#they're so sus it's funny
shadowqueenjude · 11 months
Perhaps Lucien will come to your aid within five minutes of my leaving. Perhaps he’ll come in five days. Perhaps he won’t come at all. Between you and me, he’s been keeping a low profile after his rather embarrassing outburst at your trial. Amarantha’s not exactly pleased with him. Tamlin even broke his delightful brooding to beg for him to be spared—such a noble warrior, your High Lord. She listened, of course—but only after she made Tamlin bestow Lucien’s punishment. Twenty lashes.” I started shaking, sick all over again to think about what it had to have been like for my High Lord to be the one to punish his friend.
Look look look, I know Feyre is in love with Tamlin and all at this point but...Aren't you at least a little bit concerned about the FRIEND WHO GOT PUNISHED??? Like...bro risked his ass for you time and again and got whipped for it, please acknowledge it.😭😭😭 No cuz my man went through it this whole series ma'am please. Ok but rereading I'm seriously wondering if this series was initially meant to be a Feyre x Lucien x Tamlin love triangle because no matter how many times I'm reading this, I can't see it any other way. Lucien and Feyre were 100% flirting with each other, they have more scenes together than Fey fey and tam tam. Even under the mountain, Lucien does more for her. You can't tell me that Sarah didn't have them banging at least.😭😭😭😭😭
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anominous-user · 5 months
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is this something (2)
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qiu-yan · 2 months
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hannigramislife · 1 year
Favorite genre of fiction:
Whatever you call those fanfics where Jiang Cheng's hair gets loose and every single person collectively loses their shit.
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kaimactrash · 7 months
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Finally got around to doing that meme where you draw your comfort characters as Garnet and Steven in that one awful SU 'fan' comic.
Both of my comfort characters are kinda bad people, but even so, I feel like they'd be fairly enthusiastic to kick anyones ass.
The mall goth is Amber Sweet from Repo! the Genetic Opera and the emo is Matthew Patel from the Scott Pilgrim franchise.
Amber encouraging all of Matthews's worst character traits could be a crazy but fun few days for them, and terror for anyone in their paths!
I used to draw these two a bunch and it was SO much joy to work on them again! I love them both with my whole heart and I will excuse any misdeed they do. (joke)
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thresholdbb · 2 days
Star Trek: Picard, you will always be famous for putting un chileno en el espacio
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stopthatfool · 3 months
opinion on the SU-47?
I assume we're talking about the Russian fighter jet designed by Sukhoi in the 90s and then discontinued in the 2000s, right?
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This guy, right?
I'm by no means a plane expert, nor am I necessarily a fighter jet history buff. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I only really have opinions about Canada's fighter jets, or rather their complete lack of them because of the Canadian Government's decisions made in the 1950s (I mourn the loss of the Avro Arrow... sigh). And even those opinions aren't about the actual jet itself, but more about the repercussions it's had on Canada's military decisions and their rocky relationship with companies like Boeing and such and the poor position it's put Canada in recently (relying on the US to buy jets from etc. etc.) But you've made me curious, anon... what are my opinions on the SU-47?
As a disclaimer, I don't have any real understanding of how fighter jets work and stuff like that, so a lot of the technical aspect of planes and such just fly over my head. I struggle with numbers and acronyms in general, so one can imagine the absolute hell that is learning and keeping track of planes and fighter jets. So I can't give you my opinion about the technological aspects and advancements the SU-47 seemed to have.
But, I skimmed the Wikipedia page and I watched a YouTube video about it. I didn't understand much to be honest (sorry). But, I will say that the forward facing wings is a really interesting and futuristic looking. Along with it's other advantages such as decreased drag and improved maneuverability because of the front facing wing. It's really interesting how a switch in wing direction can create a more aerodynamic jet (at least, I'm pretty sure what the video said...) And from my understanding, the SU-47 is a pillar for which fighter jets since then have been built upon and that's really cool. It would have been interesting to see what the SU-47 could have really done if the necessary technology was available at the time to make it work, but alas, it is now shelved for the rest of history. And I think that's what makes the jet cool to me. Like all the what if questions: what if they had the right engines? What if the Russian government found enough funding to keep the project going? What would have changed? I don't know, I think that's what I found the most interesting about the SU-47.
Overall, I think it's a really cool jet, with the way that it looks and how interesting the history is behind it. It's always interesting to learn about fighter jets other than the United States' jets and how jets like the SU-47 provide further insight to the Cold War and such. But I guess that's really all I have to say... I hope I satisfied you with my answer, anon!
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sysig · 4 months
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Nice healthy obsession you got there (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#DAX#ZEX#SU#Scribbles for maximum speed and minimum prettiness lol#How! many! layers! deep! can I go!!#I have been well-out from Steven Universe for a heck-while now - stopped around Off-Colors I think? I haven't been back since 2017ish y'see#Something-something pick up Vargas drop off Steven Universe (there was a few months of crossover but it's a whole thing w/e w/e)#Anyway! Lol#It was lurking dormant for This Moment is what I'm getting at#Just needed to stew on SCII for five years and then all the feelings'd come up lol#It is still so funny to me that I drew Max and Dex before ZEX and DAX - whenever things come full circle like this it tickles me#I've already written up a Whole Thing about my alien-faves so that'll be a thing soon enough lol#For now! Silliness! I mean - more silliness lol#Those /are/ ZEX and DAX but?? I guess?? with the body-snatched version but they'd be gems?? I don't know either lol#I put in the caption that DAX would be a pearl but honestly he feels like he'd be an opal or something#Can't say labradorite that's too indulgent but he'd be so pretty! Those hidden depths and flecks of green <3#I feel like ZEX would be something clear and beautiful :) So - not a green quartz lol but something pretty and important!#I dunno I've forgotten many many things about SU gem types haha#Also silly how I put ZEX in the Pearl position - he just Seems It y'know ♪#I mean Max would too lol#But no DAX is the obvious Pearl here - her songs were always my favourite <3 Discounting that she was always my favourite ahem lol#I have Always Always loved It's Over Isn't It <3 A full mournful song for her ugh it's so gorgeous ♥#I've been trying to learn the Italian version because it is So pretty <3#Thank goodness the comments weren't disabled under the Italian upload so someone was able to post the lyrics#So nice to be able to see them! And the words genuinely flow so beautifully they're really fun to sing ♫
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...did I legit just get blocked by a "Jonrya"/"Arya stan" because I said that Robb and Bran really loved Jon?
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mwagneto · 1 year
yknow i suddenly understand why i always felt stupid in the gravity falls/steven universe/etc fandoms while everyone around me made theories and guessed every plot twist ahead of time it's coz i was 11 and didn't speak english but all the twists are actually extremely easy to guess. like im watching ToH now and it's like ah everything is so obvious fr the reason why those reddit incels and their theories seemed smart is because they were watching shows meant for children
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voerman · 1 year
I love playing this game and having absolutely no clue who is lying to me
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
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*blatant disappointment* Oh, I forgot you guys existed for a hot minute.
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whomstress · 2 years
Which One? Chadverse su fic
Hey so I asked @universallywriting a while ago if I could do a fic on their and @suf-fering au and it was going to be much longer than this but I’ve been sitting on this so long I just needed to post it or it’d get lost forever. I know the pacing is fast but I also haven’t written in a while so I’m a little rusty. Hope you guys still like it!
“So that’s another one for me!” Star puts a tally on his board adding to a solid 7 whereas Diamond points have reached a measly 3.
“Can we please stop? I wanna actually watch some of this movie!” Connie said giggling at her husband’s pouty face. She didn’t like how this game was turning. Diamond may not show many emotions, but a game based on which one of them makes her happier in a situation and him losing by half is probably not making him feel great. Even though she knew he’d sit through it if she wanted to.
“Booooo! Just when things were really starting to get good.” Star flops back on the sofa, “I’m the winner so guess that means I’m the better boyfriend too.”
“What?” Connine and Diamond say at the same time looking at him.
“I mean c’mon he got three things you like about him more and two weren’t even about him.”
“Star, that’s not funny.” Connie said, putting down her drink.
“You're right it’s sad. He can cook and clean, more of a maid than a boyfriend.” He’s now directly staring Diamond down and Connie can feel the agitation in the room rising. It’s one thing when Star got mad but when Diamond snapped so did a good portion of things in the room.
“Star, stop! That’s not even true!” But they weren’t listening to her. They’d been caught up in their own world.
“He doesn’t have a heart, how's the tinman expected to know how to love?”
She hears a creak in the wood as he clenched a little too hard despite his stoic face, knowing the tale tale sign of Diamond starting to get upset.
This wasn’t common but also not something that happened before more than a few times over the years. Though Star was usually one to let himself become overrun with emotions to the point they overtook him there were times he could use them as weapons and tear someone apart. 
More often than not it was himself. Steven had told her about this; it was a type of self harm his consular had told him. One side bullying the other with his greatest insecurities. It was much easier to pick on his Diamond side; it didn't have the emotional maturity to deal with things the same. Since Star knew what bothered Diamond the most he could aim for like a bullet to the heart. Half the defense, double the damage.
Connie learned Star got his frustrations out but it causes more problems for both of them. Steven’s therapist was kind enough to explain to her what follows this. She thanks the stars for psychiatric professionals because despite how much she loves Steven she’s been so lost other times. Connie lets out a heavy sigh; she'll need to stop this soon or Star will spiral and Diamond will wonder off for a couple days again. 
“Alright enough is enough. I’m putting my foot down. If you can’t talk right now that’s fine but we’re NOT going after each other after the first nice night we’ve had alone since the baby was born, understand?” Her face softens and she says, “If not for you, at least for us. Please.”
Connie looks at Star and he’s looking at the crushed part of the couch with an intense stare. He knows where this will go if this doesn’t stop now. So she gets his attention and makes him look her in the eyes so she knows what she’s asking. “Star?”
He looks up and takes a look at the room. All the romantic lights and flower petals they set up for her. This was meant to be special. Gems and Dad with the baby. It was just supposed to be them being as comfortable and relaxed as they could be with him split like this. “I guess… it would be a waste to let this night go in the gutter.”
Connie knows it’s a reluctant comply but she’s still grateful. “Thank you, Star.” 
She places a hand where his Diamonds is still clenched on the couch to guide his eyes to her for the same kind of promise, “Diamond?”
He lets out a clenched breath as if that doesn’t say enough how hard this is for him since she’s pretty sure he doesn’t even breathe. He looks deeply in her eyes for a moment searching for something and she briefly wonders if he found what he was looking for before he flips his hand over to gently rub a thumb over the top of her hand, “Anything for you.”
She sits back down and puts her vacant hand in Stars and he instantly takes it to his lips with a kiss. The air is still tense but it’s much calmer now. Still thick with fresh wounds but manageable.
The movie plays on in silence but Connie’s equal attention is a comfort the men can’t ignore. It’s calming and cooling like the waves outside their window. It brushes over them in a breeze and they can feel themselves relax physically and mentally around her in a matter of minutes.
It doesn’t take long before they occupy her space in a familiar way. She thinks it’s crazy how his mood can change so quickly. One minute they're at each other's throats and the next they want to cuddle.
She knows it can be messy at times but she’ll love him no matter what. She's just glad the crisis was averted and it shows to how much he’s grown because before this was practically impossible. The fact that he’s willing to not fall into his old habits is exactly why she believes in him so much.
He believes anyone can change. It’s one of his great strengths. Everyone has a chance at redemption and despite this fight Connie can’t help how proud she feels knowing he’s allowed some of that compassion to himself. Because for the longest time he hasn’t. 
After about another half hour everyone has finally relaxed enough to mold into each other, but because of this the movie starts to drag on and her eyes start to get droopy. She’s about to fall asleep when she hears, “Hey Connie?”
She hums perfectly comfortable to fall asleep between her husbands. Star laughs and Diamond lip quirks at her cuteness of her little wrinkle of her nose, “Can we ask one more question?”
She frowns rather harshly for how sleepy she is, “That really does not sound like a good idea.”
“I know, I know, but we’ve been wanting to ask this for a while and we won’t fight. Swear it.” 
She’s about to argue more firmly but when she peaks her eyes open they both have puppy eyes and despite knowing this is pretty suspicious she decides once again to give in to them. Because like she said they did so well tonight and jeez if that wasn’t the face she fell in love with.
So she turns to Diamond, “Fine, but you ask the question, so make it count.”
This choice thus turned out to be her biggest regret of the night because on the rare occasion of the two sides working together Star gave him a firm nod to ask a question they’ve long wanted to. “Which one of us made Kaya?”
Connie’s eyes shoot open and her arms are thrown in the air with a squeaked “WHAT!?!”
Connie turns around from the couch flustered and ranting about how they were ALL her husband. She didn’t sleep with three different men so this shouldn’t even be a question. It would make no difference which all of them it was. Steven and all of them were her father. This question was ridiculous!
Star and Diamond waited until she was done ranting before Star slowly moved his mouth again, “Connie we were joking, we know were all her Dad nothing will change that. But, you actually know don’t you?”
Connie was still flustered beyond belief looking everywhere but her husbands. Her mouth moves before her words come out and she fidgets rather obviously before a final,  “...Yeah”
Diamond and Star look at each other, trying to keep their cool. “Do you want to tell us?”
She sighs, calming herself down and sits back between both of them, “Of course I do! I just don’t want to cause any fighting between you two. Especially after tonight.”
Each of them straightened a little taller knowing it was one of the other. “It’s okay Connie, you can tell us anything. We would never be upset with you. It’s completely up to you if you wanna say it.” Star hugs her gently and Diamond rests a warm hand on her leg to comfort her but there’s an edge to there words that betrays the promise they spoke.
Connie’s eyebrow raises and she lets out the most sarcastic ‘uh huh’ they’ve ever heard. So she leans back and says, “Then I guess I’ll keep it to myself since you're both okay with not knowing.”
Both men become ridged as rocks in a moment and Connie wiggles out of their grasp. “I knew this would happen and I didn’t even say it yet!”
“So you are gonna say it?” Star said hopefully.
“Star!” Connie said warningly.
“Oh c’mon we all know it’s me! I'm organic, human! He’s the gem! Your mom’s a doctor, you know how it works! I'm pretty sure he couldn’t even get you pregnant if he tried! Right, Connie?”
She looks away and finds her wine. “I need a drink.”
Connie blush started to pick up 10 fold as she feels eyes burn holes into her. Star looked at Connie downing her wine and Diamond whose eyes were wider than he’d ever seen. “Right!? Connie!?”
Diamond plopped back to the back of the couch with a large thud and awed look on his face. Both halves of Stevens finally looked at each other each end the couch one literally glowing in endearment and the other seething in disbelievement almost creating a perfect yin and yang of energy as a nervous Connie sunk further into the couch waiting for the for the spark that sets off the dynamite. 
Diamond looks to the scoreboard they had earlier that night, remembering the jealousy he felt but couldn’t express everytime Star gained another tally against him. When he looked back at Star he noticed he followed his eyes and Star’s expression said everything as if the words were written on his face. ‘Doesn’t count. DON’T. SAY IT.’
Star is right, it doesn't count. The birth or conception of their only beloved child isn’t a silly game. Though they had slightly made this a contest, by the time they fused back into Steven they’d see both sides of the story. Like Connie said they were all Steven. Star was no less a Dad to her than Steven or Diamond. They’d understand that in the end it really doesn’t matter that much who was the one to help conceive their child. The most logical thing is to let it go.
Star seems to calm down a hair, raising an eyebrow as he can see the gears in Diamonds head working. Diamonds eyes laser focus on Star and think of all the taunts and “burns” tonight. 
On the other hand he’ll never have an opportunity like this again. He makes a decision. He decides not to say a word about it.
Instead he places an arm around Connie and draws her close to him Star bristles like a porcupine ready to fight but what really does it is Diamond looks Star up and down before letting out the smallest unmistakable, “pfft.”
There is a thick silence for 5 seconds before the rest of the evening is filled with some sort of chaos.
“HOW D A R E YOU, YOU HOMEWRECKER!” Star explodes with the ferocity of a volcano and Connie’s face falls to her hands
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pankomako · 1 year
doodle based on the tilt n tumble stream + some sharky n shipwreck as housemates bc i had no other ideas lol
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miru-p · 1 year
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Some shitposting is always good for the heart!
Kwang-soo being Kwang-soo... At least the feeling is mutual tho!
Deok-su (and In-sik, Do-won, Kyung-seok) belong to @unclemimibags ; Kwang-soo (and Seung-min) belong to me !
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
every time I have to block and report a pornbot they’re always from san francisco, what kind of swarm of pornbots that are ready to attack are being collected in san francisco, I’m imagining an evil mastermind that wants to make our lives painful just cackling whilst overseeing a mob of the pornbots on their mission to follow innocent civilians -🫧
It's always the Californians /j (I love my Cali moots) but the way you're not even wrong considering what's more than likely the intended purpose of the porn bots 😂 😭 plus my mom's reaction when I had to explain the one she spotted on Instagram basically I think that's what she heard from me ajakskskkwkw
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