#{Daileas Likes
arcxnumvitae · 4 months
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As the fae was being directed into Enoch's room by the angry pirodeti, he didn't notice the bird perched in the branches of a nearby tree. A bird that soon took off and flew away. in a flutter of its wings
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fatestouch · 5 months
Daileas is still upset about the property damage. “It will take weeks to go through the books and organize the repairs. I need the names of all who participated, their personal funds will go towards the efforts.” He’s smiling at Orion in a way that makes it clear he isn’t exempt either.
There's a round of 'boos' that go around the gathered crowd of thieves and killers alike--a few calls of 'buzzkill!' tossed in there as well--though there's no actual protest to the repairs of the damages.
With a laugh, Orion meets Daileas's smile with an at ease one of his own--though it looked a little out of place with the damage he was surrounded by, and the injuries he sported.
Nyl certainly hadn't held back, after all.
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"Oh, no need to look at me like that. I'm sure everyone involved would be more than happy to contribute their weight--myself included, of course." At the resulting groans towards him now, Orion waves it off. "It's fine, it's fine! Besides, when all is said and done, then money will be made back sooner than later, no?"
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"...You're not getting away with putting in less than everyone else, Captain."
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"No one likes a snitch, Marko."
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saiwola · 1 month
Daileas and Mhoirbheinn get it. Iomhar, a man with no fear response, doesn’t.
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"Really? Not even afraid they might not like you anymore?"
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soulsxng · 4 months
@arcxnumvitae replied to your post:
Daileas: >_>
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"Oh, don't give me that look...if he's going to try to mess around like that, then I might as well have some fun with it! Why not come with me? I promise I'll keep you safe from whatever schemes he might try to pull."
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thewolfisawake · 5 months
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Name: Lucrais
FC: K.ashuu K.iyomitsu from T.ouken Ranbu
Lucrais has about nape length dark hair that is well-kept and has pretty sheen to it. Their eyes are a rose red that has an unseen vigilance within them. They have a rose beige skin tone that is looks as though it has never seen a day of labor. One of their ears seems to be pointed differently than a fae normally has but it usually obfuscated by their hair.
Lucrais knows how to conduct themself around company. They navigate with their eye for the little things and an instinct for intent. So they are aware of how they should act. However this is undermined by the errant whim striking out. And usually with it bringing trouble. While they cannot quite get out of every situation (yet), Lucrais does well for themself to craft a solution.
Lucrais comes about in some paths where a 'partnership' (wink wonk) is brokered with Risteard and @arcxnumvitae's Daileas. They are technically a child that Daileas received as a part of a deal. However, both had been in their life since infancy and raised them. Most tend to point out Lucrais being more like Daileas, which can be seen as good if they are to take over the business one day. They sometimes get pouty about that though. While younger, they have spent a considerable amount of time with the generals, the king and the heirs to the Unseelie. Though Lucrais has some connections, namely Nathair and Baphomet, that they are sure their father rather they didn't.
Exact color for Lucrais' eyes is C21E56
Has a slight weakness to pretty faces
The misshaping on their ear comes from an attempt to renege the deal with Daileas
Risteard gave Lucrais their name
Lucrais mainly uses they/them but does also use he/him
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soraeia · 7 months
@arcxnumvitae replied to your post “@arcxnumvitae replied to your post “@fatestouch...”:
Daileas, sighing and sliding it back: That is your portion and yours by right. It isn't mine to accept. The preferable way to repay me will be to take care that you do not make the same mistake again. And that you stop calling me by that name.
Chaunciey: Oh, for certain! I'll do my best to keep from repeating my mistakes. I don't like it when you guys are unhappy with me... Chaunciey: *looks at the bag of gold*.... Chaunciey: Will you at least let me take you out for twisted biscuits, though? It doesn't feel good to me leaving this as is...
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my pb ocs
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Name: Madelyn, 
Personality:  Kind, shy (kinda), Clever (possibly), serious, intelligent (possibly), , friendly, irritable (Possibly), naive (possibly), anxious (possibly), air-headed (Kinda a little 
Occupation:  student, designer, animator, 
Status: Active
Age: 19
Gender:  female
Specie:  human
Birthdate: May/24
Height: 4’8” 
Hair color: deep brown, Eyes color: blue Skin color: lighter beige
Goal: Bring beauty blood /pretty blood fall down,
Relationship: rosia (Friend), delia (Friend), Enemies: her adopted sister, her stepuncle, rinny, fear/phobias:
abilities/powers: agility singing (Possibly), drawing, teleportation, telekinesis, flight, bluish turquiose, force field, double jump, rain manipulation,, 
Weapon: blade,
Alignment: Chaotic good, 
name: Dailea
personaltiy: shy (kinda)
personality: Cheerful (kinda)
Name: miara
Physical appearance: fuchsia pink, white, bow, hair clip,  white, fuchsia pink, dress, wrist band, pastel pink, cyan blue ,leg warmers,, shoes, 
Personality: happy-go lucky, cheerful (possibly), friendly, frivolous, anxious (kinda),
Occupation: student, singer,
Age: 14
Birthdate: april/29/
Gender:  female
Ethnicity: filipino, american, 
Specie: human,
Hobbies: watching shows (possibly)
Hair color: deep brown, fuchsia pink, Eyes color: brown, 
Skin color:
Likes: ice cream, cute things, Relationship:
Relatives: fear/phobias: Residency:
Birthplace: abilities/power: Weapon: toy staff
Aligment: choatic good
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arcxnumvitae · 5 months
Every time I make a post about my fae being dramatic or them being weird, please know that I’m doing so because I’m also in stupefied awe at it.
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arcxnumvitae · 8 months
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Name: Daileas Ròsach
Race: Unseelie fae
Contract holder. Money dealer. Overall fountain of charisma. A merchant with the gift of gab who prides himself on his ability to talk himself out of-- and into, any situation he wishes. Despite coming from a storied family, Daileas is technically not nobility-- a lack of titling that aided him in King Balmoral's purging of the noble class in Unseelie after his ascension to the throne.
Priding himself also on his ability to spot a good deal, Daileas saw the potential in a young upstart before he took the throne, and so decided to help finance the hopeful King Balmoral's campaign. He had hoped to hold the deal over Balmoral's head after he took the throne, but to his chagrin Balmoral immediately paid the debt.
Either way, Daileas has made himself into a rather difficult to remove thorn from the Beautiful Tyrant's side and is often the one offering his unsolicited advice when it might be the most annoying for the king. He knows King Balmoral would have had him dealt with long ago if he could. But it creates a rather difficult situation to remove the head of the very foundation of Unseelie's currency. That, and some other collateral Daileas has up his sleeve.
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arcxnumvitae · 12 days
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arcxnumvitae · 1 month
“To love someone is to turn around.”
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arcxnumvitae · 2 months
Young man Got to hand it to you Guess you don't scare easy, do ya? Are you brave or stupid, son? Doesn't matter which one 'Cause it seems your song made quite a strong impression on my wife But it takes more than singin' songs to keep a woman in your arms Take it from a man no longer young If you want to hold a woman, son Hang a chain around her throat Made of many carat gold Shackle her from wrist to wrist With sterling silver bracelets Fill her pockets full of stones Precious ones, diamonds Bind her with a golden band Take it from an old man
Young man, I was young once too Sang a song of love like you Son, I too, was left behind Turned on one too many times
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arcxnumvitae · 2 months
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A prideful man, but when he apologizes-- he apologizes.
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
I thought about ranking my fae from least to most extra, but how do I even do that. Look at them.
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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Continuing the fun "was/wasn't a sweet child" conversation from last night...
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
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Mhoirbheinn grinds Daileas’ gears a little bit. In all the usual Mhoirbheinn ways, of course, but primarily because of the man’s completely missing past. When Balmoral and his generals began to rise to power, Daileas began looking into each one. Not for any specific reason, but because it’s always better to know what you can about soon to be major players.
But for Mhoirbheinn, a man so close to the king and who would come to wield an enormous amount of power because of that connection if he so chose, making him essentially the second most powerful person in Unseelie, there was…nothing. Not a scrap of information prior to him joining the militia. It was as if the man simply materialized one day out of the ether and joined society. There is nary a hint nor clue or recounting by anyone that knows him. Which is odd considering Mhoirbheinn’s mannerisms, blatant rabid nature aside, and knowledge suggests he isn’t some street riff raff like the king was.
For a perfectionist who likes to know things, it drives Daileas bonkers.
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