#this ask almost had me like. flapping bc i got so excited to be asked abt this LOL
dethdyke · 4 months
Did you watch the MTL movie yet? Whatd you think of it?
I DID!!!! I LOVED IT. I might be able to put it into words at a later date a lil better but.
Genuinely. And i know this is SO silly. That movie made me so happy? It was very fun and just. :)
Also in general mtl means so much to me. Its so funny that i NEVER knew of its existence (even tho i was an adult swim kid) until my wifey talked abt it and i was like whats. What is that. And tbh she thought i wouldnt like it and a few years ago i wouldnt have even considered giving it a shot. This is a little off topic but im rlly glad ive healed enough to be able to enjoy stuff. Like i literally probably never would have watched mtl at all if not for the support and help ive gotten. Anyway djdndjdjjdkdk im very excited to see the other movie and then just. Rewatch them both (and the show) forever. Im really grateful to have like. Gotten to see mtl and i know i sound silly but it has rlly made me feel so much better. Idk idk i could just. Ramble on. Thank u for the ask ily
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🏳️‍🌈 - for the hyperfixation ask game
🏳️‍🌈 Do you have any HCs (lgbt, race, neuro etc. that are important to you?)
YES oh my goodness I do!!!
Im going with slashers (spoiler alert I will never write any slasher as being exclusively CisHet even if the content *seems* to be Heterosexual it is actually Heterosexual*
*Terms and Conditions may apply)
I HC all slashers to be bi or Pan at the very least! I haven’t delved into specifics for them yet bc most of the writing I do is self-indulgent and for Me and Me Specifically, but!!!
I do HC that Bubba Sawyer is pansexual and genderfluid! And they use she/they/he pronouns!! But he doesn’t really like. Think much about their pansexuality? Mostly because she doesn’t think that she’ll ever meet someone who will love her (all of her) so why does it matter? yes that is sad and YES I am definitely writing x readers where that is addressed bc. I love him. He deserves much love. I also HC that Bubba is autistic (yes this is blatant projection) and that she has a lot of physical/vocal stims! Like they will flap their hands and do the fluttery hand thing when excited or nervous and are almost always tapping!! Whether it’s her fingers or her feet, she taps bc she likes the repetitive noise.
personally I also HC that Brahms Heelshire is somewhere on the autism spectrum, again mostly due to me looking at him and going “ahaha, I do that!” But his need for a strict schedule to be followed and for there to be no changes to routine (or any guests, which would be Factors Outside of his Control and therefore Not Good) resonate with me a lot. I think that he thinks he’s straight, considering he’s implied to have only had lady nannies, but he’s… Not! One of these days I’ll actually publish some of my male reader stuff and y’all will see more of what I mean. I imagine he’s cis, but eventually very gender indifferent if that makes sense? I know there’s a better term for it I’m just drawing a blank at the moment. He probably has a few hang ups on how men should act (his parents are very old fashioned) but once they’re gone (and with the Reader’s encouragement), he would realize that the strict masculine/feminine dichotomy is stupid and he’s just going to act and dress how *he* likes.
The Sinclair brothers are the other slashers I really think about a lot!!!
Bo Sinclair is a repressed bisexual. He simply has That Energy. I know Louisiana men, and he is a repressed bisexual who firmly believes that he just “can appreciate the male form” or something like that. probably relates to Dean Winchester from Supernatural since the movie came out around the time the show began. I also think that deep down, he’s got some really bad issues with anxiety. And like. Bad claustrophobia. I have Many Thoughts on the Sinclair’s childhood after their parents passed, which will get revealed eventually, but it. Wasn’t good! Not for Bo, at least. I HC that he has OCD, and really gets stuck in the whole… I don’t know if it has a technical term, but I call it “cyclical thinking”. Basically, he’ll just get stuck on one thought and it’ll go around and around in his head, recycling over and over until he goes and checks on something (usually someone bc he has a lot of deep seated insecurities and regrets when it comes to his brothers) so he can put that thought to bed.
Lester Sinclair might not know what it means to be pansexual (because hey, that movie is set in Louisiana in 2005 and you just didn’t really know about that kinda stuff Back Then) but he is a giant pan man. Gender does not factor into his attraction to someone! He really just sort of assumed for most of this life that that’s how everyone felt! But when he got reunited with his brothers and started talking to Bo about this guy down at the gas station he was nursing a crush on, Bo let him know Real Quick that he needed to keep that shit on the Down Low if he didn’t want to get his ass whipped. not that Bo would hurt him! he’s just. He’s worried for his baby brother is all. Cause again. It’s Louisiana. folks around here are pretty homophobic, sadly. Especially toward men??? different rant for a different time lmao
Vincent… Vincent Sinclair gives me unlabeled vibes. He is an Artist, first and foremost, then a brother second, and that’s all he is. I think he falls in line with Bubba, in that he definitely isn’t straight but doesn’t really think about it since he knows he’ll never get a partner anyway. and while Bo is down for one night stands and quickies with strangers, Vincent Is Not. He just gives me the vibe that he’d need a lot of time to get emotionally connected to someone before he could become attracted to them romantically/sexually. And it probably doesn’t help that like, anyone who is remotely nice to him would confuse him. Is this a trick??? Is this another prank?? What’s happening. Why are you being nice. Vincent is confused. one day I’ll write some x reader stuff that’ll expand on this, or maybe just a Vincent solo thing where I pick apart his brain.
Ik these are hardly all the slashers but they’re the ones I’m currently the most hyperfixated on!!! I might come back to this later as I warm up to the other slashers more and get a better feel for their characters and my interpretations of them.
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bureowo · 4 years
and though (i’d like to stand by him)
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summary: your relationship with Minho is, as they say, complicated.
genre: angst w/happy ending bc i’m baby. | word count: 1646.
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption.
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The phone rings as your hands tremble. You know you’re not supposed to call him, he reminds you of this each time you do; most days, your sense of decency prevents you from doing so, leaves your finger hovering over his contact and makes you swallow the knot in your throat as you toss your phone aside. But, some days, you just can’t help yourself, you just need to hear his voice – even if it’s only to tell you that he can’t talk right now. Another ring, you gnaw on your bottom lip; you shouldn’t have called, he’s probably not going to answer, he’s probably-
“Hello?” His voice, low and steady, snaps you out of your thoughts. Your breath hitches and you grimace at how shaky your voice sounds when you greet him. Minho sighs, and the dismay in his tone as he says your name makes your heart sink. “You know you’re not supposed to call.”
“I know,” you say, voice still quivering. “I’m sorry, I just…” You waver, there’s so many ways you’d like to continue that sentence – I miss you, I need you, I love you. But you know, you know what his response would be, and you know that it’d only make you feel worse; you know this, so you bite your tongue and try to blink back the tears. “I couldn’t sleep.”
He sighs again and then there’s silence, so absolute and heavy, it makes you a bit nauseous; you begin to wonder if he hung up when you hear the noise of a door shutting.
“It’s okay.” He says, and all the anxiety leaves your body at once, your muscles relax and you can finally catch your breath. You listen as he tells you how he’s been and what he’s been up to; his voice feels like feathers, whisking you up into the air and embracing you. You try to savour the moment, to make it last as long as possible, but your eyelids grow heavy and you begin to lose focus. Before you slip into unconsciousness, you wish you could fall asleep to the lull of his voice every night.
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To say you’re nervous would be an enormous understatement. Your legs shake as you stand before the door, finger poised over the doorbell; you consider making a dash back to the elevator, pretend you never came – you could tell Jisung that you’re terribly busy, and that you’re awfully sorry but you could not attend his party –, but before you’re able to turn around and make a run for it, your finger betrays you, and you hear the familiar bell sound resonate amongst the chatter inside the apartment.
You suck in a breath as the door begins to open, and your heart skips a beat when you find yourself face to face with Minho. He stares at you, a baffled look on his face, and utters your name, although it sounds more like a question.
“What are you-” He begins to ask, but, before he can finish, you find yourself being dragged inside by an all-too-excited Jisung.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” Jisung exclaims. As he introduces you to some of his friends and shows you where the drinks are, you can’t help but look back at Minho, still by the door, still looking perplexed.
You try to enjoy yourself, you really do – or at the very least you try to look like you are, you didn’t want to spoil Jisung’s party; you try to down the drink Jisung got you, although the knot in your throat makes it nearly impossible for you to swallow, and you try to joke around with him and his friends, even though you can barely focus on what they’re saying. You really try not to glance over at Minho, and you try with all your might not to scowl at the way the girl in the seat next to his runs her hand up his knee as he makes her laugh, but if Minho’s raised-eyebrow look every time he catches you sneak a peak his way is anything to go by, you’re not making a very good job of concealing how you feel.
Jealous, that’s how you feel, utterly jealous, and it’s not like you had any right to be; it’s not like you had any right to march up to them and yank her hand away from his thigh, it’s not like you had the right to demand anything from him. So, as you feel yourself turning green with envy, you finish your drink in one big, burning gulp, hoping that it’ll fill the growing void in your stomach.
You hear one of Jisung’s friends hollering something about ‘bottoms up’, but as you put your glass down onto the table your head begins to feel light and the air feels stuffy, like there’s not enough of it, and oh god- is the room spinning?
You don’t remember much of the rest of the night.
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You wake up the next morning, head pounding and stomach churning; you’re trying to discern why your pillow feels softer and why your blanket feels warmer when you notice that there’s an unexpected weight draped over your waist. This comes along with the realization that this is not your pillow, that is not your blanket and you are, in fact, not in your room; and yet, it feels so familiar, it’s soothing. You turn around, now facing the source of warmth and tranquillity, and find him staring back at you; you always thought Minho looked his best in the mornings, with his hair all tousled and his eyes only slightly open, as if not completely awake yet – you much preferred the half-asleep glaze covering his eyes, rather than the look of hurt that filled them when he came back to full consciousness.
He holds you tighter and you want to say, so much, how much you love him, but you know you shouldn’t, not after what you put him through – what you’re still putting him through; you know you shouldn’t call him, or visit him, or ask for anything from him, you know you’re not being fair – after all, you were the one to reject him, you were the one to shut him down as soon as he put his heart out in the open, you were the one who told him not to get attached. And yet, here you are, undisputedly devoted to him, and too selfish to grant him the one thing he asked for: time – time to move on from you, to heal, to accept that he could have you, but not in the way he wanted.
Here you are, and you wish you could stay like this forever; you wish you hadn’t said all the thing you said to him, you wish you had figured out sooner just how much you love him, how much you need him, and you wish it wouldn’t have had to come to losing him to realize how much you’d miss him. You wish you could tell him, this and so much more – what an outright fool you’d been, and how you wish you could turn back time and just say yes. Yes, I want you; yes, I love you. You know you shouldn’t, but it’s at times like these – when he’s holding you close and you can feel the warmth of his embrace – that the urge to just spill your guts bubbles up in your stomach, like butterflies flapping their wings.
“About last night,” Minho’s raspy morning voice jolts you from your thoughts. “Did you mean it?” It doesn’t take him much, if nothing else than the confused furrow of your brows, to realize that you most likely don’t remember. “Well, you were pretty wasted,” he chuckles.
Apparently, Jisung had thought it would be a wonderful idea to bring out the mics for his heavily intoxicated friends to sing some karaoke – which, if you were to ask him, Jisung still considers a great idea, even if his neighbours beg to disagree – and, in your drunken stupor, you had considered it an even better idea to sing a rendition of Stand By Me and dedicate it to Minho, right in front of everybody.
“I wish I had recorded it,” Minho laughs, “you sounded like my cats when they want food.” You groan, utterly embarrassed, and try to hide your burning, red face on the soft pillow beneath your head; Minho’s hold on your waist grows a little tighter.
“So, did you mean it?” He asks, voice light, almost like a whisper. “Do you love me?”
You look back into his eyes; now’s your chance, you can tell him – tell him everything: your feelings, your regrets, your hopes, your wants. But, for some reason, your eyes feel like they’re burning, and the words get stuck in your throat.
He sighs and looks away from you; his eyes water, he looks like he could cry, and he begins to pull away from you. This seems to do the trick – you snap out of it, and hold his arm in place; you still can’t manage to find your voice, so you do the next best things: you kiss him – you kiss him deep and hard, and hope that he can feel all the emotions you’re trying to convey through it. You tangle your hand in his hair and his body seems to relax; he pushes back against you and kisses you deeper, and you can feel the butterflies bursting like fireworks inside your stomach.
“Yes,” you gasp out, breathless after the kiss. “I love you, and I want to stand by you.”
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(You spend the rest of the day in bed together, and only untangle your limbs from each other’s when Jisung barges in to tell Minho they got a noise complaint because of the previous night’s little karaoke session.)
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kurinoot · 4 years
[day 4] four priceless treasures | sawamura daichi
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-> the pandemic sure has limited us from meeting our loved ones physically, but even the pandemic can’t stop you from showing your love to your boyfriend this valentines’ day.
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pairing: daichi x reader
themes: fluff, post-timeskip, pandemic au, flashbacks and all that stuff
word count: 2268 words
note: struggled a bit on this one bc I had to change a bit on specific parts of this fic after proofreading :) + my proofreader friend by the name of @msmeowski​ (who is a HARD daichi stan) didn’t allow me to post this one until it’s p-e-r-f-e-c-t lol but anyways, tell me what you think about this! and lastly, don’t forget to stay at home and be safe! also, I included a spotify playlist as a hyperlink somewhere in the story to add to the experience while you’re reading :)
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You stared at your phone, texting your dad about your quarantine situation about giving him an update on your status before he replies with a ‘take care, I’ll see you soon.’ as you toss your phone on the bed and strode to the hotel balcony, taking in the solace of the wind blowing through. Luckily, it was your last day in quarantine and no symptoms have been detected so far. All you were waiting for were the results of your lab testing, and if affirmed negative, then you’re free to go back home.
You were then disrupted when your phone rang an oh-so-familiar tune that was meant only for him. With haste, you lay on the bed as you answered the call.
“Da~i~chi~!”, you teased with a short giggle “Did you receive my gift?”
“About that...can we have a video call?” Daichi asks as he clutches the parcel closer to his body. You hum in response, signaling a yes to at least see his face and see him open your gift. Giddiness fills your inner being before switching to a video call.
A few seconds later, your boyfriend graced your screen, still wearing his police uniform. Noticing you appearing, he flashes you a warm smile, happy to at least see you again albeit virtually. You gave him a warm smile, grateful for this opportunity that you got to see him again, and oh how you want to see and feel him ripped in his police uniform in the flesh.
“It’s a box.” Daichi replies as he closely inspects your gift for him for the day. You gave off a laugh as you rolled on your belly, kicking your feet on the air by his response.
“You sound rather disappointed,” your lips smirked with a mischievous thought in mind for him, starting with the box. “Were you expecting something more?”
Daichi flushed red as he looked away from the screen. “Not that I’m selfish, but I was expecting you. I really miss you, you know?” You could not help but get flustered at his honest response, since you’ve been away from Japan for a couple of years now.
Daichi clears his throat. “Are you doing okay? I know it’s been stressful for the past months.” while he lethargically removes his police vest. You can tell by the way he removes the vest and his dark circles under his eyes.
“I'm fine where I am, Daichi. No need to worry.” You calmly reassure him as you walk to sit down on the balcony chaise, looking at the sky while listening to Daichi's sexy voice. He chuckles as he weakly throws his police vest somewhere in his room, feeling the exhaustion taking over.
You look at him with concern, “The pandemic’s definitely taking a toll on you. Are you even getting enough sleep?”
He slouched as he ran his hand over his face, fatigue from the workload and the strict measures from the pandemic, answering your question.
“Look, as much as I miss you and really want to talk with you today, I want you to sleep. My surprise, I would say, require some walking.”, You say as your boyfriend who now wears a mask of doubt in his face.
“Anyways,” you continue. “Don’t open the gift yet! At least for today. I have a surprise for you tomorrow, that’s why you better sleep well tonight!”
You can see the slight scrunch in Daichi’s face as he replies “Aren’t you still overseas? And considering the situation, you won’t be back home easily.”
‘Ah of course, he doesn’t know that I’m already here in Japan, yet.’ You smile internally, feeling the anticipation and the adrenaline more as you already lay out your Valentines’ surprise for him in mind.
“Well, I had some help actually!”, you bounced back in reply. Remembering that you had your sibling’s help while you were still in transit from overseas.
“Look”, you say with a stern tone. “As much as I really want to talk to you tonight, I also want you to get some quality sleep. I can tell from here how tired you are, my dear Daichi.” You can hear Daichi let out a deep sigh, stuck between wanting to continue talking to you and wanting to take a good night's sleep.
You continue further with concern and underlying excitement, “I don’t want you to be so tired by the time you get to see my surprise tomorrow. You deserve it so much.” Daichi could only feel giddy as he became flustered at your concerned gesture, before agreeing and deciding to sleep.
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Daichi wakes up the next day, feeling rejuvenated from the short conversation you both had last night. He’s fortunate that he has the day off work, as being an officer in these trying times can be proven stressful, and the distance between the both of you is definitely not helping the mental strain. He stares at the ceiling for a moment before he feels the familiar buzz of his phone. He opens his phone to the view of your text message.
You can open the box now!
Without any second thoughts, Daichi picks up the unopened parcel beside his bed. He grabs a cutter from his table and immediately cuts the package open. He slowly unfolds the flaps of the box to find a piece of paper and a used red radio he knows too well.
It’s my old radio... Daichi thought as he pressed the switch, and to his joy, it played a familiar song, albeit slightly static. The music then conjures a special memory of him riding his bicycle as you perched on his back when you were both still in high school. Furthermore, he could see the all-too familiar red radio dangling on his bicycle, playing the songs you both like.
You watch as the view of the Miyagi prefecture passes by, watching the sun set in the distance as Daichi pedals the bicycle on the way home with his old radio dangling on the right handle, playing Bread and Butter’s Summer Blue. Your arms tightened around his waist as your eyes closed, relishing the warmth of his broad back as your head lay on him, inhaling his mixed scent of salonpas and sweat after volleyball practice with hints of cologne. A smile plays on Daichi’s lips as he feels your warmth surging through him.
‘Summer blue, summer blue…
Sora dake ga aoi...’
The music started to fade in the background as it continued on to the next song.
He can’t help but clutch his chest in happiness and love, as he feels a surge of contentment in his veins. He closes and smiles as he immediately thinks of the precious memory. A tear then slips through his eye, missing your physical presence. He then wipes the tear that has threatened to pour more before starting to prepare for the day ahead. Relieved from the catharsis, he pulls out the piece of paper from the box earlier and reads a “Here’s your clue for the next surprise!” along with a haiku:
‘The smell of warm broth
Shared by the ramen couple
In the cold autumn’
If his memories were correct, he knew exactly where it was. You were regular customers ever since high school, there’s no doubt that it was the ramen shop that you and he used to go to almost every week, and your shared love for shoyu ramen somehow gave you both the reputation of the ‘shoyu ramen couple’ by the owner, as he calls it.
He saw the same shop from years ago as it exactly was as the smell of the broth enticing him to enter the old place.
The old man who owned the shop recognizes Daichi as he enters before greeting him behind the clear protective cover of the counter, as per safety measures as he went to the kitchen to prepare a special meal, ushering Daichi to an empty seat where they usually sit.
His eyes wandered around the empty place, looking for the possible next clue of the next gift. The owner then comes out with a bowl that has a recognizable smell and serves it to Daichi.
“Here’s your shoyu ramen,” The owner winked at Daichi, hinting at something before continuing, “Specially made, requested by your girlfriend.” Daichi, albeit somehow surprised, folded his hands together with an “Itadakimasu!” before quickly slurping the ramen he loved so much in contentment.
“That girl...her sibling came by saying that your girlfriend has a ramen request.” He chuckled before Daichi stopped to listen to his story. “She thought that you might be too busy to come by so she went ahead and paid for it as your gift.” The owner laughs as he resumes cooking, leaving Daichi in disbelief at the owner before looking at his bowl of shoyu ramen, reminiscing a memory.
As the leaves fall while you are walking down the street in a cold autumn afternoon, you pull Daichi’s hand, leading him to the familiar street right after he had volleyball practice.
“Let’s go to the usual!”, You smiled at him as he followed suit.
The place has seen its years with a smoke coming out from the ventilation shaft with a thick warm smell that led you and Daichi come in further, the owner greeting the both of you as usual with a smile before you two sit at your usual spot near the window of the shop. The owner was familiar with the both of you, eating at his place almost every week, and knows what both of you would order.
“Two bowls of shoyu ramen for the couple!” He teases that left you and Daichi flustered at his statement.
“A-anyways, the ramen w-will get cold if we don’t start eating now.” Daichi says, seeing his cheeks redden as he looks away before he digs in to avoid the awkwardness. You gave off a laugh, making his eyes gaze to you that somehow made him flushed even redder as you perched your chin on your hand, looking at him tenderly.
“Somehow...it makes me happy that we’re a couple.”
The owner tells him as he wipes the counter clean, “Keep her. You don’t find women like her nowadays.” He chuckles as he slips a piece of paper in front of the eating policeman, “She also requested to give you this.”
After a few minutes, Daichi had already finished the bowl cleanly with no traces, quickly grabbing a handkerchief to wipe his mouth afterwards.
“Thank you so much for the food!”, he thanks and waves at the owner before he leaves the establishment to go to his next destination.
‘New Year approaches
As the bell tolls from afar
We pray for good luck’
He chuckles as he reads the paper. “She never fails to impress me with her surprises...”, he breathes optimistically as he wears his mask and wraps a scarf around his neck before going outside.
As he arrived, he noticed the familiar shrine wearing down from the years, but was still being taken care of. A few women, mostly high school girls, prayed for the special day while holding each of their own stashes of chocolates. Daichi went up to the shrine, paying his respects before wandering around, looking for the next clue.
“It really brings back memories.” He whispers to himself as he looks around the place, a smile forming on his lips.
You both stepped in front of the shrine after you both celebrated and lent your wishes for the New Year, with hands and eyes closed in prayer. He could only look and stare at you still, hands and eyes closed in prayer. He smiles at the sight of you earnestly praying.
‘I pray that we would always be together.’
Daichi saw a paper dangling on the tree along with the other wishes, taking what seemed to be your final clue.
‘As the storm passes
Spring has finally come home
Awaiting blossom’
His eyes widen in realization as he rushes back to his house, only to find it unlocked. He catches his breath as he opens the door, without any second thoughts, he removes his mask as he enters to look for the final gift. He finds a couple of luggages sitting in the middle as well as a paper he knows too well. He inspects it further, shocked to see your name along with the words negative written in the results.
Daichi then scrambles as he hears the sound of the nearby bathroom door open, only to see you wet in your towel. You immediately went red in embarrassment before Daichi, overfilled with longing and excitement, rushed to ensnare you into a tight embrace despite your towel-clad body. You hold your breath further as he places a deep kiss on your lips, immediately tasting the shoyu ramen you know too well. You could only drown yourself in his kiss as you slowly close your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You both break the kiss afterwards, panting as Daichi pulls your head over his chest, longingly hugging you.
“I was expecting that you would be home a little bit later. I even haven’t dressed for you yet!”, you pouted as you rested in the comfort of Daichi’s arms.
Your boyfriend could laugh, flustered with the state of your undressed state, “I missed you, Y/N. I missed you very much.” You could only hug him tighter as you both smiled.
“I’m home.”
He smiled before kissing you again, but this time passionately as he embraced you once more.
“Welcome home.”
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back to valentines masterlist
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
Ignis seeing his f/o hand flapping/flapping their hands (bc they're super excited and/or happy about something) for the first time? 👉👈
Omg! This is the first request I’ve been asked! Thank you for asking! 
I really like this! I hope you don’t mind if I make it a headcanon (I think? I’m still new to Tumblr lol)
Ok here we go!
•You and Ignis have been dating for a few months or so. You met him at a local café, he walked up to you and offered to go to dinner, which you accepted, and the rest is history.
•To this is day you have no idea how you ended up with him! He’s so out of your league! He’s Polite, Strong, Understanding, Calm, and you were someone who’s trying to get by. Even in a few months, you two were inseparable. You both told each other your goals, aspirations, dreams, likes, dislikes, Everything! Well..
•One thing you were scared to tell him about was that you hand flapped when you get excited or happy.
•You hand flapped for as long as you can remember, and got picked on for it to. People would either mimic you in mockery or straight up, laugh at you. So over the years, you learned to hold in your hand flapping until you were alone. Which sounds easy right? Nope.
•You found it really draining and exhausting to mask, but in your head it’s better than people making fun of you. So you held back your stim.
•Last Night, Ignis had invited you over to his place, so you both could hang out and he would cook your favorite dish. You were really excited to say the least.
•it had been almost 2 weeks since you seen him, due to him being busy with The Prince and You were busy with your job, so you were really happy to go see him. So happy that you started to hand flap.
•No No No! You can’t let him see you Stim! He might think your childish or look ridiculous! You tried to take your other hand to hold the hand that was flapping back, it seemed to work.
•You at his place with the biggest smile Ignis has ever seen on your face. “You happy to see me, Darling.” Ignis asked while he stir the pot.
•You smiled back. “Work has been a bitch lately, it’s nice to see my favorite person again.” You kissed his cheek while smiled back, “And I’m happy to see you to, please, go sit down and relax, I’ll handle this.”
•Ignis probably has the cutest Apartment you ever seen. The couch was probably the best thing about this please cause it’s so fucking soft and comfortable.
•You felt so happy that without you noticing, you started to flap your hands again.
•Ignis noticed you and came up to you. Suddenly you saw your hands flapping and you immediately put your hands between your legs.
• “You don’t have to stop Stimming Darling, We all do it.” You sat there shocked. You were staring right at Ignis’s green eyes. • Ignis continued, “I noticed that you Stim when I’m not around. You don’t have to stop, it doesn’t bother me.”
• “I-I do when I’m really happy or excited. I can’t stop myself.” You looked away, upset and ashamed that you failed to keep this away from your boyfriend.
•Ignis noticing your frown, he sat right down night to you and hugged you while one of your hands were still flapping.  • “Darling, You don’t have to be ashamed. I Stim myself Darling, You don’t have to hide it anymore.” He kissed your forehand and walked back to the kitchen to check the food.
•You felt happy. Happy that Ignis didn’t mock you or laugh at you for Stimming.  •From that day forward you never held back from Flapping your Hands again.
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(Side Note: I don’t know if you wanted this f/o to be Autistic or Something else. Not that I mind either way. Many people think only Autistic people Stim but that’s not true. Many Non Autistic folks Stim themselves, the difference is that Non Autistic folks are aware of it and can control it, while Autistic folks (such as myself) can’t control it. Sorry for the rant lol. I purposely made it as ambiguous as possible, if it helps! I hope you liked it 💙 and thank you for being my first request! I can’t wait to do more of these! 
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angeltrapz · 3 years
SAW ask time 💚 wld love to hear abt chainshipping + Adam bein autistic— maybe like what Lar notices abt Adam’s stims, things he does for him/ways he helps when Adam needs it. Also for Eric/Adam, maybe any thoughts on Eric finally like.. realizing he’s got a special interest?? ik we’ve talked abt how hard he masks but bein around Adam (n Mallick) helps him relax abt that, so like maybe how does he react + what is th special interest? anything u wanna dish abt!
thank u it’s always SAW ask time in my heart <33
!!! I was just thinkin abt tht!!! our minds 💫
I think th first time he rly sees Adam stimming (i.e. flapping his hands) he’d be like “what’s that?” but not in a rude way - genuinely a tone of “I want 2 know more abt this thing, pls tell me” rather than anything anywhere near condescending/annoyed/mean-spirited like Adam has dealt w fr YEARS at this point. so he’s definitely put on edge a lil bit bc he can’t help it, maybe he starts to like wind down and force himself into quiet hands, but Lawrence is immediately like “no I wasn’t making fun of you!! u don’t have to stop doing it!” which kinda stops Adam short like. what r we doing here. usually when ppl ask me tht they’re also telling me 2 stop. finally Lawrence says “I was just wondering what kind of stim tht was,” like he didn’t almost (accidentally) uproot Adam’s whole shit + is currently Doing So Now by using actual terms tht Adam didn’t know he knew, n so he like takes a moment to absorb tht comment n then he’s like. “oh. it means I’m happy or excited?” and honestly? when Lawrence hears tht? he’s like “oh... so then you’re rly happy? 🥺” n it’s just like. a moment fr both of them lol. (Adam feels Much safer discussing things after tht too, in several ways. it definitely helps w building trust between them!!)
after that though Lawrence definitely takes notice of more things! he’s not afraid 2 ask questions, so tht’s smth tht’s rly good fr them - Lawrence being able to seek information (he also does his own reading + research) to better understand, n not in tht shitty mommy blogger “I know yr in there somewhere” way. he doesn’t want 2 change Adam. he wants a better grasp on wht Adam’s experiences r like so he can help n minimize stress abt certain things. fr Adam tht’s definitely like.. foreign territory, bc as u’ve mentioned b4 + my personal hc as well, his parents didn’t really care 2 get him formally diagnosed + even acted like there was No Way he cld be neurodivergent in any sense, so 2 have some1 who is interested n respectful is So important 2 him. (personal hc time: I hc Adam as both adhd AND autistic like me so there’s tht!!)
so like he takes notice of th way Adam likes 2 roll things btwn his fingers (shirt sleeves, shirt hems, hoodie drawstrings, blankets, soft fabrics he likes the texture of, etc.) n is just like Oh Idea. I like 2 think he gets Adam one of those bead lanyards (like this one, which I also have!) fr him to fidget w n he kind of presents it like “I thought maybe u wld like smth like this?” n honestly he’s a lil nervous abt what Adam is going 2 say. but Adam takes it n holds it fr a minute, rolling th beads n messing w th lanyard itself 2 kind of test it, n he just looks up n smiles n he’s like “I love this. u’ve been paying tht much attention??” n fr Lawrence it’s just like “yes? of course? bc I love u?” like it’s th simplest thing in th world n Adam’s just. Huh. no he does Not tear up, if Lawrence told u tht he’s lying. he’s just Rly not used 2 ppl who want 2 know more without wanting to “get inside his head” or belittle him fr it (ties into my hc tht fr th most part, Adam hasn’t rly had any Good friends...) so it takes a lil getting used to.
another thing!! Lawrence does is ask 2 listen 2 Adam infodump abt his special interests - esp photography!! like they do this thing where if it’s not too late at night by th time Lawrence comes home frm work, Lawrence will take a quick shower n then get into his pajamas n into bed (just fr some quiet quality time b4 they go to bed, bc he still tends 2 come home a bit late), n he’ll have Adam sit next 2 him n he’ll be like “what do u want to tell me?” bc tht’s another thing tht Adam was entirely unused 2 - having ppl who didn’t just tolerate his infodumping, they wanted to hear it. Lawrence might be th first person to not actually give him shit fr it/tell him he’s being annoying/shut him down completely. again, it takes Adam a lil bit to b fully comfortable w it, but once he is he adores having tht time to be excited abt things w another person! who he knows Wants to listen!! (if we’re going th route I personally like 2 think abt sometimes too, where Lawrence is autistic as well, I feel like they infodump back n forth abt photography n medical stuff. do either of them rly know what the other is saying? not rly. are they listening happily bc that’s their partner n it’s smth they’re excited abt? oh absolutely!)
I think Adam has a tendency to eat a lot of th same foods bc they’re safe n he knows he likes them/doesn’t mind their texture (which is a big issue w trying new foods fr him), which is smth tht Lawrence also takes note of and as such, he likes 2 make sure they’re regularly stocked up on at least some of tht stuff. it’s not even smth he tells Adam he’s doing, bc it’s rly tht simple 2 him - Adam likes these things n therefore we shld have them at th house - but fr Adam it’s just One Of Those Things, y’know?? he got so much shit as a kid fr being such a “picky eater” n got shit fr it as a teenager too bc “why don’t u ever try anything new??” was smth his friends/parents Loved 2 say. it’s th fact tht Lawrence rolls w it so easily, doesn’t poke or prod for reasons he eats th way he does, and doesn’t get upset w him fr it/try 2 force him into things he isn’t comfortable w. it means a lot to him, more than he’ll ever have words 2 say (but he does always kiss Lawrence’s cheek when he gets back frm th store n he sees some of his same foods, which is just as good). it’s loving tht he’s autistic because it’s a part of him, a fact, not despite or in spite of. tht’s what’s so nice n kind of healing abt it; feeling safe 2 express yrself as u are w a partner who u know u can trust. who maybe words questions a bit funny sometimes, completely unintentionally, not out of malice (where allistic Lawrence is concerned, anyway). Adam feels Safe, n tht means a lot 2 him.
as fr ways he helps him!! a big thing is tht Lawrence is observant, esp as they spend more n more time together. a lot of th time, even when it’s just th two of them alone, Adam might have trouble maintaining eye contact fr an extended period of time, n Lawrence might not know how much it Actually helps, but he doesn’t mind tht Adam doesn’t always look at his face when they’re talking. it’s smth tht takes a little getting used 2, but he was never shitty about it w Adam. the way he sees it is if it makes Adam more comfortable, why shld he get upset abt it? it’s not like he doesn’t know when Adam’s talking 2 him anyway, or tht he can’t tell if Adam is listening; Lawrence knows both of those things, so Adam not making eye contact isn’t a problem, y’know? it’s okay. n I rly don’t know if Lawrence is fully aware of how much Adam appreciates tht.
another thing is he’s patient + understanding when Adam is nonverbal, whether it be bc he’s having a shutdown/meltdown, sensory overload, or just plain Difficulty w speech. it kinda depends on what I’m writing at th time, but I feel like Adam might have picked up at least a lil bit of sign language here n there; mostly simple phrases tht get th point across. I like 2 think Lawrence learns what they mean so he can take tht stress off of Adam’s shoulders, but most times, Adam is just comfortable sitting in silence w someone he cares abt.
OH brief thing Lawrence is RLY good at helping w pressure stims. he gives amazing bear hugs n I feel like he’d also probably let Adam lay on him if they’re on th couch/in bed. I just Feel It.
OHH I think abt Eric finally developing a special interest now tht he feels more comfortable w doing so a lot. honestly I kind of rly like th idea tht his special interest might be info abt rats! it kind of hits him when he catches himself writing down lil facts (tht might not even be related to pet care!) in his notebook so he’ll remember them + always being excited 2 learn more n share what he’s learned. it makes Adam SO happy to see him being comfortable w tht aspect of himself, esp now that he’s safe to explore it w ppl who understand n who won’t discourage him/belittle him for it,, Mallick too of course, but Adam knows how much Eric struggled w tht kind of thing for such a long time so he’s just. Ah. 🥺🥺
like they’ll all b chilling on th couch (Eric, Mallick, n Adam) n Eric will have his head against Adam’s shoulder while his hand is on Mallick’s chest, who has HIS head in Eric’s lap w his legs dangling off th armrest, n he’ll be like “did u know tht when rats r happy, they grind their teeth together? it’s called bruxing n then sometimes their eyes move in their sockets rly fast while they’re doing it. tht’s called boggling.” n Adam will be smiling so wide when he says he didn’t know tht but it’s rly cool!! n then Mallick will start asking questions n he n Adam just listen while Eric infodumps fr probably th very first time since he was very very young, before it was masked out of him by his parents. n he finds tht he Doesn’t feel so bad abt it anymore, not when he’s around ppl who want him to be happy and want to see him be happy - esp ppl who encourage it n let him know it isn’t smth he has to hide/keep locked away. it’s hard 2 b ashamed of himself when Adam n Mallick r looking at him w genuine interest in their eyes n so so much love.
he might still like, slip back into masking behaviour every now n then, bc it’s something he’s still dealing w n learning 2 leave behind, but after he discovers his first special interest it gets a little easier, letting go of that way of life. it was smth he was forced into by adults who didn’t actually want th best for him like they said they did when they put him through “therapy,” but w partners he knows understand n who are even autistic themselves, Eric slowly learns 2 be more comfortable w it. it’s slow, but it’s progress. bit of a learning curve. he’ll get there.
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imsinkingtodeephelp · 4 years
Guess who’s back for more that’s right autistic Aziraphale and autistic Crowley hc’s part 2 bc i’m still a thirsty bitch for the representation I hardly get so I gotta make my own:’) (+more hcs as well)
(All of these that involve a little storyline and/or dialogue takes place after the Not-apocalype unless stated otherwise)
-Aziraphale has vv poor motor skills
-”*talking to Crowley* Hang on dear boy I’ve almost got it I just-”
-”Aziraphale you’ve dropped the wine bottle 23 times now just give it to me before it breaks.”
-Crowley has a speech impediment and especially has trouble with “ch” (am i putting this mostly bc i also have a speech impediment and have trouble with “ch” bc of it?? yea)
-Crowley: “I’m so glad The Anticrist didn’t turn out to be satan incarnate.”
Anathema: “??? I’m sorry The What??”
Crowley: “Anticrist.”
Anathema: “Don’t you mean The Antichrist?”
Aziraphale: “Please ma’am don’t bother him about it you see-”
Crowley: “Anticrist!”
Aziraphale: “It’s ok Crowley dear you don’t have to keep trying we’ve been over this-”
Crowley: “No no I can do it I’ve got it this time! An….Ti…C….Rist FUCK-”
-When Aziraphale’s wings are out he flaps his wings when he’s happy
-This tends though to knock down things
-Things like Crowley
-Aziraphale LOVES most food but if a food has a wrong texture he just straight up cries bc he can’t eat that food even if it tasted good the texture is just w r o n g
-This causes Crowley to go into Protecc™ Mode and tries his fuckin HARDEST to make the food himself but with a different texture that Aziraphale won’t hate even though he can hardly cook
-Aziraphale still appreciates the gesture tho
-Plants are also Crowley’s special interest
-Did I mention that in the last post???
-But like anyway he names them all
-”And this is Hallie and this is Jonathan and this is Anna and this is Leo and this is-”
“Dear I love hearing your plants names and hearing you excited, but I asked you about where we should go to dinner-”
-Crowley has tourette’s
-One of them is hissing
-Both him and Aziraphale find this useful as it sometimes scares off customers from the bookshop
-But it’s not exactly useful when you’re trying to have a normal conversation with a stranger
-Another tic is jumping
-And also his arm suddenly going berserk
-He usually stays away from Aziraphale’s books on his bookshelf (even though Aziraphale wouldn’t be mad if he did knock a couple of books since he can’t control it)
-Aziraphale used to get made fun of stimming in heaven (around the first 2,000 years the earth existed) so he stopped doing it even with Crowley
-One day he started stimming around Crowley while in public and my gosh!! he forgot how good that feels!!
-Crowley noticed and Aziraphale started apologizing and Crowley was like “Angel… You don’t have to apologize for being yourself around me”
-Crowley would kill a lot of the angels in heaven if he could
-They made Aziraphale feel ashamed for a lot of things and he won’t have that so validation time babeyyy
-Crowley stims by moving his fingers kinda like he’s playing a piano
-besides books one of Aziraphale’s special interests is baking!! once he’s done he likes to share the things he’s baked with people
-One of Crowley’s special interests is space and Aziraphale secretly leaves space-related books around for him
-adhd crowley adhd crowley adhd crowley
-he takes over 100 years to do things
-no literally
-why do you think he procrastinated so long on the apocalypse
-he has difficulty focusing but if he’s in hyperfixation mood wOO boy 
-why do you think he has the best plants in london?? exactly case closed
-Aziraphale has a hard time understanding sarcasm and if anyone’s rude to him about it Crowley Will Fight
-anyway they both feel much more comfortable with themselves now that heaven and hell is out of the way
Finally the long awaited sequel to this iconic post. I’m kinda disappointed in this one tbh as it’s mostly just rambling (i had a hard time getting my thoughts in order) and projection so I don’t feel it’s that good but I hope you guys enjoyed this lemme know if you want a part 3!!<3
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Hiya! Could I possibly request some headcanons for my Eddie (IT) canon? I was autistic and had the BIGGEST crush on Richie. Whenever I got excited, I’d happy flap like there was no tomorrow. And I had a dinosaur shaped chew necklace and tangle, too! Thanks a bunch, and hope your doing well!
hey eds! thats cute asf, youll find your headcanons below the cut!!
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- mod tobin
AIGHT SO lets start on that dino chew necklace
i can almost guarantee that the entire losers club found it adorable when u wld chew on it
(especially richie, he cld watch u do that all day he thought u were so cute tf)
if any of ur teachers wanted to take away ur necklace or maybe even ur tangle, the losers wld Fight Them. like literally richie wld start it and the whole class wld turn to chaos--and tbh, i feel like the rest of the class was supportive too if that happened
ok ok ok hear me out: richie liked to call u cute just 2 see u happy flap
he thought it was cute when u were happy, and even cuter when u did that!!!
and him calling u cute? made u excited!!!!! 
and sometimes u wld get rly overwhelmed with all the happy feelings n stuff and hed have to help u calm down and then u wld have like. Subdued Happiness but its still rly rly positive bc ur with richie
also hear me out again: accidentally like. giving him a little smack when ur flapping bc he got in closer and u wld apologize profusely and hed be like WAIT NO ITS FINE
also i just wanna think that richie didnt know ur necklace was for chewing at first, and like he did that annoying thing wehre he goes 2 touch it like “lemme see this up closer” but when u said it went in ur mouth all grossed out he was like . laughing and apologizing
like laughing bc he always did when u wld yell at him 
but apologizng bc he genuinely did feel bad for upsetting u, and he cld tell u were genuinely annoyed by tht
ok now sum stuff for the other losers
ben asking u questions abt ur stimming n stuff, like genuinely curious questions like what r ur favorite stims and stim toys and like. idk just cute stuff like that bc he thinks ur super cool!!!
stan being 10/10 supportive abt u crushing on richie and even offering to help u confess if u needed it
bill being adamant abt ur comfort if u didnt want to go hang w them bc u were feeling overwhelmed, like. u wld be like “im sure ill be fine” but hes like “ur rly uncomfortable dont just hang with us bc u dont want us to not see u, we still love and care abt u and we want u to be comfortable and happy”
mike being the calmest loser and actually trying to calm everyone down when the class goes wild to get u ur stim toy back from the teacher when he notices u getting overwhelmed by the commotion
and last but not least, bev just being there for u in general and like. secretly offering richie help with maybe potentially confessing to u bc.... real talk, richie lov u
THAT WAS LONGER THAN I EXPECTED IT 2 BE but i rly hope that u enjoy these!!!!! thank u for requesting ♥
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit Part 2 Teaser
A/N: here’s the teaser for part 2 of Forbidden Fruit! The book Y/N is reading from is “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” and it’s... spicy.
Warnings: 18+, Infidelity, Age Gap, No Keep Reading bc Mobile Sucks and I’m currently at LAX, also not edited or formatted bc again, I’m at LAX.
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"Read to me, if you don't mind"
Brian's words are as soft and gentle as his eyes, making Y/N blush harder than she had the night before.
There was just something so intimate about the way he was sitting with her, arm loose around her shoulder, head nearly leaning against her's.
She couldn't help but let out a little laugh at his eagerness, her heart fluttering like the hummingbird that had been keeping her company all morning.
"Are you sure? You might find this kind of book a little boring."
She's teasing, knowing that the paragraph she was about to start reading was anything but boring.
His laugh mingles perfectly with the calls of a morning bird, making Y/N's blush deepen as he places a delicate kiss to her shoulder blade, voice warm and teasing when he speaks.
"If I'm not mistaken, this little book was banned for obscenity and indecency for 30 years darling..."
His lips are suddenly less sweet, harder, needier...
"So I sincerely doubt that this is going to be a boring read.."
He smirks into her neck, his own heart beating like a bat in a birdcage
"Besides... if it means I get to hear your voice, I could listen to you read a phone book Y/N."
The way he says her name, barely a whisper, more of a plea to hear her voice than anything else.
She blushes hard under his gaze and the feel of his lips on her skin, stammering a bit as she begins to read.
"His body was urgent against her, and she didn't have the heart anymore to fight..."
Her voice hitches in her throat, Brian's teeth had decided to make an appearance as she started to read.
"She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up..."
Brian's hand inched its way from her knee upwards, grazing the delicate skin of her inner thigh.
"B-Brian, what are you..."
Y/N trails off, voice breathless, eyes glassy with arousal. It's not like she didn't want this, god did she want it, but they were on his back porch, and his wife and kids, including her goddamn best friend, could just waltz out at any fucking moment... and she was pretty positive that seeing his father with his hands up his best friend's skirt wouldn't have the most positive impact on Jimmy
Brian chuckles into her neck, his calloused fingers dangerously close to her naked core... fuck, she really should've worn panties.
"I'm going to make you regret what you did last night baby girl... making me cum twice in less than 10 minutes.. giving me your soiled panties to sniff like a dirty fucking slut..."
His voice is so calm, steady, and had it not been for the context of his words, Y/N would've thought that he was just asking what she wanted for breakfast.
"If you stop reading one more time, I'm not going to let you cum honey.. got it?"
For a threat, it was whispered awfully soft and kind, but Y/N understood perfectly and just nodded her head, chest heaving, legs spreading involuntarily.
Her voice is shaky as she continues to read.
"She had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes..."
Brian's fingers are extremely close to her dripping core now, gently running along the crease of her inner thigh. It takes everything in her body, every single ounce of self control and restraint in her body to keep her from ceasing her reading.
"He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her."
Brian moans at the words that Y/N was reading, how soft and weak her voice was. Fuck, she was the epitome of an angel, a creature sent to earth to bring good will to man, and based on the way his cock was training against his shorts, begging to be touched by the soft skin of Y/N's hands.
"Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity."
Y/N squeezes her eyes shut right when Brian's fingers finally slip inside of her sopping wet cunt, the noise obscene and completely out of place against the soft morning glow that was cast against the two.
She keeps reading though, the threat of Brian not letting her cum prevalent and weighing heavily in the back of her mind.
"This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit and she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone."
Brian can't help but let out a hard moan against Y/N's neck, sucking the area behind her ear as hard as he possibly could, almost as hard as her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. She felt like heaven on a Saturday morning, tight, wet, insanely hot, and unlike anything he'd ever experienced in his 51 years of living.
Her legs were completely spread wide, cunt on display for the whole world to see if they so pleased. Brian had to resist the insatiable urge to drop to his knees in front of the swing and suck the juices that were running down his hand straight from the source... but he knew he couldn't do that, he couldn't risk Anita or any of the kids running downstairs and seeing him eating Y/N's young right pussy.. no, he had to be smart, disciplined..
"Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea anenome under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make fulfillment for her."
Much like Lady Chatterly herself, Y/N was close, so desperately close to cumming around Brian's fingers, her walls clenching him like a vice, desperate to be pushed over the precipice.
Yet, she never stopped reading, even when Brian's fingers sped up, free hand moving to grope her breast through her dress, and his teeth began to nip at her jugular, she persisted.
"She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling til it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, til she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cri-"
She clenched tight around his fingers, book falling to the ground as her arms reached over involuntarily, wrapping themselves tight around Brian's shoulders, mouth wide no noise escaping her throat despite the obvious throws of pleasure she was experiencing.
She knew it was cliche, to say that she saw stars, that she felt her entire body constrict into itself... but she did, his fingers were still inside of her, pressing hard into her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure.
Brian's lips halted their harsh assault on the young woman's neck, instead opting to place gentle kisses to the area, not wanting to overstimulate her too much.
He couldn't remove his fingers from inside of her if he wanted to, her muscles still clenching him tight as her upper body went limp, her head dropping to his chest, mouth open and heaving heavy sighs against his exposed armpit.
"B-Brian.. I.."
Before she could even get a word in, the sound of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen caused the two lovers to spring apart, Brian's fingers slipping from Y/N's cunt so fast it made her head spin.
By the grace of whatever deity was looking down on them, Y/N somehow managed to fix her skirt, grab the book, and look semi presentable by the time Emily darted out the door, wide smile on her face.
"Dad! Y/N! Anita wants to know what you want for breakfast."
They both breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Emily, because had it been any other member of the May family, the flushed faces, heaving chests, and general disheveled appearance of Y/N and Brian would've given them away.
Brian just smiles, hiding his glistening hand behind Y/N's shoulders.
"Whatever she's making would be lovely honey, just go tell her to make sure to cut Y/N up some of that cantaloupe we bought yesterday!"
Emily giggles and nods, running back inside to yell her father's words at his girlfriend.
Y/N lets out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding in as soon as the door closes, dropping her book back against the patio as Brian lets out a loud rumbling laugh.
She jolts at the sound before joining him, completely dumbfounded that what had just happened actually happened..
"Mr. May, I swear to god, we're going to get caught if you're not careful..."
Her eyes are wide, full of mischief and excitement.. she loved this, the whole forbidden nature of their relationship, or whatever they could call it.
The risk that they were taking was a big one, and the fear of getting caught was only making her want it more.
Brian just laughs, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips, hands moving to cup her cheeks.
He winces a little when he realizes that his fingers are still wet with her cum, frantically pulling them away from her to try and wipe them on his shorts.
"Shit, I'm sorry love, you probably don't want that o-"
His words are cut short when Y/N reaches forward with lightning quick reflexes and grabs his wrist, pulling his soiled fingers into her mouth where she licks every single drop of herself from him, eyes never leaving his.
Brian almost cums right there, watching this beautiful young woman do something that he hadn't seen done in 30 years.
He lets out a little whimper, making the young woman smile when she grazes her teeth over the long digits as she moves to stand, her free hand reaching into Brian's shorts, squeezing his cock before turning her back and walking towards the patio door, pausing for a second to send him a teasing wink.
"Be a good boy today Mr. May..."
Tags: @meddows-taylors @toomuchlove-willkillyou @brianmayoucease @leah-halliwell92 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @mariekuuuuuh @unofficialbillnye @stephydearestxo @goodoldfashioned-rogerboy @danamaleksworld @dereones98 @glasgowkisschelseasmile @awkwardangelshezza @bellamy1998 @psychosupernatural @warren-lauren @womanwithahotdogstand @oujiacallme @simonedk @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @sam-mercurry-sixx @toomuchtellyneck @asgardianvamp21 @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @amore-libre @marvelstuck @softboydeacon @a-queen-on-her-throne
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shipaholic · 5 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 1 Part 1
And here’s 600 years later. Gem powers activate!
Link to next part at the end.
Chapter 1
3404 BC
Aziraphale pushed a hanging tree branch out of his face with a stick. All around, the sun baked the leaves to a gentle crisp. While angels didn’t sweat, his curls were perhaps a little frizzier than usual. He had been out here all day, wandering around the wooded savanna and poking the trees on the chance something would fall out of them. This was as much work as he felt equipped to do.
It wasn’t fair, sending him in unarmed. The main problem was that as far as Heaven knew, he was still in possession of a flaming sword. His stick was a poor knock-off; the best you could say was that it was at least flammable.
The branch swung back into his face. The angel frowned at it until it sidled out of the way, looking sheepish.
A voice from above said, “Is that a permitted use of a miracle, angel? Tree-shaming?”
Aziraphale jumped back and squinted into the canopy. “Reveal yourself, demon,” he said, without enthusiasm.
A pair of golden eyes blinked back at him, followed by a flicker of forked tongue.
“Oh, it’s you.” Aziraphale relaxed. “I see you’re a snake again.”
Crawly yawned, which in his current form was very impressive. “Why veer from a classic, I say.”
“It’s got you plenty of attention, I’ll say that much.”
“Oh yes, the apple thing. Still can’t believe Satan got all the glory.”
“Imagine, the Prince of Lies taking credit for someone else’s work.”
“Point taken.” Crawly slithered to the end of his branch. His long neck [1] glowed and then extended several feet to be closer to Aziraphale. The angel tried not to look perturbed. All angels and demons could shape-shift, but he found it unsettling.
“Is that your form… permanently, or are you still human-shaped most of the time?” he asked.
Crawly uncoiled from his branch and dropped to the forest floor like a silk rope unwinding. The serpent glowed, a ribbon of white among the leaves, and shifted back into a man.
Aziraphale had forgotten Crawly was an inch taller than him. His clothes had changed again since Eden - an ankle-length linen tunic with a waist tie, and a headdress covering his long hair. He must have been discorporated at least once more since they’d last met.
“Still not convinced, to be honest,” the demon said. He held out his bare arms and frowned at them. “Might just go snake full-time. It’s switching between them that’s the bugger. Always worried I’ll forget how to shape-shift back.”
Aziraphale raised an eyebrow. “Can that happen?”
Crawly looked pleased, for some reason. “Ah - no. But I have an irrational fear that it will. I call it a ‘pho-bia’. I invented it,” he said, proudly.
Aziraphale didn’t see the point, and said so.
“No, no, it’s brilliant. Filling the world with useless things for humans to get upset about. It’s very demonic. I might get a second commendation out of it.”
Aziraphale didn’t even have one commendation. He said, a little stiffly, “But you’ve given yourself a… foe-beer. That can’t be very enjoyable.”
“It’s awful,” Crawly said, smugly. “That’s how I know I’ve done well.”
Aziraphale decided it wasn’t worth his while to argue. “Well. Congratulations.” He began to sidle away. He could probably find more trees to poke.
Crawly did not take the hint. He began to stroll side by side with Aziraphale. “I take it we’re both here on the same mission?”
Aziraphale eyed him. “I don’t know. You seemed to be taking a nap up a tree.”
“Surveillance,” the demon said, breezily. “I saw you coming a mile off. That’s a very nice stick. I hope Heaven gave you their best stick to replace the flaming sword you gave away. Got to admit, I wouldn’t want to swing a fiery blade around a forest. Might set the whole thing alight. Bit of a double-edged…” Crawly snapped his fingers, irritated. “Er. Thing.”
Aziraphale had forgotten how chatty the demon was.
“So,” Crawly said. He managed to imbue the syllable with a lot of meaning. “What have your people told you about -?” He did something significant with his eyebrows.
Aziraphale sighed. “Look, even if we were here for the same reason, which I cannot confirm, there is absolutely no chance I would share confidential intelligence with a demon.”
“Mmm. Fair enough.” Crawly walked by Aziraphale’s side in silence for approximately three steps. “I heard that one of your lot shagged a human and now a bunch of us are down here looking for its unholy offspring.”
So much for avoiding that PR nightmare. “Holy offspring, I think you’ll find.”
Crawly gave a triumphant, “Hah!”
“I’d ask for your discretion, but…”
The demon grinned. Aziraphale didn’t dignify his sentence by finishing it.
“Mind you, it’s not exactly fair to the poor bugger,” said Crawly. “The forces of Heaven and Hell descending on it - ascending, in my side’s case. Must have no idea what’s going on. It’s probably spent its whole life thinking it’s just a big human with a few extra pairs of eyes or something. Any idea what your people have in store for it?”
Aziraphale shook his head. “I imagine the first order of business is to confirm that the creature even exists. I’m not personally aware who… er, sired it. Apparently the culprit has gone to ground [2]. I haven’t been upstairs for a few centuries or I might know who it is.”
“They’re calling it a ‘Nephilim’,” Crawly said. “Means ‘giant’.”
Aziraphale glanced from side to side. The trees were thinning out. “I rather hope I don’t find it,” he confessed.
Crawly waved a hand. “You’ll be fine. You’ve got a stick.”
Aziraphale looked at his stick. It wasn’t even pointy.
He moved fractionally closer to Crawly.
“Ah. Perhaps, if we’re combining our efforts, it would be good of you to manifest your weapon?”
“Mmmm.” Crawly suddenly was interested in looking at a distant point off in the trees.
Aziraphale waited. The demon continued to act as if he hadn’t heard. “I said -”
“Yes, yes,” Crawly snapped. “I’d love to.”
Another pause.
“...Are you going to?”
“Don’t have one,” the demon said, all in a rush. “Stop asking.”
Aziraphale stared in a manner he would have had to admit was rude. The only angels made without weapons were at the very bottommost rung in Heaven. Celestial typists and coffee-fetchers, essentially. [3] Even the ones who were mass-produced in the last throes of the War got something you could lob, slice or stab with.
“My dear fellow - I beg your pardon -”
The demon moved like a whip. His nose almost touched Aziraphale’s; his breath was hot and hissing on the angel’s face. Behind him, his wings unfurled with a fwump and filled Aziraphale’s peripheral vision. The angel felt like a mouse getting its last glimpse before the snake’s jaws snapped tight.
“Do not. Beg. My pardon. Under any circumstances.”
Crawly’s golden eyes, at this distance, blurred into a single sun. Aziraphale, who had fared well in the African sunshine all day, felt a prickle of sweat.
“Quite so,” he stammered. “I meant no offence. Please forgive me.”
A pin could have dropped in the stillness [4]. Crawly slowly backed up so he could glare at the angel from a less intimidating distance.
“You don’t need my forgiveness. Go back upstairs, there’s a limitless supply of the stuff.”
He strode away, wings whipping like a cloak.
Then he took in the same thing as Aziraphale, and stopped dead.
The woods had entirely thinned out. They were in a clearing of tree stumps that had been sliced through so cleanly you could measure them with a slide-rule. Their tops looked lightly cooked, as if they had not just been severed but cauterised.
A young human stood in the middle of the felled trees. She held an enormous blade over her head. It was the kind of weapon that excitable types gave names to like Kingslayer, or Bane of the Damned. To say it was enormous was incorrect; if it was possible to take the concept of enormous and square it, that would be closer. It glowed like an electric coil and hummed an ethereal whine. It shone with the bright, clean light of Heaven.
The teenage girl holding it was the same size as the blade. She had frozen midway through swinging it at another tree. Her eyes were huge as she stared at Crawly and his open wings.
In the middle of her forehead was a glimmering gemstone. Aziraphale recognised it. He knew the angel it belonged to.
He swallowed. They’d found the Nephilim.
“Be not afraid,” he began.
The human screamed and ran towards them.
Crawly decided his wings had got him into this mess and they could damn well get him out. He took to the air so fast he left a demon-shaped afterimage. Aziraphale threw up his clenched right fist. The ring on his smallest finger glowed, and a shield extended from it.
The human barrelled into the shield face-first. She bounced off it and came back with her fist swinging. Her knuckles cracked against the shield with a noise like a wooden xylophone being struck. She seemed uninterested in using her blade, which came as a huge relief to the angel.
The Nephilim turned red in the face as she swung at Aziraphale over and over. The angel awkwardly parried, unsure whether it was a good idea to fight back. So far, this was the level of combat he felt comfortable with.
Crawly flapped cautiously back in range. He hovered behind the human’s head.
“I don’t know why, but I thought you’d be good at fighting,” he said.
Aziraphale was panting slightly. He gave himself a stern reminder that he didn’t need to breathe.
“I mean, they made you a guard. Gave you a flaming sword, for Hell’s sake.” The demon drifted sideways to keep pace as the fight inched to the right.
Aziraphale didn’t know how to explain that his job in Eden was to guard two humans with the trusting nature of toddlers. In fact, there would exist no words to put his role into context until the job of ‘mall cop’ got invented.
“Any chance you could lend a hand?” he asked, testily.
“With what?”
The angel lobbed his stick at him. He heard cursing and gathered it had smacked Crawly in the face, but he seemed to have managed to grab it all the same.
The Nephilim was tiring; her punches came in slower. Aziraphale saw an opportunity for diplomacy. “My dear. Would it not be easier to sit down and discuss this?”
“You are with this devil!” the girl panted. Her dialect was from one of the local villages. Aziraphale wracked his brains trying to recall the grammar. “You’ve come to take me to Hell!”
“Don’t look at me. I didn’t tell her,” Crawly muttered.
She did seem rather well up on what their plans were, Aziraphale had to admit. Or at least Crawly’s plans. Obviously Heaven’s intentions were benign, whatever they turned out to be.
“I assure you, I have no ties to Hell.” The girl aimed another punch at him; Aziraphale raised his shield to block it, but they were both just going through the motions by this point. Perhaps he should cut to the chase. “Actually, I’m an emissary of Heaven. That’s where I’m trying to take you.” He said it in the tones of one offering a trip to a magic chocolate factory.
The Nephilim lowered her fist, but tightened her grip on the scythe-axe. “You want to... take me to Heaven?” Terror dawned on her face. “You’re going to kill me?”
“Er…” said the angel. Heaven had been very vague on the subject.
The Nephilim stepped back. Aziraphale’s heart lifted, until she hefted the battleaxe and he realised she was just taking a run-up. She yelled, a throbbing desperate cry, and rushed him.
Aziraphale had time to wonder if discorporation was going to hurt.
The blade clanged down on his shield and Aziraphale splintered like a pane of glass.
[1] Basically all of him.
[2] Which really means something for an angel.
[3] Celestial coffee is served at 10,000 degrees and must be extracted from a neutron star, so in fairness, this is quite an important job.
[4] Displacing any angels hypothetically dancing on it.
(Chapter 1, Part 2)
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doing-all-write · 5 years
the art of flirting on a hover board pt. 2
Ivy runs a successful arts non-profit and Joe tags along when Rami and Lucy go to visit her. But what happens when a simple bet made over a hover board competition gets out of hand?
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Ivy (OC)
Rating: Rated S for Stupidity (we love friends who share one (1) collective brain cell. 
Warnings: None!
Here’s part two! I hope you all love it!
Part 1
Any comments, notes, love, hate WHATEVER you got for this, let me know!
Reblogs and feedback are much appreciated bc I crave validation!!!!!
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"So then, I'm up there, I'm telling them my story, pleading with them to realize that the arts matter and that's when I see Charlotte off to the side frantically trying to tell me my dress had come open and my whole bra was out." 
Rami bursted out laughing, Lucy let out a gasp and Joe clapped his hands in mirth as Ivy shook her head at her own bad luck, "I swear, it was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me." 
Ivy's fingers worked to secure the rope they had found around the axle of the skateboard. Joe couldn't stop thinking about her hands and what they would look like doing other activities.
Like, holding his hand.
Or wrapped around his dick. 
Either one was fine. He wasn't a picky man. 
"So what did you do? I mean, how do you even recover from that?" Lucy wondered aloud, as Joe shook himself from his thoughts and went to take a drink from the beer Ivy had distributed to them all. 
Ivy shrugged as she sat back on her heels and brought her own beer bottle to her lips, "Well, we got the most donations we've ever received so at this point I'm considering just doing a strip routine to get more money." Joe started choking on the drink he had just swallowed as the image of Ivy stripping crowded into his mind to take up permanent residence. 
Rami whacked him on the back. 
Ivy's eyes flicked up to meet Joe's as her eyebrow quirked up in a silent ask of You good? Joe nodded and flapped his hand around in the universal gesture of, Keep going, don't mind me dying.
"I mean, everyone still teases me about it but I make jokes about it more than anyone else. You just laugh at yourself. Make a few memes, bing, bang, boom. It was over and I still got those old geezer's money so I'm not super upset. And besides, what's a few memes in the grand scheme of things?" She inquired as she stood up, wiping her hands off on the backs of her shorts as she looked right up into Joe's eyes and smiled. 
"You okay?"
"I'm fine and besides, I couldn't have died without seeing some of those memes that you just talked about. I mean, you can't leave us hanging in suspense like that." Joe retorted as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
Ivy's eyes flicked down to his biceps even as her brain kept repeating over and over "don't look at his arms, don't look at his arms" and mentally cursed herself for being so weak. She felt her cheeks heating up as she realized Joe had DEFINITELY tracked her eye movements.  He quirked an eyebrow at her as she tried to salvage whatever of her pride remained, 
"I'm pretty sure Gracie has one of them framed and hung up in her office, I'll show you." Okay, not a great save of the ole pride but memes are better than blatant thirst she thought as she smiled at him and watched a matching smile grow across Joe's face.
The moment between them stretched on as Lucy's gaze bounced between the two and tried to subtly let Rami know that he should keep his mouth shut so he didn't ruin the moment. 
Rami, however, missed these cues and kept looking back and forth between the two, feeling very much like something had just happened that he was not meant to be a part of. His mouth opened when he felt Lucy, who realized subtlety is overrated, stomp on his foot. 
Joe and Ivy's gaze was ripped apart as they both glanced at Rami who was glaring at Lucy who had widened her eyes to max capacity and was suddenly very invested in the molding around the ceiling.
"Sorry, I, uh, bit my tongue." Rami offered weakly as Ivy cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. 
"So. Anyway. Yeah. That's about as exciting as my life has been the past few months. Some performances, writing songs, running the business, the usual." Ivy said nonchalantly as if running a successful non-profit was just another boring life event, like visiting the DMV. 
Ivy suddenly whipped around to Rami as she dramatically pronounced, "But what about YOU Mister 'I'm an Oscar winning actor' like what the FUCK?" as her eyes bugged out and her fist collided against Rami's shoulder. 
Rami rubbed the sore spot as Joe barked out a laugh. Rami narrowed his eyes at Joe as he held up his hands defensively, "Sorry man, it was really funny." His eyes slid over to Ivy's where she met them with a smile.
Fuck, he would never get tired of that smile. 
"So, are we testing this thing or what? Because I believe she's ready for her maiden voyage." Ivy declared as she tugged on the length of jump rope one more time to test its tautness. 
"Yeah, my life is FINE, thank you for asking. And so is my SHOULDER." Rami announced to no one in particular.
"Oh I'm sure you're fine but if you're so hurt maybe you shouldn't ride this-" 
Rami pointed a finger at Lucy, "Don't you keep me from doing this. I've waited so long to get here. Do NOT take this away from me." 
Lucy held up her hands in surrender as Joe and Ivy snickered. 
"SO." Rami rubbed his hands together as absolute glee washed over his face, "Lucy and I try it first? Then you and Joe?"
Ivy looked at Joe who looked back at Ivy, "Hell yeah. The dream team here is going to CRUSH it." Joe held up his hand for a high five and Ivy smiled as she slapped her palm against Joe's.
She wrapped her fingers around his hand and held on as she turned to Rami, 'This originally wasn't a competition but we're going to kick your ass." 
"Oh it's so on. Let's make this interesting."
"Name your terms Malek." Ivy said.
Joe was doing his best not to move so Ivy wouldn't let go of his hand and Lucy was practically quivering with suppressed excitement. 
Ivy was very aware that she was still holding onto Joe's hand but really didn't want to let go as she realized how long it had been since she had held hands with someone who actually gave her butterflies and not grabbing onto Gracie or Ava's hand when she saw a particularly stunning picture of Harry Styles.
Rami was lost in thought as he tried to think what would be the worst thing he could do to Ivy if she lost this arbitrary competition. 
"Hmm. Okay. Got it. If whoever's on the hover board can stay on longer than either Lucy or I can, then you get to post whatever picture you want on my Instagram with whatever caption you want."
Ivy's eyes lit up like a Broadway marquee at the idea of using Rami's rarely used Instagram to post one of the many embarrassing throwback photos she had of him. 
"Alright Malek, but if we lose, which we won't," she squeezed Joe's hand again to emphasize her point and Joe prayed his hands weren't too sweaty, "what do you get out of this?"
"I get to schedule a date for you with whatever guy I choose."
Joe had never seen a human lose all color in their visage so quickly as he did when Ivy heard Rami's terms. 
"Rami, no! That's my personal life! You can't go messing around in other people's lives!"
"Oh, so giving you access to my Instagram account is what exactly?"
Ivy made some various noises that almost sounded like words and finally sighed, "Fine. I agree to the terms." She let go of Joe's hand as she wheeled around to face him, "We have to fucking win."
"Well, we better. I have some absolutely delicious behind the scene photos of him that need to see the light of day."
Ivy whacked the side of her helmet and shot Joe a thumbs up as she prepared to lift her other foot onto the hover board. 
Rami and Lucy stood off to the side, red-faced and sweaty after having raced down the path they had decided on and back. 
They had walked to a park that was close to the organization. Rami and Ivy had argued over a path for five minutes, and would have gone on all day but Lucy stepped in to say if she wanted to listen to an old married couple arguing she could just listen to Joe and Ben talk. Once the path had been declared, Rami and Lucy had gone first.
Rami's screams, as Lucy took off like a shot once she got her balance on the bike, had caused every dog in a three mile radius to start barking. They had made it halfway when Rami got overexcited and his cheering caused him to fall over.
Which then caused both Ivy and Joe to sing simultaneously, "Another one bites the dust" which then caused Lucy to run the bike into a tree because she was laughing so hard. 
Needless to say, Ivy and Joe were both feeling confident about their abilities. 
Joe gave Ivy a grave salute, "If this is our last time serving together, I just want to say, it's been an honor."
Ivy gave a stoic nod back, "Likewise, sir."
Joe faced forward and took a deep breath as Rami and Lucy counted down, 
Ivy wiped her hands on her shorts.
Joe cracked his neck.
Ivy sent up a call to the universe to not let her fail.
Joe sent out a silent prayer that he wouldn't be the reason Ivy broke a bone.
Joe's legs tensed and Ivy stepped up onto the hover board.
Joe took off like a shot and Ivy's arm that wasn't holding onto the rope pinwheeled as she desperately tried to keep her balance. She was all of a sudden overwhelmed by a memory of trying to surf and falling more times than she could count. 
Not the best time to be thinking of that she thought as she used her core in ways she never would have thought to use it. 
Joe kept his focus on the path in front of him. He didn't dare look back for fear he would lose focus and cause Ivy to fall off. 
Ivy was starting to feel more stable when all of a sudden she felt much lighter, the sky seemed much closer and her feet were no longer attached to the hover board by gravity.
She landed with a "FUCK" and a thud that had Rami and Lucy freezing for just a second before racing over to her. 
Joe heard Ivy swear and realized the bike seemed much lighter. He risked a glance behind and saw a heap on the ground and an empty hover board. He was off the bike before it even stopped the whole way.
"No, no, no, no, fuck! Ivy, are you okay?" Joe cried as he reached Ivy as Rami helped her up into a seated position and Lucy was feeling her arms for broken bones. 
Ivy groggily looked up at Joe, "'m okay. Must have hit a hole. Not your fault."
Joe reached up and gently unclipped the helmet from her head, "Well, at least you were wearing your helmet. Safety is key when doing stupid stuff."
"Safety and stupidity notoriously go hand in hand" Ivy offered him a weak smile as Joe smiled warmly down at her. 
"Well, I don't think you have any broken bones in your arms." Lucy reported.
"Do you think you can stand?" Rami asked as he looked at Ivy with concern.
Ivy nodded and took the arm Rami offered her to pull herself up. She gingerly put weight on one leg, then the other and when neither buckled or felt like anything was severely wrong, gave a soft thumbs up.
Joe let out a giant breath, "Thank god."
"I'm so glad you're okay." Rami said as he wrapped an arm around Ivy's shoulders and pulled her into his side.
"Thanks Rami, me too." Ivy murmured as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"And since you're okay, I don't feel guilty for doing this." Rami said as he took a deep breath in, pointed at Ivy and Joe and yelled, "WE WON. IN YOUR FACE." Rami grabbed Lucy and spun her around as she laughed.
Joe rolled his eyes and Ivy groaned, "Sorry I bit it super hard and let down the team." She bit her lip and kept her eyes glued to the ground.
"Hey, no. Ivy. It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're alright." Joe said. He leaned forward and back as he contemplated whether he should hug her or not. Ivy made the decision for him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
'Thank you" she whispered as Joe hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist and tried not to breathe in her perfume too deeply. He wanted to remember every detail of this moment. 
How her body felt pressed against his.
How her arms felt around his neck.
How she smelled. How warm she was. 
How he never wanted to let her go. 
"IVY. You better get ready for your date!" Joe and Ivy's eyes snapped open as they remembered what the consequence of losing was. 
A soft chorus of "fuck", as if from a profane angelic chorus, was heard from their embrace as Lucy and Rami continued celebrating.
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parkandzhong · 6 years
🎪🎡🎢 ---- Yet Another Untitled Anon
(Chensung Anon back at it again with no solid plot and an open ending)
Chenle and Jisung take up an interest in dying their hair after Mark goes blonde and Donghyuck dyes his hair red. They talk about it constantly, chatting about which hair colors they’d like and how it unfair that even goody two shoes Renjun got to dye his hair as well. When Jeno bleaches his hair and Jaemin also goes light brown, Chenle and Jisung are starting to feel the limitations of being younger than their entire friend group.
All of their friends have jobs, and as soon as their parents agree to let them dye their hair using their own money, they can go and get it done the next day. Even though Chenle is rich, his mom scolds him when he asks about it.
“You’re 15, what do you need to be dying your hair for?”
“Mom! Everyone else has their hair dyed but me and Jisung! Don’t you think I’d look nice with a different hair color??”
“How fair would it be to Jisung if you dyed your hair and he couldn’t?”
“Oh mom, come on!!”
Jisung’s faced with the same argument, with a “even if I let you, I don’t have the money to bleach and dye your hair!!” thrown in for good measure.
“It’s not fair,” Chenle whines, tossing a rock into the lake. “Everybody else is allowed to dye their hair but us!!”
They argue with their parents for two months, and Renjun dyes his hair again and so does Mark. Eventually, their mothers start to get tired of their whining and they make a bet with them. If Chenle and Jisung can make the honor roll at the end of the semester, they can dye their hair. So they work their asses off and Jisung actually studies for once and their hangouts turn into study sessions. Somehow they make the honor roll. And even though Jisung’s mom is apprehensive, she keeps her promise and Chensung get an appointment to get their hair dyed.
The bleach smells bad and they spend 2 days getting their hair dyed. It’s worth it when Jisung gets to see Chenle with purple hair. Jisung has blue hair and his mom is obviously not happy with the color. But a bet was a bet so she just glares at him and lets him keep it.
Jisung and Chenle become the talk of the school and a bunch of kids come up to them talking about their hair colors. Jisung gets shy and flustered so Chenle takes charge and charms the girls who come up to them to flirt. He always turns around and laughs for a while afterwards.
“How do they have no idea that I’m gay?? They saw a guy with purple hair and they thought he was straight…..”
Jisung keeps quiet. Mostly because he’s looking at said guy (Chenle) with purple hair and thinking about how not straight he is. Instead he ruffles his blue hair and says:
“Maybe they want to date you for popularity.”
“Then they should date you. You’re the one on the soccer team. They’d have no luck with me.”
“Chenle, I’m also gay.”
“They don’t know that!! I thought girls liked dating the sports guys to get popular!”
“Are we gonna stand here talking about girls like a couple of straight guys or are we going to go get lunch?” Jisung asks. “Because I’m having a gay crisis and I need to hear about whatever drama Hyuck has gotten himself into this week to keep me sane and soothe my soul.”
Chenle cackles and follows behind him.
“That was the gayest fucking thing I’ve ever heard and we’ve heard a lot about what Jaemin gets up to.”
The popularity only increases at every soccer game Jisung plays and every dance competition he does. Even girls from the opposing team’s audience come to talk to him and try to get his number. He feels awkward, and he doesn’t even feel flattered because he’s not attracted to any girl ever. Chenle thinks their sudden popularity with girls is hilarious. Jisung’s not so sure he likes having blue hair anymore, but it takes a few months for his hair to fade and his roots to grow back. He tries to hide the hair, but the teachers force him to remove his hats and he just has to deal with it. He wonders why the girls are so persistent when none of them have gotten a positive response from him.  
“Can I dye it again?” he asks his mother at dinner one night.
“My roots are showing and the hair dye is faded. Can I just go blonde instead?”
Chenle’s in China with his parents on a business trip the weekend Jisung’s mom takes him to get his hair bleached and dyed blonde. He avoids skyping Chenle and showing his new hair, and for some reason Chenle only phone calls him too.
“Hey, uh, I kinda have something to show you when you get back from the airport,” Chenle says on the phone.
Jisung hears him get in the car on the other end of the phone.
“I was going to say the same thing,” Jisung says.
When they meet each other at Jisung’s apartment as soon as Chenle gets back from the airport, Jisung’s excited. It’s only been 5 days, but he’s really missed Chenle and he’s excited to show off his new hair to his best friend. So when they finally come face to face again and Chenle’s just staring blankly at him, he feels self conscious. He catches sight of Chenle’s hair and he laughs. Chenle doesn’t move.
“We both dyed our hair blonde while you were in China!” Jisung laughs.
Jisung clears his throat and Chenle finally unfreezes.
“Wanna go hang out with Donghyuck?”
“Why so suddenly?”
“I’m having a gay crisis,” Jisung admits. (bc of Chenle but that’s not important)
“What is it with you going to Hyuck when you’re having a gay crisis?” Chenle asks.
“He’s already a gay disaster so he makes me feel like more of a contained gay disaster.”
“God do you have a crush on somebody that you don’t want to tell me about or something?”
“No,” Jisung lies, panicked. “He’s been telling me about his crush.”
It’s not entirely a lie. Hyuck talks his ear off about Mark all the time. In turn, though, he talks about Chenle and how he thinks he might be developing a crush on his best friend. And once Chenle had dyed his hair purple it just kicked into overdrive. Chenle’s a blonde now, and Jisung’s having a hard time refraining from having a mental breakdown over how good it looks. (Chenle’s thinking the same thing, u moron)
Chenle somehow manages to look cuter as a blonde and Jisung somehow realizes that he is developing a small crush on Chenle. He’s been willing it to go away, hoping that it was just a momentary thing brought on by doing something fun together like dying their hair. When they started this whole hair dye thing he didn’t expect it to launch him into the gay void. He just wanted a fun hair color and a fun thing to do with Chenle.
“YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO PUSH ME IN,” Chenle yells as Jisung pulls him out of the lake.
“I didn’t mean to!!”
Chenle looks like a drowned kitten as he glares at Jisung. His shoes squelch as they walk on the path and Jisung worries his lip between his teeth, trying to figure out a solution.
“OH! I still have my soccer practice clothes!”
“YOU SWEAT IN THOSE,” Chenle shouts.
“Practice got cancelled, they’re clean.”
They have to walk for 5 minutes as Chenle complains and shivers in the cool April air to find a place for him to change. They finally find a bathroom and Jisung hands off his backpack to the soaking wet Chenle. Chenle’s still fuming from being almost drowned, so Jisung just sings to himself as Chenle changes clothes.
“I look stupid,” Chenle says.
Jisung freezes with a slight blush. His mind is screaming (mostly just FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK) as he watches Chenle flap his new sweater paws at him. He’s wearing Jisung’s black sweater and black sweatpants. They’re a little too big for him, and Jisung’s having a fucking gay crisis again. He’s not even having a gay crisis anymore, he’s just been drop kicked into the gay void of falling in love with his best friend. All of the feelings Jisung has been denying come rushing at him. His legs start to shake a little as he realizes how fuck he is.
He could deny his feelings when Chenle looked a lot like the little kid he met on the playground one day. But after they dyed their hair together he realizes how cute Chenle is and once Chenle becomes a blonde and wears his clothes while looking like a drowned kitten.
Chenle’s face looks neutral as he looks expectantly at Jisung.
“We should put my wet clothes in a bag,” he says simply.
“Yeah,” Jisung croaks. “That’s a good idea.”
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kurokolovesakashi · 7 years
If possible, could I request for a hiyoko!akakuro fic which is somehow based on game Flappy Bird? Hope that it doesn't sound so weird...
Kuroko flapped his wings furiously. If he couldjust get past these green pipes, he knew he could find Akashi on the other-
He hit a green pipe and died.
^^^ That was my first draft. Literally that. Thank god someone wrote a Flappy Bird fic that gave me inspiration bc otherwise I’d be totally lost LMAO. Anyways, I absolutely love you for sending this ask, OMG. What a cute proposition. I DEMAND that you sign off any future asks with “Flappy Bird Anon.” Flappy bird anon gets special treatment in this house - no shirking this, this is the most amazing thing… flappy bird au… my goodness
[cross posted to AO3]
Kuroko flapped hissmall wings furiously, staring ahead determinedly. A field of pipes approached.This time he got fairly far, but what he’d barely registered the first time wasbecoming obvious. His flight was wildly out of control; there was no wind forhim to glide on, and he dropped like a stone when he wasn’t flapping his wingsfuriously.
He smashed into a pipeand fluttered to the ground, consciousness fading.
Kuroko flapped hissmall wings furiously, staring ahead determinedly. A field of pipes approached,looming above and below him. He dodged upwards; he swooped down; he swervedaround the pipes, determined to get to the other side-
He barely got pastthree sets of pipes before he died.
The cycle continued inthat way – Kuroko kept trying again and again. He couldn’t remember how hearrived to that hellish field, but he remembered the countless attempts. He hadnever struggled with flying this much in his life. The time of the day neverchanged. His surroundings never varied, except that the pipes seemed torearrange themselves unnervingly.
Kuroko lost count ofhow many times he had seen this same field when finally, something changed.
Kuroko flapped hiswings, tired and frustrated. He was going to make it this time-
“Excuse me.”
Kuroko smashed into agreen pipe and died.
He came to again,wings flapping furiously. Ahead of him, a red bird sat perched on one of thepipes. As he neared, he could see the bird flutter into the air expectantly.
“Excuse me,”the bird peeped. Kuroko tried to keep his concentration, his flight pathveering all over the place again.
“Yes?” hepanted.
“It seems there’sbeen a mista-”
Kuroko crashed into apipe again.
“Could you pleasetry to stay alive for one moment-”
Kuroko accidentallyflew too high, smashing his head on a pipe.
“What?” Kurokoturned to look at the bird. “Why am I-”
“Look ahead ofyou!”
Kuroko looked aheadjust in time to get a face full of green pipe. When he came to again, the redbird was flapping along next to him, speaking urgently.
“You have tofollow me. I’ll lead you to bird heaven.” Kuroko nodded, panting. Anythingwas better than this.
He died again. Butwhen he reappeared, the red bird had timed it so it was flapping ahead of him,leading him through the field of pipes. Kuroko flapped furiously to catch upuntil his beak was almost brushing the red bird’s tail feathers. It was like aslipstream trailed after the bird, making it easier to navigate. Kuroko’s bodyno longer sank like a stone, instead floating through the air like it was meantto. However, the bird deftly swooped and lifted to navigate the field. Kuroko’swings burned as he struggled to keep up. He thought his heart would pound outof his chest before they were done, but at last the red bird flutteredgracefully onto the edge of a green pipe, and Kuroko miraculously found that atlast, he could sit down.
“Shall we goagain?” the bird asked, ruffling its feathers comfortably.
“What?”Kuroko landed next to him. “I thought you were going to take me to bird heaven.”
“Yes,” thebird replied, “I did. Shall we go again?”
“You… did…?”Kuroko looked around himself. It was the same environment full of green pipes.“This is bird heaven…?”
“Yes.” Thebird stared at him with aplomb. Up close, Kuroko noted its vividly red eyes.
“But… where arethe worms… the nests…”
“There are no wormsin bird heaven,” Akashi chirped matter-of-factly.
“There are… noworms… in bird heaven?”
“No, of coursenot,” the bird replied confidently. “All the worms are in wormheaven. There is no inhumane hunting in heaven. Besides, you’re not hungry, areyou? Eating a worm now would just be a disappointment.”
Kuroko seemed torecall eating many a worm when he wasn’t actuallyhungry and enjoying it thoroughly, but he didn’t see the point in squabblingover it.
“There are nonests…?”
“No, nests aretraditionally made from dead things, like tree twigs, and there are no deadthings in heaven.”
“What about thesethings?” Kuroko gestured at the green pipes.
“That’s inorganicmatter harvested from the ground. It was never living.”
Kuroko narrowed hiseyes at the bird now. “You aren’t pulling my leg, are you?”
The bird drew himselfup. “Excuse me?”
“This is reallybird hell, isn’t it?”
The bird huffed.“Don’t be dramatic. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it hell.”
“As a bird whohas been to hell, I believe I have more authority in this subject thanyou,” Kuroko chirped loudly. “This is hellish.”
The bird drew back,fluffing his feathers out huffily. “It is what you make it,” he chirred,surly.
An awkward silencehung between them. Judging from the red bird’s round, squashed shape he waspouting, like hatchlings do when mother hasn’t got any worms. Reaching out,Kuroko lightly placed a wing on the bird’s side, watching as a beady eyeswiveled around to examine him.
“I’m sorry.”Kuroko patted the bird hesitantly. “I’m very glad you’re here.”
“Would you liketo go for another round?” the bird asked.
“Yes, that wouldbe alright.” Kuroko followed close behind as the bird took off. “Whilewe’re here, what is your name?” Kuroko cheeped.
“AkashiSeijuro,” the bird replied. “And you?”
“Oh? That’s anice name,” Akashi replied. He seemed to be cheering up. Kuroko sighed tohimself.
He spent the nextcouple of days – it felt like that, even if he suspected it was only a coupleof hours – poking around his surroundings. It was just grass with green pipessticking out of it. It was bizarre.
“Why does thisplace look like this?” Kuroko asked. He tapped his foot against the pipe,hearing a light ting.
“Bird heaven isgetting more and more crowded. Until the quotient for bird angels is met, there’sno time to design more complicated structures.”
“Birdangels?” Kuroko looked back at Akashi. “Is that what you are?”
Akashi puffed himselfup. “Yes, I was chosen to be one.”
“And there’sreally no eating at all?” Kuroko asked hopefully.
“I don’t thinkthey’ll be able to do the worms.”
“I suppose I canget used to eating just seeds,” Kuroko cheeped, disappointed.
“I was avegetarian in life,” Akashi announced proudly. “I believe it was partof why I was chosen.”
“Yes, of courseyou were.” Kuroko went back to silently sulking.
He couldn’t have toldanyone how much time had passed before anything changed again. There was atimeless quality to the place, but it may have been because nothing shifted inthe slightest. It was impossible to track time. Akashi would flutter nearby,looking like he wanted to say something, and then flutter away again when henoticed Kuroko was bunched into a tense ball. He wasn’t in the mood to speak toAkashi. At least, not until he noticed something strange.
“The sky isdimming,” Kuroko peeped to himself. He stood, excited. “The sun issetting!”
Kuroko fluttered overto Akashi, who was dozing in the grass, and poked him in the side with his leg.
“Excuse me?”Akashi huffed.
“The sun issetting!” Kuroko ruffled his feathers in excitement.
Akashi squinted at thesetting sun contentedly. “Oh, it is. I suppose they’ll finally startadding things now.”
“Addingthings?” Kuroko perked up at that.
Akashi glanced at himslyly. “You’ll see.” He ruffled his feathers, getting ready to takeoff. “Do you want to go for another flight?”
“Alright.”Kuroko hadn’t missed the change in subject, but Akashi was already taking off.Following behind him, Kuroko took in the scenery again. Everywhere he looked,it was the same landscape: pipes after pipes sinking into spongy, unchanginggrass.
“Can’t we atleast do a barrel roll?” Kuroko called after Akashi.
Akashi tilted his headin thought. “We can try.”
Kuroko flapped a littlefaster to catch up to Akashi. “Let’s do it.”
Akashi glanced back athim, amused. “Okay… 1… 2… 3!” Akashi tucked his wing under, droppingsuddenly. Kuroko hurried to follow, spinning in the air and realizing he’d spunout from the slipstream that seemed to follow Akashi around. He quickly spiraledto the ground, smacking into it with a painful thud.
Kuroko came toflapping toward a sea of green pipes. “Oh, you’re joking,” hegroaned. He managed to smash into a pipe twice before he spotted Akashiflapping toward him as fast as his wings could carry him. This time it tookseveral attempts to get Kuroko out of the field again as he lost concentrationmidway. Panting, he landed clumsily, Akashi eyeing him as he perched moregracefully on the edge of a pipe. Kuroko rolled over to regard him.
“Let’s try it again,”he chirped.
A low noise came fromAkashi, and as Kuroko watched his feathers vibrate and ruffle, he realizedAkashi was chuckling.
“If youwish.”
Other changes startedto be made to the environment. Days came on the regular. A tree was added,which Kuroko was able to nestle into. He patiently broke off individual twigsto build a nest – silently noting when Akashi decided to pitch in to the effort– and settled into it. It was a little roomy for one, but-
Akashi startedwiggling into place next to him.
“I don’t thinkthere’s room for-”
Akashi squishedhimself into the nest next to Kuroko until they were both firmly wedged intogether. Kuroko squirmed, trying to get more comfortable.
“Holdstill,” Akashi cheeped.
“There isn’t roomfor both of us.”
“Of course thereis. Wait a minute.” Akashi pushed himself back out of the nest again,stretching his wings out. Then, he started to settle back down again, his warmwing outstretched over Kuroko.
“See, this isn’tso bad, is it?”
“Hmph,”Kuroko chirred, narrowing his eyes. He held still, Akashi’s warm featherspressing into him with each light breath. Slowly, his eyelids drooped as therhythm of Akashi’s breathing lulled him into a calm. His head began to feelheavy, and he tucked his beak into warm feathers and fell asleep under Akashi’swing.
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tanoraqui · 7 years
Pre-(Me Reading) Oathbringer Speculation
So…Oarhbringer theories…I’ve been playing spoilers chicken but I think I’ve remained mostly clean, so this is based almost entirely on just WoK and WoR, +Edgedancer. Also I may have looked at who gets POV chapters.
Character Stuff
Dalinar is presently leader of the new would-be Knights Radiant, but based on the attributes associated with their Orders/heralds, that job should be Kaladin’s, with Dalinar more…advising? Which works for both their character arcs:
Kaladin needs to get his head out of his ass, not just ease up on his hatred of lighteyes but also start seeing the larger picture BEFORE he fucks it up, not after (see: swerving with bridge, challenging Amaram.) also, Windrunnere are known for protecting and leadership - so I bet his next vow will be about that. Good opportunity for it as he heads to Kholin, where the darkeyes’ revolution of his dreams seems to be starting. After Elhokar in WoR, he won’t just throw in with the uprising, but you know he’ll want to.
I’ve also seen a spoiler that he may end up, at least briefly, with the Parshendi who fled rather than take Stormform? Pls be kind to them, Kaladin. They need it.
Dalinar, meanwhile, needs to figure out how to let go of power. Shallan (I think it was Shallan) was right: he’s here to gather the new Radiants, not lead them. Not forever, at least. Between the book flap and some stronger spoilers, I know the politics are going international now, as Dalinar tries to rally the whole world, and fucks it up a little - good. I wonder if the second vow of the Bondsmiths is something like, “I will unite people, even if I am not in the lead”? “Even at cost to myself"?
P.S. Gonna find out about Dalinar's wife this book! Gonna find out what deal he made with the Nightwatcher (who is definitely Cultivation-based)! Should learn more about the Old Magic with that, and Cultivation, who frankly I suspect is behind the very warm feeling from that last, golden dream Dalinar had at the end of WoR!
The book flap says Dalinar must “confront the past” and the back says he “seeks the past. That which was abandoned. That which he must not learn. For those secrets will crush him as they did the Knights who came before.” + Amaram’s obsession with Talenal and my mild spoilers-given knowledge that we’re getting a bit more about the Heralds this book, I bet Dalinar isn’t just confronting his own past re: his forgotten wife, but also
a) the fact that 9/10 Heralds, now held as idols, just walked away from their sworn duty
b) the realization of this on the part of the Knights Radiant was the reason for the Recreance. “If the best can’t/won’t do it, why should we?” sort of thing. And so our heroes will have to choose for themselves...
[hint: “Someone has to start...We have to be better than them.”]
Shallan…Her brothers will arrive, which will require her to confront how much she’s changed since she left home, but I think her story this tome will be relatively character development-light, plot/worldbuilding-solving-heavy.
Adolin: The first time I read these books, I said Adolin is poised for an interesting 3rd book, and I stand by that. He CAN'T tell his father what he did; it would put Dalinar and his rule-following honor in an impossible position. But the guilt will stew, and he'll have to deal with the consequences, and incidentally, this is probably the first time in Adolin's life that he's so overshadowed? Not just his cousin the king and his father the Blackthorn, but his father - and fiancée, and ex-bodyguard, and even his baby brother the Knights Radiant? I'd like to see him struggle with that.
I'd also like to see him remain NOT a Knight Radiant, not yet at least, but maybe pick up Talenel'a Honorblade and join in the fun that way. That's probably the best Order For him anyway, the resolute, dependable fighters.
(A part of me is terrified of an endgame where Adolin is Odium's Champion. Foreshadowed by his dueling prowess, and his...periodic tendency towards rashness and rage.)
Less Main Characters:
Szeth!! I'm gonna be honest: all I want out of this book is for some Szeth POV where he's talking with Nightblood and it has the vibe of a buddy cop comedy. All I want. Also, I guess he's going to go judge Shinovar [that sounds so pretentious; good grief, Nale], and I hope for his own sake that he's merciful about it. I think he will be. He doesn't want to kill, even if they were in denial and it resulted in years of torment for him and the world.
Renarin will hopefully get a little more attention, but I think still no POV? So not much attention. (I WANNA MEET REN’S SPREN SO BAD.) Hopefully he can get a little confidence. 
I suspect his seizures are actually due to his Truthwatcher abiliies somehow - maybe because he’s been resisting them? Or they just always go hand in hand, but will get more manageable? Which pisses me off tbh, bc it’s been so great having Kaladin’s depression and Shallan’s inclination to cope with trauma by wildly disassociating be mostly unrelated to their powers, just part of who they are as people (more related in Shallan, but still it’s like...who she is? And that was a perfectly natural reaction to trauma, and treated as such.) 
But the fact that Lopen’s arm started growing back, and Renarin stopped needing his glasses, says Stormlight heals major, old, and chronic illnesses/injuries/physical problems, which means imo that Sanderson is not treating physical disability with the same grace he gave mental. Maybe the seizures will continue with the visions they probably accompany, and it’s just something Truthwatchers have to deal with - that could be okay. Maybe it’s chronic, and if he loses access to Stormlight, they’ll return? Kaladin’s depression acts a bit like that, which makes sense because that IS due to real physical cause i.e. chemical imbalance, which maybe the Stormlight is fixing temporarily but these kids’ bodies are still set up just a bit wrong, and that’s not something that can be “fixed”...that’d be nice...
(This got away from character-related theories, sorry.)
Speaking of which: My Wife If Only She'd Have Me, Jasnah Motherfucking Kholin had better come tell her actual mother that she's alive tbh, or at least send word, because Navani being forlorn to the point of illogic is, um, devastating. But also I will gladly die for the snark-filled adventures of Jasnah and Wit, so...
I know she has at least one POV chapter and I'm so excited. Only in one section, though, so alas we won't get much
Let Jasnah Have A Full Character Arc 2k18
Tentative guess that the wall she's soulcasting up on the cover is in Kholinar? Though also, who the hell knows, she and Wit could go anywhere. I ship it, y’all.
Taravangian has a recurring POV this book, which I assume is true recurring and not just, like, one chapter per section. Probably his arc will involve a growing uncertainty, as reality diverges further from the Diagram and unifying the world is harder than he thought, particularly with Dalinar as competition. (Note: Dalinar does need to learn to surrender power, but...not to this guy. He’s doing a LOT of wrong things for right reasons, and a) I disagree with that personally, and more importantly b) the morals of this series disagree with that.)
He believes his intelligence is the Nightmother’s boon and his compassion is the curse, and I bet either he’s got that backwards or they’re BOTH the curse and his desired “capacity” will manifest as, like, being at the right place in the right moment, five books from now.
Venli is worth mentioning, because she has a POV every or nearly every Interlude and I thus expect she’s the Traitor named by archetype on the back of the book. I don’t know how she took stormform before telling Eshonai about it, without anyone else noticing, but she clearly did. And the effect clearly sticks, even once a Listener changes back to another form...
Worldbuilding/Plot Theories:
Quick rundown of assorted factions/secret societies, as I understand:
Galivar: Started receiving same Honor Dream Voicemails as Dalinr, believed ‘em. 
Goals: Return the Listeners’ gods (did he KNOW that meant Odium? I’m guessing not, bc he told Taravangian they needed to save the world.
Resources: 1 trapped Voidspren, acquired ?????
The Diagram: Tipped off to nigh Desolation by Galivar, asked Nightmother for “capacity” to stop it, got seesawing intelligence/empathy.
Goals: Unify world under his rule, with violence and trickery if necessary, to brace against Desolation
Resources: Diagram, Death Rattles, widespread, free-ish agents in unknown locations. Significant members: Taravangian (head), Moash (confused).
Sons of Honor: Worship Heralds?
Goals: Sought return of Voidbringers in order to prompt return of Radiants and more importantly Heralds, who will return and...restore honor and piety and all that jazz?
Resources: Mostly unknown, but some scholarship. Significant members: Restares (head, not yet met), Amaram, currently in custody of Talenal but not his Blade
Ghostbloods: What do these people even want?
Goals: Urithiru; knowledge there probably. Didn’t want Jasnah spreading knowledge of Voidbringers? Or just didn’t want her to beat them to the city?
Resources: Substantial. Significant members: Thaidakar (head, not yet met), Mraize, Masked Woman [Parshendi?], Shallan, Halaran (possibly not fully.) Davars owe them money.
Envisigiants: Nice, useless cult or bigger than Teft knew? Don’t SEEM related to any of the above in goals.
In conclusion: man, fuck if I know. 
Um. I actually feel very lacking in plot or worldbuilding theories right now. I think most of them slipped into the character stuff anyway.
Either “Zahel” LOST his talking murdersword (whom I love), or he GAVE IT AWAY, and either way, honestly, what a dipshit and also where hte fuck is Vivenna and how did they get here?? Worldhopping obviously but there was no sign anyone in Warbreaker (aside from Hoid ofc) knew about that, so...???
I think the Aimians, with their mild shapeshifting, must be related to the Parshendi as well (I did look up the Horneaters.) And the...whatever sort of person Lift met in Edgedancer. I literally am not sure whether it’s spoilers or just background Cosmere lore that humans re not native to this planet, though they’ve been here for millennia, but I bet all the shapeshifting species are native. 
Obvious but worth saying: the Nightmother is to Cultivation as the Stormfather is to Honor, probably? More or less?
Big point of confusion, actually: Honor is dead, but I don’t think Cultivation is? Yet she’s in the same vicinity as Odium, and has been for millennia. Hiding? Hiding really well? Maybe voluntarily mostly broke herself up into spren?
Note: the Nightmother’s boons and curses appear to be mostly cerebral, matters of perception or ability, though sometimes something like a bolt of cloth. This is presumably because she’s operating in mostly the Cognitive Realm. (Lift’s boon, of course, is explicitly a...blending of Realms.) (Or possibly Lift’s Curse? You know, the whole Boon/Curse dichotomy is almost certainly a failure of human perception.)
In WoK, it sounded like Elhokar was being followed by the same sort of pattern-headed Cryptics as Shallan, but then they didn’t like being around Kaladin and that worries me, especially with Amaram (sketchy) being followed by shadows at the end of WoR. I can see Cryptics simply not liking Windrunners tbh, but...there are darker spren around, now.
The reason this Desolation seems to be starting differently than previous ones is probably a combination of the particularly long wait between them +...is it cruel of me to hope it really IS partly Wit’s fault. In interfering. I’m sure he’ll help, but you know he’s going to break something eventually.
No, it’s probably that the Oathpact is weak, on account of just one true Herald left, and Odium is preparing to blow this popstand.
The first 5 books will end with the Desolation REALLY starting, and the gap will cover the new Knights Radiant orders settling into their new roles, people dying all over but it still could be worse, etc.
Series Endgame things: I think both that we’re going to need 10 new Heralds, one per Order, AND that Odium is going o be released back into the greater Cosmere, and I’m not sure how both those things will happen but I swear they will.  
If I know absolutely anything about Brandon Sanderson’s writing habits, someday a man matching Spook’s description is going to appear in a Stormlight Archive book, inevitably speaking Eastern Empire street slang, and let me tell you, I am going to scream aloud. I think we’ll get Spook before Kelsier, though they might arrive together.
Worst comes to worst, I would watch an entire film of everyone else being dead but Odium furiously chasing Kelsier around the universe, playing whack-a-mole because this single asshole just will not stay dead. 
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jawnkeets · 7 years
tagged by @conan-doyles-carnations, tysm ✨✨✨
1. First things first, what is your MBTI type?
2. When did you learn to read?
no idea what age, but i (think) i actually remember the first time i recognised the words on the page, and wasn’t just reciting a book from memory!!! i was on my own and it was about a gingerbread man
update: asked my dad and he said i started reading at 3
3. What languages can you read in?
english, a bit of spanish
4. What book are you currently reading or most recently read?
i’ve recently finished euripides’ bacchae. currently reading the prince, wollstonecraft’s vindication, and the roots of romanticism (isaiah berlin). starting aristotle’s poetics and nicomachean ethics and wendy cope’s making cocoa for kingsley amis v soon
5. Name 3 books you never finished:
ah this is hard bc i’m not usually one to leave books. i tried joyce’s ulysses but it took me 4 hours to read 9 pages and i kind of admitted to myself that i haven’t read widely enough to truly appreciate it yet. i never finished kafka’s the trial which i deeply regret and hope i will return to
6. What are your favorite books from childhood?
my earliest fav i think was scary fairies. i loved the -ology books when i was v young, u kno the rly exciting big lift-the-flap ones??? a little later i was OBSESSED with darren shan, especially the saga of darren shan (tho the demonata too). i had never read anything like shan’s books before when i first came across them, the complexity of the characters was mind-blowing to me, and steve leonard’s betrayal (+ crepsley’s death) omfg……. i also adored shiver by maggie striefvater - shiver and my name is mina are the books that first got me into poetry (rilke in the former and blake in the latter), and poetry is still my fav part of lit today!!!
7. What are your current favorite books?
the great gatsby and the secret history! and hamlet if that counts as a book
Multiple Choice (bold as many as apply to you & add your own choice if you must)
am on mobile and cba to html so am gonna bracket instead of bold soz
8. Your favorite genres:
Mystery/Sci-fi/Fantasy/Chick Lit/Young Adult/Horror/[Nonfiction - assuming this means like criticism etc]/Memoir/Dystopia/[Poetry]/Self-Help/Historical Fiction/Fanfiction/[Realistic Fiction]/[Biography]/[Gothic]
9. Your opinion on rereading books:
I do it all the time/It has to be a really good book/I can’t stand it/I haven’t done it since I was a child/[I only reread my favorite sections].
i think the only book i've reread (since childhood, anyways) is frankenstein. it was pretty rewarding so am now more open to retreading than i was
10. How long does it take you to read one book on average?
[1 to 3 days]/[a week]/[a few weeks]/about a month/several months.
it’s rare for me to spend more than 2 weeks reading one book, but depends how busy i am
11. How do you typically read?
Every opportunity I get, in transit, while waiting, etc./[Before bed]/On the go by audiobook/[When I can truly relax]/When I remember to.
i also enjoy reading the most when i’m alone.
12. How many books do you typically read in a year?
None or 1/About 1 to 3/Maybe 4 to 10/[At least 10 - but i read more poetry than novels]/ At least 50/ Too much. I can’t keep track.
this year i have read almost 40, not including individual poems or critical essays. not quite 50 +tho, honestly goals for next year
13. For school assigned books, what type of student are/were you?
[I read all the books in detail]/I read all but sometimes skimmed/I nearly read all, I may have skipped a few because they were too boring/I only read the interesting ones/There’s a reason why Sparknotes was made!
i tag (only if you’d like to!!!): @alain-fournier @cassiopeaia @jawnham @d-winifred @englishlitstudentblr @the-metal-kettle @jehanfleur @jjohnkeats @jawnham @literaetures @queersandcommies @wholockedhousekeeper @lanternheart @asteriea @donnattartt @moncrieff @vivalcli @horaetio @therepublicofletters @edmunddcorcoran @gothicwhoreoine and anyone else who would like to!!! ik i’ve missed so many amazing ppl
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crying-saeyoung · 7 years
Hey there! Is it okay if I request the RFA + Saeran reacting to a autistic MC who gets sensory overload from being in public places, like stadiums or musicals? I love your head canons so much, especially the one with Saeran and Saeyoung being autistic. Love you and your blog!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
if anyone wants to request some more saeyoung and saeran autistic requests, feel free cause I’m totally for getting deep into that (the last headcanon it really was just barely touched)! For this imagine, Saeyoung isn’t autistic because of the given situation I wrote, but Saeran is! None of the other members are autistic, either, just Saeran in this specific headcanon. -Green
-oh b o y
-you guys don’t go out that often, but there was one movie you went to go see at the theater, Ghost in the Shell (i went to see this movie recently and I strongly recommend that if you’re autistic to be wary of this film)
-right away wam bam no thank you mam . there was a bunch of heavy flashes, and you just couldn’t take it. not really sensory overload but stick with me
-you had to excuse yourself from the theater room and get yourself something to drink and close your eyes, take a few deep breathes because the flashes just kept repeating in your head and it really really hurt your eyes and gave you the worst headache
-thankfully Yoosung figured it out pretty quick that the lights were too much for you and came to your side  
-he was actually kind of mad because he asked the ticket seller if it had too many flashing lights and he said no, but here you were in pain
-so he chewed the guy out and demanded for a refund and tickets to a new movie
-he apologized to you a lot, but by the time the Trolls title came down all you could do was laugh and kiss him
-a aa
-it really sucked because it happened in your own god damn home
-Saeyoung, while ignoring you hahaha, had music literally blasting all through the apartment, enough to have it shake
-he thought he plugged in his headphones and actually didn’t realize they were unplugged so he was acting like everything was normal
-unknown to him wow, you were sobbing on the floor and rocking yourself back and forth because you couldn’t even speak enough to tell Saeyoung to stop the music!! ! wow!!!
-the pressure of the loud music and the floors shaking made you feel like you were being torn apart and you just wanted to run out of the house but you felt like you couldn’t move
-the only reason he heard you sobbing was because his headphones were UNPLUGGED!!! W O W !
-saeyoung oh my GO D
-he takes off his headphones in worry like “wow why are you crying???” but then he understands when he. fuck i ng  takes off his headphones.
- WO WOWW!!!! AmaZING how that works…
-apologies don’t stop coming out of his mouth as he quickly turns off the music
-he has no idea what to doooo
-he tries to distract you???
-tells you a bunch of depressing jokes and gets some stuffed animals and starts to start a little skit with them
-it does manage to calm you down, but now you’re laughing and sobbing
-then you just sob and stop looking at him at all 
-because the situation your in is depressing and you hate it. you hate it so much, and so does he.
-so for now, he holds you. and he wants to promise he’ll never let you go, but right now, he can’t.
-you two sob together and there’s really no happy ending here.
-you got a sensory overload when you were on vacation with Jumin
-Jumin had left your side at one of the parties you two were at, and it was really for a just a few minutes
-but when he left that’s when the band decided to come out and just blast music and shine neon lights from every corner in the damn room 
-you didn’t have Jumin by your side to help you or distract you, so you had nothing else to do but look for somewhere to hide
-you were shaking and crying as you decided to hide under a dinner table and rock yourself while just trying to block out the noise and hide in your legs from the flashing lights 
-you didn’t even notice how loud you yourself were being because you were so focused on trying to get all the noise ou t
-the reason Jumin found you so fast was because he heard your yelling and sobbing 
-he didn’t even think of trying to get you out from under the table. instead he crawls under and joins you, shoving you into his chest, holding you so tight and rubbing your back and hair until you calm down 
-he lets you shake and blubber around all you need, and he gets your chewlery out from your personal pocket in Jumins coat aww you fill it with all your small toys for situations like this, he always has it on him isn’t that cuute
-after you calm down a bit, he refuses to leave under the table until his guards shove the band off the stage and make the lights mellow and soft for you again 
-and he will glare at literally everyone around the table who didn’t help you and threaten to sue them 
-jumin my love no plz no  
- :(
-it happens in the coffee shop
-it was just a really really busy day for you two and was really just too much for only two baristas
-Jaehee enjoys it because she thinks that the place is becoming more popular! 
-you would like to enjoy it , ,, because you are happy you two are getting popular !
-but serving the dishes and getting around all the people and all their talking is proving to be way too much for you
-what happened to the comfortable, homey atmosphere? the regulars and a few strangers sprinkled here and there?
-now there were strangers everywhere 
-you were barely able to sit the last plate down before you rushed out of the shop, running right by a regular who you knew rather well
-you actually ran a lot farther then you were intending to,, you ran all the way to the public park 
-which was a lot less public today. it was quiet and calm and let you just breathe 
-you had no idea how long you were out there, just sitting all by yourself and holding yourself before you heard a familiar little pit pat of heels 
-next thing you knew you were surrounded by a hug from Jaehee who was sobbing 
- “Babe?? omg?? are u okay?!!” 
-she was so wo r r i e d and she felt so BAD,,, 
-Jaehee actually closed the store just so she could find you after the regular told her you ran out 
-aww BABE,, you felt so bad but so special??? you knew how much those customers meant for the expansion your company 
-she reassured you that now she would open up hiring so you can relax during the busy days and never have this happen again
-and the rest of the afternoon is spent cuddling on the park bench
-lets face it, it ain’t that hard to get a sensory overload with this guy,,,
-the crowds surrounding you because of his popularity…
-the flashes of cameras from those crowds…
-the musicals…
-to be fair, since dating you Zen has acted more mellow and less intense or light savvy musicals. He always asks the director what he plans for sounds and effects before participating in a play
-bc?? what is the point?? of acting in a musical his darling cannot watch?
-there is no point
-but the one time he doesn’t ask because he was just so excited about the role… hhhh 
-it was a live performance, so there was a lot of people there. Though you always got the special seat away from everyone else and practically just the best seat in the theater because you deserve only the best
-there’s a very dramatic part right before the intermission where Zen and another character fall to the ground, seemingly dying or smth 
-but the lights are very BAM BAM BAM!!! the white lights in the dark theater flashing so fast, people who weren’t autistic would get a headache 
-and the music… it was all made to be dramatic so there was such a heavy BOOM in it all that you could feel thunder in your chest and pulse inside you 
-Zen is actually thinking of you the whole time this is happening because you’re the closest to the stage, you would get the worst of this and oh my g o d he’s never ran so fast 
-as soon as the intermission is announced he actually jumps off the stage and runs to you to make sure you are okay 
-you’re shaking quite a bit, and once he comes near you, you push and shove at him to get away because you’re freaked out from the sudden hit of everything
-god, it feels like you can’t even see. it was such a horrible experience you can’t even cry or yell, you just need to move and run and get out
-Zen does calm you down, eventually. the intermission is a little longer than planned because Zen’s whole break was spent holding you and calming you down
-he gets pretty mad at the director for not telling him about this, or warning the audience, because that was seizure worthy. 
-when the two of you get home, expect lots of kisses and stims to be played with!!
-awww dang guys 
-he wanted to bring you to one of his favorite parks as a lil cute date, but it was occupied by a huge farmers market. 
-you’re already flapping your hands dude but you try to keep it at a minimum for your babe
-little do you know he’s EXACTLY the same omg you nerds
-why are you even GOING IN THE MARKET it’s such a bad idea but you two just want to have a good ti mee,,, is that too much to ask 
-i cry
-you guys are experiencing it in different ways. Saeran surprisingly isn’t having that rough of a time because he has you as a distraction from all the people and noise. 
-but u ain’t. you are crumbling apart and you’re only still on your feet because of your grip on your boyfriends hand 
-EVENTUALLY he asks “hey, how are you doing?” and you’re just kinda like “you know, not that?/? great???”
-first he thinks that it’s because of him and his heart almost BREAKS but then,,, he sees you flapping your only free hand and Saeran is just like OH BABE NO
-legit picks you up and runs out of the market 
-only stops when you tell him that OMG that’s far enough Saeran !! Aaa!?? where ARE WE,?? 
-Saeran really doesn’t care because he loves you so much and just holds your hands because he’s too scared to hug you or kiss you 
-the two of you get really quiet after that and eventually you two spend the whole day laying down in the sun in the middle of nowhere in the city , just staring at each other and giving each other hand kisses every now and then
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