#they live together with ane and little buddy
hiroshotreplica · 6 months
do you think hiro and veronika would be best friends
yes. but im also a hardcore hironika shipper. both is good i think
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kaiserkisser · 6 days
OAKY GIRL DRAMA. For context this has been going on for years and i have. An anger problem so this may have been my fault
So theres 3 girls here. Girl x is my best friend, girl y is one kf my close friends that is directly involved in this and girl z is the one i punched
Basically girl x got a boyfriend last year and the boyfriend has drama with girl z’s sister becahse they had a 2 week long talking stage that did NOT last long because her sister is psycho. at the time when girl x and boyfriend got together girl z was cheating on HER girlfriend and i found out about both around relatively the same time. The problem with this is that girl z did NOT like girl x’s boyfriend and decided to spread rumors about how hes a terrible person and manipulative. I was like “woah buddy thats taking it too far…also arent you literally cheating on your gf like why do you have any say in someone else’s relationship” and she was just like “i do what i want” ok whatever
Fast forward a week or two and girl y and i have library period together (we get to be librarians for 45 mins) and we overhear some kissing sounds and its GIRL Z KISSING HER CHILDHOOD FRIEND?? that she hates btw. So girl y was like “oh shit we have to tell her girlfriend” — who, for even more context, goes to a different school than us but they all went to elementary together except for me so they knew who she was anyway
Girl y sends girl z’s gf a long winded message about the kissing and how shes worried that girl z is cheating on her. Girlfriend very understandably gets mad at girl z and confronts her. THEN a week after that we dont see girl z until she decided to start making shit up about me and girl y being terrible friends going behind her back spreading rumors. I get my cool ass dean to pull up security footage of them kissing and i Think the drama is handled until girl z wants to hold a “friendgroup meeting”
girl z is mad at me and girl y for telling her girlfriend she got cheated on. Meanwhile she is also mad at girl x for getting a boyfriend and “ruining her and her sisters lives” i stood up for girl x saying she had nothing to do with this and that she needs to drop it
NOW. Fast forward to today. This stuff has been happening for about a month now and ive been dealing with girl z calling me stuff behind my back, calling me the f slur and saying im manipulative and a horrible friend for taking her away from me, etc etc. Victimizing shit. So i call her out on it (and for a bunch of other little stuff thats been happening because i am FED UP. Particularly about her spreading lies about girl x and me, making stuff up about us cheating on our partners even though im in a messy situation with mine rn so that js COMPLETELY uncalled for, whatever you can think of shes said it)
So it was a lot of back ans forth of me bringing up stuff and her getting closer and closer to my face until i yelled for her to back the fuck up and act like a civilized woman and she said “im not fighting with a pussy (t slur) like you” so i clocked her in the jaw and her mouth was bleeding and i walked away💀
I REGRET IT IN ALL HONESTY BUT AR THE SAME TIME WHY WOULD YOU CALL SOMEONE THAT AND NOT EXPECT A BEATING?????? anyway thats the tea let me know if you want more my life is crazy😍
ngl personally i dont think its your fault??? i mean yeah maaaaaybe punching her was smth, but she LITERALLY deserved it SO much- like bro wtf???? girl if you dont have your life under control thats a you problem stop taking it out on others 🙄 literally how does she expect you to NOT react after insulting you AND your frnds for god knows how long???? dude you sure she doesn't need therapy or something? /hj
quick question was girl z also one of ur frnds? help tho this is insanee
tho im curious what happened to her after that? im assuming she was taken to the nurse ig? and like is there any change in her behaviour or has she started victimising even more 💀💀
dude yeah you're right the tea is CRAZY i legit dont have any idea whats going on in our school 💀💀 but things like this DEFINITELY dont happen, recently this one chill dude who was pretty good at studies got shifted to another class (and i think he was abt to be suspended or smth???? idk man) bc LAST year he was being shipped with this other girl who told her mom abt it and her mom took it to the fucking school authorities 💀💀 and it wasnt even bros fault?????? i mean ppl do date and shit but i have no idea what goes on bc im not part of the 'main' frndgroup where everything goes on 😭 pretty sure the grade below is much much more insane than ours tho lmao
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 4 months
CALLING ALL BUDDIES (here I’ll tag a couple @touratoura @starfilledsky2810 @citrushomie @key-lime-lies @crimsonattourney @spacingoutwards)
TOP TEN POKEMON STAT!!! (If u don’t know/like that many u can do top 5!!)
THEY CAN BE FOR WHATEVER REASON U WANT!!!! Design, competitive stats, ANYTHING!!! I’ll go first :D
In no particular order, my favs arreeeee
#1 Darumaka!!
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Look at him!!! No thoughts behind those eyes 😭 (this love stemmed purely from those darumaka lunch boxes in the gen 5 pokemon movie kyurem and the swords of justice)
#2 Magikarp
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Come on hes literally on my tumblr banner XD he’s got his own little mini game and I just adore him 😭❤️
#3 Snorlax
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This stupid mf is just fat and hungry and tired abt that’s his super power 😭🫶 ADORE him
#4 Totodile
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I think you can KIIIIINDA sense a pattern with my dumb fuck love… what can I say HE’s CUTE!!!
#5 Oshawott
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Can you tell I have a penchant for water starters?? LOOK AT HIS STUPID FACE HES SO CUTEEEEEEEE AND SQUEEZABLE 😭
#6 Wooper
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Goddamn it PUT ME ON THE CROSS ANS STARE AT HIM!!!!!!! LOOOK!!!!!!!!! ITS HIM!!!!!!!!
#7 Plusle/Minun/Emolga/Pachirisu
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Including all 4 here as my adored pika-clones ❤️❤️❤️❤️ they all slay!!! Like emolga is just so cute and sassy and the plus-minus duo is just so simple but smart for an electric type??? And when pachirisu did that ice ball explosion thing in that coordinator battle I LOVED IT!!! Luv em!!
#8 The whole Sewaddle line
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Certified good boy!!! First one wants to sleep and be cute, then swadloon wants to sleep and be alone, then levanny just wants to do her thing!!!! What more could anybody want :333 (Also, on a less important level is the Scatterbug line :33)
#9 Furfrou
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ICON?????? HUH??? EVERY HAIRSTYLE HITS IDK WHAT TO TELL YA (sponsored by that one pokemon hairdresser episode I was obsessed with for a time) (only episode I liked more than that was the meowstic brothers ep)
#10 Sandygast
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Okay so I don’t really like him specifically I just started drawing him on my classroom whiteboards and now he’s apart of me idk look at him 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️
Honorable mentions go to!
Arceus/Deoxys/Jirachi/Celebi/really most legendaries and mythicals for how their movies made me feel (DESTINY DEOXYS/JIRACHI THE WISHMAKER/EVERY SINNOH MOVIE EVER YOU HAVE MY HEART)
Absol and Audino for being some of the first pokemon I ever loved!! (The gen 5 monkeys cuz they also made me rly like pokemon for some reason XDDD)
Eevee/the eeveelutions for bringing me lots of nightcore amv comic dub love!!! (Used to cut out photos of them and make drawn paper houses for all of them to live together and I still have these Lego forms of all of them)
Every pokemon with alternate forms gender or otherwise (like burmy or shellos or cherrim or pyroar) because those were bomb entries to read in those pokemon collecters books
Beheeyem, regigigus, and reuniclus for how you make me feel in the anime (they were just animated so cool idk)
Really any gen5/6 pokemon cuz that’s what I wa raised on XD
Pikachus alt outfits for how they make me feel
Snom/Pyukumuku not really sure what they brought to the table but I feel it nontheless
And finally castform because HAIL YEAH!!!!
So yeah guys tell me ur favs!!!!
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helunar1 · 2 years
This has perhaps been done a few times but I was having fun with it in my head so might as well note what I thought down
Post S1 AU
Klaus wakes up to find himself back in his 13 year old body. While sure, they all managed to escape the apolcolypse alive for another do over, it kinda sucks when Klaus is the only one who remembers.
Sucks more when the Commission is still after his family.
Klaus was never one for responsibility.
Klaus gasps awake, eyes wide and frantic to the sight a familiar cieling. Where?
The last thing he remembers is everyone at the Icarus theatre, the fucking moon hurtling towards them and pale, bright blue light surrounding all of his siblings - all of them, hand in hand.
He frowns, his hands feel empty.
Klaus feels his heart stutter, once, twice, before finally calming down to sit up and -
He's in his room.
Or what looks like to be his room.
It's smaller - the size it was before Vanya left and he broke the wall down to make room. Knick knacks that usually cluttered his space were not as plenty - his closet, still opened, pnly revealed identical uniforms spilling out.
Small, children sized uniforms.
It worked?
Immedietly he jumps out of bed, glancing down to pat his body - his old pint sized body in shock.
Holy shit, Five did it?
They made it back in time?
Klaus lets out a surprised giggle, not completely sure whether he should be happy or freaking out.
He glanced down at his palms and pursed his lips at the missing tattoos.
A shame.
Lots of sibling bonding cuz I live for it
Sibbie bonding moments:
Klaus only one who remembers
Commissions goes after Klaus, baiting him to join them or else they'll take Five and kills the rest of his family to only leave poor, volatile Vanya to end the world
Made worse because Five hasn't exactly told Klaus who the Handler was in the original timeline ("Goddammit Five," Klaus hisses. "The next time I see that shitheel we need to talk about a little thing called communication. Fuck!")
Made ironic is Klaus decides not to say anything to the siblings - he does try at first but is made to be maling up stories. In the end, he decides to do things on his own ("Who the fuck left me in charge?!" Klaus whines to himself, flopping backwards onto his bed. "Definitely wasn't Five. Fucker wouldn't tell me shit the last time." He lets out a huff, and stares up at his ceiling. "It was probably you, wasnt it?! Telling me it wasn't my time? Or is it just 'cuz you hate me - which, rude. What did I ever to you, huh? It's your fault you created me, not mine!)
Klaus and Five already have mutual companionship so Klaus tries to help convince Five to practice time travel with him (aka trying to prevent Five from running away that day.)
Eventually they come to an agreement to train in secret - Klaus believing that they need to work on physics (Klaus cringing, he never thought he'd be the one to convince Five, of all people, to study math. Five is just as skeptical that Klaus is the one advocating for this, which, fair. He's in disbelief as well. Hopefully this isnt a sign that the world is ending - again. He snickers.)
Quiet training together, as Klaus also attempts to practice his own powers as well. As Klaus is the most sober he's ever been, he attempts to summon Dave.
Five working through equations with Klaus, and them coming to the same conclusion that Five in season 2 - to work in seconds rather than years thing. Klaus is nervous that it'll fuck something up, but it's the only thing to appease the ever curious ans srubborn Five. It somehow ends up working
"Okay, so let's -"
"It worked," Five says suddenly, voice almost a whisper. He sounds completely in shock.
Klaus frowns. "What did?" He asks, but Five is staring down at his hands in wonder. Klaus takes a step forward.
"Five, buddy, you're kinda making me worrie-" but he was cut off by Five jerking his head up, smile wider than Klaus could ever remember. Happy, excited, proud - it makes Klaus take a second to stare. He doesn't remember Five looking so happy. Before he has another second, thin arms wrap around him - and just, what. Five has never been one for physical affection, even as a child. But just as the arms came, they went - Five probably thinking the same thing, judging by how fast he pulled away, face red in embarrassment. Klaus huffs out a laugh. "Care to explain, Five-O?"
Five looks away. Clearing his throat as he straightens his back. "I traveled. Back in time. Two minutes ago. Or...what was two-minutes ago. It, uh, worked essentially."
A beat before Klaus smiles, heart swelling with pride before deciding, fuck it and jumping to hug Five on his own. His brother hisses, trying to protest and pull away, but Klaus only wraps his arms tighter. "This is definitely hug worthy," he laughs. "A celebration!"
Klaus begins to check up on Vanya, seeing how she is. At first she is suspicious, resentful and Klaus could swear he can see the hidden white light underneath her dark eyes. He sighs, and instead asks if he could listen to her play. Opens up about the ghosts- it takes time to explain, the drugs and what not- especially to a sheltered 13 year old. But despite the anger Vanya has built up over the years in his original timeline, theres still time know. Time to fix and undo all the hurt. She agrees and starts to understand, espcially when Klaus hints at how the pills help Vanya stay "less anxious" (he cringes at it, but he will get Vanya away from those pills, he has a plan that he hopes will help).
At times she begins to get jealous of Klaus and Five hanging out more together - Klaus brings her to their training sessions. At first she is hesitant - ordinary Vanya for training on powers that she doesn't have?
Klaus brings Allison out to training one day, despite her annoyance. She didn't need any extra training, but Klaus and her have been closer when they were children and she was curious as to what both her and Five have been sneaking off to. During one of these sessions, he challenges Allison to undo any potential rumours on the three of them (Allison is offended at first but Klaus convinces her that they need to be on a blank slate, no after effects of any old rumours Father made her use while training or on accident). Rumour on Vanya is now broken (also some extra ones they didn't even realize they had - Klaus tries not to be bitter). Vanya doesn't realize this until much later
Klaus hasn't been on any of the hard drugs, only alcohol and weed - but the mind does not forget. He asks Allison to rumour him into staying sober - it has the desirable effects but also, his sanity feels at its limits due to the constant ghosts surrounding him (HE'S UNDER A LOT OF STRESS). He uses his time with Five to train his abilities as well
Takes Vanya to Griddys with Five and Ben (her closest friends) and talks about the pills. She has a self confidence ever since the rumours were removed and they give her the confidence to ween herself off as Klaus notes that drugs affect powers (Vanya doesnt feel ordinary anymore, so believes theres potential of her having powers). Klaus promises to stay the same (despite him already vowing to stay sober and thanks to Allison's rumour - but he doesnt say that. Content with Vanya trying to ween off the pills)
Klaus keeps watch, training Vanya with the others start. Klaus hinting at her powers and they start to show and hiding it from dad (maybe she remembers what happened after some things come to light)
Vanya coming to terms with their gender identity - opens up and asks to go by Viktor. (All pronouns from here on out will switch to he/him)
Klaus comic book powers start to come to light - getting stronger! Also able to banish ghosts - still not a lot but enough so
Ben and him bonding over powers, but Klaus struggles around Ben. Ben eventually confronting him about it as it did put a strain in their relationship. They talk about life, Klaus eluding to feeling alone and unwanted - Ben vowing that he's here for Klaus, through thick and thin. (A part of his heart breaks while another fills - its a conflicting feeling that Klaus does not yet understand. He can only smile, feeling the tears suddenly streaming down his cheeks. Ben, to his credit, doesn't comment, instead keeping his hand - warm, strong, secure - over Klaus's own. I know, he wants to say despite the lump in his throat preventing him from even taking a single breath. I know.)
BEN: Klaus sees Ben and remembers all the years they spent together in the original timeline. It hits him that Ben no longer has any memories together. If Klaus were to really reflect on it, it's probably a lot better for Ben that he does not remember, but somewhere in Klaus's heart he yearns for the brother that stuck with him for almost two decades. He has to move on (didnt he lose too much already?).
Vows to save Ben and let him live- not wanting his brother to confine to him anymore, even if it hurts. He grieves for a brother that once was. They all try to help Ben control the Horror in his stomach during training. *At some point during that mission, Klaus sacrifices himself to the horror due to his immortality. His body is obliterated - trauma for ben who wakes up covered in Klaus's blood. His body at this point needs to be re healed (takes time)
LUTHER: Time with Luther is a little awkward as the two of them have never been close in childhood and even less so as adults. Some part of Klaus feels like he has to save Luther too but he just does not know where to start, especially with the how the others are beginning to look at Klaus as a leader. Lots of fights - but Klaus remembers the Luther of his own timeline, isolated, manipulated and hurt. He keeps trying.
ALLISON: Allison and him were pretty close as kids often bonding over more feminine things that the others were not interested in. Trust is pretty simple to build there. One of these moments is where Klaus asks about the rumour soberity rumour
DIEGO: Diego and him were often the rebellious of the seven children. Their friendship as children was made stronger over their mutual hate for their father. There's a weird rift between the two now that Klaus has assumed a more leader position (despite the fact that Klaus did not want this position in the 1st place). At some point Diego calls him out for trying to be the new number one and "Daddy's bitch boy". Klaus decides that it is high time that he continues someone's rebellious streaks with Diego because because he may be a 30 year old man in a 13 year old body, but it does not mean that he does not know how to have fun.
Scene where Klaus finds out that, due to time travel and timelines, Klaus has not yet met Dave in Vietnam. He looks at the picture in a textbook (similar to the one in the Vet Bar, and sees that he is no longer in the picture). Klaus becomes depressed for a bit - sibbies are concerned. They try to cheer him up (they are closer now!)
Klaus stuff:
Still going thru special training
It was the night after a special training that Klaus begs Allison to please rumour his powers away. He did not need them - and at some point, he is tempted to take Viktor's medication (perhaps he does at one point to see if it could just his own off)
Despite his siblings now closer and bonding, Klaus feels completely alone. He's here, but he's completely disconnected and holding himself by the seems. He has to get this right because, otherwise, what does he have left?
Immortality shit comes in - meets God and has some words
Wonders how tf he got stuck on his own - wonders where the rest of his siblings are. Wonders if it's better that they are healing now, younger and more carefree compared to the ones he came to know years into the future. Is it bad to wish for the ones he once knew? Ones that he barely even spoke to, if only to have someone around to understand what is happening - what is going on? It is during these times he yearns for his brother, hating himself for preferring the dead sibling who has been there and understood him for so long over the very much alive, happier brother who barely knows a single thing about him. Honestly, he's so fucking selfish.
Commission stuff
Around where Klaus starts to make changes the commission tries to intervene with a mission to eliminate Klaus Hargreeves
Harder for the Commission to intervene when they are under the watchful eye of Sir Reginald Hargreeves. There's another shoot out attempt at the mansion - but Ben uses the Horror in the end to kill them all. The others think it's just someone targetting the academy itself, but Klaus recognizes the masks similar to his previous kidnappers. The Commission.
Initially tries to see if his father could help, but is proven fruitless
During a time out, perhaps with Ben and Diego, the Commission attacks them near an alley way. Both Diego and Ben fight back, Klaus who is not as skilled (thanks to not having years of combat training) (or have """useful""" powers in a fight) tries to fight back. One assasin manages to reach Klaus and effectively shooting him in the heart and head - instant kill
Cue diego and Ben screaming, the Commission leaving and believing their job is done - but not before Ben wipes them all out in rage, Diego trying to calm Ben down when the Horror gets too much while also trying to get to Klaus (who's dead , dead , dead)
Interlude - some divine revelation
Klaus waking up to the commotion and helping calm Ben down, who, along with Diego is shocked
The siblings learn about Klaus's immortality (reggie maybe finds out from Luther later). The Commission also finds out - this causes uproar at HQ. How do you eliminate something you cannot kill??
Determined that Ben would need to be eliminated as he is a major threat and was what forced the others to drift in the original timeline
Klaus, maybe at this point being able to have some control of the ghosts, catch wind about Ben being followed. Klaus sticks beside Ben, (Klaus kaughs at the irony of now him hovering over his once deceased brother, trying to keep him safe and alive. Oh how the tables have turned.) - may remove this though. Lots of fighting commission
The Handler comes to see Klaus but Klaus has never seen her before, The lady in red heels talks to him in the most condescending yet chirpy manner that leaves him feeling unsettled. She threatens to take Five away, condemning his brother to the same fate as before if Klaus were to not comply ("Your family for the sake of the timeline, Klaus," she says, smoke swirling from her lips. "You decide.")
"You're brother is a natural born killer," she sneers, her smile tight lipped and shark like. "All he needs is someone to just point him in the right direction." - Klaus get furious here, remembering all the times his Five was anything but.
Klaus going missing thanks to the Commission kidnapping him - manages to escape after a week. Siblings demanding to know what the fuck is happening with him
Klaus comes clean - siblings are in shock but also determined to help (perhaps this is like - a year or two after the time jump, ill figure out a timeline later). Lots of talk about Klaus intentions (Viktor asking if Klaus only befriended him because of the timeline - but Klaus promises him that he did it for them)
Ending????? Subject to change
All sibbies gearing up for the next time the Commission comes after them. All of them bonded and shit - they end up fighting with the Commission taking Klaus and putting him at HQ to be quarantined
Sibbies end up finding their way there where the Handler talks to Five like she knows him. Revealing to him what he once was, a killer and shit. She also shit talks all the other siblings - perhaps showing them glimpses of what once was. ("A shame," she laughs. Her hands are clutching Fives jaw and despite the fear he feels, he cannot shake her away. "I much prefer you when you were nothing but my murder puppet.") - potentially here is where their past consciousness start to trickle in (smthin about temporal anomolies idk)
They all fight, using their powers and what not, to escape and grab Klaus to head back. But they get ambushed - the handler back, Klaus in her grip. All the siblings are shot, sans Five, with a screaming drugged Klaus in her grip. She taunts at Klaus and Five, calling the former a useless junkie who could not save his family just like his brother. Five is injured and weak - same scene as s2 but links back to the scene with klaus where he goes back in time in minutes. Everyone is revived, they kill the Handler and Five just looks at Klaus, says something witty but a call back to that scene
He nods and they both pass tf out with their family surrounding them
Epilogue likely
Thanks to the Commission, the memories of the past merges together? Potentially
Either way, reggie is gone thanks to either Allison rumouring him away or "sudden death". Living at the Academy with their inheritance, happy ending woo!
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jerisch · 4 years
A commission I got from @writer-ofstuff​, involving Derek from Teen Wolf,kinks warning: Feet and musk.
Derek walked I to the new bar and grill restaurant thar had recently opened up in Beacon Hills. He was suppose to meet Stiles here for the two to have a date night, only Stiles was running late thanks to his shift at work going into overtime thanks to his co-worker calling in that they would be late.
Derek took a moment to admire how nice the place looked, he glanced to the bar, heading over there to wait for Stiles since it was close to the door, that way he can look over the menu and decide what he would like to order once his boyfriend got here.
He sits there alone for a few minutes, his attention focused on the menu when he feels a presence behind him. Before Derek could turn around, strong hairy arms wrap around his torso and Derek is pulled into the embrace of a large sweaty torso, making Derek shudder with surprise and disgust, his nose hit with a strong foul musk that makes Derek want to shove the random man away from him.
"Drew? Why didn't you tell me you were back in town?" Exclaimed a deep voiced man, sounding excited that Derek is his friend.
Derek stands up and pulls away, looking at the guy. He has a short crew cut style hair cut, his muscles filled out his grey v-neck fairly nicely, almost looking painted on this brutes well sculpted body. His armpits are stained with sweat and Derek can see tufts of chest hair peeking out of the v-neck's collar. He even has a few dog tags around his neck, making Derek wonder if he was in the military or knew someone who was.
The man's face was rugged, looking to be a couple years older than Derek with a good few days worth of scruff coating his strong jawline. His brown eyes made him think of Stiles's eyes, only this guys seemed to be a lighter shade of brown, in the lighting at least.
"Oh shit, sorry man. Confused you for a good friend of mine." The guy apologies sheepishly.
"It's fine, really don't worry about it." Derek says. He doesn't want to be rude, but Derek isn't too pleased with this guy standing so close to him so he is forced to smell this guys strong musk. Derek is almost impressed with how strong it is given the fact they are in a restaurant and it is cutting through the smell of all the food, drinks, and other restaurant guests scents.
"Let me buy you a drink as a apology." He offers.
"No, really that's fine." Derek protests, but the guy is taking a seat at the bar next to Derek's bar stool he was sitting on.
"Oh please I insist, I know it must be weird to get hugged by a stranger." The guy says.
Derek takes his seat, figuring he will humour the guy as he waits for Stiles, and it isn't like Derek can get drunk for the drink so he figures he will accept the offer, down the drink, then excuse himself once Stiles gets here.
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"My name is Evan by the way." He introduces.
"Derek." Derek replies, shaking the guys hand, he is surprised by how soft the guys hand is, a big rugged guy like this he figured would have rough hands.
Evan orders them two beers, Derek taking a sip, and making a face at the bitter taste of it, thankfully Evan was distracted by his own drink to notice.
"I'm sorry again for hugging you, it's just crazy how much you look like my buddy Drew from behind." He tells Derek.
"It's okay, no harm done." Derek says, although he is still grossed out by this guys strong musk and the fact he can still feel the sweat the guy smeared on his back when he hugged him, which as it started to get cool and make Derek feel even more grossed out.
"We were supposed to meet up here to have a few drinks, talk about our army days." Evan says, pausing to take a sip of his drink.
"Yeah, I'm waiting on my boyfriend to come here so we can have dinner." Derek says, as to not be rude by just sitting there and saying nothing.
"Oh that's nice. It's good to see other gay men in town. How long have you two been together?" Evan asks.
" A year now officially, but we've known each other for a few years." Derek tells him.
"That's good. Drew and I were a thing when in the military. We went to the same boot camp and bunked together. At first we hated each other, argued quite a bit that got us in trouble with the Sargent. But then we were instructed to work on an exercise together, and I don't know, something just clicked with us after that." Evan paused and took a sigh of his drink.
Derek frowned, wondering why he was starting to envision what Evan was talking about. He could make out a military bunk in his mind, the image of a young slender Evan in his mind, he could even recall someone arguing with him over something so minuscule.
He even sees a older Sargent coming in, the sargent towering over both men in Derek's vision, yelling at them for being disrespectful to the other cadets and themselves with all this pointless bickering.
Derek rubs his head, taking a sip of his drink again and the thought flees from his mind, which brings Evan to telling another story.
"When we got done with bootcamp training and later we even ended up stationed together. We were friends by then, we didn't start to actually develop feelings for one another till we were stationed overseas. Of course neither of us acted on them, cause you know back then it was frowned upon and we were young and confused at these feelings, but then Drew saved my ass one day and well I kinda acted on impulse and kissed him, which I was so glad to when he kissed me back." Evan tells Derek the story.
He thinks how nice that sounds, he became so engrossed in Evan's story he didn't even notice he isn't disgusted by Evan's smell anymore. Nor does he realize that the sweat on his back as it began to traverse through his shirt, even sinking into his skin. The sweat absorbed into Derek's body began to make it expand a little in size, his back growing broader, while his triskele tattoo started to fade away leaving behind unmarked skin.
Derek sputters when he takes a sip of his beer. He gets another flash of a vision that matches Evan's story. Recalling being on a army base somewhere, rooming with a bulkier Evan's, Derek wonders why he is having these memory flashes like they are is own, making out the details of the bunks, of Evan's and his voice, even recalling conversations they've had.
He even sees an incident where he acts quickly and shoves Evan's away from a small explosion that would have injured him, laying on top of each other, feeling Evan's lips on his, how good it felt.
"From there we kept our relationship to ourselves for a few years, in that time we discovered we were both kinky fuckers." He laughs at that before he continues.
"We were crazy for the other's musk and sweat. Drew having some of the stinkest feet any man I've known had, drove me wild." Evan tells him.
"Of course he loved my feet as well, with how big they are he enjoyed the, around his dick, jerking him off." Evan adds.
Derek is confused by all this, wondering why Evan is telling him such personal information about him and his lover's sex lives. Derek doesn't care about any of this, he is disgusted by it in fact, and yet once again he can feel these memories creep into his mind, feeling a phantom touch around his dick even, as if someone's large dorty feet were rubbing his dick.
He hates how hard he gets from it, his face flushing when he hears moans in his head from the intimate memories he has of Evan and his lover.
Derek's too focused on his thoughts that he isn't quite aware of the changes befalling his body. His muscles packing on bulk, making his toned well defined body surge in size with pure muscle thanks to years of training in the military and keeping it up with hard gym workouts.
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He can vaguely hear Evan continue on about his and Drew's sex life back in the army. How wild and dirty it would get between them. Hearing the words Evan says ans then seeing those images in his own mind sends Derek into a lustfully state, he growls, turning to face Evan's grabbing him by the collar of his shirt so the older man is facing him.
"Shut up." Derek growls, his voice getting deeper, he leans forward, pressing his lips over Evan's kissing the older man hungrily. Derek knows this is wrong, thinks about Stiles, but his dick is so painfully hard in his jeans, and he sees this disgusting raunchy man in a new light, wanting to experience for himself what he envisioned from his stories.
Evan kisses Derek back, his large hands coming up and cup Derek's face, deepening their kiss. Derek's stubble thickens into a fuller beard upon Evan's touch. No one around them notices them, not saying a word as the two men make out at the bar.
"I want you, now." Derek growls. He doesn't know what's going on with him, grabbing Evan by the hand and dragging him to the back of the restaurant, the two men ending up in a supply closet. Their hands roaming over the other's bodies, Evan's hands making Derek even more muscular, body hair spreading all over Derek's broader muscled torso from Evan's hands gliding over his skin as they kiss.
Derek pulls away from Evan, just so he can get onto his knees, he takes off Evan's boots, inhaling the scent of them and the musky prize he has been craving.
"Holy fuck look at your feet, they'd make Bigfoot jealous." Derek blurts out as if this was common banter between them. He immediately sets to worshipping Evan's feet, sucking on Evan's toes that he can feet in his mouth, rubbing his thickly bearded face along the soles of his feet.
Derek's face began to ripple, aging up in years till he was around Evan's age now. His facial attributes became more rugged and different than who he should be. If he were to look in a mirror he wouldn't even recall who he was, because he doesn't even look like Derek anymore.
"Oh fuck Drew, you pervy bastard." Evan moans and laughs. Hearing himself being called Drew makes it all that much clearer to Derek. It was why the stories Evan told seemed so familiar, they were his memories too. Derek recounting them even more clearly than before among other memories of the two men together. How they stuck together through their army days up till a few months ago when the two both retired early from the army.
How Drew went back home to make plans to move out here to be with Evan, the two 35 year old men even planning their wedding next once they got fully moved in and their new gym they own and run now set up.
Drew is sucking on Evan's big toe once more, bobbing his head up and down on it, relishing in its musky taste and scent when he realizes what he is doing, how this isn't right.
"Stiles." He mutters, pulling off Evan's foot.
"This isn't me, I'm not the ex military guy named Drew.' He says getting to his feet.
"My name is Derek Hale, and I'm." Derek doesn't get to finish. Because Evan is putting the dog tags he was wearing around Derek, and then kissing him. Derek falling under the enthrall, relaxing into the kiss.
"It's okay now Drew." He whispers against Derek's lips, his hand groping over Derek's bulge, the sensitive feeling making Derek come right then. His orgasm expels Derek's old self from his mind, allowing Drew's memories to dominate and take over. Drew snaps out of it, his clothing changing into a beige t-shirt and pants that are now soaked in his come.
His beige shirt becomes damp and stained from his sweat. Drew looks into Evan's brown eyes, smiling fondle at his lover.
"A supply closet? Not that weirdest place we fooled around in." Drew says teasingly.
"How about we get out of here and head home, so we can have more privacy with what I want to do to you next." Evan suggests. Drew simply grins, taking his lover by the hand and leading them out of the supply closet. Making a beeline for the entrance.
"Excuses us kid." Drew says when they walk by a younger man with messy brown hair wearing a flannel shirt and graphic t-shirt. Drew unaware how important thar young man was to him once before, getting into his truck with Evan taking a seat in the passenger side, the two military men lean over the console and share a kiss before Drew cranks up his truck and pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, eager to get home with his love.
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sanktagenyas · 3 years
ok so i finally watched those last three episodes. i said buckle up it’s time to suffer and by the saints did i ever suffer. i just knew the darklina scenes were gonna be rough to watch. it was already rough reading the scenes as they were written in book one. i mean the darkling just shines with his intelligence in that chapter, doesn’t he? threaten the man she loves? well the other man she loves? check! tell her she betrayed you when the reality is you’ve been telling half truths all along and didn’t trust her to make her choices? check! 
buddy this isn’t how you apologize. in the show itself it’s pretty much the same back and forth that leads nowhere. you lied to me! you ran off because my mother told you i’m not who i say i am without giving me a chance to explain! you’ve been lying or bending the truth since we met! YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON YOUR COUNTRY!
by that point i was just like chill the fuck out man you’re about to decimate many many countrymen and you know it. i loved that the stop they made was all about him getting revenge on the man who attempted on alina’s life, that was very unhinged of him and i was HERE for that shit but everyone else in that port? every other woman and child and man on that port? not all of them played a hand and he just went ahead and had them slaughtered without batting an eye. and it’s not like he has some kind of safeguard for grishas does he? how does he know there’s no grisha wherever he’s expanding the fold? some could be in hiding because they fled, because they didn’t want to serve the king. oh well he doesn’t really care about those people does he? we all saw how he spoke about those deserters to arken.
also he could NOT handle alina’s harsh truths about how his own actions are harming grisha close to him even though he claims that every choice he’s made was to protect them and empower them. when she brought up genya i was like yes you better look down you motherfucker! you did this to her, you delivered to her abuser over and over. 
we saw his backstory, some of it and he acted out of grief and rage. he toyed with magic he did not understand and of course he didn’t intend this but his reaction to the fold once it was all said and done was definitely foreshadowing what he was to become. i created something he said defiantly. you created something you don’t have control over. and now he’s done it again somehow, he’s got brand new creatures following him at the end.
i actually felt for young aleksander for losing the woman he loved but the arrogance and the recklessness he showed there is still the same arrogance he has now. he thinks he has thought his plan through but that’s just working off the assumption that no one opposes him ever otherwise he went ahead and put a target on grisha’s backs. he definitely put a target on alina’s back although i know that was never the plan. the fact that when he has a perfectly good remedy to the fold, a chance to actually fix his mistakes once and for all he turns its back and decides to make it ten times worse, chooses ruling via fear over hope is jusr a sign of how far he’s gone. and he didn’t waver once not even when alina was pleading with him that he could have made her his equal, that they could have stayed together and made ravka safe together if only he gave her a choice, he was still manipulative and lied to her face.
at this point i just don’t think his love for her outweighs his belief that he knows what’s best for ravka, what’s the best way to protect grisha. because he doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t grisha at all. he was persecuted like so many others. he won a war for a king centuries and that king turned on him. i’m sure he’s looking at the current one knowing that once grisha have exhausted their uses that king will turn on him too. the fold is just a different kind of war and if he wins that one for the king the darkling already knows what the outcome will be. 
so to summarize this whole darkling commentary here i understand where he is coming from, i understand the fear and the rage and the desperation. it’s not working out for him though. he’s feared but he’s alone. for every ivan there’s a zoya. for every man who’s blindly loyal to him there’ll be someone rising up to oppose him eventually. and if it’s not his own people it’ll be non grisha folks. he has the second army working for him still, but he is alone. and that’s no one’s fault but his own because alina was willing to work with him. 
speaking of alina i loved every second of her rising up to oppose him telling him she never needed him. she may have fallen in love with him but she never actually needed him to be powerful, she only needed to free herself of the restraints she’d put on her powers out of fear. i also thought that the way she freed herself of his control made more sense than it did in the books. 
i have hope for darklina still despite all that’s happened despite how positively full of rage ans resentment she is because she still loves him, she still listened when he pleaded with her that they needed each other if they wanted to deal with the fold. of course there’s the slight issue of him lying directly and manipulating her to do his bidding and of course the fact that he took her power from her. the only thing that was her and he perverted it for his own gain. i think it just might take more than a year for her to forgive him i’m afraid. i don’t necessarily see a path to redemption right now but reconciliation? alina can be merciful, she can be forgiving. i think all it would really take is just one selfless act, one show of good faith. if he keeps pursuing her and mal and keep trying to rob her of her agency however i don’t see them ever having any kind of closure.
i don’t think i need to expand much more on my thoughts on malina. i’m not feeling what the show wants me to feel. i’m not seeing them as these soulmates that belong together. to me they’d be better of as best friends. the darkling didn’t make her strong he tried to steal her strength for his own use but mal doesn’t make her strong either, she relies too much on him. mal actually was pretty damn resourceful when left on his own. i unfortunately couldn’t say the same for alina. co-dependant love is not better than toxic love and darklina’s toxicity (most of it) comes from the lies and from the darkling repeatedly choosing for alina. he’s not brave enough to just tell her what he intends to do and let her decide whether to align herself with him so he lies and he deceives instead. not much he can do to undo it now but he could help actually destroy the fold if he wanted to. i don’t know if he’ll ever come around to it though.
the darkling visiting mal with the sole purpose to rub it in his face that alina and he are immortal and so eventually mal will die and then he could just swoop in was just peak comedy. the way he delivered that line too you’d think he was talking to an insect not another human being. it was brilliant. mal echoing that same line but ending it with “the past will do it for me” was pretty good, nice quip i’ll give mal that but also terribly ironic when you see the ending.
team crows remains the highlight for me. kaz and inej and their unspoken love for each other is just killing me. i can tell there are personal traumas there that i don’t know about (gotta read those damn books and quick) what with kaz not being able to help tend to her wounds and the fact that there were moments were i could see there was maybe a kiss about to happen or an embrace (at the end when kaz let alina go free and made a deal not to rat her out) and it just didn’t happen. there’s a story there about kaz and his distaste for being touched/touching others. jesper is just here to look pretty, shoot shit and be the most charming person in any crowd. i’m in love. also someone give him his goat back for the love of god.
nina and mathias were entertaining for sure. with all that banter and all these jabs i should have really seen them falling for one another coming. i felt like it was perhaps a bit rushed but i guess there’s nothing like almost freezing to death together to make you reconsider your views. you know the whole saving of lives thing can really bond you. the waffle date was adorable. was not expecting nina to just brand herself a traitor for him and she’s damn lucky fyedor came on that mission because i’m pretty sure ivan wouldn’t even have offered to keep her name out of the report. she and mathias ended their story both heartbroken and separated. i really hate that he thinks this was all intentional. really hope she’ll join the crows on their next con job. and i also cannot wait to see the look on heleen’s face when kaz buys inej’s freedom.
i was not at all expecting zoya to turn against the darkling. that’s what happens when you turned down one of your fuck buddies, aleksander they get bitter and then they leave you to be eaten alive by volcras. ok but in all seriousness she did the right thing and i hope she finds her family even if they’re not alive so she can say her goodbyes. 
oh and completely unrelated but since i talked about heights of comedy before i really need more sassy! darkling in my life. he is everything. that quip about his speech. the way he said adorable like he was gagging on the word. him just letting david be his dorkiest self and raise his hand before speaking, that little put upon sigh. i love sassy! darkling almost as much as jealous and petty darkling which is saying a lot. just more of that. it humanizes him, i’m tired of villains who are forever stoic and stone face. 
i think i about covered everyone and everything that happened in those remaining episodes. all in all shadow and bone is an amazing adaptation, really faithful to the first book. they made some changes to the characters which in turn changed some dynamics (alina actually admitted she wanted to be with the darkling. out loud. to his face. book!alina would never and book!darkling would never cry in front of her.) but it made for surprising viewing. it also made me become even more attached to some characters (the darkling let’s be real) which made me care more which is why i was livid when they started making a lot of terrible no good choices.
i was just really blown away by this show and the way the grishaverse was brought to life and above all major props to the actors who all just seemed to be born to play their respective roles. 
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genderfluidlucifer · 3 years
Response to being asked to give  an opinion on Connie’s calout by residentevil-4
(Tw: CSAM, rape fic, incest fic, predatory behavior, racism, ableism, kink mention, nsfw mentions. Minors should probably dni.)
“Connie and I know each other irl and went to school together for 3 years, although they now live in a different state and have cut contact with me. We went to a private therapy school in Manhattan as we're both disabled and were deemed unable to attend public school. Even though we were pretty close, Connie didn't like having photos taken of them, so I don't have any selfies of the two of us; however, these are from our sophomore and senior yearbooks which at least confirms that we were in the same year at school. People who have seen Connie's selfies should be able to confirm that that is what they look like. First and foremost, Connie is not TMA. They are intersex and the two of us have discussed intersex issues both in person and online, but they are still decidedly CAFAB.” Ok so first off, I want to address this part of the callout. To be honest...was it really necessary to literally doxx Connie ehre? Because this textbook definition of doxxing. Yes Connie’s done some shitty things but I freally don’t think that what they’ve done warrants this level of doxxing. Or...even better, any doxxing. This feels like a really unnecessary breach of privacy, revealing sensitive information on Connie’s childhood that they choose to confide in you with. I really don’t agree with this aspect of the callout as it feels very invasive and bordering on stalkerish.  Btw when I say bordering on stalkerish I’m not directly calling you a stalker Bonnie. Just so we’re clear. I am not defending Connie supposedly faking being TMA. Because faking being TMA is a very serious issue. HOWEVER since I don’t know Connie irl and to be quite frank it’s none of my business what the nature of their agab is. Were not close and I’m certainly not going to like lead Connie onto thinking we’re friends just to confirm this with them because that would be creepy. So to be honest I’m going to take this part of the callout with again of salt for now.
[ID: A cropped screenshot of a numbered list Connie posted to their blog hadrosaurs in response to an ask. 
“3. I’m TMA And that’s completely irrelevant. I’m not accusing them because of their gender I didn’t even know their gender when they said that to me saying that they said that because they fucking said that and the reaction to it was incredibly alarming. Don’t fucking say that stuff to people.]
I mean I”m not a trans woman so take this with a grain of salt if you want but...I don’t see how this is really proof of Connie being deliberately transmisogynistic? Yes Connie gives iffy retellings of mistakes they’ve made in the past. I’ve seen that on their blog before and I won’t pretend it doesn’t happen. BUT here they sound genuine enough and to be honest a growing issue I’ve seen with callouts as of late is. A person confirms they in fact did not do the thing they were called out for. And then the people who make the callout choose to see it as proof of incriminating behavior anyways. To be honest it’s a big problem and it’s also incredibly unfair to the person being called out. If you’re so determined at that point to see the person as bigoted no matter what they say then of course anything they say can be seen as proof. So I’m going to have to pass on this bit of evidence. “Connie responded: “Final note: I have spoken extensively with several trans women about using TMA to describe myself. I will not be getting into discourse about that on this blog again. All that leads to is people demanding my medical records and calling me slurs. If you wanna have a thoughtful conversation about it direct message me cause it’s not happening again here.” Again this really doesn’t seem all that self incriminating. Connie mentions here that they’ve talked to rl trans woman about whether or not they can be considered TMA. Connie really doesn’t have to disclose that personal information to people for any reason. Yes even when people are e including this ask response in a callout. And considering lots of people DO get invasive about Connie’s medical history ans general personal life over matters like this? I feel their reaction is pretty understandable here. “Connie has constantly compared “exclusionists” (or anyone, really) to TERFs, even when the people in question are not transmisogynistic, trans exclusionary radfems, or are even transmisogyny affected themselves.
“ Gonna have to disagree with this part of the callout too. Lots of ace inclus blogs, even some run by trans women , have proven that the ace exclus movement was started by swerfs/terfs. But the blog that has the most evidence for this is courteousmingler on tumblr. I suggest you check out that blog’s archiving of the history of ace exclus rhetoric before rushing to call me a transmisogynist for disagreeing with this part of the callout. I looked through all of the evidence for Connie being racist and tbh as a black ndn it all feels incredibly flimsy. It’d be one thing if Connie was using their experiences to derail and invalidate the discussions about how black people are oppressed But they weren’t doing that there at all. This part of the post feels incredibly biased. And like OP is looking for things to be mad about. Going to have to pass on this list of evidence. Also uh I seem to recall that residentevil04 got called out for some questionable behavior as well. “Both me (insepsy, hi) and ezrat have had really weird spikes in activity on our Statcounters, both on the same day. (Saturday, 4/17/21) For both of us, majority of the pages looked at by these visitors have been related to or about Connie, or have been posts that Connie would find "problematic" such as the f slur untagged or something related to "panphobia"/aphobia. I’m sorry but...none of the proof of cyberstalking holds any water. Visiting someone’s blogs and rbing posts to disagree with them is not cyberstalking. Keeping tabs on urls that an abusive person who has harassed are using so you can block them (in this case with kyoshi) and warn your mutuals is not stalking. As a victim of rl stalking it’s...really weird to call this legit stalking at all. Much less claim that you have damning proof of it being stalking when no such evidence exists in the callout. Besides after Connie and nonbinarydave called out one of kyoshi’s buddies for sending a death threat hate anon to nonbinarydave’s toddler st4lker partly admitted to doing it a few times. Then other mutuals in kyoshi’s toxic social circle clearly began joining in. Making side accounts where they tried to spin a false narrative of nonbinarydave’s daughter being one of their alters (ableist as hell.) And also trying to do it in such a way that they thought would trigger nonibnarydave’s psychosis (also ableist as hell.) If you’re going to drag Connie for their mistakes and never let them move on from those mistakes then it’s only fair to do that to people you agree with who also do toxic/bigoted things. ALso the fact that your wording here suggests that you think panphobia and aphobia aren’t real makes me doubt this claim even more. Exclus and their allies are notorious for mislabeling inclus disagreeing with them as stalking. “connie said that they would release that info at a later time and the minor began to argue with them that they had a responsibility regardless of their complicated relationship with age. in this argument connie for a time kept their age ambiguous and at one point told the minor (who confirmed in a later ask that they were severely traumatized by adults) that they obviously weren’t traumatized. connie quickly deleted this ask and any mentions of it and the next post they reblogged was about how wrong it was to try and quantify or discount others’ trauma. on my old blog i @ed them in the replies and asked if they had just done that. connie admitted to it and said it was fucked up but quickly blocked + deleted my comment. i can’t remember whether or not connie apologized to the minor, they may have? but yeah. i thought that was pretty weird.”] I do agree with some of the concern here that adults shouldn’t over expose minors in discourse. I’ve been contemplating this for awhile myself. And trying to figure out how to take better steps to avoid including minors who are triggered by discourse in discourse, especially. HOWEVER I have one little issue with this addition to the callout. If that is the case then exclus and their allies need to practice this as well. You cannot ignore the fact that the reason a lot of minors are getting involved in exclus discourse is due to adult exclus and their allies forcing minors to pick a side in the discourse. Y’all are not at all exempt from this problem. I still remember an ex mutual of mine trying to convince a minor to agree that aces can’t face corrective rape. And based on how aggressive it got with me when I tried to avoid giving an opinion on the matter, I can’t imagine that it would’ve reacted better to the minor refusing to give an opinion or to the minor outright disagreed. Refusing to put these standards on exclus and their allies is both hypocritical and quite frankly very transparent. The claims about them glorifying dark topics on AO3 through their fics also seems unfortunately legit. I mean those asks of shaming people who ask their viewers to not romanticize or glorify abusive relationships in their works is very damning. I’m very disappointed to see that Connie has taken being an inclus to the point of validating antis anti culture wholeheartedly. I can’t think of much more to add to my opinion on that part of the callout. As for the issue of Connie interacting with pro shippers in the past, I do know that this claim is legit. I’ve seen it before and so has Breeze. This was why for a brief time we decided to stop following their blogs. Because it was triggering to have pro shippers put on our dash. And sometimes we just don’t feel it’s worth it to always let people we’re platforming know they’re rbing triggering stuff. So sometimes we just quietly unfollow and choose to not interact until we’re sure they’re filtering what they do and don’t rb in some way. I definitely don’t agree with that behavior. And if they’re still doing that I”ll deplatform again. “The anon asks: “A weird question but do you know any other stimboard blogs with your follow criteria? (No radfems, racists, fandom antis, etc.) I was hoping to find more through your “similar blogs” but a lot have no anti-antis for their DNI or allow truscum/transmeds and exclus. :(“
The user responds: “I know of @turtle-pond-stims, @outofangband, and @kinaesthetics! 🍂🍄" “[ID: A cropped screenshot of an ask sent by Connie from their now-deactivated blog, butch-with-a-tortoise.
Connie says: “hey anon I have safe stim blogs. dm me if you want them. And radfems/bigots aren’t allowed to interact. For my own safety (because the community is honestly terrifying) I can’t publicly say on my blogs that I’m safe for proshippers/kinky people but I try to spread word how I can.”] [ID: Screenshot of a post by evilwriter37, which reads, “I’ve been seeing posts about fandom police leaving ao3, and it’s like: Good. We don’t want you here anyway. Go find your own fanfiction site.”
The post is tagged “#Fandom #AO3 #Antis #Purity Culture” and has 87 notes. It was posted on December 21st, 2020.
There is a reply from main-to-outofangband-andothers saying: “there are Silm antis on that site who are against Russigon (Maedhros and Fingon) not because they’re cousins but because they’re both male (coded)”] [ID: A screenshot of an anonymous (though signed off as being from outofangband) ask sent to evilwriter37, which says, “Melkor and Viggo solidarity is ‘Look there’s nothing wrong with keeping my enemy chained up in my personal chambers at all times so please just focus on the war efforts and I’ll focus on the boy* in my chambers’ -@outofbangand.
*boy used figuratively @ antis”
The user responds: “Pfft!!! Hahaha! You’re absolutely right! (And Viggo does refer to Hiccup in canon as ‘my boy’).”] I can’t really say anything to refute this. Because these are all posts of Connie outright stating that they disagree with antis. And not only sympathize with anti antis but are fully against antis. Looks like very damning evidence. Although ngl I’m not entirely against kinky blogs as a whole? Just so long as they truly stay in their lane with their kink content. And don’t force it on others in any way. Or shame people who are triggered by their kinks. It is true that being entirely against kinky blogs no matter what is dipping your toes into swerf rhetoric. Tbh I’m not going to look at the rest. This is pretty much all I need to make a decision on whether or not I”ll continue platforming Connie. Though I will try to get some more  perspective from people who I interact with as well. Because I feel better about making a more definitive decision after doing that. Also in general please don’t not try to get an opinion from me on how I feel about syscourse. A lot of the claims about Connie’s age weirdness and them using their alters as a shield feel like syscourse to me. Especially if this callout was written by one or several singlets. Singlets should never be trying to judge how legit someone’s system is ever. Even if their system friends encourage them to. You can call out a horrible person with a system without trying to insinuate that they’re lying about their alters in some way. Doing otherwise is ableist ESPECIALLY if you’re a singlet. Also in general the reason I stay out of discussions of judging how someone is handling their systems is because it’s syscourse and syscourse is triggering for my system and I. If this post was an attempt to get me to give an opinion  on the validity of Connie’s system I don’t appreciate it. And I would appreciate not being dragged into such matters again, thank you.
In general there’s like a few parts of this callout that feel legit. Which is unfortunately cluttered with obvious bias and obsessive hatred of Connie. I’m not here to stan or coddle Connie. I know they are not a perfect person. Especially since no human being in the world is perfect. But I feel the way this callout was created was very sloppy since a lot of the evidence was messy at best. And some points were very hypocritical as well as there being some no true scotsman moments from OP. In acting like exclus never do any of the thing that they tried to call out Connie for. Which is behavior that I am not a fan of. This is why people need to be more careful about callouts and like make roughdrafts and have a more unbiased person helping them if they don’t feel they can do it on their own. I’m even trying to make a resolve to do better at that myself. So it’s not like I’m unwilling to put my money where my mouth is. Anyways those are all my thoughts on this messy callout. And tbh I’m not going to get too much more heavily involved in this. Because I need to focus on more immediately serious rl stuff more often, like doing what I can to get out of the hellish landscape of a house I currently am stuck in.
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fairymagicheart1 · 4 years
The Very Odd Couple
(It took a while but this is my first fanfic since I went through the passing of my grandma, so I hope you all love this! This is more of a buddy fic between my OC Tati and Donnie, and yes the title is a reference to the classic 1968 movie The Odd Couple.. for obvious reasons here. xD
Yes this is for saving our Rise boys! Please @nickelodeon @nickanimation @netflix please pick them up for continuing them!)
It clearly was supposed to be a peaceful night of pizza and Lou Jitsu movie marathon.. but there was trouble to that plan.
Standing between the last slice of pizza on the table was Tati and Donnie, clearly another of their usual competitions and bickering that has become common soon after Tati began living and training with them.
"Donnie, it would be easier with a duplication spell?" Tati said, she had a smirk and tried to pull the plate and ready to use said spell, but Donnie snatched the plate with one of the mechanical arms of his spider shell.
"A simple precise cut is much more easier and effective for the sharing of the last pizza, especially with my area of expertise with technology." Donnie bragged and pressed a button on his tech-bo to switch it to laser mode. "Oh and burn us like the last time?" Retorted Tati.
The remaining three turtles, Splinter, April, and Nessa were just helplessly watching the bickering. "Shouldn't we try to stop them?" April asked, frankly for all.. it was getting to be too much lately; Tati was just as proud of her mystical fairy abilities almost as much as Donnie's own abilities in technology. Splinter was even tapping his fingers on his arm rest in growing frustration at the constant arguments.
"At least it won't blow us off the roof of a 12 story building with your so called Air Swipe attack?" Donnie sarcastically said back, using air quotations and Tati learned on the table now doing a mystic spell/tech tug of war with the pizza slice. "THAT was an accident during practice and you know it Techy!!"
It was a pull and tug battle and it was getting heated.. until Splinter leaped from his chair and pulled the slice away and caused the two to land in a pile. "ENOUGH!! Both of you!" Called out Splinter, now both teens looked up to Splinter's steamed face; the argument clearly had annoyed him greatly. "You know it's kinda ironic how you two argue but can be so much like each other." Raph spoke up with a slight smile.
Though getting back up, they both spoke at the same time. "What me, him/her?! We're nothing alike!" They then both faced each other steamed.
Before another word can be spoken, Splinter jumped to separate them with a loud. "To your rooms! Tomorrow there will be training.. for you both only!" And with that, Tati and Donnie had no choice but to do so..
Through this silence, April spoke up and they all have a look that screams unease. "Uh Splints? You sure you got a great plan? I love them both but Donnie and Tati look like they're almost ready to tear each other apart." She said while Leo just leaned back. "Totally cheering for my girlfriend by the way." Though at that Splinter just made his chair tip over and fell to the ground with a yelp.
"Oh I have just the plan for this and it will take more than just one parent.." Splinter said with a grin and pulled out a hand sized crystal piece.. "I just need to make a call." He walked away, leaving confused looks on the group's faces.. though Nessa's face had more of a look of knowing.
It was the next morning when Tati and Donnie were already up in the kitchen for breakfast.. still clearly ticked off from last night though Splinter came into the room and wasn't alone as Tati nearly choked in surprise. There standing with her arms crossed was Tati's own mother Queen Himari. "Mother?! What are you doing here?" Tati asked in surprised yet slightly fearful..
"My daughter, Splinter called me here for my help on this training.." Himari explained.. now they told the idea... and the unison shouts came soon after from the two teens and it rattled the doors!
"WHAT?!?! Spend the whole day with HIM/HER?!?!" Cried both Tati and Donnie in horror, clearly obvious that this plan does not sit well with them and that was expected.. so Himari herself nodded, her hand raised to Tati and a zap came to her cloaking T-symbol pin. "This spell lasts for exactly 24 hours, this keeps you from using your mystical abilities." Himari explained and Splinter quickly grabbed Donnie's gear, his battle shell, gauntlet, his goggles and tech-bo! "And until then, Donnie will not be using his tech! You both must learn to respect each other as a team on equal ground." Splinter said in this moment of seriousness ans Himari nodded in agreement. "And for you both to respect your abilities, not to use them for ridiculous fights and competitions."
The two teens both clearly were to argue back.. if not the two parental figures have gave their stern glares (hence anime fires behind them) Donnie and Tati knew.. they had to spend the day together, so they were on the surface now; Donnie in his hoodie sweater and Tati wearing her jacket, walking together.
"Great, a full 24 hours without tech or even without even the use of phones?! The great Pizza Supreme in the sky may take me now!" Donnie exclaimed with such a dramatic expression. "You went on a full on mission without tech before.. Twice?" Tati replied, though rather being sarcastic.. then a cheerful voice piped up behind them.
"Never fear! Todd the Friendship Counselor is here!" Said the sweet and overly excited mutant Capybara Todd.
"Todd?! How did you-!?" Tati cried out in surprise. "Let me guess.. Dad and her mom called you in for backup?" Donnie asked with a deadpan expression and tone. In which Todd pulled both Tati and Donnie and a tight hug. "By the end of this day, I just know you two will become the best of buddies!" He said cheerfully, the two weren't as thrilled as he was.. even they know Todd means very well. "Yeah.. this is gonna end well.." Tati said in a deadpan expression.
Though it was from the shadows, three hidden figures smirked from the shadows..
Now at an outdoors pizza place, Todd had Tati and Donnie sitting face to face and both equally share a look of unimpressive expressions, arms crossed on the surface. Todd sat on the stool where he can face both of them. "So let's see, why don't one of you start off by saying something nice?" Todd instructed.. which still caused silence to follow.
"Donnie? Doesn't Tati have the cleanest hair?" Todd said, trying to start things off.
Taking a breath, Tati regained herself.. "Well Donnie is great with his tech.. if it wasn't for that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Milk Thief thing that nearly fried me?" She said in a passive aggressive way as Donnie just narrowed his eyes. "What you expect me to eat dry cereal?" Donnie just said equally as such.. they both glared, electricity zapping from all around. But Todd was undeterred! "Don't worry! We still got 12 hours of fun together!" He said as both teens have fallen backwards with exasperated groans.
"Well yes but she's always the one who ties up the bathroom for 3 hours every morning?" The technology minded turtle just pointed an accusing finger at the mystic fairy.
"Hey I was trying to get my makeup done, I like looking my best?" Tati snapped but Todd intervined. "Hey now we're trying to say nice things?" He said still trying to keep the peace.
*segue into montage*
After the pizza and through the daytime, Todd was making sure the two were doing buddy themed activities; video games at the arcade (getting into a competitive argument in between when Donnie cheated again.)
Basketball (Donnie still has a horrible toss and Tati made a basket which bounced off his head.)
And now a quick browsing trip in a clothes store. At this time both teens had finally managed to relax.
Tati was looking at some cute tops and dresses while Donnie just looked at some fabulous jackets. "You know this wasn't so bad.. never ever done this kind of day off before." Tati said offhand, which Donnie looked towards her at that.
"That's.. surprising.. I thought a princess like you got to do whatever and whenever you want at the snap of your fingers?" Donnie replied, Tati put away the dress. "Yeah right.. everyday was a constant and useless schedule of so called ladylike lessons, it was very rare that I even get to spend at least more than 3 hours with my mother and siblings." Tati explained, gritting her teeth at the memory of it.. but then looked back to Donnie, a flash of realization, if it wasn't for them.. she would've gone back to that life. "I'd give anything to have what you have.. even admittedly that skill in tech."
Donnie gave a wry smile, even chuckling at the memory of how hard it was for the mystic fairy to get around tech in the beginning. He's noticed that she now gotten some improvement.. even if the other day she still confuses the remote with the phone.
"Still I thought.. you hated me or something.." Donnie said in a rare honest tone, Tati looked at Donnie with a shocked look. "Donatello why would.." Tati started but then the store lights started flickering and the floor started to shake. Totally means trouble and they both rushed out fast.
"Oh just typical New York stuff.. uh Todd, maybe you should go on ahead and we'll catch up?" Tati suggested with a nervous grin, she didn't want Todd in the crossfire..
There was a 10 foot tall robot with a shogan like headgear and large gauntlets (like something out of Gurren Lagann) Tati had her hand in front of her open gaped mouth and was wide eyed. Tati turned to Todd who came to join them. "What's the excitement?" Asked Todd, blissfully oblivious. Tati clapped her hands together fast.
"Okey-dokey!!" He skipped off, leaving Tati to sigh in relief.
"The one time we don't have gear or powers then trouble starts?! Sure this was a great idea Papa!!" Donnie exclaimed loudly and slapped his face covered.
"Aww is little tech turtle having a bad day?" Said a condescending female voice and both teens looked to see it was the Purple Dragon Tech Club! Kendra smirked with Jase and Jeremy standing behind her, Jase was the one holding the remote control for the robot.
Donnie shot a look but narrowed his eyes in distaste at the group. "I should've known.. the Purple Dragon Tech Club? Shouldn't you all be under house arrest?"
"Purple Dragon Tech Club? Those crazy kids you told me about?" Tati quickly asked before the robot had swung fast and knocked over Donnie and pushed Tati a fair distance. "And Ow!!" Donnie said holding his head.
Kendra smirked at the opportunity now to smash Donnie once and for all. "Jase, smash the turtle!"
Donnie held his head, looked up and stared wide eyed up at the impending robot arm about to hit him, but at that moment, a recovered Tati's eyes shimmered and screamed out "DONNIE!!!" She sprang up and ran so fast.. as if she was tapping into her Air powers now! She managed to push Donnie and both of them rolled out of the way as the robot just smashed the pavement.
"Ugh! Get them!!" Cried out an irritated Kendra, pointing towards the two.
The robot tried another swing but this time Donnie managed to react in time and sprinted fast enough with Tati. "Those guys.. seriously have issues!!" She cried out and now they ran before ducking into an alleyway to let the robot rush by. The two peeked out before stepping out.
As the robot came, Tati was waving her arms. "Hey down here!!" She goated and rushed towards a fire hydrant. While the robot turned towards her, Donnie took this chance before the Purple Dragons caught up, Donnie may not have his gear but this didn't stop him from ripping out the panel cover with the crowbar and he pulled the right wire to stop the leg from moving. "Boom! Ready!!"
"Hey thanks for that save.." Donnie said catching his breath, keeping a sheepish glance. "Donnie.. I know I was angry but I know I couldn't and never will hate you." Tati said, smiling to the purple banded turtle. "In fact, Todd was right.. I already thought of you like a brother." She looked at Donnie with a glance of sweetness that was shared.
"Yeah." Donnie said, Tati hugged him from the side, though now and stepped to face the oncoming robot coming back towards them. "Ok Techy let's come up with something to teach those brats a lesson.." Tati said while giving a look of determination which was shared by Donnie. "Hey Don? Their tech isn't waterproof?" She said as Donnie's lips turned to a smirk. Glancing from a nearby renovation site with a crowbar..
Tati pulled a thumbs up and did a dodge roll before the robot finally took a swing and hit the hydrant instead.
The stream of water hit the exposed panel and the robot couldn't move anyways so it shorted out and finally crashed to the ground.
"What?! How?!" Shrieked Kendra after running up, clutching her head in anger.
"You messed with the fam, you get retribution!!" Said in a loud tone of confidence from Donnie with Tati, arms crossed and smirking proudly. Then the sound of police sirens finally came rapidly.
They already got back ahead close to the manhole closest to their lair home, managing to pick up Todd along the way. "Oh man I wish I could've saw the look of their faces!" Tati laughed alongside Donnie. "I know right!" They both laughed then they shared a shared smile as Todd looked up at them both with shining eyes. "So does this mean you're both best buddies now?"
Before Kendra could try to even expose Donnie and Tati, they were already gone and left the Tech Club to their fate, getting arrested by the cops once again.
Though they both looked at each other then at Todd. "Well we could say for certain that we will be.. this is a start of it." Donnie said and Tati continued with "Yeah and besides, we're more like siblings now.. guess that's why we fought, siblings fight.." "But we'll always be family." Donnie finished as he and she shared a fist bump to Todd's joy as he hugged them both. "Friendship counseling mission complete!" He cheerfully said and the both teens laughed.
They both went home, even when they got their respective abilities and tech back, the next night..
"Donnie!" Tati said arms crossed. "Just say when Techy?" She finished actually using her levitation spell to life up one pizza box. "Ok now!" Donnie called out as each arm of his spider shell held up plates and Tati tossed up the box and duplicated every slice so that everyone got twice as much slices on each plate! Both teens now stood side by side, a grin on each face.
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layce2015 · 5 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 10: On The Road Again
Chapter 9
*Sean's POV*
Charles drives up to the Reynolds house and pulls over. Chris and Daniel jump out the back and start playing in the snow, (Y/N) follows as she climbs out. "Looks like Daniel found a new brother..." Charles said as we watch them run around. "No kidding...He dumped me like a rock..." I said as I watch them then I look over and see (y/n) leaning against the truck for a moment before she joins the boys as she starts to act like a zombie. "Argh...I'm a zombie! I'm here to eat your brains." She said and the boys squeal as they run from her then start throwing snowballs at her.
"I'm glad you three came along...It's great that Chris found a new friend out here..." Charles said and I nod at him. "So...what's the story between you and the girl?" He asked me. "Oh...uh....we're just...just friends...." I said. "Oh...well....I've just noticed how close you two are. I just didn't know if there was something going on." He said and I give a small smile to this.
"Anyway...It's good for me to get out too...We've had a rough time over the past couple of years...My wife, Emily...She died two years ago. Obviously, it was tough on Chris..." he admits. "Shit...I'm sorry, man..." I said to him. "Thanks...It's been a struggle...Especially...trying to be a good dad..." he said. "You're...doing your best...Chris is awesome. And...he's got a wonderful imagination..." I informed him. "Thanks for saying that...Chris does have talent...he's a storyteller." Charles said.
"Yeah. He showed up when I was drawing at the market. He gave me some tips..." I said to him. "When I look at you and Daniel...how close you two are...I realize I'm far from being up to the task. Chris deserves a real family. Anyway...I shouldn't have brought this up. Okay...Forget it..." he said then he turns his head.
"Do you have some...kind of problems?" I asked him. "I'm just...not the man I was...I shouldn't even have brought this up, you know just forget it..." he said, embarrassed. "No worries...Didn't mean to make you feel bad..." I said.
"We all have our ups and downs, right? That's how life works. Your grandparents sure did have their share of downs, too...But they're always there for us. For Chris. They seem like good people." Charles said to me.
"Chris talked to me and (y/n)...He said that...you sometimes lose it...When you're drunk." I said and his eyes widen at this. "Oh, fuck..." He mutters, distraught. "Maybe...You should get some help...Don't handle this alone..." I said and he sighs. "Shit. Maybe you're right. His grandparents...my wife's parents. They offered me their help and...They want Chris to go live with them. I haven't replied yet. Maybe I could...s-send him away for a little while. Give me time to get my shit together..." he said and I nodded. "Might do him good. Yeah..." I said.
"I know I gotta do better. I can't let pain define who I am. Everyone has to go through some shit...But they're always there for us. For Chris. They seem like good people." He said. "Yeah, my...my mom left my dad a long time ago...she...never came back...She broke all ties with her parents, too..." I said as I look down. "Sorry for bringing that up." He said.
"It's okay. I hope they don't stress out because we haven't come back..." I said and he nods. "Yeah, we should get you three home...Don't keep them waiting." He said and I nod. "Yeah..." I said and I get out of Charles' truck then I turn around to look back at Charles.
"Oh and...Uh...Thanks...for your honesty. I'll try my best to be a better...dad...for Chris." He said and I nod at him then I turn around towards Daniel, Chris and (y/n). "Hey buddy, wanna set up that Christmas tree?" Charles asked Chris as he runs up to the truck. "Yeah!" He said. "Well, I'll get there before you with my Dadmobile!" Charles said and Christ smiles. "No way you can beat Captain Spirit!" Chris said then he turns to Daniel and said. "See you later, Superwolf!" Then Chris flies off towards his house, Charles steadily behind him in the car.
*(y/n) POV*
"Hello! Hello? Claire? Stephen?" Sean calls out as we enter the house ans shut the door. "Looks like Grandma and Grandpa haven't come back from church yet." Daniel said. "Well. At least they won't yell at us for going out..." I said and Sean shrugs. "That was so cool to spend time with Chris at the market!" Daniel said with a smile.
"So...did you set things straight with him? Told him the truth?" Sean asked him. "Yeah, yeah, I did...He was disappointed..." Daniel said. "Of course he was. You lied to him." I said and Daniel looks down then back up at us.
"Did you know Chris's mom was an artist?" He said. "I...didn't...How so?" Sean asked. "She drew comics! You should see her drawings, they're so cool. Just like yours!" Daniel replied and Sean smiles. "Thanks, dude."
"Hey! Uh..." Daniel said then he looks down. "What? What is it?" I asked.  "Guys...I wanna go check on the room...upstairs. I know it's Mom's. Please..." he begs and Sean shakes his head. "Daniel, you heard Claire. They will freak out if they know we went inside." He said to him, firmly. "We won't tell them! We'll be in total stealth mode! They won't know anything if we make it quick...It's just... I really want to know what's inside. What kind of stuff she had. Chris had tons of things that belonged to his mom. And I have nothing! Come on, guys...You guys don't even have to come with me...if you don't want to..." Daniel said as he starts to head up the steps.
I sigh at this as I look over at Sean and he could tell it from my face that we have to go with Daniel. "Fuck it. We'll come with you...So you don't make a mess and get us caught." said Sean and we head upstairs and examine the locked door together.
"The door is still locked! I just...Don't get why they lock the room. What's the big deal?" Daniel asked as Sean and I check the door. "We'll find a way to open it." Sean said and Daniel looks up at him. "Sean, this is super easy! I can just break the lock with my power!" He said. "Yeah, I could do that with a hammer...But let's try and find the key instead, alright?" Sean said and Daniel nods. "And if we can't find the key...I still have an unbended paper clip we could use it." I said. "Yeah, we could....but like I said...let's find it first." Sean said and we start searching for the key.
"I'm just gonna clean up real quick." Daniel said as he heads to the bathroom and cleans up, then heads to the staircase to act as lookout. "Guys, hurry...I'll stay here in case they come back." He said as Sean and I look around in his grandparent's room. 
"Didn't you say you saw her lock that door the other day?" I called out to Daniel as I look through the nightstand and Sean looks through the cabinets. "Yeah." Daniel replied. "Do you remember what she was wearing?" I asked him. "Uh...she was wearing this weird cardigan." He replied and Sean and I exchange a look then Sean runs out of the room and head towards the bathroom. 
I follow him and see him digging in the hamper until he pulled out the key. "I found one key, so it better fit." He said as we head over to the door. "Just try it!" He said and Sean inserts the key into the door and pushes it open. He enters the room and Daniel and I follow as we looks around to see a few items strewn about but also boxes inside.
"Wow. There's not that much left. Where do you think they put the rest of her stuff?" Daniel asked us as we look around the small room. "It's her teenage room, I'm sure she...sorted through her things before leaving for Seattle. The rest is probably packed in these boxes." Sean replied. "Sean...What do you think happened to all the stuff in my room? When we left..." Daniel asked. "I don't know, enano...I wish I could answer that." Sean replied. "Okay..." Daniel said as he picks up a book and sits down to read it. 
"I miss not having any memories of her, Sean...Why would they remove all the pictures..." He said. "Because they made them sad..." Sean said and Daniel nods. "Yeah...Dad did the same thing too...I've never seen any picture of Mom in our home." Daniel said, sadly.
Eventually, I come up to a dresser and saw that there was a letter. I picked it up and realized that this was a recent letter and I look it over, while I frown at it. "Boys..." I said and they see the letter in my hand as I walk over to the bed and sot down. "What's it say? Read it!" Daniel exclaims, desperately, as he sits on my right side and Sean sits on my left.
"I've heard the news about Seattle. Please help my boys if they come to you..." I read and Daniel looks up at me. "What? Why did they hide this from us?!" He asked. "I don't know..." Sean said and I continue to read. "You can reach me at this address, it's a PO Box I use sometimes." I read. "What's a PO box?" Daniel asked. "Well, a cop out...in this case..." Sean grumbles and I give him a small frown before I continue reading. "I beg you please help my sons." I finished and Sean scoffs.
"Oh yeah, right...Total bullshit." He growls. "What do you mean? She cares about us!" Daniel exclaims. "Well...I don't..." Sean said. "Maybe she...changed her mind! We could try and contact her!" Daniel said. "You don't even know her, okay?! Don't get any wrong ideas. We should just...stick to our plan. For now..." Sean said, firmly, and Daniel looks down in sadness.
"Can I read it...?" Daniel asked me and I nod. "Yeah...Then we gotta go..." I said when suddenly Claire and Stephen enter the room. "My Goodness. What happened...?" She said to us and we jumped up in shock and fear. "Shit!" Sean and I exclaim.
"Excuse me, what are you three doing in here?! Except, visibly...ransacking our house while we're at church?" Claire asked us, angrily. "Claire...We're sorry...But we just wanted to --" Sean started to say but Claire talks over her. "No one ever told you that everything you say before a but has no value? You know you shouldn't be in here!" She yells.
"Claire, please. Calm down..." Stephen said to her. "No, Stephen! They went way out of line here! We specifically told you to stay out of this room!" She shouts. "Uh...I just wanted to see my Mom's stuff!" Daniel said. "This isn't her room anymore! There is nothing to see in here! It's time you learn to respect some rules!" She said to us.
"Actually, we did find something..." I said as I hold up the letter. "Yeah! We found a new letter from my Mom! She said she wants to see us! But...You didn't even tell us!!!" Daniel screams at her. "She's not my daughter anymore! Or your mother! She burned all those bridges!" Claire yells as she grabs the letter from my hand. "One letter doesn't change what she did to me...all of us! She is not welcome back." She said.
"It's been eight years...maybe it's time to move on." Sean said to her. "Don't you dare lecture me, Sean. You don't know anything about how I feel!" She said to him. "Don't blame them for being curious about her, Claire." I said, defensively. "But I know her better than anybody! She hasn't changed! She just feels guilty!" Claire yells. "I can't hear that." Stephen said and he leaves the room. Claire starts to go after him, then walks back up to us.
"Listen, kids...I know life has been tough on you the past month...Bless your souls. And...and we put up with a lot of things...But... that...Going through our stuff, our personal belongings...That shows you don't respect us. Then you act like I'm the bad guy! After what we've done for you! I knew something like this might happen...maybe you three staying here wasn't such a good idea..." she said and Sean scoffs. "Man! I think I see why Mom left now...She couldn't put up with your stupid rules anymore!" He shouts at her. "Oh...So that's what you think? Then let me tell you something --" She starts to argue when suddenly, Stephen screams from downstairs, and then a clatter of furniture.
"STEPHEN!" She shouts and we run to Stephen's room to find him trapped beneath the cupboard. "Oh, shit!" Sean a d exclaims in fear. "Get...this...damn thing off me!" Stephen exclaims and Sean, Daniel and I run over to the cupboard and try to lift it as Claire exclaims. "Stephen! No! Hold on, honey! We'll get it off..."
"NO...stop! My legs!" Stephen screams and Daniel steps back, looks at Sean and I then gesture towards the cupboard. "Do it, Daniel! Now!" Sean screams and Claire looks over at us. "Do what? What's going on? Oh, Lord! What...What are you doing, Daniel?" She kept asking, frantically, as Daniel holds his hand out, concentrating on lifting the cupboard. Sean and I pull Stephen out then Daniel falls to the floor in exhaustion.
"Oh, my baby...Stephen, are you okay?" She said as she falls to her knees and cradles his head in her lap. "Now I am...Thanks to Daniel...You were right, Claire. I should have fixed that cupboard months ago. I guess my laziness will get me someday..." Stephen said.
"What in the name of God was that all about? That's impossible...What are you, Daniel?" She asked and I hold my hands out to him. "Claire...Listen..." I started to explain before Stephen places his hand on her arm. "They saved me, Claire. That's all that matters..." he said. "Maybe...It was a miracle...Thank you, Lord..." she said then the door bell rings. Claire looks out the window and gasps..
"It's the sheriff..." she said, fearfully, just as we hear a voice calls out. "Stephen? Claire?" Claire looks over at us in fear. "Sean...I didn't..." she said as the Sheriff said. "It's about your grandsons."
"We didn't call them..." she said. "I know, Grandma..." Sean said as we hear the Sheriff said. "Someone called us...We know they've been here. They were spotted at the Christmas market, earlier today..."
"Guys...What are we gonna do?!" Daniel asked us. "Go hide in the garage!" Stephen orders and Sean and I shake our heads. "No...No! No way! if the police searches the house, that makes the two of you accomplices." Sean said and Claire looks towards the door and back at us. "Get your bags and go out the backdoor...I will distract him..." she said. "Really?" Sean and I asked. "Yes. Now..." Stephen said.
"Stephen?" The sheriff calls out as Stephen looks over at us. "Get the hell out of here!" He orders as the Sheriff continues. "I know you're in here, your car is in the driveway..."
"I'm so sorry...For everything...I wish we could have helped you more...I wish you could stay here with us... Watch out for your brother, Sean..." she said as she hugs Daniel and Sean. "Yes. Be careful...We'll see you as soon as we can, okay?" Stephen said then Claire goes to hug me. "I'm so glad I got to know you, (y/n). Promise me you'll watch over my grandsons." She said and I nod at her. "I promise." I said. "Thanks for helping us...Both of you..." Sean said. "Yeah, and thanks for keeping me here as well." I said and Claire nods.
"Oh, we love you. Now hurry up!" She said and she goes over to the door. Sean turns to Daniel and said. "Daniel, wait for me while (y/n) and I go upstairs and grab our bags!" Daniel nods at us and we run upstairs and Daniel crouches as he runs to the back. Sean and I grab all of our clothes and stuff them in our bags, quickly, and we head creep down the stairs and sneak around to the back towards Daniel.
After we put on our coats, Sean peaks his head out of the door to the backyard then turns to us. "Move your ass, bro..." he said and we run out to the yard just as we see another cop car pulling up to the house. "Shit!" Sean and I exclaim and head towards Chris's backyard. "This way!" Sean said and we climb the fence.
Chris looks up in surprise and gets up from his tree house's swing. "Daniel! What's going on?" He asked and we stop in our tracks. "Hey! Chris..." Daniel said and Chris looks at us. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah...no...We have to leave right now." Daniel replied and Chris sighs, in sadness. "I knew you wouldn't stay..." he whispers.
"Sorry...Wish we could." Daniel said and Chris looks up at us. "You better come back...Hold on a second." He said then takes off his cape and hands it to Daniel. "Here, this is your cape...You're the real superhero." Chris said and Daniel smiles. "Thanks, Chris...That's super cool...Like you." Daniel said and I place my hand on his shoulder. "Daniel, let's go!" I said and we start to go before Chris stops us.
"Take the Troll Forest shortcut...It's right through there...Nobody will find you!" He said as he points towards the forest behind his treehouse. "Chris, you rock..." Sean said and we head towards the shortcut. "Goodbye, Captain Spirit..." Daniel said. "See you around, Superwolf! The Spirit squad will stay united forever!" Chris said then he watches us run off, then heads back up to his tree house. While he runs, Daniel turns to see Chris standing in his tree house, making the Spirit squad pose. "Whoa!" Daniel said then he does the pose in return, and runs off with Sean and I.
"I feel like a fake superhero...Chris was so sad when he found out...That..." Daniel said, sadly. "He had to find out anyway...Before he did something...Dangerous..." Sean said. "I know...I just feel sorry for him..." Daniel replied. "Don't be. No matter what happened...I think you guys will always be friends." I said.
"Guys...I'm tired of running away...I don't want to be a superhero anymore..." Daniel said as we sit on the log, taking a break from running. "You don't have to use your power, if you don't want to." Sean said to him. "I know but... Sometimes I can help and -- How do I know when to use it?" Daniel asked. "You don't. You can only trust your guts. And...Listen to your brother. And me." I replied as I place a hand on his shoulder. 
"You'll think we'll see Grandma and Grandpa again?" Daniel asked. "I don't know...We'll see." Sean said. "Where are we gonna go now? See...See Mom?" Daniel asked. "No way, man. We don't need her, okay?" Sean replied. "But...She said she wanted to find us!" He said to his brother. "We stick to the plan: we go to Puerto Lobos. That's where we belong. No one will tell us what to do. We can be whoever we want!" Sean said.
"You think? I don't know..." Daniel said in sadness. "Trust me, man. From now on...We make our own rules!" Sean said and I dig into my backpack. "Look...I got you a present." I said and Sean smiles. "Same here. Merry Christmas, enano." Sean said as he holds out a snowman craft and I hold out a yo-yo, which I secretly took from this box.
"For real?! But...it's in two weeks!" Daniel said. "Who cares? Dates are boring! Here..." Sean said and he hands his present to Daniel. "It's...Weird. But...I like it!" He said to Sean then I hand him my present. "Gee...A yoyo? Awesome!" He exclaims in excitement. Then Daniel hugs Sean then me. "Early Christmas is the best! Hey, I got something for you too!" He said as he searches his backpack.
"I wanted to finish it, but we're doing it now, so..." Daniel said and he gives Sean and I a couple of drawings, which were of us in superhero getup. "Awww, man...That's so cool." Sean said and I smile at Daniel. "Yeah, this is great!" I said but then Sean digs in his backpack and pulls something out.
"Hey, (y/n)...I got you something." He said and he holds out his hand and shows me that it was a bracelet with a wolf charm dangling off of it and I smiled as I take it. "Oh, Sean...this is really pretty. Thank you." I said as we stand up and I kiss his cheek. His face turns red at this then into to my backpack.
"Here....this is what I was working on back at that market." I said as I hand him the drawing I did, which was of two wolves, a bigger one and a smaller one, and a fox, which was standing between them, and they stood proudly on a cliff. "Wow, your drawing skills are coming a long way." Sean said. "Thanks to you." I said just as we hear a horn of a train.
"Hey. Listen..." I said as we hear the horn go off again. "There's our ride...Come on. All aboard!" Sean said as the freight train travels along the tracks. The brothers and I head down and hop aboard. We look out as the snow covered trees passes us, quickly, and we go to sit down. 
I look down and see the boys looked alittle sad and I frown at them and I sigh and I began to sing a song, to hopefully make them feel better. Which it did as they listen to me and smile.
Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
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kristyavson · 4 years
Ducktales Crossover Fanfic: The Lost McDuck Part 6
This is a more au story based off of @kristyavson​ and @eclipsewarrior101​ gene and Green Eggs & Ham. This Au is a mix between Ducktales Gene au and Anastasia with a cartoon crossover.
This is part 6 where the trio are on the train going to duckburg. but something goes wrong, very wrong.
------------------------------ meanwhile on the train in 4 hours later, the trio are on the booth cart.
sam and guy sits one side while gene sits the other. they are sitting across each other. "so i thought sitting across each other was a great idea. that way we'll look at each other when we chat." guy don't like this and thinking 'not this again...'
guy gets up and said to sam. "sam, i gonna need you keep on out on him, just to be safe." sam asked. "but, we supposed to make sure that he'll be save and sound." guy replied. "yes, but i just want to make sure that we're on the right way to duckburg. you two stay put. i'll be back."
meanwhile the beagle boys, like big time, Burger and baggy jumps in the train and went inside. "alright boys," said big time. "let get the brat and get out of here."
meanwhile in the cart, gene and sam are talking. gene asked sam. "so, sam. what kind of food that you love to eat?" sam said with a smile. "excellent question, GPB, guitar player buddy. green eggs and ham! it's the dish that can not mash!." gene thought of something familiar about the eggs. "green... eggs?" gene asked sam. "Sorry sam, but have met already met... from long ago? your face looks so... familiar." he asked again to sam. sam knows what's up and tried to lie. "but we just already met at the dinnr." gene said. "i know, but..."  
"thanks." said guy as he say thanks to the train worker, the he saw the beagle boys and guy takes off to get sam and gene after he saw the numbers. "uh, what did we do now, big time?" said baggy. big time saw guy ran off, he smiled and said. "easy, we follow him. he lead on to the kid."
gene said to sam. "well, not too long ago, when i was still living on the streets and doing some odd jobs and stuff. i heard some people talking about somebody stolen a rare and endangered animal known as the Chickeraffe from the zoo town of Glurfsburg. you know where you and guy lived." sam was stunned. gene was talking about Mr. Jenkins. "the what- who what he..." sam tries to lie. but gene interrupts and said. "the Chick-er-affe."
then guy came in quickly, taking his and sam's briefcases, then guy gives gene his guitar and said. "sam, get the kid and let's get out of the train!" sam and gene wasn't so sure what's going on. "what's wrong guy?" gene asked. "i'll tell you everything later, but we have to-" but the beagle boys got sam, guy and gene trapped. "alright clowns with fur, give us the brat!" big time said. guy turns to gene and asked. "um, gene do you know them?" gene said. "NOPE, but i have a bad feeling about them!" guy push the boys with his briefcase and sam grasps gene and said. "came on!" the trio gets away from the beagle boys and they went after them.
monkey bars cart where sam, guy and gene already got through it and their at the crate cart, blocking the door. big time said. "come on, it just a monkey bars cart." said baggy with a little afraid. "duh, sorry big time, the bars makes me feel afraid."
guy has to think of something fast, then he has the plan and starts working. gene asked. "what are you doing, guy?" guy said to him. “I’m doing what I’m worse, I’m making inventions!” Sam smiled and sighed excited. That was the phrase he always liked to hear. as guy is working on it, gene is reminded of someone... reminded of gyro?
as guy done with it, he said to them. "we got to get off the train! Now!" the three saw the junkyard very close by and sam said. "this is our stop." they are off the train and landed on a really big bed in the junkyard.
back on the train, the boys busted down the door and big time found them, but it was guy's invention. big time said, "hey! wha-"
the machine that guy build explodes on the train.
back in the junkyard, sam, guy and gene are safe, seeing the black clouds from the train. "is everyone ok?" sam asked. "yeah, we're fine." guy said.
poe found the boys in the junkyard and keeps a eye on sam and guy. sam said with a smile as he looks around. "this junkyard is perfect, guy! now you can invent to get the town was not too far."
gene recognize something about building inventions like he saw guy making things on the train. so gene takes paper ans a pin and draws on it, gene has an idea. "gene, what are you doing?" sam asked as they saw him doing something. guy saw gene was drawing an flying machine invention.
"sooo kid. did you know how to build one of the invention?" guy asked. "i didn't." gene said to guy. "but i'm started that feeling that i remembers something about building inventions. here, take a look." gene gives guy flying machine invention drawing. "i think that i read it somewhere in the books." gene explained. "it's Leonardo da Vinci’s helicopter in 15th-century. but with mix together in 15th-century and modern day inventions. if we work smarter and not harder, we can do everything." guy was stunned about gene's plan. he turns to sam and said. "he's good."
guy said to gene. "ugh, fine, i could use your help. but i'm asking you politely to not get in my way, okay?" Gene nod and said. "sure thing, guy."
so gene helps guy build a flying machine invention to get the town for the boat. "don't worry guy, i'm sure that flying invention won't explode this time." sam said.
but as gene and guy builds an flying invention, poe fly away to her, he got guy's info as an 'inventor', but not sam's info. ------------------ bonus drawing. here's guy's and gene's flying machine invention in the story. it was mixed in Leonardo da Vinci’s helicopter from the 15th-century and modern day inventions.
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------------------- Please read part 1-5 first so you understand the story. Please check out @kristyavson​ tumblr and @eclipsewarrior101​ tumblr.
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thatsdemko · 5 years
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Requested: yes|no
Ntdp masterlist
A/N: Spencer’s new insta post got me inspired! And also this is similar to Cali boy... and I wrote this really fast 😳
Let me know your thoughts if you have any!
You watched the kids run up to the water embracing the cold water, the kids playing in the sand building castles, the adults enjoying a refreshment tanning, and the many girls and boys your age just trying to get any kind of sun on their skin before school started. You laid beside your friend watching the waves hit against the slime enjoying the sounds, “lets go for a walk.” Your friend suggested and you nodded your head and you both got up grabbing your phones and the travel tervis cups that may or may not have been full with alcohol that your mother let you both sneak down.
You walked the shoreline together taking pictures of each other, pointing out the sea shells and talking about the latest things going on Snapchat, your small friend circle, and such, it felt nice for you both to be away from the drama going on.
You were down taking pictures of each other about to look through them when a guy came up to you both, “this is a weird question, but can you take a picture of me and my friends?” You agreed taking his phone and the group of, hot, shirtless boys piled around each other on the shoreline and you started taking pictures of them all, “the lighting isn’t that good do you want to move?” You yelled over the waves crashing against the shore and they all agreed and you started taking pictures of them all again.
“Thanks, we were wondering if you both wanted to hang out with us? We get it if you say no.” The one grabbed his phone and just as you were about to decline your friend smiled, “yeah we would love to.”
“Knighter! You missed pictures!” One of the boys shouted and you looked over your shoulder seeing the boy they were all talking to, and you felt breathless just looking at him. His blonde curls were everything to pull you in, not only that his body had you almost off your feet.
“Shoot your shot,” your friend whispered in your ear and you laughed turning your attention to her, you hadn’t dated anybody in such a long time, you almost wanted to push yourself to do this, but you wanted to wait for college, you didn’t want to fall in love with someone you would never see again.
“I won’t.”
“Who are these lovely ladies?” He asked in front of you both and you lost all words just looking at him this close in front of you. You almost forgot how to speak which caused your friend to shove your tervis into your chest, if you couldn’t speak sober the only thing that could get you to do it was what was in your cup.
“I’m y/f/n, and this is y/n.” She introduced you and you took a long swig of what was in your drink and he smiled at you, he felt it too, he didn’t know how to act in front of you as well, “cool I’m Spencer.” his smile could barely be wiped off his face walking away towards his friends now, “thank you for bringing them.” Spencer could hardly make it over to his friends saying that and they looked at you both talking together sitting on one of the boys towels.
“You want her? Shoot your shot.” He nudged his head in your direction and he could barely even look over at you knowing if he looked over at you he wouldn’t want to take his eyes off of you.
Spencer laughed, “yeah like she’d like me.”
Some more of the boys went to get more to drink from their beach house while you stayed back and your friend volunteered to go with so now it was you, a few of the boys, some girls, and Spencer.
“Just go talk to her, she’s alone around strangers be a man.” His friend shoved him across the beach practically and Spencer made his way over to you, you were looking out at the water bored out of your mind waiting for your friend to get back since none of the girls here were really your type of girls to hang with.
“Hey,” He said sitting down next to you and you smiled, “hi,” you looked over at him and butterflies were in your stomach now just by looking at him.
“You live in Massachusetts?” He asked and you nodded your head, “I can tell you don’t.” You laughed, he didn’t have a noticeable Massachusetts accent like you didn’t, but you knew he was from up the coast.
“No, no I’m from Connecticut.”
“Lacrosse player?”
“Surprisingly no.” He replied and you nodded your head, “then what are you, Connecticut boy?” You smirked running your hand through your hair, “hockey player, well goalie to be specific.”
“You like it?” You asked and he nodded his head smiling looking out at the water, “I played national development for the past two years with some of my best friends.” He sighed and you could see the sadness in his eyes thinking about those memories, “you’re not ready to let go are you?” You asked and now he looked at you, “how do you know?”
“It’s in your eyes, why are you sad to let it go?” You asked leaning back and he could barely find words as to why he wasn’t ready. He would be far away from all his friends again, some close by and some with him, but not all of them would join him.
“They were my best friends, and I never imagined two years with them would go by so fast.”
“Friends are forever, Spencer, they are just like the waves always in consent, yeah you’ll lose some, but some will stay with you, and that’s what’s important. People fade like the tide but they will come back. what’s important is the memories and lessons they’ve taught you.”
“I think that’s the most valuable thing someone has ever told me.” He replied getting up off the towel, “you want to come walk with me?”
“Yeah I’d love too.”
It was night time and you were invited to hang out with the boys after dinner at their place and now you were making your way from your beach house to theirs, it was only a couple blocks down which wouldn’t be a bad walk, except you both decided to drive around and get ice cream before heading over to their beach house. You were pulling up to their house with music blasting out your Jeep windows and all the boys playing basketball in the front stopped playing once you put your car in park.
“I think they know we are here.” Your friend laughed getting out of your car and you hopped out locking the car seeing them all go back to playing, “play your music any louder?” Spencer asked deciding to take a break from playing and your friend went over to the group of girls, she got along with them a lot more than you did.
“It’s called having a good time.” You said and he pulled something out of your hair, “yeah you’re going to have to take a shower again you have bugs in your hair, that’s what wind will do to you.” He smirked and now all the boys stopped playing basketball, “boys! It’s fishing time!” One of them clapped their hands and they all went inside, “are we allowed in?” You asked mainly to your friend, you weren’t sure if you were comfortable going inside some random guys beach house that you didn’t know, but you didn’t want to be the only ones not going in.
“You coming?!” One of the guys called out and you both walked inside seeing there were no parents at the house. not a single adult in sight which freaked you out even more, “if we die—“
“We won’t.” Your friend cut you off and you followed the boys getting their fishing poles and you all went back down to the beach seeing their set up was still there from earlier and you sat on Spencer’s towel, “hey,” he fake frowned and you shrugged blushing a little bit, “you can sit there—unless you want to fish with me?” He asked and you looked at your friend who nodded you along, “sure,” you stood up handing her your phone and you followed him out to the shoreline.
“You ever done fishing by the shore?” He asked starting to get his things around and you tied your hair back, “no.” You replied ane he smiling up at you, “today’s your lucky day.” He handed you the pole putting everything together and you looked over at your friend sitting there, she gave you a thumbs up and you turned back to Spencer.
“Alright, ready?” He asked and you nodded your head and he grabbed a hold of the pole from behind you throwing the line out, “there you go.”
“You’re just going to let me do it?” You asked nervously turning to him and he laughed nodding his head, “come on, Massachusetts girl, show me what you got.”
You laughed feeling the line tug and you reeled it in quickly to see you caught a big one, “nice catch,” Spencer went to the fish pulling it off the line, “I don’t know if I should say thank you or you’re welcome?”
“I mean thank you because you caught it and you’re welcome because you caught it for me.”
You watched Spencer with the girls for hours fish, it was boring because you decided you didn’t want to fish anymore, but Spencer every now and then would show you the fish he caught.
“Aye, Knight! You catch a big one next you got to ask the girl out!” One of his friends called out and he looked down the shoreline seeing the devilish smirk on his face, “deal!” He called back feeling the line tug pretty hard and Spencer reeled it in seeing it was no other than quite a large fish. It was like God was on his side or something giving him a sign.
He heard cheers from his buddies and that’s when he realized he had to ask you out, there was nothing bad about it, he just was afraid of rejection.
“Ask her out, man!” The same friend called out and Spencer let the fish go now heading over to you with his pole, you were sitting there by yourself since all the girls had gone back to get sweatshirts getting ready for sunset pictures.
“Do you want to go out to dinner tomorrow?”
“Sure, say seven o’clock?”
“I’ll see you then.”
They were like the waves, connected in a way the ocean told him something he never thought he could imagine. Always in consent. Some summers were just better than others and Spencer could agree with that.
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hiroshotreplica · 10 months
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back when you were the new guy
(aka: world's weirdest promo kid post ever)
read more is important for context but ill hide it for those who dont care
okay lore... veronika lived on the outskirts in the desert with little buddy for Years and only got to live in splatsville when they were ~14. when they went there and met ane and hiro who had to move out and live on their own from their families for whatever reason ill come up with later. moved in together.... love them as friends...
i hc all of them as being trans in some kind of way and i draw them in present day when theyre like around 17 so. they all think theyre cis in this photo except for maybe 'ron. times change..
also i made a much clearer doodle of young veronika to get the design down before drawing this
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milasartblog · 5 years
Winter holidays (part 4)
Today was one of the most exciting and beautiful day in human world - Christmas Day. All humans were preparing to such day, so much time spent on preparations. And now, they're ready to take time and enjoy Christmas.
The table was already set, as our crew were coming together to the kitchen.
Anoli: Did everyone wash their hands?
Nazeel: I did!
He shows his hands happily, waving them a bit.
Chris: Same!
Liya: All clean and ready~
Axel: I washed them too!
Lucifer: Why is everyone saying it? It's expected answer.
Anoli: Well, unlike some people, you and Liya could probably lie about it, so i had to check.
Lucifer: Still, it's pointless.
Nazeel: That's not true! In this way you let people know that you're safe and clean and-
Liya: How about we just enjoy Christmas and go and have a holiday dinner?~
Anoli: Agree with Liya.
Nazeel: Same!
He said happily as ran towards the living room where the table was set. Sona followed him, barking happily. Others joined soon too and everyone were taking their places. Anoli and Chris sat together on one side as Axel and Nazeel, leaving a place for Liya, sat on the other side. Lucifer of course took the middle place. The food on the table looked delicious, waiting for our crew. As everyone sat down, Lucifer was about to grab a slice, but Liya interrupted him.
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Lucifer: Huh? What is it?
Liya: Before eating we should pray for a moment~
Lucifer: ....Why?
Liya: To thank God for such delicious food and that we're here together~
Lucifer: Liya, we're demons, we don't do such thing.
Liya: At least pay respect to Anoli and others. For now.
As Liya and Lucifer were talking, Chris whispered to Anoli.
Chris: Are you sure that everything is going to be alright? I don't like to admit, but Lucifer does has a point about it. I mean, about demons not praying and so.
Anoli: Don't worry, they don't have to if they don't want to. Plus, i'm sure Liya will handle it. She just want him to do it at least for being polite to others, like me, you, Axel and Nazeel.
Chris: I really hope so.
While Chris and Anoli chatted too, Nazeel was ready to pray. Axel took a glass of water to drink as looked at Nazeel and smiled.
Axel: Well, maybe it's better if we do like Nazeel? Just as a little tradition.
Everyone looked at Axel and then at Nazeel.
Anoli: I agree with Axel.
She smiled as put her hands together.
Lucifer: Well, if only as a tradition.
Liya: Agree~
She took her place next to Nazeel and together our crew started to pray. Of course Lucifer felt uncomfortable doing it, but he had to be respectful to others. After they finished, he felt a relieve.
Nazeel: Well, let's start?
Anoli: Yes, dear.
Nazeel: Yay!
He said happily as Anoli helped him to put some food on his plate. Everyone helped themselves and together too as they chatted and cheered. Everyone had fun and enjoyed time together. Even Sona who was secretly hiding under the table while Nazeel secretly gives food to him. Our demons also had some fun while Axel made sure that these two will not do something crazy.
Some hours passed, everyone were tired and ready to sleep. Well, almost everyone. Lucifer said that he had to come back to his world, to do some stuff. Nazeel was a bit upset by it, but understood that for Ruler of Hell there is no vacation. Chris was in Anoli's room with Axel, sleeping, and Liya was in her room, while Nazeel was in his room with Sona. Anoli meanwhile checked if everyone were asleep before coming back to Liya's room.
Anoli: Well, everyone is asleep, so it means he can calmly come to us.
She said with smile as checked Nazeel's room. He was sleeping peacefully as she smiled and came closer to him. Anoli fixed a bit his blanket as gave a goodnight forehead kiss and went back to Liya's room.
As the flat was covered in silence, a little sillouette appeared in the room. It was wearing red suit with red hat and dark boots. This figure carried a red bag and had a white beard. There was no mistake, it was definitely Santa Claus. Or was it?
Santa (Michael): Phew, i got just in time. This suit was not that easy to wear.
He said in low, almost whispering voice as looked around.
Santa (Michael): So this is where Anoli and young nephilim lives. Very nice. She did good choice on choosing a place to live. I hope that the one who searches for nephilim doesn't know about this place. Well, no time for it, let's put gifts under the tree and get back.
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And with such words he went to Christmas tree and started to put gifts under it. As he finished, he took his bag and looked around again. Seemed like nobody heard him, and with a smile on his face he went back to heaven.
On the next day, everyone were still sleeping, unlike Nazeel who was starting to wake up. He looked at the clock, then at calendar and smiled brightly. It was time for opening gifts.
Nazeel: Momma! Mommy! Mr Axel! Mr Chris! Wake up!
He shouted happily as Sona woke up too and together they ran around the flat. First woke up Anoli and Chris, then Axel and Liya.
Anoli: What happened, dear?
She quickly changed her clothes as Liya did the same and they went out of the room.
Nazeel: Santa Claus came to us and brought gifts! Let's go and open them!
He said happily as grabbed Anoli and Liya's hands and ran towards Christmas tree.
Liya: Oh wow, no need to hurry, Nazeel~
Chris and Axel changed clothes too as went out of the room.
Chris: Why sudden shout?
Anoli: Nazeel is just happy that Santa Claus brought gifts to us.
Axel: Really? Awesome! Let's open them!
And everyone were at Christmas tree. First for opening gifts was Nazeel. When he opened his gift, his eyes sparkled from happiness.
Nazeel: This is the hoodie i saw in the store! But i thought that they all were sold out.
Liya: Well, seems like Santa Claus found the way to get one for you~
Chris: Congratulations, buddy!
He smiled as petted Nazeel's shoulder.
Anoli: Want to try it on?
Nazeel: Of course! I will be back in a minute!
And he ran quickly to his room. While he was changing clothes, Chris opened his gift. Inside there was a nice basket with some stuff for cooking and new recipe book.
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Chris: Oh wow, this is awesome! I always thought to buy new stuff for kitchen! And new book with new recipes! I definitely know what i will do at home.
Anoli: That's amazing! I'm sure such gift will help you.
She smiled as Nazeel came back with his new hoodie. Everyone looked at him.
Axel: Wow, buddy, you look awesome!
Nazeel: I know, right? This hoodie is fantastic!
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Anoli: You look wonderful, sweetie.
She smiled as stood up and petted Nazeel's head.
Liya: Now you're the coolest boy~ I'm sure classmates will be amazed too~
Nazeel: Yeah, and hopefully not too jealous.
He smiled with sweat.
Anoli: I'm sure they will not.
Chris: Well, i guess it's time for our guardians to open their gifts.
Anoli: You're right.
And Anoli opened her gift. Inside there was a nice orange winter hat with pompons and red hearts. She smiled so brightly.
Anoli: This is so adorable! I love it!
Chris: Glad to hear. Seems like Santa made good choice. Why won't you try it?
Anoli looked at Chris as put on a hat.
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Anoli: It fits so well on me. Like it was made for me.
Nazeel: It suits you, momma! You look so pretty!
He said with smile as Anoli blushed a bit from such compliment while Chris showed a thumb up, showing the approve of it.
Anoli: You all are so sweet, thank you so much.
Chris: Always, Anoli.
Liya: Well, now it's your turn, Axel~
Axel: W-Why me?
Liya: I would like you to open first, i will be the last one~
Axel looked at Liya with confusion, but decided to do how she asked. As he opened his gift, he was astonished.
Axel: It's....it's what i think is?
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Liya: Yes~ It's external hard drive~ Or whatever you call it~
She was close to Axel as he was still amazed. He couldn't believe his eyes.
Liya: I remember how much you complained about not having enough memory for work, so i asked Santa for such gift to you~
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Liya got closer to Axel as nuzzled his cheek.
Liya: Merry Christmas, love~
Axel: Liya.....It's so sweet of you. Thank you
Hs smiled as hugged Liya. Chris and Anoli smiled too while Nazeel clapped from happiness.
Nazeel: You two are so cute together. Congratulations with gift, Mr Axel!
Axel: Thank you, buddy.
Liya: Hehe, indeed~ Now, where is my gift?~
Everyone were silent. They looked around, but no gift was visible. Only Axel was blushing for no reason. Liya noticed it.
Liya: Don't tell me-
Axel: W-Well, t-this gift was a bit n-not appropriate to be here, s-so-
Everyone were confused while Liya seemed like she guessed what gift could be and where could it be. Axel tried to look somewhere in order to stop blushing.
Liya:.....We have to check it~
She smirked as suddenly grabbed Axel's hand and ran to the door.
Axel: W-Wait, we didn't even-
Anoli: Liya!
Nazeel: Mommy, where are you going?
Liya: Don't worry, we will be back soon~ Just need to check something~
And together with Axel she flew to Axel's home. Chris, Anoli and Nazeel were astonished and silent for a moment.
Nazeel: What does mommy want to check?
Chris: I think it's something personal, don't mind it.
He said with smile ans sweat as petted Nazeel's shoulder.
Anoli: Yeah, i agree. Don't worry, she will be back.
Nazeel: I hope so.
Chris: Well, how about i make breakfast and together we can go for a walk?
Nazeel: I like the idea!
Anoli: Me too. But before it, where is So-
She couldn't finish her sentence as heard a happy bark behind her. Sona was holding a red fluffy ball that was packed as gift for him. Nazeel giggled as petted Sona.
Nazeel: Sona found his own gift from Santa.
Chris: Animals deserve gifts too. And good breakfast too. Shall we start?
Anoli and Nazeel: Sure!
And with the smile our trio started a new day with cooking together. Seemed like everyone got wonderful gifts this Christmas. Everyone did great job on it, even Michael. Hope they will all have fantastic Christmas day~
And that's another part of winter holidays stories^^ Phew, this one took longer than i expected ^^" Some things changed several times, so please don't be surprised of this part being so long XD Still, i hope you will like it and Merry Christmas^^
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan @jenny626 and @captainthane
Nazeel, Sona and Chris belong to @captainthane
Anoli, Liya, Axel and Lucifer belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
So know in advance : her bio in that AU is one of the ones differing the most from the canon reality. She doesn't die alone after having snapped into a furious frustrated full of revenge far from the sifas, but as the matriarch of her own adoptive family in her Sifa home. She never met Naia, and befriend by SkekZok so he never got to betray her in any way. Half of those headcanons and Melria belong to @dracocheesecake who loved my AU so much she decided to include her OC frop her upcoming fanfic if she ever appeared in my AU. While the normal continuity has her die without telling her feelings, she gets to have her happy ending with her
SkekSa was born in a modest aristocrat family, modest so they lived among commoners. She was a very loud and adventurous baby often hiding and escaping from her parents' sight for napping or fucl with their mind giggling as they are panicking or because she followed a bug. She was a hungry, heavy, fluffy, happy, loud baby and toddler, and as a kid she was very adventurous, often kicking butts in school if provocked, often getting home dirty after she played sport in the mud and little bandaids to cover her scratches. Thanks to her fists, and during teenhood thanks to her good attractive jock looks, she got quite popular with time. But despite, she had only one real friend, and thus from babyhood. Her neighbour SkekTek. As said in SkekTek's bio, she protected the nerd with her brutish ways at school and would always play with him, it was rare one was not seen in the other's bedroom or garden on free days or weekend playing or eating or chatting together. She liked pushing that egghead out of his comfort zone to ADVENTUUUURE especially near water, both building boats with scraps and playing pirates. SkekSa always loved water and was fascinated by the idea of the seas and oceans. She always told SkekTek and her parents she would become a pirate someday ! And was grumpy when being told it wasn't a real job. But growing up she accepted indeed she should rather become something similar. So why not the imperial navy ? Her aristocrat status could even have her not be a simple sailor but a captain or something ! But she would join the court and become more than just a sailor only if her friend SkekTek was taken in the court too. Which he was. The 2 childhood buddies became courtiers and moved to the castle as young adults
While protecting SkekTek from the new bullies and frightening the other Skeksis of the court, she fought her way to the top of the navy very quickly thanks to her strength and became the Mariner. Finally, she could kick asses and fight and kill (she realized killing Gruenaks and Arathims for the Skeksis glort was fun), she helped the army and the navy expand the Skeksis territory. But she didn't really care for wars and politics. All she wanted was fun. And killing and fighting was fun, sometimes going home to visit her friend was fun (especially when he became a mom, and she became the godmom. She loves being Auntie Pirate) even if she regretted going back to the capital less and less with missions through decades, sailing on all the seas was MORE than fun it was a dream come true, doing lots of adventures even outside the field of missions but just because she had a "ship" aka an enslaved animal so she could (attacking or helping pirates depending of her moods, meeting that strange UrRu named UrSan and instead of fighting as she had planned they had to work together to survive the growing tide stuck in a cave so she's been feeling respect for her ever since, find lost treasures, find new islands and making them her secondary homes, doing trades...)... and SkekGra the Conqueror was fun. He was handsome, strong, brave, and feisty on the battlefield. She fell in love with him ans they started dating, going on official missions together to help him reach the places he should be conquering. He was so much better than that creepy SkekNa who kept following her everywhere and assuming she was his girlfriend despite how much she punched him... poor SkekSa had no idea SkekGra didn't love her as much as she did, but to his defense he only realized so when she came home very rarely, just writing letters. She became obsessed with sailing so much she almost forgot the capital was her home. Sea was her home, she got distracted and forgot SkekTek and his kids missed her and didn't realize SkekGra didn't write to her if she didn't do first... he did one day, after centuries, telling her he broke up with no further reasons. She felt betrayed and her heart shattered... Skeksis generally loved onmy once in their life, that would mean she would never find a mate !?! Right ?!? He played her... that made her go home even less frequently, sailing healing her sorrow and not wanting to see him again or she would stab him
It was during her adventures she met the Sifa. She completely fell in lpve with their culture. A sea people ! Sailing like nobody ! Living near the sea ! So smart and witty yet party animals ! Even if they were mere Gelflings, she liked stopping by more and more. More and more centuries after centuries. More and more considering them as her equal, more and more considerinh settling there, but that would mean she would be needing giving up on her house kn the capital, and she wpuld no longer be a citizen coming home but a tourist visitting. She hesitated... until finding out at the same time as the others just when she was home to discuss her doubt with SkekTek (as much as he would miss her and was pouty at the idea of her leaving him alone even more he still could not stop her, it was HER choice after all) the Conqueror had a Mystic lover !? All the gears turnt in her head. So he left her abruptly for the ENEMY !?! Enraged, she chanted with rage as the Ritual Master was planting a ritualistic nail in his head after she had helped the others destroy his clothes and tried killing that punny Mystic. They escaped though, but that rage convinced her to settle with the Sifas. She didn't want to have anything to do with the court again ! She had enough money to do her own job and not depend from a boss ! In a place reminding her of that humiliation : replaced by an UrRu
She became so close to the Sifans she became their patron. Skeksis in that universe are not a big deal, they are a species like another, but she was so tall, so strong, and protected them and helped them so many times she in particular became a superstar among them. A sensation whenever she went to another village, often meeting fans fussing about her, always invited to parties, she got a Sifa crew, she was so hot even for Gelflings' eyes she shared beds with many of them through centuries... she even became friends with some of them. And one day in her older days like early 60's in human years, she met Malria, a shy Drenchen-Sifa around her late 20's in human years who wanted to be part of her crew and admired her. They spent many trines as having solely a captain and mate relationship, finding her cute and slowly developping friendship for her. Not knowing Melria had started falling in love with her when working for her so close to her, falling for her charirsma and fun boss personality. In fact, it took more trines for SkekSa to... develop the same feelings. But whether was it because she was a dumb jock, or because she found her too young so she was in denial, or she was in denial because it is so rare for Skeksis to love a second time she didn't realize she could be one of those, it took her considerably more time to realize it... actually until Melria confessed her. That was when there was a "click" in her brain. Despite the different species and age difference, the mate and the captain started dating. Boy were a lot of Sifas jealous. And boy was Melria's family super supportive and proud ! They dated for severan trines, unyil settling together in the same home, and SkekSa, determined to be part of the Sifas, asked her hand in marriage and not matehood like Skeksis did. They becames wives like Gelflings, not mates like Skeksis did. It was her new life and she embraced it. Once married, Melria became her little house wife, being tired of all the rough and dangerous sides of the sailor job, and after trines they decided to adopt children, even if SkekSa was in age to be a grandmother. 2 baby gelfling girls and one baby Skeksis boys becale theirs
But shortly after they adopted, SkekSo started a war on everything that wasn't a Skeksis. Now Skeksis were the enemies of the Gelflings. Some Sifas became paranoid and turnt on their patron. But others, contrary to the canon continuity, refused to turn on her stating she was no longer a Skeksis but a Sifa maybe not of body but of heart. SkekSa felt betrayed by them... but glntrary to the canon continuity, some protected her. And her very wife, in laws and adoptive daughters were Sifas. She couldn't go psycho on them. She had a family. She had to protect them before losing herself in bloodlust. So she slaughtered just those who tried separating her from her wife, who tried hurting her or her Skeksis son, she even got captured once and had to be freed by the ones who were faithful and refusing to fall into the "ALL SKEKSIS ARE THE SAME" racist tendancy. So much she had to move places several times with them. A fugitive belonging to no side, her only side beingher family. Neutral. She even lost her hand to a Gelfling in a sword fight who thought she was holding Melria hostage. How happy she was when SkekTek found her in secret, especially after she never got an answer from him after she asked him in a letter to become her children's "Uncle Egghead" godfather... and how betrayed, heartbroken, FURIOUS she was when sure he begged her and her son to quickly come hide from these turmoils back home in the capital but to either forget these 3 Sifas, or at least if she truely wanted to keep these """relatives""" have them pretend to be her slaves so they would all be safe. She argued they were her family, he argued how immature it sounded to have lowly Gelflings as your mate or children, she argued how being stuck in a lab had him become bigotted and him how always being far from land had her lose her mind... they argued so violently and she kept refusing his offers they separated furiously. They never saw each other again. He was no longer her egghead she knew
After 50 trines of hiding the best they could from foreign people, SkekSa, her family and her closest Sifa friends heard the war was over. They could finally live like they did ! She helped rebuild the village, she built her house, and from then on she never had to do with anyone who wasn't close to her. Only her protegees mattered. She kept sailing but quickly came back and had started mistrusting people who weren't close to her after what war had shown her ; she had helped Sifas for centuries so why did half of them turn on her ?... she was dumbfounded. But it was also around that time she heard about SkekTek's death. Despite how they became enemies, she got befret and seeked revenge to that Gelfling who had pushed him to what impaled him... but after reflection, he did try to test on her... It was legetimate... he sadly had become someone who deserved what he got... She returned one last time to the capital, for his funerals, where she comforted his children and grandchildren she had missed
Back in her home, she became a matriarch to the remaining Sifas she trusted, who became more and more numerous through trines of marriages and new generations, she became a patron again. Or even a matriarch as her children got children and her Sifa daughters, aginf faster, even got grandchildren. Sadly for SkekSa and her Skeksis sons, Gelflings didn't live as long as Skeksis. Melria died of old age when he was just a child, and SkekSa outlived her 2 daughters, which deeply weakened her morally. This is probably what had her die of old age sooner since she did only around 4 trines after them, as her Sifa grandchildren were physically as old as her. It was now her son to become the new protector of the Sifa and new patriarch
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I'm a Zenyuki shipper. Or at least I thought I am one of them. Your fics are confusing me. After reading them it feels like I was blind until now and I manage to ship only obiyuki now. So, thank you, I guess? Now I'm searching for other authors like you, do you have any recommendation? (Good fan art interests me too) Have a nice day!
hahahaha… Maybe you’re a multi-shipper, nonny. No harm in that!
In response to your request for recommendations, though… :3 :3 :3
I have a LIST, friend. A magnificent LIST of authors for you to choose from but is probably not all inclusive. I wrote this a couple of months ago when someone else asked me for recs and we have GROWN significantly since. Lemme give you a 4-author starter pack that’ll keep you busy reading for some time, and then there are many many more.
All of the following authors also have AO3 accounts:
@sabraeal, naturally. She is my writing buddy and I love her deeply. Plus, she knows EXACTLY how to murder me. (Pls start with Seven Suitors and then go harass her for more All Pain Will Turn to Medicine for me. ty ^_^ )
@infinitelystrangemachinex - Gorgeous prose, beautiful stories, breaks my heart every time (pls do it some more?)
@vivianwisteria - Just amazing writing. Wonderfully emotional and complex. She gets a visceral reaction out of me with every update.
@xaphrin - This woman. This woman destroys me ALL THE TIME with all the lovely goodness (She’s also one of my favorite readers! Because she gets SO MAD AT ME :D )
MORE AUTHORS In alphabetical order:
@akai-vampire - Has been putting out some amazing multi-shipper content since long before I joined this fandom, but of course I am partial to her obiyuki content. She’s a grab bag of sweet and “hey who’s cutting onions in here?”
@another-miracle - Has dared to put onto the screen the hurt/comfort follow up fic that we all wanted, we all craved. I have it saved in my inbox so I can have feelings about it regularly. Has written some fantastic shorts since!
@azalearhoden - Writes some amazing prose of short moments glued together into something gorgeous and beautiful that I would have never thought of!
@codango - Look. L O O K. You may think that you don’t need cowboy Obi, but trust me… you do. You so so do. (Also has an assemblance of shorts that range from OH MY HEART T_T to Oooohhh myyyyy :3 )
@claudeng80 - Has a million ideas and puts them to paper in record time! There’s too many stories for me to wrap her up into one sentence!
@glitter-and-golden - A obiyuki kids story that’ll break your heart and some fantasy fantasticness. 
@jaygirl987 - From short hot scenes to her first multi-chapter fic that is turning into something epic, I love her stuff!
@k-itsmaywriting - Freakin amazing woman who puts out the most beautiful AU’s. I love it when she can come to play and I hate to see her leave, but school is the most important, yo!
@kaedix - Writes the sweetest stories, from mama and papa Obiyuki to the Mall AU that I am still dying over almost a year later.
@krispy-kream - I don’t know how many times I have seen this one post and I have been LITERALLY TERRIFIED to click on the link because she DESTROYS ME WITH HALF A SENTENCE. (No, seriously, I still can’t get through this without tearing up)
@lalesath - Has written ONE GORGEOUS, FEELS INDUCING FIC for us, but there is more trapped away in her computer. I feelz it in my bones. Won’t you feed us? XD
@littleaverill - Puts out some amazing ficlets that have you begging for more! I wish I could write like her…
@maverae - Has written TWO fics to share with the class, BUT I KNOW SHE IS HIDING MORE FROM US. Give us your delicious prose! We are hungry!
@nebluus - Has STILL written my all time favorite Obiyuki fic, Blizzard. That story gives me all the feely feels in my little shipper heart.
@nonstopdoodle - Girl is filled with fantasy and writes the COOLEST AU’s. I love them all so much.
@obiisms - I lovelovelove her Meaning of Trust fic on AO3 you don’t even know how much. She takes hard subjects and just delivers.
@onoheiwa - Hnnnnnnggggggggg writes some of the most amazing short stories. I die over her arranged marriage fic (Did not know this was a thing of mine, BUT I GUESS IT IS A THING)
@owlsshadows - Oh man. Oooooh maaaannnnnn.. if you have not read her gender swap AU where Obi is the pharmacist and Shirayuki is the assassin, you have not lived.
@ruleofexception - I wanna say she is our FASTEST writer, throwing out some amazing fics within a day and cutting through ALL the BS!
@thelionshoarde - Oh myyyyy… how do I wrap this one up? You’ve gone some delicious canon-esque smut with feels and some fantastical AU’s to choose from. Please enjoy with my blessing :3
ARTISTS (also in alphabetical order and some of these will be repeats):
@goldenrose101 - My friend. You must. YOU MUST view their obiyuki comic. And then love it. IT IS A REQUIREMENT
@heartamplifier - Again. Some amazing. Amazing. AMAZING. edits and manips. I love her
@lalesath - F A N T A S T IC and G O R G E O U S edits! SO MANY OF THEM.
@miinah13 - Just adore their drawings BUT BE CAREFUL! SHE HAS A SERIES THAT MAKES ME CRY BIG FAT UGLY TEARS but you should totally check out anyway
@nebluus - You may notice that she is listed twice. THAT IS BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING. Search her ansh tag for Akagami no Shirayukihime art.
@nonstopdoodle - YES. SHE ALSO DOES THE ART!
@stuffaeamade - My goodness gracious, she has the MOST impressive tag for AnS art. I HIGHLY recommend.
@vfordii - Oh my… I absolutely love everything that she does, but my top two have GOT to be Obiyuki Kiss and Bellydancer Obi. (I’m sure she will convince me that there are more delicious arts waiting in her brain to be posted, BUT I LOVE THOSE THE MOST NOW
@youseimanami - One of our newest and (hands down) most prolific artist (she just completed Inktober and did 31 DAYS OF OBI/OBIYUKI CONTENT. GO LOOK AT THE MAGNIFICENCE. GO GO!) and is a very sweet and encouraging person.
@yumelinh - I absolutely adore the way she does her edits and colors our favorite characters. They are fantastic.
Special mention to @akagami-no-rae because, while she is not obiyuki, she likes hanging out with us and graces us with Hnnnng-worthy AMV’s, edits, and artwork! (occasionally a fic, too
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ahmednabel2289 · 5 years
The Science of Happiness Help!
Life, Death, and the Science of Happiness
Feeling happier has been proven to have many benefits. Possessing meaningful, higher excellent relationships drives happiness. The only means to happiness is to quit seeking it.
Told you it’s as easy as A-B-C. Create a Habitat for Happiness Space plays a significant role in our perception of the planet. How gratitude ought to be incorporated into your everyday journalling practice.
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Optimism has ever given me energy and happiness whilst pessimism and self-criticism has ever done the opposite. You may reward yourself but be cautious not to overindulge on whatever may lead to addiction. Higher consciousness is connected with a sense of self-worth and inner peace.
It’s about what you’ve got to supply others. It’s so easy and rather than simply giving money anonymously to charity you can actually feellike you’re a component of their journey which then makes it possible to to feel connected with the world in a true way. But happy men and women are somewhat more likely to be prosperous.
It’s something which comes and goes. https://www2.palomar.edu/telescope/2016/12/11/grand-canyon-university-representative-comes-to-palomar/ If that is what has always worked for you go for it and do not produce a morning habit only for the interest of it. So the good thing is that going blind isn’t likely to make you as unhappy as you think that it will.
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Good for student teachers It’s also perfect for student teachers. The discipline of neuroscience has increased our knowledge of the human brain markedly in the very last decades. Actually, there’s no other approach to build such a science.
Career Services are readily available to alumni up to ten years from graduation. You have all of the tools and resources you want. All classes must be approved which demonstrates that the leadership team attempts to guarantee the classes taught are not harmful to the students.
There are a great deal of good YouTube videos and TED Talks available on the matter. If this describes https://buyessay.net/ you, this month gives you a great deal of fun and intriguing ideas about getting more engaged in life. Thus, to raise your lasting degree of happiness, you’ve got to change how you’re feeling about your past, how you consider the future, and the way you experience the present.
The Rise of the Science of Happiness
It’s accountable for the uptake of vital nutrients we receive from the food that we eat. Sensory feedback generated by the impacts of the ANS contribute to a number of the familiar feelings related to emotions. It’s the propensity to feel optimistic emotions, the ability to recover from negative emotions quickly, and holding a feeling of purpose.
The outcomes of this meta-analysis imply that happiness may not only be a result of these successes in life, but in addition a cause. Ayurveda is not only a treatment, it’s the way to enhance the method of living in simple together with easy actions. They show that it’s likely a two-way street, in that those who practice gratitude on a regular basis are more likely to report high levels of happiness, and those who are happy are more likely to feel high levels of gratitude.
Life After the Science of Happiness
A weekend might not be enough to offer the complete spectrum of the normal undergraduate experience. The confrontational talk has to be non-judgmental, in order for your partner is a great recipient to your concerns. You must make a determination, she explained.
Boundless opportunity arrives to people who are thriving in their present situation. Emphasis is put on the practical implementation of the hottest scientific discoveries on psychological well-being. However, the experience will be much more delightful than a new suit.
To begin with, subjects were given a succinct survey to ascertain how happy they are. We consider more options once we work with people that are different from us. That is dependent upon the individual’s experiences.
These 3 sets of questions provide a surprisingly efficient way to get to know someone and boost your connection. Actually, you are going to be a lot more ready to produce an impact after proper rest. Your brain could possibly be regarded as a consciousness machine.
The exact same principle is true for money. However beautiful you’re. If this comes to pass, it’s not an issue.
There are a lot of methods in which employee happiness can positively influence an organization’s performance. Another way I follow what I’ve learned from data is I don’t chase dollars now I have enough of them, because I understand that it is going to take a huge quantity of money to improve my happiness by a little quantity. Keep in mind the mind-body connection.
You will be a little less happy for a couple weeks or months, but then you will be back at your set-point. If you’re at home, have a quick nap for around 20-30 minutes. Easier said than done, and the very last counts for a whole lot of individuals.
Success is getting what you would like. At the start, you wish to engineer in some compact wins. Values only really matter when they’re tested, or so the birth of my first child was a perfect chance to check them.
What You Need to Know About the Science of Happiness
WE WERE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACES the majority of people have some notion of what it is that they think it can take to attain happiness. It’s so easy and rather than simply giving money anonymously to charity you can actually feellike you’re a component of their journey which then makes it possible to to feel connected with the world in a true way. Put simply, those who are kind to others are somewhat more well-liked.
Part of being a true dad is attempting to honour that gift. Few days before, a buddy of minewas very sad.
The Basics of the Science of Happiness
In reality, 10 minutes might be sufficient. To be fair, this matter of Time isn’t all negative. You finally get one, and perhaps you truly feel happy about it for a couple weeks.
Success is getting what you would like. Science, you always begin with the baseline. I was hooked after the very first lecture.
The Basics of the Science of Happiness
This course can help you tackle one of life’s most important questions. There are increasing quantities of psychology research supporting the science of gratitude. Actually, there’s no other approach to build such a science.
Your essay can assist the readers decide. This is among those times when something is precisely what it sounds like it’s about the science behinds what happiness is and the way to experience it, what happy folks do differently, and what we can do in order to feel happier. It is a dynamic, ongoing process that has the potential to change the world, one person at a time and it can start today with you!
Contrary to what most people think, the world won’t end from taking a rest from your work. Unsurprisingly, Sanderson is one of the most well-known teachers at Amherst. However, human experience demonstrates that pleasant experiences aren’t restricted to the material.
These 3 sets of questions provide a surprisingly efficient way to get to know someone and boost your connection. These experiences have a tendency to satisfy increased order requirements, specifically the demand for social connectedness and vitalitya feeling of being alive. We could begin with ordinary things like your ability to comprehend and to think for yourself.
I wrote this report to reframe and alleviate the quantity of stress which often comes with developing a successful and fulfilled life. Money is part of the equation, but it isn’t the full equation. Not many men and women are comfortable with the idea of money or wealth.
There are a lot of methods in which employee happiness can positively influence an organization’s performance. Since you’re not making headway on the job, might too devote the time shaping yourself up. The most important thing it conveys is what is needed to build a business which focusses on building something that’s ever enduring.
A weekend might not be enough to offer the complete spectrum of the normal undergraduate experience. The confrontational talk has to be non-judgmental, in order for your partner is a great recipient to your concerns. Or even if you simply have a step toward a goal.
But quite a few things want to get considered. Within this collection of posts, I’ll share my favourite user psychology frameworks which will help you design more delightful product experiences. And I believe that that is a valuable method to they think about any these form of discussions.
We explored this question and a couple of others. We consider more options once we work with people that are different from us. Men and women that are clinically depressed often appear to lack the capability to reframe events.
Your eyes might be open or closed, but you could discover that it’s much easier to keep up your focus if you close your eyes. The more you do that, the more you’ll see and appreciate the great thing about this existence, and the happier you’ll be. Just realize that your mind has wandered.
Feeling fit and full of energy is just one of the happiest feelings which I am fortunate to enjoy. There’s no generic happiness formula’, you have to discover what works for you in your very own special way. Money offers you choices to a certain degree, but it does not provide you happiness.
Humans are especially bad at being aware of what makes them really contented. It cannot process complex emotions. Higher consciousness is connected with a sense of self-worth and inner peace.
It’s accountable for the uptake of vital nutrients we receive from the food that we eat. Sensory feedback generated by the impacts of the ANS contribute to a number of the familiar feelings related to emotions. It’s the propensity to feel optimistic emotions, the ability to recover from negative emotions quickly, and holding a feeling of purpose.
The outcomes of this meta-analysis imply that happiness may not only be a result of these successes in life, but in addition a cause. Ayurveda has several added benefits. They show that it’s likely a two-way street, in that those who practice gratitude on a regular basis are more likely to report high levels of happiness, and those who are happy are more likely to feel high levels of gratitude.
The Basics of the Science of Happiness
But in the long run, it’s the ideal measure of a joyful life. This clears up your mind and offers you a fast boost. We could begin with ordinary things like your ability to comprehend and to think for yourself.
The exact same principle is true for money. The issue with the role of the brain is it’s tough to quantify. The issue comes in the very long run.
In all instances, adapting our communication and style so we are able to collaborate is vital. Another way I follow what I’ve learned from data is I don’t chase dollars now I have enough of them, because I understand that it is going to take a huge quantity of money to improve my happiness by a little quantity. The most important thing it conveys is what is needed to build a business which focusses on building something that’s ever enduring.
The Chronicles of the Science of Happiness
Sometimes it is helpful to select a number such as three to five things you will determine each week. Granted you have a life that may be considered comfortable, still, there appears to be an immense void waiting to be filled in. You could be genetically wired to be somewhat happy a lot of the moment.
By marinating in every fantastic moment, Hanson states. At the start, you wish to engineer in some compact wins. I was hooked after the very first lecture.
The Battle Over the Science of Happiness and How to Win It
This course can help you tackle one of life’s most important questions. The discipline of neuroscience has increased our knowledge of the human brain markedly in the very last decades. It’s very easy to advise based on science or that which we know we SHOULD do.
It was among the best conversations they’ve ever had. This is among those times when something is precisely what it sounds like it’s about the science behinds what happiness is and the way to experience it, what happy folks do differently, and what we can do in order to feel happier. Maintain a gratitude journal.
It’s possible for you to make yourself happier and nurture your relationship with somebody else by writing a thank-you letter expressing your pleasure and appreciation of that individual’s influence on your life. Your life doesn’t need to be about impressing different people or a successive collection of achievements. This month will provide you with the tools and know-how to block the spiral of negative ideas and live more in the present.
Science of Happiness Secrets That No One Else Knows About
But this illness can offer you an opportunity to know yourself more and realize some strengths of your character which you never think of. Maximizing these circumstances is usually pricey, hard, and not too practical. Take for example, yawning.
As a result of all of the animosity against him, this election is about Trump. Instead of attempting to change your circumstance, search for means by which you may change your emotions, ideas and actions to your basic psychological needs for competence, autonomy and connection. You’re going to be in uncharted territory.
What You Need to Know About the Science of Happiness
The working inhabitants of a contemporary city are those who live in a machine to be batted around by its wheels. Almost all of us love being spontaneous and adventurous in regards to life, but we seem to be tad hesitant concerning the spirit of adventure in regards to jobs. It isn’t constant pleasure.
Actually, the typical state of a person watching TV is mildly depressed. We’re discussing emotional well-being. So the good thing is that going blind isn’t likely to make you as unhappy as you think that it will.
She is the ideal illustration of that which we look for an amazingly talented professor who can entertain as much as she is able to educate,” Schragis explained. Research also suggests that we are more inclined to remember something that has emotional context instead of something that doesn’t. It suggests that I will be employed for a long time to come.
Boundless opportunity arrives to people who are thriving in their present situation. If you get a very good explanation for what you’ve completed the recruiters are made to believe in you. However, the experience will be much more delightful than a new suit.
It will become a mind-set. For example, if you will find a better pay, if you’re fit for the role, if you have the required understanding, avoid mistakes you have made previously, if you are going to have a superior working environment, a fantastic boss, breaks, games, and the list continues. Getting healthy is normally a reactive choice.
Your eyes might be open or closed, but you could discover that it’s much easier to keep up your focus if you close your eyes. The more you do that, the more you’ll see and appreciate the great thing about this existence, and the happier you’ll be. Living a life of purpose can be difficult, and it has a very long time frame once it comes to happiness.
Told you it’s as easy as A-B-C. Create a Habitat for Happiness Space plays a significant role in our perception of the planet. You said gratitude because you may feel grateful but not necessarily content.
Humans are especially bad at being aware of what makes them really contented. Virtues are a really good point to strive for. Relationships are far more conducive to a joyful life than money.
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