#they started it and severus ended it because of what they started
lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
It's funny. The marauders all ended up having horrible, tragic endings.
And it's literally because of their own horrible actions. Particularly to Severus Snape
James Potter? The first to abuse Severus. The first to die. Because Severus heard the prophecy and told Voldemort.
That led to Sirius Black being sent to Azkaban. And then getting killed later on in the second war. Because Voldemort targeted Harry. Again, because of that prophecy.
Peter Petigrew? Betrayed his friends, because he was the secret keeper. Because of the fucking prophecy. Ended up having to hide for 12 years as a rat, and was killed by his master.
Remus Lupin? Struggled because he was a werewolf. Lost the job at hogwarts because Severus told people he was a werewolf and for good reason because Remus was endangering people. Died in that second war that happened mostly to kill Harry Potter because of that fucking prophecy.
The prophecy that Severus Snape brought to Voldemort.
Severus Snape, who may never have become a death eater if the Marauders hadn't tormented him. Maybe he was naturally inclined to them, perhaps, but the Marauders, who were literally doing the same things as the wannabe death eaters guaranteed he made it there.
They created their own downfall, and dragged Severus with them too.
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beingsuneone · 11 months
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I BET You Think About Me
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SYNOPSIS: being Theo’s girlfriend is a dream… until you find out why he asked you out in the first place.
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING(S): Theodore Nott x fem!reader
CHARACTERS MENTIONED: Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Mattheo, Pansy, Snape
GENRE/AU: Snape’s Daughter!Reader, Asks you out cause of a bet, kind of angsty, kind of fluffy, slytherin!reader
WARNINGS: swearing and kissing.
A/N: agh. It’s 3 in the morning. Enjoy. May have a tiny bit of pacing issues but it’s fine
DEDICATIONS: the polls who decided they wanted Theo while I decided I was gonna post Mattheo and Rhysand instead.
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…Six Months Ago….
“You can’t do it, Theo.” Draco says plainly. “If she’s anything like her father she won’t be able to feel that kind of emotion.”
Theo shakes his head. “She’s still a girl.”
Mattheo snorts, Enzo sputters. “That’s a bit sexist, Theo.” Enzo says, looking over at Y/n L/n.
She’s Severus Snape’s daughter and completely untouchable. Theo hasn’t seen a single guy going out with her in the whole six years they’d been at hogwarts.
That might be because of her father.
“Draco’s right.” Mattheo says. “She’ll never fall for you.”
“I’m gonna prove you guys wrong and you’re gonna owe me a shit ton of money for it.”
…. One Month Ago ….
Mattheo stares at you as you walks away. “Damn, I guess you were right.” Both him and Draco reach for their wallets but Theo waves them off.
“I don’t want it— any of it.” It felt for him wrong to take the money from the bet. Theo had fallen for you just as hard— if not harder— as you’d fallen for him.
Hell, Theo would kiss the ground you walked on if you asked him.
“What do you mean?” Blaise asks incredulously. “You won the bet.”
Theo furrows his eyebrows. “Whatever, I don’t want the money.”
They all stare at him.
One, two, three minutes of silence before Mattheo blurts out: “Oh my god. Theo fell for her.” He starts to laugh, and the other boy's eyes widen.
“Wow. That’s a little bit pathetic, Theo.” Draco teases.
Pansy slides in beside Blaise. “Wow. Famous playboy Theodore Nott fell for someone?” She snickers. “Who?”
Theo deadpans. “What do you mean who?” You are Pansy’s roommate after all, Pansy should better than anybody.
Her face falls. “You don’t mean y/n. do you?” Theo nods and she gives him an exasperated look. “Theo! You literally only dated her to win a bet!”
“Yeah, I know!” He retorts. A beat of silence, then, “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You have to tell her.” Enzo cuts in. “If you truly like her, it isn’t something you can keep secret.”
Theo nods his head absentmindedly. “I know, I know. I’ll tell her soon.”
He didn’t want his new relationship to end before it ever began.
Today, you woke up late, stubbed your toe on your bed and then spent the ten minutes you had to get ready looking for your damned potions book.
When you’d finally found it, threw on your uniform and got your hair into some sort of presentable, you rushed out your dorm and down the hallways as fast as your feet would take you.
Your class was on the opposite side of Hogwarts and you were already ten minutes late.
In your haste, you aren’t watching for other people in front of you and run straight into someone.
“I’m so sorry!” You exclaim frantically, picking up your books as she picks up hers.
She looks familiar but you don’t know her name.
“No, it’s okay— Oh.” Her faces twists into a scowl when she meets your gaze. “You’re Theo’s ‘Girlfriend’” she airquotes as she says ‘girlfriend’, causing you to narrow your eyes at here.
You furrow your eyebrows. “Uhm, yeah, I am. Why did you say it like that?”
She crosses her arms. “Because you and I both know that he doesn’t actually like you. You’re not his girlfriend.”
“And who, exactly, are you?” You ask, annoyance settling in your chest.
She looks down at you, a cocky expression written on her face. “You should probably just stay away from him, you know that, right?”
“Really, he’s going to be mine so I don’t even know what you’re doing.” She waves you off, as if she truly believes this.
You shuffle your books around in your arms and shift your weight into your other leg. “You do know that you’re not his girlfriend, right?”
“Whatever.” She shrugs, and you still don’t know her name. “Doesn’t matter if he calls you his girlfriend, it’s not like you’re a threat anyway.”
What does she mean ‘not a threat’? You feel like that’s a sentence better used to describe her considering, you’re Theo’s actual girlfriend. “What is that supposed to mean?” You ask incredulously but still relatively calm.
She gives you a mock sympathetic expression. “Oh, Sweetheart,” She starts, taunting you with each syllable. “You didn’t really think someone like Theo would settle down for someone like you… do you? I mean, he’s all parties and good times and you’re… well, you can’t even dress yourself properly.”
She looks you up and down, from your half-untucked uniform shirt to your loose tie and your unwrinkled skirt. You’re not usually this messed up. “Clearly, I do, because he did.” You pause, sigh deeply and roll your eyes. “Why am I even entertaining this conversation?” You turn away from her, preparing to tune her out and walk away.
She tuts, shaking her head. “Because you obviously know you mean nothing to him— after all when your relationship starts with a bet, I don’t think it’s ever been super stable.”
This makes you stop and turn back to her. “A bet?” You say it slowly and the words taste awful on your tongue. “What bet?”
She scoffs-laughs and smiles evilly. “Oops, did I say too much?”
Theo chooses this moment to walk up behind the two of your . He slides his hand around my waist, letting it rest there as he stands beside me. “Are you okay? You’re super late.” He asks, looking you over. His eyes flit over to the girl who was talking to you and his nose scrunched. “Why are you talking to Tracey?”
Tracey, that’s her name.
I don’t think he likes her too much.
Tracey opens her mouth to respond but I cut her off and begin dragging Theo away. “I don’t even know, Theo, let’s go.”
I can feel Tracey’s glare until we’re well out of her line of sight.
You can’t get Tracey’s words out of your head. You know it was a tactic to rile you up and, you suppose, it worked but you had this horrible feeling that maybe she wasn’t lying.
Asking Theo about it though? That was hard; you didn’t want him to think you didn’t trust him but you also didn’t want to get upset before you knew whether it was true or not.
You decided to ask one or two other people before Theo. Pansy Parkinson, was first. She’s been your friend since first year but she hung out with Theo’s group long before you ever did.
“Hey, Pansy.” You say airily. She looks up at you and smiles.
The bed creaks as you fall down onto it and sigh. “Can I ask you a random question?” You ask, fidgeting with the corner of your blankets.
She looks up at you expectantly but also with a good deal of worry. “Yeah, of course; What’s up?”
She shifts in her spot at the end of her bed, turning her full attention to me.
“Did you ever… I don’t know,” you stop, trying to find the correct words. “Did you ever hear anything about Me, Theo and a bet? While you were, like, hanging out with them.”
Pansy looks down at your fidgeting fingers and then furrows her eyebrows. She thinks about it for a minute, and her face drops so slightly I almost don’t catch it. “Oh, y/n…” she trails off. “He didn’t tell you?”
Every muscle in your body locks up. “He didn’t tell me what?” You don’t think you really want the confirmation now that you know it’s coming.
Pansy stands and then sits down next to you and pulls you into her in a side hug. “When Theo started trying to get with you it was because of a bet.” She stops but you just gesture for her to continue. “… I wasn’t actively apart of this conversation so I only got the gist of it but I was there.”
“What was the bet.” You say, with your eyes hot and your throat restricted. Your tone makes it seem like it wasn’t a question.
“The boys bet him that he couldn’t make the next woman he saw fall in love with him by the end of the year.” She gives your a sad smile. “I guess the next woman was you.”
What. The. Fuck. You’re gonna kill him, because he obviously won that goddamn bet already. You give Pansy a quick squeeze and then stand up. “I need to go talk to him.”
Pansy nods and walks back to her own bed, waving bye as you walk through the door.
Your vision is a bit blurry and your hands are shaking with betrayal and anger as you storm away from the girl’s dorms and right through the common room to the boy’s dorms.
When you reach his door, you knock loudly, despite it being late.
Draco answers. He looks you up and down and then turns his back halfway to you. “Theo, your girlfriend is here.”
Theo appears a moment later, an easy smile and his piercing eyes that you want to love so badly right now. He gently moves you back a bit and steps out of the dorm. “Hey, Baby, what’s up?”
You shudder at the pet name and his face drops. “Oh, I don’t know, Theo.”
He pulls you to the other side of the hall and keeps his hands on your arms, comforting both yourself and him. “What’s wrong? Did somebody do something to you?”
The worry on his face seems so genuine, you almost want to believe the bet was a lie— but you’re not that stupid.
“Yeah, Theo, someone hurt me.” You pause. “It was you and your fucking bet.”
He freezes. “Shit. Who told you about that?”
You don’t want to— no, you can’t look in his eyes. “That girl, Tracey, and then Pansy filled in the finer details.” You’re arms are crossed now and he can’t hold you like he was before. “Is that seriously the only thing you care about right now— actually, obviously it would be because I’m just a bet, right?”
He opens his mouth to speak but you don’t let him. “Actually,” you continue. “I don’t want to hear it— just, have a good life, Theo. I’d say we’re over but I don’t think we really ever started to begin with.”
You walk away before you second-guess yourself and ignore as he calls your name. He doesn’t run after you, which you’re equally glad for and disappointed by.
God, you don’t think your heart has ever hurt this bad.
You haven’t seen Theo in class for the whole week after you ‘broke up’; you’ve seen glimpses of him outside, always smoking, or eating in the Great Hall but it’s like he’s intentionally missing every class you have together.
He probably is.
He shouldn't have that right. You’re the one who gets to avoid him, he doesn’t get to avoid you.
You’re the one who got played like a violin and ended up battered and bruised.
You don’t see him for most of your days, but, when you do— when you look at him, his eyes are always already on you.
As a result the other Slytherin boys glance at you while he stares, because of how intensely he does so. You can feel his eyes burning holes into you at all times.
You try your best to ignore him as you stand to leave the Great Hall.
A boy stops you near the entrance, you think you recognize him. He’s the same year as you, and pretty nice as far as you know. His name is Lucas, you’re pretty sure.
“Hey.” Lucas says warmly. “How are you?”
He’s a bit close, and you’re sort of backed into the wall. You laugh awkwardly. “I’m alright, um, how are you?”
He smiles. “About the same,” he looks behind him and then back at you, same easy-going smile that isn’t easy the way Theo’s is. “Anyways, I was wondering… since you broke up with Nott, maybe you’d wanna go out sometime? With me?”
“She doesn’t.”
Lucas’s shoulders jump at the sound of Theo’s voice and he backs away from you and spins to look at Theo, whose standing there with a dangerous look on his face.
You glare at him. “Maybe I do want to.” It’s a challenge and Theo knows it.
Lucas sputters. “You know, I actually realized I’m busy, so…” he scrambles off after that you’re left with Theo.
You scowl at him. “Theo, what the fuck?”
“He’s not good enough for you.” He shrugs like he knows what’s good enough for you. Mr. Bet-Winner.
Your heart aches in your chest just looking at him. “And how would you know what’s good enough for me, Theo? because you sure as hell weren’t.”
He scowls now. “I treated you like you were a fucking princess, Y/n, all he would’ve done was treat you like a piece of ass.”
You huff. “A princess, Theo? None of it was even real!” You spin to walk away but Theo catches your wrist and pulls you back; he slips his other arm around your waist and pulls you right to his chest. Your faces almost touch.
Your breath hitches like the traitor that it is.
He pulls your hand up to rest on his chest, where his heart beats hard and erratically. “Does this feel fake to you?” Theo’s fingers dig lightly into your waist. “Do you honestly think that all of that— everything we said and did— meant nothing?”
His breath fans across your face.
Your whole body feels like it’s on fire, and he’s the ice bucket that can save you— but your pride and anger are like the fires of hell; irreparable.
“You took a bet to make me fall for you, Theo, and lucky for you, you won it. How much was I worth, huh?”
He replies almost instantly. “I didn’t take any money, Y/n.” Theo breathes deeply and you feel his chest rise and fall, forcing yours to do the same.
“You— what?” You can feel your resolve cracking, the hope leaking through that somehow you were wrong.
“Let me explain the full story.” He waits for you to give him confirmation; you nod and he continues. “Yes, it started with the bet, and yes, I had never planned for it to last. It was cruel and mean, and I’m sorry. But the thing is, I didn’t anticipate that I would end up falling in love with you right back.” The words feel like a kick to the heart.
“But, on the other hand, how could I not? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and you’re intelligent and funny, you laugh at all my stupid jokes. You love potions more than any other class and you’re really good at it too.” He stops. “Y/n, you’re perfect and I’m so, so sorry I never told you— or, even worse, that I did it in the first place.”
Your heart skips several beats. “Oh.”
“Oh.” You’re at a loss for words.
He just looks you over, trying to assess what’s running through your mind like he always does. “Please forgive me, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts.”
You pull away from him and he reluctantly lets go, his shoulders sagging in defeat.
“You’re serious?” You ask quietly. “No bets this time? Nothing you haven’t told me?”
He shakes his head, giving you the saddest, puppy-dog look, unintentionally.
You’re silent for another long moment before, finally, you say: “you love me?”
Theo looks into your eyes. “God, yes.”
“Okay.” You say softly.
He straightens. “Okay, you’ll get back together with me or Okay, I don’t forgive you?”
You hold up one finger and he seems to understand because he pulls you back into him so quickly and presses his lips to mine; you kiss him back, and kind of stand there, kissing, for a long moment. Probably longer than you should’ve.
But you wish he never had to stop.
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All content belongs to @beingsuneone , do not repost, copy or post on other platforms without my permission.
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calliopesdiary · 2 months
10 Things I HATE About: You.
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summary: James is starting to get desperate when Lily continues to reject his attempts to date her, as she reveals she's not allowed to date until her completely opposite twin sister does. which seems highly unlikely, (thats why its such a good rule). so James comes up with a grand plan to get Sirius to date her, what could go wrong?
(literally just the story of 10tihay)
wc: 1,585
pairings: evans!slytherin!reader (jeezus thats a mouthful) x sirius black
tropes: grumpy x sunshine, because of a bet
contents: angst? (if that's what we call it) to comfort, happy ending, james doesn't think before he does something, mulciber is sexist (but what’s new)
a/n: this will come in two maybe three parts so stay tuned!
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TO PUT THINGS LIGHTLY: you didn't give a damn about your bad reputation.
Lily on the other hand? did, very much so.
Which is one key reason she didn't appreciate James Potter chasing her around like a lost puppy dog 24/7 365.
Yet she was (unfortunately) falling for James, but couldn't do anything about it since she was forbidden to date by her father until you did, her twin sister.
you guys were insanely different, like night and day.
Lily was a goody-two-shoes, good grades, kept her mouth shut, a clean record.
You on the other hand- while you had also good grades, your record was not clean.
but between having shouting matches with Lucius and Severus about their sexist tendencies or muggleborn rights:
you'd been in detention quite a few times.
but people always seemed to think you were a scary, bitch of a slytherin.
but it's not like many of the slytherin's liked you always, you were a muggleborn after all.
not to mention; relationships made you want to hurl.
and Lily detested you for that.
"Can't you just be a normal person with normal person interests for once!?"
"now, where's the fun in that?" You reasoned from your spot on the library's couch.
"Y/n, Please? You know I like him." Lily begged, her bottom lip jutted out in a stupid pout.
"And? You shouldn't, Lils. He's actually daft." She groaned irritatingly.
"Where are you from? Planet Loser?"
"As apposed to Planet 'Look At Me, Look At Me!'"
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"Sirius, Sirius- Please!" James pleaded from his position below Sirius, up on top his knees.
"James, you are quite literally asking me to do the impossible."
"Sirius- She can't date, until Y/N does... and- and you, you my handsome friend- can date her- so I can date Lily!"
James had his hands holding desperately onto Sirius'.
"500 Galleons." Sirius ripped his hands away from James, crossing his arms over his chest.
They shook on it.
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You found it quite odd, how it seemed like you were being stalked all of the time.
You were at quidditch practice when a boy with medium length, raven hair came up to you.
you knew exactly who this was.
"Hi, love." he took your sweaty hand and placed a soft kiss on the back of it.
"Sirius, Sirius Black." he flashed that 'Sirius Black Grin'.
"I'm well aware." You smiled begrudgingly.
"You don't seem incredibly happy to see me, Evans." He just kept on grinning, grinning like he won the Quidditch World Cup or something.
"I'm not, Black. Please leave me alone." You gathered up your things quickly, wanting to get out of his sight.
Sirius seemed a bit put down, nobody had ever been this insistent to get away from him.
usually girls would through themselves at him.
not you though.
he liked that.
very much so.
He cleared his throat. "So, Friday then?"
you stopped walking, turning your head back to him.
"Friday? what about Friday?" You scoffed.
"I'll pick you up on Friday to go on a date."
Damn, that was smooth, even you had to admit it.
"No thank you." you weren't sure what emotion to feel at that moment- embarrassment, annoyance, irritation.
but so far, his plan wasn't working.
but it will.
you had walked off long before he left the pitch, before returning to James in the courtyard.
He slumped against a tree, sighing with annoyance.
"We're screwed." He groaned pessimistically.
"Come on, Pads. Be a bit optimistic."
"We're screwed!" He cheered sarcastically.
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The days following were odd, and more annoying then usual.
Sirius Black wouldn’t cease following you around.
Slytherin had a Quidditch Game that day, and you really couldn’t stand Mulciber and Avery’s constant berating of the fact a girl was Slytherins seeker.
“You know— Mulciber, L/N is actually one of the best seekers we’ve had at Hogwarts in years.” Sirius explained proudly.
“but it seems that you can’t wrap your utterly sexist brain around that.” He cooed, Mulciber turned as red as lava.
“She’s only there for eye candy, Black. you understand she’s a filthy mud blood, right?” Mulciber barked, Sirius then wondered; with all this barking he’s doing, maybe he’d like me to throw a stick?
“and what has that got to do with absolutely anything?”
“come on, Black. don’t act like you are this muggles rights activist, you’re a Black.”
Sirius hated being reminded of that fact, he had ran away over a year ago.
“and— besides, L/n is only on the Quidditch Team because she has good tits.”
Sirius clenched his fists, before he shot towards Mulciber in an angry rage.
only he was allowed to say you had good tits.
the punches flew as Avery stood at his spot by the wall, his face not having any color what so ever. he looked like he had seen a ghost.
obviously, all good things must come to an end. as McGonagall stormed out of her office to take points away from both houses, and to instruct Avery to take Mulciber to the hospital wing and then to Detention along with Sirius.
in Sirius’ book, it was worth it.
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“he got detention? for you?” Dorcas repeated for about the seventh time in the past three minutes.
“Yes, Dorcas.” You were disgusted by what Mulciber had said about you.
“come on, sugar. everyone here knows you have lovely tits.” Barty mentioned from his place shoved (lovingly) into Evan’s armpit while gnawing on his bicep.
“okay— yeah, whatever. but i certainly don’t need to hear about it from Mulciber and his pet rat.”
You bid farewell to your friends before returning to your dorm.
and you couldn’t wait to plop down on your bed and watch a movie, that was your ideal thursday night.
until something was in the way, and by something i mean a giant bouquet of flowers and by in the way i mean they were right smack in front of your door.
“You have to be fucking kidding me.”
you held a tiny note in your hand, having plucked it from the flowers seconds earlier.
“Dear Y/n.”
“don’t listen to Mulciber, he’s harmless. (and jealous that you actually made the quidditch team.) i siriusly (haha, get it?) want to take you out on the finest of dates tomorrow night, would you please accept?”
(: -sirius b. ps. you looked very nice today.
a smile cracked from your lips, before shaking it off and picking the flowers up off the floor.
a date? with you?
why would he want a date with you? where was this obsession coming from?
you supposed you could do it as an act of public service, (to yourself that is) since it would probably not be enjoyable enough for the both of you.
and he did just beat someone up for you.
so why not indulge in him for an evening?
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Friday Night had rolled around and you were nervous, he’d only been talking to you since monday and you weren’t sure if you shared the feelings.
but after that night, everything changed.
Sirius was sweet, lovable, and overall not how he seemed.
On the outside, you perceived him as this immature, prankster of a boy who hadn’t gotten enough attention as a child so he felt the need to beg for it everywhere he went.
but on the inside? he was soft, kind, and on top of that he was a gentlemen (which was very unexpected).
“I’m sorry.” you noted.
“sorry for what, dollface?” he chuckled.
“I misjudged you.” Sirius’ brain clogged with worry.
“how did you perceive me before?”
“well— i thought you were immature.” you began, not easing his worries one bit.
“and… i thought this was all a big prank.”
“it’s not.” he quickly answered, but it was, he was lying.
it wasn’t a prank per say, but it was a bet.
which may have been worse.
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"Pads!" James yelped, sprinting towards him once he came back from your date.
"Prongs." Sirius greeted him cordially.
"So? How'd it go?" He sat down like he was the best friend character in a 2000s movie hearing about the main characters date with her crush.
"Good, She seems like a nice person."
"Pads, you seem all down in the dumps." James frowned, wrapping an arm casually around his best friend's shoulders.
"What's got your mind going?" Remus did the same as the former, leaning onto him gently.
"well- I'm not sure about this, I may be a bastard but I don't want to hurt her. She thinks I'm being serious."
The worst part about this was: that Sirius was already feeling serious about it, as Serious as Sirius could be.
Seriouser then he's ever Sirius'd.
but you didn't deserve this.
and boy, did he feel shit about it.
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sun-kissy · 2 months
heyyyy do you think you could write a James blurb where reader hangs with Severus and Lily (she's a Snape but it's not really common knowledge as she's a few years younger) and everyone thinks James likes to come around for Lily but it's actually for the reader? I love your work btw!!!
yes, of course!! and thank you ♡
beautiful | j.p.
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tw: fluff
snape!reader, james potter x reader
A frustrated sigh escapes Severus’ lips as you flick a petal at him for what seems like the umpteenth time that evening. You can feel the quivers in Lily’s body from where you’re laying on her lap as she laughs.
O.W.L.S. had just ended for your brother and best friend, so you dragged them down to your usual spot beneath the silver-leafed tree for a picnic. Lily was concentratedly twining vines together, crafting a daisy crown.
The light breeze caused her auburn hair to cover her face as she worked, the sun hitting her face in all the right places. She looked like some sort of heavenly wood nymph, you thought as you stared up at her. She was really really pretty.
Meanwhile, Severus was engrossed in some old, weathered-down potions book - furiously scribbling down notes for god-knows-what. Your legs were propped up on his lap as you threw the petals which occasionally fell from Lily’s flower crown at him. His expression was growing more cross by the second.
Your brother starts to grumble at you under his breath as a petal drifts straight into his nostril. A giggle bubbles out of you as he sneezes and the petal shoots out his nose, not missing the huff of annoyance he let out.
“If mother hadn’t instructed me to take care of you,” he mutters, a hint of irritation in his tone as he rubs his nose, “I would’ve tossed you into the black lake already.”
Lily grins, flicking your forehead as you bat your eyelashes at him playfully. “You love me.”
“You bought me a whole bag of chocolate last weekend!”
“That was merely because-”
Your brother’s rambling comes to a halt, his eyes suddenly narrowing as he glares at something across the field of grass. His mouth twists up into a disgruntled frown.
You follow his line of vision to see none other than James Potter stumbling towards your clique, casting dirty looks at his friends behind him as they urge him towards you.
A sigh escapes you before you can even think about it. It annoyed you greatly, whenever James came crawling after you all like a desperate dog, just for the sake of Lily.
That was all it was, you tried to convince yourself. You told yourself that the acidic burning sensation of your heart in your chest was just because it was frustrating how obsessed he was, how his eyes lit up whenever they landed on Lily, how he stumbled over his words whenever he was near.
He was annoying, a stupidly beautiful wanker with an achingly gorgeous smile and eyes so bright they could rival the stars.
But you knew why you really hated him, and it frustrated you immensely. You despised him for liking Lily, hated his guts for not liking you instead. It was sickening, the way he gazed at her. And it was even more disgusting how envy took ahold of your entire being when that happened.
It gutted you, whenever you saw him looking at your best friend with heart-eyes. But it was obvious why - she was everything a guy could ever want, and she was a perfect girl for the golden boy. How could you even think about rivalling her?
What upset you the most, though, was how Lily always seemed to ignore him, looking away and rolling her eyes when his eyes met hers. You wanted to shake her, yell at her for being so ungrateful and wrack some sense into her brain. But all you did was stare quietly at the ground whenever James was near, zoning out so you didn’t have to hear the sickeningly mushy stuff which surely poured out his mouth in front of Lily.
So it was an understatement to say that your heart stopped when you heard your name coming out his mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, snapping back to the present as you press your palms down on the grass to lift your head from Lily’s lap. “What?”
James was looking at you anxiously now, with that glimmer in his eyes and a nervous smile. “Y/n, I um… I asked if you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me? Tomorrow?”
You blink, the cogs still turning in your head. It was unfathomable, James Potter asking you out. Surely, it had to be a joke or a dare or something. Or maybe he meant to ask Lily, that was probably it. He had just asked the wrong person and was too nice to go back on his word, right?
“But you like Lily!” you blurt out immediately, a pang of hurt overwhelming you, for both you and your best friend. James’ eyebrows bunch up in puzzlement, his lips slowly twisting up into an almost comical smile. “Lily? You think I like Lily?”
You were sure you’d get whiplash from how fast you turned around to look at Lily, seeing her eyebrows bunched in confusion. “So, you don’t like me, Potter?”
He chuckles, a bit of the tension leaving his muscular frame as he shakes his head. “Redhead, you’re cool and all. But Y/n….” His gaze flicks over to you, and the affection in his eyes made you want to melt into a pool of hot mush.
Lily starts to smile, before it turns into a full-blown grin and she turns to you, nudging your elbow suggestively.
“Me?” you question slowly, suspiciously. You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart felt like it was going to burst even at the prospect of going out with him. “You like me?”
James immediately nods, turning slightly red at how long it was taking him to get an acceptance from you. But then again, he thinks he’d wait a lifetime for you to say yes, and he’d wait forever even if you said no.
Just then, you hear a loud cough on your left, and turn to see Severus glaring at you with a deadpan expression on his face.
You feel an arm bristle the hair on your head as Lily reaches over from your right, mussing up your brother’s hair. You laugh as he swats her away, tsking and cursing under his breath. “Shut up, Sev. Let my girl have her moment.”
Severus, to his credit, does shut up. Though he still has that bleary, stormy look on his face.
You turn back to James, slightly dizzy as the thought began to plant itself in your brain. The smile on his face was asking a million questions, holding a hundred insecurities. Yet you knew that there was only one right answer to them all.
“Yes,” you say softly, your lips beginning to curve upwards. Your heart was beating so loud, you were sure he could hear it.
“Yeah?” he asks, starting to grin. He lets out an exhale and scratches the back of his head, smiling at the floor before looking back at you. “Alright, then. I’ll pick you up outside the Great Hall, 5pm.”
“Okay.” He beams at you, and it’s the most beautiful you’ve ever seen a person look before. “Bye, Y/n. And redhead, and Snivellus.”
James winks at you before turning around, causing your heart to jump and lodge itself in your throat. He jogs back to his group of friends waiting with wide eyes and bated breath.
A moment later, you can hear the cheers and whoops from across the field.
You turn back to Severus, afraid of what you’d find. He’s gazing at you with a terse expression on his face as you gulp anxiously.
“I’m sorry. If you’re not okay with it…”
“No. You are not going to bail out on him,” he says, the firmness in his voice catching you by surprise. “I know how long you’ve been waiting for this. And this is something you need to learn to do, getting your hands on the things you want. You’re a Snape, you always get what you want, you hear me?”
You nod helplessly.
“And if what you want is Potter,” he sneers, “Then Potter it is. Just don’t expect me to play nice.”
A small smile graces your lips. “Thank you.” You know he’d understand what you meant, all the things you were thanking him for.
You can see him start to soften, though perhaps that frown would be etched on his face permanently. He sighs, “Yes, yes. You’re welcome.”
Lily squeals and forcefully turns you towards her, gripping your hands. “This is awesome.”
“You’re just glad he doesn’t like you.”
“Am not!” she exclaims, but the mirth in her eyes betrays her.
You sigh, smiling bemusedly as you lie back down on her lap, watching her continue to craft the flower crowns. Maybe you’d give James one tomorrow, though you doubt he could look more beautiful than he already did.
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fluffyneondinosaur · 2 months
"the marauders had the best kind of friendship"
I don't believe it.
Sirius wished it was the full moon without regard for Remus' pain.
James used Peter as his personal cheerleader to boost his ego, and Sirius made fun of Peter for it.
James, Sirius, and Peter went and attacked Severus in front of a crowd because they knew that even though Remus was a prefect, he wouldn't stop them.
Remus could probably never quite see them the same after that, and began acting differently around them, especially after James started dating Lily, and went behind her back to continue to torment Sev.
After they graduate, James and Sirius believe that Remus is a traitor, because he seemed less comfortable with them after SWM.
So instead of making Remus secret keeper, they have it be Peter, because "no one will suspect him". Wtf? What's that supposed to mean? That no one will suspect him because no one thinks that he's their friend, or because everyone thinks he's too cowardly?
And look where it ended, James dead, Peter a traitor, Sirius in Azkaban, and Remus grieving because he lost all his (questionable) friends in one night.
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sssiriusly · 2 years
❛ you are so stupid, Remus ❜
summary: Remus doesn't seem to get enough of his sweet girlfriend.
warning: kisses, idiots in love, lily evans being a good protective big sister, mentions of sex, slight mention of drugs. (I think that's all)
note: my first language is no English, also again this is not edited and written late at night.
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HIS HANDS WERE EVERYWHERE. On your hips, on your back, on your bum —sometimes trying to reach your breasts. His lips were soft, oh so soft you'd bet you could fall asleep while kissing him, or while he was kissing you. Your hands were placed on his hair —messy thanks to you. He hums as you pull it.
Supposedly you were going to study for potions, this subject was hard for both of you so you decided to have a fun study date together, with chocolate and candy canes and maybe some hot chocolate as well.
It started when you were reading over your notes and you could feel Remus's stare over you; seconds later his hand had found your thigh and his chin was resting over your shoulder.
“I think we've studied enough, you know?”. Quite ironic coming from him, the same boy who would starve himself if it meant getting an O on everything (or at least the majority of his classes) was one telling you to stop studying. Ironic really.
“I still don't get it, Rem”. You sighed, your eyes closing momentarily as you felt Remus' hands wander over your legs, coming up from your knee to your upper thigh and to your knee again. His soft lips slightly kissing your left shoulder, it felt so good. You let yourself dive into the pleasure your boyfriend is giving you. How his long fingers pressed against you, his hot breath against you. Maybe you could study later— no! He was distracting you that sick bastard! But it felt so good.
“We could study later” he kissed your neck slightly sucking on it “or tomorrow” he kissed right behind your ear, you sighed “we could always just copy Snape's notes” you laughed, not because of the kisses but because of the mention of Severus on this intimate moment.
“I—. . . Should I be jealous that you think about Severus when we are kissing” he laughed, his nose digging into your neck, softly biting you shoulder.
“I am so sorry you had to find out this way, love” he kissed your cheek “—but Snivellus now owns my heart” you laughed throwing your head against Remus' shoulder. He kissed you, softly, so softly you could get lost in it.
“you are so stupid, Lupin” you giggled and so did he, his hands leaving your legs and embracing you in a tight hug, your noses slightly grazing each other as he smiled at you, so lovingly, so lost and that dazed feeling took over your head, the pressure in your chest that expanded into a warm wave of love, passion and joy all over your body, you couldn't get luckier, not when this man was in front of you smiling as if you were the last chocolate on his collection. You couldn't get enough of this man. And that's how you ended in this situation, both your tongues fighting as he moved you slightly over his lap. Sighs came out of his mouth as you grazed his growing erection and you chuckled at this. He took your shirt leaving you in your yellow brassier.
His kisses left your mouth and travelled to your cleavage where he sucked and licked until he was satisfied. He reached for your tits, and one of his hands cupped one as the other brought you closer to his body. He sucked on the upper part uncovered by your brassier.
Lost in the pleasure he was giving you, you did not notice when someone walked into your dorm. When Lily Evans walked into your dorm.
“you won't believe what that git Potter just told me!” her back was turned away from you and Remus, giving you time to compose yourself, “he told me— what in God's name smells like that? Honey have you been smo—. . . ew! No! What in the fuck!”. Lily screamed when she saw you both, your neck covered in hickeys, Remus' hair messy from your hands. She turned around, trying to give the both of you some privacy.
“First Marlene and Dorcas and now you two! What a fucking luck I have. . . Luckiest fucking gyal in the entire wizarding fucking world” she was rambling.
Remus chuckled at your poor attempt at buttoning your his shirt “why so surprised Evans? This is a common encounter between two people who loved each other. Of course you wouldn't know about that” you glared at him and he only shrugged his shoulders, a sly smirk on his face. . . What a handsome face.
“Fuck you Lupin”. She said “every day that passes I convince myself more that you should not be dating my sister” Remus laughed when Lily rolled her eyes, such a common encounter between there and it would be funny to watch if it wasn't for that state both you and Remus were moments prior.
“Lils” you called her, driving her attention to you once again. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at you.
“what?” she said “this is my dorm too” you could feel Remus' amusement of the whole interaction.
“Lils,” you said again, emphasising her name, moving your head slightly towards yours and Remus' body, he smiled innocently when her disgusted look made contact with his eyes. She rolled her eyes and left with a “fine” while closing the door.
Remus laughed, one of his large hands grabbing you by the waist as he placed you again on his lap, he held you firmly. Guess studying will come tomorrow, or maybe later, you could always ask Lily for Severus' notes anyways.
So this is not edited because I am lazy and when I finished it the first time it got erased so I had to do it again, I am so sorry but I have to put me first 😔✊
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dinarosie · 18 days
I Was Bullied Too, So Why Didn’t I Turn Out Like Severus Snape?
I came across an anti-Snape post where someone shared their experience of being bullied in school. They said that even though they were bullied, they were able to overcome it, which is why they admired James Potter—because he changed and stopped being a bully. However, they hate Snape for not being able to move on from his past and for still behaving like a bully towards kids.
Everyone has the right to hate or love the characters based on their taste but What bothers me is how people often compare their own trauma to others' and disregard the genetic and environmental differences that shape us as individuals. I’ve decided to write a long post comparing my own life with Snape’s—two people who were both bullied as children. it was difficult for me to write this post, but I hope this comparison shows that not everyone who experiences bullying ends up the same. The variances in our upbringing and support systems play a crucial role in shaping who we become.
When I was seven years old, I was mocked and humiliated by a group of older girls on the school bus (they were eleven at the time). They made it clear that they bullied me because I was smaller and weaker than them. They treated me in a way that made me believe I deserved their bullying. I thought a weak and ugly girl like me was deserving of all their humiliation. They would mess up my hair, pull it, and ridicule me for having messy and ugly hair. Whenever I cried, they laughed. They didn't even let me be friends with other girls. To torment me further, they would point at me, whisper to each other, and giggle, making me feel even more isolated. I had allergies and a runny nose, and they wouldn’t let me wipe it, which they used as another reason to belittle me, saying I was disgusting. Even if there was an empty seat, they wouldn’t let me sit with them because I was "gross." I was terrified of them, hated school because of them, and cried every morning, begging not to go to school.
But why didn’t I turn out like Severus Snape?
1- I grew up like a normal child in every other aspect of my life. I was cared for and valued. I always had birthday parties with cake and gifts. I was praised when I got good grades. I had friends outside of school to play with, went on family vacations, and had fun times. From childhood to adulthood, I’ve had a safe home, enough sleep, good food, and a loving family.
2- I had parents who loved and cared about me. When my mother found out about the bullying, she went to the school and demanded they stop it. My parents also enrolled me in a private school to protect me from further bullying. When I started having nightmares and trouble sleeping, they took me to a child therapist.
3- My grandparents adored me. I would stay at their house when my parents were at work, and they made my childhood even more joyful. I always had safe arms to run to. Plus, my aunts and uncles cared for me and regularly took me to parks and other fun places, showering me with gifts and making sure I enjoyed my time.
4- My family had a respectable place in society, and I was never shamed or humiliated because of my family's circumstances. My father cared for me, my sister, and my mother, and he worked hard to provide for our needs. He respected my mother, and I never witnessed any abuse from him toward her.
5- My family had a stable income, and I always had new, appropriate clothes to wear. I never had to worry about poverty, hunger, or wearing hand-me-downs that would make me feel inferior to my peers.
6- My bullies mocked me, but they never caused me serious physical harm. I never feared for my life or sexual assault at school. The bullying was short-lived, lasting less than two years, and by the time I was a teenager, it had completely stopped. As I grew older, I made plenty of good friends and was popular among them. I have many fond memories from high school with my friends.
7- As a teenager, I didn’t worry about my future. My concerns were not about surviving a war, avoiding humiliation, or escaping poverty. I was free to plan my life, knowing I would go to university and study what I loved. Whenever I needed help, I knew I could count on my family—they were always there to support me.
8- I’m a psychology student, and studying this field has completely shifted my perspective on myself and others. It has allowed me to see the world with greater depth and empathy. I’ve become better at recognizing not only my own psychological wounds but also those of others, which has helped me connect with people on a deeper level. I've also sought therapy, both in-person and online, and have seen positive results. While I still struggle with some issues from my past—like feeling insecure about my appearance, doubting people’s motives, and having a hard time trusting—I’ve learned how to manage these feelings fairly well.
All of these factors combined have shaped me into someone different from Severus Snape. Yes, I was bullied, but I didn’t turn out like him because, unlike Snape, I was given numerous opportunities to grow, to experience love and joy, to heal, and to find pleasure in life.
Now, It’s much easier for someone like me to be kind and nice to others, to love people, to forgive myself and others, and to move on from those who don’t like me. It’s easier for me to see the world and people not as threats but with a more mature and balanced perspective. but I’m under no illusion that I am a better and more worthy person than Severus Snape or anyone like him who didn’t have the chance to heal. I simply know that I’ve been luckier, and for that, I’m grateful. But I never want to dismiss or belittle the suffering of others or blame them for their psychological struggles.
I can’t say for certain what I would’ve done in Snape’s exact situation or how bitter I might’ve become. But I’m certain of one thing: I could never be as brave or as selfless as Snape was, sacrificing his own life so readily for others. I know that I could never be a hero like him.
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siriusremusblack · 13 days
Apologies once again in advance-
What if the reason Severus was able to easily sacrifice himself for people that didn’t care for him BECAUSE they didn’t care for him? All his life he’s been abused and rejected by everyone around him- his only friend sided with his bullies and he lost her twice. The only person he KNEW cared for him. As a teacher he kept his distance, kept an intimidating persona up around the students that made him disliked among them. Perhaps to make it easier. To make his sacrifice easier on him. Severus didn’t have anyone, and that’s what drove him to put his life on the line for everyone. He went through so much pain, trauma and abuse- something he didn’t want others to go through. Something he didn’t want to inflict on others. He kept his distance, he was cold, he was bitter, he was aloof not only to protect himself but to protect others too. He was scared of hurting those he cared about. He didn’t want people to be hurt by his death. So he made himself unlikable as an adult. He could’ve gotten friends- he could’ve been a well liked teacher despite the trauma he went through but he didn’t feel like he deserved it. He didn’t want to end up hurting those around once he was gone- he thought he was doing everyone a favor. What he didn’t know though, was that people had already started to care for him despite how he was. They saw through his wall, they saw his pain and trauma. Maybe not directly but through his actions they could tell. They cared, as much as Severus didn’t want them to. They cared.
But again that’s just a what if!
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strangesthirdeye · 25 days
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Summary: When cat is finally out of the bag Warning: IT'S SEVERUS SNAPE! WE'RE ALL LOVE HIM! Fluff, low angst, gentle, wounds, blood, not so major injuries, Order of the Phoenix, mentioned of kill, Death Eater, swearing, LOVELY man, OOC Severus Snape? Fluff, love, marriage, As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
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"The Death Eater is getting more violent"
"They just want to show that they are back.. The Dark Lord is back" Said Sirius, hands crossed in front of him. He looked at Remus.
"And yet they are trying to bring back some old Death Eaters and recruiting some new Death Eaters." Remus muttered.
"The Dark Lord wants to make sure that they will win the war this time. They want the power to conquer the whole Wizarding World" Said Sirius.
Severus remained silent as he had nothing to say in this matter. He knows that they are outnumbered regarding how many Death Eaters there are. Although Severus was only a spy on both sides, that didn't mean he didn't have split feelings. Concerned and nervous.  But despite all those feelings, he managed to masked them all.
"Despite all that, Sirius. We can't let Harry join The Order. He's still a child" Said Remus to Sirius. He knows what Sirius is thinking regarding he has known Sirius for a long time.
"But we can't just let him be left behind. He needs to know everything. He's been through a lot before why can't we just let him join the Order if that's what he wants" Sirius reasoned.
"He's not your son, Sirius" Molly replied as she stared at Sirius intently.
"He's good to be one." Sirius insisted.
"Harry is not James" Molly stated.
Severus scoffed at the name of James Potter. His old arch enemy. He despises that man with all his life. His old bully that he will never forgive. It might sound selfish but that's the truth. He hates him just like he hates that Potter's son. Harry reminds Severus about James and he hates that his old bitter memories are opened whenever he sees Harry's face.
"He's good. Can't you see his spirit?" Sirius replied.
"Even if we see his spirit, Sirius. That doesn't mean he can join the Order. He's still a child. Who else has he got?" Remus muttered firmly, hands clasped on the table as he stared at Sirius in front of him.
"He's got me. He's already like my son" Sirius replied.
"How sentimental that is, Black. It makes me want to puke" Severus said sarcastically.
"Stay out of this, Snivellius" Sirius glared at him. "Mind your own business"
Severus rolled his eyes at him. With insults thrown at him, Severus tended to ignore them as usual. He has been used to the insults thrown at him since school, which he dealt with by ignoring it. He has been called many names and been called many things that shouldn't be even though he has been through many things that shouldn't be.
But sometimes there are times when he starts to fight back but it ends up hurting him. Throughout his school years at Hogwarts, for him is a place that can be called home and hell. Why? first it is called home is because he can distance himself from his abusive father and why he calls it hell is with all these bullying he went through while he was at Hogwarts.
But some things never change. He still goes through that phase even as an adult. Severus just remained silent at the table. Silently hoping that this meeting ends early. He doesn't want to be here but Dumbledore insisted him to join the meeting.
"Bastard" Severus silently cursed as he fidgeted his fingers under the table.
As the whole Order of the Phoenix was bickering, suddenly out of nowhere a loud crack appeared in front of the door 12 Grimmauld Place making everyone silent. They looked at each other in alarm before they rushed to the front door.
It is quite impossible for people to apparate into 12 Grimmauld place easily because they have put some spells to prevent people from apparating or entering at will. Hearing that familiar sound made them rush to the front door.
Severus was not far behind. What they found was a middle-aged woman, dressed in a black robe from top to bottom, her combat boots dirty with fresh mud, her clothes dirty with mud and moss while her face was hidden by her hood. The woman seemed to be leaning heavily on the wall. Her chest fell and rose to draw in and exhale her gasping breath as she groaned with fatigue and pain. The woman looked up to them weakly.
She then smiled genuinely. The Order of The Phoenix members who had drawn their wands on the woman frowned in confusion. Molly looked at her with concern.
The woman opened her mouth. "I believe Dumbledore said that Severus Snape is here" the woman weakly said.
Severus frowned as he walked past them to see the mysterious woman. The woman, upon seeing Severus in her line of sight, smiled weakly at him.
"They got me" The woman said. A sense of sorrow in her voice as she began to lose consciousness.
Severus widened his eyes upon hearing that as he suddenly bolted towards the woman who was almost sliding to the ground and managed to catch her from stomping to the ground.
Severus held up her head in his hands, one hand opened the woman's hood and revealed the woman's face to the other members of the Order of Phoenix.
They frowned with a hint of unfamiliarity at the woman. Her face is full of bruises and cuts that are still covered in blood. They slowly lowered their wands when they sensed that this woman was not harmed.
Severus whispered her name under his breath, trying to wake her up but she didn't respond. When Severus tried to adjust his hold on the woman, he then noticed that the shoulders of the woman's robes were wet. His hand supported her head while the other tapped her cheek to wake her up and started to touch the woman's shoulder carefully.
He pulled his hand that was holding her shoulder. There were blood stains on his palm. He furrowed his eyebrow with worry before he picked up the woman in a bridal style and walked past the other members who were watching the scene suspiciously.
"Snape wh-"
"don't get involved in this, Black" Severus hissed.
"who is she? How does she know about this place?" Remus asked.
Severus ignored them as he took the woman in his arms to one of the rooms in 12 Grimmauld place. Hearing some noises from downstairs, Harry, Hermione, Ron and the others who were hanging out in one of the rooms upstairs started to go out to see the source of the noise.
They all had confused expressions when they heard the bickering between the adults there. But then their expressions changed as Severus walked in front of them to enter one of the rooms in Grimmauld place. They never saw their Pofessor whom they despised go upstairs as long as he attended the Order of The Pheonix meeting let alone using one of the rooms here.
Harry noticed his godfather behind Severus who was still asking questions about the unconscious woman but then Sirius was silent when Severus shut the door in his face. Sirius turned the doorknob a few times knowing that the door had been locked by Severus. He scoffed before he turned his gaze to another place but then his eyes caught his godson's gaze.
Harry raised his eyebrows as if asking a question which Sirius pursed his lips and shook his head.
"You should all be in bed. It's late" Sirius muttered as he strode down to the downstairs.
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Severus Kneeled beside the unconscious woman's bed. His eyebrows furrowed with concentration as he washed several wounds and cuts on the woman's face with a wet cloth to prevent infection. The woman's shirt was flipped aside for Severus to treat the wound on the woman's shoulder easily. He then put the wet cloth into a container filled with water before reaching for some potion bottles that he had brought incase something like this happened between The Order of the Phoenix.
Severus then applied the ointment he made on the woman's cuts and wounds, especially on the woman's shoulder. The woman was still unconscious which made Severus slightly worried. He then looked towards the woman's hand. His eyes seemed focused on the ring finger. There resides a simple silver ring on the woman's finger. Severus narrowed his eyes.
The same ring he was wearing. Severus diverted his gaze on the woman's face which was clean of blood. He moved closer to her then moved the strands of hair from the woman's face gently. Severus sighed lowly as he sat back against the wall beside the bed. Waiting for this mysterious woman to wake up. His hand held the woman's hand, thumb rubbed the back of the woman's hand tenderly.
As he seems to zoned out, he didn't notice the woman's eyebrows twitched indicating that the woman had begun to regain consciousness. The woman turned her head weakly as she let out a soft breath. Pain is still felt in her body. Eyes still closing but she is still aware of the warmth in her hands. Severus turned his attention from space to the woman alarmingly.
"shh" Severus shushed her as he stroked the woman's face softly.
The woman sighed. "They got me"
"I know.." Severus replied.
"They know I'm a double agent"
Severus remained silent. His hand still stroking the woman's face as the woman finally opened her eyes and looked at Severus.
"I failed the mission" She whimpered.
"no, you're not, Y/n" Severus moved his body to take the woman into his arms.
"Voldemort knows that I work for Dumbledore. He knows that I am loyal to Dumbledore and not him." You paused to swallow. "He said that in the end I will betray him. Severus.. He's been suspecting me all this time. He knows. I'm scared that he will come to you too" you whimpered into his chest.
Hearing Voldemort's name made Severus' spine shiver. He remained silent as he kept embracing you.
"Don't worry about me, Love. I know what I should do." Severus assured.
You are still hugging his body. Face looked up looking at Severus' face with cheeks wet with tears. Your eyes are red from crying.
"But I'm scared Severus, that he will suspect you too. He knows that we-"
"I know.. " Severus said lowly as he stroked your hair gently. "I'll make sure he doesn't suspect anything about me"
You just nodded as you hugged his torso tightly as if your life depended on him. Severus didn't care about how tightly you hugged him but instead he hugged you tightly too. He put his chin on top of your head as he rubbed your back reassuringly.
After a few minutes of embracing each other, you both finally parted away. You bow your head as you sniffles. Severus looked at you with concern before he took your face to look at him. He palmed your cheeks, thumbs wiping away the tears that wet your cheeks.
"You're going to be okay. He won't do anything to you as long as I'm with you" Severus whispered as he kissed your forehead. "you're safe here"
"I'm sorry if I suddenly apparated here. Dumbledore gave me the address of this place because he said you would be here with the Order" You muttered. "They must be surprised to see people they don't know suddenly appear"
"nonsense. That's not what you need to worry about." Severus replied. "Besides they must be wondering who are you to me"
"They will definitely be surprised upon hearing what we are to each other" You said, smiling fondly.
"Obviously" Severus muttered. "Are you okay now?" Severus added.
You hummed as you rested your head on his chest. "I'm fine as long as you're by my side"
Severus faintly smiled at that as he kissed your crown of hair. "Good, now we have to explain to them about the outburst earlier"
You huffed. "Is it necessary?"
"Yes" Severus replied.
You sighed before nodding in agreement.
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"So what you said is that she is your... Wife?" Arthur mumbled in disbelief. Eyes looked at you and Severus.
Severus hummed as he kept himself close to your side as a way to support you to stand. You glanced at him gratefully before diverting your gaze to Arthur.
"We have a reason to hide this. But we can't hide this for long, can we?" you replied.
Sirius raised his eyebrows. "Can't believe that Snivellius got this beautiful woman"
"and you don't? " You furrowed your eyebrows as Severus glared at him, lips faintly smirked at your statement.
Remus sent his warning look at Sirius. "We don't need to inflame the situation, Sirius"
"What? It's true. Don't tell me you're on his side" Sirius crossed his arms.
"I'm not on anyone's side" Remus said firmly.
"She's a Death Eater! We can't trust her" Sirius snapped.
"She's a double agent just like Snape" Remus replied.
"Gentlemen, please... Take this matter seriously. We don't need any arguments here." Arthur interjected as he glared at the two men. He sighed. Molly looked at him with concern as she rubbed her hand on her husband's shoulder.
"Look. What Severus did about keeping his relationship a secret was a reasonable thing due to the situation we're going through right now... Yes, she is a double agent. Dumbledore himself gave her and Severus that qualification. I understand these days no one can be trusted but for once, please investigate it first. Like Severus explained earlier, his wife is a double agent of the Order of the Phoenix and a Death Eater. But that doesn't mean she is loyal to the Death Eater as she herself wants to bring down the Death Eater. She's been through a lot in risking her life in that position. Same goes too Severus but that doesn't mean you all can act like that towards her. Snape has a reason to hide his relationship from everyone because everyone will know that is his weak point. They don't want to risk their loved ones, neither do we, but here we are in the same situation as them. Risking the lives of our loved ones. You just can't be so quick to judge someone easily. They're human too" Arthur shook his head.
All the members there were silent with what Arthur said. There's a truth in what he said, never judge someone easily and don't easily accuse someone based on background.
Sirius sighed in defeat. "Fine.. Sorry about that, Snape's wife"
Severus rolled his eyes at that. You sighed.
You nodded. " And the name Y/n Snape actually." you crossed your arms over your chest.
"Sirius Black, though you knew who am i" Sirius said, leaning against the walls behind him with hands crossing over his chest.
"My husband's bully" you stated coldly.
Sirius and Remus were silent. Severus' lips twitched in a faint smile. Only you can make someone question themselves on the spot. Making them speechless.
"I believe we have both explained everything to you. I'm afraid I need to take my wife home to get enough rest. She's been through a lot. Farewell" Severus took your hand and slowly led you out of Grimmauld Place to apparated.
As soon as the two of you left the place, you took a breath of fresh air that night. A cold temperature slapped your skins, you brought your body closer to Severus for warmth. Severus put his hand on your uninjured shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Severus asked in concerned.
You nodded. "Brilliant. Those men really make me tired. Mentally." you said in amusement. "Though it was quite satisfying to silence Sirius Black"
Severus faintly smirked. "He deserves what he asked for" Severus murmured.
"And I won't let it slide easily" You added.
Severus brought your body closer to his. "Thank you.. For being with me"
You smiled genuinely at him as you side hugged him. "Always"
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wisteria-lodge · 2 months
I LOVE the version of Lucius in your fic Prison of the Phoenix. He's different from a lot of portrayals I've seen. Why did you decide to write him how you did?
A lot of the fun of writing a book-accurate fix-it fic comes from taking the events of the book, and removing JKRs (simplistic, misleading, sometimes just weird) narrative framing. Slytherins = baddies, Gryffindors = goodies, you know. 
This is especially fun with Lucius Malfoy, who just like… isn’t very evil? Chamber of Secrets is his most villainous book, and I’ll get to that, but otherwise? He tries (unsuccessfully) to get the animal that attacked his kid killed. He donates to hospitals (but in like, an evil way.) He is a hilariously incompetent Death Eater, and then he's Voldemort’s punching bag. 
That’s kind of the point of Lucius. He looks the part. He commits to the aesthetics of the thing, with the hair and the peacocks and the snake-wand-cane. He likes the mystique of walking into a room and knowing that you know (but can’t prove) he’s a dark wizard. It allows him to be… kinda lazy. He can coast on his family name, money, reputation, privilege. I really think that if you sat Lucius Malfoy down and asked him to walk you through all the wizard-supremacy talking points he wouldn’t be able to do it. He’ll toss around words like “mudblood” and “mudblood-lover” no problem, but in the end he doesn’t really care. Lucius is not a true believer. The way the world is set up benefits him tremendously and he doesn’t want Voldemort back. That’s just text:
“Use your brains, Ron,” said Bill. “If they really were Death Eaters… I bet they’d be even more frightened than the rest of us to see him come back. They denied they’d ever been involved with him when he lost his powers, and went back to their daily lives… I don’t reckon he’d be over-pleased with them, do you?”
Lucius and friends had too much to drink at a sporting event, put on the old outfits (again with the aesthetics) and started levitating muggles. Which obviously isn’t GOOD, but they’re not killing or torturing, or furthering any kind of agenda. It’s important that Barty is so insulted and pissed off by the way they’re basically playing Dark Wizard that he casts the Dark Mark to “show [them] what loyalty to the Dark Lord meant, and to punish them for their lack of it.” Which kicks off most of the events of the book. 
Prison of the Phoenix is going to have a companion, parallel fic told from Harry’s POV (tentatively titled Harry Potter and Malfoy’s Suspicious Interest in Werewolves.) Lucius does show up in that one, and I was honestly surprised by how much more frightening and intimidating he is when filtered through Harry’s perspective. Because with a Severus POV… when Severus is used to spending time around Voldemort, Greyback, Bellatrix, honestly Dumbledore and Sirius Black…. Lucius is not scary. Lucius wants to buy presents for his son, go to high-profile events with his beautiful wife, and wear a variety of snake-themed accessories and extravagant hats. 
I wanted a kind of college-roommates-who-stayed-friends feel for the Severus + Lucius relationship, because they are friends. Sirius calls Severus Lucius’ “lapdog,” and Narcissa calls him Lucius’ “oldest friend.” Lucius is also part of the welcoming committee when Severus is first sorted into Slytherin. He’s five years older (I think Jason Isaacs is the only Harry Potter adult the same age as the character he plays), which would have affected the dynamic between him and Severus a lot in school. Personally, I think it makes sense for Lucius to be a little protective of this brilliant half-blood kid with no money. And as an adult, there’s some guilt mixed in there as well. Severus probably would not have been sucked into the Voldemort thing nearly as deep or nearly as fast if it hadn’t been for Lucius, and the war kind of destroyed him. Lucius remembers a younger Severus who was modding potions, inventing spells, coming up with cheeky nicknames for himself, and that person is gone. That’s a big part of the reason he’s so invested in the Severus/Remus relationship in Prison of the Phoenix. Something about Remus has managed to wake up parts of that younger Severus, and Lucius thinks that’s fantastic.
I also think Lucius might be the character who knows Voldemort the best. He’s one of the only Death Eaters who Voldemort calls by their first name (Bellatrix, Severus, and Draco are the others) and he’s weirdly familiar with his “slippery friend” Lucius, addressing the whole speech about how/why he returned to him, for some reason? Anything that helps Voldemort make sense as a person I’ll take, and to me it makes sense that young Tom Riddle charmed Abraxas Malfoy, Lucius’ father, first. The dates are right, and he’s exactly Tom’s type - rich, pureblood, probably easily flattered (let’s be honest) and sitting on a pile of magical artifacts. It’s very Hepzibah Smith vibes, is what I’m saying. And rich, posh, popular seventeen year olds don’t join cults. But if Lucius’ father was already in a cult… 
It also makes sense to me that Tom Riddle got sort of stuck when he killed Marvolo Gaunt, and made his first horcrux at sixteen. He has this fascination with sixteen year old pureblood wizards (so Barty, Draco, and Lucius would have fit this profile.) He sort of wants to be them, but also sort of wants to break them? It’s messy, and complicated. It’s creepy and compelling, that Lucius is aging but this spectre that’s dominated his life isn’t. 
And so when Lucius gives Ginny the diary in Book 2… it makes sense that he’s just trying to get rid of it. He was just at Borgin and Burkes selling dark artifacts, but knows that the diary is worse. He needs to make sure it can’t possibly be traced back to him. So he gives it to the daughter of the head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. (It is an enchanted muggle artifact, after all.) If Arthur Weasley finds it and deals with it, fine. If Ginny is discovered with it in a way that blows up in Arthur’s face, also fine. If it does get to Hogwarts and does open the Chamber of Secrets - well Draco is going to be fine, and it might undermine Dumbledore. If it was really important to Lucius that the diary rid the school of muggleborns… he would have given it to Draco had him use it. Or given it to Draco, and told him to leave it somewhere for an enemy to find. But Lucius doesn’t do that, because he doesn’t want Voldemort back and his politics just aren’t that important to him. 
The one trait I did give Lucius that doesn’t go back to the books is just being madly in love with Narcissa. Lucius is an unrepentant wife guy. (And I mean… it doesn’t contradict anything. There isn’t anything in the books to suggest that he isn’t a wife guy.)  I honestly did that for structural reasons. I’m writing a romance with Severus, who has the emotional awareness of a stack of roofing tiles. He just really, really needed a friend he could ask for relationship advice. 
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sumsumstrashbin · 3 months
okay so, I've been thinking about this for a while - what about young!sev's birthday? like, some weeks later, James sadly "destroyed" his well noted Advanced Potions Making book, and he was very attached to it 🥹
so Reader, as a birthday gift, brings him back the repaired book, apologizing a little because maybe some pages aren't perfect etc., but she tried to repair it anyway 🥹🥹 and idk he's just moved because he didn't think that anyone would actually remember his birthday or do something for him?😭❤️‍🩹
feel free to ignore this or change anything if you want to!!<33
𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠!𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭! 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭, 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬!
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏.𝟒𝐤
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬' 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧-𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤, 𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐱 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It was a cold January morning: the first of the month, to be exact. Most students were still enjoying their holiday break, whether that be back at home with their families or still at Hogwarts. The students that spent their holiday break at the school were either sleeping in after a long New Year’s night celebration, or down in the great hall getting breakfast to start their day.
The Marauder’s had all decided to stay at the school for their break this year, as it was their last year at Hogwarts, and they wanted to make the best of it. 
Severus, known as the quiet loner of the school, decided to spend his morning outside in the frigid winter air, scribbling down annotated notes in his Advanced Potions-Making book.
You made your way outside as well, hoping that the morning air would wake you up after the long night of partying. You spotted Severus on a nearby bench, making your way over, your boots crunching in the fresh snow.
“Good morning, Severus. It’s quite cold to be sitting out here, is it not?” You spoke, shoving your hands in your pockets to keep them warm.
Severus looked up at you, shutting his book. You were the only person that didn’t surprise him when you spoke to him, as he knew you to be the only friendly face in his life. The one person that would willingly sit next to him in class, the one person that wouldn’t make comments about his appearance or his unapproachable demeanor. 
He placed the book down next to him, crossing his arms.
“It isn’t too bad. I prefer the cold over having to be in the great hall by the time James and his irritating friends make their way down for breakfast.”
“Ah, I see.” You replied, pursing your lips. You knew of their never-ending pranks and beratement towards him, and it was beginning to make you resent them.
Just then, the Marauders made their way outside, laughing amongst themselves at one of their many inside jokes. They immediately spotted their most hated person, sitting next to who they thought to be “little miss sunshine”.
James made the first move, approaching the bench that the two of you were at. “L/n, it seems like you need rescuing. Never fear, James is here.  Is Snivellus here bothering you?”
The rest of the group snickered behind him, though your expression quickly went sour.
“Believe it or not, Potter, I’m here out of my own free will. Was there something you needed, or will you leave us alone?”
“Oh, don’t tell me Snivellus has a girlfriend.” James joked, looking between the two of you. Severus remained silent, grabbing his book to place it in his jacket pocket.
“What’s that, hm? Give it here.” He continued, grabbing the book out of Severus’ hand.
“It’s nothing. Give it back.” Severus stated, his voice clear and calm, though his hands were shaking.
James opened the book, flipping through the pages. “I can’t say I’m surprised that a loserr such as yourself is studying during the holidays.”
“Give it back, Potter. You aren’t funny.” You reached for the book, trying to grab it out of his hands, but James raised it into the air, making you unable to reach it.
“I think Snivellus deserves some kind of punishment for corrupting your mind enough to actually want to be around him.”
Before you could respond, James began ripping pages out, before tossing it to the ground. Sirius took this as an opportunity to whip out his wand and cast Incendio on the book, lighting it ablaze. You and Severus watched in horror, and the group high-fived each other before laughing their way back inside. 
“Severus, I’m so sorry–” You began, but he simply fled the scene before you could finish.
You shovelled snow onto the book with your hands to stop the fire, brushing it off and pocketing the book afterwards. You were going to make this right, even if it wasn’t your fault.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
January 9th came quickly, and you hadn’t seen Severus much since the incident. To be fair, you had spent most days locked away in your dorm, trying to salvage the Advanced Potion-making book as best as you could, rewriting any annotations that were damaged and replacing the missing pages with ones from your undamaged copy. 
Today was Severus’ birthday, and you had asked him to meet you in the Slytherin common room when passing him in the hall the previous day. You made your way to the common room, the book wrapped in festive paper with a big red bow tucked under your arm.
Severus waited on the couch, looking as miserable as always. You approached him, sitting next to him and placing the book in his lap.
“Happy Birthday, Severus.” You offered him a warm smile, your heart practically bursting with excitement for him to open his gift.
Severus stared at you, pure shock plastered across his face. “You…I…” 
“Well, go on and open it! I can’t wait any longer.” You exclaimed, clasping your hands in your lap.
He returned his gaze to the gift in his lap, his slender fingers carefully removing the ribbon and opening the wrapping paper from each taped section.
“You can rip it open, you know.”
“I’d feel terrible if I ruined all this effort.” He finishes his tedious unwrapping job, taking the book out.
“I tried my best to redo all the annotations that I could, I’m sorry if I missed any, but it was pretty ruined–”
“Y/n, it’s..it’s perfect. Thank you.” He flips through the pages, gently running his fingers over the notes that you rewrote in your handwriting. “I don’t even know how to–how to thank you enough. Nobody has ever done something like this for me before.” He speaks softly, shifting his gaze from the book over to you.
“It’s terrible, what they did. And it’s your birthday, of course I had to do something for you.”
Severus’ heart swelled at your words. He couldn’t express his gratitude with words, how much this meant to him. “I…thank you, again, Y/n. I’m surprised you even remembered my birthday.”
“I have all my friends’ birthdays in my calendar, Sev. You included. How could I forget?”
A smile crept onto his face at the thought of his birthday, his name, being important enough to be scribbled into your calendar.
“Oh, and I almost forgot. I’ll be right back.” You skittered off to your dorm before he could respond, leaving him to flip through the pages of his restored book. 
You returned a few minutes later, holding a small cupcake with a lit candle on it. You brought it over to the couch, sitting next to him once again. 
After singing him the birthday song in a playful manner, you handed the cupcake to him. “Blow out the candle, make a wish.”
He looked at you with a warm smile, before closing his eyes, swallowing his emotions as he blew out the flame.
“I hope you wished for James and his friends to get what they deserve, because they will. I may have tipped someone to toss a dungbomb into James’ dorm.”
Severus let out a laugh, slapping a hand over his mouth. He composed himself after a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. “This is the greatest birthday ever. Possibly the greatest day in general. Thank you, Y/n, for making this so special.”
“I’m glad I could make it special for you.” You took his hands in yours, beaming at him. 
Overcome with many emotions, Severus leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. Your face immediately flushed, and so did his. After a moment, he let go of your hands. “I’m sorry, Y/n, I–”
You cut him off swiftly by leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. You pulled away a few moments later, staring into his eyes to gauge his reaction.
Severus, a man of very few emotions, sat there with his face as red as Arthur Weasley’s hair, a dorky smile plastered across his face. You pulled him into an embrace, his cold hands finding their place on your back.
A loud voice broke the two of you from the intimate moment, a young Slytherin rushing into the common room. “Someone threw a Dungbomb in James Potter’s dorm! Someone finally pranked those tosser’s back!”
Severus and you exchanged knowing looks, laughter bubbling in your chests.
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lilithofpenandbook · 2 months
One thing I'm never getting over is how James Potter bullied and abused a poor, lonely boy for the mere crime of existing and decided he wasn't worth anything based on who he was
Only for his son to grow up bullied, abused, neglected and lonely just for the mere crime of existing and was decided to be worth nothing based on who he was.
It's a dark sort of irony. It's almost poetic justice, even if it's cruel and unfair because Harry truly did nothing yet he's being punished. But so too did Severus do nothing yet lived his entire life in punishment.
And here's the thing. If James hadn't started it, Sirius wouldn't have either. Severus wouldn't have been bullied that badly. And while he always did have a liking to the dark arts, if he didn't have the trauma of the marauders abuse, he may well have eventually decided on his own that while he liked the dark arts he didn't need to join the death eaters. And here's the thing: James and the marauders essentially did to him what the Slytherins did to muggleborns, just without using the word Mudblood. If the supposed 'good guys' were no better than the 'bad guys' then it almost justifies him wanting to join the death eaters, at least they had a purpose. If James hadn't bullied him, maybe he would have been less able to justify the actions of his classmates because then the bad/good divide would be obvious. And if he hadn't joined the death eaters, he wouldn't have told Voldemort the prophecy. And if he hadn't done that, maybe no one would have, and there wouldn't have been any need to hunt the Potters, because the prophecy was canonically nonsense. It wouldn't have come true at all. None of it was real. But Voldemort heard it and believed it and caused it to happen. If no one told Voldemort about it, he wouldn't have hunted the Potters. James and Lily would have lived. Harry wouldn't have grown up abused by his uncle and aunt for just existing, have grown up being bullied and hated just because he existed.
James Potter ended up creating that fate for his son. Harry literally paid the price for James's sins.
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marvel-snape-writes · 4 months
I’ve been quite busy travelling lately so haven’t really had chance to properly sit down and make a start on the next request ☹️🫶
HOWEVER… I did write this little bit of needy Snape drabble that will hopefully tide you over until the next one shot 🤭 (I’ve written something rather similar a looong while ago with a different person but I wanted to put a Snape spin on it)
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And this is how it would start every time. A need to feel something, something that would only hit if it was the right person. Hips pressed against hips – clothed. Desperate kisses. Fumbling fingers. Eager to rip the clothes from each other’s bodies, or not even patient enough for that sometimes. Depending on the level of urgency, often it was only the unzipping of trousers and hoist up of a dress that was required for them to get to what they had been craving. It had been happening far too often for it to just be classed as a ‘one off’ now.
“We’re going to miss Dumbledore’s end of year speech.” She giggled flirtatiously.
“Has it not crossed your mind that I am involved in something a little more riveting than Dumbledore’s end of year speech?” Snape spoke lowly against her lips.
She fell willingly victim to his lips again, her fingers lightly pressing into his shoulders as her head tilted briefly.
“Give me…” He inhaled sharply, “One good reason…” His large hands found her hips, “Why I shouldn't just have you right here…”
“Because Dumble-”
“Fuck. That.” He grunted, trapping her bottom lip between his teeth and pulling it out slightly.
“Severus…” She breathed against his lips.
He kissed her once more.
“Mm, Severus…” Her fingers trembled over the opening of his cloak.
He kissed her again. Harder. Desperate. As if he had been without something for so long, whether that be self inflicted or not, and now suddenly found himself having a new sexual lease of life.
“Sev-” She spoke as she heard him whine, pulling her face back so he only kissed the air.
“Something the matter?” He asked in his silkiest tone, attempting to end the question with another kiss but whimpering pathetically when his lips didn't press against anything.
“Want you,” He spoke as their lips touched again, “Want you here,” He inhaled sharply, kissing her again, “Want you now.”
“Severus, you can't even speak in full sentences…” She smirked, though kissing him back each time.
“Don’t care,” His voice was even more muffled through their kiss, now stressing each word with a nudge of his hips pressing her into the cold, stone wall, “Need. This. Now.”
Her arm lifted and she smirked when she heard him grunt against her finger now pressed to his lips.
“Behave yourself now and this evening,” She spoke softly, the fingers on her free hand now dancing along the waistline of his trousers, “And I'll let you do that thing you like so much…”
Severus exhaled shakily through his nose and pursed his lips against the tip of her finger for a few moments before lightly nibbling and then biting it.
“I said…” She gasped when she felt his teeth lightly dig into her skin, “Behave. Yourself.” She spoke each word with a tug on the fastening of his trousers.
Severus’ black eyes glared even more darkly than usual as he watched her through his greasy hair. He freed her finger and hissed through clenched teeth, groaning slightly louder than intended when they heard footsteps coming toward the dark, stone corridor. They both remained quiet, despite their aroused breathing, and waited to see if the footsteps would come any closer, their faces only visible with each flicker of the fire torches upon the walls.
The footsteps stopped, as did their hearts, and then they faded. Severus’ pressed lips slowly parted, dipping his head forward in an attempt to press a desperate kiss to her lips, but only being met with her cheek as she tauntingly turned her head to one side.
Severus exhaled slowly as his lips only briefly skimmed her cheek, however, they were close enough to her ear for her to hear him speak darkly, “Where did you learn to torture me so?”
I hope you liked this random bit of writing that just fell out of my head and any suggestions of what Sev's ✨thing✨ he likes so much may be will be greatly appreciated if anyone would like it continuing 🤣
Tags! 🫶
@acupnoodle @megladon045 @overgrownbat @hamiltonstann @icytrickster17 @sneepseverus @honeyshampoo @bibliosophie @snifellus @liv2post @eyesinmymindinmay @pinterestwhore145 @dracolilhoe @frequent-apple @nidamae-approvedhpfanfics @hauntinq-6 @dontrunannabelle @dark-t1des @callm3c0nfus3d @slytherinqueen4life @ilovesevsnape @wh0reforthemarauders @sorryimdyingrn @nooneeveryonenoone @mrs-snape5984 @vulnus-sanare @nymphaforesta @missgurlthang @thesecretsofseverussnape @evil-eyebrow @peppiloll @hazedwords
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gg-neptune · 2 months
I saw you were taking request 👀 could you write something fluffy when Severus takes care of his partner after a really rough day and she is at loose end and like what’s the purpose of my life after this wild day ?
Hiiiiiii!!! Thank you so much for requesting. I hope you like this, I think it turned out pretty good. Feedback is always welcome, enjoy <33
Severus Snape x Reader
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Today it seemed like it was just drug on and on and on. You were the Charms professor at Hogwarts after Professor Flitwick had retired. You don’t know what had gotten into your students today, but they were just awful. In your first class, a boy somehow managed to set another student's book on fire. Apparently they had issues with each other because the student whose book was now ashes started attempting to hex the other. Luckily for you, it was a first year, so he didn’t manage to do any damage.
You got the two off each other, and after administering detentions, you just decided to cancel class as they were now too rowdy to try to teach. You spent that extra time getting the ashes off the desk and scrubbing off the remains from the desk. Your second class did not get much better.
This was a group of seventh years. You were going to go over Ascendio with them as you noticed they seemed to be lacking in the area. However, one student thought it would be a good idea to cast it indoors and shot himself straight into the roof. Of course you then had to send him to Madame Pomfrey, who scolded you for allowing him to do such a thing. You had told them as a class not to cast it indoors, but he didn't listen. It was not your fault; he was a blithering idiot. 
You began to wonder what the point of teaching these kids was. It seemed as though everything you told them not to do they did exactly that. Only one class left after lunch.
You had brought in a sandwich for lunch. Just a simple sandwich, however, Peeves apparently sensed your bad day and decided to add on to it. As you were carrying it into the staff room, he just so happened to creep up behind you, making you jump and causing your sandwich to end up on the ground. He thought this was the most funny thing that could ever happen, apparently, as he flew away, cackling loudly. Grumbling, you picked up the remains of it and just headed back to your classroom, chunking it in the trashcan in the process.
“One more class,"  you thought to yourself. It could not get much worse, could it?
This was a group of third years this time. They were a good class most of the time, but they would just not shut up today. Apparently there was a fight a few moments before that they were still blabbering about. It took you slamming a book down and scolding them loudly, which honestly made you feel terrible as they were your favorite class most of the time. You continued with your lesson just trying to push through, and then when it was finally over, you did not miss the rude remarks they made about you as they left for the day.
You shut and locked the door as soon as the last student left for the day. You collapse in your chair and immediately feel a burning in your sinuses. Tears began to prick your eyes as the day caught up to you. You put your head down on your desk as a few tears rolled down your cheeks, quietly letting the turmoil of the day out.
You were not sure how long you were there, but it could not have been long before you heard knocking at your door. Thinking it was a student, you stayed quiet and did not move, not wanting to talk to them right now.
Then you hear an incantation and the click of a lock before your door opens. Still thinking it was a student you headshot up ready to scold whoever it was who decided to let themselves into your classroom. Until it registered in your head, it was just Severus.
“Thanks for letting yourself in,” you say, feigning annoyance. You glare at him before putting your head back down on your desk.
“You didn’t show up at my classroom at your normal time. And you didn’t answer your door. What else was I supposed to do?” His voice immediately sends a shiver down your spine. He sounds grumpy as always, but he most likely wasn’t actually mad at anything. You hear the sound of footsteps approaching you until they stop right beside you.
“Care to tell me why you are crying,” he questions.
“Bad day. Idiot students. Peeves,” you grumble, still not lifting your head. A moment of silence passes over you before he lifts you up and sits in your chair, placing you in his lap.
He stares at you for a moment before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He holds you in place with one arm while the other holds your face as he kisses you.
"Well, no need to be upset over it now. Days over,” he replies, tugging you further toward him. You rest your head on his shoulder. While you know this is true, you still are frustrated about how the day went.
"Yeah, I know, but still,” you say, nuzzling your face into him, “it’s like they don’t even listen. I mean, what’s the point of doing anything and trying to teach them if they don’t even bother to try, you know?” You vent your frustration to him, and he listens intently, nodding along as you speak.
"Well, I imagine the reason you keep going is for the few that do listen and the paycheck,” he answers, looking at you with a slight frown on his face.
"Honestly, what’s the point of keeping on going if they just don’t even care?” Tears start to fill up your eyes again as frustration begins to build. “I wanted to be a teacher forever to share my knowledge, and just they don’t even care enough to shut up and listen to me for an hour and a half.” All your emotions seem to come forward the more you talk as your voice gets higher and tears begin to fall. When Severus sees them, he quickly hushes you and wipes your tears with his thumb.
“Shush, there is no reason to cry over dunderheads like them. I promise you they are just caught up in being teenagers; that’s what they do,” he comforts as he begins to rock you back and forth in your chair. He presses your face into his shoulder so you cannot speak any more so as to not make yourself more upset than you already are.
“You have more worth than just your job anyway, love. You have a good personality, and in my humble opinion,” he says, lowering his voice a bit as he puts his lips closer to your ear, “you are insanely beautiful. So don’t let a bunch of idiot teenagers and idiot poltergeist question your life worth. Honestly, you're smarter than this.” He pulls you back, realizing shoving your face into him might not be a great idea as you could suffocate. He gives you a gentle smile, and you try to give one back. You have no tears to whip away as his robes have wiped them all dry.
“I know it’s just… difficult. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, you know,” you grumble out as you begin to play with the ends of his hair. You pinch some between your fingers and act as if you're dusting off his face, causing him to chuckle. 
"Yes, but you’ll have good days too. And you’ll have a good night too, unless you keep on dusting my face, “he says, partly joking. He squints his eyes at you as you continue to do so, giggling as he moves his head away, trying to get you to stop.
Finally, you relent and settle for just resting your hand against the side of his face and leaning against him, acting as if he is your personal body pillow (which he is). You gently stroke his cheekbone with your thumb as he looks down at your dark eyes filled with adoration.
You stay like this for a while until you begin to get a tad drowsy, and of course Severus notices. He never wants to wake you while you are sleeping, so he is quick to try to rouse you from your spot on his lap. “I know you're comfy, but I am not sleeping in a desk chair. Get up.”
“What if I don’t?” You are not particularly happy about having to get up, not wanting to lose your comfy spot.
“We are not sleeping in a desk chair,” he pushes you up off him and forces you to your feet, following right behind you. He grabs your hand and begins to lead you out of the classroom to his chambers for a long night of cuddles.
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androgynousafterdark · 6 months
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"Mouthy Boy."
Severus Snape x Male Reader
Minors DNI.
Severus was very indulgent towards you. Always letting you get away with everything, always being the one to let you off if you got into an altercation with someone else, even if you started it.
He was beginning to see that he'd created a monster. You'd say and do whatever you wanted, even towards him, and it grated on his nerves terribly. Severus was a man who valued and quite frankly demanded the utmost respect at all times.
So, one day, he'd had enough of your smart aleck mouth.
It was a warm, summer day. You stayed behind at Hogwarts with him, being that you lived on your own anyway and technically lived with him. You'd gotten mouthy with him in his office, the heat making you snappy.
However, Severus was feeling snappy too, and snap he did.
In a flash, you were pinned up underneath him, bent over his desk with him pressing close behind. Naturally, you attempted to wiggle out of it, but Severus was having none of it.
"You will sit still or I will spank that disobedient little rear end of yours until you cannot stand, boy." His low, flat voice in your ear made you shiver.
As he'd predicted, you didn't listen, so he tugged your pants down, thumbing open your belt. Then, he pressed you harder against the desk with a hand on your back.
Crack. The spank rang out through the quiet of the office and was coupled only by your soft whimper of pain.
"Don't make me treat you like this. Behave."
He was beginning to think this was what you wanted, because when he spanked you again, you pushed your ass into his hand as he rubbed over the reddening skin.
"Will you be a good boy?" Severus's voice was quiet. It still held a vague threat, but he couldn't help the love that seeped into his tone. He was too fond of you, after all.
Only when you managed to whimper out a "yes," did he unbuckle his belt, still holding you against the wood of his desk.
He reached around, pressing his fingers to your lips. "Get them wet, boy. This is the only preparation you get." Severus almost smiled when you eagerly took his fingers into your mouth and began to suck on them, your tongue running over his calloused fingers.
When he was satisfied, he pulled his hand out of your mouth and began working you open, doing it as thoroughly as he could while still making it a punishment for you. He wasn't an animal, after all.
But he could see that it wasn't enough, so he decided to give you something bigger.
Severus pulled out his hard, aching length, stroking it to full hardness. Normally, he'd have you suck him before he put it in.. but this wasn't for pleasure, it was a lesson. He pressed it inside you, reveling in the way your back arched.
"Look at you.. a proper slut, aren't you, boy? So greedy for my cock."
Severus didn't wait for very long before he started up at a rough, punishing pace. He nearly lost his head when he felt your warmth clenching around him, but he preserved.
When he felt you trying to reach down and touch yourself, wrenched you up by the neck, holding it so that you wouldn't be in any actual danger if he squeezed.
"Take what you're given. I didn't give you permission to touch yourself. You like this, don't you? You like being a mouthy little boy who doesn't listen to me? Hm?" His voice was a low growl in your ear.
Severus knew you'd hardly be coherent. He knew how you got when you were stuffed full of him.
He took a sort of pleasure, knowing that your smart mouth had been reduced to whimpers and whines as he took you with reckless abandon.
Severus could feel you getting close. Today, he would be merciful. He couldn't possibly expect his boy to learn so quickly.
He adjusted, hitting that spot deep inside you that he knew would make you fall apart, over and over again.
And fall apart you did, convulsing under him as your untouched cock spattered his office floor with come, meanwhile his own release was pumped deep inside you.
Severus slowly thrust into you until your orgasm stopped. Then, he pulled out of you, turning you around to kiss you.
"There you are, sweet boy.. you know I love you. You just have to learn to watch your mouth, it's not your fault," he cooed.
Severus held you until you could gather yourself enough to stand. He helped you clean up, giving you a final kiss on the forehead before he went back to his work, thinking about how he would punish you when you inevitably spoke too freely once again.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Sirius Vs Remus last interaction with Harry in POA
With all this conversation about who's the better parent, the better guide to Harry, I'd like to address the LAST MOMENT in POA with Sirius vs Remus and WHY Harry ends up closer to Sirius and it has NOTHING to do with his 'status' as godfather and everything to do with their behavior directly after Harry discovers their relationship to his father.
Long Post under the cut.
First, Remus' last moment with Harry:
A shadow fell across them and they looked up to see a very bleary-eyed Hagrid, mopping his sweaty face with one of his tablecloth-sized handkerchiefs and beaming down at them. "Know I shouldn' feel happy, after wha' happened las' night," he said. "I mean, Black escapin' again, an, everythin' -- but guess what?" "What?" they said, pretending to look curious. "Beaky! He escaped! He's free! Bin celebratin' all night!" "That's wonderful!" said Hermione, giving Ron a reproving look because he looked as though he was close to laughing. "Yeah. . . can't've tied him up properly," said Hagrid, gazing happily out over the grounds. "I was worried this mornin', mind. . . thought he mighta met Professor Lupin on the grounds, but Lupin says he never ate anythin' las' night. . . . " "What?" said Harry quickly. "Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" said Hagrid, his smile fading a little. He lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in sight. "Er -- Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'. . . . Thought everyone'd know by now. . . Professor Lupin's a werewolf, see. An' he was loose on the grounds las' night. . . . He's packin' now, o' course. " "He's packing?" said Harry, alarmed. "Why?" "Leavin', isn' he?" said Hagrid, looking surprised that Harry had to ask. "Resigned firs' thing this mornin'. Says he can't risk it happenin again."
Let's stop here - I included this part because it tells us something EXTREMEMLY important - Remus was going to LEAVE without even talking to Harry. He had NO intention of talking to Harry or explaining what happened. He had NO intention of following up on their relationship and build on it - he was just going to leave after ALL that.
Harry scrambled to his feet. "I'm going to see him," he said to Ron and Hermione. "But if he's resigned --" "¨C doesn't sound like there's anything we can do --" "I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll meet you back here."
This tells us that Harry wanted a relationship with Remus, and expected to have one. Only for Remus to disappoint him.
Lupin's office door was open. He had already packed most of his things. The Grindylow's empty tank stood next to his battered old suitcase, which was open and nearly full. Lupin was bending over something on his desk and looked up only when Harry knocked on the door. "I saw you coming," said Lupin, smiling. He pointed to the parchment he had been poring over. It was the Marauder's Map. "I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?" "I'm afraid it is," said Lupin. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents.
Here we have proof that Remus knows that HARRY would reach out to him - yet, he doesn't reciprocate. He sees Harry's upset about it and he just ... keeps packing. Using the Map to see Harry do just that.
"Why?" said Harry. "The Ministry of Magic don't think you were helping Sirius, do they?" Lupin crossed to the door and closed it behind Harry. "No. Professor Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that I was trying to save your lives. " He sighed. "That was the final straw for Severus. I think the loss of the Order of Merlin hit him hard. So he -- er -- accidentally let slip that I am a werewolf this morning at breakfast." "You're not leaving just because of that!" said Harry. Lupin smiled wryly. "This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving from parents. . . . They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry. And after last night, I see their point. I could have bitten any of you. . . . That must never happen again." "You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" said Harry. "Don't go!"
Here Lupin simply answers the question matter-of-factly and in fact, seems to expect that Harry would be affronted on his behalf. What's interesting here is that Lupin KNOWS that Harry has formed this bond with him and still makes what happened about him. Even though he ENDANGERED the kids ALL YEAR, here he focuses on the night before which was the most dangerous moment, and while he's doing the responsible thing but resigning and making it about the parents reaction to his condition feels like a ploy to make Harry feel sympathetic towards him. He didnot want him to feel like he screwed him over by not telling him about his parents, Sirius (and hiding something if it Sirius HAD been after him would've gotten him killed), and by slipping up the night before.
Lupin shook his head and didn't speak. He carried on emptying his drawers. Then, while Harry was trying to think of a good argument to make him stay, Lupin said, "From what the headmaster told me this morning, you saved a lot of lives last night, Harry. If I'm proud of anything I've done this year, it's how much you've learned. . . . Tell me about your Patronus." "How d'you know about that?" said Harry, distracted. "What else could have driven the Dementors back?" Harry told Lupin what had happened. When he'd finished, Lupin was smiling again. "Yes, your father was always a stag when he transformed," he said. "You guessed right. . . that's why we called him Prongs."
Okay. Here's Lupin's opportunity to talk to Harry - an orphan and his best friends' kid - about James and he doesn't take it. He just said - oh yeah, that's what he turned into.
Lupin threw his last few books into his case, closed the desk drawers, and turned to look at Harry. "Here -- I brought this from the Shrieking Shack last night," he said, handing Harry back the Invisibility Cloak. "And. . . " He hesitated, then held out the Marauder's Map too. "I am no longer your teacher, so I don't feel guilty about giving you back this as well. It's no use to me, and I daresay you, Ron, and Hermione will find uses for it." Harry took the map and grinned. "You told me Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would've wanted to lure me out of school. . . you said they'd have thought it was funny." "And so we would have," said Lupin, now reaching down to close his case. "I have no hesitation in saying that James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found any of the secret passages out of the castle."
Here, this feels very manipulative. Of course, if he didn't give the map/cloak back to Harry, James and Sirius would be pissed - that's his birthright. But It's pretty obvious that just like the other times that Remus uses James against Harry (Like when he discovers the Map - months previously - and he says 'I don't think your {dead} parents would appreciate you gambling their sacrifices for a bag of magic tricks'), that this time, he's using him to stay in Harry's good eyes. Especially given his parting statement.
There was a knock on the door. Harry hastily stuffed the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak into his pocket. It was Professor Dumbledore. He didn't look surprised to see Harry there. "Your carriage is at the gates, Remus," he said. "Thank You, Headmaster. " Lupin picked up his old suitcase and the empty Grindylow tank. "Well -- good-bye, Harry," he said, smiling. "It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Headmaster, there is no need to see me to the gates, I can manage. . . . " Harry had the impression that Lupin wanted to leave as quickly as possible. "Good-bye, then, Remus," said Dumbledore soberly. Lupin shifted the Grindylow tank slightly so that he and Dumbledore could shake hands. Then, with a final nod to Harry and a swift smile, Lupin left the office.
Now, finally, the end of his last moment in POA - note that he says goodbye, says he was pleased to teach Harry, and THEN SAYS:
"I feel sure we'll meet again, sometime."
What does this tell us? That Lupin - Despite being around for a WHOLE YEAR & creating a relationship with Harry - DOESN'T WANT to continue the relationship. He "feels like" they'll see each other - he doesn't say anything about 'I'll write you' or 'you can write me' - he basically makes it SO FREAKING CLEAR that he's done. He came into Harry's life and plans to disappear. There's no excuse for this (especially given book 4) and THIS is exactly why Remus isn't a "Parent" - he's not a "honorary godfather" and he's TERRIBLE.
Harry can tell in this interaction that he's just a professor, just Lupin, nothing else.
It just makes it obvious that he doesn't really care for Harry, so he wouldn't be a parent and doesn't deserve all of that 'Lupin was a better option', Lupin 'should've been godfather', etc.
Now, Sirius' last moment with Harry:
Harry picked up the letter. It was addressed to him. He ripped open the letter, and shouted, "It's from Sirius!" "What?" said Ron and Hermione excitedly. "Read it aloud!" Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle. I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job. I believe the Dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted. There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt --
Let's stop here. First, Sirius makes sure to send Harry the letter when he's alone. I bet he's thinking Harry's going to do exactly what he does with regards to Aunt/Uncle because he KNOWS based on Harry's quick acceptance of moving in with him & the runaway situation at the start of the book.
Then, he immediately tells him that he's safe because he knows that Harry was worried about him enough to go through time, so he assures him that he's fine.
Next, he tells him that he's thinking about him and the affect of everything that's happened and how he plans to fix it SPECIFICALLY so that HARRY is safer after he put him at risk. He takes responsibility and does whatever he can to make up for it.
And while Remus acknowledged that he was at fault, he also put it off on 'Snape let it slip and I have no choice'.
THEN knowing that Harry was probably wondering about the Firebolt - he tells him what he did. Proving that he's been watching over and caring for Harry even from a distance.
"Ha!" said Hermione triumphantly. "See! I told you it was from him!" "Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?" said Ron. "Ouch!" The tiny owl now hooting happily in his hand, had nibbled one of his fingers in what it seemed to think was an affectionate way. Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather. I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me. I'll write again soon. Sirius
Now, for the rest of the letter.
Sirius explains about the Firebolt and how DESPITE being in prison, he immediately wanted to make up for missing 13 years of Harry's like buying the Firebolt (which is noteworthy because Remus ALSO missed 13 years, and does nothing - and he could've done OTHER things besides a gift like pictures or letters or stories...).
Anyway, then, even though Harry probably didn't even remember that night he ran away, Sirius points out that the FIRST thing he thought of on getting out of prison was to CHECK ON HARRY.
He's been tortured for 12 years and has a mission to get the rat and his priority is check on his kid! And if he could do it - so could Remus. Anyway, he TELLS Harry what he did and what he wanted - just a glimpse to make sure he was okay - and then *apologies* - he's one of the few adults that does.
Then, lastly, he tells Harry's he's been paying attention by enclosing the Hogsmeade slip and ASSURES him that he WILL be writing soon and that Harry SHOULD write to him.
Sirius - I'm here for you, I'll write, you should too.
Remus - Eh, bye I'll see you around.
Harry looked eagerly inside the envelope. There was another piece of parchment in there. He read it through quickly and felt suddenly as warm and contented as though he'd swallowed a bottle of hot butterbeer in one gulp. I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends. "That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry happily. He looked back at Sirius's letter. "Hang on, there's a PS. . . . " I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat. Ron's eyes widened. The minute owl was still hooting excitedly. "Keep him?" he said uncertainly. He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, to Harry's and Hermione's great surprise, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff. "What do you reckon?" Ron asked the cat. "Definitely an owl?" Crookshanks purred. "That's good enough for me," said Ron happily. "He's mine. " Harry read and reread the letter from Sirius all the way back into King's Cross station. It was still clutched tightly in his hand as he, Ron, and Hermione stepped back through the barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. Harry spotted Uncle Vernon at once. He was standing a good distance from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, eyeing them suspiciously, and when Mrs. Weasley hugged Harry in greeting, his worst suspicions about them seemed confirmed. "I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after Harry as Harry bid him and Hermione good-bye, then wheeled the trolley bearing his trunk and Hedwig's cage toward Uncle Vernon, who greeted him in his usual fashion. "What's that?" he snarled, staring at the envelope Harry was still clutching in his hand. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another --" "It's not," said Harry cheerfully. "It's a letter from my godfather. " "Godfather?" sputtered Uncle Vernon. "You haven't got a godfather!" "Yes, I have," said Harry brightly. "He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though . . . keep up with my news . . . check if I'm happy . . . " And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon's face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.
And Lastly, Sirius proves that he thinks of Harry's friends, too, by providing Ron an owl, as well as knowing that Harry's needs his form.
Also, it's worth noting that Harry was so touched by the letter that he kept reading and rereading it AND given that he'd run away after blowing up Marge & what happened with being locked in the year before, it's entirely possible that the Dursleys planned to lock him up again and Sirius gave him an adult that he could use against the Dursley's (WHICH IS APPARENTLY ALL THEY NEEDED TO BEHAVE) - and that means that despite reneging on the whole 'live with me' deal, he still provided protection that Harry desperately needed.
Which is what a PARENT does.
THUS, Sirius is the Proper Parent, the Best Choice, and did the BEST HE COULD DO for Harry, while Remus dropped the ball.
Also, worth noting the differences in the last POA interactions sets up the next few books nicely with regards to Sirius&Remus with Harry. Harry turns to Sirius when he needs someone, despite knowing Remus for more time. He writes to him, he lets Sirius reassure him and support him, he expects him to be there - and he is. Remus isn't. And he never planned or wanted to be.
That much is obvious from the get.
So, in conclusion, Sirius is a GOOD GODFATHER, and Remus can suck it.
This has been properly tagged, so don't come at me, but feel free to discuss nicely.
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