#they make each other play fast and hungry and clean
sergeifyodorov · 8 months
leafs-oilers is my favourite (cursed) cup final matchup
I would be so anxious the whole time and canada may never recover
this would kill hundreds. we need it so badly
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plum-writes · 1 year
❤︎︎❥🝮Praise kink with Miguel Ohara🝮❥❤︎︎
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He loves it.
He needs it.
He craves it.
He cant hold in his wanton moan when he’s pumping into you from behind, his arm under your neck and shoving your back against his hard chest as you gasp out how ‘fucking good you’re making me feel, papi’.
Your words make him even more feral, and he shoves you guys further into the bed, twisting your face with his hand so he can kiss you, your neck craning back to meet his full lips. It’s a messy, possessive kiss, full of tongue and teeth and spit. Its sloppy and uncoordinated, translating just how hungry you make him feel.
‘¿Si, mami? Making you feel that good?’ He growls against your lips, and your hand flys out to clutch his neck, to keep him closer to you as you sigh out a ‘yes baby, making me feel so fulllll.’
He’ll feel empowered by the praise and won’t stop rutting his hips into you, grasping you closer to him with one hand, his other sneaking down to swipe at and rub your clit tenderly. It’s soaked where you guys are connected, so wet that he’ll feel your wetness cling to his fingers when they brush at your clit. Already there are strings of your juices that cling at his pelvis, and the sight is so erotic, Miguel groans at the sight. He won’t be able to stop himself from sucking his fingers into his mouth with a dirty little moan that has you clenching harshly around him with a choked off little gasp. Your legs tense, knees bending and back arching against his hard chest as you feel the slippery slide of your guys’ sweat against each other, making you feel even more needy for him.
‘Miguel, Miguel, Miguel, pleaseeee baby…’ you beg for him like a broken record, whining so prettily for him.
This makes him shove his cock in harder against you, grunting in your ear. ‘C’mon, tell me how good I fuck you, bebita. Tell me how good you feel.’
You shout out when he thrusts extra hard inside you and pinches your clit at the same time, the pain mixed with pleasure combination making you breathlessly smile and loop your arm backwards to grasp his neck.
‘Fuck! You know how good you make me feel, Miguel- oh! So. Fucking. Good.’
Miguel huffs and groans, his hips moving faster and fingers rubbing and swiping wetly against your clit, your own hips bucking against his. He hits that sweet spot inside of you, and you let him know with an abrupt shout, making him angle his thrusts to hit that spot every time from then on. He feels his climax approaching fast, his balls clenching and cock pulsing in your wet heat, and your words doing nothing more than furthering the familiar tightness growing in his belly.
‘Oh Miguel yesyesyes, so good.’
‘Just like that Miguel, fucking love that-‘
‘Oh baby, I love you, I love you, fucking my pussy so good-‘
You guys both cum not too long after that.
And in the afterglow of the moment, after you guys get all cleaned up and he pulls up his sweats and you put on his t shirt that fits more like a short little dress on you, he’ll bask in the sweet words that you’ll still be muttering in his ear.
You’ll crawl towards him when he sits back on the bed, a big smile on your lips as you wrap yourself around him, shifting yourself on the pillows gathered at the headboard where he’s leaning back against. You curl your leg around one of his meaty thighs, and drape an arm over his chest while the other goes up to play with his mussed, bedridden hair. And then your precious words start.
‘Oh you made me feel so good baby.’
‘Always making me feel so good, no matter what.’
‘I love you Miguel, so much. The only one I love.’
‘The only one that can make me feel this way.’
‘No one else.’
He soaks it all up with half lidded eyes, and a little smirk on his face. The arm that’s wrapped around your waist pulls you closer. He kisses all over your face, his smirk turning into a fond smile at your giggles, and the feel of your arms wrapping around him to pull him even closer to you.
He loves these moments, loves when you whisper sweet nothings in his ear while rubbing his chest, finger stroking the planes of his body, holding him close to you. Often times, these moments also leads to more sexual rendezvous. He’ll slip his hand between your thighs to finger you till you cum with his name on your lips, or suck your tits under his your shirt while you give him a handy through his pants. And sometimes it’ll lead to him fucking you again just so he can hear all the dirty little words you still have for him. Anything to hear those beautiful, fulfilling words fall from your mouth.
‘You make me feel so good, Miguel.’
And what Miguel doesn’t know, is that most times you can see right through him. You can see his desire to want to know how good he makes you feel. How he’ll want you to express just how much you need him. How much you want him.
So in the middle of your litany of praises, you’ll climb over his lap, slow and sensual. You’ll tug his sweatband to free his cock and you’ll ride him just like that. Your hands cupping his face, hips grinding slowly and intimately against his with your mouth never ceasing the onslaught of love ridden words.
You love him.
And you have no problem letting him know.
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Hello hello!! Was wondering if you’d be interested in writing a fic where r loves to cuddle and play around w Sirius in his animagus form, but perhaps he gets a bit too excited and scratches or shoves her too hard? Thought this could turn out super cute 🤭 thank you!
This was so fun, thanks for requesting lovely! I did it with whimsical reader, hope that's okay <3
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 1.2k words
When you get home, your dog is waiting for you on the porch. 
“Hi, puppy!” Your delight is obvious in your voice, and he grins at you (can dogs grin? You’re not sure, but this one does) as he bounds down the couple of steps to meet you halfway. 
Your fingers find the spot between his shoulders automatically. His tail starts wagging, snout resting against your forearm almost affectionately. For the past few days, you’ve come home to find this strange dog by your house, seemingly awaiting your arrival, with no collar or caretakers in sight. You’d be worried for him if he didn’t seem so well cared for. His black coat is always shiny and clean, and he doesn’t look underfed like you might expect a stray to be. For only having known each other a few days, you’ve become fast friends. 
“Puppy puppy puppy,” you murmur contentedly, using both hands to scratch behind his ears and all down his back. The dog reacts with a pleased sort of complacence, as though this is the sort of treatment he knows he deserves. It reminds you of something you can’t place. “How was your day? Are you hungry at all?”
Hungry must be a word he knows, because the dog perks up, licking your hand eagerly. 
You beam at him. “Yeah? I have some chicken in the fridge, would you like that?” 
This time, he gives a short bark. 
“Okay, let’s go.” You walk towards the door, patting your thigh for him to follow. “Gosh, you’re just the handsomest boy I’ve ever met. Don’t tell my boyfriend I said that, though. Maybe don’t tell him I’m letting you inside either.” Sirius is a bit odd about having animals in your home; that one time you brought in a snake you found in your garden, his face had gone so white you worried he was going to fall over and hurt himself. 
Your new friend follows you inside and into the kitchen without so much as glancing around, like in your home is somewhere he’s supposed to be. If you get any more attached to him, that might be a case you have to make to Sirius at some point. A dog this lovely just should not be forced to stay outdoors when he’s so comfortable in here. He’s clearly a kindred spirit. 
“All right.” You fish out a skinny piece of chicken from last night’s leftovers, holding it out to him. You plan to lower it close to his mouth, but the dog jumps up, snatching it from your fingers with a click of his teeth. “Oh!” you startle. “Um, good boy.” 
He gives you another one of his signature canine grins, wagging his tail for more. You give him a few more pieces before you cut him off, but the dog seems just as happy being pet, soaking up your praises and rolling over to encourage you to rub his belly. 
“Oh, you’re so sweet, you’re my handsomest boy, aren’t you?” you coo as his back leg kicks excitedly. “Are you the best boy in the whole world, my sweet baby? Okay, fine, one more bite of chicken.” 
You stand up to retrieve it, and the dog rolls over, jumping up to meet you. You squeal as he licks your face, but then his paw slips, short claw marking a harsh line down your collar and chest. He whimpers softly when you flinch, dropping back to the ground remorsefully. 
“Sorry.” You’re not sure what you’re apologizing for, but you extend the piece of chicken as a peace offering. 
The dog tucks his tail between his legs. 
“It’s okay.” You crouch in front of him, still holding out the chicken. “It was an accident. It didn’t even hurt.” 
You could swear that was apology in the dog’s big black eyes as he takes a step toward you. He takes the chicken gently between his teeth, munching on that before licking your hand. 
You smile at him, but when you reach for his head to scratch his ears, he turns and trots out of the room. 
“Hey!” You stand up, watching as he goes right out the open front door, disappearing from sight. You give a weak whistle. “Come here, puppy, it’s okay!” 
The dog doesn’t come back. You sigh, confused and a tad hurt, but put the chicken away and close the fridge. You shut the front door, too, but no sooner do you do that than you hear a key in the lock, and then your boyfriend is pushing it back open. 
“Hi!” Your mood is immediately righted, a light sort of contentedness inflating in your chest. 
“Hey, sweetness.” Sirius runs a hand through his hair, oddly ruffled from a wind you must not have noticed outside. He starts for you, but then his eyes drop to your chest. “What happened there?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing.” You wave a hand, but Sirius’ eyes are sad as he comes closer. The scratch is shallow, not even really bleeding, but from the delicate way he touches your shoulder you’d think you’d been stabbed through with a broadsword. “I was playing with a dog—outside, playing with him—and he jumped on me.” 
Your boyfriend’s eyes flicker up to yours at the fib, something that could be amusement or knowing or both in them, but you tell yourself it couldn’t be either. Then it passes, and his mouth purses sorrily. “Oh, no,” he says, thumb sweeping over your shoulder sympathetically. “Does it hurt?”
“Not really. It just stings, a little.” 
He pouts. “We should probably clean it so it doesn’t get infected. That dog really got you, huh?” 
“I think he felt bad afterward,” you say, letting him pull you towards the bathroom. “It was an accident, he just got excited.” 
Sirius nods ardently. “Can hardly blame him for that. Who wouldn’t get a little overexcited, with the world’s prettiest girl paying them attention?” 
You smile at him, and he slides a hand along your jaw, kissing you. “Still can’t believe the fucker hurt you, though.” 
“Oh, don’t be mean. He’s really a very good dog.” 
“I’m not doubting that, babe. Even good dogs can slip up sometimes.” 
“Yeah?” You tilt your head at him as he smears ointment on your scratch. “I didn’t think you were a dog person.” 
Sirius gives a sharp bark of laughter that turns into a cough. “No?” 
“Not really, no.” 
“Well, I am.” 
“Hm.” You think on this, pondering how you might convince him to let your new friend stay with you (if that happens, you’ll have to actually give the dog a name) while he stretches a thin bandage over your scratch. In your experience, if you ask really very nicely, Sirius tends to be amenable to most things you want. 
“There.” He presses a gentle kiss over the top edge of the bandage. “Like it never happened.” 
You smile and reach for him, letting a piece of silken hair run through your fingers. “Thanks for patching me up, Siri.” 
He grins. “Course, lovely girl. Anything else you’d like to call me?” 
You tilt your head, feeling your brows furrow bemusedly. “Honey?” 
Sirius frowns. He turns and goes from the room, muttering something that sounds like, “...called me nicer things when I was a dog.” 
“What?” you call after him. 
“Nothing, sweetness!”
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jellinuy · 3 months
(saw your announcement so imma get this in real fast) post jjk! ( everyone lives bc gege is a menace) gojo, reader, and suguru living together :3
( roommates! )
౨ৎ incl. satoru and suguru.
౨ৎ a/n. first time i've actually written something that's NOT a drabble in like forever. can't decide on a format!! also i thought of reader being like their shoko, so this is completely platonic! urrghhh sorry this took me forever
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living with the strongest duo would include...
Big house, first of all, because Satoru bought it. I’m talking, like, the three of you live in a penthouse, big.
Two VERY different sides of the house. Satoru's messy room consisting of strewn socks on the floor and food containers littered across his desk and an unmade bed and not a single cell in his brain to fix any of it until you or Suguru get on his ass: he says he has other things to worry about.
On the other hand, Suguru is something of a nagging mother when it comes to his sector of the house. Clean sheets every week, clothes in the hamper immediately after taking them off, shoes in his closet in a neat row, etc. You and Satoru like to joke about him having OCD.
Late night snack runs!! It usually starts with one of you complaining about being hungry at an ungodly hour, way too late for snacks but craving snacks anyway. It’s usually Satoru who gets you two up by video calling you from his room, making noise until you can’t take it anymore and decide to get up.
Suguru does most of the cooking. Satoru isn’t bad at it, per se, but he’s too lazy to try and so are you, let alone make big enough batches for three people.
Suguru is also lazy at times, but less than Satoru, so you two designated him as your personal chef.
Of course, there are always days when none of you feel like cooking — those are Satoru’s favorite days. You’ll order takeout (with his money), heaped in a tangle of legs and arms across the couch as you eat and binge watch whatever you three happen to find.
Suguru usually makes you guys lunch for work or school if you ask. Or even if you don’t.
Pillow fights! Or any kind of play-fight that involves throwing things at each other. They're usually initiated by Satoru when the mood strikes, and he'll literally beat you and Suguru over the head with pillows until the stuffing is everywhere or until you physically can't breathe.
A group chat! Satoru’s a frequent texter, Suguru not so much, whether it’s to show you two a picture of a stray cat he found, to ask what’s for dinner, or to beg for something.
Strangely though, when you or Suguru question him on why the trash isn’t taken out, he goes quiet.
Those two are the kind of boys who come into your room to knock something over and just leave without closing your door.
Movie nights are a must on weekends, unless one of you is extremely busy. That’s how the three of you unwind without really saying you need to unwind. You cuddle up on the couch in pajamas in one big messy heap and turn on a movie (based on who wins rock-paper-scissors) with a mountain of sugary and salty and spicy snacks at your disposal.
The three of you trust each other completely, so deep conversations are occasional, but comfortable. Neither of them would judge you for crying or being anxious or anything, and vice versa. When you need a hug, they’re there for that, too.
It’s not rare for the three of you to share a bed, or even cuddle. Granted, it took some getting used to at first, but now none of you find it weird, and it’s comforting to have a 6 foot heated body pillow, especially during the winter.
You three have an insane amount of inside jokes, and you bicker like siblings. Anyone who doesn’t get it would probably be concerned how much you insult each other.
“Shut the fuck up Suguru, didn’t you used to swallow balls?”
���Oh, shit.”
“Satoru, aren’t you still a virgin??”
“Fuck you! Y/N, what the hell are you laughing at, didn’t your date flake on you the other day??”
“Suck my dick!”
And then you’ll go back to whatever you were doing before like it didn’t even happen.
Whenever you or Suguru need to go shopping, you usually ask Satoru to Cashapp you before you go. He pretends to put up a fight, but to a guy who sees $2,000 as pocket change, he really doesn’t care. Hell, take one of his cards, go nuts.
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yeahtimesten · 27 days
18+, mdni
on a night that patrick zweig is visiting your dorm, you take a shower in your attached bathroom. you both have just finished each other off and you’re ready to wash off the smell of sex and the muck of the day before bed.
you’ve done a good job of setting the mood while you wash yourself. the lights are off, a wild rose & suede candle is lit, and your shower mixed cd is playing sade’s no ordinary love on your portable speaker. sensual, sultry, and succulent. the hot steam leaking out from the shower door entices patrick to join you in the bathroom…
to take a piss right next you in your toilet.
“what the fuck pat,” you sigh. “get out of here!! you’re ruining the vibes.”
“relax, i’m just pissing before i join you.” he looks over at you and smirks. “unless, you really want me to leave you alone.” he’s sure you wouldn’t tell him to fuck off after the way he just… fucked you off. even if he’s totally disgusting you right now.
“the showers too small,” you look at him with a slight pout, but he finishes his business and slides open the shower door anyways.
“come on, stanford will thank me for conserving the water.” he crawls into the shower with you. he’s looking around at all your shampoos, conditioners, body scrubs, the bush of eucalyptus hanging off your shower head. it’s a shame the shower heads not detachable, and the water pressure is ass, he thinks. must be why she jumps me every time i come around.
“i told you it’s cramped in here,” you smirk at him as he snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you close. he rests his forehead on yours and looks deep into your entrancing irises. you’re staring right back, butterflies in your stomach, riding the high from ride you took on him about 20 minutes ago.
“we’ll make room,” he whispers. “switch me.” you oblige, and slide past him, your bodies pressed against each other. the lack of water falling on you feels uncomfortable at first, but the steam from the boiling water keeps you warm and relaxed. out of your eye sight, he grabs something from your hanging shower caddy.
“hey, that’s my loofa,” you whine. “get your own.” but you’re just teasing, messing with him. but he’s not in the mood for jokes.
he doesn’t break eye contact as he lathers it up with your favorite scented soap. it’s his favorite as well. he loves to smell it on you.
your breath hitches as he presses your cute pink loofa on your stomach, lightly tracing circles around your belly button. you look down and watch the soap lather, before you look back up at him. he looks hungry but he’s patient. with one hand, he’s scrubbing you, and the other he’s tracing your body with his fingertips. he makes his way up your breasts. he grabs the side of your left boob and scales his thumb over your nipple. he’s biting his lip, and you can tell he’s in the mood again, but he’s finishing his duty, cleaning up the mess he made of you earlier this night.
he kneels down in front of you, still refusing to break eye contact. he’s working on your legs now, starting from your ankles, your left and then your right, taking his sweet ass time while he works his way up. he’s at your knees now and you’re really starting to feel it. feeling teased. you’re letting him play the long game, but it’s becoming painful. eventually he reaches your mid thigh, then he’s pushing his hand into your upper thighs, forcing you to spread your legs for him a bit.
you’re not sure what possesses you to, but you grab your shampoo. he’s looking at you a bit dumbfounded, but you reach down and start to lather it into his hair. at first he slows down working on you, but he continues, his fingers barely brushing your clit. your heart is beating fast. you love and hate this feeling. is he being patient or is he teaching you patience? your head is flung back at this point.
you feel his hot breath on you, now. as his mouth cups around your vagina. your legs spread more for him, and a sigh escapes your lips. you gently scratch his scalp as you latch onto his curls and he’s practically purring into you. his tongue brushes against your clit and your knees become weak. fuck he’s so good. you feel wetter by the second, not just due to the shower pouring onto you.
he’s forgotten the loofa now, and his hands are snaking up your legs to your ass. grabbing, jiggling, rubbing. he’s obsessed, worshipping your body in its entirety. he sees you as a goddess, he’ll sacrifice his whole being for the taste of you, the touch of you, the love from you.
he’s done with the teasing. he’s lapping you up with his tongue, and you’re absolutely coming undone on top of him. your moans bless his ears, he’ll work so hard to hear you say his name. he adjusts the position of his arm to return his hand to your pussy, and he starts curling into your cunt with two fingers.
“fuck, patrick, oh my god.” there it is. your sweet voice turned gravelly over his touch. this is what he lives for. “just like that, baby, i’m gonna cum.” he knows it’s foolish to go faster or harder or change anything about his motion. he takes your words like an order. just like that, he keeps going.
he reaches that sweet spot, and it sends you over the moon. now, you’ve come completely undone. he slows down, not really to give up the taste of you. until finally, your huffs of breath calm down, and he meets you back at his normal height. you’re speechless, and your chest, still lathered in suds, is heaving, but his eyes aren’t leaving your face. it’s totally flush, your body heat caught on your cheeks and your vagina still. he has you pulsating and your legs are jelly.
he takes a step towards you, and his hard cock presses against your abdomen, your breasts against his chest. you wrap your soft manicured hands around his shaft and slowly run it up and down his length. he feels complete honor that you let him choose the polish color last time you got them done, as you prepped for his visit.
what color nails do you want to see wrapped around your dick, baby? you had texted him just yesterday. he sent you money for your full set plus a pedicure, as well as a generous tip for your nail lady.
and speaking of tips, you run your thumb over the ridge of his, and he enthralls you into a kiss that starts off sweet, as a few pecks, but turns deep and passionate in seconds.
“i love you,” he says. and it’s the first time.
and maybe to some people that would be a red flag, being told ‘i love you’ for the first time during a sexual encounter. but after the way he’s treated you so far during his visit, the texts and calls he gave you as you awaited the arrival of his train, the luxurious dress he bought you with a dinner date to match, and all the other gifts he’s collected over the last month to bring back to you as he travels the country. you believe he means it with everything in him.
“i love you too.”
despite his throbbing cock waiting desperately for attention in your hands, he’s not ready to take you for another round yet. he and you rinse off and hop out of the shower. your towel is wrapped around you and you flop onto your bed. you unwrap it, revealing your perfect body for him, fully expecting him to jump on top of you and fuck into you again. you’re ready.
but instead, he grabs the lotion, scent complimentary to your soap, from your dresser. you look up at him and he looks down at you. he starts popping your toes, much to your surprise. it’s heartwarming and so extremely intimate. smiling up at him, you feel a different kind of warmth come over you. when you said you loved him back, you meant it. and the feeling washing over you in this moment proves it. you’re blushing, and a huge smile paints his face, his cheeks as rosy as yours.
he takes your lotion and squirts some into his hands. he starts with your feet, lightly massaging the bottom of them. he kisses your big toe before he leverages your ankle over his shoulder. he works his way up your legs again, just as he did in the shower. the scent is turning him ravenous, animalistic. and the way you’re looking up at him with all the sweetest in the world, it’s driving him up the wall. his cock is still rock hard as he rubs you down. not like it takes much from you to cause these types of effects on his body. you could look at him and he’s chubbing up.
he’s discarded your bottle of lotion by now and he’s crawling on top of you, digging into the crook of your neck. and you’re feeling as crazy about him as he is about you.
he feels accomplished, he’s primped and preened and pampered you for round two.
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
Blue Frosting
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Birthday Boy! Huening Kai x Reader
summary: Short n' sweet fic for Kai's 22nd birthday!
content: smut, fem.reader, marking, food play, oral (m. rec)
word count: 600
Your introvert of a boyfriend, Kai, insisted to do nothing for his birthday. Kai did spend the night before with the boys celebrating with them, going to a bar, getting stuffed with Korean bbq, so it made sense that he just wanted to have a cuddle fest with his girlfriend. So there you two were covered with blankets and surrounded by new plushies as you watch the TV lazily.
Getting hungry you get up to get leftover cake. The dessert was destroyed from the two of you nibbling away at it. The strong structure was tilting, blue icing melting down revealing the vanilla cake, the top had a partial white frosted '2' from the '22'. You grab a slice to drown back down on the sofa next to Kai. You dug a piece of cake giving it to Kai's mouth and did the same to you until you were both laughing at each other’s blue stained smiles. Leaning in to get a taste of your boyfriend mixed with icing, the innocent kiss goes from one to two, to many, and then to a full on make-out session.
Cake discarded on the coffee table, you straddle the birthday boy holding him tightly. Not surprised with the turn of event, you both quickly dispose of your clothes so that you can start humping your wet pussy on his free cock. But what kind of girlfriend would you be if you didn't make this all about him on his special day. You slightly fight when you raise your body and Kai's hands grip your hips to stay down, you insisted which he eventually complies. Rough kisses from his lips spread down to his jaw then his neck down to his collarbones. Kai sinks down on the sofa allowing a full canvas for your blue lips to leave purple marks on his skin. Your eyes dart to the lonesome cake next to you giving you an idea.
Kai was too far gone in your kisses and touches that he doesn't realize your next move until he feels something plop on his stomach. His eye open looking down to see your childlike grin as you spread the birthday cake all over his abdomen. You felt yourself getting wetter at the sight of the man, he's grown into his features nicely with his broad body, sharp yet smooth face, contrasting with his bangs still showing his shyness. Although he is growing fast he is still your quirky and sexy penguin.
Leaning down to clean it all up with your tongue Kai's head relaxes back moaning, squirming under the touch of your tongue. You hum at the nice texture of his soft abs with the sweet taste of icing. Your now blue fingertips roam throughout his body feeling Kai tense and relax. His hips jolt forward when you lower down his happy trail. "y/n, baby, p-please"
With another scoop of frosting you decorate the prettiest candle, his dick. The baby blues of the icing went so well with the bright pink of his dick tip. The precum dripped down mixing with the sweet coating. Oh how good this is going to taste. A loud moan comes from the man's lips as your lips wrap around his mushroom tip. Deep throating him getting all the frosting off at once. You let him fuck your throat as you massage his balls. His lovely hands tug at your hair as you listen to the lewd sounds of the beautiful man. Ropes of cum shoot down your throat and you drink up every last drop.
"Happy Birthday, Angel"
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling, @incogrio
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azsazz · 11 months
Cherries, Juniper, and Orange Slices
Daddy!Eris x Reader
Summary: This one is a req from @acourtofmenandthirst: Eris' daughter drawing his scars on her doll.
Warnings: Mentions of scars.
Word Count: 1,639
Eris peeks his head into the room, amber eyes drifting towards the cot his son, Rook, is currently crying in. The young boy, hardly a year old, has an iron grip on the bars caging him inside the intricately carved wood of his bed. Thick vines and leaves cut into the dark lumber, choked by his little fingers.
Tears stream down Rook's chubby cheeks and Eris coos, pushing into the room. Sunlight creeps in through the light linen curtains. The stained glass creation hung in the window casts colorful shadows across the creamy yellow of the walls. 
“My poor son,” Eris huffs dramatically, lifting Rook from his cradle. He’s clothed in only his nappy, reaching up to cling onto his father’s pressed shirt as if he’ll never let go again. 
Eris hopes he doesn’t. His children are growing up much too fast.
Rook sniffles, resting his head in the crook of Eris’ neck, and hiccups. Eris pats soothing motions into his son's bare skin, peppering his freckled cheeks with loving kisses as he calms his youngest child down. He rocks the little boy, waltzing up to the big windows and pushes the curtains open, letting the afternoon sun shine in full force. The room overlooks the small orchard in the back of his quaint home. Trees he’s planted himself with help from you and your daughters, an important tradition to your family. 
It started on your first date. Eris had already known you were the one—love at first sight—and kept his home away from home a secret from his family, only using it to escape Beron’s throes when he really needed it. Briar, he named it. He had cooked you a hearty meal with the most expensive, luxurious wine he could find, and after a delightful dinner, he’d walked you through the nearly empty rolling hills behind his home, hand-in-hand.
You’d commented how the fields needed more trees and had gushed on and on about what he could do with the space. His shadow hounds had run by your feet, chasing each other through the ankle-high grasses, and he’d immediately taken you to his mount and settled you in front of him, taking the both of you into town to purchase some seeds. 
It has been tradition ever since. Birthdays, anniversaries, births, deaths, any and all celebrations the both of you would go into the yard and plant a tree. Maude loves her cherry trees with all her heart, and Eris is convinced the only reason his daughter ventures outside is to pluck the fruit off the trees and stuff herself silly, stumbling back into the house with stained fingers and lips.
A juniper tree for his other daughter, Juniper. This one was harder to acquire, but thriving well in the backyard, closest to the home. June doesn’t seem to understand the value of the tree yet, but someday, Eris knows that she will.
And a sweet orange tree for his little boy Rook. It had been one of your cravings when you were pregnant with him, and to plant the tree only seemed fitting. Rook devoured any little orange bits he was given with the biggest smile on his face.
He makes a grabby hand for the tree, smart enough to know where his favorite treats are from. 
“You hungry, little man?” Eris asks, and Rook babbles in response. He lifts his son, blowing raspberries on his bare stomach that has cheerful giggles bursting through the room. Rook’s auburn eyes shine up at his father, laughing only harder when Eris catches a whiff of his nappy, grimacing. “Alright baby, let’s get you all cleaned up first.”
“Why is our son naked?” you muse, allowing Eris to press a kiss to your cheek while you scoop the last of the cookie dough onto the tray. Your mate and daughters had been helping you, but the girls had been more interested in eating the batter their father kept sneaking them, so you shooed them away to play with their dolls while the cookies baked and you patted Eris on the butt as he went to check on Rook. 
Your son keens, pressing his own open mouthed kiss to your cheek. It’s all slobber and suction, but you can’t help the beaming smile that splits your cheeks anyway. 
“Because he keeps burning them off, Fawn,” Eris answers you, nose wrinkling as he turns to the babe, “Isn’t that right buddy?”
Rook screeches in excitement as his father tickles his stomach. It isn’t abnormal for your son’s power to be flaring up with his emotions. You’d gone through similar situations with Maude and Juniper around this age as well. You still have the burn marks of waddling feet branded into the wood to prove it.
Placing the tray of cookies into the oven, you reach out to take Rook from your mate. “Such a little stinker,” you tease, bopping your youngest on the nose. He retaliates by grabbing a fistful of your hair and you curse mentally, knowing you should’ve tied it out of his reach. 
“Where are the girls?” Eris asks, peeking around the kitchen for any leftover cookie dough. In his mission to steal as much as he could for his daughters, he’d forgotten to sneak a taste for himself. The mixing bowl sits soapy in the sink and he deflates a little.
“Coloring in the den,” you answer, eyes twinkling. Your stomach swoops still at the sight of Eris, even more so whenever he interacts with his children. You knew he was loving, but seeing him like this, completely at ease with no worries tightening his shoulders, he looks ethereal. “Why don’t you get them washed up for some cookies?”
“Yes, please,” Eris says, stealing a kiss from you. Rook squeals and you swoon.
Leaving Rook with you, Eris takes off into the next room. He finds Maude and Juniper spread out on the floor, their coloring supplies strewn about. Thylix and Codon, two of his hounds, laze around both girls, having taken it upon themselves to become their guards. They hardly leave his daughters alone, often choosing to sleep beside their beds at night, though Eris knows his daughters let them jump into bed with them as soon as the door shuts behind him. 
“What are my baby girls drawing in here?” Eris asks, tiptoeing forward. They startle and the hounds’ ears perk up at the sound of their master, but they don’t move. His daughters look up at him with those big, round russet eyes, and Eris knows immediately that they’re doing something they shouldn’t be.
“Daddy,” Maude pouts, hiding something in front of her. Eris’ brows furrow as he wonders what she’s keeping from him, but her younger sister, Juniper, holds her doll up in the air, proudly. 
“Daddy!” June yells, pushing up onto wobbly legs and racing towards him. Eris scoops her up and she squeals, bringing her doll with her, showing off her artwork to her father. Marker streaks across the face of her plaything, reds, oranges, and pinks adorning the cheeks and dress, across the doll’s eye.
“What’s this, Junie?” Eris asks, admiring her artistic abilities. There’s potential, but if she’s going to continue her artistic streak, he better get her something more appropriate to color on. Maybe sign her up for one of the local—or Night Court—art classes.
“It’s Daddy,” she answers, beaming up at her father. His heart swells, but he doesn't seem to be comprehending what Juniper is trying to convey.
He looks around his middle daughter to his oldest, still in her spot on the ground. Her cheeks are pinked with a blush and she’s pouting at her little sister for ruining the surprise.
“Care to explain, Maude?” Eris asks, though he’s not really sure if he wants the answer.
She sighs, shoving up to her feet. She holds up her doll in front of her face like she’s going to get in trouble for what she’s done, but Eris doesn’t understand why.
Until Maude explains. “We drew your scars on our dollies,” she says, and it all clicks. The one across his cheekbone from when Beron has nicked him purposefully with the edge of his sword before he set foot into his first war. His father had said the scar would help him relate to his legion the more roughed up he looked. 
Another, peeking out from the strap of the doll's dress, right above her heart. It’s a rendition of the brand on his chest, another gift from his father. He tries not to let his children see his scars, especially that one in particular, but she must’ve seen it when she’d crawled into your bed after a nightmare perhaps.
Eris’ eyes prickle but he blinks the emotion away. His throat is thick, and he distracts himself by taking a second look at Juniper's toy. Upon catching her fathers gaze on the doll, Maude speaks again. “Junie drew Uncle Lulu’s eye scars on hers. I told her we were supposed to be drawing only yours, but she didn’t listen,” Maude huffs a little, annoyed that her younger sister didn’t follow her direction.
“That’s…that’s very thoughtful, Junie,” Eris places a chaste kiss on her forehead and she grins. “You both did such a wonderful job.”
“You’re not…mad?” Maude asks, staring up at him nervously.
Juniper kicks her legs, trying to escape Eris’ grip. He lets her down and she abandons her doll, racing for the kitchen where she can hear you talking to her brother.
Eris kneels, taking Maude’s hand in his and tugging her into his chest for a hug. “No, Maude, I’m not upset. I’m impressed.” 
“You really like it?” she asks shyly, pulling back so she can look him in the eyes.
Eris nods once, firmly. “I love it, Maude. You made me look perfect.”
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milkycarnations · 3 months
HC's for the creeps aftercare after a rough night with their SO?
A rough night or a rough night? ;) Let's do both. Please keep sending stuff to my inbox I'm obsessed. For context, the sfw ones still apply in the nsfw context lol. I wanted the sfw ones to apply even in the context of just going through some tough shit.
Makes you breakfast the next day - let's you pick. Or gets something for you if you prefer something from a cafe/restaurant/fast food chain.
You want a sausage egg McMuffin and breakfast ends in three minutes? He's gonna find a way to get you that sandwich.
He really believes in food as comfort and love, so whatever you prefer he wants to make happen.
Can't stop staring at you. Like, it's almost disturbing how his eyes are on you constantly.
Prefers if you don't get dressed, but if you must, would ask you to wear a long t-shirt or a slip.
In this moment, you could literally ask him to do anything for you - and he would. Use that information however you please. He just wants to pamper you.
Won't let you go until you ask him to, even if he's lying in bed all day.
When you're genuinely bothered or upset by something, he can soften up and be really good support for whatever it is.
If cuddling for very long isn't your thing, then he's content just being near you.
This man is so smug.
Of course, if you're in sub drop or anything, he's going to go easy on you, but the back and forth between you doesn't really stop. He will bring up whatever happened and kind of keep that going - even if you're a bit embarrassed now that you came.
Really - he just wants to work you up all over again and keep the game going for just a little bit longer. I really do believe he's a mean dom and really does get off on humiliating you. He will remind you of everything embarrassing you did for him.
Makes you drink a glass of water - even if you say you aren't thirsty. He knows you're dehydrated.
If you're hungry now, he'll make you a meal, but he's not opposed to waiting. He makes you what you like the most, whether that's from that restaurant you like or just Kraft mac n' cheese.
He knows what he's doing and he already has everything set up. He's cleaning you up with a warm towel before you can even catch your breath. He doesn't want you to get an infection, after all.
Usually spitting praises and compliments to you.
Often suggests a bath together - even though he can't fit in the tub at all.
Now is the perfect time for adventure. Wants to go on a night walk.
Just wants to go out and do things with you alone in nature - pretend to not exist to the rest of society with you.
You'll walk down the empty 2 am street and just talk about whatever's on your mind. Sit on the swings at the park and kick rocks enjoying each other's company.
His aftercare is horny.
He'll still be touching you in ways, or still be inside of you.
He's a biter and finds himself still giving little nibbles to your neck, but when he finally stops, he catches himself running his fingers over the love bites.
It's all fervent and reckless, but not neglectful. I don't really know how else to describe it like that. Toby loves like a teenage boy loves his first girl friend - unabashed and adventurous - even though he's an adult now.
He's a rock. Your rock, but still a rock. I don't imagine it's easy to get him all empathetic, but he's still there for your struggles.
Encourages more of an activity - cooking a meal together, smoking, whatever it may be.
I'll be honest, I think sex with him is very primal and animalistic. He's not too keen on you cleaning yourself up immediately after, so if you're cuddling he'll try to convince you to sit in it.
Obviously he won't force you, he just thinks it's hot when you get physically exerted over something. It plays into this dynamic of sneaky, taboo sex where you get off and then go along with your day pretending nothing happened. Might not be there emotionally, but again - he'll ask if you want to go out and do something.
He definitely feels with you the most. Whatever emotions you're going through, he parrots them very easily.
A back rubber. Just constantly running his fingers over your back in gentle caresses. Wipes your tears gently, if you have any. Pokes your cheeks when you smile.
In regards to sex, Liu always makes you a cup of tea after. He's narrowed down your preferences (but I always like to think he'd give you unsweetened peppermint tea - unless you don't like it).
Prefers silent cuddles after sex. Usually this lasts for about half an hour (unless it's right before bed.)
You probably fell asleep while watching movies or something. The movie is still playing when you wake up.
A moment for self-care and pampering. Pedicures, facials, and backrubs. Real stereotypical "girl" stuff - even if you aren't a girl. She wants the sleepover experience with you.
I imagine her aftercare for sex is very similar.
She doesn't want you to dress, but if you do, she insists you wear a cute matching robe with her and fuzzy slippers.
Lots of pillow talk - she really isn't content with just being quiet and cuddling.
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plan3tstarr · 6 months
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Last Night Cravings
A/N: so um im wanna be like an officially yk smut acc so ofc i have to try and keep up the post so here y'all go!! making smut w/some ayesha erotica playing def gets the creative flowing!! i hope y'all enjoy this olderbf!geto x y/n smut i made in class ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི as always so sorry for spelling mistakes, english is sadly my 1st language so it might not be as good but its def something! love ya ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི!૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི lmk who yall want next ྀིྀིྀིྀིྀི
Summary: You're in your room and horny so you decided to tease your boyfriend Geto with teasing him with some sexting. Soon he comes over and gets snuck into your room wasting no time fucking the shit outta you.
Warnings: sexual facials, dirty talk, praising & degrading, pentane, rough oral & vaginal sex, hair-pulling, face/throat-fucking(in a sense), fingering, late at night sex
WC: 2,508
AO3 Link
It was 2:12am and you couldn't sleep. You were horny and it was eating you alive. So you decided to text your boyfriend, Geto, well really sext him. It was just your horny mind writing whatever it could think of. Soon he hit you with "I'm coming over." But, how was he gonna get in? It was far too late for your parents to let Geto. But you didn't want to sneak out plus he lived a good walking distance away from you. It would be morning by the time you come back. Your parents would be questioning whereabouts and you didn't want to deal with that. Soon you saw headlights coming closer towards your house making you making excited and hornier. You looked out your window and saw Geto standing down there with a smile on his face. The only issue was your house was a 2-story and your room was on the on the second floor. But thankfully, your father had a ladder on standby that you used. He climbed his way up fast and looked you in the eyes with hungry eyes. He placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you closer, kissing you hungrily. Holding you close, his tongue danced with yours. You walked backwards, while kissing him before you fell onto your bed. He climbed onto of your looking at you with the same hungry, horny eyes from before, admiring your pretty face.
"You made me pretty horny love, I really wanna fuck this shit outta your tight little pussy. Is that fine princess?" He whispered in a low tone. You could feel your cheeks warming up in response. You shook your head flustered. You could feel your pool of wetter grower bigger down there. He came closer towards you and went back to kissing you like a mad man. Kissing you even more hungrily, his tongue shoving inside your throat, his saliva mixing with yours. Your breasts squeezing against his chest as he grew closer towards you. He went lower, placing his hand onto your cheeks again, he kissed your neck, sucking and nibbling on it a bit. Leaving little hickeys on your neck. He went lower and lower with each kiss until he hit that special spot. Shivers went your body as he placed his kiss at the tip of your underwear. The pool grew bigger. He placed his cold hand on your inner thigh while the other one removed your underwear. His warm breath tickled your wet cunt.
Next thing you knew was his wet, sloppy tongue licking the inside of your walls. He didn't waste any time. His tongue swirling inside of your, cleaning you out again. He grabbed your thighs, his grip tight, pulling you vigorously closer towards him. Leaving you no time to react. A loud moan escaped from your mouth as you grabbed a scoop of his hair, pushing his tongue deeper inside of you. Juices flowing out of you as his slipped a finger inside of you, fingerfucking you. His tongue and finger created the prefect sensation inside of you making you moan as he covered your mouth with his open hand. 
"Shh. You're making too much noise, can't have your parents catching me fucking their innocent little girl." He mumbled between your legs. 
A second finger slipped in as replacement of his tongue as it placed on your sensitive bud. Your grip tighten on his hair. His finger increased on pace as his tongue danced on your clit. 
"I love the way you moan for me like a slut when I fuck you so good. It gets me harder love." He mumbled. 
The vibrations sent shivers down your back. Your eyes rolled back as his fingered fuck the shit outta your wet hole, creating a wet noise. You could feel an orgasm coming, your breath getting heavier in his hand. 
"You're tight love." He said as he removed his head away from you wet bud, looking you dead in the eyes. He brought his head back up at your level, staring at you with a shit-eating grin as he looked down.
"Look at you taking my fingers so well," they went deeper at an angle. "Taking me like a good slut, huh? I bet it feel good too." Flustered, you nodded in response, moaning and breathing heavily in his hand. "I know the slut feels good, it's what she wanted anyway." He looked back at you before removing his hand and kissing your breath away.
His tongue mixing with yours, allowing you taste yourself. "You taste so good, don't you huh? You little slut." He said before going in for another breath-taking kiss. He went down towards your neck. Your body getting hotter and hotter as you got closer and closer, while his fingers pounded in and out of you at an even faster pace. Breathe getting as heavy as possible, your eyes rolled back as you came harden your boyfriend's fingers as your moans were once again muffled from his hands not allowing them to get as low as possible. He removed his fingers as you caught up with your breath. He looked at you but this time his face and eyes had a cold look to them. He looked at his cum-covered fingers and licked them dry. 
"My turn princess, I wanna cum just like how you did. Hard. Now let's see what that tongue can do."
He lifted you up from the bed and brought you down to your knees on the floor. He looked so much bigger from this point. He stared down at with the same smirk from earlier. The bulge in his pants looked tight even though he was wearing loose pants. You pulled them down with his boxers and his dick sprung out in the open with pre-cum dripping fro his pink tip.
He looked down at you with an agitated look on his face. "What are you waiting for? Suck it like a good girl." You felt your cheeks becoming hotter as you opened your mouth, already getting stuffed with cock. "I want you treat me the same way I treated you and that wet pussy already." You looked up with his dick half-way inside of your mouth up with pre-cum dripping from your bottom lip. "You also wouldn't mind if I got a little rough?" He grabbed a good chunk of your hair. "Right princess?"
You looked at him with watered eyes as he shoved his whole dick inside of your throat. Without hesitation, he started fucking your throat. His dick shoving in and out of your mouth at a fast pace, hitting the back of your throat. Quite literally hitting that lil' dangly thing that swings in the back of your throat. Pre-cum dripping from your bottom lip to your chin as he shoved himself in and out of your throat like a sex toy. You couldn't keep up with his pace. You stared at him with tears dripping down your face and re-filling your eyes. It was blurry but you could still see that same smirk from before on his face. You could hardly breathe with dick filling up your mouth.
"You always look so pretty when I fuck the shit outta you love." He said groaning. Your whimpers muffled as he pushed your head farther, allowing you see his happy trail front up. It felt like a horny fever dream. You were quiet literally gagging on his dick while he made you take it because... "This is what you wanted right? You wanted me to fuck you like the slut you are huh? And you're taking it oh so well princess. I like the things your mouth can do, much better than watching you down some ice cream." His head rolled back as he let out a loud grunt mixed with a slight moan. Your vision started to give up a little as his pace became sloppier. "Fuuckkk." He moaned as his head went back. "Your throat is too good love." He was close and you could tell. With a couple more strokes, he nutted a big one inside of you of your throat. His breath heavy as he looked down at you, he slowing pulled himself outta you, cum dripping off your lips onto your shirt. He let go of your hair, using his free thumb to wipe up some of the dripping cum off of you. 
"Sallow." He said a firm tone. You sallowed the remaining cum inside of your throat and stared back at him with that damn water still in your eyes. He wiped it off and you could see his face clearly now. "Say ahh." You opened your mouth saying "ahhh" as he shoved his cum-covered fingers inside of you. "Now lick up and sallow like a good slut." And that you did, just like a good girl. 
His still hard dick looked at you with its cum covering its now white tip. You wondered how long he could keep it up for. "I hope you know I was joking in those text messages, I want that pussy clenching around this dick pumpkin, I was never playing around. But I wanna try something I've always wanted to try." 
He lifted you up from the ground and placed you back onto the bed. Grabbing onto your right side, he flipped you over so your back is to him. He placed his cold hand on your lower back, lowering your arch. He teased you by rubbing his fingers on your throbbing bud. Soon replacing it with his wet tip. 
"Imma take it nice and slow, don't wanna hurt you by rushing it." 
He gently slid himself inside of you, following by a long groan. His strokes were slow at first. His dick slowly sliding in and out of you at a low pace. He slowly increased his speed. "You alright? Don't want to be hurting you now." You nodded in response. "You can go faster, it's fine." You mumbled. "Alright."
He brung you closer towards him, his balls touching your lower stomach, his speed increased just a bit more. His dick going inside you more at a quicker pace. His tip hitting at your g-spot. You grabbed onto on of his hand that was still holding onto your side. "Faster." You brokenly said into the sheets muffled. He grabbed back onto your arm, as he increased his pace once again. His dick now slamming into your hole. Your walls clenched around his dick as it pounded in and out of you. He grabbed a chunk of your hair again, pulling your head back so you can face him. Your mouth opened and eyes rolled back, he let go of your arm and grabbed your face with his hand, placing his thumb inside of your mouth. He used his other hand to grab both of your hands into a handcuffed form. Tears started to fall down your face again as he made intense eye contact with you. He grunted as he looked you in the eyes as he pounded in and out of you. His eyes had that same cold look from earlier with no mercy in sight. Like he was mad at you, but of course you couldn't make it out clearly with that fucking water back in your eyes. Why did he have to fuck you this good? 
"I bet it feels good huh? Does the slut feels good as I pound inside of her huh?" His breath tickling your ear. You let out a soft loud moan that was quickly covered by his hand whose thumb was in your mouth. "Shh, don't be too loud. Can't have your parents busting in seeing you getting pounded like a dirty whore by me." His whispered in a low tone in your ear. Your eyes rolled back. It felt so good for his dick to being slammed in and out. His grip tighten on your hair as well as yours did on his dick. 
"I bet you feel good. Getting pounded like a slut just like how you wanted. I bet you thought I was joking too, I bet you thought it was as fucking joke. Well now look at you, hair pulled, a big dick slamming into you hard into your tight little pussy, your eyes watering with pleasure, and me having to cover your slutty moan from being too low. Next time, Imma pick you up so my neighbors can properly learn my name. It's what you wanted so, you're gonna take it like a good fucking slut and say nothing about it." You were speechless from his words. Your moans were muffled from his hands. Not a thought came to mind either, it was like his strokes were making you crazy. Your breath started to get heavy. "I bet you're close too. You're heating up my hand princess. I bet this will be the best you ever had too." He groaned in your ear. It was way too much for you. It felt a horny fever dream a 13 year old boy would have during puberty. You couldn't pay any mind to way was truly happening around. You didn't care if you was loud, quiet, out of it or what, all you knew was you were close to cumming and you wanted him to make cum hard again. "Mhmm, you're so tight love. Taking me o-so well. You feel too good love, I might have to spoil you for this. You're gonna make cum inside of you love and I can't have that happening. I think I should cum on that pretty face of yours. You'll look pretty as my personal cum slut." His words hurt hit you hard. Hard towards the pussy, your juices were making a mess between you two. "I bet you want to cum all over this dick too, make a pretty mess over this fat cock huh?" You grabbed onto his arm. Your breath heavy as fuck, you were close and you could feel it. It was like his words were secret sexual magic or something. Whatever it was, it was turning you on much more~ "Come on beautiful, cum for me. Cum nice and hard on this dick princess. You know you want to~" Your eyes rolled as far back as they could as your breaths mixed with a moan as you came hard on your boyfriend. "Good job, princess. Now it's my time."
He pulled back on your hair hard as he shoved his dick outta you. Letting go of your hands and face, his tip covering your face. His breath getting heavy as he nutted all over your face. His grip loosen around your hair as he grabbed your hand again leaning in for a kiss. His tongue slipped inside of your mouth as he kissed you hard. Some of the nut got on his face as he let go of your fully. 
"Let's get you all cleaned up before sunrise so I can be snuck out."
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nokonomi · 11 days
What if Bill Cipher had a little sister? + Bonus Reverse! Gravity Falls Bally
What if Bill Cipher had a little sibling, yes I know he destroyed his home dimension but like what if he formed a version of him into his little sister and make them instantly related? I would imagine them having like some kind of chaos junkie older brother and younger sister calmer girl relationship with each other. Bally knows she can’t scold Bill because well, for one, he formed her, and two! She is the younger sibling here so yeah no. But technically she can still scold him even if it results in a sibling fight. They express their platonic love for each other like that way.
Bally is more mature and calmer for a 12-year old triangular entity that has one eye as well, except she doesn’t have a top hat nor is yellow, she’s purplish-blue and has a dark purple bow on top of her pointy head. Eyelashes are more downwards and soft. Carries a little book around with her universal spells and all that little sh!t. She’s a nerd and she likes to study things about the cosmos.
Did I mention whenever she sings she has a very loud voice it can erupt an entire earthquake in just 3 seconds? Yeah so rule number one, no singing (bill said) Honestly she is very powerful but not as powerful as Bill, she can control matter and space, but not time. So she can basically form whatever she wants (an imaginary boyfriend)
Her spells usually come out in a bluish hue, indicating her rather calmer and insignificant side. She’s more exposed to nature then anything in the entire Galaxy. She’s never killed anyone! Not yet… but she is a well-behaved kid, even if she is billions of years old.
Now since she was formed by Bill, she doesn’t know what happened to her parents, well, not really her parents. But she wishes she had parents. She knows what they look like since she shares an individual mind with Bill. And trust me the clean-up process for her to forget all these memories was not pretty.
Sometimes she’ll make a dimension of her own and maybe spend time in it and remorse about lonely times, sit in a corner and draw her and her brother with their presumed dead parents hugging them both. Sometimes she wishes they could maybe hug her too if she was ever apart of the family when her older brother was younger. She misses them. She misses when she was just a little speck of dust in the universe for some reason before getting formed into a real Euclydian.
Now she doesn’t really talk with Bill much, since he’s too busy with much other sh!t he has to deal with anyways. Sometimes she wishes he had the time to spend time with her, but no! THAT never happened. She knows he’s got “big plans” coming up soon. But she can’t just stop time and make him hangout with her. It’s beyond her control. He formed her because he wanted someone to call “family” since he misses his parents.
But she doesn’t think that he wants her as family. He just didn’t care and formed her to clean up his own messes, which she always ends up doing. Part of that is true, some of it is not. She knows the trauma he has.
Fast forward a billions years later to the near 80s. It had been a long time ever since she saw her brother. Distant and alone and hungry for brotherly bonds and relationship, but they never seemed to happen in the end. That is until her mind peaked at a glimpse of Bill’s plans on Earth. Stanford Pines. A genius. Yes. She could finally find someone to connect to. So she headed down to Earth in a human form of herself to maybe see what her brother was up to. She could’ve done this any time, any day, any century, but no. She didn’t want to disturb her brother. After stumbling across Gravity Falls, Oregon. She mentally located the site Stanford was located at and found it, carefully wandering about it. She noticed that Ford was asleep and she decided to enter the Mindscape and see what his brain was filled with. Man, a genius. He was like her. She saw Bill and Ford playing chess, and once Bill detected her, he rushed over to her and said, “Heya sis! It’s been MILLIONS OF YEARS ever since I last saw ‘ya! How ya been?” He acts as if he had seen her last month. She got frustrated and stormed off, Stanford looked at her in sympathy, poor girl was lost.
Now she got angry because he acted as if he had seen her just last week, and he pretended to actually care when in reality he didn’t. This made her very frustrated, screaming at the top of her lungs as she ripped out pages of books that floated inside of The Mindscape. Bill tries to calm her down, which soothes her. What a fool she was for believing he actually cared for her in the end. She smiled and hugged him gently. Bill introduced Bally to Stanford, “Bally, Stanford! Stanford, Bally!”
Bally looked at Stanford in a curious way and smiled. He might be connected to her in some way in the near future. But when she found that portal they were planning, it ruined her. She knew something. She knew connecting The Mindscape with Earth would result in destruction. She tried stopping Bill. It didn’t work. He manipulated her. She ended up crying and storming off, she never saw Bill and Stanford ever again, assuming they were at their worst points.
Authors note: Man this was a very long lore story to go to! Anyways here’s a drawing of her and Reverse!Gravity Falls AU her! I’m hoping you all enjoyed the lore reading. She might be a bit tad out and cringe but I like her for that. I might change her up later!
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Some facts about Sally and Bally. -Bally likes reading books and using her books to make spells or summon random things. She glows blue whenever she does something incredibly powerful.
-Bally believes Bill didn’t actually care for her, which he didn’t care for her actually. He manipulated her and why should she trust him? -She got cheated out of her own childhood.
-Sally is an ENTP, silly and more extroverted, honestly had no care in the world whatsoever and a chaos junkie like Bill. -Makes fun of Will (Reverse!gravity falls AU Bill Cipher) for being so easily depressed and cries easily. She thinks he’s weak, she actually cares for her older brother.
-Literally the type to say “ROFLMAO!” “LMAO” “LOL XD” “<3” Gen Z type.
-Honestly does not care about Earth or any other dimension. WORKS FOR NOBODY. NOBODY. NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY.
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kamisama1kiss · 3 months
Kai and Cole with a non ninja s/o (I’m the guy that just sent the gender neutral thanks post but we should keep this g/n for everyone 💞) that works with the tech back at the monastery surprising them with a home cooked meal of their fave food after they return from a mission
…and maybe cuddles and video games after
I appreciate your request a lot 🫶 This was definitely more on the fluff side, which I believe we all need more of in life. 🧡
Flaims and Rocks { Supporting one another }
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~Kai Smith~
° Arriving back at the monastery, tried from the mission, he was set out to go on alone since the others had either their own missions or something else.
° He was beat, but walking through the doors to see you again made his heart flame up rather fast.
° Stumbling a tiny in his steps whole making his way over, wrapping his arms around his lovers waist and placing a few feather soft kisses on the back of your neck.
° Would definitely say something in the lines of "Whatcha cooking good looking" with a smug grin on his face.
° Being told it was his favourite meal made him soften up, feeling lucky to have someone so sweet in his life.
° Sitting down at the kitchen island allowing you to do the last bits of preparations, watching you with nothing but admiration in his eyes.
° After eating happily together while chatting about the mission, your day, and / or just laughing with a great time.
° After he helped you clean up the dishes, he went to switch to a more comfortable outfit. Pulling you into his lap as a comfortable silence fell apun the two, hugging for who knows how long? You both fell asleep in the process like cuties.
~Cole Brookstone~
° Yet another mission to tire him out completely, taking a deep breath as he enters the monastery. Being greeted with all too familiar smell makes a goofy grin show in him.
° Waddling into the dining area to see his significant other placing down the last plate before turning to face him, now both smiling at one another.
° "You've been working very hard, and I wanted to surprise you." Flutter your lashes, and he is pudding for you and only you.
° Approaching something like "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it." Speaking as he gently kissed your hairline after he had walked closer to you.
° Sitting down to eat with a happy aura surrinding him even from a mile away, it could be seen. Sitting opposite of him to eat and talk happily about god knows what topics.
° After the most amazing meal, he would happily take the dishes for you! Telling you to wait by the TV for him when he is done cleaning and having changed into more casual clothes. Having been too hungry to even change before eating.
° Entering the TV room as he was plopped down next to you, giving your cheek a small peck before reaching for controls, "Wanna be my player two?"
° Playing games until the both of you passed out somehow on top of each other in a tangled mess. No one had the heart to wake the duo up.
Hope you all enjoyed!!♡
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redmyeyes · 10 months
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Hawk left the election-night party hungry for brown doe eyes and a wide smile with milk-stained lips.
For a moment, when he had brushed past the boy on his way out, Hawk had been sorely tempted. A single nod, and the boy would've followed him out, Hawk was sure of it. They had locked eyes when Hawk was at the door, and the look of unabashed hope on the boy's face had Hawk nearly breaking every rule he'd laid down for himself. First and foremost, never fuck around in the political circles. Or, as they said in the war, don't shit where you eat. Still. He could've had the boy on his knees right this second. Or pressed against a wall. On all fours… He seemed so young. Hawk might have been his first. What an intoxicating thought. To ruin a boy so innocent.
The boy in the bathhouse, from a distance, had the right look about him. Young, and with his cap pulled low, his ears stuck out a bit, almost like— his. Close up, the illusion faded. Face too pimpled, eyes not nearly as luminous, hair too curly, not the adorable mop of straight brown he wanted. Still, when Hawk gripped his jaw and plundered his mouth, he could almost pretend the the boy's moans were from someone else.
Skippy. The name came to him out of nowhere, memory of the boy toasting him with a full glass of milk playing on repeat in his head. Those wide glasses, the milk, the oversized tweed jacket and bowtie. The boy could've been all of twelve years old except for the way he'd looked at Hawk with such playful heat in his eyes. Christ, the way he'd doubled down on that glass of milk when Hawk had given him an incredulous look. That stubbornness. Flirting, without saying a word. And the way he'd basked in Hawk's attention, like he was lit up from inside.
"Your place. Now," he growled into the substitute's mouth. He could pretend, for a little while.
It was too easy to get the kid to take him home. Hawk wanted more of a dance. He wanted protests of, I could never, maybe demands that he be taken to dinner first. As if that were the way of things. Still, the kid was willing, and he got out of his clothes fast, and soon enough Hawk was thrusting into him from behind, as the kid gripped the bedposts.
His Skippy would be tight, not prepared in advance like this grifter. Hawk would have to prep him slow. He'd keep the boy on edge for hours as he worked him open. He'd look at Hawk with those big, wet eyes and beg and beg and beg and Hawk would finally relent, pushing inside so slow as Skippy clawed at his back, his back arching, his eyes clenching shut and Hawk would pause until those eyes opened again, whisper, look at me, keep looking, and he would hold him close, keep grinding in and in and in, breathing each other's air open-mouthed until the boy was moaning and clenching and shuddering and—
Hawk slammed home one last time as he shuddered through his own release, then pushed the kid off him and onto the bed. He was pretty sure the kid had come. He didn't much care.
Hawk sat on the edge of the bed and fished out a cigarette as the kid cleaned up behind him. Outside, the world was dark and silent. Skippy would probably be asleep by now, if he wasn't still at the party. He probably said his prayers like a good Christian boy before he went to bed. Hawk wondered if his face had crossed the boy's mind tonight as he lay there trying for sleep. If he'd touched himself, imagining what could have been.
Hawk took a puff of his cigarette and blew out acrid smoke. Stupid to think about. Fuck, the high always faded so damn fast.
Behind him, the kid started yammering, and Hawk pulled on his clothes, eager to make an exit. Better to forget. Better, always, to forget. To move on as quickly as possible. That was how you survived in this world.
Still, as Hawk shrugged on his jacket and made his way down the lonely nighttime street, he paused and looked up at the sky. The stars were obscured by clouds and light pollution, and for one painful heartbeat he yearned to see them. He thought, if he did ever see his Skippy again, he might have to take it as a sign from a god he didn't believe in, and act.
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wrenwinchester · 4 months
Happy birthday to Millie Wren Winchester, she’s 43 today, and she truly deserves the world. Also, this is fairly raw writing, haven’t had a chance to edit or anything, just a heads up. But without further ado, here is the
Fourth of July 1996
Dean went out for a bit, I honestly had no idea what he was doing, Dad was off hunting who knows what in southern Michigan, hadn't heard from him in like a week. And Sam was being a bratty 13 year old. Dean and I had tried everything, taking him to the local pool, taking him shopping, finding his favorite anything really, and nothing helped. He was mad at Dad because he missed his birthday, and mad at Dad for about 1,000 other reasons. And now. I was dealing with it alone. "Great."
Sam looks up from whatever book he was reading, Oliver Twist maybe. "What's wrong?" He asks, sitting up on the bed. And I mentally curse. I hadn't meant to say that out loud.
"Nothing, I'm just tired and frustrated about stuff at the convenience store." I say, not entirely inaccurate, but definitely not what had me going.
"I can't believe you've already made assistant manager. I mean you just started what, a month ago?" He asks. Even though he knows the answer.
"Yeah, but think of all the different experience I have, and the fact that I actually have a work ethic." I say, and he nods looking over at me.
"That's true. Still, I'm proud of you." He smiles at me, and it feels like the first time he's smiled in weeks.
"Thanks, Sammy." I look at the time, it's 7:30. "Hey have you eaten yet?" I ask him.
"No, I wasn't really hungry earlier," his stomach growls. "Apparently that's not so true now."
"What do you want to eat?" Sam's not necessarily picky, but he is particular.
"Whatever you want is fine. I don't care." Ahh, there's the attitude I was expecting.
"Okay, well, I'm just doing cereal because it's easier, and right now cheaper." I say and Sam just shrugs. "By the way, do you know where Dean ran off to earlier? He didn't say anything to me." I say, and Sam shrugs again, putting his headphones on for the Walkman Dean and I pulled money together for his birthday, and goes back to reading. "Okay then."
Sam and I eat our cereal, basically ignoring each other, though it's more like he's ignoring me. I'm just respecting that.
Sam continues his reading when we're done, and I clean up our bowls and add milk to the shopping list. When that's done, I look over the newspaper for any possible cases.
Then, I pick up one of my books, something about protective sigils from the library in town, and I get to work on cleaning the weapons. Granted, all the ones that are here have already been cleaned, but I can engrave protective sigils into the handles, anything to help keep my family safe. When I look up it's 9:30, and I glance over towards the bed Sam's been reading on, and notice he's fast asleep. Book closed on his chest, headphones still playing whatever music he chose. (It's probably one of Dean's cassettes, but I'm not supposed to know that Sam likes Dean's music.)
I walk over to the bed and pick the book up, careful not to lose his spot, and place a bookmark in it before setting it on the nightstand. Dean's been gone for hours at this point, and I'm starting to worry. He should have called or something.
I move across the room, grabbing one of the spare blankets off the couch, and bring it over to lay across Sam. He shifts like he's going to wake up, but doesn't. "Nice to know I haven't lost my touch." I whisper to myself with a smile across my face.
I glance at the door, worrying about Dean again, and I shake my head. He's seventeen, he can handle himself. I repeat the thought over and over again trying to find some comfort in it, but the truth is it ends up making me pissed at Dad. Dean and I have been able to "handle" ourselves since we were 7 years old. We shouldn't have had to.
"Great. Now I'm thinking about Dad and what might have gone wrong on the hunt. And now I'm worried about two Winchesters. I pick up another one of my knives, it's one I don't use often, but it was a gift from an older lady, couldn't tell you much more than she was a redhead, I got it, oh it had to be 6 years ago now. She was nice, saw that I liked knives, and offered it to me. I haven't seen her since. Bobby said that this one was just a normal dagger, but I'm not sure I believe him. So, I keep it in the bag he and I made when I was really in my sewing phase, before I was constantly sewing up skin instead of cloth. Bobby helped me put some sigils on it to keep whatever mystical knives somehow ended up in my possession. (After a witch hunt, dad would let me go through the witches belongings for things that seemed useful. I almost always grabbed at least one knife, but occasionally, they were gifts, that later turned out to be from witches, but more knives meant more ways and more things I could protect my family from.) I set the knife down, not needing protection sigils on it since I never use it, and continue going through everything. A couple hours later, I decide to practice my knife throwing. Not that I really needed practice, I'd been throwing knives since before I started school, and they're my favorite weapon.
I don't leave the room, leaving Sammy alone never ends well. I already know something will happen, and we won't get our deposit back, so it might as well be this, I find a spot on the wall, and make a little x, that's my target. I decide to only use this specific knife, I don't know why, but it just feels right, and as a hunter, I've learned to trust my gut. Just as I'm about to through it, get out some of my frustration and worry about my family, the door swings open, I guess someone else is my target tonight.
My arms already poised to throw the knife before it registers who is at the door, I miss hitting Dean by a fraction of an inch, almost cutting his ear off.
"You nicked me!" He yells, his hand coming away from his ear, and looking at me bewilderedly.
"Dude, you're lucky it didn't go through your eyeball." I reply, going to grab the knife from where it stuck in the wall. It was meant to be funny, but it comes off snarkier than I meant it to, and Dean looks a little taken aback. I don't really have words for why or any idea what to say, really, I just shrug, and say, "Keep it down would you, Sam's sleeping."
Dean looks apologetically towards the bed where Sam is sleeping, he's moved since I closed his book, he's now curled up, practically in the fetal position curling in on himself. "Sorry. And Sorry I was gone so long. My errand had me running around for a while to find the stuff." He smiles gleefully, "but I did find it."
"What is "it", Dean?" I ask perturbed. Walking to put my knife away, obviously I didn't mean to hit my brother, but I figured he was an intruder or monster. "Oh, and sorry about your ear, want me to patch it up?" I ask, it's as good an apology as he's gonna get, besides he knows my frustrations aren't with him. Entirely.
"'It' is a surprise." He smiles, but it fades when I don't smile back. "How's Sam doing?" He asks, probably hoping that's all that's bothering me.
"Moody as ever. One minute he's telling me how proud he is of me for being promoted at the convenience store, and the next he's not talking to me again, and ignoring me." I sigh, as Dean nods along. "We were never that bad." I pause. "Were we?" It comes out quieter than I meant it to. But it's all just hitting me right now.
Dean just gives a wry laugh. "We never had the opportunity. Dad kept us moving, and we were taking turns taking care of Sammy." He says, and he's right. I'm surprised he said it, but he's right.
"So, what you're saying is if Dad had been a better parent, we would have been as bad as Sam?" I ask, mostly because u feel like pushing his buttons.
"Dad's not a bad parent, he just has a lot going on, just leave him alone will you." Dean says, and I realize that nerve is tighter than it usually is.
"I know, I'm just worried that we haven't heard from him. Usually he calls by now." Dean nods. "Not to mention we don't even know what or exactly where he's hunting. How're we supposed to help him if something comes up?"
Dean just shakes his head. "It's Dad. He'll be fine. He's always fine." I nod, still not reassured. And Dean shakes his head. "You know what, we need to get out of here. We need to just relax a little, have fun. It's the Fourth of July after all." He says and goes to put his coat back on.
"Dean, we can't just leave Sam, especially not to galavant around town—"
"We're not," He says pointing at Sam as he continues. "Wake him up, I have a surprise." I stare at him.
"We're not waking up Sam, we can do the surprise in the morning." I say, trying to put my foot down. And then I laugh a little, you'd think we were grown adults parenting our kid, and reality is we're 17 and 15.
"Come on, Wrennie, let's just go have some fun, act our ages for once. I promise it'll be worth it. Besides, it has to happen tonight." Dean would never know, but he has puppy dog eyes just like Sam. And for once. I agree.
"Okay, fine. But you're waking him up, it's almost midnight, and I'm not gonna be at the receiving end of a Winchester cold shoulder right now." I point at him, and go to put shoes on.
"Fine by me." He says recrossing the room to get to Sam's bed. He always sleeps on the bed furthest from the door. Old habits and all that.
Dean starts shaking him. "Sam.Sammy.Sam. Wake up!" Dean practically yells, and I through a pillow at him. We aren't the only ones in the motel.
Of course, the pillow misses and hits Sam in the face, he groans.
"What's wrong." He says, throwing the pillow off his face.
"Get up, I've got a surprise for you." Dean says and I roll my eyes. It shouldn't really surprise me anymore the leeway Sam has for Dean. I mean. I have it too, but still it irks me that I'm not granted the same courtesy by Sam. But because of it, Sam gets up looking for where his book fell, and finding it placed neatly on the side table.
I sit in the back of the impala on the drive to wherever we're going. It's supposed to be special for Sam, and frankly, Sam is mad at me for hitting him with a pillow, and for whatever else he convinced himself to be mad about. I should have just stayed at the motel, let them have a boys night doing whatever it is Dean has planned, but Dean's right. We should just act our age for once.
After 20 minutes of driving, where Sam and Dean are talking and anytime I try to say something Sam gives the cold shoulder, and Dean gives an apologetic look, before they continue talking, we finally arrived wherever Dean wanted to take us, and...
It was an empty field. "Dean, what are we doing here?" I ask, as we get out of the car and he pops the trunk.
"Sam, you wanna see what I've got in the trunk?" He says, and Sam eagerly goes to see what we're doing. I hear his excited squeals, and I'm already getting confused about it, but then Sam comes around the corner, a crate of fireworks in hand.
"Seriously, Dee?" I ask incredulously, but I can't help the smile spreading across my face.
"Yeah, like I said, it's the Fourth of July." He smiles back and I just shake my head.
"Come on! Let's go," Sam says, the biggest smile he's worn in a while across his face. And Dean and I follow closely behind as he brings them along.
Sam sets the crate down in the middle of the field, far enough away from any trees, and the car, but still close enough to the car just in case, we are still a hunter's kids.
Dean gestures to a couple of thinner fireworks for Sammy to grab, and pass between the three of us.
"You got your lighter, Dean?" I ask and he pats his pockets checking for it. It takes him a minute, before he pulls it out with a winning grin on his face.
"Always." The smug bastard. But I smile anyway. And Sam looks at me with glee.
"Light 'em up!" He says, and so Dean lights all three of our fireworks, and we hold them up into the air. Watching as they go off. And Sam looks at Dean, "Dad would never let us do anything like this. Thanks, Dean. This is great." And hugs Dean.
When they're done hugging, Dean slips Sam his lighter, and gives him a nod, letting him light all the other fireworks. Sam comes running back, the biggest smile on his face as he yells, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" And stands by Dean turning around to watch the fireworks go off.
As they continue going off, all of us laughing and smiling, Sam turns to dance under the sparks, and I turn to Dean. "You're right Dean, we really needed this. To act our own age for once." I smile up at him, before resting my head on his shoulder, and we continue watching Sam dance under the sparks and he gives both of us a smile. And of course, we smile back. And just enjoy our time just the three of us as the fireworks continue going off.
After the last of the fireworks explodes, and the sparks die down, we clean up most of our mess, and bring it back to the Impala. Sam sits in between Dean and I in the front, as he's still a little shorter than me. And the three of us ride back to our motel in a comfortable silence.
Sam falls asleep on my shoulder, and I revel in it, he's my baby brother, and I'd die right now if it meant getting could get out of this life, get Dean out. When I look over at Dean, he's got the biggest smile I've seen in a while on his face, just pure unfiltered joy.
"Dee," I whisper and he turns to look at me. I nod my head towards Sam, his body slumped over in a way that seems like it'd be uncomfortable, but he needs the sleep, and he's out cold.
Dean's smile grows soft, full of love, and admiration for our little brother, before his gaze slides back up to me. And he shrugs.
"I swear, you'd better be the one to carry him in, his getting too big for me to carry." I say jokingly as my left arm clutches Sammy closer to me, as if somehow I could just keep him this small, and protect him from all the pain in the world.
"I didn't say anything!" Dean whisper yells, and I just eyeball him. "Fine. I'll carry him in, but you know he's getting old enough where we could start waking him up when we get places." Dean says and I smack his arm. "I'm just saying, you and I were getting woken up when we arrived somewhere years before we hit double digits."
Of course, Dean is right. Sam is getting to be too big for either of us to carry, but the longer we do, the longer we can keep him little and safe. Even if it's not what Sam wants. It just means we have to work out more, build our muscles so we can carry him, especially if he's gonna be hunting more than just helping with the research.
I ignore the thought, because the truth is it terrifies me, ever since that wendigo incident a few years ago, the idea of Sam hunting isn't a comfortable one. I switch my focus back to tonight and look back at Dean.
"Hey, Dee?" I say, voice still quite so as not to wake Sam. He glances over at me in acknowledgement, "thank you, for tonight. I know it was mostly for Sam, but I really needed it too. The reminder that we are just kids." I smile at him. "And, I really needed to get out of the motel room, I think I'd been in there too long." I say, "and I know Sam needed it, to get his mind of off of Dad, and the fact he missed his birthday. I think you made up for it." Dean just shrugs me off, he's never been great at receiving praise, and I let him minimize what it meant to Sam and I, it's just easier. "I do mean it." Is all I say, and he just silently nods.
When we get to the motel, I help Dean get Sam, who turns into Dean and just holds onto his neck as he carries him up to our room. And I get the fireworks garbage out of the trunk, and toss it in the dumpster. Let someone else deal with the mess. When I make it into the room, Sam is still asleep, and Dean is being held down by him on the bed.
I lock the door as I glance between them, and I just shake my head before crawling into the bed and squishing Sam in the middle of us. It's a little small, but the three of us still fit, and we still need each other.
For the first time since we last saw Dad, I sleep completely peacefully without any nightmares. Because even if something does happen to Dad, I'll always have my brothers.
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ifearzombies · 1 year
The Song Each Character Jams To
Whenever this song plays, the brother is singing along to it.
Lucifer: Save The Last Dance For Me - Michael Buble
The moment he hears it, he’s singing along softly and grabbing your hands to dance with you. You laugh as you’re swept up into the moment. He dips you and he spins you and you can’t help but love when he indulges himself like this.
Mammon: Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson Ft Bruno Mars
He’s busting a move at the first note. It’s so joyful and exuberant you can’t help but join in. You shout the ‘hallelujah’ when he points to you. You’re both laughing and moving to the music as he puffs up in pride. 
Leviathan: All Star - Smash Mouth
There’s no song more meme-y and iconic. You are both instantly belting out the lyrics and dancing (somewhat badly) and then making far too many Shrek references.
Satan: Faith - George Michael
You’re surprised this is the one Satan prefers to jam out to, but as you listen to the lyrics it makes a bit sense. The POV is about wanting someone, but also being worried about giving it all away. Contrast and the tone aloof. What’s really fun is when Satan starts jamming out, Asmo also joins and then it’s a small party with the three of you.
Asmodeus: KISS - Voiceplay Cover (Original by Prince)
Asmo actually has a whole list he will jam out to. ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’, ‘Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me’. It’s a whole playlist. But this one grooves him like none other. He’s singing along with every line as he dances. He’ll pull the nearest person into a dance with him (most of them complying- you especially).
Beelzebub:  Carry Out - Timbaland
Beel loves the song despite making him extremely hungry. He hasn’t quite caught on that it’s a sex jam and thinks it’s about loving fast food. He gets closer to figuring it out every time he sings it.
Belphegor: Stars - Switchfoot
He doesn’t really get up and dance, but he’s tapping his foot and softly singing along. He’s too tired to ‘jam’ like everyone else. And the song is rather introspective and speaks of star gazing; his favorite thing. And the smile he makes when he sings this is so beautiful.
Solomon: I Got The Magic In Me - B.o.B. featuring Rivers Cuomo
Solomon is a cheeky bastard and he loves performing spells while singing along to this song. Especially when the movements of the spell can be dance like. It’s a delight to watch him perform and he loves how you cheer him on.
Simeon: Shut Up & Dance With Me - Walk The Moon
The moment the song is on, Simeon’s grabbed your hands and you’re dancing. It’s one of his favorite songs from the Human Realm. The bright angelic smile on his face as you sing with him is as beautiful as him and you giggle when Luke joins in.
Luke: Eye To Eye - Tevin Campbell
You watched the movie with him and this song became his favorite. You, Simeon, and Solomon join him in singing and dancing to this song. Luke likes to pretend he’s Powerline with the rest of you as backup dancers. Asmo has a video of the PH hall fam performing while you belt out the background singing.
Barbatos: Walking On Broken Glass - Annie Lennox
He doesn’t instantly start dancing, but he is singing and moving his body in a ‘dance-like’ fashion as he cleans and tends to his duties. You join in the song and at the end, he picks you up and spins you like John Malcovich does to Annie.
Diavolo: Mambo No.5 - Lou Bega
You introduced this to him. It’s your fault Barbatos has heard this song over 50 times this year. You take full responsibility as you belt the lyrics out alongside Diavolo and shuffle-dance around the floor with the prince loud enough you’re worried you’ll wake his dad from wherever he’s sleeping. Still. It’s too fun a song to not to jam to and you don’t feel a bit of remorse. Well. Until Barbatos gets his revenge with you later.
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lolahaurisfw · 5 months
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Cas x Programmer!Reader HC's:;
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Let's assume you work freelance like Cas, working at odd hours of the day/night together.
You'd absolutely have your desks side-by-side. It makes working more comforting and less draining for the both of you.
We know she keeps her desk completely clear of mess and clutter. So if that's something you struggle with, she'll happily help you clean and remind you to stay tidy.
If it's the middle of the night, and you're still working, she'd force you to take a break and get something to eat with her.
Late night drives & fast food. >>>
Your go-to places would prob be McDonalds and Jack In The Box.
Can't go wrong with 99 cent tacos and 1$ large sodas .🤷‍♀️
You'd also have a mini fridge between your desks, for when your both super busy but also super hungry.
It's stocked with energy drinks, sandwiches, and some lunchables.
Both of your diets are probably on the junky side due to your packed schedule.
So you both will eventually try to stock up some more healthy snacks like apples, nuts, protein bars, and veggie plates.
Cas is a computer genius also. So if your ever stressed with work or a code is broken, she'll fix it asap.
She honestly likes to take care of you sometimes, like if it's her day off, but not yours.
She'd make you something homemade to eat, sit and talk with you, and watch the screen over your shoulder.
And if it's your day off, but not hers, she'd offer you to sit in her lap and hangout with her till she's done for the day.
She seems like the type who wouldn't let anyone touch her hair.
But you are the only exception.
Sitting in her lap and playing with her hair! >>>
If she's out of the room while you get up to take a bathroom break, she'll hear you coming down the hall and tackle you to the ground in a wrestling match.
It's hard to get her off once the play fighting starts. (she's probably stronger than you, considering she used to be a wrestler)
You'd learn to like each others music taste, if you didn't already.
Even though you'd be sitting by each other all day, you still have to be focused on work.
Meaning there's not a ton of talking, especially when Cas really gets into the zone on whatever project she's doing.
She seems like a soft-rock kinda gal to me. Maybe some Lo-Fi if she's feeling really calm or tired.
You'd probably alternate who chooses the music each day. So Cas gets to choose the station one day, you get to choose the next day and so on.
Hopefully you like her family (and Bee) cause you'll be seeing them pretty often.
She usually calls in one of her brothers to run errands for her while the two of you are coding.
You'll also have to get used to Toast periodically busting through the walls of your shared room.
Once those two start fighting, it's best to just sit back and not get too involved. They'll work it out eventually.
The two of you have had multiple late night venting sessions, wondering if you chose the right career.
Cas especially feels this way.
Deep down she wants to pursue wrestling, but she just couldn't ever get the hang of it.
But at least you're both financially stable.
Overall having this career in a relationship with Cas would be peaceful.
As long as you can deal with Toast, Bee, and her 6 brothers <3
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escargot4free00 · 1 year
Tonight was one of the few  times I’ve walked alone in the streets on Paris since my arrival as it gets dark/is dark. After a heavily emotional day, saying goodbye to my best friend who I won’t see in a year, and cleaning the house for hours finding copious spider dens and dealing with water problems amongst other things, being exhausted and anxious almost to my wits ends. I tried to keep my cool the entire day. As I decided to trek to the other side of Paris, to stay my brothers’ house, I find that I’m locked out, with two heavy bags and having forgotten to eat dinner. I am so hungry, but the closest supermarket closed 5 minutes earlier. So I take my bags and walk to the next supermarket, with 10 minutes to spare before all the grocery stores would be shut. It’s still light outside and im walking as super paced as I possibly can to make it in time. Each street I walk down is crevice filled with men, who blatantly stare and talk at me as if I was a kind of prey. I don’t think I saw one woman out on the street. On the corner of the supermarket as I approach the sliding doors, three boys are playing soccer, and one of them keeps staring me up and down up and down, until he charges at me with his entire body weight with the ball, throwing himself on top of me so as to literally assert his physical dominance. He bows me kisses and tries to brush his weight against me again but I quickly bolt between the supermarket doors. The only woman I see walking around is a homeless woman who I have seen around. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone. As I get to the counter the man at the checkout creepily winks at me. I had to instantly look down from the overwhelming discomfort and shudders in my spine. He suddenly holds up a bag of chips that I had taken and begins yelling « did you rip this open « . I say no of course not - like ,,,, no I didn’t rip the fucking chip packet before buying it and giving it to him at the fucking checkout. Why would I do that. He signals for the security guard who towers over me. He tells him to take me to the cameras to check for whether I opened the chip packet on screen. I am literally on the verge of a full breakdown as he’s just yelling at me, swiping between screens showing sections of the supermarket. I repeat myself over and over that I didn’t rip the fcking packet open, that would make absolutely no sense, I was paying for it either way! They keep me there until they decide they're ready to stop giving a fuck. Just making sure I have just enough exposure to enough people, humiliated and in tears. They shove the packet into my chest and say they’re closing so I have to now pay. They tell me not to come back but then give me a smile and a wink as I leave. At this point I’m genuinely depleted, im so tired. I walk a 10 minute longer route so I don’t have to face the men through the smaller streets. On my alternative route, with 2% on my phone, I receive 4 different men at different points blatantly yelling at me, telling me I should go home with them, asking for a kiss, telling me not to walk so fast and asking why I don’t look at them. 
I’ve genuinely never felt myself get to the point of completely defencelessness in the presence of men. But when we have no options but to cop it or bare the potential dangers of reciprocating and verbalising your discomfort and anger, then we’re essentially just fucked. 
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