#they get each other they hate each other they would kill each other they would kill For each other
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thebajablaster · 6 hours ago
i will probably Never Post Art of them but doing this for my original ocs because i love them and their 2nd anniv is coming soon (i lied might post art for the 2yr)
btw their names are rowyn and cassius
jonestly i think rowyn just met cass in the back of a bar and was like "oh this twink isnt doing so good"
theyve known each other for ~6yrs. give or take i love timelines (no)
rowyn just thought cass was pathetic as hell and cass just was like... zomg a man
cassius definitely positively. he's really attached to rowyn but will feign ignorance if someone tells rowyn he cares. rowyn actually would give an unassuming carefully neutral statement, but he cares for cass a lot too
they have their squabbles, but have a healthy and mostly stable relationship
cass just likes to help rowyn with cases. thats it lmao
they see each other at work, sometimes off if cass gets drunk but its mostly reprimands and a drive home
rowyn is kinda curt, and cass just drives him insane with nagging- pretty stereotypical office workplace relationship. like think irv and dylan severance almost idk T^T but for meaningful gestures, since rowyns always burnt out, cass always has a blanket in his office to put over rowyn at his desk when he inevitably passes out there
theyre both VERY stubborn. also very loyal not just to each other but to everyone they care about
cass is much more expressive with his emotions while rowyn is the bottle-up type
uhh nah not rlly
its a very on-off doomed yaoi tbh. one takes care of the other, the other shrugs it off, etc
when theyre mad, they mostly just ignore each other. cass absolutely hates it and outbursts while rowyn just bottles it up and freaks out at home
i wouldnt say cass has any goals other than staying with rowyn. meanwhile rowyn just wants to make it another year so maybe??
absolutely. they fight sometimes but they would put their life in the trust of the other
rowyn has some mental health stuff, but nothing huge. cassius always promises to stop drinking, but goes back on it sometimes. its not like a huge issue but it annoys rowyn when he has to pick cass up
well rowyn accidentally killed a guy once so
they both see it as temporary but both really want it to be permanent. power is in your hands ig
both wish they were closer fs
one time they went out for a walk together, and they just talked a lot about life. wow that says a lot about how depressing my ocverse is
they had a huge fight a while ago over cass getting drunk and rowyn stopped him from coming to work for a week because he was petty (hes sort of cass's boss? how do i explain ack)
best memory
just people they work with as friends and people they work cases against as enemies tbh
in public more negative, much closer in private
i mean they might kiss??? or kill each other havent decided yet
absolutely. i mentioned it before but theyre really loyal to each other for heavy lore reasons
i might have carpal tunnel
Questions about two of your original characters about their relationship. Should work for friends/lovers/coworkers/enemies/etc, maybe not so much for family, but you're welcome to try!
How did they meet?
How long have these two characters known each other?
What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Do they get along? Why or why not?
Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?
How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
What is one quality they have in common?
What is one major difference between them?
Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?
Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?
Do they share the same goals in life?
Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?
Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
What is their best memory together?
What is their worst memory together?
When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
Do they have any mutual friends? Mutual enemies?
How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
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bedheaded-league · 2 days ago
So many modern detectives have tried to emulate Sherlock Holmes, and none of them have even come CLOSE to touching Benoit Blanc. That man is Holmes' true spiritual successor. He's a silly little guy. He's gay. He's a drama queen. He has impeccable fashion sense. He loves music. He works with the cops but refuses to work for them. His voice is both goofy and incredibly fun to listen to. He sucks at playing Clue and Among Us. He mopes in the bathtub for weeks when he doesn't have a case. He loves hanging out with The Girls but gets incredibly uncomfortable when women flirt with him. The only reason he can afford his gorgeous downtown apartment is because his husband works a real job.* The only thing he hates more than Rich Assholes are Stupid Rich Assholes. He solved a double (attempted triple) homicide and the thing that made him most upset was plagiarism. He supports women's rights and women's wrongs. He refuses to break the law himself but actively encourages his client to commit arson.
And, most importantly, he and Holmes would fucking love each other. If most of the modern day detectives inspired by Holmes ever met him, he would probably want to kill them with hammers, but he and Blanc would probably end up being penpals and sending each other newspaper clippings about crime or some shit. And I can absolutely envision a teenage Blanc reading the Holmes stories and being like, "Wait, being a silly little gay private detective is a viable career option? Well, I guess I've finally found my calling in life."
Anyway I love the Benoit Blanc movies and I hope they make a million of them
*confirmed by Rian Johnson
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on-the-clear-blue · 1 day ago
Danny, staring up at Tim, who currently Robin: okay...so this isn't what it looks like.
Tim, giving dead pan glare: so you arnt breaking into Drake Manor?
Danny, shoulders dropping: okay yeah it's totally what it looks like...but not because you think!
Tim, sighing slightly: so you arnt homeless and thought that since Timothy Drake was recently adopted by Bruce Wanye, and both of his parents are dead you can just move in and live here?
Danny, blinking owlishly: I mean, yeah? I mean, not homeless, and I didn't even know that dude got adopted, like good for him, hope that he is safe and shiz, sucks that he parents died and all but not here to squat dude.
Tim, raising a single eyebrow: then why pray tell are you here?
Danny, kicking at the ground a bit: so like...ugh, so I might be um like...a...fudge what's the word...ah! Psychopomp? Like I am a dude that helps like people's ghosts pass and like keeps em happy.
Tim, squinting behind his mask: the only person that died here is Jack Drake and I assure you, his soul would not be happy going to where he deserves to be.
Danny, holding up his hands: wow lot of misplaced aggression there boy wonder...no I ain't here for him, like him and his wife did like...so much tomb raiding they would make the Victorians jelly. I am here cus they stole some dudes shit and he wants it back...like yesterday.
Tim, tilting his head: so you are here to steal an artifact.
Danny, popping the P sound: Yup, something about some guys clay tablet, he liked keeping his hate mail for some reason, said this one was about how he shorted some dudes iron? Or was it copper... my Mesopotamian isn't the best.
Tim, eyes widening, because he knows *exactly* which tablet he is talking about: Oh...yeah no bro, you seem chill but I really can't let you have that so why don't you just like...walk away and I won't be forced to do something kay?
Danny, frowning: Sames dude, up until that .y guy cus like...I *really* wasn't asking...
Tim, sighing as he extends his bo staff: Try and just like, not hold a grude yeah? Don't need a new villain...
Danny, pulling out an ecto gun and turning it on: I don't know man...I feel like we have good banter.
(They fight, Tim is still training so he is a bit sloppy, and Danny isn't shooting to kill, so it's more of them playing cat and mouse throughout Drake Manor, it ends with Danny stealing the tablet but having to leave the ecto gun, which gets broken when he escapes)
Tim, panting as he watches Danny flee: Fuck...is this what B feels after fighting Catwoman?
Bruce, rubbing his temples as Tim explains why he was late for training: You tried to apprehend an unknown, with a weapon of an unknown source and power...in the home of your secret identity?
Tim, looking properly chastised: God...yes that happened...he wasn't that bad honestly...was pretty witty.
Bruce developing a twitch in his eye: No.
Tim: No? No what.
Bruce, glaring hard at his adopted son: No falling in love with a villain.
Tim, looking scandalized now: Oh? What is this? Hypocrisy thy name is Bruce Wayne!
Bruce's glare turns into a batglare: Ten laps around the cave and fifty bo staff katas...no villains!
Danny becomes Tim's rogue, but not really, most of their battles are more each other showing off their new gear/moves they learned.
Danny also is only using tech that his parents made and he upgraded since he really doesn't want to go ghost in front of *Robin*, who is totally not his crush, and the only reason why he won't is because batman would 100% be on his ass.
Danny, pulling a massive creep stick with a nail driven through it out of seemingly nowhere: The new and approved Creep Stick! This time with nail to add tetnus damage!
Tim, watching as 'The Inventor' escapes once more: I hate seeing him leave but by God do I love watching him go...Damn should have turned on the camera just so I can see it again.
Barbara chiming in: Keep the main line PG Robin.
Batman, through coms: Hn...we shall be having words when we get back to the cave
Tim, sipping a soup that The Occultist made: "So like...why were you even here?
When the Titans tower incident occurs, Tim could only watch in awe as the Inventor, not only comes in from the ceiling with a literal metal chair, and then continues to beat up the guy with a bad Robin cosplay.
Danny, panting as he holds up the chair again: Back I say! Back! My blorbo!
Jason, seething as he actually hisses at this random teen that appeared out of nowhere, scurrying away while cradling his broken arm: You shall rue the day! Jason Todd was here bitches!
Tim, staring up at Danny, face a bloody mess and an adoring look in his eyes: omg he stalks me, this is must what the other guys felt when I did it!
They don't really start dating, it's much more Danny breaking into Tim's house and just not leaving.
Tim, watching as his "arch enemy" is sprawled across his couch, bucket of ice cream in one hand, spoon in another, phone balanced between his ear and shoulder, pants and socks tossed haphazardly across the living room and just chilling in his boxers: Now wait a damn minute.
Danny, pausing while looking up from his ice cream (which is actually Tim's, since the boy is rich and buys the good shit), pointing his spoon accusatorily at Tim: Your fucking late Mister! Drag race started half an hour ago and we agreed to watch it together!
Tim, blushing under the Robin mask: Sorry case got good and- wait wait wait, when did we agree to watch drag race together?
Danny, rolling his eyes: when I made breakfast this morning? I even gave you extra strong coffee for your solem swearing that you would be here.
Tim, thinking back to earlier: I just...remember a bright white orb giving me a mug and a plate of food...
Danny, scoffing: this is why I need to drug you to get to sleep more often. Now take off your gear and get over here, they about to choose who shall sashay away!
Tim, nodding slowly: Hope it is that one queen from last episode, that lio sink didn't have any- wait! Ugh you keep distracting me! When did you fucking move in? I don't even know your name!
Danny with a spoon just an inch away from his mouth: Jazz? Yeah I uhh...I gotta call you back...(clicks hang up on his phone) Your joking right? For the shits and gigs?
Tim, shaking his head slowly: No shits, not a single gig my dude, 100% honest.
Danny, who had just arrived this morning since his parents are renovating because Fenton HQ is a glaring OSHA violation, but also who's middle names are "commit to the bit" and "Gaslight GateKeep Girl boss" : Babe we have been dating for like, *months*...d-do ou really not remember?
Tim, existential crisis made manifest: Oh no...I have been mind wiped.
Danny, astounded that worked: Baby I am so sorry...
They "date" for like a week before Danny starts feeling bad that he tricked Tim (who he finally got to see maskless, he had to stop his heart to not show any outward reaction to that, cus like hell he is cute) and wants to come clean but he honestly never had seen Tim more happy nor more healthy.
Danny, sitting across Bruce at the Manor: S-So um...like yeah we um...met at a science convention? My um...my parents were show casing stuff and like...we met there?
Bruce, eyes narrowing because that sounded like a lie: Hn.
Dick, happy that Tim finally felt comfortable to bring his "boyfriend" to dinner: B stop glaring! Your going to scare off Timmy's Bf! God you weren't this bad when I brought over Roy that one time.
Bruce doesn't stop glaring, and it's making Danny even more nervous: Um I uh...need to use the bathroom one sec...
Tim moves to guide him but Alfred waves him to sit down: You really must eat Master Timothy, I did make your favorite today. I shall guide Mister Fenton to the lavatory.
Alfred does indeed lead Danny from the dining room, but the second they are far enough the old butler suddenly has a shotgun in hand, skin suddenly a pale blue and objects around the parlor turning green and floating: While they do try and see the best in others, I do not Phantom, now I must ask you to kindly leave and never contact Master Timothy every again. I shall not let my charge fall for such as the likes of you.
Danny blinking at how he was addressed, a sudden ghostly blue mist escaping his mouth: Oh shit.
They have a ghost fight, all while comically popping in and out of the dining room, making excuses for whyvthe other is gone.
It ends when Tim, finally fed up with why his boyfriend is taking so long opens the door only to see him duking it out with Alfred, fully gone ghost and was loosing.
Such leads to confessions of lies, real feeling and why Alfred has been able to be a spry 60 even though he fought in WWI and it is very much the mid 2010s.
(Danny and Tim do end up together, this time with no lies about a mind wipe, and get Kon and Bart to join their polycule later on)
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consultingfujoshi · 1 day ago
helly getting to be selfish and make a decision for herself instead of killing herself for a woman she doesn't know :') lovely, the argument against this is just agreeing with lumon that innies aren't people and deserve to die
helly r has always been someone motivated not by what she personally wants for herself but by how most effectively she can give her outie and by extension lumon the middle finger. hanging herself in the elevator, threatening to cut off her fingers. she has never once had any regard for herself. only how she can stick it to the people who put her here. "I'm gonna kill your company". that's what she vowed. and helly r would recognise that allowing mark to leave with gemma and revealing to the world what they did to her would be the end of all of this. she'd finally get her revenge. helly r is someone who would recognise that as a worthy sacrifice. and she tells mark this herself. that it's worth it for what it'll do to lumon. and a version of helly r that cares more about running down a hallway that will eventually lead them into a dead end whilst the woman they just risked everything to save, a woman who's just been held hostage for two years by the company helly hates so deeply, screams and begs for her husband to come with her, not even checking to see if she gets out safely, not even giving her a second glance, is not the helly r that we have come to know. she is not empowered, she is not a revolutionary. she's just another female character whose defining fire was extinguished the second the writers decided to make her a love interest to the male protagonist. I truly don't know where you guys get the idea that markhelly is somehow sticking it to the man by prioritising each other over literally everything else, but from where I'm standing it's just another case of the writers of a tv show forgetting the basic fucking characterisation of their main female character in order to centre her arc around a man. I APPRECIATE the sentiment that mark and helly have a right to, and maybe its even more thematically impactful to, choose each other with reckless abandon, I SEE the point they're trying to make, but it has come at the cost of helly's characterisation literally all season and the bottom line is that it's really fucking disappointing to see yet another female character who was the strongest personality in the cast at one point go through this kind of degeneration of drive and motivation because of her feelings for a man. its fucking boring and overdone and i miss season 1 helly so bad it hurts
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majosullivan · 3 days ago
Annabel, Duke and Pluto: Similarities Between Conflicting Parties
We're now well into Nevermore Season Two, and having been in the mood to word vomit about this topic for far too long now, it’s finally time that I went into some thoughts I��ve been having about Annabel, Duke and Pluto.
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As Lenore’s love interest and closest companions respectively, there was always going to be a lot of interest in the dynamic between Annabel and the boys, and with Annabel’s involvement with putting Duke behind the wall and especially Duke and Pluto’s murder attempt, the dynamic between these three is going to be fascinating to see develop onwards. Any further interactions between them are going to be tense and any further conflict between them is going to be personal, and with Duke currently being in possession of Chekhov’s gun in letter form, a possible need for them to cooperate with each other might be coming up sooner than any of them could ever expect.
I bring all of this up because, with the information we have presently, Annabel might be able to add two more people to what might as well a growing collection of ‘I fear only a few people have truly ever understood me and i fucking hate the guys’, with Annabel sharing noticeable similarities with Duke and Pluto, as well as both potential and actual key factors in their respective deaths.
Duke and Annabel
Oh Duke and Annabel...from a comedic shove out of the way during the maze, to both of them being involved with a plan to kill the other in their first week at Nevermore. These two are so much fun to delve into, and their building similarities is going to make the inevitable need for them to work together so much sweeter. Before we get into the big one, here’s a few that I wanted to give a quick mention to:
Association with blue
In classic Romeo and Juliet fashion, Lenore and Annabel have clear colours associated with them and their family, with Annabel being commonly associated with blue, with some additional cold colours mixed in. Keeping this detail in mind, it was very interesting to see that two of the main colours in Duke’s spectre design were purple, a colour we’ve mainly seen him in through his dressing gown, and blue. Particularly with Duke’s spectre being revealed during the Cellar arc, having Duke and Annabel be connected with a shared colour can both highlight their equal importance to Lenore, as well as emphasise the split that resulted from the reveal that Annabel was the one that suggested Duke be the one that the acolytes trapped behind the wall.
Performance holds particularly significance to both of them, although in very different manners.
Duke made a career out of performing while he was alive, appearing to be a successful one to boot. While his status as a performer was only confirmed in episode 72, Duke’s passion for the stage was easy to see early on, from his dramatics, his mannerisms and his attempt to encourage Pluto in episode 17 to name a few examples. Since we only have one flashback for Duke at this moment, it is difficult to speculate the possible extent his profession affected his personal life while he was alive, but considering how he died…might be something we want to put a pin in for a later time.
While Annabel doesn’t share the same attachment to the literal stage, performance is something that runs deep throughout her life and her time at Nevermore. To use her own wording ‘everything in life is an act’.
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Annabel spent her whole life presenting herself as the perfect high society lady, having to consistently conceal any feelings that would be seen as improper in fear that she would be considered mad. This survival tactic continued to be a necessary tool to Annabel even after her death, with the academy being structured in such a manner to encourage conflict, deceit and violence among the students. Funny how Annabel has had to perform throughout her life and even needed to perform an encore after she’s six feet under, while the literal performer has had more opportunities to exist authentically.
Relationship with Lenore
Especially after the events of the Cellar arc, Lenore’s respective relationships with Annabel and Duke and what they have represented for Lenore’s desire to escape with the misfits and Annabel are ripe for picking when it comes to analysis. Keeping the focus on Annabel and Duke, they obviously both care deeply for Lenore, but it’s interesting to see their unknowingly shared sentiments when it comes to her:
-Both sharing the belief that Lenore is able to make anything possible (special note goes to my lovely friend likeastars for this point)
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-Both encouraging Lenore not to place unnecessary guilt on herself
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-Their reactions to Montresor's comment about Lenore's 'hysteria'
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-Then of course, we have...
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With those similarities sorted though, time to get into the big one: both Annabel’s and Duke’s deaths were the result of a betrayal.
In order for her manifest, Annabel was informed that she was murdered, being, as all Nevermore theorists know by heart at this point, ‘betrayed by the one who loved you above all else else’. Considering this description was given to her by the deans, and we as an audience are privy to the knowledge that the deans were making an active attempt to separate Lenore and Annabel by making Annabel manifest the way she did, it would be fair to take this wording for a hint of salt. For example, there's the possibility that the one who murdered Annabel and the one who betrayed her are two different people. However, considering that this description did make Annabel manifest, I believe the reliability of this description is acceptable for the time being.
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In episode 83, we see that Duke died in a sabotaged water torture cell, with Duke desperately attempting to call for help when he discovered the top of the cell wouldn't move, only for his assistant to cover up Duke’s distress as a part of the act before turning around to smirk at Duke as the curtain went down.
This similarity between their deaths is intriguing by itself, but as BlacknedSoul pointed out in one of their wonderful posts, how they have reacted to these betrayals and how it has currently affected their relationships in Nevermore is really fascinating to compare.
Specific discussion around who shot Annabel is going to be saved for a later section in this post, but while the identity of Annabel’s murderer and what exactly happened are important for further understanding Annabel’s headspace while in the academy, the main factor at hand remains unchanged: Annabel was betrayed. A betrayal that led to her death. Annabel felt close enough to this person, trusted this person enough, that their actions were a betrayal to her, and with our current knowledge about Annabel while she was alive, the number of people that could possibly fit this description is already incredibly low as it is.
As we have clearly seen throughout season one, this betrayal has had a significant impact on Annabel’s willingness to trust anyone outside of Lenore, claiming that everyone would turn against them if they learnt about their scheme when Lenore questions why she couldn’t let Duke and Pluto in on their plans during episode 28. Though a level of caution is more than understandable given their current situation, Annabel’s mistrust appears to go beyond this. That betrayal is not a possibility but a certainty. While she has made some progress, with her desiring to have a genuine friendship with Prospero and everything that has currently happened in the Wild Hunt arc, Annabel’s fear of the possible consequences of letting anyone in on her and Lenore’s plan cannot be more clearly emphasised than it is in episode 98.
Lenore attempts to tell Duke the truth about her and Annabel as a final resort to prevent Duke and Pluto from killing Annabel, and Annabel looks on at her in absolute terror. Her life is currently being threatened, she is possibly moments away from falling to her death, and yet all her fear is focused on Lenore's attempt to confess.
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She immediately does what she can to stop Lenore in her tracks, yelling out that ‘I won’t let you get away from this!’ before attempting to drag Duke over the railings with her. I don't think this can be emphasised enough, Annabel would literally prefer to fall to her death than have Lenore tell Duke to truth. She is so positive that there would be irrecoverable negative consequences to the misfits learning the truth that death would be a preferable option to her.
We don’t know the extent of Duke’s relationship with his assistant at the moment, nor his exact motivations for having Duke killed. Hell, we don’t even know their name. However, it appears Duke at the very least had a level of trust in him, considering that our unnamed man was in the position of Duke’s assistant in the first place. As per the role of an assistant, he would be entrusted with preparations for all of Duke's acts, acts that would put Duke's life at risk if something were to go wrong. Duke had entrusted his safety in his assistant’s hands, and what does his assistant do? He takes advantage of his position, and gets him killed.
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Despite what happened to him, it doesn’t appear that his death has negatively impacted his ability to trust others in the same manner it has for Annabel. We can see through his relationships with Lenore, Pluto and the rest of the misfits that he’s still quite open to forming connections and trusting relationships with others, far more than Annabel originally showed. Even after what happened between him and Lenore in episodes 98 and 99, something that occurred after he remembered how he died and could cause him to have more caution going forward, he still has complete faith in Lenore's abilities and is the first person to take part in the blood oath after Lenore. While he is comparingly more open to others than Annabel, that doesn’t mean that Duke is completely free of caution or is immediately welcoming when it comes to others. There are some small examples that illustrate this, such as him underestimating and being willing to ditch Pluto in the maze before Pluto showed he was much more capable than Lenore and Duke originally gave him credit for, as well as him being hesitant about Berenice and Eulalie first joining them when they went to look for a hideout. The main example here though this how he cautions Lenore about how she interacts with certain people in the academy. We see this most when referring to Annabel and Ada.
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Through Duke's cautioning, episode 38 provide us with this important scene:
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Duke appeared to end up the victim of a manipulator. He put his trust in the wrong person and it ended up getting him killed. While he might no remember the details of his death at the time of this scene, one of the last things he would want is for someone important to him to go through such an experience.
When Lenore's and Annabel's connection is revealed to the misfits, there is no way these experiences of betrayal aren't at least touched on, and with the topics discussed in the next section of these post, deep experiences of broken trusts are not going to stop there.
Pluto and Annabel
When it comes to Annabel and Pluto, while we have some fun surface level similarities, such as them both being English while coming from very different backgrounds and regions of England, there are two main similarities I want to dig into: the complexities in their relationships with their fathers and the current absence of their mothers.
Relationship With Their Fathers
We haven’t seen too much from both their fathers, with Ira, Annabel’s father, appearing in three episodes and Pluto’s father only appearing in one. Nevertheless, they have left us a good amount to chew on in very different ways.
When it comes to Annabel and her father, I don’t doubt that the two dearly love each other, with one of Annabel’s first concerns after Lenore presents her plan to elope and run away to her being what would become of her father, and Ira being shown to take great pride in his daughter. However, we can quickly see problems in their relationship start to present themselves when Ira reacts to Annabel’s panic attack. We’ve seen that Ira is someone that places great importance in appearances and maintaining advantageous relationships. Some prime example of this can be seen with him arranging a suitable husband for Annabel in case no one can beat her by the end of her third social season and the reasoning behind Annabel meeting with Lenore in the first placing being that Ira wished to know Lenore’s father better. With this starting to be established even before Ira made his first appearance, it should be of little surprise that Ira is quick to dismiss Annabel's panic attack, something that mind you, was brought on when Annabel learnt that someone she seemingly spent time with on a daily basis for six months died in a terrible house fire.
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No matter what love Ira does have for Annabel, this concern surrounding appearances and what he believes is best for Annabel ultimately dismisses and neglects Annabel’s emotional needs. There can be discussions around how much of his reaction here is motivated by his concerns about preserving his image, in comparison with possible concerns about the consequences Annabel could face if someone else caught her in such a state, but the way Ira switches to calling Annabel by her name back to calling her ‘dearest’ once Annabel has ‘calmed’ herself is very telling.
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When it comes to Pluto and his father…honestly I think I can just gesture in the direction of episode 83 and any point I could make about how fucked that relationship is will be well enough illustrated.
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To further discuss though, there is the popular idea that Pluto’s father could have been a decent/good parent before WWI, with the aftermath sending him into a downward spiral and alcoholism, lining up with details provided to us about the narrator in ‘The Black Cat’, the short story Pluto is inspired from. I think this is very likely, especially when considering all the problems soldiers faced after returning from WWI. While this undoubtedly adds more possible tragic to Pluto and his father’s relationship, until we get confirmation of this idea, any further discussion on their relationship will be limited.
The real thing that gets me about their relationships with their fathers isn’t just the complicated nature of them, it’s how they can be tied to their deaths. Although we don’t have the complete details on Pluto’s and Annabel’s death as of yet, we do have enough to make some informed guesses, and it just so happens that with these informed guesses, their fathers are either inescapably tied to their deaths in the best case scenario, or are the ones who murdered them in the worst.
We currently have three main suspects for the person who shot Annabel: Lenore, Annabel’s childhood friend and Ira. Discussion and analysis of each of these suspects really deserves a dedicated post of its own, so I am going to keep this as brief as I can.
Despite the evidence mounted against her, I have a lot of doubts about it being Lenore. There are a number of details that don’t appear to completely fit if that was the case, with the prime one being that we know the deans were actively trying to separate Annabel and Lenore when they told Annabel how she died, and those memories greatly suggest Lenore was the one who shot Annabel. While those scenes in episode 91 would otherwise be a slam dunk, knowing about the Deans' manipulation highly suggest that either Lenore wasn't the one that shot Annabel, or the events that occurred are much more complicated than those panels would lead us to believe.
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Next, we have Annabel’s childhood friend. While the details episode 42 provided about him definitely stood out enough for me to put a pin in him for the time being, the fact that we haven’t to met him yet and there currently being no further reference of him since episode 42, it’s harder to make a solid case about him being the one that shot Annabel. There’s also important consideration needed to whether Annabel would be close enough with/have enough trust in him that his actions would be considered a betrayal. Given the way she described him, it doesn’t seem likely at the moment.
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Finally, we have Ira. Given what we know about him, there is a strong case to be made against him. He could both believably fit the description of ‘the one that loved you above all else’, as well as have his actions be seen as a betrayal in Annabel’s eyes. Furthermore, with what we discussed about him before, it wouldn't be hard to put together a motivation for him. If/when White Raven’s plan was exposed, it isn't too hard to believe that he would shoot both of them in a desperate attempt to cover everything up and preserve his image. I could see him believing it as a kinder fate for Annabel than if she survived. Rather than being seen as a mad woman, institutionalised for trying to run off with a other woman, she could be seen as a poor victim, manipulated by a violent criminal and losing her life because of their wicked schemes (totally not covering up for the shame he would face if the public were to discover the truth, why would you even think that?). Even if Ira doesn’t end up as the one to pull the trigger, there is no way that he wasn’t at least involved in the events that led up to Annabel’s death. He can been seen chaperoning Annabel and 'Leo''s walk through the rose garden, he is friends with Lenore's father and him and Annabel were staying with the damn Vandernachts during the social season. There is no way that he wasn't involved with the discovery of White Raven's plan.
Pluto’s death is much easier to break down in comparison to Annabel. We know that Pluto felt relieved in his final moments and that, judging by how his spectre first manifested, he likely died by hanging.
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Taking these factors in combination with the plot of ‘The Black Cat’ and what we currently know about Pluto’s home environment, there are two main theories on how Pluto died. Either Pluto committed suicide or his father murdered him. I don’t believe I have anything specific to further support one theory over the other, but I think I'm currently leaning towards his father killing him at the moment. Like with Ira though, given the…well everything about Pluto’s father, even if he didn’t murder him, there is no doubt in my mind that he was at least involved with what happened to Pluto.
Current Absence of Their Mothers
Currently, Annabel's and Pluto's mothers have yet to appear in the series. Now, you can fairly point this out as being a bit of a stretch. After all, the only characters so far to have both their parents shown to us are the Vandernacht siblings. Why should the absence of their mothers pose particular interest compared to the absence of Prospero's father for example? I have two reasons for this.
The first reason concerns how the absence of their mothers could have impacted the relationships Annabel and Pluto have with their fathers. While this hasn't been confirmed, the absence of their mothers clearly implies one thing: neither of them are in the picture anymore. If this is the case, that leaves us with the big question of 'why?'. I would place a bet on them both being dead, but we obviously don't have anything that could confirm or deny this at the moment. However, how and when their mothers left the picture would undoubtedly effect how the two's relationships with their fathers would have developed. For example, I would imagine there would be noticeable differences in Pluto and his father's relationship depending on if his mother died before, during or after WWI.
The second reason is that there are certain details about Annabel and Pluto, both in the webtoon and the work they were inspired from, that suggest that their mothers will have a decent amount of importance in their backstories.
Annabel's Mother
The current status of Annabel’s mother has to be one of the things I'm most intrigued about when it comes to the casts' backstories. While there isn’t a particular character from Annabel’s poem that we could draw from to speculate on her personality, the themes surrounding Annabel's story, and especially two key aspects of Annabel’s character, could both inform what Annabel’s mother was like and the impact she could have had on Annabel.
The first aspect I'm referring to is Annabel’s view on becoming a matriarch. As stated in episode 42, Annabel considered getting married and becoming a lady of the house death, that card games would be one of the only things that could stave off the building madness as she’s forced to go through the motions expected from such a role, with particular emphasis on needlepoint, needlepoint, the goddamned needlepoint. This stance naturally feels like something that could have been impacted by how Annabel saw her mother and how her mother acted, especially with Annabel having such a distinct distain for needlepoint. For example, it’s possible that Annabel’s mother was similar to what we've seen of Lucille, Lenore’s mother. Being lifeless around the house, constantly doing needlepoint to pass the time.
The second aspect I'm referring to is Annabel’s fear of going mad. We first delve into Annabel's fear during episode 66, where we received these important scenes:
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We currently don’t know when this fear started to surface, however, in combination with her mother's absence and the knowledge that Annabel has been experiencing panic attacks since she was younger, there's the possibility that this fear is at least partially rooted in how her mother was treated, if she was seen as 'hysteric', and/or treatment and teaching from her mother when Annabel was experiencing a panic attack.
Until we learn anything about Annabel's mother, all we can really do is speculate, but with everything we current know about Annabel, there is the potential for some compelling and tragic reveals.
Pluto's Mother
With Pluto’s mother, she is particularly interesting since she actually has a character from Pluto’s story that she could be drawn from: the narrator’s wife.
In ‘The Black Cat’, the narrator states that he married early, expressing the following about his wife throughout the short story:
‘my wife, who at heart was not a little tinctured with superstition, made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion, which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise. Not that she was ever serious upon this point’
‘my wife, who, as I have already said, possessed, in a high degree, that humanity of feeling which had once been my distinguishing trait, and the source of many of my simplest and purest pleasures’
‘[from the sudden, frequent, and ungovernable outbursts of a fury to which I now blindly abandoned myself], my uncomplaining wife, alas! was the most usual and the most patient of sufferers’
When the narrator attempts to kill the second black cat with an axe, his wife stops him, with the narrator killing her instead. The narrator then hides her body behind a brick wall in their cellar.
Now, do I think Pluto’s mother met the same fate as the narrator’s wife in the Black Cat? No. It currently seems very unlikely that she would have met the exact same fate for following reasons:
1) The narrator’s wife dies after the first cat loses his eye and is killed, and from the limited amount we’ve seen, Pluto’s mother already appears to be out of the picture when Pluto loses his eye.
2) Aspects from this part of Pluto’s story have been used during the cellar arc. In ‘The Black Cat’, the narrator uses a crow bar to dislodge bricks from the wall in order to hide his wife’s body, and we see Pluto also use a crow bar while trying to dislodge the bricks that are keeping Duke trapped. Furthermore, when the police came to the house in search of the narrator’s missing wife, the second cat alerts both to the body’s location, with the police tearing down the wall to reveal that the second cat had been walled in with the body. This event can be linked to how Pluto was the one that helped Duke finally manifest, allowing him to escape the wall.
3) If Pluto’s mother was murdered by his father, who then hid her body behind a wall, I think this information would have been revealed to us during the Cellar arc. Unless Pluto never found out about it (which holy shit, I don’t think I would want him to find out if that ends up to be the case), you would think such a specific event like ‘a group of people trapping one of your closest friends behind a wall and leaving them to die’ would spark up some memories about what would hypothetically be one of the most traumatic experiences of your life.
Placing her current status to the side for now, the fact that Pluto's mother has a character she could be drawn definitely, at least in my eyes, increases the chances that she is going some make some appearance in the future. Furthermore, if we were to use descriptions of the narrator's wife to speculate what Pluto's mother was like, it lines up quite well with what we've seen from Pluto, with special mention being able to be given to his name.
During episode 103, when Eulalie asks Pluto about knowing the myths surrounding Charon, he replies with 'My name is "Pluto"'. It was interesting to see mentioned, since while we know on a meta level that Pluto gets his name from the short story he's inspired from, 'Pluto' is far from a name you would expect from an English man born to a working class family some time in the 1900s.
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Both his name and knowledge on mythology could suggest that mythology was an interest of one or both of his parents, and with the narrator's wife being 'at heart was not a little tinctured with superstition', I could totally see Pluto getting his name from his mother.
What could this mean going forward?
So, with all of this covered, how could it potentially be used in the story going forward?
It's hard to say when Annabel will be interacting with either of the boys next, but with her swearing that they will regret trying to kill her, it isn't going to be pretty if Lenore isn't around. Most significantly though, we have the inevitable reveal to the misfits that Lenore and Annabel knew each other while they were alive and have been working together.
With a literal letter that details Lenore's and Annabel's relationship being in play, no matter if Lenore does or does not 'die' during this arc, there is no way that letter isn't getting read by someone, whether it is by Duke or by a completely different party.
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Taking into account what we have discussed and current tension between Annabel's group and the misfits, there is no way this reveal is going to go smoothly for anyone, since just to quickly review, we have:
Annabel - has shown that she is willing to die if it means preventing her and Lenore's secret from being revealed.
Duke - died because his assistant betrayed him.
Pluto - got blinded in one of his eyes by someone he should have been able to trust.
Throw in the rest of the misfits and we have a time bomb of emotions waiting to explode, with many of them having experiences that could more than understandably make them react more poorly than they might have if they knew sooner.
If Lenore wishes to achieve the best possible outcome from this reveal, then I can only hope she realise that, especially after both Duke and Annabel nearly dying, keeping these secrets is only going to make things worse in the long run. The longer she hides her relationship with Annabel, the worse the misfits' reactions could potentially be, and if she doesn't explain to Annabel why she believes telling the misfits the truth is necessary, Annabel has shown she is willing to go to extreme lengths to protect their secret.
Even if the reveal goes as smooth as it could, actually working together is going to be a massive work in progress. We know that they have common ground that they could connect with, but when and how they would actually see that...only time will tell.
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vmlnrzmp4 · 3 days ago
heyyy!!! Can I request a family dinner w bllk dad's and their daughters (possibly w their future partner???)
𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥.
—turned out more angsty than i thought.
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itoshi sae
when kai had gone abroad, sae genuinely thought the distance would make natsuki's and kai's feelings for each other disappear. he was wrong. the distance only made them yearn more for each other. especially when sae accompanied natsuki at the airport to welcome kai, sae felt...sad when he saw how the kids ran towards each other and secured each other in an embrace. here at the dinner table, natsuki and kai thought they were slick, holding hands under the table but sae noticed. obviously he did. he's sae. he exhales, putting his chopsticks down, making everyone's attention go to him. and he asks the question—if kai actually has feelings for natsuki. and without hesitation, the words leave kai's mouth—i love natsuki. you could already sense sae's heart paining. honestly, you felt the same, not on sae's level however. but the atmosphere seemed to lighten when sae called out them for their pda and warned about it. but atleast, he approved.
itoshi rin
on one side, there was rin. on the other were souta and shouma. and then between all this? were poor sakura and hiro. if looks could kill, hiro would be dead thrice now. you noticed ofcourse, and that was it for you. you stepped up, glaring at the three—rin, souta and shouma, telling them to cut it out. the twins tried to reason but you shut them up by saying that they're still too young to be like this. it was disrespectful considering that sakura and hiro are older than them. then you turned to rin, your expressions even colder now as you scold him, saying how because of him the twins are getting this behaviour from him. rin was about to argue. but he decided to shut his mouth, considering that's a better option than to face your wrath. you then scolded the three of them together saying that you knew they were protective over sakura but it is sakura's relationship, they should not butt in. and with that, you exhaled. and you smiled as if you didn't make the three almost piss their pants.
isagi yoichi
compared to the other families, isagi household was thankfully calm and peaceful. as for yoichi and kaito—no father and brother wanted to imagine their daughter and sister dating. but kaito, who was initially very overprotective(just like his papa) over yuki—was now all buddy buddy with kazuki. and yoichi who initially had a beef with painting(only because it was kazuki's hobby) was now impressed by kazuki's art skills. the dinner was wholesome with yoichi(and kaito) actually communicating with kazuki. sharing stories and jokes and laughing over them. (very domestic kazuki marry yuki already—). at last, you were just thankful the night ended on a good note.
michael kaiser
the tension was legit suffocating. you might think that alex would be regretting falling for the michael kaiser's days daughter. no. alex didn't regret one bit. and michael knew that. and michael hated that. like any other dad, michael was not ready to see his little girl grow up have get a lover already. but she did. which did cause a lot of chaos. but now the chaos was silent. like mentioned before—suffocating. you and alex were talking about pretty mundane things. anne would include herself here and there. and then there's her papa. cold and silent. and michael hated that too. he envied you. how you could casually talk to alex. but how could he even initiate? not when he literally told alex to get lost before. so michael thought it would be better to shut up. and that's why alex spoke first. "sir...i know your first impression of me wasn’t great," which was when he had called anne past midnight, "but i mean every word i say..." and that is—"i love anne," alex confesses, "i always have and always will." michael scoffs, but it's all amusement, "got a smart mouth huh?" "i mean every word, sir." "and i still don't approve," michael declares, as per him, his logic is that alex has to earn it. it cannot be granted. not when it comes to his princess.
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a/n: hello darling! i apologize, it took a while to complete your request, but here you go🫶🏼
taglist: @anyaminz @luciddre @kongkhoi @illyriakrasniqi2007 @passw-0-rd @x3nafix @levihanmyotp @vellichorira @sapph1r3x @tamashithe2nd @p1z-d0n7jud6em3 [open]
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em-harlsnow · 2 days ago
i find it wild when people don’t realise how insecure mickey is in later seasons about ian loving him (i think this at least decreases after they get married, but it probably still comes up sometimes). mickey literally says:
- ‘did you ever think about me?’ in 7x11 (he was not confident that ian wanted him, he was not sure of himself or ian loving him, he was of the belief that ian hardly gave enough of a shit about him to spare him a thought)
- ‘is this the only reason you proposed to me?’ in season 10 (okay, the quote makes sense in context but it’s the absolutely gut shattering way that noel fisher does it that absolutely kills me, same with the scene at the border)
- ‘no, you’re just saying you don’t love me enough now.’ in season 10 (is this not the most blatant thing in the world?? he’s literally saying that he doesn’t think ian loves him out loud and plainly??)
i’m not blaming ian for this, not entirely at least. sure ian did some shitty things, definitely contributed heavily to those insecurities, but there were reasons for those things and bla bla bla. we know by now that i love ian and im not hating on him.
personally i think mickey’s obviously wrong, that ian does love him, think about him, care about him because obviously. i think its also to do with his abusive childhood, how he never had love so doesn’t know why he would get it now as an adult.
all i’m saying is that people who believe ‘mickey always knew ian loves him’ did not watch the same show i did. even normal people who don’t go through the crazy shit they did question if their partners love each other, so why is it seen as some kind of weird crime for mickey to have thought that ian stopped loving him. there’s nothing wrong with that and i think you would have to be pretty delusional to sit in prison and think the guy that left you twice still likes you.
(again, i think ian did like him, im just saying mickey wouldn’t have known that)
this is in reference to some more shit i saw on tiktok that made me need to rant again
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bitchface24-7 · 1 day ago
The old man cravings are at it again- (Not like they ever left) I just can't get enough about Silco. ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR LAST POST OMFGG AMAZING!
You already know how I feel about that man and like omg im already foaming at the mouth thinking about him but like- Silco x Chubby/Bigger girl.. Im on my knees and I (NOT TO VENT) could use a little something to believe my favs would love me and my body :3
Thank you and I hope you are doing well! Glad to see you writing and posting again. You always cook!
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synopsis: you’ve known Silco for quite some time now. You were a Sister of Zaun, you were there when everything went wrong, you were the one to patch Silco up, and you were by his side when he took over the Lanes. Who better to be the one on his arm? His confidant, his companion, his partner… His Queen.
warnings: non-descriptive violence, mentions of the bridge bombing and betrayal, fluff, suggestiveness, pre-established relationship, grinding, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, getting caught, Grammarly as my beta
genre: m/f
p.s. Why'd they make this old man hot??? Everyone enjoys his character now but I was in the trenches back when we only had S1 and EVERYONE HATED HIM 😭😭 LIKE WHERE WERE YALL BEFORE???? Anyways hope y'all enjoy it!
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You've been by Silco’s side for as long as you can remember. He's a few years older than you, and you thought he was the coolest guy ever. Especially when he kind of took you under his wing as a Freedom Fighter for Zaun. You all called each other brothers and sisters, it was a found family that you'd kill for. That you'd die for.
Then the bridge explosion happened.
Countless of brothers and sisters dead. Either by the bomb, or by the relentless enforcers. There was so much smoke, so much blood.
It still haunts your nightmares.
What came after was even worse.
You remember being distraught over how you found Silco. His wavy dark hair drenched in toxic water, clinging to his sculpted face. Bruises around his neck and arms, a nasty laceration on his face— blinding one of his teal eyes.
The wound was raw, red, and looked painful. It oozed pus— infected due to the dirty water he was submerged in.
Silco was quiet. His confident, chatty, sarcastic nature no where to be found. His one clear eye was dark, an anger you've never seen before surfacing on his pretty face.
You asked what happened. What did this? Who did this? He only said one word that explained everything. That one word also broke your heart.
With that, you cared for Silco to the best of your abilities. He's treasured that care, and he will continue to treasure that care till the day he dies.
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That was a little over a decade ago, the two of you in your early twenties. Now you've grown. Physically, mentally, emotionally. The two of you aren't the same people you were back then.
Silco is much colder. He's manipulative, he uses his charms to get what he wants by any means necessary. He's got the Lanes wrapped around his pinky finger.
But you've got him wrapped around yours.
You're not as naive anymore. Not as kind or generous. These past few years have hardened you, and have shown you that loyalty and respect are earned; not given.
Gone are the two young dreamers who wore stitched-together clothing, wild hair and even wilder eyes.
Silco dawns form-fitting suits, jackets, and polished shoes. Expensive accessories and even more expensive cigars.
You have been gifted a multitude of fancy gifts. Each one more expensive than the last.
Now, you match Silco to a T. A black slinky dress dawns your curvaceous figure, sharp black stiletto heels, dark red nails with a matching dark red lip, a massive rock on your ring finger, and a two-toned fur coat.
Only the best for his wife.
You're one of his soft spots, Jinx, your adopted daughter being the second.
Many have tried to get in Silco’s good books. Very very few succeed.
Men with too much lip and not enough action.
Women who try to warm his bed, stating they're better than you. They're thinner, more “beautiful”, they're the ones who should be seen on his arm.
Silco can’t help but roll his eye at that. He’ll scoff and look down his nose at them with a dark, “She’s a goddess among men. You're a cheap, fake rendition trying desperately to cling to a station not meant for you. Now leave, before you make it so that today is your last day.”
They always leave the office in tears. Bottom lip wobbling as mascara streaks down their cheeks. You can't help but smirk as they shoot you nasty glares. Your perfectly painted lips are full of smug venom, your wedding ring sparkling as you sarcastically wiggle your fingers goodbye.
The woman always huff, crying a bit harder as they leave.
You casually sashay into the office and see your love sitting at his desk, one hand rubbing his temple as the other swirls his bourbon.
“Hello darling.”
At your voice, Silco’s head jolts up. A rare smile graces his handsome face. You close the door behind you and lock it.
No need for anymore interruptions.
“Sweetheart, it's nice to finally see you. You've been hiding away all day.”
You sigh jokingly, sitting atop Silco’s desk. Your fur coat slides down your arms and rests in the crook of your elbow, showing off your upper body. Your neck, shoulders, chest, cleavage and upper back are devoured by Silco’s hungry gaze.
“I didn't want to intrude. It seems like you had some... Company while I was away.”
Silco scoffs, messing up his usually perfect hair and takes a big swig of his bourbon, “Unwanted company sweetness. They keep trying, those idiots.”
You laugh, fully dropping your coat onto his desk and sitting in his lap. Silco's hands rest against your full hips as you settle down comfortably.
Your tone is saccharine and purr-like as you play with Silco’s hair and trace his sharp features, “Well… you are the most powerful man in Zaun, and the most attractive. I can understand why they want you so desperately.”
Silco’s smirk makes you shiver lightly, “And how would you know that?”
“Because I was just as desperate a decade ago.”
Silco chuckles, a deep grumbly sound emitting from his chest, it makes your panties damp, “I remember. You following me like a lost little duckling. All doe-eyed and bitten-lipped.”
You pull Silco close by the nape of the neck, and kiss his scarred cheek slowly, leaving behind a perfect red imprint, “Well it worked out in my favour didn't it? I remember finally getting you where I desperately desired. How I rubbed it in to the other Sisters of Zaun.” your tone full of smug satisfaction.
“Yes, we fucked desperately inside a random storage closet, like most young adults do.”
Your laugh is loud, and full of joy. It causes a smile to overtake Silco's face.
“There's one thing I miss from all those years ago.”
“And what's that, sweetheart?”
“Your longer hair… and eyeliner. I miss pulling on it when you ate me out and fucked me. Seeing the eyeliner roll down those high cheekbones was just a bonus.”
Silco lunges forward and kisses you, you swear your lips will be all puffy due to the force used. The kiss becomes messy, as the two of you grind against one another, eventually you pull back and see red all over Silco's face.
His cheeks are flushed red, his face has perfect lip marks, his lips are the same red yours are, and his hair's a mess.
God he looks so good.
“I’ll grow it out again, just for you.”
You devilishly smirk as you kiss him once more, your panties sticking desperately to your messy cunt as you frot against the large bulge inside his pants.
Without breaking the kiss, you unbutton and pull down Silco's pants, and he pushes your dress up and pulls your panties to the side, slipping his hard cock in with no problems. Your drenched pussy welcoming him in gladly.
There's no adjustment period, you start bouncing desperately and Silco fucks up into you simultaneously. It's amazing. His cock hits every sweet spot you have.
It’s a bruising pace, his cockhead keeps squishing not only your g-spot but your cervix as well. It makes your eyes roll to the back of your head as you gasp out in pure bliss.
The coiling in your lower belly is wounding up each second you bounce on your lover's cock. Fuck, he's moulded your pussy to his cock. No other will ever satisfy you the way his does.
It’s over for you when he rubs your engorged clit in a smooth circle, your juices making every movement easier. You cum, moaning loudly. Your pussy clenches desperately onto the big, thick cock inside you, and a small amount of juice spills out. Soaking Silcos’s lap and staining his pants.
He continues to fuck up into you, even though you're slouched into his neck and whining at the overstimulation. He's using you like his very own pocket pussy.
And you are.
One, two, three thrusts later he's balls deep inside you, cockhead kissing your cervix as he cums viciously inside you. You can feel each pump of his cock as your belly warms up. God, you aren't sure you can get off his lap without a nice stream of cum oozing out of you.
The two of you pant, satiated. You indulge in your after-glow until it's interrupted by a noise in the rafters above you two. A few minutes later you hear, “I’m assuming I’m getting a sibling in the upcoming months?”
You and Silco look to one another before shouting in tandem,
Whoops. At least she didn't see you two going at it. Small blessings, huh?
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Hope y'all enjoyed this. Idk what came over me, I wasn't originally going to write smut yet… here we are!
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sacr1ficialang3l · 3 days ago
The darker the fruit, the sweeter.𖤐
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SUMMARY: The brothers and reader are investigating a new case when they makes a new furry friend. Dean is not a big fan of him at first, but they both soon find out that they are more alike than they expected. 5.3k
WARNINGS: fem!reader. this is all pretty fluffy and cute. finally getting together.
NOTES: goth!reader is back! I genuinely love writing for her so much. I had a more complex plot for this idea but it was way too long as it is. Maybe one day I will expand it and post it in ao3 instead. Let me know if you'd be interested in that! As always, English is not my first language. Enjoy<3
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You hated hunts when you didn’t know what you were dealing with, but they were usually also the most “fun”, as fun as hunting monsters that can kill you can get. 
Because yes, vengeful spirits and vamp nests and werewolves were always easy to recognize, and more or less an easy gig. But when the creature was unknown, it was dangerous. Not knowing what you were dealing with could make the difference between life and death, but the research was just so much fun. 
Reading books and articles of lore about creatures all around the world, Sam and you hunched over his laptop for hours talking about Telkhines, or maybe an unicorn? And What the hell is a selkie?
It was like a big game of Clue where you had to put together who, where, and with what. Just that in this game, you could be the next victim, or Sam, or Dean. 
Anyway, the important thing was, you didn’t know how to feel right now. 
People had been disappearing without any explanation, not a trace of them anywhere. There was no connection or similarities between the victims, all different ages and different genders. It had to be your kind of thing, because the people would disappear from their home, usually at night, but there was never any sign of break-in, and it was very improbable that so many people from the same town had just decided to ditch for no reason. 
That is why, after a long day of talking to victims’ families and going over every police report and lore book available, Sam, Dean, and you return to the motel room with exhausted expressions and slumped shoulders.
The night was cold, and you couldn’t wait to take a hot shower and finally get some sleep, your feet aching from the platform boots you refused to stop wearing and your eyeliner smudged after you accidentally rubbed your eyes three hours into researching. 
When you had checked into the motel room that morning, you were told that there was only one room available. This was something that happened every once in a while, and if you had to be honest, it didn’t really bother you. Yes, three grown adults in one shitty motel room was a little cramped, but you had spent so much time alone, it felt nice to be around people, especially people you trusted as much as you trusted the Winchester brothers. This was also why you never minded sharing a bed. It was… warmer, less lonely. 
So every time this happened, you would swap who you share with. 
Sharing a bed with Sam was fine. He was huge and would eventually push you to the edge of the mattress, but it was fine. 
Sharing with Dean, on the other hand, was an ordeal. 
He would usually try to take the couch, except when the motel was shitty enough to not have a couch or for it to be more akin to a huge rock than a comfortable place to lay down. Those times, you forced Dean to sleep in the same bed with you. 
“It’s not big deal, Dean. Come on, stop throwing a tantrum. It is cold, get into bed.”
That would usually do the trick. You would lay awkwardly next to each other, both of you on your back and facing the ceiling. But then, when the only thing around you was the darkness and silence of the night, you would get more comfortable. Turning around in the bed, facing each other, knees brushing or arms touching. You would listen to the other breath, and your eyes would sometimes meet under the barely-there moonlight filtering through the window, both of you frozen, but feeling more at peace than you ever had. One night, when Dean had an especially bad case of insomnia, you ended up running your hand up and down his back until he fell asleep.
But you were friends, of course.
This time it was Dean’s turn to share, and you were equally excited and terrified. 
It all leaves your mind when you find a huge, majestic doberman sitting down in front of your motel room. The sight of the dog immediately makes all exhaustion fly away from your body, but before you can say or do anything, Dean is taking a step towards it.
“Excuse me, dude.” He murmurs, trying to get around the dog. 
The doberman immediately snarls, snapping his sharp teeth towards Dean. You watch as Dean jumps back, and in a reaction that you know is pure instinct from fighting monsters for years, he gets ready to fight. He doesn’t hurt the dog, doesn’t even try to. But his shoulders tighten in that way they do when he is expecting something to jump him, and he is thinking what the best way to knock it down is. 
Before anything else can happen, you grab Dean’s arm and pull him back.
“Don’t.” You command firmly, quickly dropping to your knees in front of the animal, who was still baring his teeth. You ignore Dean’s warning and you simply make yourself small while quickly taking all of the rings in your right hand off, sliding them into your jacket pocket before slowly, very carefully offering your hand to the dog.
Dean says your name urgently again. “I don’t think you should-”
The doberman, who was almost taller than you as you kneeled on the floor, was still baring his teeth and tense, but he wasn’t snarling anymore. You slowly move your hand closer, palm down, and he growls when you get a little too close. Both Sam and Dean call your name this time.
“It’s okay.” You murmur gently, for both the brothers and the dog. “It’s okay, pretty boy. I won’t hurt you, okay?” 
Your sweet, soft voice seems to calm down the animal, and he moves his snout closer, smelling your hand from a distance. He is careful at first, hesitant, but a second later he is knocking the palm of your hand with the top of his head. 
“There you go, see? It’s okay.” You pet the top of his head, movements soft and slow. When the doberman stops baring his teeth, you scoot closer. “You’re not dangerous.You’re just scared, right?”
By now both your hands are petting the dog, cradling his little (or not so little) face, rubbing up and down his neck, scratching behind his ears. 
“See?” You ask again, but this time you do turn to look at Sam and Dean, who are looking down at you in disbelief. “There was no need to fight, he’s a sweetheart.”
“He looked ready to bite my head off.” Dean grumbles, and you are about to retort when the cold nose of the doberman hits your neck and he starts to sniffle you, from the collar of your jacket to the apple of your cheek. He ends up licking your face and it makes you giggle, leaning your face away and turning back to the giant animal.
“He was just scared, weren’t you, boy?” You ask in your best puppy voice. “The world has been cruel to you, and you learned to bite first.” You whisper as you notice how cold the dog was, how there was no collar around his neck, and the long scar across his right eye. Not to mention the fact that his ears and tail were cropped. “But all you need is a little love, isn’t that right? A little kindness and it all melts away.”
The dog’s nose nuzzles against your chest again and you almost melt from the inside out. You keep gently petting him as you turn back to Dean, who was now looking down at you with dark, unreadable eyes. It leaves you breathless for a moment, and you don’t know what even prompted that reaction. 
You open your mouth to say… honestly, you don't even know what you were going to say, but thankfully Sam, who looks like all the exhaustion has also banished from his body and is now smirking, walks past you and opens the door to the motel room.
You quickly get up from the floor, the doberman following your lead. You walk up to the door, both Dean and the dog behind you. 
“Come on in, boy.” You point towards the inside of the room when the dog– you would give him a name, but then you’d get too attached– stopped right before walking into the room.
“No way.” Dean interjects, arms crossed, and frowning. 
“Dean, it is freezing out here. We can’t let him sleep outside.” 
“I refuse to sleep with dog smell all over the room.” He insisted, and was that a pout?
“I’m team ‘he stays’” Sam announces, still grinning, before making his way into the bathroom. 
You cross your arms too, turning to look at Dean with a challenging look on your face.
“That’s two against one. And if I have to choose between you and the doggy, then good luck sleeping in the Impala.” 
You hold Dean’s eyes for a long moment, not faltering for a second. He looks at you in disbelief before he seems to notice that there’s no arguing with you in this one. You were incredibly stubborn sometimes, like when you refused to leave the cemetery that first night you met.
But that was the reason why you were here right now, so maybe you were right about the dog. He would never admit it, though.
He simply sighs in defeat, shoulders dropping, and a pleased grin quickly takes over your face. You do a little jump, and Dean once again feels impressed by how well you move in those high boots. 
“Yes!” You giggle with that sweet smile on your face, your lipstick faded from the long day out but still somehow that smooth wine color that made Dean weak in the knees. “Now come in, pretty boy.”
The dog, who had just been looking up at you during the conversation, seems to finally be convinced to walk inside the motel room. He still turns around to check that you’re walking inside too, sitting right by your side as you take off your jacket and boots.
It was adorable.
It had been a few hours since you had gotten to the motel. Right now, Sam was doing some more research while Dean called up Bobby to see if he could find anything. You had walked to the nearby grocery store to buy some dog food and some plastic containers. You served the food and some water on them when you and the dog returned from the store, since he refused to leave your side. 
You had to be honest, walking alone at night never felt safer with a huge black doberman walking alongside you. For just one second, you could live out your goth princess dreams. 
Now, the pup was eating his food. The poor thing was probably starving out there in the street. You wonder who could have abandoned such a beautiful animal, and leave him to freeze on the street. The dog was friendly enough, sometimes sniffing at Sam’s shoes but hiding behind your legs when he tried to pet him. He was clearly still scared, and you feel a sense of pride fill your chest at the knowledge that the dog decided to trust you.
You change into your pajamas and lay on the bed, groaning as your tense muscles finally relax against the almost comfortable surface of the shitty mattress. You hear the sound of paws hitting the floor and you turn your head to look down the edge of the bed, where the doberman was staring up at you with– there was no other way to describe it than puppy eyes.
You chuckle, and get more comfortable on the bed before patting the spot next to you once, and that was enough for the dog to jump. 
“Oh, come on! I gotta sleep on that bed.” Dean complains, but you ignore it in order to laugh when instead of the big space next to you, the dog decides to climb on top of you, laying his head on your chest and making you groan at the weight on your stomach.
“Seriously, dude?” You ask the dog, who only licks your cheek once and seems to get even heavier. 
You lay there on the bed, a giant puppy on top of you with no way of moving and no heart to push him away. 
You hear Sam laugh and you try to look at the brothers past the big fur ball resting right in front of your face. You catch sight of the younger one’s smirk and Dean’s unimpressed face. He looked almost offended, and it was hilarious. You laugh, and it causes the doberman to tilt his head and look at you curiously. Your heart aches, and you remind yourself not to get attached.
You sigh, starting to pet the dog gently. You distantly hear Sam and Dean chat and bicker about something, but you focus on the puppy on your chest. You scratch behind his ears and boop his nose with yours, murmuring sweet nothings under your breath. 
Humans were complicated. You had realized from a young age that not many people felt as much as you did, not everyone had so many emotions that they threatened to spill out every time they opened their mouth. Your heart was too big for your body, your mother used to say when you were a kid. But she didn’t say it as a good thing, because it made you too vulnerable, too weak, too much like her. So when you were confronted with the cruelty of this world, when you discovered how awful people could be, you learned to keep that part of yourself hidden, locked away in a little box on your chest that only opened up when you were writing poetry or when it was time for your monthly crying session. 
Or when you were in the presence of animals. Animals were pure creatures, sweet and loving and unjudging. When you found a stray cat in a cemetery, or when you encountered some critter while foraging, or when little moths landed next to you in the abandoned house you used to spend your time in, that little box opened up and you let all the words stuck in the back of your throat come out. Because animals were the only creatures that deserved them. Or that’s what you thought, until some green-eyed hunter, who at first looked at you with the same seemingly angry but actually scared eyes as the doberman had, had made his way into your heart and was now threatening to break the lock that kept the box closed.
You brush your thumb over the long scar across the dog’s eye. It is healed, but it also looks recent. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You murmur to the pup, giggling when he pushes his head up into your hand for more ear scratches.
“Aw, thank you.” Dean places a hand on his chest, as if he was actually touched by the compliment. He was now standing on the side of the bed, looking down at you with a teasing grin. But there was something in his eyes, an edge that you couldn’t recognize. “I knew you wouldn’t resist my charms.”
You laugh at that, shaking your head. Noticing that your attention wasn’t on him anymore, the doberman turns his head towards Dean, and he snarls again. 
“Hey, nuh-uh.” You scold the pup firmly, tapping his snout softly twice. It stops the snarling, but the dog is still baring his teeth. “Dean is a friend, okay? He is amiable, even if he doesn’t look like it.” You can’t help but tease Dean, making him roll his eyes.
The doberman’s eyes stay wearily on Dean, but he doesn’t make a move to attack. You try to sit up on the bed, but the dog seems to somehow push you down into the mattress. You laugh, accepting your fate and extending your hand towards Dean instead.
“Give me your hand.” Dean looks at you with wide eyes for a second, but then he places his hand on yours. You ignore the feeling of his rough skin on yours, how warm he is in comparison with how cold you always are, how his silver ring feels against your palm, how much you wanted to intertwine your fingers with his. 
Instead, you move both your hands closer to the dog’s nose, slowly.
“If the mutt bites me, I’m gonna kill you.” Dean warns, but he sounds a little out of breath. 
The pup lets out a low growl, and you move your other hand to scratch behind his ear. 
“It’s okay, I promise. He’s a friend.” Your reassuring tone seems to calm him down a bit, and he slowly leans in to sniff at your joined hands. You slowly move your hand until it is holding Dean’s wrist instead of his palm, letting the dog smell only Dean. He apparently deems the human acceptable, because he stops baring his teeth and leans the tiniest bit forward. You guide Dean’s hand to the top of the doberman’s head, letting it rest there softly for the hunter to pet him. “See, puppy?” you whisper towards the dog, but your eyes move up to meet Dean’s. “He may be a little rough around the edges, but he’s actually harmless.”
That makes Dean snort, eyes darting down to the dog still laying on your chest while he scratches his head, and you think his cheeks flush a little. 
“There are several creatures, both human and non-human, that might disagree with that.” He jokes, but his voice is softer and low. It is your time to snort.
“Well, I was never known for agreeing with the general public.” Dean meets your eyes again, and something passes in between you two. Your breath hitches at the rawness in his gaze, and then your fingers bump where you were both petting the dog. “I always had a soft spot for what others consider scary.”
A long moment of silence, your fingers brush against his again, Dean opens his mouth.
And then the doberman is licking your cheek and almost all the way up to your forehead. You let out a surprised shriek and you turn your face further to the side, laughing and trying to get away from the dog’s wet kisses.
“Hey! Stop, boy. Sto– ah!” You are trying to push the pup off of you, but there is no way of pushing him away. You try to turn his face away with your hand but instead he gives you a little bite. 
It is playful, a barely-there nip with his front teeth. You look at him with an offended look in your eyes, and you can almost swear the pup is grinning. Dean starts laughing at the scene, and you pout, turning to Sam for help. The younger Winchester is useless, simply giving you a shrug and going back to his research. You stare at the ceiling and start to question your life choices.
“How did I end up trapped in a motel room with three insufferable boys?”
Dean ends up not letting the dog sleep in the bed. You somehow manage to move him from on top of you and lay down a couple of blankets and some of your clothes on the floor next to the bed for the pup to sleep in. 
It was late into the night already, and you were half asleep already, lulled by Dean’s warmth. Because you gave one of the blankets to the doberman, now Dean and you had to share the other one. He complains about it for like an hour, and you had to admit the night was cold enough for one blanket to not be enough. But once you threaten him with letting the dog on the bed and sending him to the floor, Dean accepts sharing the blanket.
It turned out to be as much of a bad idea as it was a good one. Not only did it force you to be even closer to each other to fit in, but it also gave place for a lot more physical contact. Now when your knee brushes his thigh, it is skin on skin instead of over the covers, when his fingers brush your lower back, it is right where your Type O Negative shirt has lifted up. It was a magical kind of torture. 
At some point when you are more asleep than awake, you feel a new weight on the mattress. You are too tired to even register what it is or what it could mean. You just scoot to the side, giving the creature more space and pressing closer to the figure next to you. You would think that by this point, your hunter’s instincts would be more developed, but you weren’t very smart when you were sleepy. 
You quickly fall back into unconsciousness completely when the heat radiating from both your sides now envelopes you. You were cold almost all the time. Even in the summer, somehow your hands managed to find a way to stay icy. On low temperature nights like this, it was worse. You didn’t mind it, you enjoyed the cold, but the boys constantly complained when you touched them with your freezing hands. But right now, with two extra-hot bodies pressed against either side of you, you sleep through the night like you haven't in years.
The next time you wake up, it takes you a few seconds to understand where you are. The bed feels smaller than it did when you went to sleep, and there is a new weight on your waist. It isn’t until you hear two different snores that you finally open your eyes, confused. In front of you, curled up in the little nook created by your torso and bended knees, is the doberman sleeping peacefully. He somehow got into the bed at some point in the night, you register, and now he is taking up half of the bed. One of the snores is coming from him, but the other one comes from behind you, as well as the pressure on your middle.
A little panicked, you turn your head around slowly. As you feared, Dean has an arm around you, his chest pressed against your back. He too was fast asleep, mouth slightly open and his grip on you firm. You turn to look at the other bed, but you find it empty. Sam had probably gone out for his morning run, and you let yourself panic for a second. 
The little grunt that Dean lets out when you try to move and the way his arm tightens on your waist make you feel a little dizzy. You slowly, very slowly, slide down the bed. It is a miracle that Dean doesn't wake up, he must be really exhausted for his instincts not to alert him of the movement. The puppy also stays asleep, and you quietly scurry to the bathroom. You wash your face with cold water when you notice how flushed your cheeks are. You aren’t a high schooler, you can handle a little cuddling with a close friend.
But Dean was more than that, wasn’t him?
You brush your teeth, cursing yourself for forgetting to bring a clean set of clothes so you could shower. You mentally prepare to walk outside for them, repeating to yourself that Dean was asleep the whole time, he probably didn’t even notice what happened. It was fine, you were fine. 
(It had been years since someone had held you like that, it wasn’t fine.)
You step out of the bathroom in the hope that Dean would still be asleep, but you’re not that lucky. Instead, you are met with two sleepy boys staring at you from the bed. Both the doberman and Dean were now sitting on the mattress, Dean with messy hair and half-lidded eyes, the dog with a strikingly similar drowsy demeanor. They turn to you when they hear the sound of the bathroom door opening, and at the exact same time, they tilt their heads to the side in confusion. 
You stand there, staring at the big bad dog and big bad hunter in front of you, who are now soft and sleepy and pouty (at least Dean was) while they stare back with questioning looks. Almost as if wondering why’d you leave the bed, but that was probably wishful thinking. Like this, the resemblance between them was uncanny. 
“Good morning?” You ask tentatively when Dean doesn’t say anything.
The pup seems to finally snap out of it at the sound of your voice, and he jumps off the bed to say hi to you. He wags his tail and presses his head to your hand until you give him a good deal of head scratches before he is moving to where the food and water bowls are on the floor. 
You turn to Dean after that, and he looks a little more awake at least. His eyes are squinting and his eyebrows are furrowed, as if he is trying to remember something.
“Did the dog sleep with us in the bed?” You ignore the way his voice was even deeper after waking up.
You giggle, nodding. “Yeah, he got up at some point in the night. I don’t know how we managed to all fit.”
Dean chuckles at that while he rubs a hand over his face, and you beg that he doesn’t remember anything else. 
“Did he sleep next to me? I swear I could feel something pressing against me through the night, but then I woke up and he was laying down pretty far away from me.”
That makes you freeze for a second, but you just shake your head nonchalantly.
“Nah, he slept right when you found him all night. Maybe it was a Succubus” You joke casually while you move to grab a clean set of clothes. You had never been happier to see Sam than when he walks into the motel room right at that moment. Your eyes meet for a second, and you take in his post-running state at the same time he notices the clothes and the toiletry bag in your arms before the two of you both rush towards the bathroom.
“Not fair! I am all gross and sweaty.” Sam complains when you get there first.
You giggle, closing and locking the door behind you without saying anything.
“I could swear I was hugging something.”
You had finally solved the case two days later. As it turned out, the creature that was kidnapping people in town was a skinwalker. The reason why you hadn’t figured it out yet is because this one, instead of feeding on people’s hearts and leaving the bodies there for you to find, was actually dragging people from their homes and “storing” them in some abandoned house outside of town. You are able to discover all of this because your new friend, as you discovered that same day, was actually the pet of one of the people kidnapped. The scar over his eye had been made by the skinwalker the night it attacked his owner, and the puppy was able to track the scent of it once Sam, Dean, and you had found some fur in the house of one of the victims. 
Once you entered the abandoned house, you had found most of the victims still alive, all tied up in chains and waiting to have their hearts eaten out. Apparently, as the skinwalker told you and the brothers in his best attempt at a villain monologue, he had been exiled from his pack and forced to become an outcast. Having lived all his life in a pack, he could barely fend for himself alone. He had gone hungry, almost starving to death. That was why now, in an almost feral state, he was making sure to have enough food stashed. 
As weird as this was, it was good news. You were able to kill the skinwalker and free all of the survivors. It was always nice when you were able to save more people than you had expected. In between the freed people there was the doberman’s owner– some guy in his forties with long, wavy black hair and a whole tattoo sleeve. Yeah, it fits. You watch as the guy and the dog meet again, how it was so clear that they loved each other, and even if you’re happy for them, you can’t help the way your heart aches at the knowledge that you would have to say goodbye to the pup.
The doberman runs towards you after he finishes saying hello to his owner, and Sam quickly explains to the guy the dog’s stay with you while you kneel in front of the doberman and whisper your farewell. The puppy licks your cheek again and it almost makes your eyes water. The owner thanks you for taking care of Billie Joe –of course the dude named the dog after Green Day– and they both leave.
You stare at their figures as they walk away in silence for a moment, not being able to help the pout that forms in your face. Sam goes to talk with some more of the surviving victims, while Dean stays by your side. 
“You know, maybe dogs aren’t that bad. Even if that one could barely stand me.”
You chuckle softly, It’s subtle –Dean wouldn’t make it obvious– but you know he’s trying to lift your spirits. You shake your head, turning to look into his eyes. 
It always shocked you how beautiful Dean could look even after a hunt, when he was covered in dirt and all bloody.
Then again, you always had a thing for hot guys covered in blood.
“I think you two were just too much alike.” You tease, bumping his shoulder with yours. 
He laughs, but it’s softer than usual– quieter, less guarded. His usual edge is missing, replaced by something warmer, more open.
“Maybe.” He shrugs, looking at the ground before his gaze returns to you, taking in the way your smudged eyeliner made your eyes pop out, the way your black hair looked almost blue under the street lights, how gentle your smile was even with your sharp teeth and spiky jewelry. “You seemed to like him, though. A lot.”
A long silence follows the comment as you two stare at each other. The tension, simmering under the surface for weeks now, threatens to boil over. The memory of Dean’s arm around you while sleeping comes back to your mind, and you decide that if there was anyone you could trust with the key to the box in your chest, it was him.
“Yeah, I did.” You admit, barely louder than a whisper. “I never could resist a good train wreck.”
The next thing you register is the feeling of Dean’s lips over yours, and for a moment you wonder if this is why poets write. Because the sensations that travel all through your body as you wrap your arms around Dean’s neck and his hands wrap around your waist, the taste of his tongue, and the smell that clings to him are all so otherworldly and hauntingly magical that you feel compelled to delve into the entire English language to find the perfect words to describe it, but you just know that nothing will ever be able to convey what it was like to be held in Dean Winchester’s arms.
“Does this mean I can convince you of adopting a dog now?”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“What about a cat?”
“No. And there is no amount of kissing that can change my mind.”
“What about a raven? Or a spider!”
“God, what did I get myself into.”
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NOTES: I am not completely satisfied with this so I might revisit it some day. Still, I hope you enjoyed it.
TAGS: @littlesoulshine @mostlymarvelgirl @pink-ghost666 @h8aaz @otteropera<3
If you wanna be tagged in future works, let me know!!
141 notes · View notes
a-hound-will-die-for-you · 3 days ago
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Summary: The Hound takes you with him as he flees King's Landing. Exhausted, he decides to stop at an inn along the road to rest. The man seems to hate you with every fiber of his being. Or at least, that’s what you think until you see him trapped in a terrible nightmare. Is he dreaming about his brother? Word count: 1350 Warning: lady f!reader x grumpy sandor clegane; nightmares; angst; fluff English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes I might make. Constructive feedback is welcomed, I am here to share and learn <3
The flame flickers and trembles as you bring your lips close and blow it out.
You've always liked the smell of hot wax. The hints of honey and resin remind you of the warm, homely nights in the Red Keep. The comfort of your chambers, the soft safety of your bedroom… A sad smile touches your lips as you think of how distant those luxuries feel now.
You blink a few times in the blackness before peering at the huge form sprawled across the bed. The man sleeps like a log, flat on his back with an arm draped over his forehead and his feet hanging off the edge of the mattress. Being so damn tall definitely has its drawbacks.
Barefoot, you tiptoe toward the bed and flinch when the wooden floor creaks beneath you. The woolen blanket smells of dust, and its texture feels rough against your delicate fingers. As you lift it, your eyes land on a white, rounded shape resting right next to the man's body. He has had the decency to place a pillow between you. A barrier, should you decide to lie beside him. "How thoughtful," you think wryly.
Everything seems like a cruel joke of fate.
You never thought the first time you’d ever spend a night alone with a man would be in some rundown inn, lost in the middle of nowhere. You never thought it would be with a man who curses your presence at every opportunity he gets. And above all, of all the men in Westeros, you never thought it would be… the Hound.
"Don’t even think about waking me unless it’s life or death," he had growled the moment you stepped into the room. "The road ahead is full of bastards worse than me. Murderers, thieves, rapists. If I don’t rest, I won’t be able to kill them. And if I don’t kill them, you’ll have to deal with them yourself. Trust me, girl, you don’t want that. So don’t piss me off,” he had said while undoing the buckles of his armor. You just nodded and watched him, squirming every time a plate fell to the floor.
The weeks before this had been a nightmare. Robberies, attempted kidnappings, ambushes, endless chases. The Hound hadn’t had a moment’s rest in days. You, however, survived on brief naps, stealing what little sleep you could by resting your head against his chestplate as you rode. He never complained about that. What he did complain about was your constant whining. Your grumbling about the lack of comfort and the pitiful lamenting of your voice over your sorry state as a fugitive. 
"Quit your sniveling," he said.
"Should’ve left you behind. Would’ve spared me a whole fucking lot of headaches."
"Damn the moment I ever decided to bring you along..."
Alright, you got it. The man hated you. And you despised him just as much, probably more. All you both wanted was to put this whole damn journey behind you, reach your destination -whatever it was- and never see each other again. But to make it there alive, he had to sleep, and that meant no interruptions…
You slide into bed, barely daring to breathe. The blanket beneath you is warm and softer than it looks, though the mattress seems like it’s been there since Aegon the Conqueror. You cling to the edge of the bed with your back turned to him, fighting the pull of gravity that threatens to roll you toward him. The rhythmic breathing of the Hound turns into a soft snore behind you. Without thinking, you press your back against the pillow that lies between you. Your tired eyes flutter shut, gradually drifting into a light stupor.
The broad, smooth back of a giant black stallion rocks beneath you, metal gauntlets holding you steady, preventing you from tumbling off…
A gruff, annoyed grunt rouses you from sleep. Did you wake him? You don’t dare to look. You shrink into yourself, trying to take up as little space as possible, careful not to bother him. There’s a moment of silence and you curl into the sheets, trying to drift off. But then you hear him again. A pained sound this time. Behind you, his massive frame shifts and writhes.
“N-no…” he mutters, breathing heavily.
Confused, you turn your head to look at him.
Cold sweat slicks his furrowed brow, and his face is contorted in a surly grimace, but his eyes remain closed. You let out a quiet breath of relief, happy to avoid his furious temper for waking him. But just as you start to settle back into your position, you notice his head jerking side to side, struggling on his pillow. His chest rises and falls without rest, and his fingers claw at the sheets.
He’s having a nightmare. And judging by how desperately his body moves, a bad one.
“No,” he mumbles again, and you can’t help but feel sorry for him as you watch his Adam’s apple tremble with nervousness.
The Hound is a man haunted by his past. You’ve heard the stories about how his brother had shoved his head into a fire when they were kids, tales you can't quite tell if they are truth or mere legend. Gods know what horrible memories he’s fighting off…
For a moment, you consider waking him, wondering if it might be worth the sacrifice of your own peace for his well-being. But before you can do anything, his voice shatters in his throat.
“Get away from her!” he shouts in terror.
Your eyes go wide, and you sit up fully to face him. The Hound is awkwardly reaching for his left side, hand fumbling as if seeking the hilt of his sword. 
And then, he desperately calls out your name.
Your breath catches in your lungs. 
He is dreaming of you.
Dreaming of you in danger.
“You won’t have her, she’s with me!" he growls again, pleading for you to stay behind him.
You stand rigid, unsure of what to do, and then his body twitches violently with a broken, pained groan.
“No… let her go,” he mumbles pathetically, legs kicking as though trying to run. “Please… ”
He is begging. And you are witnessing it. You have to do something, and quickly.
Carefully, you push the pillow aside and slip your hand under his, settling it on his hip where his missing sword should be. His fingers entwine with yours in a grip so tight it hurts.
The gesture seems to calm him, but not enough. He keeps mumbling a string of words you can’t understand. You lean in a little closer, and your free hand hovers over his agitated chest for a moment before gently resting there. The warmth of his linen tunic feels so different from the cold steel of his breastplate... The rapid pounding of his heart thunders in the palm of your hand, and you press down, trying to ground him. 
“Sandor, I’m safe, I’m here with you,” you whisper.
It’s the first time you call him by his name. 
His scowl instantly relaxes, and his breathing begins to even out into steady, slow breaths. 
You stay there for several minutes, holding his chest and whispering softly. When you feel his pulse thump more regularly beneath your hand, you slowly pull it from his chest and lie back in the bed, turning away from him and leaving the pillow barrier gone.
In his sleep, his hand searches for yours on his chest. When he doesn't find it, he rolls onto his side until his body is pressed against your back. His arms, strong as oak branches, wrap around your waist and fit your body against his, tucking the top of your head beneath his chin. Then his hands move to your belly and curl around invisible reins, caging you between his forearms and holding you tight, making sure you don’t slip from the saddle.
Thanks for reading! <3
What do you think? A comment would give me life and encourage me to write more :)
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creamecafe · 3 days ago
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"I like you, damn it, is that what you wanted to hear?"
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Summary: What the request says
Pairing: Thanos x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, pining that will never happen I'm sorry guys 😭, blood, stabbing, death
Word Count: ???
Author's Note: This was requested from my Squid Game Imagines book on Wattpad, if you're interested, please go check it out and don't forget to vote, share and comment on what you think. Also my first time writing for Thanos, even though it's literally been 3 months since the 2nd season came out 😭
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Want a request for a Squid Game character like this one? Check out my latest post, read my request guidelines and send a request!
Read on Wattpad & AO3 here
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There are so many places you would rather be at, you just had to be stuck in the squid games. Alongside a purple haired rapper who would do nothing but constantly flirt with you or hit on you.
The first game, when he saw you, he immediately wanted you. He would come up with new raps for you every time. Being annoyed at this, you always told him to go away or it's not going to happen.
When surviving the first game, the first instinct was to check if Thanos was ok. You didn't know why, but something told you inside that he couldn't die just yet. All of you reported back to the dormitory and Thanos just had to come up to you.
"Señorita, I'm so glad you're alive. Thought I wouldn't see that pretty face again." He sounded more excited than before, but unbeknownst to you, he was high.
"Yeah unfortunately" Rolling your eyes when you said this.
"If you stay by me, I'll protect you. Trust me."
"No thanks." You walked away from him and went to your bed to lay down just to take a breath.
There was a pink guard that came out and congratulated you guys for completing the first game. Commotion and arguing came on of why there are guns and what they were going to do.
Voting came and you voted X, wanting out. You watched as Thanos happily skipped along the two lined and kissed the button, making an "O" sign with his arm.
Rolling your eyes, wishing you died in the first game. When the majority came out that you would be staying for another game, you were saddened by this but became pissed off immediately when Thanos came up to you.
"Looks like we're stuck here for another game"
"Let's hope either one of us gets killed" You pushed by him as you went to your bed.
The next morning came and you were off to your second game, six legged race. You had to look for a team of 4 other people. While you were looking around, you heard that familiar but annoying voice again.
"Need a team señorita?"
Turning around, cursing yourself, you forced a smile facing him.
"I'm perfectly fine and I'm looking for a team right now"
"Come on, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. You wouldn't want to be the only without a team? Die alone?"
He was right about that. Dying alone would be a sad way to go. Taking a deep breath you agreed to join Thanos's team.
He smiled at this and clapped his hand in excitement. He grabbed your hand and led him to the other people in your team and you sat down as the games were beginning.
You were arm in arm with Thanos as you were completing through each round of games. His touch was a bit cold but soft. He made sure not to hurt your arm but still kept a firm hold on it. You couldn't help but stare at him every so often. Maybe it was the fact you guys were so close to each other you thought.
After you guys completed the game and went back to the dormitory, you went up to Thanos to thank him for letting you be on his team. Smiling at this he puts a hand on your shoulder. "No problem, señorita."
You hated when he said that but had to get used to it. But did you really hate it?
The Mingle game was almost all the same. Being in Thanos's team. Trying to look at him but not getting caught. You would never admit your feelings even if you had a gun in front of you.
"I notice you're looking at me at every game. What's that about?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm not blind señorita. You're looking at me every time we play in a new game."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"I'm going to the bathroom. But I know you have something for me. I'll wait."
"I want nothing to do with you."
Thanos laughed at this and brought Nam Gyu with him to the bathroom. When he left, you felt some sort of relief that Thanos didn't find out the truth. The truth was that you felt like you started to like Thanos.
It couldn't be possible. We only know each other for a few days. He's a rapper and wouldn't fall for a regular person anyways.
Moments later, you hear commotion and screaming from outside the dormitory. You kept hearing players numbers being eliminated. How is that possible? We're not playing any games.
Different male players came out of the bathroom and they looked disheveled. There's one person you didn't see come out, it was Thanos. Your heart raced at this and you got up from your bed and started asking the players.
"What happened? Do you see Thanos? The purple hair guy?"
You frantically ran up to Myung-Gi who had blood all over his face and shirt.
"Myung-Gi, what happened to Thanos?"
He looked down and didn't say anything
"What happened? Tell me!"
"I'm sorry"
Rushing down to the exit, you begged the guard to open the door, not even caring if in the moment you sounded mentally insane.
The guard opened the door and you rushed down to the men's bathroom. You push open the door and call out Thanos' name.
There he was, his soon to be lifeless body on the floor with the fork in his throat, and other bodies that looked to be dead.
"Oh my God" You said under your breath as you ran to him
It takes a second for him to see through his blurry vision of who's in front of him. Once he realizes he smiles faintly.
"Sweetie, what are you doing here." His voice is hoarsed as he doesn't have time left.
"Thanos" Tears start swelling up in your eyes and your voice is breaking
"I knew you would come falling for me"
"It's going to be okay"
"Why do you care? I thought that you wanted nothing to do with me?"
There was a silence between you both as you didn't want to say what's been meaning to come out of your mouth for a while now.
"Please stay with me, Thanos. Help someone! Help"
"Answer my question. Why do you care?"
"I like you, damn it, is that what you wanted to hear?"
From hearing this. Thanos smiles. "Prove it"
You grabbed the side of his face and kissed him. After you kissed him, he breathed hoarsely as he closed his eyes slowly.
"Y/N, please do one thing for me"
"What is it?"
"Get. Out. Of. Here." Thanos said between breaths
"Win. The. Money. And. Just. Go"
"Promise me you'll get out of here alive. You have to do that for me. Can you promise me?"
"Yes. Yes I can do that." Tears were running down your face.
You waited for another response from Thanos. Nothing came out. Checking his pulse, also nothing.
All there was in front of you was a lifeless body with the fork as the cause of it. Taking in the last words that Thanos says to you, you wipe your tears and remove the fork from his neck.
You remember what Myung-Gi said before coming here. That he was sorry. It didn't take long for you to realize he was the one responsible for Thanos' death.
Getting out of the games is a promise you have to make to Thanos. Avenging his death is a promise for yourself and one Myung-Gi is gonna get soon.
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@yorrpleasure, @deffreal, @cocofia143, @sorry-meme, @ivees-blog, @elizabeth-hatake , @nini-0808, @hobinistaworld, @ineedsmootching, @happyfrog7681, @fyraevya, @ninahorikoshifr, @ikeithy, @vampiregirlxoxoxo, @trashk1tty, @ouwioworuuu, @cloudysxkura, @l4venderia, @iidontwannadiealone, @vinaluvsu
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a-hermit-pining · 3 hours ago
LaDS as Exes
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AN: I don't need sleep, I need answers.
Pairing: LaDS boys x fem reader
Ingredients: 75 % angst, 10% sulking, 15% comedy (by 👃🏻🩲)
My Fav: Zayne and Xavier (seriously why do you guys force me to write so much angst, I love hate it? 🫂)
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Somehow friend-zoned. Again. Just like every lifetime.
He’s around a lot. At work, at your apartment, hell, the man’s still your neighbor. And of course, there’s the past lore.
You were engaged once. It just didn’t work out. Right person, wrong time. The kind of joke your shared story arc thrives on.
But Xavier holds onto the hope anyway.
He knows he’s your soulmate. Has always known. And if that means standing by your side as a friend while you love other people, while you build a life without him, so be it.
He’ll wait. He always does.
Because maybe next lifetime… the timing will finally be right.
(hug him rn 🔪🔪)
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You both have a daughter.
But becoming queen, reviving his kingdom, giving him your heart, had been your breaking point.
You loved Rafayel. But loving a sea god was not your forte. It wasn’t the life you wanted, and that hurt Rafayel more than he lets on.
He couldn’t understand why you left something so perfect. A throne beside him, a daughter between you, a kingdom rebuilt through sacrifice, and you still walked away.
He keeps your daughter. Raises her with so much love it’s almost painful. But part of him knows he’s holding onto her in the hopes that you’ll come back.
For her sake. For his.
He’s heartbroken that you refuse to let go of your world, when he once shattered his kingdom to make you his.
He has waited to long but now...now he has an endearing daughter. His anchor.
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He was never there. Not really.
You sort of drifted apart during the end credits. Zayne loved his work—too much. He worked to take away other people’s pain. But somehow, he always managed to hide his own. Even from you.
Your marriage withered slowly. The silence grew heavier each time you sat alone, waiting for him to come home. The distance hollowed you out, until you both existed in separate worlds under the same roof.
And when you left, he got worse.
He doesn’t go home anymore. He works until he collapses in a back alley or some dingy cafe. He ends up in the ER more than once. You’re called in, rushed in, drenched in wanderer blood, to sit beside him while the machines beep steadily.
He punishes himself for failing you. For failing at everything.
And sitting next to him, in the chaos of the hospital, you feel the weight of it all. The unfairness of it.
(You might just have to pull a Caleb and abduct him to a secret island)
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Divorce? That didn’t happen.
Sylus is still your boyfriend. He’s delusional, but come on, you’re both fooling no one.
The epitome of on-and-off.
"I’m going to kill you," you groan, waking up next to him for the fourth time this year. It’s February.
"Good morning, kitten," he drawls, already pulling you into his arms. He ignores your glare and peppers your face with kisses until you give up struggling.
The baby monitor crackles. Your son’s cry pierces the air.
"Your turn."
Sylus grins. He gets out of bed, sliding into your robe (tearing the shoulder seam. Again). He always stretches it out, just like he always stretches his way back into your life.
This is your life. Messy and chaotic. But it’s yours.
And Sylus? Yeah, he’s not going anywhere.
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lmao no.
Hell nah. Caleb would rather commit a felony than accept being your ex.
He’s in jail. (Domestic terrorism was involved.)
You’re in his basement. (Voluntarily or otherwise.)
He’s in a psych ward, hallucinating a life where you’re still together.
There’s no clean breakup with Caleb. He’s the man who does not share. If you leave him. He’ll find you. If you try to run. He’ll track you down. And if you betray him. God help you.
Because Caleb isn’t letting you go. Ever.
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imissabyssarc · 1 day ago
Dutch Duo is so fascinating. They both have two characters, one on Lifesteal and one one on The Realm, and their characters on The Realm parallel the other on Lifesteal. Let me explain.
To me, LS!Clown and Tr!Pangi have a lot of unnoticed parallels, both of them being pretty damn powerful (though not the most powerful, examples being Sneeg and Tr!Clown above Tr!Pangi and BFB above LS!Clown) on their respective server, with a select few people they care about (or just one with Clown cough cough branzy) and just about everyone else being irrelevant to them, aside from the people they hate, who generally have a pretty tough time. Clown is a little more selective with who he trusts, but that’s pretty easily explained by being on Lifesteal and general paranoia. They’re both violent and unashamed of that. They’re not afraid to play dirty, whether it’s based off honour a whole damn exploit, or getting paid 500$ to empeach your teammate *PMC*.
When considering their counterparts (LS!Pangi and Tr!Clown), they too are surprisingly similar to each other. They both still care about specific individuals, such as Derap and Zam for LS!Pangi or Ros and [idk I don’t watch yellow I just know rospierce] for Tr!Clown. But they never really harbour hate towards any specific individuals. The only two times Tr!Clown ever seemed properly upset was after Pili killed Ros twice. He didn’t even seem upset during the fight itself, more like he was fulfilling a duty. The other instance is Owen but do I even have to explain this one? As for LS!Pangi, he was upset like, after Empire Duo breakups? And like after Mapicc kept killing him? And literally nothing else off the top of my head. They don’t kill for no reason either. While you can argue LS!Pangi doesn’t kill or fight on Lifesteal so people feel safe at his recordings (since he’s the only person making chill ass videos on that server), you have to acknowledge that aside from his hunger games event, he has no proper kills this season (source being the Lifesteal wiki) unless you’re counting Jepexx, which he didn’t get the heart from (and lowkey bro had it coming 😭). While I’m not sure how many kills Tr!Clown has, the only ones I remember are when people were hurting those he cared about, specifically Ros. They’re both quite based on rules and grind for what they need instead of fighting for it. A lot of the time, their actions are completely intertwined and associated with one of the few people they care about (Empire Duo, Cringe Duo, LoSA, etc.) and never only them, partially because of how much of their character revolves around others. They both get the chance to be different from what is typically assumed of lifestealers. They are selfless and not quite pacifists, but they’re pretty damn close for Lifesteal.
One of the reasons I’m a big fan of Lifesteal cannibal headcannons is because of how accurately it portrays their nature in a way others can understand. They are violent, selfish and unpredictable, killing on a whim with behaviour that would come off as insane on more casual SMP’s or ones based on storytelling like The Realm. However peaceful you are when you join the server, everyone is eventually corrupted by it. And no matter how well you hide or push away the corruption, it always comes out somewhere. In LS!Pangi’s case, his violence has been entirely oppressed due to his efforts of keeping people comfortable during his recordings, and that violence ends up coming out on The Realm, where thanks to the power of “out of character” and the fact he barely hosts realm recordings leads to him being able to kill more freely. Meanwhile, Clown has no need to fight on the realm, since he does nothing but whenever he actually logs on LS. Lifestealers are always in one of two states, those being “I care about you and I will protect you with all my power” and “I literally dgaf fucking die”, and it’s never been more clear with these two.
In conclusion, Dutch Duo is fucking awesome and I need more of them. Thank you.
PS: It’s kind of ironic that Clown and Parrot are Parallel duo, since at this point it might be Clown and Pangi.
(Sorry if the Tr!’s and LS!’s makes this hard or obnoxious to read it’s so annoying but I have to distinguish argh)
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ladykatibeth · 2 days ago
Hot take, while I do think aging Daniel up was a good choice in that it opened up new avenues of exploration (and a potential DM amnesia plot!!!) I don’t think it actually was necessary to fix DM because maturity differences weren’t the real core of DM’s relationship problems.
Their flaws are still the same—old Daniel is still blunt and somewhat insensitive, stubborn and reckless and Armand is still controlling, condescending, melodramatic and above it all. These flaws were causing some tension but they weren’t insurmountable.
Old Daniel and B!Daniel also aren’t that different—Daniel at 20-24 is constantly scared Armand will kill him and still pushes back against him verbally with sarcasm and bite and expresses any and all frustration every chance he gets (it’s part of why he remains entertaining) just like 69 yr old Daniel.
This is only compounded once book Daniel realizes he’s not at risk of dying and has Armand just as wrapped around his finger as vice versa. Show Daniel is just a little more wrapped up in cynicism and hides his softer parts compared to B!Daniel who balances it out better imo, he’s not necessarily more mature.
They love each other’s “flaws” they acknowledge each others negative traits but mostly enjoy them. The actual core to their countless fights was the age old human wants to be vampire/vampire sees it as a curse dilemma. (Yes DM ran so Twilight could tip toe softly lol).
I think B!Daniel was absolutely 100% fair in feeling like Armand was treating him like a pet dog and would move on and not mourn that long if he died (even if this absolutely wasn’t true—we know this) and Armand wasn’t helping by belittling him when he did return home and not actually communicating that he did care that well.
However, that’s already been solved in the show—the second major problem (and break up causer) is an extension of the the initial one—Armand feels too unnecessarily guilty about the turning (and thinks Daniel hates him) and leaves—Daniel feels abandoned (and thinks Armand preferred him mortal).
I think a maturity difference issue would be more reasonable and less silly than their actual relationship problem which is weirdly banal given how weird they are everywhere else but nothing’s perfect.
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the-wxter-is-fine · 2 days ago
Okay lukewarm take but I need to get it out of my system *hands you old blood-splattered knife that was used to kill nuns* I am tired of the largely agreed upon ideology that James Potter is this sunshine golden people-pleasing emotionally mature kid who is understanding and empathetic and kind and heroic and yada yada. He isn't one of my faves but... He was immature and spoiled goddamn it! He was raised in a LOVING rich pureblood household where throughout his childhood he was probably given everything and anything he broke was fixed using a magical stick. He was just as immature and rash and reckless as Sirius! He certainly didn't have the emotional maturity to understand both sides of Regulus and Sirius' broken relationship at that young age, a headcanon that is shared by a large portion of the fandom and is a basis for Jegulus' blooming relationship in many fics. He would only know Sirius' side and how SIRIUS got hurt by it. Leaving his family, that is. James would HATE Regulus, because he's bigoted pretentious blood-purist stuck-up selfish weak and everything that Sirius tells him he is. James also wouldn't understand that by constantly pursuing Lily he made her uncomfortable, just like he didn't understand that what he did to Snape was borderline harassment. By making James into a sunshine humble boy you are making his character one-dimensional. He was cocky and self-assured and didn't always understand that the things he said or did actually hurt people!
And Regulus? NO ONE gets under James' skin quite like Regulus can. Jegulus is literally the blueprint for enemies to lovers and I mourn the loss everyday. I'm talking glares across the hallways, jibes and insults when they brush shoulders, constant arguments, quidditch rivals, threats to unalive each other all that shit. Tension crackles when they enter a room. If everyone knew Jily would happen someday, no one could ever in their wildest dreams imagine Jegulus.
Now back to just James bc apparently this post is James-centric. I think the aforementioned characterisation of fanon James stems from him being the perfect masculine, similar to the way Lily is seen as the perfect feminine. At the time Joanne wrote the HP book series the ideal trope was straight white hot jock x straight white hot valedictorian - basically straight out of a nineties rom-com. Canon James is handsome, smart, sporty, a bully turned good, a bit of a daredevil and a good father. Canon Lily is also beautiful, also smart, kind, take-no-shit, loyal, and a good mother. Meanwhile fanon James is sunshine, golden, perfect, mature and a people pleaser. All things we like in real men today. To me though it makes him altogether a less compelling character and, like I said, one-dimensional. Let him be awful, and let him become better. It's called character growth.
Personally, I like a Jegulus-leaning James (well, I like a Jegulus-leaning EVERYTHING), who is a bit spiky and rough around the edges from being with Regulus for so long. Who doesn't take shit from people. Like, Lily (more like the ideal of her) can show James the place the world carved out for him, a nice, normal, safe place, but Regulus can make him question everything he thought he knew.
Anyways conclusion: don't ruin potentially excellently written characters like this, be better than the terf that wrote them
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lesbianedmundo · 6 hours ago
Thinking about 911 and last names.
Hen and Karen and Denny are Wilson’s from episode one and that never changes. We don’t know maiden names because we don’t meet a Hen and Karen who don’t know each other, who aren’t entwined by love and promises and a child. Hen breaks Karen’s trust as a Wilson and earns it back as a Wilson. Just like Henren being established the entire running of the show, they remain Wilsons.
Bobby and Athena, and how Athena has kept the name Grant, because that’s the name of her children. How there’s never any suggestions of her changing her name after she and Bobby get married. Because he knows. He understands parenthood, and maybe the children he bestowed his name to (in two ways for Bobby Jr) are gone, but his wife still has her babies. She holds onto the name of a man who she no longer loves because she loves the children they made.
Maddie. Everything I can say about Maddie. She starts the show as Kendall, when she’s flighty and scared and running away. She kills the man who gave her that name and in turn kills the name itself. She is now Buckley. Buckley, like her baby brother, the man she raised. Buckley like Buck. She grows her baby and names her Buckley-Han. Buckley like her baby’s mother and uncle, Han like her baby’s father, who loves and supports and is the opposite of the name she killed. But Buckley is also her parents, who ran away when their son died. Maddie runs away after thinking she’s a threat to her child and she does so as a Buckley. Her missing posters say Buckley. She checks into treatment as a Buckley. And she is found by a Han. She takes the name Han after that, and she never has to run away again.
The name Diaz doesn’t shift. It’s Eddie’s and Chris’s from the start. It also the only name we know Shannon by. She is tied to her husband and child every time we see her. She is left as a Diaz. She leaves as a Diaz. She dies a Diaz. Diaz, the name of two parents who don’t trust their son to look after his own son. Diaz is the name both Christopher and his grandparents have. They’re tied together through this no matter how much Eddie hates it.
Buck is always a Buckley. He’s our only Buckley for two seasons. He knows this, I think, so he bastardises it. He does the thing his anti nickname parents would hate the most and takes Buckley and wrangles it into his own interpretation as Buck. He distanced himself from the parents who looked right through him and never tried to escape their grief. He is spiteful about it. He cuts what they gave him in half and keeps the good bit. Then he’s one of two, after he finds his sister bleeding in the snow. There are two Buckleys, now, an us. A child is born and half of her is Buckley, too, and Buck is part of something. His sister moves on to Han but he’s secure in what he has, for the first time in a long time.
(What I want, what I really want, is the reclamation of Diaz. Eddie and Chris decide Diaz is what they choose. And they choose Buck. He gets married and becomes Evan Buckley-Diaz. Buckley to match the girl who raised him and the girl she made and the brother he lost. Diaz to match the man who loves him and the child who saves him and the abuela and Tia who welcome him. Their future children are Buckley-Diaz too, because this is a family they built together.)
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