#they're not all that intense really...but who knows
atiianeishaunted · 3 days
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blue writing is lance's notes fyi anyway uhh character bios below !! long ass writing warning but worth it i promise chat pspsp | no notes version AND the transparent PNGS down at the end!
character bios:
Allura [???] | A lone princess who is burnt out and stressed out her mind, her only solace/stress relief being the garden she has where she can have peace and quiet, shutting her brain off while she does the tasks of tending to her precious plants and bugs. She tries her best to remain as friendly and optimistic as possible, if not for her own sanity, however thanks to the stress and pressure put on her, she has a tendency to lose her cool and sometimes shut down entirely. She has a passion for commanding and loves honing her fighting skills as that was one of the ways she bonded with her father. She more often than not can be seen in comfortable clothes, she doesnt mind dresses and does enjoy dressing up but will only do it when shes going out the castle or theres a meeting. | this gal couldve been an burnt out autistic queen DREAMWORKS, YOU COUDLVE MADE HER ICONIC .... let her be a dorky nerd whos a hater sometimes, pretty please
Takashi Shirogane | A garrison commander (no one is really sure of his job title to be honest with you..) who's insanely passionate about his job, to the point where hes willing to sacrifice it all if the garrison wills it. Anything to serve. He tries his best to fit in and be hip with the kids, he tries to come across as the 'chill' teacher, but students of his have reported that after a few months, any amount of chillness is thrown out the window. If not that, hes often not even in class, too busy doing missions he wasnt assigned to. He's intense. Very intense. Knows his way around words though for the most part, can be very convincing and a bit maniuplative, very goal driven. He means well though? Thats what he says. He always throws a quick sorry if someone brings it up with him, so that must mean something. | sorry in advance if you follow along with Sonder's story... unrelated but dreamworks wrote a banger antagonist without even realizing!
"Keith" Kogane / "Morse" | Unknown origins. He was a talented garrison pilot who could practically fly with his eyes closed, a jack of all trades, short tempered and prone to losing it but all things considered, the perfect cadet for the garrison's goals, he came out of nowhere practically, just poofed in like a ghost and wiped the floor with everyone. He really just needed a good guiding hand. No one is quite sure what gender he is, his androgynous appearance and tendency to respond to anything besides being called a girl have people baffled to say the least. He's very clearly not all there in the head either which goes hand in hand with his odd bursts of ego and then odd bursts of whining, these bursts often include talks that could only be described as cult-ish. People have their theories. Beyond those bursts, hes mostly very deadpan and quiet. But despite his strength and that intense feeling of fear and dread people get when they're around him, he's.. popular, somehow. Admired greatly for his devilish good looks. A universal appeal if you will. He doesn't seem to notice. Or perhaps doesnt care. Either way he's far too busy following Shiro around and treating him like the second coming of god to really indulge in romance for now. Lance's self proclaimed rival, Keith is also unaware of this. | also sorry in advance for this one if you follow sonder's storyline Lance McClain | A former Garrison cargo pilot who moved up in rank when Keith got kicked out. Keith is his rival and also all that Lance can talk about, even after the guy got kicked out and left for dead (Lance overheard some things while sneaking out past the teacher's lounge). He has a very noticable personality and loves to be the center of attention, hes still finding his footing and figuring out what he wants to do with his life and who he wants to be. Despite his many claims, hes not all that popular. He can't really flirt with girls all too well. His general goal is to be so well known so he won't ever be forgotten, hence why he begged his mom to let him dye his hair and get piercings (if he used Keith as an argument, thats none of your business.) (he saw keith dying his hair once or twice and instantly wanted to copy, its a bad habit.). He loves LOVES taking care of his appearance and is fairly vain, he has extensive routines and will freak out if he can't follow them. His ego and overbearing confidence is all to drown out his deep insecurities and fears. He tries his best to come across as a suave, cool, charming, awesome, any positive adjective really, person but in all reality he's a mama's boy, a dork, a loser if you will who has a love for the retro and is a huge gamer. If he must admit, he and Keith'd get along great actually, Keith ticks alot of boxes and honestly Lance deeply admires him and wants to be like him. | dreamworks dropped that lance was a gamer and loved retro stuff and then never talked about it again. sigh. Hunk Garrett | Hunk has many passions, mainly inspired by parents, he mainly specializes in cooking and mechanics, he enjoys tinkering with things, taking them apart to see how they work and working from there to see if he can rebuild it with 0 instruction, hes gotten good at it. He's Lance's childhood best friend, they're extremely close and are often seen constantly poking fun at eachother. Its all in good fun though. Hunk struggles extremely with anxiety and has a service dog back home that he left at home when heading to the Garrison as he worried he couldn't take care of it while studying. Despite his anxiety, he quite enjoys talking to people and sharing things he enjoys with them, he often tries to get over his fears by branching out and | I looked up his name from the old show because he deserves an 'actual' name, free my boy, he was done so dirty, also i remember when we all thought hunk had two moms (or was that just me ..) and i live by it tbh, two moms and a dad whos still active in his life, 3 whole parents for the greatest fella ever
Pidge Holt | Not much can be said about Pidge, they keep to themselves and don't share much about themselves. Just like Keith, their gender is often up to debate and when asked, Pidge will never give a consistent answer. They're a major tech wiz and with their talents, they're a complete menace. Pidge is prone to being mischevious and pranking others, often taking jokes a bit too far. They're egotistical and find that robots are their preferred companions in comparison to humans. | loser chronically online 13 year old who would tell you to kys, matt probably has to take away their electronics all the time LMFAO purposely made their outfit look a bit strange bc , theyre a kid whos a NERD /aff let them dress a bit stupid and let them cringe at it 5 years later ty
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No notes version and PNGS below :-)
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im insane about this reboot!! please reblog and im willing to elaborate if anyone wants me to <333 hrgfhrfg i really want this to take off bwaa
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theostrophywife · 4 hours
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brother's bsf! mattheo who you've had a crush on for years.
but he's only ever seen you as theo's little sister (or so he says).
it doesn't matter that you and theo are only a year apart. your older brother is extremely protective of you and so are the rest of his friends — especially mattheo.
you grew up around the boys, which was a blessing and a curse in and of itself. on one hand, you grew super close to mattheo, but on the other hand, he's seen you through your awkward braces and pigtails phase.
lately though, brother's bsf! mattheo starts to notice you. really notice you.
suddenly, you didn't seem so little to him anymore.
but over the years, your infatuation with your brother's best friend calmed to attraction instead. you've come to accept that while mattheo would always be your first crush, that's all it would really ever amount to. a harmless little childhood crush.
thanks to theo, you hadn't gotten much of a chance to date when you were younger, but now that you were starting uni with the rest of the boys, you were determined to push those silly little feelings for mattheo away and start putting yourself out there.
granted, you had a lot to learn given your sheltered upbringing.
boys had taken a liking to you. why wouldn't they? you're pretty, you're smart, and you're the perfect combination of sweet and sassy, but you were also extremely naïve.
brother's bsf! mattheo had to protect you.
it was his responsibility.
theo trusted him to keep an eye on you. so he did.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo glares at any boy that dares to look at you.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo revs his motorcycle and comes in hot when he sees anyone talking to you, handing you the pink helmet he keeps on him at all times without a single word.
・❥・ brother's bsf! mattheo gives you rides to your dorm and takes you out for ice cream after a particularly hard exam.
it's clear that mattheo has a soft spot for you. no matter how vehemently he denies it.
until the night that everything changed.
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it was a chilly friday evening when you happily skipped out of your dorm building, eager to attend your first frat party.
the cute boy in your history class asked you to come with him and you immediately said yes despite not knowing what to expect. it seemed fun and exciting and a little bit dangerous.
as luck would have it, you ran into none other than mattheo on your way out. his sleek black motorcycle was parked on the curb, smoke wafting from his lips as he took a lazy drag of his cigarette. leaning against his bike, mattheo raised a brow as you strutted onto the sidewalk.
"where do you think you're going, nott?"
"to a party, matty."
"with who?"
"a friend."
mattheo narrows his eyes at you. "I know all your friends and they're busy tonight. so which friend is it?"
you sigh in frustration. "just a friend from class. god, you sound like theo right now."
"you're not going anywhere wearing that."
"what's wrong with my dress?"
you smoothed down the front of your red minidress self-consciously, shying away from mattheo's intense gaze. his chocolate brown eyes scanned your body, the heat of his stare dragging along your skin.
"for starters, that dress barely covers anything and knowing you, you'll be cold within the first few minutes."
"I'll be fine, mattheo. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
mattheo crosses his arms, huffing at your statement. "so you told theo where you're headed off to tonight?"
you shrugged. "what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him."
"yes, but he might hurt anyone stupid enough to ogle you in that dress. as will I. maybe I should tell him what his baby sister is up to. better yet, maybe I should come with you to this party, hm?"
"no please," you pleaded. "I just want one night where I'm not being treated like a little kid. can you give me that, matty? please?"
you flashed your best puppy dog eyes at him, knowing that he couldn't possibly resist when you asked so nicely.
mattheo considers it for a moment before sighing in defeat. "fine, princess. but text me when you get there and call me when you're home. don't even think about turning your location off or else I'll send a brigade after you."
"yes sir."
"good girl."
before brother's bsf! mattheo could think better of it, you kiss his cheek and promise to call him later that night.
brother's bsf! mattheo watches you strut away in your tight little dress with a soft smile on his face, fully knowing that you had him wrapped around your finger.
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by the time you arrive at the party, it's in full swing. music is blaring, drinks are flowing, and the frat house is packed to the brim with people.
you send a quick text to mattheo to let him know you've arrived before spotting aiden.
clearly, your date was already a few drinks in. he greets you with a lingering hug before handing you a red cup. "cheers, y/n."
"cheers," you respond, clinking your cup against his and taking a generous swig. the liquor burns your throat and aiden chuckles as you try to hide your wincing.
still, it does the job.
you loosen up after a few sips. aiden introduces you to his friends and you smile politely, trying not to squirm out of his hold as he pulls you in by the waist.
it's fine, he's just keeping you close in such a packed crowd. he doesn't mean any harm by it.
at least that's what you told yourself.
until aiden tries to make a move on you in the middle of the dance floor. you already told him that you didn't want to dance, but he insisted.
you could smell the liquor on his breath as he grabbed your hips, moving them along to the rhythm of the song. you tried to put some distance between you, but aiden didn't seem deterred by it. in fact, his wandering hands slide down to your lower back until they're planted firmly on your ass. you attempted to pry them away, but he slurred "relax" into your ear before giving your ass a squeeze.
that was the tipping point for you.
with all your strength, you shoved aiden off while he cursed after you. the lights were blinding as you made your way through the crowd, fleeing to the bathroom.
you had brother's bsf! mattheo's number dialed before you even closed the door.
surprisingly, he picks up on the first ring.
"hi matty, are you — are you busy right now?"
"I'm with the boys. how'd the party go, princess?"
"um, I'm still here and I just really want to go home."
you hear shuffling on the other end. presumably mattheo finding somewhere more private to speak with you. "I thought your friend was your ride home?"
"well, aiden's drunk and he's been getting a little handsy the whole night so I don't really feel safe going home with him."
"what?" mattheo hisses. "you didn't tell me you were with a guy. I never would've let you go off alone with some random prick."
"please don't be mad, matty. I just wanted to have fun without worring about my brother hovering over my shoulder. don't tell theo, please. I'll — I'll figure it out. I'll find another ride."
"like hell you are! drop your location. the boys and I are coming."
"no, please. I don't want this to be a whole thing. if theo finds out, he'll never let me out of his sight again."
you could feel mattheo grappling with the situation. part of him wanted to tell his best mate, but all he truly cared about was getting to you as quickly as he could. after a few moments, he sighs. "fine, I won't tell your brother, but I'm still coming to get you. stay where you are, princess and don't hang up the phone. I'm on my way, okay?"
"you really don't have to —"
the argument dies in your throat when you hear the sound of mattheo's motorcycle starting up. he wasn't going to let you talk him out of this. mattheo was coming, whether you wanted him to or not.
"too late. be a good girl and stay on the line with me, sweetheart. I'm coming for you."
brother's bsf! mattheo pays no mind to the boys as they joke about him meeting up with a booty call.
the only thing that matters to him is getting to you.
brother's bsf! mattheo weaves through campus, revving and racing his motorcycle as fast as it can possibly go.
it's too noisy to talk while he rides, but he stays on the line anyways, listening through one earphone as you quietly hum to help calm yourself. mattheo smiles to himself. it's one of his favorite quirk of yours. half of the time, you don't even notice you're doing it. but he does. he notices everything about you.
mere minutes have passed since you first called him, but it feels like an eternity to mattheo when he finally pulls up to the decrepit frat house at the edge of campus.
mattheo parks his motorcycle on the curb, glaring at the prying eyes trained on him. it's not every day that the mattheo riddle, resident bad boy pulls up to a party looking like he's absolutely ready to kill someone with his bare hands.
he has half a mind to burst into the bloody house and pummel that stupid prick for daring to touch you, but the sight of you approaching stops him cold.
you look flustered and fearful, lower lip trembling as you spill out into the sidewalk. mattheo instantly sees red. he vows to make that motherfucker pay for this.
"where is he?"
"mattheo —"
"where. the. fuck. is. he?"
"probably somewhere inside drunk off his arse. I don't know and I don't care. can we please just go?"
despite his anger, you don't balk from him. in fact, you've got both hands pressed firmly against his chest to hold him back.
brother's bsf! mattheo grips your hips, your noses pressing together as he carefully inspects you. making sure you were alright is the only thing keeping him from committing violence.
"tell me where he is."
though mattheo's words are tinged with fury, his tone remains soft and sweet. his voice is nothing but a whisper because even at his angriest, mattheo would never raise his voice at you.
“give me a name, sweetheart. just give me his name."
"it's fine, matty. he's not worth the trouble."
“he left you alone, at a party where you don’t know anyone, got too drunk even though he knows he’s your ride home and got handsy with you even though you weren’t into it. give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fuck him up right now?”
“I can handle him later. can we please just go home? I'm tired and I just want to be in bed now.”
the cold air makes you shiver as you mentally curse yourself for picking such a skimpy outfit when hours ago you felt foolishly confident in your dress.
brother's bsf! mattheo softens when he sees you trembling. without a word, he takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders. the scent of amber and cinnamon envelopes you all at once, lulling you into a calmer state.
"okay, princess. let me take you home."
once mattheo secures the baby pink helmet over your head, he tells you to hang on tight before taking off.
you hug his midsection, resting your chin on his shoulder as mattheo drives slow through the sprawling campus. the streets are empty, but he drags out the ride, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.
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at the strike of midnight, the two of you finally reach your dorm.
although you insist that you're fine, brother's bsf! mattheo walks you all the way up to your door.
the fluorescent lights flicker overhead as you shift your weight form one foot to the other, suddenly feeling shy.
"thanks for picking me up, matty."
"of course, y/n. you know I'd do anything if you're the one asking."
you smile, trying your hardest to hide the blush on your cheeks. "I hope I didn't ruin your night."
mattheo shrugs. "not at all. before you called, I was watching berkshire stuff marshmallows down his throat while the boys cheered him on. trust me, you weren't interrupting anything important."
"still. I appreciate you coming to my rescue and not ratting me out to my brother."
mattheo smiles. "it's our little secret, princess."
the double meaning of the words causes tension between you and the pull that you've always felt towards mattheo feels stronger than ever, tugging you closer.
maybe tonight is the night that you finally feel brave enough to fall.
"goodnight, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo watches as you get on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek like you always do. except this time, you lean in for a proper kiss.
as soon as mattheo's lips touch yours, you feel your entire body erupt like fireworks. it's everything you imagined it to be and more. his lips are soft against yours, supple and inviting. the kiss takes him by surprise, but once he realizes what's happening, he groans into your mouth, the sound of it filled with need.
dazed and confused, you look up as mattheo pulls away, his big brown eyes scanning your face. "we shouldn't do this, princess."
despite his words, mattheo's hand rests itself on your hip, his thumb brushing gentle circles against your exposed skin. you gulp as he stares at you, your lips brushing, your bodies gravitating towards each other no matter how hard you try to fight the pull.
"is it because of my brother?"
"no," mattheo growls. "we shouldn't do this because I don't know if I'll be able to stop once we start."
"I don't want you to stop, mattheo."
as soon as the words leave your lips, mattheo is kissing you again, and this time, he isn't holding back. you cling onto his shirt as he kisses you hard, the force of it hitting you all at once. his fingers dig into your hips as you bend at the waist, desperately kissing back.
his head is reeling and his heart is pounding. mattheo is drowning in your taste, your touch, your smell. you're every drug rolled into one; seductive and sinful. he's addicted and he can't get enough.
brother's bsf! mattheo doesn't want to pull away. he wants to stay here and live in this moment forever, but he knows that if he does, he'll end up taking everything.
foreheads pressed together, mattheo leans in for one last kiss. this one is sweet and gentle, enough to satiate him for the moment.
"sleep tight, princess. I'll see you in the morning."
"see you in the morning, matty."
brother's bsf! mattheo can't help but take one last look at you, a soft smile on his face when he sees your flushed cheeks and kiss bitten lips.
in that moment, he knows he's fucked. you're his best mate's little sister. he shouldn't have kissed you. he shouldn't feel this way for you. he should've stopped before it was too late, but you were both way past that now.
now that he's had you, he won't want anything else. it's you he'll always crave. it's you he'll always long for. and he doesn't give a fuck what it takes to get you.
brother's bsf! mattheo won't stop until you're his and his alone. *✧・゚:*
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youling-the-ghost · 23 hours
So I'm officially obsessed with the idea of traumatised sfth children (Johnny & Janae, Peter Steven, Jack a.k.a Sisyphus kid, Alexa & Janusz, etc.) forming a little support group and living in an orphanage together now, so here are a bunch of character dynamic headcanons:
Johnny and Janae were practically joined at the hip in the beginning. Johnny would not talk at all, and although Janae spoke, their words were very sardonic and harsh. It took months of therapy for them to warm up to the others.
Peter seemed the most well-adjusted and friendly out of the children, but he would occasionally have these intense mental breakdowns where he cries about being worthless and no more than a burden than those around him.
Jack was very confused as to why he was there since he didn't quite understand what happened with his parents. He wore his yellow jacket all the time because it reminded him of his time with his parents, and he'd sometimes talk about his home life in gruesome detail, not knowing how traumatic those memories really were.
Similar to Johnny and Janae, Alexa and Janusz were next to each other pretty much all the time. The two seemed to always be in their own little world, and they rarely interacted with the others.
Peter and Jack were the first ones to become acquainted at the orphanage since both of them came alone, and it was Peter who helped Jack adjust in the beginning when he missed his parents.
Janae tried explaining to Jack what really happened with his parents once, but was stopped by Johnny at the last minute.
Johnny is really popular amongst the children because of his premonition dreams and Peter has compared him to a superhero multiple times.
Janae was very distrustful of the adults taking care of them at first and always insisted on not needing help for themself and Johnny. Although they still don't trust the staff, they're fine with Johnny being taken care of by others now.
Alexa has a very complicated relationship with ballet after what happened. There are days where she insists on performing ballet for the others, and there are days where simply looking at her ballet shoes brings her flashbacks.
Janusz had a constant impulse to help clean the orphanage, so he could often be found dusting the floors or wiping down dusty furniture or washing dishes. He was told by the caretakers that he didn't need to do it, but he insisted on being useful.
The others love hearing about Janae's inventions even if they don't understand more than half of what they're talking about. There are nights when everyone sneaks off to Johnny and Janae's room just to play with the inventions, and Janae was more than glad to explain the functionality of each one, with Johnny adding comments when he actually understood what they were talking about.
After they became closer, Janae began modifying Peter's figurines to make them fly or shoot lasers from their eyes or something similar. Peter's first request was for Janae to make the legs on a Barbie doll that he loved shorter, though Janae refused.
The children have "stand-up nights" where they sit in a circle and take turns telling jokes and funny stories that they came up with. Alexa loved those days because she could tell all the jokes that she wanted.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Ways they would go about revenge:
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An overwhelming and devastating catastrophe of power. Akin to a inexorable natural disaster. Whatever innocents may get caught in its wake are not considered, do not even register to Aur. No, the only thing he would be capable of thinking of is the burning desire to make the other person pay.
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Take the pain and turn it into resolve. He'd be the chessmaster-- think (and M.DZS spoilers here I guess) N.ie H.uaisang. He doesn't have to be the one who dealt the final blow. The target of his rage doesn't even have to know that it was him who orchestrated it. None of that matters so long as he gets the front row seat to watch them suffer and fall for daring to cross him.
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She's patient, and revenge is a dish best served cold. She doesn't mind waiting months, years until the perfect moment to make the blade sinking into the back of the one who wronged her the most satisfying it could possibly be. Forget the platitudes of "an eye for an eye," revenge is sweet.
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Honorable even in his anger and rage. He's the type to immediately challenge the other to a duel to the death, and he truly will fight an honorable duel to the very last breath-- be it theirs or his.
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A nightmare made real. Agony taken and tripled, no quadrupled. For as long as he draws breath, he will be hunting down his target. Possibly even after. There is no clever plan or strategic wait, when he is on the tail of the target of his vengeance, he is a pyrrhic maelstrom that will destroy anything and everything in his way. He doesn't care. Why should he care? The only thing that matters in the world anymore at that moment is seeing them at his feet choking on their blood, broken, and screaming for a mercy that will not be granted to them.
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A murderous rage without any thought behind it. She is the type to pick up the nearest sharp object and stab. She sees red. And repercussions? She doesn't care she doesn't care she doesn't care--
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Methodical and eerily calm. One may think they managed to wrong him and get away with it, but behind his still facade is a man now with nothing left to lose. He's immediately creating his plan to completely annihilate his target and every single thing they hold dear, no matter how innocent. That means nothing to him after all. No taunts, jabs, jeers, or anything can pierce through to him in the midst of his vengeance, for what is there left inside of his to strike now? The only thing he cares about is their death. And he will personally see it through. He's going to kill them. It's not a grand declaration, nor some oath. It's simply a statement of fact.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
i am once again thinking about Percy and Annabeth and their respective relationships with their step-parents, particularly how the other views the other's dynamic with their step-parents.
Because there's a really interesting subtle thing that we see which is when Annabeth talks about her step-mom to Percy, Percy's assumption is that Annabeth's step-mom is like Gabe. He just presumes that because that's what's familiar with him and based on his own experiences he assumes their situations are similar.
But then when Percy actually meets Annabeth's step-mom (and her dad) he realizes their situations aren't at all the same. He was expecting another Gabe, but instead he just found a genuinely caring family that was just struggling to find their footing with one another.
The interesting thing is that this implies an inverse - especially with what we know about how Percy and Annabeth describe their experiences. Percy doesn't really talk about Gabe ever. To anyone. Grover knows the whole picture there but he's basically the only one of Percy's friends who does. As far as we know, unless Grover told her at some point, Annabeth doesn't know about Gabe. She knows he was a jerk, but Percy out loud doesn't ever really get into details about it. She knows they didn't get along and eventually Gabe disappeared and Percy basically never spoke of it again. Presumably, Annabeth thinks Percy's dynamic with Gabe was like her dynamic with her step-mom, like how Percy had thought their situations were the same. Especially given we know Percy assumed their situations were the same and likely spoke about it as such if it ever came up.
Like. That's such an interesting tiny aspect of their dynamic that never gets touched upon. Annabeth likely doesn't know about this very core traumatic experience Percy endured before they met because she's operating under the assumption that their family just was a little rocky like hers was.
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sunciv · 4 months
noone (and i mean noone) will convince me that this:
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wasn't followed by some intense makeout
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livinginadumpster · 4 months
I saw it pointed out in a german magazine of all places that ghosts being briefly material after coming into contact with iron would make them briefly visible to the average living person and while that should be obvious I just... never considered it before? and now that I have, it brings up so many fascinating possibilities
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mister13eyond · 7 months
talking to a friend about getting back into art and i think the #1 most important piece of art advice i could ever get or give is just "figure out what is FUN to you"
like i think there is sooooo much emphasis on how to build SKILL in art but a lot of it really treats art like a job or like video game grinding, like it's this thankless job that you have to work at in order to reach a Threshold and i know it's not EASY to make yourself have fun but like
imo a solid 70% of the reason i create art is because the Act of Drawing is fun to me. it's fun problem-solving and planning and putting down lines and playing with colors and tools. it's fun to depict little scenes in my head or to create outfits or to find ways to fill the canvas. never forget that creating can be fun. sometimes it's hard and sometimes you have to battle through your own blockades to get there but the ultimate goal should always be to ENJOY it, to find what you enjoy doing and then do it forever. improvement will follow enjoyment.
i think especially with all the debate about ML image generation it's more important than ever to embrace FUN. if you're only focused on the end result it's so easy to get in your own head- to think about what doesn't look good or what skills you don't have yet or to compare yourself to other artists. but photography didn't kill the art of drawing and AI won't either because, simply put, there will always be people who want to do the physical act of making art because it's fun to do! using paints and markers, splashing colors around, doing shitty pen doodles, using the symmetry tool in your art program to do abstract mandalas that are just squiggles formed into patterns. do art like you're 5 and you've been handed markers to pass the time. do art like you're bored in class and you're keeping your brain entertained by drawing stick figure comics in the margins. do art like an absent thing, do art because it satisfies your brain. the goal is not to make something beautiful and perfect, the goal is to make something because your hands need to make and your body needs to make.
#i know and love so many people who have intense anxiety about their ability to create art and who are so hard on themselves about the result#and i think that's a REALLY easy thing to feel because creating is also vulnerable & physically difficult and there is SOOOO much to master#but i think for me the people who churn out 300 colored pencil front facing hands behind their backs oc doodles on lined notebook paper-#are the ones with the right idea. they're the ones i aspire to be like#i'm not saying i never struggle either bc tbh#as someone with depression and adhd there are times where the Act of Having Fun is simply not possible#sometimes i CAN'T enjoy things because my ability to feel joy is locked behind a barrier of my mental illness#so i don't think it's an Easy thing to do by far and I don't think you can just Magically Make Yourself Happy And Having Fun#but i DO think that experimenting in a low-stakes low-pressure manner until you find something that clicks in your brain helps#doing things for the sake of doing them is the only way to figure out which ones WILL be fun to you#not all of them will. some things will feel like a slog#but i think you have to look for the passion before you're able to face the slog#if you jump right into the parts that are Hard and Challenge Your Limits it's easy to spin your wheels and get stuck#but if you focus on the super small stakes and the things that are thoughtless and focused more on Sensation-#the sensory experience of mixing paint or the scratch of pencil on paper or the smooth way a specific pen makes lines-#then you can lose yourself in the physical aspect of it FIRST#and then once you've started really ENJOYING those sensations you can start learning new ways to use them#because now you have the drive to want to do more#now you have the desire to find new ways to apply this thing you like doing#long post#even longer tags#art#drawing#artists#art advice
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july-19th-club · 8 months
i really like george and nick together they're so solid. the thing she needs most in the world is stability (financial and social) and he's just deeply steady and commitment-oriented which gives her the ability to soften up a bit when she knows she has a landing zone that won't fall out from under her. but they also challenge each other, they're fun, their arguments are charming and funny and their chemistry is strong i really really like these two together
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randomnameless · 1 year
What do you think is the relationship between Dimitri and Rhea? I've seen some people ship them ?
People ship whoever they want lol
I think they have a good relationship at least, since Dimitri never wants to kick her out of her home not kill her for the lols, and Rhea is mentionned to have offered support to the Kingdom when they required it (after the Tragedy of Duscur, and in Nopes, after the Civil War when Dimitri ascended to the throne) - in CF, we know Rhea's presence made Rufus unable to pull his Nopes's stunt, but also prevented Cleobulus from rekting Rufus and framing Dimitri, who keeps both of his eyes in this route!
In Nopes, Rhea gives him Seteth Willy's shield and Dimitri, while it's muddled because Hresvelg Grey, only has reservations about sheltering Rhea due to the Empire who might attack them in retaliation, Dimitri however mentions how Rhea send support and help after the civil war, so it's not that far fetched to think Dimitri, as a person, would like to help and support in turn the person who already helped him. Their battle lines also imply they train together !
Now, as for pairings and relationships in general it's more headcanon land but,
As someone we all miss who was harassed from social media because some people just can't accept people don't love their favourite png, mentionned, I think Dimitri would be a bit confused about his feelings, would he see Rhea as a mother figure, a friend, the archbishop he has to show deference to, someone who punches really hard, a training partner, a love interest or something else?
As for Rhea, would Dimitri be a friend, another surrogate son, a mirror of her younger self she'd like to help ? Another Willy? An ally? A love interest?
HC : Dimitri is afraid to ask anyone if they would teach them how to dance, because with his Blaiddyd strength he is afraid of hurting them, but when they spar, Lady Rhea ignores his blows like they're nothing ? Would she agree to help him?
Little does he know, Rhea is a terrible dancer herself, but if she remembers correctly, Flayn watched a lot of students repeat for the Heron Cup, so maybe she would know what to do! Cue Flayn trying to teach Dimitri how to dance - at least that was the plan until Seteth popped up and decided to be Dimitri's instructor, himself.
Seeing the three of them argue "why must you ruin things" "I perfectly know how to dance" "as if you know how to dance! Just look at your beard!" he laughs, saying they look like a family which make the nabateans very embarassed, of course not, they're totally not related (save for Seteth and Flayn!). Totally not.
(Sylvain later notes that both Lady Rhea, Seteth and Flayn didn't end up with a broken feet or something after trying to teach Dimitri how to dance, maybe it's a coincidence or they really are related and they have sturdy bones or something...)
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moe-broey · 3 months
#sorry i'm still upset about bridal sharena. like YEAH she's an incredibly powerful incredibly useful unit#pair her up w winter edelgard and the girlies are cleaning up tt maps extremely efficiently#and YEAH. she absolutely has nice art and huge win for the power of friendship. w veronica.#but man. it's like. i can't even enjoy my time w her.#due to. extremely specific things about me that are entirely a me issue and i can acknowledge that and own that.#it would probably feel less bad if like. sharena got literally anything else. in between now and her bunny alt.#like YEAH... she is the other half of the alfonse duo. which is the cutest shit and i love them so much#idk i know it's a non-problem. it feels dumb to make it a problem.#but genuinely like. i don't like using her w the animations on i don't really like checking the home screen dialogue#it's INTERESTING. for lore/characterization purposes. it's funny and charming bc ofc it is!!!#it's sharena and veronica ofc they're gonna be funny and charming!!!!!!! they are SO endearing to me#but god. i really do just. have problems. and it feels soooooo upsetting that like#my very specific problems are preventing me from enjoying WHAT SHOULD BE. something i should really like!!!!!!!#like there are NO problems w her!!!!!!!!!!!! the problem is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna thrup#why didn't intsys consult me about this. the unemployable shut-in who runs a semi-obscure tumblr blog. in america#unbelievable..#like would i sound insane if i said marriage is like a trigger for me. like completely seriously and unironically.#like. again. it is such a non-issue. and all of it is on me to choose what i engage w that IS how managing your triggers works.#please please pleeeease don't misconstrue anything i'm saying i'm being vulnerable. rn. and petty. super fucking petty.#and obviously i can just. not use her. or use her minimally. but that's really not my point here i'm not looking for solutions#i'm just. expressing how uniquely upsetting this situation is. w how intense my askr sib interest is#w the fact that sharena IS. absolutely one of my fave charas. i adore her completely and she means so much to me#this feels like. a saw trap. made just for me.#idk again there is no solution here and i fully acknowledge this is a skill issue and realistically not even a problem.#but like. can anybody hear me. it's so dark in here.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
one of the reasons why i was upset after volume 2 wasn't even because i wanted will to come out or thought it would've made more sense for him than what we got it was because i wanted it to be clearer that he's gay because now people are still saying he isn't actually gay in the show which i knew was gonna happen and is just...so upsetting to me...
#it went 1) why would they do this to will 2) why would they do this to mike 3) oh so people can still deny that will is gay that's great#1) why would they do this to will was the more intense grievance.#and i've said he isn't actually technically gay in the show because like obviously he is but in a way people are still able to call subtext#and yk they still say he's not like that's what i meant when i said that and i know that they shouldn't have to dumb it down or whatever#but i mean that someone can watch the show not know about noah's interview and think he's straight and in love with el or whatever#(or aroace! there's people who still say that...)#which like i said i know they're dumb and the show is smart blah blah blah but it's just so annoying to me that people#can be like oh but it's subtext TECHNICALLY robin is the only queer character in the show :) like she's literally not#when people are like oh it's only confirmed outside of the show that doesn't actually mean much it's funny to me because like. are the#duffers jk rowling. who confirms a character's sexuality in the middle of a show and then retcons it? do the people who say this just think#they're gonna make him straight in season 5 like what#strangernews11 this is all your fault#this is about a qrt of their byler fanart tweet that was like 'and nothing for the canon lesbian' with a reply that said one is straight#and the other is subtext like DIE oh my god#sorry. i would never wish harm on anyone over a fictional character.........#i know i shouldn't care but i do. byler hate is bad enough i can't handle people saying will isn't even gay#byler hate actually doesn't really faze me anymore i'm just like i'll win in the end...#and like i say: brf slt
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exoexid · 6 months
the suyeol lore is so crazy
#their relationship is so interesting to me like aoughhhh#like you see subaek and even tho they don't talk a lot on camera (most of the time) those two get along so well#they understand and respect each other so much they take their job very seriously and they're actually good friends as a result#suyeol on the other hand is 12 years of slowburn like it's crazyyyyy#you admire him and believe in him like no one else does and then you discover that he isn't that great actually#so you get disappointed and distance yourself and then you both are in this weird limbo for years as you grow up#and slowly but surely you rediscover how your relationship works because both of you are adults now and now we're here#like yeah suhito was stressed back then the context was not great for a leader AND tao was still with exo so lmao pcy could fend for himself#so i get ittttt they were going through it but. i need to know what he said to pcy like oh my god was it really that bad 😭#i wonder if they've ever mentioned it 🤔#writing this bc i just remembered that one time they had to describe e/o and suho was like#“you're my cute dongsaeng i admire your talents so much and oh btw you're not uncomfortable around me these days right? uwu”#LIKE ??? KING YOU CAN'T SAY THAT AND LEAVE US IN THE DARK#(<- they totally can it's not our business lmao)#idolization to tentative ''''enemies'''' to coworkers to friends to good friends is crazy#i need to look into this properly omg let's do some research#anyways i want a subunit :) they can be called exo sc too sehun won't mind bc these are like his favorite people in the world!!!#idk i find the exos and their bond so interesting because you truly have it all with them there's a whole spectrum of friendships#and i appreciate that it's not like with b*s & taegi (if you don't know who they are... let's keep it that way <3)#because those two were just too different to get along. it was extreme. but bighit forced it so much it was painful to see sometimes#and then the hawaii trip came and they painted it like a ''see? after this trip they get along so well now <3'' moment#1. girl let's be serious for a sec 😐 and 2. it's not our business!!!!! focus on making good music!!!!!#i'm so glad exo didn't have to go through something like that bc i just know that they'd have disbanded by now sjfsifjsk#the saranghaja sprite isn't that intense we lovr freedom of choice (keeping in mind that they were under sm) <33333#so YEAH. can you guys tell i can't sleep hehe :)#dara.t#suho and chanyeol
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Bee and puppycat lazy in space I love you so so much it's not even funny
#ramblings of a lunatic#decided to rewatch it again bc the toh finale has had me in a tizzy and while I'm getting better#it's definitely been hard just floating about in fandom space knowing that the show is ending and that in the scenario we do get more of it#in another form ofc#it won't be for a long time yknow?#it's saddening and back in September when i was uh. Very Sad bapc was really there for me#i was out here ardently defending the netflix series' writing bc i genuinely thought it was really good#and i still do#but more than that this show is intensely comforting in a way i can't really place/describe#it's a magical girl show. it's a workplace comedy. 99% of the cast is 25 years or older. its a coming of age story.#it's has pastel and lo-fi art direction. it's cosmic horror. the main character is so caring and yet so selfish and also autistic#and a robot#all of her romantic relationships are intensely weird and frankly are her least interesting dynamics#her most interesting dynamics are with her roomate/pet who's actually a space pirate cursed to look like a marketable plushy#and with her 8 year old landlord who's mom was childhood best friends with her dad making them family in a sense#except they're not really. also they're foils (she's an immature adult he's a kid who tries to be more responsible than he is)#it's filled with intense melancholy and multiple characters suffer from un-talked about depression#it is one of the cutest and brightest shows i have ever seen (in a non-obnoxious or technicolor way) and has an intense air of whimsy#it kinda has a fandom but not a big one despite having an undeniable impact in online animation culture and a bit on online culture overall#I'm not captivated by it in a fandom-y sense but i am obsessed with it. it's like wuthering heights to me#i love this show
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ambreiiigns · 2 years
just spent a good 20 minutes crying my eyes out over so far away by avenged sevenfold i have regressed to when i was 13 and extremely attached to this band
#i'm still extremely attached to them and forever will be#i grew up w rock & metal & shit bc my parents were cool but a7x was the first band i found by myself yk. like. it wasn't passed down to me#like my mom passed me nirvana & queen & bowie my dad passed me metallica & pink floyd & dire straits#my beloved uncle passed me iron maiden &. also nirvana & rancid#guns n roses was handed my collectively by all three#in short. avenged sevenfold was home grown. yk. they were my own thing#my first thing that Really got me into metal & the likes#the first time i had my Own tastes & preferences#and i was hyperfixated REAL bad for like maybe close to two years it was sooo intense i loved them sooo much#i still do!! i will still call them my faves!!! idc!! they're so special to me#i remember i found welcome to the family in a like. creepypasta mva or smth. funny that all the first few bands i liked i found thru#some creepypasta bullshit on youtube or smth. mcr fob AND p!atd i all got from creepypasta for Sure#anyway. embarassing. but i was obsessed w welcome to the family for a while#and eventually decided i wanted to know who made it and maybe listen to more stuff by them#and it was my mom's bday so august 16th when i went on their wikipedia page read the Whole thing and before i even knew much abt them or#their music or whatever i was crying so hard over the section talking abt the rev's death like i knew him personally#and i feel like that was the sign. the bad omen. that i would be down bad from then on#and i was down bad#and i listened to all their songs. i watched all the shows. i knew every piece of footage that existed of them by heart#and you have to understand by that point the only other thing i had been as obsessed with were hp & lotr#so it was still Fucky to me. to be into something that intensely#in short a7x truly fucking shaped me as a person fr and i will be thankful & fond of them forever and i avoid so far away like the plague#bc i know it gets to me. it really does#bc they were friends since they were like 10yo idiot kids yk before there was ever a band involved#and as someone who's had p much the same friend group since kindergarten#just THINKING abt losing a friend i've had for so long fucking kills me. and i can't imagine how bad it had to be for them#it's a very. empath moment of me ik ik but i can't stand it it gets to me really bad#oh nay
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kanerallels · 2 years
So, I just realized that like, eighty percent of the couples in my book series are enemies to lovers and I'm not sure how I should feel about that
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