#they never once in the whole show get a big bounty
milfbro · 2 years
oh great. cowboy beebop live action also doesn't understand why the conveniece store robbery scene was important in the animated movie
did they even watch the show
this live action is just some capitalist bootlicker ass
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lookforsomeoneelse · 3 months
Can we get some more sahsrau? Does not have to be a long one-shot, I just really like how you write! And I would love to hear more of your ideas!
Maybe about how specific characters show that they interact with the reader? For example, how they act before reader is in HSR, and once reader is in HSR? As for characters, you can choose who ever you want! You're the one writing it after all.
As for writing, you asked if writing gets better if you do it often? And well, for me what works is writing, doesn't matter if it not good, just enjoy yourself. Plus reading books, fanfics, or whatever you like once again, and this time try to pay attention to how things are worded in your favorite books/fanfics.
Anyway, take good care of yourself cause there are always people who care about you, and stay hydrated!
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Alright! First ask. Only gonna be headcanons because I’m a procrastinator. Reader discretion is advised, because I have no idea what to put for the content warning. I think it only goes for Kafka though.
I touched on her briefly in another post, but know that despite her arrogance and apathy towards most, she’s just as down bad for you as the rest of the cast.
She gives her absolute best when it comes to you.
Also in Simulated Universe, your word is absolute law. If the simulated you decides that the project is a bad idea or something, Herta will absolutely stop, regardless of the resources she put into its creation.
I imagine her to be with you the exact opposite of how she treats everybody else- with the utmost respect and attention.
Once you actually do make it inside of the game for whatever reason, Herta is absolutely ecstatic.
When you’re actually around her though…
Let’s say that her IQ drops by a significant amount.
Combined with her intense faith, this can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and false assumptions.
You can legit just be sitting down or something and herta will be in the background like “WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!”
Born as a reincarnation(?) of the Watchmaker, I’m not actually going to discuss him. Rather, I wanna talk about who he originally was, and (technically) his creation.
Mikhail Char Legwork, aka The Watchmaker, was also a devout follower of yours.
All throughout his travels on the Express, he never lost sight of your mercy, which allowed him to survive on his long journeys.
Thanks to this, you end up as a “character” in the Clockie cartoon, who the writers show as a mysterious figure who gave Clockie his powers.
There’s also a LOT of propaganda surrounding you in basically every piece of media, (in the game) including Clockie.
Speaking of media…
ah yes, the shining popstar of the universe herself, Robin!
Robin’s no doubt another faithful follower of yours.
She believes that her amazing voice and innate talent came from you (it actually came from Chevy, holy cow is she a good singer) and she gives many praises to you for that.
In fact, do you want to know what her best selling single is?
It’s not Sway to my Beat in Cosmos, nor Hope is The Thing with Feathers, and it’s not even If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking!
It’s actually a song- a hymn, rather, composed and sung specifically just for you.
Ask basically anybody who is a fan of hers and I can bet that they know the lyrics by heart and can absolutely sing it backwards.
Make it into their reality, and you’ll get free access to front seats to any and all of her concerts. And when I say “front seat” I mean you get a whole ass throne specifically built for your comfort.
She will die of joy if you ask her for an autograph. Keep that in mind.
last but most certainly not least, it’s our mom, but more commonly known as Kafka, the charismatic and beautiful Stellaron Hunter with a big bounty and big boobies. (I’m f#cking ashamed of myself for writing that)
She’s the one character on this list that we haven’t been given a backstory for- except some voice lines, but they really don’t tell us anything.
As such, the only real thing I can tell you is that she’s faithful to you, just like everyone else.
It becomes a completely different song and dance if you come to them, though.
She’s essentially a glorified wine aunt, and she will treat you out for whatever you wish.
She’s also very very defensive of you.
That guy over looks stole a glance? Dead next morning.
That girl goes even within 50 meters of you without your permission? Her fate is sealed.
Kafka is by no means like this to you, however.
She’s probably gonna lick your shoes free of charge.
(A/N: I, uh, really like asks. please send more. you probably won’t get anything good, but least you’ll get what you requested.)
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snivyartjpeg · 2 months
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space dandy is one of my favorite anime ever so here's a real self indulgent rain code au where the detectives are space bounty hunters and shinigami is yuma's horrible alien parasite
(lore + spoilers below)(it's a lot so warning for that lol)
so like space mercs and bounty hunters are a classic right? imagine there is a whole ranking system on these guys ran by the intergalactic united government, and there's one guy who's the best in the business: a professional bounty hunter who has no name. he simply responds to his ranking- number one.
he carries out his work anonymously, his face only known by very few elites. born and raised to kill, he's really got no other identity to him.
he's never been fit for close combat, so he excels in stealth and marksmanship, as well as using his little genius mind to macgyver his way out of most situations
well eventually number one gets a little too cocky and gets fatally wounded on a mission. as he's dying, he hears the voice of an alien parasite who goes by shinigami. she's close to death as well without a proper host, so she proposes a deal: she takes over his body, and he gets to live. desperate to survive, he accepts, but the shock of her takeover knocks him unconscious and gives him amnesia.
by the way, shinigami works a lot like venom- she gives him super powers but also she does get hungry. yuma ends up letting her devour (read: she takes over his body and makes him devour) any hunted targets they kill.
anyway, now wholly dependent on her as a guide and life support system, number one manages to escape the planet he nearly died on and reach a trade center to find help. however, once he gets there, he is immediately chased by other bounty hunters and police. while running, he catches sight of a wanted poster, featuring someone with a face that looks just like his...
he finds what he thinks is an old abandoned ship to hide in, but turns out this worn down hunk of metal is inhabited by a man named yakou furio and his band of misfit outlaws that are also hiding from the fuzz. they have a big panic upon meeting, but all calm down and ask their newest guest how he got here. after giving his long winded explanation, number one gets accepted into the crew, and they name him yuma, after fubuki endearingly mispronounced the term U.M.A. (Unidentified Monstrous Animal, the thing the crew initially mistook yuma for).
the nda are all different types of aliens too! yakou is of a carnivorous race from a planet that's always raining. desuhiko is from a shapeshifting race of aliens that often blend into other planet populations. fubuki is a 4th dimensional time being, encased in a robotic body so she can interact with the lower plane creatures. halara is basically a furry from a planet ruled by anthropomorphic mammals (they look like some sort of gray fox). and vivia is like danny phantom- a guy who only half died thanks to a wormhole warp accident, so he can travel between spiritual and physical planes and cause anomalies. they've all got their own crimes and past, but they're all good people. will i ever draw them? hopefully someday!
anyway, this kinda plays out like a humorous, episodic show in which the crew go on odd jobs and missions to scrape by, all while trying to not get hunted as bounty targets. eventually things would get intense when they get attacked by a huge ship that's manned by a masked man... and this masked man seems to have it out for yuma, specifically. who is he? why is he attacking? whatever will this band of misfits do?!
i guess we'll have to find out next episode...
(or you can send any asks about this au. i WILL infodump abt it)
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kankuroplease · 5 months
could you do an Hc of Kuri,please she has Wolfgang's eyebrows ✨and she married her big brother's best friend even though she doesn't love him 🤣🤩
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Kuri looked so similar to the daughter Tsuna said he’d like to have one day (his hair, Ebba’s eyes) that it made Ebba tear up a bit seeing her for the first time
She was a rather joyful baby that smiled easily
Total daddies girl from day one
She took a bit longer to talk, but once she started, she didn’t stop
Often talking to her parents about the different things she saw in town
Or pestering her grandmother about weaving lessons and horseback rides
She had no problems making friends and quickly became popular despite being a bit timid because her friends (two very popular girls) took her under their wings
Her Irish Wolfhound came from the same litter as her best friends ninken
Once she was a bit older, she took up apprenticeship with her grandmother as a ferrier
That’s about the time Asahi started hanging out with his friend Ivan
Who was as big as mountain even as a child. He laughed too loud, ate too much, and always said the strangest things
Including; she should speak with her head up, he can tell the difference in her embroidery style to her mothers, and she chews loudly
But what really made her not like him was when he said his father told him she had a face full of stars (complimentary)
She hated her freckles, so it just seemed like he was trying to make fun of her
After that she kept conversations with him SHORT, even when he stayed with them while his father was away. That is Asahi’s problem friend not hers 😤
In her teens, she full embraced her popular role and almost exclusively hung out with the Inuzuka that had also settled in this land
This kept her ninjutsu skills sharp and that gave her a sense of pride because she was praised for both her Uchiha and Inuzuka abilities
She was still a daddies girl, so he was still the first person she told all her big news to
She loved shipping with her mom and helping her embroider things. Often sneaking in an uchiha fan to make her smile
Her relationship with Asahi was rocky as he didn’t spend much time at home
She joined Frederick in playing the taikos with their mother
She was the best sibling at managing the triplets and that was done through making everything a game. She could get them to scrub the whole house if she wanted to and let them crash in her bed with her most nights
Elke was like her own little baby doll. She liked picking her clothes and styling her hair as it had a fun flip to it’s ends
Arashi was her other little doll, sort of. More like the puppy she showed off to her friends and taught funny work songs to
She loved betting on dog races with her grandmother. Ebba always made it fun as she wasn’t afraid to challenge anyone
Unfortunately for her, so did Ivan
And he was much better at choosing a winner than her
She tried to avoid him, but they always ended up in the same spots, shops, or being seated near each other at festivals
Her mother telling her to stop acting rude when Ivan never so much as said a bad word about her or mistreated her
Her friends all gushed about how big he was and giggled when he let them compare their hand sizes to his
To which she passed when he reached out his hand for her to do the same
He knew his hand was bigger than hers and wasn’t impressed like the others
He eventually stunned the heck out of her when asked her out
So much so she sort of just agreed as long as he didn’t tell Asahi or anyone else
He agreed and so they agreed to meet by the “quietest” part of the river
She didn’t know what to talk to him about. She knew her parents weren’t to happy about his father getting Asahi into bounty hunting, but that didn’t seem to extend to him
It was during that awkward silence sitting by the river that she noticed he smelled nice; earthy like rosewood but also something more alluring
He knew she liked rye bread best and pulled out the fresh loaf he packed along with some sweet wine (which she also liked sipping off of her mother’s in secret)
It made her feel happy and horrible that she didn’t bother paying attention to what he liked or anything about him other than him being her brother’s friend
after a little liquid courage, she asked about his likes and dislikes
She learned he has a bit of light perception and can determine light from dark
She also learned Asahi forbid him from asking her on a date… but here they were, which they both laughed about
He confessed he had liked her for sometime. He liked her laugh, how sweet she was with her family, and how excitedly she talks about her job
And she practically melted. Only able to tell him an shaky ‘thank you’
In the end she apologized for being so rude to him when he just was trying to start a conversation with her.
She promised to be nicer towards him and consider is confession seriously (sealed with a kiss on his cheek check)
It was from there that they started their secret trial relationship. Holding hands when no one was looking, brushing hands under the table, sneaking away to their secret spot, talking, kissing, etc..
It wasn’t that she was ashamed of being with Ivan, but she wanted to keep something to herself for once coming from such a big family and not feel like there was pressure
Each rendezvous got a little better and brought them closer
She found herself falling for him hard as his straightforwardness and genuine affection left no room for doubts in her about her own feelings about him
She loved that he was so gentle with her, loved hearing about her day, the way he lit up when she complimented him, and how his ears turned red whenever she whispered sweet nothings to him
Even his strange sense of humor made her laugh; the main one being that they sounded like some sort of fairytale couple where he kept changing their titles ‘the ferrier and the blind man’ ‘the witch and the bounty hunter’
It was perfect. Nothing could ruin her mood when she got to spend time with him
Or so she thought
Nothing like going to her grandmother’s house to pick up a few tools before heading home and being forced to take a bath + drink some funky mixture because dear grandma could smell that she had sex despite Kuri having washed up a bit afterwards
It was mortifying. Not because her grandmother was judging her (Ebba would never), but because it was her first time and she got found out not even an hour later.
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She was very grateful that Ebba told her parents she was staying at her place to help for a couple of days (so she could shake off her nerves)
In reality, she was getting an Inuzuka crash course in how not to get caught by her Inuzuka father because “what she does as a woman is not his business if it’s not happening in his house” (Ebba’s words)
Kuri did learn some helpful tips and tricks,and her father was non the wiser of her activities
She knew Ivan was going to ask for her hand before he did because while he was still very affectionate, he was acting strangely
So when her father asked her what she thought of Ivan, she told him honestly that she loves him
Telling Asahi was more nerve wracking for some reason. She didn’t want him to think she was taking his only friend away from him
He took it well to her surprise, especially considering he apparently knew about them for a long while
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trickphotography2 · 1 year
D-Day by TrickPhotography | Chapter 9
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female!reader
Word count: 5.9k
Synopsis: After finding out his girlfriend is pregnant, Jake is ready to move in and get married. The last thing he expected was to be hit with a six-month deployment at sea and missing the birth of his first child.
18+, minors DNI
Chapter 8 | Master List | Ao3
Chapter 9
Working on base was a whole different beast. While you still dealt with cocky pilots and big personalities, the transitory nature of working with the military meant no one was entrenched in their positions. Orders came through every few years, so squadrons were rebuilt repeatedly. The GS folks tended to stay in place, but with everyone spread across the different squadrons, a majority of the communication was held over Teams with weekly in-person meetings. Only four of your coworkers were with you in the Bounty Hunter’s hanger - and it was nice that you weren’t the only woman on the team.
The higher-ups didn’t stand for any disrespect to the GS employees. Once, in a standing-room-only meeting, an Admiral had forced a Petty Officer out of his seat for you. You were never called ‘sweetheart’ or asked to get coffee for the meeting. Even though you asked them to call you by your first name, you were often addressed as Ma’am or by your last name. 
It helped that you and Jake had hosted a misfit's Christmas party. 
Your parents had a tradition of inviting any Airmen that didn’t have someone to spend the holidays with to their house. It had started with them as a young married couple away from their families for the first time, and later as Dad climbed the ranks and became an NCO, he wanted to take care of his guys. So when they visited for Christmas and Jake gave them a flight line tour, it just kind of happened. The get-together ballooned from the four of you and Javy to about 30 people at Jake’s place - pilots, WSOs, and a few of your coworkers. There were single folks and married couples. When one of Javy’s coworkers showed up with their newborn, Mom was more than happy to play grandma and ensure the new parents had time to eat and relax. Everyone had contributed a dish, and beer pong and cornhole games were set up in the backyard. You and Javy ruled the beer pong table for four rounds before finally losing to Jake and a WSO called Boondock. 
For all his worry about meeting your parents, Jake had done phenomenally. Mom surprised him with a homemade stocking that matched yours, and he’d had to clear his throat a few times before thanking her. Dad gifted him an Air Force t-shirt and laughed when Jake thanked him for the rag to clean his truck tires. 
December faded into January, and Jake drunkenly declared that he was going to marry you when you kissed in the new year. 
Your first big fight was on January 3rd when your apartment’s 60-day lease renewal notice appeared on your front door. Jake wanted you to end your lease and move in. You wanted to keep your place - moving in 10 months into a relationship wasn’t part of the agreement, and you liked having your own space. He demanded to know what about your relationship made you question moving in. You tried to tell him that it wasn’t about not feeling stable in your relationship. It was about your comfort. He snapped that he wasn’t your ex trying to trap you. When he stormed out of the apartment, you refused to apologize. The stalemate went on for three days until you sent him a picture of your new short-term lease that would end in September - four months after your anniversary. Rent would be more expensive, but it was at least a compromise. 
Your second fight was about communication when he showed up at your apartment the next day. 
Happy Anniversary, darlin’. I wish I was with you, but we’ll celebrate when I get home. Love you so much - Jake
The flowers - the same arrangement that he’d bought you the first time he’d asked you out - had shown up on your desk first thing in the morning, and you’d endured some gentle teasing by the aviators, mechanics, and coworkers. And while you’d looked forward to celebrating one year with your boyfriend, unfortunately, he was deployed across the state with Javy. 
What he didn’t know was that you planned on surprising him. 
The late afternoon flight to Mirimar only took an hour. You left straight from the office, your weekend bag waiting in the trunk. You had a meeting with your old company to discuss a delayed delivery, and it had been so satisfying to see your old coworkers squirm when you asked them to explain the delay of services and the implementation of the penalties that had previously been negotiated. In preparation for the meeting, you’d decided to dress up a bit more than usual, anticipating getting to change before heading to the airport - traveling in a pencil skirt and button-down wasn’t the most comfortable. But the meeting had run long, and you’d had to speed to the airport only to find out your flight was delayed. And delayed again.  
It was almost 6:00 PM when you landed, and you’d missed Jake’s after-work call. Quickly, you texted him that you were stuck at the office and would call him back. He made your life easy by saying he would be at the bar but would make sure to step out to answer. He’d already told you about the regular spot the pilots congregated at, so you had a good idea of where you could find him. If all else failed, you could text Javy. 
Thankfully you were able to pick up your rental car relatively quickly. Since you were planning to spend time by the beach, you'd decided to splurge on a convertible. They gave you a newer Mustang, and you quickly snapped a picture to send to your dad.
The Hard Deck was a cute beachside bar and popular if the parking lot was anything to go by, especially for a Wednesday. After fixing your hair and freshening your lipstick, you hesitated a moment before undoing an extra button on your blouse. Leaning against the back of the car, you quickly swapped out your flats for a pair of stilettos that Jake loved, ignoring the looks of a few other patrons heading inside. With a final check to make sure your shirt was tucked in and your belt was straight, you headed inside.
80s music greeted you as you pushed open the door. Glancing up, you saw beer steins and replica planes hung on the ceiling and patches decorating the walls. Skirting the edge of the room, you kept your eyes peeled for your boyfriend.
After a week and a half, he was a sight for sore eyes, backlit by the setting sun as he lifted a beer bottle to his lips and watched a game of pool, checking his phone. Laughing to yourself, you texted him.
Leaving in five minutes. I’ll call you as soon as I’m off base.
He set his beer down and smiled at his phone. A minute later, yours vibrated in your hand.
Good thing we didn’t have plans tonight. Don’t forget to bring your flowers home.
Have I told you how much I love them? You texted back while making your way to the bar. 
I hope so. Blew my entire flower budget on this cute GS contract admin. Smiling, you leaned against the bar and waited to order, eyes trained on Jake, who kept glancing at his phone. 
“What can I get you?” the bartender asked. 
“Hi - can I get a whiskey and Coke and whatever that gentleman over there is drinking?” She turned to look at where you were pointing. Her smile was slightly more sarcastic when she turned back. 
“I wouldn’t waste your time, sweetie.” 
“Thanks for the advice, but I’ll take my chances. Do you have drink runners?”
“Might as well save yourself the money,” the man beside you said. “Hangman’s not worth the trouble.” You glanced at him - he wore a flight suit, which seemed to be a pretty standard uniform at The Hard Deck. 
“Is that so?” you replied, reading his name patch. Yale. As the bartender got the drinks, you turned to face him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yup. So how about we take those drinks and find a place to get to know one another.” His eyes flitted to your cleavage. When his gaze met yours again, you raised an eyebrow. You’d forgotten how cocky pilots were off base, surrounded by civilians. Anytime you were around them at home, the ones you interacted with either knew you from work or saw you with Jake and treated you with respect. The thought of putting him in his place made the corner of your mouth lift into a smirk. 
“How do you feel about a friendly bet?” Yale faced you, arm draped across the bar so his fingers nearly brushed yours. 
“What’s the bet?” 
“Hangman - that’s what you called him? - leaves with me tonight.” 
“And the terms?”
“If I’m right, you pay for our first round. But if you’re right, I'll pick up your tab for the night.” 
“That’s more than two drinks - I’ve already paid for rounds for my friends.” You shrugged. “You pick up my tab and have a drink with me.” 
“One that I would be paying for, presumably, since I’d pick up your tab?”
“A bet’s a bet.” 
You paused, tapping your finger against your lower lip as though debating your response. “Two-for-one terms don’t work for me. If you want me to pick up your tab and have a drink with you, you’ll have to pay for all my drinks for the night. Plus his.” 
“Done.” When he extended his hand, you reached for it but paused before shaking. 
“You have to bring him the beer.” When he shrugged, you shook his hand, forcing yourself not to laugh. When he reached for the bottle in front of you, you stopped him. “Hang on. This too.” Grabbing a clean napkin and a pen from the bar, you quickly scribbled a note before folding the napkin in half and handing it to Yale. 
“Thanks for the beers,” he smirked. 
“We’ll see.” With a chuckle and wink, he walked back towards the pool table. You tracked him, sipping your cocktail before glancing over in time to see Javy spot you. His mouth opened in surprise, and you quickly pressed a finger to your lips, motioning him to be quiet. Yale handed Jake the beer just as Javy reached his side. He scowled at the napkin as Yale said something. Javy glanced over Jake’s shoulder and grinned at you when he unfolded it. 
Jake said something to Yale before looking at the bar, gaze running over the other patrons. Finally, his green eyes landed on you. His frown faded, and your favorite crooked grin appeared. Turning to Yale, he nodded before lifting the beer to his mouth and taking a pull as he started towards you. Unerringly, his eyes found you as he navigated the crowd.
And then he was there, grinning down at you. “Working late, huh?”
“Something like that,” you laughed. Jake lifted the napkin and cocked an eyebrow.
“You’re stealing my moves, darlin’. Now, why exactly am I playing it cool?” 
“Because I’m about to take care of our tab for the night.” Stepping closer, you placed one hand on his chest, feeling his heart pounding under your palm, and arched an eyebrow. “I bet Yale that I could take Hangman home tonight.” Jake’s hand rested on your hip as he stepped closer, looming over you. 
“And what’d he bet?”
“That I couldn’t, and I’d have a drink with him and pick up his tab.” His eyes left yours to dart over to where Yale and Javy stood. Both men watched your exchange, Javy grinning around his beer while Yale looked disappointed. 
“Fuck the bet. I’ve got your drinks for the night,” he growled. His lips crashed into yours, hand sliding from your hip to your lower back and hauling you closer. He took advantage of your startled gasp and slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your hand slid up his chest to cup his jaw, thumb rasping against his stubble. When you finally broke apart, you lightly swept your thumb over his lower lip to wipe away your lipstick. “What are you doing here?” Jake asked softly.  
“Well,” you smiled, “it’s important to hold negotiations face-to-face whenever possible.”
“That right?”
“Yup. So are you ready to discuss the contract, Lieutenant?” Placing his beer beside your glass, he unzipped one of his pockets and pulled out his wallet. Instead of pulling out his credit card, he handed you a folded piece of paper. Tears sprang to your eyes when you opened it. 
It was your original contract.
“Ready whenever you are. Got a whole list of updates that I want.” You swayed closer and tilted your head back. Jake’s kiss was softer this time. “Love you, darlin’.”
“Love you too, babe.” 
“Wanna get out of here?” 
“You don’t want to introduce me to your friends?” 
“Not if they’re gonna hit on you,” he scoffed. You laughed, refolding the paper and handing it back. He slipped it into his wallet.
“I want to say hi to Javy and finish my drink. Then we can go back to my hotel.” Grabbing your glass, you pushed off the bar and walked away. Jake dragged his eyes down your body, lingering on your legs, before following.
Javy met your halfway and pulled you in for a hug. “Couldn’t even go two weeks without his ugly mug. What are you gonna do when he’s on a longer deployment?”
“Well, first, let’s not put that into the universe,” you laughed. “And second, it’s only because it’s a special occasion.”
“Right. Not sure how you put up with him for a year.”
“You’ve put up with him longer than I have.” 
“Alright, alright,” Jake huffed, tossing his arm across your shoulders and tugging you close. 
“I checked on your place yesterday,” you told Javy. “Everything’s good - I brought in a bit of mail that didn’t get stopped.” 
“You’re the best. How long are you here for?”
“I fly out Sunday morning. I have to work from the hotel tomorrow, but other than that I’m - ”
“Plenty of time to talk later, then,” Jake said, gently tugging you away. “Say bye to Coyote.” 
“Pool later?” you asked, pointing at Javy, who chuckled and nodded as you were pulled towards the back door. As you passed Yale, Jake lifted his hand from your shoulder and flipped him off. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stepped onto the deck. He led you to the stairs and paused long enough for you to kick off your heels before walking towards the line of Adirondack chairs facing the ocean. 
“C’mere,” he said as soon as he settled in one of the chairs, patting his thigh. You stood between his knees and dropped your shoes, placing your drink on the chair arm beside his beer. 
“God,” you sighed, curling your toes in the sand, “it’s been forever since I’ve been to the beach.” 
“Can’t believe you’re here,” Jake said, sitting up and wrapping his hands around your thighs, pushing the material further up your legs. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he guided you closer. “I love and hate this skirt.” 
“You look sexy as hell in it, but it’s too tight to let me touch you the way I want.” 
“That’s probably a good thing since we’re in public and surrounded by your coworkers.” Leaning down, you rested one hand on his shoulder and ran your fingers through his hair. “Missed you, Seresin. Happy anniversary.” 
“Happy anniversary,” he echoed, tugging you down to straddle his knee. Your skirt was tight across your legs and ass, and the wood was uncomfortable on your knees, but it didn’t matter when Jake’s lips pressed against yours, licking into your mouth as his fingers dug into your waist. When the wind blew your hair into your faces, you laughed against his mouth. He chased your lips when you pulled away and groaned when you stood up. Turning, you settled on the chair between his legs and leaned back against his chest, your bare feet brushing against his boots. 
“So, how was work today, Hangman?” you asked. The setting sun reflected off the ocean as you entwined your fingers together and rested them on your stomach. 
“Good. Spent the day in the air working the training course.” 
“For the mission you can’t tell me about, even though I have a top-secret clearance.”
"Yup.” His nose brushed your throat as you took a sip of your drink.  
“Is it really dangerous?” His hesitation was the only answer you needed.
“They brought in the best. Which for some reason includes those idiots in there,” he said, squeezing your hand. You knew he was trying to lighten the mood. 
“Well, not everyone’s a Seresin,” you shrugged. 
“You could be.” You sputtered, a bit of your drink spilling onto your chest. Chuckling, Jake lifted his hand to wipe it from your breasts and licked his fingers clean. Setting your nearly empty glass on the chair arm, you turned to face him. “What?” he shrugged.
“Is that your opening position in the negotiations? Marriage?”
“It’s on the list.” 
“You have a list?” Jake grinned, poking his tongue in his cheek as he raised an eyebrow.
“Are you tellin’ me that Ms. ‘I Negotiate for a Living’ doesn’t have a list of things ready for our contract negotiations?” 
“I have a mental list. That’s what we’re talking about, right?” 
“Sure, darlin’.” 
“Jake, you don’t have an actual list, do you?”
Jake did have a list. Saved on his phone. 
After giving Javy the keys to their rental car and stopping by the base dorms so he could grab enough clothes for the morning, you went to the hotel. He was reluctant to let you drive, but you reminded him that he wasn’t on the rental agreement and told him to enjoy being a passenger princess. The only time he could drive was when you had to go on base - even though you had your CAC card, you didn’t want to tempt fate with your civilian employee ID being rejected for going onto the wrong installation. 
“I want this as our tradition,” you said from your spot on the corner of the king-sized bed. Jake set his burger on the hotel desk and wiped at his mouth, cocking an eyebrow as you ate another fry. He’d tied the top half of his flight suit around his waist, and his black t-shirt clung to his chest and arms. 
“What? A hotel room?”
“No. I want us to get McDonald's for dinner.” He looked like he was trying not to laugh.
“You want fast food. Not a nice dinner, not a trip - McDonald’s.” 
“This is what we had the first night we were together.”
“We can do this until we get married. Then we’re gonna have a nicer tradition.”
“According to you, we’ll only get to do this once more, then. Twice if we do a long engagement.”
“It’s not going to be a long engagement.” You rolled your eyes. Jake wanted to get married this year, but you’d gotten him to agree to get engaged in exchange for keeping his rental house for another two years before looking to buy your own home. He wasn’t sure when orders would come down for him to move since he’d been with the Vigilantes for two years already. He was pretty confident he could move to another squadron on Lemoore when the time came, but he was hesitant to purchase anything when you might have to move shortly after. 
“I want to do this for our dating anniversary. We’ll discuss the wedding anniversary when we get to that point.”
“So you want two anniversaries?”
“Is that a problem?”
“Well, future Mrs. Seresin, since you want one that’s cheap, I guess I’m fine with it.” 
“Sentimental, not cheap,” you corrected. Your face flushed when he stood and walked closer, plucking the fry container from your hands and placing it on the desk. Leaning over you, he tilted your head back. 
“Sentimental it is, Mrs. Seresin.” You flushed under his heated gaze. Jake brushed his lips against your forehead and cheeks as you untied the sleeves of his flight suit and pushed it down his legs. “Love you, darlin’.” 
“Love you, too.” Planting one hand on the bed, he slowly lowered you onto the mattress while kicking off his suit. He quickly stripped off his shirt before licking into your mouth. His dog tags rested in the hollow of your throat, and you wrapped your hand around them, using them to pull him closer. 
“Wearin’ too many clothes,” he mumbled while working on the buttons of your blouse. Jake grumbled when you pushed against his shoulders until he stood up. 
“Sit against the headboard.” He took the initiative to strip off his boxers, his cock flushed and resting on his stomach. Smiling coyly, you finished undoing your buttons and slid the shirt from your shoulders. Your belt and bra hit the floor, and you shimmied off your skirt and panties. 
“Put the heels back on,” he said, voice rough with lust. “And get over here.” You did as you were told and crawled across the bed towards him, smiling as Jake’s fingers dug into your waist when you straddled him. “Fuckin’ missed you, darlin’.”
“Is that so, Lieutenant Seresin?” You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed the corner of his mouth. When he turned to chase your lips, you pulled away. Dragging your hand down his chest, you lifted his dog tags and traced his name. “You’re really ready to share your last name again?” 
“I’d take you to the courthouse today if you’d let me.” 
“I guess Javy can’t be too disappointed in you, since you waited longer than three months this time.”
“Darlin’, don’t talk about other men when you’re naked in my bed.” Smirking, you slid the ball chain over his head. His heated gaze watched as you put on the dog tags, the metal warmed from his skin, falling between your breasts.    
“Technically, this is my bed since I rented the room.” 
“Pretty sure the vows go ‘what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours’.” 
“You’re jumping a few steps,” you scolded. “No agreements are binding until we sign the papers and you actually ask me to marry you, so you better behave, Hangman, or we’ll terminate the contract.”
“I’d like to see you try,” he chuckled, running his fingers along your core and smirking to find you already wet. Easing his middle and ring fingers into you, he pulled you down to whisper against your mouth, “Did you miss me?” At your hummed response, he nipped your lower lip. “Words, darlin’.” 
“Couldn’t wait for me to come home and take care of you the way you like, could you?” 
“No.” He added a third finger, holding tightly to your hip when you moaned at the stretch. Jake crooked his fingers, using his thumb to circle your clit as you panted against his neck. When you’d adjusted to his thick fingers, you ran your tongue down his throat and nipped his shoulder before closing your lips around the hurt, flattening your tongue against it. He groaned when you dug your nails into his back. Calloused fingers trailed up your spine and wrapped around your hair, drawing you away.
“Careful, darlin’. Can’t have you damaging government property, now.” Your sarcastic retort was lost in a loud ah when he thrust his fingers hard while tugging your hair. Hips moving of their own accord, you leaned back to brace your hands on his thighs as you rode his fingers. He grinned and pulled your breast into his mouth, sucking hard. His tongue flicked over your nipple before his teeth dragged along your skin and tugged. Your fingers carded through his hair, holding him against you as you shuddered and came with a gasp. 
Jake fucked you through your orgasm and slowly withdrew his fingers, the wet sound mingling with your heavy breaths, bringing them to your mouth. You opened for him and licked them clean, gagging slightly when he inched them toward the back of your throat, his Academy ring pressed against your stretched lips. “One. Now hold onto the headboard, baby.” Your stomach clenched when he wrapped his hand around your waist and encouraged you onto your knees, thighs shaking with the effort of holding yourself up. Grinning, he shifted down the mattress, his shoulders forcing your legs wider until your knees were beside his head. He’d wanted you to ride his face for a while, but you’d always hesitated. “Please, darlin’,” he said softly, arms wrapping around the back of your thighs. 
“You’re sure?”
“So fuckin’ sure.” Biting your lower lip, you nodded. He grinned while pulling you closer, brushing lips to your inner thighs. When you hovered over him, he pulled you down onto his mouth, placing soft kisses against your core. The first pass of his tongue was light and teasing, trying to get you comfortable. His nose bumped your clit, and you inhaled sharply, shying away from his touch. The motion dragged your slit across Jake’s mouth, and he groaned. The vibration made you moan, and your hips rocked. “That’s it, baby,” he encouraged before dipping his tongue into you and sucking kisses up to your clit to run his tongue around it. Your knees slid along the sheets as your thighs struggled to hold you up. 
Your grip on the headboard tightened, and you lowered your head, forcing your eyes open. Jake’s eyes were closed, clearly savoring the moment. Turning, you groaned at the sight of his cock, pink and dripping against his stomach, your black stilettos a stark contrast against his sunkissed skin. Reaching back, you dragged your finger through the precum pooling on his skin. His muscles jumped under your touch, and his pupils were blown wide when you turned to face him, sucking on your finger. “I want you in my mouth later.” Jake moaned against your pussy, and you yelped when he dragged you down to his mouth. All softness was gone as he attacked you, using every trick he knew to get you off. When you started to grind against him, he flattened his tongue and let you use him. 
Collapsing backward onto the bed, you tried to catch your breath. Jake chuckled, dragging his knuckle along the leg still draped over his chest. When you lifted your head to meet his gaze, he winked, chin glistening with your wetness. “Two. We’re doin’ that again, darlin’.” Rolling your eyes, you moved your leg, lightly tapping his temple with the toe of your stiletto. His gaze followed you as you moved to lie on your stomach, cheek resting on his thigh and feet in the air, ankles crossed. 
“That may be an anniversary treat.”
“Nope. Regular rotation.” Shaking your head, you lifted your hand to run your finger along the thick vein on his cock. “Put it in the contract.”
“C’mon. You enjoyed it.”
“Not saying I didn’t,” you agreed, wrapping your hand around him and squeezing lightly. He grunted, eyes glued to yours as you shifted onto your elbow. “We’re not putting sex in the contract.” When he opened his mouth to reply, you dragged your fist up his length, stopping just under his flared head. “You were saying?” you teased. 
“I - ” You closed your mouth over his tip, tongue darting into his slit. “Fuck.” You hummed, twirling your tongue around his head before swallowing him down, fist covering what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Tilting your head, you looked up at him so he could see the bulge of his dick in your cheek. His hips lifted, hitting the back of your throat. You gagged, tears springing to your eyes. Breathing through your nose, you swallowed around him. 
Jake’s moans were so pretty.
With each pass, you took more of him, his hand on your head encouraging you. “So good, baby. Love your mouth. Feel so good,” he babbled. Your hand slipped between his legs to cup his balls, tugging gently. Your whined name and his hand pressing you down was the only warning he gave before his salty taste flooded your mouth. After swallowing and kitten licking his cock clean, you rolled onto your back and pulled off your heels, tossing them onto the floor. “Aw, darlin’, I wanted to fuck you with those on,” Jake whined. 
“We’ve got all weekend,” you sighed. 
You worked from the hotel on Thursday, periodically interrupted by Jake sending pictures. He’d clearly taken one while flying, and you reminded him exactly how much his plane cost and told him that he needed to be more careful. Later that night, he demonstrated just how careful and detail-oriented he was as he made you come four times. 
The next morning, you presented him with the updated contract for his signature. After he signed, he’d written one more clause under your signatures. You reminded him that adding anything after signing wasn’t binding. He initialed both copies and made sure to show you just how little he cared when your cheek was pressed against the cold shower tiles as he fucked you from behind before leaving for work. 
When you’d mentioned wanting to visit the USS Midway on your day off and offered to wait for him, Jake just shook his head and told you to enjoy - he saw enough of carriers during his deployments. So you spent the morning exploring the ship and surrounding statues, and sending him and your parents pictures. After grabbing a late lunch, you browsed the art galleries and stores in Seaport Village before heading back to the hotel for a nap. 
On Saturday, you let Jake and Javy sleep in before dragging them to the zoo. As the day wore on, you saw the tension ease from their shoulders. By the time you left and they agreed to take advantage of the convertible to cruise down to the beach, both were singing along to Taylor Swift with you.
That night at The Hard Deck, you and Jake won a game of pool against Javy and another pilot named Payback. You met some of the other pilots on the special detachment - Jake made sure that you stayed away from Yale - including the infamous Bradshaw. As much as you wanted to give the pilot who cause Jake’s hangup with his callsign a piece of your mind, you held back. After all, that mustache and call sign - Rooster - were punishment enough.
Around midnight, you and Jake left the bar and went down to the beach. Walking along the shore, you held hands and enjoyed the lap of the waves washing over your feet. You didn’t go too far, knowing that you needed to leave soon so you could get some rest before going to the airport. But as you walked back up towards the bar to say goodnight to everyone, Jake pulled you to a stop when he heard the song playing. Tugging you into his arms, he slid his hands into the back pockets of your jeans and swayed with you as the Beach Boys crooned ‘Don’t Worry Baby’. 
That night, Jake took his time to kiss every inch of your skin as you undressed. His fingers drifted over your curves as though to memorize them. And when he finally slid into you, he made sure you knew exactly how much he loved you. 
You were reminded just how dangerous Jake’s job was on Tuesday. You were in a meeting when your phone chimed with his text. 
Everyone’s okay. Will tell you more tonight.
He didn’t answer your call or text asking for clarification, and neither did Javy, but an hour later, there was a news blast saying there was a training accident and an F-18 had crashed into the desert. It was well after 8:00PM when Jake called. You could hear the fear in his voice when he told you about how three people almost burned in - how he’d almost lost his best friend and could do nothing but stand by the radio in the Ready Room and listen, praying that he snapped out of the G-LOC in time. 
You stayed with him on the phone until he said he needed to shower. You whispered your love, promising to see one another soon.
As soon as you disconnected, you called Javy to check on him. He assured you he was okay, just had a headache. You made him promise to be careful and go get checked out if it got worse.
When you pulled out your laptop to check your email Wednesday morning, there was a notice for a requisition of a new F-18 for the Black Aces squadron. 
Being underway meant had limited contact with Jake. He had access to his official military email address, so he sent you periodic messages, but calls were limited. He managed a video call once to let you know that he was on his way back. As happy as you were to see his face, a new weariness in his eyes made you wonder what had happened. He tried to assure you it was just because of how shitty he slept on the carrier. 
When the six F-18s landed back on Lemoore, you ensured you were on the flight line to greet Jake and Javy. Both men looked tired but happy and quickly did their post-flight checks. You were able to drive them home but had to go back into the office after. 
After work, you stopped to pick up dinner before heading to Jake’s house. When you walked inside, he was asleep in bed. Once you’d changed into your pajamas, you slid between the sheets. 
Jake opened one eye and gave you a sleepy smile before moving closer, curling up on your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair until he fell back asleep, reveling in his weight pressing you into the mattress and knowing he was safe in your arms. 
Dating Contract - One-Year Update
Following the annual “Dating” contract review, the two parties identified below agree that all clauses and conditions have been met. It is recommended that parties continue with the contract, maintaining an exclusive and monogamous relationship. 
Recommend the following updates to the contract:
Strike three weeknight sleep-over policy. Parties agree not to set restrictions on the number of nights spent together.
Writer will move into the Contracting partner’s house following the termination of her lease in September. The Contracting partner will add the Writer to his lease.
Contracting partner agrees to allow the Writer to drink coffee in bed, and eat in bed on an ad hoc basis.
Parties agree not to walk out on arguments. Parties agree to request a ‘pause’ if necessary and will finish the discussion when cooler heads prevail.
Parties agree to acknowledge annual dating anniversary with dinner from McDonald’s
Parties agree to become engaged prior to the next annual review
Following the engagement, Parties agree to strike boyfriend/girlfriend and replace with fiancé/fiancée as appropriate
Parties will agree to a yearly review of the contract, with ad hoc meetings to discuss clauses and conditions as they arise. 
More Sex - J.S.
Author's Note: I decided to give Harvard a break and make Yale the one who hit on Darlin'. I didn't want to spend too much time with them at TOPGUN since Jake would be focused on the mission, but they couldn't spend their anniversary apart! The contract had to be renegotiated!
Thanks for the patience with this chapter. I ended up scrapping what I'd written and restarting. Hopefully you liked the abbreviated holidays and meet the parents.
To the anon who asked if I'll be posting this to Ao3, I've decided that I will. Not sure if I'll get to it this weekend, but it'll be posted under my new pseud - TrickPhotography2
ALSO - @mayhemmanaged made these gorgeous Instagram posts of Darlin' and Jake that you should look at and love as much as I do.
Thank you for reading ❤️
Read Chapter 10
Tag list: @memeorydotcom; @alldaysdreamers; @kmc1989; @djs8891; @caitsymichelle13; @dempy; @midnightmagpiemama; @lovelyladymayyyy; @caidi-paris; @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby; @bellaireland1981; @lethargicluv; @mayhemmanaged; @tenderclio; @lucypaulette; @abaker74; @trhett21; @misshoneypaper; @schreksdoubledeckerhomechecker; @eternallyvenus; @mavrellover91; @chloeforde; @thatbitcily
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looptroupe · 5 months
Foams at the mouth
I’m in the middle of writing up a whole HC post for someone asking about a highschool AU but I’m gonna take this opportunity to sidetrack the conversation towards something I’d love to genuinely see from the series… a HEAVY (film) noir lean. Think: Bogart, Framed, Gilda, Vertigo… probably pushing the era back 40’s, 50’s way (Maybe even some 30’s lean in there, if I could get away with it) instead of the general 60’s vibe Lupin has going for it.
I think there’s a TON of potential there. I mean, I’m aware something like this was pitched (and never picked up, sigh…) so there IS sentiment there, and the idea has been thought about, but instead of TWCFM’s ‘serious Lupin’ I’d love to see a true noir ‘serious Lupin’. I think you can put these characters into a serious setting without making them straight up evil, and I’ll be honest, I think it would be way more appealing than the stuff they’ve been releasing lately (besides Zero. I have to admit that I loved Zero).
I’d want the gang to actually feel like criminals, though. Cutting shady deals in illegal bars, Lupin running his mouth to big players about whatever new heist he has up his sleeve. I’d take them back to being Miyazaki-esque ‘living paycheck-to-paycheck’ rather than ‘insta-rich Lupin funding his hedonistic spirit’ because I think that would work better in this universe: Lupin is constantly getting them in hot shit with the big leagues because he can’t keep his mouth shut. Jigen has shot ten guys this week who have come knocking at their hideout’s door looking for trouble. Goemon’s sick of digging graves and is antsy to finally be who he dreams of being. Fujiko’s got her eyes on a bigger prize, like always.
Zenigata’s an underpaid beat-cop-turned-inspector who has been trying to climb the ranks for a long while. He’s ambitious, but a little too soft for his own good: he’s hopeful in a way that most of the guys in his squad aren’t, and that makes him the perfect candidate for when the commissioner has to shill a shitty 9-5 case on an unsuspecting worker. A file lands on his desk, and he flips through it with this eager fire, like he’s just been asked to take on the world, and Lupin and his gang smile up at him from the pages.
Lupin is a crook, he learns. Part-time petty thief, full-time smooth-talker: a man with a legacy to live up to and not a whole lot to show for it besides a reputation as a lady-killer and a particularly long unpaid tab at the seediest bar in town. His sticky fingers have landed him in more trouble than they’ve gotten him out of, and recent reports say that he’s managed to get under the skin of the most notorious once-criminal-now-film-director in town… the very criminal that underhandedly paid Zenigata’s boss to start an official investigation in the first place.
Jigen is a gun-for-hire. Babysitter, bodyguard, hitman… whatever you need, he’ll do, however begrudgingly. He’s not a guy you mess with: and his reputation is actually pretty good in criminal circles. He’s well-respected and well-liked. Or, he was, until the monkey-faced man at the bar implicated him in a crime he didn’t commit. Now, he’s babysitting without pay, and he’s starting to get a little sick of having to put bullets into the faces of old friends who decide his bounty is worth more than his loyalty. Figures.
Goemon’s a man slightly-less-out-of-time. A famous Japanese-American film star, he’s known world-over for starring in Samurai flicks alongside his leading lady, Fujiko Mine. The thing is, Goemon is classically trained in swordslinging, and when Lupin offers him an opportunity to be the very person he’s been portraying on screen, he’s more than happy to throw his reputation away. He never cared much for fame, anyway. There’s just this one little hitch: he’s enamoured with the sword he last used on set, and he won’t take no for an answer when he asks Lupin to retrieve it for him.
Fujiko has her eyes on a prize a little more exciting than Zantetsuken: the film empire she’s helped build herself. The tabloids can’t get enough of her, and she knows that a marriage to the most famous director the world has ever seen might just secure her a place in history. The thing is, the man she’s trying her best to seduce has stopped paying her attention since his beloved priceless-antique-turned-prop-sword went missing, and she’s determined to get it back for him. Because what would make him fall quicker? Ah, there’s just one catch: Lupin is kind of charming, and the life he’s living is… exciting. Tempting. Fujiko likes playing with fire, but she’s starting to get a little too close to this one particular flame. The heat has her cheeks burning… Or maybe that’s Goemon’s doing.
They’re a strange little bunch, the Lupin Gang. But man, do people have a habit of underestimating them. Zenigata included. Because what he thinks to be a simple case of theft soon turns into something more sinister as the layers of movie-magic veneer begin to peel away. Maybe Lupin was onto something, targeting this guy, and maybe this hotshot director isn’t quite as reformed as he says he is.
He went to court recently, after all. Say, how much did he pay the judge to overturn that guilty verdict? Zenigata would like that sum as a pay rise once this has all blown over. That, and some fresh smokes.
((Mmm someone should hop on board and help me develop this I think. Could be a fun little exercise on the side… if it’s up anyone’s alley >:) ))
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pastel-twilight · 1 year
✨ An Analysis of Shiki Misaki ✨
Neku, Beat, & Josh were all bitter towards the world because they felt like they couldn't be understood. Shiki stood out from them in that she outright wanted people to perceive her in a different way than she actually was.
It's interestingly ironic since she's the most accepting & empathetic out of the whole group. She's more than willing to encourage others to open up so she may understand them, & yet, she's very unwilling to show her "true self" out of fear that she's not good enough to be cared about in return. It shows how unworthy she feels in comparison to those around her. She even puts herself down at several points, subtly or not.
She was patient with Neku, gentle with Beat, & she'd likely be kind with Joshua. But she believes she's not like them. She shouldn't be herself. If she were, it'd expose just how unimpressive she truly is. Nobody would like her & her friendships would fall apart.
However, as good as her intuition is, she's very incorrect about that. Eri, who's apparently a large source of her self-hatred, adores Shiki. Claims to be nothing without her. Neku, a guy who hated humanity & pushed everyone away, warmed up to Shiki in a matter of days because of the cracks in her façade revealing someone he could have better respect for. He outright says he likes her as she is & to discard the notion that she has to be like Eri.
Shiki - insecure lil Shiki - caused a domino effect that led to the city she dreamed of basing her future in being preserved. It was Neku who proved Joshua wrong in the end, but it was Shiki's influence that inspired Neku to become better to begin with. She's simply that amazing.
Sadly, being able to change & befriend the previously uncaring Neku didn't fully clear her doubts. This led to the telling question, "Once you see the real me, will we still be friends?"
"Count on it. You'll always be Shiki," wasn't something she expected to hear in return.
I theorize that during the ending, she was only mostly shown & not completely because her arc wasn't finished. It symbolizes that her journey towards self-love has not yet reached its conclusion. We can't see Shiki at her (literal) fullest until she's ready to accept herself.
NEO is where that changes. She's living out her dream, being herself down to a fashion sense that might seem tacky to others, but feels cozy to her. It's what she feels about herself that matters, after all, & she's finally acknowledging it. This is why I like her new design.
Shiki used to base too many of her feelings on how others may or may not feel about her, but now that she knows she's good enough, she can be confident in whatever she does. Wear sneakers with a dress & oversized cardigan, then top it off with large, nerdy glasses? Sure, why not! She even succeeded in starting her fashion brand with flying colors. Now she can simultaneously make herself & others happy! Sad as it is that Eri didn't show up alongside Shiki, it goes to show that the seamstress can be iconic even if her bestie('s appearance) isn't involved.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Shiki's not shy. She was awkward when it came to herself & her needs, but was loudly eager to befriend & aid others. She was mostly super capable of putting her foot down when she felt disrespected. That strength can't be faked. It's no persona.
Shiki Misaki's bountiful optimism & compassion already helped her stand out. She never needed to be someone else to shine bright.
When we finally get to see her eyes, we note that they're big, beautiful, & brown like Eri's, but with a different hue. Shiki's hue. 💚
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blackholesun321 · 11 months
Wings AU:
Once every few months, the flock (Red Hair Pirates, Mihawk, Zeff, the Straw Hats, Ace, Sabo, Uta, etc) meet up and spend an entire week together. It's a cultural meeting that is said to strengthen flock bonds and strengthen familial ties as well as a week where they share stories of how they've grown and such.
At first, it's every month. But as people get older, grow up, leave, and move farther away, every month sometimes becomes every other month. And sometimes, only half the people can make it, and sometimes, it's just one big "den den" call. Whatever happens, they're a flock. A weird one, a messed up one on some fronts, but they're each other's in a way that makes them better together than apart.
And sometimes, they forget this—sometimes, individuals fight and tear and rip like any family. Sometimes, you feel constrained (Zoro, who gets angry at his father's overprotective nature and leaves to become a bounty hunter). Sometimes, you make a stupid decision that no one agrees with, but you do it anyway (Perona, who hears Moria is up and about causing trouble and wants to talk to the man who originally raised her and gets sucked back in). Making mistakes and trying to fix them, failing (Uta loves her dad but doesn't ever think she can forgive him for abandoning her). Hurting so much that help feels like salt in the wound (Ace has lived with his father's legacy on his shoulders his whole life, and a little adoption and stories don't change that in a day). Lies hidden with the best of intentions for the worst of consequences (Shanks puts off telling everyone about his mental disorder and keeps putting it off). Stopping oneself from closing off and embracing love, showing love (Mihawk isn't good with affection and thought he would die alone, being with people showing them all of him, the awkward, the stupid, the embarrassing, is hard for him and leads to many misunderstandings and fights). Being pulled in different directions and feeling suffocating guilt for enjoying another path than the one expected (Sabo loves his family, but he loves being a revolutionary more, and it's killing him inside). Being caught in crossfire, wanting everyone to be happy and healthy, struggling to realize sometimes the pain can't be helped (Luffy is selfish, and he wants selfishly for all the people in his life to be happy and sometimes thats not possible).
Sometimes your family falls apart; people fight, struggle, and leave. But if that family is good, if it's worth all the blood, pain, and love received and given, if that family is the one in a million who cares, cares so much that when you come back (and you will), they roll their eyes at you on the stoop, complain about the mud you drag in on the carpet, set another plate for you at the table, and love you as if you'd never left.
A family that flys together sticks together even when apart. And aren’t they all so lucky to have this family.
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
the fact that teenager mk willingly joinged the brotherhood Makes me think that reuniting with His mom is going to look like that: XIAOXIAN : but ma! i don't Wanna go home, please this is life i wanna become a great pirate like u 😭😩
PHOENIX:no!! Pirates are dangerous and selfish bastards Who Do Nothing but harm to other, you are going back wether u like or not young Boy😡😡🔥
Okay I love this! Though that's not exactly how I had planned for it to go. Instead the Brotherhood had decided to stop in a town which is how Phoenix is able to catch up to them. Phoenix runs into Xiaotian alone in the market place and Wukong and Macaque arrive halfway through the conversation a little bit shocked.
"Mom!?" Xiaotain was both shocked and excited to see his mother when she arrived.
"Xiaotain! Oh my gosh honey are you okay? I saw the wanted posters, what is going on?" Phoenix had run up to him and gripped his forearms tightly, her son being stronger than her for the last few years meant it didn't hurt at all.
"You saw the wanted posters? Am I that famous!? Awesome!!" He jumped at the news, his eyes sparkling with delight.
"Awesome?" Silence sat between them for a moment, "What do you mean awesome?"
"It means I'm pretty good at this pirate business, obviously," He explained as a matter of factually completely calm about the ordeal.
He gently pried her hands off of his arms to pull her into a big hug, his eyes looked up to scan the area as his ears twitched. He had to make sure no one was watching. He was a famous wanted pirate, he didn't want people hunting down his mother too. He had no idea that his mother had been a pirate once too and had a larger bounty than him right now.
"Don't tell me... you want to be a pirate..." She hoped he would say no, she had tried to raise him so he wouldn't act like her... like at all.
"YES!! IT'S AWESOME! They are teaching me so much like how to properly steer a ship, Captain Wukong is really laid back about it too. He let me steer it! It was so fun! Of course Mac had made sure that nothing was around to crash into first but it's a start!" He grinned happily gently pulling away to jump up and down for a moment.
Phoenix's heart pounded in her chest. Why was her son so much like her younger self? Why did she have the excitement about pirates like his dad, why did he have to get involved with them. As Xiaotain kept rambling on and on she had to stop herself from yelling.
"Enough!" His words stopped as he flinched back from his mother's anger, she never got angry like every. Frustrated? Sure a lot with how rambunctious he and Mei were especially.
"I cannot let you be a pirate, especially not with them," She was barely holding back her anger, not only did they have to haunt her sleep but now they were actively trying to put her son in direct danger.
"W-with them?" Xaiotain asked slowly as he processed her words. What was she talking about, what would she know about the captain and his mate? Was it because they were also really famous?
"Yes with them. They are selfish, arrogant, and highly dangerous bastards. I will not have you associate with them," She crossed her arms over her chest as she started shaking.
At first Xaiotain thought it was from anger making him angry too but then figured out it was something else. Something else entirely, when he looked into her eyes she looked truly terrified. He hated the expression that graced her face.
"Mom- I'm not in danger, I'm really strong remember. Besides they have also been training me other ways too! Mac has been teaching me how to use shadow magic and I can lift the Captain's staff! Still not sure why, but it's awesome! He said I couldn't have it but he'd show me how to use it. I'll be fine," He tried to console her unintentionally causing her more fear and sadness.
"They know...?" Her words were barely a whisper but her son heard none the less. Her incredibly dense son heard with his six beautiful ears that he got from who she had deemed is Baba.
"They know what?" Her whole body froze when she heard the next voice, that was not the voice of her son. Slowly she turned her head as she came face to face with The Six Eared Macaque was had his face mere inches from hers.
She blinked a few times but when she found that it wasn't an illusion she did the only thing she could think of. She clocked him in the face with her fist, his head snapped back more from shock than anything else. Grabbing Xiaotain's hand she didn't have time to run when arms wrapped around her waist.
"What do we have here?" Captain Sun Wukong asked a sigh escaping his lips as he rested his chin on her head. He was using transformation magic to be taller than her. It sent a chill up her spine.
"Hey! Let her go," Xaiotain growled. He liked his Captain he really did, but he didn't trust anyone with his mom. Not a single person. With narrowed eyes he cocked his head to the side when he saw his expression.
"Yeah, I'm not going to do that. It's been 19 years of pure torture without her, I am not letting our love slip away a second time," Sun Wukong said tightening his grip ever so slightly on the woman frozen in fear.
Love? The fuck was he talking about? They had talked about killing her and how she was so weak and pathetic. Why the hell should she trust anything that he said? No she didn't trust what he said, not a single bit.
"Love? What do you mean love? And how do you know my mother?" Xaiotain's eyes flashed with protectiveness, she same protectiveness that was a nightmare for anyone that hated or threatened his mother.
"Mother? She really is your mother?" Macaque asked slowly, shadows covered most of his face as he tried to hide the psychotic smile that graced his face. "I see there is much to talk about between the three of us."
"What is there to talk about?" Xaiotain asked whipping his head looking between the two quickly. He was so confused.
"Of course we know your mother bud~ How else would you exist? Come on you have to had realized it by now," Wukong began with a chuckle nuzzling Phoenix's dark brown hair.
"Don't you dare," Phoenix snapped trying to get out of his grip but his grip didn't budge at all.
"Fine, why don't you tell him? I mean it's kind of hypocritical of you really darling. You were one of the best pirates that there ever was and yet you don't want OUR son to be a pirate? He does such a good job at it though, and we keep him safe. Not that he need it," Macaque said his eyes twinkling as he gently cupped her face in his palms.
She was really here standing in front of him, trapped in his mate's grasp. A single thought passed through both his and Wukong's head in that moment. She wasn't going anywhere. Not this time. His heart swelled with joy, she was resisting but she had sealed her fate way before Xaiotain was even thought of.
"W-What?" Xaiotain's grip on his Captain's arm loosened from his shock. What was he talking about?
"Come on now, you have to have realized by now. You said it yourself you can pick up Wukong's staff, you have his gold vision, you have even transformed like him, you're six ears are a clear indication, you can use shadow portals, and have even summoned a shadow clone. You'll learn even more as we train you but come on you have to have realized by now," Macaque said calmly as he explained, his eyes turning from Xaiotain to Phoenix. Her face was full of fear as she started shaking with tears in her eyes. Something happened, and he would figure out what, but in the meantime.
"You are our son, and that is obvious," Wukong added giving Phoenix an ever so slight tug closer to him, he was careful not to have a painful grip but he wasn't going to let her go at all.
Honestly that should have been the most shocking part of the situation. However Xaiotain's brain locked onto a different piece of information. "YOU USED TO BE A PIRATE!?"
TADA!! This is how the convo kinda goes! Hope you like it! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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destinysbounty · 10 months
The whole time travel thing? The fact that getting rid of the golden weapons in the past means the mega weapon should've never been made means the devourer wouldn't have been defeated means Lloyd shouldn't have aged up means the entire episode wouldn't have happened
Ooooh, I've been wanting to talk about this for a long time (as in, since middle school). So thank you for giving me an excuse to rant about this subject!
First, let's identify all the issues with the s2 time travel situation:
They went back in time and shot the Golden Weapons into space - not just the ones from that episode in season 2 (taking the form of the Mega Weapon), but also the ones from the pilots-era that Kai had found in the past.
If the Golden Weapons were destroyed in the past, Garmadon wouldn't have used them to escape the Underworld and head for the Realm of Madness, which is where he acquired his four arms. He also wouldn't have any motivation to grow two extra arms in the first place (remember that he only gave himself four so he could hold all the Weapons at once).
On a related note, Samukai wouldn't have died from wielding all four of them at once. So if not for the Weapons, he'd...probably still be alive.
Garmadon also used the Golden Weapons to defeat the Devourer. Like, I'm sure he could have killed it with a different weapon, but this definitely changes how that scene would've gone down
Without the Golden Weapons existing anywhere in Ninjago, past or present, Garmadon couldn't have been able to create the Mega Weapon.
This means all the Mega Weapon's effects are now defunct. He wouldn't have used it to rebuild the Bounty. Soto wouldn't have been resurrected, thereby nullifying his involvement in Skybound. Not to mention the Bizarro Ninja wouldn't have been created, which...doesn't have a big impact on things, honestly, but still kinda makes me a little sad.
And of course, as we're all mutually confused by, Lloyd wouldn't have had any reason to take the Tomorrow's Tea, and as such should have spent the rest of the series aging up much more normally.
When coming up with a theory to explain the s2 time travel situation, we need to make sure whatever we come up with provides reasonable rationale for all (or at least most) of the above-mentioned points. Which...okay, that's a bit of a tall order. But I think we can do it!
In the end, I've come upon a theory I personally consider to be the most believable:
Alternative History Theory
These events - Garmadon growing four arms, Lloyd growing up, all of it - was meant to be. They were simply machinations of destiny, setting up the Final Battle to happen exactly as it was intended to. These events had to happen. They were part of a master design as planned out by the Cloud Kingdom and the Overlord alike, a plan over a thousand years in the making.
Garmadon has to eventually grow four arms and Lloyd has to eventually grow up and defeat him. So long as the events occur, destiny doesn't care about how we get there.
What I'm saying is that the timeline rewrote itself to ensure things stay fundamentally the same, in an act of preserving destiny. The journey changed, but the destination remained the same. These events that had to happen, still happened, but the way they happened is now suddenly different.
In other words, Lloyd still took the Tomorrow's Tea, but now the reasons and context for his decision are different.
What messes with my head about this theory is the possibility that there's an entirely different, alternate version of the first half of season 2 that we don't know and will never see. S2 shows us the timeline the og4 got to experience, but not the timeline Lloyd and Nya remember living through.
(I admit I've always kinda wanted to write a fic exploring what that alternate timeline would look like, but I've never figured out a good way to write the premise without first writing an essay to explain the theory behind it)
So then with that in mind, let's consider how such a timeline would transpire. What would a Golden Weapons-free version of s1-2 look like?
...huh. It's actually surprisingly easy to imagine.
When you think about it, none of these events strictly necessitate the use of the Golden Weapons:
Samukai could have died another way.
While we don't entirely know the terms of his banishment, it's reasonable to assume Garmadon could've found another way to the Realm of Madness.
So long as Garmadon hit the Devourer at her weak spot, he still could have killed her with any other weapon.
Nya and Jay could have rebuilt the Bounty instead of Garmadon using the Mega Weapon to do it. They've done it several times throughout the series already, so this is well within the realm of possibility.
The Mega Weapon isn't the only means of resurrection present in this series. Even if it didn't happen by Garmadon's hand, there's a myriad of other ways Soto's crew could be brought back to life. It wouldn't even have to happen during s2 specifically.
Strictly speaking, Lloyd was only aged up because of the Tomorrow's Tea. The events leading up to this don't necessarily require the presence of the Mega Weapon. Something else entirely could've happened to require him to take the Tea, or maybe it happened on accident. Or maybe his friends were in danger and Lloyd was the only one able to save them, so he deliberately sought out and used the Tea in order to be strong enough to rescue them. Anything is possible here.
Ninjago is consistently a story about doomed narratives and the inescapable nature of destiny. No matter how something happens doesn't change the fact that it will happen. The Serpentine were meant to open the Stone Warriors' crypt - so if Lloyd hadn't released them, they would have escaped another way. The Devourer's venom was what awakened the Stone Warriors - even if Pythor hadn't awakened her, someone would have. If Garmadon didn't get his extra arms in the Realm of Madness, it still would have happened some other way.
And if the Grundle didn't force Lloyd into taking the Tomorrow's Tea, something else would have.
So yeah. Blah blah blah, destiny is inevitable, everyone is doomed by the narrative and it sucks, you get the idea. Make sense?
Wow, that was fun. Thanks for the ask <3
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Okay. The whole Hondo x Aurra post, as usual very on point, but I have questionnnnnnnnnnnnns ♥
Can you make up scenarios/samples of them clashing while in a hunt or anything that lead up to Hondo either calling it quits? Cause, idk.. I feel like Hondo called it quits as opposed to Aurra, but I could be wrong?
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(The Clone Wars: Bounty Hunter: Boba Fett | illustrated by Wayne Lo)
Yes, I think so too, as I mentioned earlier! I see Hondo as the one to call it quits, as Aurra would most likely use Hondo to her benefit until she couldn't anymore. HONDO is the one used to using people, so to speak, and he doesn't like a taste of his own medicine. Two, he seems to like to be in control of his own fate, and to leave it in someone's hands such as Aurra, during a job per se, is not something he wants to repeat after experiencing the way she operates in the field, most likely many, many times -- and then regretting it.
I take into account her "never asking permission for anything" and that he "bailed under her command" as per the dialogue.
One scenario might be similar to what occurred with Boba Fett. Hondo, Aurra, and others are working together on some sort of job. He even mentions that in passing before she kills Castas. "Remember dat job we pulled?" Hondo claims he used to be a bounty hunter. In fact, he at some point goes after Q'ira in "Forces of Destiny." It's a short animated cartoon!
Anyway, just like Aurra left Boba Fett to Plo Koon (yer man), and did not go back to help him once he is in trouble, I imagine the same thing happened to Hondo, and maybe more than once. He realizes he cannot rely on her, she cannot be trusted, and is only in it for herself.
Sure, she might come back with a: "I wanted to help you honey, but I would have been captured, too," all sugary sweet. For a while maybe he buys it. But, after one too many times I see it grating on his nerves. He stops putting any faith into her, and does not want to continue a working/business relationship -- even if they keep having sex on the reg.
Chances are, she tries to and does control him in the bedroom more often than not. I bet her strap game is strong. I say Hondo is a switch, so he doesn't mind being dommed or taken control of in the right situation. You can't tell me he had those restraints just for show or hostages. They were heart-shaped for crying out loud.
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Anyway. I doubt she stopped there. I can see her being bossy and manipulative to the point Hondo has to cut her loose. That makes it awkward anytime she decides to drop by unannounced, though he saves face by at least being hospitable.
Hondo can be a patient man, me thinks, if the payout is big. Considering there would be nothing in this relationship of benefit to him, he has little patience, and especially if she at all tries to degrade him as is her way with others we see in canon. She even treats Boba like shit for the most part -- at least she doesn't let him drink alcohol.
As far as sex, he can get that from anywhere. Just look at those Weequay chicks hanging off him.
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If you want something specific ...
Aurra: Where have you been?
Hondo: *Looks terrible, covered in dirt and debris, frowning.* En jail, where else?
Aurra: I thought you would have escaped sooner than this.
Hondo: Perhaps I would not be en jail en de first place ef you had waited for me! I said I was on de way!
Aurra: There were guards on my tail.
Hondo: And yet, here you sit. Et seems you got away and perhaps would have had time tu come and scoop me up. no?
Aurra: No.
Hondo: Yes, very well. All dat matters es you are safe... *Grits teeth and walks off.*
Aurra: And where are you going now?
Hondo: *Turns, agitated. Embittered tone.* Tu take a shower. Es dat all right with you, my dear?
Aurra: "Watch your tone, honey."
Hondo: Ap-ap-ap!! You know what you are going tu watch?! ME! Leaving! Never tu return! Far, far away from here I go! Do not bother tu follow me, I am finished! Through! To the depths with you!"
Aurra: *Filing her nails.* Uh-huh.
Hondo: *Pouting* I'll only be a minute.
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saldrath · 6 months
Short Story #1 - The Strongest
This is the first short story I wrote in my own universe, the main character is The Dragon King and The Sword Magus. I'm not gonna spoil more and I hope you enjoy! Please tell me what u think in the comments :)
If you ask anyone on the street “Who’s the strongest mage in this era?” everyone without a hesitation will give you one name. A name which belonged to someone who took all the definitions of how “Mage” should look, and decided to just throw them all out. To someone who made their own path of magic, a true Magus. Many people at first disagreed, that it was something that shouldn’t be called magic, that it’s not true magic, but soon they were reminded of the words of the ancient Mages - “Magic can have any form, and only if u find your own path u can call yourself true Magus.”. And Midas Van Haathe was exactly that. He made his own path, and thus became the first Magus that was born in a thousand years. But even the great Magus had no way to win a fight versus this… 
In the middle of what once looked like a great palace, there were two men, standing in front of each other. One of them was Midas - a person they call the “Sword Magus”  - his once golden hair was now stained with blood, dust and sweat. His eyes were covered by a simple bandage, compared to the rest of his clothes. He was wearing a black loose long sleeved shirt, similar to something a warrior would wear under his chainmail or armor, and a black pants that were tightly tied around his waist. One can only imagine that the clothes looked good one day, because they certainly didn't now - they were torn up, and you really couldn’t tell whether they were supposed to be red, black or maybe gray. To sum things up, he looked like a complete mess, sweat was running his whole body, and u could see he was really tired.
On the other side stood a person who in contrast looked totally different. Their hair was long, bountiful and black, tied into a single long ponytail. His clothes were extremely fancy and looked like they costed at least a small fortune. Compared to Midas, he did not have a single speck of dust on his clothes. But what made him stand out the most were the black and white horns that grew up from his head, and big majestic wings that spanned at least five meters long. 
— Midas, you really should have known that you stood no chance versus me. I applaud you for being the first Magus of this era, but that’s it. — his voice was loud, and you could easily hear the power behind it. — After all, they do not call me the King Of Dragon’s without a reason. I lived from the beginning of the time, and defeated many Magus, what made you think that you’re different from any of them?
— Don’t worry, oh mighty Dragon King, I still have a trump card that will make you kneel. — Midas said with a smirk, but to be honest, he wasn’t so sure about that, but it was his only and last option. 
— Oh? Show me then. 
In the head of our Magus there were many emotions and thoughts running through right now, but a few stood up among the many. It was awe, fear and… fun? Midas couldn’t remember the last time he had a good fight, when the opponent put him in a corner. Well I wouldn’t even call it like that - right now he was getting absolutely destroyed. But he was having fun? He didn’t know the answer as to why this was like that, but the blood in his veins was boiling, he was itching to fight, to make the great enemy before him kneel, to defeat him. It was in his blood, magic, body - the itch to fight, to become stronger. No. To become The Strongest. He didn’t want to become just a Magus, he wanted to become someone who would be remembered as the strongest person that ever walked this world. 
Midas untied the bandage around his eyes, and revealed his eyes in the color of gold. No, it was an understatement, they looked like they were real gold. His eyes were extremely beautiful, they gave a feeling that u would never find something that looked better than them. But the act of uncovering his eyes was just a trigger action, to help him prepare for his next move. All of his senses suddenly expanded, and he could see and feel much, much, much more than before. All the mana in the atmosphere slowly gathered around Haathe and his sword, seeped inside of his body, in every muscle, every bone, every tiny nerve and in the end it formed a thin coat around him and his weapon. It was the first time a phenomenon like this happened in the world, even the Dragon King was looking carefully with awe.
The Magus finally looked around, and saw the effect of their fight. Hundreds of different weapons were lying around in the ground, but none two the same. Pillars made of marble and stone cutted, smashed were lying around. U really couldn’t point out a space that was not destroyed. 
— This is it, you better get ready. — Midas took a breath, knowing that this may very well be the very last breath of his life. He didn’t regret a single thing. He knew that every life had to come to an end one day, and today was his day to go and meet Death. His mouth formed a small smile, as he rushed forward with his old trusty sword. He was much faster than before, it looked with every step he took he was bending the reality, and when he finally slashed his sword - it slashed through everything - mana, space and even time. And it was the first time his sword catched the Dragon King. It was also the first time the dragon felt fear and awe.
The last stand of Midas took hours, and it destroyed everything in the vicinity. And I mean, everything - mountains, forests, rivers and even mana. The place where the fight took place now became manaless, and no living being could even stand in here. It became a bare crater with a span of hundreds of kilometers with no sight of anything other than the dying Dragon King — Midas Van Haathe - I have to admit, you are after all the strongest. There was no one stronger than you, and never will be. — he said to himself, knowing very well that even when he could not see the body of his opponent, he was listening. These were his last words, and soon even his body disappeared. 
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ase-trollplays · 8 months
When We Were Kids (Part One)
...s-so... how are you feeling?... ...s-still s-sore?...
Y'all got no idea. The only thing that don't hurt is blinkin'. I swear, soon as I can move again, I'm suplexin' Dan inta next sweep.
...he only picks on you because he cares... ...its his way of making s-sure you dont obsess over everything...
Ya mean like the fact I fucked myself an' can never have anythin' close ta a normal life ever again cuz I lost my fool head?
...yeah... that... ...im just relieved you werent killed... ...i... ...i was going insane thinking id have to bury another moirail...
I wouldn't be too relieved. I can't go out in public ever again with legis an' fleet dogs out fer my head. Prolly got a hefty bounty, too, an' rewards fer turnin' me in. Y'all two ain't safe either if anyone finds out y'all know me.
...yeah... ...when dantli comes back... we s-should all talk about where were going from here...
Ugh, I can't even get my shit from my hive. It's prolly bein' watched or somethin', or it's been raided an' bugged by now in case me'r one a y'all shows up. God, my lusus ain't gon' know what happened ta me, an' he can't come here like yers. I ain't sure he'll wait a sweep fer me ta come back like when I was a kid.
...that reminds me... ...when i was in the hospital... you s-said you knew exactly how i felt when i was being held captive... and that i s-should ask you about your childhood...
Yeh. Yeh, I did say that, didn't I? I'm guessin' this is yer way a askin'?
...yeah... if you dont mind...
Alright. It ain't a happy story, but I'm sure ya already figured that. I guess I'll start from the beginnin'.
I was even more a a hotheaded stubborn shit when I was a kid, if y'all can believe that. Pickin' fights with every troll I saw an' tryin' ta befriend the ones who beat me. Which was damn near all a them cuz fer all my bluster, I was a twiggy scrawny little toothpick, ain't had a ounce a muscle on me. I didn't want nobody thinkin' I was weak just cuz I was a skinny rust.
I was always gettin' my dumb ass beat up an' hurt tryin' ta prove I ain't no wimp, but I did get some good friends outta it. Even had a li'l flush crush on one a them, a girl who beat me in a fight just by knockin' me down an' sittin' on me 'til I wore myself out tryin' ta get her off. I had a whole group a friends back then. I can't tell ya what their names'r caste was, but we were a happy li'l group.
Here's the part where everythin' goes ta shit. When I was five, I was out patrollin' my li'l territory when I spotted a scraggly-lookin' teal prowlin' around. He was a adult an' a lot bigger'n me, but I challenged him all the same. He hauled off an' kicked me dead in the stomach an' told me ta get lost. If I was smart I'd a left it at that, but who said wrigglers are smart? I wasn't ready ta say I lost, so I picked myself up, grabbed a big ol' rock, an' chucked it square at the back a his head. Hit him so hard he started bleedin' an' staggered a good bit.
He looked back at me real mad at first, then he started smilin'. Said I had a lot a fight in me for a twiggy brat. I told him there's more where that came from if he don't git, an' he laughed an' said he'd have a ball breakin' me. 'Fore I knew it, he was right up on me, an' I didn't have no time ta react 'fore he got me in the gut with a stun gun an' knocked my ass right out.
I woke up in a cell with a couple other young trolls. I asked where I was, an' they said I was in the slave camp. Said I was here cuz they were gon' break me, train me inta a perfect li'l pet slave, then sell me off ta the highest bidder. Needless ta say, I wasn't havin' that shit. I made it my mission ta put up as much a a fight as I could an' refuse ta be domesticated.
First handler they assigned ta me was that teal that grabbed me. Since I already fought with him once, I knew what ta expect. He got a lotta good licks in over the first couple nights, but eventually he slipped up an' I was able ta steal his stun gun an' shock him dead in the eyes. After that, they decided to gimme their toughest, meanest, biggest handler.
He was a big blueblood who made us call him "Mister," an' he took that shit serious. I called him asshole exactly once an' he slapped me 'cross the face so hard he damn near snapped my neck. I couldn't feel my face fer a night afterward. Most a my abuse came from him, an' I just know he was havin' fun beatin' my ass every night tryin' ta make me give up.
But I'm the most stubborn bitch ever hatched, so I didn't make shit easy fer him. He beat me ta shit, starved me, locked me in a tiny li'l cage, an' made sure no one talked ta me'r tried helpin' me'r they'd be in the same boat. His favorite punishment fer me was the post. There was a big wooden post in a sort a courtyard outside with a pair a manacles attached. He'd lock me in, hike up my shirt, an' tear me ta ribbons with a whip. Afterwards, he'd leave me out there fer nights with only a thick blanket thrown over me ta keep me from bein' completely cooked ta death by the sun durin' the day.
He liked hearin' me cry an' scream in pain, so I'd try my damnedest to keep my mouth shut no matter how hard an' how much he whipped me. I'd stay quiet for the first thirty seconds, but after that I could never hold it in anymore. Then he'd whip me more fer resistin'. So many times I was close ta givin' up if it meant he wouldn't torture me no more, but I didn't wanna let him win.
...oh my god... ...im s-so s-sorry... ...i cant even imagine... and i s-said all that--
Y'ain't gotta apologize fer bein' mad. I get it. Ya were in a scary situation, an' hearin' that I never even tried ta find ya when this whole thing was my damn fault ta start with? I'd a been pissed, too.
...s-still though... ...it was s-so insensitive...
It ain't like y'all knew any a this at the time. It's fine.
...how did you get out??...
Heh, that's where shit gets real interestin'.
They kept me at that camp fer half a sweep torturin' me, but I held on. I dunno why they didn't just cull my stubborn ass a long time ago. My guess is cuz Mister wanted the satisfaction a breakin' me cuz ain't no one else been this much a a challenge fer him fer so long. If he let them cull me, it ain't a real win. But eventually he reached the end a his patience with me.
I managed ta get a hold a a fork an' taunted Mister 'til he grabbed me 'round the throat an' got right in my face ta threaten me. I stabbed him in the eye an' tried ta make a break fer the exit while he was screamin' an' cursin' an' bleedin'. A course, I didn't make it nowhere close ta the door 'fore I got caught. Mister was fumin' somethin' fierce, and I didn't even get a chance ta register what he was about ta do 'fore everythin' just became blindin' pain.
I remember one a the supervisors cussin' him out cuz they was plannin' on sendin' me ta The Pit, an' now I ain't in no condition ta be transferred. That fucker cut me open from rib ta hip with a dagger. I spent nights in the infirmary tryin' ta get stabilized an' patched up. I was so weak from bein' starved an' beat on a regular basis that I almost died.
But like I said, I'm the most stubborn bitch ever hatched. I was able ta recover enough ta get my stitches out, but after they they decided ta cut their losses and finally cull me. Mister wanted ta do the honors himself. After what I did ta him, he didn't care about winnin' no more. He wanted me dead. He filled a tub full a water, threw me in, an' held me down with his foot while I thrashed an' tried ta free myself 'fore I drowned. Eventually I lost consciousness.
I woke up chokin' on water an' hackin' the shit out my lungs in the middle a the forest. I figured they dumped my body fer the undead an' the animals ta eat once I blacked out. I didn't know where I was or how ta get back home, an' I was fuckin' scared. But I was free after half a sweep in captivity, an' that was more important than bein' afraid. I picked a direction an' started walkin'.
I didn't have no way a huntin' ta feed myself, an' I was still fuckin' weak as shit, so I didn't eat much a nothin' 'cept whatever bugs an' small animals I was able ta catch. I had ta sleep up in trees durin' the day ta avoid the roamin' undead. Eventually between the hunger an' bein' exhausted all the time, I dropped.
Next thing I know, I'm wakin' up in a hive belongin' ta some li'l jade even younger'n me sayin' him an' his lusus found me. I was still a ornery li'l shit an' wasn't exactly a good hiveguest. He still helped me an' everythin' though. Kept me fed, gave me a place ta sleep. Once I was mostly healed an' had my strength back, I robbed him blind an' ran. Took every piece an' scrap a food I could carry, stole a couple knives, an' I was off. I'd prolly apologize ta him if I ever see him again, not that I remember what he even looked like, an' I'm sure he don't remember me or wouldn't recognize me now.
I spent the next half sweep doin' whatever I could ta survive an' try ta find my way home. I stole, I killed, I broke inta hives, I did whatever I had ta do ta make it ta the next night. When I finally made it hive after that half a sweep, my pa was there waitin' fer me. He waited fer a whole sweep fer me ta come back instead a takin' in a new charge. I bawled the hardest I ever have in my life. Makes me feel extra shitty that I can't go back an' say my goodbyes ta him. He's prolly still waitin' fer me ta come back just like I did last time I went missin'.
...if you want... i can ask dantli to go to your hive and tell your lusus you arent coming back... ...i dont think hes on anyones radar s-since he doesnt s-socialize... ...i can tell him to make it look like he's robbing you s-so they dont get s-suspicious... and itll be a convenient way to get s-some of your things for you...
That ain't a bad idea. S'long as he don't say nothin' stupid'r incriminatin', that could work.
Anyway, speakin' a going back hive, when I finally made it back ta mine after my sweep in Hell, I couldn't function fer shit. I didn't wanna reach out ta my friends cuz I didn't want 'em ta see how broken I was. I didn't wanna look weak ta them, an' none a them reached out anyhow. In just that one sweep, they moved on from me, which still kinda hurts ta know that's all it took ta lose 'em.
Fer perigees after, I'd have daymares a bein' back at the slave camp, weak an' in pain with Mister standin' over me with the whip, then draggin' me out ta the post. I was barely gettin' any sleep, I couldn't eat, an' I was terrified a bein' in water. That's when I decided ta start bulkin' up an' gettin' stronger so I couldn't be taken back there or anywhere else.
Fer three sweeps, I had the mother grub a anxiety. A lotta nights, I couldn't even get the nerve ta leave my hive. I'd get anxiety attacks an' panic attacks when I saw highbloods, 'specially male blues. An' y'all know me. When I start gettin' anxious, I get real mad an' itchin' fer a fight. Even now, I don't hate highblood s'much as I get anxiety bein' around 'em. An' I do also hate 'em.
That's when I started drinkin'. It wasn't about gettin' drunk. It was a way ta calm my frazzled nerves an' keep my anxiety under control. Over time, though, it turned inta a addiction, an' y'all know how well that ended up workin' out fer me in the end.
That's basically everythin' about my childhood, so believe me when I say I know exactly what it's like ta not know if yer gonna live ta see another night, an' cryin' yerself ta sleep durin' the day cuz everythin's so awful, an' prayin' that yer loved ones ain't next or won't be too tore up if ya don't survive.
...i... im s-so s-sorry... ...no one s-should have to endure that... especially not a child... ...i... i...
C'mon now, y'ain't gotta cry about it. It sucks, but it's in the past now, an' fallin' ta pieces over it ain't gon' fix nothin'.
...i... i know... but...
It's okay, I get it. If it'll make ya feel better, go ahead an' cry it out. I can hold ya if ya want.
...but arent you s-still sore?...
Not so sore I can't comfort my pale. It ain't gon' kill me, so get yer li'l cryin' sniffly self over here.
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medtech-mara · 10 months
For the Cyberpsychosis Ask
Can i please have for Mara:
1: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
2: Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your OC has faced?
13: Seaside Cafe: Does your OC like reality shows? Would they ever be in one?
OHHHHHH I HAVE BEEN EXCITED FOR THIS ONE. We're gonna call this Thanksgiving.... Because this turkey gonna be STUFFED!!!!!
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Character Key idk if you will need it but its there.
1: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
It's hard to choose, there were a few that I really want to talk about that have left marks on Mara, but one outshines them all in leaving the BIGGEST scar on Mara.
In the timeline of Legends of Night City, Night Raid was contacted by Raj, their fixer from Charter Hill, Militech had reached out to him looking for a crew that would be willing to go into the inclusion zone, having NO such team, as most of his contacts had written him off as burned, the only ones he could ask was NR. Gordie, being the silly man he is, agree'd before the rest of the team could discuss what they were getting into. Not having a good feeling about this job, Mara made her prep for not making it out alive. There was far too much risk, and too much left in the air when it came to Militech to... and Pardon my french when i say to FUCK THEM. Which.... Surprisingly didn't happen. Yet..
Mara eloped with J I H Z Z Y just a few days before the gig, to allow them to enjoy a little marital bliss, or the closest they could get to a honeymoon with such money and time constraints. Re-wrote her will, splitting money between J I H Z Z Y and Jack, if she was to meet her demise while out on this job. Lazarus was CRAWLING all over city center and planned to move into the Inclusion zone. According to the NC54, who was doing a piece with Biotechnica, you could see Marcus in he background, packing more chrome than the first time they had met, when he chanced them all thru the NID.
This job s h o o k her to the core, everytime she thought about it.
So, This Gig required them to go into the inclusion zone, which was a 1 1/2 day walk following a Militech solo "L" setting up net access in for militech. On the way, they stopped at the safehouse of an old friend of L's. Upon investigating, she saw a picture of Chae-Rin, Mara's roommate, So.... If theres a picture of her, this must be.. Jago's (Jay-go) safehouse.... One of the first members of Night Raid who was beheaded before their very eyes by Tetsuo Okaada, one of Wakako's sons. Something told Mara there was more than "L" was letting on..
Once they get to the inclusion zone, they get a notification about a bounty is near by, and frankly, no one wanted to take on more of a load than they already had. Who even knew what that bounty would even be, and who they'd be meeting at the end of that bounty to cash in to. TBH TOO RISKY considering the political stance with Biotechnica & Lazarus, Petrochem & NIGHT RAID. It requires a whole lot of explaining that I don't think anyone is prepared to handle. However, its IMPORTANT for you to know. NR passes on the bounty and choose to just get straight to the job.
Let me tell you a job has never went so fucking FLAWLESS for NR.
Look at this piece my husband did of the a scene from climbing a building to get to the top and install this antenna.
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credit: @cyberpsychotic-purgatory [Image is Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y looking out at the nature(?) reclaimed city center. Mara looks back at her secret husband, the team knew something was going on between the two, but it was a big question mark in how involved they really were until the week leading up to the City Center job.]
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Like I said, things were flawless for NR, they were leaving the area... when Token (@dezthefixer, she's no longer active sadly...she retired. rip queen) rolled horribly for stealth..... Even J I H Z Z Y who rolls the worse in the whole group for everything PASSED this stealth check. Let me tell you it was the worst time too because who starts deep scanning her? Marcus from Lazarus. By the time she was able to get out "RUN" Marcus jumps from his location and landed on the ground in front of the group. This is where I issue a content warning. Point of No Return
When Marcus lands, just a few feet in front of Token, he's holding the head of the beloved combat cab driver, Boris.
"Need a Cab, Desiree Yang?" He asks as he crushes the head before Token.
(Ya'll he was there from the beginning of Night Raid, He's helped them time and time again, this was devastating to the whole group.)
During combat with Marcus, it couldn't have gone better, except "L" the militech Solo was taking the brunt of Marcus's force. The group finds out that the two have history, that Marcus tried to hook up with L, and she turned him down.
When L is about to reach her limit, Mara runs in and passes a speedheal over to give her a second wind, to keep fighting, while the rest of the team weaken him as much as we can.
If anyone in Night Raid, besides Mara gets hit by Marcus at all, they are dead. If Mara dies, theres no hope of anyone being saved with the Cryopump.
Just before L rejoins the fight again, she begins her Plight.
“We’ve got him right where we want him, let’s finish him off. What ever happens, please don’t leave me behind. I would hate to see what the plant life would do” [this requires more explaonation about how things work on our universe. I’m just giving you the boiled down info, my husband or I will go more into depth later about the inclusion zone]
She stands up, and turns to Marcus.
“You know, I didn’t turn you down that night at Gamorrah because I was scared. I turned you down because I’m spoken for.”
“You can’t mean that “Solo rat” you ran around with in city center.”
“He’s not a rat, his name was Jago (Jay-Go) and he was my husband!”
A shock to everyone on the battlefield in this moment. Gotta understand, Jago was an OG member, he had a mainline, was warming up to Mara (before his death 💀) and now we’re being told the man was married TOO? How does he have the time for all these women and to make a living? (Oh right, two of those pretty women were work involved)
The fight between Marcus and L continues as the Borg’d corpo titans exchange blows, with what little you could see with both of their sandi’s going. The victor on top, was L. But just barely. Turning to the group, with a beautiful soft smile, beat black and bloody, hair clinging to the sides of her face from blood and sweat.
Behind her, dust was stirring everywhere and the sounds of fighting off in the distance could be heard, but they were far enough to not feel concerned, until they began to hear heavy metallic footsteps coming closer.
A hand reaches out of the dust cloud quickly and grabs L by the neck.
“I remember you, cunt.” He looks at L’s face just before crushing her neck severing her head from her body. Turning his attention back to NR, they had wasted no time in starting to run. They knew if Adam Smasher wanted them, they’d better get to running.
Though, he did want to know what Militech and a group of no-name mercs were doing in the inclusion zone, doing a job he was sent to do. It wasn’t badly enough to be something he had to do himself, sending his small team to handle catching them.
Though, they had failed to do so, Mara and Gordie quickly took care of those in in pursuit, and made the collective decision to hurry to the roof, where a Militech AV would be waiting.
Something in every fiber of My being said “we need to wait a minute” but Mara was just wanting to get out asap.
That feeling was correct, because as NR is being EVAC'd out in an AV & Flying over the inclusion zone, she gets a message from her brother Jayce saying "Wheres Jack? I know he's with you. His ping says he went in the building you just went in."
Mara is confused, how does Jayce know where she's at exactly? He knew she was going to City Center, but not where she would be? And Why would Jack be in City Center?
A wave of panic overcomes Mara, as she becomes visibly panicked in front of her team, the most shaken they've ever seen her. Trying to figure out whats going on, Mara is frantically calling and messaging Jack & Jayce.
Jayce isn't answering.
Jack... Answers a message, and says he made a mistake, he hears them coming, he tells her he loves her if anything was to happen to him.
At this point, Mara is ready to bust down the door of the AV and jump out to get to Jack. She gets a message from Jayce saying he's got Jack and is heading to Medcenter, meet him there.
Pushing herself in overdrive, she rushes to Medcenter. She's 2 days with very little sleep, exhausted from the last 3 days being hell.
When she arrives at Medcenter, Mara sat in a private waiting room, courtesy of her Sister in law Emma. Where she was able to close her eyes for an hour or so. Until the doctors came in and informed her that Jack was stablizing now, but he had most of his body replaced with Cyberware, because he was mauled very badly.
Getting to Jack's side, the two start discussing what happened, why he was there.
Jack had been working as a merc after he'd figured out what she was doing. He wanted to be strong enough to protect her. So he followed her, and he had no idea about the Biotechnica cybernetic mountain lion chimera lurking in the area, which had gotten the advantage over him.
After, he begins to ask Mara about why she felt the need to become a merc to begin with? Why wouldn't she just tell him what was going on?
That's when Mara breaks down, crying, confessing how things had gotten out of hand. She'd only started being a merc to make ends meet with the Clinic, how on her 3rd gig, she should have gotten the hint when their solo was beheaded before her eyes, but she didn't because the next gig she had a killswitch put on her by a rogue a.i and she has no choice at this point to keep going.
And thats when he asks.... When the killswitch is off.... Will you stop then?
The rooms air felt suffocating, as she tells him she has no choice but to report for Duty at MAXTAC, to work under Jayce.
The answer was too much for Jack to bare, his humanity took a hit when he had all that cyberware installed on top of the trauma of what happened being fresh, caused him to slip into Cyberpsychosis.
Mara was gone. Who was in front of him, he couldn't be sure who is was, but he knows it wasn't Mars.
When the hospital room lights change to red, there is an alert that starts going off to inform that a patient is going Cyberpyscho, and MAXTAC was already in the building, so they wasted no time getting to the room.
Mara, pleading Jack to stay on this side of sanity, she's grabbing his arms forcing him to look at her, saying:
Stop, please stop!! They'll take you, they'll take you-
"I'm already gone, Mars." and Jack lunges at the C-Swat team now pouring into the room.
Just as she was about to throw everything she'd built away to keep Jack Adams on this side of sanity, she was going to tell him she loved him, and would do whatever it took. But she never got the chance. He was killed in front of her.
Her humanity dropped from 31 to 1. She was immediately knocked out and detained. Where she spent the night in Maxtac holding cells after watching her best friend and love of her life murdered before her.
How did all this impact Mara?
-Well, Mara suffers from trait she can never kick from her Psychosis. She will never be able to accept responsibility for what happened to Jack.
-Mara lost her clinic A.I JOI, because Jack had taken her with him to City center, and she was damaged. Because she wasn't registered to a legitimate clinic, she wasn't able to be restored.
-She's left alone to try and run and manage a clinic that was falling apart.
-She MAY OR MAY NOT have painted a black mark on her new marriage with her Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y, because of her inability to let Jack go.
Those are just a few examples of the impact this one job took on her. Im sorry this was so long on this one thing. but I did promise to get into the meat and potatoes about this gig.
2: Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your OC has faced?
The worst one Mara has ever faced.. Depending on the timeline.
LoNC- Mara was dating this guy she worked with on Trauma team(worked on another flight crew), who cheated on her with their boss... in the locker room showers... in front of Mara's whole crew.
Water on Mars- Jago and Mara had been seeing each other, he was making it very clear he wanted something more than them just stuffing it. He wanted to Mainline, He'd been making steps to clean up his life so he could give it an honest shot with her.
While, Mara is very tennative about commitment, she was receptive to the idea, but wanted to wait a bit.. She didn't want to commit and it blow up in her face. She knew he had a Wife, well he said Ex-wife as he was making steps towards divorce, she knew his life was complicated, and so was hers.
Agreeing to keep seeing each other to work on something real together, Mara was interrupted with her brother at the door, Jayce. See, Jayce and Jago have a long history, and the two hate each other.
Mara had just talked Jago into striking a deal with ODESSA, he works for them until the job is complete and they leave him alone to live in Dogtown, he can come for work, but never for leisure.
Throwing her whole reputation on the line with Titus & Jayce. Shit, she even threw her relationship with Titus away to save Jago.
& a few weeks later, he's ghosting her, and she finds out he's working for Militech, he's defected to be with his Ex-wife.
Though, it isn't until later that Mara learns it was all Jayces idea to have Jago infiltrate Militech.
13: Seaside Cafe: Does your OC like reality shows? Would they ever be in one?
Yes, Mara loves reality shows, she loves the drama. However, she couldn't ever be on one, not that she'd ever want all those eyes looking at her all the time.
I am so sorry this turned into a long winded post... I have been working on it for a few days here and there. YES I called it THANKSGIVING, because I was hopeful I would at least get it done by then, but we all know I work on my own clock lmao. TYSM for asking me about this! I'm sorry.. I know you'll probably never want to read or ask anything from me again, I totally understand.
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu wondered what the day was going to be like… happy, scary, dangerous (actually they were almost always dangerous), sad, boring (never boring), or something else? He hoped for something else. Something surprising. Like a party. Or a trip to an all-you-care-to-eat buffet. Yum. That would be great and a huge change of pace. 
It wasn’t that the Mandalorian didn’t care about food. He did. As a human he had to eat just like Grogu did. Well, not just like Grogu did. Din Djarin showed no interest in frogs, head-on shrimp, crickets, dung worms, or fried gorg on a stick. Nope. He liked rations. Boring, predictable rations. Yuck.
Grogu had actually eaten plenty of rations in his time. He was older than the Mandalorian after all. He’d had more than his fill of the flavorless, dull, textured, slabs of nutrients, carbs, fats, and proteins. He had no love of them, lost or otherwise. 
He blamed Master Yoda. The Grandmaster Jedi was much older than Grogu and he no longer liked a broad variety of things. Grogu suspected that Yoda was simply bored with food. After 900 years he’d probably earned the right to be bored with it. So the kitchens at the Jedi Temple made him those wretched ration packs with their soft bars of processed stuff and folks figured because Grogu was the same species as Yoda, that he must like the same stuff. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 
Grogu liked things that crunched. That slithered. That tasted richly of the earth or the ocean. And while he wasn’t a huge fan of hot and spicy, he was a huge fan of warm and savory. But that was not how rations were ever described. 
Grogu was of the opinion that a thing you ate should look different when it was finished being processed by your body than when you opened the sleeve, tin, or pouch it was contained in. He didn’t think that was too much to ask.
Grogu had told the Mandalorian that but all Din Djarin did was laugh. Grogu wondered why at the time and then they had to use the sewer system to get somewhere without being noticed and Grogu realized what his dad had been talking about. There were worse things than rations. Not many. But at least one.
But with a whole brand new day gleaming in front of them, Grogu just hoped that maybe the Mandalorian would relent and they could do something novel, like have a barbecue, or visit a restaurant that wasn’t part of a cantina, tavern, or bar. Maybe they could go to a place with a chef named José and eat finger food and stuff on small plates all afternoon and drink something fizzy and sweet and chat about nothing at all. That seemed like a great way to spend a day. 
Grogu explained that to his dad and the Mandalorian had just grumbled that Grogu was going to be spending a lot less time with Fennec and Peli. No meal needed to take three hours and the Creed had never referred to any meal as ‘brunch’. Food was fuel, not entertainment, and they’d have to spend a whole month collecting bounties to afford that kind meal any way. 
Grogu knew his dad wasn’t wrong about that. Peli and Fennec had complained about the cost of the place that had opened on one of Tatooine’s moons. Grogu could understand that. Chenini wasn’t a population center. It was a big piece of rock floating in space. The restaurant had to supply water, air, pressure, gravity, you name it, plus something Peli complained very bitterly about, valet parking. 
He wasn’t suggesting that they go there everyday. But once would be nice. Right? Something special just because it was a beautiful day and they had the time and nothing better to do. Grogu thought that made a lot of sense. 
The Mandalorian, on the other hand, said, “Hey kid, we’re going into to town to get a lead on another supplier of armor polish. We can stop at the market stall for lunch. I’m sure they’ll have something you like. I’ll bring some rations, just in case they don’t.”
That was incentive enough to find whatever the market stall had enjoyable. And Grogu knew that his dad knew that. That was the point. Some day, when Din Djarin was old and grey and depended on Grogu bringing him his meals because he couldn’t just walk for clicks in his armor anymore, Grogu was going to make his dad eat fresh vegetables and see how much he liked that. The best revenge is one that can be harvested from your own garden.
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nine-fingered-entity · 5 months
one piece live action episode 1 thoughts:
yeah, i'm months late. who cares?
also. full disclaimer: i have both a huge sentimental connection to one piece (first ever manga, first read when i was like. 8.) and am an enjoyer of it current day (have read the whole thing 3 times. can and will bitch about it at length but genuinely do love it. have posted like. 45k worth of one piece fic.) so absolutely biased as hell.
show is silly goofy which is correct. one piece is silly goofy first and foremost. just relax, enjoy the ride, accept the cartoon shonen logic. once i did that i had a good time.
i 'm actually a fan of the changes made to pacing. breaking up the first chapter with all the luffy flashback lore makes a ton of sense for live action and makes more space for present-day stuff. we don't need to know all that right away. we'll get to it. episode was still a bit rushed but tbh the manga had that issue too with the early chapters (had a lot to do and oda did not yet have free rein to bloat)
along the same lines, introducing nami and zoro at the same time makes a lot of sense. gives us more time with both of them. get to see nami in her element a bit more-very cool. also the map gives them all more of a reason to be in shell town causing havoc.
i especially like the reworking of how zoro and luffy meet and how zoro teams up with him (not a crew! yet!). it always kind of bothered me that luffy somewhat coerced him into joining in the OG - thematically that was a cognitive dissonance, so luffy freeing him without expectation felt a) more luffy and b) will make zoro eventually joining more meaningful imo
do sort of wish that they'd somehow managed to keep zoro stubbornly hanging there starving for like. days. because i think that's a really good intro to his character and what's important to him but at least he still managed to eat the floor rice. like overall i think the changes were a good idea but they do give a different spin on him. (i think he accepted being freed too easily in this one. but. oh well.)
big fan of the alabasta foreshadowing. and zoro's opening scene. kind of ate ngl. cool to see things only offhandedly mentioned in the manga.
acting/writing. hm. i think some of the serious dialogue was a bit clunky and some bits the acting felt a bit...self conscious? sometimes luffy seemed a bit Too Self Aware/and not relaxed enough. during the sillier bits though i thought he did better and loosened up. same with zoro. no notes for nami though.
i was expecting to hate the rubber CGI but. did not mind it. fight scenes felt a bit silly but that's okay they are silly. (it is a plot point in the early manga that luffy fighting looks bizarre.)
fight scenes pretty decent, considering the medium change. three-sword style does just look flimsy live, unfortunately.
why is Garp here????????????????????
surprisingly faithful to all the important bits, honestly. we'll see where this goes. interested to see what they do with orange town now that the set-up has changed.
fun thoughts:
was that crocodile in the execution crowd? oda was apparently pretty involved in all this, so if that Was crocodile then that counts as evidence for my favorite One Piece theory. crocomom real?
spotted Foxy and Bellamy bounty posters, which imply both of them have been to the East Blue. interesting but probably inconsequential set-building. curious on what posters i missed.
my instagram ads keep showing me a one-hole zoro earring set (all three dangles but you only need one piercing) and i've never been more tempted. damn the algorithm.
huge fan of koby's hair
was jumpscared multiple times by british accents. which is on me and my USAmerican-ness.
unfounded guess but i bet they're going to change how kuina dies. please.
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