#they'd be on the same wavelength
"are you really telling me that susy homemaker started spouting a death prophecy and you just packed her bags and sent her on her dream vacation?" "i. dont. remember! and even if i did, what does it matter. we have bigger problems. that wasnt just a death prophecy, sis, that was doomsday talk. the end of all things. and i dont know about you but i dont really look forward to returning to the primordial abyss. i dont really like being more than a 4 hour flight from paris. we've wasted enough time, we need to get this situation under control"
begrudgingly dragged to the good side bc too much of a hedonist to let earth be destroyed. i think matska and missy have spent more than an evening together. i think they meet up semi-regularly to get away from the tedium of evil business and hang out for a long weekend with someone who gets it
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moonhuit · 2 years
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the effects of being in hiding together for two months: mother superion and camila edition
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acearohippo · 1 year
Ethan: *has short story where he bamboozles Li Ao into eating a ridiculously spicy veggie burger*
Ethan: *has a very unapologetic, cocky attitude*
Ethan: *has black sclera and tanned skin*
Me: *squints and pulls out a bulletin board* are you just... Greek... Li Ling?
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Guys help Russia and Japan are growing on me as a duo. But like, not as a ship, not even in friendship, they barely tolerate eachother. They just... go together??? If that makes sense?? Idk. Reluctant acquaintances maybe??? Family members that don't interact that much but are at the same birthday party so I guess they'll chit chat???
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Oh I know the worst oc crossover I can do now because it's really funny to imagine that dynamic.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
More Bebop/Trigun crossover concepts: Ed introducing herself with the full "Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV" and Vash IMMEDIATELY responding with the old "Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gumbigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andrei Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III." Which Ed fully memorizes in one go and calls him at least once.
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camembri · 5 months
yeah yeah zoro and sanji are mirrors of each other yeah they have narrative parallels yeah they're the wings of the pirate king. zoro's got the higher bounty but sanji is the only one Luffy's directly said he can't become king of the pirates without. this is all good and well and I eat it up every single time but the truly compelling part of that relationship in a romantic sense is that it's objectively the funniest outcome possible. they'd be so mad if they knew. can you imagine having this coworker who you think kind of sucks even if he's a vital part of the team and millions of people are like. I'm going to write stories about you two having sex. what do you even do in that scenario. and the best part is that it becomes literally everyone else's problem too. clocking in bright and early at like 7:45 and you witness a physical alteration between your two idiot colleagues and then immediately after they somehow manage to dodge their third HR violation this week one of them comes up to you to make small talk and all they talk about is that other guy. "ugh can you believe people think we should get together... that's crazy... how would that even work anyway. what, like he'd take me out to dinner? get all dressed up? hah, as if..." and then they trail off all meaningfully and you're just like. I can tell you're wistfully imagining your future together. it's painfully obvious. I just wanted to refill my coffee. and every day you contemplate quitting but every so often something just goes right and it's like they're resonating on the same wavelength and maybe you catch them smiling all wide and unfettered at each other like they're the only people in the world. like just this once they forgot to hate each other. you left your mug in the microwave but you can't ruin the moment so you just have to suffer in silence. truly the ship dynamic of all time.
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barrenclan · 22 days
What did Wild Rose see in Deepdark for her to become his mate? Was she even given a choice?
Oh yes, of course she chose him. I mean - I've said before that Deepdark is a charismatic person, and I think that comes through in his on-page appearances. It's the same with Thrasher - people who want to hurt are not always going to announce that right away. Some of the friendliest, nicest, most charming people can have the worst intentions and it can be hard to see that when you meet them.
In alignment with deer behavior, Deepdark typically takes more than one partner during mating season (because as mentioned before, he is fit and charming and strong and has a lot of power), but only some of the does actually stick around after their fawns are born. It can be for any number of reasons - having genuniely fallen in love with him, wanting to use the safety of his group as protection from predators or a food source, etc. And once you're in Defiance, as we know, it's very hard to leave.
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I think he'd give up anything to have been born as a predator animal.
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Haha, Bill Cipher is undoubtedly a subconcious inspiration for Deepdark, so I'm sure they'd at least be on the same wavelength. Although I don't know if they'd get along when those two egos clash. PATFWcord was talking about a GF/PATFW AU a little while ago.
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yamujiburo · 11 months
I think about Deliah/Jessie/James poly so much dude. Hanamusashipping and Rocketshipping are both phenomenal in their own ways, so I think it's a fun concept to combine the two! You have fully convinced me that Deliah is a lesbian, especially with the whole "turned down *hundreds* of men" like my goodness! Wonder what got her into a relationship with Ash's dad... there's potential for angst there but I can't bring myself to put that on her. But let me propose a concept: Queerplatonic James and Deliah. I would love to see more lil comics and stuff of them together running Deliah's restaurant (which... do we know what the name of that is?), just being remarkably on the same wavelength with aesthetics, food prep, all that stuff. They'd be such cuties! I think it'd be sweet for the two of them to have another person to open up towards about their pasts and insecurities and stuff. James has had to let go of pokemon he cared for a lot (so has Jessie of course, but tbh I can only recall Arbok and Dustox, while James let go of at least Weezing, Chimeco, and Cacnea? Does Growlie count too? I'm not sure... Mimikyu and Mareanie are a lil different since they hang out with Bewear and Stufful, and the whole Alola bit of Journeys emphasized that TR visits them). But he can empathize a lot with how Deliah does support Ash's travels, but at the same time feels guilty for not being "enough" for him, y'know? James had to let Chimeco stay with his grandparents because it was just far too sickly, and Gardenia was able to see potential in Cacnea that James knew he couldn't bring out as much as he tried. But he doesn't doubt that his pokemon know he loved them dearly, and they all wish each other the best uwu. There's just a lot of cute fun for the dynamic. Jessie goes from being unlucky in love to getting *two* wonderful partners. Ash gets a second step-dad, and it's the other guy who tried to kidnap his pet mouse lmao. Ash understanding James' bottlecap collection because it's kinda like his collection of gym badges, or the two of them making a whole powerpoint to show Deliah evidence that Jessies' contest and performance personas are still her. Ash, Pikachu, and Meowth seeing James, Jessie, and Deliah all cozy on the couch, and they all just look at each other like "ew" before running in and interrupting the moment™.
YAAAA this is so cute! Delia and James would have a really fun dynamic. I unfortunately have not done as much with them as I'd like to (i haven't done as much with this au as i'd like to in general lol) but whenever I think about potential ideas or situations, I always imagine them being there for one another and being able to tell each other anything~
Oh and the restaurant is canonically called Masara House (or in english Pallet House)
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clouds-of-wings · 3 months
Imagine the following scenario: Someone you know does something little and nice for you, or react to something you do or say in exactly the way you would like them to. Nothing huge, just something small and nice, something that makes you think you're on the same wavelength or they're the kind of person you enjoy.
Some examples:
They help you accomplish an annoying task at work
A joke that matches your humor exactly
They cook you something you really like
They match your love language (controversial concept, I know, but for the sake of argument)
Would you prefer if they did this a) because they know you personally like it and they sincerely (without ulterior motive) want to please you (i.e. the action expresses your relationship) OR b) because it's just how they treat people in general (i.e. it expresses who they are as a person but they'd be the same way to someone else, even someone who would prefer something different - within reason of course)?
Also tell me your reasoning in the tags/replies! This is one of these "It fascinates me how differently people's brains work" polls.
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anthonygaycrowley · 9 months
I know we love to talk about how Donna and Shaun's "A lot of husbands would worry" "Yeah but not him" exchange is reflective of 14 being extremely fruity (very true)
But I wanna talk about how that exchange reflects how open 14 and Donna are about their affection for each other, compared to 10 and Donna.
People always assumed 10 and Donna were a couple because they'd see them riffing off each other, constantly on the same wavelength, and recognise that they're two people with a very close bond. But their affection was all implicit - they never voiced or physically showed affection - so it was up for outsiders' interpretation what type of love this was.
But with 14? Him and Donna express so explicitly, both in words and physically, their care and commitment to each other. Strangers don't need to speculate, and worry can't even cross Shaun's mind, because 14 and Donna are just so open and clear about their feelings for each other that you don't need to wonder.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 5 months
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(Please reblog if you want to, do not repost! Do not post to Pinterest!)
[ID: A Team Fortress 2 fanfic cover featuring a render of Pyro and Spy standing back-to-back in profile, with Pyro facing left and Spy facing right, standing against a dark purple background. Spy is smoking. Both characters have a yellow/orange rim lighting. Above them is the title of the fic, Flickering, glowing the same glowing yellow/orange. /end ID]
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Rating: K+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Characters: Spy, Pyro, all the other mercs, and Miss Pauling (primarily Spy and Pyro, but everyone else has important moments too)
Warnings: TF2-typical violence, PTSD, panic attacks, trauma in general (none of these guys are okay)
Description: After the events of the comics, the mercs try to go back to how things were, but it's never that easy.
Spy can see his teammates going through their own struggles… but something seems to be very, very wrong with Pyro in particular.
And since no one else seems to be doing anything about this, Spy makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what is troubling Pyro. For no particular reason.
Beta Readers: @mechmolar, @gonturan0, @junuve (Teeth (mechmolar) also did the render for the cover!)
Notes: This fic is legit like around 80% complete already because it takes me forever to actually post anything these days. I'll be posting new chapters as I feel like it. It'll be around 10 chapters in total. Also, Pyro is nonhuman and uses it/its pronouns in this fic. Okay? Okay.
They were pretty sure they knew what awaited them when they got to Gray Mann's base. Or, Spy was sure, anyway. Mann was after the same Australium they were, and they'd be interrogated for what little they knew. And he wasn’t going to get that information out of them easily.
Spy’s tongue nudged one of his fake teeth. The time would come for that eventually.
His suspicions were confirmed when Demo, still distraught from the loss of Sniper, was dragged out by a couple of the enemy mercs, who snickered over the ways they could "make him talk."
That left him, Miss Pauling, Soldier, Zhanna, and Pyro, all of them chained up in a tiny room, waiting out their fate.
Well, until that thing entered.
It was the other team's pyro. Their Pyro perked up with an interested hum when it saw the other, only to jump—as much as it could with its feet chained to the floor—when the enemy pyro removed its face.
Spy had, admittedly, been caught off-guard, but rolled his eyes immediately after. This was not like their Pyro. This one was a human—a woman, her face scarred with old burns and one eye missing, her hair pepper gray with half her scalp scarred over. The fact that she was human had startled him more than any disfigurement could have.
Of course, he had to remind himself that his team was the exception, as always. They'd become so accustomed to the incredibly strange nature of their comrade that it felt eerie to actually see a human behind a similar mask.
Pyro must have felt the same, with the way it tilted its head with a hum of consternation.
The woman stared at it in turn. "Hm. This one seems promising."
Miss Pauling's head shot up, but Spy nudged her and subtly shook his head.
Unfortunately, Soldier was not on their wavelength. "That one? HAH! If you need a building burned to the ground, maybe! But Pyro doesn't talk!"
One of the woman's eyebrows raised in interest. "Really."
Spy shut his eyes, imagining himself flipping open his butterfly knife and driving it through Soldier's throat.
"Nope! It's completely incomprehensible! It can’t tell you anything! The rest of us won’t, either—we will not yield under torture, especially not me. Though I'd love to see you try!"
"Soldier, no!" Zhanna cried. "I must be tortured first!"
But the enemy pyro did not respond to them—likely still staring at their Pyro. "It doesn't, eh?" she said, putting a heavy emphasis on the pronoun. "Good. I like a challenge."
Seconds later, several robots filed into the room, immediately heading for Pyro and unlocking its shackles from the floor. Pyro mumbled something at them.
"Wait, no!" Soldier cried. "Pick me, pick me! I'm a good challenge!"
But the robots paid them no mind as they escorted Pyro out, and Spy cracked an eye open to see it showed no signs of worrying about what was about to happen. The door slammed shut, and he let out a sigh, tipping his head back. "Soldier, you are going to get us all killed."
"We're gonna die anyway!" Soldier protested. "We can at least go down fighting!"
"We are not going to go down fighting, you imbecile. We are—" He stopped himself there, deciding he didn't particularly want to reflect on their fates with someone who wasn't going to care anyway.
"Poor Pyro," Miss Pauling murmured. "What are they going to do to it?"
Spy shrugged. "Better it than us." He lowered his voice. "With luck, they'll waste several hours trying to get information out of it before they realize Soldier, idiot that he is, was more-or-less telling the truth. That may buy us some time."
"You think we can still get out of this?" she whispered, hope edging into her voice.
"Not likely. We're probably delaying the inevitable." His tongue nudged one of his molars.
"We'll have to hope.” Miss Pauling sighed, staring at the door. "I guess Demo or Pyro could break out."
Spy barely resisted the urge to snort. "The drunkard? Not likely. Pyro? Who knows."
"I still can't imagine what they would do to it."
Spy tipped his head back to regard the ceiling for a moment. "Who can say? Waterboarding, perhaps?” A random guess, and he snorted at the absurdity of it. “Though I struggle to imagine what could break that creature."
"Neither could the Administrator. That's one of the reasons she recruited it." Miss Pauling shook her head. "If that's the case, maybe it'll find a way to break out. And break us out of here."
"Unless it decides to burn down the whole base with us inside. Regardless, resisting torture and breaking free are two different things. But we shall see."
Soldier groaned. "But when's it gonna be my turn to get tortured for information?"
"Will be our turn soon," Zhanna reassured him.
Spy heaved a sigh, and Miss Pauling shut her eyes.
They sat in uncomfortable silence (save for Soldier and Zhanna's chatter) for some time, Spy keeping an eye on the door while Miss Pauling stared at the floor, lost in her own thoughts.
The minutes ticked on. For how long, Spy was uncertain—he couldn't reach his watch to read it, and the feeling of dread in the air was not helping with their perception of time. Next to him, Miss Pauling occasionally muttered to herself, and every so often he could pick up phrases.
"...and we could go back to Australia, and..."
"...if Scout or Heavy are still out there..."
"...and Sniper could... wait, no..."
Sighing, he almost considered tuning her out, but it was a good distraction from his nicotine cravings, at least.
At some point, she raised her head. "Where is it?"
Spy raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"
"Pyro. They've been keeping it for a long time."
"Yes. Demo has been gone for some time, too."
"Yeah, but... they can get information out of him." She turned to face him again, and an unspoken question hung in the air.
Spy returned her gaze. "Miss Pauling, if you are under the impression that we are in the hands of anyone other than violent sadists, I do not know what to tell you."
Before she could react, the door burst open.
“I VOLUNTEER!” Soldier cried, straining against his manacles.
But instead of their captors, Pyro stumbled into the room.
Spy would have hoped that it had indeed broken loose and come to rescue them had it not been for the fact that its hands were shackled behind its back.
The robots escorted Pyro to the end of the bench, where they shackled its feet to the floor. Meanwhile, the enemy pyro stepped into the room.
"Finally!" Soldier exclaimed. "You've had your turn, Pyro. Now it's mine!"
"Our turn," Zhanna corrected.
With an unfriendly smile, the woman turned to face them. "If you insist."
While the robots got to work escorting the two least intelligent people out of the room, Spy and Miss Pauling looked over their recently-returned companion. "Pyro?" Miss Pauling whispered. "You okay, buddy?"
Pyro said nothing, sitting still on the bench and facing forward.
"...Well, it looks okay, anyway." Miss Pauling shrugged. "Guess the Administrator was right."
"Hm." Spy's eyes narrowed as he continued to look Pyro over. While it was true that it looked more-or-less uninjured—the suit was a little roughed up, but that was it—he couldn't be too sure that it was unharmed. The enemy wouldn't have just done nothing with it, and the way Pyro did not answer them, nor even respond to its surroundings, was not encouraging.
Nor was the fact that it was trembling.
But before he could analyze Pyro's behavior any further, the doors burst open again, and this time a barely-coherent Demo was practically dragged into the room.
In the whirlwind of events that followed, the torture that their fellow mercs had endured was nearly all but forgotten.
But it would not stay that way.
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Yuuma propaganda:
“he can be yuor everything <3
im not even kidding like he has taken on so many different roles he can be your dream man (horse?) whatever your type is
he has
-won a race for you
-gone skiing with you
-gone to the beach with you (he can surf)
-offered you his scarf when it was cold
-rescued you from trouble (multiple occasions)
-fought his rival for you (another horse with a handsome human face)
-fed you asparagus (homemade)
-gotten a job in construction
-become a rockstar (dedicated a song to you and let you live your wattpad fanfic life)
all this i listed off the top of my head. theres probably more he has done but i just cant remember
hes very talented and treats you right ✓ experience rapturous love today”
Maxwell propaganda:
“First of all he’s a silly goofy guy AND he’s extremely loyal and will always have your back. Within hours of meeting you, he decides his family will sponsor you in the competition to become the crown prince’s bride. He falls in love with you along the way, never expecting you’d choose him, the younger brother of a bankrupted duke, over the prince himself. Maxwell supports you through scandals and assassination attempts, eventually facing down his own father Barthelemy to protect you and your child from the former duke’s scheming. All this on top of the years he spent providing for his brother’s ex and her secret son, keeping them both safe and out of harm’s way simply because he cared. He’s always thinking of his friends, making them laugh and eagerly joining their crazy plans without ever expecting anything in return. His smile hides a sensitive side, a man who lost his mother at a young age and overcame body-image issues, yet still holds insecurities about his value to others. Maxwell is a sweetheart who always tries to do the right thing, and I still think about him years after playing The Royal Romance series.
Okay so it's a mobile gacha game, let's get that out of the way. BUT LISTEN. 
The premise of the story is that the MC is a regular waitress in New York, when a foreign prince and his friends come to her table as a way to have a bachelor party for the prince who will soon have to choose a woman to marry in a The Bachelor -type of contest. MC and the prince hit it off pretty well and one of his friends, Maxwell, decides to throw in his lot with the MC, since the house the future queen is from gets a lot of perks and his family is Broke. MC goes along bc her job sucks ass and she figures why not.
BUT THEN! As the competition progresses, the MC spends a lot of time with the prince and other nobles, yes, but also with Maxwell. And Maxwell is a clown-type comic relief character for most of the time, but also genuinely sweet and considerate, and very much on the same wavelength with the equal goofball MC. What for me personally changed the game was when MC and Maxwell dance at a ball together, and the MC can say that there's no one they'd rather dance with than Maxwell. I myself chose that in a completely platonic bestie way. But he gets a bit panicky and says to be careful not to let anyone hear things like that when MC is in the running for the hand of the prince so that no one gets any wrong ideas! And I went "....ideas? 👀"
“Unlike other romancable characters, Maxwell isn't romancable until book 2 (the previous scene is in book 1, each book ~20 chapters), and unlike other romance options, you really have to have your eyes set on him in order to unlock his route, and ohhh it's so worth it! The set-up of falling for the person who brought you there to marry someone else, to choose the jester when you were meant to have the king.... exquisite. 
The dynamic between MC and Maxwell is so fun and full of genuine affection, and while other characters can dismiss Maxwell as an unserious clown, MC is very much characterised by the dialogue as Getting him and loving to express joy in life the same way he does. When MC and Maxwell can finally marry, it feels like they're really choosing their best friend to spend their lives with and are so excited about it.
I know this wrestles in a league multiple times smaller than many of the other combatants, but the Maxwell romance in genuinely one of my favourites in any video game. Give him a chance!”
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viric-dreams · 2 months
The Brass Embassy
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After several months of correspondence back and forth with his "surface fiancée," Suzette, the pair finally receive word from their boss to meet together to discuss an upcoming mission .
Jones is running uncharacteristically late, and rushes in the door seconds after its start only to come face-to-face with the man he'd drunkenly hooked up with on Christmas Eve, in the midst of his post-breakup morality crisis. Despite how alcohol-hazed the memories are, that's clearly got to be him, because he's making the exact same face as he is right now from the moment the first word left Jones' mouth. This is Suzette?
If "Suzette" was a part of the Game, then maybe he was put in his path to spy on him, to keep a close eye on his movements when he'd started slipping at work those weeks in December. He knew he was on thin ice with the Game since this start. Moreover, he'd asked "Suzette" for information on an entirety personal matter, Elias Leroux and their connection to the Chessboard. It's technically a grey zone, but a misuse of Game resources could also be seen as a blunder. They could be preparing to take him off of the board again after all, as they'd once threatened.
"Suzette," as it turns out, is named Shaw.
Their boss is explaining their mission, but he's not listening to a word she's saying, still trying to figure out what the angle here is. When their boss leaves and they're alone, well, he's a professional, isn't he? They jump straight into work.
Jones does not do field missions. It is not his forte and the Game knows this. The reason, it turns out, he's been dragged in here is his connection to the diplomats of the Brass Embassy. He and Shaw are in charge of extracting sensitive documents from the Embassy.
It doesn't take long to discover that the two of them work spectacularly well together. They seem to seamlessly be able to operate on exactly the same wavelength. Putting personal mistrust aside (and again, he will, because he's a professional), he's able to work with Shaw so easily and comfortably.
He can't ignore the mistrust forever, however. It's two day later when they're on their surveillance mission that he finally breaks. Jones does not do well with silence. They make it an hour in before he's finally forced to ask. Did Shaw know? Did he know who he was when they'd slept together?
Shaw seems thrown by the question. He didn't, he insists. Or at least that's what Jones thinks he's saying, his usual diction is suddenly hard to parse. Jones finds that he believes it. Perhaps it really was some strange coincidence.
They find their target, The Brimstone-Scented Attaché, but they're too quick for the two of them to act and the Attaché disappears into the Embassy.
Rather than an ambush, the Mission has now become a heist. They're going to need to infiltrate the Brass Embassy. This is absolutely not what Jones signed up for. But Shaw seems to know what he's doing, and despite his initial personal misgivings, he trusts Shaw on a professional level.
Their entry goes well. Jones' social engineering gets them through the door with minimal trouble. All seems to be going according to plan, and they should be able to locate the documents and leave before they're spotted.
At least that was the plan. Fate, however, seemed to have other ideas, and the pair find themselves locked in a break room trying to plan an escape before the devil can alert security. The whole time, a jazz ballad blares from the gramophone in the corner, adding to the dissonance of the situation. The music is making it hard to think.
He doesn't like how still Shaw is, clearly thinking when they should be doing... something. He, however, does not intend to stick around long enough for that door to open again, because the prospect that waits on the other side is a one way trip back to prison, sans trial. He spent fourteen years in a cell and does not intend to spend a minute longer. He makes this clear to Shaw as he opens a third story window.
The shimmy across the building's ledge is precarious, but he's able to make it to an adjacent window of an empty room and unlock the door from the outside. They know where the briefcase is located. They need to get it and get out as quickly as possible. Except...
Jones needs to make a detour back into the room. He catches up with Shaw soon enough though.
They get the suitcase and run for it, run as fast as they possibly can out the door and down alleyways, hoping the treachery of London's streets will aid them in dodging their pursuers.
What feels like ages later, they come to a stop, breathless. They did it. They succeeded. Jones holds the briefcase in his hand, contemplating the innocuous weight of it, compared to the sheer weight of the information it contains. He's part way through saying something when a voice stops him in his tracks.
The Brimstone-Scented Attaché stands in the mouth of the alleyway, knife pressed up against Shaw's throat. Hand over the briefcase.
He's not sure what happens next. He has the gun in his hand. Shaw's saying something to him but he can't make out any of the words. He knows he has to take the shot. Or to run. To ensure the briefcase stays in his possession at any cost. But he can't. He's frozen to the cobblestones, cycling through hundreds of options, everything that could go wrong. Shaw's mouth is moving but he can't hear anything over the blood rushing in his ears. Then Shaw jerks and the devil recoils with a howl. It happens so fast he barely registers what's happening. There's Shaw, on top of them, driving a knife into their body again and again until the devil finally stops moving.
There's something within the papier-mâché skin, trying to crawl out, and Jones comes back to himself, grabbing the body and dragging it out of eyesight of any passersby whilst Shaw stomps on any of the bees that attempt to emerge. He moves on autopilot, dismembering the skinsuit, whilst crushing any bees that get within range. When he turns around again, he notices Shaw looking at him, a bloodied handkerchief pressed against his neck. The undercurrent of discomfort is palpable. When he ultimately speaks, his voice is quiet. What happened back there?
There's no hiding from this. He knew this might happen the moment they decided to send him into the field. He's not cut out for this, and his deficiency has consequences. Regardless of what those may be, he owes Shaw honesty. That's the only way to be able to successfully work together.
I'm sorry. I panicked. There was... so much happening. And it would've been so easy to miss. And then there were the implications of killing them, of not killing them, of killing you. I... I froze. I'm sorry for that. It's not professional, and there's no good excuse for it. There's a reason I'm not usually in the field. He hopes it's enough.
No, no. It's alright... It was quite overwhelming. Shaw doesn't appear judgmental, nor angry. If anything... worried. Either way, It’s been handled - and wouldn’t have been able to do all that if they hadn’t been focused on you. So, try not to dwell on it.
He tries. It's only then that he realises just how blood-soaked Shaw's handkerchief has gotten. No chemical, Neathy or surface-sourced could possibly save it at this point. He takes out his own, offering it to Shaw. It's only at this moment that Shaw appears to become aware of the extent of the injury. Perhaps he should get home. Jones can walk him there, he doesn't live so far, from what he recalls, though Jones only has a vague recollection of where (he tries not to think of why he has this knowledge).
He slips his arm around Shaw, and pulls him close, carefully tilting his hat to cast the bloodstained collar of his shirt into shadow. To the casual observer they would simply look like a couple enjoying an evening stroll. Shaw leans into the illusion, up until the point they arrive at his front door. It's clear from the shift in the air that he remembers the last time they were both here. Jones wishes him a good evening, set to turn around and dispose of the body more permanently. They can have their post mortem after they've both slept.
It's only when Shaw pulls away from his side that Jones feels the bump of the object against his torso and remembers.
Wait, hold on. Slowly, he slides the pilfered record out from the inner lining of his jacket and presents his ill-gotten gains to Shaw, using force of will to keep his face perfectly blank.
Shaw breaks into delirious laughter.
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darkestspring · 8 months
Hello. What kind of yanderes do you think the children of Yandere Jaehaerys 1 Targaryen and his wife reader will be? So, what kind of yanderes do they have the potential to be towards their mothers? Which of the children do you think are the most difficult to deal with as yanderes? (Daenaerys/Aemon/Baelon/Alyssa/Maegele /Vaegon / Daella/Saera/Viserra/Gael.)
i think they'd all fall within the same category of protective yanderes. i definitely think every time a new baby is born, there's this moment of rabid jealous between the older children before everytually they're clinging to their mommy again.
aemon and baelon have the kind of wavelengths at times so while they're both protective yanderes, i think baelon would be a collector. he basically keeps every gift and every thing he's ever been given by his mother, no matter how small, no matter how much he's outgrown it. he keeps everything.
I think alyssa is both protective and obsessive (with a bit of worshipping yandere) alyssa looks up to her mother greatly and in her earlier years would toddle after her like a lost puppy and then starts joining her mother on her walks or wherever she goes, not even caring if she's in the middle of a lesson with her septa.
daella is definitely softer as a yandere. she's not as intense as baelon, alyssa, or even vaegon. but she's definitely obsessive but she's more of an observant yandere. she studies her mother's habits and learns everything she can in certain areas that she thinks can help her mom. she'll eagerly lend her help in times of crisis for her mom and will beam happily when she's praised.
vaegon has killed a man for his mom and he will kill again. it's okay though, the man deserved it for disrespecting his mom. he's a momma's boy through and through. he's very intense about it though. less "are you okay, mommy?" and more "the fuck did you just say about my mom?" very protective, very obsessive and very bloodthirsty.
while viserra, maegele, and gael all have similar traits are yanderes, saera is in a category of her own. she's angelically well behaved for her mommy but she's a devil when it comes to her horrid, awful father. she loves her mom so much, in her earlier years, saera would do eveyrthing according to her mom's approval and disapproval. men who her mom disliked had their reputation ruined by saera but she always treated those who respected her mom with great politeness. saera would kill a bitch for her mom but why get her perfect hands dirty when vaegon is nothing more than a rabid dog when it comes to someone disrespecting their mother. saera has, and will continue to sick vaegon on people without remorse. nobles beware.
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empydoc · 5 months
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SOUL EATER AU sam & darlin'
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the eleventh post in the series! we've got sam & darlin' on the menu today. enjoy!
sam — soul type: weapon weapon type: dagger compatible with: darlin'
as mentioned before in previous posts, vampire souls are tricky to match when it comes to wavelengths with non-vampire partners. seen in porter's post, where he and his partner are not yet compatible, and in vincent's post where their [vincent and lovely's] compatibility emerged through trauma & lovely's turning, vampires have it difficult.
however, through the sheer willpower and genuine love that comes from sam and darlin's relationship, they appeared almost compatible from the start. as sam got closer and opened up more and more, it seemed like they were made for eachother from the beginning, and the two match incredibly well as a weapon/meister pair. darlin's up-close fighting style resonates incredibly with sam's close-combat dagger form, and the two make a scary- but admirable- duo.
i won't say this often in this series, but these two were easy to get from the start. they're the perfect pair (cue beabadoobee) and i knew i wanted sam to be a dagger, purely because darlin' being a melee fighter made sense with their werewolf status!
darlin' —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: soul resonance - a technique where special attacks are made when resonating with their weapon's soul. compatible with: sam
werewolves, due to their natural ability to shift into a different form, are usually weapons. darlin' isn't. this is something people are often surprised to hear when it comes to it, but darlin' isn't ashamed to admit it.
darlin's soul has struggled to maintain a connection with others before. there was an instance where they thought they'd be able to match wavelengths with someone, but that man led them astray with expectations of highs and lows. fortunately, as they've confided in sam and grown closer with him, they've realised that the highs and lows aren't what they needed, but to have a steady love from the start.
i'm going to be making bonus episodes on both quinn and alexis at a later date, but those two have core positions in this au that makes their stories a little more interesting!
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
sam and darlin' met in the same way- darlin', looking for answers on the property of a tired vampire trying to get by with his already chaotic life. however, unlike what we know the canon story to be, sam had his own hunt going on that he was preparing to get towards. hearing stories of an old foe inviting dangerous beings over for tea parties? unexpected, but his trust in william's word was enough for him to look more into it. and, as darlin' got to understanding his situation, they took part of the matter into their own hands.
now, hunting both their own enemies, the two make a fierce pair when it comes to weapon/meister partners. and, as soul after soul are reaped, they'll find what they're looking for. eventually.
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