#thinking to himself “why do all the Flynns gotta be like this?”
coupleofdays · 1 year
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Rewatching Tron in anticipation for Identity, there was one line that I found particularly interesting. At first I got the impression that Alan and Kevin were suposed to be more-or-less bitter rivals, competing with each other in the field of computer programming (and perhaps unconsciously for Lora's affection), two technical geniuses of basically equal skill. But then, when Alan and Lora visits Flynn's Arcade, Alan says: "Geez. The best programmer ENCOM ever saw, and he winds up playing space cowboy in some back room."
In other words, while Alan seem to think that Kevin is immature and annoying, he also aknowledges that Flynn is the smarter of the two, apparently actually admiring his talents and thinking he's wasting them by leaving ENCOM and starting an arcade instead (at this point, he's unaware that Kevin had a legitimate reason to leave due to Dillinger's shenanigans).
While the characters seem to be of almost the same age, this line makes it seem that Alan sees himself as something of a father figure, or perhaps a big brother, to Kevin, being disappointed in him and wanting him to not waste his talents on what he considers immature frivolities. Or, yes, perhaps as a former lover still caring about the wellfare of his ex boyfriend. So while he's acting all "I don't see why I have to do that guy any favors", deep down Alan really does care about Kevin.
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tomboymikayla · 17 days
What sucks about the Sonic franchise is that people only seem to like it when the franchise isn't being itself
Sonic Colors is liked by non Sonic Fans because it's kiddy and lighthearted and not dark and edgy like the 2000s games, which is considered cringe to them and the only time people "like" the 2000s games is when they're talking about those obnoxious Snapcube dubs which they's been spamming for 4 years now
New Fans also praise the current voice cast, which sucks because a majority them don't fit the characters
New Fans also praise how Ian Flynn writes the characters, which also sucks because Flynn's version of the characters don't act like the actual Sonic Characters, (Sonic considering himself as a hero, Tails being Jimmy Neutron, Amy chooses to keep her feelings for Sonic secret and having Tarot Cards be her whole personality, Shadow being an edgy dick, etc) but the New Fans keep insisting that the new versions are better
Also to this day, misconceptions about the franchise and 90s boomers who refuse to let go of the US Lore still persist:
His name is Eggman, not Robotnik
Sonic lives on Earth, not Mobius
Sonic is not obsessed with Chili Dogs
Amy is not a stalker
Sonic has never fucking said "Gotta Go Fast"
Shadow is not an edgelord
People thinking the cartoons and movies are canon
People thinking the Snapcube Dub is canon
Majority of the characters are teens (For some reason people think every Sonic character is a grown adult, even characters like Charmy and Tails)
Also a lot of people seem to forget that the franchise was niche/hated during the 2010s, people didn't give a flying fuck about Sonic and even if they did, they brought it up just to shit on it, it was especially worse when Forces and the Ugly Sonic design came out, everything about Sonic in the 2010s was mocking it, nonstop memes and people saying the franchise only works in 2D (What's worse is that Sonic Mania indirectly proved them right)/was never good, etc
Sonic hate is a lot less common nowadays due to the movies, (mocking Sonic 06 is still brought up to this day tho), however i feel like most of it is people pretending to like Sonic, majority of Sonic praise nowadays comes from the Movies or Frontiers's vocal tracks (because of Kellen Quinn), it also goes back to my previous point with people liking the mischaracterised versions of the characters better
The big two Sonic content coming out this year are Sonic x Shadow Generations and Sonic Movie 3, which has a lot of people hyped because of Shadow the Hedgehog, but it also goes back to my previous point of people pretending to like Sonic, Shadow was heavily disliked by critics and the general audience for being a "edgelord" and looking like a Deviantart OC, so why are people switching up now?
Also from a majority of reactions I've seen, they'll say shit like "Shadow has always been my favorite character" but they don't even know his backstory and when see Black Doom, Maria or Gerald, they go "Who is this!?" (Or make an obnoxious Snapcube joke), I've even seen people ask for Silver, who is a character who was more hated than Shadow and know less about, I doubt they even know he's from the future
All this shit makes me scared that by the time both of these come out, that I'm gonna have to gatekeep the fuck out of this franchise, which is something don't wanna have to do, I just wanna live in a world where the franchise isn't a laughing stock and people actually the franchise unironically
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mayzi33 · 10 months
So. Sonic Dream Team. I just watched the cutscenes and I have SO MUCH to talk about. Let's just dive right into it no intros
First of all, this little moment.
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Cream runs off to fight a boss, and the others can't follow her. Of course, Amy immediatly gets worried, but Sonic calms her down saying that Cream can do this, and that "she's growing up on us fast".
Now, doesn't that sound familiar?
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Of course Sonic is gonna tell Amy something like that, because he knows what it's like first hand with Tails. He knows what it's like to be worried about your younger friend, but you still gotta believe in them and let them fight their own battles. I love this so much.
Now, I'm not sure if Dream Team a part of the Sonic mainline or not, but if is, I want to think it takes place wayyyy after Frontiers, after Tails, Knuckles and Amy came back from their solo journeys perhaps? I don't know how to explain, maybe it's just Ian Flynn doing his magic again, but the characters just feel so much more mature but still the same they've always been you know? Just- better. Whatever the case, let me be delusional and have the reassurance that Team Sonic will reunite after their solo journeys okay thank you very much.
Now, let's talk about Knuckles.
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Something I noticed in the cutscenes, is that Knuckles doesn't mention the Master Emerald, or about coming back to his island at all. He doesn't complain about being "dragged into this" and having more "important stuff to do". I'd like to think that this time, whatever happened to get this group reunited and look for Cream, Knuckles didn't tag along on accident or because he was forced to somehow. He tagged along because he genuely wanted to help look for Cream and save the world from Eggman again. That he genuely wanted to go on this adventure with this friends. And I love how he says "Now we can help protect Ariem too. That's what guardians are for, right?" Again, he doesn't mention the Master Emerald, Knuckles just said himself that as a guardian, his duty can be to protect anyone, not just the big shiny rock. That alone, shows Knuckles' growth a lot to me. He's protective over the E.M, but that's not all his character is about. He's protective over other people. He's protective over his friends. He's protective period. Because that's a part of his personality, of how Knuckles is. He's actually a person, not a machine that cares about nothing other than his duty.
And then, this little moment.
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Again, he doesn't mention the E.M or his duty, but you don't have to be a genius to know that that's what he's thinking about. He understands Ariem more than anyone in the room. He admires her for taking her duty so seriously.
That's another reason why I want to think this takes place after Frontiers. Knuckles still thinks about his duty and takes it seriously, but still cares about other things, like protecting others and helping his friends in adventures, unlike other Sonic contents where he's just stuck on his island all the time. (Cough cough IDW cough cough)
Now, a little on Tails.
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I love this little moment. Sonic checking up on his little bro, asking if he's okay, which he immediatly responds to "you know me!" As if, "Yeah, you know I can take it." Like Amy and Cream, Sonic still worries and cares about Tails, but also believes in him.
And then this little moment, if you choose to go with Tails instead of Cream to the boss fight.
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Eggman uses his usual taunting, and Tails' confident and challenging response made me be on the edge of my seat. Another reason why I want to believe this takes place after Frontiers, is just that Tails sounds way more confident on himself.
And as he says, "Don't underestimate me, Eggman!"
Eggman himself responds with, "Oh, I won't."
He could've easily gone for another taunting, but then he simply decides not to and admits he won't be stupid to underestimate Tails, and tells his machines to go on full power or whatever. Reminds me of a moment when Eggman complimeted Tails in Frontiers Final Horizon saying "You're turning out quite formidable, Tails." I mean like?? You know you're crushing it when the villain himself admits it.
And I love how through the game, the gang keeps turning to Tails for answers. I didn't even screenshot it because there are just SO many moments where the gang goes: "Tails! Is there anything you can do?" "Tails, you're super smart, is there something you can do?" "Tails, what do we do?"
Which Tails also has a response to. Even if he doesn't know for sure, he always comes up with a plan for them to proceed, which the gang follows with no question. "Buy Tails some time!"
And obviously, I won't even get started on how they gave Cream so much importance. I feel like everyone pointed it out already, so I wanted to make this post mainly to point out things I noticed about our classic gang, Amy, Knuckles and Tails.
Hope yall enjoyed this rambling.
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bumblekastclips · 1 year
KYLE CROUSE: Here's a question from Quazell J. "Who do you think would have a better chance at talking Surge down from her mission to kill Sonic? Shadow, Blaze or Knuckles ? Or maybe Amy?
IAN FLYNN: ...Amy. KYLE: Yeah. IAN: By a country mile. KYLE: Uh-huh. IAN: Uh, 'cause Amy would find a way to empathize. She would be able to find some kind of common ground, or at the very least find some way to appeal to the cold, dead ember that is goodness within Surge's heart. Knuckles would kinda agree that Sonic needs to get punched around every now and again. He needs to be humbled. Not kill him, though, that's a bit much. Kinda hard to come back from that one. Uh, Blaze... no, she's going to be immediately on the offensive. KYLE: Yeah. IAN: Y'know? "You're out to destroy Sonic? I will destroy you first." KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: And Shadow wouldn't care. Y'know, Sonic is a big boy, he can defend himself. What is he supposed to step in and intervene against? KYLE: Shadow wouldn't care. In fact, he might help her! IAN: Nah, he doesn't need help. He's the Ultimate Lifeform. KYLE: No, but he'd help her. [chuckling] IAN: He doesn't help anyone. He's out for his own self-interests, get away. KYLE: Yeah... until someone mentions the name 'Maria.' IAN: [chuckles] KYLE: [imitating Batman] "Why did you say that name?!" IAN: [cackling laughter, then singing] "Maria... it always comes back to Maria!" KYLE: Mhm. Come on, Ian. You gotta- you gotta sneak that in there at some point. [chuckling] IAN: Mhm!
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun!
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ranger-ribbons · 5 months
So, here’s the thing, I saw the cute flower prompts and was trying to pick a few, but you know me and I know you soooo… can I get the whole garden (all ‘em!) for my boyos! (Dillon/Ziggy) 💚
I do, yes. You do know me very, very well! Thanks, babe! <3 /plat
(Dillon is a big, tough, macho man until Ziggy's around, then he turns into a big softie)
Big thank you to Estel, who gave me the prompt for Magnolia.
Agapanthus - Love Letter
Dillon grunts a greeting to his teammates as he passes, looking for food. It's been a long day for him, and he's actually hungry, so he's gonna eat while he has the opportunity. It's hard sometimes when all he can do is taste the salt and sugar in a meal, but it's what he's gotta do while the cybernetics in his system are slowly taking over.
"Dillon!" Scott calls, making Series Operator Black look up, annoyed. "Ziggy left something for you on the table. He said you'd like it."
Dillon raises an eyebrow but heads for the table anyway. "Thanks," he says to the Red. Ziggy's been gone on a solo mission with Flynn for a few days now, something to do with power cores and mechanical parts Doctor K needs.
Dillon finds a bag of candy and a piece of the pie Summer had baked a few days ago. Summer had said it had all been eaten, but Dillon knew better than to think Ziggy didn't squirrel some away. Dillon smiles. The pie is actually pretty good breakfast food, and Dillon is glad to see it.
Next to the food is a letter. It's adorned with little black and green hearts. They're Ziggy's way of showing his love. Dillon opens the note.
I asked Scott to give you this if the mission ran longer than they thought it would. Turns out, getting these parts takes longer than it's supposed to, who knew? Anyway, I know you don't like big gestures of affection, but I also know you like Summer's baking. So here's my sign of affection for the day.
Dillon smiles, folds up the note, and puts it in his pocket. It's not your usual love letter, like the ones Summer talks about on those soap operas she won't admit to liking, but it's adorable, and Dillon loves it.
Basil - Hate
Dillon stares at the Green Ranger, the one who had once captured his heart. He stares at the half-dead corpse taking up space on the testing table. Dillon stares as Ziggy Grover screams and cries.
Ziggy sobs, pleading for Dillon to let him go, to come back to himself, to stop hurting him.
Dillon watches apathetically, staring with sharp eyes. He doesn't love this man, not anymore. Dillon doesn't love him, no. He hates Ziggy Grover.
In fact, he thinks he's never hated anyone more. That's why he tortures Ziggy Grover.
Cactus - Passionate Love
Ziggy gasps as Dillon slips his tongue between the Green's teeth. The whole kissing thing is still pretty new to Ziggy, and the Green knows Black wouldn't remember kissing anyone anyway, but still Dillon kisses like he's been doing it his whole life. Like Ziggy is the only thing in this world that matters to him.
"You okay, Zig?"
A little moan falls off Ziggy's lips as Dillon's mouth attaches itself to the younger man's neck. "Yeah," he breathes. "Ju-just keep doing that."
Dillon chuckles. "Yes, sir."
Daphne - I Wouldn't Want You Any Other Way
"Dillon," Ziggy says, coming towards the Fury, where Dillon works on his precious baby in the garage.
Dillon looks up, setting down the wrench. "What's wrong, Zig?"
Ziggy comes closer, which isn't unusual, but he's hunching in on himself, one arm gripping the other at the elbow, and his too-long bangs are hiding his eyes. "Dillon, do I talk too much?" he asks softly.
Dillon knows immediately what happened. The other Rangers agents shy about telling Ziggy exactly what they think of him. They've all lived through the war, experienced the loss that comes with it, and completely forget that Ziggy is just as traumatized as the rest of them. He just deals with it in a different way.
"Am I annoying you?" Ziggy asks, voice trembling.
Dillon drops his tools right there on the ground. "No, Zig," he replies. He draws Ziggy into a tight hug and feels as the Green Rangers begins to sob. "No, I wouldn't want you any other way."
Echinacea - Strength and Health
Ziggy yelps as he gets thrown flat on his back once more. "Dammit!" he curses, head thunking back against the ground.
"You're getting better."
Ziggy groans, "It's not good enough. Scott, Sunmer, and Flynn have all been fighting for longer than me and you... Well, you're you."
Dillon chuckles, sitting in the grass. "You're doing really good. You're better than you used to be."
Ziggy sighs. He looks up at the clouds and watches them cross the sky lazily. "It doesn't feel like it," he admits after several minutes of silence.
Dillon lays next to Ziggy, looking up at the sky just the same. "You are," he promises. "It doesn't feel like it, but you are."
Ziggy hums. "I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this, Dil."
Dillon is silent for a while, then his hand grasps Ziggy's on the grass. "If you aren't, you can borrow my strength. You've got this, Zig. You're stronger than you know."
Ziggy grumbles, but his smile says everything. "Thanks, Dillon."
"Anytime, Zig."
Fern - Sincerity
"Ziggy, don't be stupid! Look at him, it's not Dillon right now!" Scott shouts across the battlefield.
Ziggy's axe is in his hands, reared back and ready to strike, but looking into the eyes of his target, Ziggy can't bring himself to do it. It's not that Ziggy loves Dillon so much, the thought of hurting him is staying Ziggy's hand - no, Ziggy's way too selfish for that.
It's the look in Dillon's eyes.
Normally, when Dillon gets taken over by Venjix, his eyes go dull. They lose all spark of life, any signs of warmth are suppressed, and they're just... dead. This... this is different. Dillon's eyes are warm and full of life.
"What are you waiting for?" Flynn shouts, flipping away from a Grinder's swing.
"Just do it!" Summer adds, charging her Zip Charger.
But Ziggy puts his axe away. "No," he murmurs. "I can't."
Because in Dillon's eyes, there's a sincerity that's never been there before and Ziggy can't bring himself to snuff it out.
Gardenia - Sophistication
I never went to prom, actually. The words echo in Dillon's mind. Who hasn't been to prom? Prom is one of the few things Dillon remembers clearly. He'd gone to his high-school prom with this firecracker of a boy Dillon had thought he could one day love. That boy reminds Dillon a lot of Ziggy, honestly.
Let it never be said that Dillon doesn't do things for his boy. He stands in a pure black suit that's been mended several times with his hair slicked back and a flower in his lapel because there's no boutonnieres in the apocalypse. Dillon hates how stuffy it is, but the stuffy feeling is worth it if it means Ziggy gets the night he deserves.
After all, Venjix was defeated a while ago, so they should celebrate at this point.
The sophisticated get up is just starting to really get to Dillon when he finally looks up and sees. Ziggy comes down the stairs in green, green, green and Dillon smiles.
"Hi," Ziggy says.
Dillon holds out a hand. "Hey," he murmurs.
It's just as powerful as "I love you."
Hibiscus - Delicate Beauty
Late at night, sometimes, when Ziggy can't sleep, he likes to watch Dillon. Dillon doesn't sleep much, so Ziggy has to be quiet anyway, and if Dillon wakes up, it usually leads to sex, which means that Ziggy doesn't really care either way, and it's his favorite time of the night.
Something about the way the moonlight hits Dillon from the window makes him look fragile. It's captivating and Ziggy wishes he could take a picture.
"You gonna stare all night?" Dillon asks without opening his eyes.
Ziggy laughs, snuggling closer. "What can I say, I like what I see."
Iberid - Indifference
It happened again. Dillon was overtaken by Venjix once more. Ranger Black fights against Scott, Summer, and Flynn with ferocity he only displays on the battlefield. However, he won't touch Ziggy. Ziggy can fight him, and he'll defend himself, but Dillon always escapes away to another part of the fight, back to Rangers Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Ziggy thinks that hurts more than Dillon getting taken over by Venjix again.
Jasmin - Amiability
"He's a little social butterfly, ain't he?" asks the man Dillon didn't bother to get the name of.
They sit together at a table in some ratty old bar Ziggy had recommended. Apparently he'd worked here once before Venjix. What kind of person would give a bartender job to a kid barely 17, Dillon doesn't know, but he guesses that doesn't really matter.
"Yeah, I guess so," Dillon replies, knocking back his shot and signaling the bartender for another.
Ziggy is fluttering from table to table, a little drunk, but no less aware. For Ziggy to be only a little drunk in the three hours they've been here is a feat all of its own. Ziggy is an extrovert (according to Doctor K) and he likes people, so it's easier for him to get drunk when people think he's cute and buy him shots.
The stranger pours himself another drink from the whiskey bottle in front of him. He knocks the shot back, then asks, "He yours?"
Dillon smiles, downing the shot the bartender sets in front of him and putting a hand over his glass when the bartender makes to pour the third drink. "Thanks," Dillon says to the barman. Then he turns back to the stranger. "Yeah," he says with a brilliant smile, "he's mine."
Kalanchoe - Persistence and Eternal Love
It's been years, too many years, since Dillon took off in the Fury after nearly killing Ziggy in a PTSD fit. Ziggy's been looking for him ever since.
It isn't Dillon's fault that Ziggy had been having a bad day, nor is it Dillon's fault that Ziggy chose to take it out on the backyard fence. Dillon had come home and seen Ziggy with a pipe in hand and the flashbacks kicked in. Dillon was doing the only thing he thought he could do, which was to eliminate the threat. It's not Dillon's fault, but still he felt it was. Ziggy's been trying to track Dillon down every single day since.
It's almost six years to the day when Dillon left that Ziggy finally tracks his husband down.
Dillon sits in a jailcell with his head down. His hair's been cut and his eyes are dull. His nose is crooked and still leaking blood, but he's still the most handsome man on this gods-forsaken planet. "Dillon," Ziggy murmurs as the guard leads him to the cell.
Dillon flinches, but doesn't look up.
"You got five minutes," the guard warns, then he heads back out the door.
Ziggy looks at the Black Ranger in front of him. "Dillon, what happened?" he asks, putting his hands on the bars. "Talk to me, please."
"Shouldn't you be at home," Dillon asks gruffly, still not looking up.
Ziggy frowns. "No, my place is with you. Please, Dillon, talk to me."
"Ziggy, please," Dillon says, finally looking up. One eye is black, and the other has deep bags under it, making Ziggy believe Dillon hasn't slept in days. "Don't make this any harder for me that it already it."
"Tough shit," Ziggy snaps back, eyes going sharp. "We're married. I love you. You abandoned me, now the least you could do is talk to me and tell me why." His eyes go soft once more. "Please, Dillon. I love you. Just talk to me."
Dillon hesitates, then sighs. "Alright."
Lantana - Strictness
"No," Dillon snaps, grabbing Ziggy's belt and holding fast. "You know damn well you aren't allowed to throw yourself needlessly into any kind of danger."
Ziggy curses, squirming in Dillon's hold. "Lemme go, Dillon!" he curses.
Ziggy groans. "You and your rules."
Magnolia - Dignity
Dillon storms through the base, a letter in his hand and a snarl curling his lip upward. He stalks past Scott and Summer, past Flynn and the twins. He only stops once he stands in front of a door with green letters labeling it as Ziggy's room. Dillon knocks roughly on the door.
Ziggy opens the door and pokes his head out. He smiles. "Hey, Dillon. Come on in!" The door creaks open and Ziggy disappears behind it.
Dillon slips inside the room and closes it behind him. He breathes out a sigh. "Zig, we gotta talk," he says.
Ziggy bops his head in agreement, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "What's up?" he asks.
Dillon only hesitates a second, wondering if he should tell his boyfriend what happened. Ziggy needs to know, he tells himself. "This came for you today," Series Operator Black says, handing over the letter.
Ziggy raises an eyebrow, taking the letter. He reaches for the flap, and pauses when he sees what Dillon's done. "You opened it," he says factually. When Dillon nods, Series Operator Green swallows nervously, and slowly pulls open the envelope. The pictures fall out first, the ones that show Ziggy in undignified ways. The ones where Ziggy is naked and looks terrified.
Ziggy goes quiet. "Where did you get these?" he asks in a quiet, shaky voice.
Dillon shakes his head. "Some guy with a scorpion tattoo gave them to me. Said they were from Fresno Bob."
"Fresno Bob wouldn't do this," Ziggy snaps, voice full of venom and fire. "He wouldn't do this to me!"
Dillon nods, though he's not so sure Fresno Bob wouldn't do something like this. Most cartel and mafia bosses are all the same, and Dillon wouldn't put anything past any of them.
Ziggy makes a terrified noise, biting back a sob. "These are supposed to be gone," he whispers. The pictures get tossed to the floor. Some many of them feature Ziggy covered in various body fluids and blood.
"I can destroy them for you, if you want, Zig," offers Dillon, fully ready to rip the pictures into shreds and light the remains on fire.
Ziggy nods and Dillon snaps up the pictures, shredding them into pieces without a second thought. Then he grabs all the pieces and puts them in Ziggy's trashcan. "I'm gonna take this now," he says, indicating the trashcan with a shake of his head, "and you don't have to worry about it anymore. Okay?"
Ziggy nods. Dillon sits on the edge of the bed with him and hugs him tightly. If Fresno Bob ever comes back, Dillon will tear him apart like the pictures.
Narcissus - New Beginnings
Dillon looks out into the desert, surveying the dust and dirt, watching tumbleweeds blow by. He watches the world around him move. His bones still ache with the weight of the cybernetics that Doctor K couldn't remove, but with most of the cybernetics gone, Dillon finally feels like he can breathe again. Dillon listens to the wind, the sounds of static on the radio, the silence that settles in the cab of Dillon's car.
The car door opens and the car rocks lightly before the car door closes. "Alright! Where are we headed?"
Dillon smiles without looking up. He reaches for the car keys in the ignition and turns the key smoothly. The car sputters to a start and the motor purrs. "Anywhere we want," Dillon replies, glancing to the passenger seat.
Ziggy grins, leaning back and buckling the seat belt. "Let's go, Dil," he says.
Dillon smiles back, turns back to the road, and puts the car in gear.
Orchid - Refined Beauty
Ziggy whistles. "Now that is a nice-looking vehicle," he says appreciatively, looking at the beautiful yellow motorcycle Summer had brought home when her first one crashed into some Grinders at 70 miles per hour.
Dillon agrees with a slow, "Mm-hm."
Glancing at each other, Dillon and Ziggy both simultaneously agree not to tell Summer, snag the keys off the bar table, and zoom out of the garage without a backwards glance. She'll find out eventually, but until then, they'll have their fun.
Peony - Anger
"Don't touch me!" Ziggy snaps, knocking Dillon's hand off his shoulder.
"Zig," Dillon tries to say.
Series Operator Green shakes his head vigorously. Dillon shuts his mouth for fear of Ziggy making his concussion worse. "You don't get to be all sad and upset over this right now!" Ziggy says firmly. Her eyes blaze with restrained anger. "You're the one who did this! How many times did you tell me that I can handle myself? Then you go an' try to protect me in a fight I can handle myself! What the hell were you thinking, Dillon, huh?"
"Ziggy, I... I..." Dillon doesn't answer fast enough for Ziggy, apparently, because Ziggy only gets more upset.
Ziggy sits up, the bruises on his face shining dully in the low lighting. "Your dumbass decided to protect me and got me hurt in the process because I was so worried about protecting you because you LEFT YOURSELF OPEN TO ATTACKS!" Ziggy yells.
Dillon tries to speak, to tell Ziggy that he doesn't know what happened, that he'd really meant to stay in his lane and give Ziggy the space to be the fighter Dillon knows he can be. The words get stuck in his throat and Dillon can't speak them.
Ziggy scoffs. "Get out," he says, eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to see you right now."
"Ziggy..." Dillon tries to say.
"GET OUT!" Ziggy roars, grabbing the spare pillow and tossing it at Dillon with unnerving accuracy.
Dillon ducks, making a hasty retreat before Ziggy's patience ran out. "I'm sorry," he whispers as he closes the door behind him. The only answer he hears is a choked sob.
Quince - Perseverance During Adversity
"Ziggy?" Dillon asks, quietly opening the door.
"Get out!" Ziggy shouts back, just like he does every time, still angry at Dillon and unwilling to talk. "I don't want to see you! Get! Out!"
But Dillon is prepared this time. He comes in anyway. "I'm not leaving, Ziggy. Not this time."
"I don't want to talk to you," Ziggy replies, voice full of venom and fire.
"Well, too bad," Dillon replies. "Cause I want to talk to you." He comes closer. Ziggy glares at him beneath his too long bangs. Tears glitter in hazel eyes. Betrayal that hits hard, even though it's not really betrayal. Dillon sighs, "Ziggy."
"Say what you're gonna say and get out," Ziggy snaps coldly.
Dillon decides it's better to show than tell. He takes a chip out of his pocket and sets it on Ziggy's side table. "Doctor K found that in my neck when she checked me over after the battle. She said it was programmed to make me recklessly protective."
Ziggy looks at the chip with disgust. Then realization dawns on him, and he looks up at Dillon. "Someone put that in you?" he asks.
Dillon nods.
Ziggy's face falls and he scrubs a hand down his cheeks. "I'm such an idiot," he says regretfully. Looking up at Dillon, Ziggy continues, "I'm sorry. I should've known better."
Dillon shakes his head. "It's okay. You were hurt. I'm sorry too."
Ziggy offers a little smile. "Thanks, Dil."
Rose - Love
Of the many things Ziggy loves about Dillon, his lack of self-preservation is not one of them. "Dillon," he says, snappish and angry. "You're not allowed to throw yourself into dangerous situations either."
"Ziggy," Dillon warns, voice rough.
"No," Ziggy growls, stomping forward until he's toe-to-toe with Dillon, staring up the several inches between their heights. "You listen!" he demands. "Because you can't seem to get it through you're thick skull that I care about you, you idiot!"
Dillon, stunned silent, says nothing. He lets Ziggy stare up at him with sharp eyes and doesn't move, doesn't speak.
"I love you, you absolute dumbass," Series Operator Green says. "I love you, and you're not allowed to do dangerous things. I love you, and you're not allowed to leave me behind while you go off and play hero, like a dumbass."
Dillon's lips twitch upward.
"I love you," Ziggy continues, "and I couldn't stand it if you left me, so don't fucking leave me!"
Dillon sweeps Ziggy into a tight hug, which cuts off Ziggy's next words. "I love you, too, Ziggy."
Sage - Good Health and Long Life
"So," Ziggy whispers, "it's gone?"
The doctor nods, making a few notes in Ziggy's chart. "That's correct, Mr. Grover, the cancer has fully cleared and your cells are working at a normal rate. I'd like to get some blood work and scans, but you are officially in remission, Mr. Grover. Congratulations," the doctor replies, looking up with a smile.
Ziggy smiles, biting back a choked sob, then unable to help the next. Next to him, Dillon squeezes Ziggy hands. "Congrats, Zig," Dillon murmurs, pulling Ziggy into a hug.
Ziggy laughs through his sobs, face buried in Dillon's shoulder. If Dillon minds that his shirt is suddenly soaked, he doesn't say. Ziggy cries, Dillon holds him, and for a moment, nothing else matters.
Trillium - Modest Beauty
"Damn Ziggy, you look good!" Summer compliments from the couch, arm thrown around Flynn.
Ziggy grins. "You like it?" he asks, twirling around. He's wearing a cute green skirt that he'd picked up on one of their last trips to the clothing store. It had called to him on the rack. It was pretty modest, high waist, and the hem just under his knees, not exactly what Ziggy usually would wear, but-
"You look gorgeous," Dillon murmurs, arms wrapping around Ziggy's waist. "Beautiful."
Ziggy grins, twisting to meet Dillon's eyes with a smile. "Thank you," he says softly.
Dillon nods.
Ursinis - Trickery
"Dillon!" Ziggy shouts, skidding to a stop in front of Series Operator Black. "Dillon, we gotta go! Boxarok captured Scott, Flynn, and Summer, we gotta go save them!"
Dillon blinks, shaking his head. He looks at Ziggy and nods. "Yeah," he replies. "Let's go!" But something about his voice is off.
"Dillon, before we go," Ziggy says, paranoia born of dealing with people who would sooner trick and kill him. "What's my deadname?"
Dillon blinks, then gives the answer without hesitation. It's wrong. Of course it is. Ziggy never told Dillon his deadname, Dillon didn't care to know. Ziggy's eyes fill with tears. "Dillon," he whispers.
Dillon's face suddenly stretches into an unnatural smile. "That's not the right answer is it?" he asks.
Ziggy shakes his head, stepping back.
Dillon sighs, "Dammit." He lifts a hand and clicks his fingers. Ziggy's world goes black.
Vervain - Pray For Me
"Oh, god," Ziggy mumbles over comms. "Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god."
"Ziggy?" Dillon asks, concerned.
"I'm over the vent," Ziggy replies. "I see Venjix. God, if this doesn't work..." Ziggy doesn't have to finish the sentence. If this doesn't work, Ziggy will probably be dead.
"It's gonna be okay, Zig," Dillon assures him, though he's not even sure himself.
"Pray for me," Ziggy whispers. "Here we go."
Waterlily - Birth and Resurrection
Ziggy grumbles under his breath, listening to the preacher go on and on about the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He hates churches, they're always so stuffy and full of hypocrites and assholes.
Dillon makes an agreeing noise at Ziggy's side. "I know," he murmurs. "It sucks, doesn't it?"
Ziggy nods, sinking deeper in his seat. "This is stupid. Why did Mom want to meet here?"
Dillon snorts softly. "Who knows. The hardcore religious people won't ever make sense to me."
Ziggy snorts. Then, he leans closer. "Thanks for coming with me," he says.
Dillon smirks back. "I had to," he replies teasingly. "You can't stay outta trouble by yourself."
Ziggy almost interrupts the sermon with how hard he laughs.
Xeanthemum - Eternity and Immortality
A little known fact about the Morphin Grid? It offers its Rangers immortality. It's the one thing that Ziggy hates, even all these years later.
He and the other RPM Rangers meet up every couple years, but Dillon hasn't been seen in several years now. Scott, Summer, and Flynn think he must've finally pissed off the wrong person and gotten himself killed. Ziggy knows better. Ziggy would feel it if Dillon had died.
So he's not shocked in the slightest when Dillon strolls over in the middle of one of the RPM meet-ups, twists a spare chair backward, and sits in it casually. Leaning forward, Dillon steals a French fry off Ziggy's plate and hums, "These are good."
Scott, Summer, Flynn, and the twins are all a little shocked. It's been years since any of them had seen Dillon, but here he is. Alive and well.
Ziggy smiles, grabbing Dillon's hand. With a serious look, his face falls, and Ziggy says, "You're telling me where you went." It's a fact, not a request.
Dillon nods. "And I'll spend the rest of eternity making it up to you," he promises.
Yellow Bell - Rebirth
Dillon opens his eyes after the surgery, stares up at the white ceiling. He looks around at the hospital room with confusion.
"Welcome back, Dillon," says Doctor K, going by Krishana now that she's finally found her name from before. "Your surgery was mostly successful. As I thought, we were unable to remove all the pieces and hardware, but aside from the six piece in too deep to safely remove, you are free of your hybrid parts."
Dillon smiles. A hand squeezes his. "How do you feel?" asks Ziggy, there with Dillon in the aftermath, as promised.
Dillon hums, looking at Ziggy with loving eyes. "Reborn."
Zinnia - Lasting Affection
Dillon and Ziggy aren't particularly affectionate people in public, but that doesn't mean they aren't affectionate at all.
Dillon hugs Ziggy close as they walk down the street. Keeping Ziggy close is always a good thing. "You okay?" he asks quietly.
"Yeah," Ziggy replies. "More than."
Dillon smiles, and they continue walking.
Happy birthday!! @estel-eruantien
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legolasghosty · 6 months
Kissing the homies goodnight for Willie (/Willex) because I feel like Willie would.
Ack I'm so sorry this took so long but here you gooo!
Willie ducked into the kitchen to grab the water pitcher and some glasses, praying he wasn't forgetting anything important. They knew it was just their friends crashed across various surfaces in the living room, but it was still nerve-wracking. Willie hadn't been to a sleepover in like... five years, let alone hosted one. They got why the foster care system had to check over people before they could stay overnight, but with the number of times Willie had moved around since entering the system, it just... had never happened.
Caleb had been hesitant at first when Willie asked if they could all stay over, wanting to ensure Willie was settled himself first. And also wanting to meet all of these kids before he let them have free reign of his home.
But it was finally happening. All of Willie's best friends (and his boyfriend, but they hadn't really managed to wrap their head around that one yet) were lounging in his living room at 2 in the morning, some closer to dozing off than others.
Willie wasn't sure which was stronger: the excitement or the terror of messing this up.
He was pretty sure he hit all the main bits on all the 'how to throw a slumber party' lists he'd found online: pizza, way too many types of ice cream toppings (they're not entirely sure how many of those canned cherries Luke ended up fitting in his mouth), random games (he'd never heard of turning pictionary into a drinking game with shots of soda, but apparently that was a thing his friends did), and a movie with lots of popcorn and cozy blankets.
So they're pretty sure they've done alright thus far.
Still, it'd been a long time since Willie did this.
He re-entered the living room just as Alex managed to grab the TV remote and turn off the rolling credits of Legally Blonde. Flynn looked to already be asleep, lying across one of the air mattresses with her feet up on Julie's stomach. Julie had propped herself up a bit on her elbows and was debating...something with Reggie. Both of them looked closer to dozing off than winning though. Luke and Carrie were both sitting upright on one of the couches, madly swiping on their phones and hissing at each other.
"Do I even want to know?" Willie asked Alex quietly, setting the water and cups down on the coffee table and rejoining him on the loveseat.
Alex groaned. "I made the mistake of telling them there's a PvP mode on this tower defense game they both play."
Willie tried to hold back his giggle. He failed.
Alex attempted to glare at them, but mostly just looked sleepily confused. "I'm serious, we're gonna have to take their phones away now if we want them to sleep," he sighed.
Willie winced. "Any chance the game will kick them off after a few rounds?"
Alex shook his head, then leaned over to rest his head on Willie's shoulder. "And they're both too stubborn to give in, I already tried it."
Willie rested their cheek against his hair, letting their lungs adjust to expanding and contracting in time with the light huffs of Alex's breath against their collarbone. "Is it online?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?" Alex responded, blinking up at him sleepily in the dim light of the lamp.
Willie smirked and pulled out his phone. Okay, so Caleb hadn't technically given him the password for the router, but like... it hadn't been hard. He opened the app on his phone that connected to the electronic and started typing.
Twin cries of annoyance erupted from the pair on the other couch a moment later, informing Willie of his success.
"It just kicked me off!" Luke complained.
"Same here," Carrie griped. "Willie I think your wifi died."
Willie looked up, attempting to look innocent. "Oh yeah, I think you're right," they agreed. "Ugh, this happens sometimes, it will probably come back in an hour or two, but we just gotta wait it out."
Both Luke and Carrie groaned, but seemed to buy it and tossed their phones aside. Carrie peeled off her sweater and tossed it down next to Flynn's head, before pulling a blanket up and over herself and stretching out along the couch. Luke slid down onto the air mattress beside Reggie, koala cuddling against his back. Reggie laughed and shifted over so Luke could share his pillow, still discussing... Okay Willie was pretty sure they were trying to figure out who in their friend group would be whom in Legally Blonde. Fair enough.
Willie felt Alex's tiny sigh of relief against his neck and shivered. It felt nice, being close like this and knowing it made Alex just as fluttery as it did them.
Alex brought his fingers up to his chin, then let his hand move forward, palm up. Thank you.
Willie tucked his phone away. "Don't mention it," he whispered, daring to brush his lips against Alex's forehead.
Alex's cheeks turned pink, but Julie interrupted before Willie could tease him about it.
"Hey, no PDA unless you're willing to share with the class," she mumbled, eyes heavy.
"You're one to talk," Alex pointed out, glancing pointedly between her and Flynn's feet still resting on her abdomen.
"Oh you wanna wake her up?" Julie snarked back, the words slurring together a bit.
"I don't think any of us have that death wish," Willie chuckled. They tapped Alex lightly on the shoulder in warning, then stood up. "And I don't mind sharing." Before Julie could respond, he ducked down and pecked her on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Juju," they added, throwing a spare blanket over her and heading back toward Alex.
"Hey, we're part of the class too," Reggie called out. When Willie turned, he was sticking his bottom lip out, the puppy eyes mostly hidden by his drooping eyelids.
Willie glanced back at Alex, a little startled, but Alex just shrugged and gave him a sleepy smile. So Willie picked his way around to Reggie and gave him a goodnight kiss too. And then Luke perked up a bit and wanted one. And Carrie said she should get one on Flynn's behalf, since her girlfriend was asleep.
"I guess I should have warned you how clingy we all get this late," Alex murmured when Willie finally made it back to his side. "I kinda forgot you haven't been able to be around this before. Just feels really natural."
"All good," Willie promised around a yawn. "Just tryin'a be a good host."
Alex leaned over and hit the button on the side of the love seat to make it lean back, the extending footrest turning it into more of a bed. "It's perfect," he stated, pulling Willie in to lay beside him.
Willie let out a happy sigh and cuddled in closer. Alex's cool arms soothed the nervous energy that was always humming along their skin. He felt Alex's lips brush against his hairline.
"G'night Lex," they mumbled, eyes slipping shut.
"Good night, Willie."
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surveillance-0011 · 2 years
Looking at Garten of BanBan II… I actually feel kind of optimistic.
This second game feels like it does have more effort put into it- and it’s more genuine, less of a cash grab especially without the merch link right there. I’m not gonna blame the devs for charging money bc it seems they are very low budget, and I’d prefer a game costing money rather than asking you to buy overpriced merch.
There’s a somewhat scarier atmosphere and I think the direction the story is heading could prove to be interesting.
Spoiler alert:
Saw the human experimentation thing coming from a mile away. Not the most original in the mascot-based horror niche, but I’m a sucker for it and am actually kinda interested in seeing why it’s happening in this facility posing as a kindergarten, of all places. Also, BanBan as a possible good guy is very interesting. Yes, Alice and Mommy Long Legs both send you on fetch quests with ulterior motives, but BanBan seems to genuinely care about saving the kids, even if it means he’s not heroic enough to do it himself.
It’s also interesting that he’s apparently not the “major” threat- that’s Stinger Flynn, apparently. Unless BanBan is lying/tricking the MC, which is like a 50/50 chance.
The game also, surprisingly, has a sense of humor. BanBan’s note telling you he’s gonna knock you out, his sheepish apology, NabNab’s misery, and Seline (the snail) reaching the chase scene too late all actually got a chuckle out of me.
However, it’s not exactly the most riveting gameplay. The game still seems kinda slow, glitchy, and like there isn’t as much of an “active” threat. Everything is very … compartmentalized? Until the last chase scene there doesn’t seem to be an active threat chasing you down.
And the story does have some pitfalls and confusing bits. It’s frustrating to me that they are dropping gradual hints in the notes alone- at this point I wish there was more of a why and maybe even more of an admission. BanBan sees himself as human still, yes, but certainly he’s aware everyone else thinks he’s BanBan? And that he’s in a lab? But he never says “yeah they mighta turned me into something I’m not, but deep down I’m human and you can trust me”
And while I like the idea of Stinger Flynn as a major threat I’m surprised NabNab isn’t more of an opposing force. Like they’re literally an obstacle for like the construction section and they peer out as a lil secret when you finish the chase scene and turn back. For someone teased as a big thing, they seem more like a needless red herring and underwhelming extra. It’d be better if they were more present in this chapter.
The … attempt at social commentary in the classroom segment was also just weird? There’s not really a popular kid weird kid bullying hierarchy in kindergarten of all places… and the metaphor is just very bland and fake deep and whatnot. Unless it’s just BanBaleena running the school like she thinks they’re run bc she’s a human experiment with no memory/knowledge of the outside world. Or some sort of commentary on the game community? Eh, it was just weirdly cynical and I didn’t dig it.
And it’s weird that they’re already advertising game 3. It’s a chapter system and it’s bound to happen, but it makes me think they’re rushing it a little.
So it’s not perfect by any means. There’s a couple of glaring issues of disorganization and rougher edges, hell some of the worries concerning it being too “kiddy” still ring true. But it also seems to confirm the game is growing into its own unique self and is a genuine attempt at making a decent game rather than something thrown together to make some money off of children. There’s some heart. It may be small or weak, but it’s there.
I never thought I’d be rooting for the Euphoric Brothers, but I do actually hope they improve from here and actually make something some people can dig. They’re not really some insidious force like people make them out to be, just two people trying in a… pretty flawed way? They gotta work on a lot of stuff, from the game to how they have taken criticism, but they’re not goddawful, the first game was just the worst first impression ever.
And…If anything BanBan’s popularity is inspiring. It’s a good reminder that anyone can make a game- and possibly succeed in getting what they wish.
Tldr: not winning any awards any time soon, but Garten of BanBan is not a total waste. I hope the Devs listen to the criticism they’ve gotten and improve from here, too.
And I. Do like NabNab and Stinger Flynn. And BanBan. I am not immune to silly blob thing.
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shadowxamyweek · 11 months
Didnt Flynn himself and or some other Archie artists comment on the whole Shadamy as Silver's parents due to Silver being basically Trunks, and with Shadow being the Vegeta figure well, it just kinda makes sense no? Although honestly I see Rouge as more a Bulma that Amy is. Amy clearly fills Chi-Chi's role a lot more especially to Sonic's Goku. Then again, the comparison doesnt have to be perfect and its not like Sonic takes all the inspiration from Dragon Ball completely to heart.
Flynn and others have made several passing comments/jokes about Silver being a descendant of Shadow and Amy, yeah. However, Flynn himself has stated, as have said-other writers and artists, that whatever they say is not canon. It's just them having fun.
I kinda like that they can do that? Like, a person should be allowed to have fun with the material they work on, even if what THEY see and think isn't in the final product. Gotta go through quality control after all.
Sonic DOES take a lot of inspiration from DB, without question. Flynn himself did make the connection between Trunks and Silver. I can see both sides of the coin that you present with Amy, to be honest. She is a lot like Chi-Chi AND Bulma. Best of both worlds, I guess XD I don't believe this would directly correlate with Sonic's world though. As you said, 'the comparison doesn't have to be perfect, and its not like Sonic takes all the inspiration from Dragon Ball completely to heart.' Which like... is good. If it DID entirely lift and drop stuff from DB into its own plot, that might be grounds for plagiarism XD I do not know Japanese copyright law, however.
If this is in relation to the whole 'Is Silver Your Kid' question that was received here, I'll confess.... I wanted to leave the door open. I wanted to imply that it is possible, as Amy points out, that Silver MIGHT be their kid. She was casting about for reasons to doubt it until she conceded that the reason people probably think that is because of the relationship and parallels between Shadow and Silver... then low-key joked/blamed Shadow and their treatment of Silver as to WHY people think that. Then, Shadow flipped the script back on her.
Dunno if I got that across properly. I might not have, but that was the original goal.
I confess, too, that I had originally planned on going into physical similarities and differences as well as anatomy spiced up with some headcanons. Like- 'Don't just assume that Shadow and Silver are related because of chest fur. Most dudes have chest fur. Sonic doesn't because he doesn't want to take too much testosterone.' but I was worried I couldn't answer that in character in a logical way given the parameters of the question.
But yeah... *waves hand vaguely* that- wow I over answered this SO badly- that's the everything I guess XD XD XD XD
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troofless · 5 months
Chapter 1.1 Notes:
Man this chapter was so long despite like. Almost nothing happening in it lol.
wtf i cant believe we have an entire pov (sub)chapter about flynn insane
man norein (i feel like localisation would put it as norraine or noraine) and finath are such whack names 
i still think its funny if yuri can’t read (he can at least read the letters on the wanted poster, but he does give flynn’s letter to estelle to read that one time, and the coliseum challenge letters) but yeah its canon yuri can read 😔
huh wtf is this sudden attack and we get to see flynn inner thoughts on yuri???
the yuri’s OUR SWORD meme returns. love it
if this is how yuri and flynn co-own a sword i can’t wait to see how they act around repede (this never happens in the ln.) (FLYNN ITS MY TURN TO CUDDLE WITH THE DOG) (NO SHUT UP GO AWAY I THOUGHT YOU HATED HIM) (I NEVER SAID I DID) (YOU DID TOO) (I DID NOT)
yuri besmirching ages old techniques even as he learns them never gets old 😔yuri is that guy who goes to lab in a fighting game and comes out learning sick infinite tech combos that can’t be dropped
the narration: if this continued, it was likely that they would murder each other.
everything changed with a single book: why did they have to put it like that man
oh if only this was a fanfic this would have turned out so differently
So when Yuri says his swordsmanship is self-taught what he really meant is Flynn taught
oh my god. i can see it coming. yuri is going to ask to be taught letters so he can read the goddamn book. bruh.
edit: yeah it happened
also flynn pov! very nice. can see he wants to murder yuri but is holding back just a smidge. 
gotta love how flynn has a whole sad monologue about his dead dad and his mixed feelings about his martyrdom and yuri just KYs his way into existence.
oh i see! so flynn. has learnt to restrain himself from young. because of yuri. the reason he has so much self-control is because he practised it in order not to beat the shit out of yuri at first sight. it all makes sense now. 
ok so fun fact. 秘奥義 is mystic artes. but 奥義 is arcane artes, which is how yuri refers to what is ‘hidden’ in flynn’s book. and his ‘learn even more amazing techniques’ moment he says 技 which is strike arte. but technically since they’re talking about (supposedly) techniques that can be used without blastia, defaulting to the phrase techniques shld be fine. b4 u ask. no katakana reading above the kanji either.
flynn acknowledging that him and yuri are friends and getting embarrassed is so cute. icy cold (raging) baby melting a little inside. 
jiri thinking yuri is thinking up another river escapade (somewhat true knowing his read books -> beat up people/monsters pipeline) interrogating yuri until he cracked is so funny
jiri doing a tails get trolled at yuri wanting to study is so funny
hanks, sensing an opportunity to be had is also funny
man. i really REALLY can’t wait for the moment where yuri is all like. rip to your mother but i would have eaten that medicine. and flynn beats him up (i have no idea whether this actually happens)
ok so holy shit. we learn that flynn’s mother has either a TON of pride or is super depressed from having lost her husband that she would prefer to starve to death. now i really can’t wait for yuri’s rip to your mother moment /j
ok thats cute so yuri is writing his name aka ‘yuri lowell’ on his slate
oh yeah and the norein name stays to make stuff easier to find. i sleep until official gives us something (which is never) but in my mind know that she is noraine (no rain... ok maybe there is a point to be matter in staying with norein)
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #36: Chao Races and Badnik Bases (Part 4)
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Welcome to the last Issue of The Chao Races and Badnik Bases Arc. We left off with Amy, Gemerl, Cream, Cheese and Belle fighting off Badniks and trying to save the Chao Clutch kept imprisoned, while Sonic and Shadow are given a choice by Starline to either save Tails and Rouge or everyone at the chateau from the avalanche.
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So, we start off with Sonic mirroring my own reaction to Starline’s plan (gotta say, this panel is gorgeous). Starline admits that it is a bit cliche, forcing the heroes to choose between the masses and those they hold dear. I think that, while Starline does do well as an independent villain and while his threat might work on someone like Sonic... he obviously isn’t aware of how Shadow works.
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Shadow is still pursing Starline, with Sonic trying to convince him to stop the avalanche, but Shadow refuses. Sonic is exasperated, but Tails tells him that he should go and they’ll be fine, with Sonic reluctantly leaving.
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Tails asks Shadow to help them,... only for Shadow to step over them, focused on Starline, the latter being surprised that Shadow is going straight for him.
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You know, I had been bitching a lot about how Shadow is written and voicing my grief over Team Dark not being a thing anymore. Regarding that, I had been accused of just being whiny that SEGA doesn’t write Shadow the way I want, which is... what? Just, what? I don’t understand where people pulled that conclusion. I mean, I’m already writing my own story, why would I need to demand that?
*shakes head in exasperation*
Listen... I saw and read how Shadow had been written before SEGA started enforcing their “guidelines”, especially in the comics. I also know that this is a soft reboot for his character, and I can accept that. As a matter of fact, I do accept that. I love whenever Shadow appears just to see into what kind of shenanigans he gets himself into. 
The reason I criticize some of the writing choices isn’t because I act like I know better, as if I know how he’s supposed to be written, but to try to find a better in-universe reasoning for his behavior rather than the out-of-universe “oh, he’s just a like Vegeta” explanation is being thrown around. I believe that Shadow can be written as a compelling character if put in the right circumstances and that the supposed “guidelines” SEGA have an effect on how he’s written, rather than placing all of the blame on the writers. I read how Ian Flynn and Evan Stanley write Shadow without the guidelines and it was genuinely good.
Now, SEGA does have the right to enforce how their characters should be written, and I respect that. Still, I have some trouble believing that, as shown in the panel above, Shadow would just leave Rouge and Tails just sitting there unless he made sure they could take care of themselves when in Sonic Heroes, the moment he awoke and Omega attacked him and Rouge, he first made sure that Rouge was fine before dealing with Omega. It just feels off and I want to know why.
It also appears that Rouge shares my sentiment, or at least knows Shadow well enough to be aware that he would go for the Final Boss, having managed to cut the ropes through earlier. She gives Omega the codeword, with Omega making enough noise to startle Starline, causing him to fall off.
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Shadow looks over, seeing Starline escaping thanks to the Tricore. Before he can chase after him, Rouge stops him, reminding that, even if they both want to kick Starline’s ass for what he had done, there is still work to be done. Shadow responds that she shouldn’t tell him what to do, but Rouge reminds him that this is his choice and that he’ll be then one who’ll live with it.
We can see the conflict in Shadow’s eyes,... and I genuinely wish it was something Shadow had realized on his own. I know he tends to have tunnel-vision when it comes to completing missions, but it is painful to see having Rouge spell it out for him. Hell, maybe he and Sonic could’ve split off, allowing Shadow to free Tails and Rouge and the three confronting Starline. Even if Starline uses the Tricore to escape, Tails and Rouge can fly or let Shadow catch up with them while they warn the people at the chateau about the avalanche.
There were so many ways this moment could’ve gone about, but having a situation where Shadow has to choose between revenge and saving people makes me feel bitter about it. Unlike in Sonic Adventure 2, he isn’t being manipulated here and we know that he cares, yet he puts his pride above everything else.
Thankfully, Rouge has knocked some sense into him, picking Omega up and flying off with Tails to the chateau.
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Meanwhile, Amy is still fighting the polar bear Badnik, while Gemerl and Cheese are holding their position. Cream and Belle are busy with the cage.
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Gemerl is obviously pushing himself, with an E-1000 Robot resembling Gamma hitting him from the back. Belle is meanwhile working on the last lock, with Cream asking the Chao for help, all of which agree.
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Just as Gemerl and Amy get whacked by the Badniks, Belle finishes the last lock and Cream unleashes the Chao upon the Badniks. Honestly, it’s kinda badass to see them like this.
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Cream quickly checks on Gemerl, who feels guilty for being unable to protect Cream, but the latter notes how they all do their best to protect each other. Gemerl quickly then goes to help Amy.
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One good smash to the head, and the Badnik was done. However, the crisis is not over yet, as Rouge, Omega and Tails drop in, telling them everyone’s in danger.
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We then cut to Sonic, who looks overwhelmed by the task at hand, namely stopping the avalanche from reaching the chateau, only for Shadow to show up. Looks like Rouge’s words really got to him.
Shadow tells Sonic that this is him repaying for what happened in Sunset City and the two quickly work together to cut down the trees to make a barrier, with Shadow even complimenting his idea.
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At first, it looks like it would work, but anyone who knows about avalanches knows that this is a force that cannot be stopped. Shocked and desperate, the two quickly run down towards the chateau.
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Meanwhile, Amy, Tails, Rouge, Belle, Cream, Omega, Gemerl, Cheese and the other Chao are stopped by Omochao, with Tails warning him about the avalanche. Omochao notes that they have a warning system, but before he can even end the sentence, Amy jumps in, telling him to get the people to safety or she’ll make a few new exists. 
Yeah, she had a bad day, don’t antagonize her further.
Omochao quickly agrees and tells everyone to evacuate, with Omega even helping out: “Run, pitiful tourist creatures. Or face certain destruction!”
Never change Omega, never change.
Then, Starline suddenly appears.
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Okay, now I’m convinced that everyone took their stupid pills today (or at least, Shadow, Sonic and Starline did). What the hell are you doing here, you idiot?! There is an avalanche YOU had caused coming directly to the chateau! I get it, you want Tails, but is it really worth risking your life?!
*thinks back to Starline teaming up with Eggman, Zavok, Mimic, Rough and Tumble* Welp, at least he stays consistent with getting himself into danger.
Amy and Rouge fight him, with Starline activating the Tricore and going straight for Tails.
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Starline grabs Tails’ twin-tails, so Tails response to it is to grab Belle’s tail. Cue Belle kicking Starline right into his face. He hears a strange noise, only to now remember the frigging avalanche as everyone else books it.
Do they hand out Darwin Awards in the Sonic Universe, because I would like to nominate a certain platypus.
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So, while everyone else manages to make it out, Starline gets buried in the snow. Yeah, he deserved that.
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Fortunately, everyone is safe, with Rouge looking around for Sonic and Shadow. Amy decides to help her, considering how she has a knack for finding hedgehogs and hears them from the underground. Sonic and Shadow then come flying out, both safe and sound.
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Amy hugs Sonic in relief, who is glad to see everyone is fine. Shadow just walks away, calling the whole thing a waste of their time. Rouge informs him that Starline got hit, and I guess this does make Shadow feel a little better.
Sonic also notices Belle, surprised to see that she stuck around and hears from Tails and Cream that she helped him. He then apologizes for being tough on her. Well, I guess that is something. Tails then asks her if she can help him with something, with Belle agreeing.
Back at the workshop, we see Cream with the Chao on the outside...
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...and Tails and Belle working on Omega inside, with Gemerl also being fixed. Tails suggests Omega and Gemerl could do a little sparring match (the results of which we’ll see later on), with Cream and Vanilla entering the workshop, and Cream proceeding to tell her mother everything that happened.
Meanwhile, Amy and Rouge are both sweating as they realize that they’re gonna get in trouble and Rouge immediately bails, leaving Amy to deal with Vanilla. Love it!
Back outside, Sonic is walking around with the Dark Chao, and we see that he’s actually talking to Shadow, who’s hiding behind a tree, apple in hand.
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Sonic notes how things didn’t go as planned, but that it doesn’t matter and he was just glad Shadow was around to help. Shadow just tosses the apple to the Dark Chao, telling him not to overthink it, while Sonic just replies with a casual “yeah, sure”, knowing well that Shadow does care even if he doesn’t show it.
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Honestly, these are moments I really love to see when it comes to Shadow’s character. He can stay the more aloof, rival character, but all he has to do is show from time to time that there is a softer side to him, that he actually cares rather than living up to the depiction of being an edgelord whose only emotion is anger and detachment (not even acknowledging Rouge and Omega as his friends). Hell, Evan Stanley even says that Shadow kind of adopted the Dark Chao, albeit more in the way of him checking up on the latter.
Unfortunately, as of writing this analysis, this is the last time we see Shadow. This is Issue #36 and the current confirmed number of Issues is #56, the current arc focusing on Surge the Tenrec (we’ll get to that one) and her making her own problems everyone else’s. He didn’t even show up in the Annual.
Here’s the thing - my greatest fear regarding Shadow is that due to the SEGA guidelines, he isn’t allowed to develop as a character. Sure, none of them are allowed to develop as characters (well, at least the game characters aren’t) unless SEGA approves of it, but Shadow had the most notes and restrictions tied to him. It is quite jarring, especially when we saw characters like Tails, Amy and Knuckles being re-railed. I don’t want him to just be an angry Vegeta!Clone (as it is implied that this is what SEGA wants), but a character who can stand on his own. He has a lot of potential and with some added depth, I’m sure we could get some amazing stories.
Honestly, I feel that if you had told me that Shadow would eventually dial back on his prideful attitude and arrogance, while retaining his aloof demeanor and strategic mindset, I would’ve absolutely loved the direction they took with writing him. I know he can be reckless and pursue his goals no matter what, even if he suffers the consequences, but I still think he’s smarter than this. Yes, even back in the Zombot Arc - I can accept Shadow losing due to his arrogance, but they still should’ve gone with Ian Flynn’s idea of him removing the Inihibitor Rings rather than continuing to fight the Zombots, as it would’ve made him look less like an idiot.
However, there is one more thing I have to say in the end.
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No matter how much I criticize how Shadow’s character has been written in IDW (or blame the SEGA guidelines for how he was written), there is no way I would ever hate him as a character. The one thing I do is offer my opinion on the matter, but I nevertheless still care about him and I always get excited whenever he appears. Hell, my strongest negative reaction to how he was portrayed was in the Zombot Arc, so that should tell you a lot (and even then, it was just that one moment). I also apologize if my rants are too much to handle.
What I said for IDW!Shadow goes for any other media he appears in. For example, I absolutely adore Boom!Shadow and don’t mind him trying to destroy the world just because (admittedly, he did get humiliated by Eggman and then beaten up by Metal Sonic, so I guess that’s reason enough). I’m looking forward to Sonic Prime, just to see why the hell Sonic and Shadow are fighting now (because the teasers imply Sonic was the main offender) and I enjoy their rivalry.
Not to mention, I enjoy the fact that IDW!Shadow is still better written than King Shadow from the infamous “30 Years Later’’ story from Pre-SGW Archie. Seriously, that one wasn’t just character assassination, but character massacre.
As Shadow said, don’t overthink it. If he ever returns to the story, I will try to focus more on his in-universe behavior rather than on what is happening out-of-universe, because frankly, I’m completely done with those guidelines as the sheer mention of them brings nothing but misery. I might mention some stuff, but at this point, I have enough of it.
Also, if whoever reads this wants to discuss Shadow’s character with me, I’m game.
So, moving on, we check on Belle and Tails. Belle is happy that she can fix stuff again, while Tails notes how confused he is that Belle decoded the files only someone like Eggman could decode... or someone he created. Belle replies how Eggman didn’t create her and the conversation ends in awkward silence.
Yeah, at this point we know that her creator is Mr. Tinker.
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We then check in on Starline, who survived the avalanche, complaining how the heroes didn’t follow his plans. Still, despite the hurt bill and ruined perm, he notes how he had won, having managed to grab some of Tails’ fur.
Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this.
#Previous Issue
#Next Issue
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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darkenforcer · 10 months
homecoming pt 1
oh, this return trip came... sooner than he'd expected.
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yuri's starting to think he's had enough of all of this inter-worldly travel-- this is his, what, fourth go at it? and it's still thrown him way off kilter! the least those damn stars can do is choose a place and stick to it... which brings him to his current dilemma: where the hell have they decided to drop him off now?
luckily, it only takes a quick (and admittedly dizzy) glance to gather all he needs to know. it's exactly where he'd left off. castle zaphias, at the foot of the commandant's window.
...and there, sitting at his desk with pen in hand, is sir commandant flynn himself, peering over at him with a funny little scrunch in his brow. poor guy's gotta be annoyed, having been torn away from his oh-so-very important boring duty of signing dozens of documents on the daily, only to find yuri looking at him like he's the one out of place in his own office.
psh, now imagine how crazy i'd look if i started explaining where i've been all this time-- hold on. where... i've been...?
that can't be right; he isn't supposed to remember, is he? then, that island... why does he remember that island? he isn't supposed to, if his last trip back-and-forth is anything to go by. he seeks out repede for confirmation and the dog beside him stares right back, sighing past the pipe in his mouth. 
he remembers, too.
are their retained memories a screw-up on the stars' part, or...? well, he supposes the exact reason doesn't matter-- he's home. that's the glaring reality he's woken up to, regardless of whatever they'd left in his head. there's the familiar set of fluttering curtains over the windows, the cool, crisp zaphias air caressing his cheeks... and flynn in the midst of it all, going about his bureaucratic business per usual. this isn't like the mist and its phony replicas, this is as real as it gets.
"um... yuri? are you alright?"
"huh?" yuri freezes at the sound of his childhood friend's voice, the pause before his own response just a touch too long to be considered casual, "am i alright? you're the one looking at me funny. your face'll get stuck like that, yknow."
an indignant scoff escapes flynn's throat, but the crease doesn't disappear-- if anything, it deepens. fortunately, it doesn't seem like he feels compelled enough to push the issue. either that, or he really needs to get those documents sorted.
as flynn resumes his work and the room is left in silence, yuri tries not to think back to the recent reunions he'd had in spirale-- break's tackle and frye's outburst, or eiden and indigo's excitement upon seeing him. it all trickles into a pool of guilt he doesn't want to -- or rather can't -- acknowledge, for his sake. he's where he's meant to be. there's no reason to complicate his return with memories of people he can't visit unless some higher power deems him to. he knows them well enough; they'll be fine, with or without him.
pretty cruel of the stars, though. it must've been easier last time when he hadn't had those experiences on his mind, and he could go back to life as if it'd never happened. it's not like he won't move on, of course, nor does he have any regrets, but it's... weird.
a whine pulls him from his thoughts, repede's wet snout bumping into his hand. attentive as always...
"seriously," flynn pipes up again, accompanied by the sound of his chair scratching across the floor. great, now his chronic inability to mind his own business is kicking in. "by now you would've been trying -- and succeeding -- to make it impossible for me to get anything done. what happened?"
"i've got no idea what you're talking abou-- wh-- hey, knock it off!" yuri protests when the back of the other man's hand presses against his forehead, likely checking for a fever. sure, he probably looks a little woozy, but he's not sick, dammit!
flynn huffs with a specific brand of testiness that's only ever been reserved for the vigilante himself, "i can tell something's on your mind, yuri, why're you being so difficult? you were the one who barged in here, remember?" 
he did barge in, huh? before his life got flipped upside-down by the stars again. of course he remembers. he remembers that and much, much more than flynn realizes. 
but the blond's reaction -- his worry -- isn't wholly unjustified; yuri's back on terca lumireis, home to the lower quarter, to brave vesperia, to estelle and rita and patty... hell, even raven. he should be celebrating!
so why does he feel off? underneath that very-real sense of relief, he still feels... expectant. what's his intuition trying to tell him...?
yuri turns away in order to shut the office window (or to avoid his friend's piercing blue gaze, at least to some extent), and the lock's click rings out in the large, sparsely-decorated room.
"dunno, just taking it all in... it's nice to be home again," he finally offers flynn something that isn't complete b.s., plopping down on the windowsill with an expertly-handled nonchalance.
"that's it...? you always visit the capital between guild work."
"hah. what's with the interrogation, commandant?" yuri parries the question as he stares out over his shoulder, past the glass, "i got a newfound appreciation for this place, that's all."
that earns him a laugh, disbelieving, yet underlined by a hint of warmth, "who are you and what've you done to the real yuri?"
flynn's unintentionally ironic jab is left hanging in the air, unanswered. yuri doesn't even know where to begin on everything that's happened to the "real him" right now, so he instead chooses to occupy himself with the city below, a hand running rhythmically through repede's fur.
...that's funny. never noticed you can see my old room at the comet from up here... been a while, hasn't it? 'bout time i paid the owners a visit. hanks and ted, too.
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innytoes · 2 years
Autumn Prompts: you know i gotta ask for #4 - People think I’m too old to go trick or treating but I’ve never been, can I tag along with you and your younger sibling(s) to see what it’s like?, with Reggie and Julie (romantic or platonic, your choice), p&ty
Julie blinked when she came home from Flynn's house and found Reggie at her kitchen table, for once not Randomly Hanging Out With Her Dad. (It was cute, okay? No matter how much the other guys rolled their eyes at him.) Instead, he was hunched over, tongue peeking out of his mouth as he... sewed something?
"What are you doing?" she asked. Reggie jumped, before his face split into a giant, sunshine-y grin.
"Julie, hi!" he beamed. "I'm just helping Carlos with his Halloween Costume for tonight."
"I thought he was going as Captain America?" she asked. Dad had gotten him the costume weeks ago.
"Yeah, but I let him borrow some of my comics, and now he wants to be Werewolf Captain America, as per Captain America Volume One issue 402 to 407," Reggie explained earnestly. God, he was such a nerd. "Check it out. Werewolf paws!" He held up some gloves he was carefully attaching fur to.
Julie chuckled. "It's sweet you're indulging him," she said.
"Of course," Reggie shrugged. "He's my pal, you know? I always wanted a little brother, but my parents already regretted..." He cut himself off. "Anyway, it's fun, getting into all this Halloween Costume stuff."
"You were never into it as a kid?" Julie asked. She would have thought Reggie would love Halloween. It had all his favourite things: fantasy, candy, playing dress-up, running around causing chaos. He would have made the cutest little cowboy or Han Solo.
"Oh, I was, it's just..." He shrugged. "Until I was ten we lived with Meemaw and Pops in the middle of nowhere. The next house over was half an hour's walk away, so trick-or-treating was never really a thing. Instead we'd bake pumpkin pie and apple-cinnamon cookies."
"But after you came to LA?" Julie urged. Reggie came to LA when he was ten, and he'd met the guys not long after. And Luke was the king of trick-or-treating. He knew exactly where the best candy bars were handed out.
Reggie bent back over his sewing. "Can we drop it?"
"My folks never wanted to buy me a costume, okay? They said it was a waste of money, and the one time I tried to make one out of a sheet they..." He took a deep, shuddering breath. "Anyway, it's fine. Alex' parents never let him go trick or treating either so Luke and Bobby would share their candy with us. And I'm too old for it now anyway. But I can make sure Carlos has an awesome Halloween. It's fine."
But it wasn't fine. And Julie couldn't just drop this. Not with the way Reggie was hunched over, hands trembling, eyes wet with unshed tears.
She stomped up the stairs, ducking into the very back of her closet. By the time she got back downstairs, Reggie had wiped his eyes, and his breathing wasn't as shallow anymore. "Okay so, Angel, Witch, or Sailor Moon?" She asked.
"Those are all the old Halloween Costumes of mine that I think will fit you," Julie said. "Oh wait, hang on. I'm texting Flynn. And Luke."
"You're coming trick or treating with me and Carlos," she said. "And that's final."
"Really?" Reggie whispered.
"Yeah, I was taking him anyway, he'll be thrilled," she said. Carlos was always complaining, asking why she couldn't be 'cool like Reggie'. They'd have a blast together, and she and Flynn could actually have the time to take cute selfies with the scary lawn decor. "Now, Angel, Witch, or Sailor-"
Before she could finish, Reggie swept her up into a big bear hug. "Thank you," he whispered.
"Any time."
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fangaminghell · 2 years
I had a cute thought about Ren and Arrow. Arrow, aside from Melia, is the only other person that can probably fix and tinker with Ren's cyborg body ( they....know more about this than they'd like to admit). So I'm imagining either during the month of training or after v13, Arrow sat Ren down for a check up so to speak. And Ren's awfully nervous cause 1) he's part of team Xen and 2) he's pretty sure they caught on about Ren's crush on Imani and probably ain't the happiest about it.
I'm just imagining Ren sitting there super nervous as Arrow tinkers away. He tries to think of other things to keep him distracted, one of which is Imani and Aelita( probably about the milkshake date). The minute Ren starts thinking this Arrow goes " Ren, you're heating up," and Ren is honestly lucky it's just the two of them right now, cause his face turns red from embarrassment.
Ren calms down and mumbles an apology. Arrow simply hums in response and goes back to work. The silence....is starting to get to Ren. His nervousness around Arrow is starting to get to him, too. He gotta break the ice....somehow.
" So....uh," Ren starts, hoping that his nervousness isn't leaking in his voice, " You....seem close to Imani,"
' Why would you start with that?!' he immediately chastises himself, ' Now they'll think you're jealous or something!'
" I....I like to think we are," Arrow replies carefully, and Ren's almost surprised by how soft Arrow's voice has gotten, their voice almost always being pretty monotone.....sans that one time.
' Okay, good, they don't seem to think of me as a jealous ass-'
" Is that a problem?"
' Dammit'
" N-no! Not at all I just..." Ren wracks his brain for a good excuse, only to let his mouth run before his brain could keep up.
" You just seem protective of her, that's all,"
Shit. Fuck.
Arrow stops their work and Ren can feel their eyes big holes into the back of this head.
" And if I am? Are you sure you don't have a problem here,Ren."
' Why is this suddenly an interrogation?!'
" No, really, I don't. You just-"
" I just...."
" .....You kinda treat her like how Erin treats Melia and the twins. Like an older sibling, I guess,"
Arrow doesn't speak for a while, and for a second Ren thinks he messed up again. But the feeling of holes digging through his skull is no longer gone. They feel....more appreciative?
" I haven't thought of it like that but...I guess I do treat her like a little sister, huh?"
Ren nods, his nerves finally calming down.
" Her and Flynn. You kinda just took them under your wing,". And they seemed to latch onto Arrow as well. Ren remembers Imani and Flynn dragging Arrow along the base like two little kids wanting to show their big sibs something,their excitement rubbing off on the tired Arrow.
" Hehe," Arrow chuckles, going back to work on Ren's cyborg body, " Yeah, I really did,did I?"
" I never really was an older sibling. The closest I got to that was with Alex, all those years ago. I guess I always wanted to be one?" Arrow shakes their head, " Though it's proven to be a handful. Especially when said siblings can be a handful,"
" Tell me about it" Ren dryly agrees, remembering all the times Reina did something just when Ren told her not to do so. How many dangerous situations she's been in now? He knows he can handle herself perfectly fine, but it's still slightly worrying-
" I guess it's nice. To have someone to protect, I mean," Arrow interrupts Ren's thoughts yet again, " Unlike how-"
Arrow pauses, both in their words and work. It takes a second for them to get back to work.
" I'm not gonna finish that." Ren nods solemnly.
" Yeah,"
Silence once more. Much more comfortable than the beginning of this whole thing.
" Also," Arrow speaks up this time, " You really don't need my permission to date Imani. That's her choice, not mine,"
Ren face flares red.
" W-wait- how did you-"
" Figured it out when you called me an older sibling- you're done by the way," Arrow pats Ren's back, fully finished with the repairs.
" I-"
" But if you really want my permission, I'll give you it," Arrow stands up, stretching. They look down at Ren, and their neutral expression turns into a cold glare.
" But if you harm her in any way, I will personally dismantle you and burn your body parts with you watching. Understand?"
Ren is too stunned to speak, only being able to nod. Arrow's cold glare turns back into their normal neutral expression.
" Good. Don't heat up too much, you'll ruin your circuits,"
And with that Arrow walks off, leaving a stunned Ren in their wake.
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emperordeathsatan · 1 year
1. Mr. Long and Hayley
- Mr. Long notices his daughter dressing like a slut and decides to finally take her
- She welcomes it and lets him do it in her ass
- He's never gotten that out of her mother
- She feels his cock for the first time and notices that it's why he's called mr. Long
- She calls him daddy while she's buttfucked
- She makes him say that she's better than mommy
- He thinks about telling her she's a dragon and zones out while sucking him off
- He tells her to get back to licking
- She says yes daddy
- One time she randomly dragon ups during sex and he just keeps pounding that pussy
- Now he has a dragon bitch
- Hayley tells her teacher about how big he is
2. Madrigal daughters
- Isabela chastises Mirabel for not serving her dads cock well enough
- She and Luisa are doing all the work while Mirabel tried licking his ass cheeks last week
- She says she'd rather fuck Dolores than her
- Luisa walks by bridal carrying a nude daddy
- Isabela says it's time for him to be milked and tells Mirabel that she better only watch if she's going to step her game up
3. Vegeta and Bulla
4. Spirit and Maka
- Spirit sees Maka in a dress and reminds himself of the time when she was young
- He looks at her as all grown up now
- He sees she's a real woman and she's ready to prove it
- She's embarrased but wants to let him make up for cheating on mama
5.Madoka and daddy
- Madoka wishes for incest to be socially acceptable
- She starts dating her dad and everybody at school asks her how big he is
6. Corset and Scanty and Kneesocks
- The two of them have to team up to work his shaft and saggey fucking balls
- He whips them to go faster and faster if they want to keep living
7. High Guardian Spice
- Blue has a threeway with her parents
8. Charlotte and Big Daddy
- She gets fucked every time she wants a new dress
- He fucks her in all of them
9. Haruhi and her dad
- Haruhi's dad needs to show her what a real man is so she doesn't waste time with limp dick boys
- A real man that rocks a dress and lipstick
- She eats his ass before going on her date and kisses both the twins on the lips
10. RWBY
- Weiss' dad makes her addicted to his racist cock
- Blake's daddy makes her bear his seed
- Yang's daddy trains her in and out of the bedroom
- Ruby eats cookies out of her dads butt
11. Sari and Issac
- Issac upgrades his daughters tits
- He gives them the ability to shoot milk
- He gives her vibrating fingers
12. Connie and her Father
- Connie's dad shows her what Steven could never give her
13. Pidge replaces her brother as daddy's little boy
- Daddy has been sad since her brother left
- Pidge once to cheer him up
- She dresses as hin and lies naked on daddies bed
14. Konata's dad waits until she's 18
- Konata has been seducing her father for years but he's always told her to wait until she was 18
- Now it's her 18th birthday and she knows that daddy has a surprise in store for her
15. Momoka and her father
- Fucks her for money
16. Jasmine Boondocks
- Tom uses her as a way of practicing with her mother
- He smacks her and tells her to get her clothes off right now
- She's turned on for the first time in her life
17. Candace Flynn
- Fucks her in Linda's old outfit
18. King Butterfly
19. Ryuko and Satsuki share daddy
- The two of them
20. The X's
- Daddy teaches his daughter how to act with a spanking
21. Mr. Boonchoy tries out Anne after Hop Pop's stretched her out
- Hop Pop went wild on that ass
- The real daddy wants to see how he left it
- He likes the sticky feeling of his cum
- Realizes he hasn't been going nearly deep enough and calls him a faggot
- Makes Anne cum by stuffing 8 inches in there
- Lets Anne know why her mother chose this cock
- Cums inside and tells her to get her faggot friends to lick it up
Kimiko fucks her dad for money
- Kimko wants cash to afford a new eroge
- Her dad tells her she's gotta work for it
- She offers to milk his dick as a joke
- He accepts and undoes his pants 
22. Daphne's dad goes nuts seeing her in that Hex Girls costume and kicks their crazy mother out before arranging a 5way
- He gets dominated by her military sister as she whips his nuts
- He buys her racer sister a new car and fucks her in it
23. Kim Possible
24. Karai gets it on with Splinter
- Splinter has his students bind and gag the foot clan girl and bring her to him
- He disrobes as he states that he's been waiting a long time to do this with her as he refers to her by her real name
- She realizes who she is as it's too late and splinter is already inside her
25. Akane Tendo shares with her sisters
- Akane and Nabiki fight over who gets to drain dads balls today
- Dad says he has two balls for a reason
- Kasumi asks about her and he shows her his asshole
- They all share daddy like good little girls
- Akane tells Ranma he's not man enough to compare to her father and should just go female and join them
26. Mako is reserved for daddy
- Mako witness an argument between her father and Mataro
- Her father explains that Mataro can have his mother as long as he gets to claim Mako soon
- Mataro agrees and takes off his pants before going up to mom's room
- Mako asks her dad about this
- He explains that her brother likes them older and he likes them barely legal
- And Mako just turned 18
27. Magical Girl Friendship Squad
- Daisy's dad think she's not suffering enough so he goes straight for knocking her up this year
- She says she's a dyke
- He says that works even better and says to bend over already
- Says she looks good in those sweat pants
28. Ozai and Azula
- Ozai starts seeing her after Ursa leaves
- She's obsessed with being better than her mother in bed
- Serves daddy's cock better than Ursa ever did
- Daddy rewards her with one cream load for every enemy of the fire nation she kills
- He starts calling her fire lord in bed
- She moans "my king~" with his cum in her mouth
29. Juliet Starling
- Juliet's dad thinks Nick needs to watch and see how a real man does it
- Puts his face below his ass while he humps her in mommy's clothes
- Nick gets a good view of his taint, balls, and his GF's legs
30. Mulan
- Mulan sucks off her dad while disguised as a man
- She dances for him
- She drops her speedo to reveal her pussy
- She puts on her makeup and goes back to her normal voice after her dad's already put it in
- Daddy makes her proud to be a woman
31. Spy Family
- Anya reads Loids mind and notices him thinking of her naked
- She later spies on him stroking to her
- He whispers her name while fucking Yor
- Anya asks what he was doing with Yor
- He says he was fucking her
- Anya spreads her legs and asks Loid to do the same to her
- Loid obliges
- Asks Anya if she'd like a sister
- Anya replies yes
- Loid cums inside
- Yor comes home to see this
- They both wave to her while Anya's riding him
32. Cervantes and Ivy
- Cervantes defeats her in battle and plunders her booty
33. Stevonnie and Greg
- Greg sees this hot ass woman prancing around with the crystal gems and decides to tap her brown ass
- He brings her inside the van and gets to humping while she protests
34. Charles and Nunally
- Charles makes Nunally believe that she's his sex slave
- Lelouch can only watch as Nunally serves him without even so much as questioning it
35. Tuxedo Mask and Chibi Moon
- Usagi and Chibi-Usa switch bodies and Mamoru needs to get off so he uses his daughter
- Usagi isn't allowed to watch with her flat chest
36. Gwen Stacey and her dad
- Spider-Woman gets tied up and he dishes out justice on her
37. Amity and Alador
- They demonstrate something new to sell to people
38. Batgirl flirts with Comissioner Gordon
- He hasn't had sex in a long time and this flirty bitch is offering herself up to him
- She has a beautiful body
39. Korra and Asami discuss their father's taints
- Korra's dad fucked her so hard when he found out she was the avatar
- He's so proud of her and her tight little brown butt
- He's gonna marry her when she's old enough so no boys can ever touch her
- He can't wait to see what an airbender blowjob is like
- He ties her up and fucks her in the avatar state
- She brings Mako home to make him watch as she makes out with her dad
- Korra carries around his piss in a vase
- Asami's dad has always given her whatever she wanted
- Now he's giving her his cock because she's thirsty AF for it
40. Tenzin and Jinora
- Tenzin is so happy to see her get her arrows so he takes her ass for the first time to celebrate
41. Big Daddy and Hit Girl
- Big Daddy is a nickname given by her
- He trains her to be an anal queen
42. Nikki and Star Lord
- Star-Lord meets her and immediately sexually harasses her
- She tells him that's against the law and she could write him up for it
- He says that she wouldn't do that
- Because she likes what he does
- Even if she's just now learning that she likes it
- He asks her out on a date sometime
- Wants to listen to some Iron Maiden together
- She agrees to try it
- He meets her mother and notices that they're related
- He says he's still gonna date her
- The two of them get drunk and headbang together
- He tells her to take off her clothes and get her little blue butt twerking on his dick
43. Date and Mizuki
44. Leia and Vader
45. Haru
46. Sasuke and Sadara
- Sasuke and Sadara plot to remove Sakura from the relationship
- And possibly life
47. Tina Armstrong and Bass
- Tina shakes it for daddy
48. Jolyne and Jotaro
- Jotaro shows the moves Joseph taught her
- Jolyne shows what she learned in prison
49. King Dorephan and Mipha
50. DQV
- Protagonist 
51. Lady DMC and Arkham
- Arkham's demon dick rocks Lady's world
52. Artemis and Sportsmaster
- He makes up for being absent
53. Booker and Elizabeth
- Booker tricks Elizabeth into having sex with her
- He tells Noirbeth about the story
- She laughs while asking for more details
54. Inside Job
55. Mileena and Shao Khan
- Khan is the only man that can endure a blowjob from her
- He asks for even more in the form of a rimjob
56. Belle and Daddy
- Daddy lets Gaston know who Belle belongs to
57. Vados
- Daddy always prefered her pussy over that faggot Whis
58. Videl and Mr. Satan
- He tells her he has the strongest cock in the world
59. Bocchi's dad taught her everything she knew
60. Angel and Handsome Jack
61. Joseph and Holly
- Joseph calls her Holly while reaming her ass
62. Rachel Bighead
- Rachel seduces her father like her mother taught her
- Even sucks his cock like mom did
63. Raven and Trigon
- Trigon's demon dicks
64. Wolverine and X23
65. Sherry Birkin and William
66. Magneto and Scarlet Witch
67. Trish and Diavolo
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rockabye-rinzler · 3 years
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so, i wasn’t expecting so many to agree with me when i made that text post! wow! and just like i said in those tags, here’s the separate post explaining myself and my actions :3
First and foremost, I have nothing against any of the other characters this franchise has given us. Sam, Quorra, Alan, even Flynn and Dyson even though I would strangle them both with my bare hands. But when the franchise is called “Tron”, it sure would be nice for Tron to actually show up lmao. With that being said, lets get into it:
Overall I really think the movie should be about Tron overcoming/learning to live with his trauma (being Rinzler, betrayal all around, crisis of faith, all that jazz)
He emerges from the sea of simulation and throughout the movie he keeps flashing back and forth between memories from both Tron and Rinzler,
Naturally he’s horrified bc he’s the “hero of the grid” yet here he is having memories of doing some fucked up shit (aka show me what happened during his time as Rinzler)
Have the movie be about his journey back to Tron city, and his journey about returning to, not the hero he was, but the hero he wants to be
Give him more agency, give him c h o  i c e s
I want this movie to be heavy in terms of its subject matter. Show us a hero who lost everything, including their own mind and free will
OOOO let this be an opportunity to give me more of Tron with a temper.  Uprising gave us a lil t a s t e, but I want more, you feel me?
How did all this affect his view and relationship with the users? “I fight for the users”, and yet where were they when you needed them to fight for you? hm???
GIVE ME TRON MONOLOGUES (okay maybe not "monologues" but let me hear him talk about what's going through his head or s o m e t h i n g)
Speaking of Uprising, that and Betrayal are really the only time Tron gets any real characterization. And yet, not even the fucking comic book could make him the main character, smh
Anywho I want a Tron vs Rinzler fight, send tweet. end of post.
But seriously, I know they wouldn’t be able to physically fight bc obviously, but it’s still a fun thought
Throughout the movie he comes to realize and accept what happened, and this is a part of him that he has to live with
Give me like, a phantom Rinzler in Tron’s head. How he’s terrified that he’s going to become him again, especially when he gets angryyyy. Like his eyes and lights flash orange or some shit. v sexy
hm, i hate to say it but give me something similar to bucky barnes/winter soldier. those kinda vibes
Yet, while man vs. self is a fun conflict,,,let’s have a guest villain appearance by none other than Dyson! Wahoo!
So alongside Tron’s own internal conflict, someone is trying to gather what is left of Clu’s forces to become the new system admin. As Tron is figuring out himself, he’s gotta uncover who’s behind this dastardly plot! 
Lo and behold, it’s Dyson
“But Bec!” I hear you cry, “Why Dyson? I really like Dyson!”
In conclusion, while yes beating Tron with the trauma stick throughout this movie is a neat idea, I do overall want this movie to be about his growth. What it is he’s fighting for. What it means to be a hero. And not just for the grid, but also for himself 💖
Listen, listen. I thought about other “villains” like Cyrus, or maybe the return of another virus, or even Dillinger Jr, but Dyson feels like a much more interesting foil to Tron (this post is already long enough so i’ll spare the specifics)
They fight, they yell about what's become of them and the grid, they fight some more, Tron wins bc of course he does lmao (Dyson couldn't beat him in Uprising, sure as shit can't do it now)
Tron looks at his hands (similar to that ONE flashback in Legacy) to see himself holding his blue and orange discs. Realizes he's stronger now than he was before 😌
(I forgot to mention he has 2 discs this whole time still, whoops)
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elisaphoenix13 · 2 years
Walking An Unwanted Mile (Or Just Thirty Steps)
Tony was almost afraid to open his eyes. He was convinced that he had died in his sleep and fell down into hell because heat surrounded him. It was like a blanket wrapped tightly around him that he couldn't escape from…and now they were using their pitchforks. He didn't even think that was actually a thing in hell but here he was getting the full exper–
There was a snore.
Tony felt like he knew that snore. Low and cat like, directly in his ear…but it wasn't Stephen. He was definitely in hell. The sorcerer didn't spoon him, and especially not like this. He did the spooning. So Tony was even more convinced that he had fallen into hell.
Or at least a hell like dimension. Maybe he pissed off his wife by kicking him in his sleep or something. That wouldn't be so far fetched. Stephen liked uninterrupted sleep when their bed wasn't occupied by their children or other Avengers with their own nightmares.
Something was still rubbing Tony the wrong way about his situation though. The wrong parts of his body hurt first of all. His neck and wrist burned with a passion and the heat enveloping him wasn't helping matters. That damn pitchfork was ba–
Then it all clicked when Tony finally opened his eyes and found himself staring into the eyes of a tiger.
Tony had never scrambled out of bed so fast. Which took some effort because Quill was practically sleeping on top of him and Tony had to push him off to escape. The sudden movement jolted the god out of sleep and Tony had to grab something to cover himself because he realized that he was in the buff.
Fortunately there had at least been a pillow.
"What are you doing in my bed?!" Tony nearly screeches, making Quill stumble out of the bed himself and make Flynn fall to the floor with a surprised yelp. He couldn't help but look down because the god had been in his own birthday suit and his immediate thought was how has Scott not been turned inside out?!
"What are you freaking out about?!" Quill asks, not bothering to cover himself and making Tony avert his gaze.
"You're in my bed!"
"It's our bed!
"I don't remember sharing a bed with a god that has the body heat to make hell envious!"
A full three seconds of silence passed as Quill stared at him, and then finally, "...Tony?"
"Yeah! Who did you think you were stabbing with the Loch Ness monster?! Which brings me to my next question…how is your husband alive?!" As he ranted, Quill finally had the decency to cover himself long enough to get into some sweatpants. "And for the third time–"
Tony was interrupted by Quill walking over to him and placing his hand over his mouth to silence him. Without saying a word, he leads him to the bathroom and removes his hand. Before Tony could say anything though, he caught his reflection and froze.
Scott was staring back at him.
Well that explained why his neck and wrist hurt. As well as–
"Oh God please tell me you cleaned up after destroying him." Tony winces.
"Get me clothes right now." Tony says immediately before shoving Quill out of the bathroom and closing the door.
"Oh come on! I've seen every inch of that body!" Quill sighs. 
"Well it's currently mine so you get to live without it!" Tony calls through the door. "I swear if you put one finger on me while I'm in Scott's body…"
"So…what? Gotta go find your body and kiss it good morning?" Quill huffs.
"You do and my wife will make you sleep for a century." Tony winces when his throat flares up. "Damn. Is this what Scott deals with on a daily basis? I thought my arm was bad."
Tony hears some shuffling before the bathroom door cracks open to allow the god to pass him some clothes and he takes them with a mumbled thank you. He closes the door again to get dressed, having to take his time since both his neck and wrist flared up with each passing second. He barely got his pants on before he had to stop and try to push through the pain so he could button and zip up. The pain didn't pass in any small amount though. It was constant and raging and possibly only getting worse…and Tony was honestly borderline ready to cry from it.
His arm had its own flare-ups like this but somehow that paled in comparison to what Scott dealt with on a regular basis. Tony could deal with the wrist, but the neck? Any future movement he made, he was afraid his head would fall off. The smallest twinge made everything else hurt like hell.
It was no wonder Quill was going out to space less and less.
Tony attempted to get the god's attention by calling out for him, but the simple action of opening his mouth sent searing hot pain through him and all he could manage was a whimper. Clearly a noise that Quill was accustomed to because the bathroom door opened seconds later and the celestial was rushing over with his light already in his hands. In the next second, there was relief. Cool and blissful. Tony hadn't even realized his shoulders were hunched until the pain ebbed away enough for him to think straight.
"How many bad days does he have?" Tony manages to mumble.
"The more accurate question here would be how many good days has he had." Quill sighs. "You okay now?"
"I'm better." Tony admits before finally grabbing his shirt and putting it on. "We better get upstairs so Duchess can fix this."
"It's really weird to hear you call him that in Scott's voice."
Tony, of course, took that opportunity to speak in Italian and say things he would say that Scott wouldn't…and watching the celestial squirm. He was enjoying the fact that he could make the hairs on Quill's neck stand on end from something as simple as calling Stephen his tesoro. Flynn and Emir had followed out of curiosity, but he was willing to bet that the tiger knew he wasn't Scott and simply wanted to find his master. Which he did when he and Quill made it up to the penthouse and Emir promptly walked over to him and rubbed along his legs like he was nothing more than a house cat.
Looking at himself standing in the kitchen with Stephen was starting to rub him the wrong way too. There was an enormous difference between a reflection and real life.
"Why are you blushing?!" Tony demands when he sees the pink in his cheeks.
"Nothing happened I swear!" Scott defends immediately while Stephen coughs uncomfortably. "He came onto me and I pushed him off!"
Tony blinked. "One of the rare times Stephanie wakes me up with the promise of a good time is when the universe decided to swap our bodies?! How did this even happen anyway?"
"I believe it was caused by the pendant I had yesterday." Stephen finally says. "Besides myself, only the two of you touched it after I told you not to."
"How come only me and Tony switched bodies?" Scott wonders.
"Because I protect myself with magic before I handle artifacts I know nothing about." Stephen says flatly. "The good news is that I can fix this. Just give me a few minutes to get ready."
With that, Stephen left the kitchen to make his way into Tony's office where some of his sorcery books were stored, and Quill groaned loudly in relief.
"I'm glad. You have no idea how much self control I'm using not to touch right now."
Scott, in Tony's body, smirked. "How was your good morning Tony?"
"Bite me Lang." Tony grits out before holding up his hand. "No I'm sure Quill already does that which brings up my previous question. How are you still in one piece?"
"Wait…you two didn't actually–"
"Hell no!" Quill shudders.
"No, but I was very enthusiastically poked and prodded." Tony grunts out. "And the heat! I was sure I died and went to hell!"
Scott shrugged. "I like it."
"You two are weird."
Stephen comes back moments later with a book in his hand and he approaches them. "Alright. All you need to do is face each other and hold hands."
Tony huffs. "Do we have to?"
"Not if you want to Scooby-Doo this crap and have all four of us switch bodies until we're the way we're supposed to be." Stephen responds dryly.
Tony definitely didn't want to go through that. He'd seen that scene once while the kids were watching it one day and it wasn't something on his to do list. It was bad enough having to experience Scott's pain…and soreness from the night previous. He wasn't looking to try out Quill's body too. Knowing his luck, he would accidentally destroy the earth when he had no inclination of how to control the celestial's powers.
Now Stephen's body on the other hand…
"You may feel a pinch but otherwise it should be painless." Stephen suddenly says.
That was all the warning he got before he felt like he was being sucked into a vortex. Everything warped and blurred for a moment and in the next…nothing. He felt tethered again. Tony dared to crack an eye open and exhaled with relief when he found himself looking at Scott. And not a reflection.
"If I never go through that again, it will be too soon." Tony says as he drops Scott's hands. The younger man finally braved opening one of his own eyes before slumping with relief.
Quill wasted no time in gathering Scott in his arms while Tony turned his attention to Stephen as the sorcerer closed his book. With a smile, he steps closer and gently grips his chin to place a kiss on his lips.
"Thank you and good morning Duchess." Tony smirks. "I'm offended that you would so easily crawl into bed with Sc–" Stephen immediately smacks the side of his head with a scowl and Tony chuckles. "You know I'm only kidding tesoro. But I am traumatized now. Should we revisit your earlier attempt to seduce me so I can get the Loch Ness monster out of my head?"
Scott snickers and Stephen looks at Tony with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't think I want to know." Stephen mutters.
"Oh, to answer your question…the fountain of youth." Quill cackles and Tony cringes.
"Oh. Gross. Sorry I asked. Honey, let's go upstairs before the baby wakes up. We can do it in the closet for all I care." Tony pleads.
Stephen finally chuckles and grabs the front of Tony's shirt to start leading him back upstairs to their room. Tony heard Scott say something about his ass still hurting before their bedroom door closed and he shuddered at the thought that he could have possibly been a victim to the beast between Quill's legs.
"Hmm?" Stephen hums as he moves closer to kiss him.
"Have you ever wanted to…you know…switch?"
"Nope. I'm perfectly happy being lazy and pampered." The sorcerer chuckles. "I do everything around here so I'd much rather lay back and let you do most of the work. If not all of it."
"I never thought I would be so relieved to hear you say that." 
"Well after your traumatizing experience…" Stephen starts to tease before Tony covers his mouth.
"Just march yourself into the closet so I can tie you up with some scarves." Tony huffs fondly before smiling wickedly. "Maybe I'll gag you too. We don't want to wake up Lulu after all."
Stephen could only answer with a soft moan.
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