we now being the dark one is a curse and we know that true loves kiss can break all curses.
we also now for sure it can break the dark ones curse in Skin Deep when Belle kisses Rumple and he starts turning but then in Storybrook when the inital curse is broken and Rumbelle reunites we see them kiss many times but Rumple is still the dark one? i feel like ive either missed important info or it's just a plot hole or smthn
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Man, Myth, Legend
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You waited and waited and waited some more until Jethro’s voicemail began playing.
“He thinks he’s so clever,” you grumbled to yourself as you sent him a text. Not like he would respond back but at least your two cents was thrown in there.
It was bad enough he made you stay behind with Tony instead of joining him, Ziva and McGee to his HOMETOWN. But now he wants to ignore your calls too? Granted, the calls would have only been you pestering him with all kinds of questions but nevertheless, he should still pick up the phone. What if you were in danger?!
“C’mon Probie. Let’s see if Abby has anything for us,” DiNozzo stated while walking by.
You locked your phone and huffed in annoyance before joining him in the elevator.
“You can stop calling me that Tony. I’ve been working with you guys for like a year now.”
“I know. But I just love how much it bugs you.”
You rolled your eyes at his teasing and followed after him once the doors opened.
Abby gave you two the rundown on the blood analysis before McGee’s face popped up on her screen.
“Gibbs has a father!”
You ran over with Tony while they gave all of you the much needed info on the Gibbses. Jethro had told you he grew up in Stillwater and wasn’t exactly the towns poster child but he never really spoke more than that, let alone about his father.
“I’m coming. I’m leaving,” Tony stuttered.
“Well you’re not going without me,” you added.
“Not unless you’ve found a way that people in town might have thought Ethan LaCombe was alive,” McGee answered right back.”
You and Tony sat in the Bullpen, throwing different questions each others way as you wanted for your next orders.
“So do you think he like got ran out of town and that’s why he hasn’t been back?” Tony asked, tapping a pen against his mouth in thought.
“I don’t know but I wouldn’t put it past him if it were true. Do you think his high school girlfriends still live there?”
Tony gave you a puzzled look which you quickly defended.
“I mean I’m just curious since most small town people don’t really move out past their county.”
“I doubt he’s dinner dating with any of his past flings probie. Plus, how is it you don’t know anything about Gibb’s past but you two are together?”
“You know he doesn’t talk much. Especially about his past. It was like pulling teeth when I asked him where he was born!”
As if his ears were burning, your phone began ringing as Jethro’s face popped up on your screen. Making a face for Tony to be quiet, you answered.
“Oh, look at that, you know how to call people all of a sudden.”
“I was busy. Talking with people,” he justified.
“People like your dad? Or the townspeople? McGee said you’re already ruffling feathers.”
“Well McGee needs to stop gossiping. I talked with Chad Winslow and his family. They’re hiding something. I want you and DiNozzo to get a search warrant together for blood samples and financial records.”
“Uh. A please would be nice.”
“Please. Honey,” he charmed, making you smile like a school girl. You’d do anything for him if he added those words afterwards.
“Much better. I’m assuming you won’t be home tonight?”
“No. We’ve got a lot of work to do here and I don’t see anyone being cooperative any time soon.”
You silently pouted but Jethro knew you like the back of his hand.
“Don’t pout. You, Abby and DiNozzo can come tomorrow afternoon. We’ll need help executing those warrants once they’re approved and Abby will need to examine the blood quickly.”
You beamed with excitement, catching Tony’s attention. You both said your goodbyes and Tony came over to give you a high five.
“I’m driving though. You suck at obeying the speed limit,” he established.
“That doesn’t count! Baskin Robbin’s was closing in 10 minutes and you encouraged me!”
We pulled up to the scene of the crime as smoke was still slowly coming from the wreckage. Thank God no one was in the car when it exploded. Jethro hasn’t even been in town more than 2 days and people are already trying to blow him up!
You gave McGee and Ziva a greeting before following Tony in the little store. It was stuffy and warm but the place was cute with all the natural lighting and small town vibes.
You and Tony saw an older man standing behind the register whom you could only assume was Jethro’s dad based on the eyes.
Just as Tony went to introduce himself, Jethro came from the back and interrupted. As they both talked, you made your way over to the counter.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.”
“Jackson Gibbs. Leroy told me about you but he left out just how stunning you were,” he flirted as you two shook hands.
“I see where Jethro gets his charm from.” you two chuckled together before Jethro came over looking displeased.
We took the rental to Jackson’s house as he led us to the garage where the most beautiful Dodge Charger sat.
“That’s right. I said we.”
You hopped in the backseat as Jethro peeled out onto the street like a bat out of hell, passing the shocked faces of the team and sporting the biggest grin on his face.
At the Winslow house, Jethro advised you to stay behind with Senior.
“Fine by me. Someone’s got to tell me what the great Leroy Jethro Gibbs was like as a kid,” you jested as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
You sat on the porch steps with Jackson as he started the conversation first.
“I’m glad Leroy found someone again. You know after Shannon and Kelly, I thought he’d never find love again. But you seem to make him happy.”
“I try. And he makes me happy. It hasn’t been years but I think we’re good for each other.”
“I just don’t understand how you two even came about. Someone like you, so beautiful and elegant should be dating someone similar. Like that DiNozzo guy.”
You laughed at the thought of you and Tony together.
“Jethro is much more sensitive and approachable than people think. And Tony? No, he’s far too..rockstar for me. Jethro just has that personality that grounds you and uplifts you at the same time. I’ve never felt it with anyone before.”
“Spoken like someone truly in love,” he stated with a smile.
You blushed at the thought and you two continued talking until it was time to leave.
Back at the store, McGee and Abby went over their findings as you stood next to Jethro, your hand brushing against his. You saw a small smirk appear on his face as he listened.
It wasn’t long before you guys had enough evidence to arrest Nick Kingston and his 2 accomplices and telling the awkward news of Ethan being Emily’s brother. You all stayed the night at Jackson’s place as he told you all stories of his great adventures before leaving the next morning.
“You’ve got a good one here Leroy. Don’t let her go,” Jackson praised to his son as he looked at you.
“Oh I don’t plan on it.”
You gave Jackson a farewell hug as he gave the Charger keys to Jethro and stuck your tongue out at Tony when you were the chosen passenger.
In the car, you pulled him in for a kiss and smiled. “I like your dad. We should come see him again soon.”
Jethro just shook his head and smiled before driving off.
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yespleasetommyshelby · 7 months
I need you now - Modern!Tommy Shelby Imagine
Part 3 of Before he cheats - Based off of I Need You Now by Lady Antebellum
Requested - kinda - @jadesjam sent this as an idea for part 2 but I flipped and made it the third and final part of before he cheats! It hasn't been proofread so beware!
Enjoy! 🥰
"No." I sighed for the upteenth time.
"Oh come on y/n, it's been weeks since all that shit with Tommy, it's about time you come and find yourself a rebound!" My longest friend Leah practically begged down the phone, her birthday was coming up and she'd been trying for the last hour to get me to go out for her pre-birthday bash.
"Le, you know I love you but I'm really not in the mood tonight, we'll do something in a couple days, okay?" I sighed, trying to find some middle ground so the conversation could end.
"Okay fine, but I'll hold you to that! Love you girl!" She cheered happily through the phone, my answer enough to stop the pestering, for now.
"Have fun babe, love you too!" I smiled before hanging up, the smile dropping from my face as soon as the beep sounds. "Guess it's just you and me." I whispered as I looked down at the shoebox in my lap.
Checking the time I couldn't help but laugh slightly at how the time had managed to get away from me, with the clock reading 1:04am I couldn't help but laugh slightly as I looked over the piles of photographs that were covering the floor. "Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor, reaching for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore." I sighed, picking one up and focusing on the smiling faces beaming back at me, it was from my 21st birthday around ten minutes after Tommy had officially asked me to be his. We were so happy, everyone was so happy that night, laughing and singing being the only thing to be heard throughout Small Heath that night as everybody celebrated their king finding his queen.
Putting the picture down I reached up to wipe the line tear that has slid down my cheek, sniffing quietly before I picked up another, this one of me and all of the Shelby siblings, Ada and John on one side with Tommy and Arthur the other, even at 16 years old and apparently seeing Greta, Tommy still has his arm round my shoulders, my head resting on his arm. Throwing the picture to the side I huffed as I rubbed my hands over my face, the thought of Greta leading me down a rabbit hole.
"I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me it happens all the time." I spoke to myself, "Probably not, you've probably had a whole queue of women waiting for this to happen." My voice cracked as I said what I'd been thinking out loud for the first time. "Maybe I should just send a quick text..." I whispered, picking up my phone, opening Tommys contact I paused before starting to type.
It's 1am, I'm all alone and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
Shaking my head I quickly deleted the message and locked my phone, throwing it onto the floor besides me. "Don't give him the satisfaction." I reminded myself with a sigh.
The loud shrill of phone made me shriek, my hand flying to my chest to try and soothe my racing heart. "Motherfuck." I breathed out, reaching over and seeing it's Leah calling.
"Hey Le, what's up?" I asked worried, knowing that she never called when she was out, unless there was a problem.
"Baaaaabe! You'll never guess where we are!" Her cheery voice burst through the phone making me wince slightly. "The garrison!" She squealed without waiting for an answer.
"That's great Leah, but I'm still not coming out tonight." I sighed, not understanding where she was going with this.
"Yeah, yeah, -- all depressed, I know, but I also know that lover -- is just as bad as -- are, if -- worse." She laughed through the phone, the music and voices in the background muffling half of her sentence.
"I can't hear you properly Le." I smiled slightly, her giggles infectious. "Le?" The beep of the phone indicated that she'd hung up. "What the hell was that about?" I muttered, my question answered two seconds later as my phone buzzed again.
I said that lover boy is even worse than you!
A message from Leah with an image of Tommy attached, say at the corner of the bar in the Garrison alone, his head in his hand as his other holds onto a glass of whisky - probably. Just from the zoomed out picture I could see his hair had been left to grow out and his shirt had been left untucked, something that had never happened before, in public anyway.
"Oh baby." I couldn't help but sigh, my heart breaking all over again at the picture.
Keeping my eyes down I swigged the last dribble of amber liquid from the glass raising it high before rapping it in the bar a couple times, a sign for the bartender to refill. Feeling the glass being moved from my fingertips I looked up, giving the bartender a nod of thanks as he slid the bow full glass back to me.
Another shot of whisky, can't stop staring at the door, wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before. Rubbing my hand over my face I clenched my eyes as I thought of her, the reason I'd been sat here for the past few weeks doing nothing but drinking whisky after whisky and chain smoking till my chest hurt. Looking over at her door I couldn't help but think back to y/n's 21st birthday, the day we became official, she had come barreling into the garrison with her windswept hair and rosy cheeks absolutely fuming because she thought that everyone had forgot her birthday before the shout of surprise had her forgetting she was ever mad. Shaking my head I couldn't help but wonder if I ever cross her mind, for me it happens all the time, every little thing reminding me of her.
"Fuck sake." I growled to myself, pulling out my phone to check the time. "Quarter past fucking one and I'm sat drinking by myself, again, Thomas Shelby the king of fucking Small Heath aye." I chuckled ironically. Not like I hadn't had plenty of offers during my evenings rotting away at my own bar, but none of them were her, none of them were my y/n.
My heart started to race slightly as I noticed the missed call notification only to drop again as Arthur's name came into view. She said she didn't want to hear from me but surely one text won't hurt, right?
It's 1:15 I'm a little drunk and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now, and I don't know how I can do without - I just need you now
I'll be at the Garrison - T x
"Fucking pathetic Tom." I shook my head before locking the phone, not realising my thumb had already hit send.
1:17, it had taken all of 3 minutes to reach the Garrison, shoving my hands into my pocket so said as I stared up at the gold sign above the door, a door that I'd walked through so may times before but never feeling like this. I jumped slightly as my phone buzzed at the same time as a group of girls can tumbling out the door, laughing and stumbling down the road as they held onto each other for support, I couldn't help but laugh slightly before pushing open the doors.
Stepping through the doorways Leah and the girls immediately caught my eye, giving me a quick wave she grinned before pointing over to the bar my eyes immediately landing on the mop top of black hair and slumped shoulders in the corner. Sending her a quick smile I slowly made my way over to Tommy, hesitantly taking a seat on the stool next to him.
"Not interested." He muttered making me jump slightly.
"Meh, I like your brother more anyway." I shrugged, giggling slightly as his head shot up, eyes wide as he stared at me.
"Y/n.." He breathed out, reaching his hand out he placed his palm on my cheek almost as though he was checking I was really there. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He muttered, pulling me forwards slightly and resting his forehead against mine.
"Tommy I-" I took a breath, struggling to think clearly being this close to him after so much time, the longest we'd been apart since we'd met some ten years ago now. "I'm sorry too, I should've let you explain, should've listened to you." My voice wobbled slightly, pulling away I used my sleeve to wipe away the tears that had started to fall before resting my hand on his.
"I figured it would be easier to just finish things, after hearing about you and Gracie I just couldn't think of anything else... And I just lost it.. I dunno Tom. I guess I just, I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all." I whispered, knowing that over the past few weeks that's exactly how I'd felt, nothing.
"Hey, don't you dare apologise, these past few weeks have been nothing but my fault, and I promise you y/n with everything I have and will ever have, I will spend every day of our future making it up to you. If you'll let me, just one last chance, please." He trailed off, his eyes on mine the whole time.
"One chance Tommy, that's all we have left." I whispered, my grip tightening around his wrist slightly.
"That's all I need." He smirked standing up and pulling me along with him, his arms wrapping around my waist and mine came up around his neck, playing with the longer hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling me in he placed his lips on mine, moving in sync I couldn't help but smile, the Tommy shaped hole in my heart slowly shrinking.
"I missed you so much." He mumbled after we pulled away, resting his chin on the the top of my head as he pulled me into a hug, completely ignoring the looks he was getting from the punters who had never even seen him smile before.
"I missed you too Tommy." I sighed happily, resting my head on his chest, sending a quick wink to Leah as she caught my eye, making her erupt into screams, much to the confusion of everyone else.
"So that's how you found me aye?" Tommy chuckled, the sound echoing through his chest.
"She helped yeah, but there was also the text you sent." I giggled slightly, as I head the faint 'shit' leave his lips. "It's okay Tommy, I love it when you're cheesy." I grinned, patting his chest as I looked up at him.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He chuckled as he shook his head. "I love you." He whispered, eyes locked onto mine.
"I love you too." I smiled, placing a quick peck to his lips before resting my head back against his chest. "Oh and Tom?" I muttered without looking up, only the slight hum letting me know he heard.
"I'm sorry about your car."
And there we have it! I know it's slightly shorter and I personally don't feel like this part is even nearly as good as the previous two, but hey, we move on!
Thank you for reading and I do hope you've enjoyed! 🥰❤️
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bluebellhairpin · 1 year
Thou So Long Hast Mourn'd
Bruce Wayne X Batmom!Reader
Summary: After Jason's passing, your grief and anger combined causes you to leave Gotham - swearing only to return when you have a perfect chance to kill the Joker for what he did to your son. (Part 2 to 'Hell Hath No Fury')
Warnings: Loss and Grief (Mentions of a funeral and repeated mentions of Jason dying. We miss Mumma's Boy Jay a lot :( ). Bad coping mechanisms all round. Clark Kent acts as a marital buffer. (Reader is fem coded; has she/her pronouns; is referred to as ‘wife’ multiple times. Has the hero name of 'Valentine'.)
Listening to: 'Skyfall' By Adele - "I know I'd never be me without the security of your loving arms keeping me from harm."
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress, - 
Jason’s funeral was attended by a very small number of people. Yourself, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred all front and center. 
For days, weeks, the media pestered asking question after question. “A tragic accident.” Commissioner Gordon would reply. It became you answer too, like a well-rehearsed prayer. 
A tragic accident. Tragic. Accidental tragedy. Accident. 
Except it was no such accident. Someone killed Jason. A man, who still walked free, murdered your son. 
Even now, a month after you buried the child, as you sat listening to rain pat against the window panes in Wayne Manor, you remembered what you’d told Bruce the night he brought Jason home for the last time. 
“I’m going to kill him.” you said. “I’m going to kill the Joker.” You told Bruce you’d do what you’d vowed to never do again. You promised yourself to avenge your son, to make sure no one else would ever lose a child to that monster ever again. 
Ever since that night you’d felt a wedge slide between you and Bruce. Dick, only sixteen and having lost the closest thing he had to a brother was feeling it - you could see it on his face, and they way he held his shoulders at dinner. How you were feeling, how little Bruce was doing about it - none of it was doing Dick any good. 
Aside from the anger, you didn’t know how you were feeling. You never thought you’d ever be a mother - you had no idea what to do to help anyone. So you left. 
Bruce was out on patrol - he dove into Batman head first, a bitter feeling in your stomach had you thinking he was compensating. Dick was out - gymnastic practice, which Alfred was in charge of tonight. You were left alone in a huge house, and you couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. 
A small bag was packed with basics - clothes, cash, a few weapons from the cave, and a single family photo taken while on vacation just that past summer (stolen from its frame and folded into a jacket pocket close to your heart). As you walked past the main living space, you stopped, and looked up towards the item hanging above the fireplace. 
The sword - Excalibur - a god-given gift to humankind to exact true justice, now resting as a collectors antique catching dust. You knew if you took it that you would be able to do what you needed to. During your time using it there was no greater pull than to execute Joker - yet something always stopped you. 
You knew it was Bruce. 
Even already, your own guilt over what you meant to do wouldn’t let you take it with you. 
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Naturally, on that night, Alfred brought Dick was home first. It was already nine thirty, and while Dick would be up for a long while, he knew the boy wasn’t sleeping proper anymore. 
Alfred sent him up to his room anyway, reassuringly with a hand on his shoulder, telling him to go try and get some rest. 
But Alfred knew something wasn’t right in the Manor the moment he stepped inside. It was too quiet. Like it had been empty as long as they’d been away - even though he knew full well you should’ve been there to keep the house alive. 
Although not trained, the butler had a sixth sense for a lot of things - he was a natural at whatever he sent his mind to (in his youth it was acting, and hence so seeing through lies and reading rooms (for improvisation, obviously) went with it). He set out to find you. Looked in all the usual places, and the unusual ones, in the big rooms and the small ones. 
In the last week or so you’d taken to spending time sitting in the walk-in-fridge. He worried about you a lot. While Dick still had school and his friends, and Bruce threw himself into Batman, you only really had yourself. It wasn’t healthy. 
But no matter how much he looked, or where he looked, you were nowhere to be found - not in the house, nor in the grounds. You’d said nothing about going out when he left, he would’ve remembered. In a last ditch effort to find you, he looked in one last place. 
But you hadn’t been in the Batcave since Jason came home. 
It was there, as he walked down a set of stairs, that he noticed a piece of paper haphazardly taped to one of the center computer monitors. 
He grabbed it, and flipped it open, reading quietly to himself the words inside, scrawled in your handwriting. 
‘Bruce, Don’t look, you know I won’t let you find me. I’m going to do something you will hate me for - probably forever. I can’t keep living like this knowing Jason’s killer is out there killing more mother’s sons. Take care of Dickie. Don’t take Alfred for granted.’
The older man found himself sinking into the chair beside him.
He had a hunch this was coming - he wasn’t in the cave the night Bruce brought Jason home, instead at the time he was upstairs taking a call from an excited Dick who was recalling his day spent doing a treasure hunt around Blüdhaven for a school camp trip that lasted the whole week. Alfred had no idea how you first reacted - he didn’t know how Bruce reacted to your reaction. 
He knew it wasn’t good. Especially since in your note you didn’t even say goodbye to your husband. 
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You’d been hiding in a place you knew Bruce wouldn’t ever look - he always hated visiting Metropolis, the city was too bright.  
You knew no one there would snitch on you - most didn’t even recognize you, and the one person who did, conveniently the man who was the closest thing Bruce had to a best friend, wouldn’t ever snitch on you. Not for this. 
‘I needed a break,’ you’d lied, ‘Couldn’t handle being in Gotham after…’ You never finished, and you knew Clark could see through a lie like glass - but the grief he could see. He could also see the anger simmering underneath. He never called you out for it though. 
You’d been there a while, waiting, watching Gotham from a distance Bruce wouldn’t see you from. You kept tabs mostly on Batman - although interviews with Bruce having to explain where his wife went were entertaining (in a sick, satisfying way). Sometimes you were sick, others you were out of town, most times you ‘weren’t feeling up to it’ - the latter two would be closest to the truth, not that he’d know that. 
You often looked fondly at whatever information came though about Dick - he took out the gymnastics first place for his age bracket in the Gotham state. The picture made your heart ache - his smile was wide and toothy, but even though your printed newspaper you could tell it wasn’t reaching his eyes. 
Who you were watching most, though, was the Joker. You combed through old reports and new ones. Even called up Harley Quinn a few times, just to get a perspective on him from someone who was - at one point - much closer to him. She asked you why you wanted to know. 
“I need to know.” 
“O-kay. And where exactly have you been Val?” she’d said, voice crackling down the hotel landline, “You ain’t locking yourself up in that Mansion are ya?” 
“No. I’m not in Gotham right now.” 
“So what’s even the Joker to ya if you ain’t even here huh?” 
“When I come back,” you said, “I’m going to kill him.” 
You became a Joker expert in almost one night.
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You got a late night visitor less than a week after that phone call. Clad in red and blue, with a gaudy cape and that stupid ringlet you and Bruce would always bitch about on late nights under bed covers. 
You were a little happy to see Clark - you actually had nothing against him, it was all just in jest (or solidarity because Bruce was your husband). He was let in pretty quickly. Mostly to avoid questions from the nosey couple who’d been staying in the room next to yours for the past three days. 
He stood around awkwardly while you watched him from the seat next to the room’s microwave, posture screaming Clark Kent, journalist, even though he looked like Superman, world-know superhero. 
“I’m, uh -” he started after you stared at him hard, wordlessly willing him to speak, “- I’m worried. I think you should go back to Gotham soon. To Bruce, specifically.” 
“And why’s that?” He looked at you like you’d just said you had Kryptonite in your pocket. 
“Because you’re in trouble.” 
“I’m here in Metropolis, I’m with you right now, I couldn’t be in less trouble if I tried.” 
“You know I have super hearing.” he said sheepishly. It was like he was telling his Ma he ran over her peonies with a bicycle. You put two and two together quickly though. 
“You’ve been spying on me?” 
“For me!” He said, stepping back with his palms towards the sky, “I feel better about not telling Bruce if I know what’s going on with you.” 
“And so what part of your spying brought you here tonight?” Both your arms and legs crossed, you could tell from his face he didn't mean for you to get so offensive so quickly. 
“You were talking to Harley Quinn?” 
“Oh that,” you scoffed with a wave of your hand, “Even Bruce does that. She’s not so bad. Taught me how to roller-skate you know.” 
“About the Joker?” 
“That happens often when my husband is being a pain in my ass,” you said, “Reminds me he could be much, much worse.” Clark motioned his head - ‘fair’, but then he returned serious once more. This time it wasn’t a question. 
“You said you were going to kill him.” 
You knew he couldn’t read your mind, but he could hear how your heartbeat picked up. He had to know you knew you’d been caught. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for your answer in the most approachable way he knew in that moment. 
“I’d be doing everyone a favor.” 
“Bruce - I don’t know what he’d do. He could hate you.” 
“I’m sure he hates me right now anyway.” 
“You can’t believe that,” Clark said, looking up at you with blue eyes that almost looked like Bruce’s. “You don’t really believe he hates you right now?” You took a great interest in the patterned carpet. Clark said your name, and you reluctantly looked back at him. 
“He misses you.” 
“I miss my son.” You bit back at him bitterly. His face remained hard. This was suddenly no longer Clark. You were talking to Superman now. 
“I’m not sure how to say this kindly,” Clark said with a firm voice, “But you’re so focused on the child you lost that you’re abandoning the one that’s still here. Bruce misses you, but Dick misses you even more. He doesn’t need to lose another Mom.” 
His stare was hard, stubborn - he wasn’t going to let up. Your stare was hard too - sour and angry, not because you didn't believe him, but because you knew how right he was. 
“I think you can leave now.”
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Two weeks later, after a late night grocery run that consisted mostly of chicken noodle cups and instant coffee, you found a lump of black sitting in the dark with its back against the door of your room. 
Clark told Bruce. 
He didn’t seem to notice your approach, but once you stood toe-to-toe with his polished Oxford shoes, you kicked his leg. 
“Get up.” 
His head of messy hair lifted, and when his brain fully processed you - his wife, finally! - standing before him, he almost jumped to his feet. Uncharacteristic of him outside his prior - and now ditched - playboy persona. 
He breathed your name, stepping forward with hands outstretched as if to hug you. You took a step back. Clark, apparently hadn’t told him everything - if he had, he was taking it very, very well. 
“Where’s Dick?” 
“With Alfred,” he said, hands falling to his sides again after you hummed in acknowledgment. You both stood in silence for a while, before you gestured to a door with a full hand. He got the hint, stepping away, then taking the bags away from one hand as you fumbled for your keys. 
The quiet continued as you let yourselves in, you sat the shopping on the bench, and he made himself at home at the table near the door. You sat back down in the microwave chair, the furthest place from him you could be while still staying in the room. 
“Been keeping busy, Bruce?” you asked, he turned to fully face you in his seat. 
“Not really,” he said, “I’ve been looking for you. Never thought you’d be here,” You almost smiled, thinking about how right you were for coming here. Almost. 
“Heard you went to Saudi Arabia while I’ve been gone.” 
“It was nothing. Really.” 
“You couldn’t have been looking too hard if you were able to take a ‘nothing, really’ trip to the Arabian Mountains.” 
“I’m not here to fight with you,” Bruce said, resting a palm on his knee, “I’m here to ask you to come home. We all miss you.” his last words came out very quietly. “It’s been months. Nothings going to get easier if you stay away.” 
“Are you listening to yourself?” you said with a soft scoff, “He who literally spent every single night after Jason died away from home. He who spends every moment he can down in a dark damp cave rather than with his family - I don’t think you get to tell me where I should be.” You felt tears well in your eyes - hot and fat if they fell, but you willed yourself not to let them. Bruce’s shoulders softened, and he stood and walked closer slowly, coming to kneel before you with his fingers just touching yours. 
“We both haven’t been doing well, have we?” his head shook and his voice was barely audible. It was like he was speaking to himself. His admission - finally, his own pride and stubbornness aside, and it made yours disappear like dust in the wind. 
“You need to see my bathroom,” you said. His head cocked, a sly smile twitched onto his lips. 
“Oh?” he said, “And what might I find there?” But you weren’t smiling. You were trying to be honest.
“Just go look.” you said, turning away from him, bringing your hand away. Telling him with your actions that you weren’t going to be talking until he did. 
He stood, opening the bathroom door behind you and flicking on the light. You could feel how still he was. Taking in the room, and what was inside it. 
All across the mirror and walls were taped up newspaper clippings and photos and articles printed off from the library, old and new, a few of him - Batman - but most of the Joker. Beside the toilet was a case - one he knew would hold parts of a rifle (parts he'd seen you pull apart and put back together in a minute flat) - and across the sink were knives and gun magazines. 
Bruce stepped off the carpet and onto the tile. There was a little list in the center of the mirror, written in red and with the last line underlined.
‘Kill the Joker’. 
When he returned to you, he was holding the list in one hand. 
“When were you planning on doing this?” he asked. You weren’t able to meet his eyes when you answered. 
“Whenever I go back to Gotham.” His body went rigid beside you. Audibly, he let out a breath.
“I’ve thought about it too. Just getting rid of him like that.” he admitted, voice quiet and with a rough edge, “But I know it won’t help. It won’t bring him back.” 
“This isn’t about bringing him back. If I knew it could bring Jason back I’d have done it weeks ago.” You looked up at Bruce as you spoke, watching as his face crinkled in disbelief. 
“You’re so serious about this.” 
“How could you still think I’m not serious?” you said, standing to help convince yourself you weren’t as unsure as you felt. “I will do it. A time will come when that monster dies - wherever it is I will be standing by watching.” 
He watched you. Analyzing your face and the way your eyes moved. His face set like stone, hard and sure and you knew he was much more upset now having found out than what he was when you were missing. He took a step back. 
Bruce was moving towards the door. 
“I won’t stop you. I couldn’t bear to.” he turned, hand on the door handle, “But Batman still will.”
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As far as you knew, you’d made it back into Gotham City undetected. 
You knew the route’s Bruce - no - Batman, took while out on patrol. You knew the surveillance he constantly would check. You knew because for years you’d helped him do it all. 
Thankfully, you had a not-so-little little helper - Joker assassination aside, Harley was more than happy to put you up for a while. After you’d killed Joker you’d planned to turn tail and leave again - maybe hide someplace in Australia where no one barely goes. It wasn’t like you had to put up with her long anyway. 
Harley was great, but you’d have to love her a whole lot to live with her longer than a week. But you weren’t planning to stay that long. 
You’d tracked Joker to an apartment complex near Arkham - you knew he wouldn’t stay there forever, so you needed to act fast. 
Your weapons of choice were clean and ready to go, your escape routes A through to D were memorized, a hood and bandana combo were acquired to hide your identity long enough for no one around to know it was you. By all means and definitions you were ready to go. 
You left Harley’s place wordlessly. You were sure she didn’t even know you left. 
A cloak and the shadows of night concealed you from most passersby. Slowly, slowly you stalked towards where you knew the Joker to be. When you climbed the fire escape to find your vantage point, you almost didn’t make it all the way there because you saw Him. 
Sitting, lounging. Acting like there was not a single thing in the world to worry about. It made you so angry you could scream, claw your eyes out, you could do so many things all because that man couldn’t care less about your son dying. 
In fact, you didn’t make it to your original vantage point. 
You settled right there, three levels lower than planned, and took the rifle off your shoulder. Clipping on the scope, twisting the silencer on, packing the magazine in. Settled your body into a comfortable position, then raised the gun to look at your target through the scope. 
With greasy green hair and yellow teeth, you watched him smile through the crosshairs. With a sneer you flicked the safety off. You were ready to take the shot.
A flash of red, green and yellow came in front of the Joker. You frowned, confused. Pulling the scope back you looked again with a wider range and saw something that made your heart drop. Someone was tied up and presented to him like a present. 
The Joker had Robin. 
Your Robin. Your son. Your Dick Grayson. 
Suddenly this was more than just a chance to avenge Jason. A switch flicked inside your heart. This wasn’t a chance to avenge Jason anymore; this was you, saving the son you had left. This was you not giving that monster the chance to keep you in black. 
The lethal rifle was ditched right there on the fire escape, not caring if a lowlife found it before you could return. The knives you’d stashed - ‘just in case’ - were now your swords. Their piercing blades becoming the only thing shielding those who stood in your way a feral beating from bare fists. 
No one was standing in your way of taking Dick home safely. 
Your veins pumped white hot, you saw red all over. This was not going to happen a second time. It wasn’t ever going to happen again. 
A goon at the door stood in your way, he was met with a knee to the crotch and a wound to his shoulder to keep him down. More on the stairs were thrown over bannisters. One had his head smashed into the doorway of the Joker’s apartment. Another was given a hard elbow to the back of his neck. 
You weren’t aiming to kill - you were aiming to get them out of your way, and keep them that way. 
When you reached the room which window you saw through, there were only four other people aside from yourself, your son, and that murdering bastard. They all stayed quiet, goons waiting on a call to action from their boss. You missed the way Dick’s eyes widened as he realised his Mom was here. You were busy staring down the Joker, trying to make him feel just how much pure hate you had for him without a single word. 
“Give me Robin,” you said, voice low, venomous. Dangerous. 
“Well if you want him so bad, and since you asked nicely,” His smile spread wide and uncanny. “Come and get him.” 
So you did. 
Like a blur of back and blue, you had all four men either out cold or groaning on the floor. The Joker himself was under your kneeling form with his teeth now stained red and an eyes swollen shut. 
“Listen well because I’ll only say it once.” You said, your hand a rough fist in his hair to make sure he looked into your eyes and saw exactly how much of a threat your promise was. 
“I spared your life today. I will never do it again. I am not the Batman. The next time I find you trying to pull something with one of my Robin’s and you see me coming you'd better run the other way because I will kill you.”
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After untying Dick, retrieving your abandoned gear, and throwing Joker into Arkham, you reconvened with Dick on a nearby rooftop. 
You barely stood upright on two legs before he barreled into you, arms thrown around your waist with his face squished right into your collarbone. He’d grown taller in the time you’d been away. You felt tears fall as your arms wrapped around him in kind. 
“I’ve missed you Mom.” he mumbled into your shirt, “Please don’t go away again. Please.” 
A hand raised to the back of his head as you pressed your covered nose into his hair. You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, then opened them, peeling you both apart just enough to take in each other's faces. Even with his mask on you could see how much he was pleading with you to stay.
You brushed his hair away from his face - he needed a haircut soon. 
You wanted to stay, you never wanted to leave him ever again, not after tonight. But would Bruce let you? 
Out the corner of your eye you saw a black drop fall onto the rooftop a little ways off. Batman. He stood, tall and intimidating. In that moment you had half a mind to take a step back even though he made no move closer to you. 
Instead you just held Dick a little tighter. 
Bruce's hand reached out to you, palm open, outstretched, and empty. Waiting for you to take it. 
“I think we can go home now.” he said, “We all can.” Like that, Batman disappeared. Bruce was here. You guessed he bluffed - when it came to you Bruce was always there. 
Things were not going to go back to normal. They weren’t for a while. But the best thing you could do was stay together, all together. As a family. 
Nothing was going to push that away from you again. 
- And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
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ghost9whore · 2 years
Lightning’s Reign and Thunder’s Roar II
House of the dragon x male oc (who should Caserys fall in love with?)
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Chapter 2: Lighting's Fury
(No one's P.O.V It's been 6 years since Caserys' birth)
Due to the lack of dragon eggs being produced at the time of Caserys' birth, he couldn't receive one to be laid with him in his crib. Fortunately, it was his 6th name day and his gift from King Viserys and Queen Aemma was his choice of a dragon egg.
(Rhaenys' P.O.V)
It's been seven years since the storm and my son's birth. Ever since that day, it seems like Caserys is much healthier than when he was born. He excels at everything he tries history, basic combat he's mastered it. The topic of a dragon came up after word was spread that my cousin had a new clutch of eggs. Now, my cousin and his wife came down to visit us in Driftmark to offer my youngest son a dragon egg. However, they were accompanied by Daemon for a reason unknown. I began to watch their interactions, Viserys is setting up the dragon egg to offer Caserys when Daemon stops him and begins to whisper something in his ear. Viserys at first shakes his head at Daemon but after some convincing from Daemon begins to nod. Given the approval, Daemon lays out three eggs before Caserys and begins to speak. "Little one whichever egg you pick will be yours no exceptions do you agree to this?" asked Daemon "I do" responded Caserys. Caserys then began to walk to each egg feeling, putting it down, then moving on.
(Caserys' P.O.V)
I feel the first egg trying to feel how its warmth but it's very faint. I feel the second egg and it feels even fainter than the last. Finally, I reach the third egg and it feels like nothing completely cold until a surge of warmth. The warmth almost burned my hands but it felt like lightning. As if lightning struck the egg I was holding I knew the one I this was the one I had to pick. "I pick this one," I said and like that Daemon began to chuckle and King Viserys looked down and shook his head. "Little one the egg you picked holds a weak dragon, one that won’t make it past the egg stage” said Daemon. I know the dragon in this egg and I know that it isn't weak and would become a real dragon. My parents however didn't feel the same way I did as they began to throw a fuss about how Prince Daemon set me up by making me agree to the offer with no exceptions. I didn't care as I was about to get a dragon. “It’s ok this is the egg I picked and the dragon I have chosen to learn from.” I said fully confident that Daemon was wrong. Daemon was amused by my answer and began to speak "Very well if you can get this dragon to hatch I will teach you everything there is to know about dragons but, if you lose then you will owe me a favor. Deal?" I thought about the terms in my head and decided the pros outweighed the cons. "I accept your deal and look forward to proving you wrong". There was more arguing and it took some convincing but my parents finally let it go and I was ready to begin my dragon's incubation.
A few days later
The dragon masters have been pestering me about having my dragon egg reside in the fire but if I do that then my dragon definitely won't hatch and I would lose to Daemon. My dragon doesn't need fire he needs thunder so, I kept asking the Maesters when it would rain but they kept telling me that the clouds indicated not anytime soon. I know that they're wrong I know that a storm is coming I see it in my dreams. Every dream I have had since coming in contact with the eggs has always brought me to the beach with my egg on a pedestal with a storm heading my way. The storm is how my father describes the storm that was happening when I was born. I know that a storm is coming.
As if I was talking to the gods themselves. The next day the rain began and it was only a few hours later that the storm began. I began my egg's incubation by taking it to the beach and placing it on a wooden pedestal exactly how it looked in my dream. I was in a blind spot from my father's men so no one could see me or I thought. I kept waiting for the lightning to come near the egg but it wasn't happening. Hours were passing and still, no lightning struck the egg. Fortunately, it looked as if the storm was getting closer. It was only a matter of time, I can feel the lightning getting closer to me and the egg it was so close I could taste it. I was so focused on the lightning striking the egg that I forgot about the lightning striking me. I didn't even realize it until it was too late but I felt the surge, it was like the surge from the egg but ten times better. It was a power I couldn't handle yet. When I woke up again it felt as if all the warmth I had was taken away. I saw my mother, father, brother, and sister all around me. I knew that it must have been one of them to pull me up from the sad but I couldn't care about myself. "Where is the egg" I almost shouted. That however seemed to enrage my mother and father. They began to berate me about going out in the storm for nothing because my egg still didn't hatch. Once they cooled down they ordered me to stay put and rest up. The moment they were gone Laenor told me that it was he and Laena who pulled me from the sand and that when they found me it looked as if my body was wrapped with purple electricity. Then, it was Laena who gave me my dragon egg and upon feeling it. I knew that it had worked, I could feel the warmth emanating from the egg. That night I slept and my final dragon dream came to me, in this dream I was standing on a platform of water but I wasn't sinking I could hear a storm but I couldn't see it. The purple storm I had seen so many times in my dreams wasn't absent either however, the scenery wasn't the main event. The most captivating thing in this dream was the giant dragon with amethyst-colored scales staring dagger at me. The dragon didn't speak but I somehow knew what it was telling me then, I sank into the water. I woke up immediately grabbing the egg next to me. I started to run towards the ocean just as the dragon instructed. Once, I made it to the edge of the water I held the egg loosely to my chest and began to walk in. Before I knew it I was fully in the water. In the water, I met a woman who bore the resemblance of Rhaenyra Targaryen she spoke to me in a soft voice and asked me if I truly wanted to go down this route. I responded that I did and that I would do whatever it takes. She smiled at me and told me that this path would be long and dangerous. I nodded and told her I understood. Opening my eyes once again I felt the surge of warmth next to me. I can hear the little noises of a dragon, rushing up I can see the culprit. A little dragon with amethyst scales who was turning his head at me. A dragon forged from lightning instead of fire.
A/N: jesus this was long but I hope you enjoy it. I'm sorry it's very messy. I'll be honest I don't know how I'm going to link up Laena's timeline and Caserys' we'll see how it goes.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Daemon Targaryen x reader: part 3
"An heir for a day?" Y/n stated angrily as her Uncle walked half drunk towards her, Caraxes behind her as Daemon rolled his eyes. He had just been exiled and did not plan for Y/n to know why, he was not sober enough to be around her without her slapping him.
"We all grieve in our own ways." Y/n hit him around the head as he spoke, his hand coming to grab hers as she went to pull it away, pulling her close as he breathed into her hair.
"You reek of the silken streets you drunken fool." Y/n pushed him away, she was beyond angry with his behaviour, this was past his normal attitude bordering on narcissistic. 
"It does not matter you are the heir now Princess, and i have been exiled." Daemon grumbled as he watched Y/n's annoyed expression stay the same, he hoped she would fight for him but he had gone too far celebrating her brother's death whilst she grieved for her mother. Y/n ignored him, pushing past him to leave, Daemon pulling her back upset she did not give him the reaction he wanted, he wanted their normal back and forth.
"What do you want from me Daemon? Do you want forgiveness because it will not be given so freely. Congratulations on being heir for a day yourself." Y/n ripped her arm from his hold, his eyes burning into her back as she walked away, Daemon groaned as he climbed onto Caraxes. Mocking Y/n as he left for the stepstones, he was beyond annoyed he was vexed his little niece would speak to him in such a way. He hated that he wanted her to come back to him, that he wanted to apologise to her but he was still drunk as he flew away, the red keep getting smaller and smaller as he channeled his anger to win a war he did not care for. 
Viserys remained angry at Daemon for the following 2 years until he realised he missed his brother, in the time he has been gone Otto had been whispering in his ear of needing a new bride. Laena Valaryon was offered but Viserys was none too happy that she was so young, Otto in turn offered his own daughter, an offer which Viserys accepted quicker than Y/n would have thought.
"I shall be taking Alicent Hightower as my bride." Viserys spoke to Y/n as they wandered through the halls, Y/n humming in answer as she felt her father stop wanting her to speak to him.
"Was it your idea or Otto's?" Y/n countered, extending her arm so her father would continue walking with her towards the gardens, Viserys scowled slightly as he took her arm.
"We spoke of possible matches and Otto offered his daughter. She will be good to you and Rhaenyra." Y/n sighed at his answer, smiling at him and nodding. Otto was a weasel and poor Alicent was going to be popping babies out for a King over twice her age. Y/n feared she would one day do the same, although as she grew older the fear blossomed from potential to almost certainty. 
"When will i tour father? The Lords are becoming restless and i cannot take the pestering much longer. I am sure Otto has been in your ear about it? Rhaenyra is meant to tour in a years time i believe." Viserys tensed as his daughter spoke, he was a selfish man wishing to keep her with him instead of sold off to some Lord who wished to be king.
"I shall decide when you will both tour, it is not up for discussion." Viserys turned and left her, Y/n sighing as she realised he would try to keep her with him as long as he could much the same as Rhaenyra would be. He mourned their mother in a way Y/n could understand, his daughters a reminder of his lost love and she could see he would not part with them so easily. Y/n continued her walk to the gardens as she came upon Rhaenyra laid in Alicent's lap, the pair reading as they chatted about anything and everything. Y/n did not wish to see the pair split but the news of Alicent's marriage to Viserys would soon be spread and Rhaenyra would not appreciate her best friend marrying her father. Y/n instead turned away, taking her leave as she did not wish to disturb their time together, she was certain it would soon lessen until they more than likely did not speak more. 
Y/n listened to her sister rant and rave of the change in Alicent, the anger she felt at their father for marrying her best friend and her her attraction to her new guard. Y/n nodded along taking note of small details her sister let slip, an eyebrow raised as Rhaenyra spoke of Sir Criston being attractive and a suitable match. Y/n tried to not to pry as she knew her father would never allow her to marry so low and she doubted Sir Criston would give up his position. She let her sister have her opinions, harmless flirts and looks shared between her and Sir Criston could not lead to anything and if she wished to give herself to him then Y/n would bring her moon tea and keep it from Otto's ears. A guard walked over to the two princesses, Queen Alicent behind him as he asked them to come to the grand hall as their father requested their presence. Y/n stood leaving the two girls to their own battle, a back and forth between them as each struggled with the new power balance and change in emotions. Y/n entered the throne room, her father sitting upon the iron throne as Lords and Ladies of the court parted to allow the princess to walk through, Y/n bowing before her father as she ascended the stairs kissing his cheek and taking her position to the right of him. Alicent and Rhaenyra following soon after, an unhappy glare to Rhaenyra's eyes as she nodded to Y/n repeating her actions and took her place in the left with Alicent standing closer to the King. 
Daemon waltzed into the room, his hair now short and a wooden crown atop his head as he smirked at Y/n, her eyes betraying her as she looked over him. He looked well, the short hair suiting him in a way she did not think would, her sister staring at him as she smiled, Y/n could not deny their Uncle was an attractive man. Viserys kept his face stoney as he watched his brother, he could see the way his eyes stayed on Y/n and did not like how his brother watched his daughter, darkening with lust until he bowed. 
"I hear you have been called a King." Viserys spoke, the hall quieting as Daemon presented his crown, Y/n watching closely.
"You are the true King Brother." Y/n cast her gaze elsewhere as her father and uncle embraced, Viserys laughing and dragging Daemon to drink and talk of the war. Alicent and Rhaenyra following dutifully behind, Rhaenyra's eyes shining as she tried to talk to Daemon, Alicent staying silent beside her husband. Daemon took notice of Y/n walking further behind, not wanting to anger his brother but wishing she would walk with them and listen to his victory. Y/n casually chatted to the guards, her personal Guard Bronn smirking as she spoke to him about her morning, he knew everything she did but enjoyed listening to her monologue on it. They were good friends and Y/n had been kind to his wife and children through out his time as her personal guard, luckily he had not needed to win a tourney for it as Y/n wished to choose her own. Something her Uncle disliked and had tried to argue saying he should be allowed to fight any contestants to see it they could truly protect her, that had not gone well with Y/n and Daemon had a bruised arm after she lectured him. 
Y/n sat beside Rhaenyra and she listened to her Uncle's victory, his eyes staying on hers as he spoke about cutting down the creatures and burning them all. Viserys laughing loudly as servants filled both their cups, Y/n covering her cup as they tried to fill hers, a small smile on her face as she shook her head. As the sun slowly slipped away and the night darkened Alicent took her leave, Rhaenyra following suit as she kissed her father and blushed at her Uncle's goodbye. Y/n continued to sip on her wine, the sweet alcohol keeping her warm as the nights chill settled in, Daemon's eyes watching her closely as he saw the alcohol taking it's hold, her eyes slightly lidding from the mix of tiredness and tipsiness. Viserys was drunk as he rambled on about nothing, Y/n finally standing, kissing her father on the head and wishing him goodnight, nodding at Daemon as she said goodbye. Daemon left after a few moments, his eyes following the deep red dress she wore, the same he had last seen her in, although now she seemed to be filling it out more. Before her body had fit in it well, now her womanly figure made her breasts push out of the dress and the cut showcasing her curves. 
Daemon followed quickly behind her, her personal guard dismissed at the late hour although he argued but Y/n was stern that she had kept him long enough from her family. Grasping her arm he pulled her into her chambers, his hand over her mouth until the door closed when he finally let her go, her eyebrows furrowed as she glared at him. Arms crossed under her chest, the candle light bouncing off her skin as he took her in. A smirk on his face as he pushed her hair out of her face, Y/n pulling back and huffing out.
"What do you want Daemon? It is very inappropriate to act like this, it is bold even for you." Y/n rolled her eyes as Daemon moved to pour himself a cup of wine, lounging on the sofa as he watched her walk around the room waiting for Daemon to speak.
"You care too much about what people think." He breathed out drinking half the cup as Y/n sat across from him, her own cup in her hand as she drank calmly, groaning as he spoke.
"You do not care enough what people think of you, i am the heir now, which i hope vexes you as it is your own doing. I cannot be alone with a man in my chambers without my virtue being questioned. I do not care for the idea of virtue but those with cocks between their legs have decided it is what i am worth." Daemon smirked as she spoke so crudely, he always enjoyed their talks, he tried to steal her away before he was exiled often but Viserys always had a watchful eye on him. 
"Those with cocks between their legs will only want you for the crown and the cunt between your legs Y/n. I want you for more than that." Y/n rolled her eyes, standing and pouring more wine into both their cups, Daemon's gaze on her chest as she bent down. Y/n chuckled as she sat back down, drinking from her cup quickly as she stared at the ceiling.
"You do not want me Daemon. You simply are bored with your wife and like to cause trouble for my father." Daemon stood until he leaned over Y/n, his hands on either side of her head as he searched her eyes.
"The bronze bitch is not my wife, she is a burden that will soon be dealt with." Daemon moved his hand to touch Y/n's lips, the girl pushing him back and standing, opening her chamber doors and watching for anyone before turning back to him hand on hip.
"Daemon, it is your duty to your wife. Now leave and stop causing trouble." Daemon walked past her, his hand brushing along her hip and waist as he passed. Whispering in her ear before he disappeared into the dark halls.
"I'll see you in the morning dear niece." His hot breathe on her cheek left her feeling chilled as he exited, her door closing behind him as she tried to keep herself from shouting in frustration. He had only been back less than a day and he was causing more trouble than he was worth. 
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animatorweirdo · 8 months
When the dragons fly(book 2)
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With Helena's encouragement, you leave the village to investigate the strange pulling you felt toward the forest. Aelon and his friends end up facing a peculiar problem.
Chapter 3
Warnings: mentions of medicines, an injured eye, someone being a creep, sensing strange calling, orcs, panic, being bitten once, an angry old man and his turtle.
You dropped down the pile of wood into the stock. The wooden blocks clacked against each other while you brushed your hands from the wood dust and dirt. You looked up to Dwenn, who leisurely rocked on his chair and held his pipe in his hands, releasing small puffs of smoke. 
"Alright, that should be all. The floors are clean, the orders are ready to be delivered, and you have enough wood to warm up the house for a few days,” you said as you stepped beside him. 
"Thank you, (Name). I have nothing else for you to do, so you are free to go and spend the day as you like," Dwenn blew a pillar of smoke from his mouth before pulling the pipe between his lips. His once-injured eye now covered with an eyepatch. 
"Have you remembered to take your medicine for today?" you asked. 
Dwenn growled, slightly annoyed by the mention of his medicine. "I think I will be fine today without that nasty liquid in my body. I don't want to feel tired all the time," he complained, making you shake your head with a smile. "That medicine has helped you heal from your injuries, and do not forget that I've already allowed you to use your pipe against Eda's strict orders," you said with a scolding tone while handing him the medicine you carried on yourself, in case he forgot or ignored it on purpose. 
"Fine..." Dwenn grabbed the vial. He popped off the cork and drank the medicine with one gulp. 
Helena walked over to you with a positive attitude. "You're looking better every day, Dwenn," she stated. "Maybe a few more days, and you will be already running around like before," she added. 
"I hope so, Helena. Unless I fall asleep and never wake up since I already sleep so much." Dwenn replied with a dramatic tone. 
"Rest is good for you. Once you're all better, you can stay awake as long as you want," Helena said, then slipped her hand around your arm. 
"Can I rob (Name) for a moment?" Helena asked. 
"All the day's work has already been done. She's all yours," Dwenn waved his hand. "Great. Come along," Helena smiled, pulling you away before you could protest. 
You two then walked through the village. "What's on your mind today?" you questioned as the woman beside you was more energetic than usual. 
"I just need someone to complain to and share certain rumors," Helena grinned. 
"I've heard from my father that orcs have been appearing in these parts more frequently, sometimes even in packs," she began. "According to my father, they've been behaving strangely. All he could discern was that the orcs seem to be searching for something," she explained, gaining your interest. 
"What could they be looking for?" you asked. 
"No one knows yet. All we know is that they are looking for something here. It started happening a month after Aelon and Samuel’s return, along with the well’s water,” Helena answered as your attention drifted toward the forest, the strange feeling from yesterday coming back. 
You do not know why, but you have been bothered by the strange sensation since you returned from your trip to the town. It was like a pestering call. 
"I have also seen Ennard looking at me strangely again. I hope he's not up to swooning me again, as he likes to call it," Helena said with a tone of annoyance. "When will he understand that I am not interested in him? He's just as old as my father," she added as you continued looking toward the forest.
"I have also heard that Mr.Figwitt's pet turtle has gone missing again. I wonder what's that about," she said as you two arrived at your house. She then notices your absent attention and sees you staring at the forest. 
"(Name)! Are you there?!" she waved her hand in front of your eyes, startling you for a moment. 
"Sorry..." you quickly uttered as you turned your gaze back on her. 
"Is there something bothering you today? You have been rather distracted lately," Helena asked, crossing her arms. 
"No! It's just…” you tried to think of a way to explain it. “I've been having this odd feeling since yesterday, like... I have a strange urge to go out and find what is causing that feeling," you described. 
"Now, that is interesting. Maybe you should go there and find it," Helena suggested. "I... don't know if I should," you hesitated. 
"You're not doing anything for the day. If it's Aelon you're worried about, I could watch him," Helena offered, pointing at herself.
"Okay... alright. Are you sure about this?" you asked, slightly dumbfounded.
"Yes! What's the worst that could happen? Now go!" she pushed you toward the village.
"Okay… I might as well go buy the duck I forgot," you said, turning toward your house, where you could hear Aelon practicing in the backyard.
"Aelon!" you called out. 
"Yeah!" his voice called back. 
"I'm leaving to get some duck! Helena will watch over you!" You yelled. 
"Okay!" Aelon yelled and continued his training. 
"Make sure he doesn't get in trouble," you said, glancing at Helena, who only grinned in return. “Yeah, yeah, now go find the source of that mystery feeling,” she added as you walked away.
Aelon practiced hard with his training sword, focusing on his movements and footwork while trying not to let anything distract him. Beads of sweat formed on his skin as he slashed through the air, maintaining controlled and steady breathing.
His ears then picked up someone running around his house. 
"Hey, Ae!" Eweniel called out in a hurry. "Rodrick asked us to meet," she exclaimed. "Why? What's wrong?" Aelon asked, stopping in his tracks. "I don't know, but he said it was an emergency. Come on!" she said hastily. 
Aelon's eyes widened. He dropped his training sword and followed Eweniel as the two ran around his house. 
"Where are you two going?" Helena questioned when she saw them. She was sitting on the porch, doing stitching. 
"To see Rodrick. Can I go?" Aelon asked. 
"Sure. Just stay in sight of people and stay out of trouble. Your sister won't be happy if you do," Helena pointed at him. 
"I will, thanks!" Aelon replied as he ran off with Eweniel. Helena only shook her head with a smile as she continued stitching the cloth in her hands. 
The two arrived at the tree, where they usually met to play or plan pranks together. Rodrick, along with Ramuel and Samuel, were waiting there. Rodrick bore a panicked expression, pacing back and forth while fumbling his thumbs—something he did when he was nervous or scared.
"What's the matter? What happened?" Aelon asked as he arrived with Eweniel. 
"Thank the Eru! You're here!" Rodrick said with relief. "Okay... umm... have you guys heard about Greeny going missing?" he asked. "Mr. Figwitt's pet?" Ramuel questioned with a confused tone. "Yeah. Greeny— she went missing, and Mr. Figwitt is not happy about it," Rodrick nervously said. "Alright... and why are you so worried about it?" Aelon questioned with a frown. 
"I might be responsible... why she's gone missing," Rodrick answered. "And Mr. Figwitt doesn't know it yet," he added, and his friends groaned and yelled in surprise. 
"No wonder you called it an emergency. Mr. Figwitt will eat you alive if he finds out you lost his pet turtle," Eweniel remarked. 
"I know! I need your help to find her!" Rodrick said, flinging his arms like a panicked bird. 
Aelon and his friends remained quiet, thinking about the situation. Personally, Aelon would stay away from Greeny since the little monstrosity had bitten him since the first time he saw it, but he did not want to leave his friend at the mercy of Figwitt, who was known to dislike children. He was a grumpy old man, who looked closest to a feral goblin if Aelon ever came to see one. And the only thing that ever made him happy was his pet turtle, who was just as mean as him. 
"Okay... I help you," Aelon sighed, dropping his shoulders. 
"Really? Oh, thank you, Aelon! You are a real friend!" Rodrick cried tears of joy. 
"Whoa, you're brave! I thought you were scared of Greeny?" Eweniel grinned. " I am, but I am more afraid of Figwitt, and it would be pretty cruel to leave Rodrick under his mercy," Aelon said. 
"Alright. I guess I'll help too," Eweniel said. 
"We would help too, but..." Samuel hesitated, glancing nervously at Ramuel.
"Our parents said we need an adult if we want to go anywhere," Ramuel explained, looking at the ground.
"But then they would probably tell Figwitt if they knew I lost Greeny," Rodrick said fearfully.
An idea then popped into Aelon’s head: a possible solution. 
"We could ask Helena. She's supposed to watch me and she likes keeping secrets," he suggested. "Okay. She should be fine," the twins said. 
"Alright, let's go," Eweniel declared as the group left their meeting place to find the missing turtle. 
After leaving the village and traveling some distance, your horse whined as you came to a stop.
You stared at the forest on the spot where you first started feeling the strange sensation to follow and find. The mysterious pull of the forest intensified, its call growing stronger the longer you fixed your gaze upon the wooded expanse. The enchanting allure beckoned you with an irresistible potency, tugging at the threads of your curiosity.
Climbing down from your horse, you secured the reins to the nearest tree, ensuring your companion would wait patiently behind while you went to investigate the forest.
As you wandered deeper into the forest, the strange pulling tugged you toward the direction it wanted you to go. 
You arrived at a rugged stone hill. As the pulling told you to climb,  you cautiously stepped over the rocks, ascending higher till you began to hear scratching and chirping sounds, piquing your curiosity. 
As you scale the uneven rocks, the source of the commotion becomes clear as your eyes fall upon a large nest. Your eyes widen in a mixture of shock, surprise, and excitement. "Oh, hello—" you begin to say as the small eyes focus on you.
Taglist: @natchayaphorn​ @kimnamnu@thatrandomidiot182 @springfountain
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ragzonacamrencruise · 5 months
Hey buddy, hope you're doing great.
My question is are you still a camren shipper ? Like do you still ship them together? What's your thoughts about them actually?
hello bestie!!! hope you are at your greatest too!!
my thoughts on camren is a little complicated right now. pursuing a law degree has really made me a whole different person. no matter which topic i'm talking about, i can't help but think about both the sides without bias.
while talking about camren there are still major things to be considered. like, are they still together? if yes then why don't they come out, the world today is a little more forgiving than the world 10yrs ago was, right? are they not together? why not?
months ago i made this post stating that i listened to mila and lauren's albums and songs fully from top to bottom and a lotta things are clear to me from it, especially mila's pov. but i never really got around to the point where i could make a solid post about them, cuz it's just too painful for me. camren has been my anchor since they saved my life all those years back.
mila talks a lot about how for 2yrs (idk which 2 years exactly she's talking about in her songs) there's been this push and pull in their relationship. and lauren comes and talks about the same 2yrs and how she doesn't feel like she can rely for a relationship on mila anymore.
from what i can decipher from their songs is that they aren't together anymore and it's causing both of them a lot of pain. but the lawyer in me can't help but hope that in some way or form they are together.
they were children during the 5h days and all 5 of them have grown up soooo much. especially lauren who's changed drastically. she's always been atuned to the spiritual and patriotic side of her since her early days, and now that she has more freedom in expressing herself, she's been doing just that lately.
mila on the other hand, i'm sorry but i'm really scared on what is going on with her. this is even worse than the familia era. she's been on hiatus for almost a year and a half and the music video for the single that she released recently makes me wanna question a lot of things.
if camren were in a relationship, i don't think they'll be acting unhinged like this. we know how they were during the 5h era. thoughtful and creative and lively and carefree. but the mila and lauren i'm seeing now, are far from the 5h mila and lauren. they've changed a lot.
even if all the evidences now point to the fact that camren aren't together anymore, i still will not lose hope, and i still no matter what happens, will continue to ship them. i won't be obnoxious about it, nor will i pester them about it. i will be respectful and make this blog my battlefield when everybody else are either giving up or retreating. i will stand my ground and provide anchor for anybody who is willing to hop aboard this ship. so to answer your question, yes. i am still a camren shipper even when deep down i know they still aren't together anymore.
sorry for making this a long ass post, bestie, but i really needed to clear my chest and thoughts about this and you gave me the perfect opportunity to do so. thank you.
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churnedbutterr · 2 years
I'm sorry to all the people who were looking forward to this for almost 2 months now. I hope this satisfies your needs for now.
Check the bottom for more notes~
Heimdall x Reader -
Get back here
Strong language
Part 1/?
It was a typical day of Heimdall trying to annoy Atreus. The boy was only trying his best not to listen to the self-absorbed prick, however, as for most of Heimdall's victims, he snapped. A little quarrel broke out. Atreus tried gruelingly to hit Heimdall with his arrows, but eventually got pushed down into the mud, getting covered in it. As Heimdall was praising himself and degrading Atreus, the boy sought a perfect opening to get back at him. Throwing mud at the man's beautifully ironed clean clothes, leaving Heimdall dazed and dumbfounded, and Atreus snickering. Clearly agitated and previously having Odin on Heimdall's tail, he had to go to his room to get a change of garments without further hurting Atreus. Having to leave Atreus to fend in Asgard's mud for himself. Fortunately, the All-father has given you a quest that would require you and Heimdall to leave Asgard for a little while. So, let's go get him, shall we?
"Yes, yes, I hear you. But I have no other choice! He has been pestering Atreus for days, and I can't have that boy leaving! Just take Heimdall with you to Niflheim and distract him for a good while." Odin had had enough of your whining about taking Heimdall on your mission. Knowing, that if he wasn't going to be bothering Atreus, he was going to be bothering you instead.
"But, All-father!" Trying to bicker with him further was just a waste of time at this point. He already had made up his mind and wasn't going to suggest anything else.
"I've got a lot of stuff to do and I have to fix this mess. Now, shoo! Go!"
Sighing, you left the old man to his papers, research, and any other stuff he was working on. Still not being able to believe that you'll need to spend time with Heimdall. It's not like you despised him but there was something about him that just made your stomach twist and twirl in a weird way.
Making your way from Odin over to Atreus, you noticed the massive amount of mud on his clothes, making you gasp.
"Atreus! What... What happened? Are you alright?" You exclaimed while jogging up to him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That Heimdall sure is... a lot." He said, wiping the dirt off his armor.
"Heimdall? Heimdall did this?" You asked, although, you already knew the answer. I mean, who else could it have been?
"Yeah! Of course, it was him! I can't believe Odin hasn't sent him permanently to the top of that large wall! He just haaas to be everywhere and annoy everyone."
His snout scrunched, but just seconds after you saw a smile creeping onto Atreus' face.
"Buuut, I managed to get some mud on him as well, I'd call my payback pretty successful." He said proudly, putting his fists on his hips and puffing his chest.
"Hah, that's awesome! How'd he react?" Starting to get enticed in this story, you started to forget your main goal of talking to Atreus.
"Oh, right! Speaking of Heimdall, I need him for something. Do you happen to know where he is?"
"Heimdall? You NEED Heimdall? Am I having a nightmare right now?"
"Ah, no, no." You dismissed Atreus' joke by waving both your hands in front of you. "I need him for a mission."
"Oh? Why not take me instead?"
'Uhhhh, shit.' Seems like you didn't think about this far enough.
"The All-fath- I mean, Odin told me to get Heimdall and uh get a thing from a place, and uhm he said..."
"He said...?" Atreus waited patiently for you to continue.
"He said... That only Heimdall could help! He said he had another mission for you soon so he wanted you to have some well-deserved rest first!"
Great save.
"Oh, well, alright." Yes! He bought the excuse!
"Haha, yeah. But DO you know where he is?"
"Considering that I got mud on him, he probably went to change." Atreus answered, attempting to wipe off the now caked-on mud from his clothes.
"Oh! Thank you, thank you. Alright, gotta go, bye-bye!"
"Wha- Bye?"
Leaving Atreus to ponder the conversation, you continued on your search for Heimdall.
---slight time skip---
Nearing the end of the hall and the door to his room, you took in a quick breath before seeing the face you dreaded seeing the most. Raising your hand, you knocked on the heavy wooden door. Standing, waiting for an answer. Hearing light footsteps, you readied yourself for discouragement and name-calling. The door creaked open, leaving you stunned.
The very last thing you expected to show up in front of your face was his pale chest. His... pale, beautiful chest. 'No, get that out of your head.' You said to yourself, not moving an inch. However, you kept staring. Staring... at his chest, collar, neck...
"Come on, sweetheart. I know that I am stunning but stop admiring. What is it you want?" He said as you finished your eye journey to his face.
His voice snapped you out of your trance. Blood started to rush to your face, making your cheeks slightly pink.
"The All-father told me to..." Taking a small gulp, you continued. "to get you. For a mission. To Muspelheim." You said, hoping that he hadn't noticed the sweat dripping from your forehead.
"Muspelheim?" He asked in a teasing voice, questioning what you had said, knowing that that was definitely not what you meant.
Realizing your mistake, you quickly corrected yourself.
"Niflheim! I meant... Niflheim." You started to feel slightly embarrassed that you had said the wrong realm. Trying to calm yourself from the interaction was proving to be difficult, though, it wasn't helping that his face was inching closer to yours, as to inspect it.
"Seems as if you already went to Muspleheim before coming here."
He smirked. Noticing the blush creeping up to your ears.
"No. I. I didn't." You corrected him before continuing your proposal.
"Listen, you don't have much of a choice. Also, we need to be gone from Asgard as soon as possible, and for the rest of the day, so, get dressed." You spoke, looking over his abdomen, which had his pants almost falling below his hips, before averting your gaze to the side, to not let your thoughts wander further.
"Sigh. Well if the All-father says so." He murmured.
"I'll be out in a moment, just wait-"
Before Heimdall could finish his sentence, you both heard heavy footsteps almost rounding the corner.
"Shit." You and Heimdall whispered simultaneously, hearing Thor nearing your way. Turns out, Heimdall had an unfinished argument with him, that's why he exclaimed profanity. But you? You said that because you were about to be caught speaking with a man who was half-naked and leaning on the door frame. Both of you wouldn't have had a fun time explaining that to Odin if Thor were to see you.
Quickly reacting, because of reading your thoughts and agreeing with them, Heimdall pulled you by your waist into his room and pushed you with his hands on your half-exposed back into the half-empty wardrobe to hide. Naturally, he joined you, pulling you close to him and lightly holding your head to his chest. Your cheek touched his exposed skin and sank into it. Hearing every beat that resonated from his heart.
Meanwhile, Thor had barged in and was looking around for Heimdall in the room.
Your face grew redder and your thoughts started to foster in the middle of your mind rapidly, making you have a impossible way of ignoring them. What if his pants just happened to slip down further? What if you both fell out of the closet and he fell on top of you? What if you looked up at him and his purple eyes stared you down with lust? What if you made a move that would fluster him and make him suddenly want you? What if-
"Please," With a heavy annoyed sigh, he whispered, twisting his head slightly away from you. "silence your thoughts for a minute."
"Sorry." You dug your ear into his chest which appeared to be getting warmer by the second. Was his pulse quickening too?
No, no way it was. You were just overthinking, right? No way such a god would have feelings for someone like you.
Hold on. Did you have feelings for him? You're the one getting all flustered. No. No. This is bad. You shouldn't have feelings for him! First off, he'll never reciprocate them, and second, IT'S HEIMDALL! IT'S-
"SHUT UP" He whispered as quietly as he could.
Heimdall had swiftly leaned towards you, making you almost fall backward, the only support being his hands grabbing you by the shoulders, seeming as if he wanted to shake you and your thoughts out of your brain.
"Please, PLEASE, shut the FUCK up."
You stared at him in his glowing eyes as he scolded you. Although there was little to no light in the closet, you could feel the warmth radiating from his face and you knew that he was blushing too. Maybe even more than you.
Thor left with a loud slam of the door and angry footsteps. Leaving you and Heimdall frozen in the closet.
"Is he gone?" You whispered.
Heimdall peaked out to inspect. The thin ray of light caressing his face showed how red it had gotten. Clearing his throat, he said, "Yes, it appears so."
He hurriedly stepped out of the closet first, letting go of your shoulders. You, on the other hand, being clumsy and all, managed to trip on clothes and strings that got scattered on the floor by Thor.
Trying to quickly react, you reach out for the thing in front of you, which just happened to be Heimdall.
You grab him, and since he had busied his mind to not read any more of your thoughts, he wasn't paying attention.
You made him fall to the ground with you. You however, face-planted on the floor.
"Ouch..." Your voice got muffled by the floorboards.
You slowly looked up to see if he had gotten hurt from the fall. But instead of scolding you he was just sitting there on the floor, staring at you with wide eyes and a clogged throat.
Wondering what it was, your sweat turned cold and your eyes opened wide once you realized the pose you had fallen in.
Chest down, on your knees with your ass up. One hand grabbing his forearm that you tried to hold on to for support during the fall and the other clutching the clothes on the floor. And now, staring at him with your cheek hugging the wooden floor.
It practically looked as if you were begging for him. Not to mention, you were between his bent knees, your face merely steps away from his shaft.
You stared at each other not saying a word. It seemed as if both of your minds had gone blank.
His features started looking far too good in the morning light, hoping for something more you slowly rose up and cautiously inched closer to him as you noticed him leaning closer to you too. Your lips gravitated towards each other, leaving barely any room for breaths. Your noses almost touching.
But before you could get a taste, he stood up and grabbed the fresh shirt he had laid out on his bed previously and put it on. "Ahem, you said we needed to get out as soon as possible, right? Let's go." He said in a hurry, buttoning his clothes and tightening his belt, adjusting something in his pants.
Shortly after, he left you alone in his room with a loud thud of the door.
'That prick.'
You said to yourself, knowing damn well he just chickened out of a moment you both wanted.
You wouldn't let him get away that easily.
---part 1/?---
Soo, how'd I do? Constructive criticism is strongly appreciated. If you're looking forward to the next part, please let me know! I'll try to write it way faster this time~.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
The detail of Ross holding his hand open for reader to squeeze as she walked past… I’m obsessed. I have 2 things to say.
Ross’s girlfriend in a girl group. They release a song and the lyrics are very much about Ross (talks about his height. How big he is. How GOOD he is in bed). And Matty delights in quoting the lyrics to Ross on stage. I like the idea of Ross posting a pic of him and his gf to ig w a caption related to the song.
My other thing to say is pls can you write a whole blurb ab subtle PDA between u and Ross, similar to the hand open thing bc oh my god that ruined me.
this has so much potential to be another ross universe... much to think about and Ponder hmmmmmm. also initial thingy can be found here! and yes i'll answer both things here
first part: obsessed with this, and obsessed with the thought that you rocked up to a writing session the day after the best sex of your life and went "i have an idea". also obsessed with you having to tell ross about the fact that you've written a song about him (not for the first time, to be fair) and how sexy he is, because if he's not cool with it then it'll go unreleased - he blushes like crazy when he reads the lyrics, but he secretly loves it, and even from a rough demo he's like "no this is a hit you have to release this song babe". i'm not going to attempt to write it, but i'm imagining the lyrics being chock-full of sex references (charli's like "this makes my banana split lyric look TAME" when she hears them), with a lot of them being really quite intricate metaphors and some others just like on the vibe of "yeah i'm getting bent over daily" - george and matty are simultaneously scandalised, jealous of how good these lyrics are ("we've been writing sex shit like this for twenty years and you outdo us with it on your first attempt smh"), and deeply deeply in love with the song and the way it's constructed/performed. as you said, matty (who is a known stan of your band btw) relishes the opportunity to pester ross with the lyrics onstage; when he introduces/credits the band, he starts singing one of the lyrics from it before he says ross's name, and ross just smirks and raises his eyebrows while the crowd go nuts (like i said, ross secretly loves it). and the fans (and your friends) go even more nuts when ross posts a pic of you and him all sexy and ready for date night on insta with the lyrics referenced or paraphrased in the caption - the best thing about it, though, is that he posts it the morning after date night, from bed, where the two of you are curled up sweaty and exhausted after a looooooong moment of ross proving your lyrics right lmao
second part: i think the subtle pda thing started because you and ross didn't make your relationship public until you had been together for a while, for whatever reason, but the nature of your job meant you guys would run into each other at events and you needed a little way to show affection while still maintaining your privacy. little squeezes of thighs under tables, three little tiny taps on the other's hand to say "i love you" when passing drinks to each other, trapping the other's leg between yours under the table to keep them close... a lot of stuff like that. and there were less subtle moments as you got drunker - ross resting his head on your shoulder to snuggle you under the guise of being tipsy and tired, asking about new developments in each other's careers (that you already know about lol) in order to give yourselves excuses to give long "congratulatory" hugs, cheek kisses hello and goodbye that accidentally seem to land on the corners of lips. obviously now you're openly a thing, you don't need to do all that, but the quick little touches are great for red carpets and moments where you have to be a bit more professional as members of your respective groups. but you can't go without touching ross, and he's the same with you - you just love each other too much to let it go unaddressed at any point lol <3
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h-doodles · 1 year
oh, so many ideas so little energy and time,,, so ummmmm authors feel free to take a spin if you find something u like <3!!!!
1.) inspired by Loving you is beautiful (darkfic) by @rippersz — wherein reader learns to enjoy Larissa's red flags rather than slowly wilt from the distinct skewed version of love :)
You've been hurt by the world.
Pain is the only thing you remember, ever since you were young. Always remembered a yearning hunger deep inside your heart. Wishing to be loved, to be saved by someone.
But humans were monsters— it wasn't until you've found yourself on the gates of the so called Monsters' precious academy that you've found what seemed to be the shelter from the storm that is your life; found the answer to your prayers.
Found her.
Your savior, your goddess, your beloved.
You won't lie, trusting such a vision was a bit hard to bear, because to be so lucky was not in your nature. But oh, Larissa is so tender, is so sweet, is so caring, and is ever so patient— to stay by your side, equal parts loving and protecting you from harm. You feel a little silly now, asking all those questions then, about her kind; of how outcasts like her lived.
Isn't it such an irony, that it took you finding 'monsters', to find humanity?
Well. Well.
--and thats all ive got for it rn lol--
2.) ICE SKATER AU or wherein reader was a former ice skater but has since been retired, and is a part of their past they'd just occasionally brush off for stress relief. Can either be a new teacher for Nevermore or the new barista in town, who gets pestered to sign up by their former partner & still best friend (also a new hiree crushing majorly on one Coach Vlad :]) to a local skating contest. They didn't initially plan to, but after overhearing that a certain principal was interested in seeing the performances, well... local disaster gay brushes off the dust off their skates ;3
"You. Me. The lake, with your skates. NOW."
"Woah woah woah Y/N, hold on a moment. I thought we were going to the booth to cancel—" Elijah says, but I whap him with a rolled up newspaper.
"Well, that was BEFORE I learned SHE was looking forward to watching the event." I start. "And since we both know I am a small, disaster gay with 0 rizz and speaking skills, THIS is my chance to get her attention! It's brilliant! It's foolproof! She'll never see it coming!"
"Who'll never see it coming?" Coach Vlad pops up half dressed behind Eli, and I blink.
"Hold up, are you guys—"
"Yes." "N-Um." The two men look towards each other, before looking back at me. Eli mouths a yes.
"I cannot believe YOUR fucking luck!"
Bestie in Christ I WISH I had the luck, skills, AND charisma of THIS manwhore of a bestie-slash-longtime-skating-partner I have. Maybe then I COULD grab a whole fucking date with one Principal Larissa Weems. Is it too much to ask???
3.) academy time! Morticia/Larissa/Reader or where before everything went downhill, three girls had a secret worth keeping. bc i need the "and they were roommates + they're galpals <3" soooo bad
4.) 5 times they kissed + the 1 time they didnt FLUFF & then major angst >:) bc i love me a relationship establishment fic and then the worst pain imaginable to man aka Wifey death /// or if more fluff, just 5 dates and 1 wedding (BUT OFC THEY HAVE MORE DATES) :)
5.) Sleepy reader being a clingy mess and touch starved Larissa sooooo torn between having to get ready for the day vs staying in bed for 5 more minutes just to savor r's presence :')
...and then the NSF ones
6.) Reader is being more of a brat than usual so Larissa punishes them the next day by making them wear a remote controlled toy for the WHOLE day & getting teased at the most inopportune times but they are not allowed to cum >:)))
7.) OH GOD TRADE OFF where usual brat reader has been a V good girl™ for some time and in turn Larissa allows them one (1) wish...... and R picks revenge by having mommy wear the accursed toy and being teased 👉🏻👈🏻
8.) R making Larissa jealous soooo bad they need to be taught a lesson, marked & properly bred to appease the green eyed demon in Larissa's mind :) :) :) (and it works out bc R has been. entertaining v v filthy breeding kink thoughts oop)
9.) R has quite the closet of costumes and they find a cat maid cosplay 👉🏻👈🏻 practicing their meows and nyas and being all cute not knowing Mommy's been watching from the door the moment they started meowing
10.) oblivious reader unknowingly teasing Larissa all day and the woman is abt to FUCKING burst in horny except oh no???? reader was not oblivious and this has been part 7 of the 10 step plan to get Larissa as her gf >:))))))
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saturrnss · 2 years
YOUNG, DUMB, AND RICH (chapter 1)
Shuri x poc!fem!royalty!reader
(please repost)
Summary: It's 1625, Your from the powerful nation of Avalon (ave-a-lawn). Your nation made an alliance with the nation of wakanda, you and one of your brothers need to marry somebody within the wakandan royal court to solidify the alliance, most people think that you will get with prince t’challa, but somebody else keeps your eye
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The aesthetic of avalon:
(Basically Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola mixed with a bunch of irl p.o.c tribes)
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Warnings: swearing, drug use, worrying for a little bit, corny writing
a/n: I was working on my royal dr script and watching that movie and I got an idea, if you see historical inaccuracies, no you don't!
Avalon is 100 percent a poc nation. no white people, no race wars or diaspora fights, just peace between the different people.
you wake up to the light tapping of one of your servants. "Princess y/n, the queen would like you to join thee rest of the family in breakfast please" "5 more mintues" of say grouchy, putting a pillow over your face
"I don't really think the queen would accept that answer, princess y/n" "but i want to sleeeeep" you groan as you lazily get out of bed. More servants come into the room to help you with your daily routine
Taking a bath, brushing your teeth, doing your hair, over dressing because you can. they assist you down to the dining hall, you could smell the food from a mile away. when you finally get there all you see is the most Delicious, mouth watering, heart bursting food you've ever seen (it was like this every morning but it was always something new)
your mother, Queen Felix- sitting there stone faced, lost in her own thought. and your 2 annoying brothers, prince mali and power were already half-way done with it (mostly your brothers inhaling their food and surprisingly not choking).
All of them were there except your Buba, King Amari. The last time you saw he was going on a trip but he didn't tell you where, you pestered him about it but he was being stubborn, telling you to wait till he gets back to see where he had gone
You sit down on your designated seat with a plate of already prepared food, it has a little coolness to it but that hasn't stopped you before. There was a band of live music playing for entertainment In the back of you all,
It was vibrant, something to wake you up in the morning. Your younger brother Mali tried to steal a bit of your food but you fought him for it back. "Give it back to me it's mine!" "It's literally just food I'll get you more!" Mali says.
You start to pull on his lips as he pulls on your hair which made you even more angry. "Come on now break it up" Power says slightly irritated
and when the both of you don't listen to him, he tries to pull the both of you apart, the people playing the live music look concerned to say the least, Felix tried to ignore it at first, hoping that it wouldn't go further but eventually she just snapped.
"ENOUGH" all you immediately quiet down and quickly look at your mother. she didn't get mad often but when she did--- oh dear.
"We have people who took time out of their day to come here and entertain us, I ask you one simple thing, TO BEHAVE, and YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT!?! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND COME BACK AND YOU CAN ACT LIKE YOU WEREN'T RAISED IN A BARN" all of you can't even look at your mother without overwhelming shame
"UNDERSTOOD?" "understood" you all say simultaneously and scurry to your bedroom. on your way back, mali flicks your ear "butthead" "fartface" you say back "don't. even. start you two" power says as he gets to his room and slams the door.
When you get too your room and belly-flop on your bed, you feel angry that you're the one that got in trouble when it should have been only mali, but you also why your mother was a little more harsher that usual.
Your dad had been gone for almost a month and she had to take care of all the political and social issues that were happening, we've only gotten two letters from him, we don't even know if he's still alive of not.
You hear something outside your window, you ignore it at first. you hear it again, and again. you go to your window to see that your two best friends Jennie and Maddy were outside, throwing rocks outside the window.
You open the window to a light spring breeze filling your room, "I thought the both of you were in India what are you doing here?!' you said quietly so no one would hear you. "catch!" Jennie says throwing you a bag a white powder, and a box of cupcakes, you almost drop it on the ground but by grace, it falls into your room
"Help us get up!" Maddy whisper yells. You run to get your unusually long ladder from one of your walk in closets and chuck it out the window for them to get in. First was Maddy and then Jennie, Jennie flops on a one that one random couch on the side, Maddy sits on your bed.
"y'all body guards are scary as hell" She says
"What's this?" you say looking at the strange green stuff. "I got It in western China, This is the most I could get cuz my parents would flip the fuck out if they ever saw." She walks over and takes the bag. "We still got enough to share." she says while smiling.
She walks over to your vanity your grandmother gifted you, and empties the bag. "do you have a cigar wrap?" "I have some" Jennie brings some out of her dress pocket, tosses them to maddy and she rolls up 3 individual blunts for each of you.
"You took one, still a little bit weary because you have never tried it before. "Any side effects?" "Don't know" You took one, still a little bit weary because you have never tried it before. "Any side effects?" "Don't know, guy just said that it would "relax you" or some shit like that" She lit a match and lit her's up
Lit two more matches up and lit you and Jennie's. 20 minutes later it felt like you were in a whole different world. a pleasant sense of relaxation and euphoria over took your body, all you 3 could do was just sit and talk about whatever came to you.
"You know what we should do?" you said to both of them. "what?" Jennie said. "We should go horseback riding" you said. "Do dragons exist??" said Maddy. You hear a knock on your door, turns out that knock is your mothers. "y/n?" you all sit up.
"what was that?" Jennie said as she tries to listen again
"can you open the door for me??" you all get up and both of them look for somewhere to hide. "are there people there?!" "NO MOM I JUST NEED A MINUTE" you open one of your closet doors and signal them to get in.
You run to the door and open it like nothing happened. "Yes mommy?" she looks you up and down to find something wrong but she can't seem to find anything. "I've been thinking, and I decided that you are lifted from punishment, you better not act like that again." "I'm sorry mom."
That was the best thing about your mom, When you actually wronged her you WRONGED her, but she doesn't really hold grudges or punishments for that long
she comes in for a quick hug but gets an overwhelming smell of weed instead "What's that smell?"
"Uhhhh...." you look around for any ideas. "my Cinnamon candle!" you say enthusiastically. "Cinnamon...Candle...?" "Yeah! I got it from....england!" you nod your head while closing your eyes, trying to convince yourself that that's a good alibi. "well if it was just a candle you wouldn't mind me going into the room-"
"Na!" you put your hand firmly at the room door. "I-I. Have an awfully dirty room You would trip." She stops trying to get into the door and takes a good long look at you.
"Why are your eyes red?" She says with suspicion. "I was sleeping until you got here" "sleeping....." she slowly turns around and walks away all while looking at you.
A big sigh of relief escapes your mouth as you close and slide down the door. "Can we come out now??" Jennie says quietly "yeah" they both come out and spray the room with a random perfume they found.
"We should do this more often"
maddy says with an ignorant smile as you look at her with bewilderment.
A/N: I have to write chapter 2 and 3 now 😖 I'm gonna make a wattpad so i could put my stories there too.
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goddamnosamu · 2 years
Two Ghosts Falling
Part 2 of [12:49am]: Writing songs is not easy
Pairing: idol!Asahi x reader 
Word count: 1373
Warning: alcohol mention but nothing too serious
A/N: This was so long overdue, and I’m really sorry for that. It’s just been pretty hectic with stuff that’s going on in my life but I decided to at least make a part 2 of the story that I first wrote and posted in this account. I’m thankful for all the hearts and reblogs, it truly makes me happy that people continue to like my work even if I’m gone for a long time. I’ll try to post once things start to look up for me, but for now please enjoy this. I apologize for the pain LMAO I love angst <3 leave a comment, reblog, or heart if you enjoyed it.
“In short, I screwed up,” 
Of course, the shock that his members had on their faces was enough to tell that they were disappointed in him, albeit won’t really say it to his face. It was painfully obvious; who was even to blame for a relationship that felt one-sided despite the two loving each other? Asahi doesn’t even know what time it was when he finished telling his break-up story to the members. Without hearing a word from them, he left the room trying to calm himself down because he never really learned how to cope with the pain that he caused to both of you. Writing his thoughts didn’t help anymore, bottling up his feelings will only leave him crying for hours, and painting will only end up with art that resonates with his agony from both the stress of being an idol and losing you. Thinking back, he never really knew how to cope because he was always met with your comfort when he was stressed. 
It’s been months and he still can’t bring himself to go out. The only time he does go out is when he has a schedule for the day or one of the members promised free coffee. Anything other than that, he only checks the lives of other people on social media. Surprisingly, you didn’t block him in your account and you retained your account for the public to see. He could see you succeed in the stories you told him about, and even the little celebration posts. Asahi continues to see you striving in your own life without him, yet he is still miserable the day you left him. He wanted to patch things up with you; try to tell you that he needs you and he regrets his actions. But when that time does come, he’s afraid he’ll run out of things he can say to bring you back. 
At an early night, Asahi reluctantly agrees to spend a night in a bar with the other members. The members were pestering him about it and he only went just to get them off his back. He has been stressed enough already, but he really didn’t think that alcohol will solve his problems. Arriving at the local bar, Asahi was immediately welcomed by the strong scent of alcohol and the blaring music coming from the speakers around the bar. He was immediately dragged by Jihoon to the bartender and ordered a drink for the both of them. As soon as they got their drinks, where Asahi doesn’t even know what Jihoon got for him, he was left alone to ponder his thoughts and alcohol ready for his escape. 
Asahi doesn’t know how long they’ve been in here, but all he knows is he’s at his 4th cocktail. He was tipsy, but he manages to get a hold of himself for the time being in case the other members needed help going home. He admits to himself that the alcohol has helped a bit in forgetting; his mind is more focused on the music and seeing some of the members laugh their asses off on the dance floor. 
“Hamada Asahi. Here I thought you completely locked yourself up in the studio.”
It can’t be. 
“(y/n)?” Asahi said shakily, his eyes immediately filled with remorse. He knew it was inevitable that you’d meet each other, but he doesn’t expect it to be this early – denying the fact that he was just afraid to see you while he was still at his lowest. 
“How have you been?” you answered, completely unfazed by his heavy demeanor while you sat beside him. 
“Still locked in the studio, the others just dragged me here.” Asahi recovered from his shock, grabbing confidence from the alcohol he has. 
“How about you?’
“Oh, you know – same old, same old. Finally getting on track with my life and what I wanted to do,”
Asahi knew what you were talking about – of course, he does. The achievements on your social media, the updates about your life he hears when the others talk about you; you were practically there in every corner he looks. He looks at you as you waved to a person he’s unfamiliar with, probably a colleague you met from your now successful life. He’d wish for you to elaborate more, even if the stories were already told by you or others. It was too selfish for him to think of wanting to get back with you but needs to hear it from you, even if it meant that he was going to hurt again in the next couple of months.
“You know, I never wanted things to end,” he whispered, although you completely heard him. “All I ever wanted was to be by your side. I never knew how to write songs anymore because I lost all my inspiration for it. I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with the fact that you probably won’t talk about me to anyone or someone you wouldn’t want around or –”
“You are so fucking selfish.”
He looked at you in shock. Tears well up in your eyes as you bite your lip to prevent yourself from breaking down right then and there.
“You don’t get to decide what should I be in the relationship. You don’t even have the right to say that I’m the reason you’re miserable. How about me, Asahi? Did you ever stop and consider how I was feeling? The whole time in that relationship, I never even felt the love you bragged to others or the songs you wrote about me.” you stared at him while he can’t even bring himself to look at you. He knew you were right. This was what he wanted, right? For you to say what you’ve always wanted to say after the breakup. He looked at you as you continued. 
“And the worst part of all of that was that I still loved you.”
“I’m sorry.” pathetic, he thinks about himself.
“It’s already too late for that,” you murmured as you stared at your half-empty glass. 
“Look, I know I broke a lot of what I promised you when I dated you–”
“You didn’t just break promises, Asahi. You broke me, and honestly, I don’t know why I even continue to sit beside you right now and explain yourself.” you spat at him while paying for your drink. You were about to walk away when I suddenly grabbed your hand.
“Please don’t leave. I don’t know what I am now without you,” his tears were falling at this point. You both were probably getting stares but Asahi didn’t care. All he wanted was you, even if it meant that you both will try to remember how it feels to be one again.
“Let go, Asahi.”
“No, I don’t want to. Please just hear me out, I’ll–”
“And why the fuck should I listen to you? I said let go.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you” his voice quivered, full of hurt and despair. He didn’t know what else to say other than apologies and desperation. 
“But you fucking did, didn’t you? You fucking did,” you scowled at him as your tears were now running down your cheeks.
You removed his hand from your arm and immediately left. He continues to kneel on the floor, trying to process everything that happened while his hands were on his head. His head was pounding and his body felt like giving up, but his chest was the most painful of all. It was like his heart was breaking again after it was pieced together forcefully. He gets the feeling that you’ll never need him again – he knew you didn’t but what other choice did he have to at least get through the day? He continued to hope before today, but tonight and the days to come will definitely feel like falling into a hole of despair where he won’t know how to save himself anymore. When he looks up, he never saw you again. All he heard was one of the members trying to get him to come back to his senses but his mind was too focused on remembering how his heart was supposed to beat without you, forever.
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 40
Your POV
“What are we doing again?”  I was confused, thinking we were going to work on the plan.  “I should be figuring out what to do for Tom, not shopping.”  I wanted it to be something really good and didn’t really have much of an idea where to start.  That’s why I wanted Sophie and Emma’s help.
They smirked at each other before Emma responded.  “Right now, you need some girl time.  Relax, and take a deep breath.”  They dragged me from shop to shop trying on different dresses and outfits, only stopping long enough for lunch.  Finally, when they seemed to be happy with our haul, they pulled me into a salon.  Sophie said it was part of the ‘girls day out’, but I wasn’t so sure.  “After this, we’re taking you to a nice, relaxing dinner.  You’ve had so much going on that you just need to sit back and unwind.”
Something seemed off, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.  ‘What are you two up to?’
Sophie’s POV
I could see her suspicion, but I tried our best to keep her mind occupied with other things.  Emma left a bit ago under the guise that she forgot she had some dry cleaning she needed done asap.  In reality, she was starting the next phase of our plan.
Emma: Even if she figures out something is up, she’ll never know what it is lol
Sophie: You’re right.  I’ll check in with Ben.
Emma: Tom started messaging me about twenty minutes ago asking for help because Ben forced him out of the house.
I switched over to see how Ben was doing only to see a slew of texts from him, most of them talking about how Tom was complaining he didn’t want to go out or trying to figure out he should do now that his wife’s texts showed as ‘read’ because he couldn’t figure out what to do. Should he go all John Cusack and hold up a stereo outside of our house?  Should he run over with flowers and chocolates and get on his knees to beg for forgiveness.
It wasn’t until I saw Chickie looking at me funny that I realized I was audibly laughing.  “Ben’s just asking about how you’re doing because Tom keeps pestering him.”
Sophie: So Tom is being a pain?
Ben: You have NO idea
Sophie: Is everything set up?
Ben: Yep.  Emma popped over for a minute to give me that thing you two put together.  Tom said he thought he heard something, but I told him I just had to check something in the car.
Sophie: Our gal has been the same, antsy, trying to figure out what’s going on.
Ben: I’m not surprised.  She always seemed to figure out when something was up.
Sophie: I’m not sure she’ll be expecting something like this.  But lets go over the details one more time?
Ben: The place is set up.  I’ll get Tom over there at 7 pm, and you should arrive shortly after with his wife.  Maybe then he’ll finally shut up.
Sophie: Love you babe.
Ben: You’d better.
“Remind me why I have to get my hair and makeup done?”  She wouldn’t let it go but turned when she heard someone approaching.  Emma had caught back up to us.  “I got there just in time.  And to answer your question, we’re going out dancing tonight, help you relax,” said Emma.
“But I need to…..”
I piped in before she could continue.  “I know.  I figured a day of shopping and relaxing would help clear our minds so we could better figure out what you want to do.”
She gave me a look but seemed to accept my answer, at least for now.
Tom’s POV
This has been an extremely frustrating day.  Ben won’t tell me what’s going on, and Emma stopped responding about 2 hours ago.  He took me to the barber to get a fresh shave and a haircut.  Apparently my look needed to be ‘cleaned up’.  He said we were going to a gentlemen's whiskey and cigar club tonight since I apparently haven’t left the house in a week.
“I don’t want to go to the gentlemen's club.  I should be working on someth….”
He placed his hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence.  “You really need to learn to shut up and trust me.  You need to get out and relax.  You’re no good to her in the state you’ve been in.  This is a guy’s day to get you to relax.  I promise, tomorrow we’ll work on a plan.  Getting you out and about will help you clear your mind rather than putting together a half-assed plan.”
I gave up at that point as he dragged me into the tailor.  By the time we left, I had 3 new suits and still no clue what was going on.  Ben looked at his watch causing me to look as well.
“It’s about 5 pm.  Let's go back to the house, get changed, and then pick up some food before we go to the club.  Can’t have you drinking whiskey on an empty stomach.”
“Ok, I’ll go along with your plan, but it doesn’t mean I’ll like it.”
Ben smirked.  “Stop being such a baby.  When have I ever steered you wrong?”
I gave him a look.  “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Okay!  Okay, but this isn’t one of those times.  By the end of the night, you’ll feel like a new man.”
I don’t know about that, but I guess we’ll see.
Before too long, it was 6 pm, and Ben was badgering me to get ready.  “Our reservation is for 7.  We need to leave soon to ensure we’ll make it on time.”  Since when did places like that have reservations?  I thought you just showed up.  Apparently it’s a new place.  By 6:30, I was ready, and he practically dragged me to the car.
A few minutes later, I thought we had arrived, but all I saw was a coffee shop and a few closed stores.  Ben looked at his watch.  “It’s just before 7 which means we’re running on time.  It’s just around the block, but apparently parking there is hell.  Why don’t you wait in the coffee shop while I find somewhere to park the car?”
Seriously?  It wasn’t an issue to go with him to park the car, but he wouldn’t relent.  While the shop looked empty, the door seemed to be unlocked.
Your POV
“Can we just skip the dancing?  I really don’t want to go out, and I’m getting hungry.”  By my watch, it was just after 5.  “ I really wanna sit down and start figuring out something special for him.”
They were relentless.  Emma looked at Sophie then back to me.  “Nope.  This will help you a lot!  Plus, you’ll feel like a brand new woman before the night is over.  I swear.”
It was almost 7 pm before we finally left Sophie’s.  Emma had left earlier because she didn’t find anything she liked and had to run home to change but promised to meet us there.
She slowed down as we were supposedly nearby. “I’ll drop you here and go get parking nearby.  The club is just around the corner tho.  You wanna head inside the coffee shop and wait for me?” 
I turned to look at the coffee shop.  It appeared to be empty.  “Soph, I’m pretty sure it’s clos…..”  Before I could finish, she was already gone.  Alright.  I guess I’ll see if they’re open.  It is just after 7, but it’s a little cold to wait outside.  With that, I went over to the entrance and found the door opened easily.
Chapter 41
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Ok, I've sent a version of this question to @mareenavee for writerly stuff, but figured I'd adapt it to the arting process and then come pester youuuuuu. Though feel free to answer it in writing mode too, just pick whichever you want to ramble about more :> 1. What are the (art and/or) techniques you're most comfortable with? What comes easily and naturally and just flows (and how come?) 2. What's the stuff that requires lots and lots of redos and revisions? What challenges you as an artist? 3. What do you want to try your hand at, but haven't yet?
Yes, art process asks! We're doing that now!
What are the (art and/or) techniques you're most comfortable with? What comes easily and naturally and just flows (and how come?)
My comfort zone is portraits. Drawing people is easy (relatively speaking), and as much as I complain about it, I do enjoy and have become semi ok at faces and hands in general. I don't know if anything flows (I have poor hand-eye-coordination so it's a bit of an effort on my behalf to do anything precise but I'm clearly a masochist and choose to do precise work) sketches take like 3 hours and lineart takes 1-2 so yeah...slow. I think painting flows best if I'm listening to music, easier to zone out/hyper-focus enough to resist distraction. Skin and hair are the most relaxing to paint (even if I complain about it, I just kinda complain).
Digital is something I fell into because I had Photoshop loaded onto the home computer (ye old 2008 lounge room computer box) and traditional mediums were giving me eczema and/or making me dizzy and triggering headaches so I switched around age 15 and haven't really used many traditional mediums since... No wait, graphite, I'll use that but it's been a time. I am most comfortable with digital. Plus I hate the feeling of stuff on my hands, sensory issues apparently.
My painting technique is kinda similar to both oils and chalk pastels (pastels being my mum's medium, so I picked up a lot from that) like a weird hybrid between the two applied digitally I kinda just pulled from a lot of things and found what came easiest for my process.
What's the stuff that requires lots and lots of redos and revisions? What challenges you as an artist?
Oh boi, this is where I get called weird... (for personal work) I don't do working drawings or thumbnails or studies, I don't do warm-ups and I don't revise sketches. I have a crystal clear image that appears in my head of exactly how I want the finished piece to look, sometimes it's informed by a reference sometimes I have to make one that fits. I know exactly what I need to do to get it to look like that image. That includes lighting and colour that I add at the end, I paint cold and turn the heat up at the end. It's easier on my eyes. I do revisions when I'm doing commissions and professional art, it's a collaborative project and I'm creating someone's vision for them (which I also enjoy). I'll make edits within reason, there's a cut-off point that no one has ever reached but it's 3. I can create to a brief pretty well after 12 years of client work.
Challenges would be backgrounds and scenes, I'm working on those so that they are no longer challenges.
What do you want to try your hand at, but haven't yet?
I want to make something out of clay, a little Horus replica broach.
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Like this Ptolemaic Falcon Faience Applique but with more Horus symbology. One day!
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rogue-bard · 11 months
I am so fucking angry. I sent a package with Deutsche Post, explicitly asked for it to be insured, and they said "for insurance you have to pay X", I gave them the money, ASKED AGAIN if this is now insured, the guy took my package and said yes.
Then, after the package inevitably went missing, they refused to help me, because "you can only report a package missing after 7 days" at which point it had been 14 days, which I reminded them of, and then suddenly it was "no, not 7 days, but you cannot report it missing this week".
Their online form for reporting stuff missing btw doesn't send, and if you click on the link "Are you having problems with this form", then you get a 404 "Page not found" error.
After another week, they finally let me report the damn thing missing but told me "oh no, it's not insured, what a pity". Excuse me???
And then, I didn't get any answers for another 2 weeks, so I kept pestering them once a week with a phone call, and got the same reply each time: "It will take 25 days after it has been reported missing - if it's that urgent (which it was), you should have reported it missing earlier."
At which point I'm now already boiling with rage. Now I got an email that they absolutely can't find it, and since it's not insured, I'm shit outta luck. So I called the complaint hotline and told them the whole story about how I explicitly asked if it was insured TWICE, and they were like "oh! Then we will tell the postal worker who wrongly told you it was insured, that he was wrong. That is all we can do for you."
I can't fucking believe it. It's not about the money, I just REALLY need the goddamn package to get there NOW.
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