#this has been a Sewers PSA
lalaboy · 1 year
yo yo if you like my Little Blorbos my little silly ocs check out the ol' cohost (still Thesewers) where i'm gonna be postin' em' from here on! I'll keep the fandom art in containment here until further notice
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hyak-wixgar · 2 years
I'm killing maiming maiming biting everyone who said rise!Raph is the only good one
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maniacwatchestheworld · 9 months
So about the Batfamily and ghosts...
So I was looking through the DPxDC tag and just... Ghosts are actually like a known thing that Batman and Co. know that they sometimes have to deal with...? Batman does sometimes need to deal with supernatural threats, including spirits and ghosts among other things (Solomon Grundy is an undead gangster and tends to live in Gotham's sewers. Jason Blood can turn into the demon Etrigan and he often lives in Gotham). So Bruce and company would ABSOLUTELY believe that Danny is a ghost by the time the rest of the Batfam is there once Danny shows off his ability to turn intangible and fly.
As two examples of ghosts that are not uncommon for Batman and squad to have to deal with, on the rogues side, you have Gentleman Ghost aka James Craddock.
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Who was a 19th century thief/highwayman before he was killed and cursed to never be able to pass on. He tends to travel around, stealing things and causing general mischief, so Batman sometimes runs into and has to deal with him. Also he's British by the by, so have fun with that! (Also you know. His character design is just rad as hell so I personally always love to see him pop up in things!)
And on the heroic side you have Deadman aka Boston Brand.
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(Yes, he did die in those clothes.) He was an aerolist acrobat (he did much of the same type of things that Dick Grayson did at the circus) who died during a performance and was unable to pass on until he found his killer... But then decided to stick around anyway to help the Justice League out where he can. Normal people typically cannot see nor hear him, so he has to possess others to be able to communicate with the living.
So yes! Batman and family do know that ghosts exist and have dealt with them before! And in fact, they have special equipment to deal with them and other supernatural foes they may face! Specifically they have access to the material known as Nth Metal, which is able to effect and hurt ghosts even when intangible otherwise. They have batarangs made of Nth metal, but Nth metal can be used to make anything that you can use metal for. So Nth metal knuckles or handcuffs are not out of the question. Nth metal does tend to be pretty rare on Earth, but eh. Brucie is rich af so that's not much of a problem for the bats.
So there you go! Some info on Batman and his experiences with ghosts! I hope you find this useful and can use some of these pieces of information in your fics and headcanons or whatever! This has been a PSA!
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sapphiretanto · 1 year
Try Harder
“‘Try harder?!’ I always have to find the solution! You’re leader, Leo. You find the answer!”
Two Quick PSAs:
Because I feel people will think I’m taking Leo’s side, or justifying his actions. I’m not. I don’t think he was in the right for saying that.
This will be very Leo focused— not because he’s my favorite or anything— but because Donnie’s side has already been understood by a majority of people.
Whenever I come across this conversation— whether tiktoks, fanfiction, or fanart— Leo’s personality that’s presented always rubs me the wrong way. He usually gets written or drawn as some haughty asshole that doesn’t give a shit about Donnie’s feelings… ever. That is simply not true. Or that Donnie is the only one to get them out of problems. That isn’t true either. There are plenty of times that Donnie turns to Leo to have the answer or plan when his go awry. He also depends on his older brother’s outward bravery and confidence.
Leo and Donnie’s argument in “The Fourfold Trap” can be built on two things Donnie and Leo are at constant odds with:
Both Donnie and Leo have the same kind of pressure where they are multitasking and are having to switch tactics in battle almost always.
Donnie is a genius. He’s knowledgeable in mechanics, technology, math, science, biology, history, etc etc. and has also mastered learning some technology of the Kraang as well as creating a way to translate their language. He often lacks the resources to accomplish projects or time to calmly dismantle weaponry and machines and get him and his brothers to safety during battles.
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Leo is intuitive and strategically intelligent as well as very disciplined and focused. However, his pressure lies within his leading abilities. Not only must he plan battle strategies with his brothers, he also has to keep an eye on them in battle, be ready to change tactics should something go awry, figure out an exit strategy and this is usually done all while fighting with the enemy. Leo also has to keep a level head and keep his emotions in check. While in the beginning, he often wasn’t respected, his collectedness kept the team together and functional (Raph leading the team in “New Girl in Town” and struggling as well as Leo panicking in “Panic in the Sewers” are good examples of when the leader isn’t collected)
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The burden placed on both of their shoulders is very heavy, draining, and a lot to take on as a teenager and they do their best to keep it together, but the built up pressure will sometimes put them at odds when planning during larger battle (i.e. “The Invasion”).
Now, as with anything and everything, there are always limits. Leo and Donnie both struggle with accepting that they have their limits, though, Donnie tends to accept his more than Leo.
Growing up and being the way they are unfortunately puts limits on what they can have or use. Donnie uses a lot of scrap metal and junk to piece things together for the brothers and himself to use and has to be careful with what he does have, since he doesn’t have the access to go into a store and get what he needs.
All of this frustrates Donnie as it limits his abilities, but it has helped him accept it and understand that he can’t push himself to do everything he would like to for himself and to help his brothers. It has also taught him to be resourceful and he has put together amazing mechanical machines. And despite being outcasts in society, he and his brothers do get accepted by some humans. He grows into it becoming enough for him, becoming at least physically confident in who he is.
I don’t think I have to explain just how much Leo ignores his limits. Just woke up out of a coma and his leg is fucked? This idiot goes off in the woods to fight a mutant made of vomit, tree bark, and nightmares. He doesn’t rest it as much as he should be— both because a conflict is happening and when nothing is going on, he’s training on it. Because of some of the lessons Splinter taught him—
“We choose what holds us back and what moves us forward”
“It doesn’t matter that the burden is heavy. It matters that you carry it!”
“With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission, no matter what you have to sacrifice. Or whom.”
— Leo develops a complex to keep the world and his family safe no matter what happens to him, as well as to suck it up and keep going. Him complaining or ranting about his frustrations doesn’t get him sympathy.
“I just think you guys should be a little better at following my orders.” (Leo)
“Aww, it’s too bad I can’t play my violin while I drive.” (Raph)
“They have no idea what kind of pressure I’m under, and all they do is complain! Is it too much to ask for a simple ‘thank you’?” (Leo)
“Of course it is! Leadership is not about being appreciated, it’s about responsibility.” (Splinter)
Unfortunately, either out of resentment or something else, he holds this same principle for Donnie and pressures him until Donnie snaps at him.
“Donnie! You said you could do this! … They’re aliens from another dimension, what did you expect: a big round ball with a lit fuse that said ‘bomb’?!”
“You gotta fix the Shellraiser fast. Like, yesterday fast!”
“Donnie, you’re gonna have to speed this up.”
There is one other factor that drives Leo to pressure Donnie, and that is his guilt for Karai’s mutation and his lack of skill and knowledge to get her back to herself. Even though there was nothing he could have really done— after trying to stop her or even go with her as back up in “Vengeance is Mine” and coming very close to freeing her before Shredder attacked— he more than likely plays scenarios over in his head where he saved his sister or even took the fall into the mutagen instead of her.
“You should be celebrating your victory. You did a brave thing tonight, Leonardo. You saved everyone.” (Splinter)
“Not everyone. I tried to get Karai out of Shredder’s control. …I failed, Sensei.”
He becomes rebellious and risks his safety—his brothers’ safety also is toyed with if they choose to go along with him— to rescue her and reunite Master Splinter with his daughter and have her be with her family.
The building of his guilt towards Karai’s mutation, the pressure he’s feeling to rescue her from Shredder’s control, and the fact that he is at a limit that he cannot go past altogether drives him to snap at Donnie the way he does.
Was it right and justifiable? Absolutely not. But do I understand that it was a build up things from within and that he didn’t say it just to be an asshole? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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TWEEK: Of course he wanted to meet me HERE of all places
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TWEEK: Big spooky forest were he could potentially mug and murder me
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TWEEK: Great
TWEEK: Fucking
TWEEK: Fantastic
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???:  ╤ ╝╤: …
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TWEEK: Whuh-
TWEEK: There  you are 
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PIP: Yeah, I'm here  bitch
TWEEK: Why did you wanna meet me here anyway?
TWEEK: You want to fucking kill me or something?
PIP: No?
TWEEK: Oh what a surprise
PIP: Shut the fuck up PIP: Get over here PIP: I don't want to be seen getting shouted at by a deformed looking sewer rat
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TWEEK: Rude…
TWEEK: Alright fine
TWEEK: I'm coming you fucking brit..
PIP: I hope you die tripping over a stick on your way over
TWEEK: Why do you hate us so much?
PIP: Pardon?
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TWEEK: Don’t act dumb!
TWEEK: All you’ve done since you’ve gotten to Hell was bitch at and berate us!
TWEEK: And STOP walking around with all your demon shit! 
PIP: We can't die, moron
PIP: Didn't you say that to Thomas already?
TWEEK: Estella's safety psas fucked me up worse than I thought
PIP: Anywhom
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PIP: I wanted to meet up with you for a one on one 
TWEEK: A what
PIP: A one on one
PIP: Where we just
PIP: Talk?
PIP: Have you never  had a one to one conversation with someone before you sentient block of fermented cheese?
TWEEK: And also
TWEEK: Don’t call me that
PIP: You smell of shitstain and dogwater 
PIP: Have you been hanging out with Clyde?
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TWEEK: What?
PIP: Don’t act with me
PIP: I can smell him from a mile away
PIP: Please don't say you're catching feelings for that tone deaf scene kid uncle fucker
TWEEK: I mean…
TWEEK: Maybe a little?
PIP: Ohhhh lord, see me through this
TWEEK: His nightcore playlist is actually really good!!
PIP: He doesn't wipe his ASS. TWEEK.
TWEEK: It's not that big of a deal!
TWEEK: He’s really sweet..
TWEEK: I can excuse an unclean ass
PIP: I'm going to vomit all over your jacket, that is disgusting.
TWEEK: He really isn't as bad as people say he is!
PIP: He is an unwashed manchild
PIP: And it's rubbing off on you  too
PIP: God, I can smell the fact your music taste has worsened
PIP: ( sniff sniff  )  Nope
PIP: That's just fermented pudding on your head
TWEEK: I like puddin :D 
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PIP: Come on
TWEEK: What?
TWEEK: Where are we going???
PIP: To the laundromat
PIP: The laundromat
PIP: So we can wash the fucking stench of nightcore and cringe off of you
PIP: Come now
PIP: We can’t bring you back to the others smelling like a gamer stuck to their sofa
TWEEK: I don't understand…
TWEEK: What even is a laundro… laun…. laundre….. laun….
PIP: Laundromat you poor
PIP: Stinky
PIP: Stupid
PIP: Summer child
TWEEK: ????
PIP: It's a place where you wash your nasty clothes
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TWEEK: What???
TWEEK: You can just???
PIP: Yes, yes, my dumpster dwelling nuisance, you can do that!
PIP: Not exactly…
PIP: You have to put them into a machine
PIP: The machines do all the work FOR you
PIP: Because, well, 
PIP: Most are too incompetent to do something as simple as washing their clothes
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PIP: ….
PIP: The
PIP: …
PIP: The what ?
TWEEK: The laundry mate
PIP: That
PIP: That's not what it's called
PIP: It's laundromat
PIP: Say it with me
PIP: Laun
PIP: Dro
PIP: Mat
PIP: Okay, now say it faster
PIP: Laun
PIP: Dro
PIP: Mat
PIP: Laundromat!
TWEEK: Lawn dre mat!
PIP: …
PIP: Why do I even bother
TWEEK: What?? What did I say??
PIP: I swear to god Tweek, when we get inside that fucking laundromat I will shove you into the fucking washing machine and watch you DROWN
TWEEK: What?
PIP: You heard me you incompetent fucking POKÉMON 
PIP: Come here. Now.
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TWEEK: Eeeeeehhhhh
TWEEK: Eeeeeggehhhh
TWEEK: Eeegrrrhhghhh
TWEEK: Do I get 
TWEEK: Do I get a…
TWEEK: Do I get a puddin’ out of it?
PIP: …
PIP: Are you
PIP: ….
PIP: Of course!
TWEEK: Really???
TWEEK: I get a puddin’???
PIP: No.
TWEEK: Awhhh… 
PIP: I'll shove your corpse into the dryer when i'm done with it
TWEEK: ….What did you say?
PIP: I will watch you cough up fucking bubbles
PIP: You get no pudding
PIP: I hope you die
TWEEK: ( Crying )
TWEEK: ( Uglier crying ) PIP: UGHHHH
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TWEEK: ( Gasp )
PIP: You can even dumpster dive for it like the rat  you are
(Edits by @pissblanket)
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
(& lil PSA since these will be p long writeups most likely. feel free to block "jens b2 nuzlocke tag" if u dont wanna see my pokemon rambles jajsksieisidisi)
okie now done w roxie and in castelia city, think ill take a break for now!!! update time
castelia sewers encounter: zubat with a 27 (!!!!) IV in speed, very excited - i Hate zubat and golbats designs with a passion but crobat is a Friend. his name is fig and hes a lil ugly now but once we become besties its all cool. also zubat is like a billion times better than either grimer or rattata lmao so a W for sure. very likely going to carry burghs gym since the level cap is 24 there
castelia city grassy plaza encounter: did the repel strat in the dark grass and successfully caught my eevee as planned!!! altho my umbreon spdef heavy toxic stall wall dreams were lowkey crushed bc. while he has a boosting nature (sassy boy). the IV is like 0-1 😭😭 rip. well he has a 29 in hp at least. but i think rio the eevee is staying in the box until i have a particular need for a specific eeveelution
i could go into the relic passage already but since the only Really good option there imho is drilbur from the dust clouds w 80% chances and i kinda ran out of repels looking for rio i think ill leave it for now. like as broken as excadrill is i also could get a sandile from route 4 in which case id have a ground type so. will wait for now
roxie was honestly just shamelessly cheesed w fridge the magnemite and sonic boom like. she just has 0 moves to hit a steel type with for anything but tiny baby sized chip dmg so it was pretty free lmao
castelia city obviously means picking up some other essentials like leftovers and mystic water for pat the dewott so thats also neat. leftovers went to fridge (ha ha get it) for now.
think thats all major there o7 so far there havent been any like. true close calls that much but if ik anything abt nuzlockes is that when u start taking it Too easy thats when they get u so 💀 remaining very vigilant even if its probably highly overkill in just a vanilla game. its not even challenge mode lol starting it easy . maybe ill get blaze black in the future if this run goes well for a bigger challenge
+ edit. omg Almost forgor. so like i didnt even remember the silk scarf u find in virbank city after getting the cut HM. so like nvm last post tags where its like wow max friendship herdier with STAB return how op. bc. make that Silk Scarf Max Friendship STAB Return instead lmao. my zip is a powerful bulky boy now
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What We’re Given (Series)
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: Haicrescendo, @sword-and-stars​
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Strong Language, Child Abuse, Major Injury, Imprisonment
Word Count:  39,995
Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Sokka, Aang, Katara, Zuko's Crew, Zhao, Song, Toph Beifong, Azula
Tags: Team Avatar, The Gaang, tiny zuko is in TERRIBLE PAIN, acting as a one man representative of the endangered species act, what’s a little rebellion between friends?, iroh just wants to protect his kid okay, there are wild sky bison and they are PRECIOUS, zuko will just straight up try to murder anybody who tries to mess with them, rebellion kickstarted by genocidal horror, rejection of papa-ganda, Ozai is a terrible father, honestly possibly the WORST father, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, things are similar but also very different, War Crimes, hand waving canon, zuko is tiny and full of SADNESS, and so much self loathing, what is self esteem?, we don’t know, uncle thought he’d have longer to work before we got to full treason but here we are, casually beautiful zuko, oops it’s definitely child abuse, zuko is Not Fucking Around, appa is consistently dirty and zuko is salty as hell about it, HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET LIKE THIS???a rage-filled manifesto as written by zuko, real talk tho appa is like the dirty harriet of sky bison, the crew is ride or die, abide by the rules of hospitality or perish, oops the author can’t help adding fiber arts to everything, zuko is bigger and SO IS HIS PAIN, so is his voice, uncle takes looking after his kid SUPER SERIOUSLY, childhood nightmare fuel, zuko can never remember that his alias is li, and consequently never answers to it, its a beautiful day on the jasmine dragon and you are a horrible son, uncle just wants his precious child to MAKE SOME GODDAMN FRIENDS, hand waving canon because fuck it, zuko has no chill, and is fully prepared to throw hands, baby zuko is full of angst, and very loud noise, mentions of abuse by authority figures, like this fucking kid has literally had his education sabotaged, and he doesn’t realize that that shit is Not Acceptable, zuko doesn’t realize that uncle has handpicked his crew for sass and loyalty, he’ll understand one day but that day is not today, inescapable fiber arts, zuko stress felts EVERYTHING, And Worries, second thoughts on treason but no regrets, zuko’s crew has Feelings, their commander is a casually endearing little monster and they will fight you over him, zuko is everyone who’s ever had to be polite to dickheads in a service job, he doesn’t get paid enough to put up with this bullshit, zhao is a fuckhead, showing love through endless complaining, not much happens but it’s still important, local uncle surprised to find kid needs more therapy than expected, Zuko is trying his best, his best is a little special, bison lite, sorry y’all, Discussions of Past Abuse, zuko is trying really really hard to be good at existence, he’s just not sure it’s working, reasons to not do crime: zuko will definitely steal your ostrich horse, Zuko is doing his best, coincidentally min is also doing his best, they’re handling it very differently, zukoichi the traveling masseuse, even lost I’ll throw hands, this is a fuckboy psa, as written by zuko, song gives Zuko the business, not the sexy business, the ‘hey you’re being pretty judgey and should probably stop that’ business, Canon has been taken out back and shot, the ba sing shitshow, like seriously this shit is a mess, and Zuko is a mess, be gay do crimes, but only if your names are toph and zuko, we loot because we love, if you didn’t wanna be robbed you shouldn’t have been a dick, nothing like vibing instantly with a child-sized lie detector, thank agni for toph, roof crawling for dummies, field trip to the sewer!, just a little casual attempted fratricide between friends, zuko’s sudden realization that he is a massive tea snob, how the fuck did this happen?, aang and his clue-by-four, Zuko’s no good very bad field trip to the fire nation, Ozai’s A+ Parenting, we stan one (1) uncle, Zuko may not know what’s happening but he’s definitely gonna go murder his dad, hallucinations are gr8or they would be if Zuko was actually hallucinating, the entire shits, how that is the eclipse, Zuko is having a Really Bad Day, the crew of the jasmine dragon is ride or die, in which zuko hurts everyone’s feelings just by being himself, the comfort that comes after the hurt, soft death by sky bison, descriptions of trauma, zuko’s crew is ride or die, feelings? in MY fanfic?, this is soft garbage, rip to the western air temple but I’m different, tags are hard today okay?, Unintentional Self Harm
Started out as a “What would happen if Zuko happened to rediscover sky bison while searching for the Avatar?” and turned into something more than that.
This is a series of one-shots. Please subscribe to the series for updates! <3
To Take Care
Zuko finds them at the Western Air Temple, the first that they visit after his banishment. He doesn’t mean to, and he sure as hell doesn’t go looking for them, but he finds them anyway. He bolts out of the temple, past his uncle, past their camp, and runs until he reaches a forested meadow, where he drops to his knees and throws up everything he’d eaten that day.
Or, alternately:
Zuko discovers the truth about what happened to the Air Nomads, and also rediscovers an endangered species.
To Take Pride
It’s a beautiful day on the Jasmine Dragon, the sun is shining, and Zuko has a Bad Feeling about it.
Zuko’s casual treason is interrupted by the Avatar, who is a child and a Pain In The Ass.
To Take A Break
Zuko’s fire is broken: is it the treason or is it the anxiety? Uncle takes steps to rectify this.
The Knitterlude nobody asked for
To Take Heed
[“Snap your fingers at me one more time, and I’m taking them off,” Zuko snarls at him after being snapped at once too often. Zhao rubs a hand over his sideburns and eyes him.
“Your uncle hasn’t taught you manners yet?”
“Sorry,” he replies, not sorry at all, “Snap your fingers at me one more time and I’m taking them off, Admiral.” He sees Uncle’s warning stare and shuffles a pace backwards. He hates Zhao and Zhao hates him, and they both hate the stupid game they have to play of feigned politeness when really, they each want the other to drop dead where they stand.]
Zuko is tired of Zhao’s nonsense, an important talk about surrender is a long time coming, and the Siege of the North is an absolute mess.
To Take Advantage
[Zuko doesn’t tell Uncle goodbye.
He doesn’t think that he would try and stop him, but Zuko thinks that if he has to talk about it, he’ll manage to talk himself out of it. Better to go now before he can change his mind.
Zuko packs light: a change of clothes, some nonperishables, and a few knives go into a wax-lined satchel. He’s about to leave the room when he stops to eye the swords mounted on his wall, and, well.
It’s not like he can go around firebending all over the place, he reasons, and straps them to his back.]
Zuko’s super fun, solo adventure in the Earth Kingdom.
To Take Cover
[“So,” she says, “The question is: what do we need from each other?”
“I need to warn the Avatar. Someone’s coming for him and he needs to get out of this city.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Toph replies with the frustration of somebody who’s tried really spirits-damned hard, “Not til he finds Appa.”
“Then I have to find the bison, and then get the Aang out of here. He’s not...he’s not prepared,” And Zuko can’t hold back the note of tightly controlled hysteria from his voice, “She’s going to come for him and he’s going to underestimate her, and she’s going to let him.”]
In which Zuko goes to a family reunion, commits some casual felonies, and drinks some really bad tea, not necessarily in that order.
To Take Heart
[Iroh looks awful.
He’s definitely been crying and his face looks like it’s never known how to smile, and his whole posture is slumped over like he’s suddenly aged several decades. His eyes (gold, just like Zuko’s) are sharp, though, and filled with something hard and furious.
“How could you have left him behind?” He drags out, voice rough and heavy and mad.]
What happens afterwards.
To Take Comfort
[Zuko is rocking.
That’s the first sensation he feels upon awakening. It’s a familiar feeling, as is the texture of the knit blanket he’s curled up in, as is the quiet but constant hum of machinery, deep in the belly of the Jasmine Dragon.
Zuko bolts upright and flails, once, and falls out of bed with a hard clatter. It’s his bed that he’s been sleeping in for years, and definitely not the cell that he’s been rotting in for the last...he doesn’t know how long. He doesn’t know how he got here. He doesn’t remember.]
Zuko is not okay. But he can get better.
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tabrishawkelavellan · 6 years
Hey ya’ll so I realize that as I intend to play more DA2 that I may post some not-so-popular playthrough or opinions as I have a pretty different view on certain charactera than a lot of other people. Specifically, Anders.  I won’t tag him by name ever. But I will use the tag “nasty sewer man” so if you can blacklist and don’t wanna see anti-Anders stuff I would go ahead and do that.  River is a mage but she and Anders clash, a lot. 
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evfryder · 4 years
quirezia's psa abt anti romanism w/ the khajiit
so, as we all know, the elder scrolls is a pretty racist game series. this is a well known and pretty indisputable fact, demonstrated by things like the heavy anti indigenous racism, the orientalism with the dunmer and other stuff, but something i personally haven't really seen talked about is the incredible amount of anti romanism w/ the khajiit. which, yknow, i'm not exactly upset over as the vast majority of tes fans aren't romani, but! it's still bad and it makes me so goddamn uncomfortable at the best of times! i don't deserve to have panic attacks over the amount of racism that is subjected to my eyes over cat people! so here is my public service announcement
note: i'm not like, 100% sure the writers of the elder scrolls were intending any of this or meaning to code the khajiit as romani, and i'm not going to claim that, but that doesn't change that i have seen people use real life nazi propaganda to justify why the nords are right to hate the khajiit or that most people who notice these things read the khajiit as romani lmfao so! and i'm also not an authority on this and i don't want to be treated like one. this is just my romani opinion, other romani people might have differing opinions and that's alright. gadje don't get to argue w/ me abt any of this tho ❤
note part two : gypsy is a slur. this is not debatable, do not try to debate it with me, and do not use it. remove it from your vocabulary. any uncensored use of it within this post is because i'm romani and allowed to use it lmfao
so anyways, most of the romani coding comes from skyrim, by way of introducing the khajiit caravans, full of people hailing from a south asian coded country with a history of slavery, that travel from city to city, relying on nomadicism, due to being barred from the cities because of stereotypes that paint the khajiit as thieves and drug addicts who face racism as a result of things like that.
if you know anything about the romani, this probably sounds familiar! as we're also a south asian diaspora who are traditionally nomadic and have been enslaved, who face severe racism and are heavily stereotyped to be thieves and drug addicts. i've even personally been told that i'm dirty trash who shouldn't be allowed in a city! fun.
this alone isn't a problem. i would love to have some representation, even in the form of cat people, and if this was all there was with the khajiit and romani coding i would honestly be overjoyed! but alas.
the problem is that the khajiit are actually portrayed as thieves and drug users within the games. in ESO, the baandari clan honor the bandit god and follow a code that allows thievery, and practice fucking fortune telling. in skyrim, in skyrim, ri'saad is a fence for the thieves guild who accepts the offer after being given moon sugar and ahkari is hinted to be involved with to the skooma trade. the khajiit overall are cultural drug users, and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with cultural drug use and drug use in general i hope you can see why its bad in this context.
and even with all of this, if this was where it began and end, it wouldn't be that bad. as far as i know, this is all accidental, and none of this is what keeps me up at night. what bothers me is how fans react to the romani elements of the khajiit.
i've had to see the use of the g word, something that is personally very triggering to me, almost everywhere, both casually and in a demeaning manner. i've seen the khajiit described as the scum of tamriel that live in scum infested sewers hooked on skooma and live off of imperial assistance (which is another thing that i've been told in regards to my people, that we're scum who live off of government assistance). i've seen khajiit called useless drug addicts who have no home. i've seen people say they see khajiit as dirty, filthy gypsies and tend to imagine skinning them for wall hangers.
it's tiring. it fucking hurts on a whole different level to see a slur utilized against your people and against you everywhere, hurts to know that people still view you and your people as a dirty and subhuman, and i'm honestly pretty done if we're being honest. tes has been ruined for me because of this stuff. and i'm not even asking for y'all to pay for me Ethnic Therapy Tm lol all i'm asking is that gadje learn about anti romanism and what that means, learn how they can support romani people, that they stop using the g word and perpetuating anti romani things, and that y'all don't let others get away with racism against romani people anymore
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fascinatedhelix · 4 years
Some updates to the HK/NSR crossover AU, since the original was made pre-release (the following does contain spoilers!):
Ran away from the Trankil Adoption Agency due to finding most humans too restrictive on their freedom; they’re accustomed to being able to come and go as they please, and the agency doesn’t really approve of trankil running around unattended. BBJ are more relaxed about it, leading to the little one being along the lines of a latchkey trankil.
Mayday and Zuke earn their trust by buying them food and helping them clean up in the restaurant’s bathroom, rather than just grabbing them and dragging them back to the agency. Aunty, for one, adores them, due to their sweet little face and how eagerly they eat her cooking.
Has pulled a knife on Kliff, multiple times, because he’s creepy as hell and sets off all their alarms, much to the exasperation of Zuke and Mayday. He tries bribing them with toys and snacks up until his betrayal, after which he almost gets stabbed again before BBJ drag Ghost with them to stop the fans.
Zuke doesn’t let them draw their blade in the sewer or on the streets, normally, but he doesn’t necessarily ban them from sharps entirely. He can tell they know how to use them, though he opts to let them use a kitchen knife instead of the haphazard scrap of metal they’ve been swinging around on the streets.
Zam has attempted to conduct interviews with Ghost before, but finds himself mostly just perplexed at their answers. "Okay, I’m looking at what appear to be, uh, hieroglyphics of some kind. I can see something that kind of looks like a rhinoceros beetle head... They’re shaking their head ‘no.’” The little section where he interviews them is nicknamed Ghost Tour.
They were sleeping in DJ Subatomic Supernova’s apartment at the time of the battle, since he didn’t think he’d need their help. They’re too small to be asked for a whole lot, anyway; he mostly has them around to keep himself company and have someone to talk to (or at, as the case may be).
Their sound energy absorbing powers would probably be enough to deactivate some of NSR’s robots; it comes in handy when the rogue robots are getting in the way of reinstating their guardian as charter.
Their favorite stuffed animal is a toy dolphin that DJSS calls Delphinus, though Comet calls them Splashy when they learn how to write.
As they grow older, their horns begin pointing backward and eventually curling into a similar shape to ram’s horns.
DJSS secretly relishes in the opportunity to have a legacy in the form of taking care of Comet, though he doesn’t know that they are probably more likely to carry his name farther into the future than any drones he sends up to space.
They live with Remi, the artist and leader of the Sayu team. He treats them much like a little sibling, in the nice way, and gets them to watch some of the more family-friendly anime he watches; they’re particularly fond of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z, even if they keep dismantling the figures he gets them. They’re much gentler with the plushies, though.
It takes a few weeks of watching Dodo and Sofa work on machinery to get them learning how to build stuff as well as break it. They make it an entire thing when they grow older, working on machinery.
They eventually grow cheek spines, not unlike some depictions of the adult Ghost, and otherwise heavily resemble Hornet as an adult. Much taller than her, though.
Sayu’s kind of reluctant to attack Ghost because they resemble Bunny so much; “You’re too cute to fight!” Zuke doesn’t like the idea of Ghost acting like a trankil shield in fights, but it does help throw off her aim.
Yinu’s mom specifically chose the former Broken Vessel because they were the only trankil that expressed any interest in Yinu’s infodumping about classical music. They even responded to questions with head shaking or nodding.
They come to Yinu’s side after her piano breaks, letting go of their fight with Ghost quickly enough; they don’t fault their sibling for doing what they thought was right, even if they don’t understand it, but they believed Yinu needed their support more.
They’re taking violin lessons, as it’s a touch easier to adjust to playing with four fingers on that then on piano. They get pretty good at it as an adult, though in the modern day their playing is a touch mediocre.
After their performance at Yinu’s concert, fighting in her defense with a stolen machete, Yinu’s mom at first grounds Thorn for stealing and playing with sharps, but concedes to put them in a fencing program to “get it out of their system.” They turn out a lot more competent than the instructors were expecting, and intimidate the crap out of their peers. When they’re older they take up a proper swordfighting class.
Yinu does wind up joining them in learning fencing, after her mother gets a recommendation to get her to get more exercise to avoid literally rooting herself to her piano (not an unusual issue for plant folks; they have to move pretty regularly or else they get stuck in one spot and have to be cut out). Her mom worries that she takes to it a touch too eagerly, perhaps because of her relative helplessness.
Thorn acts fairly stoic and polite most of the time, but they can be quite the handful when something piques their interest. They get banned from at least one Renaissance fair due to playing with the swords or poking the roasting pig. Yinu starts covering for them after they start bribing her with extra sweets.
Neon J initially treated them like a trainee when he got them, but it quickly slipped into adopted child territory when he realized just how young they were. He did want kids back when he was human, so he took very quickly to the role of adoptive father.
Scotty is very good at learning language and patterns, so they wind up learning English writing pretty quickly for one of their kind. Because of this, Neon J becomes one of the few privy to the nature of the vessels, though he is uncharacteristically quiet about it.
1010 adores Scotty, occasionally posting about them on social media, making them a bit of a fandom darling, though the band does have to put out PSAs about not getting a trankil irresponsibly.
Scotty’s favorite food is cheese tarts and cheese danishes, which they tend to be awarded for good behavior.
Scotty is a very active child; they dance, they run around the mansion, they swim in the pool (and just about any fountain they run across, much to Neon J’s embarrassment), and they can’t be brought within 100 feet of a dog park without trying to pet every animal in the vicinity.
They try their best to comfort their adoptive dad when he’s suffering from phantom pains or flashbacks, though they don’t know the techniques very well. Their usual method is gently patting his hand or leaning against him (among vessels they’d be leaning against each other in large groups, leading to one big cuddle pile; they can’t do it here by themselves, but they’ll sure as hell try).
Much to Neon J’s embarrassment, they become quite the potty mouth (er, hands) when they get older. He’s a sailor, he slips up every now and then!
The former Greenpath Vessel is rather happy to leave behind the harsh life they lived back in Hallownest, though they find the most success in recounting their old life through art.
Eve tends to be a very dramatic teacher, but quite gentle with her little friend. She couldn’t have asked for a more enthusiastic student, though.
Eve’s quite protective of the little thing; she’s not quite as heartbroken about Zuke’s abandonment due to the company of her apprentice/adopted child, but the thought of them being taken away tends to scare her quite a bit. As such, she tends to spoil them rotten, though they’re still quite sweet.
Riley has a degree of PTSD from their experience in Hallownest; they’re very sensitive to sounds and movement in their peripheral, and have bitten and scratched people on more than one occasion for getting in their bubble without proper warning or consent. Eve’s pretty good about avoiding their blindspot and having her footsteps make noise they can track.
Eve’s among the first to learn about the Lord of Shades and the dream realm due to her teaching her magic painting to Riley. With her help, they created the Dark Mirror, which allows people to enter a sort of waking simulation of the dream realm, though it tends to seriously disorient people not accustomed to messing with reality (musicians tend to do fine, but normal folks? Not so much). It becomes a very useful communication tool when discussing Hallownest and how it functioned.
The former Hollow Knight views themselves as deeply indebted to Tatiana, though also viewing her as a friend. She gave them a name, a new purpose, and an opportunity to live again without the constraints of their failed duty; of course they’re going to feel kind of guilty about it.
Only the NSR artists and a few select NSR personnel have seen them in person, and the first thing people tend to notice is their sheer size. Tatiana worries how much renovations will have to be done to accommodate the rest of their kin once they grow up, if they wind up matching their eldest sibling.
They tend to have a reasonably positive relationship with the artists, due to their kindness towards the vessels and generally respectful attitude towards the behemoth of a trankil.  DJSS tends to rant about space in their general direction as his idea of small talk, and they tolerate it. He also not so subtly squees when he sees Comet interacting with their elder sibling. Sayu’s team thinks they’re anime hero levels of cool, sword and all, and Bunny tends to agree, trying to challenge them to fight. Yinu’s mom tends to scrutinize them as reference for Thorn’s later growth, though Yinu herself and Thorn tend to climb the adult trankil like a tree for fun. Neon J respects them deeply as a knight and technical prince, though Scotty’s pretty content to try and get them to play when they visit. Eve appreciates their good manners and willingness to listen, and Riley rather likes showing them their drawings.
Tatiana tends to treat Sterling as something of a confidante, due to their quiet nature and strong sense of loyalty. She worries they idolize her a touch too much to be healthy, but knowing what she does about their past, she’s not sure if a human therapist would help.
The wings grew in a couple weeks before the Rock Revolution; evidently they hadn’t developed quite enough to develop them before they had been sealed, leading to serious back troubles during their fight before their rebirth. It was a pretty chaotic affair helping them through their last molt, considering the other trankil who’ve been molting had a lot less to shed.
Tatiana tends to scold Sterling for digging through her old rock cassettes, though she comes to regret it after the whole debacle with BBJ.
Sterling’s way more ruthless than Tatiana asks for or is fully aware of; they tend to take threats to their new life, siblings, and new companions very, very seriously, and god help the poor soul who convinces them to act. Kliff doesn’t last long after the Rock Revolution, because of this, not that anyone notices.
The vessels were united under the leadership of Ghost to create the Lord of Shades, and upon killing and absorbing the Radiance, they’ve essentially become the collective gods of the Dream Realm as well as the Void and probably Death too. The level of focus and cooperation needed to fully activate these powers is incredibly high, especially after the vessels begin developing individual personalities, so there won’t be any casual appearances of the Shade Lord any time soon.
Vessels don’t need to eat to grow for the first five or six years of their life, as they have a lot of soul energy stored in their bodies from birth to facilitate growth in the Abyss (their “yolk”), but once that’s expended they won’t grow any more until they gain a stable food source and a safe environment to molt, hence why Ghost spent such a long time being so small, despite being the same age as Sterling. While not eating won’t kill them, humans don’t know that.
The average height for an adult vessel is 8 feet, from the bottom of their feet to base of their horns, whereas a newly hatched vessel (like Comet) is about the size of a tennis ball curled up.
People who aren’t accustomed to the otherworldly presence of the trankil tend to freak out when they’re nearby; the sheer emptiness of their eyes, the expressionless faces, the inhuman size and proportions all give anybody not used to it the heebie-jeebies. Of course, Vinyl City locals stopped caring pretty shortly after they first got the trankil.
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har-rison-s · 5 years
har-rison-s' IT masterlist
A/N: here is (finally) my IT masterlist! this might be my biggest one yet. doesn’t compare, of course, to my quantity of borhap and queen writings, but these i’m more proud of than those. happy reading!
🌺 - fluff
💥 - angst
🌙 - smut
✨ - personal favourite
‼️ - spoilers for IT: Chapter Two
psa: don't repost my work to other websites without my permission!
• Teen!Stanley Uris Writings
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underwater 🌺
underwater 2 🌺
reader is new in town, and not only does she have a fancy for stanley uris, but she also has an arsenal of bad pick-up lines
pretty 🌺 pretty sad 💥 pretty brave 💥  pretty proud🌺
a series where reader is bill's big sister
you got me trippin’ 🌺
you got me mumblin’ 🌺
reader is new in town, and her only friend bev introduces her to her friend group. reader likes one friend more than all others
run, rabbit, run 💥
reader encounters IT in one of the school bathrooms, and stanley is the first who she meets afterwards
dancing 🌺✨
reader teaches stanley how to dance the waltz
fast car🌺✨
reader and stanley have plans for their futures
tears for fears 💥
reader comforts stanley in the sewers after the flute lady attacks him
memories are the mind’s photos🌺
reader and stanley take pictures in the photobooth
you don't know you're beautiful💥🌺
reader is insecure about her looks, so she uses lots of makeup to look “pretty” and to appeal to stanley. unfortunately, the losers one day encounter the bowers gang
ask me why 💥🌺‼️✨
reader and stanley were high school sweethearts, and her return to derry brings a lot of news to her, some more shocking than others
stand by me 🌺
reader stands up to the losers always bullying stanley
shower caps🌺
stanley has prepared a shower cap for his girlfriend and each of his friends
lady in red🌺✨
reader and stanley attend prom, and her attire is dashing
foreign taste🌺
stanley comes over to reader's place for dinner with her & her parents
a hundred times🌺✨
stanley and reader are in a new relationship, but richie uses their shyness to his taste - he keeps flirting with reader
spiders in your hair 🌺
reader's hair is similar to stanley's, and sometimes it gets out of hand
loved you first 💥🌺
stanley and reader like each other, but richie's flirtings make stanley think that reader likes richie
holding your hand 🌺
reader and stanley occupy themselves at the arcade
if i was a boy 💥🌺
reader's hair gets cut short and everyone bullies her for it, except for one special stanley uris :)
• Adult!Stanley Uris Writings
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heaven series masterlist
loving you 🌙
stanley greets reader at the airport after her “work holiday” and he's excited to see her (to say the least)
stand by me: continued 🌺
the losers defeat IT without the help of reader and stanley, and come over for dinner a while later and meet their wonderful family
children are the future 🌺✨
mike hanlon calls stanley about the return of IT and asks him to come home, and stanley's kids are what convinces him to obey mike's wish
say so!🌙
reader has been feeling unappreciated, and stanley makes sure she never does again
we’ve been waiting for you🌺
it's the birth of stanley and reader's first child
a cold & lonely christmas🌺🎄
reader asks if jewish stanley uris would want to have dinner together on christmas eve
losers stick together 🌺
the losers have a dinner at stanley and reader's place, and they meet the children
losers will stick together🌺‼️
sequel to “lst”, losers tell stanley what happened in derry in may
ask me why 💥‼️✨
reader and stanley were high school sweethearts, and her return to derry brings a lot of news to her, some more shocking than others
lasagna evening 🌺✨
stanley and reader spend an evening together, making lasagna
your song 🌺
stanley asks reader a very special question at a restaurant, singing elton john's famous song
lay all your love on me 🌙✨
reader is just too eager, too turned on for stanley to wait for their friends' departure the next day, and what a fool would he be to not give in!
• Teen!Eddie Kaspbrak Writings
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eddie gets so nervous around reader that all he can do is spit out the health and disease facts he knows
knight in shining armour💥🌺
reader is shorter than her peers, and she's also very quiet and sensitive. luckily, so is eddie, but he'll protect against any evil in the world
last christmas💥🌺✨
eddie and richie have been fancying reader for a while, and it's her crush standing her up on christmas eve that makes them reveal their feelings to her
eddie keeps meeting a girl in his local pharmacy who he hasn't seen anywhere else, certainly not at his school. and she's always in front of him in line
white dresses with blue satin sashes💥🌺✨
reader likes dressing up, she loves cute dresses with buttons and bows and all sorts of decorations. on a particularly bad day of bullying, eddie helps make her feel better about her taste in clothes :)
• Adult!Eddie Kaspbrak Writings
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merry little christmas🌺🎄
reader and eddie have a cozy christmas together
eddie and richie have taken in stanley's daughter after her father's untimely, unfortunate death. it's their first christmas together, and her first christmas without her father
• Teen!Bill Denbrough Writings
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bill rescues reader from her nightmare in the house on neibolt street
artist's hand🌺
reader and bill have a skillful hand in drawing, and they've got a crush on each other. until a certain day, those crushes remain secret
• Adult!Richie Tozier Writings
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each time he falls in love💥🌺✨
richie tozier's unsuccessful romances throughout his life
like father, like daughter?🌺
richie tozier takes his daughter to the journey back to his hometown to see his friends
kiss it off me 💥🌙✨
on the day before his birthday, richie feels such intense and complicated feelings that he needs a release. but he doesn't know where these feelings come from
pretty proud🌺
bill's older sister was the only one richie trusted with his secret back in the day, but she sees it's true to this day
richie has found himself being in love with more than one person, at the same time. she may not take it as well as he expected
eddie and richie have taken in stanley's daughter after her father's untimely, unfortunate death. it's their first christmas together, and her first christmas without her father
• Teen!Richie Tozier Writings
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you've silenced the great richie tozier!🌺
turns out, there is someone with wittier comments than richie's
last christmas💥🌺✨
eddie and richie have been fancying reader for a while, and it's her crush standing her up on christmas eve that makes them reveal their feelings to her
join the groove!🌺✨
richie and reader are paired up for a P.E. dancing task
• Adult!Ben Hanscom Writings
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mirror tricks💥
ben and his pregnant wife face an attack at the house on neibolt street
• Losers Club (as a group) Writings
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a/n: yes i will use this gif for every losers club collective writing bcs its the only gif that fits ty
losers stick together🌺
the losers have a dinner at stanley and reader's place, and they meet the children
losers will stick together🌺‼️
sequel to “lst”, losers tell stanley what happened in derry in may
ask me why 💥‼️✨
reader and stanley were high school sweethearts, and her return to derry brings a lot of news to her, some more shocking than others
stand by me: continued🌺
the losers defeat IT without the help of reader and stanley, and come over for dinner a while later and meet their wonderful family
we’ve been waiting for you🌺
it's the birth of stanley and reader's first child
Happy reading!
Permanent taglist:  @gabiatthedisco @v0idbella @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths @empressdreams @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16 @mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131 @sunshine-stan-uris @radiantrichie
Stanley Uris tag-list: @nightbu-g @sadhwstudent @shawni-h @gothackedalready @seasidecrowbar @starred-river @raspberryacid @facelessbish @tozierskaspb @plum-duels @whereyoustand
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himbojoxter · 6 years
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Look at this liddol dude,,,,, I lov him I'm his dad
0 notes
obtusemedia · 5 years
The best songs of the 2010s: #100-76
Happy 2020! Now that the previous decade has finally finished, it’s time to commemorate the 2010s. The decade in which I grew from an awkward teen to an awkward adult. And a decade with a ton of great music. Let’s dive right in: these are my 100 favorite songs of the 2010s.
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#100: “Monopoly” by Danny Brown (2011)
Danny Brown is so delightfully grimy. He’s like a cartoon sewer rat come to life, rapping about pills and making hilariously crude jokes. In an anti-drug PSA, he’d be the sketchy weirdo trying to get a kid hooked on bath salts or whatever. And for a quick shot of his non-replicable style, it’s hard to do better than “Monopoly.”
Rapping over a glitchy, menacing beat with his trademark squawk, Brown lands oddball punchline after oddball punchline. In a span of less than 3 minutes, he threatens to defecate on your tape (and he has to clarify that too — “No, literally, shit all on your mixtape”), compares himself to Ferris Bueller sipping wine coolers and then closes his track by describing a woman’s vagina as “smellin’ like cool ranch Doritos.” And that last insult is the perfect distillation of Brown: the Adult Swim of rap. But much smarter than that would imply.
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#99: “Shutdown” by Skepta (2015)
At the 2015 BRIT Awards, Kanye West performed “All Day” with a massive crowd of grime artists on stage, all in black, with flamethrowers shooting fire into the sky. 
Four days after the performance, Skepta — one of the artists on stage with Kanye — released “Shutdown.” It’s a much more fitting song for the intimidating, energized and proudly British crowd of MCs than a middling Kanye non-album cut.
“Shutdown” is the kind of song a rapper releases when they’re at the peak of their powers. Skepta was absolutely at that point in 2015, and so his finest single sounds like a coronation. His gruff delivery isn’t too loud, but it’s firm and confident. He knew he was the best MC in Britain, and “Shutdown” cemented that status.
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#98: “Amor Fati” by Washed Out (2011)
Washed Out was one of the brightest voices in the turn-of-the-decade chillwave movement, and with cuts like “Amor Fati,” it’s not hard to see why. 
The big single off his debut, “Amor Fati” gives you a similar sensation as taking a shower: Pure bliss and warmth cascade around you. It’s a bit repetitive, but the song is clearly meant to set a mood more than anything else, so that’s excusable. If you need an entry point into chillwave, you can’t do much better than this.
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#97: “Los Ageless” by St. Vincent (2017)
St. Vincent’s trajectory this decade took her from an art-pop weirdo who collaborates with David Byrne to a more mainstream art-pop weirdo who collaborates with Taylor Swift. But in that process, Annie Clark was able to pull her sharpest hooks out and put them in use in deceptively dark songs like “Los Ageless.”
With its sleek new wave production from Jack Antonoff, “Los Ageless” could’ve easily fit on most pop records. But Clark’s atonal, shrill guitar bursts and increasingly disturbing lyrics differentiate it. The song’s themes gradually shift from “lol Los Angeles is fake and plastic” to something more tragic. The desperate (in a good way) chorus says it all: “How could anybody have you and lose you/And not lose their minds too?”
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#96: “I Like It” by Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull (2010)
I’m aware how ridiculous putting “I Like It” — a disposable, trashy club pop hit most people might not remember — on this list. Admitting I that I love this song probably guarantees that I’ll never get a job at Pitchfork.
But then those fuzzy, cheap synths come crashing in. And Enrique Iglesias sings his sleazy come-ons in an auto-tune slurry. And Pitbull delivers a gloriously ridiculous, very-2010 verse that references both the Tiger Woods cheating scandal AND the Obamas (along with gratuitous Spanish and a Miami shoutout). And then there’s the final touch: a prominent sample of Lionel Richie’s cheeseball classic “All Night Long.” It’s too much to resist.
What can I say? “I Like It” hits all the pleasure centers (including nostalgia, seeing as it came out in the middle of my high school tenure) in my brain. It’s a beautifully stupid, hedonistic highlight of the 2009-12 pop golden age.
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#95: “The Wire” by HAIM (2013)
Retro-pop standard bearers HAIM had plenty of great singles this decade. But one of their first, the groovy breakup anthem “The Wire,” is still their best.
Unlike many most breakup anthems, which tend to be wildly emotional, “The Wire” is matter-of-fact. The relationship simply isn’t working, and it’s time to end it. That’s that. You’re going to be okay.
The verging-on-curt lyrics mixed with the Haim sisters’ groovy early ‘80s rhythm makes for a pop jam that’s perfect for any “It’s not you, it’s me” moment in your life.
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#94: “Helena Beat” by Foster The People (2011)
I know they represent the mainstream selling-out moment of the magical late-’00s MGMT/Passion Pit/Phoenix moment, but I have a soft spot for Foster The People. Their debut album, Torches, might not have much indie cred, but it’s all-killer-no-filler and stuffed with monster hooks. And despite “Pumped Up Kicks” being the big hit, I’ve always preferred the album’s opening track, “Helena Beat.”
With its shuffling disco beat and Mark Foster’s piercing falsetto, “Helena Beat” is likely about as close as alt-rock ever got to the Bee Gees. The lyrics, which tackle addiction, are much darker than “Staying Alive,” but it’s got a similar sense of propulsion.
And let’s not forget — Foster wrote jingles before starting a band, so he can get melodies stuck in your head. And once you’ve heard “Helena Beat,” good luck getting it unstuck.
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#93: “Redbone” by Childish Gambino (2016)
“Redbone” might be the smoothest R&B cut on this list. Which is why the song’s sense of dread and paranoia makes it stand out. 
Donald Glover’s scratchy, passionate falsetto isn’t conventionally pretty, but it works well while singing about some unknown boogieman who’s “creeping.” That’s why “Redbone” was a perfect fit for Get Out, because of its lurking dread underneath the comfortable exterior. This is the song that cemented Glover as being a true renaissance man, rather than an actor with a weird musical side project.
(of course, this still isn’t Glover’s greatest musical contribution — that would be the iconic “Troy and Abed in the Morning” jingle. Especially the night variant.)
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#92: “Do You” by Spoon (2014)
Spoon has been America’s most consistently great rock band for the past two decade now. Even calling them “consistent” is practically a cliché.
So all you need to know about “Do You” is that it’s another solid Spoon song in a vast catalog of Spoon songs. Lead singer Britt Daniel is still effortlessly cool, the guitar-driven groove is simple and it all goes down easy. By 2014, Spoon had nothing left to prove, except how long they could keep up their streak.
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#91: “I’m Not Part of Me” by Cloud Nothings (2014)
Cloud Nothings’ finest moment is four and a half minutes of pure angst and crunchy guitars. Squint hard enough, and “I’m Not Part of Me” is one of the closest approximations to ‘90s alt-rock. And while the Ohio band isn’t necessarily reinventing the wheel here, refining what made past music so great can be just as effective.
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#90: “Hello” by Adele (2015)
Despite only releasing two albums this decade, Adele casts a major shadow over the 2010s. Although I find both those records to be a little on the bland side, there’s a reason she was/is a juggernaut. And the example of her prowess is “Hello.”
“Hello” has everything you’d want in an Adele song: It’s about not getting over a breakup, a very relatable topic, and Adele gets to show off her cannon of a voice. But it also has a secret weapon compared to other Adele ballads: ‘80s power-ballad production! The bombastic chorus has more in common with Heart’s “Alone” than any of Adele’s previous hits, and it’s a perfect accompaniment to one of the decade’s most melodramatic singles.
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#89: “Slumlord” by Neon Indian (2015)
Despite putting out two essentially perfect albums this decade, Neon Indian’s mastermind, Alan Palomo, doesn’t really have that one mind-melting single. Yes, “Polish Girl” was a decent-sized indie hit, but it’s nowhere near his best.
But “Slumlord” comes damn close to perfection. It’s not quite as heavy on the melted-VCR aesthetic of other songs on Palomo’s best album, Vega INTL. Night School, but it makes up for that with an irrepressible ‘80s techno groove. “Slumlord” is one of those songs that could ride its beat forever — and it kind of does, with the “Slumlord’s Re-lease” coda following it on the album. It’s a nocturnal synthpop jam that even those allergic to keyboards couldn’t resist.
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#88: “The Bay” by Metronomy (2011)
While most synth-weilding indie acts were trying to ape MGMT’s high-pitched fever dreams in the early ‘10s, Metronomy decided on a different, sleeker path with their 2011 album The English Riviera. That album’s best single, “The Bay,” is an immaculate blend of silky smooth yacht rock and nervy, tense new wave. Those two opposite styles shouldn’t work together, but Metronomy managed to pull it off regardless, creating the perfect beach anthem for awkward hipster Brits.
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#87: “bad guy” by Billie Eilish (2019)
I expect the 17-year-old Eilish will likely be remembered more as an icon of the 2020s than the 2010s, as she has a long and promising career ahead of her. It’s like how Lady Gaga is much more of a figure of this decade, despite her earliest hits arriving in 2009. But “bad guy” — the kind of left-field, innovative pop single that signals a new era — came out in 2019. And it’s too damn weird, catchy and just plain fun to leave off this list.
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#86: “Latch” by Disclosure feat. Sam Smith (2012)
It’s a bummer that Sam Smith turned out to be such a bore, because “Latch” — his introduction to the world — is pure electricity. 
Smith and fellow Brits Disclosure, who provide the pulsating, sensual production, were a dream team on “Latch.” All Disclosure needed to do was give Smith plenty of room to unleash his golden pipes, complete with a few futuristic touches. Smith delivered on his end, proving his worth as one of the best vocalists for conveying drama on the dancefloor.
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#85: “Need You Now” by Cut Copy (2011)
No, it’s not a cover of the Lady Antebellum hit of the same name. 
There were plenty of ‘80s-inspired epic synthpop bangers this decade; some groups made their entire careers off of them. But what sets Cut Copy’s “Need You Now” above the rest is its sense of patience. It’s an incredibly slow burner, building the tension with a thumping beat and calm vocals until it all explodes with a dazzling climax nearly 5 minutes in. Af that moment, the Aussies fulfill their promise with a euphoric release of synths and thundering drums. 
It’s not a complicated concept for a song, but Cut Copy executed it perfectly.
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#84: “The Mother We Share” by CHVRCHES (2013)
Glasgow new wave trio CHVRCHES never really lived up to their promising 2013 debut album, which opened with the anthemic “The Mother We Share.” But man, what a way to start a career.
"The Mother We Share” is all icy synths and furious drum machines, the sounds bouncing off each other like a hall of mirrors. And lead singer Lauren Mayberry’s quiet but confident vocals add the necessary human touch, conveying a tragic feel to the song’s triumphant chorus.
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#83: “Night Shift” by Lucy Dacus (2018)
One of the most ferocious, biting breakup songs of the decade, “Night Shift” is a showcase for Lucy Dacus’ vivid storytelling. The Virginia singer-songwriter spends the first half the song setting the scene of a crappy ex trying to halfway make amends, while Dacus’ character holds herself back from lashing out. She saves the visceral emotion for the second half, when the grungy guitars kick in and Dacus lets out a wounded howl, proudly stating that “I’ll never see you again/If I can help it.” “Night Shift” is a tour de force of indie rock songwriting that rewards patience.
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#82: “Round and Round” by Ariel Pink (2010)
Much of indie-rock trickster Ariel Pink is a little too jokey and off-putting for my taste. But on his defining single “Round and Round,” he sprinkled in just the right touch of weirdness into a song that otherwise could’ve been a massive easy-listening hit in 1980.
The quirks throughout “Round and Round” — the woozy, off-kilter production, the lyrics that seemingly make no sense, Pink answering his phone in the middle of the song — are enjoyable. But the song’s true strength is in its chorus: a sudden punch of roller-disco AM-lite harmonies that cut through all the song’s oddities. It’s a double-shot of warmth and nostalgic beauty that feels comfortingly familiar, yet still thrilling.
Pink seemed to know the chorus was the key to “Round and Round,” as he makes the listener wait nearly two minutes for it. But its inevitable release is a truly magical moment.
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#81: “4th of July, Philadelphia (SANDY)” by Cymbals Eat Guitars (2016)
Heavily referencing an early Bruce Springsteen classic in the title of a song that sounds nothing like Springsteen is quite the flex. But New Jersey indie-rockers Cymbals Eat Guitars pulled it off regardless.
“4th of July” is a clanging, anthemic scuzz-rock track about going through an existential crisis in the middle of Independence Day. While everyone else is making plans for the holiday, lead singer and guitarist Joseph D’Agostino is howling away, “HOW MANY UNIVERSES AM I ALIVE AND DEAD IN?!?” It’s one of the hardest-rocking mental breakdowns put on record this decade.
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#80: “I Like It” by Cardi B, Bad Bunny and J Balvin (2018)
Rapping over extremely-obvious samples has been a time-honored tradition in hip-hop, from the Beastie Boys trading verses over The Beatles to Puff Daddy jacking the chorus from one ‘80s hit and the beat from another in the same song.
But Cardi B, and reggaeton superstars Bad Bunny and J Balvin sampling the boogaloo classic “I Like It Like That” was an inspired choice. The trio’s verses are all delicious fun, whether they’re bragging about eating halal in a Lamborghini or referencing a classic Lady Gaga hit.
But that sample, combined with a trap beat and Cardi’s swaggering charisma powering the chorus, is what makes “I Like It” a classic.
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#79: “Sign of the Times” by Harry Styles (2017)
Most former boy band members aim for a grown-and-sexy pop anthem once they go solo, whether its Jordan Knight, Justin Timberlake or Zayn Malik. But the standout member of the 2010s’ standout boy band, Harry Styles, chose took a sharp left turn into melodramatic classic rock instead. And it was a brilliant decision.
"Sign of the Times” is about as close to a classic Beatles or Queen power ballad we got this decade, with its clanging Western guitars, lush strings and thundering drum fills. Styles doesn’t have Freddie Mercury’s gravity-defying vocals, but his immense charisma powers the song anyways. It’s not 100% clear what “Sign of the Times” is about, but with its cinematic scope and cryptic lyrics, it’s likely about the apocalypse. And there’s not many superior songs to cry to while the bombs fall.
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#78: “Dancing On My Own” by Robyn (2010)
The ultimate crying-on-the-dancefloor anthem, “Dancing On My Own” has already become a standard.
But Swedish alt-pop icon Robyn’s combination of icy synths and heartbroken, jealous lyrics can’t be replicated. Just ask Calum Scott, who slowed down the track into mushy, piano-ballad goop. Yikes.
What makes “Dancing On My Own” brilliant is its resiliency. It’s not a mopey song — Robyn is defiantly still grooving despite her crushed feelings. It’s a siren call for all those who have been hurt and know the only proper way to work out their emotions through cathartic dancing.
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#77: “Trap Queen” by Fetty Wap (2015)
“Trap Queen” is an incredibly fun hip-hop banger, but I don’t think I can extoll its virtues quite as well as Fetty Wap’s hype man at the end of the track. So I’ll let him speak:
Amen. It’s a real shame Fetty wasn’t able to keep his momentum rolling past a big 2015, but at least we’ll always have the magic dying-walrus energy of “Trap Queen.” HEY WHAT’S UP HELLOOOOO
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#75: “R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys (2012)
"R U Mine?” offers Arctic Monkeys fans the best of both worlds. On one hand, you have their AM-era slinky swagger. But it also retains the furious rock-n-roll energy of their early days.
Alex Turner sounds like a smooth-talkin’ cowboy here, but the music is anything but smooth. It hits like a semi-truck, with a calvary-charge guitar riff and so many thunderous drum fills you’d think you were listening to the E Street Band.
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
This emergency message is being broadcast to Fanfiction.net
This is a follow-up to PSA Get Your Critics United Immunity Shot Today! Please visit that thread if you haven't applied the basic vaccine for the virulent Critics United Disease yet.
Ladies and gentlemen, this press conference has been called to address a major development in our fight against the Critics United Disease. Experts believe that the virus has now mutated and is now highly contagious. The original vaccine is now no longer enough to provide the near-100% protection it used to known for.
The virus is now deadlier than usual. Symptoms include:
- Uncontrollable rage, depending on your immunity system.
- Drive to cannibalize on your fellow writers, though the majority of infectees will be able to resist this symptom.
- Severe rashes and tumor growth and swelling in review section. Example: Warning - Viewer Discretion Is Advised
- Possible overexcitation of immunity system, resulting in higher reader counts acting as white blood cells to fight the infection.
- Possible reduced activity in story. Might also result in increased activity in story due to attention drawn to it.
- Possible sleeplessness depending on your immunity system and thickness of your skin.
Some experts have also expressed that this strain of the Critics United Disease might have been independently mutated from other strains of infectious virus, drawn from deep within the muck-filled sewers of the perpetually quarantined Fanfiction.net.
In addition to the original vaccine, I believe it is prudent that everyone should apply this inoculation shot now (though it might prove to be a little more complex):
- Visit patient zero here: Here
- Block anyone there who claims to be from Critics United: Go to 'Account Users' => Block Users => Enter Critics United members ID/Penname and Block.
- As patient zero is still currently suffering from this mutation of the Critics United virus, check back once in a while to see if the patient has developed anymore new tumors and physical abnormalities in the review section. Block anyone else who appears and claims to be from Critics United.
- Should you already show signs of infections in the review section, click the warning sign at the corner of the review and report the reviews. While it may or may not do anything and it'd take time even if it does, there's a chance of recovery in this secondary course of treatment.
Furthermore, it is advised that fellow writers keep a distance from patient zero least he becomes infected by the virus. Writers are advised to stay positive and continue writing. Writers are also advised to band together to ward off aggressive Critics United infectees who are violent as they have become vectors for the disease.
Looks to me that I've managed to attract the ire of the troll community, if there's such a thing. To be fair, there's a chance these guys aren't working for Critics United. But there's also a chance they are alternative accounts set up in an ongoing battle against writers who have wronged them or who they view as wrong.
But I guess there's always a silver lining. I'm basically numb to these no-lifers' antiques, and I hope that you guys will stand to benefit from my ordeal in that you guys get to stop this from happening to you BEFORE you come into contact with vectors of this disease.
Peace out.
submitted by /u/xbriannova [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2LBcm1d
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the-wonder-duo · 6 years
Random Ass Update #3
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This one is dedicated to all you shits that can’t read. 
A tsunami rocked the West coast. In light of the ongoing investigation into InvisaInk’s death, we decided that it’d be best if Deku went alone to aid with recovery efforts. 
Thousands died. Recovery efforts are still ongoing.
 If you’ve got the means, you oughta donate to the Japan Relief and Recovery Fund. 
I stayed in the East. 
Answered some shit questions between patrols. Told you fucks about Deku’s questionable taste in music. 
PSA: I’m better than Deku at everything. 
Deku kept in touch while he was in the Nagano through audio logs and holocalls. 
There were sightings of someone that might’ve looked like me. At the time, I dismissed it as bullshit. 
Explosions rocked the streets of Hosu. The cause was not determined. 
Get your conspiracy theory asses off my blog. 
I was arrested after an attack in Hosu; Okane Trust & Banking Company had been robbed in an explosive attack. 
The Hero Police Force  released a statement revealed that on-site video surveillance captured footage of me at the scene, though the security system experienced technical difficulties only moments later. 
Sweat and hair analysis also placed me at the scene. 
Deku came back— even though I told him to stay in the East. Even though he was supposed to stick to the West to help tsunami victims. 
There were protests. I guess some of you lot aren’t complete dickheads, after all. 
I was drugged with Quirk suppressants. Standard procedure for those that’re being detained. 
My body didn’t react that well to ‘em. 
Footage of the bank robbery was leaked.
Deku compiled evidence to prove that I was innocent. 
When presenting his argument to the detectives who were in charge of the investigation, Deku was dismissed without any consideration. 
Asshole discovered that I was gonna be transferred to a maximum security prison even though I hadn’t even been arrested in any official capacity. Hadn’t even been charged of any crimes. 
Idiot broke me out of jail. 
Words don’t even begin to express what I felt. 
That idiot has so much going for him, you know? Wouldn’t have partnered up with him if he weren’t a damn good hero. He lives to help others. Dunno if he could live without it. 
And that could’ve been the end of it. Right there. 
He would’ve given it up. Thrown it all away. 
For me. 
You’re an idiot, Deku. 
We were pursued by Pros and police, but we managed to make it to the sewers. Since we’d spent weeks combing through them, we knew them pretty well. 
Took refuge in an undocumented Quirk shelter. 
Deku’d scheduled a leak of information to be posted onto the blog before he’d left. To tell everyone that he could of what had really happened, and to show why I wasn’t guilty of the crimes that I’d been accused of. 
Here’s the gist of what he wrote: 
I’m sure that the people who were responsible for kidnapping Kacchan are those who are responsible for InvisaInk, and do not say that without backing. The proof is in the visual evidence that has already been uploaded online by multiple sources; I suspect that the footage that was sent to me last night will be uploaded before long, as well. 
Most would say that those leaked stills that show an apparent Kacchan robbing a bank appear to be wrong, somehow. And those conclusions would be correct. 
There’s the obvious— the haircut, for one, which doesn’t at all match was Kacchan is currently sporting —but then there’s the more subtle (for those who don’t know Kacchan as well as I do, anyways). 
The imposter in the video is a mirror image of the actual Bakugou Katsuki.
 Upon reviewing some of the footage taken by crowd’s phones that day in the park— the day the fake InvisaInk confronted the both of us—I can see now that that InvisaInk was a mirror image of the actual InvisaInk, as well; for those that want obvious proof, I suggest slowing the video down to a fourth of it’s usual speed and pausing as InvisaInk lifts his gun to Kacchan’s head— you can see the visible outline of InvisaInk’s tattoo as his shirt sleeves rides up— on his left arm. 
The actual InvisaInk’s tattoo was located on his right arm. 
A closer examination of each of their features has further proved that this person is, in fact, able to create mirror images of their target— given what they’ve known to have taken from both Kacchan and InvisaInk, I can only infer that they use bone marrow to supply this transformation with the aid of their Quirk. 
This also shows why the YouTube video uploaded of the fake InvisaInk’s spiel had actually seemed to be right for both Kacchan and I— before the video had been uploaded, the murderers had actually edited and flipped the footage, so that the person being displayed was on the correct side again.
 And yes, I did say murderers— because I believe this to be the work of not just one person, but at least two. Further inspection of the sight of the bank blast and an analysis of the explosion has proven that yes, while Kacchan’s actual sweat had ignited the ensuring explosion, it had blown the wall upon from inside the bank— he hadn’t entered from the outside, as witnesses and the footage depict of the alleged “Ground Zero.” 
I have come to the conclusion that the second accomplice is one that harvests body parts in order to gain use of that target’s Quirk; for InvisaInk, the murderers harvested his skin, and for Kacchan— his hands. 
The same hands that were taken from him months ago. During his kidnapping— which had been so similar to that of InvisaInk’s. 
Chillingly, a closer look at footage captured at the Charity Smash event depicts a person that looks eerily similar to InvisaInk— with the exception of his height, his hair, and his features. In fact, his skin seems to be the only startling match— a comparison shows that the freckles on this man’s face exactly match those of InvisaInk’s. 
‘Course it wasn’t me. 
I’d never pull a stunt like that. 
I’m a goddamn hero. 
Anyways, some numbskull who’d just been released from their own interrogation actually managed to snap a pic of Deku breaking me out of there. 
Didn’t cower in the sewers, though. 
We found the fuckers that were responsible for what had happened. 
Had some help from another Pro Hero, Earphone Jack. 
Deku kept more of a level head than I did, admittedly. 
I dunno. I guess it was harder than I ever would’ve imagined it’d be. Keeping my cool. When the sick bastards that skinned InvisaInk alive were right in front of me. 
Chased ‘em to a crowded street, police got involved, caught the murderers, and gave ourselves up.
Seems like they might’ve been two of Backlash’s lackeys, but in all goddamn honesty, they seem like a pair of those Anti-Quirk Liberation League nutjob extremists. ‘Least, they seem that way to me. 
Toga Akane was one of ‘em. Sister of Toga Himiko, who gained some fame from working as member of the League of Villains some years back. 
She’s in possession of a Quirk that allows her to become a mirror image of anyone who’s bone marrow she consumes. 
Claims she hates her sister. That people like her are the scum of the Earth. That people like herself are scum of the Earth. That people like them ought not to exist, and that their actions— and more importantly, their Quirks —are proof of that. 
Says that she did it for the greater good. Part of a way of showing once and for all that Quirks ought to be eliminated— part of a way to show us all how they ruin lives. 
The Anti-Quirk Liberation League won’t claim her. Say that they don’t associate themselves with common criminals, and that they’re horrified and repulsed by her actions. 
Last I heard, she’s attempted suicide at least twice since the beginning of her imprisonment.
The other murderer was Hada Dorobō. Possessed an undocumented Quirk that snatches the abilities of other Quirks through imbibing body parts conducive to the utilization of other Quirks. 
Appears that the sick bastard can only snatch one Quirk at a time; if he tries to take on another, the body part that he stole rots off of him. 
Deku and I were released after Lead Detective Naomasa discovered that the secretary to the Senior Commissioner had been, essentially, brainwashing most of the force via email. Had a Quirk that affected perception through written word. 
It’s been confirmed that the Senior Commissioner was bribed to ignore these criminal acts, and both of ‘em have been arrested. S’why the force had been acting so unreliably recently.
 Originally, we were given a week of house arrest and ‘till the first of June of suspension, but that was changed to house arrest ‘till the first a few days ago. 
After the first, we’ll be allowed to work as Pro Heroes again. 
So we’ve been sitting around the house ‘till then. 
Answered some more questions. 
Deku revealed that he’s come across a Quirk that allowed the wielder’s dick to function like a compass. Pointed towards what the user really wanted, apparently. 
I think that Deku’s a gullible dumbass and that it was just a boner. 
Deku doesn’t wanna be the number one hero anymore. 
He wants to be the best hero. 
A great hero. 
Fuck you, Deku. 
There’s been some fallout. Apparently you can’t just break outta jail and expect to be considered a shining example of heroism by everyone. 
Who would’ve imagined that. 
I don’t give a damn what you have to say about it. Yeah, breaking me out was a stupid move, and yeah, it could’ve been so much worse, but you know what? Deku’s still a hero in my eyes. 
In case you’ve lived under a rock for the past decade, you ought to know that the leader of the League of Villains is dead. 
My biggest rival made a comeback.
Played some games. 
One of ‘em was perverted as hell. Our publicist is a real piece of work, putting that crap together. 
Truth or Dare ended with a naked Deku in my bed. 
Deku worried too damn much about it. 
It’s fine. Fucking weird, and awkward, and yeah, I was pissed that he pulled something like that just ‘cause he thought he could get some info that I wouldn’t hand over to him on a silver platter, but the fuck got too caught up in that. 
Culminated in Deku putting himself into a slump. 
Asshole told me that it’d be best if we didn’t share a bed for now. 
Informed him of how goddamn stupid he is. 
And then I told him to come to bed. 
For better or for worse, we’re a team. 
Shitnerd’s just gonna have to accept it. 
We’re not fucking. 
And we’re more than ready to go back to work already. 
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ofhowls · 6 years
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happy spooktober everyone ! i’m currently sick and wishing death upon myself and my inability to do replies with a stuffy nose. might as well have chopped off my hands and thrown me down the sewers @ this nasty cold. anyways ! we have some things planned in the roleplay i admin, which is @nexrp​, that are bound to get you into that halloween spirit. we’re APPLESS for the time being, too, so what better month to join us ? still not convinced … i get it, let me offer you some pros to this situation, then !
you’ll be invited to my personal halloween month horror movie watch. one movie a day, sometimes more. of course we watch crappy cinema all year round, but this is a special event, nonetheless.
friends ! you’ll make tons of them. we are currently thirteen members in the roleplay and we’d love to meet some new people. plus when 2019 comes around, we’ll be entering our fourth year as a group which is pretty exciting.
don’t you love the 80′s ? i do. and even if you don’t, what about the 90′s ? the current year is 1989 and in a couple of months … frosted tips will be all the closer. 
why limit the spookiness to halloween ? in sheffield, connecticut, it’s spooky year round. this small town has plenty of lore and ghost stories to keep your oc’s fed and satisfied. force them into the old asylum on a dare, make their house a wee bit haunted, is their family lineage connected to the witch trials ? the opportunities are endless.
i’ll be on the main for the majority of the day, hopefully with less tissues keeping me company and more apps. have a great rest of your day, loves !
small psa : if you’re curious and want to click this little character blog of mine, some major blood tw as it’s been spookified. carrie white is that bitch, am i right?
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