#they match each other's energy so well they would be such a chaotic duo together
mint-is-here · 4 months
the idea of a dsmp and lmk crossover haunts me, not only because theyre two of the fandoms that most influenced me, but also the idea of C!Tubbo and Mei interacting and building something that poses a bigger threat than the Lady Bone Demon ever did and Jin, Yin and C!Tommy being menaces to society keeps me up at night
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yoonvvs · 3 months
now playing > saturday nights ( khalid )
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blaise & chan have such a sweet friendship. chan is so so so tolerant and patient with blaise, regardless of if she’s joking around with him, full of energy or full of anxiety. chan would 100% go to the moon and back for blaise - blaise knows whenever she gets in a sticky situation, she can run to chan and he will find a way to make the situation all better, after he scolds her for her poor decisions. she knows she can tell him anything - and he knows everything, more than anyone, even her parents - and even though it took awhile, chan knows he can tell blaise anything too, and he does. they care for each other so much.
she’s chan’s passenger princess, he’s the only member that refuses to let her be the driver when they go places together - not that chan thinks blaise is a bad driver, but he much rather not fear for his and hers life in the passenger seat when he can do it in the drivers seat. but blaise mastered being a passenger, she always has the ac on the right temp, great at giving directions and keeps the vibes good with the music! best and most chill duo!
now playing > hits different ( taylor swift )
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blaise & minho are constantly on the same brain length - the amount of times they texted each other basically the same thing is unreal - causing stays to call them the “twins”. despite this, they are pretty much polar opposites, for example, to tease one another minho likes to “threaten”, while blaise likes to get overly affectionate and harass him, like “oh, you’re just mad because you think im pretty!” but they get along so well!!! always hanging out! fans also often call them tom & jerry because they are always teasing each other and have chaotic antics. there’s a literal compilation of blaise & minho chasing each other around for stupid reasons.
despite their chaos, minho is the one who gives blaise the most princess treatment. he’s always making sure she’s warm (although he might pretend to be annoyed, “blaise, stop shivering you’re making me dizzy! i’m going to make you run laps to keep you warm!” while taking his hoodie off and giving it to her), he lets her use him as a pillow if she gets sleepy, and always makes sure she has a blanket to cover up with on award shows. the glares he gives staff if she doesn’t have a blanket or is wearing uncomfortable clothes is so scary…he also loves to secretly buy her gifts and just leave it by her door, leaving no note. but blaise knows it’s from him and subtly shows her appreciation in small ways <3
now playing > OMG ( new jeans )
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blaise is a #1 changbin supporter, she looks up to him SO MUCH. she loves his confidence, his humor, and the amount of skill he has. she’s always trying to do his raps, and whenever she does it well SHES SO PROUD OF HERSELF! and so is changbin, he’s like “ i taught her well ☺️ ”. changbin loves that she looks up to him so much, it makes his heart so full knowing that he can be a good example for someone, esp his members! he is lovey dovey towards blaise, always giving her hugs and complimenting her, he’s always poking her cheeks and cheering her on!
changbin also likes to try to take her to the gym, and while blaise likes working out - she does not like to do changbin’s routine. she wants to match his energy…but she is not on his level ( yet ), so they pretty much just go to the gym together…then go their own ways. but besides that, they are such an adorable pairing to watch! their vlives are always so precious, and they are always laughing or giggling. stays love their vibes so much!
now playing > i hope ur miserable until ur dead ( nessa barrett ) | yes, i’m changing ( tame impala )
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blaise & hyunjin have a…complicated relationship. pre-debut, before anything happened, they were inseparable. they were always seen together, and they could always find excuses to spend together, pretending like they were “practicing”, while they were just hanging out. when they debuted, they quickly caught feelings for each other. they couldn’t help but fall in love through all of the chaos. fast forward a couple months later, they were dating in secert, eventually coming clean when seungmin caught them kissing…everything was going good - they were happy and in love, until hyunjin did the unforgivable and cheated on her.
for awhile, they could not stand each other, they couldn’t even breathe the same air without getting upset. they were angry, heartbroken, and petty for months. but eventually, hyunjin & blaise cooled down. hyunjin apologized, and promise he’d be better. it was genuine, he stopped being inconsiderate, and put himself in blaise’s shoes. after multiple, long, conversations, they started to heal their friendship. they aren’t back to being best friends, but they’re happy to call each other friends. now, they go on coffee trips, watch movies together, and can now have a peaceful and kind time together! they won’t ever get back to where they were again, but things are better now!
now playing > the spins ( mac miller & empire of the sun )
the vibes only ok
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BESTIES FROM DAY 1! jisung was blaise’s first friend from skz, they both joined the company around the same time, and were paired up together for their first evaluation (as well as other trainees), they showcased fly by got7! out of all the trainees they were paired with in the group, blaise & jisung got the closest. the other two trainees in the group were very rude to blaise, and jisung immediately stuck up for her, without even knowing her! after seeing his kindness, she knew immediately that they had to be friends :)
now, blaise & jisung are SO iconic, the comedic duo we all need! they always match each others craziness, and will never let one be alone in being weird. will constantly bicker like siblings, and are not scared to insult each other with no shame. minho posted a video of them wrestling each other on the beach on his insta, and later shared part two of jisung throwing blaise into the ocean like a menace 😁. blaise couldn’t let stays admire jisung’s strength for long, because she posted the video of her dragging jisung’s ass into the ocean on her own story later! utter chaos.
now playing > birds of a feather ( billie ellish )
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blaise is protecting felix WITH HER LIFE! if felix is every getting a penalty and has to do something gross or just something felix is not excited to do, blaise is immediately getting up and doing it with him. she’s his literal “if you go down, we go down together” best friend. blaise also brings out felix’s impulsive side - whenever blaise & felix are together you know you’re going to have a good time.
felix also adores blaise SO MUCH. whenever blaise is off, felix immediately notices and silently tries to make her feel better, like getting her water or food, he’s the first to notice when she’s about to get hangry. that boy always makes sure she’s well fed, or else he knows they are all going to pay for it later 😀. he learned to braid hair for blaise! when they first became friends, he started practicing on her hair, and now he is so good at it! blaise always lets him do her hair whenever he wants to, she loves it so much!
now playing > best friend ( laufey )
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blaise & seungmin are almost always giving each other a hard time, but it’s out of love everytime! somehow, they manage to compliment each other and insult each other all in one sentence, but they know it’s all jokes. stays love their pairing, because they are literally the yapper ( blaise ), and the listener ( seungmin ). blaise will be talking and telling stories, while seungmin is like “why is there a bug buzzing in here”, but he loves to listen to blaise even if he acts like he doesn’t.
they are literal siblings, felix & blaise are the expectation of siblings while seungmin & blaise are the reality. sometimes he just stands in her room and looks at her, giggling and running away when she finally gets annoyed. blaise always gets him back by pranking him in some way, her favorite thing to do is to knock on his door and then run away, finally revealing herself when seungmin gets frustrated. he falls for it everytime. despite their fun & games, they will always make sure they never go too far, and will check in on each other in their own ways, for example, blaise loves to bribe seungmin in running errands with her, when in reality she just wants to take him to lunch!! and she always wins in paying, but seungmin won’t give up until he gets to pay.
now playing > sit next to me ( foster the people )
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jeongin is the human version of blaise’s impulsive thoughts. this man will encourage her to do anything, just so he can watch and laugh (and later make fun of her). she wants to spend all her money at the mall even though she’s trying to save? jeongin is giving her a long list of reasons to do it. that being said, jeongin and blaise have had countless of chaotic memories together. blaise wants to do something, and jeongin is like “let’s do it!” esp after he became legal and could drink ( blaise’s parents didn’t see this )
jeongin can always make her smile - whenever she’s having a hard time, she’s knocking on jeongin’s door, and sits on his floor - all jeongin needs is a look from her, and he’s turning on their playlist, grabbing a blanket, and sitting on the floor with her. and they will just talk, for hours, and whenever jeongin needs her, she will do the same exact thing. when things got really bad with blaise ( mental health ) jeongin was there to drag her out of the bed and pretty much forced her to live. jeongin & blaise are each other’s soul friends!
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Round 1 Side A - Pair 1
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
-I just woke up and am too lazy to think of words for my favorite couple so here's some gifs as propaganda
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Luka Couffaine/Sabrina Raincomprix
-Listen, Sabrina needs someone who treats her well, she needs someone who considers her an equal and someone to show her what real love is like. And I truly and honestly think that she would try her best to understand and appreciate Luka but who he really is (if she can see the good in Chloe she is capable of seeing a God when she meets one)
-Vote lukabrina people. We cant lose this!
-This is just unfair we need to help our girl out!
I'll start!
Item Number One: Viperhound Is S Tier
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This is the fucking duo right here, this is endlessly clever and positive tag team action, this is a pair who will NOT fail the mission alright?
They are designed so interestingly parallel and then put right next to each other in this sweeping shot of the new miraculous squad???
Like, am I supposed to not assume something about it??
Item Number Two: opposites contrast
Orange and Blue, extremely Sun and Moon energy, but I don't think that would make this ship sail smoothly. See, Luka likes being a moon. He is happy to support and enjoys being someone's shining beacon in the endless dark of night, and no one needs that kind of anchor to hold onto more than Sabrina right now. Sabrina cut ties with her best and only friend and while we see her hanging out with other classmates just fine, we don't really know how she is with being actual friends with people. I don't think anyone has tries to reach out to her since evillustrator and we saw in that episode how she approaches new potential connections. Overwhelmingly cheerful and warm and oppressively clingy, like a ray of sunlight that won't leave your eyesight on the hottest day of the year. She means well but, boy, she can be a lot. And more importantly, she needs to be the one helping because, what kind of friend is she if she isn't? Who is she if she's not doing everything for everybody else? It would, amusingly and annoyingly and endearingly, put her into conflict with Luka, who is similarly always pushing his own problems aside to help people with theirs. This would lead them into a loving rivalry of "take care of yourself" "no u" that goes both ways, a back and forth that ends with them reluctantly letting the other help them. And after so many years as someone's shadow, Sabrina deserves to have someone in her orbit, someone she shines a light on when he needs to be seen.
Item Number Three: YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE
Look I'm SORRY okay, but I have to say this even tho I also think their ship got done dirty by the show, I still think they wouldn't have lasted. I think Marinette and Luka being "too easy" is exactly their problem, as even if they didn't have everything else to worry about Marinette needs complexity or she starts to lose her mind overthinking things and goes looking for it. The simple nature of her relationship with Luka is what 13 year old Marinette needed, the Marinette who wasn't Ladybug yet, who hadn't stood up to Chloe and maybe even just had her heart broken in a mean prank. It makes sense she'd fall in love with and gravitate towards this living embodiment of all the comfort and security she wished she had, she had desperately needed at that time. But that's just it, she needed it then. And now she can rely on herself a lot better, she has a whole support system to fall back on, and what she needs from a romantic partner is something else. But Sabrina? She's done horrible things in the name of her friendship with Chloe and even enjoyed some of them, but had finally hit her limit of how much abuse she can both dish out and take herself. Sabrina can definitely recognize that Luka is a good person, but more importantly Luka would have to actually try to sympathize with a person, rather than just immedietely like them. Lest we forget, Sabrina is the one who locked Juleka in the bathroom on picture day. Chloe told her to but Sabrina physically did it. Being confronted with someone who hurt his sister but is, herself, hurting, and is determined to help everyone but herself will be a lot of conflicting emotions for Luka, and Sabrina would need to get used to being the center of someone else's attention in a way not entirely dissimilar to how Chloe was for her, although significantly less codependent.
What makes Lukabrina interesting isn't that they're perfect for each other or that it's immedietly easy.
It's awkward and messy and they clash, they push each other out of their comfort zones and find a new one to settle in together.
It isn't instant or love at first sight, but by resolving their issues with each other through communication, honesty and trust, they are able to become a happy and wholesome couple.
Don't fucking tell me the odds lol, I know they're probably not winning but they deserve a fighting chance. So please feel free to add your own Lukabrina Viperhound propaganda!
Luka/Marinette - @mikoriin
Luka - Twitter @Karma_sensei_
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tumblebumblebee-63 · 2 years
Things I Need To See If When We Get Rottmnt Season 3
-More Apritello (wait don't leave yet!)
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-It doesn't need to be romantic (although they have such a good dynamic I honestly wouldn't mind if they did as long as it was done right)
-but seriously, they're just chaotic together and I need more of that
-Along those lines I also feel like there needs to be more one on one time with April and Leo as well as April and Raph
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-Both duos are so good and they just don't get enough screen time at all
-Also, I need the turtles + Splinter to actually meet April's parents
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-Did I know I needed this until I saw the disaster twins psyched for a nice dinner in their matching sweater vests? No.
-Do I need it now more than ever? Y e s.
-I also need them to actually acknowledge the events of the movie and not just brush past it like it was no big deal. Let it come up later. Let the rest of the turtles be just-barely-noticeably a lot more overprotective when it comes to Leo. Don't tell me they would almost lose him like that and continue letting him be reckless all the time.
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-You CANNOT just add her to the mix and dip like that. I NEED to see how she fits in with the group. Will her and Donnie be completely unhinged together? Absolutely. Will Splinter dote on her like she's his daughter and she'll absolutely love it and swear to make him proud? Probably. Will her and April be an absolute girl boss team together and probably have sleepovers while gossiping about whatever? Y e s. Will she be completely unused to getting positive reinforcement and being part of an actual family who loves her even if she makes mistakes? For sure. But will she adore it? Um, yes!
-Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo Leader Leo
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-Will this poor boy be immediately overwhelmed with this responsibility and continuously doubt himself? Yes. But Raph would be giving him tips and pointers the entire time because he KNOWS how stressful it is to keep everyone in line and stop them from getting hurt or worse. Let Leo come to terms with his role and realize he's actually really good at it! Let him be so relieved to finally feel like he has a place on the team and isn't actually a useless screw-up.
-Alternatively, show us how Raph feels about this development! Will he be proud of his little brother for stepping up? Of course! But maybe, just maybe, he goes through some withdrawals? Maybe he has a hard time remembering that he's not in charge anymore and Leo is the one calling the shots. Maybe he feels a little lost on his place in the team now that he isn't the leader. Would his brothers immediately reassure him that he's still irreplaceable and is just as important to the team now as he was before? Yes, but it still might take him some time to get used to that.
-Mikey Magic. Magic Mike. (Jk)
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-You really can't tell us Mikey is some powerful mystic warrior and not expect us to want more answers. Can he control it? Or is it fuelled by fear and desperation? Can he learn to harness his power without his brothers absorbing the energy with him? If done correctly, does this potentially open the stage to Mikey being able to time travel whenever he chooses? That could be interesting.
-Soft Shell Donnie
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-Maybe it's just my desire for angst, but I think we should see more of Donnie without his battle shell. It would certainly make for more dramatic fight scenes if that vulnerability was exposed more.
Here are a few more minor ones that have zero plot relevance but I just think would be neat:
-Raph should get some sort of pet
-The turtles should occasionally make little chirps and hisses like real turtles do
-April should have a bigger wardrobe
-We should see Mikey actually graffiti something (I know he's the artsy one but have we ever actually seen him paint something??)
-I would love an episode centered around a hatred fueled disaster twin prank war. (Each prank gets progressively more crazy and dangerous until the others have to eventually interfere so they don't kill each other)
-Let Donnie perform a musical number like the absolute theater kid he is (other than a rap?)
-Random, but I also think it'd be funny if Mayhem had a growth spurt and was actually meant to be the size of a tiger. Plus April could ride him into battle like the badass she is.
-We should have a cool underwater fight scene! They're literally turtles! Plus, I think softshell turtles are supposed to be suuuper fast swimmers and I want to see that
A few more people have suggested:
-Raph/Donnie duo! We need a red and purple episode now!!
-Give. Donnie. His. Fashion. Montage. Seriously, we were robbed
-Alternatively to Donnie's musical performance, give us an entirely musical episode! We know they all have amazing voices!
That's all I could think of for now. Feel free to chime in any ideas you have!
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skz-suki · 2 years
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her older sister and other half really! she and lisa first met when she joined yg and have been close ever since. lisa was the first to welcome suki to the company and show her the ropes! the two are quite literally the same person it’s almost scary. they mostly bonded after suki was added to the original blackpink line up and would work with lisa to choreograph the group dances for the monthly evaluations. suki continues to support lisa (and all of blackpink) in their career and enjoys publicly showing her love the girls!
they met one time through lisa and have been stuck together like white on rice! when i say always together….i MEAN IT like it’s almost crazy!? the two are a little different from each other but bond so well and they’ve been able to manage a beautiful friendship. the type of friends that stay up until 5am and then randomly decide to go on some spontaneous adventure that may or may not end both of their careers. suki also fancied herself another shopaholic which she loves! also who decided it was a good idea to let two extroverts go clubbing?
suki’s mentor and….second mom??? way back when suki was new, and having trouble with her self confidence when rapping, CL reached out to her and gave her some lessons and suki totally pissed herself because she was a big fan of not only CL but 2ne1 in general. chaelin sorta took suki under her wing and protected her, taught her about the industry and really helped find and create her on stage persona. suki probably appreciates CL the most out of anyone she’s met or bonded with in korea (besides the kids ofc). she likes to call CL her second mom cause she’ll often call suki to ask if she’s okay, if she needs anything and just bombard her with wellness questions but that has to be what she likes most about the woman; how much she cares about her.
one of the few male friends she has and somehow he’s the one closest to her!? honestly if you asked her she could not tell you how they met she would just tell you she regrets every decision that led up to it (she’s just trying to hide the fact she had a crush on him for like 6 months and just repressed it until it went away). very loud and chaotic when together, not many intellectual conversations are shared between the two just. yelling. and. bickering. but she wouldn’t have it any other way honestly. loves the fact that she can be her honest loud, potty mouth, abrasive, self around him and he’ll just reciprocate her energy. aquarius duo 🤪
HER FAVVV EVA!!! these two are a match made in heaven seriously. she loves ten so much she could cry just thinking about it. dance buddies. they spend an unhealthy amount of time together, so much so that ten could give felix a run for his money when it comes to the bff position. she really admires him and thinks he’s just the cutest little thing even if he is 5 years older than her. since ten likes to draw she’s commissioned a drawing from him and she loves it so much she even got it tattooed on her. GOSSIP BUDDIES! they will spend all night in a lounge sipping wine and gossiping if they could 😭
recently became friends in the last year or so…and have been inseparable! their style is so similar and so is their humor. she met her through somi and the three have been a trio ever since!!! they bond over music, fashion and really anything. she had wanted to be giselle’s friend for along time and finally had the chance to ask her to hang and ofc aeri said yes!!
i think it goes without saying that she’s friends with most jyp artist! ofc training together and experiencing the same thing, with the same people will naturally bring you together. she’s closest to itzy’s yeji and chaeryeong, jihyo of twice and lily of nmixx. she is so very proud of all of her sisters and even others like xdinaryheros!
these arent only the people suki is closest to and this nowhere near explains her other relationships! some honerable mentions would be isa of stayc, yunjin of le sserafim (new), somi , karina, chanhee (the boyz), hinata of xg, and others
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kynrki · 2 years
another moot challenge! who would you ship them with in Enhypen?? how would their relationship be?? i personally think you would suit jake ^^ that’s it bye bye!
HIHI!! ME WITH JAKE?!?! i feel honoured 🤭 (sorry niki) i love jake tho!! :))
001. @hikyeom | jay
LOOK why i say this is bc they are vv chill and layed back!!! they do from time to time have this chaotic energy but it’s mostly chill!! thats what i love most about them! i say jay bc we all know how his temper is😭so i feel he needs someone vv calm to calm him down in such situations, like jungwon, so they definitely fit that area!!!! their relationship would be that trope of ‘angry bf, calm gf’ if you feel me!
002. @completelyrain | jungwon
WHY? bc mali, as i have mentioned so many times before, IS THE DEFINITION OF CHAOS😭😭😭like i feel she needs someone who literally can tell them to stfu without feeling bad afterwards. like with jungwon we all know hes the leader and vv mature for his age, so having someone the opposite around him will give him a run for his money. mali will literally keep this guy on his toes 24/7😭😭😭 im thinking ‘extrovert gf introvert bf’ vibes from them too.
003. @ox1-lovesick | niki
THEY HAVE THE SAME HUMOUR LOWKEY☠️like if i think about it i think they both would pull pranks on the members together and laugh at them afterwards….. and then running away together so that jay doesnt beat them up😭plus i feel like they both would be vv close bc of how well they compliment each other!!! ‘partners in crime’ type of relationship 😭😭(i love this man)
004. @haknom | sunoo
MAN AYLA IS SO SWEET FR☹️☹️i think she and sunoo will make everyones hearts burst from softness and happiness. like i can feel them smiling with each other ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. like sunghoon would probably have to stop himself from killing you both bc he’s jealous☠️ ayla gives me so comforting vibes and sunoo does too so thats why i think they would be a perfect match!!! ‘sunshine duo’ vibes from them too.
005. @delcakoo | heeseung
THEY GIVE ME HELLA LIKE ‘i wish i were them’ VIBES I SWEAR….like i feel heeseung would make ema blush 24/7 LOL and then once she teases him back its like game over for him. moving on, i think they would be vv caring towards each other but also wanna wrestle all the time bc ema thinks she’s stronger than him. ‘IT couple’ RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!!
006. @goldenhypen | jake
OOO EM THANK YOU FOR THOSE JAKE PICS I WILL TREASURE THEM FOREVER!!! but on a real note, i think em is vv calm but can get chaotic at times. plus em is a dancer so i feel she and jake would have dance battles. BUT they would be the biggest SIMPS EVER for each other it’s actually disgusting. like jake would literally put his hoodie on and em is there like “😍😍🥰🥰😘” LMAOAOAO ‘she fell first but he fell harder’ 100%
007. @deeznutsriki | sunghoon
LASTLY MY BABY!!! reason why is bc i think sunghoon would want someone calm like him, even though we all know hes not, so that he feels comfortable around someone who gives off the same energy as he does. though i think he would drag sree to the gym jus to make her watch him work out his muscles and get SUPER cocky about it fr, bc he knows. he does. ‘shy bf wholesome gf’ like he fawns over everything she does!!!
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coderfortourette · 2 years
Louisiana Ships
This is a little series I thought I would do. Basically I write out my personal ships by character. Do a little analysis on them. I’m not trying to force these onto anybody else, I’m just sharing some thoughts. I am open to discussion on dymanics and such. 
I’m going with Louisiana first because I had been working on a WIP featuring him when I had this series idea
Louisiana x Florida
This is the Louisiana ship I’m most conflicted on. Not because I dislike it, but because I love this duo as a couple, but also as just platonic friends. I think platonic friendship is a good thing. And I really wish it was encouraged more. So sometimes I feel a little bad when I make them a couple, because I feel like I take away from their friendship dynamic by making them a ship. 
At the same time, I think they’re a great ship together. They read each other so well and are able to function as a team. In canon they’ve had maybe one argument, which they were able to resolve rather quickly it seems. These two have a deep caring for each other. To take what they already have to a romantic relationship really wouldn’t change much. A few smooches and stuff here or there. 
Louisiana x Maine
This is a minor/background Louisiana ship for me. I find their connected history to be fascinating. They have this party guy vs “boring” guy dynamic. And while they have that opposite, I believe that Louisiana is good enough to always check in with Maine. To take time to talk with him. 
Plus, I think they gossip in French. Gossip, flirting, just regular talking. They tap into their past more with each other. And lots of seafood dates. 
Louisiana x Mississippi
Another minor/background Louisiana ship of mine. Most of my inspiration for this one comes from music. Like Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man or the small reference in Honey Bee. The idea of these two falling in love on opposite sides of the river. It’s a fun dynamic to imagine. I think if they were to marry it’d be on a boat on the river between their states. 
Louisiana x North Carolina
A friend got me into this ship. I don’t have much to say on it. Other than that I’m a fan of their writing for it. A lot of it does boil down to Louisiana’s character as a whole, he’s very good partner material. And the way my friend writes that, combined with their characterization of North Carolina. It’s something I enjoy. 
Louisiana x New York x Florida
I’ll probably get more into this when I get into New York x Florida. But this is a polycule. I don’t really see Louisiana and New York together separately. I think it’s an interesting dynamic, it’s just not something I ship. 
But I tend to love Louisiana x State x Florida ships. I believe it plays into the Louisiana x Florida dynamic. And then they get a second person to dote on. (third person? you don’t dote on yourself though?). 
Louisiana x Wisconsin x Florida
Another of the three dynamic I kinda described above. But like, I think these three do well together. Florida has described Wisconsin as his #2 drinking buddy. And I think that Wisconsin has the chaotic energy to match Louisiana and Florida. 
Also- Lots of gator children. Just, all the gators. 
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Fot the ship meme: Thad/Matches versus Kon/Bart. We know one works, but what a bout the other one? 👀
Thad/Match: Ship it!
What made you ship it?
It was both of them showing up in Teen Titans on the same villain team. Those comics are awful, but the idea of Kon and Bart's evil clones teaming up was very entertaining to me, and from there it was a quick leap to shipping them. But who doesn't like villains in love? And Thad is such a great character in the original Impulse run. (Match was...not very nuanced at the time. His recent Suicide Squad appearances really helped him out.)
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think it's pretty clear that I love the pairing of "obsessive little weirdo who has never understood a single one of their own emotions" and "their best friend who is literally just vibing." I also borrow a lot of Kon's confident sexuality and casual vanity for my Match characterization, and it's so much fun to play that off against Thad's intensity and poor socialization. Also I haven't written it yet but they both have very good powers for sex.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think two other people ship it and we have reached a consensus on everything lol.
Kon/Bart: Don't ship it!
Why don’t you ship it?
Same reason as Tim/Kon and Bart/Tim - I like the trio as friends more than any particular ship. I truly cannot picture Bart and Kon hooking up at all, like there's just static in my head when I try.
2. What would have made you like it?
I really don't know if anything could have? I guess I would have been more on board with, again, any ship in the trio if they didn't work so well as a trio. Or if the ship was developed with careful attention to the third wheel, which would probably be most likely with this pairing because Tim would be the third wheel and Bats always get the most attention. Actually Tim's reactions would be very funny.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
A CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED DUO!!! Kon and Bart together have a sublimely chaotic energy that brings me such joy. They love each other so much and have given Tim the brain cell to hold forever. (He does not want it.) Bless.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
c!multiple x god!reader
notes: the reader will be the god of death to make it a little bit more spicy :). c!punz’s pronouns are he/they, i’m not sure about the others, but i know theirs. also why does ranboo take away my gender? /j
word count: 1,672
warnings: arson, violence, cursing, yelling, mention of death, voices in technos part, spoilers for wilbur if you haven’t watch tommy’s lore stream, revival for wilbur, making a religion, time travel, egg, prison, stealing, anarchy, playful name calling
so obviously y’all would be a great match :)
you have creative mode, so when sap would ask you to give him a lighter and tnt, you would GLADLY give it
also, can we talk about him being a nether hybrid
fire squared
like fires left and right, hide your mom and your children in your house lol /j
but besides the whole arson thing, you favor him above anyone else on the server
like if he asks for diamond blocks, well here’s a whole inventory of it, also, here’s some ancient debris and some netherite
if someone asked, you would probably grant them with poison and curses, just because you can’t be “unloyal” to snapchat 
wouldn’t be lonely anymore
this duo is less chaotic, but chaotic enough where people avoid you
he still asks you for stuff, but most of the time, you don’t give him it because he annoys you too much about giving stuff
“hey y/n/n, can i pretty please get some emerald blocks.”
“nope bitch, get it yourself.”
but sometimes, you grant him some op shit, when it’s your good day
“because i’m being nice, here’s some diamond, now, don’t ask me again you little piss baby.”
“shut your trap y/n.”
“or what homeless teletubby, what are you going to do to a god like me?”
“you hang out with technoblade to much.”
maybe the least chaotic duo
you guys keep on relaxing and relaxing until the point where you don’t do anything
he barely asks you for anything, but only when it’s really really important, like a house or build
especially when he was building his little cottagecore house, he needed your godly presence to help
“y/n, what should the roof be made of?”
“i suggest brick, it makes it more aestheticy if that makes any sense.”
also barely any drama or tea with you guys
never arguing and never betraying each other is a must
also another least chaotic duo
literally help him with his bee farm, he will (platonically) love you forever
gotta be close to ranboo, that’s the rule
gives him SO much stuff, he’s a precious boi 🙄
also gotta be close to tommy, but not as much unfortunately
you help him pick out things for builds, like what material clashes with another, etc
“do you think that the wool and the netherite blocks look good together y/n?”
“nah, what i suggest is the wool with the gold, it looks perfect.”
sometiems, gotta put him in check because he gets a little ego built up
you definitely yank his horn a little too hard because of your IMMENSE STRENGTH
“calm down sunny, you were just getting a bit over your head a little.”
chaotic duo like sapnap
snaps at anyone who annoys you and vice versa
you give him EVERYTHING, obviously except op and creative
he tries to persuade you to do something, but dreamxd wouldn’t allow it, since he is the main boss
“come on y/n, give me op.”
“no tommy, xd will kick my ass.”
you would DEFINITELY help him with the Big Innit Hotel, making the whole layout and color palette.
both of you have an intense hatred for ranboo, since he “stole” tubbo away from tommy
least involved in everything
just stay in the tundra and drink some tea, and you’re good for all of your life
helps him get netherite all the time so your boii can get the good stuff 😬
when he mines to get diamonds, he literally prays to you
“y/n, if you’re listening, please give me a 6 vein, i desperately need it for my collection of diamond blocks.”
more than a 6 vein actually, a 12 vein
guess he needs to pray to you more
daily tea sessions, to talk about the good stuff, and NO, and i repeat NO skipping
threatening to flick water on him check ✅
Wilbur Soot
literally you spoil him
not to be angsty, but when he died and lost his last canon life, you revived him instead of Dream
now he’s practically at your knees
like he’s thinks that he owes you, but actually that’s the opposite
he was revived because you were lonely, and wanted your best friend back :(
prays to you when he goes to bed
“hey y/n, hope you’re having a great day, (platonically) love you.”
“love you too mortal.”
sometimes, to be at the peak of godness, you shower upon wilbur as gold to symbolize blessings, like zeus did before
“omg y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m trying to bless you, shut up bitch.”
just saying, he would make a religion about you :/
Karl Jacobs
omg don’t get me started on this
first, you wouldn’t codone him going back in time
he would definitely forget your name a lot, so that’s why you hated it
“hey karl, how are you doing?”
“i’m sorry, but do i know you?”
you were definitely the one to push him towards sapnap and quackity
this is also another spoiled boi
give him the entire world while you’re at it pwease
he wants a few diamonds, nope, give him a chest full of them
why are there so much chaotic duos in here?
literally chaos times infinity
energy to the max
literally, did you take an energy drink
grants him every wish he can randomly think off
“can i get a bucket with lava and a fish in it?”
“weird choice, but ok man.”
gotta be close to sap and karl or he isn’t your friend anymore /j
helps with las nevadas a lot, and definitely tries to rig the machines so you get money
“hey big q, i got 10,000 dollars.”
“that’s impossible... y/n, did you cheat?”
“nooo 😊”
help him preen his wings, and he goes “I LOVE YOU, MWAH MWAH.” obviously in his mind 🙄
definitely helps him maintain the prison
you both love setting up red stone contraptions and pistons and all that giz
“hey sam, do you know where the redstone torches are?”
“yeah, there behind the pistons in the back.”
also you helped build the prison, since he could do that by himself
“are you sure that lava wall will work y/n, your calculations seem inaccurate.”
“i’m sure sam, this will add some more security to this goddamn server.”
nerd squared lol
wouldn’t condone the egg
you warned him multiple times to get away from its grasp, but most of the times he’ll decline
“i won’t y/n, the egg is the future.”
he still, even after all the advancements, even after everything, he tries to ask you to join the eggpire
“come on y/n, you’ll like being with us.”
“i don’t wanna be on a stupid egg side, like let me crack the egg, i wanna eat it and turn it into a omelette.”
he doesn’t like that joke :(
but before he discovered the egg, both of you were joint at the hip
sight seeing was a must
languages being thrown around everywhere, since you were the little language muffin
steals stuff from everyone
hide your stuff, because the punzo-y/n team is unstoppable
definitely they can be really stubborn and indecisive
like one day, he will be like, “i need gold blocks.” and the next, “nevermind, i need netherite actually.”
like hon, stop switching
also anarchy buddies
burning down forests and buildings are your guys’s specialty
when you give him gold when they doesn’t ask, his heart goes brrr and his brain goes, “pog pog, they’re so cool, lets hug them.”
now this is the most deadly duo in the entire Dream Smp
better not piss you guys off 😐
he’s the Blood God, and you’re the God/Goddess/God being of Death
so if some occasion where you need to battle someone, like Techno’s enemies, *clears throat and murmurs Quackity*, you will obviously back your boy up :)
help him with enchanting and potions and he’s set for life
also you got have to be close to the great Philza Minecraft since him and Techno are buddy buddy
anarchy squared
helps with the voices since you have some of your own
“so what you’re saying is that i need to pay attention to them?”
“yeah, when i first learned that the voices were in my head, i tried to ignore them, but that sucked. so what i did was try to distract myself with various tasks, and that sucked.”
“so what do i do, you’re saying that i should listen to them, but how do i do that when they literally shout at me.”
“just embrace it, obviously when they do their little chant of blood for the blood god, you have to ignore them.”
“you suck at advice.”
Philza Minecraft
so since both of you resemble death, him being the Angel of Death and you being the God/Goddess/God being of Death, y’all are fucking best friends, platonic soulmates if you will
death squared
watch out, because if you piss them off, prepare to d-
gotta be close to Ranboo and Techno, and obviously others who he platonically likes
he doesn’t need to ask you for stuff, he’s the fricking Angel of Death, but he will ask you to preen his wings :D
“ow, not there y/n.”
“oh shut up grandpa, let me do it.”
Dream XD
two gods at once, damn there is so much chaos
left and right, you guys are noticed by everyone, like purrrr
y’all would be in some fancy shit, to show your power
you would get jealous of him hanging out with george
“why are you jealous y/n?”
“you’re hanging out with george to much, hang out with me please :(.”
gifts are a must, even though both of you have access to creative
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mikyuna · 3 years
A/N: Lemme just say, I love angst to fluff kind of stories, its just so good, anyways lemme get on to my headcanons.
Twisted Wonderland with a chaotic and energetic s/o (Diasmonia Ver)
Malleus Draconia
This poor fella is confused when you first meet
Like who is this daring human who approaches me with so much energy to spare
Sure he is glad that you are not afraid of him and can be seen bouncing around him with a smile
Then again, because of how much energy you are, it makes it harder for him to stop you when you do idiotic stuff
Such as,
"Mal!!! Look!!! This snail is crawling to somewhere, I know!!! Let's throw fake snails at Ace and Grim!!!"
"No darling, we shouldn't."
This ended with him holding your arm back as you fling your arms around trying to find something to prank Ace with
But at the end of the day, he always gets reminded that it's your precious smile and antics that always warms his heart
So every single time you pout at him then smile the next moment always brings a smile to his face as well
Lilia Vanrouge
This old fae loves your energy
After all his old age doesn't stop his mischievous behavior to shine through him
Like just asks him out for some pranks and he will gladly oblige, so long as it is harmless and he gets to have his fun
Additionally your energy is quite different from his family member's one
Sure you can be loud like Sebek, but as far as it goes he will never be able to match up with the amount of dumb things you do
And of course your never-ending energy (Sebek just needs a keyword: Malleus)
But, as much as he loves playing pranks and being chaotic with you
You should not forget that he is the guardian of the three Diasmonia members and he is still very mature when needed to be
"Lilia~ I found a crocodile! We can go feed it!!!"
"Fufufu, my dear as tempting as the idea sounds, I cannot allow you, my precious little human, to do anything that may cost your life you know."
Then he proceeds to lead you away to do something that is more fun yet safe activity
I mean, of course, he would, he loves to see his energetic little human smile brightly
Ahh, the contrast, he is always sleepy (not that he can help it of course) and you are always jumping around
People always wonder how did the two of you end up together
Well for Silver's case is he always admire and wonder how do you have so much energy all day long
Plus he will always try to stop your chaotic antics, like
Please just stop and cuddle this soft man
He knew it wouldn't be easy with how quickly you bounce from each area
By this point, he will just try to lure you to sleep, so that firstly you wouldn't commit a serious crime while he's trying to stay awake
Secondly, more time and chance to cuddle with you
Sound like a good win-win situation right?
Of course, sometimes he might be dragged into your shenanigans as well
Honestly, it can't be helped by this point
But he does enjoy seeing the smile on your face while you play around with him
Overall this man has a soft spot for you
Although as of current he is still trying to stop you from doing stupid things
Sebek Zigvolt
Oh goodness, the two of you are called the 'Loud duo'
Every single time you try to do or drag him into something dumb, he will be yelling at you
While of course you loudly replied thinking it's fun
(Leona wants to tape both your mouths so badly)
Malleus is always having a headache at how much energy the both of you exert at well yelling at each other
Or in your case, being naturally loud
Although he always lectures you for your pranks but honestly speaking he can't control you
So instead, he chases you down the hallway while you laugh and have fun seeing his expression and all
Most of the time, where he tried to not chase you down and tried to guard Malleus
You will always mischievously smile at the two, while Malleus will smile back softly
Sebek well... He picks you up by your collar and gave you a full lecture on how you shouldn't be doing this in front of his Waka-Sama
And then it ends up with him falling victim to your pranks and you having fun while sneaking away
Even though he finds your pranks annoying most of the time, he still loves you and your pranks nonetheless
Like if you were to not prank him for one day, he might come question you very loudly
It just shows that he care and he loved you regardless of your personality
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
LMAOOOOOO since we could be here all day with me rambling about my massive list of rarepairs I'll just talk about some of my favorites
SuiTowa - okokok I do admit that I may or may not have originally gotten into this pairing because I just really like Towa and Suisei and did the thing where I put my favorites together but unironically they're really good together?? Streaming-wise they have a lot of great moments and their voices - oh their VOICES together. I lost my mind during their duet at Link Your Wish this year they are actually so GOOD.
Lore-wise they're equally as good? You've got Devil-Who-Is-Actually-Nice Towa and Idol-Human-Who-Is-Actually-Evil Suisei, it's such a funny dynamic. Suisei would find it so entertaining to be friends with a devil and start asking about the most evil things Towa's done and start trying to push all her buttons, meanwhile Towa would just be there like 'this HUMAN is INSANE and I am TIRED when can I go home to hell and eat SNACKS.' Also Suisei absolutely has "I will face God and walk backwards into hell" energy so Towa meanwhile trying to keep her out of trouble for three seconds is kinda endearing??? There's lots of potential for it to get angsty too on TOP of them being a comedic duo so I'm all OVER their dynamic.
(I am throwing these two clips down because I care about them very much)
By extension I will say I also love the StartEnd trio. Just Towa there with her two (2) feral animals Suisei and Aqua who go pew-pew in Apex. Literally that meme featuring that mom with two kids on a leash.
KanaTowa - Whoa ANOTHER Towa pairing I wonder who my bias is hmmmmmm LMAO
I like them for sort of similar reasons to SuiTowa? I got WAY into these two even BEFORE IRyS originally was announced; it's the whole classic angel/demon dynamic except completely inverted when you consider how angelic Towa is and how chaotic/violent Kanata is in comparison. Makes things interesting!
I'm really glad these two are lowkey kind of becoming a real thing? KanaTowa did a bunch of official 3D short videos and streams and collabs together and stuff; they also did that official game collab song (Madoromi. It's SO GOOD and the lyrics LITERALLY match their dynamic so WELL), and then literally formed an official unit together and released an original song together (which I now listen to on a daily basis). So now they're only a rarepair in the sense of there not being a lot of fancontent for them.
They're also just. So cute together...
(Also if I had a nickel every time Towa did a yearning reach-out pose to a blue-themed girl mid-performance then I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's kinda fruity that it happened twice)
KanaMari (Kanata/Marine)
what if I was a PIRATE and I was about to PERISH but was then saved by my GUARDIAN ANGEL and then I feel in love with the guardian angel?????? ahahha jk UNLESS
These two have such banger chemistry with each other, actually! They're so funny together and you can tell they're pretty close and it's really adorable to see. Like look at these clowns
Also, I just think Pirate/Angel is such a funny concept. Marine sailing the seven seas and people are confused as to how she hasn't fallen overboard by mistake but it's all thanks to Kanata protecting her. Bonus points if Marine's all like "Kanata is my normal Houshou Pirate crewmate she is totally human!" meanwhile the rest of the Houshou Pirates are like "senchou just kiss your tenshi girlfriend already"
They are both very cute idiots and I love them
Salted Turkey (Amelia/Reine)
Okay THIS one is an oldie. More than a year ago Ame and Reine did a couple of stream collabs which were really cute!!! Though the real kickers for me were their first interactions; during Ame's first ever birthday stream the only people to do call-ins were Gura, Ina, and Reine, who literally woke up just to see Ame's stream and to tell her happy birthday (in their very first speaking interaction)! And then Ame called Reine's morning voice hot and I lost it right then and there LOL. And then Ame came to her birthday stream a few months later... they're just so sweet together
Lore-wise it's harder to connect them but I see the POTENTIAL. Honestly any pairing with Ame in it will almost always result in juicy dynamics so I'm all ears here. So hey vtuber fandom I know they haven't collabed in months since but can we get more of them actually?
Other pairs I love for some reason and really want to see more of: Lui/Iroha, Suisei/Calli, Flare/Polka, Ina/Calli, Kronii/Ame, Kiara/Mumei, and Ina/Sana. And I'm holding back on a couple more LMAO I'm a bit of a rarepair hell mess 😭
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quackisinnit · 4 years
Men in Black au! with Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, c!Technoblade, and Wilbur
Notes: this is for 900 clebration:)) THIS IS SO LONG DKSHS. also i wrote this cause i watched men in black:international the other day
Genre: fluff, romantic, they/them
Warnings: mentions of guns, bombs
Tumblr media
when you first started working with him, he was very friendly and would teach you anything you needed to know
like where the guns are, etc
but from time to time he would be unintentionally flirty
or just make flirtatious comments (sometimes intentional)
"you look good in a suit y/n😌"
"i always wear a suit but thank you"
everytime you hugged or shaked hands after a succesful mission, his touch would always linger
like he would hug you for much longer than anticipated
it would make you flustered but you just brushed it off
soon dream made flirty comments all the time
like all the time
you both layed down on the ground and took deep breaths, that alien was terrifying. "you know, you looked good whole fighting that thing earlier."
this kept on going until you (sorta) catched on to what he was doing
"clay, do you like me?" you said out of the blue. "what? no- our relationship is strictly professional and platonic."
yeah you didn't believe him
and he didn't himself
but then again, he said it himself,
he doesn't like you, right?
okay maybe a little bit
he finally confessed when he thought it the was the end for both of you
the alien threw you against the wall, roaring loudly. it ringed through your ears, causing you to yelp. the alien grabbes clay with its other hand and raised him above its mouth.
"y/n since this is the end," clay yelled, "i want you to know that i like you! a lot!"
you looked at him shocked, you opened your mouth to say something but the creature's scream of pain cut you off. your other colleagues had come to save the both of you.
you both watched as they brought the alien back to where it came from.
"so, you like me?"
"uh, yeah. i really, really do."
"good, cause i feel the same." you smile and kiss clay's cheek.
he would act very prim and proper
and he'd want you to act the same
he would do little things like fixing your tie, fixing your hair, etc
but on missions he would be very rowdy and make bad decisions from time to time but still calm
"y/n, let's drink with them!"
"but what if the-"
"i heard a yes, let's go."
but then the bad guys showed up
"i told you they'd come!" you said with a slightly panicky voice.
"don't worry, the alien is safe and we just need to get out of here. let me think of a plan."
and boom with george's calmness and smartness you survived😎
but you both got a warning cause you drank on the job-
he started acting strange after a few months of working with you
for example, everytime you passed him a weapon his hand would rouch yours
and he would just blush and continue what he was doing
you wouldn't really notice tho since he was subtle with it
george finally confessed after a mission
"get yourselves cleaned up at the headquarters."
"yes ma'am." you both said synchronously. once you were both back at the headquarters, george tapped your shoulder. "uh- so i really like you, can we go on a date?"
you just looked at him, not saying a word. george started to feel more nervous, thinking he did something wrong. "it's fine if you don't want to, i understa-"
"no no no no george, i wanna go on a date with you." george just smiles and grabs your hand, caressing it.
as soon as you became partners, you both got really close a your personalities just matched
anyways, every mission crazy and very chaotic
sapnap cracks jokes all the time
"oh my god, is this alien pussy??"
"sapnap... I THINK SO!!"
its so fun working with him
at the start of your relationship, he made flirty comments here and there
but the longer you both knew eachother, he made flirty comments all the time, like dream
"sooooooo has anyone told you how hot you were earlier?"
"i mean- no? we literally almost got eaten alive"
"well since no one's said it, you looked pretty hot earlier"
for some reason he likes saying those comments everytime your both about to die
or when the situation is just bad
"hey you look pretty attractive right now..."
but when he confessed it was during a normal time
you were both talking about a mission you had to do in a few days
and sapnap just blurted it out
"okay so we have to be in paris next week. i think we should ask-"
"i like you y/n. a lot, with my whole heart" you smiled, "i like you too." sapnap smiled and and leaned in, "can i kiss you?" you just nod and bring him closer to your chest.
people called you and karl childish and immature during work
but in reality he just made lots of jokes and you both laughed easily💀💀
missions with karl are very fun
fun but at the same time serious
like he thinks very quickly
so if your ever in danger, karl will be there to help
but after you both make jokes directed at each other
"you were the one that dropped the bomb"
"you would've died if i didn't save you🙄"
but its all light hearted and you care for each other
anyways he started to act more serious and calm around you
sometimes nervous
like after every mission you hug
and everytime you both do it you could just feel karl's heart beating so fast
"karl are you alright? you're heart is beating really fast"
"oh uh- yeah. just shocked from the mission and all"
he would also ask you if you're hurt/okay way more
"oh god y/n, are you alright?"
"yeah it's just a scratch"
"okay, if you're hurt just tell me"
he confessed while you were both undercover during a mission
you both sat in the cafe, eyeing the alien that disguised itself as a human. "psst, y/n."
"what is it?" you say, not taking your eyes off the creature. "i like you." karl says quietly. as if he was a kid whispering a secret. for the first time, you take your eyes off the alien.
you look at him, mouth agape. you smirk and chuckle, "so do i." karl smiles and starts giggling, you reciprocate this. "now let's go back to- WAIT WHERE ARE THEY?"
chaotic but at the same time quiet duo
during missions its crazy and some times gets out of hand
but at the headquarters/office, you're both very proper and organized
its just so that you both get assigned into more missions together tbh KSHSJ
missions with him is just
*chefs kiss*
one time you were both fighting the alien and somehow he convinced them for a break?????
"HEY WAIT WAIT. i have to piss, let's take a break"
alien: "piss? break?"
"i have to pee."
and the alien just agreed!?!??????!?!
fortunately, he came back quickly
"okay, i'm back, let's do this😎"
in the end you both won
cause he's alex quackity, what do you expect?
soon he started to act very nervous at random occasions
like you were both just talking about a recent mission you both just done
and you complimented him on defeating the alien
"that was so cool alex!!"
and he just stands there like 🧍‍♂️ "thank you y/n"
and it's not like your first time complimenting him
he just started acting like this out of nowhere
he confessed while you were doing a mission
you were in the passenger's seat, holding onto dear life. "alex, slow down!" he just glances at you in disbelief. "slow down? we're gonna die if i do slow down!"
after a few turns, you reached a long road with a fiver at the end. alex looked aroud to find another road for you to go on to avoid drowning. unfortunately, there was none.
the buttons that cotrolled the car currently weren't working. so you kept on pushing them. "y/n, before we die, i wanna say something!"
"we're not gonna di- oh nevermind, what is it?" you yelled. "i like you!"
all you could do was to push the buttons more aggresively, hoping to get out alive. to your surprise, the car started to float of the ground.
once you had both reached the sky, you both started clapping and cheering. "lets go!"
"we did it y/n holy shit"
"so... you like me?"
"what? no, i didn't say that. what do you me-"
"its fine alex. i like you too"
he would be quiet and professional
also a little intimidating
like on your first mission he did almost all the work
and in a way you were kinda his assistant
at first you thought this was how missions worked
1 leader and 1 follower/assistant
but then you talked to your colleagues about your missions with him and they told you it was meant to be 2 partners, not leader and assistant
so you confronted techno about this
which left him a little surprised
cause he was the one supposed to confront people, not the other way around
this made him intrigued about you
so techno spent more time with you to learn more about you
which caused the both of you to get closer
when people saw this, they were really confused
cause he was so soft, caring, and nice around but around them he was cold and intimidating
but then techno started to act very flustered and nervous around you
he tried to hide it, but failed
like you would just be talking to him and he would just randomly act flustered
"okay so since he's in [street name], we should turn left to catch up." you said while holding onto the steering wheel. "uh huh..." techno just looked at you, not saying a word.
"techno? are you listening?"
"oh- uhm. yeah, sorry." he said as he opened the sunroof and got out his gun.
this kept happening so you decided to confront him about it
(the same way you first confronted him)
"techno, are you alright? everytime we're in a mission or just talking you seem really out of it"
"i'm fine, just tired."
which isnt true?? his whole brand was like staying up and still having enough energy for a mission
so you were suspicious but didnt think much of it
he confessed while you were at a diner talking about an upcoming mission
you drank some water and cleared your throat. "do you think we need a disguise?"
"uhm, i think we need to..."
"need to?" you waited for his answer. "i like you." he blurted out, looking down at the ground tp avoideye contact. all you could was smile, "i like you too techno, a lot."
technoblade looked back up to you slowly with a small smile but with a shocked expression. you cup his cheek from across the table and caress it, smiling.
he would be a combination of george and dream
prim, proper, and friendly
missions with him would be fun but still professional
he'd crack jokes all the time but at the same time he can finish the mission
idk why but for some reason he loves timing himself during missions
"aye y/n, we got 3 days and 7 hours! not as good as last time but still alright"
"wilbur why do you even keep track-"
all of a sudden, he started to be more messy during missions out of nowhere
like instead of having everything in control, everything would be out of place
one time you both almost let the alien escape
"wil are you alright? you've been a little off lately." he rubbed the back of his neck, "yeah, i'm fine, completely fine."
you were worried so from time to time you would ask him if he was alright
and he would always answer with the same thing
"i'm fine, y/n. don't worry about me"
or something along those lines
he confessed during an argument
"wil we could've died! we and many people could've died." wilbur paced around the room, rubbing his neck and running his hand through his hair from time to time.
"i know, i know."
"if you know then why did you do that?" you said, raising your voice. "because-"
"beacuse what wilbur? you're feeling a little tired but you're fine? wil please tell me what's goin-" you were yelling and your eyes started to become moist. "because i like you, y/n. so so much."
he cupped your face with both of his hands as his eyes began to moist as well. "i-i like you too wilbur." was all you managed to choke out. "but please be more careful. you promise?" wilbur placed his forehead on yours, "i promise."
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yaeran · 3 years
Heeeey honey!!! I don't know if your requests are open or not, ignore this if that's not the case! I fell by parachute on your blog and I'm just in love! If it's not too much bother, I would ask tokyo revengers boys with a player similar to Yoimiya Ou Hu Tao! You can choose either one, I just love their personality and I think a reader with that personality would be like, very ✨chaotic✨ Thank you and have a great day! <3
aya: YOURE SO CUTE SHHS thank you so much for requesting from me!! omg as someone that kins hutao and yoimiya i love this req a lot. they both generally have the same personality (i think their mbti is the same aswell??) so this can apply to the both of them <3 and yes it would be very chaotic indeed.
tr boys x a yoimiya/hutao like reader -the type of relationship where you made each others worlds shine.
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the guys that would really like a person like hutao/yoimiya, definitely baji, kazutora, nahoya, hanma and chifuyu. i feel like they really love hyper people and people that can match their energy. hakkai as well, you can stand up for him and be his voice~
-smol intro- you were the first to talk to them, interested in the gang stories they may have. you thought stuff like that only happened in movies.
they would oblige to telling you some stories like it was an action movie and somehow talking to you just gave them a surge of energy they never knew they needed. it escalated to you guys always talking to each other, not just about gangs but yourselves. the way you’d be so mesmerised in them when they talked and always have the best responses to them and your humour, there was never a dull moment and you guys never got tired of each other, they liked that. they liked you.
they know how much you love fireworks so during the school festival they invested in fireworks for there to be a firework show intended to be just for you. everyone saw it of course but what matters is how it started something new between you two~
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[dating hcs]
-seeing the fireworks with you is such an important occasion to them now, so they find only the best spot for you two alone to watch the fireworks during a festival.
-at the side, yall do crazy stuff like light up cars and shit. baji alr does it canonically anyways—
-you’d have illegal challenges like who can steal a more pricey item in a convenience store without getting caught.
-you guys are seen as the loud duo, no good comes when together alone, the chaos factor✨
-you alone is chaos itself cause the pranks. the pranks you’d pull on them. you are ruthless. especially when you get the gang members help. the pranks either leaves them laughing or with trauma.
-you guys send random selfies and to each other, using it as a wallpaper even which backfires sometimes cause the pic can be that embarrassing.
-you guys always have play fights but it’s funny to see how soft they are with you compared to when they’re in real fights.
-they love seeing you in different styles of clothing’s and hyping you up cause they think you’re such a model. when you go to their place they love styling their clothes on you. ok so imagine they’re acquainted with mitsuya and they design a dress for you so that mitsuya can make it<333
-you guys have sleepovers every friday. they’d let you do their nails, hair all of it.
-the two of your are somehow always near each other and even if you’re not you guys are probably texting each other.
-most of the time you’re outside together at night. sometimes they’d ask you to dance and you’d pull out some generic head shoulders knees and toes dance when they were trying to be romantic.
-you are sometimes blunt to the signs they give about romance but it is entertaining for them to watch when you finally get that they wanted to hold hands not a high five :D
-overall just a relationship where you’re each other’s best friend and lover. so comfortable around each other and you guys couldn’t ask for more.
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yourlmanburg · 3 years
being tommyinnit's younger sibling // headcanons
beginning to wonder if headcanon is the right word for this but it's okay that's not the point
- you'd probably be a streamer too
- tommy would've begged dream to whitelist you on the smp and you're definitely a primary member along with tommy
- your smp lore is either the complete opposite to tommy's or exactly the same, no inbetween
- but your characters are canonically siblings!
- you're an honorary member of sbi
- chat loves you just as much as they love tommy
- even with your own slightly smaller brand and all, you're still referred to as sisterinnit/brotherinnit/siblinginnit as you started streaming a bit after tommy did
- you'd probably be good friends with lani too!! iconic little sibling duo!
- your chaotic energy matches your brother's
- remember wilbur's platonic love or host where tommy decided what happened? yeah, that was known as "tommyinnit & y/n decide edition"
- in fact, that loh started a joke that the two of you are a package deal and now everyone refers to you as such
- it's just like you two are perfectly matched jigsaw pieces you're so iconic together
- you're in tommy's mod videos every week
- he helps you with your videos aswell
- when he starts his vlog channel you're in pretty much all the vlogs
- you're usually in the same mcc team
- your setup is in your room while his is in his own and they're right beside each other, so when either of you get too loud while one/ both of you are streaming, there'll definitely be some bickering which serves as the perfect content
- if he's streaming but you're not and you want to spend time together, you'll sit on tommy's bed and talk to him throughout his stream
- you're just as iconic off camera too!!
- you're quite close to freddie and eryn and hang out with them a lot
- as much as he denies it for bits, he loves you a lot and you mean everything to him!
- he gives you a lot of advice when you're struggling with things online
- and with the two of you spending a lot of time in your separate rooms and talking through discord, you try and spend as much time with each other as you can
- movie nights together!
- i feel like tommy would be a secret sucker for hugs
- y'all just go to tesco together and run into fans
- speaking of tesco, you were absolutely in jack manifold's vlog and it was 110% called "i met the package deal in real life..." because it's become less of a gag and more of a genuine nickname for y'all
- like you know bee and boo and clingy duo and how all these duos have names?? yeah you and tommy are always referred to as the package deal
- your subtwt is literally just packagetwt
- this is turning into more of a ramble now but!! tommy is an extremely fun older brother and you spend as much time as you can together and you bicker a lot for bits but you get on really well have a nice day
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
I saw someone else do it and I was rlly curious so:
Ship your moots and yourself with characters!
oh god i have over 60 mutuals i think- but I'll do the mutuals i'm closest with :'D No offense to my other moots!! I love you all and I ship you with whomever you simp for :)
for myself - honestly mitsuya! i know my account is primarily a chuuya shrine but i think mitsuya and i would suit each other more since we're both the eldest siblings and enjoy more at-home hobbies like sewing or baking
@shinscig - kazutora! I know she's currently on a shinchiro brainrot but i just think they have this lovely energy that'd match each other perfectly <3
@ficharsimp - atsushi! they'd just match each other very well :) a sort of chaotic and calm duo that i adore <3
@sebtomm - chuuya! :D listen i love chuuya too but chuuya would just absolutely adore seb i know it
@pompompurin1028 - dazai ofc! specifically soft dazai because i know deep in my godforsaken heart that he would love her and her genius mind
@requiem626k - is this even a question? kunikida! they both have such excellent academic prowess and intelligence. i could see them having deep conversations together
@nameless-shrimp - dazai! but more specifically brooding dazai who's more emotional and darker
@alittlesimp - ango! both smart burnt-out people who definitely need a break from life to spend more time with their cat
@allisonlol - her love jouno! no other words except they'd be a hot couple hands down
@rirk-ke - ngl i thought maybe atsushi or akutagawa but then I scrapped all of it and came to the very strange realization that rirk should just be with me :/
@duckiichan - akutagawa! once again with the soft x dark trope that makes my heart run in circles. they'd be so freaking cuteajkifewjsm
@cndyr4np0 - ranpooo! both rather chaotic and i have a feeling ranpo could keep up with mads's energy way too easily <3
@internetkilledtheroxstar - her beloved nagito cause duh have you seen my lovely lei? she's insane just like her man :/
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
could we get along with svt in real life?
A collaborative series by @vernonsnostrils and me (Nala)!
A/N: Lately Bee and I have been doing daily rankings for fun and we decided to share our very very specific and dumb insights with all of you. For this one we're ranking who we think could tolerate us......... <3 Warning: Dumb info ahead
13.Wonwoo – looks scary. I also have a rbf so imagine us together omg. Everyone would think we’re vampires. No one would want to be friends with us so we’d only have each other.
12.Woozi – I feel like I know nothing about him :-( He’s an amazing musician, and does come off as a little tiny bit mischievous. I feel like Woozi is the type of guy I have every class with but then we graduate never saying a word to each other.
11. Jun – I think Jun is funny as hell but he’s so quiet. I’d want to be his friend but I wouldn’t know how to approach him. Everyone loves him tho so he has his pick of friends and it does not include me LMAO
10. Jeonghan – (this one kind of doesn't make sense bc he should be higher on the list,, but also?? i'm the one who made this list so fite me) but I think that me and him are pretty similar. We both have a side that’s devious and wants to create havoc but we’re also the mom friend that takes care of everyone and with that I feel like we’d butt heads/ be the designated parents which is EW I am 20 years old,, I'm no one's mommy YUCK.
9. Joshua – he’s also quiet but I know he has a good sense of humour!!!! Hypes up my bad ideas bc he’s not involved -- but he will be giving me a thumbs up in the sidelines. I feel like he’s the type to make me text the guy I have a crush on “Just do it. What do you have to lose?” UM my dignity??? Tf Josh.
8.DK – The human version of a “pick-me-up” He is so “no thoughts, head empty” and I am too. Let’s go cloud watching !!!!!!!!! Let’s pick flowers !!!! A good friend to text on a bad day bc he will literally tell you the most embarrassing thing that happened to him, and even though you’ve heard it before it’ll still make you laugh.
7. The8 – simple, really. He likes art and I love art. He likes fashion, I like fashion. I feel like we could talk shit together LMAO. He has the most specific roasts but they’re always on point. I need someone who’s a little bit mean in my life <3
6. Mingyu – I know I could bully him jokingly and he’d take it (bc he knows I’m joking) but it wouldn’t stop him from pouting a bit. I feel like he’d be scared of me at first LMAO. We both share the hobby of photography so my ideal day out with him is just wandering around with cameras and taking pics of things we think are beautiful. Also forcing each other to pose in front of a dirty brick wall bc “IT LOOKS COOL, TRUST ME.” “WAIT I DON’T KNOW HOW TO POSE THO” and then he’d literally have to mold me into a good pose bc I am Play-doh
5. Vernon – The calm to my crazy, convinces me not to beat someone’s ass. Walks into my room to say nothing else but “Spaghetti” and then leaves quietly. Doesn’t talk to me for 5 months but will send me a meme at 5am bc it reminded him of an inside joke we had. Live-texts his emotions to me while watching tv shows, and shares new conspiracy theories with me. He’s a little bit too chill, I need someone ready to fuck shit up.
4. S Coups – is reliable and gives good advice bc he’s also a ball of anxiety. Nags me to do the right thing. Messes with me a lot. Would stay on the phone with me if I was home alone and told him I heard a noise. Says “Calm down there’s no one there.” BUT he’d also say shit like “check under your bed”
3. Seungkwan– I feel like we’re just as annoying as each other. He has the biggest heart and is super encouraging and thoughtful. Half the time we’re joking around, and the other half we’re fighting. Very much love-hate. Capricorns and virgos are a superior duo. I said it.
2. Hoshi– all round good vibes. Chaos and Loudness matched. Doesn’t always have to be around a lot of people bc he creates the fun when it’s just us two. The kind of friend I practice flirting on and everyone’s like ??? “You’re in love with him” no bro I’m just bored… we just do this kind of shit and he is IMMUNE to my lovey antics by now.
1.Dino– We bully each other a lot but we also have each other’s backs. Definitely not ride or dies tho bc we will tell each other when the other fucked up. We are sarcastic dumb dumbs and that’s why we like each other. I feel like he would only tell me how much he cares about me on my birthday.
13. mingyu – i literally don’t know what i would say to mingyu. “tall man” or “what up big boy.” i would be scared of him until someone taught me how not to be. like i gotta hang out with him in a group setting for three months straight until i can say hi to him when i enter a room. if i saw him i would simply just Not See Him.
12. wonwoo – like mingyu i don’t know if i’d have anything to say to him. him and mingyu both have popular high school boy personalities and that scares me.
11. josh – besides being californian, i don’t know if we’d have anything to talk about outside of in n out and traffic. he’s too pretty for me.
10. The8 – i feel like we’ve been over this for me. he’s too intellectual and polite i wouldn’t have much to say to him. but i feel like we could talk good shit about other people.
9. jun – i think i get along well with people with quiet funny personalities. like the kind where you don’t have to necessarily say anything but look at them and they’re telling you what they’re thinking. he knows that i know. so he kept reacting and looking at me. i think it’d take a while to develop a friendship though.
8. jeonghan – i wanna cause chaos with jeonghan. i want to do lots of things with jeonghan i feel like he would give me piggyback rides while sliding with his socks on the floor. he would tease me and i would be offended for five minutes while he pretends to tell me he’s sorry (he’s not).
7. dino – dino and i would be like twins building a sandcastle on the beach. that’s our vibe. like the kids you meet on vacation and play pirates with at the pool. relegated to the kids table kind of vibe.
6. scoups – he’s like the type to play catch with the stuffed animal in the room while we sit on the floor and chat. like he just arrived and is asking me about my day and picks it up from my bed and we throw it around while talking.
5. seungkwan – i think seungkwan and i could sit and talk outside on the patio when the stars are bright. like we could sit outside and stare out at the stars while i talk about my biggest dreams and don’t even need to see him to know that he thinks the world of me
4. hoshi – i see a lot of face masks. hoshi teaches me how to dance while they rest on our faces, but they keep sliding off because we’re laughing too hard. he has immaculate vibes, like the type to say “here for a good time not for a long time” but it’s an absolute lie because he’s there for both.
3. woozi – although i like to joke that he’s an evil little man, i think we could talk a lot about music and he would be very happy to teach me what he knows, and we’d spend a lot of time developing ideas and growing together.
2. vernon – he has the personality of my irl best friend, like a slightly chaotic aquarius who is horrendously hard to reach like 99% of the time. he’s the kind of guy who would try to make dinner but end up fucking it up so horribly that when i come in it’s like smoky and awful and the fire alarm is going off, so i have to air out the apartment and go get takeout and bring it home to my burned smelling apartment and eat it on the floor of the living room while binge watching a new netflix show.
1. dk – i just love the kind of joy and energy he radiates, like would be excited to do anything at all if it’s with me. would love to accompany me on any task if i just asked, like getting ice cream at 10pm and he’d know exactly what kind of flavor he’d get so it could accompany mine well when we inevitably switched halfway through the cone. saves the bottom of the cone, the chocolate tip, for me because he knows it’s my favorite.
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