#they went to do dumb shit after
daily-joemaru · 7 months
Day 35: iHop
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hajihiko · 7 months
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don't know what to draw, draw hugs
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slavhew · 7 months
If you're not too busy, would you mind listing some of the things you think count as death flags for Mr. Spender?
There's the obvious fact that he's the "old" mentor to group of young protagonists, but what else do you think would count?
OHH BOY ok so I'd think I'm a crackpot for this but since we're talking about Zack "Foreshadowing" Morrison. I have some thoughts
No harm in leading with the (chronologically) first thing that jumped out at me:
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This one IMMEDIATELY made me antsy whenever I came back to it after my initial read, and considering Zack has referred to it on twitter in the past as one of their favorite jokes it's definitely not been forgotten about.
Second, the sheer amounts of near-misses, jokey or not, of Spender narrowly avoiding specifically lightning
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Again, not much, but it's weird that it happened thrice, latter two of which had real gravitas rather than an one-off joke.
And third, Spender himself. He's repeatedly shown himself to be kind of a self sacrificing idiot, as well as prideful to a fault. Granted, it's both him and Mina trying to take on all the responsibility of saving Mayview and its inhabitants from their fate.. But Spender is exactly that right measure of doesn't-value-himself-enough (chest footprint aftercare or lack thereof), having an obscene amount of power (enables his loner act + pride) and poor judgement that has the capacity to put him at great risk. And it has!
Spender has not only shown low enough self-esteem to view himself as the de-facto scapegoat for the safety of the town, but also prideful enough to make very bad calls that end up in people, often himself, hurt (COUGH FORGE INCIDENT COUGH)
This is all conjecture, but it's definitely enough to make me worried about him :') Even if all this doesn't mean he'll necessarily die he's definitely getting (even more) seriously injured at some point. I love the guy but he's so far doing a horrible job of convincing me he wants to live bad enough to circumvent at least that
#not art#admin answers#paranatural#pnat#richard spender#pts-fic-notes-and-blog#before i continue on with tag ramble i just want to say tysm for leaving an ask!#none of my friends read this so ive been stewing on these thoughts for some months and i loved finally sharing them#this isn't exactly proof but the hijack possession seemingly being the final nail in the coffin for his and isabel's relationship.#idk it feels significant to me. thats one more tether to support kinda gone. someone who knows him well enough to know he's unwell#he seems not exactly content but fr incapable of not burning bridges as he is now. and considering how rashly he acts he REALLY needs those#to not do stupid shit all the god damn time with no buffer other than Lucifer. who for his measured approach to rick's hotheadedness#has honestly shown himself to be pretty lenient and kinda bad at controlling spender's more (self) destructive tendencies? so he dont count#to be clear i love spender to bits but he is dumb as rocks and has all the self preservation of a fruit fly. it needs to be said#also the lightning man... idk its WEIRD like especially on the reread its the thing that most consistently threatens him! it repeats#sure he gets chewed by a bat and banged up by forge but?? he somehow always comes back to lightning. catnine has it out for him#its something i didnt even really put together until i continued reading the flashback chapter AFTER getting this ask and went OHHHGNHF#which the only reason lightning is such a non issue is lucifer's powers. which belong to his sunglasses and not to the spirit in him#so its not like they can't be taken away he's just got a really good excuse for having those on all the time#TAGS GETTING SO LONG. ANYWAYS. i hope this is comprehensible lol
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your-mom-friend · 1 year
I can’t get over Kageyama Ritsu…everyone says he’s the more popular, more attractive and cool Kageyama Brother but literally every scene of him at school ever is him avoiding anything that’s not School Council and not talking to anyone or so much as SMILING at anyone. He’s literally Mob if mob styled his hair.
Like honestly Mob and Ritsu are the SAME amount of socially awkward but the issue is that Mob is just more blunt and WILL say he’s not enjoying your company and leave (he’ll try to be polite but it’ll fall flat) but Ritsu is Bound By This Mortal Concept of Social Politeness and wouldn’t just say that to people’s faces so everyone thinks he’s the nicest guy when in fact he’s been hoping to spontaneously learn invisibility for the last half hour
Like that time Tsubomi came to Spirits and Such did you see his face he wasn’t even as intense fighting for his life against Claw as he was hiding from her lmao
Ritsu acts like he’s completely chill but is in fact a pathetic loser (affectionate). He calls his brother Nii-San. He hates Reigen with all the hate in his heart. He found the kid that kicked his ass when he was kidnapped and then let him into his home. He let that guy burn his house down for kicks. He became best friends with that kid. He keeps a spoon in his pocket. He can and will kill people if he feels like it. He got psychic powers and immediately became a villain about it for like 3 whole minutes before getting his ass humbled. He’s literally 13 and it makes everything about him 300% better.
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hella1975 · 1 year
11pm in manchester airport plane landed at 10pm after being DELAYED AND ANNOYING AND EVERYTHING WRONG WITH RYANAIR for over an hour. when is my train home from this godforsaken city you ask? 5am. good job im stuck in arrivals where there are no coffee shops or even regular charging ports haha. so glad to be spending the next six hours sat by the squeaky baggage claim machine. thank god my mum was sympathetic about it right haha… right????
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batsplat · 4 months
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marc meeting valentino when valentino was on a three race win streak and immediately having to watch his hero fail to win again for four races in a row
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readingwriter92 · 4 months
Anxiety is cancelled from now on. I’ve had too much of it today
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smute · 9 months
big epiphany you guys. big. huge.
#cliffnotes for context: smute almost finish masters. smute think oh‚ maybe phd not crazy wacko shit‚ maybe i can try#but smute also low self esteem. with any small setback - smute think oh what is point. smute bound to fail#problem is: smute genuine self doubt = smute quotidian frustration#ok normal english now#so thats what i realized today. a lot of the ''small'' things i dream of (financial independence‚ a nice little apartment etc) are#expressions of some low level frustration with my nomadic broke student life#rather than genuine desires. and as dumb or as#duh#obvious as that may sound rn#its actually huge for me that i was able to recognize the difference today#this question of what i will do after i graduate has been haunting me for the past year#and i am now realizing that a lot of my own arguments have nothing to do with what i want#just because they're things i don't currently have doesn't mean they would be fulfilling#and#again. duh.#but like. between this debilitating self doubt and certain external pressures 🤨 it was hard to see the difference#anyway i basically just explored some alternative scenarios today#like specific scenarios. went on indeed found some really good stuff and tried to imagine my life a year from now if i took this or that jo#and the end result was that i fucking hated it. they were all great options on paper but the takeaway was that i would never forgive myself#if i didnt give this a try. if i prioritized some vague notion of independence or this idea of ''settling down'' or whatever the fuck#over the one thing that ive got going for me#like i still don't know if the academic path will be any more fulfilling than some other job#god knows my entire academic career so far has been an insane uphill battle. but it's also been so fucking rewarding. like nothing else#and i also still dont know how genuine this wish is#if it's not maybe still about proving myself to some imaginary authority#but like. how long can you psychoanalyze yourself before your goddamn head explodes#no matter how pure my motivation is im beginning to understand that i dont want this to be the end of the road#and maybe that's enough#&
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jaythelay · 27 days
Fact: Unless you force yourself, ya ain't reaching the half-way point of SR3.
Deadass half the game is turret sections and incredibly railroaded missions. There's just nothing replayable about that game in any regard for most players. Anyone saying otherwise is actually lying through failed or anecdotal co-op memories.
Unless you're into the story they treated as skippable more than viewable, the gameplay is as thin as it gets, and should be an example for everyone on what standards your games should actually have in place of attempted but utterly failed "coolness."
Seriously I know I went off about them not continuing the gangster stuff, but that's genuinely not even a minor concern to me. As I said, I'd prefer them to do their own thing, and guess what SR3 fans did not show up to support at allllllll? Exactly that game, what was that title again....guardian...drivers...? Idunno, It wasn't for SR2 fans so I didn't see anything on it. It failed!
Because their audience, dedicated fanbase, was not the continual stream of 15yos from the mid 2010s. But SR2 fans.
All they're into is the conceptual ideas of SR3/4, the wackyness, but genuinely not much else. Once the jiggling keys effect wears off, and your friend gets equally as bored, ya close, uninstall, and move on.
Seriously try it without the objective to prove me wrong. Some of you will enjoy it and that's valid and fine, but most of you genuinely will not last past the 8th turret section after yet another turret section after another turret section after a railroaded section, after a turrent section.
Watch how often you do not touch wasd or your left joystick, it's actually embarrassing "creative" work that we moved on from in the PS2 era. Sure, SR2 had moments like this, just not Back to Back to Back to Back to Back to Back.
Anyways, just saying SR2 fans were their actual customer base that entire time and instead? They went out of business because, oh, oh wow the proto-fortnite crowd has a low attention span and care for the series? Who'da guessed dwindling all support from your dedicated fanbase for the ficklest of fickle crowds would end up becoming your downfall?
They weren't struggling when it was SR1/2, but they've been on the ropes since SR4 and continually going back to the same, very dry well, eventually killed them. Had the reboot been made seriously, competantly, and creatively, they'd still be around today. Instead, cheaply it was made and pricey was it's tag.
They made it cheaper and cheaper feeling until the gameplay felt like an alpha title and made the characters frustratingly what old people think young people are like, wrote a story nobody would bother writing without a gun to their head, and then did nothing to address anything as the jiggling keys fanbase went back to fortnite and SR2 fans were completely pissed off.
Imagine rebooting your series to be entirely for the crowd that moves on near instantly. That pushed SR2 fans away and absolutely losing their dedicated fans is what ended up costing them existence in the public eye.
Genuinely, you can't debate that the SR3 formula straight out of a budget PS2 title, that they kept since the 2010s, and pissing off their actual audience with the reboot, was what put them out of business. It's undebatable they chose the most frivilous of audiences over their actual audience.
Good riddance to the dumbest business known to man. RIP Saint's Row as it truly was, thank fuck Saint's Row is dead in it's current form. Next time, do the obviously smart thing, and make a product people actually want to play for more than an hour.
#saints row#saints row 3#saints row the 3#I refuse to use the custom title for it either#just dumb#another old man trying to sound hip attempt#Anyways as you can see from any usual public forum posts about the entire series#the fanbase is utterly divided and guess when that happened#SR3#genuinely all they had to do was change the title and the animosity would not be as charged#they didn't. Completely and in it's entirety abandoned what garnered them support in the first place#made a secondary. incrediby fickle but generally easy to sell to base#that being child-like brains#and when they got bored after 5 minutes not because of quality but attention spans#volition was left with basically just the child-likes that never grew up. and their original fanbase#like I really don't get how volition thought they were gonna last#you had a dedicated fanbase due to SR1/2 but they continually went with the fortnite crowd before fortnite and then after fortnite#and like man that crowd ALWAYS moves on to the next shiny jiggling pair of keys#the most you can say of that fanbase is they somehow enjoyed SR3/4#OG SR fans stayed around wanting more of their old work while their new work was soundly rejected#and ignored more and more every title because again and I cannot stress this enough#comparing hardcore dedicated SR2 fans to SR3 fans. It's no contest. If a real sequel to SR2 came out SR2 fans would come out in droves#when they do the same shit as they were in the early 2010s that was outdated by 2005#no one's gonna stay around for it#an incredibly fickle fanbase combined with a dedicates fanbase and they chose the fickle every time until closure#just saying ya'll they didn't go out of business with SR1 or SR2#they did with every SR game after it tho#just saying#Just saying ya'll were not as reliable as the OG fanbase would've been and absolutely is#SR2 fans stayed from the start while the new audience completely moved on. Instead of relying on guaranteed sales they died in obscurity
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canisonicscrewyou · 11 months
I’d need so much PPE if I did this but I wonder if I could still break into my childhood home since my parents haven’t done shit with it.*
*(novel inside the tags)
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schimmelspore · 3 months
No sleep, only mental arguments that likely wont happen but if they do im fucking prepared
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allpromarlo · 1 year
i don't even know what to say about this episode
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filthyjanuary · 5 months
i'm so sick of my fellow iranians being cringe as fuck on social media and simping for the state of israel out of some insane the enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality like i know this is crazy but you can hate the iranian government without deciding to go full monarchist and act like israelis are liberators of literally anything or anyone
like i'm sorry if the best you can envision for iran is trading one authoritarian for the son of the previous authoritarian (who was literally overthrown bc he was an authoritarian puppet of the united states) solely bc of his name then you hate the iranian people more than i can image
#like why are they somehow hitting the same level of insane cringe as indian nationalists#also stop parroting these dumbass slogans that don't make any sense like iran isnt islamic republic like ok what does that even mean#it makes as much sense as hamas is isis#yall are just saying words that you think sound catchy but are ultimately meaningless#like yeah iran hasnt been an islamic republic for most of its existence#it currently is#that has clearly not worked out and it can and should change but like that's literally factually what it is rn#and it's dumb as shit to act like there ARENT people that do support it#you are never going to gain ground if you accuse literally everyone of being a paid state actor who disagrees with you#or if you see the world in so black and white that you think bc the iranian government is bad israel's government is good#or act like the actual revolution in 1979 WASNT born out of legit grievances#like obviously that went incredibly sideways but like#what is with this insane whitewashing of the shah all of you are so embarassing#sorry i cant rant on twitter bc of the Job so i gotta do it here i am so fucking tireddddddd#i wish the most outspoken public facing iranians weren't all wealthy as fuck monarchists playing activists#while sitting in beverly hills mansions contemplating their next nose jobs and doing absolutely nothing of use like wow you are so brave#it's the same energy as those rich cubans who moved to miami after castro took over#you can argue that the motive for the iranian regime's defiance of israel is not ultimately out of any desire to help palestinians#and frankly i would agree with you#but like in this specific instance i don't actually think their motive matters if it is materially helping palestinians#will it? that remains to be seen#and acknowledging that it could does not suddenly mean you support the regime all of you are so braindead i am tiiiiiired
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#nothing more annoying than u trynna do some studying and folks sitting next to ya to tell u dumb shit like bro do u ever shut the fuck up#my goodness#some bitch is trying to stuDy LMAOOOO and they don’t shut up! ever!!!!!!!#how tf am I supposed to concentrate LMAOOOO it’s truly dumb shit they talk about#at this point I’m tired af about hearing dumb shit 24/7#to the point I call people annoying or I tell them the shut the fuck up for once pls#or I just move seats or others tell me to sit next to em#my patience be running thin at this point like mfs are annoying af I tell them and they keep annoying me#same with this dumbass who’s my ex#y’all ever get the hint? it’s not even a hint - I straight up tell y’all you’re annoying AS FUCK#wHew god bless#yesterday I was talking and laughing w some friends in class and I had this chick following me around asking me the same 60 questions (#about one thing the professor has just explained - like bro shut up and pay attention maybe? it’s irritating as hell ngl)#and I moved to talk w friend o and she went after me to talk to me I move elsewhere and she follows me around like a puppy#my god pls be your own person and stop following me around LMFAOOO#this is why I could never be a teacher - someone talks and u interrupt them to ask me what they just said when A) they’re not even finished#and B) u ask the same thing 90 times?#she’s soOooOoOOo irritating#others keep telling me whew she makes everyone uncomfortable#she the fuck does#🫣🫠🙄
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boomerang109 · 11 months
what if capitalism is making the one job i thought was possible for me feel unattainable not because i haven’t literally been doing it since age 13 but because it’s not well paid enough so until you get into a higher position you have to work multiple jobs and i knew that i always knew that but. fuck. why is adulting going to be so exhausting. what if this really is the best time of my life? being a depressed college student? what if it’s downhill from here?
#I love my quiet getting high nights cause they let me unlock my thoughts#i HATE my quiet getting high nights cause they let me unlock my thoughts#like bestie I was just watching critical role why did I pause it to write this down#anyway in other news I have a ten hour tech day and I’m ✨scared✨#technically it’s nine and a half though because they moved the call by a whole half hour#and honestly I’m going to get breakfast for meal swipes so I might end up being late cause breakfast doesn’t open until 10#but like fuck if I’m gonna try to make food here#I want to pack my bag tonight but also I just laid down after doing dishes and I’m exhausted#I’ve had such a long day too I had two normal classes (one of which I basically led the class. I interviewed two professionals in front of#the whole class. FUCK I probably need to send them a thank you email. that’s gonna be a tmrw issue or I might draft hifh but like not sendin#but anyway after that I had one hour for lunch and then three hour lab which was fun!! because we went ride pooling but like we walked a#shit ton and in the sun#oh and my roommates must’ve forgotten I come with today cause they left me behind (which is totally fine cause I didn’t get up but it did#mean I had to catch the on campus transport and that takes forever and so I was late to meet my friend for breakfast and dining hall was#closed so I had to get food elsewhere which literally cost the same as the dining hall in the morning which is dumb but it took waaay longer#anyway hifh boom takes tumblr diary entries too seriously idk why I channeled my whole life into this post lmao#i think it’s cause I’m self-isolating HARD (despite being fairly social at the moment? it’s a surprisingly cool balancing act im pulling off#quite well as a busy bee) so I felt the need to pretend to have human connection without actually breaking my self-imposed isolation lmao#boom blogs high
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nullians · 1 year
I sometimes still catch myself thinking “Man, I just wanna die” (I know this is not true) but then I see my mother and go “No, I just wanna live without these people around me” and then I do one dig deeper and make peace with what I really mean and that’s “I have to outlive you because I fucking deserve to have a life outside of this bullshit” and yeah. Much better. It doesn’t help that both of them (grandmother and mother) like to occasionally tell us their dying scenarios. Like. Thanks. Can you like. Try to not make my desire to flee worse. Because I don’t want to wish you death but it’s like. Not going to get better if you just do this. Get help.
#d0 stuff#negative#we had an argument about the dishes again#and to all of the veterans here: yes I know this has been going on for as long as this tumblr exists#it’s just. still a problem. an unending cycle because I fucking Hate my parents’ guts and it’s actually not about the dishes or house#chores or anything like that. it’s about how they care so much about dumb things there are solutions to (not perfect maybe but not#disastrous either) and not care nearly enough about the human component. mental health? non existent. fatigue? just an excuse. permanent#debuffs? I’m making shit up. how can I suffer bc of them? that’s unheard of#circus family time#there is my fault in there and that’s letting my resentment seep so deep that#I regularly let it impact my actual house chores doing but you know#it’s like. I’ve wanted to be good for them. but they will never see me like that. the moment I showed anything weird they went on forceful#correcting instead of listening to what I had to say#they are all people caring more about reputations and facades than their own children/family members’ well-being#it’s infuriating#they are all fake#and idk. like. I could do better. I should do better I know. but it’s just goddamn hard to do things and get yelled at and then turn around#and see how they gush about my brother doing basically anything (the bare minimum after they told me to go remind him multiple times) or#how they literally take so much bs from anyone outside of the family#I swear. Some stranger’s potential opinion about them matters more than if their children feel hurt or not#anyways. this back and forth that’s been going on since my early teens is the reason I can’t just#do things for them without it feeling like a monumental task#like. I’m an acts of service person ffs. but I can’t do that. not for them#lmfao okay that’s enough whining for today#tho it’s funny how they will always be like ‘you have to control yourself no matter the situation’ and when we start arguing it’s always#them telling me to shut up (despite me keeping a calm tone) and them shooting me with literally all ammunition they can think of#fun right#and then there’s always this funny thing when they scream that I don’t even care about them do I#and that’s hilarious bc I do. Guess who literally deals with the worst of medical crises and who fucking keeps half of their energy to be#the guard dog. yeah but I don’t love you (anymore) and bc of that I’m a monster? lmao
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