#heads up 7 up
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oh-no-another-idea · 12 days ago
Heads up seven up
Thanks for this tag, @awritingcaitlin! Here's something I wrote last night in Bent Nails...just some shenanigans.
“Why’d you say that like a question, man?” Montgomery asked, and he was definitely hiding a smile. Michael felt a similar urge. “Yeah, why, Jacob?” “Cause you’re the boss,” Montgomery said. “If it’s your porch, it’s your call. Expand the porch in the back to fit both [a swing and a table].” Jacob rounded on Michael. “You hear this guy? I’m gonna expand the porch.” “Which means you’ll need more lumber,” Montgomery said wisely. “Ah, wait a minute,” Jacob declared, holding up a finger, “Now the truth comes out. You’re just trying to sell me more shit.”
Passing the tag on to anyone and everyone that sees this, and also @space-writes @sarandipitywrites @karkkidoeswriting @writingrosesonneptune and @eli-writes-sometimes <3
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 7 months ago
Heads Up Seven Up
tagged by: @winterandwords thanks!
tagging: @lynnedwardswrites | @mariahwritesstuff | @writing-is-a-martial-art | @surroundedbypearls |
@motswriting | @zmwrites
:))))) Raven and Sapphire Angst :))))) Mmmmm I love this shit :)))) The Witch Queen used the dark magic and Raven of course being Raven used himself as a shield for Sapphire :DDD
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There was another stab of the burning, writhing pain and he bit back a ragged scream of pain, clutching his side as tears burned in his eyes. It was so painful and overwhelming for a brief moment he was sure it would kill him.
The others managed to fight off the Witch Queen until she used her magic to retreat, and Trievya dropped next to them while the others scattered to grab supplies from the horses.
Triveya attempted to peel back Raven’s leather armor and linen shirt underneath to get a better look, but the lightest touch made the pain infinitely worse and he flinched away as a ragged cry tore out of his throat.
Triveya said firmly, “Raven, I need to look at it, I need to see what she hit you with.”
Raven tried to apologize or respond with something coherent, but he could only manage a couple words through gritted teeth. “It- it hurts-”
Sapphire cradled his head in her hands, brushing dark waves and loose curls out of his eyes. “I know, I know it hurts,” She breathed, tears glistening in her beautiful dark blue eyes, “Triveya needs to look at it- focus on me, alright? Focus on me.”
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FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art 
@mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang 
@surroundedbypearls @serenanymph (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport 
@outpost51 @dustylovelyrun @thelaughingstag @jacqueswriteblrlibrary (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
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the-inkwell-variable · 5 months ago
Heads Up, 7 Up!
Thank you, @sableglass, for the tag! I'm going to share a few lines from The Corpse and the Killer!
“Jim -” “I can tell you right now that not everyone is going to get on those buses.  The people that stay behind need someone to help them.  Someone to answer the phone when they call for help.  I’m not asking my people to stay behind, but you can’t stop me from doing it.” “If Gotham loses you -” “There’s Bullock.  Montoya.  Cash.  There are good people on the force.  I’m going to write my recommendations for the job before I leave.  Just in case, you understand.  I don’t intend on dying to a man crazy enough to dress up as a scarecrow.” “And a man crazy enough to dress up as a bat can’t convince you?” Jim chuckled under his breath as he ducked into the cruiser.  “When’s the last time you convinced me of anything, Batman?” But the shadow was already gone.  Of course he was.
TAGGING @wyked-ao3 - @space-writes - @leahpardo-pa-potato - open tag!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 1 year ago
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks @gracehosborn for the tag!
Rules: post the last seven lines you wrote! Then tag others!
From The Secret Portal Part Two:
Dr. Asghar sighed, looked at her watch. “It’s about time for everyone to get up. Go wait in the dining hall for Hye-Jin.” “Hye-Jin?” I repeated. “I never mentioned our plans to eat breakfast today.” “We’re a lot more alike than we initially thought,” Dr. Asghar mused. Confused, I slowly left the lab and headed down the hall to the elevator.
Hehehe this makes more sense in context but some may be able to figure it out
Tagging: @theelfauthor @queerfox-tales @annetilney @amnafarooqi @mr-writes @iswearitsforathingimwriting @isabellebissonrouthier @elizaellwrites @27fanficlilies @little-mouse-gardens
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aalinaaaaaa · 9 months ago
Heads Up, Seven Up
Thanks to @phoenixradiant for tagging me!
Long story short, I was sitting bored on a train this weekend and decided to write a continuation of this Flash Friday piece. Could it be a new WIP? Who knows 👀
"You'll get used to it." The lad beside her offered a bottle of dark liquid.
"Do I want to know whose blood this is?" She took the bottle by the neck and hovered it over her mouth. The drink left her tongue singing with an invitation of the inevitable.
"Wait, are you serious?" His face lit up in disbelief.
"No, this is clearly just cranberries mashed with a whole pile of crystal fruit and crushed grapes for good measure." She took another sip and replaced the cork. "You're adorable. This is Councillor Emar's specialty, wine embued with the blood from a source I have no knowledge of."
Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks @honeybewrites @livums @thatonedreamer @mk-writes-stuff @thepeculiarbird @space-writes @the-ellia-west and anyone else who'd like to share!
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tabswrites · 10 months ago
Heads Up Seven Up
Tagged by @chauceryfairytales here, @mister-writes here!
Tagging: @cssnder @bluberimufim @axl-ul @the-down-upside-finch @winterandwords and an open tag!
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Waiting for him outside of the southern gate was a garden of granite, an ever-growing field of graves with neat rows of square headstones. A high-pitched whine echoed from the forest behind him, but when he turned he saw only darkness. Sweet berries and an earthy, damp smell traveled through the night air to brush past his nostrils.
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TFE tag list: @cilly-the-writer @writernopal @writingrosesonneptune (please ask to be +/-)
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author-a-holmes · 11 months ago
Heads Up, Seven Up Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @coarsely <3
Rules: Share seven recent lines you've written. Tag up to seven people (Or more, or less, Whatever you're comfortable with ^_^)
Gonna share some from Darkling today, so I'll pop it under a cut so that people can avoid spoilers.
And if this doesn't FEEL that close to the end of the story, that's because it's not. I've been working on adding an extra chapter between the current chapters 12 and 13 ;-)
Tagging forward to; @authoralexharvey @sleepyowlwrites @amewinterswriting @talesofsorrowandofruin @isabellebissonrouthier @cwritesfiction @theunboundwriter
And anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag ^_^ <3
“Then you must learn to fight as a vampire would.” “I’m about as good at that as [Redacted] is!” Booker snapped, and Lizzy flinched, surprised at the bitterness to his voice and although Olwen didn’t recoil the way Lizzy had, she went very still. One eyebrow arched slowly, and Booker backed down almost immediately, running both hands through his messy hair. “You want to place a blade in my hand and teach me to kill,” Booker muttered, and Lizzy’s breath caught as the pieces began falling into place. “And I… I can’t even lie and say I want you to. I don’t.” “Booker?” Lizzy asked softly, waiting until he looked at her, before reaching out unsteadily to touch his mind.
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sarandipitywrites · 9 months ago
Heads up 7 up
thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea! go check out her snippet here
tag! @somethingclevermahogony, @adhdavinci, @imaginationxlost, @sentinels-and-spellcasters, @sageswriteblr, and an open tag
this bit's from the Cyberwitch WIP:
Where there’s a mic, someone’s listening. Vy breathes. Sterile air scalds their burning lungs. They hold it there. They fight off the grimace. They listen to Rune’s voice. Where there’s a camera, someone’s watching. Vy’s finger hovers over the camera icon. Sweat tickles at the small of their back. They chicken out. The folder icon unfolds into an array of files. They tap one. Smile for the camera, Vy. The front of Vy’s bar. Blood spattered ruby-bright on the pavement, across the facade. Another photo; the alleyway. Vy and Cloak, dark specks darting between buildings, across rooftops. Smile, but don’t show them your teeth.
Cyberwitch Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @leah-yasmin-writes, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @ceph-the-ghost-writer
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shadow-space-writes · 8 months ago
heads up seven up
tagged by @oh-no-another-idea, thank you! i’m very nearly done (!!) with The Perils of Wanting, so here are seven lines from that ft Ashenivir being Ashenivir and not understanding his own pining, as per usual
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
Up the hall, the red marker was still tied on his and Rizeth’s playroom. Moths in his chest again, agitated, a furious swarm, and that awful, hollow feeling that he was missing something important. I’m not missing anything, I have everything I want, it’s just comedown, I should go back to the room and wait for— “Ra’soltha?” His heart twisted. I want him. I’m already his, but I want him.
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[ID - a purple decorative divider]
no-pressure tagging @cherrybombfangirlwrites @loopyhoopywrites and @talesfromaurea
Obedience taglist: @foxboyclit @belovedviolence @thegreatobsesso (ask to be +/-)
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oh-no-another-idea · 1 month ago
Heads up 7 up
Old old old tag from @reneesbooks today! Featuring the last lines I wrote in Bent Nails a day or two ago:
On Saturday, Michael forgot for a moment about the Byfords, and went into the kitchen without a shirt and found Sutton sipping orange juice. Michael debated walking back out again. Then he squared his – bare – shoulders and marched forward. This was more his kitchen than hers, and technically neither of theirs, and they both had business to conduct so there was nothing for it.
OPEN tag and also gentle ones for @thewritingcoroner @thewriteflame @k--havok @livums and @akindofmagictoo <3
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cherrybombfangirlwrites · 7 months ago
Heads Up Seven Up
tagged by: @winterandwords thank you!
tagging: Open Tag and soft tagging @kapenkoiwrites | @aalinaaaaaa | @ladywithalamp | @blue-kyber |
Raven and Sapphire Angst YAY :D! He took a hit for her and dark magic is a painful thing to remove >:))))
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He painstakingly moved his hand from clutching his injured side, to instead tightly hold onto her hand caressing his face. As Triveya and one of the others peeled back his tunic and shirt, he had to force himself not to flinch or pull away, and keep his hand tightly holding Sapphire’s. His breath hitched and broken cries escaped as the writhing, burning pain got worse.
The sickening and horrified silence told him more than enough he needed to know. He ground out through gritted teeth, “It’s bad… isn’t it?”
Triveya said firmly, “It’s dark magic. A lot of it. And it’s going to corrupt you like it has The Witch Queen and her dark sorcerers if we don’t get it out. Fast.” One of the others rushed over with her saddlebag with magic supplies, and she started digging through it. She instructed the others, “We’re gonna have to hold him down. I’m sorry, Raven, this is really, really going to hurt.”
Sapphire asked anxiously, “W- can’t you- knock him out with magic or something?”
Triveya shook her head as she started pulling out magical medical supplies. “Absolutely not. If he’s unconscious the dark magic can work much faster to corrupt him and take him over completely. Sapphire, you need to keep him awake to buy me time to get it out.”
Sapphire held him a little tighter, looking down at Raven in worry. He forced out between labored breaths, “It’s alright, Sapph’- I’ll- I’ll be fine, Love.”
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FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art 
@mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang 
@surroundedbypearls @serenanymph (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @thatprolificauthor @wip-nook @writeblrsupport 
@outpost51 @dustylovelyrun @thelaughingstag @jacqueswriteblrlibrary (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist <3)
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duckingwriting · 3 months ago
Heads up 7 up - or similar
I was tagged by @mrbexwrites here, @willtheweaver tagged here, and @winterandwords tagged here.
From my WIP for my Sparrington fic thats a WIP on AO3...I swear I am working on it!
His father always told him it was better to have none. That James should be glad he had never found his. James had always hated admitting the man was right about anything.
"Norrington!" Gibbs called walking over to James to give him his task. James threw himself into the menial tasks to give his hands something to do. Focusing his whole attention on forgetting about the previous night. Forgetting about his soulmate's rejection. All James needed to worry about was sewing the ripped sail without stabbing himself.
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authorlaurawinter · 11 months ago
Heads up, 7 up
thank you @acertainmoshke for the tag!
open tag, because it's been ages since i've done one of these games and i want to hear everyone's writing and catch up again!
the very first look at The Crown of Fractured Darkness
“First off,” Brela said, holding up a finger. “We are in the presence of my father—” The man sighed. “Thank y—” “—so get your facts right. Nakedness has nothing to do with Cason’s ability to make me orgasm. Give the man’s skill some respect, lest my father think my lovers are incompetent.”
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Last Line Tag XLVIII / Heads Up 7 Up XXVII / Six Sentence Sunday Tag!
i am. so far behind on tags. these came from @dragon-swords-prophecies, @mk-writes-stuff, @indecentpause, @oh-no-another-idea, @writingrosesonneptune, and @blind-the-winds!! often multiple times, which i appreciate!!! <3<3<3
Here's the last handful of lines I've written for Goddess-Touched! We're in Isa's POV, reuniting with Lakia after The Everything at the start of the book, and this deserves some content warnings: medical discussion of injury, and kinda-sorta-cannibalism? not really but it's borderline
The moment I realize it’s [Lakia], though, I return [the hug] with just as much vigor. It’s a long breath of just holding each other, her fingers digging into my shoulder blades almost as sharply as her swords, and mine brushing at her braid, half-searching for a bloody omen, half just seeking the comfort of motion. And then she pushes away, and I grab her forearms, not needing to say anything for her to understand the worry shaking through me. My palm catches skin, and as I sign, “What happened? Are you okay? Where’s dad?”, my sense of the Flesh delves into her for a quick assessment. Missing two molars. Hairline fractures in fourth and fifth ribs on her right side; bone bruising on the third and sixth rib, right ulna. Deep bruising on right side of body. Rope burn and welts running perpendicular to her forearms and shins. Something clotting in lungs like dust or smoke, but-- Cremated remains. There are cremated remains in her lungs.
“Shit’s fucked,” she grunts, shrugging away from my touch. “But I’m alright. Dad’s...” She sighs. My heart skips a beat. “Alive?” I sign. “Yeah.” She grits her teeth, chews her words. “Not sure he wants to be.”
I'm throwing this tag right back at everyone who tagged me!! And also @vacantgodling because it's been forever since I sent you an excerpt game and I'm kinda feeling tennis if you're up for it today!!
This also doubles as an open tag if anyone wants to play! And as always, absolutely 0 pressure if I tagged you <3
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greattideflow · 7 days ago
would any of you play a video game based on Heads up 7 up? I'm working on a little project about that child's game, but making it a horror game.
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thewriteflame · 13 days ago
Heads Up Seven Up
Thank you @megarywrites and @oh-no-another-idea for tagging me ages ago!
Open tag as well as no pressure tagging: @romances-not-tragedies @violets-in-her-arms-writes @starbuds-and-rosedust @foyle-writes-things
Adding a few extra lines but here's where I ended my writing session for The Revenged yesterday:
Saavin’s eyes narrowed as he thought. “Right,” He stepped into the room and Ka’il pulled Ze to the wall, away from Shuntala and Saavin’s path. Saavin stopped. Turned to Ze. “You, unlock her.” He held a key out to him. Ze took the key like he was being handed a death sentence. Glanced at Ka’il who shrugged awkwardly. “It’s alright, Ze, I only bite pirate captains,” Shuntala said pointedly, her glare not leaving Saavin’s face. “Watch it, love,” Saavin warned, humor flavoring his voice as he spoke. “Words like that are as tantalizing as a slow kiss to me.” Shuntala looked from him in disgust and caught Ze’s silent gag as he reached for the cuff.
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