#they're madly in love your honor
scarletgray · 12 days
Chuuya: what the fuck are you looking at?
Dazai, on the inside: You’re so beautiful and I'm so in love with every part of you. The curve of your mouth when you laugh while you're having a good fight. How you stand leaning on your side with your hands in your pocket. The way your hair shines like the sun and how you always blush when I get too close. I’m so lucky to have you. You are the greatest person I’ve ever met and I will never regret meeting you. I would find you and love you in every lifetime.
Dazai, out loud: You got shorter.
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mackerel22 · 7 days
Dazai: Babe!
Chuuya: Don’t call me that!
Dazai: Chibi, honey, dear, love, sunshine, slug-
Chuuya: Dazai-
Dazai: Darling, hat rack, sweetheart, my God of fire-
Chuuya: Dazai no-
Dazai: Mi amore, the light of my life, my chihuahua, my doggie, my baby, angel, baby boy, baby girl-
Dazai: My petit mafia, shortie, sweetie-
Chuuya: Are you done?
Dazai: My beloved, the best executive, the anchor of my universe, the loml, my other half, my soulmate..
Dazai: Ok, now I’m done.
Chuuya: Ok what did you want?
Dazai: Oh I forgot.
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Award-winning Palestinian children's illustrator Baraa Al-Najjar writes from the Gaza Strip, the area devastated by the recent war, What is the point of being a children's book illustrator in a world that condemns the children of your country to death, to death, to annihilation, to extermination? We appeal to sympathetic individuals and institutions around the world to extend a helping hand with your contribution and assis tance, any assistance provided will contribute to rebuilding my life and the life of my family. Please consider supporting me through your contribution and participation in helping to rebuild our home and work studio, which will allow me as a talented artist to continue my drawings and stories, please enter and share on my page 🌹😭 😭😭🙏🫶🇵🇸 https://gofund.me/0342709c https://gofund.me/013cfc7f
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ar1h1 · 3 months
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Last night i had quite the rough night thanks to mental stuff and nightmares. At 2am, i decided to draw a hug, using no references or anything. Just going with the flow. Finishing at 5am, i was happy. Once i woke up from the second sleep of the night, i decided to create those two lovebirds into actual ocs.
So, meet the lovely tall lady, Dawenia Murick. She's a 13ft tall ancient witch that ADORES her human husband lots. Him dying of old age made her revive him and now they live happily ever after as two immortal creatures, madly in love for one another.
Osmond, the human hasn't been fully designed yet, but hopefully i will be able to do that tomorrow, just so they both are ready for art to come.
If you want more info on Dawenia, you can visit THIS link :) (its a ToyHouse link of her profile!)
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 months
Mistake for Unohana or Bound for Zaraki?
(M for Mature under the cut)
"...Do you ever regret taking a name?" Unohana asks out of the blue one night.
Zaraki cracks open his eye from where he'd nearly been asleep beside her. She was flat on her back beside him, still naked save for the hip harness from their earlier activities, staring up at the ceiling. Pondering.
" 'S been a pain in the ass more'n a few times but no. No, I'd do it again." He shrugged, rolling onto his side with a bit of a wince and propping himself up on his elbow, looking down at her. "...Why?"
Unohana noted the faint wince. "I told you to tell me if it was too much." She grumbled, prodding at his hip with her knee and refusing to make eye contact.
"It wasn't, I'm just sore from a good workout." he grinned, rolling over her and kissing along her collarbone. "Why d'ya ask though?" He hummed into her neck.
She sighed, slow and melancholy, before reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. It wasn't the first time she'd done this- vulnerability never came easy to those who lived and died by the blade -but sometimes, after she'd taken her pleasure and was still a little drunk with the rush of euphoria, and reassured by his own pleasure from submitting to her, there was a brief window where she could have her heart out to breathe.
"You talked about Kiko'o once. How taking a name was the thing that bound him to the execution grounds. I just wonder if you ever miss... not being human, I guess?" She mumbled, carding her fingers through his hair, letting him settle over her, faces hidden in each other's shoulders.
"There were a coupl'a steps between him taking the name and being trapped on that hill." Zaraki pointed out, eyes closed, ear to her pulse. " 's far as 'not being human'- I'm not entirely sure I am one."
"Oh right- raised by The Eagles." she nodded.
"No, not that- Like uncle Kiko'o, takin' a name didn't make me Not An Eagle- and we were both people before we had names. Not humans, but human ain't the end of people." He murmured, breathing her in. Salty and a little bitter, like every human, but a rich, meaty undertone- Iron, from blood and bone. Whether it was blood from the bodies in the hospital or the bone meal from the garden, he wasn't sure, and there was no real difference between the two. "...But there was a time when I wasn't a person. Something else. Simpler. Clearer."
"Yeah?" She asked, turning her face towards him a fraction of an inch.
Zaraki was quiet for a while.
"...I don't remember." He admitted. "It was... It was before I died- in the living world. I was something else. Not a person. Not an animal neither. Can't remember what though."
"...Do you miss it?" She asked, palms on his shoulders now.
"Hard to miss what I can't remember." he shrugged, kissing her collarbone. "Does bug me sometimes. Not knowin'."
"Hm." She nodded.
A few moments of silence, her fingertips tracing shapes across his shoulders.
"...You?" he finally ventured. "Which name do you regret?"
She huffed, an unvocalized laugh. "Neither, not exactly."
"No, that's not right." she decided a minute later. "If there's a name I regret it isn't Yachiru or Retsu. It's Unohana." She said, something of a smile in her voice, pleased to have realized this.
"Hm?" He asked, not moving from his position, not when he could feel all of her along his body, cool and slack, like water.
"There was a period where- I don't remember my time in the Living World either, just that I died badly. When I reincarnated, out in south 80? I didn't... I didn't become a person again. Not right away." She explained, stumbling a bit. Not quite nervous, but not coming easily either. "There was a while where I was just. Wandering around. Naked. Woke up when I was rested and went to sleep when I was tired. Ate when I was hungry, and wandered as I pleased. No thoughts, only the impulsive pursuit of happiness. I wasn't even an animal, more like- part of the landscape?"
"Did you catch it?" Zaraki asked, listening to her words with one ear and her pulse with the other. "The happiness you were chasing?"
"...I did. Many times." She smiled. "I can't call it Idyllic, I was half-starved most of the time and full of parasites. But there were so many moments of genuine, uncomplicated pleasure. I miss them."
"So why'd you take the name Unohana?" he asked, hand drifting down her side to the curve of her hip.
"I don't know that I took it, not the way you took Kenpachi." She hummed, folding her leg in response to his touch, encouraging him. "I think it was given to me, when I was alive. But I started using it again when I started hanging around with people again, especially The Old Man."
"Hm." Zaraki nodded, hand sliding over the curve of her ass, thumb under the hip harness. "You regret it?"
"Sometimes." She hummed, arching her back and dragging her toes up the back of his thigh. "...But lately, not so much."
"No?" he grinned, squeezing her a bit and kissing up under her ear.
"I like my name a lot better the way you say it." She purred, digging her fingers into his shoulders and making him growl with pleasure.
"Rrrrretsu..." He purred. "-Really glad you like that name. Be real weird for me to moan the other one." he laughed, rolling onto his back, pulling her up onto his chest with him.
"Hah!" She barked, sitting up and straddling his abdomen, gazing down at him with the omniscient benevolence of a God. "Not to make light of your own contribution to the event, but I do think I would have become Retsu eventually."
"I wondered." he hummed, hands on her hips. "Yer too smart for yer own good, you'd get bored bein' Kenpachi after a while."
"That's how we met." She smiled, hands on his chest. "I was only out routing bandits in North 80 because I was bored and out of satisfactory opponents here."
It was his turn to laugh, far too loud, but genuinely pleased. "And did you find it? Satisfaction?" He teased.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were fishing for compliments." She mock-scolded him.
"Look, if you can like how your name sounds in my voice, I can like how 'Good Boy' sounds in yours." he grinned, pushing himself up on his elbows to kiss her.
"Hm." She smiled, returning the kiss then pulling back to study his face, hands on his jaw to hold him in place. "I suppose it's the social bondage of having a name that annoys me. Having to bite my tongue to keep the peace begins to feel like a ball gag after a while."
"See if I didn't know better, I'd think you were pokin' me to wax poetic about how much I like bein' tied up." Kenpachi grinned.
"...Maybe I am." Restu smirked, letting go if his jaw and pushing him back down. "Maybe it'll make me feel better about having a name if you tell me how you get off on it?"
"MMMmmmm, you know I can't refuse that." he purred, allowing her to manhandle him- obediently folding his arms up behind his head as she stretched forward, fingers digging into the sides of his ribcage. "Love the way it commands me, Y'know? I got a name, so you've got the power to make me come whenever you call."
"Tstch!" She laughed, slapping his chest, which only made him purr and writhe under her. "Be serious."
"I am!" he protested. "I'm not kiddin' that it feels just as good to feel you in my brain as it does to feel you inside my body." He smirked, flexing his hip so the harness on her hips jingled.
"More'n that- Fuck, I hate having to bite my tongue at meetings too, and it does feel like somethin' in my mouth- but you know damn well I wont do that for anyone else. You've heard me mouth off at Ginrei or the old man, and if Shunsui wants me to keep a civil tongue around his mother-in-law he can keep that ugly bitch on a leash."
Retsu giggled, lying down on his chest. "So you feel it too- the heavyness of taboo on your tongue, the way conventions and manners pull on your body? Doesn't it choke?" She asked, hand sliding up his chest, over his collarbone and under the tight choker of his Eyepatch.
"Feel it all over an' 'specially around my throat, Love." He murmured, rolling his head back and sighing happily. "Annoying as hell, unless it's for your sake. From you, I'd like it tighter. For you, I'll stay bound up however you want for as long as you like."
"...You really know how to charm a girl, don't you?" Retsu sighed fondly, squeezing his throat under the choker and feeling him shiver with pleasure beneath her.
"Didn't spend two and a half decades as the most expensive whore in the afterlife's best brothel for nothin'." Kenpachi grinned. "But it's all yours, Love. However you'd like me."
"However I'd like you, hm?" Retsu grinned, canines appearing along with carnal desires. She pulled herself up a bit, kissing up his throat and nipping at his ear. "I think I'd like you just how you are, actually." "Bakudo 99: Kin." She whispered, and Kenpachi shuddered as her Reiatsu engulfed him, manifesting as bands of spiritual fabric, wrapping around him, binding him in place- Flat on his back, torso exposed, legs folded and spread, and arms bound behind his head.
"Yes. I want you just as you are-" She purred as the final binds wrapped around his head, blindfolding him. "-for as long as it takes for me to find satisfaction again."
"Yes, My Lady." Kenpachi grinned, ecstatic.
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beatleswings · 7 months
I don't know what's worse, people who still push the theory that Carmen dumped Don for losing or suddenly being reminded of that headcanon someone had that was "Don dumped Carmen"? Why would he even do that? 😭
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banannabethchase · 2 months
"Do you think it counts as hatefucking if it's a professional conflict?" MoxSeth
Hate Fuck?
“If they catch us, we can say it’s hate fucking,” Seth says, like it’s a normal way to communicate.
“Do you think it counts as hatefucking if it’s a professional conflict?” Mox asks. He pulls his belt out and drops it. “At this point, I doubt anybody believes we actually have beef now that we’re in different companies, you know? They wouldn’t think we actually hate each other. Just maybe being uncomfortable around each other.”
Seth shrugs and turns around, his ass poking out of his shorts. “Tomato, tomahto. We can pretend.”
“Pretend we hate each other?” Mox asks, slicking up his dick.
Seth shrugs and glances over his shoulder. “Sometimes it’s more fun to pretend you hate me again.”
Mox rolls his eyes. “Man, you never change,” he says.
Seth giggles as Mox kicks his legs apart. “Nope,” he says. “And you love it.”
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sabrondabrainrot · 6 months
In honor of Easter I would like to remind everyone the 1987 turtles not only know one but TWO anthropomorphic bunnies and yes they're ALL in love and dating. Sorry I don't make the rules.
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They're MADLY in love. Don't believe me? Go watch the eps I promise they're so in love it makes them look stupid.
By the way they literally both start as enemies to rivals to friends to enemies to lovers again. Go watch it, I can't even make this up.
Happy belated Easter!
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Bro Is It Gay to Dock?
In honor of the new "Our Flag Means Death" season, I wanna shout out a rules-light tabletop game that you OFMD kids should absolutely check out:
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"Bro Is It Gay to Dock" by Kevin Nguyen puts players in the position of a pirates who encounter The Legend, a hot, terrifying storm of a person, and fall madly in love with them.
The base mechanic is simple, a 2d6 roll, with an 8+ as a success, adding and subtracting points based on boons you have that would be advantageous to your roll, or aspects of the Legend's mythos that would put you at odds.
"You may choose to fail any roll in exchange for an intimate moment with The Legend directly relating to or as a result of it later... like the pottery scene in Ghost but for manning the wheel."
I know Tumblr tabletop folks would be all over this game, please give it a read!! There's still some community copies available, I highly recommend you check it out before they're gone!
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dotster001 · 4 months
Adding on to the dilf Leech brothers concept, what if reader had their own kid? (Biological or not)The kid loveeesss their parent and is basically living proof that reader is a good parental figure,,
(also hi this is my first time sending an ask to you, I love your twisted earth series! I hope I'm not bothering you?)
Ooooooh gonna answer this for each brother separately because they each have their own universes. (Also, omg hi! I've seen your name a couple of times, honored to receive an ask!)
For Jade, this just confirms what he already knew. You'd be the perfect parent for his perfect twins. Plus, the twins could use a sibling to help them become more...um... socialized. He and Floyd had Azul, so he knows his twins would benefit from a friend/new sibling. He can proceed with wooing you guilt free, now that he knows you will be better than their mother. Their mother has been gone for a long time, it's time for them to have a second parental figure. You'll be the step parent who steps up, right? 😊
For Floyd, you having a child, a child who you love and cherish, is a symbol of hope. Whether you can birth kids or not, he wants to discuss expanding his family further, especially when he knows that you will actually care for that child as a person. He wants a normal family so baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. He can practically taste his dreams, they're so close! First, your kid will meet his kids, then they'll become best friends, then they'll begin to act like blood siblings, then you'll birth/adopt another kid- he's so excited! And you'll be madly in love with him (if he doesn't get impatient and just kidnap you) and you'll want to be his Shrimpy forever, and then he'll get his happy ending- ah! Now to just get rid of that pesky wife....
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heavenlyhischier · 1 year
idiots in love - dick grayson
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summary: two people who are madly in love with each other but they're both idiots.
word count: 5.8k (lmao sorry)
warnings: lil angsty, cursing, steamy lil makeout sesh, unedited, cursing??
notes: hi hello hi! here is something that has been sitting, more like marinating, in the drafts for a hot minute. btw its not explicitly titans!verse dick, but he's hot so sue me
Saying that befriending Jason Todd changed your life would be a complete understatement. You had gone from being invisible and living under the radar in Gotham to earning an unwanted spotlight from being seen alongside Bruce Wayne’s son nearly every day. To make that matter worse, Jason had once conned you into attending a gala that Bruce was holding because “it is the only way he could manage to survive another one of these things”. That drew a lot of rumors and suspicions from the media in Gotham as they speculated the true nature of your relationship with Jason. That was also the start of a complex and hidden relationship with his older brother.
Dick Grayson remembered the first time that he saw you like it was happening right in front of him all over again. You were standing next to Jason in a floor length black dress that shimmered blue when the light hit it just the right way. You were, albeit unknowingly, wearing his colors next to his brother and it instantly attracted him to you. He could tell you felt out of place by the way your body was turned towards Jason and your eyes kept darting around you. Trying to get you away from Jason was a much harder task than he had anticipated, but what ensued once he had made it all worth it.
Meeting Dick was something Jason had tried to keep you from for as long as he could. He knew that Dick had a less than honorable reputation when it came to women, and you getting tangled in that web was the last thing he wanted for you. Despite his efforts, your attraction to the detective was stronger than he would have guessed and you managed to fall into the hole anyway. Jason, the ever so protective friend he was, tried to keep out of it, but his brother made that increasingly harder the more often you showed up at his apartment defeated and confused.
You had initially tried to keep your relationship with Dick a secret. You really did. But being friends with someone like Jason made that impossible. He was able to find out anything and everything he wanted. When he tried, and miserably failed, to subtly ask you if you were seeing someone he knew, you came clean about everything. You told him about how the night you met Dick, he had taken you back to his apartment and you two talked for hours and hours. Jason had been slightly thrown off that he didn’t try to sleep with you, but you assured him that that didn’t happen until nearly two weeks after you had met.
You also divulged the true nature of your feelings for Dick that night, and Jason had suggested that you tell him or it was going to ultimately cause you pain and heartache. “I tried to bring it up once,” You had said, “But he kind of shut it down pretty quick. Said that we’re just friends who hook up sometimes. He just- he acts like it’s more than that when we’re in bed and it’s so confusing, but I don't want to give it up. If that’s all I can have of him, I’ll deal.”
That was nearly four months ago, and nothing had changed. Dick would call you at random times day or night and you would go running every single time. It was pathetic how desperate you were to have a piece of him, but you were too scared to ask for more. He was too closed off with his feelings to ever let you get even an inkling of how he felt about you outside of physical attraction. Jason had been right about this bringing you nothing but despair. Nonetheless, you stayed at his mercy.
Your body was hot and sticky with sweat as you lay on Dick’s chest, fingers tracing along the scars that littered his skin. You often asked how he managed to obtain so many, but he, much like Jason, said the same thing every time. “Job’s just dangerous”. You’re not quite sure how being a detective and security guard would get one in situations to earn such wounds, though you never pressed too hard. His arm was tight around you, making sure that you stayed tucked into his side as his fingers delicately grazed your waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind in their wake. Moments like these you both despised and cherished. They made your heart swell with hope and want, but they also made your stomach turn with uncertainty.
“You going to the gala tomorrow,” Dick’s asked, his grip slightly tightening.
You peered up at him through your eyelashes, “Yeah. Jay always makes me go with him since he ‘can’t handle it alone’. Are you, or do you have to work?”
Dick’s not sure why hearing that you would be attending the event with his brother hit him the way it did. It made his throat close up and his chest burn with jealousy. You had always attended Bruce’s events with Jason, and he knew that. He knows that it was purely platonic, but a part of himself couldn’t help but think there was something else there. He knows his brother is an attractive guy, and God you are the most beautiful woman to walk the earth. It only made sense for you two to be attracted to each other, and that’s what he has been running with.
“Yeah, I’m bringing a girl from work actually,” His voice was flat as he loosened his grip on you so that he was barely touching you now. It was a total lie, but he couldn’t stop himself from saying it. 
It was as if Dick punched a hole into your chest and ripped your heart out with his own two hands. Your movements froze as you blinked back the tears that instantly pricked your eyes, not wanting to give away the effect his words had on you. He was always good at reminding you that you were a disposable secret to him, but it hurt all the same every time.
Composing yourself, you flattened your hand on his chest and used it to push yourself up into a sitting position. You avoided looking at Dick as you slipped out of his bed and began putting your clothes back on. He watched you, trying to piece together what was going through your brain. He shamelessly wanted to believe it to be jealousy; that you detested the idea of another woman on Dick’s arm, but he knew better than that. He assumed you were in a hurry to get to Jason’s apartment, which is where he knew you went every time after you left his place. He had followed you one night to make sure you stayed safe, but he wasn’t prepared for his own heart to be put into danger.
That was the night he realized just how deep his feelings for you were, and it scared him to no end. He thought he was doing good at guarding his heart, but then he met you. You had effortlessly and entirely captured him. Dick craved everything about you. He craved your touch. Your smile. Your laughter. You. He would do whatever it took to have a part of you no matter how much it hurt him to know your heart would never belong to him. 
“I can’t wait to meet her,” You spoke through the awkward tension in the air, “I should probably go home to sleep before tomorrow. Don’t want to look like a walking zombie, you know.”
Your idiotic attempt at a joke hung in the air as you slipped your socks on, and you mentally slapped yourself for saying that. Wanting to get away from the now uncomfortable situation, you rushed out of his apartment without another word to the man who held your heart in his hands. Typically, you would walk to Jason’s and mope about your unfortunate situation, but you opted to go to your own apartment instead. You made sure to let Jason know of your plans so that he didn’t quite literally break into your house to make sure that you were alive. His “u ok?” text went ignored as you fell into your bed and begged your thoughts to quiet themselves so you could sleep in peace.
You woke the next morning with a new sense of determination, and a little bit of retaliation on your mind. You quickly sent Cass and Steph a text asking them to come do some last minute shopping with you, which they were more than happy to agree to. They both met you outside of your apartment an hour later, questions tumbling out of their mouth as soon as they saw you. You brushed off their interrogations with a laugh and started towards the nicer part of Gotham.
“I thought you already had a dress,” Cass pointed as you walked into one of your favorite dress shops in the fashion district.
“I do, but I always wear some variation of black and blue and I wanted to switch it up,” You shrugged as you filtered through some of the dresses on the rack.
Truthfully, you knew that the colors you always wore matched the colors that Dick wore as well. It was something that he mentioned drove him crazy whenever he managed to pull you away to have his way with you. You started wearing those colors for him specifically, but something inside you switched this morning. Today, you were going to wear something else and prayed to anyone that would listen that it would get underneath his skin. You knew it was childish, but if he was going to bring someone else, you didn’t care.
The two of them shared a knowing look with each other before diving in to help you search. They were aware of your situation with Dick and how you felt about him, but unlike you, they could see the way he felt about you. They knew that if you showed up wearing something other than the colors he wore to protect the city, he was going to be absolutely furious. However, they secretly hoped it got under his skin enough to ignite the fire he needed to tell you how he truly felt.
You had gathered a decent amount of options, so you decided to move over to the dressing room area and try what you had on. You had tried on a variation of styles and colors; none of which you liked. The girls of course gave their honest opinions, and you got rid of the ones they made faces at almost immediately. Your last pick was a long-sleeved red dress with a slit on the right side and a plunged neckline. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but notice the way the color looked slightly off, but it still made you look damn hot.
You opened the curtain and slowly stepped out, catching the girl's attention. “Now that’s sure going to piss Dick off,” Cass laughed, and you couldn’t help but feel like you were missing something.
“You look absolutely breathtaking, but she’s right. If your goal is to make him mad, that dress will sure make that happen,” Steph agreed as she nudged Cass to calm down, “Is that what you want?”
“Honestly, I don’t really know. At first, yes, but now I just- I’m not sure. I don’t think he’ll even notice,” You sighed, casting your eyes to the ground as you lightly pinched at the satin.
“Oh he’ll notice alright. He might beat the shit out of Jay, too.”
Your eyes darted back towards them, wide and alert. The last thing you wanted to cause any sort of fight between your best friend and man you were in love with. “Why would he do that over a dress,” You rushed out, hands nervously gripping the fabric.
“It’s not the dr- He won’t, hon. It was just a joke,” Cass recovered as she glared at Steph, “I’m sure he won’t do that. You’re just going to look really good and he’ll probably be a little jealous is all.”
You ignored Steph’s quiet snort and went back to change, making the decision to go ahead and get the dress. It was as if it was tailored specifically for your body, and not getting it would almost be criminal. You knew you were going to have to dip into your savings a little to afford the dress, but the way it looked on you was worth it. Once you had changed and went to go pay, but there was a woman standing outside the dressing room with a dress bag.
“We paid for it,” Steph peeked her head around the woman, a smile beaming on her face, “And no you can not pay us back!”
After a failed attempt at trying to get the girls to at least take some of your money, they took you back to the manor to get ready with them. Cassandra called Bruce who had Alfred ready one of the larger rooms for the three of you to get ready in. Steph put on some music as you took turns showering in the biggest shower you had seen in your entire life. You had stayed in there a little longer than you intended, getting lost in your thoughts about Dick Grayson.
You could tell that the girls were itching to ask you about why your sudden change in outfit happened, but were keeping quiet in case it was too sensitive of a topic. It was clear to them that you were trying to get back at Dick, but they couldn’t figure out why. They were both capable of asking the right questions in order to gain the information they wanted; it was a practice they put into use nearly every day. However, they felt guilty using that skill on you.
The closer the time for the event to start came, the harder it became to breathe. Knowing that Dick was bringing someone else made your entire body ache as you wondered why you weren’t good enough. He had told you before that he never liked to bring dates because people would speculate, and he only wanted them to speculate if it were true. Now, he would mingle and flirt all he wanted, but he had never kept it to one person the entire night. This girl had to be someone special if he was okay with rumors flying around.
Nearly an hour later, the sound of someone knocking broke through the intense concentration you had from doing your makeup. Steph, who was already done getting ready, pulled the door open and Jason came barreling in. He was dressed in an all black suit, but the tie he was sporting was the same color as the dress you had bought today. You internally smacked yourself for not remembering that red was Jason’s color, and that’s why the girls said what they did about Dick.
“What do you want,” Steph huffed, quickly closing the door in case anyone passed by.
“I’m bored,” Jason groaned as he fell backwards onto the untouched bed.
“So go bother someone else,” Cass spoke over her shoulder, giving Jason an annoyed glare. If you hadn’t known anny better, you would have thought she was being serious.
“Y/N’s in here and she’s my friend so why don't you go bother someone else. Anyways, we need to be down there in like twenty minutes so you two better hurry.”
“I just need to get my dress on and I’m done,” You called out as you let the setting spray settle on your face.
You heard Steph whisper something to Jason, but you were too far away for it to be understood. You went back into the bathroom where your dress was hanging on the back of the door, leaving their whispers behind.  Nerves spread through every inch of your body as you slipped the dress on,  the urge to throw up growing with each second. A large part of you wanted to back out and just not go, but you knew that Jason would physically drag you if he had to.
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you pulled the bathroom door open and walked back out into the room. Initially, Jason cast you a passing glance, but he nearly broke his neck swiveling back to you, sitting up so quickly the momentum almost threw him off the bed. The girls had the biggest smiles on their faces and you couldn’t help but blush at the attention.
“You’re right. He might kill me,” Jason laughed as he stood and strided over to you, “You look beautiful, but if you’re trying to get under Dick’s skin. I think you’re going to accomplish that.”
“Yeah, I didn’t realize we’d be matching. I wanted to make him mad, but I don’t want to make him think this is happening,” You gestured between you and Jason as you grimaced. The thought of ever being involved with Jason like that made you uncomfortable.
“You wish it was, sweetheart,” Jason rolled his eyes, “Why do you wanna make him mad anyways?”
“Uh, he uh- Fuck,” You groaned, throwing your head back in frustration as you let the truth out, “He told me he was bringing someone else and I know it shouldn’t be a big deal but it’s just- you know why it bothers me..”
The girls looked both confused and shocked, but Jason. Jason was absolutely fuming. He already hated the way his brother treated you, but knowing that he would do something that childish made his blood boil. He knew that Dick never brought a woman to any events because he hated the rumors that accompanied that, and if Dick was willing to put up with that just to spite you? That was enough to make him see red.
“Jason,” Steph tried, sensing that he was about to boil over.
You watched as the two girls shared a look with each other as Jason tightly clenched his fists. You felt guilty for making Jason so angry, but you knew it wasn’t you that made him mad. It was his brother and his idiotic behavior, but a part of you wished that you had just kept that to yourself. You knew that he hated the way Dick was treating you and this only added fuel to that already blazing fire.
“I’m fine,” He let out through strangled breaths, “I’m good. Let’s just go downstairs.”
Dick had been downstairs for the last thirty minutes, his heart beating harder and faster the longer he waited for your arrival. Bruce could tell that he wasn’t all the way there, but chose to not ask his son what was on his mind. In fact, he already knew the answer to his own question. Dick paced the floor, eyes glancing to the door every few seconds in case you chose to make your entrance then.
He was nervous to see you after what he had said to you last night. He had no intentions of making that lie a truth, but he still felt the guilt eating away at him ever since you had left. You hadn’t texted him when you got home, and you also hadn’t texted him all day. That was how he knew that he had struck a nerve, but he was still naive as to why. He had convinced himself that there was no way you felt the same way, so why were you suddenly so distant?
You had attempted to soothe Jason’s anger by telling him it wasn’t a big deal and that you didn’t care if Dick brought someone else, but he saw right through your lies. He curtly brushed your comments off as his eyes stayed set on the path in front of him; one thing staying at the forefront of his mind.
Your heart was bound to beat out of your chest the closer you got to the party, you’re sure of that. The combination of having to see Dick and Jason’s anger towards him was not helping ease any of your already bubbling anxiety. You wrung your fingers together as you tried to calm yourself down, but it wasn’t doing much. You wanted nothing more than to turn around and leave and pretend like nothing ever happened.
Steph and Cass kept glancing at you, passing you sympathetic gazes as they walked ahead. They could practically feel the nerves radiating off of you mixed with the pure rage off of Jason. It put them on high alert, and they knew they were going to have to keep a close eye on their brothers in order to maintain some sort of peace. A silent agreement was made to keep the two of them apart until Jason got his emotions in check.
“Jason,” You tried again as you entered the party, hand instinctively gripping Jason’s bicep “Please don’t do anything stupid. It’s fine.”
Several eyes watched as you descended the stairs on Jason’s arm and you knew whispers were being thrown around thanks to the accidental matching outfits. You had, of course, been seen with Jason countless times before, but now the public had all the proof that they needed to confirm the relationship they had created in their heads.
“I never do anything stupid, sweetheart. Everything I do is calculated and on purpose,” He teased, his anger fading for a fleeting moment.
Dick found you as soon as you stepped foot into the room, but he immediately wished that he hadn’t. Your dress was a deep red color that not only matched Jason’s tie, but the helmet that adorned his head as he prowled the streets of Gotham. Dick could feel any hope that he had shatter with each step that you took, and he hated himself for it. It was his own fault.
“Dick,” Bruce’s gruff voice pulled his gaze away from you, “If there’s going to be a problem-”
“There won’t be,” He interrupted before turning on his heels and heading straight for the bar.
Cass made a beeline straight for Dick while Steph stayed relatively close to the two of you. Jason had taken a glass of champagne from the first waitress that passed by, not even letting the poor woman get four steps away before he needed another one. Your hand stayed glued to his bicep as an attempt for comfort while also keeping him near you. Just when you thought you had grown accustomed to the scrutinizing stares of Gotham’s most elite, it was ten times worse now.
“Good evening Mister Todd,” A man you recognized from The Gotham Globe approached, his annoyingly bright smile plastered on, “I see we have made the relationship official?”
“Piss off,” Jason grumbled, dragging you away from the obnoxious reporter.
Stares lingered longer than usual and whispers were present anywhere the two of you went. You tried to tune everything out, but the ache in your heart remained. You had only seen the back of Dick as he spoke with a woman; you assumed she was his date. You barely managed to fight back tears, but the thought of Jason seeing them made it a little easier to control. Despite your current suffering, you didn’t wish him any harm.
Dick didn’t mean to find you every chance that he could. He really didn’t, but it was like his own subconscious was trying to torment him. Forcing him to watch you throw your head back with laughter as you clung to his younger brother. It lit the sort of rage within him that was different from the one he got when he was dealing with the scum of Gotham. This rage was based out of fear. He needed to get out of there, at least for a moment.
“I’m going to go to the bathroom, Jay,” You had leaned up to whisper in his ear, “I might be a while, though. I just need to breathe for a little bit.”
You slipped your arm out of his own before making way towards the stairs. You had spent enough time at these events to know where and how to escape unnoticed. You were essentially being guided by pure muscle memory as you snuck into one of the rooms that was in an area off limits to guests. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you turned and leaned your head against the dark wooden door, letting out a deep sigh.
“Are you okay,” A voice you would recognize anywhere cut through the silence. You let out a startled yelp, opening your eyes to see Dick sitting on his old bed. You had, unintentionally, guided yourself to the one room you were trying to stay away from.
His eyes dragged over your body for the thousandth time tonight, but now he was able to really admire you. You looked breathtaking. Though to him, you always did. To him, you were the most beautiful woman to exist in any world, but he couldn’t help but feel annoyed. He had come here to escape the aching in his chest for a moment, but it seemed the universe wanted him to suffer.
“I’m sorry,” You finally managed to speak, albeit quietly, “I didn’t mean to come in here.”
“It’s fine. I was just leaving,” He avoided eye contact with you as he stood.
“No, don’t,” You rushed out, taking a few steps towards him, “This is your room. I’ll leave.”
The sound of your heels clicking against the hardwood floors made Dick look up and meet your gaze. Dick had spent countless hours observing you and getting to know each and every part of your body that he could tell you were nervous. He could sense the apprehension from the way you struggled to maintain eye contact to the way your fingers pinched at the fabric of your dress. He wanted nothing more than to kiss away any anxiety you had, but he knew he couldn't do that. Not anymore.
Dick’s hair was untamed in a way that looked as if he had been pulling at it, something you knew he does when he’s frustrated. His cheeks were tinged red and eyes slightly bloodshot and tired. Every nerve in your body was screaming at you to reach out to him. To let him know that you were there, but you couldn’t let him back in again. You had endured enough pain from him.
“You look beautiful,” He quietly spoke, gaze unwavering.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes darted across the room, “Thank you. It was a last minute change and I accidentally ended up matching with Jason, which is only fueling those stupid rumors. I should have just worn the dress I originally bought, but I-”
“Y/N,” Dick cut off your rambling, knowing you would keep going until you couldn’t breathe, “You mean that you and Jason aren’t…”
Your gaze snapped to his own at the implication, and you could see the desperation and defeat swimming in his eyes. “No, Dick. No,” You squeezed your eyes shut as you shook your head, “Nothing has changed on that front, and it never will. But even if it did, why do you care? You brought a date.”
Your voice was thick with emotion as you mentioned his alleged date, and you couldn’t stop your eyes from brimming with tears. You hated that the simple thought of him with someone else made you break, but there was no stopping that now. He took a few steps towards you and took your face in his hands as you attempted to blink back tears.
“I lied,” He whispered, thumbs wiping away at the tears that managed to break free, “I never had a date. I only said I did because I was hurt and confused. I was hurt because I’ve convinced myself that Jason is the one that you want. That he’s the guy you want to be with; not me. I know that you spend a lot of time with him so I just thought...”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words settled; your skin burning in the places his fingers pressed against. You wanted to cling onto the hope that he meant that the same way that you wanted him to, but you’re scared. You’re scared to let yourself believe the one thing he had convinced you wasn’t true. Your eyes were a tell all for Dick, and he hated the painful look in them now. He could tell you were holding back, and he knew he was the cause of that.
“I don’t want to be with Jason,” You began, voice wavering, “I spend a lot of time with him because he’s my friend and he’s there for me. He listens to me and he comforts me because I’m an idiot in love with someone who doesn’t love me back.”
Every nerve in Dicks body was telling him to let you go. He would never forgive himself if someone were to find out who he was and used you to hurt him. Jason would never forgive him. Bruce taught him that keeping someone you love far away is what will keep them the safest, but what good has that done him? He’s a gloomy man who hides his feelings with a veil of indifference. A veil any person could see through if they looked hard enough.
His silence was unnerving, so you were quick to add, “Dick, it’s okay that you don't feel the same. I’ve known that for a long time.”
“I do,” He hurried as his fingers pressed slightly harder, “I love you, and that scares me in more ways than you could ever know. I thought I knew what it was like to be in love, but then I met you and I realized that nothing has ever compared to the way I feel about you. I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. I can’t let that go.”
The tears you were desperately trying to keep at bay flowed down your cheeks as he confessed. You had been waiting to hear him say he loved you for so long that even now, it doesn’t feel real. If it weren’t for the pressure on your cheeks from his fingers, you would have convinced yourself that you were hallucinating. That he wasn’t truly there and the few glasses of champagne you had got to your head.
You lunged forward, quickly capturing his lips with your own. He let out a low groan as he dropped his hands to your waist, pulling you into his grasp. You knotted your fists in his undoubtedly expensive button up as the two of you kissed each other like your lives depend on it. Obviously, you’ve done this particular dance with Dick before, but this was different. This was the kind of kiss that splits the sky in two and opens it up to the heavens.
You can taste the alcohol on his lips as he gently turns and guides you backwards until the backs of your thighs come in contact with the obnoxiously large desk. One of his hands moves to fumble around with the various objects scattered across the desk. His struggles cause you to lightly break away and let out an airy giggle as he works to clear the top.
“I haven’t touched this thing in years I don’t know why there’s so much shit on it,” He mumbled against your lips, “Oh fuck it.”
He shoved everything onto the ground and hoisted you up onto the now empty desk, and you couldn’t help but throw your head back in laughter at how cliché that was. “Calm down, hotshot. You’re going to attract an audience with that noise.”
He gripped your chin, forcing you to meet his dark, lustful gaze, “Let them watch then.”
The pool between your legs grew, aching for any sort of friction to ease the desire that had blossomed inside of you. You were desperate for a release, so you pulled him in by the back of his neck and met his lips in a blinding kiss. Dick gripped the underside of your thigh, pulling you flush against his body. Your fingers pulled and tugged at his hair and suddenly he's kissing you harder with a fervent desire that left you utterly breathless.
“Dick,” You pulled away, “If you don’t stop kissing me like that, you’re going to have to fuck me.”
Dick was slightly stunned at your bluntness, but it just made him even more attracted to you; something he did not think was possible. “Not that I don’t want to, but I don’t want you to think that was all I wanted from you,” He whispered, his eyes dancing all across your face as if he was memorizing every inch of it, “Trust me, I really really want to. I also want to do things right with you and I know I’ve been fucking it up for the last few months.”
“Who knew you were such a softie,” You teased, “But now is not the ti-”
You were cut off by Jason’s voice bouncing off the hallway walls as he called your name. You instantly shoved yourself off of the desk and began to straighten your dress. Dick let you push him away from you, his heart constricting as he let himself go back to what he thought previously. You looked behind you and you could tell that he was upset.
“Hey,” You started, cupping his cheek in your hand, “Don’t do that. It isn’t like that at all, okay? I just know that he is extremely pissed off at you right now and I want to do a little damage control first. I promise you I will come over later and we can do whatever you want.”
“Can you stay with me tonight,” He pleaded, taking your other hand in his own, “Stay with me as my girlfriend.”
He felt cheesy saying that, but he didn’t care. Not when it came to you, and especially not when he got to see the most beautiful smile that came after it. You heard Jason’s footsteps getting closer, so you have Dick one last kiss before quickly leaving his room. 
“Y/N,” Jason called out, “Were you in Dick’s room?”
“Can we go talk somewhere? I need to tell you something and I don’t think doing it in public is wise.”
let me know what you guys think! if you want, you can also send in some requests ;)
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robyn-reliant · 4 months
Okay but...
Sole and Hancock sheltering from a rad storm dancing to Some Enchanted Evening together, they're both madly in love with eachother and everyone can see it.
They're soulmates and so in love your honor 😭
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infamous-if · 1 year
I am thinking about Seven Lawless again....I am thinking about Seven Lawless soooo often it is unreal do you have any IDEA the psychic damage you have inflicted. I am so madly in love with them your honor I need them to be happy and safe forever and also not hate my MC the angst is maybe actually killing me. Going crazy going insane I want them so so bad. I might cry. I'm probably going to cry. It's been over a month since I last read infamous and I STILL have So Many Feelings about them. They're so <33333
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pidgotto · 2 months
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Hello, my friends. Welcome to part 7 of TBB but in the Sims because Pidge still hasn't gotten over the fact that the show ended over 2 month ago and so has decided to play out a silly modern AU where they're in control of the going-ons and shenanigans which ensue!
I hope you enjoy the nonsense and gooey cuteness that I captured during gameplay!
First stop, Omega's and Lyana's first prom!
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Our girly may or may not have autonomously developed a crush on Lyana. 👀 I wonder what the next prom will hold!
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Just a man, his brothers, and his dog.
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Oh hey! Ariyah is aging up again! Hbd, little one!
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Mama Phee is so proud.
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She's looks so much like Phee, it's literally so freaking precious.
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IT'S ECHO'S BIRTHDAY?! AHHHH! He's officially an adult in this save now! (I totally didn't make him a young adult because I didn't want him to die quicker than the rest of the batch.) Oh hey, Cody, Rex, and Emerie are there too!
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NO! BATCHER IS AN ELDER DOG! *PANICKED SCREAMING AND CRYING* She looks super duper cute in this picture though.
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The stink eye returns.
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They are still madly in love with each other, your honor.
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Thank you guys for being patient with me and my temporary disappearance! I really appreciate all of your love and support for this little series of mine! I hope to bring you even more content soon.
Is there anything in particular that you'd like to see the Sims Batch get up to? I think it could be super fun to have you guys have some influence over things the batch can get up to!
I hope y'all enjoy today's post and have a wonderful weekend!
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anantplayingdnd · 3 months
In honor of pride month I want to hear about how queer you made Barovia please and thank you.
For my game:
Strahd is a bisexual king right out of the book, which is awesome.
Rahadin is asexual, but not in like, an ace kind of way. Like in a single-celled organism kind of way.
Ireena is aroace! A decision partly inspired by a certain pool of water (iykyk), and also because she’s a little bit my self-insert. A PC hit on her in like session four and was immediately told, “Do not ever speak to me that way again.” She’s iconic and I adore her.
IZMARK. IZ. GAY. And madly in love with the druid. Unfortunately Izmark does not know he is gay. He believes it is very normal to lovingly stare into your homie's eyes and look down at his lips and imagine what it would be like to kiss him. And it is very normal to comment on how attractive your homie is, cause that's just what bros do.
Vollenta is a beautiful lesbian who refuses to let the fact that she is married to Strahd change the fact that she is a lesbian and nobody will tell her or her pile of bodies otherwise.
Ludmilla is on the ace spectrum. I mean, come on. She's with the guy for power and grant money. She says she loves him, and they're definitely intimate, but she's the kind of girly to take notes before during and after, you know?
Escher. What even needs to be said about Escher. He's Ravenloft's resident twink and proud of it. He's a little lonely and can't stop thinking about the boy he was in love with when he was young, who is now old and grizzled from age, while Escher himself remains the same age he was when he betrayed his lover and chose Strahd instead, but like... he's also pretty and immortal, so who cares?
(Escher Bonus Content: Two moms! They loved him very much and were upsettingly supportive of his decision to become Strahd's newest consort)
Anastrasya: idk she's dead pre-campaign in mine so if you came here looking for commentary on her you will not get it.
Ezmerelda is a trans lesbian! She's gorgeous and I adore her. She's just so confident that she can kill Strahd on her own and I think she's right for that. I knew I wanted her to be a love interest for one of my PCs, and it just so happens that the player in question has a type.
Danika is also bi, and she's very happily married to her wonderful little husband. This hasn't come up in the campaign at all it's just something I know to be true in my heart.
The Abbot: Gender! Fluid! Call them whatever you want. He/him when you want to play on ideas of masculinity in religious circles, they/them when you want to make them seem undefinable, she/her when you want your PCs to reflect on how much mom trauma they all have :)
Sergei is straight but that man loves the queer community so much and he deserves an honorable mention.
Arrigal is gay and very pissed that the party keeps knocking on his wagon door at 3am. His ex-husband/current boyfriend has been coerced into co-parenting a child with the cleric.
There's definitely others but these are my versions of the little guys. I am so interested to hear other people's takes on them.
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beatleswings · 7 months
We always go on about Don being so madly in love with Carmen and all that but I also love having thoughts about Carmen and how she's so in love with Don, how she fell in love with him and like he does for her, she would kick someone's ass for him. Or her going on about how romantic he is, how he makes her laugh and makes her smile, how he's loving, caring and protective and of course she goes on about how handsome he is and how even without the toupee, she still thinks he's beautiful. Or her having thoughts like "he could have had any girl but he...chose me".
Don't mind me, having the usual CarDon feels.
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