#power rangers dillon
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Drew them in the Mystic Force suits for fun
#art#digital art#fanart#doodle#ish#power rangers#power rangers rpm#flynn mcallistair#ziggy grover#scott truman#summer landsdown#dillon rpm#power rangers dillon#artists on tumblr
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So, here’s the thing, I saw the cute flower prompts and was trying to pick a few, but you know me and I know you soooo… can I get the whole garden (all ‘em!) for my boyos! (Dillon/Ziggy) 💚
I do, yes. You do know me very, very well! Thanks, babe! <3 /plat
(Dillon is a big, tough, macho man until Ziggy's around, then he turns into a big softie)
Big thank you to Estel, who gave me the prompt for Magnolia.
Agapanthus - Love Letter
Dillon grunts a greeting to his teammates as he passes, looking for food. It's been a long day for him, and he's actually hungry, so he's gonna eat while he has the opportunity. It's hard sometimes when all he can do is taste the salt and sugar in a meal, but it's what he's gotta do while the cybernetics in his system are slowly taking over.
"Dillon!" Scott calls, making Series Operator Black look up, annoyed. "Ziggy left something for you on the table. He said you'd like it."
Dillon raises an eyebrow but heads for the table anyway. "Thanks," he says to the Red. Ziggy's been gone on a solo mission with Flynn for a few days now, something to do with power cores and mechanical parts Doctor K needs.
Dillon finds a bag of candy and a piece of the pie Summer had baked a few days ago. Summer had said it had all been eaten, but Dillon knew better than to think Ziggy didn't squirrel some away. Dillon smiles. The pie is actually pretty good breakfast food, and Dillon is glad to see it.
Next to the food is a letter. It's adorned with little black and green hearts. They're Ziggy's way of showing his love. Dillon opens the note.
I asked Scott to give you this if the mission ran longer than they thought it would. Turns out, getting these parts takes longer than it's supposed to, who knew? Anyway, I know you don't like big gestures of affection, but I also know you like Summer's baking. So here's my sign of affection for the day.
Dillon smiles, folds up the note, and puts it in his pocket. It's not your usual love letter, like the ones Summer talks about on those soap operas she won't admit to liking, but it's adorable, and Dillon loves it.
Basil - Hate
Dillon stares at the Green Ranger, the one who had once captured his heart. He stares at the half-dead corpse taking up space on the testing table. Dillon stares as Ziggy Grover screams and cries.
Ziggy sobs, pleading for Dillon to let him go, to come back to himself, to stop hurting him.
Dillon watches apathetically, staring with sharp eyes. He doesn't love this man, not anymore. Dillon doesn't love him, no. He hates Ziggy Grover.
In fact, he thinks he's never hated anyone more. That's why he tortures Ziggy Grover.
Cactus - Passionate Love
Ziggy gasps as Dillon slips his tongue between the Green's teeth. The whole kissing thing is still pretty new to Ziggy, and the Green knows Black wouldn't remember kissing anyone anyway, but still Dillon kisses like he's been doing it his whole life. Like Ziggy is the only thing in this world that matters to him.
"You okay, Zig?"
A little moan falls off Ziggy's lips as Dillon's mouth attaches itself to the younger man's neck. "Yeah," he breathes. "Ju-just keep doing that."
Dillon chuckles. "Yes, sir."
Daphne - I Wouldn't Want You Any Other Way
"Dillon," Ziggy says, coming towards the Fury, where Dillon works on his precious baby in the garage.
Dillon looks up, setting down the wrench. "What's wrong, Zig?"
Ziggy comes closer, which isn't unusual, but he's hunching in on himself, one arm gripping the other at the elbow, and his too-long bangs are hiding his eyes. "Dillon, do I talk too much?" he asks softly.
Dillon knows immediately what happened. The other Rangers agents shy about telling Ziggy exactly what they think of him. They've all lived through the war, experienced the loss that comes with it, and completely forget that Ziggy is just as traumatized as the rest of them. He just deals with it in a different way.
"Am I annoying you?" Ziggy asks, voice trembling.
Dillon drops his tools right there on the ground. "No, Zig," he replies. He draws Ziggy into a tight hug and feels as the Green Rangers begins to sob. "No, I wouldn't want you any other way."
Echinacea - Strength and Health
Ziggy yelps as he gets thrown flat on his back once more. "Dammit!" he curses, head thunking back against the ground.
"You're getting better."
Ziggy groans, "It's not good enough. Scott, Sunmer, and Flynn have all been fighting for longer than me and you... Well, you're you."
Dillon chuckles, sitting in the grass. "You're doing really good. You're better than you used to be."
Ziggy sighs. He looks up at the clouds and watches them cross the sky lazily. "It doesn't feel like it," he admits after several minutes of silence.
Dillon lays next to Ziggy, looking up at the sky just the same. "You are," he promises. "It doesn't feel like it, but you are."
Ziggy hums. "I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this, Dil."
Dillon is silent for a while, then his hand grasps Ziggy's on the grass. "If you aren't, you can borrow my strength. You've got this, Zig. You're stronger than you know."
Ziggy grumbles, but his smile says everything. "Thanks, Dillon."
"Anytime, Zig."
Fern - Sincerity
"Ziggy, don't be stupid! Look at him, it's not Dillon right now!" Scott shouts across the battlefield.
Ziggy's axe is in his hands, reared back and ready to strike, but looking into the eyes of his target, Ziggy can't bring himself to do it. It's not that Ziggy loves Dillon so much, the thought of hurting him is staying Ziggy's hand - no, Ziggy's way too selfish for that.
It's the look in Dillon's eyes.
Normally, when Dillon gets taken over by Venjix, his eyes go dull. They lose all spark of life, any signs of warmth are suppressed, and they're just... dead. This... this is different. Dillon's eyes are warm and full of life.
"What are you waiting for?" Flynn shouts, flipping away from a Grinder's swing.
"Just do it!" Summer adds, charging her Zip Charger.
But Ziggy puts his axe away. "No," he murmurs. "I can't."
Because in Dillon's eyes, there's a sincerity that's never been there before and Ziggy can't bring himself to snuff it out.
Gardenia - Sophistication
I never went to prom, actually. The words echo in Dillon's mind. Who hasn't been to prom? Prom is one of the few things Dillon remembers clearly. He'd gone to his high-school prom with this firecracker of a boy Dillon had thought he could one day love. That boy reminds Dillon a lot of Ziggy, honestly.
Let it never be said that Dillon doesn't do things for his boy. He stands in a pure black suit that's been mended several times with his hair slicked back and a flower in his lapel because there's no boutonnieres in the apocalypse. Dillon hates how stuffy it is, but the stuffy feeling is worth it if it means Ziggy gets the night he deserves.
After all, Venjix was defeated a while ago, so they should celebrate at this point.
The sophisticated get up is just starting to really get to Dillon when he finally looks up and sees. Ziggy comes down the stairs in green, green, green and Dillon smiles.
"Hi," Ziggy says.
Dillon holds out a hand. "Hey," he murmurs.
It's just as powerful as "I love you."
Hibiscus - Delicate Beauty
Late at night, sometimes, when Ziggy can't sleep, he likes to watch Dillon. Dillon doesn't sleep much, so Ziggy has to be quiet anyway, and if Dillon wakes up, it usually leads to sex, which means that Ziggy doesn't really care either way, and it's his favorite time of the night.
Something about the way the moonlight hits Dillon from the window makes him look fragile. It's captivating and Ziggy wishes he could take a picture.
"You gonna stare all night?" Dillon asks without opening his eyes.
Ziggy laughs, snuggling closer. "What can I say, I like what I see."
Iberid - Indifference
It happened again. Dillon was overtaken by Venjix once more. Ranger Black fights against Scott, Summer, and Flynn with ferocity he only displays on the battlefield. However, he won't touch Ziggy. Ziggy can fight him, and he'll defend himself, but Dillon always escapes away to another part of the fight, back to Rangers Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Ziggy thinks that hurts more than Dillon getting taken over by Venjix again.
Jasmin - Amiability
"He's a little social butterfly, ain't he?" asks the man Dillon didn't bother to get the name of.
They sit together at a table in some ratty old bar Ziggy had recommended. Apparently he'd worked here once before Venjix. What kind of person would give a bartender job to a kid barely 17, Dillon doesn't know, but he guesses that doesn't really matter.
"Yeah, I guess so," Dillon replies, knocking back his shot and signaling the bartender for another.
Ziggy is fluttering from table to table, a little drunk, but no less aware. For Ziggy to be only a little drunk in the three hours they've been here is a feat all of its own. Ziggy is an extrovert (according to Doctor K) and he likes people, so it's easier for him to get drunk when people think he's cute and buy him shots.
The stranger pours himself another drink from the whiskey bottle in front of him. He knocks the shot back, then asks, "He yours?"
Dillon smiles, downing the shot the bartender sets in front of him and putting a hand over his glass when the bartender makes to pour the third drink. "Thanks," Dillon says to the barman. Then he turns back to the stranger. "Yeah," he says with a brilliant smile, "he's mine."
Kalanchoe - Persistence and Eternal Love
It's been years, too many years, since Dillon took off in the Fury after nearly killing Ziggy in a PTSD fit. Ziggy's been looking for him ever since.
It isn't Dillon's fault that Ziggy had been having a bad day, nor is it Dillon's fault that Ziggy chose to take it out on the backyard fence. Dillon had come home and seen Ziggy with a pipe in hand and the flashbacks kicked in. Dillon was doing the only thing he thought he could do, which was to eliminate the threat. It's not Dillon's fault, but still he felt it was. Ziggy's been trying to track Dillon down every single day since.
It's almost six years to the day when Dillon left that Ziggy finally tracks his husband down.
Dillon sits in a jailcell with his head down. His hair's been cut and his eyes are dull. His nose is crooked and still leaking blood, but he's still the most handsome man on this gods-forsaken planet. "Dillon," Ziggy murmurs as the guard leads him to the cell.
Dillon flinches, but doesn't look up.
"You got five minutes," the guard warns, then he heads back out the door.
Ziggy looks at the Black Ranger in front of him. "Dillon, what happened?" he asks, putting his hands on the bars. "Talk to me, please."
"Shouldn't you be at home," Dillon asks gruffly, still not looking up.
Ziggy frowns. "No, my place is with you. Please, Dillon, talk to me."
"Ziggy, please," Dillon says, finally looking up. One eye is black, and the other has deep bags under it, making Ziggy believe Dillon hasn't slept in days. "Don't make this any harder for me that it already it."
"Tough shit," Ziggy snaps back, eyes going sharp. "We're married. I love you. You abandoned me, now the least you could do is talk to me and tell me why." His eyes go soft once more. "Please, Dillon. I love you. Just talk to me."
Dillon hesitates, then sighs. "Alright."
Lantana - Strictness
"No," Dillon snaps, grabbing Ziggy's belt and holding fast. "You know damn well you aren't allowed to throw yourself needlessly into any kind of danger."
Ziggy curses, squirming in Dillon's hold. "Lemme go, Dillon!" he curses.
Ziggy groans. "You and your rules."
Magnolia - Dignity
Dillon storms through the base, a letter in his hand and a snarl curling his lip upward. He stalks past Scott and Summer, past Flynn and the twins. He only stops once he stands in front of a door with green letters labeling it as Ziggy's room. Dillon knocks roughly on the door.
Ziggy opens the door and pokes his head out. He smiles. "Hey, Dillon. Come on in!" The door creaks open and Ziggy disappears behind it.
Dillon slips inside the room and closes it behind him. He breathes out a sigh. "Zig, we gotta talk," he says.
Ziggy bops his head in agreement, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "What's up?" he asks.
Dillon only hesitates a second, wondering if he should tell his boyfriend what happened. Ziggy needs to know, he tells himself. "This came for you today," Series Operator Black says, handing over the letter.
Ziggy raises an eyebrow, taking the letter. He reaches for the flap, and pauses when he sees what Dillon's done. "You opened it," he says factually. When Dillon nods, Series Operator Green swallows nervously, and slowly pulls open the envelope. The pictures fall out first, the ones that show Ziggy in undignified ways. The ones where Ziggy is naked and looks terrified.
Ziggy goes quiet. "Where did you get these?" he asks in a quiet, shaky voice.
Dillon shakes his head. "Some guy with a scorpion tattoo gave them to me. Said they were from Fresno Bob."
"Fresno Bob wouldn't do this," Ziggy snaps, voice full of venom and fire. "He wouldn't do this to me!"
Dillon nods, though he's not so sure Fresno Bob wouldn't do something like this. Most cartel and mafia bosses are all the same, and Dillon wouldn't put anything past any of them.
Ziggy makes a terrified noise, biting back a sob. "These are supposed to be gone," he whispers. The pictures get tossed to the floor. Some many of them feature Ziggy covered in various body fluids and blood.
"I can destroy them for you, if you want, Zig," offers Dillon, fully ready to rip the pictures into shreds and light the remains on fire.
Ziggy nods and Dillon snaps up the pictures, shredding them into pieces without a second thought. Then he grabs all the pieces and puts them in Ziggy's trashcan. "I'm gonna take this now," he says, indicating the trashcan with a shake of his head, "and you don't have to worry about it anymore. Okay?"
Ziggy nods. Dillon sits on the edge of the bed with him and hugs him tightly. If Fresno Bob ever comes back, Dillon will tear him apart like the pictures.
Narcissus - New Beginnings
Dillon looks out into the desert, surveying the dust and dirt, watching tumbleweeds blow by. He watches the world around him move. His bones still ache with the weight of the cybernetics that Doctor K couldn't remove, but with most of the cybernetics gone, Dillon finally feels like he can breathe again. Dillon listens to the wind, the sounds of static on the radio, the silence that settles in the cab of Dillon's car.
The car door opens and the car rocks lightly before the car door closes. "Alright! Where are we headed?"
Dillon smiles without looking up. He reaches for the car keys in the ignition and turns the key smoothly. The car sputters to a start and the motor purrs. "Anywhere we want," Dillon replies, glancing to the passenger seat.
Ziggy grins, leaning back and buckling the seat belt. "Let's go, Dil," he says.
Dillon smiles back, turns back to the road, and puts the car in gear.
Orchid - Refined Beauty
Ziggy whistles. "Now that is a nice-looking vehicle," he says appreciatively, looking at the beautiful yellow motorcycle Summer had brought home when her first one crashed into some Grinders at 70 miles per hour.
Dillon agrees with a slow, "Mm-hm."
Glancing at each other, Dillon and Ziggy both simultaneously agree not to tell Summer, snag the keys off the bar table, and zoom out of the garage without a backwards glance. She'll find out eventually, but until then, they'll have their fun.
Peony - Anger
"Don't touch me!" Ziggy snaps, knocking Dillon's hand off his shoulder.
"Zig," Dillon tries to say.
Series Operator Green shakes his head vigorously. Dillon shuts his mouth for fear of Ziggy making his concussion worse. "You don't get to be all sad and upset over this right now!" Ziggy says firmly. Her eyes blaze with restrained anger. "You're the one who did this! How many times did you tell me that I can handle myself? Then you go an' try to protect me in a fight I can handle myself! What the hell were you thinking, Dillon, huh?"
"Ziggy, I... I..." Dillon doesn't answer fast enough for Ziggy, apparently, because Ziggy only gets more upset.
Ziggy sits up, the bruises on his face shining dully in the low lighting. "Your dumbass decided to protect me and got me hurt in the process because I was so worried about protecting you because you LEFT YOURSELF OPEN TO ATTACKS!" Ziggy yells.
Dillon tries to speak, to tell Ziggy that he doesn't know what happened, that he'd really meant to stay in his lane and give Ziggy the space to be the fighter Dillon knows he can be. The words get stuck in his throat and Dillon can't speak them.
Ziggy scoffs. "Get out," he says, eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to see you right now."
"Ziggy..." Dillon tries to say.
"GET OUT!" Ziggy roars, grabbing the spare pillow and tossing it at Dillon with unnerving accuracy.
Dillon ducks, making a hasty retreat before Ziggy's patience ran out. "I'm sorry," he whispers as he closes the door behind him. The only answer he hears is a choked sob.
Quince - Perseverance During Adversity
"Ziggy?" Dillon asks, quietly opening the door.
"Get out!" Ziggy shouts back, just like he does every time, still angry at Dillon and unwilling to talk. "I don't want to see you! Get! Out!"
But Dillon is prepared this time. He comes in anyway. "I'm not leaving, Ziggy. Not this time."
"I don't want to talk to you," Ziggy replies, voice full of venom and fire.
"Well, too bad," Dillon replies. "Cause I want to talk to you." He comes closer. Ziggy glares at him beneath his too long bangs. Tears glitter in hazel eyes. Betrayal that hits hard, even though it's not really betrayal. Dillon sighs, "Ziggy."
"Say what you're gonna say and get out," Ziggy snaps coldly.
Dillon decides it's better to show than tell. He takes a chip out of his pocket and sets it on Ziggy's side table. "Doctor K found that in my neck when she checked me over after the battle. She said it was programmed to make me recklessly protective."
Ziggy looks at the chip with disgust. Then realization dawns on him, and he looks up at Dillon. "Someone put that in you?" he asks.
Dillon nods.
Ziggy's face falls and he scrubs a hand down his cheeks. "I'm such an idiot," he says regretfully. Looking up at Dillon, Ziggy continues, "I'm sorry. I should've known better."
Dillon shakes his head. "It's okay. You were hurt. I'm sorry too."
Ziggy offers a little smile. "Thanks, Dil."
Rose - Love
Of the many things Ziggy loves about Dillon, his lack of self-preservation is not one of them. "Dillon," he says, snappish and angry. "You're not allowed to throw yourself into dangerous situations either."
"Ziggy," Dillon warns, voice rough.
"No," Ziggy growls, stomping forward until he's toe-to-toe with Dillon, staring up the several inches between their heights. "You listen!" he demands. "Because you can't seem to get it through you're thick skull that I care about you, you idiot!"
Dillon, stunned silent, says nothing. He lets Ziggy stare up at him with sharp eyes and doesn't move, doesn't speak.
"I love you, you absolute dumbass," Series Operator Green says. "I love you, and you're not allowed to do dangerous things. I love you, and you're not allowed to leave me behind while you go off and play hero, like a dumbass."
Dillon's lips twitch upward.
"I love you," Ziggy continues, "and I couldn't stand it if you left me, so don't fucking leave me!"
Dillon sweeps Ziggy into a tight hug, which cuts off Ziggy's next words. "I love you, too, Ziggy."
Sage - Good Health and Long Life
"So," Ziggy whispers, "it's gone?"
The doctor nods, making a few notes in Ziggy's chart. "That's correct, Mr. Grover, the cancer has fully cleared and your cells are working at a normal rate. I'd like to get some blood work and scans, but you are officially in remission, Mr. Grover. Congratulations," the doctor replies, looking up with a smile.
Ziggy smiles, biting back a choked sob, then unable to help the next. Next to him, Dillon squeezes Ziggy hands. "Congrats, Zig," Dillon murmurs, pulling Ziggy into a hug.
Ziggy laughs through his sobs, face buried in Dillon's shoulder. If Dillon minds that his shirt is suddenly soaked, he doesn't say. Ziggy cries, Dillon holds him, and for a moment, nothing else matters.
Trillium - Modest Beauty
"Damn Ziggy, you look good!" Summer compliments from the couch, arm thrown around Flynn.
Ziggy grins. "You like it?" he asks, twirling around. He's wearing a cute green skirt that he'd picked up on one of their last trips to the clothing store. It had called to him on the rack. It was pretty modest, high waist, and the hem just under his knees, not exactly what Ziggy usually would wear, but-
"You look gorgeous," Dillon murmurs, arms wrapping around Ziggy's waist. "Beautiful."
Ziggy grins, twisting to meet Dillon's eyes with a smile. "Thank you," he says softly.
Dillon nods.
Ursinis - Trickery
"Dillon!" Ziggy shouts, skidding to a stop in front of Series Operator Black. "Dillon, we gotta go! Boxarok captured Scott, Flynn, and Summer, we gotta go save them!"
Dillon blinks, shaking his head. He looks at Ziggy and nods. "Yeah," he replies. "Let's go!" But something about his voice is off.
"Dillon, before we go," Ziggy says, paranoia born of dealing with people who would sooner trick and kill him. "What's my deadname?"
Dillon blinks, then gives the answer without hesitation. It's wrong. Of course it is. Ziggy never told Dillon his deadname, Dillon didn't care to know. Ziggy's eyes fill with tears. "Dillon," he whispers.
Dillon's face suddenly stretches into an unnatural smile. "That's not the right answer is it?" he asks.
Ziggy shakes his head, stepping back.
Dillon sighs, "Dammit." He lifts a hand and clicks his fingers. Ziggy's world goes black.
Vervain - Pray For Me
"Oh, god," Ziggy mumbles over comms. "Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god."
"Ziggy?" Dillon asks, concerned.
"I'm over the vent," Ziggy replies. "I see Venjix. God, if this doesn't work..." Ziggy doesn't have to finish the sentence. If this doesn't work, Ziggy will probably be dead.
"It's gonna be okay, Zig," Dillon assures him, though he's not even sure himself.
"Pray for me," Ziggy whispers. "Here we go."
Waterlily - Birth and Resurrection
Ziggy grumbles under his breath, listening to the preacher go on and on about the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He hates churches, they're always so stuffy and full of hypocrites and assholes.
Dillon makes an agreeing noise at Ziggy's side. "I know," he murmurs. "It sucks, doesn't it?"
Ziggy nods, sinking deeper in his seat. "This is stupid. Why did Mom want to meet here?"
Dillon snorts softly. "Who knows. The hardcore religious people won't ever make sense to me."
Ziggy snorts. Then, he leans closer. "Thanks for coming with me," he says.
Dillon smirks back. "I had to," he replies teasingly. "You can't stay outta trouble by yourself."
Ziggy almost interrupts the sermon with how hard he laughs.
Xeanthemum - Eternity and Immortality
A little known fact about the Morphin Grid? It offers its Rangers immortality. It's the one thing that Ziggy hates, even all these years later.
He and the other RPM Rangers meet up every couple years, but Dillon hasn't been seen in several years now. Scott, Summer, and Flynn think he must've finally pissed off the wrong person and gotten himself killed. Ziggy knows better. Ziggy would feel it if Dillon had died.
So he's not shocked in the slightest when Dillon strolls over in the middle of one of the RPM meet-ups, twists a spare chair backward, and sits in it casually. Leaning forward, Dillon steals a French fry off Ziggy's plate and hums, "These are good."
Scott, Summer, Flynn, and the twins are all a little shocked. It's been years since any of them had seen Dillon, but here he is. Alive and well.
Ziggy smiles, grabbing Dillon's hand. With a serious look, his face falls, and Ziggy says, "You're telling me where you went." It's a fact, not a request.
Dillon nods. "And I'll spend the rest of eternity making it up to you," he promises.
Yellow Bell - Rebirth
Dillon opens his eyes after the surgery, stares up at the white ceiling. He looks around at the hospital room with confusion.
"Welcome back, Dillon," says Doctor K, going by Krishana now that she's finally found her name from before. "Your surgery was mostly successful. As I thought, we were unable to remove all the pieces and hardware, but aside from the six piece in too deep to safely remove, you are free of your hybrid parts."
Dillon smiles. A hand squeezes his. "How do you feel?" asks Ziggy, there with Dillon in the aftermath, as promised.
Dillon hums, looking at Ziggy with loving eyes. "Reborn."
Zinnia - Lasting Affection
Dillon and Ziggy aren't particularly affectionate people in public, but that doesn't mean they aren't affectionate at all.
Dillon hugs Ziggy close as they walk down the street. Keeping Ziggy close is always a good thing. "You okay?" he asks quietly.
"Yeah," Ziggy replies. "More than."
Dillon smiles, and they continue walking.
Happy birthday!! @estel-eruantien
#power rangers#power rangers rpm#ask#mutuals#estel eruantien#thanks estel!#writing prompts#ask game#flowers#dillon#power rangers dillon#ziggy grover#dillon/ziggy grover
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#power rangers rpm#power rangers#pr rpm#power rangers dillon#ziggy grover#scott truman#yaaaa#the voices ✏️
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I went on The Morphin Grid the other day to talk about Power Rangers RPM to mostly just say how much I love these two
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i don't know man i blacked out
rpm rangers; are we supposed to have a pink ranger too?
rpm rangers;
dillon; why is everyone looking at me
#power rangers#power rangers rpm#rpm power rangers#dillon rpm#scott truman#scott x dillon#dillon power rangers#artists on tumblr#my art#digital arwork#pink power ranger#aka i gave dillon a pink nerf gun#not a genderbend#boys in skirts
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idk why I find this so funny 😂
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looking back on the fic I've written in the last few years and my own sexuality journey has made me realize that there is an argument that poly folk and ace/aro folk process love in a lot of the same ways, like the idea that you can have significant, life-defining relationships with different people and you get something important and sometimes even a similar flavor from each relationship but each one is still fundamentally different and significant in its own way and sometimes you don't want sex but you do want hugs and your partner may be having sex with their other partner but that does not make your relationship any less important because they come back to hug you and having more hearts bound up in your own is never a bad thing, because being loved no matter the form is never a bad thing, you are lovable and you can love so many people and having a heart overflowing with love for other people and things and the universe just means that you're healing and finding the people who fit you in whatever way that comes and there will always be someone cooking in the kitchen filling your heart and stomach no matter what and in this essay i will-
#listen writing fanfic has been so integral to me figuring stuff like this out#never would have thought that starting to write power rangers fic back in the day would make me realize that i might be poly or aro#can't tell which yet but it's reassuring nonetheless#shout out to the ships/fandoms that helped me realize this!#dead boy detectives#doctor who#power rangers#ofmd#stranger things#honestly even my non-poly fics for skam and merlin have lowkey polyplatonic situations going on#eleven x amy x rory#stoncy#jim x archie x oluwande#ivan x chase x riley#edwin payne#izzy x lucius x black pete#thirteen x amy x rory#power rangers dino charge#power rangers rpm#scott x ziggy x summer x dillon x flynn#chronicles of narnia#fanfic#shadowhunters#simon x izzy x raphael#ALSO NOT A COINCIDENCE THAT A LOT OF THESE FEATURE AT LEASE ONE ASEXUAL CHARACTER#the intersection of asexuality and polyamory means a lot to me personally#asexuality#polyamory
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happy pride month to the best boys to ever do it 💚🖤💚🖤
#tokupmg#power rangers#rpm#green + black tale as old as time#two boys suffering from not only the apocalypse but also from comp het smh smh 😔😔😔#big tough bastard + his silly little boyfriend#dillon is the most cat coded dog ranger you'll ever meet#and ziggy is DOING. HIS. BEST.
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kicking my legs and giggling like a teenage girl every time he comes onscreen
#art#my art#power rangers#power rangers rpm#dillon rpm#one day ill get autistic enough to make fun designs for the nonhuman rangers but not today
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Zzz part two
#art#digital art#doodle#power rangers#power rangers rpm#flynn mcallistair#summer landsdown#dillon#power rangers dillon#dillon rpm#flynn/summer/dillon#stayed up until 4am making adjustments because the proportions were annoying me 😭😭#do you see my vision here? do you?
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Soft prompt~
Tracing scars + Dillon/Ziggy (bonus points if my boy is trans 👀)
Trans Ziggy is best Ziggy!
Dillon knows about his scars. He knows about the one across his hip from a botched surgery in his youth. He knows about the ones under his hair from when Venjix inserted the metal into his head. Dillon knows about all his scars. He holds negative feelings about all of them.
So, it's good to see someone that are more positive for the people he loves.
Ziggy used to be an afab body, he'd told Dillon about that a long time ago. Seeing the scars for himself is something else entirely. The scars run parallel to his pecs, faded a little with time, but still prominent.
Dillon likes tracing them at night. A reminder that some scars can be good.
Ziggy shivers as Dillon hits a particularly sensitive place. "Dil," he says.
"Want me to stop?" Dillon asks, stilling immediately.
Ziggy shakes his head, curls flying wildly. "No," he replies. "No, it feels good."
Dillon buries his nose in Ziggy’s hair and hums, continuing his actions. "Okay," he whispers.
#power rangers#power rangers rpm#ask#mutuals#estel eruantien#thanks estel!#writing prompts#soft prompts#fluff prompts#dillon#power rangers dillon#ziggy grover#dillon/ziggy grover
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we back gang
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An RPM episode where we get a second Dillon clone via Venjix but he's played by Joe Manganiello since both him and Dan Ewing have some similarities...Ziggy and Scott would have a field day💚🖤❤️🖤


#HEAR ME OUT WITH THIS#my vision#power rangers#mmpr#mighty morphin power rangers#rpm#power rangers rpm#dan ewing#joe manganiello#dillon rpm#black ranger#i want scott and that twink obliterated#why am i like this....
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Screenshot redraw bc I've been thinking about them all day
#power rangers rpm#dillon (rpm)#ziggy grover#power rangers#surprise! power rangers jumpscare in a toku blog :P#I Just Think They're Neat#brought to you by all the go-onger I've been seeing on my dash bc#same suits y'know#my art#(also I'm not doing inkt ober this year but I'm gonna try to draw traditional this month)#episode 4 my beloved
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can you tell this was originally a slideshow-?
#power rangers#rpm#power rangers rpm#scott truman#flynn mcallistair#gem#gemma#summer landsdown#ziggy grover#dillon#dr. k#dr k#doctor k#red ranger#blue ranger#gold ranger#silver ranger#yellow ranger#green ranger#black ranger
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Dillion forces Ziggy to eat more because he’s seen how skinny Ziggy’s body is. He doesn’t admit it but it does really worry him seeing how boney Ziggy is while seeing him change in their room (I imagine Ziggy was dirt poor growing up so he didn’t get to eat so often)
*Dillion just piling food onto Ziggy’s plate*
Ziggy: Um. Maybe slow down. I don’t need this much
Dillion: Eat
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