#Thats just me saying im too lazy to re-read this
medtech-mara · 10 months
For the Cyberpsychosis Ask
Can i please have for Mara:
1: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
2: Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your OC has faced?
13: Seaside Cafe: Does your OC like reality shows? Would they ever be in one?
OHHHHHH I HAVE BEEN EXCITED FOR THIS ONE. We're gonna call this Thanksgiving.... Because this turkey gonna be STUFFED!!!!!
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Character Key idk if you will need it but its there.
1: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
It's hard to choose, there were a few that I really want to talk about that have left marks on Mara, but one outshines them all in leaving the BIGGEST scar on Mara.
In the timeline of Legends of Night City, Night Raid was contacted by Raj, their fixer from Charter Hill, Militech had reached out to him looking for a crew that would be willing to go into the inclusion zone, having NO such team, as most of his contacts had written him off as burned, the only ones he could ask was NR. Gordie, being the silly man he is, agree'd before the rest of the team could discuss what they were getting into. Not having a good feeling about this job, Mara made her prep for not making it out alive. There was far too much risk, and too much left in the air when it came to Militech to... and Pardon my french when i say to FUCK THEM. Which.... Surprisingly didn't happen. Yet..
Mara eloped with J I H Z Z Y just a few days before the gig, to allow them to enjoy a little marital bliss, or the closest they could get to a honeymoon with such money and time constraints. Re-wrote her will, splitting money between J I H Z Z Y and Jack, if she was to meet her demise while out on this job. Lazarus was CRAWLING all over city center and planned to move into the Inclusion zone. According to the NC54, who was doing a piece with Biotechnica, you could see Marcus in he background, packing more chrome than the first time they had met, when he chanced them all thru the NID.
This job s h o o k her to the core, everytime she thought about it.
So, This Gig required them to go into the inclusion zone, which was a 1 1/2 day walk following a Militech solo "L" setting up net access in for militech. On the way, they stopped at the safehouse of an old friend of L's. Upon investigating, she saw a picture of Chae-Rin, Mara's roommate, So.... If theres a picture of her, this must be.. Jago's (Jay-go) safehouse.... One of the first members of Night Raid who was beheaded before their very eyes by Tetsuo Okaada, one of Wakako's sons. Something told Mara there was more than "L" was letting on..
Once they get to the inclusion zone, they get a notification about a bounty is near by, and frankly, no one wanted to take on more of a load than they already had. Who even knew what that bounty would even be, and who they'd be meeting at the end of that bounty to cash in to. TBH TOO RISKY considering the political stance with Biotechnica & Lazarus, Petrochem & NIGHT RAID. It requires a whole lot of explaining that I don't think anyone is prepared to handle. However, its IMPORTANT for you to know. NR passes on the bounty and choose to just get straight to the job.
Let me tell you a job has never went so fucking FLAWLESS for NR.
Look at this piece my husband did of the a scene from climbing a building to get to the top and install this antenna.
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credit: @cyberpsychotic-purgatory [Image is Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y looking out at the nature(?) reclaimed city center. Mara looks back at her secret husband, the team knew something was going on between the two, but it was a big question mark in how involved they really were until the week leading up to the City Center job.]
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Like I said, things were flawless for NR, they were leaving the area... when Token (@dezthefixer, she's no longer active sadly...she retired. rip queen) rolled horribly for stealth..... Even J I H Z Z Y who rolls the worse in the whole group for everything PASSED this stealth check. Let me tell you it was the worst time too because who starts deep scanning her? Marcus from Lazarus. By the time she was able to get out "RUN" Marcus jumps from his location and landed on the ground in front of the group. This is where I issue a content warning. Point of No Return
When Marcus lands, just a few feet in front of Token, he's holding the head of the beloved combat cab driver, Boris.
"Need a Cab, Desiree Yang?" He asks as he crushes the head before Token.
(Ya'll he was there from the beginning of Night Raid, He's helped them time and time again, this was devastating to the whole group.)
During combat with Marcus, it couldn't have gone better, except "L" the militech Solo was taking the brunt of Marcus's force. The group finds out that the two have history, that Marcus tried to hook up with L, and she turned him down.
When L is about to reach her limit, Mara runs in and passes a speedheal over to give her a second wind, to keep fighting, while the rest of the team weaken him as much as we can.
If anyone in Night Raid, besides Mara gets hit by Marcus at all, they are dead. If Mara dies, theres no hope of anyone being saved with the Cryopump.
Just before L rejoins the fight again, she begins her Plight.
“We’ve got him right where we want him, let’s finish him off. What ever happens, please don’t leave me behind. I would hate to see what the plant life would do” [this requires more explaonation about how things work on our universe. I’m just giving you the boiled down info, my husband or I will go more into depth later about the inclusion zone]
She stands up, and turns to Marcus.
“You know, I didn’t turn you down that night at Gamorrah because I was scared. I turned you down because I’m spoken for.”
“You can’t mean that “Solo rat” you ran around with in city center.”
“He’s not a rat, his name was Jago (Jay-Go) and he was my husband!”
A shock to everyone on the battlefield in this moment. Gotta understand, Jago was an OG member, he had a mainline, was warming up to Mara (before his death 💀) and now we’re being told the man was married TOO? How does he have the time for all these women and to make a living? (Oh right, two of those pretty women were work involved)
The fight between Marcus and L continues as the Borg’d corpo titans exchange blows, with what little you could see with both of their sandi’s going. The victor on top, was L. But just barely. Turning to the group, with a beautiful soft smile, beat black and bloody, hair clinging to the sides of her face from blood and sweat.
Behind her, dust was stirring everywhere and the sounds of fighting off in the distance could be heard, but they were far enough to not feel concerned, until they began to hear heavy metallic footsteps coming closer.
A hand reaches out of the dust cloud quickly and grabs L by the neck.
“I remember you, cunt.” He looks at L’s face just before crushing her neck severing her head from her body. Turning his attention back to NR, they had wasted no time in starting to run. They knew if Adam Smasher wanted them, they’d better get to running.
Though, he did want to know what Militech and a group of no-name mercs were doing in the inclusion zone, doing a job he was sent to do. It wasn’t badly enough to be something he had to do himself, sending his small team to handle catching them.
Though, they had failed to do so, Mara and Gordie quickly took care of those in in pursuit, and made the collective decision to hurry to the roof, where a Militech AV would be waiting.
Something in every fiber of My being said “we need to wait a minute” but Mara was just wanting to get out asap.
That feeling was correct, because as NR is being EVAC'd out in an AV & Flying over the inclusion zone, she gets a message from her brother Jayce saying "Wheres Jack? I know he's with you. His ping says he went in the building you just went in."
Mara is confused, how does Jayce know where she's at exactly? He knew she was going to City Center, but not where she would be? And Why would Jack be in City Center?
A wave of panic overcomes Mara, as she becomes visibly panicked in front of her team, the most shaken they've ever seen her. Trying to figure out whats going on, Mara is frantically calling and messaging Jack & Jayce.
Jayce isn't answering.
Jack... Answers a message, and says he made a mistake, he hears them coming, he tells her he loves her if anything was to happen to him.
At this point, Mara is ready to bust down the door of the AV and jump out to get to Jack. She gets a message from Jayce saying he's got Jack and is heading to Medcenter, meet him there.
Pushing herself in overdrive, she rushes to Medcenter. She's 2 days with very little sleep, exhausted from the last 3 days being hell.
When she arrives at Medcenter, Mara sat in a private waiting room, courtesy of her Sister in law Emma. Where she was able to close her eyes for an hour or so. Until the doctors came in and informed her that Jack was stablizing now, but he had most of his body replaced with Cyberware, because he was mauled very badly.
Getting to Jack's side, the two start discussing what happened, why he was there.
Jack had been working as a merc after he'd figured out what she was doing. He wanted to be strong enough to protect her. So he followed her, and he had no idea about the Biotechnica cybernetic mountain lion chimera lurking in the area, which had gotten the advantage over him.
After, he begins to ask Mara about why she felt the need to become a merc to begin with? Why wouldn't she just tell him what was going on?
That's when Mara breaks down, crying, confessing how things had gotten out of hand. She'd only started being a merc to make ends meet with the Clinic, how on her 3rd gig, she should have gotten the hint when their solo was beheaded before her eyes, but she didn't because the next gig she had a killswitch put on her by a rogue a.i and she has no choice at this point to keep going.
And thats when he asks.... When the killswitch is off.... Will you stop then?
The rooms air felt suffocating, as she tells him she has no choice but to report for Duty at MAXTAC, to work under Jayce.
The answer was too much for Jack to bare, his humanity took a hit when he had all that cyberware installed on top of the trauma of what happened being fresh, caused him to slip into Cyberpsychosis.
Mara was gone. Who was in front of him, he couldn't be sure who is was, but he knows it wasn't Mars.
When the hospital room lights change to red, there is an alert that starts going off to inform that a patient is going Cyberpyscho, and MAXTAC was already in the building, so they wasted no time getting to the room.
Mara, pleading Jack to stay on this side of sanity, she's grabbing his arms forcing him to look at her, saying:
Stop, please stop!! They'll take you, they'll take you-
"I'm already gone, Mars." and Jack lunges at the C-Swat team now pouring into the room.
Just as she was about to throw everything she'd built away to keep Jack Adams on this side of sanity, she was going to tell him she loved him, and would do whatever it took. But she never got the chance. He was killed in front of her.
Her humanity dropped from 31 to 1. She was immediately knocked out and detained. Where she spent the night in Maxtac holding cells after watching her best friend and love of her life murdered before her.
How did all this impact Mara?
-Well, Mara suffers from trait she can never kick from her Psychosis. She will never be able to accept responsibility for what happened to Jack.
-Mara lost her clinic A.I JOI, because Jack had taken her with him to City center, and she was damaged. Because she wasn't registered to a legitimate clinic, she wasn't able to be restored.
-She's left alone to try and run and manage a clinic that was falling apart.
-She MAY OR MAY NOT have painted a black mark on her new marriage with her Rockerboy J I H Z Z Y, because of her inability to let Jack go.
Those are just a few examples of the impact this one job took on her. Im sorry this was so long on this one thing. but I did promise to get into the meat and potatoes about this gig.
2: Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your OC has faced?
The worst one Mara has ever faced.. Depending on the timeline.
LoNC- Mara was dating this guy she worked with on Trauma team(worked on another flight crew), who cheated on her with their boss... in the locker room showers... in front of Mara's whole crew.
Water on Mars- Jago and Mara had been seeing each other, he was making it very clear he wanted something more than them just stuffing it. He wanted to Mainline, He'd been making steps to clean up his life so he could give it an honest shot with her.
While, Mara is very tennative about commitment, she was receptive to the idea, but wanted to wait a bit.. She didn't want to commit and it blow up in her face. She knew he had a Wife, well he said Ex-wife as he was making steps towards divorce, she knew his life was complicated, and so was hers.
Agreeing to keep seeing each other to work on something real together, Mara was interrupted with her brother at the door, Jayce. See, Jayce and Jago have a long history, and the two hate each other.
Mara had just talked Jago into striking a deal with ODESSA, he works for them until the job is complete and they leave him alone to live in Dogtown, he can come for work, but never for leisure.
Throwing her whole reputation on the line with Titus & Jayce. Shit, she even threw her relationship with Titus away to save Jago.
& a few weeks later, he's ghosting her, and she finds out he's working for Militech, he's defected to be with his Ex-wife.
Though, it isn't until later that Mara learns it was all Jayces idea to have Jago infiltrate Militech.
13: Seaside Cafe: Does your OC like reality shows? Would they ever be in one?
Yes, Mara loves reality shows, she loves the drama. However, she couldn't ever be on one, not that she'd ever want all those eyes looking at her all the time.
I am so sorry this turned into a long winded post... I have been working on it for a few days here and there. YES I called it THANKSGIVING, because I was hopeful I would at least get it done by then, but we all know I work on my own clock lmao. TYSM for asking me about this! I'm sorry.. I know you'll probably never want to read or ask anything from me again, I totally understand.
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moncey-imagines · 2 years
WDW Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
Sorry this took so long, Thanksgiving week has been quite busy 🥲 but now it is done and out for all the world to see 🐎🐎for context, the reader is hyperfixated on the disney parks (just like me 😎)
Also I added an intro to lead into the headcanons 😱
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It started with a simple statement:
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* seriously.
This is the first time you found out that Sans had absolutely no idea about the pure magic and majesty of Disney parks.
* You've been on the surface for like a year...how do you STILL not know about Disneyworld...
* idk
* Do you even know about the Disney company at all??? You have to, they are industry giants in like every category of anything ever...
* i think so, are they the ones that have the princesses?
* Which princesses?
* you know, the ones.
* No I don't, you have to tell me which ones.
* the ones with the hair.
* long hair i think.
* Rapunzel?
* idk
* Okay yeah that's it, we're going to Disneyworld, lemme go book the flights.
* cool
Two weeks later, you and your skeleton boyfriend were off to Orlando so you could expose him to the wonders of Walt Disney World.
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Once you two are there and walking around, he'd probably be more focused on you rather than the park. I mean, it's kind of hard to ignore how excited you get over being in the park. The amount of facts that pop up in your brain the second you're in the parks is abundant, so much so that there is no way to stop you excited rambling (not that he'd try, he thinks it's cute).
* Look!! Look at the windows!!
* im lookin.
* It's a tribute to Marc Davis!!
* i...sorry, i dont know who that is.
Expect a lot of Sans not understanding a single thing you're talking about.
* Sans!! Look at the rocks, it's shaped like the Nautilus!!
* yeah?
* Yeah!! That's cause 20000 Leagues Under the Sea was here before The Little Mermaid ride!!
* wow.
* Do you know what any of what I just said means?
* um...not really no, im sorry.
He'll still listen though, he likes seeing you happy and excited.
* i really don't think these guys have the guts to be in here naked
* They're fake skeletons, Sans, but there's a rumor that the skull on the bed in Disneyland if re- wait...they don't have the guts. I just got it.
* took you a minute huh.
* Shut it, bonehead.
* sorry, but a name like that won't get under my skin.
* These jokes suck, you must have left your funny bone at home.
* i know, im just a lazy bones like that.
Everyone around you two have to occasionally either sit through agonizingly horrible jokes or get up and walk away.
* Hey, Sans! Do you think you can solve the murder mystery?
* murder mystery? isnt that a little dark for magic kingdom?
* It's not too dark for the Haunted Mansion, that's what this ride is all about.
* ah, okay. i wont let it rattle my bones then.
* You're such a doofus.
* actually, in your own words, im a bonehead.
* Do you think you can do the puzzle or not? The lines gonna move...
* yeah, yeah, okay.
Sans also seems to really like standing in line to hear what other people are saying.
* people say some wild stuff here, (y/n).
* Like what?
* i just heard a little girl ask her mom what happened to Mickey Mouse when he went backstage and her older sister said that the staff skinned him.
* Oh my god.
* thats not all, after that her mom agreed and told her thats how they make the Mickey ear hats.
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* these fireworks are pretty nice.
* Did you know that they have to set them off no matter what? For safety reasons, they can't let old fireworks sit back there unused, even is they cancel the shows.
* so theres technically always a show?
* ...I guess so, yeah.
* ...
* What do you think happens if an airplane flies to close to the fire works?
* what happens?
* It probably becomes a scareplane.
* that one's a stretch
* C'mon, I thought it was funny.
* you were close, but not close enough. maybe next time.
Driving the car to the hotel, you turn to Sans.
* Did you...like today's trip? I wasn't annoying was I?
* i liked it, yeah, and not at all, i thought all your little facts were great. im excited for what you tell me tommorow.
* Alright, I'll stock up on my facts for Animal Kingdom tomorrow.
* you better, ill even polish my humerus.
* I knew you were gonna make some kind of pun, I felt it in my bones.
* what, have you been spine on me?
* Okay, that one was knee-t.
Sans lets out a sigh.
* What's wrong?
* nothing at all, i love you.
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also sorry if its more dialogue than headcanons, I've been coding VNs as of late DHFYSGADFh
I kinda wanna make this into a short visual novel...but I cannot at the moment, I must get this fic out DHGFIYFSG
I hope it was good, if anyone wants a part two in another part just send in an ask 😎
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
12 Anti LO Asks
1. its victim blaming of hades to tell minthe its HER fault she "couldnt get over him". like? you lied to her! youre the one who blurred the lines to date her! you were just as toxic to her if not more so by controlling where she lives and her job, all while never defending her to your cruel family! you had all the power over her while she had nothing! you dumped her for a 19 year old and dont care she crippled minthe! i wont excuse minthe's actions, but hades is ultimately the worse of the two IMO
2. you know why fans claimed "Minthe should've reacted better"? since the first episode Rachel has been drilling into their heads Minthe is an irredeemable monster, and her not bending over backwards to H/P means she deserves the absolute worst. Minthe reacting how anyone logically would doesn't matter when LO is designed to coddle H/P, and anyone against them must suffer for it, even if the victim to H/P's actions. they never wanted her to be "redeemed", they want her head on a silver platter.
3. i know this is not what she intended bc the only characterization rachel has of hxp is "the best over everything" but uh, does she know having hades control all the petroleum and gasses and whatever else is actively destroying the planet, right? like hes helping the very thing persephone draws her power from and what she's connected to be destroyed to appease hes need for wealth and power. its kinda gross hes being romanticized while he commits horrible acts like this for his bank account.
4. its not impossible to go opposite in their original myth personalities and still have it work. like in hades game, sisyphus is one of the most likable characters, achilles is gentle and kind, ares is calm and rational, etc, but it makes sense within the context of the story. LO in comparison goes "all these loving mothers are evil because i said so! this beloved god is now evil because i said so! minthe is evil because i said so!" and that's about it in terms of logic to these wild changes.
5. I can kinda get behind anon's theory about the flower nymphs looking like P to help her be undetected, the problem is there are also unrelated women in comic who are bright pink and look just like her, with hades even confusing them for her! if i had to bet the only reason they look like that is because rachel just wanted daphne to look like her to hammer home apollo is "obsessed" with P and to fake them as her "real family" over demeter. also just laziness in designing characters in general.
6. its weird hades and persephone are well aware what they're doing is bad even openly admitting it and yet the narrative is so hellbent on excusing their bad actions?? like hades being the major toxic factor in his relationship to minthe, persephone killing people, or hades wanting to bone an eternal 19 year old? like rachel you know thats not how character growth works, right? you cant show they have horrible flaws and leave them to never grow and learn from it, that's not good writing at all.
7. what i also dont get is the hierarchy makes no sense? like zeus is framed as the top god, but that would mean hades cant be the most important man ever so rachel also made him equal rank with zeus (and i guess poseidon too) so?? how does zeus have all that power over them then if theyre all equal? is it because zeus swallowed metis?  also how are the fertility goddess so powerful and rare yet so easily taken down? how are they overpowered and super weak at the same time? i just dont get it.
8. Re reading chapter 144 and other anon is right we do see the pomegranate pin on Hades outfit (so Hades gifts it to her)
But also some things to note
During the makeout session persy begins to disappear in butterfly form and hades is like "no don't leave!" And he grabs her, preventing her from leaving. Which is..kinda Ick considering they were on their way to having (public) sex and he doesn't want her to leave which seems like he's not really respecting her boundaries? (because if she does he'll "be lonely")
The pomegranate pin is Hades' to begin with so technically one of Persephones symbols is not hers (yes I know in the original myth she ate it in the underworld / was forced to eat it but still its supposed to be her symbol)
Hades notes that he "doesn't want to overstep his boundaries as host" because Persephone is a guest (too late for that)
Persephones main concern (after what a week or 2?) after being raped is when Hades wants to stop her reaction is "dont you want me anymore?"
Girl you aren't even dating ...??
Persy's literal one and only concern is that she thinks if she doesnt sleep with Hades right then or when/if he wants to that "she wont be able to give him what hes used to" ... Which is reinforcing that she went to therapy to get "over being blocked" in regards to having sex
Although Hades does mention that she shouldn't feel like she needs to please him and that a kiss can just be a kiss which would be nice
(And yet his thinking of marrying her amd he's known her for 2, 3 weeks? ... And he says "the beginning of a new relationship is exciting and scary" so hes basically indicating thay their dating at this point, I think?)
And later the nymphs in the store are like "do you wanna be the dominatrix of the bedroom?? Buy this lingerie!" And persy does. So??
Meanwhile Demeter is very worried for her daughter who is busy sitting in Hades lap in a pool. 
9. Can we talk about how anons are making fucking flow charts for the LO Timeline cause it's so ridiculously jumbled?
10. im not even against rushed relationships, ive known actual couples who met and were married all within the same year and it worked out great, the difference though is these were people who had their own lives and previous relationships. the issue with LO is RS designed it so Persephone can NEVER have relationships or a life outside of Hades, and if they did get married offscreen, it's framing their marriage in a toxic and unbalanced light. That's not a romance, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
11. i feel like there's a difference between drawing an interesting hooked/aquiline nose versus whatever the hell RS puts on Hades' face. It honestly looks like he's in between morphing into a bird half the time since it just looks like a beak over an actual facial feature.
12. are there shareholders or a board of advisors or something at underworld corp? because if there is id say they have more than enough reason to kick hades out and strip him of his titles/shares because of all the shit he's caused by being guided by his broken pp over thinking with his head. liking dating TWO employees? and getting one of them phsyically crippled by the other bc he can't be honest with either of them and she's a walking time bomb? he's a walking HR nightmare.
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akirameta84 · 3 years
thinking about it, was there anything stopping kusuo from re-petrifying akechi over and over until he figured things out?
sorry for spelling mistakes haha. if its not major I'm too lazy to reread and catch em all(™)
it never says he has a limit on this ability like that, so if he had been extremely determined to not let akechi find out, he could've kept trying different future outcomes over and over
but would a person petrified experience hunger and thirst while in that state? if so, this would only be possible a day or two without serious negative effects. but from what we've seen, im fairly certain everything about the individual is frozen like that, so I doubt so
of course there was people and noticing akechi's disappearance, and akechi himself nothing the missed time. but if he got the timeline right, then akechi would've never been even entered the room in this instance, as seen by the failed timeline where hes closer with his friends group. thus its a moot point, and making the idea of keeping him frozen longer plausible
considering how the other two espers came to know about his powers, it really makes you wonder why he gave in so easily. kusuo had almost told aiura because he believed its be inevitable, but when he realized his aura was too large to be seen up close, he forfeited, only having to confess in order to save chiyo's life.
toritsuka had found out completely on his own, and by the time he approached saiki, there would have been too many memories to erase them all with his memory alteration, as its stated he can do a minute at a time.
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and, interestingly, in the manga there's a whole day between saiki receiving toritsukas letter and him arriving, while in the anime its the same day. saiki is even able to complete his psychometry on the letter. it actually makes more sense in the anime, though, as surely he'd have noticed his glove was missing before a whole day had passed?
anyways, point stands that family is the only people kusuo has completely willingly told about his powers were family members. and yet he gave in so easily to akechi.
something that's striking me as odd is when akechi revealed himself to be someone from kusuo's past, and someone who suspected him of having powers...he did nothing.
as seen on aren's first day, he could've easily had akechi transfer out or just make him stop attending.
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sure it might've been suspicious, but a combo of forcing him to transfer out and some memory alteration making him forget kusuo was at PK, that he attended PK, or that he was transferred out strangely, any may have possibly worked.
or better yet, petrify and perform the time leap stunts much earlier, before akechi had such concrete evidence. akechi likely would've responded readily to an invitation over to kusuo's house, and he could've attempted to deal with the problem then.
sure its possible he didn't think about that, but with how covered everyone of kusuo's bases have been throughout the series, I heavily heavily doubt it. and besides, I think there's more to it.
one thing kusuo mentions being happy to have fixed at the end of akechi's time travel arc is erasing the fact his younger self told akechi about his powers.
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he regrets this truly as a teenager, but his younger self was a lot more complacent about telling him, up until akechi spilled the secret himself in order to hope for kusuo's protection, but even kusuo acknowledges its normal for people to reach out to those who they know can help
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he smiles like this after his confused face fades, and tells akechi about his powers. his younger self didn't have much of a reason to keep his powers from someone he viewed as a friend, and even showed MUCH less emotional repression imo.
but there was one striking reason.
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look at how the smile on his face fades each time he recalls what his mother said. he actively wanted to show them his powers, not just akechi either.
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his older self acknowledges that akechi felt like a friend to him, which is kusuo speak for he felt they were pretty close friends, considering that the main cast is still mostly classmate or aquintence level at the end of the series according to him.
considering how easily kusuo gives in to telling akechi after his admittedly extensive process trying to prevent this outcome...I'd say, honestly, kusuo still feels the same way about akechi.
he certainly tolerates akechi referring to him by his first name, and even though aiura does as well, im not convinced she'd listen if he even told her off. (tbh, his whole friend group has issues with listening to him, and his mom forcing him on outings isn't helping. but thats a rant for another time)
the day akechi invites himself over, its done merely to hang out, and kusuo is slightly surprised by this.
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of course, even akechi has to cheat his way into staying, but kusuo is like that to everyone.
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kusuo isn't used to people coming over just to hang out, as whenever the rest of his friends bug him, they need something most of the time. and when the two of them get into betting on the horse races over cake, as frustrated as kusuo gets, id say he enjoys himself. one of the last panels says as much
I hit the image limit, but near the end of chapter 266 his eyes have the sparkle effect they do when he's actually feeling emotions. its so sweet. and during the end of the showdown arc, kusuo repeats to kuusuke the the same phrase akechi said to him after taking the power remover. "I can still be your playmate"
overall, coupled with how easily kusuo gave in to telling about his powers, without even a single death threat to keep akechi silent...yeah, he definitely thinks of akechi as a good, maybe even close friend. even if he doesn't believe or admit it to himself, its true.
thank you for reading i got this in my mind after rewatching the time travel arc, hence the random anime images instead of panels which I can grab more easily as examples lol
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izzyliker · 3 years
Hey, asking you this as nicely as I can but can you give the immediate victim blaming a break. The absolute lack of respect you have for the people tmc abused is genuinely disheartening. Yes, he’s a shitty person, you’re entitled to hate him but immediately going “well you should’ve seen it coming earlier lol we’ve been saying this” is just ASTONISHINGLY shortsighted and cruel. Have your opinions about him and the situation all you want I would just ask that you please keep it to yourself due to the many many people he’s hurt that are still on here and can see you disparaging them.
ok, that is not what i have been saying. "well you should've known" is not an accurate summary of my feelings on this matter but apologies if thats how it came across. i have been in an abusive relationship where the person did a lot of the same things and i, too, defended that person without considering how it impacted other people. i almost lost my best friend because of how i acted as a result of keeping him in my life while people around me kept telling me to get tf out. i know.
what i am is im frustrated and annoyed by how long people were willing to publicly and passionately defend this guy while apparently fully aware what kind of shit he was doing to other people, many of which is detailed in the callout itself, and how this is now being framed as news. before the document itself was published all me (or anyone) had to go off of was vague posts that amounted to a "callout trailer" and almost all of the information on it was shit that was 100% completely public knowledge. 20+ people being aware of all that goddamn stuff and not one of them publicly stopping associating with him is frustrating. it comes across as spineless and yes, like one anon told GD, gaslighty (although i have my own issues with this being used on a large scale instead of in interpersonal relationships but i understand where they were coming from). his lesbophobia, transphobia (strange that none of the transphobia towards trans men was mentioned?), and panphobia/aphobia/biphobia were widely documented and seeing that on a callout post as if it were news was extremely tiring.
ive since read the callout. the interpersonal actions seem to have been horrible but sadly im not surprised (by which i dont mean "and neither should you" but rather. my spidey senses for this sort of behavior are pretty accurate most of the time and i did see this coming. this isnt me saying im Better than these people or that they shouldve as well but rather that i have learned to identify people of this genre.) by any of them.
also im 75% sure this is tumblr user GD. hello. if not then apologies, its just that the typing here is very similar. if it is, i think you trying to both take accountability for this and process whatever it is youre processing at the same time on tumblr is a bad idea and going to just lead to people feeling hurt and betrayed because while i truly do see where the reaction is coming from (like, truly, i understand, believe me), if you say "i take responsibility for how i acted while being manipulated" but then when people voice their negative feelings you tell them theyre victim blaming you it is going to reflect poorly on you. i dont think you understand how many people were absolutely hurt by the enabling you and your large, massively popular group of friends did for him, including the MASSIVE defense rant you typed up in defense of him when someone sent an ask to the bi jon event about him being panphobic and aphobic. whether its fair for people to expect you to immediately go into depth about it is questionable but dont invite people to do this when you obviously cannot handle it (i dont mean this in a bad way like "oh you should handle it". i mean genuinely this is how you get burnt out and possibly worsen possible future trauma. by trying to immediately placate people without having the mental resources to do so.)
i think the "we dont condone these views and never did!" without ever specifying what they were or doing any other work there is a lazy fucking cop-out. your circle was/is massively popular and a lot of people took all of you as authorities on stuff like headcanons and respectful portrayals of certain characters or identities to the point of accepting your meta as canon (something you havent really dissuaded ever), and associating publicly with someone who would constantly do this kind of shit and then defending him publicly while also positing yourself as an authority isnt something you can just "oops! we never agreed with him!" yourself out of. GD & TF specifically, you are massive blogs. you are babys first TMA blog. people in your askbox hurt and betrayed by this shit are not necessarily there to victim blame you. they are there because they trusted your word when they said "hey seraf reblogged anti pan and anti ace and weird transphobic posts" and you said "seraf is one of my dearest friends and would never do any of those things and im personally offended youd even imply that." i think you dont understand the real life consequences of the massively popular posts and sentiments he made & published and that you helped spread (despite apparently knowing that he was being a massive hypocrite and bigoted towards those groups or identities in his personal life). obviously interpersonal abuse/conflict is going to be "worse" but dear god i hope you collectively understand that "oh btw we never endorsed his views" is a massive copout and a shit apology for the hurt this association and endorsement caused. tmc has been terrorizing this fucking fandom for months with his bullshit and bigotry and you have not been passive bystandars but active enablers.
anyways, hope everyone involved gets to uh, heal i suppose, but i think expecting the people who seraf suicide baited, the groups of trans men he misgendered, the people who he targeted and harassed, the genuine fucking long lasting dysphoria he caused real people to have over his shitty takes re: transness and dysphoria, and the general shit behavior he was allowed to keep up with zero pushback from anyone in his circle of the fandom to drop all the anger or frustration they have for the people who enabled him and defended him aggressively is... unrealistic. and makes you look bad. especially when the doc doesnt even clarify which opinions you still support.
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soft4gguk · 2 years
heyy just read your answers to the ask and i'm curious, ik you write the story as you go but dl you also make up what happens as yo go? like u dont have an end in your head u just go with the flow? or do you have like a general idea and then you work on every chapter?
asking bc i am a writer (a very lazy one and new in this whole world) and it helps me to know how writers work to kind of find what it fits me hehe 🥺
hii <33 so, it really depends. the way I wrote tbah kinda went like that. I got an idea and didn't really ponder too much around it in fear that it would leave me, since it was my first time writing fiction. so I start with that seed of an idea - it could be anything, truly. I mean, the first chapter came out of a conversation I'd had with a friend that day, Jungkook's Mercedes Benz and the sunset bc I'd been at the pool all day. so I dont let it sit inside of me for too long, and just write. the story unfolds as I go. I studied literature, so im aware this is not the traditional way to go about things but, I also learned that there's no traditional way to go about art either. so I do with my mind what I can hehe.
with that being said, with boyfriend of my dreams for example, I write down ideas I get and kind of pan out the story around that. so say, just key little events, things, feelings I want to write the story around. and then I start writing. so, if I want oc and jungkook to have a conversation after their night together that will be the key point to focus on. then I wait for the setting to hit me (this can be instant or it can take a bit more time) and I dont let it marinate for too long either. so the idea is oc picking coffee up outside of a food truck, and I write it. I write write write until all of these other factors come into play like, jungkook being on a date with Lola, them getting ice cream, her conversation with kian turning flirty, him being in a band, jungkook approaching her, Lola watching them, etc. - these are all things which I could potentially write about in next chapters, so it's kinda like a plug for another potential idea.
I don't think you're lazy, I think you might be pausing a bit too much by thinking about it. I know authors I admire very much like Murakami have the beginning, middle and ending planned out for their books every time they begin writing a story - that works perfectly for a lot of people. but what works for me is just... writing. I write through the writers block most times. I've written and re-written and deleted so much of my work, but that's okay. because im writing through it. so try that!! even if its a little bit each day, just let yourself write... I believe sometimes the rest all just flows out of you.
not one single thing has to fit your style and thats the fun part!!
good luck and thank u for asking me <33333 xx
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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Drawn Together: Chapter 15
This one is a bit shorter than normal... sorry :(
♡~Feli~♡: So Ludwig i have a question ♡~Feli~♡: How well do you protect against the germs
Ludwig: Pretty well, why
♡~Feli~♡: Because you live in ♡~Feli~♡: Germany
Ludwig: Feliciano Ludwig: I swear to god
Ludwig: https://youtu.be/tzQuuoKXVq0 Ludwig: I think you should watch this
♡~Feli~♡: Okie ♡~Feli~♡: The coffee one is so true i feel called out ♡~Feli~♡: OH I FOUND THE ITALIANS VERSUS GERMANS ONE ♡~Feli~♡: https://youtu.be/K0bI6YHhsvM
Ludwig: The vacation one is true
♡~Feli~♡: Yeah but lovi says you usually bring way more stuff and then ppl cant walk around the beach because of you
Ludwig: Well, I have only been to France for a summer vacation so there weren't a lot of options Ludwig: I am not a beach person to be honest
♡~Feli~♡: Thats cuz you ve never been to italian beachrs
Ludwig: I have never had a proper chance
♡~Feli~♡: Ill take you one day then ♡~Feli~♡: I promise you ll love it
♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig ♡~Feli~♡: Do you like planes
Ludwig: I guess Ludwig: Why?
♡~Feli~♡: I cant figure out how to draw them ♡~Feli~♡: They just end up looking like a deformed bird ♡~Feli~♡: I feel like ive created an outer space monster
Ludwig: I am not really the person you should ask for art advice Ludwig: Maybe try to find a model of some plane and keep practicing
♡~Feli~♡: Now you sound like my ex teachers ♡~Feli~♡: A trauma i never want to live through again
Ludwig: That reminds me Ludwig: What do you do for living Feliciano?
♡~Feli~♡: Clean after my brothers... ♡~Feli~♡: And art
Ludwig: So you don't have a part time job or anything?
♡~Feli~♡: Nope ♡~Feli~♡: Being lazy is my job acc to Lovi
Ludwig: That is fine Ludwig: I was just wondering because if you have to come here to work on the cover, I didn't want you to miss working hours
♡~Feli~♡: Id like to come someday ♡~Feli~♡: I wanted to see germany for a while
Ludwig: Well, if you don't have a place to stay at or you don't want to waste money on hotels, you are always welcome here Ludwig: Just call before you come
♡~Feli~♡: I will  ♡~Feli~♡: If i dont forget that is
♡~Feli~♡: So i found a list ♡~Feli~♡: Of my new years resolutions for 2018 ♡~Feli~♡: Guess which ones i did
Ludwig: None probably
♡~Feli~♡: Youd be close to correct ♡~Feli~♡: I did one
Ludwig: Which one?
♡~Feli~♡: I made a new friend ♡~Feli~♡: You
Ludwig: I... Ludwig: I am flattered
♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig do you like bugs
Ludwig: Not really, why?
♡~Feli~♡: I found this strange furry caterpillar its so cute
Ludwig: I feel the need to kinkshame you
♡~Feli~♡: Why?
Ludwig: For that word
♡~Feli~♡: Caterpillar ?? ♡~Feli~♡: Whats wrong with it ??
Ludwig: The one before it
♡~Feli~♡: Furry? ♡~Feli~♡: Whats wrong with it it does have some weird kind of fur
Ludwig: Never go on the internet Ludwig: Stay innocent forever
Ludwig: Algebra amazes me Ludwig: So much shit not enough bull Ludwig: Excuse my language
♡~Feli~♡: I will ignore the mentions of math language for the sake of you swearing ♡~Feli~♡: I want this on my gravestone
♡~Feli~♡: I asked lovi what furry means ♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig ♡~Feli~♡: Are you into that
Ludwig: No Ludwig: I am sorry you couldn't be innocent forever
♡~Feli~♡: I havent known innocence since i first learned what yaoi was
Ludwig: I am so terribly sorry
♡~Feli~♡: I am too for young me
♡~Feli~♡: Imagine if the world just turned to ashes one day
Ludwig: That could happen
♡~Feli~♡: Really ?? ♡~Feli~♡: I was just trying to be poetic
Ludwig: Yes  Ludwig: There is a theory that the sun will swallow Earth in distant future
♡~Feli~♡: I hope to be dead by then
Ludwig: We would all probably be Ludwig: If we don't recycle and take care of our planet
♡~Feli~♡: Yes
♡~Feli~♡: Your ass is grass herr sassafrass
Ludwig: Feliciano?
♡~Feli~♡: Yes this is Feli
Ludwig: You don't sound like Feliciano
♡~Feli~♡: You have no proof im not
Ludwig: Is this Lovino?
♡~Feli~♡: No ♡~Feli~♡: Sorry it was lovi ♡~Feli~♡: He took my phone to text nonno but he texted you instead
Ludwig: Your brother is interesting
♡~Feli~♡: Try living with him youd change your mind
Ludwig: *at 3 a.m.* Life is meaningless Feliciano Ludwig: We get attached to people, we learn to love them  Ludwig: But then before you know it Ludwig: They are dead Ludwig: Just like that the human existence crumbles
♡~Feli~♡: *at 11 a.m.* Ludwig are you okay
Ludwig: I finished a good book last night  Ludwig: I am anything but okay
♡~Feli~♡: Aww ♡~Feli~♡: I felt like that when i finished yours ♡~Feli~♡: Read it again for good measure
Ludwig: I have piles of homework to complete
♡~Feli~♡: Books are more important
Ludwig: I am going to have to agree with you there Ludwig: But I do have to finish this soon Ludwig: The deadline is in 3 weeks
♡~Feli~♡: Id do it the night before you have time ♡~Feli~♡: What kind of homework do you even have ♡~Feli~♡: How old are you Ludwig
Ludwig: 21 and a half Ludwig: It is just college assignments Ludwig: We got new ones today and I really like them completed in time
♡~Feli~♡: Aw you re a baby ♡~Feli~♡: Im 22 ♡~Feli~♡: What are you studying
Ludwig: Physics and mechanical engineering Ludwig: And I also have a part time job so Ludwig: Time mustn't be wasted
♡~Feli~♡: Thats a lot ♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig do you even breathe
Ludwig: No
♡~Feli~♡: Do you have anything comforting ♡~Feli~♡: Like some dog pictures or something ♡~Feli~♡: Im feeling really sad
*Ludwig has sent a picture*
Ludwig: Gilbert took them fishing today Ludwig: Are you okay
♡~Feli~♡: They are so cuteeee ♡~Feli~♡: CUTECUTECUTECUTE ♡~Feli~♡: Yeah im good  ♡~Feli~♡: Just feeling a bit under weather and lovi yelled at me that i was being lazy again
Ludwig: I see Ludwig: Sorry I am not very good with emotions Ludwig: Would you like some more pictures?
♡~Feli~♡: You get me enouth tnx ♡~Feli~♡: Send the cute
*Ludwig has sent 27 pictures*
Ludwig: I overdid it
♡~Feli~♡: I love them ♡~Feli~♡: When i get my ass to germany i will pet them lots and lots ♡~Feli~♡: Tell them that
Ludwig: Don't spoil my dogs too much
♡~Feli~♡: Oh i absolutely will
Ludwig: Good morning to you too Feliciano
Ludwig: No time for losers
Ludwig: Of the world
♡~Feli~♡: Lets form a band Ludwig
Ludwig: No time Ludwig: But i do appreciate being woken up by Queen lyrics at 5 a.m. Ludwig: Why are you up so early
♡~Feli~♡: Bold of you to assume I even slept
Ludwig: I see
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pinkykitten · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Headcanons
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 
Warning: did not re-read srry 
Requested: By @mega-trash-cringe To all the boys I’ve loved before head cannons?
Authors Note: i was gonna add lara jean but i didnt so if u would like her (i only do her with male) headcanon or anything fic related pls request i will write it! did u guys see the news for tatbilb 2? they r gonna add jordan fisher which i love he was in like the other casting of hamilton but he sings so good and i just love him. then they r also adding ROSS BUTLER OHMYGODIMSCREAMINGIMSOEXCITED!!!!! like if yall know he is one of my bbys i love 13 reasons why and i love everyone from there and he is just such a sweetheart <3<3<3 this is a bit long especially peter’s part so enjoy! 
Peter Kavinsky 
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first off your guys relationship is real
you met when you um...fell face first in front of everyone on the track court (lol i hope thats what its called cuz like girl my school was CHEAP we didnt have anything like that)
he was like your knight in shining armor
“whoa whoa whoa (gotta add those whoas) you okay there y/n”
now since that day you two are inseparable 
piggyback rides™
like whenever you feel way too tired to walk or anything (cuz ur lazy like moi) he literally will pick you up like you dont way a thing and put you on his back
you also trying to get him on your back but you fail miserably and you two end up laughing so hard
you two sharing a shake or something at the cafe
 if there is a song he likes or you like he will be the one to say “lets dance”
you of course refuse cause you’re shy and there are legit people trying to eat
“c’mon girl you gotta dance with me”
almost like begging
finally give in and you two will start dancing in front of everyone
standing on his toes while you two dance
will pick you up from school or literally anywhere
that boi never takes it offfff, like never
tells you everyday how beautiful you are 
even without makeup and you are full of acne and look like you just got ran over he will kiss all your pimples all over your face and tell you how cute you are and how much he loves you both ways
he legit is a sweetheart icanttakeit
taking long trips into town or across town to your favorite stores
already knows what songs you like and puts them on the radio just to hear you sing
oh boi oh boi when he hears you sing its like he’s fallen in love again
“god babe, you sound amazing. i wish i sang like you”
two would dance like crazy teenagers in his car
him trying to sing to you
holding your hand while driving which you slap him for that, “all hands on the wheel kavinsky”
likes it when you boss him around
when you go onto bus rides with him or in his car across town he will buy all your favorite snacks
loves buying you gifts
almost everyday he is buying you something
going to a field trip you will probably (lol i used to but i fell asleep against the cold window and like i had no one who sat by me...*all by myself by celine dion starts playing in the background*...im fine) fall asleep and if your neck is turned into an uncomfortable position peter will straighten it out for you and place your head gently on his shoulder
giving you kisses all over while you’re sleeping
also many many many many many many pictures of you sleeping, awake, eating you name it that boi’s camera roll is all full of you
changes his background to his phone like everyday!
especially at parties
he will have his hand resting on your hip or just resting on you so people know not to mess with you
if someone starts to bully you or hurt you in any way peter will threaten them and make them super scared
no one messes with his baby
have any fights he does ignore you but he cant ignore you for long cause he loves you and you are just so cute and sweet and you always make it up to him
have any issues with your fam or friends and you need to sleep over his house for some time just to find yourself he lets you and you sleep either on his bed or if you’re not comfortable he makes a bed on his floor that he sleeps on and you sleep in his bed
comforting you all the time when he sees your sad
ever have your period he will get all your snacks and get anything you need
pads? hes got it. tampons? “girl i got that already covered.” chocolate? please he on that too. 
holy smokes you both have a couples handshake that lasts longer than professor x and magneto’s beef with each other
both text each other memes and vines
oh god vine references 4 DAYS SON
he is so understanding of you
yours guy thing i know is so weird but is watching like all the housewives shows
peter has his favorite and you two watch it in his bed cuddled up
he trash talks the tv and like starts with his, “nuh uh girl whatcha think you doing?”
aint ashamed or embarrassed to watch it
like during school hours he will go up to you while you’re in a conversation and its like “remember baby housewives day!”
when you guys go to a library you read for like a what 3 seconds and then you two make out in the corner and the librarian has to interrupt you two stating that its too noisy
all in all peter is your baby and you would protect him with your life, he’s your soul your everything and he feels the same way about you two your relationship is so vanilla and adorable it makes grown men cry
Josh Sanderson
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you started a relationship with josh after he and margot split
it felt wrong to you at first and you tried to push the feelings away
josh is such a cinnamon roll
he is always so kind to you
he makes sure you’re okay and happy
you couldn't push him away any longer and decided to accept him as your boyfriend
at first pda was strange because of his relationship with margot but soon you showed it in baby steps at school around town
now holding his hand seems normal to you
hes the first one to text you
his texts are beautiful and so heart felt
like poetry
he is such a gentleman
listen to you with all his heart
sleepovers always on sundays
as you lean on his shoulder he reads to you and you fall asleep
go to school together, he downloads all your favorite music or favorite audibles and puts the other ear plug in your ear so you two share
or watch hilarious videos of like fails or gordan ramsay (*sigh* the perfect relationship)
sometimes you two act out his things on the cooking show tv
yeah with the accent
people look at you two like what have yall been smoking
already talking about when you two have kids and like what house and the name of those kids
“okay but we should also have a dog in the mix and name him something like cactus”
god hes just so adorable sometimes you wanna cry
during break in school you two go to the bleaching boards or whatever you call those seats and you sit on his lap
best moments to kiss 
you also share snacks
play all the time heads up
come over to his house to study
but we all know its just to make out
having moments when you feel self conscious or insecure he sits you down on his lap or across from him and looks you straight in the eyes making you do the same and tells you how amazing you are and important to him and how much he loves you
since you sleepover his house so much you two have matching pjs
he rants to you and discusses with you about comics
wants to name his kid tony for tony stark
“c’mon babe tony sanderson sounds pretty cool you have to admit”
fishing trips all the time
you endure for his sake
teaches you about all the fishes
you buy him a fish blanket
now you two cuddle with it all the time
you bring over your clay mask or those really really slimy ones and make josh wear one
“oh my god how do you even wear these things?”
the black mask one that hurts as well
he almost cries
you kiss his boo boos
take pics like that with the mask on
take cute and weird pics for instagram
wearing matching outfits 
compliments you so genuinely and lovingly all the time
if you ever hurt yourself or like cut your finger he will get so worried and kiss it lightly
“there all better baby”
you love sitting on his lap
he nuzzles into your neck almost like a cat
making him things legit makes the boi wanna cry
lovez baking together
is such a help in the kitchen he wants to make sure he’s involved
pinky promises with the little kiss at the end
“till the end princess”
you just practically wanna marry this man
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @marwantr
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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sinto-hell · 7 years
boys n fashion
i have uuuuuh very specific ways to imagine how the boys look because i’m never satisfied with canon and i Cannot Fucking Draw™ and i scream a lot about fashion so (mostly because what the fuck is fashion sense in otome i’m looking at u dmmd what the FUCK were those yellow socks and that jacket AN ALSO NOIZ’S ENTIRE FUCKING OUTFIT IM SO ANGRY) anyway this got a bit out of hand lmao i love clothes
wears a shirt under his sweater with the collar poping out
“preppy” but not frat boy preppy. like comfy casual pretty. soft n warm like marshmallow. he looks soft but he could easily deck u into next week
lots warm cardigans 
lots of light wash jeans. doesn’t really wear black or dark colored jeans. also always cuff his jeans
white adidas are the shoes he usually wears to school
he fucking despises flannels they’re the ugliest thing in his opinion
owns a lot of scarves; never wear any of them
he knows he looks good in stripes so he has a lot of stripped shirt
hoodies are for lazy days
one (1) pair of black ripped knees jeans. usually pair them with a creme sweater
also tries to make his hair behave but he just. can’t. so he tries to make it fashionably disheveled.
owns one of those jacket thats like denim but the sleeves and the inside are like a regular sweater and theres a hood god i want one of those
probably has glasses he wears to read
(i remember i saw an artist that basically drew him dressed like this but i cant remember their name so there’s that)
boi is a punk 
his wardrobe is 90% band shirt, they’re literally almost all he wears
owns 4 my chemical romance shirt
he has two denim jacket: one black with various pins and small patch on it and one light wash with a big ass misfits patch on the back
also probably found his leather jacket in a thrift store
unironically buys those bad translation shirt that says shit like “try my delicious salt beef” or “way the bridge i burn high the way” credit to @mclfutarinotamashi for that one 
90% of his band shirts are really worn out because he wears them so much
owns a pair of og black converse and red doc martens
usually always has his roots showing and has taken a liking in tying his hair in a half bun. sorta. but he mostly live in his natural bedhead
lys once braided his hair and he didn’t like it on him but he thought it was really relaxing
has a fuckton of spiked bracelet and rubber band bracelets, but only wears one or two at a time nowadays. he used to wear a lot more. like. a lot.
black jeans all the way
also ripped jeans
also own two or three big sweater, and one of them his hands just. disappear when he wear it.
don’t get me wrong i love the victorian fashion but;; it aint realistic
peg leg trousers. google it. he’d wear the heck out of that.
owns a lot of fancy black pants 
he has those weird pants i’ve been looking for, they’re high waisted and really flowy and they’re called culottes. his are black with white stripes and he owns a black only version
he totally owns a green velvet skirt fight me on this
has a lot of scarves and wears them all
has a simple but very nice pair of brown boots for casual days and fucking 5 inches new rocks platform shoes with buckles all over for when he’s extra
a true Goth™
lots of turtlenecks and long sleeve black shirts. did i mention turtlenecks
he totally owns this sweater in green and black
he loves high waisted pants
plays a bit on androgyny, as he knows he’s pretty tall, but also very delicate so skirt  are the fucking shit on him
owns a trench-like coat. with a hood. also long cardigans
sometimes when he’s extra he’ll play a bit into the steam punk territory
experiment a bit with makeup, but only on his eyes, he still shy away from lipstick
he braid his hair to sleep so it has nice waves the next day. cares a lot about his hair actually 
also basically how @veroww dresses him what a babe
oh boi what a mess
lots and lots of hoodies and generally clothes with hoods so he can hide in them and sleep
literally owns this and that (i have that one and it makes me look like a jedi, so another reason why he’d wear it)
nerd shirts. you know the type.
like he has 3 pokemon shirts and 4 marvel. alexy will not let him go out of the house wearing those. the only one hes allowed to be seen with in public is his star wars one
and fucking memes shirt
like he probably has a white shirt with a shiba inu on it
got that shirt that says “why be racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic when you could just be quiet” with alexy so they match
one of these guys that only wears black skinny jeans or sweatpants
 basically nerdy emo
has like. 2 pair of shoes. really dirty vans that he wear everywhere and a nice pair of boots for like. ass kicking purpose. kidding alex probably made him buy them
“vans or converse?” “vans what the fuck am i an animal”
probably owns a trasher hoodie (ok now thats me projecting bc i headcanon the only sport he can kind of do is skating so) (beside SK8ER BOI ARMIN AM I RIGHT)
also yes, a lot of beanies
anything comfortable, really; doesn’t really own a lot of fancy or statement pieces he wears regularly. 
alex is right ok the military pants looks great and he probably has a great ass in it but jesus boy please change up ur game 
i actually haven’t thought a lot about his fashion sense probs because i dont write him as often as the twins or cas or do i thirst over lys
but @ne-neptune has drawn him with glasses and a big jacket today and im lov
probably owns a carhatt jacket thats a bit too big on him
rolls up his sleeves. always. wether his shirts are long sleeves or short sleeves. he. rolls them up. sip sip THEM ARMS THO
wears a concerning amount of beige and green. 
has a camo jacket
wears a lot of baggy pants but is also warmin up to more slim jeans, (not skinny bc its too tight and he doesn’t understand how armin and castiel do it) bc he knows his ass looks gr8
finally bought himself a new pair of fancy glasses he think he look ok with. hint: he’s both cute & fucking hot with them and everyone is thirsty.
combat boots all the way. he does own a pair of old converse that are seriously starting to be worn out, but he still wears them sometimes
alexy because i fucking can
now that’s my B O I
Thriftshop Fashionista™
seriously this boy love thrifstores. he once fucking found gucci shit in there. he’s lucky.
vintage/90s clothes aesthestic. 
lightwash jeans with a big belt, weird dad shirt tucked into his jeans
probably also own some peg leg trousers like lysander
his favourite pair of jeans is one he found in a really sketchy store, theres hole at the knees and the bottom of the legs are ripped and there are flower patches going down the entire left side (fun fact: one of my friend has these exact pant he found in a thriftsore and every time he wears them i’m just like. vogue is shook. what a fucking look. fashion icon.)
also probably owns a sweater with roses embroidery
has like 4 denim jacket, each very different; one with patches all over it, one with a giant gay flag on the back, one black with rips in it, and one plain light wash
has one of those weird flashy colored 90s jacket that’s like baby blue and bright orange. it was his mom’s. he stole it from his mom. she let him keep and re question her fashion choices every time he wears it.
weird 90s and dad shirt are his shit. also really big sweaters. weird colors. this boy own a purple knitted sweater with a yellow wolf patch on the back. rosalya hates it. he probably bought it out of spite.
also owns vans. and a pair of combat boots. and a pair of converse. and one pair of black high heels. and orange sneakers. and brown fancy leather boots. and-
he probably steals armin’s trasher hoodie for the aesthetic
also steals his beanies bc what he has like 10
loves embroidered clothes or things with patches or weird flower designs on them
also big ass red sunglasses worn ironically.
vogue is fucking shook by this boy
and that’s all folks
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lysitheaioandeuropa · 6 years
All of the obscure asks!!!
what’s your favorite way to dress?uh, cozy/casual. I wear a lot of dresses bc I fucking hate real pants. yesterday i stepped a little out of my comfort zone and wore a fitted dress and heels, i felt super ugly and had an anxiety atttack LMAO but overall it was nice afterwards
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?i’d be skinny lol
what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?kingdom hearts (any) and horror movies for fun
what does your room smell like?currently the “flannel” bath & body works scent
do you like to organize?absolutely fucking love it, but like depression 
what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?shit this is hard considering i like literally EVERYTHING. but probably reggeaton lmao
what song is your aesthetic?this is also hard? i’m not sure and it definitely depends on the day/my mood
what color do you think goes best with your personality?gray pastels. does that make sense? gray versions of colors are me. I had a bf tell me i only liked dead colors lmao
do you believe in auras?i sure as fuck do i wish i could see them
what do you wish you hated, but actually like?working out and eating healthy lmao
vague about your crush(es)i fucking love her voice
is there someone you have mixed feelings towards?lmfao yeah plenty
talk about an au or story you came up withIN MY AU, DRACO MALFOY DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER OKAY. HE RUNS AWAY TO LIVE WITH HIS MOTHER, THEY LEAVE LUCIUS BEHIND. DRACO IS FUCKING TRAUMATIZED AFTER EVERYTHING LUCIUS PUT HIM THROUGH AND MADE HIM DO, ITS EATS AWAY AT HIM, BUT HE HAS TO WORK THROUGH THE PTSD AND EVERYTHING HE DID WRONG. draco has the worlds greatest redemption arc after zuko. also someone made an au comic where he and harry end up together and it didnt even seem like fanfic it felt so natural. after reading that i feel like my AU needs to have draco reaching out to harry during his redemption arc. like he needs to talk to him he needs someone to turn to. harry at first talks to him in secret bc ron and hermione are assholes still. then he starts inviting him over and making him part of the group and everyone is reluctant at first but they warm up to him. harry and ron are still best friends, but hes so busy dating hermione that draco and harry end up connecting (as friends). ginny probably has issues with it bc she takes it personally (re: chamber of secrets), and maybe that is a driving wedge between them helping lead to their divorce on top of her quidditch playing schedule and harry’s auror job. draco and his wife werent really that great together to begin with anyway. so harry and draco bond over that as well, and well thats we get from my au to the other fanfic i read. i took this and ran lmfao i would love to actually have time to write this out well though. im lowkey talented but havent really had the chance to expand on that. i dont practice my writing or anything enough unfortunately. being an adult be like
do you like makeup?im not good at it, but yes
do you prefer space or the ocean?i doont fuck with either of them bitches. but i am a slut for learning about both. just dont send me there.
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?jupiter and venus both seem cool, but i would wanna travel to another galaxy
what form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.)i’m not as informed as i would like to be to make a fully informed decision, but socialism and communism both seem so fucking GREAT in theory but not in practice lmao. fuck capitalism though
what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?my dog!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SANDRA. also though a fox, or an elephant, AN OTTER. idk i like a lot of animals
what do you think our purpose is in the universe?BITCH!!! I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!! i dont think i have a purpose ultimately and im not sure whats keeping me alive tbh
do you believe in god(s)?i believe in a sort of higher universal power kind of. just not sure
is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it?anything by russ or j cole lmfao. i hate country. i skip a lot of songs that i cant tolerate tbh so cant give just one lol
what ex do you miss the most, if you have one?im not gonna answer this lmfao. the last two were pretty cool during, not so much after
do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?soft fluffy, but i also love my feather down comforter
what is your favorite thing to learn about?anything! i love learning shit, i end up reading about shit for fun and always “fun facts” up my sleeve 
what country’s history do you find the most interesting?dude anything but ours. american history is really not that great ngl, unless we’re talking native american. 
what do you think about genderbent ____ (insert someone here)i know this was meant to be asked as an individual question but my thoughts on genderbent anything isnt wild tbh. genderbent twilight is fucking stupid though
what breakup was the hardest, if you had one?WOW LMFAO. all of them felt like i was going to die, and no im not being dramatic. i remember each one feeling like i was literally being torn apart, staying in bed for days and weeks on end and just sinking and sinking so low, emotional, mentally, so on and so forth. i dont deal with breakups well
do you have someone where you can’t decide if you like them romantically or just as a friend?not at all, im pretty sure about who i like and how, most of the time. i do try to keep an open mind though
what do you think about tumblr discourse?i dont lmao
what instrument do you wish you could master?I WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY THE FUCKING HARP
how easy is it for you to be honest?entirely way too easy which is why a lot of people hate me lmao
do you have any strange interests?just about all of them lmao. but i think books, anime, and video games are the main ones 
do you have any strange fears?i used to be really scared of the dark but i got over it (recently, lmao). when i was living alone i was irrationally afraid of home invasion lol. im now just scared of like losing my job and shit lol
what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?i dont really have a lot of “binge” food. if im lazy i just snack around, i try to cook and stuff but just depends. im more conscious about binging bc i dont want to feel guilty so if im lazy i might get fast food but something small if that makes sense
when you get angry, how do you show it?OKAY i have actually gotten a lot better at this!!!! i take a few breathes and honestly really sit there and think about it. i try not to lash out or act immediately bc if i do i’ll pop off. so i try to talk through it rationally and assess how i feel before i do anything crazy
do you have any impulsive movements? (twitches, ticks, flapping, etc.)muscle spamsms when i sleep sometimes
what do you listen to music on?everything tbh but mostly my phone
are you left brained or right brained?I would want to say left brained bc im super logical and whatnot, but right brained bc artistic or whatever. maybe i actually use more than 10% unlike everyone else or whatever 
earbuds or headphones?earbuds
do you like light blankets or heavy blankets? light
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identitycris1s · 3 years
this is new
hi hi hi ok just dropping by with another update about life in general. had midterms last week, they were ok, i got an 89 for quant which was 1 mark away from an A but it couldve gone a lot worse so im ok with it as a whole i think. Havent gotten the labour paper back yet but i think thatll be fine too, it wasnt too hard. Been taking this week kind of slow, i think im just getting a bit lazy with school work (things are slightly less crazy cos theres no case study for econ anymore :)) yay) but will probably need to ramp up soon eeep. 
anyway the real update is re: my love life LOL.........been seeing Z quite regularly, at least once a week. i think i like him ... im still trying to figure out if the main reason i like him is cos he seems to like me so much (which feels rly nice btw) but i do think there are several other qualities that i like about him (although its hard for me to disentangle these qualities from the fact that he demonstrably likes me so idk if im seeing him in a particularly good light cos of these qualities or cos of these qualities + he is so nice to me cos he likes me. that was an incoherent ramble! classic)
anyway i think ill add to the pros / cons list cos it just seems to be an efficient way of sorting qualities / flaws:
- he is very sweet and thoughtful, surprised me with a late night coffee delivery the weekend before midterms 
- he has expressed several times that he likes me and cares for me which tbh makes my heart flutter LOLOL EW.... (why am i so grossed out yet simultaneously touched)
- he remembers little things about me and my life and what im doing
- he is generally fun to be around and easygoing 
- he is knowledgable about things that im not knowledgable about e.g. the world of data science and economics and research and rock climbing
- he is ok with admitting when hes not 100% right :) which is so important!!!!!!!!!!!! to me!!!!!!
- we went rock climbing and it was nice to see him doing smth he enjoyed and be in his element. also he seemed weirdly more physically attractive than before, maybe cos he looked strong LOL yucks
- not rly a pro but he just got a job (which is apparently v well remunerated) which means hes not gonna be a bum (this was a back of mind concern for me)
- he has less than stellar grammar which even as im saying it im aware is an unfair criticism (esp given that this post is riddled with grammatical sins e.g. 0 apostrophes...but ive alr explained that this is a different problem from bad english cos its on purpose and done in full awareness and in the context of a casual internet medium). anyway he used the word ‘practise’ / ‘advise’ as a noun and he has had a few grammatical slip ups in texts which im not 100% convinced were typos. im considering correcting the ‘ise’ mistakes cos they rly do bug me....anyway this is me being a nitpicky betch haha so lets move on
- he takes so long to reply texts...i mean never more than a day goes by without a text from him but still. again this isnt a fair criticism cos i do the same lol so i guess this isnt rly a con.
- he isnt rly that funny lol he has a weird sense of humour. he recounted some lame joke he did that was GOT related and i was like huh....thats not funny...but anyway. not everyone can be funny haha
- he doesnt seem to read the same kind of things as i do - he seems to be more interested in CEO autobiographies / biographies... which is fine actually, i guess diversity is good. just that we have less common ground. same applies for music taste haha
ok anyway i realised i never updated about the talk we had after brine a couple of weeks back (i think a mere week after my last post). he said he liked me and was serious about this relationship....and i said idk how i feel lolol. i was like ‘it’s only been a month!’ and he was like ‘it’s been 2 months including when we first started texting!’ which is true but...how do you know if you like someone after a mere 2 months of texting them........
anyway its been what, 3 ish months now? i think i probably have a better idea now and would be open to having a talk about where this is going if he initiates it sooooooon also btw he hasnt tried to hold my hand or anything yet. which i guess is out of respeck but also i wouldnt mind if he did. lol. i guess i think it would give me a better feel of whether theres a ~~~~spark~~~~ and if i instinctively recoil then it means there isnt...?? gah idk. will update again soon :)
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
Bruce Campbell on the Tragedy of Ash vs Evil Dead: Were Not Star Wars
All he ever wanted was a trip to Jacksonville—until evil came along and ruined his life. Star Bruce Campbell reflects on Season One and his doomed, ’Shakespearean’ hero.
Ash is saving a lot of people, but hes also got a lot of people killed too.
When the gleefully gory first season of Starz horror comedy Ash vs Evil Dead wraps up Saturday, its bumbling hero will have doomed the world to hell for a chance to visit the vacation spot of his dreams: Jacksonville, Florida.
And to hear showrunner Craig DiGregorio tell it, Bruce Campbell will have barely survived the ordeal.
We definitely, like, choked Bruce on liquid. He got waterboarded, but with blood, DiGregorio recalls. Then there was another instance where he kind of went blind for a while because its so viscous and sticky. It got in his eyes and he couldnt get it out.
Campbell sums up 10 episodes worth of guns, guts, and Deadite dismemberments with Ash-approved simplicity: People wanted blood, man, and they got it. 
For more than two decades, of course, what the people really wanted was more Ash. More buffoonery, more of his undeniable heroism, more smirking, brash badassery. And, man, they got it.
Twenty-three years after Army of Darkness, the last in Sam Raimis beloved Evil Dead trilogy, Ash vs Evil Dead brought Campbell back to his most iconic role, picking up with the chainsaw-handed hero well into middle age. The man who saved the world, we learn, has spent his peaceful days in blissful mediocrity, living in trailer parks, picking up women, guzzling beer, and working at a local electronics store. 
The fan-proclaimed king of postmodern cool might have petered out the rest of his life in weed smoke-filled squalor had he not accidentally unleashed evil into the world (again) by reading from the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, the Book of the Dead, while high and trying to impress a girl.
Ten episodes and untold barrels of blood later, not much about Ash has changed. He falls in sort-of-love with a cop, but the romance comes to an abrupt, bloody end. He becomes vaguely attached to his two sidekicks, Pablo (Ray Santiago) and Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), but their arcs end with them aghast at their friend, who just willingly traded the fate of the world for a chance to skip town with them in his Delta 88. 
Ash may be too foolish to ever grow up, but for DiGregorio and many of Ashs fans, thats part of his appeal.
The finale episodes, to me, show that this guy has grown maybe 2 percent, which is all you can hope for in a character like this, DiGregorio says. You dont want huge character shifts. It would feel disingenuous if he left the season having learned everything. 
This is all to say that Ashs life, on paper, is desperately sad.
Hes a very tragic figure. Hes Shakespearean! Campbell says. Hes a little Joseph Campbell, too. Hes on a heros journey, a bumpy road.
Campbell, whos known for assuming a kind of hybrid persona when talking Evil Deadhalf-Bruce, half-Ashstarts channeling Ashs half-baked wisdom: Cause if youre a lazy bastard, you dont have to go the hero route. You can just sit in your trailer, drink beer, and watch softcore porn and your life is over, he says, authoritatively. But if youre the hero, you gotta step out and make decisions, and some of them are gonna be really bad. People are gonna croak. Ash is saving a lot of people, but hes also got a lot of people killed, too.
That the beer-bellied Ash is so unlike most of pop cultures hyper-competent heroes, Campbell says, is what keeps luring him back to Evil Dead. Hes so flawed. First scene [of the series] that Sam [Raimi] writes for Ash, hes putting on a man-girdle. To me, thats just so awesome, he says. Other directors, theyd be too afraid. Oh, no, we cant do that. That would just be unflattering. 
Im like, Hell, yeah, it is! Ash has dentures, for gods sake! (And a bad knee and a bum shoulder.)
In the season finale, Ash returns to that old cabin in the woods for a supernatural showdown with Lucy Lawlesss Ruby, who reveals herself to be the original author of the Necronomicon. Campbell says the cabins interior set, faithfully re-created room-by-room from Raimis 1981 original, blew him away.
It gave me hives. It made the hair on the back of my head stand up, Campbell says. They got the cabin so right. I could literally walk from room to room and look through a doorway, and through every door was the right perspective down the hallway. Every window you looked through, you saw the correct door the other way.
They had the tape recorder, they had the laughing lamp, they matched the doilies and the tables. He pauses. It was justflawless. So, really disturbing.
The real-life Tennessee cabin that Raimi, his brother Ivan, and producer Rob Tappert (a college buddy of Ivans, and Lawlesss future husband) once scouted for Evil Dead, meanwhile, has long since burned down; only a chimney survives. The topic prompts Campbell into another fit of Ash-isms.
Minus Ashs gruff posturing, one could almost infer a tenderness in Campbells voice for those peoplethe Evil Dead devoteeshe keeps talking about. When asked what reservations he had about stepping into Ashs shoes again, Campbell replies promptly, Just letting fans down, thats the only thing I ever worried about. He betrays his affection when talking about the tattoos that Evil Dead fans send him, too. (He has over 300 saved in his collection.) 
A determination not to let fans down also seems to have motivated Campbells one mandate on set, his bold statement as the custodian of Ashs unique legacy: Im not saying anything that I dont want Ash to say. Its just that simple, he says. And he better not sound like everybody else. Ash has to be an amalgam, he has to be a throwback. Hes a Luddite. But hes an idiot savant. Hes actually a way more complex character than I think most people think.
DiGregorio promises that Ash vs Evil Deads second seasonpremiere date TBAwill divulge more about Ash and his backstory, beyond what little weve learned through his acid trip and three movies.
But Campbell gets to the heart of why fans really keep returning, decade after decade, to Ash and his battle against the undead.
[Evil Dead] was the little movie that could. Were not Star Warswe never were. Nobody was famous in the movie and nobodys really famous today, Campbell says, breaking into self-deprecating laughter. They did their own thing and I think people can relate to that.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/bruce-campbell-on-the-tragedy-of-ash-vs-evil-dead-were-not-star-wars/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/05/17/bruce-campbell-on-the-tragedy-of-ash-vs-evil-dead-were-not-star-wars/
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thechampagnelovers · 4 years
Oh I totally feel you on HP. My mom used to read it to us and then I read the books myself when I was a bit older... Even if I always knew it was fiction I couldn‘t help but cry on my 11th birthday. And now I am 22. How time flies?? Ohhh and re-read! But take time for it, personally I always forget what a real escape from reality the books truly are. You totally emerge into a different world, if that makes sense. I started last year with books 1-3 and got stuck on 4 because of uni but it‘s like the fifth re-read so I wasn‘t that determined to finish, buttt I will set a goal to finish them until december 2021. 💪🏾
That‘s so cool how did you make uni friends or even people you talk to from uni in the pandemic? With us the meetings we get into are always super anonymous and everybody hates putting on their camera and barely anybody speaks except for the professor. It‘s really cold and clinic I couldn‘t imagine making friends under these circumstances. How was it for you? I definitely love and also prefer going to classes for... multiple reasons!
Yeah I can definitely see what you mean with the voice over! That is actually a pretty cool mental image. I agree that Tightrope is one of the best songs Zayn made so far. I had never heard Syd’s voice before but it’s beautiful isn’t it? I really enjoyed her voice, which is unusual for me, I am really picky with voices. Glad we both enjoyed the album. ☺️
Okay listen... Little Things and I, we have a love-hate relationship. I remember loving the fandom hype around it and the „you sing“ and the way it was the song we supported Niall with that always made me so happy. I don‘t know what I blogged/said about it before when I was younger but now, when it comes on, I let it play respectfully, ignore it, sing „you sing“ and then... move on hahahaha. I understand peoples rage at it, but it makes me too nostalgic. She is like a friend that just doesn‘t fit with you anymore and what you see/hear from them now is nothing you‘d ever surround yourself with, but because of those memories you just can‘t bring yourself to hate them, you know? I don‘t really have any hate songs like that, but there are some which I don‘t skip, but I just... you know? There are no words for that empty feeling ahsks. How was your weekend? How will your week be? I still have uni this week but it is a lot less stressful so I hope I will be able to pop in more often and talk/catch up/interact with youuu. x
i also cried on my 11th bday skdkslkd i love just how much we have in common, if i reread the books i think i will blog about it, just to annoy everyone sdkfklsd and we can share our thoughts! rn im reading a great book (not the other one from last time, a new one) its called the knitting circle and its so depressing but beautiful sdjklds completely opposite from hp
okay it really was a combination of factors: i already knew a couple people in the class, one or two people i already had classes with and there was a friend of my ex sjdjks and the same thing for the rest of the group. second thing: it was a creative writing class, so we all shared thoughts and ideas and thats how we built something so cool. and third: i think it was just luck that we all liked each other and had fun. i miss going to classes too, but if you find a cool group of people it can be super fun to have online classes too.
nil is just so so so good, zayn really did something so cozy and personal and warm, its totally a comfort album, a quarantine album. 
i looove your respect to it! tbh i kinda have to respect it too because it really was an iconic fandom moment only og stans can relate too but at the same time im so deeply traumatized by that song dkjjfksjkfs i just cant listen to it, i skip songs from time to time if im not in the mood for them but that song is probably the only exception to that, i just never listen to it. i would probably only listen to that song in a live concert, like if niall sings it (i know liam does all the time but tbh if im going to put myself through that, niall is the only one i can trust)
my weekend was weird, so so so weird. yesterday i spent all the day at the beach and it was great, i read my book, swam in the ocean, tanned and the weather was beautiful. i went to bed like at 2 am and woke up at 4 am with the worst period cramps, just like the last time :/ thank god i had ibuprofen this time, but i didnt sleep much after that. but yeah, i was in pain for a while and i got a little nauseous, but i was much better than the last time. my mom wants to take me to her gynecologist to check it out, and she says i should go back to take the pill and she’s right, im just. so lazy but i also hate this sm, its also really fucking up with my mood and ive been crying a lot today (although that part is not really that bad bc i struggle with crying and its good to cry from time to time lol, its the moon in scorpio what can i say)
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bleunoia · 7 years
human anatomy
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pairing: zach dempsey / reader
genre: smut lmAO SRRY was bound to happen
description: study session with zach gone wrong- well actually study session gone right IF U ASK ME
You were failing biology, there was no other way to put it.
You had started off first semester fine, but when the teacher started talking about meiosis you were gone. Everything you tried could never get you ready for the tests, essays, and projects. Sleepless nights, re-reading textbooks, and listening to mundane audios were all for shit as you still got a fat F on almost everything you turned in. 
You were at your wits-end, just about ready to say “fuck it” and give up when an angel by the name of Zach Dempsey offered to help. With a shy smile and a “i’m not that bad at biology, I could help you?” He saved your academic life.
So now here you were, laying on his bed, taking notes on what he was telling you about the cell cycle.
Studying with Zach was pleasant and you had learned more in the past hour than you ever had in the months with your teacher, but being with him presented an entirely new set of problems. With his tall, well built figure and kind brown eyes, also not to mention his extremely kissable li-
“Did you get all that?” His voice broke you from your spell and you could feel a small blush arise on your cheeks from being caught practically drooling over him. You mumbled something incoherent, along the lines of “sure, yeah, totally.” 
He chuckled at your flustered response and grabbed his phone to check the time. “Oh shit, I totally lost track of time. It’s almost midnight, shouldn’t you be home?” 
You let out a groan, “Oh shit, my parents are going to kill me!” 
You had told them you were studying at one of your girl friends houses and would be back by dinner, a fat lie, but your parents wouldn’t let you leave if you told them the truth. You frantically searched for your phone all over Zach’s bed, until you finally found it under the mess of your school papers. 
You had 2 missed calls from your mom 4 hours ago and a few texts from the friend you were supposed to be studying with. You were confused on why your mom only bothered to call you two times, slightly offended at her lack of interest in your well-being. 
“dude ur mom just called, i told her you were gonna sleep over since IM SUCH A GOOD FRIEND. UR WELCOME BITHC! wya tho.” You let out a giggle of relief at your friends message, not believing how the stars aligned in your favor tonight.
“Guess i’m staying the night!” You exclaimed, causing Zach to widen his eyes in surprise. “Do you have any pajamas I could borrow?”
“You’re staying the night?” He stuttered out, his adams apple prominent as he swallowed thickly. 
“I mean if it’s alright with you? My parents think i’m sleeping over at one of my friends houses and i’m too lazy to actually go over there.” You were telling him the truth, but wanting to spend more time with him played a big part in your desire to stay over. 
“Yeah it’s totally fine with me, let me just go grab you something to sleep in.” You watched as his lean figure stood up from the bed and walked over to the cabinet, ruffling through his clothes. He pulled out a white t-shirt and some black sweats, handing them to you. “You can change in the bathroom, its down the hall.”
You expressed your appreciation and set out to find said bathroom. You changed out of your clothes, folding them neatly on the counter and pulled on his shirt. His scent enveloped you like a welcoming hug, he smelled of fresh laundry and the faint scent of vanilla. You didn’t bother with the sweats, your boy-shorts would do the job and you weren’t accustomed to sleeping with pajama bottoms anyways. Gathering all the clothes you returned to the room, finding Zach making a make-shift bed on the floor. 
“Is that for me? Because i have no problem sharing a bed with you.” You questioned, plopping down on one side of the bed. 
“Actually its for me, I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Zach’s sweet consideration for your feelings was a breath of fresh air and you couldn’t help but smile adoringly at the boy. 
“Nope. You’re sleeping next to me tonight whether you like it or not, i’m a cuddler.” You got under his dark blue covers and patted the space next to you. He stared at you, not believing that you wanted him in bed with you. You could see the flushed expression on his face and let out a laugh. “God, come in Zach, really.” 
He mumbled a small ‘ok’ and stumbled into bed, facing you. You turned over so you were looking him straight in the eye, a small smile on your face. You could feel his breathing quicken at being so close to your face. “You have nice eyes.”
“Thank you, so do you.” You softly said, giggling slightly at how cute he was being. He scooted his head closer to yours and drifted his eyes to your lips. “You’ve got some nice eyebrows too.”
You let out a laugh, thinking he was going to compliment another part of your face. “Really? I was thinking about shaving them off, but I won’t now that I know they’re appreciated.” You said jokingly.
“Well I definitely appreciate everything on your face.” Your heart began racing at the tone of his voice and how he was looking at you. You mumbled a small ‘thank you’ in response, suddenly shy under his intimate stare. 
He inched his face closer to yours, almost nose-to-nose. “Can I kiss you?” 
You sharply inhaled at his question, but nodded in affirmation. He slowly raised his head from the pillow, not breaking eye contact, and softly placed his lips on yours. You immediately responded, bringing one hand up to cup his face. His kiss was sweet, just like him. You brought your other hand up to his hair and slowly brushed your fingers through the soft strands. He let out a sigh of content against your lips and pulled away to look into your eyes. You gave him a smile as if to tell him it was alright to keep kissing you, you wanted it too. Within seconds he pulled you back into him and molded your lips together. He was licking at your lips, grazing his teeth against your skin and you parted them to give him entrance with a faint moan. You ran your fingers down the base of his neck, pulling him closer. He tasted like chocolate, maybe a hint of coffee, and you had never tasted anything better as you massaged your tongue against his own. He moaned softly and lifted himself, trying to get more comfortable by slipping between your legs. You hugged him closer to you and brought your leg up to wrap around his own, pinning him to you. He gasped, pulling away for a breath and you brought your fingers to caress his cheeks and push his hair out of his face. “Are you okay with this?” 
“Yes, are you?” You were out of breath and slightly sweaty from the heat of having your bodies pressed up against each other. He chuckled at your question, “I’m more than okay.”
You mumbled ‘good’ and lifted your face up to his, chasing your lips with his own. You could feel him smirk before kissing you back, this time biting your lips lightly. You began roaming your hands down his back, finding the bottoms of his shirt and lifting them to slide your fingers over the smooth expansion of his skin. As you continued kissing him you began moving your body up to get better access to his lips and thats when you felt it; the hardness against your inner thigh that made him grunt slightly as you moved against it.
“Shit, i’m sorry.” He stuttered, pulling away from your mouth. Instead of responding you kissed him again, this time purposefully rubbing yourself against his length. He broke the kiss and brought his face into the crook of your neck letting out a low moan. You trailed your hands down the front of his chest, feeling him bring his lips to the warm skin of your neck. He licked a stripe up to the underside of your jaw, making you whimper underneath him. He trailed butterfly kisses down your neck, sucking on your skin as he went along.
You slid your hands over his abs and pulled his shirt over his head, making him separate from your neck. You brought your lips to his smooth skin, peppering kisses over his jugular. You could feel him press harder into you as you swiped your tongue up to his ear, taking his earlobe between your lips. Your actions drew a sigh from him, “Fuck baby girl.”
His voice shot straight to your core. It sounded raspier and deeper than usual, driving you absolutely crazy. You separated from him, taking the bottoms of your shirt, lifting it up and over your head. His eyes widened in surprise, taking all of you in. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”
He began kissing you again with new intensity, taking your hips in his hands and pulling you flush against him. You tilted your head to the side, giving him access to your neck as he trailed his lips further down. He planted soft wet kisses over the flesh of your chest and you tangled your fingers in his hair, slightly pulling at the strands. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your back, signaling you wanted your bra off. He gave you a soft kiss before unclasping your bra and bringing his warm hands to cup your breasts. You whined as he descended his mouth on you, taking your nipple between his lips. He lightly sucked on it before continuing to strew kisses down your body, stopping at the top of your underwear. Your breathing turned shallow as he looked up at you, pupils blown. 
“Touch me, please, you’re driving me insane.” You breathed out and Zach inhaled sharply at the desperate tone of your voice. He pulled your panties down and you shivered at the feeling of being so exposed and vulnerable in front of his eyes. His lips suddenly came forward, kissing your clit gently, taking you by surprise. You whimpered at his touch and he grabbed your thighs, kneading the skin gently. He continued pushing his tongue against you, licking between your folds before sliding two fingers into you. “Damn, you’re so wet for me.”
You were on fire, the feel of his tongue against you mixed with the touch of his fingers building you up amazingly. 
“Does that feel good?” he asked, breathing heavily. 
“Fuck yes,” you whined out. He brought his lips back up to your clit, sucking roughly making your hips buck up in reaction. His fingers pumped in and out of you as he continued to suck your clit between his lips. You threw your head back and shot your hands down to his head, pulling the strands of his hair. “Zach, I need you in me.” 
Zach stopped what he was doing and you whined at the loss of his touch. “Are you sure?” 
You grabbed his face and dragged him up to your lips in response, muttering “couldn’t be more sure” against his lips. You sucked at his bottom lip hungrily, bringing your hand down to palm his clothed cock. He groaned into your lips as you slipped your hand past the band of his boxers feeling how hard he was. You pulled the rest of his boxers down, freeing his erection. “Fuck, baby, I want to feel you.” 
“Then do it.” He moaned at your response and your hands pulling at his cock. “Don’t, I won’t last if you keep touching me like that.” 
You whimpered at his words and moved his dick to line up with your entrance, not planning on waiting any longer. His breathing turned shallow as the head of his cock dipped into you and you wrapped your legs around him to push him further down. You let out a long whine as you took him fully inside of you, your body arching up against him and your nipples flush against his chest. He stayed still, letting you adjust to his size, distracting himself by sucking a hickey against your chest. “You’re so fucking tight,” He choked out. “Why do you feel like heaven?”
You dug your nails into his shoulder blades moaning out, “Move Zach, please.”
He lifted up and then dropped again, letting out a low grunt against your neck. You brought your hands up to his cheeks, lifting him up to your mouth and messily kissing him. He continued to thrust into you, drawing moan after moan from your lips. He began kissing underneath your jaw, biting the flesh hard enough to leave a mark. You clenched around his cock in response causing a choked moan to leave his lips. 
“I’m not going to last much longer baby, you feel too good.” 
“I’m not going to either.” You rose your hips to meet his thrusts, desperate for release. Your walls began to pulse around him and he began to thrust quicker into you, sensing you were close. He took his hand, bringing it down between your bodies to rub your clit roughly, bringing you closer to orgasm. 
“Come on, baby girl. Come for me.” He murmured into your ear.
That was all you needed to get to the edge, you threw your head back, staring unseeingly to the ceiling as a huge wave of pleasure washed over your entire body. You clenched tightly around him and you felt his dick twitch inside you before he was releasing with a loud moan. You gripped onto his shoulders as he continued thrusting into you, riding out your highs. He slowed his movements to a stop and brought his forehead against yours, breathing heavily.
You smiled at him, not believing that what started off as a study session turned into this- not that you were complaining. He softly kissed your lips before pulling out of you. He gently collapsed on you and you hugged him to your chest, running your hands through his hair and down his back. 
“You’re amazing.”
You giggled at his words and kissed the side of his head endearingly. He turned his head up to you, giving you a sweet smile before kissing your chin. You smiled softly back at him, feeling your eyes droop in sleepiness. He chuckled at your sleepy expression and wrapped his arms around you, snuggling you into his chest.
“Go to sleep baby.”
haadhbsjdbhja u guys this is my first smut im screaming!!!! I HOPE I DIDN’T FAIL U GUYS, ESPECIALLY THE PERSON THAT REQUESTED THIS!!
also just a quick side-note, i really love that all of you guys are sending me requests but I have a long list to do so for now i’m going to leave them in my inbox until I finish up at least half of the ones I said yes to. I’ll try to get to them as soon as I can!! thank u 4 ur support, all of u are extremely appreciated <3 <3
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