#they have to ruin it for the rest of us
yarrowleef · 2 years
making sense of starclan will get a lot easier once everyone accepts that despite the way living cats talk about it, starclan is not and never has been a single cohesive deity or god, they are just a collection of individuals with different agendas. they just let living cats talk about them like they are One-God-Like-Force because they think it's better to keep everyone's faith absolute if they seem in control, and starclan's only unifying opinion is that they are terrified of cats losing faith because it might mean their afterlife will fall apart (since belief and memory is literally what they run on in this world)
so if you're wondering why some starclan cats said one thing while other starclan cats said another thing, its because they are individals as prone to disagreeing as living cats (spottedleaf and yellowfang are two examples of cats i personally believe often meddle and do things without asking/ever telling the rest of starclan)
#warrior cats#yarrow speaks#this is part of my growing 'making sense of starclan' document#sometimes starclan knowing lies or says things they are unsure about for the sake of what they think is the greater good#like canonically-thats not just an assumption#starclan is a slave to fate and whatever intangible force actually gives them prophecy#they dont know how it works they just know they are afraid of going against it too hard#because rocking the boat could fuck up their sparkly ghost forest#like how ashfurs wild rule breaking literally started melting the afterlife. thats what they are always afraid of#(in my long theory doc. i know the actual authors have no plan but idc what they think)#a big central part of this is starclan doesn't fully understand what they are either and they dont know what would and wouldn't ruin them#so they are deeply afraid to change anything#starclan theory#they are all just guessing all the time. maybe many of them believe their own bullshit. i mean most of them probly do#in a 'well fate wouldn't have placed us here if our opinions weren't meant to be treated as correct!!'#the rest are just 'fake it till we make it we cant let the clans know how confused we are'#think how often a starclan cat will admit to some protag that starclan doesnt actually know and see everything#even though the broader religion of the clans does not acknowledge that and the average cat talks about them as if they are all powerful#lissen i'll put all this together eventually
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khunvegas · 3 years
the urge of wanting enchante to be bigger so forcebook can be bigger and thus gmm can invest on them but hating the idea of the toxic fans finding them, make things weird and being the reason why forcebook gets awkward around each other and end up falling out of their friendship.
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brisays · 3 years
my red flag opinion is that rhys should have stayed dead and that’s the tea, sis.
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sparklecryptid · 3 years
Because Ace is a menace I would like to present the idea of him managing to go into the ring while dreaming, purely to have WORDS with Mors and Arden’s brother that I Can’t Remember The Name
Ace doesn't know how he got here. He doesn't know how he got dragged once again into the endless blue that his ancestors are trapped in.
Ace doesn't know how he's gotten into the Ring - he sure as hell doesn't remember dying - but he knows that he's not about to pass up the opportunity to have words with a few of his ancestors.
He reaches his magic out - the violet a striking contrast against the blue of the space around him and Ace watches as spirits of the Lucii shimmer into being around him.
"Hello." Ace's smile is sharp as a knife as he faces the towering figure of Somnus. "I have some words for you."
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meitanteisachi · 2 years
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inuyashasforest · 4 years
Me simply enjoying the fuck outta Yashahime while the fandom has a meltdown
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sixteenthshen · 4 years
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i can really get behind this height difference 🧡
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deliriumsdelight7 · 3 years
So… I was in the shower, musing about angsty shit (y’know, like one does) and I got to thinking about the Wish Realm. Now, keep in mind I don’t know much at all about the WR, because I never bothered to watch that far. But hear me out.
So the curse never gets cast, and Rumpelstiltskin spends 28 years trapped in the dwarves’ mine. Sometime in those 28 years, Bae manages to return to the EF. Presumably he had to be there for several years, because his portrait looks like a fully grown man. He falls in love with Emma - the daughter of the very people keeping his father a prisoner - fathers Henry, and dies sometime in the interim. And the whole time, Rumpelstiltskin is RIGHT. THERE.
Now, sure - I bet Baelfire wasn’t exactly eager to divulge the fact that he’s the son of the Dark One. But… shouldn’t the subject have come up between Snow, Charming, and Emma? Wouldn’t you think that they’d want to warn their daughter, heir to the throne, that when they die, she’s going to inherit an angry, all-powerful wizard? And if not, wouldn’t the dwarves (who surely hang out with Snow on the reg) slip up and mention something around Emma? And doesn’t it seem likely that Emma, not knowing exactly who Baelfire is, might mention this to her husband as Good Information To Know?
My point is, which seems more likely: that this massive, multi-point breakdown in communication resulted in Baelfire just coincidentally not knowing his father was right there? Or that Baelfire DID eventually learn that his father was down there, but deliberately chose not to see him after hearing about all the awful things the Dark One had done in the centuries since he went through the portal?
The idea of Baelfire dying never knowing where his father was is heartbreaking. The idea of Baelfire dying still holding onto anger, refusing to see his father who has spent centuries trying to get him back? Makes me sick to my stomach.
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rpmemes-galore · 3 years
fun and funky idea:   realize that sending anon hate to someone for taking their time answering things doesn’t immediately make them want to jump into replies but, in fact, ruins any muse or inspiration they had and makes them take even longer to answer the things you wanted answered. like, congrats, you played yourself 
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bloodyke · 2 years
i was gonna post a side by side of barefaced 2018-2019 me vs 2022 me to show how ive managed to get my skincare routine perfect but i think i deleted all the old pictures 💀💀💀
#zenith.txt#it makes sense i was very insecure#i went on birth control in 2018 and it completely fucked up my face like i had very very bad acne#full face of it and it wouldn't go away no matter what i tried and even after i went off birth control 6 months later#which btw was not bc of the acne it was bc it was causing me to grow ovarian cysts anyways my skin barrier was fucked up for like#two years afterward and only this year have i gotten it under control again! im really digging my routine its so simple its like 4 things#i still get hormonal acne which is irritating but its so much better now and also less painful tbh#you'll just have to take my and my moms word on how bad it was for me#but yeah cerave resurfacing retinol serum ($16) skin proud gentle foaming cleanser ($10) stridex salicylic acid ($5) & elf moisturizer ($8)#plus seuolceuticals snail mucin amd tumeric mask ($20) & various sheet masks (usually under $20) of your chosing when needed#does wonders for my very very sensitive VERY dry acne prone skin#aslo do NOT use the retinol and acid in the same routine you'll Completely Ruin your skins health#i personally do a retinol retional rest day rest day salicylic acid rotation#also benzoyl peroxide can help clear acne but i dont need that level of strength anymore so i stopped using it#ANYWAYS all this to say birth control fucked up my hormone levels and health for YEARS even tho i only took it for 6 months#and now im finally getting back to normal#and by normal i mean my hormone levels are back to normal acne is a normal part of human skin and shouldn't be looked down upon
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avatardoggo · 3 years
( ; ; )
#so my mom calls me to her room bc she wants to Talk To Me#which is code for i’m going to lecture you and make assumptions and i expect you not to get angry even tho i’m saying things that make no#sense and have 0% facts#and that’s exactly how it went#she thought that i only got my best friend a christmas gift and not my siblings or her or my dad but i remember telling her on christmas#when my brother was giving us our gifts that my siblings gifts are coming in january bc of shipping and i told her yesterday#that i’m getting my dad his own gift but the rest of them can do a joint gift#i remember saying all of this#and then in her room today she’s saying i didn’t say this and how o “’how would you feel if i got other ppl gifts but not#my own family’ and i’m already irritated bc wtfreak how do you make that assumption 🤨#like i’ve been home for almost 2 weeks and this is the first convo we’re having and it’s just full of crap#so i go off and i’m like i told you on christmas what the situation was and ur present is on the way (her birthday is like 3 days before#christmas so i always combine the gifts)#like you n e v e r remember anything i say and now u just ruined the surprise#and then she flips it and she’s like o you didn’t even get me a card or anything how am i suppose to know?? i cant read ur mind#like😐#you don’t have to read my mind just ask o did you get me something and what gets me most is that she thinks i wouldn’t get her or my dad OR#most of all MY SIBLINGS christmas gifts while i got my friend#and then she’s like ur being rude and impolite stop being frustrated#AS OF SHES NOT THE ONE MAKING ME FRISTRATED AS IF IM NOT ALLOWED TO FEEL LIKE THIS WHEN SHES THE ONE CAUSING IT#i feel insane when i’m in this house sometimes like how can you guilt me for wanting to surprise you???? how is it MY FAULT that you can’t#remember when i tell you things??????#and the thing is ik for a fact my siblings remember me telling them about their presents and even my dad doesn’t really care if i get him#something or not#and what gets me the most is she started the conversation with ‘this has been on my mind for a while’ meaning she could’ve asked me but she#wanted to make the assumption she didn’t want to be wrong#now i feel like crap for trying to do something nice. i want to return the gift but that’ll just cause a next thing and i don’t need that#sorry for ranting#i’d tell my irl friends but i don’t think they’d get it bc they all have good relationships with their parents so i they never Get Ot 100%#vk overshares in the tags
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
idk if u have seen but new info pages are getting released and i found this earlier and so apparently inui is a super kinky guy???
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what kind of like is that? horny fucker XD he needs a vampire mommy like right now
*inui moaning at a blood drive while he gets his blood drawn*
everyone else in a fifty feet radius:
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venusiangguk · 3 years
some people are just braindead i fear
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anyway will all y’all watch hunderby and sally4ever and then we can all talk about them and how they’ve ruined the rest of our lives together
it will be fun!!!!!!
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
What do you think of the term ‘over dancing’ that has been used by some kpop fans to criticise dancers ?
i think that most kpop fans don't know what the fuck they're talking about lmao. i feel like i'm saying this all the time so apologies for repeating myself but camera performance and live performance are different methods and the ubiquity and access to video has unfortunately left the impression on the general public that they are the same. everything about what you do changes when your audience is 25 feet away and not up your nose in high definition. we're pretty spoiled in that a lot of kpop content is professionally filmed, but what most fans don't realize is that idols are not being trained to be film actors. they're being trained for performing on stages; your gestures need to be big in order to be seen at all. also: what does 'over-dancing' even mean? if i were to use it, i would use it to describe someone who is vastly outperforming their groupmates to a degree where it is detrimental to a performance, but i can't think of any performances where that is the case. if anything, there are significantly more people who underperform. kpoppies are just used to watching a lot of people go girl give us nothing, so when someone comes around to deliver an actually stage worthy performance, it's 'too much.' just because suzy q on twitter thinks someone's 'over-dancing' in a 4k mcountdown fancam doesn't mean that that energy isn't exactly what's needed to get the motion across to a concert hall full of people.
#kpop questions#kpop dance#obvs there's degrees to this and there have been instances of someone giving more than everyone else. it happens not everyone is perfect#and it's also more common when performers are younger and dont have as much experience. but that stuff gets caught in monitoring#and by trainers/choreographers/directors so fast#and i cant think of a single person that has consistently 'overperformed' the rest of their group for significant amount of time#no shade to you anon i know you're probably just asking out of curiousity but overdancing literally does not mean anything#its a catch all term used by people who dont understand what theyre watching and cant pinpoint where the actual problem is#ive never heard it used in my own experiences#it's like saying someone is a 'classically trained singer' literally what does that mean. classical what? opera? musical theatre?#people just use these phrases to seem smart or to justify their idol is better than another#but the truth is is that they just don't know and don't have the correct language to actually pinpoint what they want to say#i'm not gonna go into my whole spiel about how elitism has ruined arts education but just know that this is a direct fallout of that#also i'm begging please watch actual performance fancams by normal people with regular phone cameras#because that's closer to what experiencing these performances is like#call me pretentious or whatever but honest to god people need to watch more theatre#or just like. normal concerts. have people just forgetten what watching live performances is like?#i have another post somewhere talking about camera quality and 'model' face i should find it#text#answers#there's a very important difference between 'being trained to be on camera' and#'being trained to perform on camera' and idols are the former. not the latter#that's why a lot of idol actors suck lmao.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
my game is still doing the infinite loading screen glitch no matter what i do, save for take out my entire build/buy folder. i think my game is just overloaded with mods, so i’ll probably have to purge and rebuild my mods folder, or wait until i can update my computer so it’s stronger. idk what else to do
#i have a headache#im so upset about this :( i wanted to take screenshots so bad#i had such a cute idea for a post and i cant even execute it bc my game only works when i take out a significant portion of mods#i thought maybe there were conflicts but i did the 50/50 method and couldnt replicate the glitch#and i used mod conflict detector to delete 10gb of mods but im still getting the glitch#it only happens when i have my full folder in#granted it is 117 gbs lmfao but i need the stuff for storytelling#every other storyteller uses intense cc builds and i love that style! i love making realistic lots#the idea of having to go minimalist makes me so upset. building is so much fun for me#im just really upset over this. i dont know when i’ll be able to post again#this year ive only made like maybe ten posts it makes me feel awful :(#i love my story so much. it is my greatest source of comfort#being unable to create puts such a huge hole in my chest#im gonna try to save the cc from my builds like the straud house/farm and my characters homes#and then delete the rest of the cc and probably only download lots from very specific people to keep my bb to a minimum#but i just hate having to do that bc im scared i’ll delete something i really needed#i just hate change so much it literally ruins my day lol my head HURTS#so i guess i’ll be on an indefinite story hiatus until i can sort this out. :(#sorry im always complaining on here its just that literally nothing ever goes right lol
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