#Thoughts and opinions
juniper-bunch · 17 days
emails are not shown, everything is put in a way where you can provide reasoning (preferred but not required) and putting your tumblr user is optional
This is the one time where our dni does not apply because we would like responses from a lot of people
If you see this, it’d be greatly appreciated if you could take it and reblog it /nf
This is really just an experiment we’re doing ourselves to see other’s views and opinions (also out of boredom. Boredom creates curiosity)
(So sorry for the cross tagging but is it cross tagging if it applies?)
We do not agree with everything mentioned in the form. We actually disagree with a lot of it or have differing/complicated opinions from different alters
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hispieceofcake · 1 month
Stanford didn't love Stanley as much Stanley he loved him
I've been thinking about this for a while and analyzing it while I endured the two seasons of Gravity Falls and I came to this conclusion. That Ford didn't love Stan as much as Stan loved him, like, Ford would sacrifice Stan for the world but Stan would sacrifice the world for Ford. And how do I prove this argument? It's simple.
Stanley protected Stanford from childhood of the bullies, has always been by his side through the best and worst moments, like when a girl threw juice at him during the dance and then Stanley threw juice at himself too so Ford wouldn't feel bad or humiliated, felt extremely bad when he heard that Ford was leaving and going to college and leaving alone. Then he was kicked out of the house due to the accident at Ford's project, who even after seeing his brother's situation also abandoned him.
I'm not saying Ford didn't have the right to be upset with Stan, but damn, seeing your twin brother who always protected you and stood by your side the whole time get kicked out of the house so badly and doing nothing sounds very selfish to me.
And then years in the future, while Stan was committing his spree of deception and fraud on the law, Ford was making one of the biggest mistakes of his life, which was to trust Bill Cipher and let him have control of his mind and body. Which, as we know, ended very badly, to the point where he had to call Stanley to help him.
And then Stan hoped that he could again seeing his twin brother and being able to have him by his side again ended up having all his expectations shattered when he saw that his brother just wanted him to go as far away as possible with one of his diaries. Triggering a fight in which Stan ended up injured with a strangely shaped burn mark on his shoulder, and pushing his brother into the portal and then running towards him begging for him to come back.
And then for thirty years he devoted himself to bringing Stanford back, he committed robberies (not that he didn't do them before), he broke the law (again not that he didn't do them before), deceived the people he loved most (Dipper and Mabel), stopped taking care of himself, and dedicated years and years just for his brother. Then when he succeeds in bringing Ford back, he is met with a punch in the face and no thanks.
I understand that Ford was worried that the world could be destroyed and all, but man, was it so hard to apologize for the punch and thank his brother afterwards?
And even so, Ford only thanked Stan because he was forced to and even then it was sarcasm, and then Stan sacrificed himself for him and for everyone in Gravity Falls by switching places with Ford and have his mind invaded by Bill Cipher to defeat him soon after.
And again coming back to that phrase but a little different, "Ford would sacrifice Stan for the world but Stan would sacrifice himself for Ford."
Now one thing that made me a little indignant with Ford when I read Bill's book, on the page where Ford said about his birthday, he didn't talk about Stan at all, he didn't remember his own twin brother who had a birthday that same day, the person who cared most about him in the world was forgotten by him and only called when Ford was out of options and needed someone trustworthy to disappear along with his diary.
I've seen several pieces of art and text that say that Ford is the brain and Stan is the heart, and I honestly agree, Ford is intelligent, planning and accurate while Stan is emotional, careless and affectionate (in his own grumpy way but he is), it even reminds me of a song called "Choice" by an artist called Jack Stauber. (just a silly curiosity)
But getting back to the subject, I know Ford had his reasons, and I know he loves Stanley and values him very much and cares and loves his family, but I wanted to highlight a little how much Stan tried for him, and in fact, it was a lot. Both Stan twins have been through some tough times leading to trauma for both of them and I was extremely happy when I watched the last episode and saw that now both of them are together fulfilling their long-awaited dream together and making up for lost time from years and years without each other.
Please don't take this post as an attack on the character, Stanford is my favorite character along with Stan, I love them both, but loving a character means knowing his good and bad points. If you have a different thought please share it, but without being offensive.
Oh yeah, forgive me for being absent, I've been a bit out of sorts, but every now and then I'll show up to bring you something.
Well, thanks for reading, bunny kisses 🐰💋
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joyfullyrissa · 29 days
thoughts on soulmates lawlight
light whos born with the tiny, neat script in the crook of his elbow that reads "l lawliet". his mom thinks it's so cute how he already has someone waiting to love him.
L who doesn't have a soulmate and doesn't care, either. not a single trace leading him to light, and not knowing either, until malleable yotsuba arc light rolls his sleeves up and shows his markings.
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the-south-north · 2 months
dumbledore's character is not intended to be villanous. and my interpretation of him is mostly benevolent. i generally don't like using his mistakes (and unintentional plot holes) to paint an evil mastermind persona. the harry potter universe is /magic/ and /not the real world/, which means that the limits of what's actually possible are more determined less by the worldbuilding and more by what's necessary for the plot development to happen. harry was left with an abusive muggle family not necessarily because the blood magic explanation fits seamlessly into magical mechanics or because dumbledore intended to manipulate harry, but because the author wanted the main character to come from an abusive household and wanted to introduce harry and the audience to magic at the same time. same goes for dumbledore's not saving sirius from azkaban. harry plot-wise isn't supposed to have good familial support before the weasleys. (although for this one, i think its consistent with the worldbuilding. cause sirius has no evidence to clear his name, he doesn't think he deserves freedom anyway, dumbledore is suspicious but doesn't think sirius is innocent, and dumbledore might not have sufficient influence+evidence to free sirius). in essence, i think that in a lot of cases, using <what dumbledore *didn't* do> to judge his character is much less effective than considering <what he actually did>. because what he <didn't do> is kinda limitless and less meaningful because wizard and plot. however fandom doesn't work like that. using textual evidence, plot holes, etc. that don't align with authorial intent is a lot of the fun. villainous/extra dubious ethics dumbledore can go hard (although i'm a little picky about it). it just happens that i personally like dumbledore (he's a fun guy with interesting flaws) so i find it a disservice to my interpretation of his character (well-intentioned but morally complicated) to make him a pure villain.
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Mannn, I thought the new HBO series was going to take out HP Fanfic. Who knew the fandom would start to eat itself and cause its own demise with bad manners regarding reader entitlement and a lack of awareness supporting illegal profits from book binding😮‍💨.
It's wild to think people would pay hundreds of dollars for something that is kindly posted for free. I know some of you mods are authors. Thank you all for what you do and your MASSIVE contributions to this fandom.
In the last few days I've seen so much talk about this. I believe some authors have started that they were removing their fics from AO3? Which sparked all this talk.
For those who don't know, many authors are having their work downloaded and bound into a physical book and being sold. They are not being informed of this. They do not get contacted for permission, nor do they see any money from the sale.
Someone just decided to take a popular fic, one that got some traction on tiktok, and make it into a book and sell it for money. The original author is clueless of this happening.
Previously, in this fandom, some small bookbinding business owners would reach out to the authors and ask permission to bind a copy of the fanfic for their own use. They were granted that permission. They would post about it, and other people wanted the same. Those bookbinders then reached out to their author for permission to sell the bound copies and informed the author of the price they were selling to for. They only made a profit on the materials and labour.
Now, things have changed, especially since fanfiction and dramione fanfiction, in particular, have gotten super popular on tiktok.
People have realized that they can make a quick buck and sell physical copies of works. Even if it is illegal. YES selling fanfiction is illegal.
Fanfiction comes from another author's intellectual property. You can make fanfiction and post about it because you can not and will not make money off of it. If you do, the original author can take you to court. These bookbinders are selling fanfiction, and they are gonna get everyone in trouble if a traditionally published author decided to look into this. With how easy it is for someone's video to go viral on tiktok and how many authors are using tiktok, it's not impossible for this to come their way.
Right now, it seems these bookbinders are only on tiktok and etsy.
If you see people selling fanfiction, report them.
If you go on the dramione, tag here on Tumblr, you will see lots of chats about this, especially from authors themselves. Take some time to read it and follow some guidelines that they suggested to help combat these sales.
(PS: Our author mods are not active at the moment, you can reach out to them personally on their Tumblr pages to express your support!)
- Lisa
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kinardscake · 4 months
My speculations and predictions about the 2 upcoming episodes
Gerrard. I think it’d actually be a great way to show Tommy’s vulnerability. He’s grown a lot over the years, overcoming his cap’s influence but old scars still hurt sometimes.
I think Chimney, Hen and Tommy will interact with him. (Because I want more scenes with these three, pretty please) And Buck will see the tension. Tommy and Buck will talk about his years at the 118, how it wasn’t a good place until Chimney showed up and shook things up for Tommy. (Hoping they’ll grow even closer to each other, and a public kiss in front of Gerrard would be a cherry on top of all bucktommy scenes)
Hopefully this talk will make Buck think about how lucky he was to end up working under Bobby’s leadership which will lead to the nice Bobby Buck moment.
Bobby. It could go two ways: he’ll either relapse or hurt himself in some way. Based on the hospital info, I’m leaning towards the second thought. Athena asks for help, Chimney will say it’s not the first time he’s been acting this way. None of their plans to help Bobby will be successful. But there’s a fire coming, if someone from the team gets hurt, Bobby will jump in with no hesitation (and no gear) to save them. He succeeds but ends up in a hospital (and it probably won’t look good because if Peter was filming ep8, he’s probably not featured much in eps9,10). Also if he’s in the burn unit, it’ll explain Amir’s presence on the show.
Eddie. Ryan said Eddie will feel isolated from everyone. Buck will find out about Kim, a big blowout incoming. Not just with Buck, but with his family probably too. (Because families are messy and they will always find things to fight about)
He hasn’t talked much to Hen or Chimney about his personal problems as I recall. The only person he’s always confided in was Bobby. (Like when Shannon died and Bobby showed up at the hospital, that was the first moment he let himself feel the pain that day). With Bobby in the hospital, in critical condition, and with Buck not speaking to him, he doesn’t really have anyone else in his life. And if Kim and Marisol find out about each other, his life will blow up in even more ways, which will create a path for a pretty great arc for him in S8.
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1800naveen · 10 days
If something were to happen to Tamlin...
Who will inherit the spring court? He doesn't have an heir (as far as we know unless he's Gwyn's dad) and doesn't have any living relatives.
Saying Lucien would be tough as he's (unknowingly) the heir to the day court but it could be a possibility.
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the-solitary-child · 4 months
on one hand im very happy the rat grinders got brought back (for the most part bc kipperlily is still very much dead) but im kinda dissappointed that most of their memories got wiped like. it would have been more intresting for them to retain memories of what they did whilst going back to pre rage star selves. it would have been a more compelling concept other than “ they dont rlly remember anything so we gatta forgive em “ thing,, SIGH.
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nvmadic · 8 months
schlatt wearing slutty short shorts and a white tee. that’s it, that’s the vision. let me see them hairy thighs.
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viktuurishipper96 · 3 months
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It’s time to play what’s your thoughts or opinion: the TTTE edition.
number one: what if your thoughts/Opinion about Douglas “10” aka the Scottish twin engine. It’s okay to keep it simple and honest or go elaborate if you want.
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dramionediscussion · 7 months
Soooo how y'all doing? Honestly. Tell me everything. How y'all feeling about dramione? The fandom? Hopeful for the future? Uncertain? Let it all out.
I don't know if you're asking this question directly in relation to what's happening right now, but I do want to say that the fandom is strong. Every day we're getting new shippers--people who are reading the books to their kids, or teenagers who are reading it for themselves, or even people who have watched the movies and are interested in expanding the story. So I don't see Dramione going away any time soon. It is, I believe, the second or third largest ship in the fandom, after Drarry and maybe Harmony.
A few years ago, people got upset that their stuff was being reposted to other sites. And this book binding thing has been an issue for almost a decade now. So they're going to continue. And if it's not these issues, it will be other issues. Fanfiction is something that was kind of secret and in the shadows in the past, and now we're seeing so many stories turned into books (50 Shades of Grey, The Maze Runner) and movies (The Kissing Booth, Mea Culpa). So people aren't nearly as embarrassed as they used to be about sharing that they read this stuff, and being vocal about it is also going to bring more fans in, and ultimately more authors.
So I'm super hopeful and very proud of everyone that puts themselves out there to write a story, or review a story, or share a story with a friend, because you're helping us grow as a ship.
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jellybracelet · 11 months
Anyway that poll about pet peeves on Tumblr where everyone's like, "I hate when people write random, unnecessary things on my posts. they're so annoying 😗" and a handful of other made up rules.
95% of Tumblr users are already socially awkward and/or anxious and you're just validating their fears by saying they're annoying. And then you'll wonder why it's hard to make friends on here. Superiority complexes istg. You're on the weirdo website pleaseee
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lazyassryan · 3 months
In the end… (Caswell reference)
Spoilers for Zexal season one
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So I just finished episode 73 and, I have a lot of thoughts. They’re all good, no worries!! So let’s start at the end, as all good things do.
I wasn’t expecting a duel with Kite to be Yuma’s wish, but hey, he dreams of dueling and he didn’t get to duel Kite in the finals so I guess it worked out for him. Seeing Kite smile was so just warming(?), I don’t know how to explain it but I felt a lot better knowing he’s safe with his family. And the Arclights, I’m glad Vetrix didn’t die but like why did they leave??? Where too little man???
The Barian duel;
I wasn’t expecting that, but yeah. I thought it was Vector but now I’m think it’s Dumon just based off his little gem and hair shape. I may be wrong but that outline was definitely Vector’s Barian form, so. It was solid, had me cry a lot, I literally did not get any sleep last night because I was sad over anime characters. I have hit a new low, everybody. I was really just worried about Shark and Kite, they looked to be hurt serious, so…
Overall thoughts because my memory is shit!!;
I feel like there’s a lot of unused potential, mainly for the villains, but that’s on me.
I’ll forever talk about how Vetrix could have used his childlike appearance to his advantage, but he ended up traumatizing everyone instead. There was someone else but I forgot, thas my fault sorry.
The quality of animation went way up, Shark got better eyebrows and Astral got shinier.
I cried a lot, honestly though I’m glad it ended the way it did, and that Yuma broke the forth wall.
I forgot what I was gonna say, so have a picture instead!!
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neiacrockets · 2 months
guys hear me out for a second
i would pay good money for a backyard dancing DDR/ just dance type of game to be real, like something similar to that cursed mario DDR game mixed with that weird smurfs just dance ripoff game
i can now envision the nightmare inducing 3D motion capture models of the kids dancing to party rock anthem in my head
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weltato · 11 months
There are people who say that the pro shot of Hatchet Town takes them out of the show but FIRST OF ALL, THAT'S MY SON-
Second: How? Literally how? It brings in characters that we KNOW are in the universe and sure, maybe it's weird, maybe they don't turn up again, maybe you're like me and hadn't seen Perky's Buds before NPMD and therefore had zero clue who Ziggs was, but they're still all canon to the universe and it's cool we had Gerald.
You wanna know what took me out of the show?
"Nerdy prudes must die! Nerdy prudes must die-ie-ie!" (Same for DDMD)
It was so out of left field? We've already had the "oh he said the title of the show" line when he died, why'd he need to say it again? Jeff absolutely killed it with the songs, yes, but this line? It threw me way off.
I'mma say it: I didn't like the song at first. Really didn't. Was also disappointed it got reprised, despite having to replay that last line because CHILLS amirite?
On re-listening to the soundtrack (and watching a lot of fan NPMD content) the rest of the song is a banger and it's so good and Will's voice is spectacular and poor Richie man :(( but also...I still cringe at the line. It's also cool how Grace reprised the "who will pray for you?" with all her religious imagery, but why'd she have to reprise that one line too? You could have had her say the line as if she was writing it down to mirror how Max said it when he died to symbolise her innocent/old self dying, but no, we had to have the weirdly stilted, shoved in, too-many-syllables-for-that-note line of "Dirty dudes must die!"
But hey, I'm not mad with Grace's version of the song, I actually prefer it a little over the original despite how hard the original goes and I'm not saying NPMD (the song) is BAD, it's just that that line really broke me out of the show. It was the ONLY thing I remembered of the song on first listen and I hated it.
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ancientevangelions · 10 months
I don’t hate the rebuilds nor do I think they are the evangelion equivalent of the Star Wars sequels.
But I do think that if the rebuilds were all that we ever had of Evangelion, that I wouldn’t like Evangelion at all.
I like the idea of the Rebuilds as thematic sequel to NGE and EoE and I think Shinji’s character development reached the place I always wanted him to be, however the way they did it was unsatisfactory and left a bunch of butchered characters and relationships in its trail. To me, the Rebuilds can only work so far as they are contrasted with NGE and EoE
My biggest fault of the rebuild is that they were pitched to stand alone as a retelling of NGE, but they failed to do that. The blatant sexualization of the girls is so gross, too. Sure, Kaworu is shirtless and naked on the moon, but he is only ever shown with his lower half obscured. Meanwhile, in the final movie, we get to see fully nude Mari and fully nude Asuka. In a shot where Asuka rolls over in bed, we see her panties/crotch. Many scenes are from behind, so we can see the form-fitting clothing show off butts, or the scene starts below the character and pans up their bodies. It's so male gaze and very uncomfortable. A friend of mine put it best "In NGE the horny shots are from Shinji's perspective and it makes sense because he is a teenager and dealing with new emotions and hormones, but in the Rebuilds it is just there to sell figures and merch." Then they got messier as time went on with delays and Anno needing a plan for them. Not knowing how to end the series is concerning. The action sequences were fun and great to watch, but anything else was messy to the point where I didn't recognize any of the characters anymore.
The original series is precious and essential to me. It's a great series showcasing psychological storytelling and what depression feels like. The rebuilds lack the visual depression and, in turn, lack what makes Evangelion unique. Plus, the abuse apology is just... so gross. Gendo did not earn forgiveness, nor did he deserve it. He did NOTHING to make amends. He committed war crimes, and Shinji is like, "it's cool dad, I know you are sad like me." Ya, I'm sad, too, and I haven't committed genocide, Shinji! Maybe it's because I'm an abuse survivor, but that really made me mad.
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