#they can kill in a matter of seconds but when they are around an egg they become soft
sp4mja · 10 months
I will never stop thinking about Fit and Pac taking care of Empanada sometimes, the uncles ever
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animeshotsh · 8 months
We love you | VariousYandere x Sinner!Reader HCS
Summary: Characters from HH being obsses over you.
Warnings: Alastor's part has Mentions of cannibalism - Valentino's part its DARK - Mentions of brainwashing - Most of them are slight!Yandere but still Yandere no less - Stalking - Killing - NSFW SINCE IT HAS SUGGESTIVE THEMES -
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☆ Charlie
It does not matter if you happen to be one of the worst sinners from the circle or a top overlord who makes everybody fear them. Charlie its just obsses with you.
She sees something good, deep down in you. And wants to bring that out (or maybe its her being lovestruck).
She Will use her princess status to bring you to her hotel.
Will follow you around and ask for your opinion and likes. No matter if your responds are harsh, she will be in cloud nine with them
☆ Vaggie
As a former Angel she is carefull around sinners. She wants to protect Charlie and herself. Then you appear and now not all sinners seem bad.
Thinks you should be in heaven but wont complain since she gets to pass time with you.
Her love for you its platonic.
Wants you to be under her watch 24/7. If she has work at the hotel then you have it as well. The same as hers.
Tells Charlie about you and Charlie its supportive of her. Believes Vaggie needs more Friends and you seem like a good person!!
☆ Angel Dust
Its afraid to approach you because for a sinner you seem pure. Not like him. He believes he is too dirty for you.
Tries to convince himself that he justs wants to corrupt you and thats it. That there are not Real feelings involved.
The minute he hears someone tried something on you he is getting hella protective and will go and look for them.
If it was Valentino he will console you the best he can. Will break his walls to let you in.
Hugs you with his four arms against his chest. Makes sexual comments but gets flustered when you respond with more intimate ones on emotional level.
Just like he fought for his Friends he would do the same for you.
☆ Husk
One of the most tamed ones.
He is quick to know he feels something for you and wants to keep you only for himself.
Reminds him of his old overlord days when the most terrorific ideas plagued his mind.
Would totally gamble with you for your soul if he could.
Tries to keep you away from Alastor knowing the radio Demon may use you to get to him.
He also wants you to avoid him because Husk knows he means trouble.
☆ Sir.Pentious
He is so confused.
You two meet as enemies or by being amazed by his creations.
His eggs are quicker to catch up how he is feeling, asks him if he wants them to kindapp you.
He wants but wont do it.
Will try to impress you but fail.
Follows you everywhere.
Claims its what Friends do or that he is doing it to keep a closer eye on his enemy.
Fainfs when you give him little attention.
☆ Alastor
The one who once he starts to realize what is happening goes in denial and killing mode.
Ends charming you on his own way.
If you resist him then he gets you kindapped. No one is allowed to talk to you and you cant talk since he cut off your tongue and ate it.
Gets angry when he sees you playing with Niffty and starts to feel soft things for you. Like wanting to cuddle you, dance with you.
If you are more open to his advances he is a protective Yandere and manipulative one. But its so subtle no one will notice.
His shadows likes to play with you a lot.
☆ Lucifer
Goes ??? When he starts to fall for you. Tries to ignore it till he sees you with other demons or sinners then he loses it.
Not in front of you. He wants you to keep a very gentlemen image of him in your head.
Will kill whoever wants to court you.
Gets you a work by his side so no one can reach you.
You want to leave? Jokes on you, this Man its going to gashlight you so much. The idea will leave your head in seconds.
Oh, and will make you like ducks.
☆ Valentino
Poor you.
Like for Real poor you.
You may end being his favorite dancer or he just saw you one time and decided to take you for his joy and personal use.
Starts as pure physical interest then it developes into obssesion. No one knows if he truly feels something for you, not even the other Vs.
He is mean and a dick. Expect lots of punishments when you dont behave like he wants you to.
☆ Vox
Different from Valentino, Vox its more calm...at least on the physical side.
He probably saw you with one of his cameras and started to watch your daily life like a show. He then imagined you were the main character and he was the love interest.
He got it badly.
Its worse when he happens to catch you being intimate with another sinner/demon.
It should be him.
That one ends dead and Vox decides to make his home yours too.
He kindapps you.
He is a delusional Yandere. Believes you two have been together for years now. If you try to correct him he goes into error mode.
Will not hit you but may electroshock you.
Will try to brainwash you into beliving you are married to him.
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some-pers0n · 2 months
I know Scarlet is the gaslight gatekeeping girlmurdering girlboss character we all like, but can we talk for a second about how she manipulates Peril? Like for just a moment 'cause I think this is actually a pretty neat and interesting facet of her character
Scarlet isolates and manipulates Peril and tells her over and over again that she's unlovable in the eyes of everyone. That anyone, no matter what, will kill her at any chance. That everyone is out to get her because of her firescales. That she's nothing more than a monster. Scarlet paints this picture that Peril can only survive in her care, as anywhere else is dangerous and threatens her. Scarlet tells her that she was born to kill, having killed her twin brother in their egg, and that because of it she will never find her place amongst other dragons. Not just that, but convinces her that she needs a steady supply of coal to eat in order to keep her scales from killing her. If she were to leave, she would die
Scarlet grooms Peril into becoming her ideal champion. A killing machine that obeys her every command as even the slightest hesitancy would mean she could be tossed out and left to the mercy of others. Peril never knew anything outside of that. She had Osprey, yes, but even he had to walk around eggshells and was eventually killed right in front of Peril. Peril was, in every sense of the word, alone. She had no perception of what a normal dragon should be like. It's why she struggles so much in EP to act in a way that doesn't scare others as the only time she's really been allowed to interact with others was to literally kill them
All of this caused by Scarlet, who spared no expense to keep Peril in her claws. She lied, cheated, manipulated, and deceived into making Peril the way she was when we see her in TDP. For a character who's played up for laughs and entertainment, that is such a wild and incredibly interesting part of her character, no?
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: "What did [orcs] taste like?" {*distant sounds of tanoraqui going feral*}
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I'm enjoying Chilchuck more in the manga because I notice him more, because he's less front-and-center talkative but in the background he's visibly thinking about things. I certainly noticed and enjoyed this moment in the anime, too, but it's a good example: Chilchuck is by far the best in this party at people, in terms of reading a room, understanding long-term group dynamics, and considering larger social questions like morality. His pattern recognition skills are obviously superb, and he applies them to dungeon navigation, trap- and monster-disarming, and social dynamics. He understands and gives practical advice on the relationships within a successful vs unsuccessful dungeon parties, and the skills of leaders thereof. He can often be seen eyeing the terrible new food consideringly before eating it. He's the one most often calling Laios out about No Eating Humanoids, including picking up on the fishmen eggs. When Laios complains that that's just based on a "feeling", Chilchuck does think about it - but still, when Marcille says of the dryads that maybe it doesn't matter if the plant is humanoid, Chilchuck says with concern, "Marcille..." He's the first to wonder how to make money from the dragon, but it's a practical concern, not greed. He's the only who realizes and convinces everyone that they have to turn back.
It all adds up to a guy who's never read a textbook of moral philosophy or the makings of a stable society in his life, but who could probably expound on them in layman's terms while drunk off his ass in a bar. He's responsible, including wanting to look out for his people, and very practical, and genuinely whip-smart. I'm not at ALL surprised to learn that he observed the systemic abuse of halffeet in the dungeon-delving trade and organized a union against it.
Shuro: Just say the highlights, alright?
Laios: We killed the red dragon, got Falin out of its stomach and resurrected her, but then we ran into the Mad Mage ad were separated.
Shuro and Kabru:
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...actually, it's interesting how surprised I am, and was when I watched this, to see how...Normal Human Interaction Laios is in this moment? Upon request, he handily gave an efficient summary of exactly the highlights that needed to be shared - both what the others needed/would want to know, and not what they didn't need to know, lest Marcille be arrested for dark magic. Is he more relaxed around his usual crew, and thus acts "weirder"? Is this just a very specific circumstance, ie, it's reasonable to think the whole party has been considering exactly how to describe their adventures to others?
Maybe more notably, he left out monster-eating, which is also a cultural taboo but one that he's shown no sign of respecting so far. One must ask, for a moment: wait, does he respect that it's taboo in polite company? It's true that Marcille and Chilchuck, who'd both dungeoned with him for [mumblemumbletime], didn't know until the start of the story - he's clearly only just started unleashing all this culinary glee, even if he probably did already share infinite useful monster(-killing) factoids. Or is he aware and respectful of the fact that Shuro's definitely of "highlights" definitely only includes What Happened To Falin? This, too, is a level of character insight rarely if ever seen in Laios before.
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Laios is like a deer in front of a lion... Yeah maybe I do want to watch Kabru flirt with him and Laios get completely flustered... Only if Laios turns it around by (later, after fleeing the initial scene) bluntly asking if Kabru wants to go on a date and/or have sex, and Kabru.exe stops functioning.
One must ask, for a moment: wait, does [Laios] respect that [eating monsters is] taboo in polite company? -my considerations 10 seconds ago in in-canon time
nvm, he's back on his bullshit! :) <3
Which! Indicates that his summary WAS intentionally geared toward Shuro's known preference, with maybe a dash of responsible dungeoneer team leader-to-team leader "fyi the Mage IS around"!
Ok now for the bit I'm particularly obsessed with...
Shown: man forcibly slamming down an impenetrable mental barrier called "Doing What I Must" in between Traumatic Memories & Moral Qualms and Words, Tone, Facial Expressions, Body Language & Anything Else Someone Else Could Sense:
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Shown: Man with aforementioned barrier firmly in place [but still possibly seeing horrors on the backs of his eyelids]:
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(Also shown: Man increasingly wishing that this is all some sort of elaborate hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation and stress:
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Then this!
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Until proven otherwise, I'm pretty certain that this last panel is the exact moment Kabru's brain started bouncing like a yo-yo wrt Laios. Because!
Kabru invited himself into this conversation as part of his overall quest: to look for a decent King for the dungeon. [ABBA playing faintly in the background] He's officially given up "finding" rather than "becoming", but he hasn't 100% ruled it out as an option - the goal is to get one.
Imagine that Kabru's brain includes a little hexagon like the food matrix, but for necessary aspects of the new King of the Golden Kingdom. In order, Laios goes...
- up several notches in "Likely Ability to Kill Mad Mage" by having defeated the red dragon and met the Mage
- down probably 1 notch in Trustworthiness/Honesty(/Readability to Kabru Specifically, who is prepared to Manage a mediocre candidate if that's what it takes)
- plunges down in the meta-category of Will Prevent Another Utaya by plummeting like a Boeing in the technically-not-on-the-chart category of Triggers Kabru's Trauma by admitting - bragging! delightedly! - that he eats monsters. Kabru's trauma is centered around monsters eating people. What sort of horror is a person who eats monsters? (Yet, perhaps already starting to yo-yo: if monsters eating people is the ultimate evil, what is this reversal...?)
Then Kabru asks a few innocuous, friendly questions about this Absolute Horror, because that's what Kabru does: he lies through his teeth about his own opinions and discomfort in order to put others at ease and (thus) achieve his goals. Laios gives innocuous, friendly answers.
THEN: ORCS. This whole comic, we've had the debate about whether it's okay to eat humanoid monsters, with Laios begrudgingly agreeing to his party's refusal. And orcs aren't even humanoid monsters, they're full-on demihumans! Second cousins of tallmen!
Kabru actually has to take a moment to process this new depth of depravity which he swiftly assumes Laios has sunk to. I imagine WWII air raid sirens are going off in his brain. Laios is But then he leaps this horrific chasm, too, itchy though his knife hand may be - interestingly, his face isn't shown in the comic, but in the show, Kabru retains the exact same friendly, eagerly interested tone of voice when he asks, "What did they taste like?"
- (Sidenote: truly, in all of this, I'm most obsessed with Kabru's ability, willingness and determination to seemingly-blithely hopskotch and/or outright running-jump over any moral qualm for long enough to get the other guy to dig their own grave and/or let down their guard. Who even are you under your infinitely shifting mask, sir. Do you even know? Because I think some of what we've seen that's more "real" is part of the mask you wear to be the Hero Who Will Be King.)
And Laios realizes what he'd implied and says, alarmed at the misunderstanding (though it's not clear if that's for moral reasons or social awkwardness) but still smiling with excited pride, "No no!! We didn't eat them! Due to circumstances, we're currently working with them!"
With them! Laios is yoinked out of, if not the depths, then at least the utmost depths - while also snapping unexpectedly upward in Alliance-Building (pref. Interspecies, Local-Centric). Laios had already rated a 2, maybe 3/5 for his party makeup, but given his known lack of people skills, I can't imagine Kabru expected him to go any higher than that - and with orcs! Orcs who are maligned by everyone else; for whom the Island Lord regular offers a bounty!
Now, this IS predicated on the assumption that Kabru considers orcs a people who should be treated with like a legitimate, well, people, rather than killed like vermin. But I think I'm on solid ground, considering a) Kuro the kobold being a (mostly) respected member of his party and their secret late-night study-friendship; b) Kabru's harshly learned skepticism of the stories Elves tell about themselves and other races, which is where we've seen the heart of anti-orc sentiment; and c) Kabru thinks the Island Lord is a moron.
Mind you, I think the yo-yo-ing is relatively subconscious at this point, and won't start reaching an audible fever pitch until Kabru learns about the black magic in, oh, another 5 minutes or so.
...but I really need to go to bed, so I'll see what overanalysis I make of that tomorrow!
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ch3rriewine · 1 year
Photo Booth Kissin' {P.P.}
summary: Peter's an awkward loverboy, but he's your awkard loverboy.
warnings: none i think just fluff :3, TASM!Peter Parker x reader hehe, no use of y/n, reader is kinda like super girly w the bows and sparkles idk
Peter’s life was boring—peaceful, but boring. Don’t get him wrong; being Spiderman is cool and all, but Peter Parker’s life could use some work. The most exciting thing that has happened to him recently was the time he got two yolks in one egg. Riveting stuff, right?
During another one of his literature classes that he doesn’t know why he took, he spots you. With a bow in your hair and a knit sweater falling over your figure, your head propped on your manicured hand while scribbling notes with the other. You sit in front of him and if Peter squints, he can see the small doodles littering the pages. Before he knows it, the professor announces that the lecture is done for the day. Peter panics; he wants to talk to you before you disappear and turn out to be a dream, but what would he even say? Doesn’t matter anymore since he chases after you to the door.
“Hey,” he says, looking a tad flushed after tripping over someone's water bottle.
“Oh, hi” you respond, your eyes a little widened at the sudden interaction.
“I, uh, I’m Peter” he say, sticks out his hand for you to shake. You take it and tell him your name. He repeats it in his head about a hundred times.
“I just, uhm, wanted to ask about…” he trails off, trying to remember if there were any assignments given. “The essay he said we had to do, yeah. When is it due again?” he hopes to any higher being that there was an essay due soon.
“Ah, yeah, it’s due next Monday” you reply, giving him a tight-lipped smile, ready to go back to your dorm.
“Cool, uhm, thanks! See you around, hopefully” with that, he bolts, leaving you confused and flushed. Hopefully
The cute boy in your class wants to see you around.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Two days later, Peter sees you again. It’s in the same class, and you’re as pretty as ever. He psyches himself up to sit next to you.
You look up from your laptop when he asks you if he can sit next to you. You nod, of course, and smile. He looks nervous, with fingers tapping on the table and cheeks a little red. It’s cute.
“Have you started on that essay?” you ask, trying to start conversation since it looks like he won’t.
“Huh? What essay? We have an essay?” he turns to face you, eyes wide.
“Yeah, the one you asked me about?” you laugh a little.
“Oh, no, I didn’t” his shoulders slump back down, and you smile at him.
“I didn’t either; I had other work to finish” he stares at you a little; it’s flattering, really. How shy he is around you. He barely knows you, but he’s convinced himself that you’re the greatest thing ever. He also may have looked up your instagram and fallen even harder as he looked at all your posts. Peter now knows what you ate at Thanksgiving 3 years ago.
“Same, I’m in STEM so you could imagine” he says, resting his head onto the table. Sleep deprivation a thing he is well acquainted with, unfortunately.
“STEM, wow, you must be smart then. Why’re you taking a classic lit class then?” Sure, you might’ve slipped in a compliment; it's not a crime to flirt a little. It takes Peter a few seconds to respond as he processes what you said, you think he’s smart.
“Uh, I was going through a phase with classic lit at the time, and I’ve been lazy to drop it. And, uh, I’m not that smart—pretty average actually. Like the most moderate person ever” He’s rambling and kind of lying. He’s doing really well in his other classes.
“Yeah? I think you’re pretty smart if you’re in STEM. Not everyday a guy is both pretty and smart.” His cheeks turn even redder, if possible, and he makes a sort of out of breath sound. “If you need any help with this class, I’d be happy to give you my notes on the book”
Jesus, you’re gonna kill the poor boy.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
From then on, you sit beside him and throw in some flirty comments while he struggles to reciprocate. It feels too good to be true, how you seem interested in him and how you eagerly talk to him after lectures, even giving hm your number to talk about “class”. He’s waiting for the day you ghost him.
“Hey, would you maybe want to, like, hang out? Like on a date or something? Or just as friends! Actually, yeah, just hang out as friends; forget I said date sorry,“ he flounders, waiting for the rejection. Oh God, he’s just messed up the whole friendship and you’re gonna think that he’s weird and a creep and-
“I’d love to go on a date, Peter,” you smile “I was waiting for you to ask.”
“Oh, great, is Saturday at 3 okay? I’ll meet you outside your building and we could walk to that arcade?” He asks, eyes hopeful.
“Saturday at 3 is great. I love arcades, but you have to help me with the claw machines” For someone so smart and handsome, he doesn’t let himself think people like him.
“See you Saturday, Peter” you tiptoe to kiss his cheek, leaving sticky residue from your sparkly gloss and walk to your next class. He stands in place, a little starstruck and a lot flustered. He leaves the lipgloss there.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
Saturday finally comes, and now it’s your turn to be nervous. You’ve switched outfits countless times, your hair is out of place, and your makeup doesn’t seem to flatter you. You’ve settled on a pretty blue dress with tights to protect you from the small chill. Two little bows clipped into your hair and knit cardigan falling over your shoulders—makeup finally looking presentable enough with maybe a little too much glitter on your eyes, but whatever. Your phone chimes as you’re applying pink sparkly gloss, and your heart skips a beat. He’s here.
You throw your phone and lip gloss in your purse and bolt out the door. You spot him outside your building, as promised. He looks wonderful. Brown sweater and worn-in denim jeans—you can’t believe he’s so shy around you when he looks like that. He finally spots you, and wow, he thinks.
“Hey," he scolds himself for being so casual when he should be whisking you away to Italy, or something. He could’ve at least gotten you flowers.
“Hi, you look great,” you say in front of him, and seeing you up close is making him fall even harder, if possible.
“You look, wow, you’re just, wow” he can’t even believe you’re into him.
“Cmon, I wanna win some plushies,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. He grips your hand harder and laces your fingers.
The walk is calm and the air is starting to get cool. You talk about class and a show you started. Peter listens intently, making mental notes about what you like and don’t like. Your hands stay intwined, and his thumb traces patterns on the back of your hand. He’s gotten more comfortable and less panicky in your presence, so you get to see his personality shine through. He’s incredibly funny. You can’t stop laughing on your way there, and he can’t stop thinking of more things to make you laugh.
The arcade is dark, with flashing lights from every game. Peter goes to buy some tokens, refusing your offer to pay half. Grabbing Peter’s hand and making a beeline for the claw machines, everyone knows they’re rigged, but you don’t care. You eagerly take the tokens and attempt to win the Kuromi plushie. After the 5th? 6th attempt? When the claw has dropped the plushie, you give up.
“Why do they do this to people! It’s false hope!” you whine to Peter as he laughs at your pout.
“Lemme try,” he nudges you over and puts in a token.
You watch with eyebrows furrowed as he wins it on his first attempt.
“What the hell, Peter?” you crouch to pull the plushie from the machine.
“What? Do you not like it?” He faces you, examining the stuffed, is she a rabbit? What animal even is Kuromi?
“I love her; just, how did you win it?” You look up at him incredulously. He must have some weird power that makes him win every claw machine.
“Oh, I don’t know; just position it right?” He laughs, his eyes crinkling in the process. You want to smooth them out with your fingers.
“Thank you!” you’re genuinely really excited over a cheap stuffed toy, not because you really wanted it, but because Peter won it for you. You wrap your arms around his neck in thanks. Peter freezes. He fees like a teenager at how he’s reacting to a hug of all things. He snaps back and hugs you back. You pull away to kiss his cheek. This is the second time you’ve kissed his cheek, and he doesn’t know how he’ll ever get used to it.
“Lets go play games, pretty boy,” pulling away and leaving Peter to gather his brain and follow along.
You watch as he plays Pac-Man; its silly, but you love his face when he’s focused. Brows furrowed and lips in a thin line. He really is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. And he’s infatuated with you! Of all people! You swear half the girls in the class have a crush on him, but he gets nervous around you. You play some air-hockey, which you won (he let you win), and he won you some more plushies and some candy at the infamous claw machines.
When the games get old, the two of you leave the building. The sun is setting at this point, and you’re dreading leaving him.
“Oh, look! There’s a photo booth!” you point, excitedly tugging on his arm. “We should take some pictures.” you drag him into the booth, both of your thighs squished together and his legs at an awkward angle. He feeds the machine a few bucks, and the screen starts to count down.
You put on a sickly sweet smile, scrunching your eyes while Peter smiles big with pearly white teeth on display. The second photo you lean into Peter and he wraps his arm around you, pulling your body close to his. The third photo, you go for it. You grab his face and kiss him. His hands stay in the air as the glitter on your lips transfers to his. You taste like vanilla. You pull away, a little anxious that he didn’t want it. Those thoughts get pushed away when he grabs the sides of your face and kisses you until you can’t think. His hands are warm and big covering your cheeks as his lips move against yours. You reach up to wrap your arms around his neck once more and deepen the kiss. Your lips move together in tandem as he strokes your cheeks with his thumbs, the movement comforting.
The fourth photo is blurry, and you walk out with all your lipgloss on Peter’s lips.
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lizzy-luvbot · 1 month
Hiya! I was wondering if you could general relationship headcanons for the marble hornet guys? Thank you!
YIPPIE FIRST REQUEST!! And ofc I can! I hope it’s as good as you expected!
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Character’s- Tim Wright/masky, Brian Thomas/hoodie, jay Merrick, Alex Kralie + bonus character!
I tried my best to make it as gender neutral as possible!
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Tim Wright/masky:
Would be like INSANELY AWKWARD at first
You met through Brian, him being your siblings best friend
Your sibling invited you to explore an abandoned building with him, Brian and Tim(who at the time you didn’t know)
I don’t know if it’s just me but he would definitely call you his wife/husband when you come up in conversation
“How many people are your party?” The hostess of your favorite restaurant asks, “just me and my wife/husband” Tim says without thinking.
He will be slightly embarrassed but you think it’s so fucking cute
Not big on PDA👎 but literally ALWAYS has to be holding your hand no matter‼️
I picture him to be kind of traditional, like you walk on the inside of the sidewalk away from the road, he holds doors open for you, pulls out your chair for you and pushes it in.
A MASSIVE cheek(the ones on your face…) kisser.
Like boom just got home? He’s grabbing your chin and kissing both of your cheeks then asking you how your day was.
You probably won’t see him much but he always seems to be there when you need him…
Brian Thomas/hoodie:
Y’all knew eachother all through your school years, elementary, middle, and high school.
So you basically knew anything and everything about eachother.
He’s like the bestest friend you could ever have
And yes Tim is a third wheel… but not the severely excluded one, the one that you’d probably kill your self if you even got the smallest hint he felt left out.
I feel like he’s not a hater nor a huge fan of PDA, it’s like he will have a arm around your shoulders, and while your talking to your friends/strangers you decided to strike up conversation with, he will randomly lean down and kiss the top of your head
Or when your holding hands he will kiss the back of your hand.
When I say you two can’t go anywhere I mean it.
You’ve been kicked out of Walmart so many times for thinking you can jump over the cardboard crate’s of Powerade.
And don’t think he’s stopping you, in fact he eggs you on by saying he doesn’t believe you can’t and your gonna have to prove it too him.
“Fuck yeah I can.” You said irritation radiating of you, “no you literally can’t.” “Yes I ‘literally’ can.” You two go back and forth for like three minutes until he smirks and says prove it. And prove it you do.
You cleared the Powerade’s no problem but too bad a Karen with a fuck ass bob saw it and snitched on you.
(Like masky) you don’t see him a lot…but he sure see’s you…
Jay Merrick:
The absolute sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for… but very sassy.
Ask him for some water?
“Baby, can you get me some water?” “No” NO?!?!
Then 30 seconds later he walks around the corner with a glass of water.
Now unlike the other two he loves PDA, it’s like the fact he knows he bagged a baddie and he’s about to make it known to everyone.
Loves having his hair played with and vise versa, you definitely teach him how to use a hair straightener/curler just so you don’t have to do it yourself.
You two play just dance. And definitely do karaoke using the instrumental music videos on YouTube.
You gotta pee during the Friday movie night session at home? So does he.
You don’t want to cuddle because it’s 80 degrees?? Do you not love him?? You guys cuddle anyway.(you turned down the air conditioning because you didn’t want him to be sad)
He calls you anything but your name. Once you started dating you were no longer [name] you were baby, babe, honey, girlfriend/boyfriend when he’s feeling extra sassy.
He loves to be a hater with you. You don’t like one of your coworkers, he gives them the most DIRTY look when he sees them when he’s visiting you.
Alex Kralie:
He’s such a nonchalant dreadhead.(please don’t kill me) joking but fr he acts like he doesn’t care as much as he does(which is SOOOOO much btw)
A member of the sassy man apocalypse.
He’s a play fighter, like “body slam”s you into the bed.
Has a gun collection in the garage. And gives you pop quizzes about them. He will never say it but he thinks the dumbfounded look on your face when asks you a question about a gun that is the cutest thing ever.
You called him snookum cake one time. ONE TIME. And now he never calls you anything else but snookum cake.
Out in public? He doesn’t give a fuck.
“Alex. Please don’t.” Your terror clear on your face. He smirks, tilting his head down, the dim blue lights from the aquarium In front of you causing shadows on his face, he takes a deep breath, “are you liking the aquarium SNOOKUM CAKE.” His voice raised from a 3 to a 7 at the nickname. Causing people too shoot you and him dirty and confused looks.
You never called him that again.
(Bonus character)
Jessica Locke(my cutie patootie):
She doesn’t care if y’all are eating at McDonald’s or a 5-star restaurant. If she wants to kiss your entire face, she will damnit and fuck what everyone else as to say.
She’s your biggest supporter, literally doesn’t care what it is she’s on your side 10000%.
Y’all definitely slow dance to Lana del Rey In the kitchen while the frozen pizza cooks.
I feel like she’s such a alpha male😜
Like she’s willing to fight for you, fist fight and her comebacks are like the best you’ve ever heard.
Y’all definitely wear matching socks and ugly Christmas sweaters during the holiday season.
She slaps the fuck out of your butt. You live in fear of her surprisingly powerful butt smacks.
You guys wear matching Clair’s bff necklaces.
Im sorry is this is Probably so bad😭😬 anyway I actually bought a Jay plushy not too long ago and it’s finally shipped so I’m super excited for that🔥‼️ NOT EDITED‼️‼️ as soon as I saw the request I got so excited so I wrote it ever tho I should be asleep right now so I’ll have to edit another time😓
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akira-aah · 11 months
The betrayal of red and green alliance is something that is really interesting to me
Like, Green managed to make an alliance with Red (the crazy cult-family team that dies more than anyone and barks at their enemies or even just because they felt like it) because neither of them want Blue (or more specifically Bad) to win because of their bloodthirstiness from the first days.
And it's kinda sad from Red's perspective.
Blue spawn camped them several times on days 1 and 4 so they will kill any member of Blue if given the chance but Green has been kind to them in comparison.
Red lowered their walls around Green members, around ElQuackity who is always trying to win no matter what but is not a genuine threat if you're decent at pvp and is easy to befriend, around Etoiles who will do what he has to do to win but fights with honor and accepts defeat with a "good fight", around Roier who could easily kill them but prefers to banter and have a good time.
Sure, the first few days were a blood bath, but when Jaiden kept getting killed upon respawning on day 4, Roier and Etoiles both went to check in on her. Upon getting there they probably expected her to be frustrated by dying so much but instead found her vibing and actively trying to litter her spawn with her corpses because she thought it would make it more intimidating.
Then Charlie showed up and Roier couldn't talk because he was sick but they started play fighting and Etoiles and Roier gave Jaiden and Charlie pvp training and then Cellbit got there and there was also an admin cat and Red died a lot that day but they had fun and they formed a tentative alliance with Green by trying their hardest to help Green get the win, they lost by a landslide and Blue ended up winning but they had fun.
Then on day 5 Green got their first win of the week and Red wasn't even that salty, Green deserved a win after all, but they would actually try to win on day 6, it's a competition after all and they can't make it too easy for Blue to catch up to them.
Red would rather Green win than Blue, but if Blue was last on the scoreboard or had few members active that day, Red would give it their all to win.
Red hadn't been there since the server opened unlike Blue, most of Red starts late, but they grind like crazy to make sure everyone has enough items to complete their tasks, Red shares everything after all, it's what makes them end up in first and second place when they're actually trying. They are constantly coordinating, constantly talking to each other, they are a family and no one is left behind if they can help it. Honesty and trust are very important to them.
The Red team is made up almost entirely out of roleplayers, but no one can deny that they're all hard workers, so they spend the day grinding the materials they need for the personal quests and the egg tasks and spend a good amount of their day trying and failing to do the hardest task of the day, kill Pac twice. They try and fail and try and fail and they give up to concentrate on fortifying their egg base, they're on first place after all, and Green somehow hasn't caught up to them despite having more team members active that day.
The sky turns red, almost like a sign that they already won, it's the last hour after all, they might not have gotten to kill Pac but Green didn't get their kill either so it doesn't matter.
Bad calls them and makes an offer that they don't take, he is their worst enemy after all, a spawn camper with no honor who bows down people who want an honest stick fight from afar. Bad tells them he has made the same offer to Green and that they didn't take it either, Etoiles is an honorable warrior and as much as he wants to win there's no honor in this, Red knows he won't take the deal even if Bad offers again, Green has as much beef with Bad as they do, so they're not worried even as Foolish gets a message that was most likely meant for Forever that implies they're meeting for something.
The same message shows up three times in quick succession, Forever has killed Bad and Green is now on first place. Green has made a deal with the devil.
Really, they should have seen this coming, you can't really trust anyone here. Their friends have betrayed them.
Except they haven't, not really. Two of their team members have gone behind the others backs to make this deal, Etoiles and Roier weren't told of it and they both like to play fair, they are winning and they don't like it, it's not fair to their Red friends who spent the entire day working just as hard as them to win. This is a cheap win, an underhanded tactic that they do not approve of, and they tell Foolish as time is running out. They can only hope their alliance with Red as a team has not been entirely ruined by this and that Foolish can explain to the rest of Red.
Foolish goes back to the Red call and tries to say something, but gets immediately sidetracked and forgets and starts helping with last minute preparations for the war tomorrow.
Red is salty, of course. Their hard work has gone to waste as they haven't won and haven't earned the immunity totem for their egg. They can't trust anyone outside of their team-cult-family.
They shouldn't have lowered their walls in the first place.
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phosphorus-12 · 1 month
Grougal: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Qilby: But I'm a vegan. Grougal: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Qilby: You’re overthinking this. Yugo: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Qilby. What if I’m underthinking?
Qilby: Let’s write Efrim a friendly note, shall we? Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass…
Yugo: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Grougal: The cow?? Chibi: What? Adamai: Grougal, W H Y?
Qilby: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Mina >:O language Yugo: Yeah watch your fucking language Chibi: Okay, who taught Yugo the fuck word?! Adamai: 'The fuck word'. Mina: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Glip: Oh my god they censored it Qilby: Say fuck, Mina. Efrim: Do it, Mina. Say fuck.
Efrim: The saying “it is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission” no longer applies to Yugo.
Adamai: We should normalize not loving family members. Yugo: You can just say: “I hate my dumb fuck brother, Qilby” or whatever. Talk like a normal person!
Chibi: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Mina: Well, that was entirely predictable. Chibi: One of them punched a gang member. Mina: Qilby? Chibi: Yugo, actually. Mina: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Baby Grougal after being born: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Yugo: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Grougal: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Adamai, recording: This is so cute.
Qilby: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?! Glip: … Qilby: Oh, right. The lying.
Balthazar: I hate you sometimes. Qilby: Well according to this picture Mina drew of us holding hands that's not true. Balthazar: Qilby, you drew that. Qilby: It doesn't matter.
Grougal: This should be illegal! Chibi: It is.
Phaeris is casually searching around the room Adamai: Hey Phaeris, what’re you looking for? Phaeris: My will to live. Mina walks into the room Phaeris: Oh, there it is.
Nora: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Yugo, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Nora: Made you all playlists! Nora: Efrim, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Nora: Chibi, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Nora: And Shinonome has the ABBA Gold album.
Nora: CHARACTER. FLAWS. ARE. FUCKING. IMPORTANT. Yugo: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Kidnapper: I have your father. Yugo: What? I don't have a father… Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? Yugo: Oh my god, you have my brother Qilby.
Shinonome: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Balthazar: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Chibi: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Balthazar: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. Adamai: Did you burn an orange too? How??? Balthazar: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Yugo: You don't think I can fight because of my height! Chibi: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Qilby can fight in that dress either. Qilby: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Chibi: I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy? Yugo, deadpan: Quit your job, kill your family.
Efrim: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and… Grougal: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Efrim: Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said… Qilby: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
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naturesapphic · 3 months
Tiff x fem R. Her being at a bar and meeting her (after she got out the doll and left chucky in his) R chatting her up and Tiff inviting her over. R takes her home and when they get in, Tiff makes sure they do it right infront of chuckys doll, which R doesn’t notice it’s there until the morning after. She taunts it and Tiff joins in bc she loves fucking w him since he can’t do anything about it.
Surprise R is actually a serial killer but a lot nicer than Chucky. Always taking her victims expensive things like jewellery and giving it to Tiff all while Chucky watches R pound into his girl(also not his girl) every night, every morning, every mf time they can.
Tumblr media
True love
Tiffany valentine x serial killer!fem!reader
Warning: smut, cussing, violence
~ flashback ~
You had come into the bar to relax a bit after you had just murdered someone and all you wanted right now was a drink. You walked in and spotted a beautiful blonde haired girl who was wearing dark goth clothes and makeup. For some reason you were drawn to her and that’s how you were sitting by her in the matter of moments. Y’all talked for a few hours until the bar had to close for the night.
Tiffany invited you back over to her place and you couldn’t just say no. You were already smitten by her. When y’all enter in the house y’all were all each other is seconds. Clothes were being thrown around and Tiffany said she would be right back so you laid back on the bed not thinking anything of it. You heard some shuffling but didn’t think anything of it. She came back and pulled her bedroom curtains apart and sat on your lap as y’all made out.
In just a few minutes you were pounding in and out of Tiffany with your strap that you wore underneath your skirt. Tiffany was a moaning mess and you loved every second of it. You made her cum like five times before she said she was too sensitive for more. Then she told you that you could sleep over for tonight and you agreed. You cuddled until the two of you fell asleep.
When you awoke the next morning it was because you smelled something delicious. You opened your eyes and saw that Tiffany was cooking breakfast, yum. You stretched and put on a sweatshirt that Tiffany laid out for you and got up from the bed towards her. You went up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist as she was stirring the eggs.
“It smells so good. I wasn’t expecting breakfast.” You said and she smiled at you, leaning into your touch. You were enjoying the moment until you looked over and saw a doll that was in a cage. “Tiff what’s that?” You tell her, pointing over at it. “Oh! That’s chucky. He’s my ex. I made him watch us last night.” She explained as she smirked over at him. You couldn’t believe it until you heard him mumble something and you almost shit yourself.
Tiffany told you all what he had done to her and how shitty he was so she started to taunt him and soon enough you joined in.
~ flashback over ~
And that’s how you and your girlfriend Tiffany met. After she told you about her ex chucky and how he was a serial killer, you decided to tell her about how you were a serial killer and she was over the moon about it. The two of you were an unstoppable team and when you were alone for some killings you would always bring Tiffany their jewelry and clothes. You absolutely spoiled her and she adored you for it. She never felt like this before and she’s so happy.
One of the best parts was that when you and Tiffany have sex, which is all the time, you always make sure that chucky is looking when you fuck her senseless. You hear him grumble and mumble as he has to forcefully watch you fuck his girl, well ex. You and Tiffany are perfect together and the best killer couple in the states.
A/n: hi @karsonromanoff I hope you enjoyed this and I hope this is what you wanted! Sorry it took so long. I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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homocrafting · 1 year
hi :) lil thing I wrote abt richarlyson set in a scenario in which the islanders disappear :))
Richarlyson's dads taught him a lot of things, when he was younger, however questionable.
He loved them, and they loved him. He knows this; it's stayed true through all his life. It was the only real, graspable truth, when he laid in bed in what they swore to him wasn't a captivity, despite the lack of windows or the low ceilling and the locked door he didn't know the password of.
It was what stayed true, when he had a nightmare and none of them were there to help, either busy having disappeared (as all dads do, naturally) or doing something far from his room.
It still stays true, to this day. He knows that. It has to.
Papai Felps told him to believe everything his dad Cellbit said, and he had said they love him, so it must be true.
He shifts in bed, rolling to the side. His tail occupies the rest of his bed, that way, and he can see the lights of the nearest neighbor's house through the window.
He pretends he can see one of his dads howling to the moon, beastly form taking over as he looks, mesmerized and scared. When his other dads get him home, where it's safe (but never safe enough, all his dads had said, at different times, in their own ways. He never stopped sleeping with the gun next to his pillow and a sword under his bed.), Richarlyson had asked if he'd be able to do that too someday. Papai Felps said he hoped not, with an anxious chuckle- daddy Pac said he probably could, if he tried enough, and if not they'd find a way. Richarlyson hugged him, then, and the memory of that warm, loving embrace almost lulls him to sleep.
Tallulah's flute cuts through the night, a sad melody he knows too well by now, nothing like papi Forever's howling. He turns in his bed again, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The closest hand wraps around the hilt of his gun (Bobby gave it to him, the second time they met, when Richarlyson knew himself better and so did his dads. He doesn't plan on letting go of it) instinctively, its presence soothing.
He remembers when he first successfully killed a monster with it, and his dad cheered and hugged him like it was the greatest thing he'd ever witnessed- and to him, at that moment, that was all that mattered.
Pai Mike taught him how to shoot upward- bala perdida, aimed at nothing in particular. He began shooting at the sky when he was happy, and sometimes it'd startle one of his dads, but he never hit anyone besides the Christ. He never meant to hit anyone, except for monsters and the vast sky.
At some point he began pretending he did want to hurt people with it, because papai Cellbit told him he had to keep up appearances, pretend he's mean and superior so no one would pick on him. Make them scared. But also that it was ok to be soft and find things cute too, in private, or with his dads. Never hide anything from his dads, because they love him, and they'd never judge him.
There's no one here to tell him that now.
Tallulah's tune comes to a stop, as all things do. He finds he doesn't like the silence, as he finds many other nights.
He misses his fathers' snores and his papi's howls and his dad's mutterings of murder in the night.
Richas gets up with a yawn, grabs his gun, drags himself to the window and shoots upwards through it, twice. He half expects to get a message from Bobby, something like a singular middle finger emoji.
No sounds come from the phone.
He plops back on the double bed where once many of his fathers (and sometimes him, when he was too scared to sleep alone in his too dark not-captivity and didn't think papi's decorations would be enough to keep the creeping feeling of something watching him away) slept, not bothering to tuck himself in, this time. The egg- not egg, a dragon, who's hatched and who's a teen and who doesn't need his dads anymore- simply lays there, arms spread over the empty bed, staring once more at the ceiling.
Sometimes, Richarlyson feels he's being watched. Tonight is one of those times.
He can't tell if it's a result of his own dads' paranoia or his own, or if something really is watching him. They did warn him about Them.
He thinks of how easy it would be to shoot Them, how easily papi Forever would tear Them apart, how his dad Cellbit would maim Them, if They touched him, despite all his fear of Them.
They're not here (they haven't been for a while), but Richas has the gun Bobby gave him and a sword one of his fathers gave him, which must be enough to kill whatever crosses his path.
They'd be proud of him, if they were here to see him.
He curls his tail around his body, pulling his legs up until his knees reach his chest. He can almost imagine it's not his tail, but daddy Pac, hugging him after that scary dream where he got trampled over by bulls and pai Mike died with him. Papi Forever called them all the way from the other side of the server, and their fighting was comforting.
He may never hear them fight over silly things again.
He decides he needs a pillow, so he untucks himself from his own wrap and painstakingly extends his arm to grab one. It's softer with that under him.
Pai Mike taught him how to steal things unnoticed. Sneak in and out, deny any knowledge of what was happening if you get caught. They stole from 1% dad Quackity, since his house was closest. It wasn't much, and pai Mike didn't say it out loud, but he knows he was proud of him.
Papai Felps later helped him steal from Foolish, or so he remembers. That's around when he met Leonarda.
Richas wonders how she's doing.
Richarlyson had been the late bloomer among the eggs- according to tio Phil, and his siblings themselves, the day his dads arrived (and he appeared from seemingly nowhere, knowing only who his dads were, and the vague shape of a mother), everyone thought their eggs would die. Instead, they showed up with cracks on their shells, meaning they'd either die or hatch soon- Richarlyson didn't have those cracks at that point. Dapper had been almost completely out of his shell by the time his own began to crack.
Daddy Pac said it was okay, though. That it would just mean he's stronger- after all, the younger you are, the more naturally healthy you are. His siblings wouldn't even be able to hold a gun anymore, but he'd still be strong and he'd be able to do and get anything he wanted.
He laughed and pecked his dad- memory says his face turned into a perfect :o when he did. Richas chuckled; his dad picked him up and spinned him around.
Maybe things began getting weird when the first of his siblings began to hatch, but... he had his fathers, then, and what were Leo's distressed messages regarding her dads when his own were waiting inside to teach him more about tax evasion?
Dad Cellbit and Papai Felps were there when he hatched- they were so, so proud of him, hugging him and showering him in compliments, telling him he'd be as big as Foolish's statue one day. Then it gets hazy- papi, barging in, some emotion clear in his face, although he cannot remember which. It turns into happiness, when he sees Richarlyson, bits of egg shell still on him, but it doesn't last nearly long enough. He says... something, calls his other two dads and puts them on speaker.
They're out the door in a flash, telling Richarlyson to wait for them to come back.
He thinks someone screamed something, outside. "FEL- FOREVER!", or along those lines.
He's been waiting ever since.
His dads taught him how to play football, how to evade taxes, how to sleep with an eye open because you never know who's after you. They taught him how to kill those devilish bulls, how to make tapioca, how to tend to the farms. They taught him each other came above all else- that the world was unkind, but they weren't, not to him. His dad told him he used to be a criminal, kill hundreds of people. His dad never hurt him.
They loved him, and he loved them- still does.
They'd be proud of him, now, for laying on bed with a gun in hand and an easy to get sword. For shooting at the sky with no regard for what happens after. For not trusting people because they're not his dads.
He shoots himself upwards, shooting at the window with precision he's been practicing since he was a baby. Cucurucho does not move, barely noticing the shot. It simply stands there, watching, for a few minutes, until it gets tired of his unrelentless stare back and runs away as always.
He doesn't sleep that night, again.
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no-lavender · 1 year
We need more of qroier being angry. Actually angry, not in a way were he hides it behind his humor, but instead starts to express his frustrations and anger with the situation that’s happening.
He lost so many children. So many that were HIS children. Those he cared and loved for and those he saw die in front of his eyes. And today he sees one, a code, pretending to be someone he lost so long ago. A child he saw die for the final time with his bestfriend. He saw his bestfriend grieve and be so upset about her death and there’s this code pretending to be her, pretending to be juanaflippa.
He knows it’s not her. You can see it with his tone and facial expressions that he’s upset with what’s happening. He’s angry that this is happening. He’s trying to be funny and joke around with this imposter, this code, but you can still see he is upset. Slime even points it out that his tone is off when he says he is codeflippa “tio.” He tries to play off his tone saying it’s a joke, but we know he truly meant the anger behind pretending to be the codes tio and how much it upsets him at the thought of it. You see the anger of him saying “it’s so fucking funny” to codeflippa when she’s placing tnt around mariana’s house because he knows the actually flippa would never do this. She loved mariana and loved to be around him. She built that house with him. She’d never do this and roier knows this.
Then you start to think about how this code is pretending to juanaflippa and think about how the codes killed his son. They killed bobby. He gets so upset when cellbit brings up his death to codeflippa. His whole jokey tone goes away and he gets quiet because even after all this time and after his second death he’s STILL grieving. He’ll never be over the death of his son and seeing the thing that took away his first life is obviously making him upset and angry.
Roier is already going down a route of something not good with the way he’s trying to joke away his feelings. Even if he’s so intune with them and knows what he’s feelings he’s trying to push them away. This won’t end up good for him. It’ll end up with him exploding at one point, it’s just a matter of time when.
The eggs disappearing has already made him more upset because he lost another son and his sister and he doesn’t want to have hope that they’ll be back to experience the pain again to find out that they’re actually dead. So he’s convinced himself that they’re dead so he doesn’t have to go through with what happened with bobby again.
Roier needs to express his anger, his frustration, and his sadness to someone. He needs to actually open up more because his talk with Cellbit before he went into a deep sleep did help, but not for awhile. He needs to open up more and stop hiding behind humor because that will be his downfall as we are starting to see now.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Wail of the Silent 6/?
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TW: Mention of Suicide
Spectra smiled as her latest victim patient left her office. She had only been in Gotham for ten days, but she already had a job in Arkham Asylum thanks to overshadowing and fake credentials. The whole place was a pit of misery.
So far, seven patients have killed themselves due to her feeding off them. Oh well, as the saying goes, you have to crack a few eggs to make omelets and all that. It’s not Spectra’s fault they were weak.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t get to the main rogues. They weren’t filled with misery, just madness. They gave her no nutrients, so she avoided them and went for the weaker ones.
Still, the patients in the asylum were nothing compared to the young man she had found the night before. She had left a piece of herself (a new development as her powers grew.) to feed off him when he felt miserable. It had already happened once that day, but he got over it quickly. The bite size snack left her craving more.
Spectra smiled as her next patient entered her room.
“You said you had an idea,” Danny asked as Jason led him into a room with three computer screens, some weapons lying around, and a bunch of wooden boxes.
Jason nodded; he had put his red helmet on again.
“Yeah. You know Arkham Asylum?”
“My sister has mentioned it once or twice, but I don’t know much about it. She wants to work there ultimately.”
Danny couldn’t see Jason’s expression but knew Jason was feeling judgmental.
“What? What’s wrong with that?”
“Casper, wow, so original. I’m nicknamed after my high school.”
“Your high school is called Casper? What the fuck?”
“The elementary school is named Poltergeist elementary school.”
“Poltergeist elementary? No, you know what? That doesn’t matter. Arkham is where the criminally insane end up. I mean, these are people who have little chance of integrating into society, and those who do become ‘better’ usually end up reoffending again. I know of three psychiatrists who worked there who ended up being patients there. Your sister must be a special person to want to work there willingly.”
Hmm, it seemed Danny had to have a word with Jazz.
“You think Spectra is there?”
“There is no other place in Gotham that has as much misery as Arkham Asylum.”
“Okay, I believe you, but how will we know if Spectra is there.”
Amusement. Mischief.
“I can tap into the security camera and database.”
Bruce Wayne stared into his cup of coffee. There was guano floating in it. He sighed and looked back at the reports.
Something was wrong in the asylum.
An hour ago, he had gotten a ping of someone who had committed suicide in Arkham; the death had marked the eighth one in ten days, and no one else was worried or investigating it. He knew most people and law enforcement didn’t care for those who resided in Arkham, but to ignore something clearly wrong…well, Bruce wouldn’t be complacent.
He hacked into Arkham’s systems. Batman would get to the bottom of this.
Lady Gotham felt her being boiling with anger. Another one of her citizens had ended up dead by their own hands due to the interloper.
She sent the newly formed shade toward her favored knight and the ghost child. She knew they would help her lost ones. For now, she let her rage be known through the thunder and lightning in the sky.
“Eight suicides in ten days, and no one has reported on this?” Danny asked incredulously.
Jason shrugged; he knew how little people cared for the patients in Arkham. The only ones who probably noticed and cared were his family the bats. However, they wouldn’t know what could be happening, so it would take them longer to solve the problem.
For half a second, Jason thought about asking for their help but felt phantom pains in his throat.
He felt sadness and regret deep in his chest. (His core was humming out his emotions.)
Soon, he felt an overwhelming misery. It felt as if it was suffocating him!
“Jason! Jason, calm down!”
Calm. I’m here—calm, calm.
It took a moment, but Jason came back to himself. What the fuck was that?
“Spectra has found a way to feed off you even while far away. We need to find her and stop her.”
Anger, anger. I will stop her. Anger—she must be stopped.
Danny touched Jason’s shoulder, “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”
Jason nodded, already feeling better. A part of him was dreading Danny’s departure, and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since he met the guy.
Danny kept his hand on Jason’s shoulder, grounding him, while he looked through Arkham’s security camera.
“There! That’s her.”
Jason watched the camera as a red-haired woman left an office. She had on glasses and a red suit.
Jason looked into the records.
“Penelope Spectra. She started ten days ago, the same time the suicides started.”
“I bet if we look around, we’d find suicide rates have gone up in other places.”
Jason nodded and started looking into it. He wouldn’t let the bitch get away with it.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Sister Friend
Gon Freecss!Platonic X Fem!Reader Killua Zoldyck X Reader
Potential Illumi Zoldyck X Fem!Reader, Hisoka Morrow X Fem!Reader, Chrollo Lucilfer X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2519
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello again! Loved genya's post with a s/o like unohana. I could ask for a hunter x hunter in which the reader is like a big sister figure to gon and killua (they meet in the hunter exam) the reader has the power to manipulate time as she wishes and she is also an ex he murders and ends up drawing the attention of illumi, hisoka and chrollo.
Warning:- Normal zoldyck family stuff nothing that doesn't happen in the show, threats mostly made by reader, family death, reader killed her family
A/N: - this ended up being way longer than I thought it was going to be but I hope that you like it!
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You met on and Killua in the hunter exam, you had been the one of the first to jump in the second challenge, you winked as you walked past them and stepped off of the ledge, easily standing on one of the strings of web waiting on the small preceding wind current before jumping grabbing your egg and using the current to get back up, you landed in front of them with a small smile “you figure it out?” You asked. “Oh! I get it, follow me!” Gon said as he ran past you, you walked over to Netero and the rest. “I passed?” You asked. “I supposed you did.” He smiled as he watched you pass the egg to Menchi. “Do with that as you like, you are the professional.” You said and her eyes widened as you walked past her and settled waiting for the others to pass as well.
The first time that you spoke to them was on the airship, you had been wasting time looking around, you had heard them before you saw them but it seemed that even Killua hadn’t noticed you when you rounded the corner “so what are we talking about?” You asked softly and they both looked at you. “You're the one who jumped first right?” Gon asked. “Hi names (Y/N).” You waved, smiling. “What do you want?” Killua asked, you looked at him and shrugged. “Nothing really.” You answered “Looking for some way to kill time and you guys are here.” “There are tons of people that you could spend time with. Why would you choose us? You think we’re easy targets?” Killua asked, you shook your head. “You two are probably the only two people here that I wouldn’t want to fight, you are honest and your potential is boundless.” You explained “most of the others won’t get much stronger than they are now, they’re easy to understand, manipulate and beat.” “What do you mean?” Gon asked. “Don’t worry about it, just know that I’ll be around to help you out if you need it.” You promised and despite not really knowing you they both believed you.
You saved them many times in the challenges that followed all while helping yourself. Killua however never truly trusted you until the moment in his one on one fight between Illumi and himself where you stepped in, everything around the three of you seemed to stop, you crouched in front of him and Illumi watched you intrigued “don’t worry about what happens next, even if he sends you home, I’ll come get you no matter what.” You promised. “You would not be able to get onto the mountain that our house stands on.” Illumi said, you turned back to him and glared. “You have no idea what I can do assassin,” You glared at him “go home for now, trust me okay?” “Are you sure?” He asked looking at Illumi and it was in the moment that you realised just how much his brother affected him. “I’m sure,” You pulled out a small necklace with an hourglass on it. “You can give this back to me when we come to get you.” “We?” He asked, your hand twitching as you felt Illumi moving behind you. “You think Gon is just going to let you go?” You asked and he shrugged “alright you owe me dinner if he shows up and if he doesn’t I’ll get you a chocolate bar of your choice deal?” “Who are you?” Illumi muttered as he looked at you. “None of your concern.” You answered as you walked back to where you had been standing leaning against the wall, you waved your hand and everyone around you began to move as they had before, the smirk that took place on your face was nothing short of menacing and if Illumi was anyone else he might have rethought his plan however everything went the way that you expected and Killua made his way home.
After Killua’s disqualification everyone else automatically passed, once Gon had woken up the small meeting that followed became more eventful then it needed to be with Gon making a declaration to save Killua “did you put him up to this?” Illumi asked as he looked at you, you sat at the end of one of the tables, hands clasped in front of you as your eyes shifted to him. “Excuse me?” You asked, “Gon let him go, he’s really not worth it.” “He took Killua.” Gon glared. “Mhm and we’re going to go and get him.” You promised “so let go of him and come here.” “You make it sound like I kidnapped my brother but he walked out of his own accord, on your order I believe.” Illumi smirked as you turned in your seat, finally facing him. “What you would have had him do was far worse than me asking him to go home.” You argued. “And how do you know what I would have him do?” He asked. “Time is my toy, I know what you would have had him do, surely you noticed.” You stood walking forward until you were standing behind Gon. “Do you need another demonstration?” Netero cleared his throat drawing your attention back to him and you grabbed Gon dragging him away from the assassin in front of the both of you and sitting him down “don’t worry I have a plan.”
Killua’s rescue was the time that you showed your ability, while the others took the honest route to the house, you took a direct and dangerous route, your ability to manipulate the time around an object made getting to the house easy, you were there within seconds of leaving the others, however the moment that you stepped into the house you were stopped “your from the information broker family am I correct?” You smiled as you looked at Zeno. “I mean there’s nothing left of the organisation that you speak of…” You shrugged. “Yes I remember receiving the warning from your grandfather the day that you were born.” Zeno explained “he promised that you would bring devastation to both families.” “Yes… And then he sent me away so in retaliation I came back and showed him what he had gotten rid of, he lived long enough to regret it and then the family fell.” You answered “but you know that already, so what is it that you want to know, Zeno?” “What do you want with my grandson?” He asked. “Which one?” You asked, he raised an eyebrow. “As it stands I don’t think I’ll ever see eye to eye with your oldest grandson, however Killua the one you’ve all decided a life for, I just want to give the choice back.” “Mm,” Zeno hummed as he waved a hand “follow me.” Zeno led you to a room below the house one that you knew would be your home should you ever get caught by them. “I’m coming in.” Zeno opened the door and inside your eyes found Killua “I believe that will do for now thank you.” “But Grandpa Zeno he isn’t even sorry not one bit!” Milluki complained and you looked at him. “Any reason for the whining or is that just your voice?” You asked as he looked at you. “Who are you?” He asked. “None of your concern.” You answered as you looked at Killua. “You owe me lunch.” “Yeah.” He nodded. “You may go now, Kill.” Zeno spoke. “Okay.” Killua said as he pulled his arms and legs free of the metal cuffs that he had been confined in before winding his shoulders to loosen them walking towards you “damn that hurt, hey Milluki, your right I’m not sorry but I did feel bad that’s why I let you slap me around for a little while.” “What was that?” Milluki asked. “Come on, I'll show you my room.” Killua said, taking your hand and leading you out of the room while slipping the necklace you had given him into your hand a promise fulfilled. “Oh Killua, Silva would like to see you now.” Zeno said. “Dad said that? Okay.” He said as he pulled you out of the room with him. The Zoldycks knew you as the last living information broker and you lived up to the name that travelled the underworld and the smarter of the family figured it was better that you were friends with the future head, they had enough enemies.
You hadn’t meant to catch Hisoka attention however, you were looking after you two self proclaimed little brothers when the overwhelming bloodlust hurtled down the hall they had just turned down, you used yours to push back against coming to stand behind them finding Hisoka sitting on the floor, you knew that he didn’t know your name so you didn’t bother to give him the satisfaction of knowing his “Who’s this clown?” You asked. “Clown?” He asked. “Do you prefer, Joker?” You asked. “Who are you?” He asked. “Me?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed standing. “Go with Mr Wing, he’ll teach you what you need to know.” You ushered them both off lifting your hand to stop that card that Hisoka had thrown as you turned your back. “What about you?” Gon asked. “I’ll be fine, I'll meet you there, don't worry.” You winked, Killua grabbed Gon’s arm pulling him toward Mr Wing who was waiting for them at the end of the hall. “Is there something that I can do for you dear?” Hisoka asked. “What are your intentions with them?” You asked, hand dropping to your side though the card stayed high in the air. “My intentions?” He asked. “I want them to become stronger.” “Stronger? Why?” You asked. “They have potential, surely you know, you’ve felt it, that’s why you're drawn to them.” He smirked. “I just want them to reach their potential, I love to fight but I want to fight strong people, people like you though I doubt you would fight me.” The card moved back in his direction and embedded in the wall behind him. “Don’t give me a reason to fight you, if you do you won’t win.” You warned him, this time when he felt your blood lust pour from your body his lip caught between his teeth. “Interesting little time traveller.” He let his head fall back lazily as you turned away from him again. “Until next time, Jester.” You said before you disappeared.
Hisoka was the one to call you to his room this time, it was after his fight “Didn’t know you had company should I go?” You asked as you appeared leaning against the window. “No please, I was just leaving.” The woman answered. “So what do you want?” You asked. “I want to make a deal with you.” He said and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “It’s clear that you don’t intend to let any harm come to those boys, all I want is for you to continue to protect them while they become stronger.” “I fail to see how I get anything from aligning with you.” You reminded him and he stood from where he was sitting stepping closer to you, had you been anyone weaker you would have been worried about the time you had left on this earth. “I’m losing interest quickly.” “Well when I finally fight them, I promise not to kill them.” He smirked as you looked at him and glared. “Why would you promise that?” You asked. “Because I know that you have no intention of letting me get any closer to them with the fear of their death, if I promise not to kill them, then you’ll let me fight them won’t you.” He smirked. “If they want to. Would the deal still stand if Gon were to fight you here?” You asked. “Of course.” He smirked as he stepped closer still within range of reaching for you, however before he could get too close you used your nen to manipulate the time around him and move towards the door faster than he could catch you. “Consider your deal made, if you break it, I’ll kill you myself.” You warned him, he gave a soft chuckle in response but did nothing as you left.
I look forward to our next meeting. A text message, the only evidence that you had ever been in his room in the first place, to Hisoka you were a force of nature, something to be tested, he’d gladly provide that test for you.
Chrollo was someone that you knew of before going to York New city however you never expected that the boys would end up getting mixed up with the Phantom Troupe and much less their boss. With the boys captured you had one option so you walked into the lobby of the hotel, everyone around you slowing to a stop as you positioned yourself in front of the Troupe. “One chance to let my little brothers go, I don’t want to have to take them back from you, I can be violent when I deem someone a threat.” You warned them “are you both okay?” They nodded and you nodded back before your eyes found Chrollo. “You are?” Chrollo asked, you looked around mock confusion on your face. “You're supposed to be smart, use the context clues.” You grumbled as you increase the rate that time moved around you, moving faster than they could see, easily taking Gon and Killua back from the thieves. “Your ability, how does it work?” Chrollo asked, stepping forward, you smirked at him and shook your head. “Why would I ever tell you that?” You asked. “I’m sure that’s one of the conditions for your ability right?” There was a small quirk of his lips and you looked at him and smirked as you placed yourself between them and the boys. “We find ourselves in need of a new member, would you consider the place in exchange for your brothers’ lives.” Chrollo suggested, you looked at him and smirked. “What is it with all you big boys and your deals?” You asked “I won’t be joining your idol group anytime in the near future.” “Why is that?” He asked. “Because you offer me the place at your side in the hopes that I won’t stab you in the back and should I accept the position, you would be right to assume your safety. I have no intention of stabbing anyone in the back.” You informed him “my ability affords me the luxury of stabbing you in the heart and watching the light leave your eyes when I’m ready to let you go, I promise you that will be the only outcome the next time that you threaten those I call my family.” “You're an interesting one.” He smirked as you turned away from him and lifted to accelerate the time around you, Killua and Gon as left concealing the direction you fled in. To Chrollo, you were a proposition that he intended to pursue and secure before anyone else could.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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After School Special
*3rd Person POV*
Sam, dressed as an orderly, was sitting in a chair with a clipboard talking to April, a young teen that had killed a classmate at school by drowning her in the toilets in the girl's bathroom. "I'm not talking about it anymore. I already told the cops and the doctors. No one believes me. They think I'm crazy." April said, upset. "Well, I'm a little bit more open-minded than most. April, why did you tell the police you were possessed?" Sam asked her.
"It doesn't matter." April said, shaking her head. "It matters to me." Sam said and April sighs. "When I -- when I hurt Taylor, I was there, in my head, but I couldn't control my body. I could see what I was doing, but I couldn't stop. I just wanted to stop. I'm sorry." She explained. "You don’t need to apologize." Sam said and April looks down.
"April, some of the kids at school told the police that you and Taylor didn't get along." he said. "Well, yeah, but I never wanted to kill her. Never. Do you believe me?" she asked him. "Yeah, I do. Just a couple more questions. On the day this happened, did you...happen to smell anything?" he asked her side she furrows her brow.
"Anything...like what?" she asked. "Like rotten eggs or...sulfur?" Sam listed off. "Um, no." she said. "Okay. Um, did you notice any black smoke?" Sam asked and April looked at him like he grew a second head. "What are you, crazy?" she asked.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam approaches the Impala, where Dean and I were waiting for him, and climbs in the back door. "So?" Dean asked him as we turn to look at him. "I think she's telling the truth. I mean, the way she talked about being there mentally but not physically -- kind of sounds like demonic possession to me." Sam said. "Kind of?" I asked him.
"She didn't see any black smoke or smell sulfur." Sam said. "Maybe it's not a demon. I mean, kids can be vicious." Dean said. "Well, I mean, we're already here. Might as well check out the school." Sam said and Dean frowns a bit. "Right. The school." Dean grumbles.
"What?" Sam asked him. "Truman High, home of the Bombers." Dean said and I turn to him. "What's your point?" I asked him. "I mean, we went there, like...for a month a million years ago." He replied then he looks back at Sam. "Why are you so jazzed to go back?" He asked Sam. "I'm not. I just think it's worth looking into." Sam said.
"All right, well, what's our cover? FBI? Homeland Security? Swedish exchange students?" Dean asked and Sam smirks a bit. "Don't worry. I got an idea." He said. "Okay." Dean said and he starts the car. "Should I be worried, Sam?" I asked him and he shakes his head as we drive off. "You'll be fine." He said. "Famous last words." I grumbled.
Dad pulls the motorcycle up to the school and I look up at as I unlatch the straps on my helmet. "Do I really have to go here, Daddy?" I asked as I scrunch up my nose as I look up at the school. "I know, sweetheart, I know going around to so many schools is a pain but this hunt shouldn't take us long." Dad said as I remove the helmet and fix my pigtails.
I pout and sigh as I climb off of the motorcycle. "Hey, you won't be alone. Sam and Dean will be with you." Dad said and I bit the inside of my cheek to hide the smile but I wasn't fast enough to hide is as Dad took notice. "I knew that would get a smile from you. Would you like to tell me which of those boys I need to have a talk with?" Dad asked and I, quickly, turn my head to him.
"N-No. I-I just like to hang out with Sam." I said, quickly. "Oh, it's Sam I gotta talk to?" Dad asked me, grinning. "He and I are just friends, Dad." I said, exasperated. "Uh-huh..sure." Dad said, not believing me. "Sam is like a brother to me, Dad." I said. "And what about Dean?" Dad asked and I felt my heart jump up in my throat. 
In all honesty, I kinda have...no, not kinda...I do have a crush on Dean. I do find him cute and I grew to like him more the older I've gotten. I also like how protective he is to the people he cares about (which is mainly me and Sam), standing his ground and how brave he is.
Pretty much the kind've guy any girl would love to have....minus him always flirting with any girl that he sees. Whenever I had to be with the Winchesters and we would go to different schools, while Dad and Mr Winchester went out on a hunt, I kept have this sick feeling every time I see Dean flirting with other girls.
But deep down I know that Dean would never see me in the way he sees the others girls. I'm four years younger than him and I just have a feeling Dean only sees me as a little sister. Which sucks.
Before I could reply, we hear the sound of an engine and we look and see the familiar black Impala. "Oh, speak of the devil." Dad said as Sam and Dean walk out. "Thanks, Dad." Dean said as he looks through the window then turns to Sam before they walk into the school. "Okay, honey, you have a good day." Dad said and I nod. "Love you." He said. "Love you too." I tell him and he turns behind him, giving Mr Winchester a thumbs up, and they take off while I go over to Dean and Sam.
"I'm just sick of always being the new kid." I hear Sam say, upset. "You'll be fine. If anyone gives you any trouble, you let me know. Relax. Dad said this hunt will take him and (f/n) two weeks, tops. As soon as they get back, we're out of here." Dean assures him. "To another school. Awesome." Sam grumbles.
"Hey, guys." I greeted and they turn to me. "Well, lookie here, it's Pipi Longstocking." Dean teased me, gesturing at my pigtails, and I scoff at him but I felt the heat on my cheeks and Sam smiles at me. "Hey, (y/n)!" He said and we hug each other.
"If it makes you feel better, Sam. I'm not really happy about this either." I said. "Hey, like I said, it shouldn't take them long to do this hunt. We'll be out of here before you two know it." Dean tries to assure us but Sam and I share a look of disbelief. Then we head inside the school and make our way down the hall and into the principal's office. 
After getting our class schedules, we walked out of there and back out into hallway then Dean turns to us. "Well, good luck, you two." He said as he pats Sam's shoulder then he goes and ruffles the top of my head. "Hey!" I exclaimed and he chuckles as he walks and I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter when I see Dean smile.
Next thing I knew, Sam and I were standing in front of our class and the teacher, Mr Wyatt, begins to introduce us. "Ladies and gentlemen, please say hello to Sam Winchester and (y/n) (l/n)." He said. "Hi, Sam. Hi, (y/n)." Our classmates said while Sam and I stand there and I felt very uncomfortable.
"Is there anything you two would like to tell us about yourselves?" Mr Wyatt asked us. "Not really." Sam said and I shake my head, gulping. "Okay. Uh, grab a seat." Mr Wyatt said and both Sam and I walk down the aisle to a couple of empty desks that were behind each other. We place our backpacks on our respective desks and I heard a clank of a metal hitting the surface. 
I look over and see Sam's knife had fallen out on the seat. He quickly grabs it and hides it, but not before I could see this one kid, dark hair and glasses, sees it. "Whoa, that's yours? Awesome!" he said as Sam sits down in the desk in front of me as I sit down in mine as Mr Wyatt begins his class.
"All right, gang...essay assignment." he said and all the kids began to groan, disappointed. "Yeah, yeah, my heart breaks for you." he said as he goes to write on the chalkboard. "Hey...I'm Barry." Barry introduced to us in a whisper. "Sam." Sam greeted. "(Y/n)." I said as Mr Wyatt continues. "Okay, now, I want three pages of your most memorable family experience. Just a reminder though, this is going to be worth half your final grade…" he said but then I look over to my left and noticed this bigger boy, with a mop of curly hair, flicking Barry's ear.
"Leave him alone." I said to the bigger boy and Sam turns his head to see who I was talking to. "Shh, I'm going for a record." The boy said as he continues flicking Barry's ear while Mr Wyatt continues on. "I don’t care what you write about, or even how you write about it. I’m looking for the brutal, funny, maybe even painful, truth. OK everybody, any questions? OK, let’s get started."
"Hey, she said, leave him alone." Sam said to the kid and the kid looks over at us. "You want to take his place...midget?" The kid asked with a sneer. Sam sits there then turns his body in his seat and glares at the kid. "Yeah. Sure." He said and I give a worried look at Sam.
Dean's gonna kill him if he gets into a fight. I thought as the kid looked taken aback by Sam's boldness.
Present Day
I walked out of the library and started to walk out into the hallway to find the boys as the bell rings to dismiss classes. I was wearing a black skirt, black heels and a white button up blouse and black rectangular shaped glasses, looking like a librarian.
After catching a few teen boys looking at me as if this was the first time they had seen a girl, I meet up with Sam, who is dressed as a janitor and pushing a cart. "Hey, Sam." I called out and he turns to me. "Hey, you find anything?" He asked me. "No, nothing. You?" I asked and he shakes his head. 
"Hmm...maybe there's nothing here. Maybe Dean was right, kids are just vicious." I said, shrugging. "Yeah, maybe...hey, you remember, Mr Wyatt?" Sam asked me as we head to the gym. "Yeah...what about him?" I asked and Sam smirks. "He's still teaching here." He said. "Wow, shouldn't he be like...in retirement age?" I asked and he shrugs. "Guess not." He said as we come upon the gym doors. "Well, he was a good teacher for the short time we got with him." I said and we enter the gym.
At that moment, I stop in my tracks as I see Dean standing before the line of kids. He was wearing a white t-shirt, tight red shorts and a red headband on his head. Something about seeing him dressed like that made my heart beat go crazy, especially those shorts.
"Ms. Boudreaux never let us play dodge ball." the boy said. "Well, Ms. B's in Massachusetts getting married, so we're playing." Dean said. "She says it's dangerous." the boy points out and Dean blows his whistle that was around his neck. "Take a lap!" Dean shouts. "But --" the boy said but Dean blows his whistle again and the boy runs and Sam waves to get Dean's attention.
He looks over at us and I noticed that his eyes widen at my outfit then he throws the bag of balls to the class. "Go nuts." He said and he walks over to us. "Having fun?" Sam asked Dean. "The whistle makes me their God." Dean said, proudly, and Sam chuckles. 
"Right. Nice shorts." I said, nodding towards his shorts. He looks down at them then over at me. "Nice skirt." He said as his eyebrow raises up in interest while his eyes look down at my skirt. The corner of my lips twitches up a bit then I said. "Eyes up here, horndog." 
He looks back at me but before he could say anything, Sam speaks up. "Guys, I'm right here." He said and Dean and I get back to focus at the task. "Yeah, right, right....uh, Find anything?" Dean asked Sam. "I've been over the entire school twice. No sulfur." Sam replied. "Yeah, I've check as well. Nothing." I said.
"No sulfur, no demon. No demon, no case." Dean said. "I don't know. Maybe I was wrong." Sam said, shrugging. "Well, it happens to the best of us. I say we hit the road, huh? But after lunch -- it’s sloppy-joe day." Dean said, smirking, then we heard a loud thud. "Ohh!" The boy said and he runs by us, holding his nose.
"Good hustle, Colby! Walk it off!" Dean tells the kid and Sam and I shake our heads at this. "I met up with you guys later." Sam said and he grabs the cart and walks away. "Yeah, I better head off too." I said as I start to turn on my heels. I barely take a few steps when I hear a wolf whistle behind me. I look over my shoulder to find Dean staring after me with a lustful look, along with a smirk. I smirk back and decided to tease him.
"Like what you see, Coach?" I asked him did a little pose as if I were a model. "Oh yeah. You pull off that sexy librarian look real well. You should wear that more often." He said as his eyes roam my body. "I will...if you start wearing that more often." I said as I gesture to his outfit. He raises an intrigued eyebrow at me and I wink at him before I walk away from him, swaying my hips in a way I know would drive Dean crazy.
Minutes later, Sam leads me and Dean down a deserted school hallway, taking us to this room where he found this boy having ectoplasm oozing out of him after he grabbed another kid's arm and shoved it into a Cuisinart, after the boy bullied him.
"How's the nonviolence assembly going?" Sam asked Dean. "Apparently, shoving a kid's arm into a Cuisinart is not a healthy display of anger." Dean replied. "So, the kid had ectoplasm leaking out his ear?" I asked Sam and he nods. "Which only comes from a seriously pissed-off spirit. It's got to be ghost possession." He said. "Yeah, but that's pretty rare." Dean said.
"Yeah, but it happens. I mean, they get angry enough, they can take control of a person's body." Sam explained. "All right, so, what, we got a ghost in the building?" Dean asked. "Yeah, but where? I mean, there's no EMF." Sam said, exasperated, and I think for a moment.
"Maybe we could find out who it is, at least. You know, check and see if somebody died bloody around here or something." I suggested. "Way ahead of you. I had to break into the principal's office to get this." Dean said as he pulls out a paper from his pocket and unfolds it. 
"So, there was only one death on campus. It was a suicide back in '98. Some kid named Barry Cook." Dean said and Sam and I share a look of recognition. "What?" Dean asked and I sigh, sadly, at this. "(Y/n) and I knew him." Sam said and I bite my lips feeling so horrible for Barry.
"How did he die?" I asked Dean, upset. "He slit his wrists in the first-floor girls' bathroom." He said and I close my eyes at this. "That's where --" Sam started to say but Dean finishes it for him. "Right where the chick got swirleyed to death, exactly. So, what? This ghost is possessing nerds?" Dean asked.
"And using them to go after bullies, yeah." I said as I open my eyes to look between the boys. "Well, does that sound like Barry’s M.O.?" Dean asked. "Barry had a hard time." Sam said, sympathetically.
It was between classes and there were students in the hallway, all heading to their next classes. Sam and I were walking down the hall and saw Barry walking down the hall when another student bumps him and makes him drop his books.
Sam and I see this and we go and help him pick up his stuff. "Thanks, guys." Barry said. "Great school." Sam said qwqithq sarcasm. "I don't care. Three years, and I'm out of here. I'm going to Michigan State. They got the best vet program in the country." Barry said after we hand his stuff to him and began to walk down the hallway.
"Do you like animals?" I asked Barry and he nods. "They're a lot nicer than people." He said and I let out a small laugh. We were walking to class when closet door opens and out comes Dean and some pretty blonde girl, both looking a bit disheveled.
That sick feeling came back up and I bite my lips at this as Dean noticed us. "Yo! Sammy! (y/n)!" He calls out and waves at us. Sam and I wave, unenthusiastically, at him then he and the girl leave, the girl giggles as they run down the hall.
"That's your brother with Amanda Heckerling?" Barry asked Sam, who nods. "He's cool." Barry said, smiling. "Yeah. He thinks so." Sam mutters while I just look down and stare at my feet, fiddling with the straps of my backpack. 
I don't know what this feeling is but I really don't like it. I mean when we were younger, I could at least talk to Dean but lately it's like I can't get words out when I see him and I sound like a stuttering idiot. 
I wish I could be as confident as those girls Dean goes after. Maybe then, Dean would see me in a different light and not see me as this little girl he has to babysit along with his brother.
"Hey, tough guy." A loud voice shouts and Sam, Barry and I look over and see Dirk, the bully, coming over to us. "I been looking for you. Still want to take Barry’s place?" Dirk asked Sam.
"Get out of here, Barry." Sam warned Barry. "I'll go get a teacher." Barry said and he runs off while Dirk towers over Sam, I stood beside Sam. "You want to go?" Dirk asked Sam. "I'm not gonna fight you, Dirk." Sam said. "Why not? You chicken?" Dirk asked as he shoves Sam. "Hey, leave him alone!" I shout and Dirk looks at me then back at Sam.
"You're gonna let your girlfriend fight for ya? Come on!" Dirk shouts as he shoves him again. "No." Sam refuses then Dirk hits Sam, who falls to the ground. He stays there, looking up at Dirk, while I go over to Dirk. "Stop it!" I shout as I try to push him back. But he didn't budge and then he shoves me down, hard. 
I yelped in pain as I land on my side while Dirk turns his attention to Sam, who looked over at me with worry. "Get up! Get up! Come on! Get up! Don't let your girlfriend fight your fights for you!" Dirk shouts at him. "I'm not his girlfriend!" I yelled just as Mr Wyatt comes in.
"Hey, get back! Get back. That is enough." he said as he grabs Dirk and they walk away. Sam watches them then gets up and walks over to me. "You okay?" He asked me as he helps me up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Probably gonna be bruised in the morning." I said as I rub my side.
Present Day
That night, the boys and I were standing at Barry's grave after we had dug up his coffin. Sam puts in the salt, I poured out the fuel and Dean throws in the lighted match. "So long, Barry Cook." Dean said and I frown as Barry's corpse was engulfed in flames and I couldn't help but feel awful for him.
Later, we were in the Impala, Dean driving, Sam in the backseat and I was in the passenger seat, and I leaned against the window, looking out at the dark woods. "You two all right?" Dean asked us but I don't respond, still feeling like utter crap.
"Barry was mine and (y/n)'s friend. We just burned his bones." Sam said, gloomy. "Well, he's at peace now, guys." Dean assured us and I felt his hand pat my leg, comforting. "If Dad and John had let us stay just a little while longer, maybe we could have helped the kid, you know?" I said, sadly.
"You read the coroner's report same as me. Barry was on every anxiety drug and antidepressant known to man. School was hell for that kid. His parents had split up. He just wanted out. It was tragic, but it's not yours or Sam's fault. To tell you the truth, I'm glad we got out of that town. I hated that school." Dean said. "It wasn't all bad." Sam said. "Yeah, probably one of the best schools I've been to." I said as I look over at Dean.
"How can you say that after what happened to you two?" Dean asked us and I start to remember that day.
Sam, Dean and I were sitting on the small bleachers by the school. Dean had found out about our fight with Dirk and he was not happy as he paced across from us. "That kid's dead." Dean growls. "Dean." I said, in a soft exasperated voice, but he ignores me.
"I'm gonna rip his lungs out!" Dean yells. "It's not a big deal." Sam said. "Not a big deal? Sammy, look at yourself. If Dad was here --" Dean said, angrily. "He's not." Sam said. "Well, I am! And as soon I'm finished with that dick --" Dean growls, angrily, and I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Shut up, okay?! We don't need your help." Sam said as he gestures between me and him and Dean stops his pacing and stands in front of him. "That's right, you don't. You two could have torn him apart. So why didn't you?" Dean asked us. "Because I don't want to be the freak for once, Dean. I want to be normal." Sam said. "Me too." I said.
"So taking a beating -- that's normal?" Dean asked, annoyed. "It's better than being seen as the weirdo." I muttered and Dean gives me an unimpressed look. But before he could say anything, Sam changes the subject.
"Any word from Dad? Or Mr (l/n)?" Sam asked. "Dad called this morning, said he's going to be another week at least. We weren’t supposed to be here this long." Dean said, sounding a bit annoyed and impatient, and I look down. "At least you've got Amanda. She’s cool." Sam said and I felt the sick feeling again once hearing her name. "Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents." Dean said and that feeling started to leave. Dean sounded annoyed by this and for some reason this made me feel a bit better.
Later, class was dismissed and Sam and I start to leave with the rest of the class until Mr Wyatt calls out to us. "Mr. Winchester, Miss (l/n) can I talk to you two?" he asked and Sam and I share a look then goes over to Mr Wyatt's desk, Barry walks up behind us.
"Um...I'll wait for you outside." Barry said and he walks out of the classroom. "Look, if this is about the fight, we didn't start it." Sam said to Mr Wyatt. "Oh, no, it's not about the fight, kids. You know this assignment was nonfiction, right?" He asked us. "Yes, Mr. Wyatt." Sam and I said after we share a look.
"So you and your family killed a werewolf last summer? And, (y/n), you and your dad killed a vampire couple of years ago? Why would you two write something like this?" Mr Wyatt asked us and I shrug. "It doesn't matter." I said and Sam nods. "Yeah...as soon as my Dad and her Dad get back, we're leaving, so you can flunk me if you want to." Sam said and I nod. "Yeah, me too." I said and Mr Wyatt shakes his head.
"I'm not flunking you two. I'm giving both of you an "A." Now, aside from the werewolf, is that really how you'd describe your family, Sam?" Mr Wyatt asked Sam. "Yeah." Sam said. "Well, your brother is quite a character. And your father -- he seems, uh, driven. Anyway, it's good, Sam. It’s really good." Mr Wyatt said then he turns to me. "And, (y/n), this is also good. Your father...the way you write him, it's almost like he's Superman." He said then he looks between us.
"Have you two ever thought about pursuing writing?" he asked us. "I can't. I have to go into the family business." Sam said and I shrug again. "I don't think writings for me." I said while Mr Wyatt gives Sam a curious look. "Family business?" Mr Wyatt asked us. "Yeah, my, aah -- my dad's a mechanic. So I have to be a mechanic, too." Sam said. 
"Do you want to go in the family business, Sam?" Mr Wyatt asked Sam, who seemed surprised by this question. "No one's ever asked me that before." He said. "Well?" Mr Wyatt asked. "More than anything, no." Sam said and I place a hand on his shoulder.
"Well...I don't want to overstep my bounds here, but...you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Look, I mean, I know what it's like. I come from a family of surgeons, and that wasn't me. So, you know, I traded in the money and prestige of being a doctor for all the glamour you see around you." Mr Wyatt said and Sam and I chuckle before he continues. "But the point is...there may be three or four big choices that shape someone's whole life, and you need to be the one that makes them, not anyone else. You two seem like a great kids. Just live the life you two want to live." 
Present Day
"We came back here so you could talk to a teacher?" Dean asked Sam as we pull up to the school. "He's a good guy." Sam said. "I second that." I said and Dean rolls his eyes. "Well, whatever. Go have your Robin Williams O captain! My captain! moment. Just make it quick." Dean said and Sam walks out of the Impala.
*3rd Person POV*
Sam is walking down a deserted hallway, running his hand through his hair as he walks while deep in thought. "Excuse me, sir, can you tell me find room 305?" A young woman asked Sam as she approaches him. Sam stops and shakes his head and responds to her. "Sure. Um...head down the hall, take your first right, and it’s the third door on the left." He said and the girl smiles. "Thanks, Sam." She said, smiling.
Then she takes out a knife and stabs him in the stomach. "You got tall, Winchester." She growls and she kicks him in the face. He falls to the ground then opens a small jar he grabs from his jacket pocket as the girl approaches him. Then he grabs her and forces the salt in her mouth.
The ghost looks like it is ripped from her body and flies out the door. She collapses, and Sam sits in the hall holding her, looking around.
*(y/n)'s POV*
"Trust me. This will help." Dean said to Sam as he hands him a beer after I helped fix Sam's wound. We were sitting on the Impala and Sam had just told us what happened to him when he entered the school. "That ghost is dead. I'm gonna rip its lungs out! Well, you know what I mean." Dean growls. "It knew my name, Dean. My real name. We burned Barry’s bones. What the hell?" Sam said, confused, while I go and review the file we got.
"Well, maybe it wasn't Barry. Maybe we missed something. We just got to go back." Dean said and I noticed something in the file. "No way. How did we not see this before?" I said, shocked. "What?" Both of the boys asked then I hold up a picture. "Check it out -- Look, Martha Dumptruck, Revenge of the Nerds, and Hello Kitty -- they rode the same bus." I said. "Okay, so maybe the bus is haunted." Sam said, shrugging.
"Well, that would explain why there's no EMF at the school, but not the attacks. I mean, ghosts are tied to the places that they haunt. They can't just bail." Dean said and I nod. "Exactly." I said. "Unless this one can. Guys, there's lore about spirits possessing people and riding them for miles, then whenever they leave the body, they're bungeed back to their usual haunt. But until then, the ghosts can go wherever they want." Sam said.
"So a spook just grabs a kid on the bus and walks right into Truman?" Dean asked. "It's possible." Sam said. "Ghosts getting creative -- well, that's super." Dean said with sarcasm.
Later, Sam is in the back of the bus with an EMF meter. Dean and I were up front, searching for some clue of the ghost. "Definitely ain't clean." Sam said. "Here, ghosty, ghosty, ghosty! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Dean said and I look over at Dean. "It's not a dog, Dean." I said.
"Man, I don't get it. No one ever died on this bus, and it's not like there's a body hidden in here." Sam said. "Yeah, but a flap of skin, a hair, I mean, hell, a hangnail -- something's got to be tying the ghost to this place. We just got to find it." Dean said as I go to the front of the bus and look through the papers.
"Got a new driving permit. Issued two weeks ago." I said as I held up the papers. "Just before the first attack." Sam mutters. "Yeah. Name of the bus driver is..." I stopped as I read the name, recognizing it. "...Dirk McGregor Sr., 39 North Central Avenue." I said as I look over Sam and we share a look of realization.
"What? Guys, what's wrong?" Dean asked us and Sam and I turn to him. "We knew his son." I said. "Did you two know everybody at this school?" Dean asked us, exasperated. "Well, unlike you, Dean where you were trying to get laid, Sam and I were trying to have a somewhat normal life." I said.
School was letting out and Sam, Barry and I were walking out of it as we talked until Barry was pushed down by Dirk. "Got to watch where you're going, man." Dirk sneered at Barry as I help him up. "Leave him alone, Dirk." Sam said to Dirk.
"You never learn, do you, midget?" Dirk asked Sam as he turns to him. "Get to the bus, Barry." I tell him and Barry runs off while Dirk pushes Sam. "Hey!" I shout and I run towards Dirk but he pushes me back as well.
"What's the matter? You two scared? Don't worry. I'll go easy on you two this time. Come on, Losers. Let’s see what you got." Dirk taunts us as Sam and I slowly get up while a crowd of kids start to gather around and watch us. "Come on, freaks! Freaks!" Dirk shouts at us and Sam and I stand up and, deciding we had enough, began to fight back.
Dirk was caught off guard by us fighting back and he tried to take a few swings at us but we ducked then we'd punch him, hard. Eventually, Sam knocks him down. "You're not tough. You're just a jerk. Dirk the jerk." Sam said and the kids began to chant Dirk the jerk and Dirk looks around at everyone, embarrassed and scared, before he runs off.
Present Day
"So, you were friends with Dirk?" Mr McGregor asked us as we walk in his living room. "Yes, sir, in high school." Sam said. "I don't recall Dirk having many friends at Truman. Here, sit. Sit down." Mr McGregor said and we sit on the couch across from him.
"When did, uh -- when did Dirk pass?" I asked him. "He was 18." Mr McGregor replied. "What happened to him?" Sam asked. "Well, there was, first, drinking, then drugs, and then too many drugs. And then he just slipped through my fingers. It was my fault. I should have seen it coming, you know? Dirk, he, uh -- he had his troubles." Mr McGregor said.
"What kind of troubles?" Dean asked. "School was never easy for Dirk. We didn't have much money, and, well, you know, kids -- they can be cruel. They picked on him." Mr McGregor said and I furrow my brow. "They picked on him?" I asked. "They called him poor and dirty and stupid. They even had a nickname for him -- Dirk the jerk. And after what happened to his mother, he…" Mr McGregor said before he stops.
"His mother?" Sam asked. "Yeah, Jane, my wife. She died when Dirk was 13. Cancer. I was working three jobs, so it fell to Dirk to take care of her. And he was a great kid. He made sure Jane got her medicine. He helped her, cleaned up after her. But, you know, you -- you watch somebody die slow, waste away to nothing...it does things to a person. Horrible things." He said.
"We didn't know about his mother." I said, starting to feel bad for Dirk. "He -- he wouldn't talk about her, not even to me. Lot of anger in that boy." Mr McGregor explained and I frown. "I'm sorry." I said and Sam nods. "Yeah  me too." He said.
"Well, we'd really like to pay our respects, Mr. McGregor. Um, you mind telling us where Dirk is buried? Dean asked him. "Oh, he wasn't. I had him cremated." Mr McGregor said. "All of him?" Dean asked his brow furrowed. "Well, I kept a lock of his hair." Mr McGregor said. "Oh, that's -- that's nice. Where do you keep that?" Dean asked. "On my bus, in my Bible." Mr McGregor said and the boys and I share a quick look.
That night, the boys and I stay off to the side waiting for the  Mr McGregor's bus come down the road after taking a sports team to a game. We had laid down spikes on the road and, eventually, it drives over them and the bus serves to the side. The bus door opens and the driver steps out of it. 
Sam and I walk up and cock our shotguns. "Dirk!" Sam yells and the driver turns to us, smiling. The driver was possessed by Dirk. "Winchester and (l/n). What are you two gonna do, shoot me?" Dirk asked then Dean sneaks up behind him and wraps a rope around his middle.
"Don't need to. That rope is soaked in salt water, Dirk. You're not going anywhere." I said and Dean heads into the bus. "All right, everybody stay where you are. You'll be okay." Dean said to the passengers.
"Aren't you the P.E. Teacher?" I hear a kid asked and I smirk. "Not really. I'm like 21 Jump Street. The bus driver sells pot." Dean said and he goes to look for the lock of hair on the bus. "It's not here!" Dean shouts and Sam and I turn to Dirk.
"Where is it?" Sam asked Dirk. "No way you'll ever find it." Dirk said, smiling, then I push my shotgun to his chest. "Where is it?!" I demanded. "Sam Winchester and (y/n) (l/n). Still a couple of bullies. You, you jocks...you popular kids...you stuck up bitches...you always thought you were better than everybody else. And to you two, I was just Dirk the jerk, right? Now you evil sons of bitches are gonna get what's coming to you." Dirk growls.
"(Y/n) and I are not evil, Dirk. We're not. And neither were you. Trust me. (Y/n) and I have seen real evil. We were scared and miserable, and we took it out on each other -- us and everybody else. That's high school. But you suffer through that, and it gets better." Sam said. "We're just sorry you didn't get a chance to see that...you or Barry." I said and Dirk continues to glare at us. "Nothing is gonna get better for me. Not ever." He growls then he breaks out of the rope.
I fire salt at him, and his spirit flies back to the bus while the man he possessed falls backwards. Sam and I look around until Sam was attacked from behind by a student, who is now possessed by Dirk. "SAM!" I shout as Dirk knocks him down I go and aim my shotgun but Dirk knocks the gun out of my hands and starts to beat me up. 
Dean runs out of the bus and fires a salt shot at him but misses. "Dean! Find the hair!" I shout as Sam gets up and helps me fight Dirk and I see Dean run over to the driver before Dirk goes to throw a punch at me but I duck and then Sam punches him behind his head and Dirk turns to him.
"Hey, buddy, this isn't what it looks like." Dean said then a few seconds later Dirk screams and flies out of the student and the student falls onto Sam. "Little help?" Sam calls out, strained, and I go over to him and help. "He's giving you the full cowgirl." Dean jokes and I shake my head at this. "Dean, please help." I said and Dean comes over and helps me.
The hallway was full of students as Sam and I walk down the hall. As we pass, the kids say things like good job, guys, Sam and (y/n), great job with Dirk the jerk and give us high-fives. Sam and I smile at each other and I, honestly, felt good and confident for the first time in my life.
But then Dean comes up and he looked relieved. "Hey, Dad and Mr (l/n) are back." He said and Sam and I frown a bit but nod.
Later, we were waiting outside as the Impala and my dad's motorcycle pulls up. "I can't wait to get the hell out of here. This place sucks." Dean said as he gets into the Impala but Sam and I turn around and see Barry sitting by the window, looking out at us. Sam and I wave at him and he waves back at us.
"Come on, Sam." Dean yells and I turn to Sam. "See you, later." I said. "See ya." Sam said and we hug each other and I look over at Dean. "See ya, Dean!" I said, happily, and I run over to Dad's motorcycle while Sam got into the Impala.
"Hey, kiddo." Dad greets me as I get on the back of the bike and grab the helmet. "Hey, Dad. Guess the hunting job went well?" I asked and Dad nods. "Yes. How was school?" Dad asked and I looked back at the school and a small smile forms on my lips. "Actually, it wasn't that bad." I said, smiling fondly.
Present Day
Dean and I were standing by the Impala as we waited for Sam to talk to Mr Wyatt. I was leaning against the car as I look over the school building, thinking about our time we spent here all those years ago.
"Whatcha thinking?" Dean asked and I turn my head to him. "Just...reminiscing." I said and he stares at me. "Why do you and Sam like this place so much? This place sucked." Dean grumbles. "Oh, just cause you didn't get laid with...what was her name...Amanda? Doesn't mean this place was bad." I said. "Besides, Sam and I made some good memories here, even if we spent a short amount of time here before we moved on."
Dean huffs at this and I shake my head. "Well...you wanna know something?" I asked him and he turns back to me. "What's that?" He asked me. "I was jealous of Amanda." I replied. "What? Why?" Dean asked and I scoffed. "Cause she had your attention." I said.
“How come you didn’t tell me?” Dean asked, furrowing his brow, and I shake my head, amused. “Because I thought you only saw me as a sister since I’m the same age as Sam. And I just thought it was a stupid little girl crush. I kept thinking you'd never see me in that way." I explained and I let out a humorless laugh. "I do now." He said and we share a smile.
"So...back then did you have like...a diary and write my name with hearts written over it?" Dean asked, teasingly, and I scoff. "Oh, c'mon, nothing like Dear Diary, I'm gonna see Dean again. I'm so excited I might pee myself?" He asked me and I let out a small laugh then punch his arm, playfully. "Would it help you sleep at night if I admit it?" I asked. "Maybe...yeah." he said and I smirk. "Then no, I didn't." I said. "Oh, c'mon!" He said and I stick my tongue out at him.
"You can be such a weirdo sometimes." Dean said. "And you can be a jackass sometimes." I said and I take his hand in mine. "But I love you anyway." I said and he smiles. "I love you too." He said and we share a kiss.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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devildom-moss · 1 year
You know that hit game FNAF?
I hope you do.
Anyways, could you write headcanons about how well the side characters would be at playing it?
Thanks <3
Okay, so I have never played this game - or really had any interest in playing it, so I watched some guy play one of the games, and I did a bit of research. Sorry this took so long! I did my best, though... I'm finally almost done with requests. I've got two more left (good news for the Solomon lovers).
The others playing FNAF headcanons (dateables + new sides)
Diavolo downloaded it after tuning in to one of Levi’s streams.
He found it amusing. Scary animatronics are so entertaining – although he thinks they’re more cute than scary.
Laughs in the face of jump scares and death. “Haha, look, Barbatos. The big fox one killed me. I’m dead now.” / “That’s very nice, My Lord. Did you finish your paperwork already?” / “. . .uhm.” / “You have ten seconds before we reenact your game. I’ll be the fox.”
Does not care about the lore. He’ll listen and might retain some details when Levi explains it, but he will not dig deep or look for easter eggs.
He kinda sucks, but he has a good time, and isn’t that what matters? He’s not super careful or watchful because it’s just a game. There’s nothing at stake, so he can relax and just mess around.
His favorite character is Foxy, and it’s genuinely as simple as “he’s red, and he’s a pirate.”
He has no interest in playing at first.
Slight aside: I think he’d like horror games, but he strikes me as more of a cinematic, artsy horror game guy – like Bramble or Little Nightmares. He also strikes me as someone who might enjoy farming sims, like he would love Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. Pumpkin Panic would probably be a happy medium.
He’ll play if Diavolo, MC, or Luke ask him to; for anyone else, he’ll politely decline. Surprisingly, he’s not too bad. He’ll probably die once or twice, but he figures out what he has to do pretty quickly.
Barbatos doesn’t react to jump scares, and he avoids them as much as possible. He can play without moving his face – at least until one of the three people who could get him to play compliments him. In that case, he’ll smile a bit wider.
Nothing in that game could be more horrifying to Barbatos than Chuck E. Cheese – a real human world place where people take their children for some unfathomable reason. It’s run by a rat! That’s one of the reasons he won’t play if Solomon asks him too. One time Solomon loaded a Chuck E. Cheese mod version of the game that he asked Levi to make, and Barbatos nearly broke the control from fright.
The game is a little too scary for his liking, but he still plays it occasionally – just not alone. He gets more paranoid and jumpier for a few days after he plays, but he’ll insist that he’s fine to keep playing if anyone asks.
He’s not great, but he’s still the best out of everyone at Purgatory Hall. He tenses up and just either goes wide-eyed or starts yelling at the characters in the game, but other than that, at least he knows what he’s doing.
Luke likes all the toy versions of the animatronics because they look cute, but the nightmare ones freak him out.
A wave of relief washes over him once he beats a game. He’s so happy that he can finally turn the game off.
This poor man does not understand how to play – at all. He forgets which keys do what constantly, so he can’t react fast enough.
It’s a very stressful experience for him when he tries to play – all 10 minutes or so before he loses. Simeon doesn’t get scared so much as he just repeatedly asks what he’s supposed to do with increasing urgency.
Simeon would prefer to watch someone else play, but overall, he isn’t that interested in the game.
However, Simeon does find the lore and story interesting, so if he watches Levi or Luke playing, he’ll ask them questions about the plot.
Somehow, watching Luke play makes him more anxious than when he plays – probably because he doesn’t want Luke to lose and be disappointed.
Solomon enjoys it because it’s supposed to be dark and scary, but it doesn’t actually scare him at all – barring a few cheap jump scares. Still, he kind of likes it.
Unfortunately, Solomon kind of sucks. Like Diavolo, he finds the game so amusing that he just chuckles when things get stressful. He’s the type to hear or see something spooky in the game and do nothing just to see what happens. Okay, so maybe Solomon doesn’t suck, he just likes to see how the animatronics are going to get him – a real “oh boy, I sure hope I die” approach.
Solomon loves watching Luke play. It’s hilarious when Luke freaks out – and it’s even funnier to watch Simeon get nervous on his behalf.
Unironically thinks the nightmare versions are cute.
She hates jump scares so much.
She played once, and at the first jump scare, she let out a stifled shriek, pressed esc, put her cat ear headphones down, and left the room (to go find MC, probably).
No thank you. She doesn’t need that stress in her life. She will not try that again. She might watch someone else play but only if MC is there to comfort her or if it’s to laugh at Mammon for being scared.
She’s not afraid of the game, per se, she just doesn’t like being startled. She thinks the characters are cute, in a way - like creepy cute.
He thinks it’s stupid, and he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular. Raphael doesn’t care for gaming in general – but especially horror. He doesn’t want to simulate a stressful situation for no reason. If he wanted stress, he’d call Michael.
Raphael will try the game if Luke asks him to, and he does alright, but gets bored right up until he messes something up and dies. You wouldn’t even be able to tell he was in trouble. An immoveable frown sits on his face the entire time.
When Luke asks if Raphael would like to try again, Raphael tells him that if he wants a spear-free computer, he won’t make Raphael play anymore. The message was received.
Raphael will only watch if Luke, Simeon, or Lucifer play, and even then, he would probably pass most of the time.
He doesn’t strike me as much of a gamer, either. If he does play games, he’d probably choose games that are visually stunning and at least semi-relaxing, like Journey or Flower (probably Zelda games too).
He would play it if Luke asked him to or if he wanted to do research on it for journalism purposes.
Mephisto does relatively well, but he likes to investigate a lot, so he gets a bit distracted and takes it slow sometimes. Unfortunately – or fortunately – he has a habit of stopping after losing once. He’ll pick up the game again some other day, but once he loses, he stops that game for the day. On one hand, Mephisto does not allow himself to get pulled into games that he loses, but it makes his progress slow.
When Mephisto plays, he bounces his leg the whole time to contain his anxiety. He appears relaxed, but he flinches at jump scares and his eyes widen when he’s actively trying not to die.
He’s super into the lore – call it journalistic curiosity or just call him a nerd.  
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yuesya · 1 year
Hi! I have two questions! One on a more broader term in your JJK universe and one on the twin!AU! One: Are twins only considered one entity, two halves of a whole because they share the womb at the same given time? Does it not matter if the twins are fraternal twins and therefore actually conceived from two different eggs and two different sperm? Two: Did no one bother to check Satoru after they found his mother with a slit throat the next day? Slit throat is a pretty ritualistic act afterall!
So! Obviously we know that identical twins develops from one zygote that splits into two embryos, while fraternal twins develop from two different zygotes. In a purely scientific sense, fraternal twins are closer to 'two entities in a shared space' rather than 'one entity that splits into two' while they're developing in the mother's womb. Identical twins might be considered one entity in this respect, but fraternal twins are not.
However, it's highly unlikely that jujutsu sorcerers were aware of this in ancient times. Moreover, from the jujutsu perspective -it's not so much the mechanics of one or two entities that concerns them, so much as it is the fact that twins share the mother's womb, and are therefore 'competing for space and resources.' What would've nourished one child is now split between two, negatively affecting the future development and potential of both children -or so many of them believe.
With the known information regarding cursed twins in general, the Gojo Clan isn't willing to take the risk, not when it concerns their precious Six Eyes and Limitless. It's also another part of the reason why Shiki's death was hurried along and swiftly covered up -if it was made known that a fraternal twin was killed simply on the basis of suspicions, there would be others who disagree with it. Better to just take action and smooth things over, than run the risk.
As cursed twins, I thought it would be fun if Satoru's power really did depend on whether or not Shiki was around, which is the setting we've been running along with... although if Shiki's existence didn't impact Satoru's strength at all, maybe that would provide an entirely different layer of angst haha.
In regards to your second question! Gojo Hina was never 'formally' trained, so 'ritual' would not be the first conclusion that they jump to. A single cut across the throat can be overlooked -although if it was something like, a cut across the throat and four additional cuts over her wrists and ankles, then we'd be looking at a different story.
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