#{Daileas Headcanon
arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Ways they would go about revenge:
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An overwhelming and devastating catastrophe of power. Akin to a inexorable natural disaster. Whatever innocents may get caught in its wake are not considered, do not even register to Aur. No, the only thing he would be capable of thinking of is the burning desire to make the other person pay.
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Take the pain and turn it into resolve. He'd be the chessmaster-- think (and M.DZS spoilers here I guess) N.ie H.uaisang. He doesn't have to be the one who dealt the final blow. The target of his rage doesn't even have to know that it was him who orchestrated it. None of that matters so long as he gets the front row seat to watch them suffer and fall for daring to cross him.
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She's patient, and revenge is a dish best served cold. She doesn't mind waiting months, years until the perfect moment to make the blade sinking into the back of the one who wronged her the most satisfying it could possibly be. Forget the platitudes of "an eye for an eye," revenge is sweet.
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Honorable even in his anger and rage. He's the type to immediately challenge the other to a duel to the death, and he truly will fight an honorable duel to the very last breath-- be it theirs or his.
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A nightmare made real. Agony taken and tripled, no quadrupled. For as long as he draws breath, he will be hunting down his target. Possibly even after. There is no clever plan or strategic wait, when he is on the tail of the target of his vengeance, he is a pyrrhic maelstrom that will destroy anything and everything in his way. He doesn't care. Why should he care? The only thing that matters in the world anymore at that moment is seeing them at his feet choking on their blood, broken, and screaming for a mercy that will not be granted to them.
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A murderous rage without any thought behind it. She is the type to pick up the nearest sharp object and stab. She sees red. And repercussions? She doesn't care she doesn't care she doesn't care--
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Methodical and eerily calm. One may think they managed to wrong him and get away with it, but behind his still facade is a man now with nothing left to lose. He's immediately creating his plan to completely annihilate his target and every single thing they hold dear, no matter how innocent. That means nothing to him after all. No taunts, jabs, jeers, or anything can pierce through to him in the midst of his vengeance, for what is there left inside of his to strike now? The only thing he cares about is their death. And he will personally see it through. He's going to kill them. It's not a grand declaration, nor some oath. It's simply a statement of fact.
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arcxnumvitae · 2 months
Muses who would grab hold and feast like a person starving:
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Begging for Daileas (because now it's gotta be talked about)
@thewolfisawake || Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them. || Accepting
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Begging Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
In case I haven't yet made it clear, Daileas is also a bit of a sadist. Dacryphilia, seeing a teary partner, really gets him going. He gets especially excited if he's able to unravel an otherwise stoic or composed partner, so to make them beg? Beautiful. They're gorgeous and now he wants to torment them a little more to see just how far he can push it.
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
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Daileas' feelings about each of @thewolfisawake's Unseelie Generals (and, uh, my Unseelie General too):
Balmoral: Has respect for what he's managed to achieve, but is overall annoyed at him and likes to antagonize him where he can. Originally didn't think much of the "upstart" when he first appeared since Daileas didn't believe the charismatic soldier would achieve much. It turns out he was wrong, and though he at least realized it in time to switch sides and fund the winning team Daileas doesn't like being wrong. He also holds a bit of a grudge from Balmoral paying back the debt immediately since Daileas also prefers people he can more easily control.
Mhoirbheinn: Calls him a loyal puppy and/or rabid dog. Daileas kind of just sighs at the thought of Mhoirbheinn. People like him are both incredibly predictable, but also incredibly unpredictable. And Daileas doesn't like the unpredictable.
Solanine: A woman of business, and that he can appreciate. He feels a...not quite kinship, but a bit of amusement at the similarities between their respective family businesses. He has made use of her services before to hunt down any debtors that thought they could escape him.
Morgan: He doesn't have many thoughts on her actually. He makes nice though, in case she could ever come in handy.
Risteard: Took one look at him sometime after Balmoral took the crown and went "I want that one." He finds Risteard to be very intelligent, cultured, easy to get along with, reasonable, clever, and basically consisting of all the makings of a perfect life partner with which they could support each other in all of their endeavors. Moreover, someone who seems rather uninterested in pursuit of monetary gain, and thus unlikely to betray Daileas for his wealth. Daileas invites Risteard to tea, dinner, buys him gifts, and essentially sugar b.aby's him. He's courting him, basically.
Siubhan: Also not many thoughts on her! She's one of Balmoral's more "warrior" Generals than an advisor so she has less use to him. Once again, he's still pleasant and polite to her.
Norval: He previously held some regard for Norval since there was also overlap between the two in how their jobs revolve around being smooth talkers. Daileas can tell that Norval is a clever man, he'd have to be impressive to have remained at Balmoral's side. But...after realizing that Norval and Risteard have a late nights in the office/stress relief/fwb thing going on...Daileas just kind of wants to kill the guy. Or make him disappear. Or at least keep him out of the room. Daileas is friendly to the "incessant chatterbox" through words alone. Beneath the words is an icy tone and a threatening smile that Daileas doesn't at all bother to hide.
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
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Another one who, despite how he is as a person, I actually think wouldn't be a bad partner at all. For the romantic identity part that have lines I shrugged and feel like it's in that area depending on mood and time. He's more neutral on what he likes in a partner, but once again, that's because his hardline requirements are more pragmatic and aren't really on the list aside from confidence and the like.
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
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Name: Daileas Ròsach
Race: Unseelie fae
Contract holder. Money dealer. Overall fountain of charisma. A merchant with the gift of gab who prides himself on his ability to talk himself out of-- and into, any situation he wishes. Despite coming from a storied family, Daileas is technically not nobility-- a lack of titling that aided him in King Balmoral's purging of the noble class in Unseelie after his ascension to the throne.
Priding himself also on his ability to spot a good deal, Daileas saw the potential in a young upstart before he took the throne, and so decided to help finance the hopeful King Balmoral's campaign. He had hoped to hold the deal over Balmoral's head after he took the throne, but to his chagrin Balmoral immediately paid the debt.
Either way, Daileas has made himself into a rather difficult to remove thorn from the Beautiful Tyrant's side and is often the one offering his unsolicited advice when it might be the most annoying for the king. He knows King Balmoral would have had him dealt with long ago if he could. But it creates a rather difficult situation to remove the head of the very foundation of Unseelie's currency. That, and some other collateral Daileas has up his sleeve.
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arcxnumvitae · 13 days
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^^ an old, pervy man at heart
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arcxnumvitae · 5 months
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Daileas is aware of the Protector's, well, protectiveness towards the Unseelie king and vice versa. He says one would have to be blind not to notice. An ironic statement considering Daileas doesn't quite grasp unless explicitly told that the two do care for each other romantically.
Daileas assumes that Mhoirbheinn is an infatuated puppy and that Balmoral's protectiveness over his Protector is in the same way one would be possessive over a possession they consider theirs. They don't want someone else to break it, but how much do they truly care for it? Balmoral will likely discard of Mhoirbheinn once he grows bored or moves on.
For all his skill in reading people, clearly Daileas has a teensy bit of trouble when it comes to recognizing genuine love between other people.
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arcxnumvitae · 2 months
Okay I'll add context I guess:
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The head of Daileas' dick and the veins glow gently too. A silent shroom :)
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
*checks notes* Um...how about...Partner is an Eldritch Monstrosity, for Daileas?
On a more serious note though, semi-public foreplay, dirty talk, and lingerie?
@soulsxng || Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them. || Accepting
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Eldritch Monster SO Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants |
man. It's like the sensation of terror also comes with a little bit of horny built into it too. Does he feel the usual panic and terror that everyone does when thy see Enoch's true form? Yeah. Does that panic response also make Daileas feel a different sort of adrenaline-pumping excitement? yeah.
Semi-public Foreplay Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
Daileas normally isn't a big semi-public guy in general. He generally prefers engaging in things in the privacy of the bedroom where he has time and an controlled environment (coughcoughcontrolfreakperfectionistcoughcough) to take his partner apart as he pleases. An exception exists though when his partner gets him riled up so he doesn't want to wait, or, my goodness, if he gets jealous. If someone flirts with his partner in front of him. If they make passes at his partner continually throughout the night. Daileas is pulling his SO away somewhere just decent enough, but not only that, he's going to engineer it in a way so that the flirt happens to stumble across them just to see who his partner belongs to. He'll give them an icy smile over his shoulder that says 'See? Now leave, before I kill you.' and he means every word. This ended up kinda turning into a talk about semi-public stuff in general. Oh yeah, for receiving, well, if his darling partner is in the mood and wants to do something to him, who is he to refuse them?
Foreplay Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
You're going to get a bonus because I read the ask too fast at first and thought semi-public was its own thing, so I wrote up one on just normal foreplay. Daileas is going, "Isn't this expected?" Like, unless it has to be a quickie for time reasons, or because of wherever he and a partner currently are, Daileas will always want to implement some foreplay. Dude's a service switch or whatever, he has to get his mouth on his partner some way or other or he may just die. He cares more about giving than he does receiving, funnily. He doesn't think it necessary to have to have anything in return, he just wants to see to his partner.
Dirty Talk Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
He's fine with it. He's fond of telling a partner just how good they're doing/making him feel/all sorts of praises, but he doesn't really consider that dirty talk. More like communication, ha. Maybe not unexpected for the man with the silver tongue, sometimes he gets chatty during sex. Maybe a little too chatty. As for receiving he's also fine with it.
Lingerie Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants | Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
Daileas can appreciate a fine ensemble that accentuates a partners features, but what gets him more about the lingerie is less the revealing nature or the image of it and more the thought of the effort and thought his partner had put in picking out the piece and wearing it, He might get a little more excited getting them to tell him their thought process choosing it out, why they liked it, how it feels wearing it, their thoughts putting it on, and so on. See what I said about him being a chatty mofo?
He'll also wear lingerie if his partner requests it, but it isn't something he'd think of on his own. They might have ended up opening pandora's box though because Daileas is very picky and will likely spend a long time looking through things before deciding that none of it is good.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
What is the one place that Daileas treasures the most, if he has one?
@godforsakcn || Unprompted!
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Daileas isn't a very sentimental person, and it shows in how he doesn't really have a favorite place! There isn't any place in particular that he has very strong ties to. If he were asked this question in his main verse, he would answer that it would be his office, he supposes. It's where he conducts his business, it's his HQ of sorts, it was one his father's, and it was also where he killed his sibling and took the first steps onto his journey to claim his family's prestige for himself. But he wouldn't use the word "treasure" to describe it.
It's much of the same in his royal verse, except in this case his answer would be his home, period. Simply because he hasn't been there since his sibling attempted to kill him, and he likely will not step foot in the family's home until he kills his sibling in turn and takes his place as the head of the family. It's part of the end goal, but again not something he would consider treasured.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
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^ Sapiosexual
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
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Mhoirbheinn grinds Daileas’ gears a little bit. In all the usual Mhoirbheinn ways, of course, but primarily because of the man’s completely missing past. When Balmoral and his generals began to rise to power, Daileas began looking into each one. Not for any specific reason, but because it’s always better to know what you can about soon to be major players.
But for Mhoirbheinn, a man so close to the king and who would come to wield an enormous amount of power because of that connection if he so chose, making him essentially the second most powerful person in Unseelie, there was…nothing. Not a scrap of information prior to him joining the militia. It was as if the man simply materialized one day out of the ether and joined society. There is nary a hint nor clue or recounting by anyone that knows him. Which is odd considering Mhoirbheinn’s mannerisms, blatant rabid nature aside, and knowledge suggests he isn’t some street riff raff like the king was.
For a perfectionist who likes to know things, it drives Daileas bonkers.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Random Headcanon Generator
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Daileas is an extrovert. (Eh, I suppose? One of necessity. At parties he goes around chatting, making small talk, and generally being social. It's for the sake of business though.)
Daileas is not good with social cues. (The exact opposite. Except when it comes to genuine feelings of romance between other people sometimes for some reason.)
Daileas could easily survive The H.unger G.ames. (I think he could! He has no scruples about killing, using, and backstabbing people if it means his survival. I think he'd have also totally known how to work people prior to the game to get a lot of sponsors willing to send him supplies during the game. He'd also play up the part of a victor perfectly to the C.apitol's wishes, likely while also trying to plan how to also maximize his gains.)
Daileas has an intense fear of people. (Nope.)
Daileas sucks at saying tongue twisters. (His tongue is very adept, he's perfect at them.)
Daileas sleeps in until noon. (Nope, Daileas is naturally an early riser! Always has been.)
Daileas desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one. (Actually...no. Not really in need of one.)
Daileas can't handle criticism. (I think it depends on a lot of different factors. But generally no.)
Daileas is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smart phone. (Actually yes, but mainly because he has never really bothered with leaving Unseelie and thus had no chance or reason to ever attempt it. If given one though he'd start to pick up on it pretty quickly.)
Daileas is a cry baby. (Ha. No.)
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Will match your freak:
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
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When Daileas starts to care for someone, all he wants to do is provide for them. In any way, of course, but I'm making this post specifically to talk about how he enjoys doing so monetarily. Daileas loves being a provider for a loved one. It brings him the upmost joy to know they want for nothing materially because he's taken care of it. He wants to give them a home to live in, good food, the finest clothes, anything their heart desires. He gets a little intense about it honestly?
I joke about the s.ugar d.addy thing, but I'm being totally 100% honest about it.
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