#this ask gave me a good start there so thank ya XD
chaoticspacefam · 2 years
What happens with Beryl Thorne!
(I do not have any screenshots for this one so sorry it's just a text wall) skjahskjgs
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanon Asks List]
Thank you for the ask, as always! <3
I still haven't 100% figured out where to slot in Risha so this stuff may be subject to adapt/change as and when I figure that out. (actually...a LOT of the smuggler crew/NPCs are kind of just stuck in the Limbo Void rn because I'm really not sure how Mer and Ziri would've met them or anything XD) BUT I have always liked Beryl Thorne and I can definitely say with confidence that Merak would have a thing for her :'3 Nothing serious because Mer isn't a man to be tied down by any sense (except for one (1) woman in the Zephyrverse AU) so its a very casual "I like you, you're fun" sort of arrangement.
I'd like to think a lot of Merak and Ziri's smuggling contracts were outsourced or provided by Beryl, and she probably ends up coming with Mer to the Alliance when its formed and working alongside them as part of Hylo's privateering team and so on.
Mer and Ziri's "ship droid" is actually an EXTREMELY OLD KM1 mining droid (I love KM1s with all my heart I had to give my smugglers one, sorrynotsorry) named Clank. And even though they're tech whizzes in their own right I'm sure there's been times where old Clank has gotten so borked Mer's had to run to Beryl for help because even Ziri couldn't fit it - plus without Aria around, he needed someone to help him source the "older" parts that would be compatible with Clank's circuits. Thanks Beryl!
Sorry hers is a bit short, she's one of the few I haven't gotten to thinking on in any sort of detail! 😅
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cottonlemonade · 3 months
Congratulations on your milestone Sunny 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I adore your writings so damn much 😭❤️❤️❤️
For the event, I take Menu A with ramune and dorayaki and sit next to Matsukawa Issei ❤️
Have a great day 🫶🏽
The Dare
word count: 551 || avg. reading time: 2 mins.
pairing: Matsukawa x chubby!Reader
genre: suggestive fluff
warning: suggestive, mdni
request: fluffy, detention with rival Matsukawa
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Issei looked out the window of the empty classroom. The sun started to set, gently illuminating his large frame.
“Do you ever think about how when you’re eating watermelon or grapes with seeds you’re eating the fruit’s sperm?”
You closed your eyes and groaned.
“Just shut up, Matsukawa. I prefer my detention in silence.”
“Why?”, the boy asked, “You got things to think about?”
He smirked and bounced his eyebrows twice.
“Shut up.”, you said again, warmth rising in your cheeks.
“So I touched your boobs. It happens.”, he shrugged nonchalantly as if this was an everyday occurrence.
“Matsukawa, shut. Up!”
“Dunno what you’re embarrassed about. They’re really nice. I’d recommend ya.”
Your pencil case zoomed through the air and hit him square in the face.
As he rubbed his stupid forehead you tried to hide the very obvious tomato-hue that had taken over your cheeks.
Only half an hour earlier you were coming out of the shower after practice with your team and were rummaging through the locker for your clothes.
The other girls suddenly started to screech and you turned around in terror just to see the idiotic middle blocker from the boy’s team stumble through the group of girls. The floor was wet from them all just finishing their wash up, making the tall boy flail. He tried to hold onto anything. Anything at all. Unfortunately, one hand grabbed your towel, yanking it down, while the other got a good hold of your breast.
For an endless moment time seemed to stand still before you exploded. Your colorful outburst must have echoed through the whole school. Alerted by the commotion, your coach immediately gave Issei detention for two weeks and you had to join him for the day for the use of insults sailors would envy.
Issei picked up your pencil case and brought it over to your desk. He crouched down, folding his arms on the tabletop and resting his chin on his hands. He regarded you squintily.
“Do you hate me now?”
“I already hated you.”, you noted immediately, very much avoiding his eyes. You could still feel his large calloused hand on your skin and you would have sworn under oath that he even squeezed your breast once before letting go.
“You know, your chubbiness is one of your greatest assets here. They felt extra soft.”
“Freaking pervert.”, you scoffed, praying for the earth to open up and swallow you whole.
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea to grope ya.”
“It was a dare, you see.”, he sighed dramatically and straightened, “I was forced to do it. - Not the groping part but the going into your locker room and running a lap while you guys were changing part.”
“Or what?”
“Or what what?”
“What would have happened if you hadn’t invaded the girl’s locker room?”
Matsukawa crossed his arms thoughtfully.
“Makki would have called me a coward.”
You rubbed a hand over your face in exasperation.
“Listen, y/n-chan-”
“Do not ever address me again, got it?”
Matsukawa looked down at you - you followed his eye line.
“Oh my god, you pervert! Stop staring at them!”
“I’m sorry I can’t help it!”
A detention supervisor came in just as you were using your backpack to hit his arm, earning yourself a second day of detention with him.
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a/n: thank you so so much for your request and sweet words ^^ whenever I write for this man something just… goes terribly wrong xD I hope you enjoy this chaos 🌟
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ask-funnybunnydoll · 5 months
I think I have to move on.
You may have noticed that all of a sudden my posts have become less and less frequent. That's not on purpose I simply don't have the motivation to keep this ask blog going. I made this blog at the peak of my TADC hyperfixation because I knew it would give me the boost to work. At the start I made like, what? 2 a day, wowzas! Then it became like every other day posts. It's not that I don't enjoy the blog, the ship, the asks. Hell, the asks were the best part of this, I love just seeing what you guys come up with for these three and I get to do the even more fun part of drawing the answer.
But I still have no motivation to keep this going. And I have fixated on something else if you follow my main.
So, thank you for being here and still liking my posts even if I hadn't posted often. This was the most fun I've had and being my first ask blog I ever created just makes it more important to me.
I probably won't ever revive this blog but I'll keep it open for you. And if you want to see what the story I originally planned out was gonna be then check below the cut! Or if you wanna stay curious and theorize then just scroll by. Thank you again, hope ya have a great day and year. I hope my shit was at least okay to you.
I'm not gonna lie. Most of the stuff was just created along the way of drawing. I was like, huh this would be cool let's add that in. And ofc I didn't get to any juicy lore in this but it would've been rushed because I didn't plan beforehand... which you probably could tell xd
For Pomni, here's the plot twist: she's dead and her conscience was updated into the game to keep her somewhat alive. She worked in the place that created the game, she even took part in putting people in there. The entire game was just an expirement to test if immortality was possible, but of course.. everyone goes insane in there so they have to keep on and keep on trying with more and more people to get anywhere. They wait until someone goes to edge of absolute insanity and that's when they take them out of the game, their bodies are still kept alive and they go back to normal. They forget everything that happened while in the game. For Pomni she died just after her conscience was converted to the game, for others they were forced to go while alive. Who killed Pomni? Well, her boss, the head of the experimentation. Why? Idk 😭
For Jax, I gave him a dark story. He was isolated in his home and kept away from the outside world, which is why he lacks empathy, because he simply doesn't know how to feel that way when he never really had knowledge of emotions outside or even inside his home. His father was emotionally and physically ab4sive so.. that didn't help. He latched onto his mother the most but they never saw eachother often. That's all I had for him in mind.
For Ragatha, she lived in the country on her own land with her husband. Yup! She had a husband and a daughter too. Husband was a total jerk and she couldn't leave because she didn't want their kid to experience separated parents. She's a doll in the game because it resembles the doll she made for her daughter.
I also had some plot that I made up in my mind. Like.... Pomni at the end would be the last one alone in the digital circus. That being since she's dead she would just be yknow. Dead if she left the game. Jax and Ragatha leave but only because Pomni forces them. Again don't know how, I probably would have made it up while I went along with the story. So, Pomni is just there alone, with Caine. And she lives like that for eternity. She doesn't go insane anymore and it isn't as lonely as it used to feel like. It would feel like home kind of. But she would be there, longing for her partners forever unless she decides one day to just. Yknow, die..
Also since Jax and Ragatha would forget everything after they leave the game, they just don't remember they were in a relationship and would live their lives like before. Sad and lonely.
Goodness, I forget I make the most sad stories ever sometimes 😭
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lil-melody-moon · 7 months
Hello Mel! I hope you’re doing well 🥰 I’ve seen that you reblogged the album ask thingy. I’m not sure if I have to give you the name of the album and a number or just the album and you answer all of the questions. So, If it’s not too much to ask, can you answer all of the 10 questions about Quadrophenia? I know how much you love that album and I’d like to know your thoughts on that one❤️ Also, you know how much I love to see your posts talking about the music you love hehe. Love ya <3
Hello, I've been doing so so but thank you for asking <3
The thing for it is to give a name for the album and some numbers, but what you ask for is perfect! I was hoping for someone to asking about "Quadrophenia", thank you that it was you! So without further ado.
1. Favourite and least favourite track?
Oh Gosh this will be difficult.
"5:15" is my favorite track of the whole album because of a few things. First being the fact that this was the first song I heard from this album. Funny story, mom wrote down a Depeche Mode song called "Little 15" and she wrote that it is a The Who song so I typed it in and "5:15" came up so we've listened. Mom didn't like it very much, but I fucking vibed - you can imagine my sheer surprise when I've found the album where this song was. Also, The Who's compilation CD I have has three tracks from "Quadrophenia" and "5:15" is one of them. Those three are never played quietly on dad's stereo system, never.
Now to the least favorite I actually don't know if I have one like that. I literally love every track on this album, but maybe I'll go with "I Am The Sea" because it's only an ambient of waves - which is very nice as an opening, considering how the story on album opens with "The Real Me", but ya know. Almost no music.
2. Side A or B? (for later releases: first half or second half; for doubles: A, B, C or D?)
This is a double so I have to choose between C and D - A and B are good too, but the rest of the tracks after "5:15" my beloved <3
And I think I'll go with C so that would include: "5:15", "Sea and Sand", "Drowned" and "Bell Boy". There's just something in those tracks that makes me get lost in music each time I hear them. I'm always missing the point where "Sea and Sand" ends and "Drowned" starts. Either it's so smoothly going from one to the other or I'm just so lost between notes. Plus there's "Bell Boy" come on, how could I not pick this side? XD
3. Thoughts on the cover art/packaging?
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Just look at this beauty! Washed from colors, depressing with only Jimmy on the cover while the rest of the band is seen in the side mirrors. The cover speaks for itself. The first time I saw it I just felt I was up to listen to something good and damn, I wasn't wrong. I love the cover so much that I would be glad to have it as a poster in my room. I'm not joking, I even saw a similar big flag to buy and if I had money and space in my room for it, I would buy it - this album is my religion <3
4. Are any of the tracks important/meaningful to you? Why?
Oh God, the whole album is important, but if I have to narrow it to a few songs... I will talk about very personal stuff here.
"Cut My Hair" Now this is like an opening track to the beginning of the story, to see how Jimmy feels emotionally, but the tone and the entire setting of how his life looked, now that is what brought my attention right from the beginning. The guy just doesn't fit in, feels like an outcast and this verse right there:
Why do I have to be different to them? Just to earn the respect of a dance hall friend Have the same old row again and again Why do I have to move with a crowd Of kids that hardly notice I'm around? I work myself to death just to fit in
It reminds me of my days when i tried to fit in the society I live in. Now, I literally don't care how other see me, but I can see that with my clothing, interests, way of thinking I just don't fit in and I probably never will. But I gave up on "moving with a crowd" long time ago. And from here, my dear friend, things started rolling.
"I'm One"
This one is a simple matter, first verse bringing this in:
Every year is the same And I feel it again I'm a loser - no chance to win Leaves start falling Come down is calling Loneliness starts sinking in
Describing the loneliness Jimmy feels is very personal. I might not show it, but I'm a really lonely person, not being able to find the second half, searching for some understanding on that matter. I have the luck to have my mom who understands me because she was going through the same, but ya know. It ain't the same as having a boyfriend. Plus I just love how the last three lines of lyrics in this verse creates that autumn vibe <3
Just because of the general tone and a call for freedom. The only ones truly free in this world are birds, we as humans are not. This chorus:
Let me flow into the ocean Let me get back to the sea Let me be stormy, let me be calm Let the tide in and set me free
Speaks exactly about it. Just to be free as the ocean's waves, it just sounds so nice <3
"Love Reign O'er Me"
I see this song as a call/prayer for love, for some understanding and affection. On top of that, it's also the emotional conclusion of the whole story, chaotic one, but so good to listen to every time. I think the most beautiful verse in this song is this one:
Only love can bring the rain That makes you yearn to the sky Only love can bring the rain That falls like tears from on high
I had the luck to discover this album and get first stage obsessed with it after watching a documentary talking about Keith Moon's death. I had the luck to fall in love with this song at that time and this verse which I quote here is exactly how I felt back then about it. Doesn't mean I feel differently about this song now, oh no, actually this song is the most meaningful to me from the few I've mentioned. I will sound insane now, but lonely heart searches for replacements and mine found such a one in this lunatic. Yep, I'm in love with Keith Moon. Can't help it, just like I can't help it but connect this song somehow to this weird situation.
5. When did you first hear the album?
UMN... September last year, I'm sure of it. Second The Who album I've listened to, wait a bit. ...23rd of September actually (month after Keith's birthday, can my discovering of The Who and him somehow become even more weird?). I had this album wrote down to listen to later after discovering "5:15" by accident as I've described above. I remember this day clearly.
I was fresh after lunch, excited actually just by seeing the cover. Listened to it once and then it went on repeat. I had to listen to it three times to have enough for one day. And it played for the entire week without breaks. This was just the beginning of my obsession with it tho XD
6. Have your thoughts on the album changed since you first heard it?
Yep they did. From first: "This is great" to the now "Favorite album of the 70s" I had like three stages with this one.
First stage obsession was the first week that it played each day.
Then came the second stage at the beginning of this year, just after I've watched the movie.
To then come to the third stage when I'm playing this album whenever I feel bad or songs from it are stuck in my head. A religion, you should understand XD
7. Are you a fan of other works by the artist/in the genre?
Of course! I will not rank The Who's albums here, but every single one of them has something good in it. Every single one is somehow different. I don't know how did they pull this off, but they did and OH am I so glad for that!
Also, I can kind of call myself a fan of Pete Townshend, especially if it comes to lyrics, I fucking adore how he writes and honestly I can't wait to have free time to get to his solo albums <3
8. A lyric you like from the album
I actually talked about this one in The Who ask, but here, a fragment from "Bell Boy":
Some nights I still sleep on the beach Remember when stars were in reach Then I wander in early to work Spend my day licking boots for my perks
Love Keith's soft voice in this one, I adore it. There are no words that could describe what I feel when I hear him there.
9. How did you discover the album?
Like I've said, through my mom's mistake, but it was a day after I've listened to "Who's Next" that I went to see other songs by The Who and "5:15" started playing randomly. I recognized it immediately and I wrote down the name of the album, just to give it a listen a few days later.
10. Do you own/would you like to own a physical copy of the album?
I don't own a physical copy of it, but I want it, I really want it at home. It's as important to me as getting "Help!" and "Abbey Road" by The Beatles and those two were a must at home. Same with "Waiting for the Sun" by The Doors. All three mentioned are at home already, "Quadrophenia" has to be here as well.
But I will say this. I will feel sorry for my neighbors once I get it. I can't play the three tracks quietly, let alone the entire album XD
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captain039 · 1 year
Fuckin butcher
Billy Butcher x reader
Warnings: Swearing, gore, dark themes, AOB, angst, smut, adult themes, sexual, harassment
Last part <-
I’ve got a thing for bath scenes and it’s bad xD
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You awoke with a jolt, not sure what happened as you glanced around your apartment bedroom.
“Take it easy” you heard a familiar voice and frowned.
“Butcher?” You said voice hoarser than usual making you cough. You sat up, Butcher handing you a glass which you took and gulped
“Slow down you’ll choke” he said taking the glass from you as you sighed.
“Fuck happened?” You said coughing to clear your throat.
“You got shocked by some cunt” he said and you nodded memory coming.
“She dead?” You asked and he nodded making you sigh in relief.
“Fuck her” you mumbled.
“You alright?” He asked and you nodded going to the edge of your bed to stand. Butcher was quick to be there and held out a hand.
“Fuck off, I don’t need babying” you said trying to stand up. Your legs felt like jelly as you fell back to your bed.
“Yeah you do” he sighed and you huffed taking his hand. Your legs were tingly, probably from getting shocked to unconsciousness. Your head spun a bit as you rested it against the closest thing, Butchers chest. You groaned quietly closing your eyes so the world would stop spinning.
“I wanna bath” you mumbled and he grunted in response.
“Got people here first I’m afraid” he muttered and you sighed.
“Kay” you said lifting your head and slowly walking to the door. You saw the whole gang there including Annie.
“Oh Mon ami!” Frenchie said standing up and hugging you. You chuckled giving him a hug back. You still held onto Butcher trying not to collapse. You held his forearm tightly, probably hurting him, but he didn’t say anything. Annie hugged you next and you sighed thanking her quietly. Kimiko hugged you then and you smiled signing thank you.
“Good to see you up” M.M said smiling as you huffed and beckoned him over. He chuckled leaning down to give you a hug.
“Get your ass over here” you said to Hughie who smiled and gave you a hug. You sighed placing both hands on Butchers arm trying to keep stable.
“We will leave you to it, get some rest” Hughie said and the rest nodded wishing you a good rest. You sighed once they all left felling your legs give out.
“Fuck-“ Butcher got you to a soft landing quickly and you felt tears in your eyes.
“Hey now” Butcher said but you shook your head and cried.
“They all know I lied to them! I lied to you! Fuck!” You cried as Butcher sighed.
“I knew love” he muttered sitting down.
“What?” You asked.
“I was there the day you walked out that asylum covered in blood” he explained and you froze.
“How-?” You stuttered.
“Grace she heard of it somehow sent me to go check it out and kill whatever it was” he admitted.
“Why didn’t you?” You whispered wiping your eyes.
“Because I saw a pissed scared little girl who don’t know what the fuck happened and got fucked by Vought” he said and you sagged.
“I know what happened to your sister too, I watched the security tapes” he muttered and you let out a small sob.
“How bout we start that bath aye?” He whispered and you just nodded. He stood and headed to your bathroom, you heard water running before he came back out. He helped you up and sat you down on the toilet lid.
“Fuck me how many soaps you got?” He said looking into your shower making you snort a laugh.
“The vanilla and coconut one” you said and he hummed picking it up and pouring a bunch in.
“Hey that was twenty bucks!” You whined and he apologised.
“Buy ya a new one” he grinned popping the bottle back.
“Fuck you, doubt you even know where the soap is in a shop” you grumbled watching the bubbles.
“I’ll have you know I happen to shower everyday” he said and you scoffed.
“I fucking do, thank you” he fought and you smiled at his defensiveness.
“That’s why you smell like ass everyday” you teased and he grinned.
“You cheeky fucker” he chuckled. He didn’t smell like ass, no now, now he was calm, he smelt finally smelt good and not sour. You found yourself taking a deep breath, though the bath vanilla took over. You braced yourself against the wall as Butcher stopped the water. You cursed your body for not healing properly, then again it was another stronger supe that hit you.
“Fuck” you mumbled sitting back on the toilet lid. Butcher visibly swallowed as he came over to stand by you. You frowned as he knelt down and propped your foot on his knee. He took your socks off first before hesitantly going for your belt. You gulped feeling yourself grow hot as he unbuckled it and laid it on the sink counter.
“Lean on me” he muttered as he stood and helped you up. You were too embarrassed to do or say anything as he gripped the hem of your shirt. He muttered a ‘fuck’ before he slipped your shirt off. You flushed furiously trying to cover yourself only to grip his arm again for stability.
“It’s fine, I can-“ you began to babble feeling nerves rise up. You went to protest again when suddenly lips pressed against yours. You mumbled into them briefly before melting. You closed your eyes and gripped his forearm tighter.
“You’ve got a fucking grip” he muttered smiling and you apologised instantly and loosened it.
“Let me do this” he whispered and you nodded avoiding his eyes. He unclasped your bra with one hand which you were surprised at, having to struggle with it daily for the past however many years. He leant your against the wall and undid your Jean button and zip. You bit the inside of your cheek he shimmied them down and you stepped out of them. You slid off your bra and his eyes trailed your body. He took a breath, eyes on your body before he finally met your eyes. You went to look away but his hand cupped your cheek, right where Homelander did. It didn’t fell wrong though like his, you leaned into his hand and closed your eyes as he kissed you again. You hummed softly feeling his beard scratch against your chin. You lifted a hand hesitantly, you faltered by his face before you felt his hand on your wrist and push it the rest of the way. You smiled feeling his beard under your fingers. You threaded them through and he pulled back a frown on his face as you smiled again.
“What?” He asked as you giggled softly.
“I don’t know, I’ve always wanted to run my fingers through a man’s beard” you laughed and he raised an eyebrow.
“Fucking hell you’re a weird one” he laughed and you huffed pouting. His hands rested at your hips finger tapping your underwear band as he stared at you. You let your hands fall and you pushed and shimmied out of your underwear. He kept his eyes on yours, hands clenching your hips. You shuddered a bit glancing between his lips and eyes. He kissed you again, more roughly this time as you felt a moan slip from your lips. His hands wandered your body, gripping whatever he could before groping your breasts. He growled against your lips and you gasped at the touch. Your gasp allowed him to dart his tongue in your mouth. You moaned brokenly, arms going around his neck for stability.
“Baths gonna get cold” you whispered breathlessly as you pulled back and he snorted softly shaking his head.
Next part ->
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echo-bleu · 10 months
For the wips game, Arafinwë and Nerdanel sounds most intriguing! And also, because I am me: Celebrimbor + EDS
Haha thank you!
I was waiting for you to ask about Celebrimbor + EDS, I won't lie. It's in very very early stages, but I envision it as an extension of silver and the various headcanons I've already shared for him, exploring different times in the life of Celebrimbor where he has EDS, starting with the early days in Himlad.
In this (otherwise mostly canon compliant) AU, Celebrimbor started really feeling the effects of his illness around the time of Maedhros's recovery, and when they went east, Celegorm chose to stay with him and Curufin to help him through that. So there would be a good deal of exploration of those three and their relationship, which fascinates me. And I'd also like to write about them post-re-embodiment. And probably some middle pieces about Celebrimbor in Nargothrond, in Eregion and in the time in between.
I genuinely only have two paragraphs written, so here's one of them, made of terrifyingly long sentences xD
Centuries later, when all that came to pass has long turned into stories, and is soon to become nothing more than legends, it is said that the reason Celegorm son of Fëanor did not have a realm of his own, during the long siege of Angband, is that he was even then fey and wild and of a changing mood, and his brothers strove to keep him under their supervision. It is said that Curufin the Crafty, younger but far more stable of mind, though he would turn out no less cruel in the end, volunteered for that task, and so they dwelt and ruled together in Himlad, though Celegorm was often seen abroad, hunting the servants of the Enemy.
Arafinwë and Nerdanel is much more advanced, though it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. A few weeks ago I read the first book of Nos Jours Brûlés by Laura Nsafou, an afrofuturist YA series where the Sun is hidden and they live in permanent night. It got me thinking about the time after the Darkening for the elves who stayed in Valinor, the changes in society, and how precious any light would have been for those elves who had never known anything but the permanent light of the Trees.
Here's a snippet:
And the endless night seems to eat away at them all. Dark thoughts breed in the darkness. Light has become a luxurious commodity, for them who have built their houses to soak up in the gold and silver of Laurelin and Telperion and are now ensconced in shadows. Candlemakers have been overrun, oil lamps are being jealously guarded, and now— Only one has ever found how to capture light and keep it indefinitely. “They said you were hoarding Fëanáro’s lamps,” Arafinwë says, watching Nerdanel’s face closely. She snorts without humour. “Hardly. I gave away every light I could spare, most of them to Indis for the palace – as you should know. The rest, one went to a friend who thinks he might be able to replicate them, a few small ones to neighbours who came to ask. They—” She waves at the overturned, destroyed furniture— “did not ask.” “What did they take, then?” “Early prototypes, mostly, like this one.” She nods at the one remaining lamp, which flickers even as she speaks. “They are unpredictable, and occasionally dangerous. A few lamps that need – needed – to recharge in the Treelight and won’t last more than a few days. The one good light I kept for my workshop, and a light sculpture that was a gift from Fëanáro upon the birth of Maitimo.” She looks away as she says their names.
From this WIP ask game.
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katyspersonal · 6 months
Re: This post
First off, congrats on three years, girlie!! This is so cool, man. I love seeing Soulsborne games change people’s worlds and give them passion and inspiration for years afterwards <333
(Now hurry up and get to over ten years like me you scrub 😎😎)
Asfghajsdg but in all seriousness, I love that we both started getting active around the BB tumblr fandom around the same time, because even though I was a Soulsborne junkie, I had never found a stable group of lore-friends to enjoy it with, and throughout 2020-2021, I was just drifting aimlessly after watching my old fandom community collapse.
I had been only using tumblr for random shit on another account before this one, but one day I looked up something about the Doll and Gehrman, kinda wondering if the whole “Even the Doll” creep-theory had any other interpretations. I just didn’t like the idea that Miyazaki had written his main “sad old man” of Bloodborne to be a weirdo because it didn’t sound…right? Something felt really off lol. His “sad old men” types usually are dark because of their grave mistakes that led to the deaths of people they cared about/innocent people.
It’s always more tragic than it is gross, and Miyazaki is big on that type of story-telling. He likes his refinement. Sure enough, that gave me the hunch that the Doll wasn’t…ya know.
And voila! I stumble across your brilliant post! I think it was one of the things that made me finally create a Soulsborne blog because I wanted to reblog it. I’m not sure if that’s the exact timeline, but it was definitely part of what drew me over here.
And now here we are, going strong, trying to move on after going through fandom drama hell, and it’s been three years!
Honesty? You are kicking ass <3
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Girl you say this, but at the almost same time, Fantomette also started scouting the fandom and figured she wanted to stick with me over that post :pensive: That post makes me extremely nostalgic! It was just... so chill, so nice, so leveled. 0% fatigue. Where did that nice version of me go and who is this angry unlikeable bitch typing this ask response now? xD
But yeah, overall, Soulsborne games are just written in such a way that it genuinely helps to know all of them on at least basic story level to understand each of them individually! The more I learned about reoccuring themes in other games in the series, the better my lore understanding became. You know I would not do shit on Research Hall and Deep Sea without DS3, or better grasp ER characters without entire DS trilogy! If you don't want to play, just learn their themes and story, I promise it helps a lot!
Anyways thank you for the nice words; I had not even noticed how fast the time went by! It feels like I have not done "enough" considering three years span, but maybe I am underestimating myself and focusing too much comparing amount of my drawings compared with faster and more talented artists. After all, fandomry is first about discussions and passion, and I've had nothing BUT that on the way x) So yeah, let's just give up and die watch fandom crash and burn. Because, you know what? THE very "system" that made it crash and burn to begin with will also, eventually, crash and burn, and something good will sprout from the ruins. And we won't miss it! Except, that good era will also crash and burn eventually. And then the thing that destroyed it will. And then what people build from THOSE ruins will. And then another thing... and another thing... and another thing.....
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STILL I want you to be there for me through every turn of the downward spiral, you chicken <3 *stabs u affectionately*
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
Oh man so hard to choose. 3, 4, 21, 23, 24, 40, 56, 73? (you don't have to do them all if you dont want to lmao)
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic.
Hm. It usually starts when I have an idea that I want to get down--whether it's for a one-shot or where I want the next chapter of a multi-chaptered fic to go. I have a Law playlist that I listen to when I write. I usually write chronologically, but sometimes I get stuck and will move around to get the juices flowing. Lately, I've been doing more sprints with friends on Discord, which has been great motivation to get writing done, too!
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Most often, my ideas come from other media I consume. Maybe it's an AU or a certain scenario that I'd like to see my blorbos deal with.
I also do a lot of good thinking in the shower XD
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Absolutely! I think that would be so fun!
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
Read! Read and read and read. Your writing will become better for reading good writing and seeing what strong writers do in their works. Think about what you like about something you read and how you might apply it to your own writing.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
My least favorite writing advice is to avoid adverbs (I'm looking at you, Stephen King.) I understand the point--often, an adverb can be replaced with a strong verb, like "He said angrily" vs. "He snarled"--but you will pry adverbs from my cold, dead hands (she said defiantly).
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh, there are so many! Off the top of my head, I'd love to see the Law and Luffy scene on the deck of the Sunny at the end of "Our Hearts Made Whole in Each Other."
There's also a small scene in "Restless Hearts" where Penguin finds Law standing on the deck of the Tang in the middle of the night, eyes shut and head tilted toward the moonlight; I'd lose my mind if someone illustrated that.
I'd also love to see people's takes on any of my versions of Corazon!Law. @ninhaoma-ya did an amazing one here of Law and Viola's friendship in "Hearts With(out) Chains" that I'm still flailing over.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
Flow is something I'm very cognizant of when I write. I want one sentence to flow easily into the next, one event smoothly to the next, and so on.
I'm also very intentional about expressing character actions and thoughts in with dialogue to help with characterization. I'm all about show, don't tell.
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I'd say the same thing as above; the things that I make the most effort to work on are the things I think my writing excels most at. I'd be curious as to what people who read my stuff think, though!
Thanks for the ask, Rim! <3
Send me asks from the Get to know your fic writer meme.
I’ve answered 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 37, 39, 40, 42, 47, 54, 56, 65, 73, 76
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k12 Casey @ 2k3 Raph xD please just beat him u_u]
"Yanno...yer an' the other me are like, kinda pathetic."
Off too the good start; Casey hadn't even said hello yet, merely opting to start insulting the other Raphael without a second consideration to the fact he was definitely going to be beaten into an inch of his life because of it,
"I mean, like, yer say yer datin' the other Casey but like, yer really dont' act like it, it's more like yer jus' goin' through the motions or an' embarrassed t' be near each other - it's jus' sorta sad."
He shrugs his shoulders at that, knowing he was going to get in trouble,
"Like, I'm jus' sayin', my Raph," He says it with a smile, clearly proud he got to call them his, "Don't give a single fuck 'bout any of that, we call each other gay all the time cause it's jus' who we are, we tease each other, an' cuddle, an' d' all that other romantic stuff no matter who see's it," He casually points out, "But yer two?"
He looks them over, as if trying to appeal to some sense of softness within that shell of theirs,
"Yer two care way t' much 'bout whatever other people think, an' not what yer two actually wan', it's like yer think if someone see's yer holdin' hands in public, they're disintegrate or somethin'," Casey calls them out, even using a big word to get their point across, "Fuck, I think the only people an' mutants that are bothered that yer two are gay, are yer an' Casey!"
It felt weird saying his own name. Though he soon crosses his arms, shaking his head, as if disappointed,
"Honestly, I pity the two of yer an' the fact yer so caught up on somethin' like other people's opinions - aint it like, makin' yer miserable?" He asks, genuine with said question, "Like, I dunno, I jus' feel like unless the person is payin' yer bills, yer shouldn't be payin' that person any min'."
He soon smirks, deciding to prod the fire, really get a reaction out of them,
"Besides, it's sad as fuck that the younger yer got way more confidence when it comes t' datin' than yer."
| Muse interaction
Didn't matter if they were smaller Raphael wasn't a fan of throwing a fight. Not like he hand to, he had to admit small fry here was just as good when it came to fight. Finding them to be fun to spare around with with. Raph thought couching low as small fry ran at him, hooking his arms under them knees lifting up as he easily got them into the air bending back to throw them over and flat on to the mats laid out for them to practice throws. Small fry wheezed out as the air was knock right out of him. Raph knew he got them good but also know not to linger on it long, their anger was just as bad as his own so he turned around in time to find them lunging at him. Raph toppled over from how quickly they flew out towards him, using their momentum to throw them over once again. Foot planted firm to their plastron kicking them back into the mats. This time moving to land above them keeping small fry pinned to the mat before they could recover. Fist inched above their face stopped just before it could land.
Green eyes fell shut as they let their head fall back to catch his breath a moment before smirking up to Raphael "Got me."
Raphael smiled back "Eh 'his time short stack." He wasn't going to out right praise them or nothing but that was pretty much all he had to say to point out they gave him a good fight just then and there. Ears trained past the dojo as he could pick up on the distinct sound of wheels. "Ya boyfriends here." Raphael starts finding the way his other self's eyes snap open and the smile spreads over his beak easy to chuckle at. Not that Raph was any better able to make out the clear sound of Casey's voice following after the sound of those wheels. Turning away to look over towards the door way when seeing the pair of them come in now. Goth Casey in the lead thanks to his skates. It was dumb wasn't it? how excited he got every time his eyes first landed on Casey every day.
"It's a wonder we don' get found out when we go out with ya loud mouths." Raphael snarks on about
Raphael knowing better then to stay between goth boy and small fry though. As he shifted back and moved to stand. One hand held out to help his alternate self up. "Don't worry kid didn' rough him up too much, took it easy." When he's fixed with a glare from them Raph just smiles again. Slightly bumped to the side when their elbow jabs into his side, only for Raph to sling his arm around their shoulder, coiling around their lack of a neck as he pulled them back against himself. As knuckles pressed in against their bald head. Muttering a insult to his smaller copy. They didn't seem to mind the act as they made weak attempts to pry Raphael's arm away. Only freed when he finally let them go. Letting small fry turn and punch his arm in retaliation.
Finally letting them make their way over to the gothed out Casey. They never wasted a second did they he thought as turned his attention to his own Casey now. A slight shift in his feet as he thought about doing the same as his alternate self and moving over to them right away. But was that too much? Would he seem to eager? A slight glance to the other pair. Jeez did they not know how not to have their face mashed in together like that? Shifting away again as he dropped his sights on nothing really. Before finally making his way over to Casey. Arms moving to cross over his plastron keeping himself pretty closed off with out noticing himself. It didn't bother him before these two came around but it was so easy to notice how much a difference there was between them and well Casey and himself. Chalk it up to age they were pretty much all over each other. Sure He and Casey didn't need to be that way but something a bit more would be nice. Come on Raph man up.
Not given much a chance to try when Mikey's voice cut in suddenly asking for Don if they could lend a hand a moment. Not that Raph minded much he knew Don had taken a likely to the other Raphael and well it seemed to help them in turn. So he could share his twin he figured if it help them a bit. Mikey then noticed Casey and made a grab for him too not giving them much chance to say no when telling them they could use him too. Well now Raphael had to wonder if it was more Mikey using them to get out of doing something himself.
"Don' keep 'em long we got dragons to pound Mike." Eyes shifting to Casey he did have to smile least he didn't mind helping. Part of him wanted to just give one of those dumb quick pecks good bye, instead he just offer a slight wave of his hand. Watching the three turn away and go.
"Yanno...yer an' the other me are like, kinda pathetic."
Raph needed a second to blink he kind of forgot about the goth punk till they spoke turning to look at them "what?"
"I mean, like, yer say yer datin' the other Casey but like, yer really dont' act like it, it's more like yer jus' goin' through the motions or an' embarrassed t' be near each other - it's jus' sorta sad."
"what." Raph reaffirmed his question from before as he narrowed his eyes at them now turning to face them now. Having no other comeback then to press them to add on to what they were saying, he couldn't fully deny that claim they had made anyway. Watching as they shrug their shoulders just irritated Raphael for more than the shit coming out of their mouth. Trying to tell himself not to knock them into next week in the moment. That wasn't...no that wasn't the case with them wasn't embarrassment at all. WHy would he be embarrassed about being with Casey?
"Like, I'm jus' sayin', my Raph,"
Raph gives a roll of his head to display he was rolling his eyes, he was done he going to ignore them now. Turning away to make his way over to the mats might as well pick them up. Anything was better than having to listen to them talk down about his and Casey relationship. It was just..different yeah. Different.
"Don't give a single fuck 'bout any of that, we call each other gay all the time cause it's jus' who we are, we tease each other, an' cuddle, an' d' all that other romantic stuff no matter who see's it,"
"Yeah hadn' noticed" He grumbles out as he starts lifting up mats and setting them into a pile.
"But yer two?"
Jeez where was this kids off switch he was worse than Mikey he swore and that was saying something. He can just feel their eyes on him in that moment, huffing out as he finished off the stack of mats doing all he can to not look them back. Jeez what did Don need help with it felt like he been standing her for ages with them.
"Yer two care way t' much 'bout whatever other people think, an' not what yer two actually wan', it's like yer think if someone see's yer holdin' hands in public, they're disintegrate or somethin',"
Well now his head near snaps too look at them brow knotting up as he narrows his eyes towards them now. Fingers flexing in and out as he tried to ramin as clam as Raphael can manage
"Fuck, I think the only people an' mutants that are bothered that yer two are gay, are yer an' Casey!"
Low growl escaped the back of his thoart as he started taking quick strides over to them now. Taking everything in the turtle to not out right charge at the lanky Goth annoyance as he watched them cross their arms and shake thker head over this whole thing. He was pretty famn aware of this issue he never saw an issue untill now and the last thing he needed was a fucking kid talking down to him over it.
"Honestly, I pity the two of yer an' the fact yer so caught up on somethin' like other people's opinions - aint it like, makin' yer miserable?"
He quotes that thought despite it being ture of course it made him so fucking miserable. It was like he had to keep Casey a serect! And why should that be the case! He cared about Casey so fucking much he turly felt happy when he was with them. He felt so peaceful with Casey. Being around them was the only time he didn't feel like his mind was storming, like he was drowning. He loved the little buzzing in his chest when he looked at them. How every touch seemed to scorch his skin. How kisses left him breathless.
"Like, I dunno, I jus' feel like unless the person is payin' yer bills, yer shouldn't be payin' that person any min'."
It had nothing to do with the others! It's not like they weren't aware by this point. Raph didn't give a damn if they did take issue. Yet words weren't coming out because....he wasn't too far off, so how can he really argue against thier points? Kid wasn't done though smirking now they knew the next thing to come wad purposely being aimed at him now.
"Besides, it's sad as fuck that the younger yer got way more confidence when it comes t' datin' than yer."
"That's it!"
Full charge as Raph felt his hand grab on to their torn up jacket. Lifting the scrawny fucking pest off the ground and slamming them hard into the wall behind them.
"Keep ya Damm nose outta my bussniess you gap tooth dimwit!" He near roars out as he speaks to them. Letting shoulders rise and fall trying his best to keep his breathing under control and well his anger. "I aint got a fuckin' issue 'bout being gay got it?" That only argument he could make that they were wrong about.
What so bored with your own relationship you gotta stick ya nose in mine? Of course that was just a comment said out if anger a petty childish need to get back at them.just about taking everything in the red banded turtle to not voice it out loud however.
"How I got about my business is none of yours punk got it?" Soon letting his hold on the Goth Casey release, letting them fall to the ground as he made his way out from the room grumbling under his breath pissed off from a few words outta thier mouth. He did as he always did when he needed air. He left the lair and took to the surface. Or else his fists would be slamming into the kid.
What pissed him off most was he knew they were right. He got under his skin because they made good points. As if voicing things Raph only kept buried in his mind. Fuck it was that a Casey trait? Seeming to find the words he didn't speak and voicing them out to be made to face. He fucking hated this kid he decided another childish petty thought but he didn't fucking care!
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Ooh promo time
Dang thought that was a rough thing to end on xdd :'(( 😭
Why are y'all all saying he's gonna be fine
That's sus
Like for a promo anyway xDD but honestly in general too lol
Yeah I am also asking what is happening xD
BUT YEAH SURE give Asher more trauma why don't ya xDD let's just go all the way!!!
What would be next idk that's two kinds of weapons maybe a knife next?? xDD
I mean obviously everyone else, especially that new girl I hope she's doing okay :((((, but like. my boy xDD. And besides I said I'd give him trauma myself if no one else will. I mean we haven't seen it YET I'm honestly assuming we will/might at some point but still lol.
Anyway so that looks ROUGH what next xdd
Oh GOSH oh no
NOOOOOO not my father son duo too 😭😭😭
I swear y'all better not leave this too long to be fixed
Like yeah feel your emotions take as long as you need but SHOW WISE I can't last that long 😭😭 xD
Anyway A H help me
That's the end of my final thoughts :)! Now onto the. . .
I LOVED this episode!! The patients/cases were interesting, seeing everyone navigate their relationships (existent or non) was fun, and I honestly just thought it was a fun episode :). Even if every time Lim came on screen it got super serious and dramatic. Except for maybe that first meeting lol. Still, I enjoyed those moments too! Now, a quick bit for each character/few characters.
Lim! OW. How dare you do this to me. I can just SEE all the pain she's in (everyone's acting has been absolutely PHENOMENAL by the way), but I'm scared of where this crusade will take her. Also that last scene with Shaun was mature and I think the right choice in her part for this situation but still heartbreaking 😭😭😭😭.
Jordan! Girlllll, we all see it 👀😏😎. She is crushing on him HARD, and I don't even remember his name lol xD. I think his last name's like, Perez. Yeah I think that sounds right. Wait, but the girl's starts with a P too. . . Whatever, I really hope they do end up getting together, if only for Jordan's sake :)). But I do think they'd work well together!
Asher and Jerome :D! Y'all I love you xD. But also this closet thing better not ever come up again because if it does then it's a plot point which means you'll get caught, and I CAN'T HANDLE THAT. So please don't XDD. Anyway I thought they were really cute this episode :)).
Park, and Powell! Also a quick bit about Morgan: we didn't see her much this episode but she is as always an icon <333. Rewatching a bit I did see the part where Powell skipped chain of command, and I won't say I think she was right there, but her story was really touching and I think it was a big part of helping that mom :')). Also I loved Park thanking her for her service at the end 😭😭. Anyway, I guess despite my guesses, Park's not gonna talk to the relationship lady now ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ. My bad xdd.
Glassman! OOF, his and Lim's scenes hurt, but I'm glad he stood by Shaun's decision even though he's angry. Even though he doesn't agree, honestly! Because while Shaun does need to take some more accountability, he really did do what he saw as the best option, and who knows what would've happened without it. Still, super angsty <333. Great yelling though :D. XD.
Andrews! Didn't see him much, a bit mad he gave Lim the report lol, but she does deserve to see it.
Shaun and Lea! THAT LAST SCENE WAS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. I swear, I will never get over it 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭❤️🥰🥰. Anyway, I'm really glad they talked about their issues promptly, got good advice, and sorted something out :))). They're amazing, and I love them :DD <3333.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode!!! I thought it was great, and spread the focus pretty evenly between the characters. Plus, I'm glad one of the patients got their happy ending :'). But I mean honestly? In different ways, both of them did. What a great episode :D <3.
So yeah! I really liked this episode. The next one looks intense, but I'm excited to see how it all goes down! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 3: A Big Sign
It was so good! I'm a bit scared for the next episode, but really looking forward to it. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 4: Shrapnel
See you then!!
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writer-komaru · 2 years
I'd add Byakuya to that list of characters you write well!! You write him so stunningly, I can't get enough! Speaking of, this isn't my usual horny request (surprising, no?), but if you don't mind, could you please write a short drabble of Byakuya with a partner who's sick with food poisoning and ✨ cutely ✨ asks him for a belly rub? I'm in sooo much pain XD But I'll be okay - and I hope you're doing okay too. Love ya! --🍦
Thank you so much, I’m so happy to hear I write him well! And oh no!!! I hope you get better soon!! D:
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Byakuya hummed lightly to himself as he quietly traced his finger over the words on the book he was reading, his eyes straining slightly from his constant habit of reading whenever he finally gets a break. But, his attention was sudd leg pulled away from his book when he felt a certain someone’s presence.
“I know you’re there. What do you want. Is something wrong?”
You timidly peaked out from behind a large bookcase, cautiously steeping towards him.
“Uh…. Um….”
You played with the hem of your shirt, unable to even look at him for a second. This immediately let Byakuya know either something was wrong or you wanted to tell him something, or both.
“Well, what’s wrong? Spit it out, I’m right here.”
“Well… my… m-my stomach doesn’t feel good.. and I was wondering if y-you… uh, if you could…”
You held your arms right around your stomach as you felt a pang of pain slice through your abdomen.
“Uh… rub my… s-stomach? P-please?”
Byakuya closed his book and set it on the table next to him, getting up to face you. He was kind of intimidating, even if you knew that wasn’t his intention. He gave you a concerned and sincere look.
“Darling…. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I’ll have someone fetch you some meds from the pain and-“
“No, it’s okay. I already took some… the… the pain isn’t that bad, it’s just…. It would feel a lot better if you…”
You looked to the ground bashfully. He gave you a small smile, one that he doesn’t show to just anyone. One that he reserves just for you.
“You’re can be such a dork. Come on, let’s go back to our room to lie down.”
You pulled the soft, plush covers over your legs, surprised by how amazingly comfortable the bed was. Even if it sounds cliche, It really did feel like you are resting on a cloud. Byakuya took off his jacket and sat down next to you, pushing the sheets out of the way as to not fully wrinkle them.
He looked over at your, admiring your cute complexion before resting his hand on top of your stomach, rubbing your stomach as gently as he could. You felt your body relax, the pain seemingly just floating away. You let out a content sign, sinking deep into the mattress.
“Heh… I’ve barely started and you already look like you want to fall asleep. Hm, How cute.”
You blinked slowly at him, barely able to stay away.
“I…. I love you, byakuya…”
“I love you too, sweetie. Now get some rest, I’ll make sure to have some medication and water on the bed side table for you tomorrow. Just focus of relaxing. Sleep well for me.”
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dommelody · 2 years
hey guys its been a while ^^
lately I've became addicted to playing obey me so just decided to write some of my thoughts i mean pure and innocent ones lol just for a change XD and not me totally being a beel simp :") anways enjoy this fluff and wholesome story oh last thing if i find good respond to this one ill maybe make more of those lol enjoy then ^^
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☆mc's favoritism☆
It's another morning in the house of lamentation you woke up from your comfy bed opened the windows for some morning air-even tho there's no sun but for some air change-u did some stretching then u wore ur outfit for working out u get it right today ur goin to workout outdoors with beelzebub after he insisted frequently and even gave u some of his cheeseburgers as an exchange for doin morning workout with him although u told him that u will start after breakfast cause no way u ll be able to handle beel's workouts with an empty stomach and he agreed with big smile u went to the dining room
lucifer : "good morning Mc judging from ur outfit i take it that ur going to workout with beel ?"
"yep im starting to notice that i m gaining weight cause of someone lately "
beel with puppy eyes : "Mc did u not like it when i bring u food ? :"("
beel with a big innocent smile : "leave it to me Mc ^_^"
lucifer :" I see ,so because u cant go on a diet due to some indoors food delivery ur only hope is to exercise to lose weight well i dont think uve gained that much weight u look as beautiful as ever*smirk*
"thanks i guess hehe"
mammon : "Hey Mc i found a good place where u can sell stuff and u can gain alot of money there lets go after breakfast "
"oh sorry mammon I'm working out with beel after this"
mammon spaced out for a sec and then blushed : "huh u w-what ?///:
"mammon u perv u got it wrong we r going to exercise outdoors *sighs* even tho u see what im wearing ur still asking ??"
satan:" don't blame him Mc blame that stupid brain of his guess its just full of money thoughts too busy to think properly "
asmo :"did u literally just go and steal satan's unwashed green underwear mammon u perv~"
asmo : " iyaa~ dont blame me this time i was PURELY going to wash my underwear then i saw u going out of there then saw it "
satan :"*sighs*AND WHY THE FUCK R U WASHING UR UNDERWEAR AT 3AM,oh wait please don't answer
beel :" Mc try this cake its so delicious :) "
"Thanks beel ^^"
beel :" about our workout i modified urs a little bit because i dont think u can keep up with my pase but for the jogging u have to keep up with me at least 10 rounds around the town *munch* *munch* "
beel :"Huh ? but ithink its too easy, for me i do about 20 so u can do it but if u reached ur limits don't worry ill carry u home on my back hehe ^^ oh and for the exercises we're going to do all of it together im so excited *excited beel noises *
as beel was eating with eyes sparkling with excitement u couldn't ignore his outstanding appearance beel was used to workout early in the morning so he just made an exception just for u ^^ however his body was aching for some exercising so he did some rope jumping and pushups just minutes before coming to the dining room so he was sweating while wearing a short sleeve black t shirt which were tight around his big chest and muscular arms with sweat dripping from his face reaching his sexy Adam's apple then going straight between his chest just the thought of this big muscular man being excited to workout with u makes u shiver
*simping mc noises (haha caught u bish)
then u try to reach the strawberries which were in front of beel he noticed u staring at strawberries so he picked some
beel :"Mc here , I'll feed u this :)"
"oh thanks beel ^^"
as u ate the strawberries from his hand u licked ur lips and then u felt everyone 's eyes on u as soon as u where about to speak beel licked some of the strawberries close to ur mouth
everyone:" STOP RIGHT THERE !"
as beel realised what he did he turned to a blushing mess cause of his gluttony he just licked it unconsciously
beel :" im sorry Mc i didnt mean to >\\~\\<"
mc simping noises again *touching his cheek :" i dont hate it love~"
then as soon as beel saw the smirk on ur face he was blushing even harder he stood up and hugged u tightly :" lets go Mc cant wait to start our workout /// "
everyone : "AS IF ILL LET U TWO GO ALONE!"
beel :" but u never workout in the morni-"
mammon:" SHUDDUP!"
"how about going to the witch u sold satans underwear for and give it back to him that will be a good workout right?"
everyone laughed
Lucifer :"*cough* , recently i read that working out will lessen the stress and make u more productive so i think ill-"
"no luci not this time dont pretend that u didnt get a call from diavolo minutes ago to come after u finish breakfast asap"
beel :" let's go mc :)"
" yea im coming ^^ "
everyone glaring at beel :" UNFAIR "
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
As for my request hehe,
she/her; ENTP (7w8); Entrée or Main (whichever is easier for you!); Milk; Oregano and Geto Suguru =)
Thank you if you accept and thank you still for being a friend baby.
ILY <333 Thank YOU for still being a friend and your friendship means a lot to me ^_^ And now for the most difficult part /j...
Made with Love: 100 Followers Event | MWL Masterlist
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Do I Wanna Know?
features: suguru geto x f!reader
type of writing: headcanons
trope: enemies to lovers, modern au, domestic au
warnings: mention of the word “bitch”, a little bit angsty in the beginning but fluffy overall?
song: do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
tagging: @2dmensupermercy @bmthevick @akaashi-todorki @ohtobiors @miwaizumi @mrskenmakozume @cirigiri @ambieux @beware-of-the-rogue @saltyvanilla @hyeque @sabyss @kiiraes @miikoos (taglist form)
prompt: “We couldn’t have picked a day when rain wasn’t predicted?”- @sleepyprompts
headcanons under the cut (kinda wrote it as a story, I lost track sorry xD)
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When she met Suguru for the first time, he gave her the bad boy vibes but couldn't deny that he was attractive. However, unlike Satoru Gojo and Shoko Ieiri, she could never bond with him. They could never see eye-to-eye on anything.
He thought that like Gojo, she was someone who could care less about others. She, on the other hand, was really irked at the side glances he'd often throw her way because she could tell that they were full of contempt.
Their heated arguments were never over trivial matters, but debates went awry. While she'd communicate her point of view with a smile on her face, Suguru spoke while glaring into her eyes, as if he was speaking to her soul, and then there was a certain point that he made, which triggered her deeply.
It was safe to say that they could never be at the same place together because they'd be at each other's throats, and it would be worse if Satoru and Shoko did not stop them.
One rainy day, as she got out of her house, she opened her umbrella and started walking towards the bus stop when she saw Suguru drenched in the rain and smoking a cigarette. She hated his guts and didn't want to see him, but one corner of her heart tugged at her and spoke to her saying that she didn't want to leave him like that by himself.
She put the umbrella over him, and he responded by clicking his tongue, saying, "go away, bitch." Sighing and shaking her head, she'd take her umbrella away and say, "excuse me for trying to help." He'd then stop her by placing his hand on hers and turning his head in the other direction, throwing the butt in the trashcan nearby, softly saying, "thank you."
You nod in agreement, throwing a question in the air, “We couldn’t have picked a day when rain wasn’t predicted?” He then turns to her, smiling back at her, chuckling. They had planned to meet Gojo and Shoko for a hangout, but Gojo had picked a day, oblivious to him when it was going to pour.
She offered him a place to freshen up while she made tea and got the clothes clean, with him responding by shrugging his shoulders, "can't say no to that." As soon as he entered her house, however, he was stunned.
It was neatly maintained with pictures of her family and a cabinet with different books about science, technology, and novels. "So, (y/n), do you like (favorite author)?" he'd asked. She turned in his direction and said, "they're my favorite author."
What was then supposed to be a one-and-a-half-hour of freshening up, became hours of engaging conversations about different authors, theories, and different opinions. Stolen glances were exchanged, and that's when they felt a shift in the dynamic between them. They finally broke the ice.
From that day on, Suguru always drops by her house for a nice cup of tea and some good conversations, eventually leading to him getting closer to her than Gojo. As days passed by, they began to understand why they behaved the way they behaved, and this drew them closer.
Both of them weren't aware, however, of the pull they were having on each other. One day, as she was cooking something, she heard a knock on her door. As soon as she rushed to open it, she saw Suguru panting and sweating profusely in a blue t-shirt and black loose pants. He said as he entered, "(y/n), I want to ask you something."
She nodded in agreement, and he asked, "I've been feeling something for you and I'm asking myself if I want to know if this flows both ways." She sighed and approached him, looking him in the eyes and saying, "I'm pretty sure we do, let's just go with the flow and see how it goes?" He nods and says, "well, would have thought that I'd finally get to kiss someone I used to hate?" Both of them laughed as they kissed while they were unaware that she forgot to turn off the stove.
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© Shyna 2022
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
ALSO- I have a request! Brothers (+royals if you want) reacting to an MC who is extremely affectionate once they like someones- gives hugs, praises often, gives gifts, does their best to help when they can- but if any of this affection is returned they cry. Hard. Because they're emotionally constipated and any affection or love they receive overwhelms them- this also embarrasses them extremely-
Damn.... didn't think I'd feel called out by a prompt request XD it seems my time has come!
I'm guessing royals are Diavolo and barbatos so I added them but if you ever request again and someone you wanted wasn't here, feel free to comment and I'll make sure to add them
Brothers + Diavolo & barbatos with an overly affection MC with issues
He grew use to your affection ways
The words of praise when you notice he finished a work load
Or when you'd pat his head when he was tired
At first he wondered why you would handle or touch him likes he's a fragile doll but he grew to love how gentle you were
Subconsciously he'd lean his head down whenever he completed a task expecting a head pat
Even if you weren't there but if he's caught he'll just pretend he was tired
Lucifer wasn't always the most affectionate, especially as he rarely shows how much he genuinely loves the people around them
He decided to return the gesture, you recently got a high grade in a class you were struggling in
He patted your head, giving it a light ruffle
"You did good, you're improving alot - it's very promising."
Didn't expect you to start crying, aggressively shoving away your tears
"what's wrong? Did something-"
"I just- this is embarassing- you patted my head and people don't really do that for me and I just-"
"Ah, I see, then I shall do it more often."
"even in public?"
He was never a public man, wanting to get his softer side hidden in the protection of his soul and the walls surrounding his room
But here you were, crying because he simply caressed your cheek
He wants you to be happy and feel as loved as he does
So he'll happily push his walls down for you
"if it means this much to you, then yes but let's keep it appropriate."
"How's my handsome super model?! Did it go well? Aww you look tired, let's get you rested, okay?"
He's so in love
No one has ever made him feel this mooshy and love sick and he's ANCIENT
He's use to his brothers always insulting him - he likes a good tease and making a rude remark about each other but they tend to push it
They hit his Insecurities and think he can handle it because they're demons
But he wasn't always
Then you came along, giving him head pats and words of praise
Always standing up for him
He fell for you so quickly and so hard
He basically turns into a puppy when he's with you
When you left with Satan to get groceries he had to be forced to not go with you, waiting at the stairs for you to come back
As soon as Satan left with even your bags included, he came bolting for you
Leaping into your arms and squeezed you tight, insisting he didn't miss you but just got bored
The way he's nuzzling your cheek says otherwise
When you began crying he immediately panicked
"Did Satan do something to ya?! I swear I'll beat-"
"I'm just not use to others being as affectionate as I am back to me - it's okay."
"Huh?! Well I guess the greatest demon of all time has to be that person, that's me! Don't forget it, okay?! I'm going to smother you."
Mammon is already a touchy person but knows to be respectful, since that day his hands are always on you
Either holding your hand, touching your shoulder, petting your hair or just Hugging you
Levithan isn't one to give or receive when it comes to affection
He tends to get overwhelmed by just a head pat and gets embarassed if his fingers accidentally brush against yours
You're an overly affectionate person
He's a simple man who needs self worth
It's definitely a good duo
You've learned to be more vocal about your praises and affections, still testing the waters with physical touch
But from time to time he'll ask to get a head pat if he's really proud of himself
Has made you call him your little pog champ
"Levi are you- oh sorry you're streaming- I'll just leave these here."
He was confused until he saw the section dish filled with different snacks with a energy drink in the middle
He almost teared up
"No! Stay with me, they'll like you!"
In an act of no thoughts and boldness, he pulled you into his lap
You fell awkwardly and was half straddling half on his side
As soon as you got comfortable you hide your face In his neck forcing back tears
Not wanting to cry on stream
"You're so sweet, levi, I'm sure your followers can agree."
He literally short circuited
Hiding his face in your shoulder as he got flustered
"You're sweeter than me, you're always being nice to me - I really lo- like you for that."
Anyone who watched that stream now ships you - the non believers didn't believe all the stories he told about you but now they had physical proof
That stream was re-upload so many times with comps filled with him gushing about you
Levithan is determined to make sure you never see them but it's too late and you cried with joy in your room
Next time you saw him you kissed his cheek and he immediately melted
Did kiss your cheek back though but did it so quick and harsh that you stumbled backwards
Someone being gentle to him????
Someone who doesn't keep away from his because of his sin????
Who??? What??!!
You're the who! he was SHOCKED you were so happy to get close to him and just treat him so kindly
He made a theory on the Devildom detectives group that you're actually an angel but it backfired by demons just telling him he's got feelings for you
He does but he didn't expect to get called out on a whole forum
"You're really smart, thanks for always helping me with my studies - I've found It alot easier to study and remember all my notes now, you're a good teacher!"
He's so smitten with you
You could be saying the most disgusting or insulting thing and he'd still smile and nod
He needed help getting food for this secret but really not so secret pet cat and you gladly accepted to help him
When you two were just spending time together in his room and when suddenly picked up his cat
You didn't think too much of it but grinned when he booped the cats nose onto yours
"thank you for being so kind to me- it means alot."
the cat was like you; overly affectionate so it didn't surprise you when it started gently pawing at your face and giving you little kisses
"I feel embarrassed by admitting this so I'm letting Chaos show how I feel."
He avoided looking at you
It would be for the best as you started crying, taking the cat from his hold and kissing it's head repeatedly
"and that's how I feel about you trying to move through your discomfort and be open with me."
His cheeks are BURNING
Holds your hand throughout the rest of the hang out
You're being gentle and affection despite Everyone perceiving him as a sex hungry annoyance?
You're immediately his favourite - sorry Solomon
You always understood his protectiveness over his appearance
Fixing his hair and pushing back stands if you ever pet it
You didn't need to but you always told him you washed your hands before touching his face
You always did these simple things to make him feel at ease
But he loved your touch
No matter any comment he makes; he adores you and just being able to have these tender moments with you
He knew you were special to him when you walked in on him
Barely awake, hair messy, no makeup or moisturizer - he didn't look even the slightest bit appealing
And just smiled, looking at him no differently even when his voice came out tired and croaky
"You're really pretty even when you just wake up, it's so unfair - what's your secret?"
"because it's me, darling! I always look good~"
Internally, he was freaking out about how you liked him at what he deemed - his most unattractive state
So it only made sense he became more touchy and grew closer to you
"are you sure I look good in this? I know you're very up to date with fashion."
"You look stunning, I haven't seen a bad look on you yet, perhaps your charm is just as high as mine."
He was holding your hips, smiling as you both looked in the mirror
He wrapped his arms around you, leaning on your shoulder
"I think you look good all the time, you're just amazing like that."
You tried to hide your tears but he could see them, immediately asking you what's wrong
"Nothing- I just- that means alot coming from you and you're always being so affection towards me....its really nice."
He just hugs you tighter, smiling
"I just treat you how you treat me, you're a real angel."
This guy is worried about so many things
He's scared of hurting you
He's worried if he gets carried away with touching you he'll make you uncomfortable and his gluttony will act up; wanting more of your tender touch until he feels full
The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable or you feel forced to be affectionate to him because he could throw a fit
He's always ashamed of his hunger tantrums
But when he does do affection it's either carrying you or holding your hand
But was so happy whenever you cuddled hi against him or when you gave him praise
He could spend the whole day with you running your fingers through his hair, telling him he's a good demon and that he means something to you
"Can you finish this for me? I'm not feeling that hungry right now."
You offered your bowl to Beel, he happily took it
As you two spent time with each other he noticed you eyeing some of the more sweeter things set out on the table
He gently pushed it towards you
"Eat if you want it, I'll share."
You waved your hand, not wanting to take food from him
"I'm just snack-ish, I can't eat a meal right now."
You knew how hungry he could get and didn't want to leave him peckish
You knew that small feeling could easily turn into something bigger
But he just nudged it closer to you
"You eat what you want, I'll have what you don't finish."
You finally agreed, knowing he was insisting on you to eat with him
He patted your head, smiling as he watched you eat
"are you sure you won't still feel hungry?"
"you make me feel full, it soothes another type of hunger in me, it's nice."
He grabbed your hand, nuzzling his cheek against it, he couldn't stop smiling as you just looked at him in surprise
You finally grinned, tearing up and shook your head, you leaned against him and continued eating
Gripping his hand tighter as you pushed back your tears
He was spoilt
Beel was always looking after him, helping him get ready for school and drying his hair, carrying him around when he was too tired to walk
And you were only fueling his spoilt nature
You always showered him in affection
Petting his hair whilst he laid his head on your lap, combed his tail, told him he looked cute
"My precious little belphie, are you feeling okay? I noticed you were struggling to sleep today at lunch."
Whilst he believed he looked intimidating with his heavy bags and sleepy grin
You found him adorable, treating him like a sweet innocent boy on those special nights of just you two cuddling
It's been a long time since he's felt innocent
You were always checking in on him
Making him feel special and cared for
He was a soft mess in your hands
"Hold me more, your hands feel so nice~"
He placed his hands on yours, making you gently squish his cheeks
"Don't you wanna cuddle?"
He raised a brow, a smug smile growing on his face
"it seems you want to."
"we don't have to-"
"If you wanna be held just ask, I'm more than happy to hold you."
He wrapped his arms around you, shifting his position and buried his face into your chest, humming as your hands ran through his hair
He gave you a small squeeze
"It feels good to be the one hugging you, you're always so comfy~"
He began murmuring how much he loves this time with you, drifting to sleep as he praised you, letting himself mindlessly go on about how wonderful and sweet you are until he started to snore
You let your tears fall
Holding him closer as you softly thanked him for his words
He just hugged you tighter in his sleep, his smile growing
the fact you're unafraid to be with him and around him is already amazing but you freely hold his hand and pat his head
He thinks he's knocked his head and been taken to the celestial realm
People are intimidated by his title as prince and having you so care free in his company is new for him
So of course he enjoys how affectionate you are!
He embraces all your touches and praise!
He's even had you sitting on his lap during meetings, letting you hug him after a tiring day of studying
"You did great today, I really felt your passion for this new project, I think the students will really enjoy it!"
He gets so happy everytime you even look his way
Your smile alone fuels him for the whole day
"Meet me in the castle today, there's something I need you to do for me."
You agreed, not thinking much of it; most likely a new update on the school fair
What you didn't expect was to be greeted by shopping bags and gift boxes and even a human sized teddy bear with demon horns, you tried to ignore them as Diavolo came jogging down the steps
"What did you need me for?"
"I want you to see what you like, I bought as much as I could before Barbatos stopped me, I hope they're up to your liking."
You were speechless
You felt as if you touched the gifts you wouldn't be able to hold back; you were excited to see what he got but you didn't want to seem too excited
"Please, go ahead - it's all yours unless something is not up to your liking."
You finally went through the shopping bags; there was clothes, products, jewelry, shoes and all other sorts of items
You hugged the giant close to your chest, choking back on your tears
"thank you-"
"No need to thank me, you're always so kind to me I just wanted to return the favour."
You were a like a breath of fresh air, someone he could just go to
He can unwind and be rewarded for his efforts and others normally don't notice
Whilst his lord was always praising him, it felt different with you
It felt so joyful
You would brush through his hair, always thank him even if he's just doing his job and always seem to be in awe at what he does
He'll never forget the gloves you gave him, sleek and a perfect fit with a cursive 'B' stitched to the edge - they were enchanted to warm up whenever he got cold
"Wow! You prepared all this?! That must of taken you ages! You're really amazing, Barb."
"I'm simply doing my job but your praise makes it all worth it."
Often invites you to the castle for tea
He'll make any excuse to have you come see him; the prince wants to talk, he wants a hand with a recipe, he needs an outsider's opinion on something
Whatever he can come up with; he will use it
You might as well just stay in one of the guest bedrooms because you're always coming to the castle
Speaking of excuses; today Barbatos decided to thank your lovely behaviour
Convincing you to come to the castle and meet him in the dining hall
"I saw you eyeing some recipes whilst helping me in the kitchen so, I made you them AND wrote down how I did it exactly so you can make them any time you like."
"I- you didn't have to do that! Thank you for this, they look delicious."
"I always wanted to give you this."
You couldn't even ask what it was
He already held it up for you to see
It was a box of gloves with your the first letter of your name stitched onto the edge
They were heat up gloves!
"I thought you'd appreciate your own as they'll always be handy but the gesture of matching with someone you're close to is very appealing."
He helped you put the gloves on, pinching the tip of your fingers to make sure they fitted properly
He held your hand, admiring how it looked in his
You couldn't stop a few tears forming, smiling
You felt abit silly crying over heat up gloves but you couldn't help it
"I want to match with you more often, perhaps one day it'll end up being a ring."
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griffintail · 4 years
I’ll set the scene, cause I feel like this needs a lil explaination, but imagine this:
One of the The Parent Gang (this is how I refer to the characters you’ve written all the wonderful parental stuff about) is wandering around an area they’re unfamiliar with, mainly just lookin to get some new resources or find a decent mine, when they stumble upon a water well in the middle of an empty field. The first thing off about this is there isn’t a village around for MILES, secondly the well is completely dry and empty, and third of all when they look into the well (which goes down pretty deep compared to the usual village wells), they see a CHILD at the bottom of it. The kid’s clearly malnourished, clothes in rags, dark circles under their tiny eyes, and when they see the Parental Gang member everything about the child brightens up; whoops, guess who’s gonna be a dad~!
- from, an Anon Who’s Trapped in Their Own Love of the Found Family Trope and Never Wants to Leave❤️❤️❤️
Yeah, I love those tropes. I love any child reader tropes though! XD
Wilbur is also my favorite thus, I picked him from the gang!
Well Met
Pairing: Parental! Wilbur x Child! F! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of malnourishment, Implied Mistreatment, It’s light angst that rapidly turns into fluff
        Wilbur was hoping to find a place to loot to get a few bits of equipment for L’Manberg. Maybe he could even find a village that would like to trade for a few bits of good gear to keep in case of emergency. He really didn’t mean to wander so far out though.
        “I should have brought a horse.” He muttered as he put his hands on his hips, looking up at the sun at the highest point in the sky.
        He needed to head back if he wanted to get home before the night struck. Looking around, he hoped he could find something that would be a good enough landmark to remind him where he stopped when he came back out with a horse. Instead, he squinted thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him.
        In the middle of the spruce forest, there was a well that Wilbur would usually see in a village, but there wasn’t one for miles, hence his search. Taking another quick look at his surroundings, he went over to the well. It was an older well, moss growing along the sides and a severed rope where the bucket would hang. He heard no water, so, he looked down, nearly falling in as he startled seeing something that was most certainly not water.
        He stared in surprise as he looked at the small figure of what he could only assume was a child. As they looked up at him, he had to restrain himself from just jumping down the well. Big, innocent (E/C) eyes met his, looking so dull for a moment with bags under them before they sparkled with hope. When she, Wilbur assumed looking at them, looked up at them, he saw the rags she wore and how tiny she was. She opened her mouth but only a cough left her lips.
        “Relax.” He quickly told her as she whimpered at the pain the cough brought her. “I know you’re here. I’m going to get you out as soon as I can. Just give me a moment.”
        Desperately, he dug through his bag and breathed a sigh of relief that he did pack rope in case he found any sort of temple.
        “Alright, darling.” He talked to her to keep her calm while he tied the rope to the nearest tree, not trusting the possible rooting well wood. “I’m going to come down and get you. We’ll see what to do when I get you up but we’re going to do this one step at a time.”
        He gave a hard tug to the rope and it held. Carefully, he tossed it down and he felt so much relief that it ended close enough at the bottom for him to get down.
        “I’m coming love.” He told her as he climbed in.
        Scaling down the wall, he tried to think how this poor small child got in this situation. If someone left her there, he would not rest until he found those people. But one situation at a time.
        He hit the floor and he saw how skinny the poor girl was. Not a drop of water was on the floor so he could only assume she was dehydrated as well after that violent cough. Carefully, he crouched in front of her, giving her a gentle smile. She couldn’t be any more than six as well and it made anger grow in the back of Wilbur’s head.
        “Hi, sweetie. Let’s get you out of here, ya?”
        She gave a small, slow nod.
        “Alright, well I’m going to pick you up and you’re going to have to hold onto me like you’re giving me a big hug, ok?”
        She gave a similar nod.
        “Ok, here we go.”
        He picked her up carefully, noticing how she flinched slightly and how cold she was. Since he was so warm, she gave no hesitance to hold onto him as she nuzzled into his chest to take in the warmth. He hesitated in surprise before wrapping his other arm around her, patting her greasy hair, which made him wince at the feeling.
        “It’s ok, we’re going.”
        He held her with one arm now and grabbed the rope with his free hand.
        “Keep holding on like this.” He reminded her lightly before starting his climb.
        It was much more difficult with a passenger to climb up and even more difficult when he could only use one hand. He stayed determined though to get out, not for himself but the little girl clinging onto him. The climb was long but he reached the top, hugging the girl tighter as he swung himself out. Sitting on the ground, putting his back on the well wall, his breath came out rapidly as he tried to catch it while the little girl stayed nuzzled in his chest.
        “We made it.” He let out as he closed his eyes for a moment.
        He waited till his breathing calmed down before he took in his situation. He had a possible starving and dehydrated child, miles away from L’Manberg. The sun would set soon and he’d be slower with the extra weight to bring along. So, he needed to set up camp.
        “Alright darling, I have some water and an apple in my bag. I’m going to put you down and give you that while I set up a quick camp for us to rest in till morning. Ok?”
        The little girl gave a nod and he lightly squeezed her before putting her down instead against a tree, kneeling in front of her as he went through his bag.
        “Drink slowly, don’t want to make yourself sick.” He gently told her, giving her the water before taking a cloth and the apple.
        Carefully, he cut apple using an unused arrow as she slowly drank. He put the cut-up apple on the cloth giving it to her.
        “There were go, darling. You rest up and I’m going to get a fire going to warm you up.” He gently patted her shoulder before he stood up.
        He took off his jacket and hat before working on getting a fire going. As he worked on getting materials, he took off his walkie.
        “Tommy.” He called out on the public L’Manberg channel.
        “Wilbur! Where are you?” Tommy questioned.
        “I’ve gotten held up exploring, I’ll be back tomorrow. Keep everything together for me alright?”
        “Of course, I will! I’m the Vice President!”
        Wilbur chuckled lightly. “Right, thank you, Mr. Vice President. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
        “Ok. Be careful out there.”
        “Will do.” Wilbur nodded before putting his walkie away again.
        He came back and started the fire. The little girl scooted closer to the warmth coming off the flames as he tried to set up a little shelter for the night to hide from mobs using large branches.
        “Alright, we have somewhere to sleep little one.” He smiled as he sat next to her, wiping sweat off his forehead. “I should introduce myself now. I’m Wilbur, I’m President of a nation called L’Manberg.”
        The little girl played with the rags she wore before she looked at him.
        “I’m (Y/N).” She let out quietly, her voice still having a slight rasp.
        He smiled wider hearing her speak. “That’s a very pretty name. Do you have a home?”
        (Y/N) paused as she scrunched up her nose when she thought.
        “I-I don’t remember things very well Mr. Wilbur. I don’t know.”
        “Hey, it’s ok.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “I can take you back with me and you can think about it somewhere safe ok?”
        She nodded. “Ok.”
        “Then we’ll do that in the morning darling.”
        When night fell, Wilbur shepherded her inside the shelter and made her comfortable little corner, laying his jacket on top of her. He stayed up during the night just incase with his bow at his side. As the night went on, he’d glance at the little girl to make sure she was alright. He was worried about how she might have gone down the well.
        Was her bit of memory loss from how long she was down there? How long was she down there?!
        He’d make sure she was ok though.
        In the morning, he went out to check for any stray mobs before he woke up the little girl.
        “It’s morning darling. Let’s get to L’Manberg.” He smiled gently as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.
        “Ok, do you have more water, Mr. Wilbur?” She asked.
        “No, I’m sorry love. I wasn’t planning on being out so late last night.” He apologized. “I’ll get us back as fast as I can so we can get more water.”
        “Ok.” She muttered.
        “Why don’t I carry you so you don’t tire out?” He offered as he put on his hat and his bag. “You can put my jacket on and then ride on my back.”
        He helped her out before picking her up.
        “Here we go (Y/N).” He smiled before making the walk home.
        It was another half a day’s journey but he moved as quick as he could. As he walked, he told her dorky little stories to make her give little giggles and even sang a few songs to her, just wanting to keep her entertained. Before even he knew, half a day was gone and he grinned as he saw the welcoming walls of L’Manberg.
        “There’s home.” He told her. “L’Manberg.”
        “It looks pretty.” She mumbled.
        “It is. And it has very nice people inside. I have a friend in there, Niki, I’m sure she’ll make you some cookies if you ask her nicely and we’ll get you some water.”
        His own stomach grumbled but he didn’t feel it as he felt the little girl squeeze onto him lightly.
        “That sounds nice Mr. Wilbur.”
        “Just call me Wilbur. I’m going to be taking care of you until we see if you have a home, so no need for all that mister stuff.”
        “Ok.” She smiled this time, hiding in his shoulder.
        “Now, let’s get down there and get you cleaned up. Then, we can go look around with some cookies.”
        He went down, smiling to himself. He didn’t know if (Y/N) had a home. He’d look, but he doubted there was any place that she belonged to but she’d have a home now if that was the truth. He’d give her the best care and live in one of the best nations, where he’d always keep her safe.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Lucas (mafia leader) x Reader (female)
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A/N: I had this thought for days now and was like, ya know, just let it out. This is my first NCT (?) WayV (?) fanfic? Scenario? Yea XD For those who have read my past fanfics/scenarios, you know how horrible I am in explaining XD but yea, essentially I just imagine that you, the reader are a uni student whilst Lucas is part of the NCT mafia, "leader" of the WayV unit (I know Kun is technically the leader, but just for the sake of the story), okie, leggo
Sighing in defeat, you gathered all your books, stationery and some clothing before sneakily going out of your dorm and to your boyfriend's apartment since he gave you the spare key, saying that it was for emergencies or whenever you wanted to come over.
After texting Lucas that you were heading to his apartment, you went to grab a cab and head there. Truth be told, you never really went there and only got the address from Lucas. Which is why upon arriving, your jaw nearly dropped when you saw his apartment; even making sure whether the address Lucas gave last time was the exact one and making a mental note to yourself to look up things beforehand.
Upon arriving, you felt like you just came from the countryside to the big city. You went to the front desk and inform them who were you looking for, handing in your ID card and was immediately directed to the elevator, one of the securities pressing the highest floor of the elevator and left you in the elevator on your own.
Just when you thought that it couldn't get any fancier, the minute you stepped out of the elevator, you were amazed at the decor and the fact that there was only one door made it even grander. Taking out the key Lucas gave you, you were actually hoping that it wasn't the correct one and Lucas just sent you the wrong address but as it turns out, the key fits and you took a deep breath, walking into the room.
But on Lucas' side, he actually didn't receive your text message. So, the second he heard someone coming into his suite, he was already reaching for his gun because he wasn't really expecting anyone to come. But as soon as he heard your signature nervous voice, he felt relieved but worried at the same time. Did something happen to you?
"Lucas? Ar-are you in here? The people at the front desk just directed me here. I uh sent you a text" you called out
"I'm here sweetheart. Now, what brings you here at this late hour? Is there anyone I should be concern with?" Lucas stated, coming out of his bedroom
"Huh? Wow. I mean, no. Sorry, it's my first time here. I uh, I was just wondering if I could stay for the night. The dorm was so loud that I couldn't study nor sleep" you admitted, trying to avoid eye contact with Lucas, thinking that it was a lame excuse to come over
"Of course you can. I gave you the spare key for a reason, didn't I? Uh, sorry about the mess and all. I didn't expect you to come. I didn't receive any messages. C'mere sweetheart" Lucas mentioned, giving a hand motion for you to go to him
"Really?! I could've sworn I...(looks at your phone) I forgot to click the send button" you sighed, hitting your head as you went over to Lucas
"Hey, hey. Don't do that. You'll hurt your brain even more. No harm sweetheart. My place is yours. Come. I'll order some McDonalds as well if you'd like" Lucas cooed, bringing you into his office
"Damn. Two desktops?! Bro and this processor is the latest one?!" you commented, placing your bag down and immediately inspecting his desk
"Sometimes I play some games with the guys. Feel free to use it if you'd like. Lemon tea or coke?" Lucas asked, scrolling through his phone
"Lemon tea, no ice. It's worth the money better. Are you sure I can study here? Am I not disturbing you?" you questioned, sitting on the chair
"Not at all, sweetheart. It's almost 10pm. I'm done with work. You're free to use my computer. I've ordered your favourites already. I'm going to go for a shower for a bit. Feel free to turn on some music as well, alright? And please don't study for too long. I worry you'll hurt that gorgeous head of yours" Lucas chuckled, kissing your forehead before leaving you in his study room
After settling, putting on some music with your account (which was already in Lucas' Spotify), you grabbed your books and stationery then started to study for your finals. In the midst of it, you heard Lucas coming in with McDonalds; wearing a plain T-shirt and sweats.
Because there was only one chair in his office, with your consent, Lucas placed you on his lap as he was feeding you McDonalds whilst scrolling through his phone, occasionally leaning his head on your back as he does so.
After finishing the food, Lucas was about to get up and cleaned up so you could study a bit better since he knew you didn't like a messy space but when he felt your head slightly leaning backwards, he questioned whether you were already sleepy or not.
"What's wrong love? Tired?" Lucas murmured as he placed his chin on your neck, wrapping his long arms around your waist
"Huh? Oh? Sorry. I didn't realise I was leaning back" you yawned, scrubbing your eyes but Lucas stopped the motion
"Don't. Your eyes will get irritated. I think it's about time you sleep, hmm?" Lucas commented, tucking a hair behind your ear as he kissed the side of your cheek
"Hmm. I guess so" you sighed, leaning onto Lucas's chest
"Alright princess, let me just shut everything off. Kay, let's go to bed" Lucas chuckled, carrying your small figure in his arms and tucking you into his bed before going to the other side of the bed
The next morning, you were woken up by the sound of your phone's alarm but just stayed in bed whilst scrolling through your phone until you realised that you had exams that starts in 45 minutes. Immediately, you got up and went back to the study room to grab your clothes, without even calling out to Lucas and head to the bathroom to get ready.
After getting ready, you were so ready to rush out the door and call a cab until Lucas finally called out to you. Once you told him that your exam was starting in literally 15 minutes, he just chuckled and told you that he'll drive you there; which was a first since all this time, you guys just have dates near your campus since your dorm had strict rules and Lucas would just walk you there (A/N: how you guys met is a story for next time, lol).
After packing some food for you, Lucas grabbed his car keys in one hand and your hand in the other, making your way down to the parking lot where your jaw also almost dropped again since the car Lucas owned is probably enough to pay your whole entire undergraduate life.
Whilst in the car, Lucas told you to eat so you wouldn't be hungry during the exam. He also mentioned that he'll come to pick you up to celebrate finishing your finals since he knew that you've been stressing over this last final for weeks; saying that he'll treat you out.
Once you've arrived, Lucas pulled you to give a slight peck on your forehead, encouraging you to do well in your finals and that he'll see you right after you're done. You smiled and thank him. Getting out of the car, you saw nearly the whole campus that was by the front gate staring at you; even your friends were stunned before rushing to you, managing to get a glimpse at Lucas who just smiled before leaving.
"Gurl!! I knew your boyfriend was hot, but well off? You definitely hit the jackpot!!" one of your friends blurted
"Sis!! Can we save the conversation for later? I need to get this exam over with first" you bargained
"Okay, okay, good luck with your exams!! I'll see you later!!" your friend exclaimed as you went to your exam hall
Thankfully, the exam wasn't as hard as you'd thought. You didn't know if it's because Lucas actually helped you study since he actually knew the subject or something else but you were glad to finally be done with it. After the exam, you got a text from Lucas, saying that he'll be running a bit late which you didn't mind. Your friend, who was also done with her exam, came to your exam hall and didn't spare a second before plastering with all sorts of questions.
Asking you where you've been the night before since you weren't at your dorm; and when you told her you were at Lucas' place, she squealed, asking if you guys did anything spicy which you immediately cut her off, saying that you just went there to study because the rooms near yours were getting too loud and rowdy.
You also explained how kind and caring Lucas was; despite the amount of work he had to deal with, he was still soft when it came to you. Ordering your favourites from McDonalds, letting you just barged into his apartment whenever and even using whatever he had; hearing this, all your friend can do was just squeal, saying that Lucas was the perfect boyfriend.
And right on cue, Lucas texted you saying that he's almost at the front gate. Your friend saw your smile and teased the heck out of you before letting you off just because she supported your relationship; knowing that you had a rough past and it was nice to finally see you happy with someone; someone that genuinely cares about you.
But of course, life ain't that easy. Because just as you were skidding along the halls to the front gate, you accidentally bumped into someone and dropped your phone. You immediately apologised about to get your phone when the person you bumped into stepped on your phone. Looking up, you met with the campus' miss popular with her boyfriend.
"Can you please let go. I really have to go now" you sighed, looking up
"Can't your boyfriend get you another one? Oh wait, is he the one that you're meeting? Honestly, I dunno what he sees in you. Oh wait, I think I do. He's probably just in it to play around or probably did it because of a bet" the girl scoffed but you were just not having it and shoved her feet off, nearly falling if it weren't for her boyfriend being there
After getting your phone, you were about to make a run for it before she grabbed your hair, pulling you back and making you fall; calling you names and all. When you got back to your feet again, she nearly slapped you when you got ahold of her hand about to push her back when her boyfriend came and took your hand, twisting it behind your back, allowing an opening for her to get a good punch out of you.
It felt like forever since you were trapped between the two "bullies" of your campus and for Lucas, it meant something was wrong. It's been almost 30 minutes since he arrived and called you but there was no answer at all. Frustrated, he called Winwin to track your phone as he went in to find you; thinking that you were held captive by one of NCT's enemy.
When he did see you, he felt a slight relief that it wasn't one of NCT's enemy but he was still very much pissed at the sight. When the girl was about to hit you for like the 15th time, Lucas grabbed ahold of her arm, throwing her to the floor before looking at her boyfriend who turns out to be one of the bartenders in one of NCT's bars.
"B-boss..." the man stammered, letting go of your hand as you almost dropped if it weren't for Lucas catching you
"You better come to work tonight. We'll have a lil discussion about respect? Hmm? Make sure everyone comes. Or I'll just have to report Taeyong about this" Lucas growled, making the man cowered in fear
"N-no sir. Everyone will come tonight" the man stuttered as Lucas stood up, holding your figure firmly in his arms
"Good. Wouldn't want to make a big deal out of this hmm? Oh, and do bring your girlfriend while I take mine to treat the wounds you both caused" Lucas scoffed, bringing you out of the campus
Once you've reached his car, he gently placed you and put your seatbelt on before going to the driver's seat. Once he was in, he called Kun, telling him what happened and that he's planning to have a meeting later tonight in the bar. After the call, Lucas took your hand in his, stroking your knuckles as he drove back to his apartment.
Upon arriving, he helped you get out of the car and into his apartment. Inside, he brought you to his room before going to the bathroom and grabbing some medicine for your bruised face and cut on the lips. Lucas treated all your wounds as gently as possible, worrying that he might accidentally hurt you, treating you as if you're as fragile as an egg.
After he was done, he threw all the cotton buds and ordered some food for the both of you; knowing that you will tell him whenever you're ready. He put his hoodie onto you before bringing you to the living room to cuddle and just watch the whole day. Occasionally, food will come and it was all from your favourite restaurants.
After the next 5th Disney movie ended, you told Lucas that you wanted to take a shower and he told you that you can borrow any of his clothes. He even said that he'll run you a bath but you told him that you were just going to take a light shower which Lucas didn't mind. Whilst you were showering, Lucas prepared a T-shirt and shorts along with the hoodie you were just wearing.
After your shower and putting on the clothes Lucas prepared, Lucas came and redid the medicine on your wounds before going back to watching some heart-warming movies on the bed. Feeling better, you decided to tell Lucas what happened and whilst it seemed that he was calm, his mind was off wondering the endless possibilities of teaching the two that harm you; whether it'd be physically or mentally.
Either way, Lucas listened to all your rambles, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, leaning you onto his chest, giving kisses on your forehead, cheeks and occasionally your neck, chuckling when he saw you flustered; basically making you 10x better, treating you like a queen up until you fell asleep.
When you did fall asleep, he gently tucked you into bed, kissing your forehead, smiling at your sleeping figure before leaving the room to the bar where he was more than ready to make the two-person harmed you suffer; not forgetting to ask Hendery and Yangyang to come over to watch over you.
"Sleep tight sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it, alright? No one treats my queen like trash and gets away with it" Lucas mumbled, kissing your forehead as he left as quietly as possible
and let's just say that everyone in the bar that night experienced a side of Lucas that no one would like to see or hear ever again.
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"Try and lay a finger on her again, I won't be so nice next time" Lucas scoffed, seeing all the staff looked down, especially the two-person who hurt you
A/N: I hope that this was alright but yea, this fanfic has been stuck in my head for days
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