#this fandom reeks
ivorsblocksleeve · 23 days
the mcsm fandom fuckin sucks dude
As a long time member of the furry, danganronpa, and BNHA fandom im not the type of person who likes to generalize entire fandoms based off of experiences i hear about or have with other people in said fandoms. but the MCSM fandom is such a filthy stain on the internet and so many people in the community have gotten WAY out of hand. the constant racism and whitewashing of characters. people publicly talking about NSFW topics in numerous discord servers that have children in them, sometimes with people under 13 years old. the ridiculous amount of drama surrounding character headcanons among other things. its RIDICULOUS
im a black guy. i can care less about the "issue of blackwashing", it does not exist and never has existed. i care a LOT about the whitewashing in this community. there are multiple jesse skins for a reason, to represent a ton of different peoples races! red suspenders jesse is literally WHITE! if you want to draw white jesse draw HIM! why are people whitewashing the other jesse skins? why are people whitewashing characters like radar, stella, olivia, etc?? MCSM as a game has blessed its community with a wide range of characters of different ethnicities and races (even if not directly stated) and none of them are stereotyped, theyre all incredibly well written and have great characterizations but unappreciative morons are choosing to whitewash the shit out of them :/. the characters are so easy to colorpick. theyre minecraft characters. literally pixels. coloring people of different skin colors is NOT a difficult thing. have some common sense and use references properly.
im an adult who likes adult things. as an adult i understand boundaries and that talking to minors about sexual headcanons is NOT a good thing! woah! some of you dont understand how important it is to tag certain shit on different sites correctly or how to keep conversations about NSFW topics away from people who are WAY younger than you. vague jokes are one thing but time after time ive either heard or seen myself that grown ass people are describing explicitly sexual things with minors. gross much???? and PUBLICLY of all things. its one thing to have your own friend group or whatever, its fine to discuss things in private so long as its with someone in your fucking age range but JESUS CHRIST! MCSM discord servers have become BREEDING GROUNDS for these kinds of adult NSFW discussions with minors and it only creates a domino effect where they too start sharing that in OTHER MCSM servers with OTHER minors. ITS GROSS!!
(whole paragraph above also applies to headcanons and aus that are also potentially triggering. jesus christ some things should just be kept in private convos on the internet)
and my god the DRAMA over characters its insane. its completely fine to dislike certain headcanons and to have certain opinions on them. you can publicly voice your opinions in a RESPECTFUL manner. it really is not hard.?? at all. there are a ton of headcanons i hate personally, i rant about them in private and if i ever feel like voicing about them in public ill say it in a respectful manner. if someone dislikes a headcanon you like it is not a personal attack on your entire being. relax dude. i will always agree with the statement that fiction affects reality but my god they are just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS that you do not know personally and you do NOT need to go on a rampage and witch-hunt people because people say things like "i think xyz character has a different body type!" or "i think xyz character is a certain sexuality!". this especially applies to age headcanons. ages are NOT CANON, sure there are characters that appear to be older than others but ages are always up for speculation. not everyone is going to agree with your "minor coded" headcanons, dont attack and throw proshipper/pedo accusations on people who dont? id go into the infantilization of the characters who get this kinda treatment but different problem different day. point is, headcanons are headcanons and sending swarms of people after people who disagree with them is DUMB and STUPID and NOT NICE! stop doing that
in general this fandom harbors horrible mindsets and even more horrible people who i will not name and frankly its getting very frustrating seeing how the people in this fandom treat each other. have some respect for others and also yourselves. fix up your behaviors, dont make your bad attitudes everyones problem, and spend some time off the internet. have a good day yall
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hamartia-grander · 9 months
I don't know how people can say they think Luis is super dirty/smelly/whatever. I'm being sarcastic, obviously it's the racism but. Leon is clearly the dirtiest stinkiest motherfucker in the game. This guy has dirt and grime in every crevice. He swam through literal poo water, several times. Leon has enough blood all over his body for a transfusion. He was sweating buckets the moment he arrived in his fancy leather jacket and he didn't stop sweating once. He ate fish and snakes raw and didn't even drink water after. Meanwhile Luis's hair is soft and shampooed to hell. His beard is perfectly trimmed and even. His hands are always clean. There's a sharp scent of spearmint beneath the tabacco in his breath. I know because I made out with him
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catofoldstones · 11 months
Theon: tortured out of his mind and body, lost his name, identity, self, terrified of a single glance from the wrong person: yes, I can show you the crypts because if I don’t I’ll lose my skin or my eye
Barbrey Dustin: so then I saw my hymen blood on brandon stark’s dick and that is how I lost my virginity Sexy times ;))
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
Do you have beef/opinions on finaglc? Asked bc of tags from a few days ago. It’s been years since I read that one…i remember it being A Lot but that’s about it.
you ever read some really wack papyrus characterization where you don't even need to check the author's other works cuz you just Know they write f0ntcest
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red-balloon12 · 8 months
A little Azula rant:
I really hate it when people say “Azula couldn’t have been redeemed because it would ruin her storyline”
I’m sorry, but if you couldn’t have thought of a better way for Azula’s storyline to go, that’s your problem. Team Aang had no problem having two non benders on the team, why couldn’t both Zuko and Azula be on it? Why couldn’t Zuko join up first (and sooner) and then after all Azula has done, through the efforts of Zuko and herself, finally realize she was nothing more than a weapon to Ozai and join up with her brother and the others later?
You could have your cake and eat it too, the affects of Ozai’s abuse making Azula break off less sooner than Zuko but still having her redemption once she does.
Why is Azula failing, taking the fall and being chained up by the NECK in jail the only way for her story to work?
This mentality REEKS of “Perfect Victim Mentality” and it’s gross.
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rose-void-789 · 8 months
When you immediately fall inlove with a pairing but the show is from 10 years ago and you don't wanna get spoil so you gotta start from the oldest fanfics and work your way up cause you you can't risk it and it is an experience. Just like all the little choices people made and how the fandom evolve its like seeing an ant colony building up there fandom from above all these little experiences it's so fun.
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rainybraindays · 8 months
I don't like making posts like this, I don't like opening my blog up for people to come and harrass me but oh my god, why does the fandom allow posts like this to get away unscathed?
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You don’t have to like Marina. I'll never claim that. You can like or dislike whoever you want.
But I do wonder, if Marina was played by a white woman would we get nearly as many posts like this? Would everyone be as okay with it? Would we have been so quiet about the fact that Ruby Barker was harrassed for this role? Or would there be way more people defending her? Would she suddenly be sympathetic when now shes not?
Why are we all so okay with taking this character with a nuanced story, put in a horrible situation with almost no options and turning her into a villian?
Like did we watch the same show? Did you miss the bit where she doesn't want to find a husband at all and only starts when she thinks shes been abandoned, which she only believes because she gets a forged letter saying she was? Did you not see Portia slap her? Did you not also watch a man old enough to be her grandfather being forced on her?
Lying to Colin wasn't okay, I'm not defending that, but literally tell me what her options were?
The man she loves is dead, but she doesn't even know that she thinks he abandoned her, so she can't reasonably assume Phillip will take responsibility when his brother won't. The only people Portias interested in introducing to her are those she wouldn't introduce to her own daughters. She can't reasonably think Colin will be open to her as a wife since shes pregnant becausethats not the norm. But Colin is, he says he would have married her even knowing. And Colin also doesn't view Marina as a villian, in season two hes sad yeah, but he’s also guilty because he doesn't think she deserved what happened.
This is a nuanced messy situation but no one wants to look at that.
Like you all make it very clear you view her as a whore, because she did a very normal thing and had sex. You all view her as a manipulative snake of a person, when if she was even the Whistledown article wouldn't have been a stop for her because she would have tried to get out of it. You conveniently forget that she almost killed herself in an attempt to abort her children because of her mistreatment post Whistledown article because that takes away from the idea you've concocted that shes some villainous bitch.
But then you turn around and want Penelope to have sexual knowledge that she realistically wouldn't and canonically doesn’t. You praise her for her Whistledown work even though it keeps hurting people she loves and shes lying about doing it.
This is weird, posting about how you can't wait for a character to die, and how you hope the death is - lets be honest here- humiliating, is a bizarre thing to do.
Its even more bizarre to do that, tag the character, and then also tag two ships that really the post really isn't about.
Like why is Polin tagged? Because they're both mentioned? This isn't a polin moment. You don’t talk about them at all in the meat of the post. Why is Philoise tagged? Because she's an 'obstacle' for them? They haven't even met, they aren't mentioned at all, they have nothing to do with this.
And on top of tagging these things you say "don't try and defend her to me" which why would we you clearly wouldn't listen. You follow that with saying "If you like her you probably suck" and claim to have tagged this as anti marina when you didn't. You put this in her main tag and then added "death to marina".
Theres no respect to your peers in the fandom, and clear disrespect to people who do like this character and are actually willing to engage with the character beyond fanon portrayal. Because thats what this is its not even taking her at face value anymore.
You wonder why people dislike this fandom, specifically the polin side of it, and do things like this. We as a community need to improve because stuff like this isn't uncommon, this is just one of the most blatant I've seen.
I'm going to be entirely honest if you follow quotegirl19, or don't see the issues with Marinas portrayal and treatment by the fandom this is not the blog for you.
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roy-kents · 6 months
some of you are a little bit too comfy being outwardly dismissive of the possibility of buck being into a man who isn’t eddie and i truly implore you to take a look in the fucking mirror and ask yourself why that is
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Do people realise you can fuck other people even when you're attracted to someone and its not a moral failing nor does it taint your relationship with them?
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yaralulu · 3 months
Everytime I see someone saying they don’t want an elain book because she’s boring and we don’t know anything about her but then in the same breath saying they want an azriel book a piece of my soul dies a little.
What if I told you we know as much about elain as we do about azriel.Or is it only okay for men to be quiet and mysterious and when it’s a woman she’s suddenly boring and doesn’t deserve her own book huh 😍??
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arson-09 · 4 months
its very interesting to me how Tamlin is the character and High Lord that is heavily vilified (I would almost say even more than Beron strangely) when he is the only High Lord to have talked about d how he has gone about removing slavery within his court, protecting lower fae in general, and his court was open to immigration from other courts (i cant remember if its mentioned again in acomaf but in acotar fae from other courts are free to move to the spring court. example, Alis) and how overall he is a great leader. Especially when you compare him and Rhysand as High Lords.
The Court of Nightmares is well, a nightmare. Its existence is extremely strange and makes Rhysand look very odd. as well as its unclear how Rhysand gets his wealth. Velaris was a hidden city until acomaf-ish, which means it was locked (so no immigration or emigration which isn't bad per-say but does bring up how it works economically) and Rhysands inability or unwillingness to protect his citizens (not enforcing the wing clipping ban and allowing people to be abused in the CoN. and before anyone starts about him not being able to control the illyrians, why did he make it a law in the first place? It just makes him look bad) makes him look like a shitty ruler. His supposed "feminism" and friendship with the people of velaris doesnt answer these very important questions or justify the strange shit he does. Versus Tamlin, which you can refer to my opening statement for the comparison. Also to note, his rule only came into question and stability after Feyre broke into people minds (which I do feel is extremely gross and a huge violation of ones autonomy and privacy) and had to sabotage him. I won't comment how I feel about this in this post, but it says a lot that she had to go through such lengths to break him down. Especially after it was revealed he was in fact a double agent and never actually siding with Hybern.
The only time Tamlin is an arguably bad high lord is in acofas and acosf where he is in a severe mental crisis and not in a position to properly rule. But even then, it's not clear if this is actually causing harm to the land and people. It's probably not good because they don't have a proper leader but I can't believe it's a severe issue.
Its definitely a strange choice, isn't it? Cause I think anyone in their right mind would choose the anti-tyranny, anti-slavery leader who does his best for his people... and its somehow not our supposed 'hero'
"I once told you I would fight against tyranny, against that sort of evil. Did you think you were enough to turn me from that?"
Acowar, chapter 44
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e-the-village-cryptid · 7 months
me before experiencing the star wars fandom: "huh bix seems like a cool character. kinda underutilized though, i'm sad they didn't pull much on the threads of her being the main rebellion contact on ferrix and likely fencing stolen tech on the black market even before that. her isolated situation even when surrounded by community was really interesting and she clearly had a lot of potential there, I hope she gets to do more in season 2" *ready to move on*
half of the star wars fandom: "bix only exists as an accessory to cassian. if you talk about her, you should be talking about him"
the other half of the star wars fandom: "bix is a flat nothing character and anyone who sees anything to like about her just thinks she's hot. i will not consider anything else to like about her so clearly no one has"
me: "... ok it's now my life's mission to explore every bit of this character's circumstances and emotional depth i am thinking about her 24/7 she's everything to me i will defend her to the death"
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vaugarde · 4 months
watching lily’s pokemon retrospective vid (secondhand through a stream reacting to it) bc im too curious for my own good. and god i knowww this point has been beaten into the ground but jesus christ why is lily so nasty? between ranting about johto locking a lot of pokemon behind postgame (which i actually agree with her is shitty and annoying if you arent into competitive) she suddenly says that shiny hunters are “pathetic sacks of shit” who are stupid for thinking that shinies have value
like……… how has she not choked herself on all that spite
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sotc · 2 months
Listen I'm here for finding the lil spanish accent cute and all for lucanis but I am hesitant all over again bc white fandom LOOOOVES to fetishize brown men.
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sophsun1 · 1 month
omg these losers from 911 are coming to me a qaf/iwtv blog to complain about their ship wars. I couldn't give a fuck get a life you desperate weirdos, I'm laughing at how pressed you are throwing a tantrum like a child. bitch I barely have a toe in that fandom space nor do i ever have a desire to be in it.
Not everyone is consumed by hatred and misery, i will continue to make content for whatever blorbo's i damn well please at least i have the skills to do so unlike you untalented bunch of haters.
Also i come from the toxic gay vampire show and am a die hard brian kinney stan so complaining to me about whatever pathetic nonsense you have going on is hysterical lmaoooooooo.
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 5 months
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i think i might actually start mauling people. i think i should be allowed to hunt toshiro haters for sport.
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