#glass Joe
matchamabs · 2 months
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Punch-Out!! Comic Project
oh my god we did it. it took like 6+ months but just in time for the 15th anniversary of the release of Punch-Out!! for the Wii, we created our own comic panels inspired by the original ones released alongside the game! a labour of love and extreme hyper-fixation lmao! please read them all because they're absolutely fantastic! and here are all the artists responsible <3 <3
Glass Joe: @blormpo
Von Kaiser: @matchamabs
Disco Kid: @derpposen
King Hippo: @pulporila
Piston Hondo: @honeyhive65
Bear Hugger: @scrubazoid
Great Tiger: @glassjoemybeloved
Don Flamenco: @powpowpunchout
Aran Ryan: @ohshy
Soda Popinski: @fan-mans
Bald Bull: @lazypastrys-thingymajingky
Super Macho Man: @sukipershipper
Mr Sandman: @ashtxeman
Little Mac: @lukasdoodles
Donkey Kong: @bellasbarginart
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A lil belated happy anniversary to Punch Out!! Wii!!!
And while studying their eyes I have come to a very important conclusion: THEY ALL HAVE GORGEOUS EYES!!! I'm sorry the rest of the world circuit, maybe next time TwT
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spammiamm · 3 months
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If you cant tell I kinda like drawing little mac
I might add more to the first one cause its quite EMPTY and I dont like empty but I was just messing around
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sigomaru · 1 year
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games released in the late 2000s with an all male cast and an extremey chaotic setting
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greasy-night-rat · 2 months
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These not only took longer than I meant for them to, but they've been sitting in my drafts for a while since I was flipping between different pieces left and right.
If I ever finish the doodles of them defeated in Title Defense Mode, I'll have a rant about the deference and such.
The main reason I wanted to draw them at all was to rant (again) about Aran being all flip'n smiley!!!
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 5 months
I saw this template in one of my other fandoms a few days ago and was immediately possessed by the urge to make a Punch Out one.👁👁
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twentydaysofmay · 5 months
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glass joe after straight up killing nick bruiser
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bellanic2468 · 18 days
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My friend @alternativeindie made this for me 😂. I gotta say, it's very accurate. More than half of my fictional crushes are non-conventially attractive.
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thyne-worm · 2 months
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MAN FUCK THESE GUYS (nsfw style)
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matchamabs · 9 months
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i dont quite know where the idea of animal crossing came from but. man the pandemic had all of us playing it. kinda thought itd b funny if they did too u know,,, anyway someone save joe
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Been having a bad week so I drew some Kaiser in different fancy suspenders because of course! (And some bonus Joe and Don)
And another bonus with some Don and Hugger practice
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spammiamm · 4 months
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Punch out stuff,,,
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800db-cloud · 1 year
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kingmintyreturns · 24 days
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commission and reflective material practice
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twentydaysofmay · 1 month
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happy pride month everyone
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galactica7071 · 8 months
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you all are so sweet, so here's a bunch more doodles
also punch-out wii finally came today so I finally get to actually play the game I have been hyperfixating over for nearly two months and I'm excited I'm on contender bald bull and Very Scared™️ for what's to come but it's a really fun game and the music is good and the animation is yummy and and and ........aran ryan... 💜
Rory is @pulpa-de-gorila's oc I love their work so much I want to Eat It /pos
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