#they probably slept together several times but you know
minus-plus-zer0 · 22 days
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Accidentally Sleeping Together
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♡ Genre: Fluff, suggestive ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader (Imagine the bunny on the right is Bakugou, afraid of you waking up O-o)
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Bakugou's arms curled tight around you, his sleepy fingers running across your skin rhythmically. It took his similarly sleepy brain a couple of seconds before he realized that this wasn't a beautiful dream.
This was real.
Bakugou leapt off you, his back slamming into his dorm wall. He rubbed the back of his head, swore several expletives at nothing in particular, and then assessed the damage.
You slept together last night. He didn't remember if it was an accident or if you two... did something, but his head was not 100% there yet in the morning.
You were even slower than him to wake, but he could see your figure rustling, and all he could think was "Crap, crap, crap, crap!" It was like he was pinned against the wall. Even if he had an easy exit route, he couldn't exactly walk out on you without proving his innocence first. Or making sure you were okay.
You finally opened your eyes, wiping them. Tentatively, Bakugou spoke.
"Hey, we need to--"
You shrieked and Bakugou cringed from the noise. You sat upright, whipping your head around like it was on a swivel, pure shock on your cute little face. Bakugou was the same amount of scared, but unlike you he was frozen.
"What did we do?!" you cried.
"I don't know!"
"Did we sleep together?!"
"I don't fucking know!"
Bakugou's heart was racing. The fact that you even considered sleeping with him as a possible event within this point of space and time just totally befuddled him. If this whole ordeal didn't screw over his chances with you, then his stupidly hopeful heart could take this as a good sign.
He chose his next words very carefully.
"Did we?" he asked, a little eyebrow cocked and his voice low.
You stared at him, the gears turning in your adorable thoughtless head. He wondered what things you were thinking right now. Your face was normally pure and innocent and cute, but your mind was typically evil and mischievous and always thinking of ways to prank and tease him, so it was hard to what was happening in there at this exact moment. But being your best friend and all, he had some ideas of what you were probably thinking of.
He shouldn't be focusing on that right now though. Although you didn't look uncomfortable or creeped out, you were the type of person who'd struggle to voice your negative thoughts in a time like this. And as your best friend, Bakugou had to make sure you were okay. It was like, his calling in life.
"You alright?" he asked, snapping you out of your reverie. "I would never take advantage of you. You know that, right?"
"I know," you said, almost immediately. Bakugou was a little proud of your trust and your strong connection together.
"Are you okay?" he asked, again.
"Yeah, I'm okie dokie... Are you?"
You reached out to his face and he realized he had been blushing for some time now.
"I'm sorry," you said. "Did I scare you? Did I sleep here on accident? Can't believe I crashed in your room..."
"Don't apologize to me! Jeez. You're always apologizing to other people. I'm fine. I would never be creeped out by you. In fact, you've almost fucking dozed off here a couple of times in the past. You just don't remember 'cause I carried you back each time." That last part was a bit of a brag.
"Oh?" you cocked your head. "But you didn't tonight. Guess you were too much of a lazy little sleepy head yesterday."
"No more than you!"
That was how you both ended up grinning at each other, faces too close and somewhat red, but happy all the same.
If you weren't uncomfortable, if you were even smiling at him, Bakugou wanted to push things further. Your lips were only several centimeters away, and he wanted to close the distance. But he couldn't risk it unless he knew for sure you'd want him to.
"Had a good sleep, then?" he asked, voice rumbly and still low while his smirk never left his face. "After all, it's my bed."
"I would've, but maybe someone was hogging all the sheets." You mock glared at him, but you didn't back away.
"Well I bought them," he retorted. "Didn't think I'd get a new roommate tonight."
"Maybe I'll just steal your bed and then we won't have a problem."
"You're gonna steal my bed with me in it?"
You lightly slapped his chest and he laughed. You were laughing too, but dammit even if it was funny, he wasn't entirely joking...
Still, he couldn't say he was unhappy.
"Seriously can't fucking believe I woke up to you today," he said, letting some of his true adoration for you spread across his face. "Next time you sleep here, I'm not carrying you back..."
While he still had the chance, he needed to push things further, so you'd understand where he really stood on this situation. Bakugou had enough of all the near-miss kisses in your relationship. He wanted more.
Your hands cupped his face and he stayed put, obediently.
"You won't need to," you whispered.
His fingers grabbed your chin. "I don't ever want to."
And with that, he kissed you, finally.
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finelinefae · 7 months
camping [pilot!harry x teacher!yn]
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synopsis: It’s the 1950s. Harry and Y/N leave the air base to go on a camping trip in July and their feelings are all over the place.
word count: 13.2k (!?)
contains: friends to lovers, opposites attract, violence, nightmares, flirting, smoking, fluff, smut (breeding kink, size kink, she's on top, cockwarming *if you squint*), forced proximity
this is part 2 of the aviator, you can read part 1 here
. . .
“Leave me alone Harry!” Y/N stormed several paces in front of him, hugging her arms around herself to try and keep herself warm. 
“Birdy, c’mon now, it’s not what y’ think it is.” Harry kept his distance behind her but had been following her home since she stormed off after she’d caught him with her housemate, Nancy. 
“Quit calling me that! And will you stop following me?” She spun round and he immediately froze in his steps. 
“Promised I’d walk y’ home,” He shrugged, “Not gonna let y’ walk home in the dark alone.”
“I’d probably be better off,” Y/N huffed, crossing her arms.
“Will y’ let me explain?” Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. Y/N opened her mouth to say something but he carried on talking, “I won’t quit following y’ if that’s what y’ gonna say and the view of the back of y’ head is just as pretty as the front so there’s no way y’ gonna stop me. I just… Will you let me explain? Please?” 
Y/N scoffs like she can’t believe what she’s hearing right now. What would it take for him to take a message and leave her be? “You’re not used to hearing the word no are you?” 
“I respect it but doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop trying. God, especially not with you.” Every part of him seemed serious. Y/N’s shoulders dropped and he took it as a sign to continue, “Me and Nancy we have history tha’s for sure,” He started and the words made Y/N’s chest ache, “But we only slept together a couple times before Christmas tha’s all. She came out and found me smoking and I realised she was a ‘lil drunk. I tried to pull her off me but she wasn’t having it, said she saw me outside with y’ and got upset.”
Y/N frowned, unsure of whether to believe him or not, “Listen, I know you’ve heard things about me but-” He dug his heel into the ground and chuckled lightly, “I ain’t ever felt the way I did back there when I kissed y’ Y/N and I’m not jus’ saying that.” 
Y/N felt some of the anger dissipate from her body, replaced by pure frustration. She hadn't come to Offutt to get tangled up in a mess with a man she barely knew, yet here she was. Nancy's revelation about having her sights set on a man hit Y/N like a ton of bricks. If she had known it was Harry, she might never have kissed him in the first place. She hardly knew Harry beyond their brief interactions and the hearsay from her housemates. How could she trust him? Yet, despite her doubts, there was one undeniable truth: the kiss they had shared lingered vividly in her mind. The taste of peppermint and cigarettes still clung to her lips, a tangible reminder of their brief encounter. It was a moment that now intertwined her with him in a way she wasn't expecting.
Y/N huffed, “And what? I’m just meant to believe you now. Take your word for it and run into your arms and kiss you again?”
“That’d be nice, yeah.” Harry smiled, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. 
Y/N shook her head, trying to process everything Harry had just said. Despite her frustration and confusion, there was a part of her that wanted to believe him. She knew deep down that she couldn't deny the chemistry they shared during that kiss, but she also couldn't ignore the uncertainty punching at her gut. 
"Harry, I... I don't know what to think," Y/N admitted, her voice softer now, lacking the edge of anger from before. "I want to trust you, but it's hard after everything that's happened and what’s been said. I-I don’t know you that well is all."
Harry stepped closer, his expression earnest. "I understand, Birdy. And I don't expect you to trust me blindly. But hey maybe we could start as friends, get to know each other better before anything else, if that would make y' comfortable."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, considering his suggestion. The idea of starting as friends seemed more sensible, given the circumstances. "Friends?"
"Yeah, friends," Harry confirmed a hopeful glint in his eyes. "No expectations, just getting to know each other without any pressure."
Y/N nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Alright, I like that idea.” 
Harry grinned, relieved that she seemed to be willing to give him a chance. "Well, you need more of ‘em.”
Y/N’s smile disappeared, “I do not! I have plenty of friends.”
“The girls at the nursery don’t count,” Harry smirks, “And neither does Elise.”
“Whatever,” Y/N muttered, spinning on her heel to continue her journey home. She heard Harry’s footsteps jogging up to meet her and was surprised to feel his jacket being placed over her shoulders. 
Harry put an arm around her and kissed the top of her head. Y/N’s heart stuttered, “Friends don’t do that you know.” She grumbled, pretending to act grumpy around him in hopes it would hide the fact that she was most definitely swooning inside. 
“Oh? I do it with my friends all the time. Sometimes I kiss them on the lips too, we can try if y’ want-” Y/N looked up at him, glaring, “Alright then, another time.”
Y/N let Harry walk her the remainder of the way home, feeling a little more at peace with the fact she would be welcoming him into her life, even if it was just as friends for now. She hoped it would be enough to get to know him and eventually, she’d trust him enough to allow their relationship to blossom into something more and hopefully sometime soon because when Harry had left her on the doorstep of her house, she knew she’d be dreaming of that kiss every time she looked at him. 
Y/N closed the door as gently as she could, pressing her forehead against the wooden frame. She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding before walking into the kitchen where Nancy was standing, “How’d you get home so quickly?” Y/N asked, unable to meet her hard stare.
“Harry must have taken you the long way home.” She shrugged pushing her chair back from the table, the legs of her chair scraping against the tiled ground.
“I-I didn’t know Harry was the guy you were talking about Nancy,” Y/N said truthfully.
“Would it have made any difference?” Nancy asked, a bite to her tone.
Y/N sighed, “All this was never my decision. Harry asked me to the dance, I-I didn't know it was going to be such a big deal.” 
“Harry loves attention from any girl who bats her eyelashes and twirls her hair.” Nancy glared, “You don’t make the exception.” 
Y/N straightened her shoulders, “What if I do?” She wasn’t going to allow herself to be belittled by another woman over a man she had just met.
Nancy snickered, “Are you that entitled?”
“Harry’s smart enough to make his own decisions Nancy and I’m not going to be involved in whatever petty game you think this is. Not only is it up to him to decide who he likes but it’s my decision too and if he’s not with anybody then I can decide whether I should be allowed to get to know him or not.” Y/N declared.
Nancy narrowed her eyes, “I’m not trying to compete with you but I’d be careful if I were you. If you’re planning on standing so close to the fire prepared to get burnt. Those Styles boys have their things going on. Harry hasn't the faintest idea of what to do with a girl outside of the bedroom. I've known him long enough for that.” 
“Maybe you don’t know him that well.” 
“Maybe,” Nancy shrugged, “Maybe you can tell me all about it when you realise he’s not all he says he is.” 
“Why do you want him if you have no faith in him?” Y/N asked.
“I said I had my eye on him, not that I planned on settling down with him. Every girl wants to sleep with him and not only because he’s Offutt’s best pilot, he’s the only man who knows what he’s doing.” Nancy stands from her chair, “I won’t compete but I don’t particularly enjoy being proven wrong.” She moved past her, leaving Y/N standing in the kitchen. 
. . . 
As winter turned to spring and spring into summer, Y/N and Harry's friendship seemed to blossom with the seasons. They had developed a type of bond that neither of them had with anybody else and through it they learnt more about themselves and each other. Ever since the night they began their relationship, there was never a moment where Y/N wasn’t seen with the brunette aviator walking beside her. 
Even Harry’s brothers had come to enjoy Y/N's company. Somehow she had taken on this maternal presence within their family dynamic that none of the siblings had ever really had before. Sonny had taken a particular liking to having Y/N around, enjoying the free time he had now that Y/N would sometimes volunteer to put Elise to bed in the evenings. 
Along with Harry’s brothers, also came Y/N’s housemates Molly and Patsy. She had become good friends with them too in the last few months and now she finally had her own little girl group to hang out with (they’d often include Elise in that group too). 
The group had become their own little, dysfunctional family on Offutt. 
Even though their friendship was meant to be the start of something more, Y/N and Harry hadn’t spoken much about that night at the dance since it had happened. Even with Harry’s flirtatious teasing from time to time, Y/N couldn’t help but feel that something had happened between them like this friendship had created a strange liminal space between them that held so many questions. She loved the current dynamic - the comfort everyone shared, even amidst their occasional bickering. It made her wonder if this was how it was supposed to be, and perhaps Harry thought so too.
However, her feelings for Harry continued to grow stronger with every passing day. She would dream of the kiss they shared and wake up with a strong ache in her chest at the idea that it would never happen again. Every day she tried to coax herself into talking to him about how she felt and every day she’d get distracted or put off by doubts and the voice in the back of her head warning her, telling her enough time had passed that maybe Harry didn’t have feelings for her anymore which is why he never bought them up. 
It was July now and the girls were sitting eating breakfast in the kitchen. Y/N was nibbling on a piece of slightly burnt toast as Molly rambled on about how busy her day was going to be down at the hairdresser with her hair rollers still in her hair. 
Opposite Y/N at the table sat Nancy, who had hardly spoken since waking up. She was dressed to the nines, her hair perfectly curled, and her uniform immaculately pressed. The tension between the two girls lingered from the dance night. It was clear Nancy was prepared to do anything for Harry's attention, even if he didn't see it. While Nancy seemed distant, Y/N tried to keep things friendly, despite the awkwardness between them. They had to live with each other after all. 
Y/N had seen Nancy and Harry alone together a few times and even if it filled her with an insatiable amount of jealousy, she wouldn’t allow herself to get involved with whatever went on between them. This wasn’t a competition she was taking part in, her feelings were her own and so were Nancy's. What mattered was her own relationship with Harry because it had slowly become the most important thing in her life. 
The front door burst open, Sonny’s voice boomed down the hallway, “Good morning ladies!” 
“Is anyone ever going to teach those boys how to knock?” Molly grumbled, standing from the table to lean against the kitchen counter, “I oughta start locking that front door before I go to bed.”
Y/N looked down to hide her smile as three grown men, dressed in overalls and white t-shirts walked into the room, one of them holding the small toddler in his arms. “Give me the baby!” Patsy launched from her chair and reached for Elise, smothering the girl in kisses. 
“Can I have a turn, Patsy?” Sonny asked, batting his eyelashes playfully. 
“You wish,” Patsy glared. 
“Morning Nancy,” George grinned, only to receive a curt nod in return, “Good morning George, y’ sure are looking mighty fine in tha’ uniform of yours,”  George remarked, his voice slightly mocking, delivered in a high pitch to tease her. 
Nancy stood from her seat, glaring up at the tall brother in front of her, “Good morning George, do you mind getting out of my way? I’ve got work to do, unlike some people.” 
“How could y’ say that? I’m always working,” He argued.
“Cigarettes and arm wrestling during work hours do not count as working.” Nancy picked her bag up from under her chair. 
“Know y’ like watching though darlin’.” He smirked and Nancy scoffed, shoving past him and leaving the house. 
“Y’ oughta be careful with that one George,” Molly smirked, taking out a cigarette and offering one to him.
“She’s all good,” He shrugged, his eyes on the seat Nancy had been sitting in.
Y/N’s smile dropped when someone snatched the piece of toast she was eating from her hand. She looked up and was met with green eyes looking down at her, a lazy grin on the face she saw every day, “Hi birdy,” His voice was always deeper than usual in the mornings 
“Hi Harry,” Y/N grinned. 
He grabbed the empty chair that Nancy had been sitting in and lifted it from the tiled floor to sit next to her. His eyes flitted around her face, and the corner of his lips turned upwards, “You’ve got jam-” He reached his thumb out and wiped away the jam from the corner of her lips. Y/N’s cheeks tinged pink, “There y’ go.”
“Thanks,” Y/N murmured, looking away from his intense gaze. 
“No problem,” He smirked, “Y’ look beautiful by the way.”
Harry said the same thing almost every morning and Y/N never failed to blush whenever he told her the compliment. “I only woke up thirty minutes ago, I haven’t even run a brush through my hair.”
“And you still look beautiful. It’s unfair birdy, truly it is.” He sighed, shaking his head dramatically.
Y/N giggled, “You’re such an idiot.” 
“So what brings you boys here so early? Ran out of food back home?” Molly asked, reaching for Elise since apparently, it was her time to hold her. 
“We’re going off base with some of the guys later to the town to buy camping gear for the trip,” Sonny explained, taking a sip of black coffee from Patsy’s mug. 
“What happened to the stuff from last year?” Molly quirked a brow, “It was perfectly fine when we left it.”
Harry reached for Y/N’s hand and mindlessly played with her fingers as people spoke. George shrugs, “There’s more of us going this year so either way we need more tents.”
"What are you talking about?" She asked, turning to Harry for an explanation.
All eyes turned to her, then to Harry, their expressions puzzled. George's frown deepened. "You never told her?"
Y/N's gaze remained fixed on Harry, waiting for his response as he dropped her hand onto his lap.
"Every year on the last week of July, a huge group of us go camping down at Harpers Lake," Sonny explained. "It's a five-hour hike, and we camp out for two nights. We're all going this year, and we thought Harry over there already told you about it, but clearly he didn't."
Y/N's eyes narrowed slightly. "I thought Molly would have told you," Harry admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
Y/N's eyes darted around at everyone's faces as they looked at her expectantly, "I-I don't know if I'll get time off at the nursery," Y/N stuttered, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over her.
"Hey, I'm sure someone'll cover for you," Harry reassured her with a shrug. "If you don't go, I won't go either."
"Harry," she huffed, unable to resist the warmth in his eyes. "What about Elise? Who will take care of her?"
"Elise is coming, of course," Sonny piped in. "You think the Styles go anywhere without each other?"
Y/N glanced at Harry, her heart softening at his earnest expression. He gently picked up her hand again, squeezing her fingers lightly as if to persuade her to come with them. Harry's gaze held hers, his voice soft but determined. "If you’re worried about skipping work, it’ll be fine. We'll figure that out together, Birdy. I promise."
“I hate camping,” Y/N confessed, the corner of his lips quirking.
“But y’ haven’t camped with me yet.” He smirked as if doing anything with him was the solution to everything. 
Y/N’s shoulders sagged, “Okay, fine.” She relented, falling into their persuasion. Though the idea of camping was her worst nightmare, being with Harry off-base seemed to make it bearable. 
Eventually, everyone left to start their day of work. Y/N took Elise into her arms and made her way down to the nursery, “Y/N!” Harry called, she turned and saw him running up to them from down the road. “Y’ not mad at me are you?” 
Y/N frowned, “Why would I be mad at you?”
“Y’ know,” He stood straight, scratching the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous or about to say something sincere, “Because I didn’t tell you about the camping trip. I was meant to but every time I’m with y’ all the things I plan to say just seem to slip from my mind.” 
Y/N’s face softens, “No I’m not mad at you Harry. I mean, I wish I could have found out sooner, but if you say it’ll be fine, I’ll believe you.”
Harry grinned, a dimple carving into his cheek, “Y’ believe me huh?” He took a step forward until he stood directly in front of her. 
Y/N’s heart stuttered at the proximity, “Y-yeah, I do.” She murmurs. 
Harry’s hand reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “Y’ might be the only one.” He whispers his breath minty from the gum he was chewing on. 
His eyes darted to her lips and then back up again. Even though they were outside, Y/N felt the oxygen slipping from the space around her until a tiny, chubby hand swatted Harry’s face out of the way, “No!” Elise yells and starts to ramble. 
Harry’s expression shifted, his features softening with amusement. He grabs Elise’s hand and starts pressing kisses to the inside of her palm, “What do y’ mean no? Y’ don’t like it when I speak to my best friend? ‘S that because you’re my best friend Elise?” Harry teases, pretending to bite her small hand. 
Y/N giggles, “It seems I’m always competing with somebody for your attention.” She jokes but Harry’s smile falters.
“Y’ don’t need to do that,” He murmurs, “Y’ too special to me to do that.” 
Elise carried on rambling as Y/N remained silent, surprised by Harry’s words. That classic, flirtatious grin reappeared once more on Harry's face as he pressed a quick kiss to Elise’s cheek and then Y/N’s too, “I’ll see you later, baby girl.” He said to Elise. 
He walked backwards, eyes fixed on Y/N, “I’ll see both my best girl’s later!” He winked and then turned around. 
“Your brother is stupid,” Y/N said to Elise. 
“Ha, Ha!” Elise pointed at her brother who disappeared around the corner, calling him the name she always called him since she couldn’t say his full name properly yet. 
“Ha Ha indeed,” Y/N sighed, making her way to the nursery. 
. . .
The camping trip had been a tradition in Offutt for the last ten years or so. Harry had been with his brothers ever since he had come to Offutt. He mostly enjoyed it for the fact that he got to spend time away from the Air Base. He didn’t do very much other than smoke cigarettes and maybe sleep with one or two people if he felt like it. 
This time though felt different. Harry had never been this excited about a camping trip before, especially not with Y/N. It had been ages since he anticipated anything, but the thought of spending two entire nights with the girl who had completely transformed his life was exhilarating enough to have him willingly sleeping in a tent out in the wilderness.
They were into the final hour of the hike to Harper’s Lake. The sun was beating down on their faces and Y/N and Harry were way behind the rest of the group. Y/N had been huffing and puffing ever since the halfway point of the trail. It had kept Harry rather amused during what was often a long and boring walk.
Harry walked in front wearing a white vest and cargo trousers, an unlit cigarette dangling between his lips and a silver dog tag around his neck. Y/N was walking behind him, beating bushes with a big stick as she walked by them. 
“Y’ keep beating up those bushes back there darling and they’ll start shouting back to y’.” Harry smiled to himself as he heard her mumbles. “You dawdling back there?”
“No,” Y/N snaps, “I do not dawdle thank you.” Her feet were slipping. She didn’t have decent shoes to wear and Harry had already had to stop twice to put bandages on both her knees which was probably why they were so behind from the rest of the group.
“Why couldn’t we just fly? You’re a pilot Harry, can’t you go get us a plane?” 
“Y’ want me to get a military plane to fly us to a lake so that y’ don’t have to get all hot and bothered 'cause you’re walking, is that right birdy?” Harry holds back a laugh.
“Well, I don’t see the point in flying planes if you’re not gonna use them.” She mumbles.
Harry stops and turns around to look at her. She’s wearing a shirt that’s too big for her and shorts on her small legs. He let her borrow his flight cap so she didn’t get sunburnt but it was too big for her head so it covered her eyes. “Are y’ asking for a lift up the hill?” 
Y/N fell silent, her gaze drifting past him to the peak of the hill. She nodded quietly. Harry chuckled, dropping his bag to the ground. Turning around, he squatted and gestured behind him, arms outstretched. "Hop on, birdy."
“Are you sure? What if I'm too heavy.” Y/N says.
“I’m only offering once so I’d make the most of it if I were you.” He teased and waited for her to jump on his back.
He heard her feet tread along the ground before stopping behind him. She put her body weight onto him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, “Y’ won’t drop me, will you? Because it’s not gonna be funny if you do.”
“Never,” he promised, lifting himself off the ground. Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist and he picked up his bag off the floor. “How’s the view up there birdy?”
“Pretty,” she said, her lips close to his ear.
“I bet,” he said to himself before tracking up the hill.
The lake glimmered in the sunlight, surrounded by birch and willow trees. Y/N had never seen something so beautiful before as she looked over Harry’s head to see where they’d be staying the next few nights. Her feet hit the floor as Harry released her from his grip. There were around thirty people from the base who had come along on the trip and were already deciding where they were going to set up their camping spots. 
Y/N glanced around to spot her friends only to find them already bickering with each other in a shaded spot away from everyone else. Patsy and Molly were sharing a tent, while Sonny and George were setting up theirs with Elise. Harry had his own tent, and Y/N had bought a separate one as well. “Hey Patsy, have you seen my tent?” Y/N glanced around the floor where everyone had thrown their bags. 
“No, I thought you would have taken it.” Patsy shrugged.
“Me too,” Y/N huffed, looking through her backpack to see if she had packed the small tent she had bought. 
“Have you lost it?” Molly asked. Y/N frantically shoved some of the bags out of the way, hoping to spot it somewhere, until the realisation hit her like a ton of bricks.
It was sitting on the couch in the living room of her house, five hours away from where they were camping.
“You left it at home?” Sonny burst out laughing, Y/N’s cheeks flushing red. 
“It’s not funny Sonny,” Patsy whacked him on the shoulder, “Where’s she meant to sleep?"
“With me.” A voice spoke, and Y/N turned around to see Harry standing with aviator sunglasses covering his eyes. 
“W-what?” Y/N stuttered as if she couldn’t believe what was happening. 
“Well unless y’ wanna sleep with Elise, Birdy, the only other option is with me.” He shrugs as if it was no big deal that he was offering her to sleep in his one-man tent. 
“I-I can sleep with Elise,” She noticed how no one was saying anything or coming up with other ideas for her sleeping arrangement. She could have sworn she saw her two housemates giggling in the corner of her eye.
"And I could sleep with Elise too, but you know why I don’t?" Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "It's because all three of my siblings seem to have inherited a gene that I missed out on. Trust me, Birdy, you don’t wanna sleep in a tent with a snoring swing band the whole night."
Harry reached out and gently tugged her hand, “We’ve slept in the same room before.”
“Yeah but you slept on the floor,” She crossed her arms, trying to think of any other way she could sleep without having to share a small space with the guy she had feelings for. Y/N glanced around at her friends who immediately went about fixing their own tents as if they hadn’t stopped to watch the whole ordeal. She sighed, “Fine.”
Y/N brushed past Harry. He quickly snatched off his hat she was wearing and placed it on his own head, grinning, “It’ll be fun,” 
By the time they had set up the tent, it had dawned on Y/N exactly what she had agreed to. The tent was barely large enough for one person, let alone two, and with Harry's muscular frame, she couldn't fathom how they were meant to sleep without being practically on top of each other.
As Y/N unravelled her sleeping bag, Harry’s head peaked through the entrance, “A few of us are borrowing bikes to head to the nearest gas station to buy things for the barbecue if y’ wanna come.” 
Y/N nodded, “Just give me a second and I’ll be right out.” He nodded and paused as though he wanted to say something else before shaking his head and leaving. Y/N released a sigh and pushed back her hair wondering how she even got into this mess in the first place.
Harry was standing by two bikes, holding Elise in his arms, “A few of ‘em already went ahead.” 
“I didn’t know Elise was gonna be here,” Y/N cooed and pinched the two-year-old's chubby cheek. Harry’s eyes warmed before he placed her in the basket of his bicycle. “Is that safe?” Y/N frowned. 
“Course it is,” He shrugged. 
Soon they were riding side by side with Elise squealing in the basket of Harry’s bike, her small fingers gripping onto the front of the basket as the wind blew through her hair. Y/N’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much as she watched the two year old laugh and scream with excitement. 
Eventually they pulled over into the gas station. Y/N held Elise as Harry grabbed the things they needed for the barbecue, “Do y’ wanna ice cream Elise?” Y/N gasped, taking her to the freezer to pick out an ice cream.
Elise squealed and babbled incoherently as she picked the most colourful ice pop in the whole freezer. Y/N picked out two for herself and Harry to have since it was so hot out and they still needed to ride back to the campsite again.
They sat under a grouping of trees, Elise inbetween Harry’s legs as he helped her eat her ice pop. He’d have to wipe her chin every now and then with how sloppy she was when eating, “There y’ go baby girl, that ice pop ain’t going anywhere,” Harry chuckled as Elise gripped the ice pop in two hands. 
Y/N smiled to herself as she watched the two of them interact, Elise’s adorable antics continuing to amuse them both. She couldn’t help but think about how strangely normal this all felt. Despite the little time they had known the Styles’ siblings, it felt like they had known each other for much longer. The ease with which they connected, the laughter shared between them—it all felt so natural, as if they were meant to be together in that moment.
Harry’s eyes lingered on Y/N’s face with a hint of a smile on his lips, “What’s going on in that head of yours Birdy?”
Y/N smiled, “Nothing, I’m just happy.”
Harry looked surprised, “Y’ are?” 
“Yeah,” She nodded, “I am. Are you?”
Harry thought for a moment, “Yeah Birdy,” He grinned, dimples popping, “I am.” 
Their exchanged smiles lingered for a moment longer before Harry stood up, “We should probably start heading back before the sun goes down.”
“Yeah,” Y/N sighs, she could have stayed right there in that moment for a little longer but she knew they needed to get back to feed the others. 
They picked up their bikes off the floor and began their journey back, stealing glances at each other when the other one wasn’t looking. Y/N’s heart fluttered everytime he caught her eye and looked away bashfully. 
After eating and staying out to talk to her friends, Y/N was already ready for bed and wrapped up in her sleeping bag. She was wearing her pyjamas and an eye mask on top of her head. She wanted to make sure she was the first person in the tent so that she could be the first one to claim her space. 
She tried to relax but her heart was racing when she heard Harry’s voice from outside as he said goodnight to his little sister in the tent next door. Y/N randomly picked up a book she had bought with her and pretended to read as the entrance to the tent lifted open and Harry crawled in. 
He was in nothing but a pair of shorts, his tattooed torso completely bare, “Normally I’d wear less than this but since the lady’s present,” He smirked. 
Y/N scoffed, “How kind,” 
There was nothing but the rustling of his sleeping bag as he crawled into the tight spot next to him. Y/N’s eyes widened when she felt his arm right next to hers as they lay side by side in such close proximity. She immediately sat up, looking down at his relaxed state, “What?” He frowned.
“Can’t you move over a little?” She huffed, even though they both knew there wasn’t exactly anywhere to move. 
His head turned, “Where exactly?”
“I-I don’t know!” She exclaimed.
Harry smiled as though he were amused by her franticness, “Oh c’mon Birdy, I don’t bite. I mean I may get a little bit touchy in the night but that’s no fault of my own.” 
“Harry,” She sighed. 
His expression faltered. "Fine," he muttered. Reaching beside him, he retrieved the blanket he had stowed away. Sitting up, he rolled it up and placed it between them. Y/N settled back down, the blanket now forming a barrier between them. Though it sacrificed some space, she found herself feeling a bit more at ease with the added distance.
“Thank you,” She sighed. 
“Mhm,” Harry huffed. 
A silence settled between them. Y/N, exhausted from the hike, found herself unable to drift off to sleep quickly. Her mind raced as she listened to the man beside her breathing softly. "Y' trust me, don't you, birdy?" he whispered into the darkness.
She thought for a moment, “More than I did before.” 
“But not completely?” Harry’s voice seemed sad, almost defeated. 
She said nothing, wondering what she could say. Of course she trusted him, he had been nothing but good to her these last few months and proved to her he wasn’t what most people said he was. Even if he was a flirt and enjoyed attention from time to time, he was loyal to the people he held close in his life and she adored that about him. 
“You’re getting there,” She whispered but the truth was he was already there. She just didn’t know if she trusted herself. 
Y/N woke up in the middle of the night when she felt something jolt next to her. Groggy and disoriented, she blinked in the darkness, trying to make sense of her surroundings. As her eyes adjusted, she realised that Harry was stirring restlessly, his breathing ragged and uneven.
“H-Harry?” Y/N sat up, the sleeping bag falling to her waist. She reached out and placed her hand on his arm to shake him, “Harry wake up,” She urged, voice laced with concern. 
She noticed how he had begun to shiver, his arm covered in goosebumps. Y/N reached to put her hand gently against his forehead and hoped that her touch would provide some warmth to his shivering body. “Harry, you’re dreaming, it’s just a dream.” She tried to coax him out of his sleep without scaring him more than he already was. 
Harry's eyes snapped open, wide with fear as he gasped for breath. His chest heaved with each ragged breath, and Y/N could see the remnants of tears glistening in his eyes.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Y/N murmured soothingly, her heart aching at the sight of Harry's distress, “You just had a nightmare that’s all.”
Harry's breathing gradually slowed as he focused on Y/N's voice, the warmth of her presence calming whatever dark thing that lurked inside of him. With a shaky exhale, his head fell, “Fuck,” He hissed, “Did I wake y’ up?” He looked up at her, his eyes tired and sad. Y/N warily nodded her head, “M sorry, M so sorry.”
“Hey, Harry, it's fine. It’s okay.” She reached out to wrap her arms around his shoulders, she could feel a thin layer of cold sweat on his back as her palm pressed against his shoulder. 
Harry took the opportunity to bury his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling the floral scent of her perfume as if it would be enough to bring him back from whatever memory he was trapped in. Y/N wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as she whispered words of reassurance. She gently stroked his hair, feeling the tension slowly melt away from his body.
“It was real,” Harry whispered. 
“W-what?” Y/N pulled away, still holding him.
“M-my old man left me out in the cold one night when I tried to stop him from hurting my Mama. He kicked me out in the backyard and locked the door behind him like I was some old dog.” He spat the words out, full of anger. 
Y/N’s eyes welled with tears, “He hurt you?”
Harry exhaled shakily, as though he was trying not to cry, “Y-yeah he did Birdy, real bad.” The way he said it made Y/N believe it wasn’t the only time his father had hurt him. 
Y/N swallowed back her tears, her throat burning. She held his face in her hands and forced him to look right at her, “Y’ might have to be big and brave for your brothers and Elise but y’ can be whatever you want with me.” She murmured, “I won’t let anything hurt you, Harry.”
His eyes softened, something flashed in them as Y/N moved her face closer to kiss his cheek, tasting the saltiness of his dried tears. “God where have y’ been all my life birdy?” He whispered, their lips inches apart. 
“It doesn’t matter,” She shook her head, “I’m here now.” 
Y/N made space for Harry to lay back down, but he couldn't seem to let go of her. She noticed how he held onto her hand whenever she tried to move away. So, she removed the rolled-up blanket between them and unzipped the tops of both of their sleeping bags. Once they were lying next to each other, she placed the blanket on top of them for extra warmth.
Harry’s arms reached out for her and he didn’t even ask before he was holding her close to his chest. She could hear the beating of his heart as her ear pressed against it. “Y’ not afraid are you?” She asked, peering up at him to see his eyes closed gently. 
“No, that's just how it goes whenever I’m around you. Y’ get used to it after a while, don’t worry.” He murmured. 
Y/N’s heart seemed to pick up pace until it matched his own, “Okay.” She whispered and fell asleep in his arms. 
The next morning, Y/N awoke in the embrace of Harry who was still fast asleep. She thought back to last night and how she had never seen him so afraid before. She pressed a kiss to his cheek when she sat up and tried to leave the tent without making much of a noise. 
She reached for her sweater and pulled it over her torso so she wouldn’t get cold from the morning air. “Good morning sunshine!” Molly grinned, “How’d your first night with the pilot go?”
Patsy giggled, “Yeah how’d it go?”
Y/N bit back a smile, “It was nothing like that and you know it.” She said but they weren’t accepting it as an answer. 
George smirked, “I better not wake up an uncle by tomorrow morning.”
Y/N’s mouth gaped open, she hit him on the arm playfully and grabbed a carton of orange juice from the crate, “I’m two months older than you so I’d be careful!” She glared. 
“Ha! Ha!” Elise grinned, her mouth covered in yogurt as she stood and stumbled over to Y/N’s tent. 
"Good morning, baby girl," Harry's raspy voice greeted, a hint of strain evident as he lifted Elise into his arms, “Y’ sure are a little mess, madam.” He chuckled. 
Y/N tried to resist the urge to look at him as everyone greeted him with a good morning. She settled into one of the camping chairs, folding her legs beneath her, but soon a shadow loomed over her, blocking the sun, “Good morning Birdy,” His voice was deep and raspy. 
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, “Morning Harry.”
“Where’d y’ go? Left me cold in tha’ tent this morning y’ know?” Multiple snorts came from the group around them. 
“I-I was-” She didn’t know what to say and she was pretty sure her face was the colour of a tomato.
“Wake me up next time, yeah?” He smirks, leaving her to grab some of the coffee Molly had made.
“Oh, so there’s a next time huh?” George winked. 
Y/N cleared her throat, feeling flustered from the interaction. "So, what's everyone doing today?" She attempted to change the subject, wondering if there would ever be a moment on this trip where she wouldn't be embarrassed by something she wasn’t expecting. 
. . .
Y/N didn’t see Harry for the rest of the morning as the girls got ready to go swim in the lake for the afternoon. Due to the tent mishap, Y/N was worried she’d forgotten her bathing suit as well but luckily found it at the bottom of her bag. 
Molly was already in a blue, plaid halter one-piece that tied around her neck and Patsy was wearing a yellow one with a bow on the front. Y/N stepped out of the tent after getting changed, “Oh no, you can’t wear that.” Molly was the first to comment. 
Y/N frowned, looking down at her plain black and white striped swimsuit, “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean?” Molly pulled the cigarette from her lips, “Honey y’ look like a crosswalk in upstate New York.” Patsy snorted.
“It’s not that bad,” She huffed, reaching for the suntan lotion only for Molly to snatch it from her grasp. 
“Honey, this trip isn’t just a relaxing break for our pilots - it’s also the chance for us ladies to get a little something out of it. Think about it, all those men do is work and all we do is sit around waiting for some excitement. Y’ think Patsy and I want to camp in tents? Y’ think we want to hike up hills? No of course not, most of the ladies here come because they want a little fun. They want to flirt and be romanced by a pilot who we might never see again.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened, “Really?”
“Really,” Patsy nodded. 
Molly brushed past her and walked to her tent to pull out something from her bag, “Y’ lucky I’m an overpacker.” She unfolded the material and held up a red, polka dot swimsuit with a sweetheart neckline and a scoop back. 
“I can’t wear that!” Y/N almost gasped, she couldn’t help but look around to see if anyone saw.
Molly rolled her eyes, “You don’t think we’ve all seen you with Harry? He’s head over heels for you! Put this on and I guarantee you’ll be thanking yourself for forgetting that tent.” 
Y/N hesitated, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. The thought of Harry's reaction to seeing her in such a swimsuit sent a flutter of anticipation through her stomach. With a playful roll of her eyes, she took the swimsuit from Molly's outstretched hand. "Fine, but only because you're relentless."
Harry was already by the lake with his brothers and some of the other pilots working on Offutt. He was lying on a towel with his sunglasses on and swimming trunks hanging on his hips, smoking a cigarette. “Oh shit, I didn’t know Nancy was coming on this trip,” George said, taking a swig of his glass bottled beer as he sat down. Nancy was sitting with a group of friends, lounging on the dock, “She sure is something in that swimsuit, H. Would y’ look at her- pure sunlight she is.” 
Harry chuckled, “Yeah, sunlight, sure. Think you’ve had one too many of those beers George. Why don’t y’ go over and talk to her?”
“Are you kidding me? She spews venom every time I try to talk to her.” George says, “And she likes you more anyway. I don’t know why though, everybody knows you’re with Y/N.”
Harry’s ears perk at the mention of her name, “What are you talking about? We’re not together.”
“Uhuh, keep talking and your nose will get bigger than it already is,” 
Harry sits up to lightly hit his brother but he pauses when he sees his mouth drop open, “What are you staring at?” Harry turns around, following George’s gaze.
That's when he notices Molly and Patsy approaching, both clad in their swimsuits. Yet, it's not them who have captured the attention of not only George but seemingly everyone else as well. Y/N walks in between them in a swimsuit that reveals the soft skin of her thighs and the curve of her breasts from the low neckline. Her hair is pinned up and tied with a red ribbon, her smile so bright it overtook the light from the sun.
Harry felt a rush of breathlessness as he removed his sunglasses, unable to tear his gaze away from Y/N. "Have mercy," he muttered to himself, rising from the ground and striding over to the girls, with Sonny and George trailing behind him. 
The girls laid their towels out on the ground as the boys were walking over, “Looking swell Patsy,” Sonny’s eyes were fixed on her cleavage.
“My eyes are up here Sonny,” Patsy spoke, monotonously. 
Harry ignored everyone else as he stepped in front of Y/N. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked up at him. He felt his cock stir in his swim shorts as she licked her bottom lip, sending a jolt of heat through him. Harry knew he needed to get a grip on himself before things got out of hand. 
He glanced around and noticed eyes staring at the girl in front of him, “Hi Birdy,” 
Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “H-Hi Harry,” She stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“Are you saving this swimsuit for someone or?” He smirked, wanting to get a rise out of her. He liked seeing her cheeks turn red whenever he attempted to flirt with her. 
“M-Molly and Patsy wanted me to wear it. I wasn’t sure at first but they thought it looked good. I feel like it’s a little too much, what do you think? Do you think it’s too much?” Harry’s eyes softened as she rambled nervously to him. 
Sensing her self-consciousness, he put her at ease by saying, “Y’ look beautiful Y/N,” 
She took a deep breath, “Are you sure?”
“Never been more sure about anything in my life,” He murmured, reaching his hand out to hold her own. Y/N offers a shy smile. 
“I don’t know about you all but I’m just about melting from how hot it is. Are any of you going in the water?” Molly asked, receiving a nodding of heads in response. 
“What do y’ say we go for a swim huh?” He smirks. 
Y/N suddenly gets all embarrassed again, “H-Harry, I need to tell you something,”
“What’s wrong?” He was immediately concerned. 
“The thing is, I don’t know how to swim all that well.” She confessed, “We don’t have anything like this back home so I never really got the chance to learn.”
Harry snickered, “How’s about I teach y’ hmm?” 
She purses her lips and then nods, “Okay Harry.” 
They walk hand in hand to the dock. Harry notices Nancy’s glare as they walk past her and gives Y/N’s hand a small squeeze in assurance. He’s first to jump in the water, submerging underneath and swimming up to the surface. 
Y/N stood on the edge of the dock with her toes hanging over the edge, “Oh I’m not so sure about this Harry,” She said, uncertain as she realised how deep the water was. 
“It’s alright darling, I’m right here,” He holds his arms out, ready for her to leap right into them, “I’ll catch you before your head even goes underwater, wouldn’t want to ruin that pretty hair now would I?”
“No,” She says and he knows she wasn’t paying attention to anything he was saying, too busy worrying about jumping in.
“M right here Y/N, you can do it. Get in the water darling, c’mon.” He coaxes her and thinks she’s about to do it but she hesitates. 
“I can’t! I really can’t Harry.” Y/N shakes her head. 
“C’mon Y/N, you can do it!” Molly and Patsy cheer for her, already swimming in the lake with Elise in their arms. 
“Alright Birdy, on the count of three,” Harry’s smiling even though he knows it’s hard for her. “One…”
“I can’t!” She bends her knees slightly. 
“Two…” He shouts, people clapping and cheering now. 
“Harry seriously!” She giggles, her eyes squeezing shut. 
“I can’t do it,”
“Birdy get in the water!” He yells and then laughs because she’s laughing too at her own silliness, “I’m sorry daring, will you please get in the water.”
Y/N closes her eyes, bends her legs and screams, using one foot to leap into the water. Harry’s already there waiting to catch her and drag her up. It’s almost instinctive as he grabs her hips and feels her legs wrap around his waist beneath the water. Her head emerged and she quickly wrapped both her arms around his neck. “That’s m’ girl,” He cheered, everyone joining in as Y/N emerged with a smile. 
“It’s cold,” She laughed, water coming out her nose. 
“It’s not so bad,” Their faces were close, if he moved any closer he’d almost be kissing her. 
“Are you gonna teach me how to swim now?” Y/N asked, her teeth biting her bottom lip. 
“I don’t know,” Harry shrugged, grinning, “I kinda like having y’ like this.”
Y/N splashed him with water, “What if I drown?”
“I won’t let you,” He said as though it were a matter of fact.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “But what if I’m eighty and you can’t swim anymore but I wanna swim instead.”
He knew she was being silly but he liked the fact that she considered him to be a part of her life for that long. A spark of hope flashed within him, “I’ll probably just swim with y’ anyway. I mean it would be a sight to see Birdy but wherever you go I go.”
Y/N huffed, “Fine if you won’t teach me to swim, you’ll just have to carry me around in the water.”
“Sounds like a dream,” Harry joked, “Where to first Birdy?”
She pointed to her two friends who were keeping Elise entertained in the water and Harry grinned, understanding her silent request. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he scooped Y/N up into his arms and waded into the water towards Molly and Patsy, Elise's delighted squeals echoing around them.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lake, they reluctantly made their way back to shore after spending the whole afternoon swimming. As it was the last night, people had been preparing for a bonfire - a tradition created to commemorate the end of the trip. Sonny and George were already sitting with Nancy’s group of friends as they waited for the bonfire to be lit, the other’s going to join them. 
Elise was napping in Patsy’s arms as they sat together, wrapped in towels and talking. Harry pulled Y/N down to sit next to him on one of the logs, pulling her into his side. He noticed she was shivering as the air turned cooler and silently reached for the sweatshirt he had brought with him to pull over her head. She thanked him quietly in return. 
Eventually, the evening air was filled with the scent of woodsmoke and the sound of laughter as they settled in for a cosy night by the fire. Someone pulled out a guitar, and soon the sound of music filled the air, blending with the sounds of voices and the crackling of the flames. 
Harry excused himself from Y/N's side for a moment to join his brothers and friends for a smoke. Despite the distance, he couldn't help but steal glances at her now and then, his heart warming at the sight of her. Each time she took over from Patsy in looking after Elise as she slept, a sense of peace settled within him.
It had always worried Harry that Elise wouldn’t have another woman in her life to provide the things she needed that Harry and his brothers knew nothing about. There was something profoundly comforting about seeing Y/N with his baby sister. It wasn't just the way she cradled Elise with such care, or the gentle sway of her movements as she rocked the sleeping girl. It was the way Elise seemed to instinctively trust her, snuggling closer to Y/N as if she sensed the warmth and safety she provided.
Harry turned his back on her momentarily to extinguish his cigarette in the dirt. But when he faced his friend again, his attention was drawn to someone approaching the girls. It was a man he recognized, someone Nancy and her friends had been conversing with for most of the day. He observed as Y/N smiled, but he could sense her discomfort as she subtly retreated while he continuously tried to get closer to her.
Harry began to slowly walk towards them until he could make sense of some of what the stranger was saying. The closer he got, the clearer it became that the man's words were laced with suggestive undertones, and Harry's protective instincts surged to the forefront. 
As he approached, he caught Y/N's eye, and he could see the silent plea for help in her gaze. “Hey fella, I think you’ve had enough,” Harry said, his tone firm as he confronted the guy. 
The thug sneered at Harry, clearly not appreciating the interference. "Mind your own business, pretty boy. The lady seems to be enjoying my company just fine," he retorted, a smug grin on his face.
Harry’s jaw clenched, “I don’t wanna have to ask y’ again to leave her alone.” He warned, his voice laced with a steely edge.
The man stood up and Harry tried to keep calm when he saw the frightened look in Y/N’s eyes. He wasn’t going to fight in front of her and he wasn’t going to wake his sister who was now in Molly’s arms. Although Molly, as though sensing there was going to be a fight, backed away and bought Elise somewhere away from the campfire. 
Harry looked behind the man who was a few inches shorter than him, “Was he bothering y’ birdy?” He pointed at the thug who was trying to intimidate her.
“H-Harry-” Y/N stood and tried to reach for him but he held up a hand to stop her. 
People were watching, the noise had quietened down as a thick tension fell over the camp, “I just wanted to talk to the pretty bitch over here. You know she was asking for it the way she was wearing that swimsuit all day.” The sick thug chuckled. 
“You think that’s funny huh?” Harry faked a smile, stepping forward until he was right up close to the man, “Y’ know, my old man told me that when a guy makes comments like that to a young lady, it means something.” 
“Oh yeah? What does it mean?” The thug spoke, as though he was in on some kind of joke Harry was making. 
Harry’s jaw tightened as he muttered, “Their cock’s too small to find.” With a swift movement, he clenched his fist and swung, the impact landing squarely on the man's jaw. The thug stumbled back, stunned by the force of the blow, and Harry wasted no time in delivering another punch, sending him sprawling to the ground.
“Harry!” Y/N gasped as Patsy screamed in shock. 
People gathered around to watch as the two men delivered punch after punch at each other. Y/N’s eyes welled with tears as she watched Harry get hit repeatedly, his entire face covered in blood. 
“George!” Y/N ran over to him, “Y’ gotta stop it,”
“What am I meant to do? That guy’s huge!” George exclaimed although he also looked worried for his older brother. 
“Please,” Y/N begged, “He’ll kill him.”
George hesitated for a moment, torn between the instinct to protect his brother and the fear of intervening in the dangerous fight. But the sight of Harry, bloodied and battered, spurred him into action.
"Sonny, help me!" George called out to his younger brother, who immediately rushed to his side. Together, they managed to pull Harry off of the thug he was punching, their combined strength enough to separate Harry from him.
Breathing heavily, Harry glared at the man lying on the ground, spitting out blood from his mouth as he did, before turning to face Y/N. Despite the pain etched on his face, his eyes softened as he reached out to her. "I'm okay," he assured her, his voice hoarse.
“Y-you’re hurt,” She was in shock, unable to believe this was real and not just some nightmare she was having. 
“I’m okay baby,” He heaved, spitting out more blood onto the floor. 
Before the man could get up and try to hit him again, Sonny, George and Y/N led Harry away from the bonfire. Y/N's heart ached at the sight of Harry's injuries, her hands trembling as she gently touched his bruised cheek. "We need to get you cleaned up," she murmured, one of his eyes already beginning to swell. 
They managed to lead Harry away from the chaos of the campfire, guiding him towards their tents where they could tend to his injuries in privacy and ignoring the gossip that was whispered amongst everybody. Y/N caught sight of Nancy who stood up and looked over at Harry with concern etched on her features. 
“Put him down here,” Y/N pointed to one of the logs for him to sit on and ran to grab a first aid kit she had packed in her backpack as a precaution and a wet cloth to wipe his face with. Harry groaned at the impact, hunching forward and clutching his ribs in pain. 
Y/N knelt in between his legs in front of him and opened up the kit, “You two should head on back, make the most of the rest of the night,” She told them as she placed the wet cloth to remove the blood from Harry’s face. 
“Are you sure Y/N?” Sonny scratched the back of his neck, “We can help if you want.”
“And do what? All I’m gonna do is fix his wounds and then go to bed. I don’t want you two to miss out and ruin the rest of the trip.” It was only ten thirty so there was still plenty of time to spend at the bonfire. “The girls are leaving Elise with one of the families and I’ll pick her up in the morning. Everything is fine, you two go and have fun.”
Harry hissed as she applied disinfectant to his cuts, “Well alright,” George said, still unsure, “But you’ll come get us if something goes wrong?” 
Y/N nodded, trying her best to smile, “I promise I’ll come get you.”
They soon left and Y/N was left alone with Harry writhing in pain, “I’m sorry Y/N.” His voice came out a whisper.
Y/N’s jaw clenched, “That was silly, y’ could have easily diffused the situation without delivering the first punch.”
“He was asking for it and I won’t allow anyone to talk to y’ that way. I saw how scared you looked when he was talking to you. God Y/N,” Harry exhaled heavily through his nose, “I think I saw red - I’ve never been so angry before.” 
Y/N sighed, “I know you were just trying to look out for me but you frightened me and I-”
“I did?” His voice sounded hurt, taking Y/N aback.
“A-A little,” She admitted, “I thought you were gonna die.”
“I can’t die, you know that,” He tried to crack a smile but his face hurt too much, “I never want to scare you, you know that right?” 
Y/N said nothing, “Hey,” He cupped her face in his hand, “I never want to scare you, ever.” 
“I know,” She shrugged him off, “Just don’t ever do that again.” 
Harry looked at her with a furrowed brow, unsure what to think of how she was feeling, “Alright,” His shoulders dropped, “I won’t.” 
Harry thought better than to interrupt her as she tended to the cuts and bruises on his face and hands. His eyes stayed fixated on her as she focused on fixing him up. He was pretty sure his pupils had carved themselves into hearts with how much adoration he had whilst looking at her. Her hair was wavy and tangled from swimming in the river, she had caught the sun a little so her face was tinged red and she was wearing his sweatshirt that was much too big for her small form. 
“I think that’s as good as it gets,” She whispered, eyes darting across his face. 
As she was about to pull away, Harry tugged on the sleeve of her sweater. Y/N looked down as he curled his fingers around her wrist and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her pulse point, “Thank you,” He murmured, doing his best to look at her despite his black eye. 
Y/N helped Harry into the tent, trying to make it easy for him to lay down comfortably without feeling any pain from where he had taken a few hits on his torso. She crawled in beside him and lay on her side to look at him, “Do you need anything?” She kept her voice quiet. 
Harry shook his head, “Just you here is fine.” 
Y/N swallowed, “I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.” 
A silence fell over them, the tension felt palpable now that they were alone together. There was so much that needed to be said hanging in the space between them - things that had been brushed off or put to one side all so they could build trust. But perhaps as their trust in each other grew, they began to question their own judgement and feel uncertain about themselves. 
“Y/N,” Harry whispered, breaking the silence. He rarely said her name now, often replacing it with the nickname he had given her, so hearing it from his lips sounded sweet like a term of endearment. 
“H-Harry,” She said back, unsure of what he was going to say.
“My old man used to hurt me and m’ family a lot,” He started, Y/N’s heart hurting for the man in front of her and his younger siblings, “When I grew older, I started t’ fight him back and I got so good at it. Not that that’s something to brag about but… I-I guess when I see the people I love, like my Mama and my brothers and Elise, in pain, I just get so angry. I-it’s like I see red every time and all I can think about is how much I want to hurt the cause of their pain.”
Y/N stayed quiet, allowing him time and space for his moment of vulnerability, “But I don’t think I’ve ever been as angry as I had been tonight. It’s like I saw you flinch and I swore I could have killed him.”
“Harry,” Y/N gasped, wanting to reach out for him. 
Harry turned over, wincing at the pain but needing to look at her as he spoke, “I ain’t stopped thinking about that kiss since it happened. When I sleep rough, I picture it to help me get back to sleep. Y’ seem to settle something in me that no one else can and… I don’t know what to do about it.” 
Y/N’s heart thundered against her chest like it was trying to leap out, “Watching y’ with my family, being with y’ every day - it is the one good thing in my life. You are the one good thing in my life, the only thing that is wholly and completely mine. I don’t know how to quit y’ Birdy, I’ve been trying because I thought y’ wanted to do this whole friends thing for a little longer but I think about you when I sleep, when I eat, when I’m a hundred feet in the air - Hell, I even think about you when I’m holding Elise, imagining you being there and holding her and how much I want that with you.”
Y/N felt her eyes burn with tears, “Y-you do?” She said her voice barely above a whisper. 
“I do darling,” He shuffles forward and reaches a hand out for hers under the blanket.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you either.” Y/N confesses, feeling the weight on her chest ease with each word she spoke, “I don’t think I’ve stopped thinking about you since the moment I saw you.” 
“You haven’t?” Harry questioned like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I haven’t,” Y/N affirmed, “Somehow it seems you’ve set up camp somewhere in there,” She placed a hand over his heart, “‘S a little annoying really,” She giggled. 
Harry grinned, his head moving closer to hers. Y/N’s smile fell when she felt his breath blow across her face. Her eyes darted down to his lips, “Are we going to kiss again?” She asked. 
“Do y’ want to kiss again?” He murmured, his lips feathering across hers. 
“I do, so badly, I do.” She was almost begging. 
“Well alright then,” His voice husky with desire. With that, he closed the remaining distance between them, capturing her lips with his. 
The kiss ignited something within them both. Months of longing and watching from afar, releasing into this moment.  Harry's lips moved with an urgency as Y/N sighed deeply in relief,  their mouths melding together. His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as if to bridge any remaining space between them.
Y/N responded eagerly, her fingers tangling in Harry's hair as she deepened the kiss, her heart racing with every beat. The world around them faded into insignificance as if they were the only two people remaining in the world and they were all each other had. 
Y/N’s hand went under his shirt, feeling his warm body beneath her fingertips as she slid them up his torso. Harry gripped her hips hard enough to move her on top of him. Her bare legs were between his and he remembered she was still wearing her swimsuit beneath her sweatshirt.  “Harry,” She whispered, breathless. She was tugging on the hem of his shirt, silently begging him to take it off.
He shot up and she pulled his shirt over his head. Y/N marvelled at his muscular, tattooed body, she’d seen it plenty of times before but she could never seem to get over how perfectly built he was. Harry was eager to kiss her again, but Y/N hesitated. Her fingers went to the hem of her sweatshirt, and she pulled it over her head. Then, she did something that left Harry breathless.
She pulled the straps of her swimsuit down, leaving her upper body completely bare. Harry had never seen something so ethereal. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, the ends falling at her supple, rounded breasts, her nipples hardened from the cold air. Harry felt his cock stir in his shorts and he was pretty sure Y/N knew what was happening from the way her pupils dilated and her lips parted. 
“We don’t have to...” Harry wasn’t sure where this night was going to go but Y/N stopped him.
“I want to,” She whispered, “I want you.”
“Y/N,” He murmured, unable to believe this wasn’t all a dream. 
“Shhh,” She shushed him and pressed her lips against his again. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed their bodies together. 
Harry tossed the blanket to one side with his lips still attached to her. He pressed kisses down her neck, sucking and biting on her skin leaving a mark that would tell him in the morning that this was all real. Y/N could feel the bulge in his boxers beneath her as she straddled his lap. She rolled her hips against him, Harry groaning against her lips in response. 
Y/N gasped when Harry thrust his clothed cock against her core. She could feel the dampening of her swimsuit as her pussy grew wet the harder he ground against her, “Harry,” She breathed, his lips ghosting against her jawline, “I want you to put it in me,” She said, her desire overruling everything.
“Yeah?” His voice came out raspy, “Y want my cock in your pussy darling girl?” He looked up at her with hooded eyes.
Y/N immediately nodded, desperate to feel him inside of her, “Take me out then baby,” He ordered.
Y/N swallowed and tugged on the waistband of his shorts, her fingers fumbling to pull him out. Her eyes widened when she saw the outline of his cock against the fabric. She reached into his shorts and felt his cock beneath her hand, wrapping her fingers around it only to realise how big he was as she pumped her hand up and down. Harry clenched his jaw, his head falling back as he released a moan. 
“Gonna take off the rest of that swimsuit baby?” Harry murmured, playing with the nylon fabric. Y/N nodded and lifted her hips, allowing him to tug the swimsuit off of her body. Harry’s mouth fell open as her wetness touched his thighs. “Look at tha’ making a mess all over me hmm?” He tutted, his eyes looking down at her bare, pretty pussy. “So pretty, the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.”
“I need you so bad Harry,” Y/N mewled, her head dropping forward onto his shoulder as she went back to pumping his cock. He ran his hand up and down her back, soothing her. 
“I know baby, I know.” He cooed.
He helped her a little by pulling his shorts down from his hips. He almost died when he saw how much bigger his cock looked in her smaller hand, “Will it fit?” Y/N asked, eyes looking up at him big and round. 
Harry glanced at her pussy, “Dunno baby, y’ pussy’s so small,” He sighed, “Might hurt y’”
“But it’ll fit, I know it will,” She insisted because if he refused she’d probably pass out. 
“Oh yeah?” He looked at her with a cocky grin, “Look at you, you’re so desperate for it.” He reached out to wipe the drool from the corner of her mouth as she looked at his aching length.
His lips went to her ear, feeling her shiver beneath his touch as he breathed, “Show me.”
“What?” Her mouth fell open. 
“Show me how it fits in y’ baby,” He muttered. 
Y/N swallowed and nodded, exhaling shakily. She sat up on her knees, lifting her hips and shifting herself so her pussy was directly above Harry’s cock. Harry waited patiently, moving his hands to her hips and giving them a soft squeeze in encouragement. She grabbed the base of his cock in her hand and lowered her hips until she felt the tip nudge against her hole. She gasped when she lowered her hips a little further and the thick crown of his cock squeezed through the opening of her core.
“There y’ go,” He inhaled, “Tha’s my girl.” Y/N nodded, unable to think as his cock stretched her open inch by inch in the most delicious way, squeezing and pulsing against the walls of her pussy the further it entered her.
“‘S it all the way in yet?” She whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut.
Harry looked down and groaned when he saw half of his cock submerged in her tight pussy, “Almost baby,” 
“Okay,” She mewled, sinking further onto his cock until he was so deep inside of her. She whined, her head dropping forward when she felt the tip of his cock nudge the walls of her cervix and his balls pressed against her ass. 
“Fuck baby,” Harry moaned, pressing a longing kiss to the top of her head.
“Y so deep,” Y/N’s words came out slurred. She rested her head against his chest for a moment, getting used to the feeling of his cock inside of her. “M ready now,” She whispered.
“Yeah? Y’ sure?” He wanted to make sure she was okay and that she was in complete control of the situation.
Y/N didn’t say anything. Instead, she lifted herself up and then sank back down on his cock, feeling it rub against the walls of her sopping, wet cunt as she did. She repeated the action, her head falling backwards, back arching; she had to grip Harry’s calves to keep her from falling back. She was seeing stars every time she bounced on his cock, “It feels so good Harry,” She whimpered.
Harry grabbed her waist, helping her move up and down on his cock, “I know it does baby,” He moaned, “Does it feel good knowing ‘m so deep? Only I can touch y’ that deep baby, fuck,” He drawled. 
Y/N pushed herself up and removed her hands from his calves to his shoulders, using them as an aid to help her move up and down. Harry moved his head forward and wrapped his lips around her nipple, sucking and biting. He pressed spongy kisses down the center of her breasts, “Can y’ feel me right here darling girl?” He whispered, pressing his hand to her belly where his cock protruded every time she sank back down on him.
“Please Harry,” She whined, unsure exactly what she was asking for but so consumed by the intense pleasure she was feeling. 
“Please what?” His lips ghosted against her jawline, sweat coated their skin from how warm the tent was. He tugged on the ends of Y/N’s hair, “Y’ want me t’ put a baby in y’ is that what you're asking?” Y/N groaned, lips parting as the air left her lungs. “Oh you like that, don’t you? Can feel you clenching round m’ cock baby. Darling girl wants me to put a baby in her?” 
Harry thrust his hips harder into her when he received no reply, “Want me to fill you up and put a baby in you hmmm? Do y’ like the idea of having my baby inside of you? Making y’ belly all round and swollen and having everyone at Offutt knowing that baby inside of you is all mine.”
“Y-Yes Harry,” She gasped.
“Yeah? Y’ wanna make me a daddy baby? Be m’ perfect mama waiting on me with your perfect pregnant belly?”
“Mhm,” Y/N choked, his words making her heart pound. Her eyes began to water, feeling overwhelmed with how good she felt.
“Do you want me to cum inside of you?” He kisses her chin, “Know y’ ready to cum baby. Y’done so well.” He moves his hand in between them and starts to rub circles on her clit. Y/N’s gasping for breath, whining and writhing on top of him. 
“Harry, Harry, Harry,” She says over and over again like some sacred prayer, a stray tear falling from her eye.
“I know baby, I know you’re tired and ready to cum.” His lips puckering to leave a kiss where the salty tear once was on the side of her cheek. He could feel the burning in his belly as his orgasm began to build. He would have cum ages ago if he wasn’t so set on cumming with her. He could feel her cunt tighten around his cock, squeezing him harder. “Cum with me darling.” He murmured.
Y/N felt the coil in her belly burst as she clenched around his cock as she came. Harry’s quiet moans filled the tent as his cum painted the walls of her insides. He makes sure his whole cock is all the way in her even though he knows it won’t do anything, the thought of filling her up with his seed makes him cum even harder. 
Y/N collapses into his chest, her head falling on his shoulder. Her eyes flutter shut and her chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath from the intensity of her release. She feels Harry’s heart thumping hard against his chest, his hand smoothing up and down her back as he lays his forehead on her shoulder. 
Y/N whimpers when Harry moves and shakes her head, “Can we stay like this for a little longer?” She asks, tiredly.
Harry kisses her shoulder, “For as long as y’ want.” 
“Thank you,” She murmurs, feeling as though she could fall asleep exactly like this. His cock was still inside of her, she could feel the stickiness of his cum dripping on her thighs, but it felt so good to be so full of him. 
“C’mon darling girl,” Harry kissed her cheek, “Time to sleep.” 
Y/N shuddered when Harry removed his cock, her pussy pulsing around nothing whilst she felt his cum gush out of her. Harry brought his fingers to her thighs and began to push his cum back into her sensitive cunt. Y/N inhaled deeply, shuddering as she felt his fingers stuffing her empty hole with his cum. 
He gently laid her down beside him, her body placid. He grabbed the blanket and laid it across her body to stop her from getting cold, “Your bruises,” Y/N whispered, cupping his cheek in her hand and brushing her thumb over the bruise on his eye.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” He told her, he’d completely forgotten he was even in pain after she admitted his feelings for her. 
“Promise?” She whispered. 
“I promise,” He kissed the tip of her nose and then laid down next to her, wrapping her in his arms. She hooked her leg around his waist and nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck. “I love you Y/N.” He whispered. 
Y/N smiled, he could feel her lips curving against him, “I love you too Harry.” 
Y/N woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. Memories of last night flashing through her mind like each individual scene from a movie reel. Her whole body was filled with warmth, her core aching from the acts she had partaken in just last night. 
She turned over, expecting to see Harry still asleep beside her only to find an empty space. With a frown, she sat up and ran her fingers through her knotted hair, searching for her underwear and the sweater she had borrowed from him yesterday to cover herself up. 
She crawled out of the tent and glanced around, trying to find the man she had confessed her feelings to. She hoped he was somewhere smoking a cigarette or maybe decided to go for a swim before they had to make the hike back to the Air Base later on. 
Y/N stood on shaky legs and wrapped her arms around herself. She caught sight of Sonny and Patsy walking over with a bucket of fresh water. Y/N waved and tried her best to smile at them even though the feeling of dread began to swarm in the pit of her stomach. Sonny’s head turned in her direction and his expression faltered , “Hey guys,” Y/N said, her voice slightly raspy, “H-Have any of you seen Harry this morning?”
The uneasy silence that followed, punctuated by the grim expressions on Sonny and Patsy's faces, already made Y/N regret ever asking the question in the first place.
p.s y/n is on birth control just wanna make that clear heh
taglist: @ribbonknives @scorpiotulipicon @hermionelove @champagnepronlemsxxxx @n0vaj3an @roxyfan14-blog @avasbeanie @idontcareforausernamesblog @tpwksummer  @celesterry @love-letters-to-uranus @boredhsblog @tpwk-harry-styles @groupieloveclub @estaticheart @unknownkii @royaler1999 @lovebittenbyevans
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
My mom has this awful friend, Cynthia. My loathing goes deep enough that I’m not even going to change her name. If she ever finds this she knows what she did.
On multiple occasions my mom asked this horrible irresponsible chicken brained woman to watch after our animals while we were away. I don’t know why once wasn’t enough, because the first failure was so spectacular that anyone in their right mind would know she couldn’t be trusted with any level of responsibility or direction following.
You might be thinking to yourself, FFS, this level of antipathy is surely unwarranted! But you’d be wrong.
To set the scene, we were living in downstairs of our house when I was about fifteen. My mom has always wanted more animals than can reasonably be kept indoors which is how we ended up with three cats. When she wanted to kick them all outside I protested, and so all three cats lived in my bedroom with no access to the rest of the house.
That really wasn’t great, so in an attempt to give them options we made a window cutout with a cat door in it to give them access to the outdoors. Looking back on this as an environmentally conscious adult it’s wretched, cats should be indoor only, but at the time I was desperate to give them some freedom because one bedroom is too small for three cats.
So my parents and I went on a week long trip to visit family out of state. We told Cynthia to come feed and water the cats, and to scoop the litter box. Most importantly, don’t lock the handle of the door, because we only have the key to the deadbolt.
I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Cynthia locked us out. We arrived home after 12 hours on the road, desperate for the comfort of our own beds. We were met with an unyielding door. With a sigh I volunteered, “I can punch in the cat door and climb in the window.”
I slipped behind the bamboo outside my window and pushed in the cutout. A horrible insidious reek wafted out at me. I paused, prickling with foreboding. But I had a job to do, and by god I’d see it through. I hefted myself up into the window and my hand immediately landed in something wet.
Skin crawling, I pulled myself up and surveyed the darkened room as a miserable odor of decay and suffering poured out of the room around me. I could see dark shapes littering the carpet and it didn’t take a genius to guess that the cats had taken up hunting in a big way during my absence.
I pulled my hand out of the pile of vomit it had landed in and dropped into my onetime bedroom turned now into a hellpit of decomposing wretchedness. I turned on the light. I wished I had not turned on the light.
My eyes scanned across the floor, tallying as they went. Two dead birds, a dead baby rabbit, five dead mice, and one dead snake. I paused on my alarm clock, perplexed to see a stain of white on it. I stepped closer and saw a furtive movement.
The tally suddenly contained also: one live bird that had shit in several places, probably in pure terror to find itself trapped in a room littered with decomposing woodland creatures, which honestly, fair. I coaxed it out the window and finished the survey with five discrete piles of vomit.
I unlocked the door and let my parents in. They exclaimed in disgust at the horrible smell. We stood together in my doorway floored by the magnitude of neglect. The unscooped litter box was a subtle footnote in the tangible reek my living space. I disposed of the parade of ecological disaster, cleaned vomit, and scooped the box after a brutally long day on the road. The cats were fine, and happy to see me. They had a huge dish or food and water so Cynthia’s neglect at least hadn’t harmed them.
Then I slept on the couch while my bedroom aired out, the windows flung wide to dispel the uneasy ghosts of the hunted. I spent the whole night cursing Cynthia’s name for this evil she’d visited upon me. When my mom asked her, "Cynthia, didn't you see the dead animals?"
Cynthia responded, "Yes, they smelled so bad, I just ran in and out as fast as I could." I fully don't believe she did any caretaking, and I'm personally of the opinion that she locked herself out on the first day and never came back.
The next day my room had returned to a habitable level of smellscape and I gratefully crawled into my bed that night. I stretched out and froze as my foot brushed something cold and wet?
The final indignity: one last dead snake, inside my very sheets.
Fucking Cynthia.
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Shinning Like the Sun
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Hi guys!
I have the new chant for Mariona in my head since yesterday, so this is my way to try to get ride of it 😂
It's kind of short and only fluff, I hope you'll enjoy it :)
Also if someone can tell me who make those gif, I try to find it back on Tumblr but I wasn't able to 😭
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You smile while watching your girlfriend, walking behind her for twenty meters. You both just won your second game with Arsenal for the Champions League, and you feel like Mariona is literally glowing.
She’s walking with Vic, Vivienne Lia and Laia, all happily japing around. You know that she might be a little disappointed not to have scored today either, but she seems so happy right now that your heart clench with love for her.
Her move in north London had surprise a lot of people, she passed ten years of her life in Barcelona, in the same club. She was a very important player for the club, but she still chooses to come in Arsenal. You won’t complain about it, having your girlfriend after two years of being apart is something you really enjoy.
You both had a long discussion before her move, you wanted to be sure that she’s making this for the good reasons, not only for you. You were scared, you still are, that she realizes at one point how it was better when you just have the happily reunions and fun and sweet holidays together.
It seems to be perfect for now, but you are living apart of each other, even if you have to admit that the night you slept separately weren’t majority. Far from it to be honest.
It’s for the same reasons that you stay away from her for now, letting her enjoy her moment with the people who seems to become easily friends with her. You aren’t surprised, Mariona is sweet, kind, funny and always smiling. You feel like she took Barcelona’s sun with her.
“Staying away from the missus?”
You turn in the direction of the voice, smiling softly when you see Katie and Caitlin walking next to you. You shrug softly, you know it’s only a friendly teasing. They both tried to hide their relationship last year, before giving up and living their life like they wanted. It seems to be a pretty great idea, considering how happy they are.
“I just want to let her live her moment; you know?”
They both smile for any answer, and you look in Mario’s direction again. She’s now laughing with Alessia about something, probably the song Arsenal’s fan cooked for her. It probably will stay in your head for days, but you like it for now.
You walk around the pitch with Alessia and Kyra, before joining the rest of the team to hear a quick speech from Jonas. Leah smiles at you and pinch your ribs, like she always did when you played together and played well. It was the case today, you are pretty happy about your performance tonight.
When Jonas release all of you, Gooners are waiting for pictures and signatures, which you do happily. There are more people than when you began to play, but you like make people and kids happy. It’s only several minutes of your time and you enjoy it almost every time. You manage to spot the creeps pretty easily.
You gave your jersey to a little girl with cute blue eyes and a big smile, and you are in a black sport bra when you finally went to the locker room to take a shower and change. You spot Mariona not far from you, making her way probably in the same place and run to catch her.
When you are behind her, you pass your arms around her waist, tiptoeing to be able to kiss her cheek from behind. Her smile is beaming, and you are smiling too.
“Shake it Caldentey” you sing-tease her, your cheek against hers, your front against her back.
She laughs and manages to escape your arms, only to take her coat off. The weather isn’t awful tonight but it’s still way colder than Barcelona, so you aren’t surprised to see Mario wearing one of them. You didn’t expect her to put it on your shoulders, though.
“Aren’t you cold?” you ask, tightening the number 8’s coat around your body.
“A little, but you are the one half-naked here”
You hum and offer her one arm for her to side-cuddle while walking inside the tunnel going to the locker room. She doesn’t hesitate to go against you, and you went to kiss her cheek but sloppily went for somewhere behind her jaw and her neck. For your defense, you both were walking.
The Spaniard doesn’t seem to mind though, passing her arm around your waist for the last meters separating you from the locker room. You can hear the laughs and the music coming from it already.
You let Mariona go with a hint of regret when you are inside it, but you are soon taken by Kyra to dance around the room. Steph manages to save you from her after several minutes, letting you go take a shower. When you finish to prepare yourself, Mariona comes to sit on your cubby, quietly waiting for you.
“Are you both coming to have a drink?” Kyra asks you, suddenly popping next to you again.
“Oh” you say, glancing at Mariona.
To be honest, you would rather go somewhere with your girlfriend only. Maybe ordering something and relax in front of a movie. But maybe Mariona wants to go out with your teammates, you don’t want to deprive her of a good night.
You silently look at each other for several seconds, you trying to read into your girlfriend’s warm eyes.
“I… think… that we will go home” you answer slowly, still looking at Mariona.
The forward smiles at you and nod discreetly, filling you with relief when you understand that you have managed to correctly decipher her thoughts and wants.
“Ok Oldies, like you want”
You shush Kyra away with a foot on her ass, turning in Mario’s direction. She’s smiling again and you sometimes wonder how she never gets to hurt her cheeks. She stands up when you put your last things in your bag and grabs your hand when you leave, saying goodbye to everyone.
Leah and Beth keep you company until you reach your car, sharing a small talk with you. The night has fall for several hours now and the streetlights are on when you drive to leave the stadium.
“Yours or mine?” you ask her.
“Yours” she doesn’t hesitate. “Can I put some music?”
“Of course.”
You smile and roll your eyes when she puts some Spanish music on your Spotify. Since you know her, your algorithm doesn’t have any sense, but you like it. It was always nice to have a reminder of your girlfriend when you were driving around and she still lived in Barcelona.
To win some time, Mario looks for what you want to eat when you will be home. You let her choose and she’s still smiling when she passes your command. When you finally reach your house, you sigh of complacency before getting out of the car. You are living in St-Albans, like a lot of your teammates, in a semi-detached house with a garden.
You abandon your bag with your dirty clothes in the bathroom, choosing to make the laundry tomorrow. Mariona’s bag is waiting next to yours.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have taken a flat finally” Mariona comments with a grin from your couch.
You smile too, sitting next to her before cuddling against her. Her body is always warm and welcoming for you and you love it. You usually are more cold than warm so it’s the perfect contrast for you. You smile when she passes her hand under your hoodie, snuggling even more closer to her. You take advantage of your position to look at her, prodigiously ignoring the movie she had choose.
“You seem happy” you say carefully, not wanting to assume things.
She puts her eyes on you and smile softly before putting some hair behind your ear. Her touch send you shivers. She could have understand your sentence as happy right now, but she seems to catch what you mean easily.
“I am” she smiles. “It was hard to leave Barcelona after all this time, but London has even more to offer than I thought”
She nods, still smiling. You are looking deep in her eyes when you open your mouth again.
“So still no regrets?”
Her hand stayed on your neck after she touch your hair and she uses it to take softly your face against her, kissing you lovingly. While you expend the kiss, she strokes your jaw with her thumb.
“I told you, I was sure it was what I needed. It’s not a surprise for me to see I was right.”
You smile shyly and kiss her one more time before getting back in your first position, you spread on her body. Unfortunately, this moment doesn’t last because soon the bell of your door is ringing in the house, making you jump.
“El sushi está aquí!”
You smile while looking at your girlfriend almost jumping to the door and gets up to go to your kitchen, to grab some extra soja sauce for the sushis. Salty for you, sweet for Mariona. You grab some things to drink too, finding Mariona on your couch, carefully opening the boxes she had choose. You let her decide, you have almost the same tastes for food. Except for soja sauce, maybe.
“I’ll cook something Spanish for you next time” Mariona says after several minutes.
You like to cook to be honest, but just after the games you don’t have necessarily the courage to do it. It’s easier to just use Uber Eat and chill on your couch while you are waiting for your food.
“I’ll help you” you smile.
Like this, you will be able to cook for her too. You don’t know any Spanish receipt but it’s not really a good excuse, you have a Smartphone, and you know how to read. Maybe you could surprise her with a tortilla or something like that. You really need to extend your knowledge on Spanish cooking.
That’s what you discreetly do when your plates are empty, and you are watching another movie. Mariona is now lying on you, her breathing slow and deep, informing you that she might have fall asleep. But you don’t mind.
Playing with her hair with one hand, you are scrolling in a website dedicated to Spain food and you learn a lot of things. Remembering where exactly your girlfriend comes from, you even search for specialties from Mallorca. You might not be able to find every ingredient of the receipts, but you will try your best to bring her some Spain touch in North London.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 months
Live for us | {SaneObaGiyuu}
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Theme: Angst+fluff+angst!
Note: TW's!! self harm, suicide, self degradation, blah blah, ok you get it
they're already dating and tanji doesn't exist <3
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There was a thing about life that made it so unappealing. Several things, actually. But for one, you don't even make it out alive. What's the point? What do you live for if you're just going to die in a couple years? You don't even know if you'll make it past tomorrow. So what's the point?
The fact stood, however, that if Giyuu died, he would no longer see Sanemi and Obanai anymore. Which seemed to be the sole reason he was alive. He didn't even know if he should keep living for them. He was a nuisance anyway. He would only bother them and they were better off alone. He wondered, often, if they would notice if he died.
Though they did seem to notice other things. Like if he was quieter than usual—which was saying something, considering he was often quiet—or if he hadn't been eating. His eating problems weren't like Obanai's. They were selfish—Obanai's made sense.
Giyuu didn't eat because he hoped he would starve to death. He would waste Sanemi's carefully made food just because he wasn't happy. He was stupid.
He was so sure that Sanemi and Obanai were quite done with him. He figured that if they weren't so nice, they would've dropped his ass immediately. He had forced them into the relationship anyhow, right? He'd forced himself into theirs. Somehow, for some reason, they had let him. They acted as if they loved him—but did they really?
Sometimes, when he watched them, he could imagine that they would be perfectly fine without him. Smiling and laughing. They looked good together. They were better off without his presence. He was nothing but a river between to pieces of land, pushing them apart. He only ruined things. 
They insisted, for his sake, that he wasn't annoying. They said they loved him. They said they cared. But they couldn't truly, right? Shinobu had said it herself—nobody liked him. Nobody wanted to be his friend, much less his boyfriend. So how had he gotten two boyfriends? Simple. They were too kind to let him down. They probably figured he would cry like a fucking baby and follow them like a stupid child if they rejected him. He would. He probably would.
That was the worst of it. He knew why they hated him. But he couldn't let himself to accept it. Or, at least, leave them be. He stuck to them like glue, unwilling to leave their side. You see, they were the only people who could make him feel, even just for a split second, that he might possibly want to live. That he might be worth it. That life might be worth it. Just for a minute. And it was the most selfish thing he ever let himself keep. He refused to be selfish, typically, but he needed it. Wanted it. He longed for it. Yearned for it to last. A little longer. A minute more. 
Sanemi knew what it looked like when someone hurt themself deliberately. He would know. He used to do it. But that was in the past. He hadn't given it much of a thought again after months—years—passed. He began to feel content again and mostly forgot that he'd ever had an episode like that. 
Obanai and Giyuu were his absolute pride and joy—and Genya, though he would never admit it to anyone. They made him feel as if he could lead a somewhat normal life, or at least die a content death. So he went along with his life just fine for a while. Until Giyuu stumbled into his house, face pale and arms slack.
For a moment, he got a sense of déjà vu. He didn't understand it at first and simply picked up Giyuu, asking if he was alright. Then it hit him.
The first time he had purposefully harmed himself, he hadn't been sure what was wrong with him. It was when Masachika was alive. Sanemi hadn't slept well that day and had awoken with a surge of guilt and pain. He didn't understand himself. He had grabbed his katana and numbly drew it down his own body, watching blood spill from the wounds. The blade had been sharp. And he had pressed much too hard. But the pain felt relieving, as if feeling some pain would make up for the loss of his family, his siblings he'd been unable to protect. It soothed his mind. But then Masachika had entered the room.
The katana had dropped and suddenly his wounds stung in a million other ways and he no longer felt the momentary comfort from them. He cried out, standing. He had wobbled towards Masachika, unsure what he was doing. He was sure, now, that he must've looked exactly as Giyuu did now. Collapsing into Masachika's arms, molded by the concern lacing his friend's gaze.
He must've looked the same. Pale and shaky. Wondering what the hell had he done.
Sanemi tugged Giyuu's sleeves up. When he had done it, it had been all over his body. His legs, his arms, his chest. But he had caught a glint of bandages from under Giyuu's haori sleeve. It hadn't been there earlier and he hadn't gone on any missions since they had last met.
The bandages were stained red. It was only one arm, but it was still one arm. It was still there.
He scooped Giyuu up, taking him to his room. He placed him down on the futon, ordering him to stay there before shouting at his crow to go find Obanai and scouring his bathroom for towels and bandages. 
When Obanai had arrived, they had mopped up Giyuu's arm, putting light pressure on the wounds as they dabbed the blood with the towel. The bandages were wrapped around his arm and then they pulled him under the covers of the bed, quiet. They stole worried glances, holding Giyuu in a tight embrace.
After Giyuu had fallen asleep, they had spoken to one another in hushed tones for hours. They hadn't known that Giyuu had been unhappy to the point he would do something like this. And Sanemi feared it wasn't a one-time thing. That it was worse. That it would spread. 
Obanai suggested they spoke to Giyuu about it. He said that they would have to help him, somehow. To make him have something to live for, maybe.
When they talked to Giyuu, the following day, over this matter, he had brushed it off.
"I'm alright," he had said. "I was just feeling bad yesterday."
Neither believed him. Giyuu had never been the best at lying. He hadn't suddenly gotten the talent to.
They ended up dragging him back to Sanemi's house for another cuddle session. This time, however, they involved Giyuu in the talking. The conversation went back and forth time after time, constantly revolving back to the fact that Sanemi and Obanai loved him dearly and then Giyuu denying it and assuming they didn't.
In the end, however, they were satisfied with the results. Giyuu ended up contently snuggling into their hugs and finally giving up with his argument. he seemed a bit happier after the talk and Sanemi and Obanai relaxed slightly.
Of course, they of all people should've known to never let their guard down. But it's only human to forget every now and then. Even when it comes at the worst times possible.
It would've been a lie to say that Giyuu hadn't felt better after his boyfriends told him how much they loved him for an hour straight. But it would've also been a lie to say that it helped him on the long run. See, it made him feel better for about two hours after the talk. Roughly. And then his mind ran wild.
They must've been telling him that to make him stop being a burden to them. So they would stop having to help him. They probably felt pressured to do it. Yes, that was it. They didn't love him as much as they said they did. Words were empty, right? Promises didn't save Tsutako's life. Neither did they mean much when they told him "I love you." They didn't love him. They shouldn't. They wouldn't. Who would love him anyway? It was illogical. Unlikely. Stupid.
The thoughts molded his mind. They made up his thoughts. They made him want to curl up in a ball and cry. And maybe get dehydrated from that and die. Then in that moment he made a decision. It wasn't a sober one. He wasn't in the right mind. But it was far too late to stop him.
He was being ludicrous. Of course they didn't love him! Of course they wanted him out of their sight right away! Why would they care about him? There was nothing appealing about Giyuu; he was quiet and stubborn and annoying. He was nothing but another person to worry about because he was too childish and careless to take care of himself. So he was better off gone. Out of their lives.
His hand was on his katana, pulling it out of his sheathe. Then the blade was at his throat. He felt nothing more.
It came, as would be expected from anyone but Giyuu, a shock. At first, the Hashira were confused. Was this a joke? It was the middle of the day. What had happened to Giyuu? How had he died? And then one word fell upon their ears and they were stiffened with shock. 
The news reached Sanemi and Obanai first—who were on their way to Giyuu's house to hopefully spend some time together. They had been making their way idly to his house, talking lightheartedly. Then a crow swooped by. Was that Kanzaburou?
The word of Giyuu's death that he'd inflicted upon himself had barely left the bird's beak before the two had dropped their food—which they'd had to maybe convince Giyuu to eat lunch with them—and rushed to his house. The door was broken open—there was no use knocking.
The house was eerily silent for the middle of the day. Their footsteps, though loud, and their calls of his name didn't fill in the quiet that had befallen over the house. They stopped dead at his bedroom door, eyes wide but face otherwise slack with shock. Giyuu's body was slumped down, his head deattached from his body. His katana was held loosely in his hand, blood dotted vaguely on the blade. He was dead.
First came the shock. The processing. Then panic surged both Hashira forward and they stumbled towards his body, kneeling by his side. There was no hope on saving him. There couldn't be.
They searched the room. Had there been something to trigger him? No. What was it? Had they not done enough? Had they made it worse? What had happened? What the hell had fucking happened?
The news rippled through the Hashira. A death like this, though not uncommon for Demon Slayers, was the first amongst the Hashira in decades. Because of that, several Hashira were at Giyuu's house within minutes of getting the occurance. They found Sanemi and Obanai bent over Giyuu's body, clutching each other and shaking. Tears didn't seem to be coming out but silent screams rendered them useless as Tengen slowly pulled Giyuu from under them, wrapping him in a blanket to be buried.
Neither Sanemi nor Obanai knew what had happened. But both blamed themself. And the cycle began.
« Word count: 1921 »
sun is shining, birds are singing, nice day to write angst!
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gretavangroupie · 4 months
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Word count: 7.3k
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Pining, Anxiety, Weather, Tornados. Smut: Kissing, Touching, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Cum Play, Fluff.
“I don’t know Sammy, the weather is already getting kinda bad,” you say, balancing the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you peek through the blinds. The wind is blowing the trees around, and the sky is growing darker by the second. 
“C’mon lucky, it’s not even raining that hard,” Sam whines, “You promised a movie marathon before I leave again.”
“I know, I know.  But it’s supposed to get pretty nasty later, and before you even say it, yeah it’s not raining that hard now, but it will be soon and I will have to drive in it! ” you say, stepping away from the blinds as you pace your tiny living room. 
“Then don’t! Just crash here. You can take the guest room,” he offers.
You sigh into the phone knowing he is right. It really isn’t raining that bad and you’d slept in his guest room a hundred times before. A rainy movie night with your best friend did sound pretty nice.
“Please, Lucky…”
“Alright,” you concede, “You have alcohol, right?”
“Is my last name Kiszka?” he laughs. 
“I’ll see you in a little bit,” you say, ending the call. 
By the time you’re walking out the door the rain has picked up a bit and the sun has started to set. You rush out to your car, jumping into the driver's seat as the pellets of rain pummel you. Your radio blares to life scaring your half to death as a streak of lighting lights up the sky. 
“Shit,” you mutter, starting the car fully and backing out of your driveway. It isn’t a long drive to his house, maybe ten minutes if the traffic isn’t bad, and in this weather you knew there would be hardly anyone on the roads. 
Your mind wandered as you drove, wondering what movie series you would get roped into watching until the sun came up. This was a tradition of sorts between the two of you and had been for the last several years. You took turns choosing the movies, and of course this time it was Sam’s pick. 
It was a chance meeting in a vintage shop, your first job after moving to Nashville. As he brought his items to the register his eyes traveled up to your hat, a smirk crossing his lips.
“Lucky,” he paused, “Is that your name?”
“What? No, it’s just a hat,” you answered, probably a little too snarky as you accepted his card from him.
He gave you a sideways smile, “So are you lucky, then?”
“No, quite the opposite, I’m probably the most unlucky person you’ll ever meet,” you laugh, handing him his clothes. “I’m manifesting.”
That earns you a laugh and you see his perfect white teeth, “Well, Lucky, I’m Sam.”
You’re pretty sure that was the moment you fell, and the rest was history. The two of you now spent as much time together as possible, talking, laughing, eating and of course watching movies on Sam's oversized couch. It had been three years of that, and much to your dismay, three years of falling desperately, hopelessly in love with your best friend. The line had never been crossed, neither of you daring to step over it. You tried your best to keep your feelings under wraps, and as far as you knew, his feelings for you were only platonic. He would ask you for girl advice frequently, making it blatantly obvious he wasn’t into you, yet, it was always you that he would choose to spend his free time with. 
It was hard when he would leave for tour, spending months at a time away from home. You would watch his house for him and water his plants, and spend most of the night talking on the phone until one of you fell asleep. But that was normal, and that's what best friends do. Right?
The rain has started to pick up now, hitting your windshield with enough force that you can’t see anything but the taillights in front of you. Thankfully you’re turning into his neighborhood and soon you’ll be out of this mess and snuggled down into your spot on his couch. 
The gravel crunches as you pull into his driveway, the rain coming down so hard you refuse to step out of the car. 
7:43PM: I’m here but I’m not getting out.
7:44PM: What if I open the door and you run?
7:45PM: No I will get soaked. I’ll just wait.
You see him open his front door, leaning into the doorframe as the soft yellow glow of his lights illuminates his figure from behind. He then sends you a photo of the radar, showing that the rain will not be letting up anytime soon. You huff and shove your phone into your bag, tossing it over your shoulder and deciding that you will make a run for it after all. 
Your clothes are soaked through in seconds as you dash towards the door, an evil smile on his face as he shuts the door just as you approach.
“SAMUEL!” you shout, banging your wet fist on the wooden door.
The rain continues to soak you as you hear him laughing from behind the door. He opens it after only a few seconds, pulling you inside as he tries not to laugh. 
“Sam why did you do that! I am dripping wet!” you whine, “I look like a wet rat!”
“I know, I’m sorry, that was mean. I’ll go get you some dry clothes,” he says, dashing off to his bedroom. He returns with a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt, tossing them into your hands with a smile. 
“You’re so annoying, I’ll be right back,” you say, stepping into the bathroom to strip out of your wet clothes. As you pull the shirt over your head you can’t help but to breathe in the scent of him, woodsy and fresh.
You toss your wet clothes over the edge of the tub, and pull your hair into a knot on the top of your head. As you rejoin him in the living room you can see that he has relinquished your place on the couch and put your favorite blanket there to wait for you. You fall into the spot and pull the blanket up over your still shivering body. 
“You good, lucky?” Sam asks, clearly feeling a little guilty.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just gotta warm up. So what is the verdict, what are we watching tonight?”
“I was thinking Interstellar,” he says, pulling the blanket down to cover your feet. It warms your heart a little that he cares. 
“I haven't seen that in so long, let’s do it,” you smile, watching him grab the remote. 
He gets up and turns down the lights, the room glowing amber from his salt lamp in the corner. You feel relaxed and happy to be here with him, listening to the rain patter down on the windows. He puts his feet up on the coffee table, letting you stretch yours across the length of the couch, your feet stopping just before reaching his thigh. 
The movie roars to life on the screen, but you can't seem to draw your eyes away from his profile, perfect and sculpted, and his hair hanging messily around his shoulders. 
His head snaps over to you, “What’s up, lucky?”
Shit, caught. 
“Nothing, sorry. I was just thinking,” you lie, turning your attention to the movie. You hear him huff a tiny laugh under his breath, settling further into the couch cushions. 
You find yourself continuing to sneak glances at him throughout the first part of the movie, though, he is so enthralled with it he doesn't seem to notice. His hand has drifted over top of your blanket, his fingers inching closer and closer to your legs with every passing second. You know it doesn't mean anything but just the thought has your heart racing. 
A particularly loud crash of lightning lights up the living room, the power flickering in response. You both turn to look at each other and shrug when all seems okay. It’s five minutes later when it happens again that you decide to speak. 
“I hope you have some candles?” you giggle. 
“I actually do, but I will have to look for them.”
The wind is howling quickly past the house, the sound of loose items on his patio tinkling across the concrete. You continue to watch the movie, feeling the tension grow in your chest not only from the characters on screen, but from the storm that is barreling on outside. As if he could pick up on your anxiety, you feel Sam’s hand grip the top of your leg. 
“It’s alright, just relax.”
You let out a deep breath and nod your head, swallowing back your nerves. The feeling of his hand on your leg has you worked up for a whole new reason. His hand is warm and firm and selfishly you never want it to leave. 
“Are you gonna miss me when I leave next week?” he asks, his voice soft as he turns to look at you. 
“Where exactly are you going again?”
“It’s mostly East coast, a little in the South, a few festivals. Kinda all over this time.” he answers, a sense of dread in his voice. 
“You aren’t gonna forget my souvenir, are you?” you tease, thinking back to the handful of ‘Lucky’ items he’s brought you back each time he leaves. 
His thumb starts to move over your leg, a wave of goosebumps taking over your body. 
“Of course not Lucky, it’s almost all I think about when I’m gone. I will admit it is getting harder and harder to find you something that I haven't already bought you.”
You feel a twinge of pain in your chest when you remember he is not thinking of you in the way you want him to. In the way you think of him. 
“S’okay Sammy, you don’t really have to. I was just playin’.”
“No way, it’s our thing,” he says, looking a little sad. 
You nod your head as you concentrate on the feeling of his thumb swiping against your skin, trying to tell yourself it doesn't mean the same thing to him. 
The movie reaches its climax, both of you on the edge of your seats as the power cuts out, leaving the two of you in the dark. You can hear nothing but the wind and rain outside, and the sound of each other breathing. 
“So about those candles,” you giggle. 
He pats your leg as he stands up, “I’m on it.”
“Gosh, I knew it was gonna get bad,” you say nervously.
He walks back into the room with an armful of various candles and a lighter, scattering the candles around the room. It’s sort of beautiful the way the candles are casting shadows onto the walls in the shapes of leaves and vines from his plant collection. 
He tosses the lighter onto the coffee table and sits back down on the couch, placing his hand back on your leg. You accept the small victory and try to stay focused on seeming unphased. 
“So now what?” he asks, staring at you with a playful smile. 
“Well, now… I guess we talk. Listen to the rain,” you offer. 
He nods for a second before letting a smirk cross his lips, “Or we could play a game…”
“What kind of game?”
“What if we did two truths and a lie?” he suggest, quirking a brow.
“You know, like, everything about me already,” you admonish.
“So tell me things I don’t know. Let me figure it out,” he laughs. “Don’t go easy on me.”
“Okay, well same for you then.” you quip. 
“Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal, Lucky,” he says nodding his head. “Ladies first.”
“Okay,” you pause, trying to come up with something he wouldn't already know about you. “Math was my best subject, I hate the beach, and the first time I heard your band I thought it was a woman.”
He busts out laughing, shaking his head, “Okay so the lie has to be the last one.”
“Math was definitely my worst subject.”
“You thought Josh was a girl? That's hilarious actually. I can’t believe you’ve never told me that before.”
“Isn’t that the point of this game?” you smile. 
“Alright alright. I say that I am vegan because it keeps people from questioning my picky eating, I didn’t have a favorite color until I was 8, and I sometimes listen to Dua Lipa in the shower.”
“Sam, what?!” you laugh, “There's no way that two of those are true.”
“You gotta pick the lie, Lucky,” he grins, resettling both of your legs on his lap. 
“The lie is…that you didn’t have a favorite color until you were 8?”
“Yeah! Orange has always been my favorite. It’s hard thinking of lies,” he laughs, letting his hands move to hold your feet. His fingers start to massage into the muscle and you audibly groan at how good it feels. 
“Yeah? You like that?” he asks. 
You nod, thankful that in the darkness of the room he can’t see the blush on your cheeks. 
“Okay, um… I’ve never been in love, I didn’t have my first boyfriend until I was 16, and I didn’t have my first kiss until I was 17,” you say, feeling a little nervous to move the game in a different direction. 
“Lucky, you didn’t get kissed until you were 17? How is that possible?” he asks, his face serious and confused. 
“Is that one you think is true?” you ask. 
“You tell me!” he says. 
“That one is true,” you admit. 
“So, which one is the lie? You’ve never been in love?” he asks, his fingers stopping their movement. 
“Yeah, that's the lie. I have,” you answer. 
“Who was it?” 
“It’s not a was, it’s an is,” you correct. 
“Lucky, who? Do I know him? I didn’t even know you were dating?” he asks in succession. 
“Your turn,” you smile. 
He lets out a sigh, “Alright, I didn’t have sex until I was 20, I ended my last relationship for no reason, I wish I didn’t have to leave next week.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head, “Uh…There is no way that you didn’t have sex until you were 20,” you say, thinking you’ve got him on this one. 
He shakes his head, “No, that is true.”
“Well I know you don’t want to go next week, so then…You ended your last relationship for no reason. That doesn’t seem like you Sam. For no reason?”
“That’s why it was a lie. It was for a reason,” he answers. 
“What was it?”
“I met someone,” he admits with a grin, “Your turn Lucky girl.”
Your mind starts to race. Who was it? When was it? He hadn’t been in a relationship since…
“I’ll miss you when you leave, I haven't had an orgasm from a man in a year, and I deleted my dating apps,” you say, taking a leap of faith. 
“Lucky, I hope to god the second one is a lie,” he gasps. 
“It’s um, true,” you confess. 
He drags a hand over his face and lets out a breath, “Is the lie that you will miss me,” he winks. 
“Not quite,” you giggle. 
“God, fuck, sorry I am still… I just can’t believe that,” he continues. 
“Your turn, quite making me feel bad about it,” you say, pushing him with your foot. 
He grabs it in his hand, massaging into the ball of your foot again. 
“Alright Lucky, I haven’t had sex with someone in about six months, my favorite thing is eating a girl out, and I have feelings for someone.”
Your mind goes blank, hearing those kinds of words fall from his lips has you feeling dizzy. 
“Fuck, Sam, you can’t just… say things like that, I–”
“Like what, Lucky,” he smirks. 
“Stop it, you’re trying to get me all flustered,” you whine. 
“Which one is the lie?” he asks, a shit eating grin on his face because he knows you’ll have to say it. 
You decided to say it, point blank. “Your favorite thing is eating a girl out. I know it’s not. You like to fuck.”
“Shit, Lucky…”
“So you do have feelings for someone?” you ask. 
“Yeah, I do. For a long time,”  he says honestly. “Your turn.”
This is it, you’re gonna tell him. “Sam, I’ve also had feelings–”
The high pitched squealing from your phones fills the room, interrupting your confession. Sam snatches his phone from the coffee table and looks at the screen. 
“Oh fuck, we’re under a Tornado Warning.”
“What?!” you shout, tossing the blanket off of you and standing to your feet. 
“Sit down, it’s fine. We get these all the time and they are like nothing.” he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you back down to sit next to him, significantly closer. 
“You’re not like, a little bit worried?” you ask.
“Nah, not yet.” he smiles. “What were you saying?”
You remember, of course you remember, but now it seems like that moment is gone. 
“I don’t remember,” you lie, watching as he settles his hand on your thigh. Your eyes glance down at it, then look back up to his. 
He opens his mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted by the sound of tornado sirens just starting up outside. 
“Sammy,” you cry, “I don’t think it’s fine.”
He swallows nervously and nods his head, “Yeah, yeah, this one may not be fine actually. Go um…Go get into my bathroom in my room. I’ll be there in a second. I need to grab a few things out of my car just in case.”
 You grab his hands as he starts to go, pulling his back in panic, “No, no no, please don’t leave me! I��� Don’t go out there, please I’m scared,” you cry. 
He pulls you into his chest and wraps you in a hug, “I’ll be okay Lucky, I promise. Just two seconds. I’m not leaving you ever, I promise,” he whispers into your hair. 
You nod against him as he lets you go, rushing out the front door and to his car. You can see the flash of his headlights as he unlocks the doors and you gather your things and head to his bathroom. 
The sound of the sirens is deafening, your heart is pounding against your chest as you wait for him to come back, feeling like it is taking way too long. You can hear the wind howling and the rain pounding against the roof in the small dark bathroom. You sit down on the floor and lean against the wall, hearing the front door close and the rush of his footsteps as he meets you in the bathroom. 
“See? M’okay Lucky, but I need to grab a few more things and a candle, okay? I’ll be right back?” 
“Okay,” you breathe, feeling like you might pass out. 
You reach for your phone trying to pull up the radar, the news, anything, something to tell you what is going on outside but you have virtually no service. You feel like you might cry from the stress, and you’re nearly shaking with anxiety. 
Sam bursts into the bathroom with an armful of items, including a candle. He sets it on the sink and joins you on the floor, tossing you your blanket and a pillow from the couch. 
“Have you ever gone through a tornado before?” you ask, covering yourself with the blanket. 
“Not directly, but been through a couple of warnings. Maybe not this serious though,” he admits. He pulls the blanket tight around your front and rubs his hand across your back. “It’s okay Lucky.”
The sirens start up a second round of alerts, your phone alerts following suit with a second tornado warning. 
“Fuck,” you cry, a tear springing free from your eye. 
Sam slides closer, grabbing your hand and linking it together with his. It feels soft and warm and most importantly, incredibly right. 
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. I promise it’s okay. We are okay. We are safe in here. You know I wont let anything happen to you.”
“Aren’t we supposed to get in the bathtub or something?” you blurt out, remembering seeing it on TV once.
“Oh, yeah actually I think you’re right,” he agrees, not letting go of your hand as you move to stand. “It’s kind of small in there.”
“I don't care, we can fit, please come on,” you beg. 
“You want both of us to go in there?” he laughs. 
“Yes Sammy! I’m not leaving you!”
He grabs the pillow and tosses it into the tub, stepping inside with you and motioning for you to lay down. 
You both lower down into a laying position, though, since he is considerably taller you decide to let him position himself first. He lays on his back, and opens his arms to you. You are a bit hesitant considering the revelations that had come to light within the last hour but you were so scared you didn’t care how it might look. 
You lay next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, and letting him pull you further onto his chest. He wraps his arms around the two of you as you listen to the rapid beating of his heart. You’re sure yours is beating just as hard, if not harder. He feels good. Strong and sturdy and you find that you feel safe in his arms. 
You both notice that the sound of the wind has picked up, his arms holding you a little tighter as his lips rest against your head. 
“I’ve got you,” he whispers, and you feel all of your worry starting to melt away. 
You turn your head to look at him, both of you feeling each other like this for the first time. 
“Sam, earlier I was gonna say–”
Again your confession is interrupted by the sound of the wind roaring against the house, the sound of objects flying around outside and slamming against the house. 
“You think this is it?” you ask, feeling panicked all over again.
A loud metallic sound echoes across his front yard, causing both of you to grip each other a little harder. 
“Sammy,” you whine, feeling like your heart might just beat out of your chest.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he says, his voice deep and commanding. 
You look at him, and as your eyes meet he brings up his left hand to cup your cheek, pulling your face down to his and pressing his lips to yours. You are in shock as you feel the softness of his lips, never in a million years would you have guessed that was about to happen. 
You melt into him, bringing your hand up to his face and mirroring his actions. You kiss him back, letting him lead the both of you before you realize what is happening. 
“What are you doing?” you gasp, pulling away from him.
The wind is still roaring overhead and you can feel the pressure in the house change. 
“Distracting you!” he laughs, his eyes sparkling in the glow of the candle light. He presses his lips to yours again, and this time you know it's coming. You let your lips tangle with his, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth before pulling away. 
The wind starts to die down after about thirty seconds and he pulls away from you this time. 
“Shit, Lucky. I’m so sorry. I just needed to distract you. You were shaking like a leaf and– and I don’t know it was just the first thing I could think of. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to fuck things up, I know you don’t feel that way–”
“What? Sam, no…” you pause, brushing the hair out of his face, “I thought you didn’t…”
“Lucky are you crazy? I’ve wanted you since the day I saw you at the Vintage shop,” he breathes.
“You never said anything, I–”
“Neither did you,” he counters. 
“I was going to tell you during the game, I tried twice, I just–”
“I think the storm has passed,” you say, noticing the silence around you. 
“I know. It has, I’m just not ready to give this up yet. Wanted to be close with you like this for so long,” he admits. 
“We don’t have to go anywhere,” you answer.
“‘M gonna kiss you again, Lucky. I don’t think I can stop now,” he smiles. 
He crashes his lips to yours, his hands coming up to hold your head as his fingers grip into your hair. His tongue swipes against your lips, hot and wet and begging to taste you and you would be a fool to shut him out. You part your lips slightly, feeling the tip of his tongue brush yours, the taste of him exactly what you always imagined. 
A soft groan escapes his chest, the vibration rattling into your mouth. You feel his hips buck upward into yours, the evidence of his arousal firm against you. You gasp at the feeling, opening your eyes to find his still shut and his brow furrowed in pleasure. You move to bring your hand up to his face but hit your elbow against the side of the tub. His eyes open as you pull your lips from his, hissing in pain as his hand moves to cup at the side of your neck. 
His eyes pierce into yours for a moment as you see the words stringing themselves together behind his dark brown eyes. 
“Ca–Can I take you to my bed?” he asks, letting his pink tongue brush over his lips, desperate to taste you on his skin. 
You blink slowly as you look back at him, drinking in his perfect face. “Are you sure Sammy? I know you were just trying to calm me down.  I don’t want you to regr–”
“No, Lucky. Please. I want you. I’ll never regret this.”
You bite your lips together and nod your head, stifling back the smile on your lips at his confession. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” he smiles, swiping his thumb against your jaw. 
You nod shyly, letting your teeth sink into your bottom lip. 
“C’mon then,” he says with a smirk, grabbing your hand to help you up and out of the porcelain tub.
Once you’ve found your footing on the cold tile floor he stands, joining you, never releasing his grip on your hand. You feel a swirl of nerves in your stomach just from the feeling of his hand in yours. He steps forward and pulls you behind him, leading both of you from his bathroom and into his bedroom. It smells like him, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of this moment a hundred times before. 
He stops, spinning you to face him and releasing your hand. His hand finds your hips and pulls you into him, as he drops his lips to hover just above yours. “Get in my bed, I’ll be back for you in just a minute,” he breathes, his lips barely dusting yours. 
He pulls away quickly and disappears down the hall, leaving you alone in his dark bedroom with the sound of the rain. You shimmy out of his boxers and crawl into his bed, nearly moaning from how comfortable it feels compared to the bathtub. You pull his thick duvet up to your chin and burrow down into his pillows, letting out a sigh and anxiously awaiting his return. 
You can hear his footsteps as he makes his way back into the room, a candle and a glass of water in hand. He places the candle on his dresser and deposits the water on his nightstand before pulling his t-shirt over his head and stripping out of his jeans. He crawls into the bed next to you, pulling you close to him with a sigh of relief. 
“You know, your bed is a lot more comfortable than the guest bed,” you giggle. “You’ve been holding out on me.”
You feel his hand drift under the hem of your shirt, resting on the warm skin of your stomach. 
He hums as he listens to you, nuzzling his head into the curve of your neck. “Was all part of my evil plan to get you into mine, Lucky girl. Always wanted you in here.”
You turn your head to look at him, hearing the wind blow the rain hard against the windows. His eyes meet yours, “Y/N?”
“Yeah, Sammy?”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” he whispers. 
“Well,” you pause, “I was afraid to lose you. The typical cliche. I would have rather had you as my best friend than lose you if you didn’t feel the same. I didn’t want to ruin us.”
“Lucky, nothing could ruin us,” he breathes, pressing his lips to your jaw. 
You twist your body until you’re completely facing him, inching your hips closer to his. His hand drifts over your hip, his eyes growing wide as he realizes you shed his boxers. You watch him swallow, doing his best to keep his composure. 
“Lucky,” he whines, digging his fingertips into the plushness of your hips. “We don’t– we don’t have to do anything, you know… Just being here like this, with you…I’m happy, Lucky. Really fucking happy.”
You slide your hand up his stomach and over his chest, feeling him nearly shiver at your gentle touch. 
“What if we…didn’t do that…” you smirk, running your hand back down his stomach and letting your fingers dip into the top of his boxers. 
His hips jump in shock, and a smile crosses your lips. “Yeah? You want me Lucky?”
You press your hand forward, sinking further into his boxers until you can wrap your hand firmly around his length, “Yeah Sammy, I fucking want you.”
His hips jerk forward into your hand, a groan leaving his chest as you tighten your grip. 
“I need you Lucky. Wanted you for so long,” he whines.
His hands move up to cup your face, his kiss desperate as you start to stroke him. You can feel your arousal soaking through your panties with every passing second and you are positively aching for his touch. 
“Take this off for me,” he whispers against your lips, tugging at the fabric of your t-shirt.
Your hand slides out of his boxers, gripping into the hem of the shirt and pulling it over your head. 
“Goddamn, baby,” he breathes, his eyes scanning over your nude body.
You felt shy under his gaze, this was the most he had ever seen of you. You’d caught him sneaking glances once or twice but never like this. 
“You’re so beautiful Lucky, truly.”
You tug at the waistband of his boxers, willing him to join you in your nakedness. You pull your panties off and toss them to the floor as he removes his boxers, and finally you are on a level playing field. 
“I’ve thought of this a lot,” you giggle. 
“Me too, about every single night,” he confesses. 
“You wanna fuck me, Sammy?”
“No Lucky, I want to ruin you.” he answers, with a sternness in his voice. 
“I think I’d like that,” you smirk. 
He pushes up from the bed, hovering over you before dropping his head down to kiss his way down your body. He stops just above your groin, letting his tongue lap at the skin and sucking a kiss into your flesh. 
“Has it really been a year, Lucky?”
“Yes,” you answer quietly.
“I hate that, baby. I hate it and I love it,” he adds. 
“You love it?” you ask, looking down at him as he settles himself between your legs. 
“Love that no one else will give you that, but me. Not ever,” he says, letting his tongue swipe through your wetness.
You move his hair from his face, holding it at the back of his head as his tongue flicks over your clit. Your hips jut upward into his mouth, a whine falling from your lips. 
“You’re sweet Lucky, I like those sounds you’re making for me.”
He presses his lips to your clit, sucking the sensitive bud between them as you feel his fingers brushing against your entrance. At this point you’re unable to control the sounds leaving your mouth and it only seems to be spurring him on further. 
He flattens his tongue against you as he slips a finger inside, letting the pad of his finger massage into the place you’ve always needed him. Your hands grip at his hair, probably a little too tight, but he never falters, in fact he works harder. You feel a second finger slide into you, a wave of pleasure rushing over you so fast it nearly takes your breath away.
“Where’d you go? Where’s my girl?” he asks, pulling his lips away from you. 
“I’m here, fuck, I’m here,” you manage.
His fingers continue to work at you, sliding in and out, the wet sounds echo through the silent room. You feel his free hand come up to wrap around your wrist, holding you as he works you closer and closer to your first orgasm of the night. 
His tongue starts to move rapidly over your clit, the bundle of nerves growing increasingly more sensitive with every second. The pressure in your stomach is burning white hot and you feel a sheen of sweat starting to prickle at your skin. 
“Sammy, please,” you whine, needing him to get you there, and quickly. 
“Do you want to come for me, my Lucky? Come right on my face like I’ve always wanted? Will you do that for me, Lucky?”
His words unravel you instantly, your hips bucking up into his mouth as your orgasm rips through you like wildfire. 
“Just like that, Lucky, god you’re perfect baby, just like that,” he coos, letting his voice guide you through it. 
He presses a kiss to your thigh and you release your grip on his hair, now framing his head in a twisted mess. He crawls back up the bed, pressing his lips to yours as he groans into your mouth. 
“I’ve wanted that so fucking long, too long,” he says, letting his eyes meet yours. 
“I want you, Sammy,” you breathe into him, “I don’t want to wait anymore.”
“Shit, I think I would give you anything you want,” he says, reaching between the two of you. He grabs his length and drags it through your folds, the feeling alone causing you to arch up off of the bed. 
He pushes you back down onto the bed, laying his palm flat against your chest, “Easy, baby. You gotta stay still for me, okay?”
You nod quickly, pulling him closer to you, “I’ll be good.”
“Yeah? You gonna be my good girl? I always thought you would be,” he says, beginning to press himself to your opening. He slowly starts to inch himself inside of you, the burning sensation falling to the wayside as you feel him sliding deeper and deeper inside of you. 
“Like a glove, Lucky. I knew it, I fucking knew you were my girl,” he pants, finally bottoming out inside of you. 
“Move Sammy, please, please!”
He widens his knees and places his hand next to your head to support himself as his hips start to move. His free hand slides over your waist and up to your chest, palming at each of your tits as they bounce with every thrust into you. 
He feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before, and you can tell that the two of you were always meant to be with each other in this way. Your bodies responding to each other as if they were made to exist together. You loop an arm around his back, holding onto him as he rolls his hips into you, pulling him in tighter and closer than he could ever do on his own. 
“You’re even prettier like this, Lucky,” he pants, his long brown hair swaying with him. 
“You feel so fucking good Sam, please don’t stop,” you beg. 
A smile stretches across his face, “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about you saying that?”
“I don’t know, fuck, a lot?” you answer, feeling your belly start to burn again. 
“Yeah, baby. A lot. Want you to give me another, okay?”
“Yes, yes I’m close, so so close,” you whine. 
A groan leaves his chest as he snaps his hips into your a little harder. You can tell he is close too, but neither of you want this to be over. You try to push it away as long as you can, but it's no use, and Sam can tell by the way you’re fluttering around him that you’re there.
“Sammy,” you cry.
“I know, baby, I know. Can I come inside you, Lucky?” he asks, his eyes growing desperate.
“Do–do you want to?” 
“So fucking bad, baby,” he admits. 
“Yes! Please, I– I want it,” you whine, falling into your release, and feeling every nerve in your body light up with red hot pleasure. You feel him tensing up as he spills into you, your name falling from his lips with every languid stroke. 
He’s beautiful in the candle light, his lips so perfectly round as his mouth falls into an ‘O’. You know you want to see that every single day that you can for as long as you live. His eyes are shut as he starts to come down, letting himself drink in the moment as you drink in him. 
His hips slow and he starts to catch his breath, his hand brushing across your cheek as he looks at you beneath him. He pulls out slowly, doing his best not to make a mess, collapsing into the bed next to you with a content sigh. You can feel him slowly leaking out of you, a welcome feeling that gives you a sense of pride. 
“I’m gonna go get you a towel,” he says slowly rolling out of the bed. 
“No, don’t,” you pause, “I kinda like it.”
He turns to look at you with a smirk, “Do you?”
You nod and bite at your bottom lip as if ashamed, “It’s all you, I want it all.”
“You want it all?”
“Every drop,” you answer. 
“Jesus, Lucky,” he breathes, “I think I already want to fuck you again if that’s even possible.”
“How about you just put that back where it belongs?”
“Yeah? You want me to–” he asks, confirming with you that you’re talking about the same thing.
“Please?” you say, dragging your finger over his lips. 
He takes a deep breath and rolls to his side, slowly bringing his hand back to your cunt to swirl through your mixed release. 
“Fuck me, baby. You are so, so wet…”
“It’s you,” you breathe. 
“S’us, Lucky…”
You feel his middle fingers swipe at your legs, collecting the cum that has spilled from your body onto his fingers. He looks at your with lust blown eyes as his fingers circle at your oversensitive clit, pulling a gasp from you before plunging his cum covered fingers inside of you. 
“Fuck,” you whine, feeling his lips crash into yours. 
It’s soft, gentle and warm as he kisses you, his thumb swiping lazily at your clit as he fucks the cum back into you. 
“I love you Sammy, I always have,” you confess. 
“Oh, Lucky,” he breathes, pressing his lips to yours again as he pulls his fingers from inside you. 
Twenty four hours ago you would have never believed that you would find yourself twisted up in the sheets with your best friend. Both of you happy, completely and totally blissed out on each other in a mass of tangled limbs and spent bodies. But you’re here, finally, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
The rain has slacked off, just a gentle patter against the windows now. It’s the perfect cozy backdrop to fall asleep in each other's arms. You feel like you’re fairly close to that happening when you feel him turn his head to look at you. 
“You know I’m just… completely in love with you too, right Lucky?” he pauses, “And the thought of leaving you next week…I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. Not now.”
You feel your heart burst at his confession, tears welling in your eyes as you swallow back your emotions. 
“It won’t be so bad, Sammy…It won’t be any different, will it? Things will still stay the same as they always have?” you ask. 
“I think it will be completely different. Now I can call you and text you and Facetime you and do all the same stuff but this time I don’t have to pretend that I’m not completely head over heels in love with you. I can tell you that I spent the whole day thinking about you, but mostly, I can tell you that I miss you and that I love you, and that I count the seconds until I get home to see you,” he laughs, kissing your cheek. 
“Guess that makes two of us, then.” you smile, pulling his warm hand against your chest. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, relaxing into him for the first time with his arms tightly around you. Everything feels perfect and just as you feel like you’re starting to drift off you are blinded by bright light. 
“Oh shit! The power is back!” Sam says, rolling over to blow out the candle next to him. 
You sit up in the bed, pulling the duvet up to cover your exposed chest as your eyes try to adjust, “Well I was about to fall asleep, but I’m up now,” you laugh. 
Sam rolls to his side, propping himself up on his elbow as he drinks you in, thoroughly fucked and glowing, “We can turn the lights off and go back to what we were doing, or we can go finish our movie, your choice.”
“Should we finish the movie?” you ask, considering the options. 
“Depends…Do we get to take kissing breaks like a bunch of horny teenagers?” he laughs. 
“Yes, lots and lots of kissing breaks,” you giggle.
He grabs your shirt from the floor and tosses it to you as he pulls on his boxers, extending a hand to you to follow him back to the living room. You quickly redress yourself and take his hand, letting him drag you back to the couch, however this time he tackles you onto the cushions, never letting go.
You lay with your back to his chest, letting him pull you close to him as he resumes the movie where it left off. A lot had changed in such a short amount of time and you laughed at the thought of possibly skipping out on this night because of a storm. In fact, you forgot about the tornado all together.
“Should we check on things outside?” you ask.
“Mmm, we can in the morning, there’s no way I am moving. I am where I have always wanted to be.” 
You feel his fingers start to run through your hair, gently untangling the knots at the end, and letting it fall to your shoulder before he swipes it up again. You feel at home in his arms, and your eyelids grow heavy with every gentle pass of his fingers through your hair. Just as you’re about to fall asleep you turn to look at him and press your lips to his.
“I guess maybe I am lucky after all.”
xo, N
Taglist: @britney-gvf @gretavanmoon @sacredstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @farfromthehomelands @takenbythemadness @writingcold @builtbybrokenbells @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @fleet-of-fiction @milkgemini @gvfpal @ageofcj @dancingcarbon @highway-tuna @stardustjake @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @gvfmarge @gracev0609 @myleftsock @literal-dead-leaf @peaceloveunitygvf @ageofbajabule @slut4lando @jordie-gvf @sadiechar @tinydancer40 @rosabellagvf @capnjaket @lyndz2names @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gretavanomens @spark-my-nature @josh-iamyour-mama @anythingforjtk @alwaysonthemend @builtbybrokenbells @danieljlmwagner @klarxtr @fortunatelytinybasement @demonrat444 @gretavansara @watchingover-hypegirl @hippievanfleet @digitalnomadz @raviolilegs @lipstickitty @hippievanfleet @klarxtr @strange-whorizons @do-it-jakey-baby @myownparadise96 @gvf-luna @starshine-wagner @cassiesgreta
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Some little details you might have missed in Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
(Maybe part one?)
When discussing the Ice Court Heist at the start of the book Wylan explains that he speaks Fjerdan and although Jesper teases that he probably isn’t very good at it, the fact that Wylan has been to the Ice Court at least once before would beg to differ; as a diplomatic meeting it would probably be considered impolite if he and his family didn’t speak at least some Fjerdan when being hosted by what I assume to have been the royal family or at least higher-ups in the Fjerdan government. However, when he’s drawing up plans of the Court on the boat, Kaz asks why nothing is labelled and Wylan says “I don’t know Fjerdan”. He does, in fact, know Fjerdan (and it’s confirmed later that he speaks it well), but he is hiding the fact that he cannot write
In the Bathroom Scene™️ Kaz says that Inej’s tell is the way she squares her shoulders before making a move, “as if you’re waiting for the audience’s attention”. When Kaz goes to the slat in the next chapter, after the fight he squares his shoulders before making his speech to launch a coup against Per Haskell. I think this is really interesting and it absolutely shows what Inej realises at the time, that “the fight was just the opening act” but this, the talking and the convincing and the persuasion, this is Kaz’s superpower. I think this is so interesting and says so much about him, but it’s also a great Kanej parallel. More than any character I can think of, Kaz absolutely embodies the quote “I discovered at a very young age that if I talked for long enough I could prove anything right or wrong, so either I’m god or truth is relative. And either way, boo-yah” (which by the way is a quote from the brilliant sitcom Community)
This is my favourite Wesper parallel: in soc when Wylan uses a bomb to save them from the parem-drugged fabricator, Jesper says “Wylan earned his keep”. Wylan replies “Did I?” and Jesper says “Well, you made a downpayment”. At the end of Crooked Kingdom when the pair are able to go back to Wylan’s house because Van Eck has been arrested, Wylan asks Jesper if he really meant it when he said that he would stay and help run the business by reading to him, and Jesper says of course, but “I charge a pretty steep fee”. Wylan blushes and replies “well I hope the medik is here to fix my ribs soon, because I’d like to make a downpayment”. THEY’RE SO GODDAMN ADORABLE
This one I think is something people just forget, but Nina and Matthias are heavily implied to have slept together on Black Veil when they got from Ravkan embassy. The pair go to get changed and reappear “rumpled and rosy several long minutes later”. Jesper laughs when he sees them- he says “Staying on task?” to which Nina replies “I’m teaching Matthias all about fun. He is an excellent student, diligent in his studies” as Matthias gets progressively more and more embarrassed. But yeah I’ve never seen anyone talk about it I think people just forget
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: you and Joel used to share a sleeping bag when you were on the road. Once you got to Jackson, he made sure to put an end to this habit, but now his nightmares are back to haunt him again and he needs your help
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of smut, mentions of masturbation, probably out of character Joel but I don't care I just want my big bear Joel to be happy and safe
1.5k words
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As Joel stood at the door watching you get ready for bed, he scratched down his neck while he felt so stupid.
But it wasn't just a feeling, he was stupid. That was the problem.
You took a while to notice him there, he'd been extremely silent and several times he thought of giving up that idea. He had an internal battle going on, so ashamed of asking you that, but at the same time he really needed it.
You saw him standing there, dark circles around his eyes, he looked exhausted and even a shade paler if someone asked and you knew exactly why.
The nightmares were back.
It pained you to think of how much he suffered to get something simple such as a night's sleep, you also had nightmares of your own, everyone did in an apocalyptic world like the one you lived in, but you just knew Joel's were somehow worse. He was tortured by his own subconscious, everything all at once, all his memories, regrets, broken dreams, broken promises, broken heart.
He often mumbled Sarah's name during his sleep, and it was followed by whimpers, the ones Joel would never let out in front of anyone, not while awake.
And you knew that because you watched his suffering for the last couple of months.
While traveling together to Jackson, you two ended up sleeping together.
Sleeping and sleeping only.
Never had sex, Joel never touched you in that way, despite a few occasional boners you felt poking your back when you woke up, but you couldn't really blame him for a good old morning wood.
You wouldn't deny you wanted Joel to touch you in that way, but you knew he wouldn't. He was a distant guy, no matter if you two knew each other since the QZ and went through a lot together, he always kept to himself, and you knew better than to push his buttons.
You cared for him, and he cared for you, but he wasn't that kind of guy and he was old enough to know that if he crossed the line, things would be an even bigger mess than they were.
He decided to share the sleeping bag with you when you were both out in the open and he couldn't stand you chattering your teeth all the time, how you tried warming your hands and how you had to place sweater over sweater and still you couldn't warm up enough to sleep.
He'd never seen that before. Even during summer nights, when the breeze cooled down, you still had chills and needed a blanket.
He tried to tell himself that the situation pissed him off, but in fact, it made him sad. He didn't like seeing you suffering and decided to keep you warm.
What was supposed to be one night, became two, three, four… and it lasted through the whole trip.
Joel's plan was to never repeat that again, but when he fell asleep that night, he didn't have any nightmares.
And neither during the other nights you slept together.
As much as he enjoyed having a peaceful slumber, he also saw how flushed and giggly you were when you woke up.
How you rested your hands on his when he held you and how before bed you always rested your hands way too close to the waist of his jeans. You were a lot younger than him, but you were a woman nonetheless and a beautiful one at that matter, and it was easy to get tempted.
And that was why, the first thing he did when you both arrived in Jackson, was to put an end to this dangerous habit.
At first, he didn't even want to share a house with you, and he rudely suggested that you find a place on your own.
You'd looked at him with sad, disappointed eyes, but agreed.
However, Joel went soft and when he saw you were packing your bags, he apologized and said he'd prefer to have you there, for safety matters, he quickly added, but stood by the decision of you having your own room.
You respected his decision, you couldn't complain and you also enjoyed having your own bedroom, you could decorate it as you pleased, have your own privacy and God knew how much you needed it when the memories of the nights you spent curled up to him, hit you hard and you had no other solution than to bury your fingers deep inside of your aching cunt and pretend it were his instead.
You didn't question him, but each passing day you noticed how he got darker circles around his eyes and at night you always heard his heavy steps pacing around the house, unable to sleep.
You wouldn't deny him help, but you wouldn't offer it either, the fear of getting a hurtful reply was bigger, besides, it was his decision to take his distance and you couldn't lie at the fact that you did feel hurt.
You finally raised your eyes at him and saw the discomfort in his face, you could swear he had made up his mind to talk to you about just to give up and then decide to do it all over again. He was a proud man and that must've been a terrible situation for him.
"Do you wanna sleep here tonight?" You broke the silence, knowing it would only take him just a couple of seconds more to give up and go back to his room, but you didn't want that, you wanted Joel there, you wanted to feel his weight, his warmth and his rough, big hands.
"I-uh…" he started with awkwardness though he saw it was pointless to lie "yes…" he was ready to get in bed when you told him to stop.
"If you want to sleep here, it will be on my terms, Joel… Undress!"
"What the fuck, Y/N?" He immediately replied, looking at you rather shocked.
"Joel, come on… we're not on the road anymore, we're safe, we're sleeping in a warm bed, it's not like we need to be in our jeans in case we gotta get up in the middle of the night to run or fight" you explained him when quickly got rid of your shorts, standing only in a loose shirt and your panties.
Joel swallowed hard and didn't even try to hide when he checked your body out, you felt a soft flush spreading across your cheek but smiled "it's nothing we haven't seen when we were bathing in the lake" you reminded him.
If he wasn't so exhausted he could've just argued and told you to fuck off, but instead, Joel got rid of his shirt at first, revealing his broad chest, strong arms that unblocked his belt and dragged his jeans to the floor, until he was standing there in his boxers only.
If he hadn't been embarrassed to look at you, you certainly wouldn't be embarrassed to look at him, and you did it, for quite a while, eyes lingering especially on his crotch, where you could swear you could see the shape of his cock.
You didn't look him in the eyes though, instead, you got under the covers and waited for him to do the same.
Joel let out a groan once his body met the comfortable mattress and covered himself.
You scooter closer and snaked your arm around his waist
"Relax Joel, it's just me," you reminded him. You relaxed as you rested your head on his chest and kept rubbing his naked skin with circular movements, massaging his tense arms.
"The nightmares are back, you know…" he said embarrassedly "I didn't want to bother you, but I can only sleep decently when you're around" you were shocked at his confession, Joel wasn't one to talk about stuff like that, but you understand he probably didn't care at all at how exhausted he was.
"You smell good, darling… you always did, even when we were on the road…" he smiled gently at you, which made your heart beat faster, you cupped his face and traced his jawline with the tip of your fingers.
Suddenly, all the anger and hurt you felt when Joel told you to take another room faded and you smiled, nuzzling his neck gently and stroking his soft, curly hair.
"Sleep Joel" you whispered to him, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
Slowly you could feel the tension in his body dissolving and he drifted off to sleep.
In the early morning, you woke up to Joel clung tight to you. You had your back to his chest, his heavy arm on your hips, preventing you from getting up. You gasped the moment you realized what was poking your back was his erection.
Alright, his boner was definitely harder to ignore without the thickness of his jeans shielding it, but you didn't complain at all, it felt so good to feel him that way.
You could've got up to make you and Joel breakfast, but you gave up, closing your eyes and snuggling, going back to sleep in Joel's arms.
A/N: idk i just love Joel
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krirebr · 10 months
More Than This 2
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~6.1k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Heavy angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, no noncon but some fear of it, excessive alcohol use, explicit language, the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: Another part already??? This one has just been flowing right out of me. It occurs to me that I should probably explicitly state that this will have a happy ending! Possibly very far in the future, but it will happen!! 😂😭
Huge thanks again to @paperweight91 for reading so much of this and letting me know when I was on the right track.
Visual references for the ring and dress can be found here.
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just screeching at me. As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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Despite your best efforts, the next three weeks went by in a blink.
The engagement ring arrived the day after your disastrous dinner with Ransom. It was beautiful—a round diamond with a smaller sapphire on each side, set in swirling filigree. You wondered who picked it. Certainly not Ransom. Probably someone’s assistant. It felt like fire around your finger.
You’d packed up the small apartment you loved so much. Sorting everything into what you would bring and what would be put into storage – the latter category was much bigger. You sat in your living room, surrounded by boxes, and cried, with Steve beside you and Lola nervously shaking in your lap. 
Your mother took you to pick your dress. She sat on the plush couch in the appointment-only boutique and sipped champagne while you tried on dress after dress that the attendants brought you. Her favorite was an ivory satin ballgown with off-the-shoulder short sleeves, a bow at the bottom of the back, and a very wide skirt. She cried when you put it on. You told her it was your favorite too, because you just didn’t have it in you to have an opinion.
 The Thrombey clan came into town the week before the wedding. Their time was mostly spent in meetings with Joseph and his team. Meeting the new extended family was to be left for the wedding festivities.
You hadn’t heard a word from Ransom. You’d thought of texting him a few times but couldn’t see the point in it. He’d made his feelings on you and your upcoming marriage clear. Any added effort would just be torturing yourself.
Then, suddenly, the rehearsal dinner was passing without incident. It was a catered affair, held at your parents’ house. Despite being one of the two nominal guests of honor, aside from the initial introductions, you were mostly ignored, as business remained the topic at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Ransom was there, of course, seated next to you, even, but he did his best to avoid you. You were torn between intense relief for the moment and absolute terror for what it meant for your future. When you noticed him quietly ducking out, you took the opportunity to leave as well, hoping most people would think you’d absconded together. The thought made you laugh bitterly.
You spent your last night of freedom snuggled up with Lola in Steve’s guest room. You barely slept.
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Now, you sat in a plush robe in front of the vanity in the large hotel suite that sat several floors above the event hall you’d be getting married in in just over one hour. Steve sat sentinel in an armchair near you, already in his tux. People had been coming in and out all day – manicurists, aestheticians, makeup artists, hairstylists, your mother until she’d gotten called away for the pictures they didn't need you for. The female members of Ransom’s family too. His aunt, Joni, had only been in briefly, saying that the energy of the room was all wrong and she’d had to leave. Her daughter Meg had sat with you for a while, but she just kept complaining about how awful Ransom was and Steve eventually kicked her out, probably trying to spare you a panic attack. And then there was Ransom’s mother, Linda. She had been in a few times ‘to check on the progress.’ You’d tried very hard not to get stressed out by her, but she was very… severe, and you felt about a foot tall every time she looked at you. And now here she was, again.
“Darling,” she said, and you tried not to balk at the fact that you’d know this woman for less than 24 hours and she was already using endearments, “you’ll be needed for pictures soon and you aren’t dressed yet?”
You gestured to the two people at the rolling clothing rack who were carefully removing your dress from the garment bag. “We’re about to start putting it on. I’ll be ready soon.”
“Fantastic. Maybe it’s time for Steve to go then,” she cut a glance to your stepbrother.
“Not fucking likely,” he muttered. He’d been stuck to you like glue all day.
Linda’s eyebrows crawled up to her hairline. “I just think that some people might find it inappropriate for you to be in here while your sister gets dressed.”
He stood up and took a step toward her. “I’ll turn around,” he growled.
“Steve,” you sighed. “It’s fine. I’ll be fine.” It wasn’t. You wouldn’t be, but none of that could be helped.
He looked at you carefully, his eyes flitting over your face. Finally, he nodded, “OK. I’ll see you out there then.” With a quick, reassuring touch to your arm, he left. 
Linda watched him leave and once he was out the door, she turned to you and said, “You and your stepbrother are very close, aren’t you?”
Something about her tone made you incredibly wary. “Yes,” you said cautiously, “he’s my best friend.”
“Isn’t that lovely?” she said with a thin-lipped smile that made it clear she thought anything but. 
You noted her reaction as you returned her smile and removed your robe. You let the attendants help you step into the dress where they’d pooled it on the floor. They pulled it up around you and you stood still as they fastened and arranged the dress on you. All under Linda’s watchful eye, her arms crossed over her chest. When it was all done and you’d stepped into your heels, you turned to her so that she could give the approval you could feel she was dying to give.
“Well, aren’t you just a dream,” she said. Just as you were about to thank her, she added, “Although, I suppose it would be hard not to be, with all these people working on you, huh?” Her tone was warm and friendly, but you took it as the cut down you knew she meant it to be. 
Still, you smiled. “Well, we should probably get down there, shouldn’t we?”
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Everyone oohed and aahed appropriately when you arrived at the courtyard space reserved for photographs. Your mother was crying again. Joseph smiled at you, possibly the warmest smile he’d ever given you, and said “Beautiful,” but it was less like a compliment and more confirmation that everything was the way he needed it to be, like he was commenting on furniture. You smiled anyway and thanked him, then moved where the photographers directed you. 
This round of pre-ceremony pictures was reserved for the families. Ransom had already done his and then been dismissed, to ‘preserve the big reveal’ you were told. You’d been asked earlier if you wanted to do first-look photos and declined. That had been interpreted as you wanting to have the big moment when you walked down the aisle to him. Instead, you just knew that he wouldn’t give them the reaction they were looking for. You’d rather spare yourself that embarrassment. 
The thing about these arrangements was that while they were all about business and everyone knew it, people still wanted the trappings of romance. The big wedding at a fancy venue, awe on the groom’s face when he saw the bride in her dress for the first time, a joyful reception with speeches about true love. It had made you roll your eyes when you’d gone to friends’ weddings, but now that it was your own, it all made you want to scream. 
You posed with Linda and Ransom’s father, Richard, a benign smile on your face. And then it was Harlan’s turn. “You look absolutely lovely,” he said to you, kindly. “You’re going to be so good for my grandson.” You responded with that same placid smile. You wondered if anyone had told Ransom that he was going to be good for you. You doubted it. That part didn’t seem to matter.
Next, it was time for your own family. Your mother and Joseph, together and then separately, and then Steve joined you for the full family. Once that was done, the photographers started to dismiss you, but you stopped them. “I want a few with just me and Steve.”
They looked at you and then Joseph and Linda, “That’s not on the list of required shots.”
“I don’t care,” you said, “I want them.”
“Darling,” Linda started, and you wanted to growl, “I’m not sure there’s time.”
“I don’t care,” you said again, “everyone can wait the five minutes this is going to take. I’m the bride, I doubt they’ll start without me. Isn’t today my day?”
Linda took a step back and nodded to the photographers but you could feel her watching you as Steve stepped up to you. “And people think I’m the troll,” he said, low enough for only you to hear. 
You smiled, possibly your first genuine smile all day. “You are the troll,” you said. “I’m the sweet one who does what she’s told without complaint.”
He snorted, “Sure,” and turned his head as the photographers directed. 
When it was all done, you took a deep breath and tried to prepare yourself as everyone but you and Steve began to make their way back inside.
“You ready?” he asked, concern all over his face.
You shook your head. “Not even remotely.”
He looked over your shoulder. “I know–” he began but stopped for a moment before he started again. “I know that if she had lived, we never would have met, but I still think, sometimes, about how much my mom would have loved you. Just as much as I do.”
“Steve,” you gasped.
He grabbed both of your hands. “You are the strongest, bravest person I know and you can do this.”
Your eyes welled up as you squeezed his hands, feeling like you’d completely fall apart if you let go. “I don’t know if I can,” you whispered.
“Hey,” he said, oh so gently, “all you have to do right now is get through the ceremony. That’s it. You don’t need to think about what comes after. Focus on what’s directly in front of you. Nothing else. Just walk down the aisle and say I do when it’s your turn. That’s it. You can do that. I know you can do that. I wish you didn’t have to, but you can.”
 You took a deep breath. And another. And then you nodded. “I can.”
He smiled, big and genuine and still more than a little sad. He pulled you in for a hug, exceedingly careful to not mess anything up, and said again, “You can. I know you can.”
Someone stepped out of the big French doors leading into the vestibule your party was gathering in and waved frantically at you. Another deep breath. “OK,” you said.
He just nodded and guided you back inside.
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Joseph walked you down the aisle. It wasn’t your choice, but this day had always been more about him than it ever was about you, so of course he would be the one to walk you. You would have chosen Steve. But you also would have chosen not to do this at all. 
The walk was both agonizingly long and much, much too short. Ransom waited for you at the end of it, dressed in a designer tux and devastatingly handsome. You searched his face for anything, but he remained completely stoic, his eyes hard. You had to look away.
There were so many people gathered to watch your life change forever. As you gazed over the faces of the people seated on your side, you weren’t sure you recognized even half of them. You realized with a jolt that this was the most alone you’d ever felt, in this hall surrounded by hundreds of people, all eyes on you.
So much sooner than you were ready for, you’d arrived at the front, Joseph placing you in front of Ransom and joining your hands together. Ransom’s hands were soft and his grasp wasn’t nearly as harsh as you’d expected. You took a deep breath—every other thought since you’d stepped into the hall was to remind yourself to keep breathing—and met his gaze. It was still hard, but, maybe, maybe there wasn’t hate there.
Maybe you just didn’t know him well enough yet to be able to tell. 
The ceremony went quickly. You struggled to focus on the officiant’s words. It was like you were in a sort of fugue state. But you repeated after him when you were supposed to. You said ‘I do’ when you were prompted. You played your part.
Ransom did too. You’d half expected him to just not show up at all, or walk out part-way through, or something but he was under the same familial pressures as you, you reasoned. At the end of the day, you all just did what you were told.
Before you knew it, it was done. There was a ring on your finger and one on his. You barely remembered placing it there. You registered the officiant saying “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” and stared at Ransom. You expected him to swoop in and take what was his, but he paused. There was a clear question in his eyes. Shocked, you realized he was asking permission. As subtly as you could, you nodded. He gave a barely perceptible nod back and then he was kissing you. It wasn’t chaste, exactly, but it certainly wasn’t passionate either. Open-mouthed, but no tongue, and done quickly, the faintest taste of whiskey on his lips. Everyone applauded.
   The processional music started and you began to move without even realizing it, Ransom right beside you. And in that moment, when you had nothing else to focus on, no other immediate job to do, everything hit you. Holy fuck, you were married. This man beside you was your husband. One of your knees buckled and your steady leg caught the edge of your dress and just as you were sure you were about to go down, someone grabbed your hand and you felt another hand on your opposite hip, holding you up. “Wait to collapse in private, if you can,” Ransom murmured to you, dryly, then basically carried you the rest of the way down the aisle. 
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You were both ushered into a small sitting room off the main hall for a moment of privacy as your guests were moved into the ballroom where the reception would take place and before you would take pictures with your new husband. Once the two of you were alone, you tried to steady your breathing and shove down the panic clawing its way up your throat. You were married. It had actually happened. It was real. You steadied yourself on the bookshelf beside you and tried to think about what Steve had said. Focus on what was directly in front of you. You’d gotten through the ceremony by doing that, so now it was just pictures and the reception. That was all you had to worry about. You could do that. You could.
“You good?” Ransom’s voice cut through your internal monologue and you turned back around to face him where he was standing on the other side of the small room, pasting that fucking smile on your face. 
“Yes, I’m fine. Today is just a lot. But I’m fine. Thank you for helping me, before.”
“Well,” he smirked, “I couldn’t have my new wife embarrass me thirty seconds in, could I?”
Your smile went brittle and a small voice in your head chanted fifty years of this but you tamped it down. Pictures and the reception. Pictures and the reception. That was all you had to get through right now.
There was a light knock and then the door opened. One of the photographers peeked in, a camera in their hand. “Sorry to interrupt,” they said. “Just wanted to get some intimate, candid shots, before we go outside for the formal pictures.” Their eyes moved between you and Ransom and you knew they were measuring the space between you.
You shook your head and tried to keep your tone friendly. “No need, just the formal ones are fine.” You didn’t need any more documentation of this day than was absolutely necessary. 
“Oh,” they said, surprised, “well, Mrs. Drysdale wanted–”
“Linda can fuck right off,” Ransom interrupted. “We’ll come outside now.” He shouldered his way past them and out the door. You just smiled and followed him, the photographer chasing after you both.
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The pictures went quickly, you both seeming to want them over with as fast as possible. He didn’t say much to you, aside from the occasional exclamation like, “Jesus Christ, is this skirt big enough?” when he tried to move around you or pose behind you. The photographers kept trying to get you to look at each other, but when you did, it clearly didn’t give them the result they wanted, so they moved on quickly.
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Afterward, you were escorted into the ballroom, where your entrance was met with applause. Your face was beginning to hurt from all the placid smiling you’d done all day. 
You blanched when you realized that you and Ransom were the only ones seated at the head table. You wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. 
There was still some time before dinner would be served. You could already see people beginning to make their way toward you to offer their congratulations to fill the time. A server appeared at your table and you asked for a glass of champagne. Ransom requested his usual scotch then added, “There’s an extra hundred in it for you if you make sure I’m never holding an empty glass tonight.”
You could see the disaster waiting to happen, so you tried a quiet “Ransom,” as the server left, not really thinking before you said something.
He let out a hollow chuckle. “If that’s the kind of wife you’re going to be, let me tell you right now, this marriage isn’t going to work. I don’t respond well to nagging.”
You took a breath, “I wasn’t trying to nag,” you said, “I just–”
“Ransom!” a loud voice interrupted you. You looked over to see Ransom’s uncle, Walt, approaching your table. You’d been introduced to him very briefly the night before. “Congratulations on finally growing up and settling down,” he said, once he stood in front of his nephew. You felt Ransom stiffen next to you, but his face just had an obnoxious smirk on it. Walt’s eyes briefly cut to you but then returned to Ransom. “Although, she’s pretty young, isn’t she?”
Ransom rolled his eyes, still smirking. “Well, it’s not like I picked her, is it Walt? You got a problem with it, go tell Mom or Grandad.” 
You bit your lip at being spoken about like you weren’t sitting right there. But you knew better than to cause a scene, so you quietly said, “Excuse me,” and left the table. Neither of them seemed to notice, locked in a hostile stare-down.
You’d only made it a few feet when someone you didn’t recognize was pulling you aside to offer their congratulations. You smiled and politely nodded through it and when it was done you were grabbed by someone else and then someone else. You crossed paths with Steve briefly before you were both pulled in other directions. You only got a break when they started serving dinner. You got back to your seat to find Ransom sitting alone, sipping his scotch as full plates of food were placed before you. You didn’t have much of an appetite.
You picked at your food and mostly moved it around the plate, while Ransom ate hungrily beside you. Neither of you said anything. After the second course was served, the speeches started. Joseph mostly spoke about the two families coming together and all the opportunities that represented. You wanted to stage whisper to him that it was customary to at least mention the couple at some point, but then he sprinkled Ransom’s name in. A brief mention of how proud he was to be gaining a son like him. You wanted to laugh. They barely knew each other. As if Joseph cared at all about what kind of man he was giving you to. You were finally mentioned at the very end as he toasted his “beautiful stepdaughter and her new husband. To a long and fruitful marriage!” You wanted to break something.
Harlan, for his part, was much more focused. He, of course, referenced all the new opportunities this would bring, it was why you were all here, after all. But he mostly talked about his grandson, how much he loved him, all the potential Ransom had, and once again, how good you were going to be for him. You wondered if you just started screaming right there, what people would do. 
As for Ransom, judging by his body language, he seemed to enjoy both speeches just as much as you had. You wondered if the rest of the guests could feel how miserable you both were and just chose to ignore it. Probably.
When the speeches were done and the tables were cleared, it was time for your first dance. Ransom made it clear by the way he stood up that this was the last thing he wanted to be doing. You tried not to let it bother you, it wasn’t like you were especially excited about this either, and kept your head held high as you came around the table to join him. He took your hand to lead you onto the dance floor and you were once again surprised by the way he held it gently when you’d half-expected him to drag you out there.
You hadn’t chosen whatever song you were about to dance to. You could’ve, probably, but you’d begged off of most of the decision-making for the day, unable to drum up an opinion on any of it. So you had no right to complain as the opening strains of “At Last” filled the ballroom, but you had to stifle an eye-roll anyway. Of course, they went for something that romantic, that cliche. They were all lucky you didn’t burst out laughing.
Ransom pulled you in close with a hand on your lower back, as you put one of yours on his shoulder and he took your other hand in his. It all felt strangely respectful, the way his hand didn’t wander from the small of your back and he held you close but not too close, with plenty of breathing room between you. You weren’t sure how to wrap your head around it, what it all meant.
He was a good dancer, most likely the product of formal dance lessons as a teenager, just like you’d had. It made it easy to keep your polite smile in place as all eyes in the room were on you.
“You’re good at that,” Ransom said.
You shrugged. “A variety of dance classes since I was seven.”
He chuckled. “No, I meant the smiling thing.” When you just looked at him, confused, he continued. “Unless you’re much dumber than I think, you hate this just as much as I do. But look at you, that smile hasn’t dropped all fucking day. You’re having such a nice time, aren’t you? Being the good girl they all expect you to be. Can’t ever let them know you’re upset. Oh no, that just isn’t done.”
You nearly tripped, but you had the good grace to keep going. You kept your face pleasant to everyone watching as you gritted out “And what am I supposed to do instead, huh? Glower and glare because I didn’t get what I wanted? Be an asshole to everyone? And where exactly would that get me? We’re both here, Ransom, stuck in this. At least my way of dealing with it doesn’t make anyone else’s life more difficult.”
He chuckled again. “No one’s but mine,” he said, but instead of just irritation, there was a glimmer in his eye, too, that you couldn’t begin to interpret. It was almost like part of him was having fun. 
The song ended, fading into the next, and more couples joined you on the dance floor. Keeping your hand in his, Ransom led you back to the table, depositing you there and grabbing his drink, before disappearing amongst the tables. 
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Ransom didn’t come back. You'd stayed at the table for a bit, for want of anything else to do. When you got bored of that, you wandered through the crowd, accepting congratulations and trying to find familiar faces. You knew there were a few of your own friends in attendance, but you were afraid to face them, knowing you’d see pity on the faces of the luckily single and recognition on those who were already married. You wouldn’t see much of them anymore anyway, with you leaving for Boston the next day. You couldn’t think about that yet. Focus on what’s in front of you.
You were periodically offered champagne from a passing server and you accepted every time, leading to you now feeling pleasantly floaty. It was a nice break from just how very much you’d been feeling the rest of the day.
You arrived back at your seat, without really intending to, to find Steve waiting for you. He was staring into the corner of the room with a disgruntled expression. “I could fucking kill him,” he mumbled.
You followed his gaze and found Ransom with a group of Harvard-looking bros doing shots by the bar. You shrugged. “He’s getting drunk over there and I’m getting drunk over here,” you said as you downed your champagne and began looking around for a server. 
Steve sighed your name. “Come on, let’s sit down.”
He guided you to a chair and then sat down beside you. “Where’d you get off to?” you asked.
Steve rolled his eyes and groaned. “Dad,” was all he said. You nodded. For all that he wasn’t in your situation, as his father’s heir, he had many heavy responsibilities and obligations weighing on him. You were both caged in by this family.
“Does that mean you’re speaking to him again?” you asked, your voice free of judgment.
Even so, he grimaced. “Only when I have to.” He sighed and looked at you. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, Steve,” you said, sincerely.
He shook his head. “It’s not.” He paused, then, “I wish there’d been a way for me to stop this.”
“Steve,” you sighed. It wasn’t worth talking about again.
Over by the bar, Ransom let out a loud, hearty laugh that carried over to where you were sitting. Steve glared. “You don’t deserve this,”
You shrugged. “It’s what I have, I guess.” Then before he could continue the conversation, you added, “Can we please talk about anything else?”
He looked at you carefully and then nodded. “Sure,” he said, the sympathy in his eyes almost too much for you to bear, and then launched into a twenty-minute explanation of the painting he was working on. You didn’t think you’d ever been more grateful for him. And you hadn’t even thought to ask a server for more champagne. 
The conversation only ended when your mother appeared in front of you. Steve stood up to greet her, smiling warmly, and then excused himself, squeezing your hand as he went.
“Honey, we’re going to go. I just wanted to make sure I said goodbye to you first.”
You stood up and hugged her. “You’ll be there to send us off tomorrow, right?”
“Oh, honey, no. Joseph had something come up and you know how hard it is for me to get around by myself.”
You felt the bottom drop out of everything. “You’re not going to say goodbye?”
“Of course, I am, darling. That’s what I’m doing right now.”
Suddenly, only focusing on what was directly in front of you was impossible. You were married to a stranger who couldn’t stand you. Tomorrow, you would be leaving everything you knew to go to a new home where you didn’t have anything or anyone. And your mom wouldn’t even be there to say goodbye.
“Steve would come to get you, you know he would,” you tried desperately.
“Honey, no, I can’t,” she said firmly and it took everything in you not to burst into tears. “Now, come on,” she drew you into another hug. “I’m going to miss you so much.”
“Mom,” you whispered, your voice so thick. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Of course, you can,” she pulled back and looked you in the eye. “I know it seems hard, now, but it’ll be easier than you think to keep him happy.” She gently touched your cheek. “All you have to do is listen, and not argue too much. You’re going to be such a good wife and mother. I just know it.” 
She leaned forward to hug you again and you went stiff in her arms. Everything she’d gone through – two marriages that weren’t her choice, a husband that was so cold to her and her daughter, a lonely life. And here she was, offering you up for the same fate. You didn’t know how you were supposed to bear this.
“Have a safe flight,” she whispered in your ear and then she was gone. You didn’t watch her go. You just sank back into your chair, ready for the night to end. 
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A while later, you heard someone call your name. You turned around to see Richard. “I think it’s time for Ransom to call it a night.” You followed Richard’s gaze to see Ransom slumped over in a chair. You almost asked him why he was telling you. Then you remembered that Ransom was your husband now. Your problem, your responsibility. You nodded to Richard and thanked him, smiling at him, of fucking course. 
When you got to Ransom, he looked up at you and laughed. “Well, if it isn’t the wife!” he slurred. “We were just talking about you.” You looked over at the men on either side of him, equally drunk, and tried not to feel too humiliated. 
The crowd was thinning, but there were still people around and you could feel their eyes on you, so you did your best to keep your tone and face calm. “Ransom, it’s time to go up to our room.” 
One of his companions snickered and you were suddenly struck by what might await you in that room. You’d been so focused on just getting through the next thing that you’d protected yourself from thinking about what he might want, what he might demand, once you were alone. But looking at him now, as he struggled to stand up or get any control over his body at all, you hoped that you might be safe for this night, at least. 
Steve appeared at your elbow. “Fucking ridiculous,” he mumbled, low enough that it didn���t seem to be for you. Then louder he asked, “You need help getting him up to the room?”
You turned to him to answer, but then you saw Linda over his shoulder, watching you both carefully. You shook your head. “No, you can’t. I’ll be fine. I’ll–” Ransom took that moment to fall loudly back into his chair. He was way too big for you to handle on your own. You sighed and looked around for anyone who might help. “I’ll get Richard to help me.”
Steve looked at you confused. “I can do it.”
“I know,” you said, “but I just can’t let you. It– The way it would look,” you shook your head again.
You could tell he still didn’t get it, but he let it drop. “Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow. And if you need anything between now and then,” he sent a scathing look to Ransom, “you call me.”
You nodded, knowing you wouldn’t, as he squeezed your wrist and left and you went to track down Richard.
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After much struggle, you finally got Ransom into the honeymoon suite, Richard retreating as soon as his son was safely dumped into an armchair next to the bed. And then you were alone with him. You just stared at him for a moment, then asked, “Can you get yourself undressed?”
“ ‘fcourse,” he mumbled, then thrashed around in his tux jacket. You put a hand on his shoulder, trying to still his wild movements, then tugged off the jacket. You carefully began unbuttoning his shirt, trying to touch him no more than absolutely necessary, but he still smirked at you. “That desperate to get me naked?” he asked. You rolled your eyes and tried to keep going, but a hand on your wrist stopped you. “Hey,” he said, very seriously. He tried to lock eyes with you, but his kept drooping, as he continued. “We don’t have to do anything t’night. Not if you don’t want.”
You scoffed. “Yeah?” you asked. “Is that you or your whiskey dick talking?” You regretted it immediately, you were so tired. You waited for the insult to land, to see how he’d react, but he’d stopped paying attention, his head lolling against the back of the chair. You finished with the buttons and kneeled in front of him to take off his shoes. When that was done, you stood back up. “Please tell me you can get your own pants.”
He nodded, shrugging off his unbuttoned shirt, and stood up. He struggled with his belt for a few minutes, but eventually got it off, then pawed at his fly until he was able to undo that as well. As he moved to the bed, his pants slowly slid down his legs. You tried not to look at him, but you couldn’t help yourself. Under any other circumstances, you would find him so beautiful. It wasn’t fair. How dare he look like that and treat you like this. Just another aspect of this whole fucking mess that made you want to cry.
He stumbled to the edge of the bed and then threw himself forward, collapsing onto it face down, lying across it diagonally. Almost immediately, he started snoring. You just stood there a moment, watching him take up the entire bed. Fuck. It was fine. It’s not like you were going to sleep much anyway. You tugged his pants the rest of the way off his legs and threw them onto the pile of the rest of his clothes. 
You turned your attention back to yourself and stopped, suddenly gripped by panic. You tried to reach behind yourself and begin unfastening your dress, but the line of delicate hook and eye fastenings was too difficult to get without being able to see them. And you couldn’t reach all of them anyway. Oh god, you were going to be stuck in your dress all night. 
There was no one to help you. Ransom was out like a light and would be too drunk and clumsy even if he were conscious. Your mom had gone home. You couldn’t call Steve. He would come help at the drop of a hat, but if anyone saw him coming into your room… No. You were completely alone.
Every feeling you’d tried to push down and ignore this whole awful day came bubbling to the surface. You finally cried, your body wracked with sobs. You couldn’t control it. As you did, you still tried to wrestle with your dress, but your panic and sorrow made getting out of it impossible. So you sank down to the ground and just let the tears come. 
When you were finally all cried out, you stood up and moved to the bathroom. You took off your makeup and took down your hair, redoing it in the way you always slept in. You brushed your teeth and finished up with your skincare routine. Then you went back into the bedroom and grabbed a blanket off the bed. You moved into the adjoining living room and sank down onto the couch, arranging your giant dress around you. You turned on the TV and settled on a marathon of some procedural crime show you were pretty sure you’d seen before. You couldn’t decide whether or not you wanted the night to go quickly.
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simpjaes · 9 months
can we have a maybe part 2 of policeman!jake who takes you out on a few dates and you end up fucking in his car everytime, and later on maybe if you feel like it become something official???
police officer jake! x afab reader part 2 drabble // part one here
this is fluffy as all hell.
The thing about fucking a cop is like, it was fun while it lasted but he reminded you at the end of it, cum all in your shirt simply because he pulled out and didn't want to get any on the patrol car, that he really does have to start ticketing you.
When you looked sad, of course he was quick to follow up with a
"You don't need to commit crimes to get my attention, you know?"
And like, you liked speeding. You liked the way the adrenaline would rush solely for the hot officer that would always pull over and give you warnings with a flirty smile.
You guess it's only natural that he'd actually have to start doing his job at some point, especially after you already gave yourself up to him and ended the game of cop vs slutty crime girl.
You did get his personal number out of it though, which led to several dates where the handsome officer became a regular citizen in some regard. You saw his personal style, with his less combed hair, and his loose t-shirts and jeans.
Arguably, he looked just as good in uniform as he looked out of it. Everything about him turns you on, and he knows it.
With chuckles and smiles throughout dates when you turn every genuine conversation to get to know you into something sexual.
Like when he asked what you do for fun, you off handedly stated "try to get you to pull me over."
Of course, after each date he would also live up to all of your remarks, driving you around in his very normal car and parking in that same spot he had you the first time before dropping you at home.
Always the same thing. His cock pulled out of the zipper of his unbuttoned pants, and you as spread out as you can be in his back seat. Sometimes bent over, sometimes riding it. It really depended on the date.
It was nice though, seeing the difference between his polite and kind self try and talk through a date like he wasn't leaking all in his pants at the outfits you wear or the words you say to him.
After several dates, you invite him into your home. Which he rejects, solely because he believes he should be inviting you to his place. Which, he does do.
"Your place?" He laughed, scanning the way you rub your legs together in the passenger seat. "What kind of guy do you think I am?"
"The kind who will finally fuck me in a house rather than his car?"
He laughed at you again, fondly smirking at the girl he's grown so fond of.
"Well, yes." He admitted before turning the car around. "Would rather see your clothes on my floor though."
You weren't one to argue then, and you certainly aren't one to argue now. Especially with the way he has you in his bed, bouncing and moaning, feeling and seeing him in full for the first time.
With his pretty flushed cheeks and that same bitten smile as he watches you bounce freely, without the confines of car doors or ceilings holding you from moving too much.
It felt like it went on for hours, probably because it did. Over and over again. In his bed, on his bathroom floor, kitchen counter, living room couch. It just kept going, and going.
Every hour or so the two of you would be ready to go again, without fail.
And by the next morning, when you woke up in his messy and dirty sheets next to him, you realized it's the first time you ever slept over with a man you wanted to hook up with.
It was also the first time a man has ever woken up, smiled at you, and ate you out as his breakfast before making you your breakfast.
Oh, right, also the first time you've ever considered a simple fantasy of fucking a cop as not just a fantasy and perhaps more than that.
Especially with the way he drives you home, kisses you on the forehead, and stood awkwardly, not quite letting you go.
He wanted to say something and time was running out, simply because he genuinely did have to go to work and patrol the streets of people who aren't you.
You encourage him with another kiss, squishing your chest in your arms and bouncing slightly.
He laughs at your antics, wondering how someone like you could be interested in someone like him. His eyes staring directly at the bounce of your tits when he finally just says it.
"We should like, date, or be together, or something...i don't know."
Your answer wasn't a mystery to either of you, but still, he knew he had to ask. Mostly because he doesn't want any of his other cop friends spreading out into his territory and eyeing you down much like he did upon that first speeding ticket you received.
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vipwinnie · 1 year
Love potions
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Summary : Your boyfriend was under the influence of a magic potion
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I was both excited and nervous as I headed towards the common room of our house. I was getting ready to meet my boyfriend, Mattheo. We had been together for several months and our relationship was based on love and trust. That evening I wanted to give him a special surprise and show him how much I loved him. I knocked softly on her bedroom door and entered with a shy smile.
But as soon as my eyes landed on the scene unfolding before me, my heart broke into a thousand pieces. There was another girl sitting on Mattheo, their lips meeting in a fiery kiss. This girl was not unknown to me, I had already seen her in the Slytherin common room. I was paralyzed by shock and couldn't look away. Tears began to stream down my face as I realized the extent of the betrayal. Mattheo immediately realized my presence and broke away from the other girl with a look of surprise and panic on his face.
“Oh my God, I...I can explain,” he stammered, desperately searching for the words to ease the pain he had just caused me. But my emotions were too strong for me to hear his explanations. But in that moment, words were of no use. My heart was in pieces, and I walked away from the scene, unable to bear the sight of this betrayal. I ran out of the room, my tears blurring my vision. How could he do this to me? How could he break our love like this? I stepped back, unable to bear the sight of this tragedy. Words were useless at that moment. I ran out of the room, my tears blurring my vision.
The next morning, I left my room, hoping I could escape the sadness that was overwhelming me. But as soon as I opened the door, I saw Mattheo lying on the ground in front of my door. He must have slept there, hoping that I would forgive him. I looked at him with sadness in my eyes, remembering the night before. The pain was still there, but part of me wondered if our love could be saved. I approached him, my emotions overwhelming me.
“Why, Mattheo?” I whispered in a trembling voice.
“Why did you betray me like this?” My eyes were filled with tears, but my voice was filled with determination. Mattheo looked up at me, his own eyes filled with regret and pain.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice breaking.
"I don't know what came over me. I love you so much, and I never wanted to hurt you." I bit my lip, trying to understand my own feelings. Part of me wanted to forgive him, to give him a second chance. But I knew it would take time. Trust had been broken, and I needed to be sure it wouldn't happen again. “
I can’t forgive you right now,” I told him sincerely. And so without giving him a last look, I turned on my heels towards my first class of the day. Leaving a Mattheo on the verge of tears at the door.
The next time I saw Mattheo was when I was leaving my potions class. He was leaning against the wall, a cigarette in his hand. He was probably coming to try to apologize again. I tried to ignore him, to move past him. But he grabbed my arm, forcing me to face him. He smelled of cigarettes. He tried to apologize again, saying he wasn't "himself at the time" and "didn't know what happened to him." But I didn't accept his apology.
“Your apologies are not enough,” I told him in a firm voice, but full of sadness. He didn't want to hear anything.
“But damn when I tell you I don’t know what happened” he told me.
“You broke my trust, you betrayed me. I can’t just forget all of this ."
“Please, you don’t understand Y/n, I’m nothing without you. Please forgive me, you saved me. I only love you,” he told me.
But again I looked at him without saying anything. He then understood that his excuses would be of no use. He then let go of my arm, admitting his defeat. He didn't know what to say anymore. He then looked at me with a look of remorse. And turned on his heel before I could say anything.
One day, during lunch at school, I decided to tell my friend Daphne about my situation. I needed advice and a little reassurance. Sitting in a secluded corner of the great hall, I opened up to her.
“Daphne, can I talk to you about something serious?” I asked, with tears in my eyes.
"Of course, Y/N. What's wrong?" she replied, worried. I took a deep breath before starting to speak.
"Mattheo. That's the problem. Well, he cheated on me and I'm so lost. Daphne placed her hand on mine, showing me her support.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. No one deserves to be cheated on. But you have to remember that you're not responsible for what he does after you break up. It's up to him to face the consequences of his actions." I nodded, appreciating his comforting words.
"You're right, Daphne. I need to focus on myself and my own well-being. I can't let his choices define me." Daphne smiled at me, showing me that she was there for me.
“You deserve someone better, believe me. Don’t let this betrayal destroy you.
Since that day, it was rare to see Mattheo, whether in the corridors, in the common room or even in the main hall. As soon as I met him, he had a cigarette in his hand and a cold look that spoke volumes. I haven't spoken to him since that day. And it was probably better that way , that we each stayed on our own.
But one evening when I came home from the common room so I could go into my room, I saw him. He was probably waiting for me so he could apologize again. As soon as he saw me, he got up and ran and grabbed my hands. Taken by surprise, I didn't object. He looked at me with his look full of resentment. As I predicted, he started apologizing. That it was all his fault and that he was so stupid. He told me that since that day, he had relapsed into smoking and blamed himself every day because of what he had put me through. I was skeptical of his apology .
”These last few weeks have been so difficult, I realized how much I missed you, how essential your smile, your voice and your presence are in my life. I don’t want to lose that,” he told me.
“Always and always false words,” I thought to myself.
I then firmly rejected his apology. I told him again that I couldn't forgive him so easily. But then he showed me a small vial. I didn't understand at the time. I was confused. He told me that it was a magic potion that had been given to him that same day. I then asked him who could have made him drink it. He then told me it was this girl. The one I surprised him with kissed that day. That she had planned everything from the start.
“But how?” I then asked. I was in denial, refusing to believe what he was saying. He told me that she had a crush on him for a long time. And that she had prepared this potion so that they would go out together. I was so shocked by this news that I didn't know what to say and was speechless. It was then that he took the opportunity to kiss me. A languorous kiss that I had missed so much lately, tears streaming down our faces. I could feel his sincerity and his distress. We kissed again, leaving the pain and betrayal behind. This is how I forgave him and we ended our evening in each other’s arms.
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emotionally-cuckolded · 6 months
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You and your wife have two children -- twin girls who are now 18. Although your wife has been cuckolding you for several years, she has kept that fact a secret from them -- until now. You're very nervous about how this coming weekend will go, with her boyfriend spending the weekend at your house, with her, and getting to know your daughters. You know that your wife is very hopeful that they'll like him, which would make it easier for him to spend a lot more time in your house with her in the future.
The weekend went even better than your wife had reason to hope it would -- which meant that, for you, it was a shamefully humiliating experience from beginning to end. Your wife's boyfriend and your daughters hit it off almost immediately, and you were put in the position of having to serve dinner to the four of them -- your wife and her boyfriend and your daughters -- as they chatted and laughed together -- including all of them laughing about what a loser you are. Perhaps the worst part for you was being bossed around by your wife's boyfriend, and by your daughters, and being teased by your daughters about the fact that you were going to have to sleep in the guest room while your wife and her boyfriend slept together -- and would be having sex together -- in the main bedroom upstairs. And then by the end of the weekend, your daughters were begging your wife's boyfriend to move in, so that he could really become the new man of the house -- since it was obvious (they said) that you could never be in that role again.
The next day -- after your wife's boyfriend had left -- you expected life in your household to return to "normal", but you quickly learned that everything was different now. Your wife told you -- in front of the girls -- that she wanted you to continue to sleep in the guest room even when her boyfriend wasn't there. The way she put it was that sharing a bed with you would feel like she was cheating on HIM -- a comment that elicited giggles from both your daughters, who were now calling you "cucky" instead of "dad", and who continued to boss you around the way they had over the weekend.
Feeling very insecure now, you sensed that obeying them, and your wife, was probably the right thing for you to do now, and that evening -- after serving the three of them dinner -- you learned that you were right about that -- when one of your daughters asked your wife if she planned on divorcing you. Your wife smiled and asked both girls what THEY thought she should do, and they said that as long as you were as obedient as you'd been all weekend, maybe it made sense for your wife to keep you around, even if her boyfriend moved in.
Then, the next evening, your wife's boyfriend dropped in unexpectedly. You answered the door, and then had to just stand to the side as your wife greeted him with a huge hug and kiss and as both your daughters ran to greet him too. In fact, they could hardly contain their excitement as they asked him if he'd decided about moving in. With a big smile -- he told them that, yes, he'd decided, and that yes, the decision was -- yes! They both gave him a big hug, and then one of them turned to you and said "Isn't that GREAT news, cucky!". All you could do was to hang your head in shame and whisper yes.
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lunajay33 · 30 days
Summary: Embry was your best friend since birth never a day without him and when he magically disappeared from your life it shattered your world, desperate to just see him one more time
Pairing: Embry Call x f!reader
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Being born in forks with your twin sister Bella, it was a crazy start, mom hated it here and took Bella with her leaving me with my dad, the chief of police Charlie Swan, we had a simple life and I loved it we’d have supper together most nights talking about our days, he treated me good he never went a day without making me feel loved, when mom left taking only Bella, I remember her saying I was too much to handle that Bella was quiet and would be easy, after that I feel incredibly bad about myself but Embry was there, even as kids he was always there for me and I was there for him
Today we planned to go to La Push beach and have the whole day together so I got in my shared truck with Bella since she moved back now, and drove down to the beach
Parking in my usual spot and walking down to the beach, taking off my shoes I let the sand cover my feet as I sat in the spot Embry and I always hung out in, close to the water so the breeze from the ocean could relax us, he always said it was his favorite thing to do, just sit with me enjoy the moments we shared
An hour had passed and still no embry so I decided to go to the little shack on the beach and get an ice cream, after getting my favorite flavour I went back to the spot seeing Embry finally here, quick to sit next to him
“Hey Em what took you so long?” I asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist
“Sorry sweets slept through my alarm but we still have the rest of the day right?!” He said smiling down at me, over the last couple of months he’s shot up in height and has become way leaner and muscular
“Of course!” We spent the next few hours walking along the shore with our shoes off, walking through the trees near the beach, getting more ice cream since he was complaining how hot he was even though it was a typical cool cloudy day in La push
Soon he was turning more red and getting light headed then angry, which I’ve never seen before
“I have to go, I’m sorry” he said running to his truck and driving off leaving me confused, finishing the day early I drove back home where it had become gloomy, Bella was always screaming at night and dad and I would barely get sleep anymore, some nights I was allowed to stay over at Embrys to help
I hung up my coat and made my way to the phone dialing Embrys home phone, it rang and rang and rang, sighing I left a message hoping he’d listen and call me back letting me know if he was okay
I slumped down at the dinner table picking at the fries feeling like something was wrong
“You okay kiddo?” Dad asked from across the table
“Yeah it’s just, something happened with Em today, he might be sick I’m just worried”
“I’m sure he’s fine! He’ll probably call you in the morning”
“Yeah I guess”
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It’s been a month with no word from Embry, I called all the time only getting word from his mom saying he’s severely sick but I couldn’t believe it, and now I know how Bella feels well felt, she’s been hanging with Jacob and seems to be getting better now I’m the gloom of the house
“Kid you can’t stay in the house all the time outside of school, go for a walk at the beach or something I know you love that” his words made tears bead along my waterline
“Dad you don’t understand, I need him it feels like somethings broken in me, he’s never done this to me before I mean did I do something wrong?” I cried into my hands
“Honey you couldn’t do anything wrong you’re my like sweetheart, maybe he’s just going through something, maybe go for a little hike get some fresh air”
“Fine” I pulled on my shoes and left out the back door walking the trail all the way till I got to the jumping cliff, Embry had taken me here many times because it gave a great view of the ocean, he once even set up a picnic for my birthday
I love embry I always have but I could never admit that to him and risk the friendship we have
After about an hour I was ready to leave when I heard a growl from behind me, turning slowly full of fear with the recent hiker attacks, glowing yellow eyes in the trees as it had gotten dark, but when I heard a whine my fear disappeared
“Hello?” I asked stepping closer
Another whine was heard before a huge wolf emerged from the trees and my breathe was taken from me, it came nearer pressing its snout against my palm as I started running my hair through its beautiful fur
“You remind me of someone, you’re so gentle, I had a friend he was my best friend, I loved him but he’s gone now, I don’t even know if I’ll ever see him again if he ever wants to even see me again, I guess I just miss him” I don’t know why but spilling my heart out to this gentle giant made that weight of my chest lighter, the wolf licked my face before walking back into the woods
Another rustle was heard in the trees and a few seconds later the last person I expected to see came walking towards me, Embry but he was even stronger and taller and his hair was cut and a tattoo
“Em? Where did you come from?”
“It’s me well I mean…..that the wolf……it’s me”
“What but how you can’t be……” but then all the stories of the tribe I heard over the years came flooding back, descended from wolves
“By that look I think you already know, I never wanted to leave you god it killed me to be apart from you but that day……that day I got sick I was changing, there’s more of us, Sam Jared Paul, but it’s a secret you already know that, but when we change anger runs out entire life it wasn’t safe to be around you, I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you, but then I caught your scent out here and I couldn’t take it anymore I had to see you”
“But if it’s a secret why are you telling me everything?”
“This is crazy but, people in our pack we have soulmates, picked when we are born the person who’s our other half, each wolf has an imprint and when you see them it’s like your whole world changes everything is about her, she’s your life the one that keeps you going”
My heart dropped the way he was explaining everything sounded like he already found her
“Have you….have you already got an imprint, you’ve found your soulmate” I said my voice shaking as my lip quivered
“I have and I knew, I’ve always known it’s only ever been you, I love you, forever”
“Forever Em”
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httpseungmxn · 28 days
Idol!Park Seonghwa X Fem!Reader
🍬 - pure fluff
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Authors Note: Why hello there, Angel. Surprise surprise, haru is back with yet another random mini fic that they had absolutely no plans for but are too busy to write longer things! I made a custom wheel  to decide what I would write for you guys today! I’ll probably use said wheel a lot in the future since no one really sends in requests:<  I do hope you guys enjoy this fluff fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3
Warnings: None! Seonghwa is an absolute sweetheart, Clingy!Seonghwa, reader calls seonghwa “an angel sent from above” Triggers: none as far as I’m aware!
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Park Seonghwa. Just hearing the love of your lifes name had a bright smile coming to your lips. That man. The man who swooped in and changed your whole life. For the better, obviously.
It was pure luck that Seonghwa just happened to walk into your cafe that fateful day right after your boyfriend of 2 years had dropped you. His reason? You weren't ready for sexual intercourse and he couldn't live with that. Instead, he had gone out every weekend for the past seven months and cheated on you with a woman named Kana.
Seonghwa risked scandal and saved you from a particularly mad businessman who claimed his order was wrong. It wasn't. It was a habit to reread not only a customer's order several times but also how to make the order. 
The man clearly just wanted to get his order for free, many people had tried the same thing before. You always gave them the same response though. That you were sure it was right, but if it wasn't, you'd toss the current and replace it with the right order without a refund.
This made the customer angrier, threats spewing out of his mouth at you until Seonghwa stepped in.
You were grateful his usual cafe was shut down on that day, because otherwise you never would've met him.
You wouldn't be where you currently were. Laid in Seonghwa's arms as he slept. Just laid there admiring his beauty. He had beautiful pink hair when the two of you had met, but over the years together he had done so many different things with it before leaving it black.
Black was definitely his color. His hair felt so, so soft as you ran your fingers through it. Burying your face further into his chest.
It was moments like this you treasured most with him. You didn't get them often anymore. 2024 was Ateez's year and unfortunately that called for your sweet boyfriend to be away more.
Making as much time for you as he could, which you appreciated more than he could ever know. There had been plenty of relationships before for others that hadn't worked out because one partner was too clingy and the other had no time for them.
You and Seonghwa weren't like that though.
Gently unraveling his arms from you to go start on breakfast, just for him to snatch you back to him. Looking down to him to see if he was awake, but he wasn't. Or so you thought.
Attempting again, but stopping once his beautiful voice rung out, deep and raspy, filled with sleepiness.
“ Stop trying to leave me. ”, “ I was going to start on breakfast for you, My Love. ”, “ It can wait. Just lay with me for a while. I wanna spend as much time with my beautiful girl as possible. ”
You couldn't hold back the smile that immediately came to your lips at his words. Relaxing into his grasp and wrapping your arms gently around him.
“ You are a beautiful Angel sent from above, Park Seonghwa. ”, you spoke before shutting your eyes to sleep with your lover a while longer.
Unfortunately because of this the two of you slept through both breakfast and lunch, but you didn't seem to care much. You were both glad to have been able to spend a little extra time with each other. You and your Angel. 
Park Seonghwa, was nothing short of an ethereal being sent from above to care for you 
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Authors ending note; What did my Angels think of that? Short but sweet like I said! I am working on the Jin fic slowly, but I don’t know when I’ll have that out due to moving, so hopefully this suffices for now! I will be working on another Quackity fic soon as well as a possible Chan fic that I think you guys would like, I’ll do a poll to see what you guys think though! Until next time, My Angels 🫶
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
How You and I Became We
Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader
Warnings: Light mentions of the red room, Natasha having PTSD, a lot of tooth rotting fluff of reader helping Nat through things and being her rock
Word count: 885
A/N: I felt bad for making Nat the bad guy and had to make up for it. So here she is, being baby and soft.
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You met Natasha after she defected from Russia, claiming she wanted to do better and be better. Fury assigned her to you and Barton. Field missions she'd head out with Clint then report back to you. 
Slowly you learned things about Natasha especially since you two shared an apartment. Fury had asked if you could take her in since she had nowhere to go and it would take her a bit to save up for her own place. 
It was your first night together when you learned about her need to handcuff herself to the bed. You tried to reassure her that she didn't need that and she assured you that she did.
You compromised with her by holding her wrist through the night. You got little sleep that whole first week, but you'd slept worse before.
Slowly you were able to let go of your grip until she didn't need it anymore though you found her still seeking out your touch to help her fall asleep, it usually became your hands intertwined and eventually you'd start waking up with more than just your hands intertwined.
Over time you had learned Natasha's habits and you find her seeking out your office for its comforting atmosphere. The soft yellow lights, soft lofi music, comfy couches, and snuggly blankets. She'd come in quietly, if your desk hadn't faced the door you probably wouldn't even know she'd slipped in as she grabbed a blanket, wrapping herself up and laying down. 
She'd start talking in Russian assuming you didn't understand, but you knew several languages. She'd complain about various things, especially the red room. You had learned a lot from her file that Fury gave you and you knew about the Red Room and the horrible things that had gone on there. Natasha only confirmed them as she spoke in Russian.
“Krasnaya komnata isportila vsyu moyu zhizn'. U menya v bukhgalterskoy knige stol'ko krasnogo, i ya ne znayu, smogu li ya kogda-nibud' eto ispravit'... YA ne ponimayu, pochemu ty tak dobr ko mne…(The red room fucked with my whole life over. I've got so much red in my ledger and I don't know if I'll ever be able to fix it...I don't understand why you're so nice to me…)” 
You looked up from your paperwork. She wasn't looking at you, just staring off, as she tugged on a loose string of the blanket. You had heard her say a lot of negative things since you had met, but she had never brought you into it so you figured it was time,
“YA dobr k tebe, potomu chto ty mne nravish'sya, Natal'ya. YA dumayu, ty khoroshiy chelovek. Prosto potomu, chto oni kontrolirovali vas tak, kak oni eto delali, vy reshili uyti, chtoby stat' luchshe, potomu chto vy luchshe. To, cherez chto oni zastavili vas proyti, bylo obuslovleno vami, no eto ne znachit, chto eto vy. (I'm nice to you because I like you Natalia. I think you're a good person. Just because they controlled you the way they did it was your decision to leave, to be better because you are better. What they put you through was conditioned into you it doesn't mean it is you.)” you leaned back in your chair, she shot up, blanket falling off of her. 
“You can speak Russian?” Her voice wavered as you nodded. 
“The whole time?”
“Yes. I didn't want you to stop venting, but I don't want you questioning why I'm nice to you. It's not because I have to be. It's because I want to be. I actually genuinely like you Natalia.” You stood up, making your way around your desk until you were in front of her. She stood a few inches taller than you as you looked up into her striking green eyes. 
“Why…?” You shrug.
“Why do we like anything? Or anyone for that matter? Emotions are weird and complicated, but that's okay because there doesn't have to be some big hidden meaning behind why I like you. Do you like me?” Natasha nods, making you smile and slowly reach out for her hand, she allows you to intertwine your fingers. “Then that's all that matters, don't you think?” She looks away and down and everywhere, but at you until you take your other hand and gently cup her cheek which brings her attention back to you. “It's okay to feel this way Tasha. No one is going to stop you, especially not me.” You barely had time to blink before her lips pressed against yours softly. 
You let your hand move to the back of her head so she couldn't pull back too quickly as you kissed back, letting your lips dance for the first time. 
You let her go, pulling back only to have her chase your lips, gripping your cheeks and pulling you back in as you fall against the couch, her now straddling your lap as she kisses you with a fever like she's suddenly addicted to you and can't get enough until you both need air. Breathing heavily, feeling her hot breath against your face. You grip her hips pulling her closer.
“I do hope that you don't leave me all hot and bothered with just your kisses.” You breathe out, kissing her jaw and neck.
“Wouldn't dream of it.” 
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cutielando · 9 months
forever | r.c.
synopsis: in which you finally get your happily ever after
my masterlist
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"Will you marry me?"
That was the question that had changed your life a couple of months ago.
Your long-term boyfriend, Rafe Cameron, had finally got the courage to ask you to marry him, after being in a relationship for more than 4 years together.
He had saved up money from his job to buy you the ring with his own earned money, not with the money his family had.
The beautiful diamond ring has been beautifully sitting on your ring finger ever since the night he got on one knee, there being very few occasions when you would take it off. You often found yourself just staring at the jewel on your finger, mesmerized by the diamond and what it signified for you and Rafe.
A first step to your forever life together, side by side.
Planning for your wedding had been the most stressful, yet most beautiful period of your life up to that point. Getting to organize the wedding of your dreams with Rafe was magical, building up the ever growing excitement for the fast-approaching wedding date.
Before you knew it, you were waking up on the morning of your wedding day, stretching out to find Rafe's side of the bed empty and cold. 
You sighed, remembering that your families had insisted that you two don't see each other on your wedding day before the aisle, and you didn't want to admit it, but you missed seeing Rafe already and you had barely just opened your eyes.
A ding from your phone made you snap out of your thoughts and pick it up, smiling once you saw that it was a text from Rafe.
good morning angel, i hope you slept well <3 i know you're probably sad we didn't get to wake up next to each other, i'm just as hurt by that. but look on the bright side, in a couple of hours we'll finally be married and wake up next to each other every morning for the rest of our lives. i love you and i can't wait to see you walking down the aisle to me <33
Your heart could have exploded just because of that message, butterflies erupting in your stomach. Even after so many years of knowing each other and being together, Rafe still managed to make you shy and flustered every time.
You quickly typed out a response before you heard a soft knock on your bedroom door.
"Honey? Are you awake?" the quiet and muffled voice of your mother asked from behind the door, prompting you to get up and open the door.
"Hi mom" your smile was contagious, but your mother's was 10 times more so than yours.
Ever since she learned the news of your engagement, she couldn't stop talking about it and smiling constantly, over the moon that her daughter was finally getting married.
"Morning honey. How are you feeling?" she quickly looked left and right to make sure Rafe wasn't anywhere near you before she walked in and closed the door behind her.
Your mother and Rafe's sisters were tasked with guarding you from seeing Rafe and your brother along wit your father were tasked with keeping him away from you.
A task that was going to prove to be difficult because Rafe couldn't stand being away from you for long.
"Nervous, but excited at the same time. I just can't believe I'm really getting married in a few hours" you were giddy, holding your mother's hands excitedly.
"Oh, my sweet girl. You're all grown up" your mother's voice started quivering and tears suddenly appeared in her eyes, making you shush her and bring her in a hug.
"Mom, please don't cry. You're going to make me cry too" you said as you pouted, hugging your mother close. 
Ever since your mother had met Rafe, she had been sure that he was going to be the man you were going to end up marrying. Fast-forward, turns out she had been right.
Several hours later, with the help of your mother, Wheezie and Sarah, you were all glammed up in your dress, getting ready for your father to come and get you.
A knock on your door signaled that it was time for the ceremony, making your stomach churn with nerves.
"Are you ready sweetheart?" your father asked you as he gave you your arm, standing in front of the still-closed doors of the church.
You let out a big sigh and nodded, giving him a convincing smile. You held the bouquet in your other hand, feet tapping against the floor impatiently.
Once you heard the music starting and the doors slowly started to open, you knew the moment had finally come. Everyone in the room turned around to look at you, big gasps echoing through the big church.
However, your eyes were only on Rafe, who was waiting for you at the alter with your brother and Topper by his side.
"Hi" you mouthed to him once you made eye contact, making him smile widely and wiping a tear that had escaped from his eyes.
The walk towards Rafe felt like an eternity to you, when in reality it had only been a minute. You had got lost in Rafe's eyes, your attention only focusing in on him.
"Take care of my girl" your father told your soon-to-be husband once you reached the alter and Rafe took your hand from your father.
"I promise, sir" he said, gently helping you up the few steps.
"Hello, everyone" the reverend began speaking. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between these two exceptional young people, Y/N and Rafe. I can see how excited the bride and the groom are, so I won't make this any longer than it should be. Y/N, Rafe, have you prepared your vows?" you both nodded, and then the reverend motioned for you to go first.
You let out a breath, suddenly a little bit nervous. But as you looked into Rafe's eyes, you suddenly relaxed and realized there was nothing to be nervous about, not when it came to him.
"Rafe, my love, I can't even begin to explain to you how much I love and appreciate you. You came into my life at a point when I didn't believe that love was real, that I was worthy of being so passionately and irrevocably loved by someone. But you showed me what real love is, you taught me to push myself and achieve every goal I set for myself. You always push me to be my best self and you have helped me grow as a person and mature. You always know what to say, you can always read me even when I don't want to say anything, you know me better than I know myself. I promise to love and to cherish you from this forward and until the day we are no longer going to be on this planet. I love you and I can't wait to see what the rest of our lives looks like" tears had started pouring down yours and Rafe's cheeks, making everyone in the audience also tear up.
"How can I top that?" Rafe joked, making your families laugh as well. "Y/N, the love I have for you is consuming, it's so strong I don't even know what to do with it sometimes. You have helped me become a better man, take responsibilities for my actions and be more understanding of life. You showed me that I had a purpose in this world and that made me realize my life's purpose is to love you and to show you how much you mean to me. I know I'm not the easiest person to be with, but I'm trying to be better for you every single day, to show you that I deserve to be married to you because you only deserve the best. I promise to love you and care for you for the rest of our lives, keep you safe and I will make it my life's mission to make sure you never lack anything. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life by your side, baby. I love you so much"
Everyone in the room was crying by the end, including your father who you had never seen crying before.
"The rings?" the reverend turned to your brother, who fished them out of his pocket.
"Y/N, do you take Rafe Cameron to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" 
"I do" you proudly exclaimed and slid the ring on Rafe's left hand.
"Rafe, do you take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" Rafe slid the ring on your left hand as well, taking both of your hands in his after.
"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Rafe didn't waste another second before he pulled you to him, taking your face in his hands and kissing you deeply.
The whole room started cheering and clapping, but you didn't hear anything else around you.
You only felt Rafe kissing you, sharing your first moment as husband and wife.
When you both pulled away, whispers of 'I love you' were shared between you, quiet so nobody could hear.
And as you both walked out of the church hand-in-hand, you knew that you were ready for anything life had to offer you as long as you had each other.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron against the world, forever.
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