#why is........ everything............ so gd exhausting
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skibasyndrome · 4 months ago
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spiridakos · 11 months ago
I'm watching cpd, and there are a few things that seem to annoy the f*ck out of me.
one; how voight always seems to be with or around hailey. She and jay are partners, right? So why are they not always partnered up together? From the second she stepped foot into intelligence, he's (voight) been, for lack of a better word, moulding/grooming her in his image. The entirety of s9 is just so gd horrible with this, he seems that she's basically having a mental breakdown over shooting that guy, and he does nothing to help her. He does, in fact, make it ten times worse. He doesn't want her to tell jay, he wants her to deal with it on her own and wants to be the only one in it with her.
as far as I'm concerned, jay should've beat the sh*t out of him, or buried him six feet under.
(and do not even get me started on all the sh*t he's pulled when it comes to jay. they're right when they say intelligence isn't a democracy. It's definitely a dictatorship.)
two; - let's be honestly with ourselves shall we? Voight doesn't give a flying f*ck about any of them. As long as he gets what he wants, and how he wants it, that's all he cares about. Of it makes him look good, more the better. They're not allowed to ask questions or have an opinion of any kind. If they say anything that goes against him or what he does, then he threatens to kick them off the team. he'll belittle them in front of the others. when hailey or jay does something that he would do, he'll scream at them, bully them, try to intimidate them, like he did with hailey in his office.
voight is a narcissist, a bully, possibly a sociopath, simple as.
- I'm glad jesse left the show, yes, his ending with abysmal, but at least jay isn't being treated like sh*t anymore. and, as of 11x13, or whenever hailey leaves, cpd will have ended for me.
the sooner voight dies or is put away for good, the better.
I don't really have much to add here, you've kinda hit the nail on the head.
He's a psychopath who has had zero character development in the ten years this show has been on air and it's just exhausting to watch all the other characters fall and turn into little puppets at the expense of propping this man up to look like a hero when he is in fact, the villain.
I, too, am glad they are both free from this show and have freed me, too. I stopped watching back after 10x12 and my "end" for these characters is long before then. Jay would never have done that to Hailey and I've just ignored everything that's happened post 9x09.
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letters-for-sara · 2 months ago
Yo! So, an Anon sent me a VERY interesting and engaging ask (which Tumblr decided to EAT IT, hence why I can't directly reply) detailing their observations of Christians on Tumblr being labeled as transphobes and accused of not actually following Jesus. In addition to that, they are also being labeled as Nazis/Nazi sympathizers because they voted for Trump and/or don't despise the man. Anon felt that they've noticed an uptick of this behavior since Trump was elected to office, and wanted my thoughts on the subject! This is my reply.
Ooh, now that's a question! Okay, let's dive into this.
Note that my responses are based on my personal walk with God and my understanding of His Word and His Will. :)
This ask addresses two things: Christians being grouped with Transphobia, and Christians being grouped with Nazi ideology. I'll dissect question #1 first. It is, unfortunately, inevitable for Christians to be conflated with transphobia because it's part of our core beliefs to appose the ideology behind transgenderism. That is to say, the idea that transgender individuals are 1) born with incorrect brains in incorrect bodies, or 2) that transgenderism is completely normal/natural and not any kind of mental illness, and 3) that a transgender-identifying individual MUST receive gender-affirming care or they will NEVER be happy.
These things directly conflict with core Christian beliefs, namely that 1) God does not make mistakes. His work can and has been tempered with, but illness and spiritual/mental/physical confusion are not of Him 2) it is clearly outlined in scripture that, prior to our fall from Eden, our reality was perfect; following our fall, things like disasters, civil unrest, and despair propagate. This includes illness, both mental and physical. Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness and it's heretical to insinuate that it comes from God, much less is celebrated by Him 3) that we are called, over and over, both in life and scripture, to put our FULL trust in the Lord and to hand EVERYTHING that we are going through over to Him. His grace is sufficient, and we should rejoice even in our suffering because the Lord sees us and has compassion, and will guide us through everything, even if it is in ways we cannot see. We must lean on HIS understanding and not our own, in all ways. (That being said, I am NOT anti-therapy or anti-healthcare. There is no shame in seeking relief and treatment for an overwhelming issue, but Christians should ALWAYS hold the hope and ideal that we can make it through life on Christ alone, and choose to seek this care after discernment and prayer, and because He first made it available to us.) Now, I truly don't believe that genuine Christians (the ones that truly try to follow Christ's teachings, repent when they fail, and try to better themselves through those failings) have anything against transgender people. As I stated before, Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness and the ill deserve our compassion and our love because they are no less God's children than we are. Illness deserves to be treated seriously and empathetically, and THERE ARE CASES where that involves understanding and to even respecting a fully-consenting adult's individual choice to receive GD treatment, particularly when all other options and avenues have been exhausted and that treatment is the only thing standing between that individual and them taking their own life. Those are the times where we must recognize that Christ Himself understood that, because of the hardship perpetuated by the enemy, we will inevitably stumble and fall in our walk with Him and so He gave us a means of repentance through His blood. If we are held to the standard of loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, it can and will include understanding that one of them was suffering, and continuing to suffer despite trying every kind of "safe" treatment, and they opted to do something irreversible, and controversial to the Christian faith, so that they would be able to live with themselves. We don't have to (and shouldn't) pretend that it was right or correct by God's standards, but it is not up to us to judge their hearts. Period. What I believe Christians take an issue with is the transgender ideology for the reasons I listed previously, on top of other things. The issue is that the ideology and the people are so tightly woven together due to the culture climate that you can't easily oppose the one without coming off like you oppose the other. Therefore, biblical Christians are considered transphobic because of that opposition, and there's very little progress to be made unless both parties are willing to listen and discuss in good faith with each other.
Moving on to question #2, this one is, I think, a little easier for me to dissect without getting into a whopping lot of philsophical fluff. The term "Nazi" has been taken so far out of context in the past decade that it actually rather saddens me because, one day, it will be used in the genuinely appropriate manner and it won't be treated with the seriousness it deserves because of the past misuse. A historical Nazi was a very serious and a very despicable offense to biblical scripture; in fact, I don't hesitate to call their actions completely opposite to everything that Christ calls of His Desciples. So, the idea of blanket-calling Christians nazis just because they voted for Trump or don't despise his existence is, frankly, ludicrous. I personally know several Christians that only voted for him because they believed that voting is their constitutional right and were not going to waive it, and he was the candidate that most aligned with our values as Christians- in that he is pro-marriage, pro-life, and pro-Israel. I firmly believe that if Kamala had used her time to discuss Christian-favorable topics such as 1) taking a more pro-life stance and actually adressing and fixing the core reasons why so many woman get abortions, so that the abortion industry as a whole would diminish and therefore go into obsolescence 2) attempting to mend the tattered relationship between school districts and parents by reformatting the Department of Education to place an emphasis on formulating curriculums and programs in conjunction with parental input and a degree of parental authority 3) truthfully and openly addressing the polarized political climate of America and admitting that some of it was the fault of the Biden administration, an administration that she was part of, and actually talking to/about both sides as equals and expressing an ideal and desire to actually mend that divide amongst plenty of other things, she would have done far more favorably amongst Christians during the election. Again, a lot of Christians voted for Trump because they felt he actually represented (at least some) of their ideals as Followers of Christ. And AS Followers of Christ, that should be our top priority in selecting a candidate for positions of authority. And those are my very long-winded and over-explained answers. Whoever you are outside of anon, I wanted to thank you a lot for taking the time to ask me this question, because questions like these give me an opportunity to publicize my mind's inner workings guided by my faith, and it also gives others the opportunity to look over those inner-workings and hold me accountable if they may contradict the Word of God. As a human, I am not infallible and can often succumb to personal, illogical bias- and as a Christian, I am eager to grow in the Lord, discover more about Him, and deepen my understanding of Him. If anyone has any more questions for me, please drop an ask! God Bless you all, and lots of love. 💕
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omishu · 1 year ago
tell me about your tumblr crushes! Tell me a favorite memory. Tell me a confession 👀 (you can do that privately on discord if u want) tell me your opinion on vegetables. And tell me how you’re still a dog person after owning a super adorable kitty boy 😤
So many questions, my inquisitive friend!
I do have one, and they are usually my 'biggest fan' haha it seems like we always reblog everything from each like an endless loop, but unfortunately they live across the planet, so I'll probably never get to meet them irl
Hm favorite memory? Uuhhh I really enjoyed horseback riding in the rain on a Hawaiian beach with a rainbow behind me. Or the time when I cantered bareback and spread my arms out like wings; when I closed my eyes, it felt like I was flying in slow motion. Yes, both my favorite memories involved horses haha
A confession ... I've been skipping church a lot lately because I'm constantly exhausted from working 3 jobs without making any progress towards paying off my parents to escape them and frequently fantasize about faking my death, fleeing the country, and never speaking to them again, which makes me feel like a terrible person because I'm supposed to care for them but I don't
FUCKING LOVE PLANT FOODS H O W E V E R VEGETABLES ARE A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT they're literally not a thing like it's so amorphous and has no real meaning to me. Edible plant parts categorized at vegetables include fruits, roots, leaves, flowers, etc. Hell, even mushrooms are considered vegetables, and they're not even gd plants!
I work with dogs and they(the ones with which I work)'re all wonderful (yes, even the trouble ones at the shelter). While I love my darling, beloved, precious Sir Lewis vonFluffybum, whom I treasure and adore, he's got nothing on the actual literal (not really, not even close, not even a little bit) fruit of my womb, my childhood west highland terrier, Holly Jolly Christmas. My family also fostered guide puppies, so I have always been around lots of dogs; there's even a documentary about us in that field (there are a few different documentaries about my family. Idk why, we're not even that interesting imo). We had cats when I was growing up too. But there was drama when we got rid of my cuddly favorite but kept the asshole hissy jerk who peed everywhere and scratched/bit. Ofc not all cats are like that, but ... not all dogs are like their worst representatives. In either case, there are a variety of factors that contribute to acting out. They both provide benefits and do things the other can't do. Dogs have so many applications with all the various working breeds. Cats are mostly good for hunting independently if you have a pest problem and obviously snuggling if they're into that
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247snob2 · 1 year ago
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1st one in over a year!!
Being dramatic? Who can say...everything becomes noise in your own...my own mind after months & yrs &... being ah-fucking-loooone.
Sabotage your own thinking, over over over play a scenario(s) in your mind. Combat a thought, made up fights, arguments in your head. Involuntarily Picking lines from prior scripts..."Well, i thought this...(vs) well, it's cause you're stupid/you (do) always do that/i never do that/why are you always like that." (No question mark, cause it's not a question.)
My favorite. And not fk you can do about it...peacefully...is when they slowly faaaade...away.
Like your watching them...
Looking right at you, and you see...the light...Just...disappear. ("omg, yes, im Listening. *lies)
(This Was about the GD Starbucks jug...i lost interest..Distracted...headache....again. stoned ish(?) It's been hrs. So maaaaybe?...but im Definitely....something. 4 days now of sumshit....5? Idk. "moon & stars movement?" Retrograde? Sooomething?... Mentally Exhausted? Just out of it somewhat. Something that feels new. Trapped Worse (even worser👏🏻) then BEFORE...omg. doing it Again..(not ta sounds even More Touched...but living in This alone. Ya notice a blip in the day ta day (ta dat ta day ta day..) thinking patterns.
Oh-mi-gaaawd. Jug-Jug-Jug-Jug...Jugs
"tha-JUG' hasn't had one since my 🤬 move. (Jeeeezuz.) Didn't know...didn't want to...wondered how this new "thinking" would react...if at all to having it Again, after so long.
"Triggering" or uncomfortable? * not totally A Basket case in a pool of twitchy, quivering "oh, gawd, They've Taken The Fits." but, close.
It's all i drank for YEARS. 100% a year plus! The Point!
Depression and or whaaaat-ever else kept my ass from..."just take it to the curb/garbage"...Unbelievable how gross place because...
Wanting it to not...but
I had...seriously, wish I'd had my head together Enough Then to know, when i Had ta Remove...how many I'd accumulated.
(No need right now to get into....they were drank...but none were empty😒 💔) loooooong story short #alot #multiple #multiply and...crazy how hard it is to make that much liquid ''disappear" when you gotta Get out, be packed in X days. And And And (telling somehow) ZERO WAY i could have left it for someone else to deal with. No Way!
*this was ALOT for....took a drink. Felt, nothing.....thank you....goodnite.
**the noise of making noise took over.
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1nzs · 2 years ago
am i really that worthless n useless? am i really unlucky in love? unloveable? i want love so fucking bad n i cn never have it. i know i make mistakes n fucking hell i know they’re so damn bad but why can’t js one person forgive me? i’ve forgive countless of people who did fucked up shit to me, for hurting me, hitting me, raping me, making me cry, angry, touching me, every fucking thing. i messed up big time js once. i’ve been doubting myself n thinking i don’t deserve to be loved n now i’ve got my answer. i don’t know what the fuck to do anymore. even if i chase him back, beg on my knees, cry my eyes out to him, it’s not gna be the same anymore is it? cos he already see me as some kind of slut that wants to talk to every fucking guy i see. my first love. he doesn’t even wna talk to me anymore, or call me. i don’t even know if he wants to see me. he couldn’t even touch me n hold my hand. all my life i’ve always tried my best to do everything with my all, especially with love cos that’s all i ever wanted n i finally found the person who i am so comfortable with n wants to love forever n i fucking mess it up. im not even that kind of person. when im in love, im loyal n i mean that. it’s hard to believe now for him but it’s really true n i really do love him, i js made a mistake. im so damn tired of feeling like this, feeling like im not worth shit. i don’t even care about being successful or rich or being liked by everyone, i js need one person to love me with his whole heart n wants to take care of me n see me as someone so special, so precious to lose. i js wanted to feel like i mattered to somebody. i hate it when he talks to me like that, like im some kind of whore, some random girl, like i don’t mean anyth to him. saying how iw to talk to every guy. i know it’s my fault but my mistakes isn’t me. i js need someone to tell me it’s okay, that i’ll be okay, that i’m acly worth smtg, that i’m a gd person, n that they love me. i don’t even wna be alone. i don’t ever wna be alone but it feels like i have to stay away from everybody so that i don’t fuck up smtg else. i want to be okay, i want to be happy. i don’t want any worries in my mind. i wanted that with him. when he asked me to be his gf agn, everytime i’m his gf, i wld willingly give up anything to be with him. i don’t think he even knows that. i don’t care abt anybody else’s opinions n what they think of me, all that matters is how he sees me n now he sees me as someone so shitty n i am shitty n no matter how much i apologise now, it won’t even matter or mean anything. even if he forgives me i js know at the back of his mind he is still gna think of me as someone kind of shitty person who is desperate to talk to men n wants their attention, n someone who doesn’t know how to make her bf happy. i really don’t know what to do anymore. i’m so damn exhausted.
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xtcdrft · 2 years ago
am i really that worthless n useless? am i really unlucky in love? unloveable? i want love so fucking bad n i cn never have it. i know i make mistakes n fucking hell i know they’re so damn bad but why can’t js one person forgive me? i’ve forgive countless of people who did fucked up shit to me, for hurting me, hitting me, raping me, making me cry, angry, touching me, every fucking thing. i messed up big time js once. i’ve been doubting myself n thinking i don’t deserve to be loved n now i’ve got my answer. i don’t know what the fuck to do anymore. even if i chase him back, beg on my knees, cry my eyes out to him, it’s not gna be the same anymore is it? cos he already see me as some kind of slut that wants to talk to every fucking guy i see. my first love. he doesn’t even wna talk to me anymore, or call me. i don’t even know if he wants to see me. he couldn’t even touch me n hold my hand. all my life i’ve always tried my best to do everything with my all, especially with love cos that’s all i ever wanted n i finally found the person who i am so comfortable with n wants to love forever n i fucking mess it up. im not even that kind of person. when im in love, im loyal n i mean that. it’s hard to believe now for him but it’s really true n i really do love him, i js made a mistake. im so damn tired of feeling like this, feeling like im not worth shit. i don’t even care about being successful or rich or being liked by everyone, i js need one person to love me with his whole heart n wants to take care of me n see me as someone so special, so precious to lose. i js wanted to feel like i mattered to somebody. i hate it when he talks to me like that, like im some kind of whore, some random girl, like i don’t mean anyth to him. saying how iw to talk to every guy. i know it’s my fault but my mistakes isn’t me. i js need someone to tell me it’s okay, that i’ll be okay, that i’m acly worth smtg, that i’m a gd person, n that they love me. i don’t even wna be alone. i don’t ever wna be alone but it feels like i have to stay away from everybody so that i don’t fuck up smtg else. i want to be okay, i want to be happy. i don’t want any worries in my mind. i wanted that with him. when he asked me to be his gf agn, everytime i’m his gf, i wld willingly give up anything to be with him. i don’t think he even knows that. i don’t care abt anybody else’s opinions n what they think of me, all that matters is how he sees me n now he sees me as someone so shitty n i am shitty n no matter how much i apologise now, it won’t even matter or mean anything. even if he forgives me i js know at the back of his mind he is still gna think of me as someone kind of shitty person who is desperate to talk to men n wants their attention, n someone who doesn’t know how to make her bf happy. i really don’t know what to do anymore. i’m so damn exhausted.
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brokenbones-singsongs · 2 years ago
Things that bother me that I don’t bother speaking about
1. Nothing fits me anymore. None of my clothes. Certainly none of my dresses. Nothing. I’ve gained so much weight since December that the $200 dresses I bought for my brothers wedding etc. this year don’t fit and the wedding is next week. I feel disgusting. I don’t take pictures anymore. I rarely ever wear anything but sweatshirts and yoga pants and I can’t buy anything from my favorite store literally ever anymore.
2. Because of the above, it’s taking everything I have in me not to fall back into my 15 year old selfs habit of just ✨not eating✨ but still working out and running miles every other day just to feel like I was skinny enough for it to be acceptable. I think about it every day and quite honestly it’s very hard for me to eat more than one meal without hating myself. Groceries are too expensive to manage an actual diet and be healthy. I have no extra income. It’s hard and frustrating and unhealthy and I’m exhausted and I HATE myself.
3. I spend every single one of my days wondering how my best friend of six years could just leave and not tell me why.
4. I also spend every single day thinking about how I ruined another girls life both entirely on accident and on purpose because even after I found out the truth of things I still pursued. I’m literally the asshole I swore I would never ever be.
5. I wonder all the time if I’m going to wake up one day and be told by my husband that he hates the way I show love and always has and he doesn’t know why he married me (because it happened before) and I don’t think I’ll survive another heartbreak like that
6. I want to do something constructive with my time like a regular yoga class or a gym membership somewhere structured and take care of myself and whatever but I can’t because I am a mom and it’s expensive. I’m lowkey resentful of my fiancé for having jiu jitsu even if he gets paid to do part of it. He gets to fuck off for several hours every week and do what he loves and I just…don’t. Ever. I’m always at work or always a mom and even when I go out with friends etc. I’m still a mom. I have to take the baby everywhere and I’m tired and I just want to exist outside of being depended on literally every second of the day. There is no reprieve.
7. I don’t like one of our dogs.
8. I’m not even sure I want to have any pets ever again after the ones we do have are gone. They’re like kids and some days it takes everything in me to get out of bed and pay attention to them.
9. I quit my job partly for money but mostly because I have a debilitating fear of failure and the moment I started getting micromanaged over missing the expiration on some fruit despite spending an entire day going above and beyond to be as perfect as perfect can be…something shifted and I spent days wanting to throw up over the stress of fucking up again. I can’t do it. I’m also beyond sick of the “social media content” I’m supposed to create EVERY. FCKING. DAY. Work isn’t they interesting and put menu rarely changes. I can’t take 900 pictures of the same damn thing. 3-5 images a day is asinine and I hate myself so why would I post videos of myself doing anything? Look like a gd land 🐋
10. I want to tell a lot of people to stfu up and I literally don’t care when they tell me their problems. Like literally 99.9% of people. I’m so tired of negativity and always having to try to figure out how to respond without sounding disingenuous.
11. I didn’t think I was depressed but nothing is bringing me Joy or has in a long time. I’m simply existing and dealing in a neutral state and idk if that’s testament to the coping skills I learned year ago or if I’m just in a weird kind of autopilot. But the more time goes on the more I start to realize I might actually need professional help.
12. I’ve started stuttering and having a harder time getting words out in the last year or so and I wonder if something is amiss. They thought I had a stroke when I was pregnant that was really just a horrible migraine…but what if something is really off?
13. I think I fucked up by not getting my tachycardia meds refilled thinking it was only exacerbated by pregnancy and I’d be fine because I’ve almost passed out several times lately. The cause could also be I’ve gained my baby weight back. It’s stupid and I’m worried. I like that it still beats and I’m alive.
That’s all for now.
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daesungindistress · 3 years ago
I’m so sorry about all the OT5 stans in your inbox, but would be be able to pick up on the G Dragon instagram likes ask please? I feel super confused by why he’s liking Seungri and Nyongtory posts this shit is tormenting me
Hey anon, sorry you're feeling tormented by this. Don't be, okay? Don't let the warped perspective of those weirdos get to you.
Disclaimer: I haven't seen everything GD is liking on IG because, unlike some people, I don't feel the need to track his every step on social media just to sell a story of him being ride or die for a shameless liar, selfish prick, and now convicted sex offender who quit the band over three years ago. But I have seen some things, and heard whisperings of others. And the day you sent me your initial ask about this, I ventured over to the swampy side of VIP Twitter to investigate... and here are my observations.
First, my advice to you and everyone else in this clusterfuck of a fandom is to always exercise extreme skepticism when faced with claims by supporters of Seungri and deniers of reality known as OT5. They've spent the last three and a half years proving themselves consistently and passionately wrong about everything Seungri and BB, insisting on his innocence, swearing that the group was nothing and would never go on without him, squandering so many opportunities to support the remaining members on their continuing journey. Do not blindly accept their labeling; it's how they control the narrative, and it always comes back to bite them.
To answer your question: GD isn't liking "Seungri posts" or "Seungri solo shots," as you put it previously. Just because that's how his fans have pitched it doesn't make it correct; they're only showing you half the picture, and in fact are withholding information from you. What GD is liking are photos (and photosets) of himself, his work, his merch. Collections of images from his most recent pictorial with Vogue, reposts of his PEACEMINUSONE products, etc. Sadly, "fans" with an agenda (many of them shippers) discovered a few weeks ago that they could sneak a solo pic or two of Seungri into these photosets filled with pictures of GD, usually hidden at the very end, buried 9 pics deep, with the expectation that he wouldn't take the time to scroll that far given his borderline manic activity on IG at the time. They did this hoping he wouldn't notice, thinking they could trick him into liking it, then use it as fuel for their Nyongtory fantasies. They'd lay the trap, tag his account, xxxibgdrgn, and wait.
And it's worked. When they get that coveted like they scroll through their photoset full of GD pics and screenshot only the pic of Seungri, with GD's seal of approval proudly displayed beneath, and pass those screenshots around, pitching it as "GD liked Seungri pics" to anyone willing to swallow it.
He has also been liking clips from his old tour vids (e.g., MOTTE 2017), collabs with other artists, and yes! BIGBANG. In the case of old BB videos (that happen to include Seungri, because yeah, he was there and part of their recorded history) even if Seungri appears in the video for only a moment, OT5s will painstakingly pause the video on his close-ups and present it as if the clip was entirely about him, as if that and nothing else was what GD was focused on when he liked it, nevermind that the guy was only onscreen for a second or two. It's very calculated, what they're doing, deliberately misleading, and potentially damaging, should anyone make the mistake of taking their games of make-believe seriously.
What makes this so exhausting is nothing about this deranged behavior is new. Nothing. When Youngbae posted a solo cam very clearly centered on himself from BIGBANG's Last Dance tour on IG in early 2020, during preparations for Coachella, Seungri appeared in the background of one shot for a fraction of a second. And you know what those fans did, don't you? They timed it just right, captured a single, blurry frame that if you squinted may or may not have been him, and claimed Youngbae had posted a "video of Seungri," which to them equaled full support. Came here to taunt me about it too, anonymously. Insanity.
They did the same when TOP posted a clip of the chorus from the Fantastic Baby music video later that same year, in his caption cracking a silly joke about having predicted everyone masking up in a pandemic. I'm sure you can guess which split-second shot this fandom's nutcases chose to focus on, determined as always to make everything the BIGBANG members do wholly about someone it's not. They're exactly as psychotic about the matter today as they were back then. Even more so, I'd argue, given everything that's transpired in the two years since.
On that note, before anyone says, "but GD liked OT5 pics," do keep in mind he has also liked OT4 pics, i.e., BIGBANG group photos with Seungri cropped out (if he was even there to begin with). Including this one, in which the KVIP who posted it described the members pictured here as the "whole group" and expressed her wish to see them together again.
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Side note: when GD's IG liking spree first began, some OT4s speculated that he may not have been taking the time to read the captions on some of the posts he was liking. OT5s clowned them for that. Then, when GD liked this OT4 pic, OT5s said, in a hilarious imitation of the very OT4s they'd been laughing at, "Well, maybe he didn't read the caption." lol. So, uh, where does this leave us? Agreeing on something for once? Or all just clowning ourselves and each other?
Of course, it is possible that as these people are getting bolder GD may be noticing the shots of Seungri that they're slipping into his photosets... and just doesn't care. He may know full well what a few maniacs will make of it as he browses through fans' offerings and pauses over familiar imagery from his and his group's past and present, and now moving more confidently than he has in years, isn't so concerned about appearances as to let that stop him.
I don't know, can't say for sure. But you know what, if that's the case, then at this point I'm okay with it. BIGBANG have just had their first four-member comeback. It's finally happened, they've made their position clear, as did Seungri when he withdrew from the industry several years ago (his eventual conviction combined w/ prison time just hammered the point home). If some fans haven't gotten the hint by now, they never will, and it's unreasonable and unfair to expect the BB members to tiptoe around their past music/concerts/memories/experiences forever, walking on eggshells for fear of encountering sight, sound, or mention of Seungri just to avoid triggering a few crazies. Because like it or not, those people will always find ways to connect him to BIGBANG. That's how serious this has become to them. Unfortunately, for the truly sick in the head, delusions don't just end. But as for BIGBANG, they have a new beginning to get underway. As I said in a previous ask reply: keep the memories but move on.
Unless prompted somehow, I don't always feel a need to draw attention to the OT4 occurrences, such as when GD liked the pic above. That was weeks ago, I've known about it since the day it happened, but am only bringing it up now because it's relevant to your question. We have nothing to prove. While it's certainly satisfying, and funny, to see the members cut Seungri out of past pics like TOP did in January, I don't believe in policing the BB members' access to their memories, especially something as frivolous as Instagram likes. All but the most militant of OT4 VIPs still periodically engage positively with old BB content involving five members -- yep, that includes KVIPs -- because we're not confusing past with present, and for those that find the past presence of the former fifth member especially unpleasant, well, it isn't difficult to tune out, overlook, or altogether ignore him and concentrate on the others. Retired guy aside, there's plenty about pre-2019 BIGBANG to like.
TLDR; I would strongly caution against turning GD's Instagram likes into statements. Let him be and let the guy have his memories now that the success of Still Life has shown it's safe to do so. From what I've seen, aside from you and maybe one other, OT4 VIPs are generally just pleased to see him interacting with fans and BIGBANG content again after years of what, to me at least, seemed like avoidance. We're not threatened by that; we're encouraged, happy to see him happy and free, and hopeful that it means more good things are in store for him and the group in the near future. "Happier times are coming."
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kithtaehyung · 3 years ago
okay Ryen, work was a shitshow but I’m here now to give you my thoughts because I’ve been thinking about it all day (thanks for that btw lol)
First, I absolutely love how oc describes her prior encounters with Jin as her being the initiator because it made it that much better seeing him as the controlling hot mf this time around. I absolutely love this Jin he’s delicious
Second, fucking hell Yoongi is so goddamn sweet it’s tooth rotting. All of oc’s thoughts toward Jin and then she’s thrown by whatever she feels for yoongi. He’s too good… way too good
Third, oc is a straight goddess for this. My knees hurt just reading this. Give her a fuxking medal! Like no lie if I’m either jin or yoongi I’m literally giving that woman the world. The whole video thing at the end was cute too I love oc.
Fourth, the moments in the middle of all the action are so perfectly realistic and it’s a fantastic touch. Like yes oc is a straight up Queen but that lil break was so expertly sewn into the story. Well done because damn 👏🏼
Fifth, the Yoonjin interactions and conversations are such a mood. Like funny but destructively sexy. To be a fly on the wall during the conversations they had/have about oc 😍 god what that car ride home must’ve been like 🫠
Sixth, the ending text messages… fucking kill me please because that was just a curveball that had me unable to sleep for like an hour. (No pressure but if you wrote that I’d die 🥴)
Finally, you are a monster but like a monster that you love and cherish (like Jimin on stage). I’m so increasingly impressed by your work and by your dedication to everything you write. I know you’re still unsure about this one which is why I really wanted to come here and write this all out. (It’s much longer than intended sorry don’t hate me)
Also, congrats on that job you deserve it 👏🏼😘
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Oh my goodness, fox🥺🥺 I’m so sorry work was a shitshow.. that’s never ideal, or fun😔 but what the heeeeeck?? This is amazing commentary and encouragement you’re so wonderful!
YES like reader has been the one in control and the one to act first when it comes to hookups (which is hilarious because later they say they’re terrible at making the first move when it comes to like, feelings🥹 a true player istg) and then getting completely thrown off by yoongi.. it’s almost like yoongi’s feeling a little jealous seeing them👀
Reader is a baddie!!!!😩😩 we all know she knows and I would give her the world. If she steps on me I would say thank you<333 and the break was much needed holy hell. I would be exhausted by that point but what a fcking queen😭 yoonjin convos were one of my faves to write because.. they’re children LOL so petty!! Definitely roomies that are clearly good friends. The car ride home… who said they left reader’s apartment…..🤪
Idk if you saw the visuals for Hit;Play jihope (if it happens!!) but… yeah. I don’t even wanna begin to describe how filthy that would be🥴😈 to be compared to jimin on stage??😵‍💫 What a fcking honor holy shit! Thank you so much.. I really do love writing, and this was clearly self-indulgence but also hopefully fun for yall. You’re so kind for encouraging me bc yes I was still very unsure about it all of today. I’m starting to appreciate it, though, especially since you all have been so gd lovely.
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atmilliways · 4 years ago
I was channeling exhausted Charles a little hard, because gd is moving tiring... I know I have some messages I should really get to answering, and I promise that will happen soon. 
Anyway, happy belated birthday, @insomniac-pens!
Charles is couch surfing against his will; Emeto mention; Implied/Referenced Drug Use; Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism; Early klok
C'mon, Charlie, Stay
There was, for a brief period, a time when Charles was between apartments due to an unfortunate infestation problem that had allowed him to break his lease early. It allowed him to lease a much better place, closer to both his office and the new band he was managing, but with one catch: it wouldn’t be available for him to move in for another six weeks.
To his surprise, once the band found out about this they flat out refused to leave him alone until he agreed to crash on their couch. No amount of pointing out that he had the money to just stay in a hotel until his move-in date seemed to sway them. So, he dutifully shelled out his hotel money to pay for Dethklok’s apartment to be professionally cleaned and the couch reupholstered, and that was that. 
Except, dear god, when did these men sleep. 
Charles tried to think of them as men, but frankly it got harder the longer he stayed with them. Murderface had only recently turned twenty-one, and Nathan and Toki were still technically underage; that didn’t stop them or Skwisgaar or Pickles from constantly partying themselves stupid. 
In the very living room (which they also used for band practices) where he was trying to sleep. 
The last straw was when they gave Toki shrooms for the first time and he puked all over the coffee table, including the glasses that Charles had carefully folded and placed there before settling in for the night. Without a word of complaint or reprimand, he was simply up and packed and dressed enough to drive to the nearest hotel, because this was clearly not working.
“Dood dood dood, where’re ya going?” Pickles gabbled, dragging on the manager’s arm as he tried to head out of the front door. 
“To get a hotel room, a hot shower, and a good night’s sleep,” Charles replied, although personally he felt that this should have been obvious. 
“But you can do all that here!”
Charles sighed, resettling his duffle bag on his shoulder. “Thank you, Pickles, but we both know it’s, ah, only a matter of time before I get vomited on, and cleaning my glasses off was unpleasant enough.”
As if on cue, there were more retching sounds from further inside the apartment, followed by shouts and whoops of “He got the couch,” “That’sch twenty points,” and “Directs hits, everiesones does to takes the drink-shots!”
Pickles grimaced. “Okay, so maybe the kid wasn’t ready for caps. That’s my bad, I’m sahrry. But dood, you should still stay. . . .” He trailed off, looking around with a kind of urgent disappointment that Charles had only previously seen when the drummer was trying to find a misplaced stash. Then, with an uncertain grin, he added, “You can, uh, you can stay in my room if ya want.” 
“Ah. . . .” Charles blinked. He was very, very tired, and not entirely sure he’d heard that correctly. “I’m sorry, what?”
“It’s got a door’n everything,” Pickles continued, obviously warming to the idea as soon as he saw that Charles wasn’t rejecting it outright. “You can even have the bed, I can ride the floor. Which I can actually see again now, thanks again for hirin’ those cleaners, dood! And I think I can even find ya some clean sheets and stuff. C’mon, Charlie, stay.”
So, soon afterward, Charles found himself back in his pajamas. They were just the t-shirt and boxers that he’d thrown a jacket and slacks over to leave, really, which by his temporary housemates’ standards apparently made him a prude. He was also swaddled in clean sheets and blankets on Pickles’ bed, as promised, and Pickles had receded back out to the party with a vague, Sleep tight, dood. Despite the lumpiness of the mattress Charles was actually quite comfortable and, with the door closed and the lights off, fairly well insulated against the noise of the band’s continued revelry. 
He was asleep within seconds. 
Some time later Charles woke not to loud noise or something landing on him, but because he had to pee. Not bothering to find his glasses or slippers in the dark (though he was wearing socks; he wasn’t an animal), he slipped out of bed and shuffled towards the door—
His foot connected with something warm and soft, possibly a stomach, and someone groaned, “Oof.” 
“Shit,” Charles muttered. He groped along the nearby wall for a light switch. “Ah . . . Pickles, is that you?”
The lights snapped on harsh and bright, and it was indeed Pickles curled up on the floor, red dreads spayed out like fireworks against the dingy carpet, without even a pillow or blanket. “Yeeeeeeah?” Pickles replied blearily, squinting up at him. 
Charles sighed. The last thing they needed was Pickles unable to play gigs because he’d tweaked his back or neck sleeping on the floor—although, in the short time he’d known the man, Charles had seen him passed out in worse positions. Still, couldn’t be too careful while Dethklok was still starting out. 
“Get in bed,” Charles told him. 
“Nnnn.” Pickles rubbed clumsily at his eyes and swiped and the drool that had collected on his goatee. “You get the bed, couch’s fucked fer now. . . .”
It was only a twin-sized mattress. Charles squinted back at it, then gave a mental shrug. “We’ll share. Just get in, I’ll, ah, be right back.”
He stepped over Pickles and headed for the bathroom. Both the toilet and sink were splattered liberally with vomit, enough that he doubted it had all come out of Toki. He hadn’t smelled any on the man he’d just invited to bunk with him, which . . . was all Charles had the energy to care about, at the moment. He sighed again and just pissed in the bathtub, because fuck it, he was still half asleep. 
When he returned, Pickles had already burrowed into the blankets in the dead center of the bed. Not in the mood to be deterred, Charles turned the light off and wedged himself into the available free space on the mattress. 
“Mmmhey,” Pickles mumbled drowsily somewhere near his shoulder. 
“Scoot over,” Charles grumbled back, and when he got no response gave another shove with his hip. That seemed to get the message across because Pickles did scoot, squirming over and turning into him, clinging to Charles’ arm. 
“‘S cold over here,” Pickles offered in explanation. He was pressed close all along the other man’s side, mouth closer to his ear in the darkness; his breath smelled of whiskey, cigarettes, and reefer. “‘Mglad you stayed, Charlie. Hotels fuckin’ suck . . . this is better, isn’t it?”
“Hm,” Charles hummed. All he really wanted to do was settle in and go back to sleep—although the warmth of a body next to his was nice. The hint of smoke was nice too, despite it having been years since he’d given it up himself. Lulling. Like a steady surf washing over him, pulling back, washing over him again. His eyes drifted closed and he felt himself relax, sinking into the mattress as far as the uneven springs would allow. 
Then, a warm press of lips against his, so soft and tentative that at first he thought it was a dream—he often dreamed that way, slipping from real to unreal so quickly the change was imperceptible. And if it was a dream, why not kiss back? Charles let his lips part, turning into it, that warmth, placidly enjoying the gentle scratch of facial hair against his own clean shaven face. 
It was the arm suddenly draped over him that gave him pause. That felt real, a solid palm splayed as near to the small of his back as it could get while he still lay mostly flat. A body leaning flush into his, silently crying out for closeness. Pickles. 
Pickles tasted like a shot of Fireball in a dim, crowded bar. 
Charles blinked his eyes open, breaking the kiss with a hand on the man’s shoulder. A client. A boss, if the band ever made it as big as he was determined to ensure they would. This was a huge breach in his personal code of professionalism. 
“Charlie?” Pickles whispered, and it sounded so much like a plea (I want you, I need you, please don’t stop) that Charles gave his shoulder what hopefully came across as a reassuring squeeze. 
“Pickles,” he murmured gently, “you’re drunk. I’m, ah, not sure this is a good—”
“I’m always drunk,” Pickles interrupted, mumbling petulantly. 
True enough. Charles just hoped the fame and fortune would kick in before lover failure, for all the guys. Boys, really, playing around with their music and drugs and anyone they could get into bed with them. . . . Case in point. 
He just wished he wasn’t so damn tired. Or at least that he was awake enough to handle this situation with the delicacy it deserved, because he hesitated, and sensed instinctively that Pickles noticed. 
Still, he said, “Regardless, I don’t, ah, think this is a good idea.”
“So? Make a bad decision fer once, gahd.” Then Pickles kissed him again, throwing a leg over his manager for good measure and crowding into him once more with an urgent but surprisingly slow rhythm. 
Charles had only known Pickles for several months—personally, anyway, but he wasn’t about to admit to being a Snakes N Barrels fan back in the day now—and had seen his usual approach to getting into someone’s pants. It usually involved lots of smiling, suggestive looks, wandering hands, and friendly offers to share whatever drugs he had on hand at the time. 
Not once had he turned those attempts at charm towards Charles. He’d been insistent, stubbornly helpful, and . . . nervous. Even now, there was a fluttery quality to his grip, as though he expected to be pushed away more than anything else. Charles wasn’t very good at reading this sort of thing, and was only catching up on all this in retrospect, but Pickles seemed to be acting as though this actually  mattered  or something. 
And Charles was tired, and it felt nice. Warm and comfortable. Pickles was drunk; maybe he wouldn’t remember by morning. 
He let himself kiss back, and by the time he fell asleep again it was with an uncharacteristic smile on his face. 
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bellamyblake · 4 years ago
I dont wanna be mean but I Have been rewatching lately and I realized that Clarke's live is tragic it is but Bellamy's more Fucked up
in many ways i agree with this mostly because i’ve been thinking about it since he died a lot. 
and yes i do think clarke’s life is very tragic but what i do think also happened to her is that the SL itself punished her unnicessarily especially in the last season, in ways that...if you count all of eliza’s scenes, about 80% of them are her crying and it honestly got very very exhausting. even to watch. as good as she is and she is great, it gets repetitive. she sells it but you start wondering gd why?? you become indifferent at some point to it all.
that aside, i do agree because of a few major points.
bellamy’s never had a happy childhood. 
of course we don’t know what his life was like before O.ctavia was born. i like to think that maybe there was a glimpse of hope there. i think and hope too that bob wanted his filipino heritige respect though it never was but in my headcanon land he had a filipino dad who loved him dearly and who died tragically after which things went very wrong. but i believe he was loved dearly. 
yet canon and the writers i think tried to instill the idea that aurora slept with random men so neither his nor o’s father are known. however i do believe aurora must’ve loved him a lot when he was born and i think he was a mama’s boy before O was born and everything concentrated solely on her.
so yes, he’s had a very unhappy childhood. a childhood marked by mostly FEAR and that is no way for a child to live and whilst Clarke has had a tragic life we have seen her past and we know she had a family-a dad and a mom, a father who loved her dearly, she was clearly a dada’s girl, the apple of his eye, he understood her, they were connected, which is why she sees him so often in memories or when she is in situations where she almost *dies*. and as complicated as her relationship with her mother is, it’s clear abby’s love for her is very strong even if their relationship was strained by Jake’s passing.
so clarke had a family, she lived in Alpha where we know conditions were better and she was best friend with the chancellor’s son. i’d say up to the point where her father died things were probably pretty rosy.
meanwhile bellamy became a parent more or less at the age of seven. a child was placed in his hands in the way a mother passes a newborn to her husband, and he becomes responsible for a life that technically-
is not allowed to exist.
just let that whole part sink in cause that’s the tragedy of him.
he lived in absolute fear of the worst happening.  forced to become a guard so he could protect her, share rations with his forbidden sister so she could live and help his mother out.
then his worst fear happened.
because of HIMSELF!
the one moment he dared reach for happiness it was taken from him. and it killed his mom who he clearly loves very much and locked his sister who we know he loves beyond himself.
a year of absolutely lonliness, guilt-rideness and pain passes.
then he goes to earth and his sister who’s finally free decides to have a life of her own and split like every child does at some point, from her family. be free because she’s been locked up all her life and he’s left..confused?? doing irrational things, trying to control what he no longer can control.
trying to hold on to love.
because in all the pain and suffering he did have a family-his mom and his sister.
but now it’s gone.
then he grows to love and care for the 100. for clarke.
and he goes into a mountain to save them.
but instead ends up committing genocide.
meanwhile his sister runs off with a grounder (which...i have thoughts on o’s love life but i wont go there now).
and then he’s left alone by the one person he still had in his life. and let’s be real i love the blakes but they were never truly resolved. they came close to it in season 6 but it wasn’t truly done well. so i think it’s fair to say that from the moment he touches the ground, even though he does it for his sister-
he loses her.
and he only has clarke left.
but clarke leaves.
so he’s loveless, empty, broken and absolutely destroyed by the fact that he killed a mountain full of people some of whom were good and tried to save them.
he’s destroyed inside.
and then on and on-the pike manipulation, the massacre, more guilt, more pain. the death wave and a weightless loseless fight that bears no meaning but he tries he tries he goddamn tries
though he doesn’t know why, surely not for himself. for O? for clarke? for the others? for his people?
what is there left for him to do.
aurora blake raised no suiciders. no losers. he can’t kill himself as much as death seems alluring.
what i find the saddest is that he has no real love in his life. yes he has clarke and yes we know they were written as romantic but it was never canon canon so he doesn’t have this great epic love story that all the other characters have-clarke with L, o with Lincoln, raven with f/nn, jasper with maya, monty with harper, lastly john with emori which i think was the best written one.
and that is the tragedy indeed. 
because he IS the character who is the MOST heart even at his *head*-est and yet he is denied love. he’s denied a great love story (again bellarke-aside here). he is DENIED his heart being loved the way it loves, he is denied the gentleness of a soft, kind, filled with extremes-ups and downs, or even challenges, love.
he’s denied it.
the heart is denied love.
i don’t count e/cho. im sorry but that just as clarke killing him was done purely out of spite. there was no real love there, no emotion, no romance. it was a time jump relationship just like his one with gina. he’s REFUSED a great love story. 
he has it with clarke. but he’s denied actually going there too. 
i find it sad because love spills out of him in waves, all of himself he gives out, all of his softness kindness, even his flaws, he lets out in the open and says this is me, i am not ashamed of myself. i may hate myself but i love. 
and there’s no one to love him back.
and then in the end of course im saddest because we’ve seen the craziest shit on earth and he’s still denied understanding from his friends. but i wont go there because it hurts too much.
so yes clarke lost a lot. she lost L and she lost madi in a way and she lost her dad and her mom. but she’s had happiness in her life, she’s had a family, she’s had great love, she’s even had the cutesy teenage drama romance with f/nn and then a good love and then yes death and pain. she is separated from her friends, she is punished unnecessarily like he is too.
but she’s known it.
and she’s known the peace from those 6 years on earth. peace he craved and strived towards in the end. she’s had that with madi. whilst he’s spent that punishing himself over leaving her behind and once again trying to keep their people together in her abscence to honor her.
i’m sure he’s had happy moments. maybe glimpses. like bob said, glimpses of peace. maybe he’s had glimpses of happiness too. when he was baby boy and his mom picked him from his crib or his dad carried him arround or when he carried O around and talked to her. or when he was hugged by clarke.
but he should’ve had more. 
he deserved more. 
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taylor511040 · 3 years ago
Happy Friday Everyone! I have some news to tell ya... 😐
Well, here's the thing...:
When I came home from school, well, I was crying! Why? Because, I had to go over to my dad's house this weekend! Did I wanna go? Nope, not at all! So, my Mom called my Dad to tell him the news. I was just crying even harder. My Dad was yelling at my Mom for letting me stay home! Really? Dad, your gonna need to understand that I need a break from ya- So, he talked to me but I couldn't take it anymore! I handed the phone back to my mom. I just sat there crying until she hanged up. She said she wasn't gonna force me to come over if I didn't want to. She she let me to stay home. And once Jessica got here, I just went to say hi. Well, when I left. Jessica was being rude, yelling at my Mom acussing me of depression! I'm not depressed! I'm just exhausted, mind your own business! And then she said she wasted money- Great- Well, now I'm still crying! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! 😭😔
Sorry for such the bad news...
But here's the good news! 😁:
School went awesome today! There was a parade and everything! They even were handing out candy! Finally! I also played a few Kahoot's. And of course I won at least once. I got second and third place once as also! I was good until the Dad's House thing... You know that!
At least there was one good part of the day! I'll update you tommorow I spouse! I love you all very much! Bye!
*Sighs, Exhausted And Upset*
@gds-ask-fnaftale @glitterdragonthegreatprotector @lizzythetechnotroll7 @lizzythetechnotroll @jade-green-butterfly
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fbdo1986 · 4 years ago
It’s enough to be whiplash - A Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Fic
a/n: To put it plainly, I took a few tricks from John Hughes’s earlier scripts of the film, which were more surreal and up-front with discussing death and end of the world scenarios. It was inspired by a concept that I couldn’t seem to shake after I thought of it: what if the pool scene was just a bit more high stakes? 
Warnings: Death Mention (there is no character death), Drowning 
Word Count: 2,621
None of them are prepared for the sudden shock into their skin that comes after their visions blur with blue, how their ears ring after the slick slap of flesh obviously colliding with water, or the registration of Cameron’s body, sunken, not writhing to be rescued in the pool below him.
Sloane screams. She can’t help it. She screams because he doesn’t. Time morphs in the same way the water does, how what once was peaceful becomes ominous. How the water barely reacts to the fact that there is a body sinking below, paying no mind to the grim way in which it enters and doesn’t come back up. Calm and gentle and crystal clear blue, reflecting the shimmering sun. And it’s still a sweet, uninterrupted summer day. No one would suspect the touch-and-go situation they find themselves in, not today. Yet the fact that something is wrong is the only thing that shivers through Sloane’s body.
It’s one of the times when the body heads straight into action, you don’t even hesitate. Ferris dives in headfirst, becoming just another body underneath the water's surface. It swallows him completely. He finds Cameron in there, trying with all his efforts to bring them both up for air as soon as possible. Hooks his arms around Cameron’s torso and pulls—it’s so difficult to grab hold of someone taller than you are—breaking free from the heavy tension of the water and dragging him to the edge of the pool. He lays motionless, his body is limp and waterlogged.
Cameron’s not breathing.
In the same moment as when his heart drops twelve stories Ferris is screaming out his name. Hitting Cam’s face rapidly, calling out again and again as Sloane watches in horror. Nothing is happening and the world shifts, now a nightmare with an unresponsive body that looks suspiciously like his best friend.
“Cameron, please!” Sloane pleads. If she didn’t know better, if her body weren’t already soaked, maybe the wetness clinging to her skin would be tears on her face. She doesn’t know where to put her hands, to clutch at herself or at him, because that wouldn’t make a difference, would it?
“Come on Cam. You can do this. Please.” He’s shaking Cameron now. Nothing.
Again and again, over and over. Time slows for Ferris now, in an unsuspecting way, and the heart that rams against his ribs quickens, chasing a reaction that doesn’t come. Maybe, it justifies that the two of them could switch heartbeats. If only he could slow down and Cameron would speed back up. Reality slams into him with a force that knocks out all the air from his lungs. Who gives a damn about the car? Who gives a shit about anything, anything outside of the rapidly suffocating universe that is spinning out of control? How could anything, anything at all, exist outside of this? He wants it all to be a dream. Nearly squeezes his eyes shut so tightly that it hurts as a haphazard, desperate prayer leaks from his lips. “Dear lord, please. Not now. Not him.” 
He snaps back into action, lit with a flame that sets his skin ablaze and makes his hands shake. Asking with his whole body as he turns to Sloane again. Her gaze is equally so petrified. She’s asking for help. Asking for absolutely anything.
He doesn’t let his voice waver. “Put your hands on his chest.”
Why did it have to come to this? The world’s always been unfair, especially to the boy whose house is like a museum, whose understanding of familial love is warped and hazy, the boy who’s never been kissed. Not just the boy who he met in fifth grade and decided that they were going to be friends forever just because, the one he chose. The one that’s his best friend because no one else deserves the title, because nobody even comes close. The one that listens to him day in and day out, who only gets angry with a smile on his face, who trusts him enough to tell him all of his secrets, who would give up half his day just to make sure that Ferris doesn’t fail another chemistry test, who would face the things that terrify him just to please him. It’s not justified. It’s worse than that, it’s impossible. He wouldn’t dare think of it, not even for a second… but he would put up such a fight that there would be no choice but for someone to listen, for someone to swap their places.
Another action without hesitation, even when the situation reveals that they’re just two terrified teenagers with a life in their hands that doesn’t deserve to be there. They jump into a rhythm, one that they do with frantic security because there’s no other option.
He watches Sloane begin to give Cameron chest compressions, and it’s the kind of thing that puts the entire world into perspective with a sickening flourish. He looks away because he can’t stomach the sight. He closes his eyes again and finds somewhere deep inside him a way to breathe, past his lodged throat and chest constricted in fear so tightly he barely remembers what it’s like not to be enveloped in dread.
And when Ferris catches the new droplets of water that soak into Cameron’s shirt and hears the hiccup of a sob from next to him his heart lurches. He’s loaded with precious words of futile prayers; ready to whisper them along with the air that he forces into Cameron’s lungs. But he doubts that ‘Please’ is a prayer enough, but it has to be. It has to be enough because anything, anything, should be enough. The way his heart aches should be enough, the heft of Sloane’s cries should be enough, the fact that it’s Cameron—sweet, lovable Cameron who has always been enough, someone they cannot live without—the way that the world would crumble without him, it should all be enough.
“Thirty.” Her voice is weak, shuddering out the word. Ferris turns back to her because he doesn’t have a choice. She looks just like he feels. So panicked and entirely powerless. But he manages a breath, and stabilizes Cameron’s head before blowing air into his lungs.
They count again, and Ferris is the one to try. Tries because he doesn’t want Sloane to exhaust herself, and because he needs to busy himself while he waits out the agonizing seconds between one and thirty. Because he can’t be the one to stare as Cameron’s body is forced to accept a new heartbeat. And how it won’t. Ferris offers him a new breath of air. Tilts his chin and touches his cold, unresponsive lips and blows some air in.
“Gd, Fer. It’s not working.” Her voice pools with desperation, snapping her gaze back to his.
“Please. I need you to try. Please.” He’s gripping Cameron’s shoulders tight. Ferris chokes, tearing now because even in the depths of this, Cameron is not this stubborn. Cameron would not be this stubborn. 
A brief flash of something he doesn’t say. ‘You can’t do this. Not before I get the chance to tell you I love you.’
It hurts until it doesn’t. Because he’s hovering over Cameron’s lips and he feels something resembling a breath graze his cheek. There’s a moment and then he’s choking, coughing, gasping.
It’s terrifying to watch someone flounder for air.
It’s wonderful.
The water exits from his lungs. There’s a shudder of breath, and then the steady up and down of his chest circulating air. In and out. Breathing.
The joy that floods them, scrambled with disbelief jolts them with a force they’ve never felt. Sloane registers this and then breaks into unrestrained sobbing. It’s not easy, the change that happens way too quickly; to deal with the certain doom of moments before and now the euphoric opposite. It’s frightening, to think you’ve lost someone and then there they are; you won’t accept that something so wonderful is possible after so much pain. There’s the slam of the brakes but everything is fine. You breathe. You sit back up and you breathe. 
“Oh, fuck.” Cameron’s voice is a whisper, weaker than they’ve ever heard it, but it’s enough.
Their eyes fill with light. Fond, unbridled light that will never leave. They smile their watery smiles, caught between laughter and tears.
They want to touch him, to launch themselves into his arms and never let go, to ensure that he will never suffer again. Sloane brushes his hair from his forehead, cupping his face with her hands. She hiccups again but her voice is so loving. “Cameron. Oh, Cam.” She wants to kiss him. Press some warmth back into him. Technically, Ferris already has. Her tears fall onto his face and she warmly wipes them away.
“Are you alright? Cameron. Please. Are you alright?” Ferris scrambles, exchanging a look with Sloane briefly.
“I’m… okay.” His words are slow and heavy.
“Come on. Here, come on.” Ferris heaves him from behind. They get him sitting. Maybe that’s better.
Sloane gets up slowly, eyeing Ferris. He gives her a sturdy nod and she heads inside. When she returns she has multiple towels in her arms. She hands Ferris the largest one to wrap around Cameron’s shoulders. It’s yellow, like the color of his kitchen. Ferris is rubbing Cameron’s back slowly, comforting him. Stabilizing himself, too. The world has a hard time settling back into normalcy.
“Any better?” Sloane offers cautiously. Her voice is raw as she tries to shroud it with light. From all the screaming. She sits next to him easily.
Cameron doesn’t reply right away. “... You saved my life.” He stares out at the warm afternoon splayed in front of them.
They don’t say anything. They just sit, Sloane’s arm falling over Cameron’s shoulder, Ferris’s arm is around his back. For a while, in the silence. Give the world time to trickle back down. Sloane lets a quiet sob exit her lips, part of the hurt lingers. They don’t say a thing. Cameron leans his head on her shoulder. Her eyes are red and sting as she forces herself to look into the distance. They watch the sun dance on the water’s surface. The trees shiver, every so often, with a particularly hefty breeze. The leaves shake and their heartbeats slow.
After many minutes spent like this, in the strange, warped calm, the uncertain voice of Sloane’s tries to be brave. “My mom will drive you to the hospital.” She centers on the trees and breathes in and out. If she focuses hard enough on the breath, she will stop remembering that she watched… she can’t do it. That her hands brought someone back to life. Someone whose breath is her ears, someone who she loves. Loves, so certainly.
More moments pass by. Finally, Cameron asks them something. “Are you guys okay?”
“Cameron, please.” Her eyes find his own and ask him to for once, center himself in his life. He has done everything to deserve it. Especially now. “Just let us take care of you, okay?” Her hands tangle in her hair restlessly as she presses her shoulder into his side. She can’t bear to answer his question, either. She turns away from him again, because it stings, because he was so close to being unsavable, and yet he chooses to focus on them. It’s the one thing she can’t stand about him. She flickers with the sinking feeling that they have faltered, never reinforced enough that he has earned—as if you have to earn it—the right to place himself where he places them, that he deserves attention, concern, unconditional love. It’s infuriating, because someone this wonderful shouldn’t have to relearn how to put himself first. But at least they could’ve told him.
“But you’re not. I can tell.”
“I mean,” Ferris scoffs, running a hand along his face as he tries to find the words. “having to bring your best friend back to life isn’t exactly all peaches and cream. No way.” He falters, hunching forward. Droplets of water decorate his skin. “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I don’t know why I’m getting angry. Jesus, I should be… I don’t know. I’m just sorry, Cam.”
“Why?” He looks at him honestly. “You just saved my life and you’re sorry. Where on Earth are we?” He chuckles, and it lessens the load of their hearts just a little.
But Sloane completely understands what Ferris means. They don’t even need to exchange a knowing glance like they always do, because the thought just wrapped itself around her mind.
“All I’m saying is that it would be just my luck to die and somehow fuck up that process and end up in an alternate dimension where everything is just slightly different.”
“Cameron, don’t you dare.” Sloane scolds him, becoming the sternest he thinks she’s ever been. Her eyes are locked on him and her jaw is set.
“What?” He laughs, because somehow, it’s hard to picture her looking at him like this.
“Don’t… say that! Or just, don’t joke about it.” He can hear what her eyes say. The way they ache to lighten up, to complete her sentence with something softer. She’s never been good at staying angry. 
“Then don’t be sorry. Whatever’s happening, whatever you’re thinking, stop. I’m okay. We’re okay.”
Maybe it’s just foolishness, just the two of them begging for any sense of relief they can get, but the way he says it convinces them. If he is okay, so are they. It’s a chain reaction, one after the other. Or maybe all at once.
Instinctively, they sigh in tandem. Letting the air in their lungs sink into the concrete and bob back up again. They can pretend, pretend it all means nothing. Or just not say that it means everything. Maybe it doesn’t. Who knows anymore. The world was just turned on its head. They have no choice but to afford confusion.
“Do you have something to tell me?” The bodies against his own freeze. All the warmth that was in them has been sucked out. “I mean, just. Y'know, after everything.” He gestures languidly.
“You’re saying that our sudden recognition of life and death makes us more aware of the futility of secret keeping? Huh, never would’ve guessed that.” There’s a warmth flooding back into Ferris’s eyes as he jokes. He continues the dramatics, rolling his eyes.
Cameron matches the energy of his tone. “I’m just saying.” Two can play the nonchalant game. And they know that he can tell that there’s something off. Aside from basically everything. But whatever. Even by the new baseline of things that are somehow now plausible, they feel strange and far away.
“So what? Nothing?” He looks between the two of them. 
“Nuh-uh.” Ferris slips out absentmindedly, as though he’s a stubborn little kid.
“But we’re… never mind. My brain’s still foggy, I guess.” Cameron pushes strands of wet hair away from his face.
“That we’re touching? Is that it?” Ferris asks. No response. They don’t look at each other.
“Do you mind?” He tries again.
A smile that he tries to bite back lights up Cameron’s face. He shakes his head.
“Okay then.” Ferris takes his hand away from his back and shifts, slipping his palm against Cameron’s.
Cameron doesn’t pull away.
Instead, he pulls out a trick they haven’t used in years. He taps out the phrase ‘I love you’ in morse code on Ferris’s skin. He pulls the two of them closer, as if that were possible. Sloane presses a kiss into Cameron’s temple.
They’ll talk about it later. Right now, they just exist together, tangled in the silence. That’s always been enough.
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anyu-blue · 4 years ago
I know a big part of it is the sleep deprivation.. again.. but I'm hella depressed.
Like overall I'm.. content? I guess? I have job. = Good. I have place to live. = Good. I have my game(s) I can play anytime I have time/want. = Good. I have appointments to try and get feeling better and keep trying and keep trying when I don't. = Good. I have Kizzy and will probably have him for at least 3 more years, if not longer. = Good. I have contingency plans in place for paying for my surgeries. = Good.
I've got a lot of good right now. And it's not that I'm ungrateful. I am EXTREMELY grateful. Considering my issues I've done extremely well. Even if some of it was on accident.
It's just.. well.. I'm tired, of course. Not sleeping well or much for days on end sucks. Especially because I could have, but people are going to keep living their lives and accidentally waking/keeping me up because they just don't think about my situation 24/7. Or even know it. Or consider it. Because life's too short for that according to, like everyone but me.
I'm sick of course. I've definitely tried the 'I'm doing great/not sick!!' mindset.. and it doesn't work.. cuz stuff HURTS. I don't have the energy to keep pretending either... And I don't think there was really a time I wasn't sick. Not in my whole life.. and It feels impossible to have any hope I'll ever not be physically sick... No matter what or how hard I try. Especially because I'm aging as all people do. Especially being forced to constantly check what I eat because if I don't I can hurt myself/make myself even more sick. Or starve, which hurts me too but is better than the alternatives. Especially being I have to rely on a healthcare system that looks down on what I can afford. Especially because what I can afford is so little. Especially because of our healthcare system being so politically charged people like me with the needs I have (even just replacing bones!!! Hello?! Our STUPID society forgets teeth are BONES and NECESSARY ones at that- but the instant you say teeth people literally don't give two shits, think you're just vain, and 100% brush you off. Even doctors.. and I have cried so hard over this stupid stuff and tried to rally and I'm STILL trying to save my own god damn life. I hate saying that's what I'm doing because I have some of that stupidity in me of thinking vanity... But I'm literally trying to save my forsaken life and be a LOT less miserable, and I feel so hopeless because only the little people who get it actually seem to want to help/be able to push aside that vanity thought and it hurts so badly to ask them to squeeze for me-- thank you if you're reading this and you've reblogged/shared my post. And I cannot thank you enough, and feel I owe you so much if you've donated... Every tiny bit helps. You and I are little people in the sense we don't exactly have $10,000+ to just throw around an have no worries about lol)
I'm.. also lonely? I guess? .. it's probably the best way to describe it. I don't like people all over me. Or really messaging constantly because moods change and People have lives.. but I miss... I want... Stress free interactions. Getting to spend time and go and do things. Not being alone all the time or missing out on everything. Time is meaningless pretty much right now in the sense I've missed all the holidays. 100%. No time spent celebrating or using the time or even seeing people. Im so much a damn adult and yet I still feel like crying whenever my siblings/cousins talk about last halloween because they had so much fun... They spent the day together in matching costumes by themselves at a park. And that's it... I was delirious from sleep deprivation when I saw them for the 5 minutes I did.. and stress because of my ex being the bastard he is to me. And work. So I couldn't join them. And it doesn't bother them in the least. It's such a happy memory for them and I am struggling to let go of the envy. They have so many days they spend together too.. remotely mostly, but they have so much fun. They wake me up alot with their calls.. and get pissed when I'm like hey guys I'm sorry but could you tone it down? I honestly stopped asking lately because they get so pissed and have even been like 'It wasn't me at all!!' even when I can quote what they said back to them and try to find anything and anyone else to blame... My little sister especially is CONSISTENTLY Telling me she has no idea what she even just said so I know it's bullshit it's not her.... And it just hurts. I try so hard. I drug myself to fall asleep almost every single workday now and I hate it. It's not good for you I feel. Says non habit forming but I just. Uck. And I have familiar, soft sound on. And I've shut my cat out. And I've consistently changed my bedding and cleaned and worn masks/covered my eyes, and done everything I can think of to try and make sure I'm going to sleep as long as possible. I don't go to bed and wake up early in the evenings to cook or spend time with them anymore because I'm trying to give myself more sleep. I don't stay up to see my sisters during the day anymore. Because I'm trying to give myself more sleep. I turn everything off (besides what I hope will help with the noise) at noon and try to lay down as soon after noon as I can every day. Anything blue gets covered or turned off. Everything has red light filters too to get rid of the blue.. but I can't seem to get more than a few jagged hours any given day unless it happens to be their early days where they take naps or I end up so exhausted I'm passed out at night when I should be awake so my shifts aren't so hard... So all that adds up to my being alone and lonely as my own damn fault. Because obviously I stopped making the efforts... The thing that hurts most about that is I was the only one making ANY effort at all to include myself in people's lives (still rings true for everyone in my own city at least- family, friends, the works).. and when I HAD to stop and told them why and asked if they'd be willing to meet me sometimes when it was hard for them (even like once a month fully planned out if need be, or spontaneous because I'm NOT picky)... I got yesses. I did. But. Do you think it ever once happened besides the very day we talked about it?
I can and have gone through every single message and note I have (my memory isn't what it was after I got as sick as I did last fall so I try to keep track of everything instead of relying on my memory anymore)... The only person who even slightly tried was only doing so because he wanted every gd opportunity to beg me to sleep with him (pretty much- he wasn't subtle).. and I had to cut him out because he's not a good person in his own right, sadly. Which left me entirely alone in many ways. Which leaves me entirely alone unless I reach out first and sacrifice sleep.
The continuance of this unfortunately has contributed to my depression.. and the fact no one wants to be around cuz I'm a bummer. And the sleep issues have caused irritability I try so hard to control, but at certain stages I just lose my filters and don't want to say stuff or ramble but I also don't want to miss the opportunity with the person (usually one of my sisters) so stuff gets awkward and they don't like being around THAT. And I don't blame them. But I'd do?
Ugh... I know night shift is my fault... And is a major part of the problem... But I work it to avoid People who don't care about me and mine. To keep myself safe. To keep myself from having panic attacks. I'm doing a lot better with them... But I was breaking down so often at or about work it was getting out of hand... With night shift I'm not overwhelmed like that and I don't have to worry do much about my poor mind losing its sharpness as much. I can take my time more or less. And I get paid enough to survive. ....
I'm just depressed and I know it's on me but I wish I had more help than I do..
Wishing is also the problem. Instead of being happy with what I have.
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shouldertallabyss · 5 years ago
ObsidianPen’s Fanfiction and Why It Lives Up to the Hype
As you have eyes, this is a rant. Apologies, I could not be brief. These thoughts literally roll around when I’m running, driving, standing in the pickle aisle at the grocery store, etc. I very much wondering if I’m not just off my nut. Fearing the worst, I have come to the Internet to commiserate.
How good is the Haunted and Hunted series? Allow me to try to put it into examples:
- It’s like, if you were leaning over the edge of the CN Tower--fun, right? Enjoying the Views? Then someone comes up behind you and pushes you off. That’s the adrenaline.
- It’s like, you had a first crush--teetering on obsessive, right? Really infatuated. Then, before you get the chance to tell them how you feel, because you’re so nervous to get rejected, you find out they’re with someone else, interested in someone else. That’s the emotional impact, but only topically.
- Say you’re a little religious--you see symbolism in the little things of life, yeah? You can look up at the stars and it makes you feel small, like your choices don’t matter, but then you look at the friends you’ve had in your life--even one nice person that you liked--and you remember that you had an impact on them as much as they had an impact on you. This includes the perspective that one or both of you don’t even realize the impact, because life sometimes just happens, consequences happen--all because of choice. That’s the humanity aspect.
- Say you’re athletic, or were ever forced to run the mile in a gym class--you know what it’s like for you to lose your breath, but keep going, yes? When the mile was over, how did you feel? Exhausted? Exhilarated? A mix of the two? That’s the end of most chapters.
- Have you ever looked at something for a long time, and then realized that you’ve just been staring off into space, not even thinking about what’s in front of you? That’s been me for two years (two years?), hi.
- Two years ago, I read the Haunted and Hunted series in one sitting (one weekend, I read slowly, don’t @ me) and then later moved on to No Glory, which was a MISTAKE, because I just wait for updates and it’s a semi-inconvenient distraction from my real life. Always worth the wait, as good entertainment is--the anticipation is part of the experience.
- I swear on it, I do not see the world the same way after thinking through all the aspects of OG Hauntingly. There have been plenty of other fictions that are good, but Hauntingly already has the pull of the love you have for the Harry Potter fandom, and it adds another real story, despite it being the same story, to the mix.
- In my heart, there is the Harry Potter series as J.K. Rowling wrote it, intended it, and finished it...and then there is the fork in the road that happened before Harry’s 6th year, and changed my love for the Harry Potter universe. It definitely made it deeper, because it parallels the canon timeline perfectly, and introduces all of the points from the view of Harry being removed. Not a common theme in canon, but still maintaining Harry at the focal point. Astonishing. Outstanding.
- J.K. Rowling created and ObsidianPen took that groundwork, that beautiful masterpiece, and shaped something new...using almost all of the themes from the OG HP plot. Wow.
- These are not just stories, they are philosophies. I believe that, because they have been written from a place of passion--for the fandom, for friends, for the sake of telling the same story with a few elements removed, and how a few elements make all the difference. Despite every new take OP makes, it is always in a way that is not too far off of being familiar. That’s just what I think.
- The dialogue is incredibly in character. Dialogue feeds interactions, and makes those scenes come to life in a more authentic and real way. You could have a whole story without dialogue, but here, it is the beloved characters continued.
- These are my own opinions, but like, seriously, I’ve been down the rabbit hole, and I have so much respect for the writing style of ObsidianPen--who is an artist in stunning form, in captivating ways--and I’m wondering if I will ever be in a mindset where I will live my life not analyzing the end of the series every other month. It’s like, burned in my memory.
- Let me try to explain that more:  it wasn’t even the story that had me so captivated. It was everything that was so emotional, every new word that floated up and described a mental state, or an emotional renaissance, or just trying to be human. The “just trying to be human” piece is what throws me, because it will always be philosophical, full of change, and you could read how Harry falls apart from the surface, or you could go deeper, take the dive, blend with what is being told to you...and listen to the undercurrents. ObsidianPen has a grasp on writing fiction in a consistent and impassioned manner. There is world-building, on the bones of the landscapes that Rowling describes, as well as just the world at large. It is the familiar with the new, mentioned above. It is perfectly temporary, just like life. This fanfiction is not a story I took lightly, and I just want to KNOW that all of these listed things weren’t just coming out of some fever dream that attached me to it. It really got me. It didn’t necessarily teach me something new, but it opened my melancholy heart to the love, or compassion, that exists when someone tries to say something that they think is important, and has the means to do it well. Like with the intermixing of philosophies, fandom feels, and unique character expression that you can find inside yourself.
- ObsidianPen, without dispute, has the means to do art well. In this narrow-scoped case, through fanfiction writing. I know OP is an artist in other fantastic ways, we are just not getting into that. Life’s a journey, and it is as complex as the descriptions in the Haunted and Hunted series, round 1 & 2.
- No spoilers for the sake of the rewrite, but gd if I don’t sometimes stand in the shower and just think about church.
- Or maybe I’m off my flipping rocker......irrelevant. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Read these works, if you haven’t. They are...godlike.
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