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imissabyssarc · 2 days ago
Dutch Duo is so fascinating. They both have two characters, one on Lifesteal and one one on The Realm, and their characters on The Realm parallel the other on Lifesteal. Let me explain.
To me, LS!Clown and Tr!Pangi have a lot of unnoticed parallels, both of them being pretty damn powerful (though not the most powerful, examples being Sneeg and Tr!Clown above Tr!Pangi and BFB above LS!Clown) on their respective server, with a select few people they care about (or just one with Clown cough cough branzy) and just about everyone else being irrelevant to them, aside from the people they hate, who generally have a pretty tough time. Clown is a little more selective with who he trusts, but that’s pretty easily explained by being on Lifesteal and general paranoia. They’re both violent and unashamed of that. They’re not afraid to play dirty, whether it’s based off honour a whole damn exploit, or getting paid 500$ to empeach your teammate *PMC*.
When considering their counterparts (LS!Pangi and Tr!Clown), they too are surprisingly similar to each other. They both still care about specific individuals, such as Derap and Zam for LS!Pangi or Ros and [idk I don’t watch yellow I just know rospierce] for Tr!Clown. But they never really harbour hate towards any specific individuals. The only two times Tr!Clown ever seemed properly upset was after Pili killed Ros twice. He didn’t even seem upset during the fight itself, more like he was fulfilling a duty. The other instance is Owen but do I even have to explain this one? As for LS!Pangi, he was upset like, after Empire Duo breakups? And like after Mapicc kept killing him? And literally nothing else off the top of my head. They don’t kill for no reason either. While you can argue LS!Pangi doesn’t kill or fight on Lifesteal so people feel safe at his recordings (since he’s the only person making chill ass videos on that server), you have to acknowledge that aside from his hunger games event, he has no proper kills this season (source being the Lifesteal wiki) unless you’re counting Jepexx, which he didn’t get the heart from (and lowkey bro had it coming 😭). While I’m not sure how many kills Tr!Clown has, the only ones I remember are when people were hurting those he cared about, specifically Ros. They’re both quite based on rules and grind for what they need instead of fighting for it. A lot of the time, their actions are completely intertwined and associated with one of the few people they care about (Empire Duo, Cringe Duo, LoSA, etc.) and never only them, partially because of how much of their character revolves around others. They both get the chance to be different from what is typically assumed of lifestealers. They are selfless and not quite pacifists, but they’re pretty damn close for Lifesteal.
One of the reasons I’m a big fan of Lifesteal cannibal headcannons is because of how accurately it portrays their nature in a way others can understand. They are violent, selfish and unpredictable, killing on a whim with behaviour that would come off as insane on more casual SMP’s or ones based on storytelling like The Realm. However peaceful you are when you join the server, everyone is eventually corrupted by it. And no matter how well you hide or push away the corruption, it always comes out somewhere. In LS!Pangi’s case, his violence has been entirely oppressed due to his efforts of keeping people comfortable during his recordings, and that violence ends up coming out on The Realm, where thanks to the power of “out of character” and the fact he barely hosts realm recordings leads to him being able to kill more freely. Meanwhile, Clown has no need to fight on the realm, since he does nothing but whenever he actually logs on LS. Lifestealers are always in one of two states, those being “I care about you and I will protect you with all my power” and “I literally dgaf fucking die”, and it’s never been more clear with these two.
In conclusion, Dutch Duo is fucking awesome and I need more of them. Thank you.
PS: It’s kind of ironic that Clown and Parrot are Parallel duo, since at this point it might be Clown and Pangi.
(Sorry if the Tr!’s and LS!’s makes this hard or obnoxious to read it’s so annoying but I have to distinguish argh)
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llamapear · 3 months ago
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aroaceacacia · 3 months ago
thinking about how pangi called lifesteal his home earlier, and how theres been talks on here about lifesteal culture and how different it is compared to other servers. mostly just thinking about minecraft communities as cultures
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mikaikaika · 1 month ago
As a realm viewer, I feel like Pangi streams are giving me a really skewed view of what Lifesteal is about
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lullambre · 23 days ago
ehehehe... shout out uu empire duo
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airystwinsibling · 23 days ago
Anyways. He's protecting his and Zam's house. But he's doing it invis ("The only thing that works on this server is intimidation"). He's waiting for Zam to come back. Second most dog coded character in a toxic/one-sided(??) relationship [first is Wifies].
Do you think Zam will recognize him. Do you even think Zam is ALIVE anymore. How long has Zam been gone for, and how long has Pangi been waiting. How long will Pangi KEEP waiting.
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houndbitexx · 12 days ago
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fanart for this rly good fic that you should totally read tbh...
wip under cut!
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uu!derap design being cooked up, hes so rabbit on the moon coded idc if i hc him as a bilby
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spoiledlbleach · 3 months ago
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ms paint pangi sketch :3
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mcytegg · 3 months ago
pangi is behaving like SUCH a lifestealer its so funny. even hannah was scolding him for burning the other teams resources until pangi said they just left it all in a chest, to which she immediately said "oh then they deserved it" 😭😭😭
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yyuuraii · 1 day ago
I just woke up and haven’t watched the stream but it’s so funny seeing everyone scramble to defend trpangi for accidentally killing trlukey, saying “lukey’s heart is with pangi now”, “this is how lifestealers flirt trust me” 😭😭
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faela0 · 3 months ago
i went bouldering for the first time today with my cousins and it was so fun but during it i was in fact thinking about pangi telling pili “derapchu is my lifesteal you” and i feel like that says a lot about both their relationships…
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freakinator · 6 months ago
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aroaceacacia · 3 months ago
so so many the realm designs for foolish look like princezam and i think this is an untapped market of potential
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vanivanvanilla · 1 year ago
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lifestealtober day 28 - betrayal
it was a long time coming
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no shadows + og screenshot ^_^ btw the pumpkin has discarded dead leaves with a healthy green one growing while the dandelion has fallen apart . no particular reason of course ! there would never be symbolism in mc fanart
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irrealisms · 4 months ago
100% genuinely it’s really cool to see a lot of the people i followed for dsmp/qsmp discover pangi! seeing the new fanart and designs, seeing ppl liveblog or post clips who i would never have expected to be pangi viewers— it’s awesome. keep it coming :D
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scarletiswailing347 · 1 year ago
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some lifestealers designs pt 2 + a once again redesigned zam cause i wanted the yellow guy to be more yellow
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