#an incredibly fickle fanbase combined with a dedicates fanbase and they chose the fickle every time until closure
jaythelay · 25 days
Fact: Unless you force yourself, ya ain't reaching the half-way point of SR3.
Deadass half the game is turret sections and incredibly railroaded missions. There's just nothing replayable about that game in any regard for most players. Anyone saying otherwise is actually lying through failed or anecdotal co-op memories.
Unless you're into the story they treated as skippable more than viewable, the gameplay is as thin as it gets, and should be an example for everyone on what standards your games should actually have in place of attempted but utterly failed "coolness."
Seriously I know I went off about them not continuing the gangster stuff, but that's genuinely not even a minor concern to me. As I said, I'd prefer them to do their own thing, and guess what SR3 fans did not show up to support at allllllll? Exactly that game, what was that title again....guardian...drivers...? Idunno, It wasn't for SR2 fans so I didn't see anything on it. It failed!
Because their audience, dedicated fanbase, was not the continual stream of 15yos from the mid 2010s. But SR2 fans.
All they're into is the conceptual ideas of SR3/4, the wackyness, but genuinely not much else. Once the jiggling keys effect wears off, and your friend gets equally as bored, ya close, uninstall, and move on.
Seriously try it without the objective to prove me wrong. Some of you will enjoy it and that's valid and fine, but most of you genuinely will not last past the 8th turret section after yet another turret section after another turret section after a railroaded section, after a turrent section.
Watch how often you do not touch wasd or your left joystick, it's actually embarrassing "creative" work that we moved on from in the PS2 era. Sure, SR2 had moments like this, just not Back to Back to Back to Back to Back to Back.
Anyways, just saying SR2 fans were their actual customer base that entire time and instead? They went out of business because, oh, oh wow the proto-fortnite crowd has a low attention span and care for the series? Who'da guessed dwindling all support from your dedicated fanbase for the ficklest of fickle crowds would end up becoming your downfall?
They weren't struggling when it was SR1/2, but they've been on the ropes since SR4 and continually going back to the same, very dry well, eventually killed them. Had the reboot been made seriously, competantly, and creatively, they'd still be around today. Instead, cheaply it was made and pricey was it's tag.
They made it cheaper and cheaper feeling until the gameplay felt like an alpha title and made the characters frustratingly what old people think young people are like, wrote a story nobody would bother writing without a gun to their head, and then did nothing to address anything as the jiggling keys fanbase went back to fortnite and SR2 fans were completely pissed off.
Imagine rebooting your series to be entirely for the crowd that moves on near instantly. That pushed SR2 fans away and absolutely losing their dedicated fans is what ended up costing them existence in the public eye.
Genuinely, you can't debate that the SR3 formula straight out of a budget PS2 title, that they kept since the 2010s, and pissing off their actual audience with the reboot, was what put them out of business. It's undebatable they chose the most frivilous of audiences over their actual audience.
Good riddance to the dumbest business known to man. RIP Saint's Row as it truly was, thank fuck Saint's Row is dead in it's current form. Next time, do the obviously smart thing, and make a product people actually want to play for more than an hour.
#saints row#saints row 3#saints row the 3#I refuse to use the custom title for it either#just dumb#another old man trying to sound hip attempt#Anyways as you can see from any usual public forum posts about the entire series#the fanbase is utterly divided and guess when that happened#SR3#genuinely all they had to do was change the title and the animosity would not be as charged#they didn't. Completely and in it's entirety abandoned what garnered them support in the first place#made a secondary. incrediby fickle but generally easy to sell to base#that being child-like brains#and when they got bored after 5 minutes not because of quality but attention spans#volition was left with basically just the child-likes that never grew up. and their original fanbase#like I really don't get how volition thought they were gonna last#you had a dedicated fanbase due to SR1/2 but they continually went with the fortnite crowd before fortnite and then after fortnite#and like man that crowd ALWAYS moves on to the next shiny jiggling pair of keys#the most you can say of that fanbase is they somehow enjoyed SR3/4#OG SR fans stayed around wanting more of their old work while their new work was soundly rejected#and ignored more and more every title because again and I cannot stress this enough#comparing hardcore dedicated SR2 fans to SR3 fans. It's no contest. If a real sequel to SR2 came out SR2 fans would come out in droves#when they do the same shit as they were in the early 2010s that was outdated by 2005#no one's gonna stay around for it#an incredibly fickle fanbase combined with a dedicates fanbase and they chose the fickle every time until closure#just saying ya'll they didn't go out of business with SR1 or SR2#they did with every SR game after it tho#just saying#Just saying ya'll were not as reliable as the OG fanbase would've been and absolutely is#SR2 fans stayed from the start while the new audience completely moved on. Instead of relying on guaranteed sales they died in obscurity
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