#theyre male yuri
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mylove-thresher · 7 months ago
i am so sorry.
i am so, so sorry.
but i couldn't hold the urge to
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fighting ibis to finish this bc i cannot leave it unfinished 😭
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lazycranberrydoodles · 1 year ago
Can I see hualesbians. Please. They are everything to me I’ve read every fic in the tag and if they lose I need some consolation
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so i cheated on these and did them in procreate !!!! cause!!
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shneckboi · 25 days ago
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sunshades · 5 months ago
It is also very 😶 to me seeing people with the "well I only ship f/f because male characters are not worthy of the women" opinion like well maybe that's not exactly an insightful way to approach media
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waitineedaname · 9 months ago
I think the most surprising thing about svsss is that it seems like it might pass the bechdel test
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sweetmiremoonie · 1 year ago
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🥹 They're so gay I love it~
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snalsupremacy · 7 months ago
thinking about yuri espoir again...
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eponychium · 1 year ago
the way you go from tawny man's Repression Olympics: World Series I'm Not Gay Edition to Rain Wilds, with its literal six fully homosexual named characters, is crazy. such a jarring whiplash. you'll remember the shit that those two did (and didn't) do with each other back in tawny man and you're like "????????? what the fuck was wrong with those guys actually"
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guiltycrunch · 1 year ago
some of yall have gone so far with the redefining of yaoi and yuri that it's just asinine at this point. none of these words are on dynasty-scans dot com
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xinnic · 1 year ago
Why am I seeing a m/m ship being called yuri like I get the meme but idk guys I don't think using the term yuri to refer to gay male ships is the move. Gay male stuff already gets so much more focus than gay female stuff in fandom I don't think fandom should be appropriating a literal term for gay female content for males. Like pls.
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 6 months ago
Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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hcnnibal · 2 months ago
a1/a2 are a gay not-couple but also straight but theyre also male yuri but theyre also
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*Please note the use of guy yuri is in reference to the Ineffable Husbands presenting as men most of the time, I'm not trying to erase they're both canonically nonbinary.
For Bingqiu: "One is a housewife and the other is a trophy wife. They both want to be each other's wife so bad (even though Shen Qingqiu would never admit it)"
"Where do I even start... Housewife x trophy wife. Every gender havers. Shen Qingqiu can't decide if he himself is wife or mommy, but is convinced his husband is a delicate lovesick maiden. Luo Binghe has self-assigned himself all of the wifely duties of an ancient Chinese wife years before Shen Qingqiu has become remotely aware of his crush. Also later in the novel he acts like a jealous girlfriend. And specifically girlfriend, like it was an important part of his arc that he stopped acting like a jealous boyfriend and started acting like a jealous girlfriend instead. This has won him his man."
"They're insane, fucking unhinged"
For Ineffable Husbands: "Well due to neil mentioning that they was plans for a fem presenting 1960s scene of the two of them that never ended up happening, there's a lot of fanart of that. Plus, they are an angel and a demon, and both technically don't follow the gender rules of humans and many other species on earth, so while they do present very masculine throughout the show, they could be any gender and therefore they seem very fitting for this.(I do apologize as I don't quite understand what guy Yuri is despite your definition so I am guessing and have no clue if they count."
"Looks like m/m on first glance but they don't actually really have gender and Crowley dresses as a woman for a good few years canonically"
"theyre male presenting in the show but they dont really have gender so they could be wlw if they wanted to"
"While both characters spend most of their time presenting as male, they are supernatural beings without any real sex or gender. Crowley appears as a woman multiple times, and one scrapped scene included both Aziriphale and Crowley as women in the 1960s. Additionally, it’s very common to find “Ineffable Wives” fanworks, with both characters appearing as women. As well as having been an immensely popular fandom ship for many years, it has been confirmed that Aziriphale and Crowley are canonically in love with each other."
"Regularly turned into women in fanart. Both Aziraphale and Crowley are incredibly gender. They have been together in some sort of way for 6000 years. Heavy yearning. Cringefail. Divorced and married at the same time. Literally an angel and a demon. What more could you want?"
"theyre literally genderless and can be anything ever!!!"
"Their genders are ineffable and they have hopelessly pined for centuries"
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oscconfessions · 2 months ago
anon who’s midway through watching c2bc back at it again, and I feel stupid.
apparently fireball and pound are men.
they aren’t butch yuri.
“oH bUt AnOn, FiReBaLl WaS cAlLeD hE aT oNe PoInT” I know. but I just thought fireball was a he/him lesbian. I thought we had PNC rep, but no, he’s a guy.
the reason why I found out fireball and pound were male in the first place was because in c2bc 11 statuette called caramel apple and fireball BOYS. and I thought “wait a minute, that’s not right.” and googled fireballs gender, BOOM- MALE.
“wait but that means firepound is straight…”
I googled pounds gender, BOOM- MALE AGAIN.
im sobbing rn… why couldn’t we get PNC butch lesbians… tears in my sapphic eyes…
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tempural · 18 days ago
Hello, just popping in here to say I absolutely love and adore your artstyle and your humor and ideas in art.
I love your scoutspy art the most, theyre the best.
Oh also have a question, it seems you prefer the ship name scoutspy over spyscout, is there a reason for it? I use it interchangeably and love both names.
(Wait while writing this I think i just found the answer, it has to do with the seme and uke right?)
Uhh so another question, do you enjoy f/f scoutspy? From what Ive seen you either do m/m scoutspy or female scout x male scoutspy.
Thank you for taking the time to read and (hopefully) answer this!
Thank you for the kind words 😊 glad you're enjoying the Spongebop x Squidwart.
Re: scoutspy vs spyscout - the ao3 tag is Scout/Spy because it's in alphabetical order :p So I wonder why it seems more people use Spy/Scout? 😜
But yeah I use ScoutSpy as a sorta hankie code to signal to other people who know about left/right order that I prefer Scout to give affection and Spy to recieve affection. Whether it's emotionally. Or anally. For people who don't know or care about hankie codes, it doesn't affect them.
Pretentious answer: all my scoutspy is simultaneous f/f even if it looks like m/m or f/m 😘 cuz all my characters are fluid in gender and presentation.
Normal answer: I draw some yuri with boobs scoutspy! But sometimes my femscout looks 99% the same as my manscout, because I enjoy androgyny and Scout not being affected very much by differing hormonal levels, so people yell at me cuz they think i'm shipping a man scout and woman spy LMAO.
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I also have a toxic yuri au with Scout-chan and Spy-chan.
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Me n Shane are actually planning a fangirl/idol doujinshi for our Scout n Spy (Liv and Basile)! But again people will assume that our Spy is totally male cuz he has hairy boobs and characters in the story call him a "him" because they see chest hair and facial hair and think "he n him". It's okay though, it's yuri in my heart and I hope other people can see the yuri too 🙈
It's times like this, when I'm glad I have a personal site so I can easily find my yuri art... Hope ya enjoy!
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month ago
Yuri my yaoi pls
yuri papercut is where its at guys,,,,i want to talk about girls this fine day,,,
•sharing clothes is WAYYYYY more common w these two, both ways!!!! but pony only wears curlys clothes to “dress up more” and bc curly kinda forces her but at the end of the day shes still wearing curlys clothes so whatever
•im sorry to say they r still VERY cringy, curly will abandon her VERY GOOD LEATHER JACKET to wear peony shitty hoodie, only to go “haha peony look how small i look in this, dont i look small, pony look at me” (she kinda cringes about this later in life but wont admit to that)
•the both got raspy voices, ik they want each other BAD, always talking bc they never want the other to shut up (most of the time)
•curly MAKES pony put her arm around her waist or shoulders, but pony goes farther and lays on her bc curlys soft like that, curly is NOT complaining at all shes loving the attention
•”oh pony??? thats my girl friend!!!” at what point she meant girl, no space, friend???? nobody knows but pony would always tell her to stop that before someone got the idea/caught on but to curly the fact that shes leading ppl on to think more is fun so she wont!!
•MULTIPLE times they have had their hairs literally braided together (fem curly is wayyyy better at braiding than regular ole curly i promise). its fun for like 3 minutes but then they panic cause curly cant see where to unbraid it and if theyre EVEN MORE unlucky, it gets tangles up so darcy (darry) and tiana (tim) can untangle it, hopefully without cutting much hair
•they love dancing together its very sweet, pony twirls curly and curly dips peony, if theres a flower nearby curly puts it in her mouth to make it more romantic, how sweet!! peonys nervous but she always just needs a lil push (and hopefully not many ppl around)
•they stick TOGETHER when theres guys around and turn down them being all handsy and kissy, they dont have much male figures in their lives to look up to and the guys around arent the best, them staying together is for their safety and they refuseee to b gawked at by guys when theyre just trying to relax w each other
•they both got matching bracelets AND charms they stole when they were kids, they dont wear it all the time however sometimes on dates they wear it for good luck
•when curly moved to america, she was desperate to have that “american teen girl” sleepover experience, staying up late, pillow fight, talking about crushes etc etc, pony wanted to SLEEP😭. there was a point in time where she just kept coming over only for that bc she had a lot of fun
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