#they’re very affordable by the way and have great reviews
53v3nfrn5 · 15 days
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Blue Buddha Farm: Assortment of Mixed Caladiums
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Hiii I’m so sorry to bother you!, hope your day goes well <3 I just want to ask, how can I improve in maths? I’m preparing myself for the sat and I have trouble with understanding it. Any tips would be very much appreciated, thanku !! ♡
Become a Math Whiz: Acing Math Class & the SAT 📈✏️📚👩‍🏫
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ty for the ask & the kind words! you are never a bother, i'm happy to help 🥰 i can def give some tips as someone who went from struggling w/ math to being good at it. and i’ve taken the SAT so i know that experience as well! i hope this helps 💗
take accountability
it’s very easy to try to shift blame & avoid taking responsibility for your grades/ performance. i used to think things like “the teacher is just bad!” or “i’m just not a math person!” but this mindset is just deflecting. some things are out of your control, like what teacher you have or preferring other subjects, but you have to step up & work hard to create your own success! remembering this will help you stay motivated and disciplined.
find your learning style
i talked about this in a previous post too, but there are different styles of learning - visual, auditory, hands-on, & reading/writing - and not all of them work for everyone. if you spend a ton of time studying and don’t see improvement or results, that’s a big sign that you’re studying wrong. a method that works for your friend or that your teacher uses might not actually be effective for you. so do some research into learning styles and study methods, and find implement strategies that work for you.
never fall behind
okay, easier said than done. but one of the biggest reasons i used to struggle is math is that i would get stuck on a concept, never fully master it, and then i’d stay behind. in math, a lot of topics build on each other. if you get stuck on a topic, it’s crucial that you figure it out asap or your confusion will snowball. you can’t build a solid structure on top of a wobbly foundation. the moment you encounter a problem area, study it until you’ve completely understood.
practice makes perfect
i try to steer clear of recommending specific study methods b/c everyone has different learning styles. but math is so dependent on problem solving & applications that you really have to master this skill in order to succeed. beyond just reviewing your notes & reading over concepts, you need to practice applying topics by solving problems. do the homework questions & do them for accuracy, even if it’s just graded for completion. find extra problems in the textbook, workbook, online, etc. redo questions from class or the hw that confused you until you can do them correctly without your notes. drill it until you can solve them AND understand how the steps work!
ask for help
i am clearly a big proponent of asking for help. in school, your teachers are gonna be one of the best resources you have. for one, they’re teachers for a reason, so even if you think they’re not too great at explaining stuff, they know the concepts. and besides that, your teachers the ones who are creating units, assigning your work, writing & grading your tests... they should be your go-to for questions. visit them during office hours or email to set up a meeting where you can discuss concepts. ask for extra practice problems, ask them to look over your work & let you know how it looks, talk through your work with them. aside from teachers, you can get help from a tutor, a classmate, whoever you can turn to. but pls don’t suffer alone! succeeding with help is still succeeding.
use the internet
so maybe your teacher truly sucks at explaining. maybe you don’t have classmates to help and can’t afford a tutor. or maybe you just wanna supplement your learning another way. i really really recommend utilizing free learning tools online!! khan academy is an obvious one for videos, practice problems, and more. you can also find tons of youtube videos explaining math topics. sometimes it helps to hear things explained another way. i also google “[math concept] practice problems” if i want extra questions to work through.
bonus: tips for SAT math
the SAT is a bit different b/c the math concepts aren’t actually too advanced. it’s all multiple choice so you don’t get to rely on partial points for showing your work. the SAT is testing your strategy & speed as much as it’s actually testing you on math concepts, so here are my best tips for that specifically:
use khan academy’s SAT prep tool - it’s free (!!!!!) and it links to your collegeboard account. it uses prior years’ SAT content so it’s very similar to the test itself. it helps you pace yourself, pinpoint your problem areas, learn & apply concepts, & track your progress. here's a screenshot from when i used it, as you can see my scores improved and i was able to ultimately get a superscore of 1450!
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take practice tests - this helps you get familiar with the time constraint. khan academy has plenty!!
do a ton of SAT math practice questions - ideally, find a ton of questions used in prior SAT tests and just crank them out. the test's concepts are quite repetitive so if you just focus on the topics they usually test, you can master them
learn test-taking strategies - the SAT is multiple choice and has a tricky time constraint, so however you can save time will help. become good at using the process of elimination & other multiple choice test methods. you can find these sorts of tips online!
i hope this helps! know that you are completely capable of improving at math. i went from thinking i suck at it & doing poorly in math class to acing my calc courses & studying to enter a math-focused field. utilize your resources and figure out your best study style asap, and you WILL see improvements!
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itcamefromthetoybox · 1 month
I grew up in the 1990’s, which should tell you a few things about me. I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons, I can’t afford a house, I played Nintendo 64, and, of course, I memorized the theme song to “Pokemon.” Growing up, I loved “Pokemon.” I had Red, Blue, and Yellow, I collected the cards, I watched the cartoon, and, of course, I collected the toys. Recently, my wonderful wife got me one of the new figures as a treat, a figure of a Pokemon I really liked growing up. So let’s see if “Pokemon Battle Figure Heracross” deserves a spot on your team, or if he’s going to the Box.
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Ok, I’m not gonna even pretend someone reading this doesn’t know the premise for “Pokemon,” so I’m not gonna get into the plots of the games. I will, however, happily talk about Heracross! Her across is a Bug/Fighting-Type Pokemon from the Johto region, as seen in “Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal.” In the anime, he has a tremendous fondness for tree sap and turns out to be one of Ash’s most reliable Pokemon during his time in Johto. While he’s no Charizard or Pikachu, he’s reliable and can hold his own in a fight. 
Growing up, I was absolutely delighted by Heracross’s appearance. He’s an adorable Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle, whose design makes him have a warm, friendly face. Whenever I saw him, he always looked like he had a warm, simple smile. Normally, I’m not a bug person, but he always seemed so nice and I wanted to hug him.
Now, let’s talk about what the “Battle Figures” are. Basically, they’re just the latest mainstream line of Pokemon figures. The main draw for this line is that the figures are more in scale than has been the case in previous lines. Smaller Pokemon are smaller than other figures, and the largest ones tower over others. Many figures of the bigger Pokemon have special features, such as spring-loaded missiles, button-triggered movements, and other such things that serve to emulate different special attacks. As a whole, they’re a very fun, delightful line that kids will love.
In terms of appearance, Heracross looks like he stepped right out of the anime. His show and game accuracy is absolutely stupendous, and his special feature, which we’ll talk about later, in no way takes away from his looks. He has that adorable face I talked about previously, which still makes me so happy whenever I see him. Every detail on him is both friendly and accurate, while his horn and claws make it clear he can fight if he needs to.
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He's shaped like a friend
Now, Heracross is pretty limited in terms of articulation. His only posable parts are in his shoulders, so there’s a wide range of motion there. Heracross’s head cannot turn, and his special feature means there’s no real articulation in his legs. So overall, he has very limited articulation, but I feel like his special feature and great looks more than make up for that.
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Seen here directing traffic
Heracross, like all the Battle Figures of his size, has a special feature. If you bend him over, he pops back up, which lets him hit things with his horn. There’s a motor in his body, like that of a wind-up toy, and that’s how the feature works. This, unfortunately, does come with a drawback: due to the nature of the mechanism, Heracross launches his attack the second you take your hand off him. You can’t keep him in position, so getting a pic of him doing the attack is a challenge. This is balanced out by the sound the motor makes when you bed Heracross over, which sounds very much like the sound a beetle makes. I’m pretty sure it’s unintentional, but it’s a really nice touch.
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The desperate measures I took to get a pic of the battle feature
Now for the part of the review where I talk about my criticisms with this toy. Honestly, my only criticisms are how Heracross launches his attack automatically and how his head can’t turn. That’s really it. Other than those two slight complaints, I really like this figure.
“Pokemon Battle Figure Heracross” is available at mass retail for about $10 for ages 4+, and I would absolutely recommend him. He’s fun to play with, he’s a perfect size, I like the plastic he’s made of, and his appearance makes me happy. All around, he’s a great toy. I’ve gotten a few of the other figures from this line of Heracross’s size and tried out their features. I’ve never been let down. The line as a whole’s been pretty great, and I do recommend it. Heracross is aimed at kids, but I feel like any fan of Pokemon, bugs, or fun toys would like this figure. Definitely give him a shot. Next time, we’ll be looking at a throwback from a bygone era, so come back and take a look! This is JS signing off and wishing you Happy Toy Hunting!
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Information in OPM: Frameworks
Shit that happens in One-Punch Man may be fanciful, but one thing ONE does not joke with: information. He is as strict on it as any police procedural: who knows what, when, where, why, and how? What do they make if it? Why? What will they do with it? What happens as a result? 
I have many things I could say about it, but as I’ve been saying, life isn’t affording me the time for long essays. I’ll keep it short and focus on one aspect, the what do characters make of a given piece of information?  Something ONE is very aware of is that WE DON’T LEARN FROM DATA.  It’s not information without a framework.  Scientists will formalise that framework as a paradigm but we all have a certain set of assumptions and a framing story within which we have expectations of the world and which influence our understanding of whatever we perceive.  I don’t want to get distracted into the importance of framing, which is the lifeblood of politics, advertising, and any field where persuasion is important.  Just framework. 
Take this security camera footage, which has been reviewed by the Hero Association security guards, Dr Bofoi, and Amai Mask. We get three very different responses, based on their frames of reference.
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The security guards aren’t stupid, and to their credit, they are at least considering alternative possibilities, but they have no basis to understand how reliable or how strong the newly-installed robots are. The robots don’t have a track record yet. Their impression of Metal Knight is that he’s an arrogant braggart, so they’re primed to think that he’s over-promised.
They have no basis to understand who Saitama is -- and Saitama acts too fast for them to see that he’s the one responsible for destroying the robots. As far as they’re concerned, the witness statement (from none other than the great King, who they do understand to be an exceptional hero) that the robots just blew up is as good a working theory as any. At least until there’s more information to contradict it.
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Metal Knight sees the footage differently, of course.  He has the background of knowing just how strong his robots are and how extensively he has tested them. On that basis, he’s able to understand that there’s no chance they spontaneously blew up and infer that the causative agent is this Saitama guy. A guy he’d be well -advised to watch carefully.
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Whatever one may think about Genos, he gave Amai Mask the framework to understand what he was seeing. Saitama is not just strong, he said, he’s crazily strong beyond any logical understanding you may have. His being prepared to take Genos’s words on board is founded on his frame of reference about Genos: as an extremely serious and credible hero, who would not have taken the time to speak of Saitama so without good cause.
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Because of that, when Amai Mask sees Saitama standing before a robot, the robot taking a swing, an explosion and then Saitama still standing there, he doesn’t think ‘oh, malfunctioning robot’ but ‘damn, this guy is for real.’
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A man can make no better decision than the information it is based on, to paraphrase a Conan Doyle character.
And that information is itself based on his frame of reference. This becomes extremely important when information is not complete WHICH IT USUALLY ISN’T.  We, the readers, are the only ones who were given a view of Saitama hitting the robots: it happened too fast and there was too much smoke and debris occluding the field of view for anyone seeing the security camera footage to see that.
So often in reading/watching fan responses to the story, it’s clear that many readers don’t take into account how drastically what characters already know and believe to be true affects the way they understand any new information presented to them. Makes for some really daft takes, doubly so when readers don’t realise that sometimes, it’s *us* who don’t get given the full picture.
ONE’s wonderful understanding of the importance of frameworks allows him to let people misunderstand situations without having to be stupid. It’s also an excellent way to give us insight into who various characters are without having to stop the story for it. And of course, it helps make the things the characters actually do as a result of that understanding that bit more interesting.
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alln64games · 7 months
San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing
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NA release: 7th November 1997
PAL release: December 1997
JP release: N/A
Developer: Midway
Publisher: Midway (NA), GT Interactive (PAL)
N64 Magazine Score: 82%
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When I hear the name “San Francisco Rush”, I think of one of this game’s sequels, 2049, as it was something N64 Magazine loved. I never saw a lot of discussion of the original. After playing this, I can understand why it got good reviews when it came out, but I can also see why it isn’t talked about too much.
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San Francisco Rush still has remnants from the arcade game – such as the annoying checkpoint/timer system, but at least all the other racers start alongside you and feel like opponents. The tracks are quite interesting in this game. There are six of them (plus a hidden one that wasn’t fully finished – but is actually really fun) and can be played mirrored and/or backwards. They’re also not all basic loops, as some have different routes you can take – you can even go in the opposite direction to other racers on some parts.
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The tracks also have hidden shortcuts and collectables to find, and even a hidden stunt area. These are best done in “practice” mode where you are given a lot more time. It makes the tracks feel much more real and exploring them is almost great – but the game respawn system is really annoying. When you crash (or don’t move for a few seconds) your car is whisked up and you’re taken to where the game thinks you should be, so if you’re going a different route to what the game intends, it will ignore it and put you on the “proper” one. What’s odd is that I’ve crashed and the respawn system put me in a higher position than I already was. This applies to practice mode, so if your car crashes in the stunt area, you’ll have to drive all the way back.
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A lot of the shortcuts are also high risk, and some barely save any time but are just a ton of fun to do, jumping over rooftops and spinning in the process. The game is let down a little bit by the modes, though. The main circuit mode just chooses some random tracks (with backwards/mirror also being random) rather than set cups. There are some extra cars to unlock by winning (and by finding the collectables), but when the game only supports one other person, you expect a bit more.
That said, San Francisco Rush is a very solid foundation to build upon, so I’ll see more as I reach the sequels.
The handling is too heavy – on every car -never allowing you to confidently manoeuvre through corners and ensuring you come a cropper at important junctures when you can’t afford to. And yet, it is a good game. A very good game. It’s fabulously inventive, for starters.
- Tim Weaver, N64 Magazine #11
Remake or remaster?
A new Rush collection would be quite nice – or even a game that combines the features, cars and tracks of the first three games in a new package.
Official ways to get the game.
There is no official way to get San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing
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troius · 2 years
A brief review of Bleach:TYBW
Really enjoyable, if not perfect. Spoiler-free thoughts under the cut:
The actual animation is great. Us longtime fans of Bleach will remember that while the anime was in general competently animated, and occasionally visually spectacular (see: the Lust), it could also slip into mediocrity (see: the Rukia-Rudbornn fight contemporaneous with the Lust Arc), and could be god-awful (BOUNT ARC). So it’s nice to know sitting down that what you’re going to get will have a minimum of artistic competency, and will at times be genuinely breathtaking. The only issue, really, is that it’s a little static at times, but...we’ll get to that.
The music is good, Shiro Sagisu was I guess clued into the fact that this would be visually darker than the previous anime, and seems to have re-recorded his previous themes to fit the tone. The music doesn’t stand out the way it did in the previous anime, but I think that’s intentional, and it’s certainly not a negative, just a creative choice.
The voice actors (note: I watched the dub) are mostly pretty good, once they get their feet under themselves. Almost everybody is rough in their first couple of scenes, I’m a little concerned that the people putting the dub together didn’t give the talent enough time to rehearse. Nonetheless, by the end it’s all humming smoothly, and the new VAs acquit themselves well with the original cast.
The fidelity to the source material seems strong, although I’m not the one to vouch as I haven’t read TYBW. But nothing seems tonally off, nobody’s characters seem wrong, all the interactions make sense. It’s very clearly a Tite Kubo story they’re telling, without compromise to any other storytelling vision.
So if all this stuff is good, then what flaws exist? I can really only name you one! And it’s really just that the series is a little too faithful to the original works. Kubo’s paneling in the manga is godly, but when converted to animation storyboards can make the animation feel very limited-- we don’t have shots conveying movement, or space, because such things aren’t necessary in manga.
Similarly, page economy means that you can’t afford to throw out character moments willy-nilly in manga, but it’s asking a little much of the TV viewer to jump right into deep emotional investment when we’re reintroduced to characters in the middle of life-or-death fights. Some brief interactions would have done a great deal to familiarize characters who we haven’t seen in a decade, especially as the manga itself was serialized right after the Lost Agent Arc, meaning that everybody had seen those folks last month.
Something that I think is indicative of this is that we had two standout fights in this cour, and they both included lengthy flashbacks which contextualized the combatants and why they were fighting! But as fond as Kubo is of that technique, we can’t expect them in every fight.
Anyhow, this second part will probably be ameliorated in the 2eme cour, now that we’ve seen everybody almost die and been reminded of why we care about them. But I do think it would be worth the anime staff’s time to think about what does and does not work in terms of directly converting panels to frames.
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The Classics mailing list is having another ‘how many languages should People know?’ discussion. (And it is actually a discussion this time! Not to jinx it But it has so far not descended into Oxbridge professors telling postgrad students that if they haven’t spent a year living abroad in specific European countries then they shouldn’t even be doing Classics).
And like, I’m never gonna contribute to that discussion on the mailing list because there is always the chance that you’ll set someone off and I genuinely cba to deal with that, but the discussion so far is missing actual practical solutions of any sort.
Here are some facts:
- Classics scholarship gets published in a lot of languages. It is absolutely the case that the majority of it is in a smaller group of languages.
- it would be super awesome and great if everyone was multilingual!
- Most scholars are not multilingual.
- difference circumstances make it more/less likely that someone will be fluent in a second language. This includes Country, school, class, etc.
- there is literally nothing to be gained from excluding people from the subject for not knowing more than one language.
- everyone would produce better scholarship if we could read everything written on the topic we’re researching.
- there are a not insignificant amount of instances in which something was published in a language other than English and then someone else comes along later and writes the same thing again but in English and it gets all the attention (and honestly leaves you wondering whether the author deliberately chose to ignore the non-English work bc srsly how do you write an entire fucking book and not be aware of someone else’s whole entire book on the same theme??)
- non-native English speakers are more likely to get papers rejected from English speaking journals.
- it is absolutely not reasonable to expect them to be spending so much of their time perfecting their knowledge of the foibles of English academic language.
- searching for Research is a skill. Knowing what terms to use and where to search is a skill. Knowing another language doesn’t actually mean you will be good at searching using that language.
- DeepL and even google translate are pretty good actually.
Here’s some thoughts:
Publishing: I’m currently co-editing a volume and I spent a lot of time working with one contributor bc it’s the first thing they’ve published in English. They’ve been a delight to work with. And honestly, yes, it has taken me more time to help them polish their chapter than for others, but it’s not even the chapter that’s taken the longest. Like, one of the chapters written by a native English speaker has been a way bigger headache for me.
I know everyone is overworked and underpaid and being asked to Peer Review Journal/Book submissions for free in their spare time, but also, some of us are very much happy to help others polish journal articles/chapters for free too. I’d rather do that than peer review shit, tbh.
Sure, in an ideal world we’d get paid for all this kind of work, but we do not live in an ideal world, other scholars can’t afford to pay us to do that and frankly, like, they shouldn’t have to be literally paying more money than others to stand a chance of getting published just because they’re having to write in a second/third/etc. language. Ideally universities or other bodies could fund that cost but whatever. No one is putting me in charge of a university budget anytime soon, so I’ll just be here helping people for free if they need it.
Language learning: I don’t care about what the ideal situation is. I care about what we can actually, usefully do. Sitting around complaining that universities should make x or y language mandatory is useless. And there will always be more languages that it would be useful to know.
What’s actually useful, and far easier to implement:
- teach people how to use DeepL and google translate. Get universities to *subscribe* to DeepL. Teach this as part of standard research methods. Make it clear even from undergrad that there is valuable scholarship available in other languages and that students are expected to Not Ignore It.
- resource share. What’s actually the best place to search for academic research on Y topic in X language? And what’s the word for X person/art style/literary genre in Y language? Even if someone wants to look at lit in different languages, they still have to know what to look for before they start.
- ??? Idk what to call this, but like, it would be really fuckin’ great if we could tag stuff in multiple languages. Like, it would be better if a user could search for, say ‘Iliad animal metaphors’ and have it turn up all Language results rather than having to run 10 different searches to cover a bunch of different languages (also see above, re: knowing how to successfully search is a language-specific skill). But without knowing how to fix that problem, we should still be sharing the knowledge of how to use translation tools + the best search engines per Language / area + reminding people ‘that ‘look up that term in X language dictionary and then search for that’ is something they should be doing.
Like, there are already tools at our disposal that should make cross-language scholarship easier for everyone. Whether you know one or five languages. We’re just shit at using them/teaching them.
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ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
okay i just ordered some loop engage earplugs and not to be a capitalist or whatever but i’m VERY excited about the prospect of this new product!!!! they’re supposed to help with noise sensitivity in like group settings/public/etc so that i can still hear and engage in conversations but won’t be so overwhelmed by background noise and i’m just. SO excited!!!!
i’m truly almost in tears at the prospect of being able to go to restaurants and family parties without dealing with sensory overload and inevitably becoming the killjoy who has to leave early or keeps stepping outside for air or disappearing to the bathroom. idk, i know that i won’t know how well they actually work until i try them but they have good reviews and just the idea that this company is making equipment to help with something that’s been such a big problem for me for YEARS is so amazing and i can’t wait to try them!!! they say they can help with kid noise too which is just. i’ll believe it when i see it but if i can end my work day and NOT need to go sit in my silent room for hours because i’m just overloaded on sound????? if i can finish a shift and then be able to sit and talk with my mom without feeling like i’m gonna rip my hair out because of sound???????? that would genuinely be life changing. i want to cry happy tears at the prospect. i’m so tired of not being able to be with the people i love because i don’t have the capacity to handle the sounds around us. i’m so tired of saying no to EVERY invite. i want to be able to hang out with people without having to meet very specific environmental conditions. the idea that i might be able to do that even just a little bit is flooring.
also, just look how pretty they are!!! they’re so cute and i’m ordering additional colors of the insert thingies (called mutes) so that i can wear different colors on different days and i’m just. really fucking hyped to maybe not have to constantly say no to socialization because of my disabilities!!!!
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and yes i DID see them on my feed and at first think they were cockrings but you know what!!! that adds to the charm of it all!!!! look at the pretty colors!!!! i’ll put cock rings in my ears i don’t give a fuck!!!! they’re cute!!!!!
loop’s website specifically talks about accessibility and disability and how they made these in response to a lot of ND and disabled customers saying how they liked their products but wished they had something that more specifically fit their needs - they listened to their customers and made accessibility equipment!!! they started as just a festival/party company and then a lot of disabled ppl were like “hey that helps US” and the company was like “oh shit that’s awesome let’s help you MORE”!!!! how cool is that!!!!
also they’re AFFORDABLE!!!! not dirt cheap but when i first saw the ads i was expecting to open and see it was like. $75-$200, the way fancy shmancy pretty stuff like this normally is, but then it was $30!!!! i can swing $30!!!! so i did!!!! and now i have this new thing to look forward to and i just feel great!!!!
anyways this has been me ranting and raving about a product i haven’t even received yet lol i just!!!! am so excited!!!!! i can’t wait to get them and try them out!!!!!
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
The Best Tempura Fryer for Kitchen
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/the-best-tempura-fryer-for-kitchen/
The Best Tempura Fryer for Kitchen
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Tempura fryer is an essential part of any kitchen. They’re not that expensive or difficult to use, as long as you choose the right one for your needs. So how do you pick the right tempura fryer? I’m glad you asked! Check out these top picks from my expert review team below, and find out how to pick the best tempura fryer based on all of your needs and wants!
GoWISE USA Electric Deep Fryer
The GoWISE USA Electric Deep Fryer is one of our favorites for its simplicity, durability, and affordable price point. This deep fryer features a see-through window that gives you easy access to your food as it fries. A handy basket lifts out with ease so you can dump your food in seconds. A carry handle on top makes it easy to take your hot food with you on picnics or camping trips! At under $30. We think it’s a great choice for anyone looking for an electric model of tempura fryer at an excellent price point. It even comes in fun colors like red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and white! It has all of the basic functions needed for frying.
It heats up quickly, cools down quickly after use, runs quietly without any smoke or odor. And there are no complicated settings to mess around with. We think it’s ideal if you’re just getting started with cooking but don’t want to shell out big bucks for a fancy gadget that does more than what you need it to do. We recommend washing by hand rather than placing it into the dishwasher since some users have complained about surface scratches caused by dishwasher detergent. One last pro tip: make sure never submerge any electrical parts in water because damage may occur due to electrical shock or fire hazards.
Presto CoolDaddy Cool Touch Deep Fryer
If you’re looking for a fast, easy way to make crisp, delicious tempura, look no further than the Presto CoolDaddy Cool Touch Deep Fryer. It has a viewing window and an adjustable thermostat. So you can keep an eye on things without fear of burning. The detachable handle makes it easy to carry to and from your kitchen table, and a 2-liter oil capacity means that you won’t be running out before dinner is done. It even has a removable oil filtration system to ensure that your fried foods are crispy while minimizing messy clean-up!
Grab one of these fryers if you want healthy, delicious tempura with minimal effort! What else do we like about it? For its price, you’d expect nothing more than a propane tank and tongs. But there’s actually a deep-frying thermometer as well as strainers built into two sides of the appliance itself! Cooks love how effortlessly their food comes out perfect every time and reviewers say that only rarely do they need to re-oil between batches.
Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer
The Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer can be used to fry up to 3 pounds of chicken, fish, pork chops, sausage, onion rings, and more. The removable chafing dish can also be used on its own as a chafing heater when serving your fried foods. This unit is made of stainless steel with a nonstick cooking surface that is very easy to clean after use. It has an adjustable thermostat for temperature control and a removable cord storage compartment. The Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer retails for around $50 online.
Cuisinart Cordless Electric Deep Fryer
The Cuisinart Cordless Electric Deep Fryer is one of our favorite fryers. Although it’s on the expensive side, you can’t deny that it does an excellent job of cooking your food. It heats up very quickly and produces perfect results every time. The Cuisinart features an auto-shutoff timer to make sure you never over-cook your food. And a removable tray for easy cleanup although there are still some small nooks and crannies that might be tricky to get out.
Plus, it has a capacity of two quarts enough to easily cook enough fried foods for dinner plus leftovers. This particular model comes in stainless steel, which looks sleek and professional in any kitchen. However, if you’re not too concerned about presentation then we highly recommend checking out other models on our list that feature nonstick surfaces; they’re great at reducing oil splatter when you remove fried foods from them! All in all, if you’re looking for something high quality but don’t want to sacrifice usability or convenience then this is definitely worth considering.
  Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer
There are so many different kinds of fryers on today’s market it can be hard to choose which one is right for you. The Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer is designed with specific features that make it great for frying just about anything, including seafood, fries, chicken, and vegetables. There are dual baskets that will allow you to fry up to 3 pounds of food at a time. You can easily control temperatures with its digital thermostat control. When you first receive your Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer it comes with an automatic food basket lift for convenient use. If you want a great deep fryer that will give years of reliable service then look no further than Waring Pro’s DF280 Professional Deep Fryer.
  Chefman Electric Deep Fat Fryer
If you’re looking for a way to fry your foods without using cooking oil, then it’s worth checking out Chefman Electric Deep Fat Fryer. This appliance is an electric deep fryer that allows you to cook several different types of food at once. It has a capacity of 6.5 liters, which means it can easily hold enough ingredients for three or four people. So you can prepare snacks or small meals with ease. Thanks to its heating system, you get high-quality results with very little oil. It comes with digital controls so you can adjust cooking temperatures quickly and precisely. Giving your fried food just what it needs in order to come out delicious every time.
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novumtimes · 2 months
I live in humid Florida but dont have frizzy hair I avoid products with a common ingredient my holy grail is $10
A FLORIDIAN has shared how shunning a common haircare ingredient has tamed her frizzy waves. She ditched her other conditioners in favor of a $10 beauty buy that she called her “holy grail.” 2 A Floridian revealed the common ingredient she avoids to prevent frizzy hair (stock photo)Credit: Getty Redditor SouperSalty42 shared the haircare tip in a post. She explained that she tends to avoid glycerin in products because it exacerbates frizziness. “I live in Florida, so I deal with all kinds of humidity,” she said. “If you live in a very dry or very humid climate, you MUST avoid glycerin as an ingredient in ANY hair products you use. “Glycerin is used in pretty much every conditioner, and it used to make my hair so so so so frizzy before I figured it out.” Instead, a drugstore brand was her go-to to add moisture to her strands. “My absolute holy grail for conditioner is Love Beauty and Planet!” she said. “They’re sold at Target for around $10 a bottle, and they smell HEAVENLY!” Most read in Hair & Beauty Despite the affordable price point, she explained that the conditioner has been more effective than the more expensive brands she’s purchased. “This $10 conditioner has worked better for me than any luxury salon brand I’ve ever tried,” she said. Your hair might be thinning because of your water – invest in a shower tool to help, plus other mistakes to avoid “If you’re looking for something more high-end, try finding one without glycerin, and you shouldn’t be dealing with frizz any longer.” Reviewers seconded her recommendation, raving about the $10 Love Beauty and Planet Murumuru Butter and Rose conditioner. “I love the way the feel and aroma of this conditioner makes my shower feel like a spa experience,” said one. “After using the conditioner, my hair feels nourished but not weighed down and has noticeably more volume. She added that the conditioner is safe to use on salon-treated hair. 2 She ditched haircare products containing glycerin and now uses the $10 Love Beauty and Planet conditioner from Target, which she calls her ‘holy grail’Credit: Target “It’s also shiny, smooth, and frizz-free. I feel like it has added vibrancy to my color-treated hair and seems to lock in moisture,” she said. The Redditor’s post inspired another user to switch products with great results. “I read this the other day and went and found a shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in with no glycerin and no propylene glycol,” the commenter explained. She admitted it “wasn’t easy,” but the store attendant helped her go through the ingredients. She ended up buying Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo and Conditioner along with KurleeBelle Thirsty Kurls Leave-in Conditioner. “Usually I shampoo, condition, and then use a leave-in conditioner and let my hair air dry. It always looks so dry and fried,” she said. “My stylist was always accusing me of heat styling even though I never do! And I use a filter on the shower head (although I don’t think it does much). “After using this new stuff without those two ingredients and letting it air dry, my hair is shiny, lustrous, and not shaped like a frizzy triangle.” Source link via The Novum Times
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Skystra Review – The Best New Host on The Market?
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/skystra-review-the-best-new-host-on-the-market/
Skystra Review – The Best New Host on The Market?
As an online marketer and web hosting consultant who’s helped dozens of clients set up their websites, I have tested 100s of web hosting providers, but younger web hosting companies have always been the most fun to evaluate.
When you are trying to make a name for yourself in the market, you go above and beyond with superb customer support, affordable plans, and excellent performance. Skystra is one such underdog host, and with their customers continuing to hail them as their Robin Hood, I just had to check out what they’re about.
In this Skystra review, we’ll take a look through the web host’s plans, the price tag on these plans, how fast their servers are, their support portals, and everything else you should consider as a website owner. Let’s dive in!
Skystra Review
As one of the young web hosts on the market, Skystra is just a little over a decade old and was founded in 2011. While they don’t explicitly say how many customers they cater to, they have an impressive client profile of bloggers, business owners, marketing agencies, and so many more.
Skystra offers cloud hosting packages best suited for small to mid-sized websites. Their all-in-one double-tier packages are then optimized for WordPress websites, eCommerce websites, web apps, and other platform-specific hosting.
On all Skystra plans, you get SSD storage, a free SSL certificate, and a professional email address. What’s more? Skystra has a rather impressive reputation with helping website owners recover their hacked websites. Transferring your website to Skystra is also free. Skystra has been reviewed by over 110 people on TrustPilot and scores an impressive 4.4.
Skystra Pros and Cons
Skystra has very affordable web hosting plans
Their servers are incredibly fast
Not having too many customers means dedicated support
They offer free website migration
Their pricing is transparent
Their web hosting plans are straightforward
They have an excellent history resolving hacked websites
They may not have the resources for large websites
Not enough details about their hosting plans
Skystra Rating – Here’s How I’d Rate Them
With thousands of web hosts on the market, it can be hard to choose the right provider for your website. Plus, there’s really no guarantee you can trust the reviews that many web hosts publish on their websites. 
The best approach to know exactly how great a web host’s services are? A no-bs review of the web host from a third party who’s in no way affiliated with them – me.
Considering the key features that Skystra offers and how they perform in real life, here’s how I’d rate the web host on a scale of 1-5. Note that these scores are not static and do not reflect how I’d rate them in the future, should their offerings improve: 
Quality My rating Why I gave this score Features and specs 4.8 SSD storage, cloud hosting, a free SSL certificate, free email and free website transfer make Skystra an amazing host. However, they only offer one hosting type in two tiers. Pricing 5.0 Skystra starts at $4/month for its GO plan for 50% off and is renewed at $8/month after the first year. This makes them one of the most affordable hosts where most big providers charge between $10-15/month for shared hosting. Performance stats  5.0 I tested a website hosted on Skystra myself and got an incredible server response time of 72 ms. This places them at the very top in terms of performance. Ease of use 4.9 It’s super easy to set up an account on Skystra. The web host also gives you access to your website’s backend via a custom hosting control panel.  Customer support guarantee 4.9 And here, Skystra shines. With the founder of the company himself and other executives helping migrate websites, Skystra’s customer support is unrivaled. However, they are yet to roll out other support portals like live chat.
Skystra Plans and Pricing 
Skystra launched as a cloud hosting platform and offers just one plan in two tiers to website owners. When you choose a plan on Skystra, you can pay via credit card.
Cloud hosting
Storage – 10 GB SSD storage
Number of websites – 1 website
Features – Free SSL, free transfer and free professional email
Price – $4/month billed annually
Storage – 50 GB SSD storage
Number of websites – 5 website
Features – Free SSL, free transfer and free professional email, 
Price – $9/month billed annually
Depending on how many websites you can choose either Skystra’s GO hosting plan for 1 website or the more economical PLUS plan that allows you to host 5 websites at $9/month for the first year. For new users, Skystra’s web hosting plans are sold at 50% off meaning after the first year, your hosting fees double – which is still very fair compared to other web hosts that woo you in with cheaper prices that then triple or quadruple from the next year.
Who this is for:
Skystra’s cloud hosting plans are best for small to mid-sized website owners that have little or a decent amount of traffic. Bloggers, creatives, marketers, agencies, and freelancers enjoy Skystra’s plans the most.
Skystra’s Features
Free SSL and professional email
SSD storage
Free website migration
AI-powered web application firewall
1-click installs for common apps – WordPress, Joomla, Drupal
Renewable energy matched servers
Online-only support
Skystra custom hosting control panel
Skystra stands out amongst other web hosts thanks to its superior performance and simplistic hosting plans. No need to navigate through dozens of plans with complicated conditions and features – you know exactly what you get. They also stand out with their custom hosting control panel that makes managing your hosting account and website’s backend super convenient.
Skystra’s Performance Tests
And onto Skystra’s real-life performance. It’s super important to consider the speed and uptime of any web host you are looking at, and Skystra will be treated no differently. 
The web host’s server response speeds contribute to the overall loading time of your website. The faster the web host’s servers respond, the quicker your website will load.
Experts recommend that websites should load within 2 seconds to minimize customer bounce rate so your choice of a web host also affects how much traffic your website gets.
The uptime, on the other hand, tells us how much of the time the web host keeps your website active. You don’t want a web host that has service disruptions every other day as this will also mean you can lose potential customers who can’t access your website.
Skystra hosting speed test
To test Skystra’s speed, I used GTMetrix to analyze one of the websites hosted o their platform. These were the results:
Skystra’s servers had an incredible server response time (time to first byte) of 70 milliseconds. 
And the overall performance was 100%, which is excellent.
To test Skystra’s uptime, I ran the same website on Uptime Robot and got these results:
Skystra’s servers were up 100% of the time over the last 30 days.
Skystra’s Customer Support
In terms of support, Skystra is decent – not spectacular. You get support on Skystra via:
Skystra knowledgebase
Here, you’ll find all the answers to questions on managing your website, email, setting up your domain names, etc. The help center comes with a search engine to help you find answers quickly.
Support ticket
To reach Skystra as a non-customer, you can create a ticket:
I tested their support ticket and was a bit disappointed because it took at least 7 hours to get a reply back. However, I got the answers to all the questions I asked.
Human support
Skystra also prides itself on providing 100% human support. Unlike most big hosts with too many customers to cater to who will have you chatting with a bot initially, Skystra only provides support through human agents.
My thoughts: Skystra is great for their human support and while the support process itself is excellent, they don’t have as many support channels as I’d like to see.
I was looking forward to seeing a blog section, live chat, tutorials page, or maybe phone support. However, most of these aren’t on Skystra. Their live chat support becomes available after you pay for a plan.
Skystra’s Security Features
Security is the watch-word of the digital age where cyberattackers are getting more sophisticated. To encrypt your website’s data, Skystra gives you a free SSL certificate out-of-the-box, ensuring your website has the ‘padlock’ and ‘HTTPS’ seal of trust.
With every plan you purchase on Skystra, you also get a web application firewall powered by AI that detects any threats to your website’s security automatically and quarantines them.
Skystra also integrates seamlessly with many of the well known content delivery networks (CDNs), opening up your website to be stored across a network of servers globally and improving your website’s performance. All your third-party software is also updated automatically.
Skystra’s Website Builder
This is going to be a short one. Skystra doesn’t come with any native website builder – it’s to be expected though, they are a young host. However, Skystra offers 1-click installs to the most popular content management systems (CMS) and no-code website builders on the market – WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
Skystra’s User Friendliness
So how easy is it to use Skystra for your website management essentials – creating an account, the control panel, and installing WordPress? Let’s take a look:
How to create an account on Skystra
Like with most web hosting providers on the market, to create an account you’d just need to buy one of their hosting plans. 
Step 1
Choose the plan you want and click on ‘BUY NOW’. You’ll then be redirected to the domain name confirmation/checkout page.
Step 2
Next, choose the addons you want and fill in your personal details:
Step 3
Finally, fill in your payment details. You’ll then receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided with your login credentials. And that’s it! You now have a hosting account with Skystra.
Skystra’s control panel
Skystra actually gives you a custom control panel to manage your website’s backend. I was genuinely impressed as it’s only usually the very top hosting providers that offer this. 
Through your Skystra control panel, you can access settings for your domains, emails, website files, database, security features, and so much more.
Plus their user account dashboard is quite decent too:
Systra’s control panel is more user-friendly than the traditional cPanel making the platform incredibly easy to use.
How to install WordPress on Skystra
Installing WordPress on Skystra is super easy. Simply login to your hosting control panel and click the dropdown at the top right beside the internet logo:
Next, scroll to the ‘tools’ section and click on ‘WordPress Manager’:
This opens up the WordPress installation tool. 
Click on ‘Install’. 
You’ll then be prompted to select the domain name you want WordPress installed on.
Under ‘Choose installation URL’ select your domain name. Now scroll down to the ‘Admin Account’ section and choose your Admin Username and ‘Admin Password’.
You can decide to leave the default ones or put in new ones – whichever you choose, make sure to copy and save them securely as you’ll need them to login. Next fill in your ‘Admin email’  which can be any email address you have access to.
Double check all your details and click ‘Install’
You’ll then get a confirmation page with your Administrative URL which is the link you’ll use to login to your WordPress dashboard. 
And that’s it!
Conclusion: Do We Recommend Skystra?
Skystra is a relatively young hosting provider that’s revolutionizing customer support and ease of use. They offer 100% human support and quite surprisingly, a custom control panel that many big hosts don’t even have.
What’s more? Their double-tier single plan doesn’t leave too much to figure out – you can simply one of the two and move forward quickly. I absolutely recommend Skystra for small to mid-sized websites who need a dependable host they can count on. Their performance stats too are through the roof!
On the other hand, they are not the best host for people with much larger websites who may need dedicated resources. Another aspect they can improve on is to have more support channels like live chat and phone support for quicker contact.
Visit Skystra →
Is Skystra’s phone number available?
Skystra does not list any phone numbers for support on their website. However, you can reach out to one of their support agents by creating a support ticket.
Need a host for new travel blog – Skystra or BlueHost?
Creatives and bloggers love Skystra in particular thanks to their dedicated support and superior performance. BlueHost, on the other hand, provides way more features than just hosting – domains, website builder, email, etc.
If you own a travel blog, I recommend Skystra because their success stories have been mostly with bloggers and creatives.
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painlesspregnancy · 5 months
Why Should I Decide To Use Your Physical Therapy for Pregnancy Florida?
Here at Painless Pregnancy we are very passionate to make sure that if you’re looking for the Physical Therapy for Pregnancy Florida organization to partner with, that you choose us each and every time. We are so passionate about this not just because we want to earn your business, but because we know that we can get you the results that you’ve been looking for. If you have not yet experienced it, pregnancy can bring with sitting men’s pain and hardship. Additionally, in the postpartum season, if you are having so much pain you can even pick up your own child, it is terrible. We are here to help bring relief to that.
When you were looking for the Best Physical Therapy for Pregnancy Florida, contact us here at painless pregnancy and will be able to help you out. We going to that you’ll be blown away for you. Get your free consultation today and we can help you figure out whatever services can best of the needs of you in your body. Are you pregnant? Did you recently have a child? Are you looking for overall wellness services for your new body? If you guys are super high-quality services as a new mom, we can help you out. Offer you.
We go that we do this is by giving you a free consultation. Gray services and physical therapy for pregnancy and postpartum bodies, we are here to help you out. They’re very many misconceptions about pain during pregnancy, and you have the proper knowledge to know what is normal and what is not normal. If you are looking for great Physical Therapy for Pregnancy Florida relief, our services are here to help you out. We go above and beyond would love your experience with us. We can provide with treatment, assessments, and so much more. Make sure you take a vantage of the great offer we have and schedule your free consultation today.
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We offer high-quality pregnancy and post partum services for the most affordable price. When you’re searching for great ways to make your body more comfortable during pregnancy, our services are here to help you out. We are for the highest quality of services, and guarantee that you will love them. Are you a new mom? Are you pregnant? When you are having a new body grow inside of your body, it is very hard on your body, so, we were able to provide you with the pain relief services you need to be comfortable and less stressed during the whole process. If you’re looking for great treatment, assessments, and more, we are pretty covered.
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nenamatic · 6 months
AI Writers have totally changed the game! They're revolutionizing the way we create content and are on their way to becoming a permanent part of our lives. Over the past year, I've tried out a bunch of AI writing tools like Rytr, Copy AI, and Scalenut. After a lot of trial and error, I'm finally ready to give you a full review of Jasper AI. In this review, we'll go over what it is, its user interface, the most important features, and some of the most popular apps. We'll also look at its price plans, customer service, and alternatives. If you're interested in learning more about how it can help you create content, check out our blog post! Jasper AI delivers amazing results that exceed your expectations. After testing several AI tools in the last two months, I can confidently say that jasper is one of the best tools out there. It has an easy-to-use interface, intuitive features, and great customer support. Thanks to jasper's help, you can easily achieve your goals and get more value out of your data. data jasper AI (previously jasper alexis alexis) is an AI copywriter software. Founded in 2021 by Mr. Dave Rogenmoser in 2021, the company is based in Austin U.S.A. Currently, the company has more than 70k clients. How Jasper Ai Works? Jasper AI uses the latest generation of language prediction model GPT-3 . The model contains 175 billion variables, which is why it is capable of producing accurate and relevant data. Some of the most well-known AI writing programs are Rytr, Writesonic, Copy AI... Jasper Ai Pricing Jasper Ai Pricing Jasper AI has two subscription plans that can be found on the Pricing page: Creator is 59 dollars per month,39 if you per yearly. Teams plan is 125 dollars per month, 99 if you pay for one year. Overall, the cost of Jasper AI is quite high, which is not suitable for all users. If you are looking for a more affordable AI writer, we recommend alternatives such as: Writesonic, Copy Ai, Rytr. Free Trial Jasper AI has a free trial that allows you to try out all the features in Boss Mode for 7 days. The best part is that you don’t need to enter your credit card details to take advantage of this free trial! Payment Methods At the moment, you can only pay with major debit/credit cards. I would like to see them offer other payment options like UPI soon. Refund Policy If you’re not happy with your experience, you can change your plan within 5 days to get a full refund. Jasper Ai User Interface Jasper AI’s user interface is modern and stylish, with a minimalistic design. It’s very fast and I didn’t had any during my use. On the dashboard, you’ll find a list of tasks that can help you earn all your free credits. You’ll also find the AI templates and additional tools on the left side. The help icon on the right helps you get answers to your questions through email tickets, knowledge base tutorials, or even in the community. Content Tools Jasper AI Key Features SEO integration to create SEO optimized blog articles to get ranked for relevant keywords in search engines, thanks to the Surfer Seo. Integration with Grammarly to meet all of your editing requirements The tool has the ability to create and translate content into 26 languages. Create Quora or read the responses Find blog post topics and meta descriptions, subject lines for emails, product descriptions, and more useful content in a matter of just a few seconds Create quality video content for various formats, such as video scripts, social media and sales emails, video titles and much more. Content enhancer - take the content you have already written and modify in a way that makes it intriguing innovative, engaging, and creative by using different copy variants Tone - You can customize your content with a range of tones, like friendly or witty, I'm professional, disappointed, and creative. You can even use celebrities' names to personalize your content. You select the tone you want to use by hand.
YuuTube Templates Jasper Ai Use Cases With Examples Blog Post Outline I used this template in order to make blog post outline. The title was Best Chat GPT plugins. And this was the result: 1. Introducing GPT Chat Plugins – How to Automate Your Conversations 2. Exploring the Benefits of GPT Chat Plugins 3. Finding the Right GPT Chat Plugin for Your Needs 4. Setting Up and Testing a GPT Chat Plugin 5. Tips for Optimizing Your GPT Chat Plugin 6. Troubleshooting Common Issues with GPT Chat Plugins 7. The Future of GPT Chat Plugins – Where Are We Headed Next? 1. Introducing GPT Chat plugins – What they are and why you need them 2. A Roundup of the Best GPT Chat Plugins for WordPress 3. How to Set Up GPT Chat Plugins on Your WordPress Site 4. Using GPT Chat Plugins to Create Engaging Experiences for Your Visitors 5. How to Make Sure Your Site is GDPR Compliant with GPT Chat Plugins 6. Wrapping Up – Benefits of Having GPT Chat Plugins On Your Site Blog Post Topic Ideas I have used another template for topic ideas. I wrote input for marketing agency and I targeted busy moms as audience. Blog Post Intro Here is my example of blog post intro. I asked Jasper to make an intro for Best Chat GPT Plugins. First Intro: Chatbots aren't just a convenient way to interact with potential customers—they're now a necessary tool for successful marketing in today's digital space. But not all chatbot platforms are created equal: To make the most of your conversations, you'll need to invest in some powerful and reliable chatbot plugins. Luckily, ChatGPT has you covered! With its robust collection of plugins available, it’s easy to find one that suits your unique needs and provide an engaging customer experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the best ChatGPT plug-ins and highlight how they might help revolutionize your conversations - so buckle up for an exciting ride! Second Intro: Are you looking for a way to easily add chat-based automation to your marketing campaigns? Take a look at ChatGPT plugins – they are the perfect solution for improving customer engagement and streamlining your workflow. ChatGPT is an AI bot that can carry out conversations with customers on behalf of your business, allowing you to focus more on the bigger picture tasks. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why these plugins make life easier for marketers and uncover some of the best options available in 2023. So, after testing ,I can say that Blog Intros , Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph ,Paragraph Generator ,Content Improver , Content Summarizer and Meta descriptions are awesome ! Some other features needs improvement. Grammar And Plagiarism A lot of work has been put into making machine learning algorithms more efficient to create more natural-looking content. Although it's not quite there yet but the artificial intelligence tools for copywriting have improved significantly in recent times. To be consistent with a few the other AI test, we made around 300 words that I ran through Grammarly. The words scored average of 87 for grammar, which is similar to the other tests we have. If you are using one of these tools, you have to check plagiarism! All Ai Writers have problem with creating an unique content. I tested Jasper Ai and result came with 20 % of plagiarism. In the case of AI-generated texts, accuracy and the truthfulness of text can be a major issue. In my opinion, accuracy of content is one of the main concerns in regards to AI-generated content. Conclusion We're only beginning to discover what these AI-powered content tools can do, and I'm sure they'll get better in the coming years. We hope that you found our Jasper AI review helpful. What is the best way to predict where this will affect blogging and online business? However, in spite of all benefits of Jasper Ai, I don't think that I can count on AI to produce content that could take writers of content out of work in the near future!
If you want to learn more about Ai writing tools read my other articles: Writesonic Ai Review Rytr Ai Review Copy Ai Review
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
The Best Tempura Fryer for Kitchen
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/the-best-tempura-fryer-for-kitchen/
The Best Tempura Fryer for Kitchen
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Tempura fryer is an essential part of any kitchen. They’re not that expensive or difficult to use, as long as you choose the right one for your needs. So how do you pick the right tempura fryer? I’m glad you asked! Check out these top picks from my expert review team below, and find out how to pick the best tempura fryer based on all of your needs and wants!
GoWISE USA Electric Deep Fryer
The GoWISE USA Electric Deep Fryer is one of our favorites for its simplicity, durability, and affordable price point. This deep fryer features a see-through window that gives you easy access to your food as it fries. A handy basket lifts out with ease so you can dump your food in seconds. A carry handle on top makes it easy to take your hot food with you on picnics or camping trips! At under $30. We think it’s a great choice for anyone looking for an electric model of tempura fryer at an excellent price point. It even comes in fun colors like red, green, yellow, blue, orange, and white! It has all of the basic functions needed for frying.
It heats up quickly, cools down quickly after use, runs quietly without any smoke or odor. And there are no complicated settings to mess around with. We think it’s ideal if you’re just getting started with cooking but don’t want to shell out big bucks for a fancy gadget that does more than what you need it to do. We recommend washing by hand rather than placing it into the dishwasher since some users have complained about surface scratches caused by dishwasher detergent. One last pro tip: make sure never submerge any electrical parts in water because damage may occur due to electrical shock or fire hazards.
Presto CoolDaddy Cool Touch Deep Fryer
If you’re looking for a fast, easy way to make crisp, delicious tempura, look no further than the Presto CoolDaddy Cool Touch Deep Fryer. It has a viewing window and an adjustable thermostat. So you can keep an eye on things without fear of burning. The detachable handle makes it easy to carry to and from your kitchen table, and a 2-liter oil capacity means that you won’t be running out before dinner is done. It even has a removable oil filtration system to ensure that your fried foods are crispy while minimizing messy clean-up!
Grab one of these fryers if you want healthy, delicious tempura with minimal effort! What else do we like about it? For its price, you’d expect nothing more than a propane tank and tongs. But there’s actually a deep-frying thermometer as well as strainers built into two sides of the appliance itself! Cooks love how effortlessly their food comes out perfect every time and reviewers say that only rarely do they need to re-oil between batches.
Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer
The Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer can be used to fry up to 3 pounds of chicken, fish, pork chops, sausage, onion rings, and more. The removable chafing dish can also be used on its own as a chafing heater when serving your fried foods. This unit is made of stainless steel with a nonstick cooking surface that is very easy to clean after use. It has an adjustable thermostat for temperature control and a removable cord storage compartment. The Presto GranPappy Electric Deep Fryer retails for around $50 online.
Cuisinart Cordless Electric Deep Fryer
The Cuisinart Cordless Electric Deep Fryer is one of our favorite fryers. Although it’s on the expensive side, you can’t deny that it does an excellent job of cooking your food. It heats up very quickly and produces perfect results every time. The Cuisinart features an auto-shutoff timer to make sure you never over-cook your food. And a removable tray for easy cleanup although there are still some small nooks and crannies that might be tricky to get out.
Plus, it has a capacity of two quarts enough to easily cook enough fried foods for dinner plus leftovers. This particular model comes in stainless steel, which looks sleek and professional in any kitchen. However, if you’re not too concerned about presentation then we highly recommend checking out other models on our list that feature nonstick surfaces; they’re great at reducing oil splatter when you remove fried foods from them! All in all, if you’re looking for something high quality but don’t want to sacrifice usability or convenience then this is definitely worth considering.
  Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer
There are so many different kinds of fryers on today’s market it can be hard to choose which one is right for you. The Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer is designed with specific features that make it great for frying just about anything, including seafood, fries, chicken, and vegetables. There are dual baskets that will allow you to fry up to 3 pounds of food at a time. You can easily control temperatures with its digital thermostat control. When you first receive your Waring Pro DF280 Professional Deep Fryer it comes with an automatic food basket lift for convenient use. If you want a great deep fryer that will give years of reliable service then look no further than Waring Pro’s DF280 Professional Deep Fryer.
  Chefman Electric Deep Fat Fryer
If you’re looking for a way to fry your foods without using cooking oil, then it’s worth checking out Chefman Electric Deep Fat Fryer. This appliance is an electric deep fryer that allows you to cook several different types of food at once. It has a capacity of 6.5 liters, which means it can easily hold enough ingredients for three or four people. So you can prepare snacks or small meals with ease. Thanks to its heating system, you get high-quality results with very little oil. It comes with digital controls so you can adjust cooking temperatures quickly and precisely. Giving your fried food just what it needs in order to come out delicious every time.
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robert-sims · 6 months
Effortless Chic: SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Trousers
SweatyRocks is a trendy brand offering athletic-inspired clothing, including activewear and casual wear. Known for bold prints and vibrant colors, they cater to those who lead an active lifestyle or enjoy athleisure fashion.
Hot Product
SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Button Down Straight Long Trousers Pants
Material:95% Polyester, 5% Elastane,soft,comfy,breathable to skin
Unique design: Zip up,high waisted, buttons detail, bootcut, wide leg,loose fit,casual style, workout pants
Occasions: Suitable for cocktaill, party, club, daily home wear or going out,club, bar or casual etc.Perfect for pairing with trendy cropped tops or Tees to show your curves and flatters your body
Hand wash or machine wash, do not bleach
Please refer to the size measurement in image before ordering
A Review Of SweatyRocks
I ordered these first in white size small. I LOVE them. They fit perfectly, length is exactly what I needed, and some genius person had the good sense to NOT put pockets in them. If you’ve tried a thousand pair of white slacks, you know… the pockets always show through and look weird, so this was an excellent design decision. Also, they flow really nicely over the hips because there’s nothing to bulk up the sides or create an odd fabric pooch where they open. They come super wrinkled, but I steamed them and the result is pants that look like I paid $200. I had a very snooty acquaintance ask if they were Alexander McQueen because she legit thought they looked like Kate Middleton’s suit pants. High praise. So 10/10 on those. Since the white ones were so amazing, I ordered a black pair (in the same size) because these were a holy grail kind of find for me. NOT THE SAME PANTS. The black ones were much larger, I compared the waistbands and it’s a full 2″ larger than the white ones. OK, fine, Amazon returns are great so I’ll just order an x-small. But they just are not the same. First, the black ones DO have pockets. I didn’t want them, so that’s not great. Second, the sizing is definitely inconsistent. The small white and x-small black have the exact same size waist, but the x-small are about 1.5-2″ shorter (that part makes sense). Result is if I want the ones that fit in the waist, I can’t wear them with anything other than flats. I’m 5’4″, so not exactly tall… Third difference is the fabric. The white ones are a tighter weave and come across as a higher end fabric. The black ones are rougher, have a bit of weird stretch, and don’t look as expensive. I steamed them to get the wrinkles out so I could make a fair comparison, and they are just not as nice. Conclusion: these are either 10/10 amazing most gorgeous affordable pants ever made, or they’re 6.5-7/10 okayish because they didn’t break the bank and they cover my bits… but it’s all depending on the color.
Customer Q&As
Q: Would this be long enough for 6’2 height?
A: I am 5’5” and they were the perfectly length for me. I think they would be extremely short on a 6’2” person.
Q: I’m 5”2 are these going to be too long on me if I get a size small?
A: Yes. Way too long.
Q: I need 20 inches around knee area for a wrap. Would these work?
A: Yes I think these would work.. they are very wide legged.
Easy Care: Simplify your wardrobe maintenance with the easy-care fabric of the SweatyRocks Trousers. Machine washable for convenient cleaning, these pants retain their shape and color wash after wash, ensuring long-lasting wear and enjoyment.
Effortless Chic: Elevate your everyday style with the SweatyRocks Women’s Casual Wide Leg High Waisted Trousers. With their flattering high waist, sophisticated wide-leg silhouette, and versatile button-down detailing, these pants offer effortless chic that takes you from day to night with ease.
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Install Solar Panels Perth - Reduce Your Energy Costs and Increase the Value of Your Property
Install Solar Panels Perth is an excellent way to reduce your energy costs and make a contribution towards a greener future. It also increases the value of your property.
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The most reputable solar companies in Perth provide quality systems and service at an affordable price. Their reputation is built on a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.
Reduced Energy Costs
The sun is a free resource that can be harnessed to power your home. Solar systems use sunlight to run your appliances and reduce energy costs, saving you money on electricity bills over time.
Your system will produce more energy than you consume, and excess electricity is sent back to the grid. The electricity you generate can also be stored in batteries, giving you access to clean energy even during a blackout.
Having the right system, especially with battery storage, will reduce your dependence on the grid. It will also show your responsibility to a greener environment and enhance the value of your property.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
The sun provides free, renewable energy that can be used to power your home and reduce your reliance on the grid. solar panels installation perth are able to capture this energy and convert it into electricity, which can then be used in your home or sent back to the grid depending on your system setup.
Adding solar to your Perth home can help reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainability. In addition, it can increase the value of your home and provide a hedge against future electricity price hikes.
It is important to choose a reputable Perth solar retailer and installer. Look for reviews and testimonials, and make sure they are licensed, certified and qualified. You should also check the warranty terms and conditions. In addition, compare quotes from several different companies.
Increased Value of Your Home
While there are many articles out there claiming that Solar Panels increase the value of your home, it’s important to keep in mind that this depends on a lot of factors. You should make sure that you get your system installed by a reputable company and that they use high-quality products and offer good customer service.
Your roof’s angle and orientation will also affect how much energy your panels generate. For best results, your panels should be facing north and angled at around 90 degrees.
Solar energy systems are one of the most affordable renewable energies in Australia. Combined with low electricity prices, they’re a no-brainer for Perth residents. In fact, you can even recoup the upfront installation costs through future savings on your energy bills!
Increased Home Value
If you’re thinking about selling your home in the future, then installing solar panels Perth is a great way to increase its value. This is because potential buyers will be looking for homes that are energy efficient and cost effective.
Solar Panels Perth can also help you become energy independent and reduce your dependence on the grid. By generating your own power, you can cut your electricity costs and even sell excess power back to the grid for a profit.
When choosing a solar company, make sure that they have a good reputation and a solid track record of customer satisfaction. You should also consider a local company as they are more familiar with the government rebates and permit requirements in your area. This will ensure a faster installation process and greater savings.
Reduced Maintenance
When you install solar panels in Perth, you can reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint by generating your own electricity. You can also sell excess energy back to the grid and earn a return on your investment.
Solar panels require very little maintenance, but it is important to clean them regularly to ensure they are working at their full potential. Dirt, dust and bird droppings can build up on the surface of the panels and reduce their efficiency.
Regular cleaning will prevent these issues and extend the lifespan of your Solar power installers perth system. It is also a good idea to hire a professional to carry out maintenance, particularly if you live in an area that has high levels of pollution or dust. This will help to protect the health of you and your family.
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