#they use it because their left leg is slightly longer than their right due to the whole helical thighbone situation
peliginspeaks · 4 months
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[Acquaintance: The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist has risen to 1!]
The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist is old enough to have been and done most things that are, and thus has developed an interest in doing and being things that aren't. They expect to be quite occupied with this for the foreseeable future.
Name: "None that matters, dear."
Gender: "Oh, if you must." (They/she)
Age: "Older than you." (And most anyone you know.) (...And most cities you have heard of.)
Profession: Most recently Correspondent, formerly Licentiate, Silverer, zailor, barber, journalist....
Moral alignment: If the world will forget a harm in 200 years, she sees no barrier to forgetting it today.
The Frostbitten Tomb-Colonist is difficult to reach as they spend little time in London, but any in-game messages intended for them can be directed through Dola Hallowrove.
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kyluff · 11 months
— ↺ Jealously
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✎ luffy x reader !
✦ summary ➠ you start feeling a little jealous after a certain incident
✦ warnings ➠ nsfw, flashing, swearing
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— The fight with Crocodile and Baroque Works was finally over, it felt like the brawl lasted years. But now, the Straw Hat pirates could get all the rest they so desperately needed. In return for helping the kingdom, the pirates were allowed to eat as much as their heart desired. They were also invited to enjoy the palaces royal bath.
You now sat in that very bath with Nami and Vivi. It was a beautiful place, to say the least. Everything was dressed in shiny gold, glistening as the mist from the warm water filled the room. You were in the women’s side of course, but you thought if this side was this grand then the men’s area must be just as nice. This made you think of your boyfriend, Luffy. He was just on the other side of that wall, you guessed he was fooling around like he usually would.
As you admired the bath, Nami and Vivi chatted about what the world could hold for them; how the world has so many secrets that are just waiting to be found out.
“Y/n, could you get my back?” Vivi asked sweetly, her long blue hair was slightly darker due to the water. She chose to have a towel wrapped around her figure rather than being fully naked. You too chose to have a towel on.
“Of course, your highness.” You joked as you made your way towards her to take a seat on the stool behind her. You gathered the sponge that was soaked in soapy water, gently but firmly scrubbing the blue haired princess.
“Don’t call me that!” It was light hearted but it did hold some truth, she truly felt like you guys were friends now and she was grateful for all that you have done.
“Her highness is angry!” Nami added in, laughing along with you as you both ganged up on Vivi. She caved in too, she couldn’t hold in her giggles any longer. It was nice just to enjoy each others presence after all the fighting.
A comfortable silence overcame the room, all three of you smiling. Until suddenly, Nami’s smile dropped as she stood up. This made you and Vivi turn your heads in that direction, what you saw surprised you. All of the guys were now on your side of the bath, peering at you over the wall.
You clutched the towel tightly, ensuring none of your body would be exposed. “What are you doing, you freaks?!” You and Vivi screeched together, this is the girls side, you idiots, you thought.
“Peeking on us.” Nami walked closer to the group, she too had a towel on. “All right pervs, I expect each of you to pay $3000 for this!” Nami declared as she let the cloth fall to the ground, letting the men see all of her.
You were shocked, not only because she just showed them her naked body, but also because your boyfriend was part of that group that saw her. oh.
They all toppled backwards, many noses oozing out blood from the sight they just saw.
Something bubbled deep inside of you, jealousy. You don’t know why you felt this way, it’s not like Luffy asked to be flashed, it’s not like he wanted that to happen. You told yourself that, but you still felt the same as before, jealous.
Nami and Vivi left the bath and so did the men that were laid out on the floor. But you stayed, you decided to wash yourself with the sponge you were using earlier on Vivi, you need time to yourself to think and calm down from the previous event. He saw another girl naked, and it was one of your closest friends.
As you rubbed the sponge along your bare legs, you yelped when you felt a hand touch your shoulder. “Wha-”
“It’s me Y/n!” He smiled and used that tone he always did, a energetic one. He was acting the same as always, like he didn’t just see Nami in the nude. That makes you irritated slightly.
“Oh, hey Luffy.” You brushed his hand off your shoulder, resuming the wash on your legs.
“What’s wrong?” His furrowed with worry, he kneeled in front of you where you sat on the stool. He took note of the coolness in your tone, how you barely looked at him as you spoke. Usually you’d have a soft smile on your face, usually you’d be eager to talk to him. But now you were different.
“Nothing, just busy. I didn’t get a chance to properly wash myself fully. You can go.” You said nothing was wrong but that was a lie. You really just wanted to be alone in your thoughts right now. You would rather Luffy not be here because you were afraid you’d lash out at him for no real reason, you didn’t want to hurt him.
“No, I wanna spend time with you.” He was still kneeling down, now leaning closer to your body. “I’ve been sleeping for 3 days!”
“Ya well, that’s what happens when your bleeding out and have poison in your system.” You turned away from him, making more room between the both of you. Now you were just being mean.
“Y/nnn, tell me what’s wrong.” He whined, looking at you with those big eyes, they looked so desperate to know your answer. Those eyes make you weak, they make you cave every time he wants something.
“It’s just…” He still held intense eye contact, listening intently. “Earlier, you know when Nami.. did what she did. You saw her body, you saw her breasts and her hips and her.. you saw everything!”
“Oh.” Is all he says, he looks zoned out. Is he mad at you? Does he think your feelings are stupid. You look away, starting to feel embarrassed. But his hand on your chin brings you back to his eyes. “Is that what you’re mad about?”
You nodded while still in his grip. He pulled you in, placing a gentle kiss to your lips. You couldn’t help but reciprocate, even if you were still a little jealous.
“You don’t have to feel jealous, Y/n.” He whispered between kisses. “Because you’re my girlfriend, not Nami. You’re the only one I want to see naked. I want to see you naked right now, actually.”
You pulled away from the kiss, blinking a few times at his statement. You weren’t feeling much jealousy anymore, mostly just lust. You grabbed the top of your towel, where the piece of clothing wrapped around itself to keep your body concealed. You tugged on it, making it fall off your body and drop to the ground at your ankles.
“Pretty.” He reached out both hands to grope at your boobs, squishing them between his fists once or twice. “These are the only pair of boobs I think about, prettiest ones I’ve ever seen.”
He went down to lay kisses all over them, sucking when he got to your nipple. He’s always had a thing for you chest, he would spend all day kissing them, licking them, laying on them if he had a choice.
He smiled up at you, laying one last kiss to your nipple before lowering to align himself with your heat. He spread your legs apart further to allow room for his head, snuggling up close to your pussy.
“This is the best pussy out there.” He used his fingers to split your lips apart, face diving in. He started by licking on your clit, he knew you loved when he did that. And it was proved by how your hand slipped in his dark hair, pulling on the roots of it. You shoved his face in harder, wanting to feel more of him.
“Luffy!” You moaned out, curling your toes. He sucked on your clit next, making you lose your breath.
He starting sucking harder, licking more aggressively, wanting you to reach your orgasm quickly. You panted, feeling sparks starting to form in your lower half. Your legs shook and shut around Luffy’s head, trapping him in.
He slid out of your thighs, licking his lips clean from your juices.
“You have the only pair of boobs for me, you have the only pussy for me, you’re the only one for me, Y/n. K?” He kissed your cheek and grabbed your towel to drape around you again. He took your hand and pulled you along behind him, leading you away and out of the royal bath.
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spdrvyn · 7 months
miguel as a weighted blanket — drabble
inspired by @desb3ar's art of miguel as a blanket for reader! love your art, mootie ^_^ reader is implied to be autistic in this because what else do i do in my works if it's not project, am i right folks haha...
Thunder clapped mere blocks away from your flat, it caused you to stir once more as you uttered curses at Mother Nature for bringing unfortunate weather to the city today.
You'd come back home exhausted, the work day had taken away all the spoons you had left for the day, so you had hoped to rejuvenate through a power nap, but the universe has decided to play its twisted little game with you this afternoon, you think.
Every thing was just too loud, the city noise, the rainfall, and the distant workings of the shower contributed to your disturbed slumber. You would have woken up by now and gotten to work if it all just went according to plan, but the constant interruptions had left you more than perturbed.
That burden lifted only slightly when the water falling from the shower had stopped, to be followed by your lover exiting the bathroom. Hair being furiously dried with a towel, water droplet ran down his high cheekbones, and onto the plumpness of his lips. You raised your head from your pillow just a little, to gawk.
Miguel adorned an ironic science pun tee and grey sweatpants, his curls looked more frayed due to his impatience to use a hair dryer, so just the way you like it. Your head flopped down on the pillow again, a pout curled on your lips.
"Are you going to stay?" Your finger drew shapes into the pillow casing, Miguel simply chuckled as he discarded of his towel onto only what you can assume to be the bathroom sink.
"Hope so," the weight he put on the bed when he laid down had caused you to shift closer to his side. Almost instinctively, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. A large hand at your nape to pull you close, even closer.
He was so undeniably warm, it was a comfort– no– privilege that your already comfy blanket could not grant you. As if on autopilot, your body also seeked that delicious body heat and you wrapped both of your arms around him as well, positioned yourself so that his chin was on the crown of your head.
As you flinched when the thunder crashed, this time even closer to the apartment, Miguel had begun to understand your groggy disposition, asking if he'd stay longer. His grip on you tightened.
Since it seems he can read minds, he shifted one of his legs to go in between yours as his arms moved down to wrap around your waist to slide you underneath him a little. The weight and warmth of him blanketed (literally) the overwhelming stimulus from outside.
You hummed contently as you nuzzled your face into his chest, the thin fabric of his shirt leaving little to hide. His breaths were slow, but his heart pounded like gunfire. A soothing rhythm you found yourself entranced in as you begun to fall asleep.
The only outside noise you heard was one you didn't awaken to, one that didn't leave your energy bar unsatiated, one that you absolutely loved.
"Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."
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lewmagoo · 1 year
the ties that bind | bob floyd
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description: in which your lover unravels you completely
warnings: 18+ only, bondage, orgasm denial, vibrators, daddy kink, light pussy slapping, some begging, spitting, aftercare
pairing: bob floyd x afab!reader
Robert Floyd was ruthless. 
No one expected that of him just by looking at him. He was a quiet, passive person. He preferred to blend in, to watch from afar. No one expected him to have a mean bone in his body. And, really, he was sweet as pie. The greatest lover you’d ever known. 
But, unbeknownst to all the friends who claimed he was “passive” and “timid”, he was also wicked, and he quite enjoyed having you entirely at his mercy, willing to do whatever he asked of you. And that was precisely the position you found yourself in at that very moment.
Bound to his bed, unable to escape, skin buzzing hot with anticipation, wondering what he was going to do to you next, and thinking that maybe, just maybe, you had bitten off more than you could chew when you had agreed to do this.
In the beginning, it had sounded like such fun. Wicked, sinful fun. You had been the one to bring it up, after all. You'd gone to your lover and proposed the idea. And he, ever the sinner, had eagerly agreed. The decision was mutual, and when he had asked you if he could do anything he desired to you, within reason and boundary, you had told him yes.
But now here you were, naked, writhing, trembling. He was above you, a devious smile on his sweet, handsome face. And at that moment, with his pale blue eyes burning right into your own, you were beginning to slightly regret even suggesting this whole thing. He was punishing you in the most wonderfully painful way imaginable, and you weren't sure how much longer you could handle it.
He had you stretched out across the mattress, arms tied to the headboard, legs bound and held apart so he could easily access the very center of you. Your skin was slick with sweat, eyes squeezed shut as you put every ounce of energy you had into holding on to what little control over yourself you had left.
You could feel that all too familiar burn in your lower abdomen, threatening to engulf you in searing pleasure. But you couldn't let go, not yet. You just had to hold out a little while longer, and you would finally get your reward. But goddammit, it was hard.
Maybe it would be a little easier if you could make noise, let out your frustration through cries and moans. But you weren't allowed to make a sound, though, per his rules. If you so much as let out a whimper, you would be denied your orgasm and endure whatever punishment he deemed fit.
When he'd told you this, you had underestimated just how hard it would be. Sure, I can be quiet, you thought. Now, you were wishing you had never let him make the rule, because all you wanted to do was scream at the top of your lungs.
You'd lost track of time. Had it been minutes? Hours? He'd had that damned vibrator against your cunt for ages, on high, a setting you rarely used together because it was so intense. But he was feeling ruthless today, and was quite enjoying the sight of you squirming uncomfortably, pulling at your restraints. You looked up at him with wide eyes, silently begging him to offer some relief from the intense vibration, but he refused to oblige.
Bob knew your body well, had you memorized like the back of his hand. He knew how you moved when you were about to tip over the edge, knew the look on your face, the tense in your muscles. And whenever he saw those telltale signs, he pulled the vibrator away promptly, leaving you to buck your hips into the air and bite your lip hard in bitter frustration.
He was enjoying this, really. He'd never seen you so desperate before, he had to admit. It had his head spinning, body warm with desire. All he wanted was to be inside you, feel your slick warmth envelop him. But he was exercising every ounce of self-control he possessed. He would be inside you all in due time. Right now, his priority was getting you to the edge again, give you just the slightest taste of release before pulling away just when your body was nearly at its peak.
He watched you bite the inside of your cheek, surely hard enough to draw blood. You were trying your best to respect his wishes, to follow his command. And for that, he loved you. You were his good little plaything, and he made a mental note to reward you tenfold after he was finished with you. You were handling this all better than he thought you would.
He ran his free hand down your bare stomach, leaning down to press a kiss to your glistening forehead. "Mm, you're doing so well, sweet baby. Hold on just a little longer and Daddy will let you come."
I have been holding on! You wanted to shout at him. But you bit your tongue - literally. If you yelled, it would surely earn you a bruised bottom and a denied orgasm. You could feel it, though. Searing through you like molten lava, threatening to burn you alive. Your chest began to heave, and as Bob looked at you, he saw the slightly panicked expression on your face.
Instantly, he turned off the vibrator, partly because he couldn't handle waiting any longer, and partly because he knew you were nearing the end of your rope, and he didn’t want to push you there quite yet. He set the handheld wand aside, reaching up to gently stroke the side of your face, praising you yet again. "You're being so good for me."
You nuzzled your warm face against his large palm before his touch was gone, leaving only a soft rush of air in its wake. The sound of him unzipping his pants had your cunt clenching around nothing, knowing that in a few short moments, you would be filled to the brim.
When he came back into view, he was completely bare, and you watched through hazy eyes as he reached down, lazily tugging that thick, heavy cock before he situated himself between your spread, trembling legs. In that moment, he wanted to tell you to beg for it, as he often did. But he wanted to see just how long you could stay silent.
Leaning down, he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to your lips, tongue ever so slowly sliding over your bottom lip. Then he went lower, hungry mouth suckling at your soft breasts. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin and you huffed, bucking your hips up in search of him. He held you down with his hand against your pelvis. “Uh-uh, be patient,” he scolded.
Deft fingers danced along the front of your body before he caressed your spasming pussy, so swollen and hot to the touch. “Poor lil thing. Need me so bad, don’t ya?” He hummed with mock sympathy. You looked up at him with wide eyes, frantically nodding. 
“Guess I’ll give the baby what it wants.” Then, he guided his cock toward the place where you needed him most, and he began to nudge into you. 
At the initial stretch, you let out a gasp, trying so hard not to whimper. How on earth were you meant to stay silent when that gorgeous cock of his was currently beginning to split you right open? Your own arousal provided more than enough lubricant for him. "Look at you," he murmured, "soaked and ready for my cock."
You pulled at your restraints again, leaning up, hoping he'd kiss you again. But he ignored your silent plea, placing his hands on either side of your arms, holding himself up as he began to slowly thrust into you.
He couldn't help but groan deeply at the feeling of you, so snug and warm around him. He knew it wouldn't take long for him to reach his end, and he was glad that he'd edged you so much, because that meant you'd finish right along with him.
He brought his mouth down to your breasts again, sucking and biting as he picked up his pace, fucking into you more deliberately. Beneath him, you were trying desperately to keep your mouth shut, to remain silent as he carried on. But he was making it damn near impossible. He felt so good, filling you deliciously, each ridge and vein brushing against every last inch of you.
You closed your eyes, the sensations bubbling up within you growing too intense, enough to draw tears. They began sliding down the sides of your face and into your hairline, hot and wet. You moved in tandem with him, rolling your hips, wanting and needing more. You were getting close, simply from the stimulation of his pubic bone against your swollen clit, the gathering of sandy curls around the base of his cock only heightening those sensations with each brush against you.
If you stayed quiet just a little longer, you knew that he would let you come soon enough. In the beginning, he'd told you that you would only be allowed to come while he was inside you, and now, your sweet release was so close you could almost taste it on your tongue.
Bob was growing a little rougher, a little faster, a little deeper. He was making noise freely, groaning and growling, filthy words swimming through your head, telling you how good you felt, how wet you were, how you were made to take his cock. You wanted to scream, cry, wail. It was becoming so overwhelming that you weren't sure how much longer you could hold out. You were biting your cheek so hard you could taste copper in your mouth.
Then he was all but pounding into you, hard and fast and unforgiving, and you couldn't hold it in anymore. A scream bubbled up in your throat, and you let it free, filling the room with the shrill sound. That's when your lover stopped, going still as could be. When you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you. And that ocean blue you loved so much? It had gone nearly black.
He grabbed your face roughly, forcing you to keep eye contact. "What was that?"
"I-I-I'm sorry Daddy!" You began to sob, body undulating beneath him. "I c-couldn't help it!"
"That's not good enough." He pulled out of you, immediately climbing off of the bed.
"No, wait!" You gasped, "Daddy, please, I'm sorry, it just slipped out, I-"
But then, his hand was clamped over your mouth, eyes staring down at you so intensely you thought you would burst into flames right then and there.
"Shut your mouth, you brat," he snapped. "You are going to lay here, completely silent, until I come back. Do you understand me?"
You nodded, and he lifted his hand from your mouth. Tears were still streaming down your face, due to frustration, anger (mostly at yourself), and desperation. You sniffled, coughing and sputtering as you watched Bob stop to pull his sweatpants on. He only turned back to you to speak once more. “What word do you say if you need me to come back and untie you?” His face had gone gentle.
“Palomino,” you breathlessly replied.
“Atta girl.” He left a sweet kiss to your sweaty forehead. When he straightened, he was back to that strict persona. "You're staying like this until I come back into the room." 
And then he was gone, leaving you stretched out and humiliated on the bed. It took you a long while to calm down, for the tears to stop and for your breathing to return to normal.
Meanwhile, Bob had made his way into the kitchen. Dinner time was approaching, and he wanted to have a meal prepared for when he was finished with you, because he knew your energy would be depleted, and that you would be starving.
He also knew this was torture for you, laying there, suspended and unable to do a single thing about it. He could only imagine how pliant you would be once he returned, willing to do absolutely anything he asked of you, just so you could get a release. And if he was being honest, that was what he wanted, because he, too, needed a release. He was still achingly hard within the confines of his pants, and he knew it wouldn't go away so easily.
To distract himself, he put on some music - classical, Tchaikovsky's 4th - and then proceeded to gather the ingredients he'd need. Pasta, of course. Something hearty and comforting, because he knew you'd need it after all the exertion he'd put you through.
He let himself slip into the process of preparing the meal. Cooking had always been therapeutic for him. Especially cooking for his lover. He put his whole heart into the meals he made, and you always swore you could taste the love in each bite.
In the bedroom, you could hear everything. The music, the clang of pots and pans. You could smell garlic cooking, and you knew he would take his sweet time preparing everything, just to further punish you. Damn him, the bastard.
Your shoulders were becoming quite sore from your predicament, and so were your legs. It was rather uncomfortable. It always was, but normally, Bob removed the ropes from you the moment he was finished. But not tonight, because he was far from finished with you.
It felt like hours had passed, even though it couldn’t have been more than twenty-five minutes. You were growing restless. So, in order to occupy yourself, you closed your eyes, attempting to create an elaborate story in your head. It did little to distract you fully, but it did help some. So you continued on. Eyes closed. Waiting, waiting, waiting. 
And there was Bob, entirely at ease and unbothered in the kitchen, draining the pasta and moving over to stir the sauce. He tasted it, deciding it needed a little more basil leaf before pausing to chop one and tossing it into the deep red liquid. He knew you’d love the sauce, he’d outdone himself this time with it.
But you were not thinking about food. You were thinking about him. And you were beginning to grow angry at that point. Your patience was wearing thin. You knew this was what you deserved for disobeying his one rule, no sounds, but you couldn't be bothered to care. You just wanted him to come back and untie you. You thought about shouting for him, maybe eve safewording, but decided against it. You were nowhere near needing to use that word just yet. Bob’s intention was never to push you to have to use it, either. The word was merely there as a safeguard, and you didn’t find it necessary to use at the moment.
So, you remained silent, just as you'd been doing for the past thirty minutes. And finally, after what felt like eternity, you could hear his footsteps coming down the hall. An odd mix of both relief and anxiety swirled through you at once. Relief because you knew he would soon release you, and anxiety because you had no idea what was coming after.
A glass of water was perched in his hand, and a smirk was spread across his handsome face. "Look at my pretty little angel," he murmured, strolling towards the bed. "Still spread out for me, just the way I left you."
The clink of the glass being set on the nightstand reached your ears, but you didn't dare take your eyes off him to look at it. Bob's hand came to rest against your cheek, before traveling downwards, skimming over your breasts, stomach, and finally landing between your legs. Those beautiful fingers slid along your wetness, and you shifted your hips, only to be shocked entirely by a light slap to your pussy.
Even so, Bob had mercy on you. He'd punished you long enough, it was time to reward you. So, he reached up, taking the liberty to untie the bonds on your wrists. When your arms fell, you let out an audible sigh of relief, slowly lengthening your arms beside you as Bob moved to untie your legs. His fingers massaged over the marks the rope had left indented on your skin, and he moved down to press a kiss to each one.
For a moment, his eyes softened as he gazed at you. "You okay?"
You mustered a weak, but genuine, smile, and nodded. “I’m fine.”
Satisfied with that, Bob set the jute rope aside, and climbed onto the bed. He hovered over you, seamlessly moving to leave a deep kiss against your lips. His warm hands cupped your face, and he broke the kiss to look at you. "You can make noise this time around," he granted, and yet another flood of relief washed over you.
Bob made quick work of removing his pants then, tossing them to the floor below before settling between your legs yet again. You let your eyes flutter shut as you felt his heavy cock pressing against your soft, wet center again. His voice, sweet and low, floated through your head then.
"Beg for it, m’love."
With what little energy you had left, you spoke, voice wavering. "P-please...I need to come so bad, it hurts. Please let me come, Daddy. I’ll do anything."
If he was feeling spiteful, he would have demanded more from you. But in that moment, he needed his release as much as you did. So he took your plea with satisfaction, kissing you yet again as he slipped into you for the second time that night. The feeling made you whine, and you grabbed at his shoulders for purchase.
His movements were slow at first, gradually building. He covered you with his entire body, engulfing you in the safety of his big arms as he fucked you. He soon had you trembling, gasping, moaning. The ability to let out sounds felt so wonderful, and you were sure to let out plenty.
You were so painfully close. A full hour of stimulation still had you sensitive, even thirty minutes later. When Bob brought his hand down to the place where your bodies met, fingers pressing into your nub of nerves, you were keening beneath him, tears springing to your eyes all over again.
"Oh," Bob breathlessly sighed, "I can feel you tightenin' around me. You gonna come for me, sweet baby?"
"Y-yes," you squeaked, pathetically so.
So, Bob went a little faster, a little harder. And soon, he was fucking you right into the mattress, hitting all those wonderful spots inside of you at a steady pace, sending shocks of delicious pleasure surging through you, like electricity through a live wire.
He grunted and growled above you, trying his hardest to stave off his own orgasm. You were going to come before him, he was determined to make it happen. You’d been so good for him and you deserved it.
He was slamming into you at that point, the sound of skin on skin growing almost deafening. You cried out, clutching him hard enough to leave bruises. With your mouth parted, he couldn’t help but lean down to capture your lips with his own again.
"Come on," he gritted out, "I know you want to come for Daddy. Do it, come all over my cock."
You could only moan and whimper, writhing and thrashing against the mattress. Bob had a look of determination twisted into his features, a curl of sandy hair falling against his sweaty forehead. He wasn't going to let up until you were completely overwhelmed.
He grasped your face in his hand then, staring you down. You were trembling something awful at that point, sweaty, exhausted, nearly there. He placed his mouth against yours, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth before releasing. "Open your mouth," he hissed.
Obediently, you did so, and as your lips parted, Bob didn't miss a single beat, spitting into your open mouth before pushing it shut promptly after. "Swallow." Yet again, you obediently did so, always willing to do what he asked. The whole eroticism of it all was what pushed you over the edge, and with a desperate howl, you plummeted over that precipice, shaking violently beneath your lover.
Bubbly warmth engulfed you from head to toe, rushing through you in a surge so powerful you swore you blacked out. All you felt was utter euphoria, blanketing you like an intensely warm hug.
Above you, he watched it all unfold. He leaned back so he could watch the way your pussy clamped tightly around him, pulsing and contracting, milking him. As your body began to flutter down from the mind-numbing high, he soon reached his own.
With a low, open-mouthed moan, he fell apart, hips sporadically jolting into you as his spend seeped into you, claiming you as his own. If you weren’t so out of it you might’ve been able to admire that gorgeous face contorted in painful pleasure.
Soon enough, he fell against you, sweaty, spent, a complete mess. You held onto him, trying to calm down, though you were still trembling. "So good for me,” Bob sighed, “such a sweet pussy.”
He slowly and reluctantly moved to pull out of you, shushing your whine of protest. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander, glancing down to watch the pearly white essence that had begun to drip out of your pulsing cunt. Then he gazed back up at you, brushing away strands of hair that stuck to your forehead from the sweat. "How’s my baby?"
The initial intensity of it all had worn off, and you were now left feeling sore and utterly drained. "I'm...I'm tired," you whispered, unable to utilize your energy to say anything else.
“Yeah? Is it okay if I move you? I wanna clean you up a bit.”
Ever so gently, he helped you climb out of bed, and he guided you into the bathroom, letting you lean on him when your legs threatened to give out.
He had you sit on the counter and spread your legs, where he carefully used a soft, damp cloth to wipe your center clean. He soothed you when you whimpered from the sensitivity. “I know. I’ll be quick,” he assured you.
He used another cool rag to carefully wipe your sweaty face. “Think you can handle a bath right now? Or is that too much?”
You considered this for a moment, your eyes heavy with exhaustion. “Too tired. Jus’ want to be wiped down.”
That was all he needed. He lovingly kissed your lips before he helped you climb down from the counter. After a quick full body wipe down, he then led you back into the bedroom, where he helped you change into one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. He dressed in his own pair of sweatpants once he had you settled.
Then, as you sat on the edge of the bed, he reached over to the nightstand to grab a bottle of water. He cracked open the lid and held the bottle up to your mouth for you to drink. It was cool, and did wonders to soothe your parched throat.
“You feelin’ up to eating anything? I made your favorite pasta,” he calmly suggested. As if on cue, your stomach rumbled eagerly.
You shared a look, and you giggled at each other. “Guess I’m hungry,” you said.
Bob nuzzled his nose against yours before he helped you stand, wrapping a strong arm around you. He took you down to the kitchen and guided you into a chair. However, it didn’t last long, because as soon as he sat down, you were climbing into his lap, craving physical contact.
“Wan’ me to feed you too?” He teased.
“Actually…I wouldn’t mind that,” you whispered in reply.
He kissed your temple. “Anything for my baby.” 
Then your sweet Bobby began to feed you your dinner, purely out of love for you. It made your heart sing and tears of appreciation well in your eyes. You kissed his neck and thanked him. He told you he was happy to do it.
Once dinner was finished, Bob had an important question to ask you. "What do you want to do, sweet baby?" He asked. This was how it always was. After you allowed him the privilege of using your body, he always allowed you to choose how you wanted to be cared for.
"I wanna cuddle and watch something," you replied, to which he nodded.
"Coming right up," he said, yet again lifting you up. He left the dinner dishes, deciding he'd do them tomorrow. For now, his sole focus was taking care of you. You ended up in the bathroom again, where he placed you to stand on the floor. He kissed your forehead before pulling your toothbrush from the cup on the sink and squeezing toothpaste onto it.
Gently grabbing your face, he said, "Open."
You did so, and he placed the brush in your mouth, beginning the project of brushing your teeth for you. The gesture made you feel so deeply cared for. “There ya go. Go ahead and spit,” he finally instructed once he was certain he’d done a thorough job.
After the toothbrush and toothpaste were put away, it was time for bed. He helped you under the covers, and you curled up against the mattress as as you watched Bob search for a movie in your expansive DVD collection. Finally, he decided on something with Fred Astaire, one of his favorites, and popped it into the player before climbing into bed alongside you.
You curled up against his side, letting him engulf you in comfort and softness. Such a stark contrast to the rough, dominant man who'd just ruined you. You smiled to yourself, knowing just how much you loved him, and how much you always would.
"You were so good for me today," he praised, just as the opening credits of the movie began to roll, "how did I get so lucky?"
You shook your head, nuzzling against his neck. “I should be asking myself the same thing. I love you so much, Bobby. Take such good care of me"
"And I love you, sweet baby. Forever and always."
@xoxabs88xox @alexandra8484 @kmc1989 @elusive-honeydew @vallyb @cdauni @happyrebelruins @bobfloydsbabe @myfandomchangesalot @mikpieboo @krys-orion @petersunderoos96 @eighthwvnder @mastercontrol123 @powerlvr25 @audri-janis @yanna-banana @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @chieflawyerpastatoad @roosters-girl @wkndwlff @acatwriteshere @backupcasmitchell @marchingicenotes7 @percysaidnever @cherrycola27 @diorrfairy @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @milesmillergf @damrlova @thedroneranger @bobfloyds @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @withahappyrefrain @up-thereinthesky @peachystenbrough @lovinglyeternal @laracrofted @callsign-magnolia @gigisimsonmars
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
omg what about aaron sees you talking to another guy and he gets really jealous, but instead of him being all angry and taking control he becomes more submissive and sad and let’s you show him how much you actually want him if you get what i’m saying 🤭
oh i get what you’re saying 🤭
i based the first part on something that happened to me the other night lmfao only i don't have an aaron to get jealous over me :(
minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Excuse me,” you heard a voice followed by a light tap on your shoulder. It made you shift on your seat and turn your head so you could see who it belonged to. “Is the smoke bothering you?”
You found a man staring at you, holding a drink and a cigarette with his right hand. He looked older than you and that was all the information regarding his appearance your brain was interested in processing, as you were completely devoted to your boyfriend who had left for a refill of your drinks.
“No, it’s alright,” you answered absentmindedly, and before you had the chance to turn your attention back to something else, he spoke again.
“Okay, good! I’m Johnny by the way.” He offered you his hand, and you had no choice but to shake it.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Well, that’s a pretty name. So what do you do, Y/N? You look young, you’re what? Twenty two? Twenty three?”
“No, actually I’m older and - sorry I can see my boyfriend is back with our drinks. Nice to meet you though,” you said, and turned your whole body around so you were facing Aaron who was walking towards you.
He handed you your drink and dipped his head to whisper in your ear. “What’s up with him?”
“He was just trying to make conversation. I told him you’re my boyfriend. I don’t think he’ll bother me again.”
Aaron nodded his head and brought his hand behind your neck, pulling you in for a forehead kiss. It lingered a bit longer than you expected and it made you wonder if anything was wrong.
You grabbed his other hand, left a sweet kiss in the middle of his palm and then nuzzled your face into it. Looking up at him you offered him as sweet smile, but the one he gave you in return seemed almost melancholic.
There were a lot of things you could handle, but seeing the love of your life even a little bit sad was not one of them. Your heart simply couldn’t bear it.
“Baby?” you called for him.
“Let’s go home.”
Aaron sat down on the side of the bed to take off his shoes, but you didn’t give him the chance to do so as you took a seat right into his lap.
He had been silent for most of the ride home, and you suspected it was because of that Johnny guy. Aaron had nothing to be jealous of, but a little reminder of the fact wouldn’t hurt anybody.
“What’s that frown for?” you said, as you settled on his thighs, leaving tiny kisses on his jaw and the side of his mouth.
“It’s nothing, sweetheart. Don’t worry.” He rubbed the side of your leg in a soothing motion, but this time this gesture did nothing to calm you down.
“It’s something,” you insisted, brushing his dark hair back with your fingers. “Could it be that you were a little jealous earlier?”
Your tone was gentle and not at all teasing. Aaron had admitted to you that he used to have his suspicions about Haley being unfaithful to him before his divorce; and that was something he still carried inside him no matter how hard you tried every day to show him your love and devotion.
“I guess I was,” he admitted, with a soft laugh. It made his dimples make an appearance and you couldn’t help but brush over them with your thumb.
“You have absolutely no reason to be jealous of anyone. Aaron, you’re my only one.”
“I know and I trust you,” he said sincerely. “It’s just…” His hand moved to the side of your face, cupping your cheek. “You’re so beautiful. Sometimes it’s hard to believe you’re mine. And then I see these men lusting after you. It reminds me that I could lose you at any moment.”
“What are you talking about, baby?” Your tone was slightly raised, due to your disbelief. There was no way your Aaron actually thought there was a possibility you would ever leave him. “You’re stuck with me forever.”
He laughed. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Aaron, seriously. I love you.”
“I know you do.”
“Plus have you ever happened to look into a mirror? When we walk into a place together, I know immediately that half of the population there hates me because I have the hottest guy in the room by my side.”
“Shut up.”
“But I’m not even exaggerating! Aaron, you’re sexy. I have to fight the urge to throw up every time a woman even looks at you.”
He threw his head back as he chuckled at your words, and you took the chance to hide your face in the crook of his neck. Aaron was quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to his body.
“Also how can I even have the time to think of another man when during ninety percent of my day I am drooling over the thought of your cock inside me?” you said innocently playing with the buttons of his shirt.
He grabbed your face with his big hand and squeezed your cheeks. “You dirty mouth.”
“It’s true, baby,” you said, and shifted your position so you could straddle him. “No one has ever made me feel the way you do.”
You ran your tongue over the skin right next to his Adam’s apple and then bit it softly. “Will you let me show you how much I want you? How bad my body needs you?”
“Yes,” he exhaled.
“Lie back for me,” you said, pushing him back on the bed and he didn’t show any resistance.
Moving your hips back a little, you palmed his hardened dick over his pants. “You’re bigger than all of them, do you know that?” You moved your hand up and down, slowly rubbing him, and it caused him to whine. The noises he was making sent butterflies right between your legs too.
“And everyone can tell too, trust me. I love that when people see us together they’re wondering how you can fit that thing inside me.”
After finishing your sentence you unzipped his pants, and took his dick in your hand. Lifting your head a little, you maintained eye contact as you spit all around it. And with that you started jerking him off in a steady rhythm.
“Please, keep doing that.”
“I’ll do anything you ask me to, honey. Anything you want you can have it. Isn’t that right?”
“Aaron?” you said, giving him a second chance to answer.
As attractive as he looked inside that suit of his, you needed to see him naked. To run your hands over his hairy body. So you carefully removed all his clothes, making sure to leave kisses all over his newly exposed skin. You could feel him shaking with desire and anticipation under you.
When he was finally naked, you lowered your head towards his cock. Your movements slowed down, as you left a few little licks on his head and sucked on the tip. “Mmm…” you moaned around him. Eager for more, you left open mouthed kisses down his length until you reached his balls. Your free hand cupped them while the other picked up the pace again.
“You turn me on so bad, Aaron,” you whined, sloppily trying to touch him and suck him and lick him, all at the same time. “I could cum just from one touch on my clit right now.”
“Inside,” he moaned.
“What was that, baby?”
“I’m gonna cum. I want it to be inside you. Please, honey,” he begged.
“I told you, I’m gonna give you anything you want,” you answered and placed your body over his dick; and thankful that you were wearing a dress you used your hand to pull your panties to the side and guide him inside your pussy.
Lowering yourself on him, you grabbed his hands and brought them on your tits. “I love feeling your huge hands on my body. I-” a loud moan escaping your lips, caused you to pause. “I love how deep in me I can feel you. I love how good you fuck me, Aaron.”
You rocked your hips against his, guiding his hands all over your body; your hips your ass, your thighs. And Aaron took advantage of every single touch.
“Fuck,” you moaned, at the feeling of him rubbing your clit. “I’m cumming.” Your pussy pulsed around his cock and you closed your eyes savoring the feeling.
Just a few moments later, Aaron came too; his whines and whimpers blessing your ears. You wrapped your hand around the front of his neck, carefully, making sure to make eye contact. “Fill me up, baby,” you urged him. “Only you can do that. No one else.”
He did as you said, and as a reward you gave him the deepest kiss you possibly could. “Good boy.”
You grinned against his lips and left a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose. “Better now?”
“Much better,” he sighed.
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rashomonss · 1 year
it’d be smut between beel-mc after a fangol game that he lost. maybe mc could be wearing beels jersey?
i love ur writing!!
a/n: ofc anon! and first off i’m so sorry it took me so long to get this request done. also thanks sm I’m glad you enjoy my writing! let's get real tbh, rough sex with Beel in the locker room after he lost a game is just to die for! especially if he’s taking out the stress of the loss on you as you wear nothing but his jersey ^^
turn down the lights everyone because it’s red hour with rashomonss ‎♡
Warning 18+ (NSFW) : overstimulation, dumbification (a bit), praise, gn! MC
with extra love, rashomonss ‎♡
you’re so good for me
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“fuck-“ followed by a sharp inhale was loudly let out of your mouth.
How did you get into this situation? You don’t even remember anymore, you barely even remember where you currently are due to basically being fucked dumb on Beel’s cock.
He pounded into you so deep you saw stars, hell he alone could send you to the Celestial Realm with his pace alone. It always took a bit of prep before he would put it in due to his size alone. But you would think with how many times the two of you have done this you’d be used to taking him, much to your surprise you still weren’t.
He made you feel so full, so it of course it was hard to surpass the moans and whimpers coming out of your mouth.
At first you made sure to keep your voice under control even though Beel assured you that the locker rooms in RAD were pretty sound proof. However that was all thrown out the window the second he began pounding you like there was no tomorrow.
Your legs felt wobbly as you gripped the sides of the bench Beel was bending you over. The pleasure was becoming to much for your legs to bear, after all you were only able to keep yourself up like normal until the third round.
You had lost track of how many rounds you both had done, Beel was too busy focused on pounding into your pretty hole to really care.
And he tried he really did; he tried so hard to keep his strength under control. But this was you we’re talking about, he’s never been good at controlling himself around you so when you offered to help relieve stress after his teams current loss he couldn’t pass up the offer. Plus he adored the fact that you were wearing his jersey like he asked couldn’t have made him more happy.
When he first saw you in it at the beginning of the game he couldn’t help but let his mind wander the slightest bit, but he stopped knowing he had a game to play so feelings like that could wait till later.
That was until his team lost. Of course the Avatar of Gluttony was more than upset, he had every right to be they just lost. He needed something to relive the stress he had after the game.
So when you came walking into the locker room after all his teammates left he couldn’t have been more happy. What was even better was the fact that he only had on a towel at the time.
So after seeing you he quickly bent you over the bench in the middle of the room, then discarded the towel and your bottoms before prepping you.
He stuck two fingers in first just to get you ready. That resulted in a jolt from you and a few quite moans as he worked his fingers in your cute little hole. Soon he added a third making sure to stretch you out just a bit before he went in.
And after getting the okay from you he couldn’t wait any longer.
Beel was usually one to prefer a slower and deeper pace rather than a hard and fast one, so it took you by surprise when he fully stuffed you with his cock in a mere second.
A sharp gasp was let out as you clung onto the bench like it was your lifeline.
“Sorry MC, but I won’t be able to hold back this time”
You nodded you head slightly then felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continued to pound into you.
Soon you were brought to where you are now. Fucked dumb out of your mind still clinging onto the bench in the middle of the locker room.
Beel could feel you legs shake so he picked you up and held you above him. As you regained your breath for a second he repositioned you to face him, then he slammed you onto his cock again.
Letting out a loud moan you harshly clung onto him as tears streamed down your face due to the overstimulation. You loved it though, being this full of him was such a pleasurable feeling.
Beel lifted your chin up to face him as he watched your expression with lust filled eyes. He truly loved the fuck out expression your face was currently displaying. If he was being honest it turned him on even more.
And you swore you felt him grow just that much bigger inside of you.
“You’re doing so good my love, just one more round okay” he said pulling you closer.
“Mhm” was all you managed to make out. You didn’t really process what he said due the the immense state of pleasure he had you in, but you honestly didn’t care.
“You look so good like this, especially wearing my jersey” he continued, as you bounced up and down on his cock.
You whined in response and leaned into his chest as he kept whispering words of praise into your ear, and after what felt like the twentieth time you felt a knot form in your core.
Beel sensed this because you squeezed him even tighter, so in response he pounded into you even harder. He wanted to fill you with his cum once more, this was the last time, he had told you over and over again. But he couldn’t resist stuffing you full of his cum like this.
Not when you were wearing his jersey. You were his, and he wanted others to know that too, he was going to make sure of that. He was going to stuff you so full that the only thing others would see is his cum spilling out of you.
Beel usually didn’t think this way much, but after the stress of the loss he found himself indulging in these feelings.
“You feel so good MC,” Beel whispered into your ear.
All he received in response was moans as you clung onto him crying of pleasure.
Beel felt you squeeze even tighter so he repositioned you again. He pulled you almost all the way out, he then moved you back on his cock a bit before slamming you down again. This time finding the one spot he was looking for.
When he hit it with the tip of his cock you threw your head back feeling your orgasm soon come on, Beel soon felt it as well.
“Are you about to cum?” He asked through stained breaths.
A breathy “uh huh” left your lips as you tried to stable your breathing. Soon you reached the edge and your legs began to twitch again as you clawed onto Beelzebub.
“Cum for me my love, show me how good you are for me” Beel smiled through shaky breaths.
No later than a second the knot snapped in your core resulting in you reaching your climax and coming as his cock continued to pound into you. As you threw your body back your hips buckled onto his cock allowing him to ride out his own orgasm.
You then felt so full again, as you regained your breathing after a bit Beel looked at you and smiled.
“Can we go one more round please?”
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tojisangrylittlething · 11 months
my angel - satoru gojo x reader
summary: being satoru gojo's girlfriend has its perks, but it also has its flaws.
tw: canon typical violence, cussing like one f-bomb, insecurities, hurt to comfort
wc: 2.8k
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you hobbled home on the good leg you had, sweat and blood still pouring down your face. you can feel how hard your body is shaking, the adrenaline still pumping through your bloodstream. breathing unsteady, unable to shake the images of the mission from your brain.
you'd think you'd be used to it by now. violence and death are a part of the job. today though, today was different.
running down the different alleys, you could hear the screams. feeling you chest tighten with every second you couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from. slowly losing your hearing due to all of the blood rushing through your ears. almost there, almost there, almost there...
you were too late.
eyes widening ever so slightly, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. looking around the scene, you see nothing. the fog is thick and all you see are 3 figures laying on the ground. slowly, you make your way towards them. when you get close, you jump back slightly.
their eyes were open.
3 boys. they couldn't be older than 16. backpacks still on their shoulders and ties hanging loosely from the end of the school day.
poor things, you can tell they suffered. the more you look at them, the more they remind you of your own students. if something were to happen to them...
you straightened your back and took a deep breath. now is not the time to mourn or think about the what-ifs.
whatever committed this atrocity, it's still here.
focusing your eyes back on the fog, you try to sense any energy coming from it. you move your gaze from left to right.
that's when you hear it. a sickening moan coming from your left. turning your attention in that direction, something flashes before your eyes.
you jump backward just as a dark, long claw reaches for where your face was just moments before.
you shake your head. now is not the time. you need to get home. you're injured, you need to be assessed, you have to check-in.
you promised you'd see him tonight.
him being your lovely, albeit annoying, caring boyfriend satoru gojo.
you two began dating a few years after graduation from jujutsu tech. he was a third year during your first year in attendance. he was a bit of a bully, but you could handle it. a few charming gestures and you were wrapped around his finger.
neither of your respective clans approved of the romance, claiming you would be each other's downfall. with satoru's status in the world of sorcery, there were always bound to be risks.
you and satoru have discussed this at great lengths, determining an approach to every possible scenario that could be thrown at you. you loved him dearly and he was just as crazy about you.
of course, your relationship with each other came with great criticism. his clan claiming that you were too weak and unworthy of being with him. your clan voicing worries about your possible death simply carrying the title of being his partner.
with what happened tonight, you can't help but think that maybe the elders of the gojo clan were right about you.
you were too late to save those boys and that curse was barely a grade 2. you're special grade for fuck's sake, you shouldn't be this injured. that curse really packed a punch, the punctures in your leg from its claws being proof of that.
all you wanted to do was go back to your shared apartment with satoru. you know he bought your favorite takeout for dinner tonight. you just need to shower, eat some food, and go to bed. after all that's done you should be fine.
you continued the 20 minute walk back to the complex, pausing every so often because of the pain. you're breathing is ragged, the makeshift tourniquet only doing so much to stop the bleeding.
you finally arrive after what seemed like hours, the ride up the elevator seeming to take even longer. you ignored the stares of stragglers at this late hour, just wanting to be home.
as you leaned against the wall of the elevator, you can't help but wonder, what is satoru going to think?
he knows that you are more than capable. in the beginning, he insisted on tagging along with you on your missions. it wasn't that he didn't trust you, it was everyone else he didn't trust.
he worried extremely for your well-being, claiming that he just wanted to help.
"what if the intel is wrong? i would never forgive myself if something happened to you."
"toru i promise i'll be fine, i'm a special grade just like you remember?"
you have always admired his caring attitude, it's always been one of his more redeeming qualities.
but to others? this was mistaken as a deficiency on your part.
"they can't possibly be special grade!"
"they are a flaw in the system, there's no way they can do this on their own!"
"how could satoru gojo choose them out of all people!"
the ding of the elevator informing you that you have arrived on your floor pulls you out of your negative thoughts.
you take a deep breath and push yourself off of the wall. you hope that satoru is asleep by the time you get there, you don't want him to see you like this. frail.
once you arrive in front of your door, you pull your keys out of your pocket and stick them in the lock. you twist and hear the lock unclick. you shove open the door with your shoulder and close it behind you with a sigh.
you bend over to slip off your shoes and take off your jacket from around your shoulders. every movement making your body ache with a throbbing pain.
you turn around and see that satoru is nowhere to be seen. tip-toeing your way as best you can with your wounded leg, you keep a careful eye out. he has a tendency to pop in the most random of places at the most arbitrary of times.
making your way down the hallway, you hear faint snores from your bedroom. the door is ajar and you open it slightly, peering around its edges.
satoru is fast asleep on your shared bed, laying on his stomach with his hair sprawled everywhere. his mouth is open and he's cuddled up to your pillow. you can't help the small smile that appears, seeing him in such a peaceful slumber always makes you delighted.
satoru carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and he deserves his rest. he works so hard and gives so much, the absolute least he should get is a night of uninterrupted sleep.
you move away from the bedroom door and make your way to the bathroom. you are in desperate need of a shower and you have to dress the wounds you obtained.
you shut the bathroom door as quietly as possible and turn on the shower, letting it warm up before you step in. you slowly strip off all your clothes, wincing every now and then from the tenderness of your body.
after washing away all the blood and grime, you're now sat on the edge of the tub in your robe with medical supplies all around you. you grab some cotton balls and some disinfectant. dabbing some of it onto the cotton, you know that this is really going to sting.
as soon as you press the cotton ball to the nasty wound on your leg, you can't help the small cry that escapes your lips.
you immediately quiet yourself, biting your fist and squeezing your eyes shut. the burn from the disinfectant is the only thing you're able to think about. you're so disoriented from it that you don't even hear the door to the bathroom open.
"what happened to you angel?"
you turn and see satoru looking at you. his eyes are wide assessing the situation, you can still see the faint hints of sleep swimming in them.
shit, this is the last thing you wanted to happen.
you attempted to give him a reassuring smile, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes, "the mission didn't go as expected."
he looks you up and down with a quizzical gaze, "you look like a curse tried to turn you into kushiyaki."
the joke makes you laugh, but you grimace as the pain consumes you once again.
satoru instantly makes his way over and kneels down in front of you. he doesn't enjoy seeing his significant other in pain.
he grabs your leg, holding it softly and moving it around in his grip, trying to gauge the damage.
you're breathing densely, your free hand gripping the edge of the tub so hard you fear you could put a dent in it.
"here angel, let me."
you look up and see satoru holding his hand out to you expectantly. his bright blue eyes holding a tender expression, clearly wanting to aid you in any way he can.
you grip the cotton ball tighter in your fist, clenching your teeth together and sneering out, "i got it satoru, i'm fine."
you see the look of disbelief cross his face, his mouth forming a small frown, "you're obviously not fine, let me help you."
when he says this, your mind flashes back to all of the rotten words that have been said about you through the years. those words filled with anger, jealousy, and pity.
frustration bubbles up inside of you, a scowl constructing itself on your face, "i don't always need your help satoru! i don't need you to save me all the time!"
satoru furrows his brows in confusion at your tone, frown deepening on his lips, "i know you don't angel, i just want to-"
you cut him off, voice raising to another level, "no satoru let me do this, i can do it!" you feel tears beginning to sting behind your eyes, your voice sounding so desperate.
satoru goes quiet, looking at you intently. he opens his mouth to say something, then closes it. he's completely baffled at your demeanor, unsure of what to say.
you wear a look of animosity and can't help the words that spill out of your mouth next, "just because you're the strongest out of all of us doesn't mean i always need you to run to my rescue!"
you're breathing thickly, unable to tame the anger any longer. years of biting your tongue at the verbal degradation you've suffered coming to a head.
you fully look at satoru now, he wears a soft smile and looks at you with a loving gaze. he strokes your leg with his thumb, rubbing it back and forth so gently you wouldn't have noticed it if you couldn't see him doing it.
"i know you can do this yourself, but i want to help you. i love you too much to let you do this on your own."
your breathing stops, and you feel all the aggression leave your frame. your body slouching over as all the tension is released. you bite at your lips anxiously, shooting him an apologetic stare, "i'm sorry toru."
satoru moves up to pull you into an embrace, being mindful of the injuries that litter your body. he rubs your back lightly, the other hand cradling your head, "i know angel. it's okay."
you pull away from him and shake your head vehemently, "no it's not okay, i let them get to me and i took it out on you-"
satoru cuts you off then, looking at you with bewilderment, "who? who got to you?"
you close your eyes and sigh dejectedly, you knew this would come up sooner or later. you just hoped it would be later.
you tell him every spiteful thing you've heard. everything from random sorcerers to the elders of his clan. you're crying by the end of it, now feeling ashamed of the effect they had on you.
"baby, look at me."
you peek up at him timidly, suddenly feeling very vulnerable under his gaze.
he grabs both sides of your face, holding and looking at you as if you are the most precious element on earth. his thumbs graze over your cheek bones and he smiles at you fondly.
"i don't care what other people think of you or our relationship. the only thing i care about is you and your happiness. you're happy with me, aren't you?"
you nod at him, gripping tightly onto his black sleep shirt, "yes toru, the happiest i have ever been is when i'm with you."
satoru smile grows impossibly large, bearing all his teeth and it's blinding with how bright it is, "and i am happy with you, angel. do you know why i always call you my angel?"
you shake your head, you never knew there was a reason he called you that. you always figured it was just a nickname, nothing more nothing less.
satoru presses his forehead to yours, squishing your cheeks just a little tighter, "it's because you are my angel, sent directly to me from the heavens. i know the gods spent more time creating you, so you could tolerate being with me."
you giggle softly and he giggles along with you. satoru's happy he got you to laugh, only if it was a small one.
he pulls away from you slightly, his eyes holding so much devotion you feel as if you could melt under his powerful gaze.
"never forget that it will always be you. no matter what anyone says, you will always be the one for me. my perfect angel who is so strong and so brave. i know you don't need my help with anything, you are already so resilient. i do it because i made a promise to myself that i would never let my angel be taken away from me."
the tears flow down your face like a flood. you sob freely into the air, not caring how unsightly it may be. satoru's words accomplish their goal of reassuring you and you begin to see how truly special you are to him.
to hell with the people who whisper their depraved phrases behind your back. the people who believe that you are just a hindrance to the satoru gojo.
to you, he's just toru, your toru. he is the most caring and attentive boyfriend you could ever even hope to dream of. the one who is always by your side, no matter the cost. most importantly, the one who loves you for you.
and you love him, just as much. the thought of him ever being out of your life causes your heart to ache.
you move your hands up to grasp his face, giving him a look full of adoration, "i love you toru, until the end of time."
satoru pulls you into a passionate kiss. the type of kiss that is full of nothing but pure love. every emotion you feel for each other being poured into it.
after some time, you both pull away from each other to breathe. a string of saliva connects the two of you as you're both gasping for air.
satoru opens his eyes and beams at you, his face screaming exactly what he says next, "i love you too angel, until the end of time."
suddenly remembering why you both were in the bathroom in the first place, he looks down at your wounded leg.
he looks back up at you and reaches his hand over to grab the cotton balls, along with disinfectant.
"let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"
you nod at him and smile, this time accepting the help that he's offering.
he cleans your injuries with care, every wince or grimace you make is met with "i know, i know angel, i'm sorry." or "we're almost done okay? you're doing so well, just a little longer, you can do it."
he helps you out of the bathroom and assists you with putting your pajamas on. he heats up your takeout, knowing you need to eat. he even forces you to drink a glass of water, wanting to keep you hydrated. the last thing he remembers you eating or drinking was when you met him for lunch earlier in the day before your mission.
you're falling asleep by the end of it, the mission and the sentimental moment in the bathroom taking its toll on you.
satoru carries you into your shared bedroom, tucking you in before hopping in himself. he pulls you close, leaning your head against his chest and his arm fastening itself around your waist.
he rubs your back as he does every night, knowing that it always lulls you to sleep.
you feel your eyelids drooping with sleep, the comfort of him being intoxicating, "toru?"
"yes my sweet angel?"
you snuggle into him more, wanting to be as close to him as humanly possible. your eyelids fully close and you speak quietly, a slight rasp to your voice, "until the end of time."
satoru feels your breathing even out, signaling that you have now fallen asleep.
he pulls you impossibly closer, squeezing your waist and kissing the top of your head, "until the end of time."
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
“𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟“~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · .
He closed the room door after you trailed behind him, the bed bounced slightly as you sat on it, smiling keeping your head low. “Why wont you look at me baby? I’m not that ugly am i?” he joked making you giggle, “no its just that..”looking away, tears starting to form but they were blinked away before the boy in front of you noticed, you were sensitive but not pussy. “Talk to me mama” he said as he cocked his head, leaning in front of the wall that seemed to have gained your interest.
“Well i literally just met you but it feels like i can really trust you, I’m not an idiot and I would kill you before you could even try to just hit and dip” He chuckled at the statement, he understood where you came from and thats what he wanted to avoid. He didn’t want you to have the impression that he used you, so he would only do as much as you wanted him too. But before he shared his thought you said something that changed his mood, that almost offended him. “And i honestly thought you wouldn’t like me all that much because i not all that skinny you know” you hunched over to untie your shoes and set them aside, the high waist of your skirt rolled itself down.
You couldnt help but open the button to get more comfortable. Your belly ring showed and shimmered while you adjusted your skirt, no longer caring about the stretch marks on your tummy and the indents left on your skin due to the tight nature of your skirt. “ Why would think any part of you is ugly? You dont need me telling you that you’re beautiful because i know you already know, but i refuse to let you sit here and shit on yourself cus you dont look like what bum ass dudes think is beautiful” his hands navigated their way to your chin,“boy fuck them niggas” you added which made laughter erupt from the both of you.
A sigh escaped your lips, inhaling the remaining air. You appreciated his humor, but he was right, your insecurity started from a young age. You were so mean to the little girl that just wanted to fit in and feel beautiful, the kind of beautiful that was like the sunset, that reminded people of Pink and White by Frank Ocean, the kind of beautiful that was self made and wasnt built on the validation of others.
If you felt anything right now, it was that, beautiful, confident, and ready to fuck the guy that caught your eye. You started the kiss back up again, only this time you had the intention of taking it further than before. Your clit throbbed as your hand slipped and grabbed onto your purple panties, using them to subtly stimulate the throbbing bud in between your legs. His tongue fought for dominance in your mouth, his soft plush lips were so warm, you couldnt help but wonder what it felt like on your second pair of lips. Pushing him away and separating ,left a long thread of saliva connecting between you two.
“Con” lust filled his hazel bright eyes, he listened to every word you said, your voice remained low but strong, “take this off, i dont want you to mess it up” you said smirking, tugging on the bottom of his hoodie, lifting it over his head. His chains clanked together, falling onto his wife beater. His hoodie was discarded and forgotten as he untied and removed your shirt, revealing the purple bra under it, breasts pouring out of the “too small” push up bra which sent the blood straight to his dick. You felt it throb through his sweatpants as the bulge grew on your legs. He shifted in between you, now attacking your neck, you moaned softly as he left love bites all over your skin.
“Connieee” you pleaded softly. If you didnt know any better you would confuse the throbbing in between your legs with the increasing pulse of your heart. “Can i take your skirt off Y/n?” he said breaking his kisses, “tell me when you want me to stop baby girl,please.” At this moment, you knew he was all yours and only yours “yes connie, take it off” you said, you felt the adrenaline rush through your body making you hyperactive. Small kisses were sent down your plush thighs, kissing the wet mark on your panties.
He lifted your leg over his shoulder and kissed the scar on your ankle, then kissed your knee, fingers slowly removing your undergarment as he made his was back up to your pussy. He spread your lips open , kissing your left lip, then your right, then focusing his attention on your slit. Licking up and down slowly, then quickly, “Connie baby i-“ you gasped as he pushed his finger inside of you, the same one with the silver ring on it. “i seen you liked this one” he said thrusting up into the plush on your throbbing, wet cunt, licking the fluid that was on your exposed thighs. He sucked on your clit, a feeling you only even experienced thanks to your purple rose toy that you bought for yourself as a graduation gift.
He flicked the bud of nerves as goosebumps flooded your body, arching your back in an unnatural shape as you rode his finger that was now curved making space for the second one. “mhhhmm oh shit conniee please fuck this pussy” you babbled as he licked faster, making deeper and slower strokes inside of you, “Connie im cumminnnn” you tried to stifle your moans but you were submerged in the orgasm you worked so hard for, your body twitched in Connie’s mouth, tightening around the tongue that pushed up against your walls further into your hole.
Eyes now rolling back at the overstimulation, Connie gripped onto your hips, his motions came to a halt as he kissed your clit, and went up all the way to your stomach. Legs rested over his shoulders, you smiled to yourself knowing that the night you had dreamed of was successful. A pussy drunk connie still kissing your tummy mumbling sweet things about you. Less than five minutes passed and Connie got up kissed you on your cheek, rubbing your hip, “lemme wipe you up baby” he said getting a wet rag from the restroom, it was dark outside and you weren’t surprised, but Connie came back quickly with a towel and went over your areas, slipped your panties on and rested on your stomach. “How did i do pretty?” he asked looking up at you, hazel eyes low. “I didn’t hurt you did I? was i grabbing on your thighs too hard?” he asked, you felt the genuine concern in his voice. It was so so so cute.
“Aww look at you all pussy whipped, I’m okay baby you did amazing like amazing probably isn’t the word” you said rubbing his head, hearing his chuckle “only for you, you better never tell nobody you seen me like this” he joked “ only if you keep doing what you do with your tongue boo” you lifted his chin, and his face met yours with a nice smooch to seal off the night. “Thick girls just do it better” he said as he laid on your chest, playing with your breasts, biting them from time. “What can i say, this tummy of mine is made of gold ,likeeee good pum pum need good shelter” you couldn’t keep yourself serious, bursting into laughter at your comment, Connie laughed as well feeling nothing but content. He felt like he was already falling in love with you, you tasted so good and you were funny, and smart, and got your money up. Your Dior sneakers and Telfar didn’t go unnoticed, but besides that, he didn’t want to loose you trying to rush into a relationship and was willing to go as slow as you wanted as long as he got to see you smile...
i meannn be did know you were right tho pussy as good as yours did need a shelter, and he felt comfortable under it, and he love that you were comfortable with him being under it, as long as it was yours <3
like i literally wanna cry i have written this about 6 times because this shit constantly deletes like i have no more motivation to make it cute and aesthetic till tomorrow just lmk if yall fuck wit itand if my booboo bears want another one~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ <3
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divinelolita · 1 year
Can you do a fanfic of tom x male reader were reader is the older brother of Britney Spears but tom or the band doesn't know that and they go to an awards show (whatever there called) and Britney keeps hugging and clinging on to us and tom gets extremely jealous because he thinks there dateing so he glares at reader and ignores them wean ever we try to talk or get close to him. And Britney comes to visit reader as a surprise for ur birthday but can find us and goes to tom and ask "have you seen my brother?" I'll give you my left kidney if you write this
this was definitely hard to write but I really liked the plot-sorry if my writing isn't good I'm better at bullet pointing lol
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"How much longer 'til we are there?"
Georg asked Tom, lazily slung on one of the couches in the tour bus. Tom took a few seconds before responding.
"Uhh I dunno...ask Bill."
Georg rolled his eyes, muttering a small "Asshole.." under his breath before turning to Bill and asking the question. Tom didn't respond to Georg calling him names though, as his mind was already preoccupied. They were going to an awards show (bb idk what it's called either LMFAO) and Tom didn't know how to react. I mean sure, he was excited and hopeful but also scared shitless. I mean, BIG stars were going to be here and he hated to admit it, but would feel small near these stars.
His leg shook up and down as he played with his lip ring, moving it in small circles as he got slightly worked up about the thought of having to go to this whole show thing.
"Tom..? You alright?" He heard Bill's voice ask faintly, but his heart rate increased as he thought about how many people will be there. What if he somehow embarrasses himself there? What if something happens to the band? What if he gets lost? What if he..
"TOM." A punch on his shoulder almost made him jump, his head whipping up so quickly he almost got whiplash. He winced at the pain in his shoulder before apologizing to his brother.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm cool." He replied nonchalantly, although he was everything from it. When Bill raised a pierced eyebrow he continued. "Seriously, Bill. I'm fine." he gulped lowly, his palms becoming sweaty. "You're not scared about the show, right?" Georg asked from the couch, propping himself up on his shoulders. Before Tom could answer, Bill patted him firmly on the back "You got nothin' to worry about, silly. Everything is gonna be okay, yeah?" Somehow, his tone of voice brought Tom back to reality as he let out a sigh, smiling softly at the two band members. "Mhm. I know."
Before Bill could say something else, the bus came to a screeching halt, making Tom grimace due to the loud noise. "Alright, let's get moving, hm?" Jost said, opening up the door. Gustav came groggily out of the bathroom, having just woken up not even 20 minutes ago. "God man, I just got up.."
Bil giggled lightly, following Jost out the door "C'mon, 'lesgo!"
Tom shuffled, standing next to Gustav and Bill, Georg on the right of Gustav. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find a hot girl. Hey, if he has to stay here in this place full of people there has to be at least one hot chick, right? But his eyes scanned over somebody so beautiful, he had to do a double take. A gorgeous man with beautiful hair stood tall and confident, chatting with a blonde on his side. Tom's attention wasn't on her though, no, but on the boy.
The boy was.. exactly his type? I mean, he had been questioning if he was into men or not but always pushed it to the side, afraid of accepting himself. But looking at this boy made his stomach curl into knots and made his face slightly hotter than it was before.
Tom's fascination was cut short though, As he got to see the girls face more Cleary and saw it was none other than Britney. Britney Spears. His heart rate increased for the second time of the day as he noticed this. Britney was a fabulous, gorgeous girl. No wonder she was talking to this dude. He nipped his lip ring anxiously as he watched, to his horror, as she hugged the boy tightly and laid her head on his shoulder, laughing as he whispered something to her.
"Tom! Tom, are you even listening?!"
A pinch on his arm made him whimper in pain as he turned to Gustav, the blonde raising his eyebrows at him. "Huh? Sorry man... was'up?" Tom mumbled, his usual cherry and cocky self turned into a quiet, almost miserable boy as he replayed the memory of Britney wrapping her hands around the boy he had just seen. How has a stranger he never talked to made him feel this way?
"I was asking if you wanted to scout out some girls with Georg and me, yeah?" He asked, Georg smirking at Tom as he pointed in the direction of some pretty girls. "Seriously, the girls here are BEAUTIFUL, man!" Georg chortled, looking at Tom expecting a yes.
"Erm..No thanks. Not tonight.." Bill looked at Tom out of the corner of his eye. "... I'll go with you guys." Bill said quietly, smiling at the G's. They were surprised by both of the twin's answers, but nodded to Bill while smiling "Alright, let's go! Hey Tom, we are gonna be over there, kay?" A voice said, Tom not being able to make out who it was. All he could do was nod as he looked over at the boy again, Britney holding his hand and ruffling his hair. Tom felt pangs of jealously coursing through him, wishing that he could take the blonde's place. He watched how the boy smiled whenever Britney said something, or how he would laugh when Britney said something funny.
Tom's never felt like this before. He wanted to make this boy from heaven laugh, smile, and touch Tom's dreads. Although they were a good 50 feet apart, he could feel himself freeze as his blood went cold when the boy locked eyes with him. He could make out a faint smile and watched as the boys hand went to wave at him. He felt frozen in place as the boy walked over to him, still keeping that warm smile on his face. Tom felt the air leave his lungs as he properly saw how damn gorgeous he was. "Hey.. Your uh, Tom right? The guitarist from Tokio Hotel!" the boy spoke with a voice full of confidence. His voice was so beautiful Tom swore he could've heard angels singing in the background.
Tom let jealously get the best of him, as he found himself slightly glaring at the boy. He nodded slowly, muttering out a soft "Yes." although his nervousness made it seem more like a question. Even with his tone, the boy kept that dammed beautiful smile on. "Ah. My names M/N. It's nice to meet you!" Tom's eyes flickered back and forth between the boys two beautiful (colored) ones, feeling himself get more nervous and barley being able to keep upright. If he stayed here he knew he would die of nervousness.
"Oh.Erm.. I have to get back to my band." he grumbled out, trying to make himself seem confident but failing to do so. Tom's heart twisted as he saw the beautiful mans smile falter for a moment, before speaking in a slightly smaller voice. "Oh.. I'm sorry for keeping you up. See you around then, Tom." Tom hummed, almost falling on his heels as he darted to the band. As soon as he got there, a pretty brunette came up to him. "Hey.. I'm Abbi." *she said, smirking at him. He cleared his throat, not wanting his reputation to get ruined. "Oh? Is that so?" He held back a grimace as she threw herself on him, leaving light kisses on his jaw and neck.
His eyes stayed on one person though, and that was the boy. He felt really bad about just leaving him, but he really didn't know what else to do. He wanted to push this girl off him, go to the boy, and talk again. These thoughts left as quickly as they appeared as he saw the boy talk to Britney again, rubbing his arm. His stomach twisted as he detached his eyes from him quickly, trying to focus on the girl. But for some reason, it wasn't feeling good. It felt like a ghost lingered on his skin as she kissed him, feeling nothing but emptiness.
The girl picked her head up as someone called her name, another girl. She smiled, apologizing as she nipped Tom's neck one last time before going over to her friend. Tom groaned in relief but couldn't help but glance again at Britney and the mystery guy. What a mistake. She clung to his waist, head rested on his chest. He wanted to throw up as his chest curled and he felt jealously surge throughout his veins. Yes, this was going to be a longggg night.
Thirty minutes later, Tom found himself around a bar, his bandmates close to him. Georg burped rather loudly as he finished another bottle. " Alright Geo, that's your last." Bill scolded, taking away the empty bottle. "What do you mean? We are at a show!" Georg hissed, eyeing another bottle of beer. Gustav chuckled, patting Georg on the back "Georg, you're not even 21 yet. Relax, man." Georg grumbled as he laid back in his seat. "Tomi, go put this away for me, please?" Bill asked, smiling at his older brother. Tom rolled his eyes but took it. Stupid bar, why can't the employees go take the shit?
As he was going to put it back, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that dammed boy again. As he put the bottle on the counter, the man came beside him, smiling once more. He opened his mouth before Tom cleared his throat and walked away, leaving the boy confused and sad.
(when they announce Tokio Hotel wins cuz I'm not writing all that)
Tom felt like he had frozen, but was cut back to reality as everybody around them screamed and applauded. Bill brought Tom into a tight hug which Tom gave back, hugging his little brother like it was his last day on earth. Tom felt as if he was on cloud nine.
They went up to the stage, Bill being the singer holding the award. He gave s beautiful speech as he thanked everybody for the opportunity to receive this. Everybody applauded once again as all the band members hugged, feeling proud of themselves.
(like 20 minutes later idfk LOL)
Tom felt happy with himself as he leaned up against the wall talking to the band, two girls plastered near the G's. He had completely forgotten about the boy and was happy that way. They all laughed, having great conversation. Georg and Gustav were slightly drunk...okay maybe very drunk but that made it feel even better to be there and hang out with them. Bill only had one drink so although feeling fuzzy he was still fine. Tom felt that way too, as long as Bill was okay he was okay. He believed that for 18 years. 18 years he spent thinking that twin emotions were shared. That was shattered as he saw Britney approach him, looking all around her as she called out someone's name, the band and music being too loud for Tom to hear. When she came closer he felt his heart drop, eyes squinting at her slightly as he still felt mad and jealous about the boy. God dammit, now he was thinking of the boy again!
The rest of the band fixed their posture, looking at her with admiration and a little bit of something else. She was drop dead gorgeous, so Tom understood wh they looked at her dumbfounded. He glared at her, raising an eyebrow. "Hello! I just wanted to say congrats on winning the ____ Award! You guys deserved it!" She smiled happily, making the G's flustered. Before anybody else could say anything, She turned back to Tom, his eyes filled with jealously. "I was just wondering if you knew where my brother, M/N, was.. It's his birthday and I wanted to do something for him." Tom felt himself freeze as his eyes widened, jaw dropping slightly. "M-M/N...?" He asked weakly, not being able to process what he just heard. She smiled softly at him, nodding "Yeah! The boy you talked to earlier. The one with (colored) hair?"
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itskybabes-blog · 5 months
The Kiss Of Death
Daniel Garcia x fem!reader
Warning: drinking, still pretty innocent
Part: two
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Word count: 1385 words Comments and advice is welcome.
Part one
The shots keep coming and the chat keeps flowing between Daniel and Y/N. 45 minutes past and they’re still talking at the bar, losing track of time.
They shared some aspects of their lives with each other; Daniel tells her about his hometown of Buffalo, New York and how he loves Bad Bunny. Y/N is a little more reserved, simply because she doesn’t know this man well enough to break down her protective barrier just yet. But, he knows that she’s a photojournalist, taking pictures of some of today’s biggest stars on her cameras.
After he told her a corny joke, Daniel admires the glittery smile of Y/N’s as laughter filled the air around them. His eyes linger on her lips a little longer than expected, but when he realised her erratic laughter was coming to an end, his eyes snapped back to hers.
She lifts her eyebrows: she saw that, but she’s not going to make a fuss out of it.
“You are such a comedian,” Y/N says sarcastically, going against her instinct to flirt with this hunk of a man who is clearly drinking in her beauty. The glint in her eyes, the way light bounced off the tip of her nose, the vivid colour and unique cut of her hair made her standout from the rest – how did he manage to grab her attention for so long?
“I should change careers, right?” Daniel replies. A chuckle escapes Y/N before a comfortable silence ensued.
The two's eyes rest on each other's lips while their bodies inched closer. The music starts to fade out before…
Daniel's head snapped to his right, scowling at a stumbling, slightly intoxicated man approaching the duo. Y/N places her hand in front of her face, trying to shade her eyes from the bright flash darting through the club's low lighting.
"Yo, Danny! You've been gone for a wh- ohh, my bad," the tall and toned man turns off his camera and apologised to the mysterious girl. "I'm sorry! Where's my manners? I'm Isiah."
“Y/N,” you say apprehensively.
The new character stretches his hand out for Y/N to shake, which she did.
Daniel goes red, looking at Y/N with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about him,” he says, “He don’t know when to quit with all that vlogging shit.”
Y/N offers a sweet smile before brushing it off: “It’s okay! Would have liked some warning so I could check how I look.”
She playfully begins to touch her lips and fluff her hair, as if to correct her looks.
“You look gorgeous, what are you talking about?” Daniel interjects, blushing hard again while Isiah teases him.
“Oh, is Danny tryna rizz you up right now? Oh, oh, I see how it is: you left us to chat this girl up. You left your friends over a girl? Aight!” Isiah lays into Danny as the latter playfully keeps trying to shut him up and pushing him away.
Y/N giggles at Isiah’s sarcastic jealousy, before asking, “Who’s ‘us’?”
Isiah points to the rest of the people in the VIP area. “A bunch of us came to the club to celebrate tonight,” he told the young lady. “You should come dance with us! Danny boy’s taken up enough of your time.”
Tenderly, Danny glances at Y/N as hope sparkles in his eyes. He wants to show off his new friend to the rest of the group.
“Sure, um…” – Y/N’s drinking is playing with her memory.
“Isiah! Yes! Sure, Isiah. I’ll come over.”
Danny offers his hand as she get off the bar stool. Her landing was a little rocky because her legs went a bit numb due to the sitting and the alcohol, but she leans into Danny as he protectively walks you over to the gang.
She see a bunch of smiley people having fun in the VIP area behind the DJ booth, and can hear the same laughter emanate from there like it did while Y/N spun the decks.
“Everybody!” Isiah starts to announce to the group, “Look who Danny found at the bar?”
A deep heat rose in your cheeks.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” she attempts to say over the music but her hushed tone is overpowered by the 808s of the tune playing through the club.
“Huh,” a floppy haired guy said in confusion, peering at her over his shades. The other guys and girls – either standing or sitting around their table of drinks, clothes accentuating their chiseled physiques – stared blankly at you. Y/N must admit that anxiety is starting to settle in.
“This is Y/N,” Danny cuts in, saving her. He then proceeds to point to everyone and says their name.
“This is Tyler- ”
“Call me Hook,” the floppy-haired giant gives her an endearing smile and offers her a head nod.
Danny continues: “This is Andretti.”
A golden-skinned muscle man gives her a huge smile and wave, like a bright burst of energy.
With an eyebrow raised and his lips pursed, there’s a cheeky expression on the man’s face. His shirt is open, showing off his washboard abs, and he just gives her a confident “Hey”.
“This is-” “CHEESECAKE!” Isiah yells over Danny, causing him to go red again and give Y/N a sorry look. She again giggles at his cuteness.
The authoritative stance of the Cheesecake man told Y/N he wasn’t anyone to play with.
“Lastly, here’s the girls; Skye, Kiera and Willow.”
The gorgeously dressed women wave, smiling back sweetly before continuing their gossip session.
Y/N sits next to Danny on the couch and talk more about life; he breaks it to her that he’s only in town for a couple of days – he wrestles for some “promotion” called “AEW”…
… she plays stupid. Yes: she loves wrestling – have watched it since she was a child and regularly watched the promotion – but she underplays how much she knows. Y/N don't want Danny to think she's being fake and on some crazy fan girl shit, which is ironic since downplaying what you know is “being fake” but anyways.
Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear, allowing herself to hear better. He tells her something about fighting some Adam Copeland guy: he corrects himself.
“Um, you know Edge? From WWE?”
Her eyes widen. Y/N thought she was up to date on all things AEW but she must have miss the thousands of social updates on the fact thee Edge from Edge and Christian had jumped ships to “the competition.” Danny’s in the big leagues – how cool?!
“Yeah,” Daniel chuckles, admiring that same glint in her eye she had earlier. “That guy!”
“Wow, that’s huge. Congrats!” Y/N says back, beaming a bright smile.
She then proceeds to tell him about her crazy day getting to the club: Y/N was shooting Megan Thee Stallion and she got her drunk, pouring D’usse in her mouth so she was already a bit drunk and could really use some food.
“So, let’s grab a bite!” Danny says before downplaying his eagerness. "I mean, only if you want to."
"Ugh!," Y/N jokingly grunts. "Don't tempt me with a good time. I could eat a horse, right now!"
Y/N grabs her belongings and checks her bag as Danny jumps up and says his parting words to the rest of his posse. Just as she finished triple-checking she had everything, Y/N sees a palm appear in front of her adorned with several gold rings that reflect the strobe lighting in the club.
"Come on, my lady!"
Her head snaps up to see her Prince Charming shine his own pearly whites. And it did something to her, something ineffable, something that she hopes to feel again. She felt a tingle in her soul like no other – as if she can feel their souls tying in the pit of her stomach.
She gladly grabs his hand, swings her bag over her shoulder and waves animatedly to Danny's friends. She tries not to think too much about it, but were they smirking at her? Hmmm.
Danny drags Y/N towards the cloakroom to get her jacket before they try their luck at sobering up under the dazzling starlight.
A/N: Thanks for waiting! As I continue this, this might turn into Drabble instead of a flowing story so expect to see loads of time descriptors at the top of chapters. Just so I can write them quicker.
I also just realise I'm switching between past tense and second tense because dyslexia is dyslexing. Pls bare with but each chapter might be in a different tense: fuck it.
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iwillbringyouruin · 2 months
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Is this the moment of just letting go?
I can't begin to describe the feeling of seeing the vision I had for this come to life on paper. I have put an elaborate description of the details I put into this (with the meaning I personally intended for them) as well as the reference that inspired it below the cut!
Please don't repost this!
The pose is based on the 1560s version of Repentant Mary Magdalene by Titian. However, unlike in that painting, Copia isn't looking up to the sky or heavens but rather forward/slightly down, perhaps mostly inward in reflection. He is sitting there in the foreground on one of his cloaks, nude - completely stripped of his vestments, clutching one of his chasubles to his chest to cover most of his torso and his legs as the fabric drapes over them. He is literally holding onto who he was or presented himself as, but he knows that he cannot be that same person again.
Copia's skull paint is smudged - based on the markings on his face and his fingertips, it can be assumed he has been desperately clawing at it without having the energy to properly wipe or clean it off. To the left, there is a rat sitting on the cloak looking up at him, his mitre lies folded on the right, no longer of use. He acknowledges neither, too lost in thought. There are three semi-transparent hands grabbing onto Copia's shoulders in support and comfort, one lighter than the other two, indicating these to be the hands of the three Emeritus brothers that came before him (the lighter hand belonging to Terzo due to his white gloves). They have never taken the steps he has; they haven't had to or haven't had the choice to. But they can be here for him now in those moments when he feels there is no one else.
In the background, there is a large bookshelf on the left, reaching to the middle of the drawing both horizontally and vertically. From top to bottom, the left part of the bookshelf displays: a plush rat and a plush goat (a reference to on-stage shenanigans), a foldable picture frame showing the silhouettes of eight people in the large rectangular middle frame - Copia's ghouls and ghoulettes - and one pair of people on either side - Copia with his father and his mother, respectively. This picture frame is intentionally placed at eye level so that Copia can always comfortably look at his family. Below are an inverted cross, two candelabras and the Grammy award won for Cirice in 2016. The rest of the bookshelf is stacked with books. In one place, a human skull is used as a bookend, a reminder of his mortality.
On the right side of the background, slightly further back in the room, there is a work desk in front of a stained-glass window with a pentagram in the middle, a curtain is gathered to the left of it. Almost out of frame, in the front and to the right of the desk, there is the tricycle Copia has been gifted, covered in cobwebs, not having been used in a long time. He hasn't put it away or covered it, be it because he didn't have the heart to or because he intends to dust it off at some point. On the work desk, there are slightly messy stacks of paper, a mug and an inkpot. Additionally, there is an open book on the desk, on top of which is another book. This book has been open just before the end but stopped from closing entirely by what's supposed to be the quill belonging to the inkpot. This book stands for Copia's story. It is unclear if he was the one who has stopped it from closing, if he wants to delay getting to the last page, if this book has been written by him or if it has been written by others for him.
Perhaps a combination of both. Either way, he is in charge now. There is also a vase on the left corner of the desk, containing flowers that are wilted in the vase except for one, signifying a new beginning and the cycle of life, growth and death, but also the way that time seems to slip when we find our minds clouded by pain - life and our obligations don't stop for grief, but we mustn't be hopeless.
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mayimkjs · 4 months
Microanalyzing Double
Taken from the FOOL's MATE research doc.
This includes theories and thoughts from a bunch of different people.
I will be separating some things into Trikoto and Twokoto variants.
Mikoto is singing/speaking when:
The background is white
The train is moving right
John is singing/speaking when:
Black background normally means 
The train is moving left
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This symbol show up multiple times and it looks like a pair of wings. There are 3 variants. The first is only used with Mikoto. The second is a warped version of the first one. The third has lower and upper sections like a butterfly. The last 2 are only used with John.
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This is another one that shows up multiple times and it looks like a halo. The halo is only used with John. A circle is also drawn around his head multiple times. The halos and circles draw your eyes to the center of it. Same goes for neon colors. This technique is used many times throughout the MV.
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Another symbolism/technique that appears multiple times is that both Mikoto and John’s faces are scribbled out.
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A calendar appears in multiple glitchy scenes, all with dates in October. 
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Both Mikoto and John have their own version of this. Mikoto’s is smoother and John’s is pointier. In one of the last scenes, these 2 are combined.
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The eyes that appear in the glitchy scenes represent how Mikoto is being watched by his alters.
The blue eye in the second scene could contribute to the Witness theory. This is the only place that this shows up.
The big red eyes in the third are referencing John. It only appears three time. twice when Mikoto is running away and another time where they communicate.
During the scenes in the bottom row, you can see Mikoto’s eye twice in the glitchy mess.
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On the right sign, 9, Mikoto’s prisoner number, is highlighted. Other from that, these are just normal train signs. The time here says 5:03.
Again, 9 is highlighted and the time here says 12:39. 
The time here says 5:03 again. 
MV Details
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This scene has a lot going on in it. In the opening, you can see Mikoto switching to John.
Mikoto is faking a smile.
John’s canines are more pronounced then Mikoto’s, mirroring Kotoko.
You can also see him gaining bags under his eyes.
During the switch between John and Mikoto, “John” suddenly looks scared. I think this is Mikoto realizing something is wrong. Of course, he wouldn’t remember this.
John starts to cry a little.
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The shattering symbolism could represent Mikoto’s mental state. His head is a mess. He is confused, frustrated and scared.
This scene also mimics the one from the start of MeMe where the cards are scattered in the water. The composition is practically identical apart from the movement. 
Solid gradient background.
Scattered objects in the foreground.
Smaller, less noticeable objects behind the ones in the foreground. 
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When he’s in the crowd of mannequins, he stands out. This is likely because Mikoto feels like he stands out too much.  Once the train passes, Mikoto disappears and reappears.
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This could symbolize Mikoto falling apart. The order of this scene is interesting. 
- His shadow is mainly blue with a little bit of red in the corner - There is a skull taped on him - His torso is behind the blue shadow - Mikoto’s name is next to his head
- His name is moving over his head
- A part of the blue shadow is now missing
- There is no blue shadow and the red shadow has started to expand - The skull no longer has tape on it - The song title is next to his head
- The shadows are now equal - The skull is gone and is replaced with either a *Go board or a calendar  - The song title has now appeared. 
- His shadow is now mainly red with a tiny bit of blue - Mikoto’s name is now were his legs where - The handwriting of Mikoto’s name slightly changes here, although that could just be due to using a different pen. 
*Go is an abstract strategy board game for two players in which the aim is to capture more territory than the opponent by fencing off empty space. One player uses the white stones and the other black. The players take turns placing stones on the vacant points on the board. Once placed, stones may not be moved, but captured stones are immediately removed from the board. Stones are captured when surrounded by the opponent's stones on all adjacent points. The game  ends when neither player wishes to make another move. The winner is determined by counting each player's surrounded territory along with captured stones. The standard Go board has a 19×19 grid and beginners often play on 9×9 boards. 
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His boss keeps messaging him and demanding things from Mikoto. The time is 12:35 AM and his phone is at 29%. His phone battery could be referencing multiple things. 
2 as in Double and 9 is Mikoto’s prisoner number.
9 is considered unlucky as it sounds like the word for suffering (苦), so this could be read as “double suffering”.
29 can be read as “Niku”, meaning meat (肉). 
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The code here looks like it’s just gibberish. Same with the black version of this.
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Trikoto: The door to the train is green as if it symbolizes Midokoto allowing John to front.
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When the scene transitions into Mikoto sitting on the train, there is one Mikoto covered in white over the normal one. it then goes to a shot where there’s a blue glow around him. Then it goes back to the white Mikoto which is now over the normal one instead of offset.
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Mikoto has white strands in his hair, signifying how stressed he is. This could also be a stylistic thing.
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There are 2 Wheel of Fortune looking things.
Trikoto: If you count the halo, this makes 3 circles.
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These 2 scenes are pulling your attention towards their eye shines and how they are in different locations. The left is also only a still where's Mikoto on the right is opening his eyes. John is also leaning his head forward.
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The windows in this scene are white and this is the closest we get to one of the mannequins. When the scene turns around to show John, the windows are black. I believe this could symbolize John “killing” Mikoto’s stress.
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Trikoto: Another green door. Possibly referencing the same thing as last time. 
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On the torn paper, there is a coin. This scene is also from John’s perspective.
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You can’t see a reflection when the windows are white, while you can when they are black. This could represent how John knows about Mikoto but Mikoto doesn't know about John. This is Mikoto falling apart from all of the stress. Mikoto is still until this light passes them. This represents how Mikoto is trapped inside of his own head while John causes chaos. As he stands up, John smiles.
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His mom calls him, and during this call, the scene flips between Mikoto and John.
Mikoto on the phone with his mom, and John killing someone. White background = Mikoto. Bottom eye shines = John. Mikoto may have witnessed one of John’s attacks and only has blurry or no memories of it. This entire scene is interesting.
During the phone call with his mom, Mikoto seems nervous. He seems like he’s hiding something from his mom. Likely his stress levels or a murder. 
In the next shot, the background is white but we don't see an eye shine. The surprised look makes me think this is Mikoto. He quickly hangs up after the call. We never see his face or the background in this shot. I believe that this isn’t Mikoto but John or Midokoto. It’s more likely for this to be John given how he was acting during the call. I feel this whole scene feeds into the Mikoto is a Witness theory with it seemingly flipping between John and Mikoto. 
After the call, Mikoto is observing his surroundings. He sees all of the damage that has been caused. He stands up and switches to John.
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Mikoto is running away from his problems. This can also be interpreted as Mikoto running from John because he doesn't know that he’s just trying to help him and means him no harm.
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This is yet another thing that can contribute to the Witness theory. The background is white while someone gets killed off screen. 
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There’s a slight red drop shadow to John here, mirroring the shot of Mikoto with a blue outer glow. He’s also overlaid with white which normally represents Mikoto.
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This is where the line between Mikoto and John blur. This shot shows multiple assets that are associated with John, even though Mikoto is the Kayano in the shot. 
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Towards the end when the room starts spinning, the 2 of them start to communicate, possibly on accident given the shocked faces. This is the only part of the MV that referenced MeMe directly. The halo is only over one “Me”. 
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There's a lot going on in this scene too.
His face goes from shocked to smug to somewhat sorrowful.
Then it looks like he’s either hyperventilating or crying.
When he shows his face, his expression goes from distressed to scared back to distressed.
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In this scene, either of them could be saying sorry. John is saying sorry to Mikoto for all of the trouble he’s caused him, and Mikoto is saying sorry because he feels responsible for John’s actions. The pronounced canines while his mouth is open and the placement of the eye shines makes me think that both of them are saying sorry.
Other Details
Double is mainly from John POV.
Outfit Analysis
Long tan jacket
Blue long sleeve shirt with white trim
Gray jeans 
Circular, gray earrings
Black ankle high boots w/ heel
His earring resembles the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. The meaning of the card differs whether it's upright or upside down. It appears to be upright which means good fortune.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Hi uh I was just wondering, I saw your requests were open and that you’ve written stuff with the ignihyde boys. Can you maybe write them with a gn or male reader who’s an amputee? If not that’s ok :3 I love the stuff I’ve read so thanks in advance if you do write this :3
Hey! I’m super pumped to do this request because first of all, I love the Ignihyde duo and second of all disability and disability aids are absolutely fascinating so I did a lil research becausnejdhgjdjfskhfdjsk cool. Took me a while to figure out what to do though. Also I decided to make the amputation specific to the left arm and left leg for consistencies sake. Also sorry for the delay!!
Ignihyde with an amputee reader
Characters: Idia, Ortho, reader
CW// disability, discussions of prosthetics, amputation, and psychological fallout (implied)
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- It would probably take a while before you and Idia become friends. You and Ortho, though? Right off the bat.
- Ortho will happily chatter to you about anything and everything, and often hovers nearby. If he spies you having a hard day with walking, he’ll grab a wheelchair and push you around for a bit while talking about the latest update to Minecraft
- Idia takes a little while longer to warm up (due to being Idia) but soon you’re trapped in Ignihyde playing games with him on the wii
- It’s a loooong while before disability comes up in conversation with him because he is the master of Not Bringing That Subject Up
- He understands the discomfort of being stared at for looking different and doesn’t want to make you feel that, especially since you’re friends
- He does bring it up though - it seems like your current prosthetic leg is beginning to fall apart and, yknow, he has a lot of experience building body parts.
- He ends up spending a lot of time figuring out a lightweight but balanced Material that would work ideally for a prosthetic. This leads from one thing to another and then you’re invited to Ignihyde to try some stuff out
- He hadn’t really concentrated on prosthetics before, surprisingly, since his main goal was making Ortho, but now he’s focusing on how to streamline complex movements, particularly using Electromyography [source] and complex AI that can help predict and measure movements via sensitive receptors under synthetic skin, specifically for disabled/amputee individuals
- This leads to him enlisting your help, since you sparked the interest, and he want to help you out. So: new free prosthetic limbs specifically tailored to you (although with Idia’s creative flair) purely because your friends are literal geniuses
- Other than that, Idia and Ortho are good company. They’re happy to take a slower, more chill pace. Idia enjoys hanging out, playing games of any kind. He’s also content to sit and watch b movies with you while eating popcorn or candy
- Ortho enjoys hanging out and doodling. He doesn’t often get into arts - lots of wet things he probably shouldn’t play with, or messes, etc - but he does enjoy drawing and is happy to sit with you and do so.
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Idia sits beside you, shoveling sour candy into his mouth by the fistful as he watches fnaf security breach play throughs next to you, mumbling about inaccuracies of robotic engineering in the character design and how buggy the stupid game is.
“Hmm?” He finally turns his attention to you, blinking, “What’s up?”
You shift a little closer to him, resting on his shoulder. He tenses for a second, then settles back down. “bad day.”
He adjusts and quietly quits his game (there’s not a pause button, unfortunately) before turning more attention to you.
“Have some NPCs been bothering you? Or is it the debuff?”
“Debuff.” You said quietly, closing your eyes, “Psychological damage, down ten hp per second.”
“That’s not good.” Idia said, awkwardly patting your head, “Any boosts I can give you, or do you just need to wait out the effects?”
You hum slightly, “Wait it out. Can’t really help anything in my head, yknow?”
Ortho chirped slightly from the doorway, floating into the room. He then landed in front of you and crouched down, “Y/n? Would you like to play something?”
“Not right now, Ortho.” You said tiredly, “I’m kinda…sick at the moment.”
Ortho blinked before his yellow eyes emitted a soft light.
“Scanning for abnormalities in biological settings…” He stood up, staring down, “Scan complete. Neurological functionings indicate an uptick in adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, and a lack of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. It appears you are going through psychological distress, or potentially depression.”
You nod slightly and Idia frowns from beside you, but says nothing.
“I’m not doing great right now, no. I just need a minute to chill. I’ll be alright.”
The brothers exchange a look before Ortho sits down beside you and Idia quietly turns on Animal Crossing: New Horizons to play. They both know it’s best to let you have a moment to collect yourself, that if you want to share it you will, and if not, then company is appreciated. Idia’s left side is trapped by you leaning on it, so he only plays with on hand (slowly) while Ortho, on your other side, quietly begins researching cool bugs.
It’s pleasant, actually. To not be coddled or pitied, and instead simply allowed space near people you care about. Idia doesn’t push - lord knows there’s things he’d rather not talk about - and Ortho simply adores you, so he’s content to sit beside you quietly.
After a while you sit back up, blinking sleepily. With a yawn and a stretch, Idia’s attention turns back to you.
You nod slightly, humming under your breath.
“Yeah, I get that. Do you wanna lay in bed, or do you wanna go back to your place?”
“I can walk you back if that would help, Y/N L/N!” Ortho says, “But you’re invited to stay over as well.”
“Can I…stay?” You look between the two.
Idia grins, faux mischief, “Muah hah haha ha! You’ve fallen into my sinister trap - the bed! Now you will never escape the underworld! Ha ha ha ha ha!”
You laugh a little as Ortho helps you over to the bed. “Oh no, whatever will I do? You’re too OP for me!”
Idia grins stupidly and turns off some of the major lights, as well as turning down the brightness of his monitor.
You hum slightly and settle into Idia’s bed, asking, “Are you sure this is alright?”
“I rarely use it except to dramatically mope in, so you’re good.”
Idia smiles at you and gives you a nervous thumbs up before turning back to his silent gaming, allowing you to fall asleep to the sound of animal crossing background music playing faintly across the room and the hum of Ortho’s resting station.
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lavalampstealer · 1 year
Okay, I’ve made a compiled dump of lore on my interpretations/versions of IEYTD characters (mainly Phoenix and Handler so far) so I can pin this and ppl won’t have to go looking for old posts. I’ll be updating this as I figure stuff out or if anything changes with them. Apologies if this is a little hard to read, I kind of word-vomited info here and I’ve tried to clean it up a little. Spoiler warning for IEYTD 1 and 2
Buckle up it’s gonna be a long one
First up: Handler, he/him (tumblr doesn’t have yellow text so orange will have to do).
He wears a sleeveless yellow turtleneck over a short sleeved shirt, square glasses, and a yellow headset. Originally a Field Agent for the Agency, he made quite a name for himself and was given the internal/honorary nickname of Agent Moray due to his knack for slipping away from Zor’s clutches while also leaving carnage in his wake (little did people know, he usually ran on pure adrenaline, fear, and general clumsiness that worked out in his favor). He eventually had to retire from field work and become a handler due to him breaking his right leg during his last mission and it not healing properly. Before he had to hang up his spy gear, he was selected to be an early implant tester for the Agency, and the one he got was a rudimentary version of the telekinesis where he could float things in place but not grab objects from afar. He has kept it and it has proved especially useful during his time as a handler for hovering important documents like dossiers and building blueprints/layouts nearby during missions. As for his actual work as a handler, he acts as support to Phoenix, mostly with work related things, but sometimes emotionally as well. He acts as an anchor for Phoenix and is there to bring them back to reality should he notice them getting that glassy-eyed, million mile stare every once in a while. He was very concerned for them in the fallout of Operation: Death Engine and after that he became more attached to them, resulting in him being devastated after Rising Phoenix. If there is anything between him and Phoenix, it leans more towards him being like a father figure than anything else. He usually works from his office in the Agency building (the one from IEYTD 1), but occasionally for more urgent/important/overseas missions, he opts to be nearby (in the crowd in Stage Fright, above Phoenix somewhere in Eaves Drop, outside the chateau in Party Crasher, etc.). If I come up with more I’ll add it to here, 10/10 character.
Next (and probably much longer): Phoenix, they/them.
During IEYTD 1, they had short hair and wore a long sleeve dress shirt and their cyan tie. They were able to do more action-intense missions (hijacking Zor’s sub, sneaking into a cargo plane to steal a car, sneaking onto a shuttle to the Death Engine, etc.) and were generally more aloof about their own safety and pretty much saw their job as just a fun game. However, in the aftermath of Operation DE, their left leg was badly injured and needed to be replaced from the thigh down, so the Agency provided them with a robotic prosthetic. It took them a while to get used to it, and while they can walk, run, and stand with it just fine, it’s a bit difficult for them do more intense activity like, say, hand to hand combat (although a good kick to shin usually has foes doubled over) or dodging projectiles. They also got their facial scars from the DE Incident, with the one on their left cheek coming from the beam that shot into their shuttle when the Death Engine fired for the first time. The other two are just general nicks and gashes from crashing back to Earth. Because of their robotic leg, someone in the Agency gave them the nickname “Tin Can” and it stuck (Phoenix pretends to hate it but thinks it’s amusing). After months of recovery, they were cleared for field work once again where they were given slightly easier missions that have most of the action happen while they’re seated (an exception to this is the implied fight with Gibson before Party Crasher because him being there was unexpected). This time around they prefer to roll up their sleeves because it’s more comfortable, allows for more movement, and it keeps them from getting singed/dirty, but they still wear a cyan tie (a new one since their old one was torn). Their hair grew out during their stint in Medical and they liked it, so they decided to keep it longer. Not much happened to them physically during IEYTD 2, but after Rising Phoenix they had their right arm replaced from the elbow down and got an updated leg (their og prosthetic was shattered in the fall).
I don’t have a design for them as they are in IEYTD 3 yet, so for now just imagine more scarring, longer hair, and a metallic arm from the elbow onwards.
Now, enough about their physical description, now it’s time for more on their mental state(s). After the DE Incident, Phoenix refused to actually dive into their emotions about losing a leg and nearly dying and instead preoccupied themselves with learning to use their new prosthetic and getting well again so they could return to field work. They don’t like to be alone with their thoughts for too long otherwise they start to spiral to a bad place so they’re always listening to some kind of music (a radio, headphones, humming/singing a song to themselves, or just replaying songs in their head). Handler helps them with this and pulls them back to the present every so often. Phoenix also once received an anonymous gift package that contained some very comfy and good quality earbuds (three guesses as to who sent them). They weren’t too surprised by Juniper’s twist of actually being evil (they had an icky feeling about the slimeball ever since they heard his tone in his call during their mission briefing for Jet Set). During Safe and Sound (and by extension, the tutorial), Phoenix gets a sinking feeling that Handler was never truly with the Agency and had betrayed them until Juniper revealed his act. Phoenix is furious with him for toying with them like that and mentally kick themselves for falling for it and for allowing themselves to get that attached to Handler (it’s like a taboo/rule at the Agency for handler and agents to not get connected (they don’t have the budget for employee therapy)).
More random tidbits about them and some other stuff that I couldn’t work into the above paragraphs:
- JJ carries a comb in his pocket at all times because he wants to make sure he always looks good (the smug look on his face undercuts the effect)
- JJ’s hair is more on the side of fluffy/soft but when he slicks it back it looks thinner and more wiry
- Phoenix’s color before getting their TK was a darker blue
- Handler’s favorite flowers were marigolds but after Jet Set, he refuses to have any near him
- Before becoming a handler, Handler’s color was more of an orange before mellowing out to a golden yellow after his retirement from field work
- Phoenix and Handler are injured in opposite legs, to which Handler teases them about them becoming an old man like him (he’s not old, about mid/late 40s-ish, idk)
- Phoenix is around 5’8 while Handler is a little under 5’6
- The Agency trains agents with the implant to use a sort of pointing finger gesture to use their powers but they can develop their own hand sign/gesture that better suits them. The pointer finger is generally effective for everyone but is limited in the sense that the user can’t pick up/float heavy objects. Once agents find a gesture that works best for them, they’re able to lift larger objects (like other people, crates, chairs, etc.). Phoenix has yet to find their gesture
- Background characters do not get a color and are either solid black if they’re with Zoraxis or black with grey or muted gold accents if they’re with the Agency
- Phoenix can and does use their powers in their daily life when they’re off the clock. They use them while cooking to hover ingredients nearby, picking out clothes so that they don’t end up wrinkled on the ground, looking through reports on previous missions to study Zoraxis’ preferred attack methods (explosions, guns, darts, etc.), to grab things from high shelves or faraway, etc. They’re really casual about using it and have to stop themselves from doing it when they go out in public (unless no one’s looking)
- Phoenix isn’t a bad cook, they just like to burn their food on purpose (they like the taste and it annoys Handler)
- Handler is a good cook and gets ticked off whenever Phoenix burns food
- Songs that fit Handler: From The Start by Laufey, The World We Knew and My Way of Life by Frank Sinatra, No More by Manfred Minnich, Nothing by Bruno Major, Slow Summer Swing by Essential Jazz Masters, The Lamp is Low by Laurindo Almeida
- Songs that fit Phoenix: Skeleton Song by Kate Nash, Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny, Leave Me Alone by IDKHOW, Debt Collector, Bad Luck!, and Pressure Bomb 3?!?! by Jhariah (Beginner’s Guide versions), My Way by Frank Sinatra, This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory (thanks @dieing-lilac for sending me some of these <3)
The songs are a mix of songs from ones that fit their general vibes to ones where the lyrics are accurate (to some degree) of their emotions (Phoenix’s especially). 10/10 songs go check them out if you can
Also the way that character colors work for my style/designs is that it’s an artistic choice to color characters’ details rather than their scars/eyebrows/tongues literally being something like blue or green. A character’s color is a reflection of their personality, characteristics, and general feel that I get from them, with the exception of if a character already has a canonical color (like John Juniper and Roxana Prism). Handler is golden yellow because he seems warm and he likes/liked scotch and marigolds, as well as his subtitle color in IEYTD 1 being yellow (albeit a different shade). Zor is red and gold because Zoraxis is also red and gold so it just makes sense that they would have the same colors as their corporation (also the cliché that red=evil, that whole thing). Phoenix is cyan because of their powers and it fits their personality more than red or any other color would. I don’t really have a reason for why Fabricator would be indigo other than her polaroid pic’s lighting looks dark blue/indigo and that it just makes sense to me. Solaris would be orange because of her love for lasers and because her name makes me think of a glowing ember orange. The more of an impact a character has on the story, the brighter/more saturated their color is (Ex: Daniel Sans would have a muted yellow-green and Anna Ulanova would have a muted maroon because they both don’t appear much but aren’t unimportant).
I think that’s all I have for now, but some of Handler and Phoenix’s characterization can’t really be accurately described without just showing them in their element, so I’m thinking of maybe writing a little story about how Phoenix joined the Agency, how their training went, how they got the implant, and how the events of IEYTD 1 and 2 went with them :) No promises though as I’ll have to find time to plan it out, but if I ever do it I’ll be sure to put it on wattpad or ao3 or something, I’ve never posted a story anywhere before so we’ll see how it goes
Enough of my rambling, I set you readers who made it this far free <33 also here’s something for having made it all the way to the end: 🍬
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charmsponies · 2 years
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My Little Pony basic dress sewing tutorial below the cut ^^ I am not the best at sewing or pattern making but all this info is free to use! I noticed a lack of ponywear sewing tutorials so I am going to try to fill that gap!
TERMS: Pattern is free to use or modify for whatever use you’d like (I don’t even mind if you wanna sell some homemade dresses) just please give credit to me for the original pattern! I would love to see whatever you make so feel free to tag me too 💕
-Basic knowledge of a basic sewing stitch (I pretty much only used backstitches for this pattern)
-Some fabric (I recommend two colors, one for the body and then one for the skirt, but you can use however many fabric colors you’d like if you’d rather only have one color or if you wanna have more fabrics for sleeves or extra layers or details)
-Velcro or a zipper (you could also maybe use buttons if you prefer but velcro or a zipper will be much easier)
-Sewing thread, needles. I recommend getting fabric glue as it will make attaching lace and velcro easier. Maybe some pins if they would help you!
-Optional: Embellishments such as ribbon, lace, buttons, sew on flowers, bows, ect. This is all up to how you want to decorate the dress!
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I am sorry I don’t actually know how to make downloadable patterns but here are the hand drawn patterns I’ve made for the chest piece as a reference (the left side is the baby pattern, the right side is the adult pattern.)
You will likely have to modify these patterns slightly based on the pose of your pony, their size, if they have wings, ect. I am also sure this pattern can be modified to fit other generations, sweetheart sister ponies, ect. (Quick note here about pegasus wings: You may want to make a looser fitting dress as if it is too tight it may look lumpy due to their wings. As you will see in this tutorial I started off using baby surprise as the model, but then I switched to baby glory as she was easier to work with due to her being a unicorn. I feel like you would have better luck making a dress for an adult pegasus rather than a baby one).
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Here’s basically what the pattern is showing: there will be one seam near the chest, and the top part will end up being the neck line. The holes are for the front legs, and the sides MUST BE LONGER so that you have enough seam allowance to hem it but also this is where the velcro will go! So you will want enough length on the sides for the pattern to overlap. As you are tracing/making the pattern with paper, be sure to test it with your pony to make sure the size is right! You’ll want to be testing the size of your dress frequently to make sure that everything fits correctly!
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Trace out your pattern (make sure to make everything a little bit bigger for seam allowance!) and then cut it out.
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Be sure to check the size if it fits or not!
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Next, you will want to fold the dress in half (good sides facing each other) and sew a seam along where this blue line is. depending on how curved you make this/how close to the legs/neck area you make this seam, the tighter or looser fitting the front of the dress will be, so you may want to adjust it a bit to your preference.
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It will look something like this.
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Next, we will hem the neckline.
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Then, you will hem the sides (Now is a good time to test on your model pony to make sure that the sides will be long enough to overlap with a piece of velcro!
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This is where I added lace to the neckline. You can sew it on or just use fabric glue. You don’t have to use lace if you don’t want to but it is very cute.
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I added lace to the sleeves too. If you want long sleeves, you can modify this pattern by sewing another piece of fabric for the sleeves. If you don’t want lacey sleeves, I’d recommend hemming the sleeves or covering the edges with ribbon or something so they don’t fray (I didn’t hem them here just because they are so small it would be hard to hem!)
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Now you will cut some pieces of velcro for the dress opening on the back. I recommend putting one piece on the outside of the dress and the other piece on the inside of the dress as shown, that way the fabric can overlap nicely. You can either sew or glue this in. You could also use a zipper, buttons, whatever else you’d like for the dress opening.
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Now we make the skirt of the dress! The pattern looks something like this, it is a little hard for me to explain but I will do my best ^^ . You will have to measure and test out the waistline yourself to make sure you have the best fit for your pony, just keep adjusting it until it works. You can also decide the length of your dress. To cut it out, you will fold your fabric in half twice and line up the pattern with the folded corner, before cutting it out.
If you’d like to see a video of someone doing something like this, here is the video tutorial that I originally learned how to make skirts from!
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Once you have the skirt fabric piece, you can sew the skirt to the body of the dress. Make sure that you’re doing it “inside out”, and that the good sides of the fabric are touching each other.
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It will look something like this once you turn it inside out again! Be sure to test the dress to make sure everything fits! (If you are struggling to understand how exactly to put it on: put all your pony’s legs, their tail and butt through the dress back opening, put her back legs, tail and butt through the skirt opening and her front legs through the arm holes before fastening the back. It was a little weird to figure out at first lol.)
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Now you will attach lace to the hem of the skirt! You can sew it or just use glue. If you don’t want lace, just hem the ends so it doesn’t fray.
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Test one more time to make sure everything fits!
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The final step is to decorate however you want! You could do a lot of creative things depending on what you have, buttons. more lace, ribbon, ect. For these spring yellow dresses I just added some yellow ribbon around the middle and I sewed some flowers to the back (You can find these flowers or little bows or other decorations at places like walmart).
And now you should have a completed pony dress! Thank you so much for reading and I hope that this helps someone out! If you follow this tutorial, reblog or tag me in a post with your dress because I would love to see it!! If you have any questions let me know! Thank you 💜
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eternitas · 11 months
Tell us about your bun boy, the world needs to know about him. Who cares if it isn't lore compliant
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@wanderin-rook @deathmeddle @saanphoenix @niceaxephotos
Okay so because these people were so kind to indulge me and ask, allow me to give you a short introduction to Yoon before I give you an actual sheet with his stats and all
Also DISCLAIMER: I am not through with A Realm Reborn and therefor have limited knowledge of Vierra so most of this is NOT canon compliant.
Is Yoon
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Yoon is a Vierra from the Ishgardian snowy mountains. Due to his village and subesquently his baby sister falling terribly ill he took her down the mountain to find someone who could cure her, but ended up in Gridania where he stayed for a good bit. He is NOT A WOL, he is more of a support character for my WOLs squad. Since he is skilled with a spear/lance he later down the line takes up a job as a dragoon. He also has a boif, called Lemuel (played by my irl fiance @kyuji)
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I will get to their story later bc its Spicey with a capital S
Here are more in depth stats and a more thorough recount of his story until he arrived in Gridania. Also beware of bigger Font for readability.
Name: Yoon Dorochnewesfv
Age: he never talks about his age, but you can count him around 20ish in human years at the beginning of "A Realm Reborn"
Lineage: Vierra - Veena
Birthplace: Ishgard East Mountainrange/ Yaga village
More info: Yaga Village is an interesting one in its history, as it has been established many many generations ago. Its history is passed down oraly by the elder female Veena and says that they were once send by a divine power to guard the lucious mountains, but with time the climate changed and it became a landscape of ice and snow. However the Vierra could not abandon what they promised to protect and so they stayed in Yaga for centuries, adapting to the new climate. While it is one village its population is divided into different families, named after old Viera matriarchs. Dorochnewes was one of them.
Affiliation: Gridania
Class/Job: Lancer, later Dragoon (tho also versed with a bow)
Status: mated to Lemuel
Physical Describtion: Yoon is a Snow Mountain Veena with almost completely white skin, white hair and white ears and tail. Only the tips of his ears, the tip of his tail and his toes are black/dark blue furred. He has feint freckles in his face, his left eye is white while his right eye is a deep blue. Originally both eyes were blue, but due to an injury he sustained on his trip down the mountain he got partially blind on his left eye and bears a scar on the side of his face. His hair is a bit longer than shoulder length and he has the natural height of Vieras, though among his species he is average in height to slightly shorter. He has very strong legs as most Vierra and rabbit feet with white furr and black toes. Different to other Vierras those of his village have the ability to cover their skin with a layer of furr when in cold regions so there is little need to bundle up for them. The furr falls off and sheds in warmer regions and is, as most of Yoon, completely snow white.
Born as the middle child of a renowned huntress in the tribe, there was a lot of hope in Yoon to be female, as his older sibling turned out male, which was seen as a disappointment to the tribe. His mother did not love him any less and only two years, after his younger siblings birth, his father died. All the more disappointment was once it became clear that Yoon was a male Vierra, which made his mother now have two sons and not a single heiress.
But not shortly after his younger sibling Taya was confirmed to be female, the entire tribe was slowly falling ill to a terrible disease. By then Yoon had been out on his own for quite a few years only hearing of the illness from other male Vierra that visited the tribe. Since his mating cycle was coming close he decided to make an earlier visit to the tribe and to check on his family only to find his mother and little sister terribly ill. By now even a few male Vierras had contracted the disease, however they seemed to recover with little issue while the female population seemed to suffer greatly and even die from it.
His mother knew she was not going to make it and sent Yoon with his sister down the mountain to get at least their youngest into a city where she could get medical treatment, as the tribe was incapable of finding a cure. Yoon knew this would lead to them being banished, but promised to take his sister to safety. He then made his way down the mountain, giving whatever he could hunt to his sister and keeping her alive, while he got by with mere scraps. He went slowly and steadily to make sure he wouldn't overexert his young sister, taking breaks to warm up and let her get some proper sleep.
It's during his way down that he, delirious and weak from little nourishment and sleep deprivation, slips during a snowstorm and tumbles down a steeper and cliffier path, causing him to gravely injure his left side of his face and damaging his eye. He took some time to take care of himself and Taya, who he could luckily shield enough to not get hurt, and with newfound strength made his way further down. However when he came to Coerthas he was met with closed gates and hostility as the nation of Ishgard was in grave tension due to their fight with the dragons. At least one helpful individual by the name of Estinien directed him south towards Gridania, saying Yoon should ask there for a cure.
On his way to Gridania he traverses the forests, unable to hunt, due to his new adjustment to his eyes and being unable to blend in with the green flora. He pushed through by sheer willpower and eventually collapsed in the City of New Gridania, being taken in by Mother Miounne and given a temporary stay to recover. So now Yoon was in Gridania, a place completely different from his home and taking care of his very ill sister. He is aware that he will need money to come by, pay for their stay and especially Tayas treatment so he joins the adventure guild and becomes a Lancer. However doing quests and hunting himself manages to pose itself as a big difficulty. Yoons entire appereance is natural to a snowy and rocky environment with little to no vegetation and he just recently lost most of his eyesight in one eye, having to relearn how to aim and see the world.
It's during this time that he meets another Vierra.... Lemuel.
Character: Yoon is not too hard to read if you are familiar with vierran expression through their ears. His face seems very unmoving and his tone usually stays the same, but his ears give him away far easier as he never had the need to control that. He does learn to open up and be more expressive around people he knows and likes, to strangers however he is cold and distant at first. He is awkward with other people and gets along better with other men, while he has great respect and shows politeness to women and non binary individuals. He is by no means uncaring, sometimes even being too caught in his own emotions as he left to the villages outskirts in his teens only one year after being fully identified as male. He has therefore little social skills and doesnt know much about ettiquette or how to handle his own emotions. Due to the Party, especially the Miqo'te girl Anayeli, he learns to understand emotions and social interactions more, however it often still shows, that he just comes from a completely different background.
He is often led by instinct and his learned skills as a hunter, prioritizing  survival over anything else, that he almost naturally sacrifices his own comfort. As a Vierra male that grew up in the snowy mountains he doesnt do well with heat and had a hard time adjusting to the new climate or the forest environment (Thanalan is his personal nightmare). It's usually uncomfortable for him to stand out due to his appereance, but with time most Gridanians learned to just let him be and do his thing and not stare, because it will trigger his flight instincts. He can be quite childish, when he does feel comfortable and as he had not run a single mating cycle yet has little sexual experience (until he meets Lem). It is his long term goal to find a cure for his sister and if possible bring the cure to the last remaining Vierra of his tribe and to fulfill that goal he is willing to go great lengths tho he has his principles and sticks to them, trying to live a life of which his mother would be proud and he has not to be ashamed of.
-Yoon can not swim. He never needed to learn. Lem teaches him to at least not completely drown.
-as with most Vierra his ears are very sensitive and he puts special wachs mixed with cotton in his ears to dull the noise. It is also why he prefers the quiet nature more than bustling groups of people
-Yoon doesnt exactly see himself as part of the Gridanian population and more as an outsider that happens to stay in the city, which makes him far more sympathetic with some of the wild tribes than most
-his favourite food is Honey Custard Tart, a sweet baked good that is filled with a custard that is mixed with honey and a honey glace on top. He never tasted honey before so when he got the good as a reward from a comission he got immideatly hooked.
-As the mountains are not as rich in vegetation as the forest Yoon was much more prone to have a meat heavy diet, which is only proven more by his sharp teeth and canines, that almost seem to match more Miqo'tes teeth. However he does prefer to have a vegetarian diet if he can help it.
-Yoons brother Eleesh disappeared about a year before the disease befell their tribe and its unknown if he died or not
-While they don't show much PDA, Yoon and Lem have a very active sex life, with Yoon being the one with the driving libido.
-as with most Vierra, Yoons strongest aspect are his legs. He can jump pretty high and far and is a very fast runner, being able to zigg zagg and make quick turns rather easily.
-and yes. He has pawbeans
-Usually Viera give up their forest names after having left their tribe, but Yoon holds onto his name as it is the last remains he has of his mother. However he does emphasize that he prefers to be called by his first call name instead of his full name or last name, as it is a very personal detail to him. He will often introduce himself as "Yoon. Just Yoon is fine."
-he finds Miqo'te to be unnerving due to their intense eyes and the natural predator disposition, Elezen to be unnerving for their height and especially Au'ra men for their size and sharp scales. Roegadyn and Hrothgar, no matter the gender, instinctly trigger his flight response.
-despite being dispositioned as prey, Yoon is very skilled with his lance and an incredible hunter... at least in the snowy mountains. In Gridania he passes as average when it comes to hunting, so he is much more prone to choose flight as an option.
More unrelated pictures as done by @kyuji
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I will post the couple ones in my follow up
Thank you for reading!!!!
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