#carmen mi amor
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psychotic-clover · 1 month ago
Thought it’ll be cool for the month of Valentine’s
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The art below is just another pose I was interested in drawing
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It’s been a looong time since I last watched Grease. Curious, I rewatched some scenes. Only to remember how much of a douche Danny was… I drew Don and Carmen as these characters from Grease because they (sorta??) look like the characters. Ig it just reminded me of punch out. Also because Don loves to dance-
I don’t want Grease to represent Don and Carmen’s relationship. Personally, I see Don and Carmen as a more “healthier” relationship than what the movie gives. No hate to the movie btw 😅 I know there are some folks that see Carmen differently and I can respect that. I just like to believe that Carmen is a cool gal and not a cheater.
Ty for listening for the extra thoughts I had on my mind when making the art. Alright, enough blabbering. Time for me to skedaddle. Oh, and here’s a song for it 😎
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peppermintpillz · 8 months ago
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Punch Out but instead of beating up a bunch of guys you get to kiss beautiful women
Also I was gonna put some gender-swapped names but I think most would be the same. The only ones of note are: Glass Jane, Queen Hippo, Great Tigress, Dawn Flamenco, Erin Ryan, and Janice Louis
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foureyedfella · 1 month ago
☆I haven't drawn anything specific or interesting lately so I've got another doodle/miscellaneous dump 😁
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☆ Macho serving, that is the drawing
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☆ Some Specky drawings, featuring @ hattyhimself 's OC Ángel :D
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☆ These absolute losers (get out of me head!!!!)
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☆ Some fusions
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lazypastrys-thingymajingky · 8 months ago
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Ah shoot! CarDon on the loose!
Featuring Don in a Carmen inspired polo shirt and his Emo-wannabe get up
And Bonus: A Speedpaint!
To all Don Enjoyers, I'm sorry (not sorry) for the first song, I just wanna draw him every time I listen to it XD
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punchouthottakes · 3 months ago
We need more women in our PO verse :D Hot take: Carmen needs to be treated better
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beatleswings · 1 month ago
Valentine's Day? You mean Carmen's birthday? 🌹💕
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Happy Birthday to our blonde in pink!
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kaninaka76809 · 5 months ago
art dump,,,
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cardon but make it yuri
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idk if i should put the 2nd pic under a cut,,,
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and hondo by himself
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xxyamaxx · 7 months ago
I forgot I have these
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unholy-idiot · 6 months ago
carmen jumpscare
I am like purely a women drawer most of the time I draw men like once in a blue moon (or if I get a fixation related to it >_>)
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We as a society should draw her more in beady eyes and her collar polka dot fit she’s so awesome sauce in it
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Don x Carmen stuff too causehnnekennmemkwnnns)jwnwjnsjwnj
k hate them
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nai418 · 3 months ago
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Cardon but they’re Agent 24
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groovy-rat-man · 1 month ago
Random baseless punch out wii headcanon time!!
I KEEP TRYING TO SAVE THIS TO DRAFTS BUT IT KEEPS POSTING INSTEAD BUT FUCK IT WE BALL (i might add more stuff or change things but this is what I've got so far)
Doc Louis
Hes not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up
Hes got a tshirt that says that and every time he wears it in public mac dies a little inside
Hes also got pictures of him and mac together in his wallet that he likes showing off to people
Im gonna take this time and tell you about this crackship I like. Idk why but doc louis/gabby jay is just very cute to me and i wanted to share that with you
Little Mac
Everyone makes him transmasc, everyone makes him autistic, everyone makes him selectively mute and I just so happen to be part of everyone soooo...
I might however be projecting myself onto him just a little bit but whatev
Him and Birdie are like brothers to me, not biologically but still <3
Pretty awkward around his fans, especially the ones who don't respect his personal space (looking at YOU, nameless women in super macho man's title defense intro😡)
Got called into the counselors office at his school a lot because he was always covered in bruises, every time he just showed them his latest match on his phone like "yeah don't worry everything cool at home I just get my ass kicked as my job"
Tries to be friendly with all his opponents, or at least decent with them
Glass Joe
I read the first couple chapters of this fic and now it's just canon to me, he is a single girldad and there is nothing you can do to change that
Well I say "dad" but sometimes I like to make her transfemme just because I can so when I do that she's still a milf instead
Has always had fucked up bones and joints and health problems and stuff, boxing just made it CONSIDERABLY worse lol
Gabby Jay is like his uncle or something
Sleeps like 3 hours a night and hasn't drank water in like 10-20 years, this freak is living off of coffee, bread, wine, cigarettes, and NOTHING else
Tried to be blond, it didn't work on him
The only reason he haven't died in the ring is because god is punishing him for his hubris
His one win was when Nick Bruiser died in the ring due to a completely unrelated brain aneurism
Von Kaiser
Used to crossdress back in his younger years, he may not do it as much anymore but he still has his dresses
Actually enjoys his job as a boxing teacher! He likes instilling knowledge on the next generation
Complete neat freak, trys to suppress it as much as he can but it's always there in the back of his mind
Definitely has SOMETHING wrong with him but thinks that if he doesn't get it diagnosed then it's not really a problem
Probably has like prosthetics or metal implants in his joints or bones or something, idk why else he'd make the noises he does
Disco Kid
I like to think that he does drag in his free time, makes you wonder if him and VK ever talk about it
Can fully SPRINT in high heels, hell he could probably fight in them too if they'd let him
Always has at least a little bit of glitter on him, it's a curse
Boxing is more of a hobby for him than a career, he's just having fun with it
Always makes sure his friends are safe and having fun whenever they go out somewhere
King Hippo
Scares babies and small children on accident just by being around them and feels REALLY bad about it
The first time he met glass joes daughter he made her cry and still hasn't gotten over it
Whenever fans ask him for a signature he either writes it in the most beautiful handwriting you've ever seen or he just draws a lil hippo with a crown, which one you get depends on how he's feeling
Has a storage unit somewhere filled to the brim with all those shitty blenders that had to be recalled
He still tries to pawn them off on people, too, if he ever tries to get you a gift for like your birthday or something you just know it's one of those shitty blenders
Oh and the "king" in king hippo isn't a stage name, he is actual flesh and royalty. His subjects seem to think highly of him and he treats them well. He does a pretty good job running things too but to be fair his kingdom isn't all that big, just one tiny island that isn't on any maps.
He usually doesn't hold his title over people's heads, mostly he's just some guy
Fully CANNOT swim but he can hold his breath for ages and just sort of walks on the ocean floor (gee, almost like his namesake)
Knows what gender is, does not care for it
Likes to sketch and draw :)
Piston Hondo
Possibly aromantic? I don't really know and I don't think he knows either.
God why don't I have any headcanons for him?? He's my fucking wife!!!!
Ok I KNOW I said he's my wife but i saw like one person make him and Bear Hugger queer platonic partners and im in love with that idea
I feel like of the two he's the one who was most concerned with putting labels on it and trying to figure out what exactly they were but eventually just decided that even if they're not in a romantic relationship they can still be soulmates and I think thats beautiful
Hes a sweet guy but he can be pretty awkward around people lol
EXCELLENT cook like you have NO IDEA
Bear Hugger
Does NOT know his own strength. He'll go to hug somebody and and break their ribs, he'll go to open a jar and shatter it into pieces. He's trying his best to be gentle but good god.
Also the gay kind of bear (the stage name was on purpose)
Can actually literally for real life talk to animals. No fucking clue how he does it, i guess it's just a Canadian thing
Lost his squirrel after losing in title defense and was DEVASTATED, but DONT WORRY the squirrel was fine
The "i like raw fish" line isn't about sushi, be just sticks his head in a river and comes out with a live salmon in his teeth
Great Tiger
Has at least one if not a plethora of cats (one of which is a British shorthair cause I feel like that's the kind of cat he'd like)
"I feed you, I home you, I give you all the treats and toys you could ask for, and what do you do? You scratch up my furniture and knock over all my nice cups! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Hmph, you're lucky you're cute..."
Magic is a difficult thing to control so sometimes when he sneezes he teleports, happesnt to the best of us
It took him weeks to fully resolidify after getting poofed my mac in title defense so for a while parts of his body were just vapor
If i ever draw him I'm gonna give him widdle kitty fangs, trust me
Still trying to work on his music career, the dumbass
Him and don like to gossip together like catty bitches
Don Flamenco
Carmen 100% tops him, I will not elaborate (at least not until I finish my fanfic)
#1 bi4bi couple ever
Whenever he drinks he literally does not shut up about her
"Me gusta mi esposa porque es suave y cálida y bonita y amable conmigo🥰🥰"
Sure, alright dude
I know it's HEAVILY implied that Carmen left him after he lost to mac the first time but I choose to think that he just lost all his self worth and was CONVINCED that she was gonna leave him
That... might actually be worse now that i think about it
But whatever, in the long run they get married and have twins and grow old together and it's great<3
She likes him better without his toupee, more room for kisses<3<3
"I'd kill someone for you, PLEASE ask me to kill someone for you..."
Hes tried on her lingerie more times than he's like to admit, it's gotten to the point where she just bought him his own. She wasn't upset about him stealing her clothes, she was upset because pink is NOT his color
Also I'm sorry that literally all of these are about him and Carmen, I didn't mean to do that
He is a complete giga bitch to everyone except her
I like it when people interpret mac as being Hispanic because I feel like he'd try and start a conversation with don and he'd be like "Lo siento, no hablo inglés. (Lying)" and mac would just be like "¡Oh, está bien! Así que, como te decía..." and dons just like GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
Aran Ryan
He used to be normal, but then they put him in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made him crazy.
Does not know Irish and refuses to learn because it reminds him of being in school and he fucking HATED being in school
Probably because of the adhd or whatever is going on with his brain
Will break somebody's nose if they make fun of his accent
I see folks giving him a ton of siblings and I really like that idea but I just gave him one cause I thought it'd be easier lol
I named his sister Sharan cause I thought it'd be funny, she's also fucking crazy but when they're around eachother they're too busy trying to reel the other one in to be crazy themselves so they sort of balance eachother out
Shes about 6-7 years younger than than him and even though he KNOWS she can stand up for herself he's still very protective of her
When he first started boxing professionally he would bring her with him to get her out of the house (even though she didn't like seeing him get hurt)
Used to read her stories to help her go to sleep and would stay with her to protect her from monsters
Has fistfought his dad and would do so again if he wasn't dead
Soda Popinski
Literally just this post
Him and his wife that I made up have been trying for a baby but haven't had any luck so far
Gained his sweet tooth after quitting drinking (ya know cause he used to be called vodka drunkinski, god I'm so fucking clever)
Is actually a gentle giant outside of the ring!
His wife started knitting him sweaters once she saw him go out into the snow nearly naked. He loves and cherishes them and wears them every chance he gets but he still goes outside without pants🫠
Has killed someone on accident
Bald Bull
I like to think that he's a pretty chill guy when he's not being hounded by the paparazzi but god damn they will not leave him alone
He was probably glad when mac became champ for all the reasons macho man hated it
I honestly don't know what else to say about him
Fuck it I'm giving him agoraphobia
Him and popinski are pals😊
Has killed someone on purpose
Super Macho Man
I'm gonna be real, in my first draft of this post i completely forgot he existed and if he was real and he knew that he would be thinking about it for WEEKS
His ass: NOT real
His tits: NOT real
Thinks he's talking Like The Youth when he says shit like dude and bogus all the time
Also he's like 50
Definitely has at least one kid that he pretends not to know about, dodges child support like it's bullets in the matrix
Idk what social media was like in 2009 cause I was 4 years old but I like to think that people bully him online
Tried to own the "release the bogus" thing but it was just suuuuuuper cringe
Sometimes I like to make him ftm, I think it's neat
Sometimes I also like to make him fluent in asl but I got that one from a fanfic
Mr. Sandman
Comfypilled cozymaxer (at least when he's not training and stuff)
I feel like he would not be able to play any of the punch out games if they existed in his universe
I really dont know what to put here either
I like to think that under that intimidating exterior hes a real sweetie but I also said that about popinski and bb so it feels like I'm just being stupid
Give him some chamomile tea. Now.
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peppermintpillz · 2 months ago
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I’ve always felt like they would have a Pepé Le Pew and Penelope Pussycat dynamic
Not EXACTLY like Penelope and Pepé (since Don canonically smells wears perfume and would probably smell like roses) but Carmen would probably find Don’s love dovey-ness, constant showing off for her, and PDA to be a little overbearing at times. but part of her does enjoy it
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foureyedfella · 2 months ago
☆ My opinions on what happens with Don and Carmen in between contender and TD keep flipping God help me
☆ My first thought was that the onslaught of media and attention after Don's match with Little Mac (and paparazzi since we see how annoying they are even in the video game landscape 😭) spread to Don's immediate circle, which included Carmen and even her family
☆ She basically just told him that she was getting overwhelmed and needed time apart, that it wasnt him or anything but the situation at hand was just getting too much for her
But literally all of those words are synonymous for "I'm dumping you" but in a nicer way so Don just totally believed that she broke up with him 😭💀
☆ Probably got back together after TD
☆ The thing about that though is that Don keeps saying Carmen throughout his match and I dont think he would be douchey enough to actively go against her wishes like that
☆ Option 2 that I think about is that they never even broke up, he's just upset and pissed that he lost his belt 😭 and he's so dramatic about it, it has to be everyone's problem
☆ I'm inclined on option 2 but I know this will change because it keeps changing 😭
☆ option 3 is carmen dumped his ass for saying that line about making chicks fall in love with him 💀 because it's funny "SOLO LO DIJE PARA MOLESTAR LO, MI AMOR 😢😢😢" and he keeps saying the carmen lines in TD to get back with her
☆ "maybe they never even dated" this possibility is very much strong but I'm such a CarDon loser 🙏🏼 (it would fit the womanizer trait he got going on so it makes total sense but I'm a sucker okay)
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radioactive41i3n · 6 months ago
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Rosa and Serena fankids
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punchouthottakes · 3 months ago
FLAMING HOT TAKE INCOMING, DISCLAIMER FIRST: punch out is a game with no lore and little to no characterization so it’s natural that different people have different takes on a character and I 10000% respect that and I love seeing how people interpret stuff differently from me!!!!! this is not a dig or a diss this is just personal observation!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t get why the overall fandom consensus is that don flamenco is head over heels in love with the blonde lady [that the fandom calls Carmen (this I do understand why)] in his cinematic trailer. it’s always been apparent to me that this guy is supposed to be like a casanova/serial womanizer/harem enthusiast douchebag kinda guy.
1. country of origin and profession: every enemy character in this game is supposed to be an exaggerated cultural stereotype/caricature, so it’s natural to assume that most of their character traits are not meant to subvert audience expectations, and flamenco is no exception! Spaniards are stereotyped as carelessly romantic, and toreadors seem to be associated with more socially conservative or dare I say, sexist/woman objectifying behavior. it would be logical to presume that flamenco also embodies these traits
2. contender intro slideshow: most people (and I as well) like to use the final slide of his contender intro as evidence of his romantic status. however, I fail to see how it shows him as faithful; on the contrary, the fact that the girls around “Carmen” are a. (for one of them) also wearing roses - the same color as the one he’s giving her, in fact - and b. clearly looking shocked and disgusted seems to show me that those girls were also the object of flamenco’s short-lived affection and that the blonde girl is just his next “target” so to speak.
now how to justify his in-battle voice lines referring to his affection for carmen? well look no further than Carmen, the opera by Bizet, where the titular Carmen ends up being with a toreador (like don flamenco). it could be possible that he uses “Carmen” as a pet name for all of his flings rather than the actual name of his one true love
please feel free to prove me wrong bc I see nobody else with this interpretation and I wanna know why everyone agrees that he’s a faithful boyfriend/malewife lmao
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#punch out#punchouthottakes#don flamenco#carmen mi amor#this was the one I thought tumblr deleted I’m so glad it didn’t cause this is really well written#ANYWAYS I find all your points very interesting and honestly I didn’t consider them from your point of view anon#I can understand why someone would see Don as just a womanizer it does fit into his stereotypical character#However as a cardon lover… I have a counterpoint#1) She has a more distinct design than all the other background characters. She still has the beady eyes the bg characters have#But her dress is so damn ugly I feel that it was intentional? Like why else would it look to different from everyone else UNLESS#She’s supposed to stand out as Don’s one love. There’s a bunch of others who love him but he still loves his Carmen even with that dress lo#2) for the “malewife” point take a look at Don’s NES quotes#For some reason he just randomly references Star Wars. Sure that could just be a reference from the game developers#But this is punch out we have SCRAPS when it comes to character interpretation#Don randomly referencing Star Wars makes me feel like he has some dorky side to him and he hides it with his whole Bullfighter persona#And so him being a malewife could be from the fact he’s secretly a dork and so surely he’d be all dorky and cringe with Carmen#Sorry this was long but again I LOVE discussion about the game#FORGOT TO SAY THIS TOO but Don’s VA said himself that Carmen was Don’s love#at least that’s how he saw it so take that info as you will
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beatleswings · 3 months ago
hey! so do you happen to have a clip of where don's va says his wife's name is carmen too?
Hi Nonnie!!
Yes I do! Here it is! :)
I shared this video before so thankfully I'm glad I can share the one with the added subtitles!
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