#this drives me Fucking Nuts man
caterjunes · 1 year
when i'm empress of the universe, all powered hand tools (drills, angle grinders, etc) will have two parallel flat sides so you can easily clamp them in a vice. and when you set a drill down or hold it against a square or wall or w/e, the spindle will be parallel with the work surface
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boohoohideyhole · 1 year
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arminsumi · 1 year
it's the...
it's the topknot it's the cigarettes it's the katana it's the blue eyes it's the cold expression it's the puck earrings it's the "idc" attitude it's the scorpiovibes it's the 6'2-ness it's the whiteshirtblacktie it's the sneakers with a uniform it's the addam's apple it's the fact he eye-measures his laundry detergent it's the cigarettes on the balcony with black coffee
it's just aki 🥴
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g1deonthefirst · 9 months
i can't stop thinking about the parallels between g—'s death and wake's death. g— going to melbourne with the suitcase and wake going to the ninth with a baby she'd nicknamed bomb. both of them completely desperate and needing a miracle. both of them probably aware it's a doomed suicide mission but of course they're both willing to burn for what they believe in. and then the fact that g1deon specifically is the one to kill wake, on john's orders, after john stopped g—'s heart. landmine people for real.
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ge · 4 months
tang bos grey streaks *crazy smiles*
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runningupthatvecna · 1 month
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pip the magician
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‘Butter’ Jacket Shoot Sketch Day Three - V
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paradoxolotl · 3 months
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Somehow I forget every time I get a haircut
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I finished up all the sidequests in DT and there’s something that gets me about the heritage found + solution 9 + living memory ones do have many moments that pull at your heartstrings, but they are undercut by this lingering horror. like how a girl doesn’t remember her own mother, and no one else around her recalls her either? How eventually all the turali people accepted the regulators bc this is how life is now.
there is all this technology they have, but they cannot fathom a way to correct the world in which they live? there is no way to fight or to fix their home, but merely to exist within the shelter provided? going off of how it feels like a commentary rather than a narrative flaw, it speaks a lot to how stagnant the people of Alexandria have become. there is no past because there is no memory of the people who lived before. there is no future, as there is seemingly no way to fix the world outside of everkeep. they are as stagnant as their queen. they feel as detached from reality as the people of living memory do. it’s two sides of purgatory.
note: I’m not blaming the ppl of tural for accepting the reality of their circumstances. it’s merely them being put in a situation where that was their only recourse and it’s dogshit to have to accept this is the way it goes, but when there’s not much choice…
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Trying to drag real-world ethics into the Batverse is a bad faith argument when absolutely nothing in the Batverse has any ethical or moral standing in the real world.
Real world evils that claim death tolls:
- billionaires
- cops
- vigilanteism
- copaganda (crime-fighting as a genre is libertarian copaganda)
- prison industrial complex
- war on drugs
- child soldiers
- policing entities without democratic or civic transparency or oversight
- finding acceptable targets for your personal trauma and visiting what you believe is justified violence on them
But all of that is fine and good and acceptable as conceits of the universe, EXCEPT the question of "should this rich white guy who appoints himself the protector of the innocent due to the failures of the legal system, actually do something about this guy who keeps killing because of the failure of the legal system?" THAT is somehow above challenge or question. Never mind that turning the concept of "legal incompetence", meant to protect the most vulnerable population in a society, into a loophole for fictional mass murderers is violent ableism and copaganda. Forget taking a deep dive into why exactly killing is bad, or how far a value system can go before it becomes self-serving, or storytelling imperatives or any of that. The only reason any of us could ever take Jason's side (re: the Joker) is that we, in real-life, think that "bad guys should die". Instead of the fact that because nothing works as it should in the Batverse, the Joker's continued existence actively cheapens any moral code that allows it.
You can take whatever side you want to, but get off that horse and actually engage with the question, or fuck off with the dudebros who think "killing a serial killer makes you as bad as a serial killer" has any actual ethical basis.
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togamest · 3 months
one like and i go upstairs and steal my partner's keyboard and mouse and throw them in the garbage like ron swanson
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a03-anxiousandafraid · 3 months
I honestly thought recovering from surgery would give me the time and disposition to try to dust off all my ao3 wips but instead I got frustrated with how messy the apartment is and tidied up while "dancing" (I still can't bend very much so imagine penguin waddles and little booty shakes) in the kitchen at 1:30 am to one song that has been stuck in my head... I will absolutely regret this when I wake up later...
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possumteeths · 2 years
As someone who reads like a LOT of dumb romance books, one thing that ticks me off is that the authors always strive so hard for body diversity when it comes to ladies, but that courtesy is never given to the guys. All dudes are always described to be square jawed and muscled and very tall and like… its boring lol.
Its not woke or special to go out of your way to diversify women’s bodies and describe them to be different and then write 1018301 books with the same muscled beefcake abs upon abs motherfucker but like with different hair colors or something. Such emphasis on the lovely softness of plus size women, but then clear disgust for fat or softness when it comes to a guy. Sure. Alright. I hate it.
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Ash with fans in New York
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
god the way men get offended at women trying to defent themselves always sends me fuming. theres some youtube video of some dumbass american dick getting on the womens only section of a train in japan (they had to make women only sections because sexual harassment assault and groping was so prominent in mixed spaces) and the asshole is walking around in there talking at the top of his lungs abt how this is just like saudi arabia and hes being discriminated while making all of these women uncomfortable in a space meant for not dealing w mens shit. dear lord they should make a cart separate only for him and lock him in there forever
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potato-jem · 1 month
if you are going to cough on the train, at least cough properly. the pathetic little clearing of the throat every two seconds is just embarrassing.
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