#they are one of my first ocs I created with 13 y/o
usurperss · 2 years
thinking about the de-bimbofication of my oc revon
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Hello and welcome to An Unconscious Effort!
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What is An Unconscious Effort?
At its heart, AUE is a story I wrote to one day be a webcomic about 4 kids being forced to navigate through the depths of the dream world, who all have their own attempts and ideas on how to establish a balance between their dreams and the real world, all while learning how to rely on others and be kinder to themselves.
The story follows 4 different POV’s.
The first quarter of the story will follow Abigail, a 14 year old girl who’s better at talking to plants than she is to people, and trying to figure out this whole ‘growing into the adult she wants to be’ thing, or whatever her mom says. Less and less people in the world have been able to report having dreams as of late, with many speculating if this could mean the start of something much bigger than themselves. So, when a mysterious entity from the dream world offers the opportunity of a lifetime for Abigail to help in reestablishing a balance between the dream world and the waking world and being apart of something that could change the lives of billions for the better, how could Abi even reject this offer?
Current status?
At the moment, the outline for this story is still being workshopped. I have 1/2 of the outline written, but still would like to go over it again once I reach the ending to probably rearrange and tweak some things before properly and officially starting to post the comic for-realsies.
There is already some beta chapters I posted to webtoon and tapas that I made while trying to get a feel for making webcomics in the first place, and while I am still proud of having made those, their quality and story is not representative of what I will be trying to create when I officially start the comic again. They were mainly made to be a learning experience at the time and I guess I did learn a lot.
Main Characters?
I’m glad you asked!! (you didn’t).
Abigail (Abi) - 14 y/o, she/her - Friendly neighborhood girlfailure who takes care of the plants.
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(For anyone who remembers my utdr fanart, she was the oc I turned into patience)
Prawn - 15 y/o, he/him - If he sees you sitting on a bench all alone he will sit down next to you and strike up a conversation. This is not a possibility, it is a threat. He knows your location.
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(Oc turned into kindness)
Marzipan (Marzi) - 16 y/o, she/her - Girlbossing her way through life, but at what cost.
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(Oc i hid under the cut that I had turned into justice)
Meadow - 13-15 y/o?, she/they - What a cute little deer guy! Sure hope they’re not hiding any horrors in them!
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(Oc that I turned into perserverance)
Whats this blog for?
Fuck if i know im bored lmao. I doubt this blog or comic will even be seen by anybody but I still sorta want to post some oc work on here and just…have some fun? Maybe organize some stuff about the comic here and post about characters sometimes. Idk I’ll figure it out I suppose
And if you’d rather see my art blog where I usually just post utdr fanart and be cringe then its @squidpedia while @squidpedias-reblogs is my rb account
If you read this far, you have bad taste but thank you
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madamsarrat · 4 months
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The skull is Acario, a powerful wizard when he was alive and the father of the kid.
In the end I named the kid "Wim", cuz I can picture Acario yelling that name.
If you want to know more about them, keep reading under the cut.
Acario got freaky with a fae, who thought could lure him to his death bc the fae didn't feel threatened by him (he was drunk and high at the time, so he didn't have his usual dangerous aura). When the fae realized he was simply not dying, it panicked and flew away. Months later, it gave birth to Wim and threw them on Acario's tower, not wanting to have anything to do with them or the wizard.
Acario shrugged, thinking about raising the kid to be his sort of sidekick? servant? little helper? in any case, Acario wasn't a good parent but at least he genuinely care for his kid creature.
Acario was sick and Wim used to help him make a special potion to soothe his symptoms, even though he knew death was inevitable.
One day he sent Wim to find the herbs for the potion, but Wim struggled to find them. When they got back, Acario was on the floor. Wim thought he was sleeping but after not responding to their calls about drinking his potion, they didn't know what to do.
Wim stayed in the tower over a decade, reading the wizardry textbooks and learning on their own. They knew it was impossible to bring Acario back but, experimenting, they decided to place Acario's skull on his magic staff to see what happens and yes, he came back... in a way.
Acario's soul and magic remain in the modified staff, being able to talk to Wim, attempting to guide them now that they decided to leave the tower and explore the world.
These were my first ever OCs and I'm a little emotional thinking about my young self. I feel a sort of "Look at where you are, look at where you started", thinking about 13 y/o me drawing these characters on my middle school notebooks. I also saw a trend about authors and the characters they create to heal themselves and I-
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Hi, so I saw that you're willing to do oc x canon? I wanted to request something (platonic) for mine, she is a creepypasta oc, all fine if not though <3 here you have all her info [Okay, let's start from the beginning...
Her given name is Katherine, althought her "real" name is Variaton_LifeExperiment.07.-Attempt1.
She is an experiment realised by The Offenderman, she was made using parts of a recently dead body that he found in a Hospital and tons of wires and robotic parts and programings. She was created to guide young beautiful girls to him under the cover of asking them to take her to x place saying she was lost, so The Offenderman could woo them into spending a night with him.
Katherine was always LifeExperminent07 to The Offenderman, or at least for the first few months of her existence, because as time passed by her human brain began to work again thanks to the electric shots that sometimes the wires sent through her body, and so her past memories started to appear again along with human behaviors and emotions. He saw how LifeExperiment07 began to develop human emotions and thought acording to the age of the corpse he used to make her (a 13 y/o teenager exactly) and so he gave her a name, Katherine.
After some time, Offenderman had to go away for an indefinited period of time to "solve" things with The Splendorman and left Katherine with his most responsible brother, The Slenderman, and so she went to live with him temporaly.
(and since this oc was made in 2017 you can imagine that my oc started living strange yet funny adventures with all the fanon! creepypasta steryotypes we had back then lol).
Now that her backstory's been explained let's move into her appearence:
She is 5"3 and has medium dark brown hair, very messy dark brown hair, it gets kinda wavy in the ends but not to the point of being curly.
She only has one human eye, a blue one. The other one is covered by a piece of metal since he used the eye cavity as a space for conecting wires.
What is left of her human skin is white, a pale tone of white, but not to the point of looking like a glass of milk tho.
She has little freckles in her nose and right cheek (the left one is the one that has the eye covered with metal and so you can't see the freckles).
Her original clothes were a kinda torn apart hospital T-Shirt alongside with a pair of short jeans, black stockings and a pair of white converse. Anyways, when The Offenderman started to notice her more human-like behaviours he bought for her a new outfit, her current one, which is composed of a black oversized hoodie with a red rose drawn on it's center, a red skirt (the same color of the rose) and the same stockings this time with red doll-like shoes.
If we move onto her personality...
She is a very caring bionic little thing who loves to smile and to make people smile. She tends to laugh at everything that seems funny to her and can tell pretty good jokes.
Her intern program is connected to the internet so she is a very good help to plenty of the manor residents when they need information on something. She also has a selected dictionary that, to her much dismay, won't let her curse so the creeps like Jeff and Ben tend to (kind-heartedly) laugh or make fun of her when she can only bring herself to say "Zoinks!" when scared or frustrated (just like Shaggy from Scooby Doo lmao).
She can also mes a little with her programing and use her human eye as a projector on the white wall on game/movie nights.
She is also kind of hyperactive and as her two legs are mainly metal and half of her right arm is too she loves to go into places she shouldn't. Like climb onto trees, walk on the manors ceiling, hang from the spider lamp in the dining room or sleep on the top of the fridge 💀] That is all the information I have about her! If you need more just dm me! <3 So, now that's outta the way, here is my request ^^ Can I please have separate headcanons for Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack, Masky and Jeff reacting to Katherine taking a huge liking to them and basically being a ball of sunshine attached to them? (like seeing them as their reference model and/or father/big bro figure)
That is more than enough information for this ask, so don't about it :)
Hope this does Katherine justice!
Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack, Masky and Jeff
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Ticci Toby
★ He's going to act like a older brother to Kathrine. He shows her the best places to climb around the manner. Which window are the best for getting on the roof and all the places you can hide to try and scare people.
★ When someone swears around her he will actually cover her ears. Kathrine is innocent, so watch your toung! She doesn't need to hear that. He completely stops swearing around her and even started a swear jar. Jeff's lost around $50 to that damned jar.
Laughing Jack
★ He likes talking to Kathrine about bening things like cartoons, it's a nice break from the usual conversation in the manner. Also she is a bit childish and he is good with children so being around her helps his more violent tendencies. (in my au he doesn't kill children, none of the pastas do)
★ Watching old cartoons with her is one of his favorite pastimes. He enjoys the company and some old cartoon have that spooky feel, ya know? He also enjoys hiding/climbing in weird places and showing her.
★ He might act like he barely tolerates her, but in all honesty he is really glad that Katherine is in his life. She's a welcome change from what he is used to and it kinda makes him feel like there is still good people in the world.
★ He is also a victim to Toby's "swear jar" but has lost a lot less money than Jeff because he talks less.
★ Not gunna lie, he thought she was trying to trick him at first. Nobody made by Offenderman could be that kind and sweet, right? But don't worry, she quickly grows on him.
★ As stated earlier, he's lost $50 to that swear jar Toby set up. It kinda pisses him off to think about but he'll get over it. I swear, one day that jar is going to go missing and he will look awfully suspicious.
★ On a different note he takes Kathrine out for midnight gas station runs, she has the money to buy a snack thanks to the swear jar.
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aesopsbaby · 2 years
Um... so I've heard that you're comfortable with people talking to you about their ocs, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on mine, if that's okay with you ofc! <3
My oc is a Creepypasta one, so If you fin it a little cringey pls keep in mind that I created it on 2017 and I just went adding or removing things and/or aspects of her personality 😭
Okay, let's start from the beginning...
Her given name is Katherine, althought her "real" name is Variaton_LifeExperiment.07.-Attempt1.
She is an experiment realised by The Offenderman, she was made using parts of a recently dead body that he found in a Hospital and tons of wires and robotic parts and programings. She was created to guide young beautiful girls to him under the cover of asking them to take her to x place saying she was lost, so The Offenderman could woo them into spending a night with him.
Katherine was always LifeExperminent07 to The Offenderman, or at least for the first few months of her existence, because as time passed by her human brain began to work again thanks to the electric shots that sometimes the wires sent through her body, and so her past memories started to appear again along with human behaviors and emotions. He saw how LifeExperiment07 began to develop human emotions and thought acording to the age of the corpse he used to make her (a 13 y/o teenager exactly) and so he gave her a name, Katherine.
After some time, Offenderman had to go away for an indefinited period of time to "solve" things with The Splendorman and left Katherine with his most responsible brother, The Slenderman, and so she went to live with him temporaly.
(and since this oc was made in 2017 you can imagine that my oc started living strange yet funny adventures with all the fanon! creepypasta steryotypes we had back then lol).
Now that her backstory's been explained let's move into her appearence:
She is 5"3 and has medium dark brown hair, very messy dark brown hair, it gets kinda wavy in the ends but not to the point of being curly.
She only has one human eye, a blue one. The other one is covered by a piece of metal since he used the eye cavity as a space for conecting wires.
What is left of her human skin is white, a pale tone of white, but not to the point of looking like a glass of milk tho.
She has little freckles in her nose and right cheek (the left one is the one that has the eye covered with metal and so you can't see the freckles).
Her original clothes were a kinda torn apart hospital T-Shirt alongside with a pair of short jeans, black stockings and a pair of white converse. Anyways, when The Offenderman started to notice her more human-like behaviours he bought for her a new outfit, her current one, which is composed of a black oversized hoodie with a red rose drawn on it's center, a red skirt (the same color of the rose) and the same stockings this time with red doll-like shoes.
If we move onto her personality...
She is a very caring bionic little thing who loves to smile and to make people smile. She tends to laugh at everything that seems funny to her and can tell pretty good jokes.
Her intern program is connected to the internet so she is a very good help to plenty of the manor residents when they need information on something. She also has a selected dictionary that, to her much dismay, won't let her curse so the creeps like Jeff and Ben tend to (kind-heartedly) laugh or make fun of her when she can only bring herself to say "Zoinks!" when scared or frustrated (just like Shaggy from Scooby Doo lmao).
She can also mes a little with her programing and use her human eye as a projector on the white wall on game/movie nights.
She is also kind of hyperactive and as her two legs are mainly metal and half of her right arm is too she loves to go into places she shouldn't. Like climb onto trees, walk on the manors ceiling, hang from the spider lamp in the dining room or sleep on the top of the fridge 💀
That's all I think, Sorry for the rant but I just don't have nobody to listen to me talking about my ocs lol 😭
(can I be your 📹anon pls?)
You have no idea how much I absolutely LOVE and adore listening to ocs and ESPECIALLY CREEPYPASTA OCS??? I love them <3 I used to be a huge creepypasta fanatic as a child,,so I'm still one at heart even after so long :,) But I was mainly in marble hornets eheh
She sounds amazing and I LOVE THE SILLY THINGS SHE DOES <,3 her story is just 🤌🤌💞 fits so well and so well thought out!!
PLEASE YOU CAN SPAM ME WITH YOUR OCS FACTS I DONT MIND!! :,D its really interesting to read about!! And sure thing, you can be 📹anon!!
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
3 (what fic are you emotionally attached to?), 4 (what fic of your own do you read for comfort?), 12 (What’s your perfect environment to create/write?), and 13 (Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?), please :O!
you're the best for putting the questions also. hot damn
3 (what fic are you emotionally attached to?)
shocking no one my first answer is sticker stars cause it is the longest thing i wrote by myself followed by LSOH and Paper Crowns, which were rps with friends and also so fun to return to especially since LSOH was my chance to write with my WRITING CRUSH my BELOVED my ADORED author of the incredible Honey Sweet which i am ALSO emotionally attached to, but it isn't mine
4 (what fic of your own do you read for comfort?)
depends on the mood but definitely those three again and then like, one that were fun and silly and Tender. like jingle all the way and angus mcdonald and the arcade enigma and play with me and rub this on your body.
looks directly at the camera. read your own fic. you wrote it for you. and if you're not writing for you. start writing for you
OH AND RUN AWAY WITH ME, of course. god im good and prolific and funny
12 (What’s your perfect environment to create/write?)
fucking absolute silence, unfortchy. cannot have any distractions i will fully lose myself in them. no tv no music not even rain sounds unless they are very quiet and even then that is a stretch. lately i also go to my room with my laptop and get in bed all cozy cause being cold puts me in such a Mood i cannot think. sometimes i also write on my phone (in a ziplock bag) in the bathtub. what's the word for doing something out of spite except instead of spite it is because it's so fucking funny
13 (Do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? Why?)
here's the thing i am very proud of my writing and i know im good. i know my mechanics are good, my structure is good, my characterization is good, my figurative language, emotions, prose, rhythm, it's great. obviously there are places i can improve and things that would benefit from more editing, but i have a lot of writing experience and i know i can use it to build a sound structure. here's the thing tho. just because i am not embarrassed of it does not mean i want it to escape containment and context. my mom does not need to read Little Shop of Horny for MULTIPLE reasons. my coworkers do not need to know I write fanfiction. if i were writing in a professional writing capacity i would even then be subtle about my (2022-2013=.................................9?) years of fandom writing experience, or the 61 fics on my AO3. it's not embarrassing, it just isn't public info.
if someone is embarrassed of their work it's time to unclench and dive in to what you love about it. you gotta roll around in the mud and have fun and find joy in it. listen. listen. i have DRAMATICALLY less experience with art (1.5ish yrs) than with writing (literally since i was six, so uh 21 years, killing it on the math today folks).
that means that sometimes art is really fucking hard and demoralizing, and internal comparisons to my other skills make me miserable. but that means it is time to put it away, take a breath, eat some chocolate strawberries, and review my intentions for the craft. am i doing this for attention, or because i want to see the ocs in my head on the screen? am i doing this to Win and Be the Best or because i want to be able to render a beautiful frog cake or ghost wearing fishnets and heels, just because i can? like what is the point??
translated back to writing, yeah, if you lack experience, flaws may be visible and comparisons with experts may suck whole uncut ass. but like what is the point tho? we're not out here to win. we're out here to play. if this isn't the way that feels good to play, there are so many other crafts to pick up. but if it is the way that suits you, then take your time and enjoy the ride, and share it with people you trust. and if you want it to be better and look better and do better numbers....
first of all, numbers isn't everything, numbers are of the devil and suck joy like marrow from your bones. second of all, a lot of things influence numbers that you cannot in fact control, such as who follows you, when they see a given post, what mood they are in when they see it, and so on. C, if you actually want to IMPROVE YOUR CRAFT, then fuckin' improve your craft. if you want to be more famous, chill the fuck out.
if you want to write better, have someone beta. do studies. character studies, emotional studies, ficlets to help you tighten up your prose and timing. i used to be awful about writing under a certain word limit, but ive done a billion of those suckers and i feel ive really improved on my succinctness and overall cohesion. you also gotta remember that everybody is always growing all of the time. there's still shit i'm learning and there's still shit the art geniuses are learning and there's still so much out there for you to learn too.
and listen, i know it's hard to not get a lot of comments, or tags, or reblogs, or, or, or (that's my seal impression). it does. it does explicitly suck. but you gotta unhook your writing boat from the dock of internet points or your heart is gonna hurt and you're never gonna sail anywhere, man. (that's my pascal the otter from animal crossing impression).
qed make stuff and dont be embarrassed of it. do it for joy and do it for you and come back to it and roll in it as much as you want. if your friends can be nice, they're invited to roll in it too.
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linkedsoul · 3 years
Saw a great post about the importance of "cringe culture is dead" and I wanted to add a tangentially related fact: sometimes the "cringey" things you liked or did as a kid are... great, actually.
When I was like 12/13 I really wanted to dress "punk rock" or something - the kind of "edgy" alternative style inspired by the shoujos I was reading at the time, which was probably not actually “punk rock”, but whatever. I wanted to have a full black and pink "punk rock" outfit because it looked COOL. I would look at black and pink electric guitar earrings and consider getting my ears pierced. I even bought fingerless gloves and a necktie at Claire's with that color pattern, the first pieces of my dearly desired outfit. 
Kid-me had forgotten one crucial detail: I did not have the motherly approval to dress like that. I was never able to convince her to let me even remotely experiment with that style. My punk rock dreams remained dreams: I never got around to wearing the gloves or the necktie. They spent the years following their purchase in a drawer in my room. Probably even the same drawer. I never took them out. 
I got over that phase in high school and absolutely CRINGED thinking back on 13 y/o me's dream fashion. High school me was hoodies n' jeans and sneakers or boots (still my go-to outfits to be fair) and your only chance to see me in anything else is at the yearly high school carnival. Punk rock? Anime fashion? Black and pink? HA! Cringe. It would have never fitted me. Why had I even bought those silly gloves and that even sillier necktie? I never touched them. If I opened the drawer they were in and saw them, it was “pretend you never bought that shit” time. It had been a really useless purchase back then, high school-me thought, and when I didn’t downright forget about it, I regretted it. 
Cue to current me. 21 y/o me. About a week ago I receive a wig I ordered for the sake of playing around with gender presentation. A long, wavy pink-grey wig with bangs. I’m ecstatic. I ask my sister to help me put on make-up. I try on different outfits before putting on a navy blue skirt and a white shirt. 
And then I have a revelation. I run to my room, open a drawer, and take out my pink and black gloves and my pink and black necktie. I put them on. 
And I fucking rock it.
I look like an anime character. I look cute and cool and fun. 13 y/o me is THRIVING, her teenage fashion dreams revived and unburied and finally fulfilled. 21 y/o me is THRIVING because cringe culture is dead, I’m a shoujo protagonist, gender is a performance and I am the main lead.
So what I mean is: don’t shame kids for having weird interests or making overpowered self-insert OCs with purple eyes or wanting to dress “anime punk rock”. They’re kids, they’re growing up, they’re creating and experimenting. 
But also, don’t shame yourself for having had those interests. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to revisit said-interests, if you want to. Write those self-insert fics where you land in your favorite book’s universe. Create those overpowered OCs with rainbow hair and iridescent eyes. Plot that story with parallel worlds and dragons and fairies. 
Remember those gloves and necktie you bought at Claire’s as a kid and wear them, one of these days. It’s fun, I promise. 
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sehunniepotwrites · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS. How have two people never met when they’ve shared a group of mutual friends for the past year? That was the first question their friends had. Despite being in the same circle, Kim Sooyeon and Jeong Jaehyun had never crossed paths. Knowing they would be good for each other due to their similar interests and past experiences, their friends decide to play a little game of matchmaker and give both their hopeless romantics they call friends a chance at love.
Now the second question was: would everything go according to plan?
alternatively, the fluffy strangers to lovers college!au in which Kim Sooyeon’s friends are tired of her complaining about being single and find her perfect match in the one and only campus DJ, Jeong Jaehyun.
PAIRING. Jeong Jaehyun x Kim Sooyeon [female O.C.] GENRE. college!au, strangers to lovers!au, radio dj!jaehyun, skater!oc, slow burn, fluff angst, highly suggestive/smut in two chapters (warnings posted beforehand)
WARNINGS. language, food and alcohol consumption, college parties, physical and verbal assault, blood, sexual content (making out, partial nudity, dry humping)
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legend: ✎ written part | (m) suggestive/mature
intro 1 / intro 2 — hello, good friends!
1.1 / 1.2 ✎ / 1.3 / 1.4 — the first meeting
2.1 / 2.2 ✎ — movie night with a pining idiot
3.1 / 3.2 — to ask or not to ask: that is the question?
4 ✎ — the not-date
5 — late night shenanigans
6 — to the beach!
7.1 / 7.2 ✎ — love letters
8.1 / 8.2 ✎ — spring breaaaaaak!
9 ✎ — a sweet reunion
10 — back to school
11 ✎ — the first date
12 — drunken karaoke
13 — the morning after
14 — night, night!
15 ✎ — a strike for the gutter ball queen!
16 — living in their own world
17 — dance, dance
18 ✎ (M) — kisses on kitchen counters
19 ✎ — the unfortunate boba run
20.1 ✎ / 20.2 ✎ — the break
21.1 / 21.2 ✎ — making up for lost time
22.1 / 22.2 ✎ / 22.3 ✎ (M) — kiss the pain away
23 — fuck finals, let’s go on a date!
24 — hatching a plan
25.1 / 25.2 — can i be your girlfriend, can i?
Epilogue 1 / 2 — a happy ending
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. hi yes, this is a repost with edits! the original was posted in july 2020 and my writing style has changed since then.
with that being said, i will slowly be rewriting/editing some of the scenes and formatting—this may mean older chapters may be broken up into more parts for the sake of formatting. scenes may be added or taken out, more descriptions will be placed throughout the story, etc. the biggest edit is that y/n is now an o/c named kim sooyeon (fc: lee gaeun). if you do not like this change, i am keeping the original up! please do not mind the timestamps and pictures where the likeliness do not match. creating a social media au is both fun and challenging; they also take a lot of time.  
revision start: september 2021 | revision end: n/a
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© sehunniepot / sehunniepotwrites, 2020-2021
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kg2hub · 4 years
🍎 KG2 Fanzine Interest Check!
[UPDATE]: this post is old and applications are currently closed! [link]
   hey everyone, i plan on starting a kindergarten 2 fanzine!  :D basically it would be a fanmade book of illustrations and writing, that is centered around the content of kindergarten 2. 
   we’ve had a lot of fun, interactive stuff within our fandom, as small as it is-- like the kindergala, and dtiys challenges. i thought it would be a great time to band together to create a fanzine, and i’m thinking if we start now we could manage to get it done in time for the 2nd anniversary of kindergarten 2!  ( july 29, 2021 )   or later, but the goal is around that timeframe for now
   this would be purely for fun, and i would really appreciate it if people could spread the word about this!  this post is to see how many people would either be interested in seeing this fanzine created, or how many people want to participate in making it.  ( so, y’know, i don’t just set up everything only to have 1 person join or something. )
   with that said, please reblog to help spread the word, and say in the tags/reblogs/replies or even private message me if you want-- to let me know if you’re one of the people interested in participating, or if you really really want to see this happen!  another post will be created linking the application form, if there is enough interest for this project so please stay tuned!
   🍎 interest check will last for one week, saturday [feb 6, 2021] to [feb 13, 2021] 🍎
a few things about the plans for this zine:
it is entirely non-profit, volunteer run, and will be distributed digitally for free as a multi-page pdf. this isn’t a professional thing by any means, and there unfortunately will not be merch available  ( i would totally ship out kg-themed buttons if i could, but my school’s button club where i make the buttons is unavailable due to the pandemic, and shipping does, unfortunately, cost money that this zine will not provide)
i will need artists and writers to help create content for the zine, maybe even a few other people to help with the mod team
as of right now, the number of pages will heavily depend on how many artists/writers/creators want to participate and how much content they’re willing to make within the 5-ish month period. i know this is a pretty small fandom, so we won’t be able to make as much content as a large fandom would
the qualifications to apply are not strict at all in terms of skill. i greatly encourage anyone to participate no matter your level as an artist or writer!  this is supposed to be a fun fandom-involved project, after all :D
however, i do ask that you maintain a level of semi-professionalism with your attitude towards this project. even with a small fandom, this is still a huge project to take on and i sincerely ask that you only participate if you believe you’re capable of handling what’s expected of you
the zine will mostly be canon-based
again, depending on the amount of applications, content might just include the missions  ( around 11-ish applicants minimum ) , or the characters  ( around 27 applicants minimum )
ships, au’s, and oc’s are allowed!  i just ask that these type of things don’t outnumber the main canon content, so there might be a limited amount of slots for these
please don’t be nervous about applying if you’re interested!  this isn’t meant to be Super High Quality Professional work, and this my first time doing anything involving a fanzine too lmao, we can learn together :’D
you don’t have to draw/write a new thing for the zine;  you can submit old work by all means!  as long as it fits the planned parameters for the page sizing. drawing new work is preferred, however, because of the sizing
digital artists:  1 page size 8.5 x 11 inches 300dpi   |   half page size 8.5 x 5.5 inches 300dpi   |   2 page spread 17 x 11 inches 300 dpi -- rgb format, full colour art
traditional artists:  don’t worry too much about the size of your picture. just try to take it as clear as possible, or scan in high quality. be aware your photo may be touched up digitally by the graphics editor if needed
writers:  2500 words are the max for your fic
some of this information is subject to change once applications are open
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omegaverserping · 3 years
Name: -
URL: nottestellcta
Age: 27 y/o
Preferred Way of RPing: Discord
Time Zone: GMT+1
First, Second, or Third Person point of view?: Third
Preferred Role (Alpha/Omega/Beta/All): Alpha
Preferred Pairing (M/M, F/M, F/F, and so on and so forth): F/M
Do you prefer to RP with OCs (Original Characters), Fandom, or both?: Fandom.
Fandoms (Please also mention the character you would like to play and their secondary gender.): Stranger Things (looking for someone to play omega Billy Hargrove against my alpha Nancy Wheeler) MCU (looking for someone to play omega Bucky Barnes against my alpha Sharon Carter, alpha Natasha Romanov, alpha Leah Ishikawa, or alpha adult!Shuri, you choose! ✨)
OCs (Optional to list them here or share them with your RP Partner): If you don't like my canon muses, I'm also down to create an oc and an original plot as well!
Favorite Genres: Hurt/comfort and angst. 
Favorite AUs: I feel like omegaverse is an au in itself considering we're applying it to canon characters but if we want to add more aus in one I also like: soulmates aus, arranged marriage aus, "taboo" relationships aus, and anything that includes dark themes and lots of angst! 
Triggers: None that I can think of. 
Preferred length when replying: I like being free to write as much as I want without the other person feeling weird about it (it happened lol) so I'd say multipara/novella style, with occasional shorter things if we're in the mood for quicker replies etc. Let's just dive into thoughts and feelings and descriptions of our muses, please!
How long would like to RP for? (Short or long term, indefinitely, or not sure x): LONG-TERM, it's super rare that I drop a plot so I'd ask for you to do the same (of course we don't have to keep writing together if we don't vibe but, you know what I mean... no ghosts please!)
Would you be willing to brainstorm a prompt (Y/N)?: YES! Brainstorming is my favorite thing actually, so let's do that extensively! One requirement for writing with me is definitely the ability of contributing to the development of the plot!
Omegaverse tropes that you DO NOT like to use (Use N/A if you have none x): Toxic relationships (between our characters, I mean). Apart from this, I'm super open minded about most tropes and kinks. 
Omegaverse tropes that you DO enjoy using often and would like to use in your RP (Use N/A if you don’t mind using certain/any tropes): Same here. Since I love most tropes and kinks so, we can totally discuss about the one you have a problem with! I'd say my favorite tropes have to do with heat cycle (the alpha helping the omega through it), hierarchy in the society which may be super interesting to explore (maybe even slavery/prostitution), and a lot more! 
Anything else that you would like to mention or say?: I have to disclose that I'm a bit new in the omegaverse community (but not in the rpc, cause I've been rping for like 13 years now). I've roleplayed only a couple of plots that were omegaverse and mostly read fanfiction so please be patient if I don't know about some "niche" dynamics or terms.  The MOST IMPORTANT THING, however, is that I don't want this plot to be only about smut and sex and the dirty deeds. What I love about omegaverse is the potential for developing really interesting relationships between muses, how dark it can get, and the infinite possibilities for worldbuilding, so let's do a lot of that. Smut will come, of course, given the nature of this au, but let's not focus solely on it.  Ultimately, I love dynamics that are more than "submissive omega" and "dominant alpha" cause it wouldn't really fit with how characters are in canon. So give me uncommon dynamics such as an aggressive omega and a soft alpha, or that omega which looks a lot like an alpha and the alpha that looks like an omega but are the opposite of it, etc. Let's make things spicy!
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pastelbatfandoms · 4 years
ABCs of your OCs
A list of oc questions in alphabetical categories - i made each category based on the first word I could think of in alphabetical order, so enjoy!
Decided to try and answer these using Gifs and Images of My characters (aka who or what reminds me of My character)
.Doing this for My OC Michelle Riley in My Riverdale Fic. 
Michelle is “played by” Ksenia Solo (Teen) &  Kaya Scodelario (Young Adult)
A: Aptitude 1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? Writing,solving Mysteries,has always had an interest in the occult and anything different and unusual.
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2. what activities have they participated in? Michelle is a bit of a Loner but she has done Cheer and writes Poetry in her spare time as well as mysteries. She also was a camp counselor & Lifeguard with Betty and Cheryl over the summer. 
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3. what abilities do they have?  She’s human but Michelle knows a bit of Karate and was taught how to fight by FP.
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4. what things are they bad at? Being Honest,Indecisive,
5. what is their most impressive talent? Writing and Dancing
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B: Basics 1. what is their hair color?  Dark brown. Dies Black or wears Blond wigs. 
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2. what is their eye color? Brown but wears Light green or blue contacts
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3. how tall are they? A little shorter than Jughead
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4. how old are they? 15 (Story start) 19 (Story end) October 7 2000
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5. how much do they weigh?
C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? Usually leaning forward.
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2. in what position do they sleep?
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3. what is their ideal comfort day? Reading or watching TV,eating,doing something creative,learning new things (especially about the occult or conspiracy theories),writing poetry,mainly being by herself on her down time.Although she’s an ambivert so she does like hanging out with her BF or Friends after her alone time. 
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4. what is their major comfort food? um Anything lol She’s literally a female Jughead in more ways than one. Burgers and fries,Milkshakes,Pancakes,Chips and salsa...
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5. who is the best at comforting them when down? Betty or Mom. Most of the time Jughead. (unless it’s about him)
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D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? Minimalistic with plants,charming and attractive yet simple and comfortable. Small neighborhood.
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2. how would they decorate their child’s room? Michelle doesn’t want kids
3. how do they decorate their own room? Shabby Chic,Girly mixed with rustic. With of course darker undertones. 
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4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? Goth,Grunge,Edgy,had a preppy phase. (Casual Artsy in Middle school) 
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5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? Yes.
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E: External Personality 1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?  Sometimes. She’s not as tough as she portrays. 
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2. do they do things that conform to the norm? Sometimes. If on her own.
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing? No
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads? Only E-Girl and Mod Goth.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own? Is shy at first.
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun? Shopping,Dancing,hanging out at Pop Tates Malt Shop,Drive in movies,Art,watching Horror movies,writing poetry,Solving Mysteries,going out to a club or the biker bar The White Wyrm. 
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2. what is their ideal party? See Above. Dancing,Strobe lights,Band,Underage Drinking/Sex. Unless she’s 18 or 19 then. Decorating for parties and liked having Clue inspired Sleepovers in middle school.
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3. who would they have the most fun with? Her girls. B,V & C.
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4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? When alone yes.
5. do they go out a lot? Yes.
G: Gorgeous 1. what is their most attractive external feature? Her eyes and smile.
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2. what is the most attractive part of their personality? 
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
5. what parts of others do they envy?  IDK if I’m going to finish this.
H: Heat 1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
2. do they prefer summer or winter? Spring and Fall
3. do they like the snow? Not really.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity? Thrift Shopping and Sleuthing
5. do they have a favorite winter activity? Reading inside or Sleuthing.
I: In-the-closet 
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1. what is their sexuality? Pan Sexual 
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? yes
3. have they ever questioned their gender? No
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? Yes they are very open minded.
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out? High School
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? Art,writing,shopping,mysteries,love,music.
2. who makes them happy? Her Family (Blood and none)
3. are there any songs that bring them joy? Wow I have a whole playlist...
4. are they happy often? More or less
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? I don’t write that. They may have dark thoughts but never act on them,this is not 13 reasons why.
2. have they ever thought about homicide? No
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? No
4. who would miss them if they died? Um all her Friends and Family
5. who would be happy they died, anyone? Penny Peabody lbr
L: Lemons 1. what is their favorite fruit? 2. what is their least favorite fruit?
3. are there any foods they hate?
4. do they have any food intolerances?
5. what is their favorite food? Already said. She also really likes Chicken with chips and salsa.
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M: Maternal 
1. would they want a daughter or a son? 
2. how many children do they want? 
3. would they be a good parent? 
4. what would they name a son? 
what would they name a daughter? 
5. would they adopt? Possibly
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do? Kill Innocents.
2. what have they never done that they want to do? 
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? People do alot of shitty things. Killing Kids and animals would be one of them.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? 
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? Um get drunk and sleep with her boyfriends Dad??...Or cheat on Jug with Veronica. SPOILERS! But I probably won’t finish this story lbh.
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O: Optimism 1. are they optimistic or pessimistic? Both
2. are they openly optimistic?
3. are they good at giving advice? Yes
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them? Throws lol I suppose her Mom or Betty. 
5. were they always optimistic? 
>>>P: Personality 1. what is their best personality trait?
2. what is their worst personality trait?
3. what of their personality do others love?
4. what of their personality do others envy?
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
<<<Will do this later
Q: Questions 1. do they ask for help? Sometimes
2. do they ask questions in class? She did yes,when she was trying to be a straight A student.
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable? Yes
4. do they ask weird questions? Yes
5. are they curious? Yes
R: Rules 1. do they follow rules? Sometimes.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? A good balance.
3. have they ever been consequences for breaking a rule? 
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous? Nope
S: Streets 1. are they street-smart? Yes
2. would they give money to someone on the streets? Probably
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets? Yes
4. has anything happened to them on the streets? Other then Fights,no.
5. are they cautious when out? Now yes,but she can take care of herself.
T: Truth 1. are they honest? More so now yes.
2. can they tell if someone is lying? Yes
3. is it obvious when they’re lying? Yes
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about? Sleeping with FP
5. have they ever been talked about behind their back? I’m sure.
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? A couple times but they stopped once she stood her ground,same with standing up for others (like Jughead)
2. have they bullied anyone? No
3. have they been physically attacked? Yes
4. have they ever been doubted? Yes.
5. have they surprised people with being good at something? Yes,alot of Guys (and girls) underestimate her.
V: Vomit 1. do they vomit often? 2. do they get lots of stomach aches? 3. are they good at comforting someone ill? 4. what do they like as far as comfort goes? 5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
W: Water 1. do they drink enough water? 2. have they learned to swim? 3. do they like to swim? 4. can they dive? 5. can they swim without holding their nose?
X: Xylophone 1. what is their favorite genre of music? Oldies,Indie & Goth Rock
2. do they have a favorite song? Prince-Die 4 U
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer? The Cure,Prince & The Neighborhood.
4. can they sing well? Sure
5. can they rap? No
Y: You 1. how old were you when you created them? It was in 2017. 
2. what inspired you to create them? Watching Riverdale for the first time
3. were they different when they were first created? No
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters? No
5. what’s your favorite thing about them? Her style and sarcasm. 
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favorite animal? Cats and Dogs
2. do they like animals? Yes
3. cats or dogs? Both
4. what’s their dream pet? Panther or Dragon
5. do they have any pets at the moment? Shares a Sheepdog/Mutt with The Serpents,named Hot Dog.
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ask-abe-oddworld · 4 years
oddworld ask game, tagged by my sister @ask-alf-oddworld !
1. Which Oddworld game is your favourite out of the series?
it’s hard to choose, but i’d have to go with Munch’s oddysee. it was the first game I was introduced to, and the first game I played.
2. Who’s your favourite mudokon?
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3. Who’s your favourite slig?
there aren’t many slig characters (unfortunately) but I like Lulu’s slig. he was a cool guy
4. Who’s your favourite glukkon?
Molluck, he was cool 😎
5. Who’s your favourite Oddworld character in general?
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6. Which sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Muds, sligs, gluks, vykkers etc)
definitely mudokons, they’re so cute
7. Which non-sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Paramites, scrabs, slogs etc)
gabbits babey!!
8. Which is your favourite level/cutscene?
I can’t choose a favourite level, but I can choose some of my favourite cutscenes! one was that cutscene in New n’ tasty where Abe first transforms into Shrykull and then he does that walk where you can tell he’s thinking ‘yeah i’m the shit’
other favourite cutscenes are the good ending from Munch’s oddysee, and Alf having a go at Abe in Exoddus because he and his friends want a drink.
9. Which location in Mudos is your favourite?
I actually really like west Mudos and wanna see more of it!
10. What’s your favourite quote/line from the games?
the b o i l e r ?
11. Which is your least favourite game out of the series?
this is a hard question, if I had to choose it’d have to be Stranger’s wrath, but that’s still a very good game.
12. Who is your least favourite Oddworld character?
eugene. also big bro sligs used to scare the absolute crap out of me
13. Natives or industrialists?
natives all the way!!
14. Abe, Munch, or Stranger?
I think we know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
although when I was first introduced to Oddworld, my favourite character was Munch- he’s a close second for me now, but I used to love him a lot
15. When did you first get into Oddworld?
I was around 7 years old when my sister showed me a drawing of Abe that she did. I was like “h u h” and Abe gave me a certain weird vibe that was hard to explain. a mixture of discomfort and intrigue.
she began telling me about the Oddworld games and showing me cutscenes and stuff, and I happily and excitedly watched her play them. I made a DeviantArt when I was 8 or 9 (has been abandoned for yEEEARS) where I mostly posted my Oddworld fanart.
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i drew this when i was like 8 or 9?
16. Has there ever been a moment in the games that terrified you?
the bad ending for Munch’s oddysee. sweet jesus
17. What moment from the games made you laugh?
i’ve has some really funny glitches, also various moments from cutscenes.
18. How many times have you played the games?
i’ve only finished Munch’s Oddysee and New n’ tasty once each, getting the good ending both times. I played part of Stranger’s wrath but stopped at Packrat Palooka (I think?)
as for all the other games, I watched my sister play them lmao
19. What’s your fondest Oddworld-related memory?
there’s multiple! finishing Munch’s oddysee for the first time and getting the good ending (I think I cried? lol) and any other one would probably be watching my sister play the games lmao
20. Do you have an OC?
oh man. i’ve had a lot of Oddworld ocs that have come and gone. the first one I made was called Bob, an average looking mudokon with a single red feather for hair. he stuck with me the longest but I abandoned him a couple years ago. he still means a lot to me though, he’s one of the ocs i’ve had for the longest in general. may revive him in future
though I am actually working on an OC at the moment! his name is Leif, he’s a farmer mudokon who grows crops and stuff. i’ll probably make an account for him later.
21. Do you have any headcanons?
yep! I can’t remember all of them, but one is that Toby is a teenager.
22. Do you have any AU ideas?
Abe but he’s on the side of the industrialists lmao
23. Do you own/collect any merch?
I have a Munch plush that my sister kindly gave to me!! I love him a lot
24. Do you have any unpopular opinions?
alf is smelly hehe
25. Who’s your favourite person (or people) on Oddtumblr?
y-you guys know who you are 🥺👉👈
(absolute favourite though is @ask-alf-oddworld , she’s my sister and she got me into Oddworld in the first place)
26. What are your thoughts on Lorne Lanning, Sherry McKenna, and/or Oddworld Inhabitants?
I love them and their work so so so so much, and can’t thank them enough for creating this beautiful and messed up story.
27. What piece of lore do you hope makes it into the games?
aw man. anything relating to the queens or Munch’s oddysee.
28. Which character from the lore do you hope shows up in the games?
29. What hopes do you have for the franchise?
I hope it gets more attention!
30. How has Oddworld impacted/influenced you?
it influenced me to develop morals. the stories were so creative and inspiring, but also based on actual things that were going on in the world. the Oddworld games have this unique and indescribable vibe about them (in a good way)
also Oddworld just made me really happy. it’s been one of my most important and biggest interests, it was the first thing I ever became really obsessed with, and I have so many positive childhood memories.
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edda-blattfe · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Tag Game: Post Release Version
Link to game template: https://edda-blattfe.tumblr.com/post/623310756946067456/twisted-wonderland-tag-game-post-release-version
Rules: Answer the following questions, then tag 3 or more blogs to keep the game going. Have fun, and may the gotcha goblins seek favor upon you!
Tagged by @twisted-eels
~Your twisted tale begins!~
1. Y(o/u)u just woke up in a coffin trapped with this talking rat thing that swears he isn’t a tanuki. How do you actually react?
- Severly confused but relatively calm. I would likely ask said rat thing a long list of questions...you know, like where are we, why are we stuck in a coffin of all things, and how did he manage to sneak me out of the house without waking my light sleeping but up.
2. Let’s pretend for a second that you’re not at the mercy of a magic mirror and incompetent bird dad, choose which dorm you would like to be a part of. Why, and do you think the mirror would agree?
- I used to think Diasomnia, granted that was mostly because of the gothic fairy vibes the dorms aesthetic gives off, my tendency to excel in academics, and the results I typically get from dorm sorting quizzes. However, as the game reveals more info on the dorms and student’s personalities, I think the mirror would sort me into Pomefiore. The reason I usually excel in school is because I love learning and have an (admittedly pathetic) desire to impress instructors/people in charge; also have a hard time accepting failure from myself (the mere thought of failing is enough to trigger anxiety attacks, but let’s not focus on that). These traits are synonymous with the “magnanimous efforts” Pomefiore prizes above all else. Vil’s beauty expectations would be trying, but if he (or Rook) is willing to teach that would likely trigger that desire to impress them along with those other traits. This is all speculation though. 😅
3. Going back to twst reality, where you don’t have magic and get sentenced to Ramshackle; what is your first thought upon seeing this safety hazard of a building? What’s the first thing you choose to fix there?
- “You’re leaving new here...alone..with only a talking rat for protection in a world of magic....great.” Will likely go around picking up small things at first to clear up clutter, next item is the doors and windows. Hope the ghosts can help me out at least a little.
4. In an alternate reality where you don’t immediately get lumped together with Ace and Deuce, who in the school becomes your best friend(s)?
- Likely Rook, Malleus, and Jack. Rook and Malmal are both characters with specific interests who don’t really get many chances to gush about their passions, that combination tends to work out well for me, they also seem approachable despite the out of character reputations their peers keep shoving in mc’s face (seriously, I don’t see how Rook is any weirder than say Sebek or how Mal is supposed to be intimidating when doesn’t act even remotely shady) talking to them would be easier than the “normal” students. Jack is someone I can respect for his morals and honest nature, we’d definitely get along well in class.
5. Which existing club would you give a shot? Any particular reason why?
- Science club! (Not because of Rook) The science club is a mishmash of multiple disciplines that could have been made into a separate club if enough people took interest, this is an especially enticing detail as it would offer multiple fields to study.
6. Don’t be shy, we know there’s a certain someone who’s caught your eye! Who are they? How did you meet?
- Ya’ll already know it’s Rook, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s possible I met him in the science club or maybe ran into him while he was “hunting” someone and stopped to ask what he was doing.
7. Which of the events was the most exciting for you?
- Really wanted to like Fairy Gala because, fairies. But Ghost Marriage is the fav at the moment.
8. Ghosts: delightful dorm mates or unholy terrors?
- Absolute delights! Having them around the dorm would be comforting since you know them and you’ll never be left alone in this dilapidated horror scene of a dormitory.
9. Choose a champion (no further context, just pick).
- Rook. He’d offput his enemies before taking them on, an effective strategy in any scenario requiring a champion.
10. Would you rather (a) film a movie with Vil, (b) play a round of magic shift with Leona, or (c) go gargoyle sighting with Malleus?
- C! Gargoyle watching sounds like a relaxing past time.
11. Thoughts on fairies?
- AMAZING BEINGS!!!!! I wanna know more about the different sorts of fairies! Please please please give us more fairy lore tw!
12. “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” (Choose wisely now)
- Vil is pretty, don’t get me wrong, but I think Silver is the student I’d say is the most beautiful student physically. Sorry Vil.
13. Would you rather (a) keep Azul from eating fried food, (b) be responsible for dragging Idia out from his lair, (c) break a rule with Riddle standing right in front of you, or (d) tell Kalim to his face that Jamil isn’t all that great (not true).
- B, it might take a lot of effort but he’s getting out of that room one way or another.
14. You stumble upon Rook stalking another student from inside the bushes. What do you do?
- Join him of course! Ask if he’s learned anything about his current subject.
15. Which homeland (that we know of) would you like to learn more about?
- Valley of Thorns
16. Thoughts on Grimm?
- Fluffy but kind of a jerk. Really hope we don’t have to fight him in the end.
17. If you had magic, what would be your unique magic?
- Maybe some sort of illusion magic? The thought of being able to create false sensory information straight from your imagination is enticing, ngl, and could come in handy in tricking people into say leaving their room or to get their but to class.
18. Favorite ship? (oc ships are cool too)
- I...don’t have an absolute fav....wow...erm, maybe a tie between Choco x Trey and Rosid x Lilia
19. Favorite theory?
- Crowley isn’t the main villain. At this point he’s so useless we actually want him to be the villain, but imagine the anti-climatic reveal that he isn’t.
20. The school year is coming to a close, how are you feeling? Any thoughts?
- Please don’t make me go back to my parents, this place is better. Besides, who else is gonna take care of Ramshackle if I’m gone?
21. “Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” What do you wish to see from the game in future stories?
- More lore please, I’ll take anything at this point!
Tagging: @fluiditism , @tomik0 , @octavinelle-mafia , @choconanime , @terrors-of-nightraven , @the27th , @twistinghearts , @permanentlyexhaustedowl , @oiseaunoir11 , and anyone else who wants to take part in the tag game. Have fun!
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yuukinoryuu · 5 years
13 y 21 👀
Gracias por las preguntas! ❤
13- what do you think of the fandom / qué piensas del fandom
(ESP) Como ya dije en otro tag, los fans que me he encontrado aquí en Tumblr son la gran mayoría maravillosos ❤
Aquí lo explico más en detalle, pero, así en general, creo que, como pasa en todos los fandom, hay gente que puede resultar más tóxica, y creo que eso es inevitable. Por otro lado, creo que la gente es libre de hacer contenido creado por fans como los OC, pero que también hay que aclarar que el canon es el canon, y no pasa nada jajaj. 
Os hago una confesión, mi problema personal con algunos fans es a la hora de debatir ciertos temas que trata DL, cada uno tiene su opinión y eso está bien, pero creo que es mejor estar abierto a debate en vez de cerrarse a escuchar otras opiniones. Una cosa es que a alguien no le guste algo y otra cosa es algunas reviews destructivas (de fans y no fans) que he leído por internet de DL que tela marinera las cosas de las que acusan al pobre juego xD
(ENG) In general, I think that, as it happens in other fandoms, there will always be toxic people and I think that is inevitable. Also, I think people are free to create fan content like OCs, but it’s neccesary to clarify the line between that and the canon, and that’s just alright xD. 
I want to make a confession, my personal problem with some fans is when it comes to talking about certain topics DL addresses. Everybody has their opinion and that is fine, but I think it’s better to debate conflicting views and not just close to dialogue. It’s fine if someone doesn’t like x thing, but I don’t think it’s fine making a destructive DL (fan and non-fan) review accusing the poor game of some serious issues as I read in other websites xD
21- first thoughts compared to your thoughts now / primeras impresiones versus tus impresiones actuales
(¡Respondida! Copio y pego)
(ENG) I don’t know why but, I remember that the first time I saw the anime, the scene where Ayato bites Yui for the first time shocked me more than I expected (like, I didn’t think he was really going to bite her, because in other vampire animes it’s usually a one/two times thing and in DL it happens quite often xD), but I finished it and I was like: I don’t understand anything 🤣, because we don’t know anything about them and their stories and I was really curious.
Then I discovered the games and I said, let’s try, and I played Ayato’s HDB route for the first time without understanding almost anything because at that time I didn’t understand much japanese xD. But, to be honest, I think the first time you play it, it leaves an impression on you because of the themes it addresses.
But now, here I am, I love rewatching the anime for the 12th time (for me, just for the OST and graphics it’s worth it), replaying the routes to analize details that I didn’t notice the first time, trying to understand each character’s behaviour, and playing new routes. Also, before there were a lot of characters I didn’t give a chance like Reiji (I hated him before u.u) or Laito, who I don’t really know much yet but I’m willing to. ^^
(ESP) Me acuerdo que cuando vi el anime por primera vez, no sé por qué, pero la escena donde Ayato muerde a Yui por primera vez como que me chocó mucho (en plan, no pensaba que la fuera a morder de verdad, porque en otros animes de vampiros como que lo sugieren pero nunca pasa, y en DL como que lo de morderla es muy habitual xD), pero lo terminé y me quedé en plan, no entiendo nada 🤣, porque no sabes nada de ellos y sus historias y como que te quedas con la curiosidad.
Entonces descubrí los juegos y dije, vamos a probar, y jugué la ruta de Ayato HDB por primera vez entendiendo cuatro cosas porque por esa época apenas sabía japonés xD, pero la verdad es que la primera vez que juegas impresiona, porque DL es un tipo de juego muy particular por los temas que trata.
Pero ahora, aquí estoy, me encanta volver a ver el anime por decimosegunda vez (que para mí, ya sólo con el OST y los gráficos vale la pena), volver a jugar las rutas para analizar detalles que la primera vez se me escapan e intentar comprender el comportamiento de los personajes, así como jugar otras nuevas. Además, antes había muchos personajes a los que no les dí la oportunidad como Reiji (que antes lo odiaba u.u), o Laito, que todavía no conozco muy bien pero tengo la intención. ^^
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eyesontheskyline · 5 years
(about the whole fic writer asks, except those answered now) the story specific ones have to be about 'but if you really hold me tight' - I love all your cxg fics and it's the longest one :D) it's just I'm thinking of getting back to writing and since you're of my favorites authors out there now i'd love to get some insight. kudos for being cool about it!
Hello!  Okay first of all thank you so much, that is a ridiculously big compliment and my face hurts.  And yes yes yes you should definitely write if you feel like writing - just go for it!  If you have any specific questions or you want a pep talk or whatever, message any time :) 
Okay I’m gonna put these under a Read More because wall of text.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?Right now only Crazy Ex Girlfriend.  I wrote for Criminal Minds under a different name then had a gap of several years.  I’m pretty far removed from CM now but I can safely say writing for CXG has been a nicer experience community wise (partly a smaller fandom thing and I suspect partly a demographic thing), and there’s more established character stuff to work with because all the character development isn’t like…  Crammed in the five minutes they have to work with either side of the crime solving.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.I don’t really do either, but reader inserts are kind of a squick of mine honestly, so I’m gonna say OCs.  I’ve only written OC kids though.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?I am not entirely sure what this means…  Fic genre?  Original media genre?  I have only ever written romance or friendship stuff for TV shows, an odd balance of fluff and angst?
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?Mmm let the sun inside has a special place in my heart because it was the thing that got me back into writing after a really long gap and turned out pretty much how I wanted it to.  Writing it was just a very intense ‘I am writing again and my brain is on fire’ experience for me.
7) When is your preferred time to write?I would love to have a less dysfunctional answer to this, but probably between 1 and 4am unfortunately?  That can’t be a thing on work nights because I get up at 6.30.  If I can get myself on a roll early afternoon in a coffee shop though, that’s a better feeling.  Just… Less common than ‘the rest of the world around me is asleep and my brain just woke up’.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?Oh everywhere.  The media I write fic about.  The stories I read.  My life, my friends.  The world.
9) In but if you really hold me tight, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?Oh god I really don’t know.  This story is really hard for me to have perspective on because of the ridiculously time pressured way I wrote and published it.  I’m probably proudest of chapter 12, where they discuss the ‘do we want a baby’ question properly, because that just…  Is an important conversation that you don’t really see in media?  I’m not sure it’s the best writing in the story, but I’m glad I didn’t chicken out of it.  I also enjoyed writing Rebecca meeting Plimpton Senior in chapter 19, because that feels like an opportunity the show missed and I will never see enough versions of it in fic honestly.  (Do you have a favourite?)
10) In but if you really hold me tight, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?That one was pretty much always going to end where it did – just because of the format, it was always going to end in a fluffy happy place around midnight on the 1st of January 2021. The last chapter was going to be longer originally, with more characters getting a moment, but it was just getting kind of unfocused – Rebecca POV can handle tone shifts pretty well I think because of the way her brain is wired, but at some point it all just got a bit messy so I pared it back.  I think I’m pleased with how it turned out, but the chaos of writing it is still fresh enough that it’s hard to tell!
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Nah, but I’ve fixed typos (thank you @what-the-elle-n!)
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I find Valencia and Paula pretty difficult.  I love them, but I struggle.
14) How did you come up with the title - You can ask about multiple stories.(Since it says multiple and since I only have 3 currently…)  Everything I’ve published for CXG so far has had song lyric titles – mostly because I am not good at poetic turns of phrase, and I like lyricists who are.  (I’m also not a particularly romantic person, and I like lyricists who are!)
let the sun inside is from Ribcage by elbow.  The full line is ‘I wanted to explode – to pull my ribs apart and let the sun inside’, which feels to me like that feeling of having bottled everything up for so long that you just can’t feel anything anymore until you kind of break down and come out the other side?  And Rebecca = sunshine, so.  That is basically the premise of the story, so that was a stroke of luck.
the landing light is from K2 by elbow (I swear I listen to other music, they just have words that really lend themselves to fanfic titles lol).  I have a whole meta thing written to publish alongside the last chapter about why this song for this story, but basically the line is ‘Dickhead’s done a runner and he’s wondering if anyone cares – is the landing light on?’ which is just someone far from home feeling a bit stupid and homesick and wondering if there’s anybody waiting at home for him.  And of course Nathaniel comes home to a totally miserable situation and there Rebecca is.
but if you really hold me tight…  It had to be a lyric from a Christmas song, preferably one Frank Sinatra sang at some point, because that was the playlist I started listening to in mid-October while outlining this madness.  So it’s from Let It Snow, obviously, although that exact line is not in that version, ssshhhhhh (he sings ‘but if you’ll only hold me tight’).  I chose it because R&N being a team and getting through stuff together in a mostly-fluff-but-not-entirely way was kind of what I was aiming for, and it just felt like it fit.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?I kind of have an OC coming up in a story I’m writing now, and I just… Knew who named them, and tried to choose a name those people would choose.  I don’t really do OCs much in fic, but in not-fic (it’s been a while!) I try to go for a name that (1) means something, and importantly (2) I can imagine their parents having named them.
16) How did you come up with the idea for but if you really hold me tight?So a writer I used to read a lot from the Criminal Minds fandom did a Christmas fic a couple of years in a row – one short, mostly fluffy chapter for each day from the 1st-25th of December.  So that was the plan.  Except as soon as I started outlining it, I knew I couldn’t write an entire month fluffy and problem-free for these two (for anyone, but especially these two), so short and fluffy didn’t stick!
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.“I’ve gotten better at a lot of things since you’ve been away, but my self-deception skills have taken a real hit.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?Yeah, I abandoned a few Criminal Minds fics.  I still feel bad about them actually – I get comments on them occasionally. (On the offchance anyone reading this is someone who feels nervous about commenting on old stories – these delight me in ways you cannot imagine.)  I ran out of steam in a lot of ways – I started them without any real idea where I was going and wrote myself into a corner, mostly, but also I was starting to really struggle to write unprompted.  I am not the most mentally well person, and I just got my brain into this spirally tangle where I thought nobody wanted to read anything they hadn’t asked for, so I filled a lot of prompts but couldn’t convince myself to write anything else.  It feels really weird to think about that now, which I guess is a good sign…
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?I toy with following the emotional arc of S4 but following let the sun inside sometimes – that was the plan, when I originally finished it and was panicking that I would never get another idea.  Also, but if you really hold me tight created a world of warm domesticity for R&N that I felt really sad leaving behind, so I would probably like to write in the timeline again.  And the landing light might get a oneshot sequel, depending on whether I end it the way I think I’m going to or the way I was originally planning to…
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?No, not in this fandom.  I’ve only written two endings though!  I’ve ended on some real cheeseball final lines in the past though.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?@heartbash, who can do plot and slow-burn in a way my impatient ass will never be capable of.  @justwanted2dance who deserves a million flame emojis and writes BDSM stuff in a way that makes my anxious brain comfy enough to enjoy it (literally nobody else has achieved this).  @pictureofsoph1sticatedgrace who writes the loveliest fluff and is a badass individual.  @notbang and @anthropologicalhands and @catty-words and @akisazame and @romansuzume who write beautifully and can do those poetic turns of phrase I am not good at.  I’ve got to be forgetting someone but wowww there is so much talent and creativity in this lil room.  So many people to be inspired by.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?God yes, but not in this fandom.  It’s fine, 19 or 20 year old me, you were learning.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?Silence.  Or like white noise or the Hufflepuff Common Room 10 hour ASMR video on youtube or something lol.  Anything with words just ruins me – my attention span is laughable.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?Ha yes actually, but I’m really not entirely sure why.  Sometimes my brain is just a really weird place to be.
26) Which part of but if you really hold me tight was the hardest to write?It depends how you measure hardest, I guess.  Several of the smut scenes just said ‘[insert sex]’ for the longest time, sometimes with descriptions?  So like ‘[insert feelingsy sex]’ or whatever lol.  In terms of getting voices right (like to the point of still being unsure whether it’s any good), this gurl group chapter.  
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?It really depends.  Usually I know roughly where I’m going and how I’m getting there and that’s good enough for me, but my NaNo fic got an outline because of the format and timescale. And I’m planning a thing with an actual plot arc (gasp!) so that’s getting an outline, in the hope of making it look vaguely romance novel shaped.  Basically it depends on the length of the thing for me, and how plotty it is.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?Writing advice: if you’re struggling to move past a particular point, the thing you need to change is probably a few lines back.  It’s rarely the last line that painted you into the corner. If you think something needs to come out, paste it into an outtakes document – you might want to put it somewhere else later, or salvage lines from it or whatever, and it’s just easier to let go if you’re not actually hitting delete.
Posting advice: remember fandom is community – everyone is here because they love the thing you love.  They’re gonna be excited there’s a new story to read, and they’re rooting for you!  (Write the thing!)
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?Nahh I mean, it’s a smaallll fandom.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?Again, smaaalll.  (Also I try not to publicly eye roll at things other people love even if they are my things – there’s nothing quite like loving a song just for the band to be like ‘ugh I fucking hate that song’, so I always try to keep that in mind.)
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)You did not send me a rec!  Feel free to send me one now!  In fact, open call, everyone send me fic recs, even if I’ve definitely read them.
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?Mm no I don’t do OCs.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?I mean, I enjoyed hearing that someone read my story in the corner at a party lol, especially because it was a chapter I was pretty pleased with and nervous about.  Also any time anybody says something I wrote is a headcanon or ‘this should have happened in the show’ is a glittery feeling. When somebody notices a little clue or detail that isn’t obvious, it makes me ridiculously happy.  Humans reading my thing then saying something about it is still crazy, so, yeah.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?Story time: my old fandom has this one character who has a lot of pretty hardcore stans.  I mostly dislike the word stan but like…  Yeah.  So anyway, I got an email saying I had a new comment on my ficlet collection (keeping in mind I was in my ‘very unhealthy relationship with feedback’ stage at this point), and clicked on it all happy, and all it said was ‘I didn’t read this because another comment said it doesn’t contain enough *stanned character* and you really should warn people upfront that he isn’t gonna be in it, I’m glad I didn’t waste my time on it’.  Which was just…  A bizarre comment.  Like, commenting to say you didn’t read the thing is weird in itself, but also you list the characters who are in the thing, not all the ones who aren’t?? Anyway, I then went on my tumblr and I had several anon messages that were just straight up hate along the same lines and…  Yeah.  The Criminal Minds fandom was a strange place. On a related note, have I told you today that I love you, CXG people?  I love you.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?I am basically always up with talking stuff through with people.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?This is actually difficult to do right now.  There’s a baby?
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?I mean, I made myself laugh a couple of times in my festive fic, but I’m more of a ‘this one line is funny’ writer than a ‘this story is funny’ writer.  I’m too angsty!
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.This question is faaar too terrifying.  I’ve actually never collabed with anyone, I’d love to though.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?Third.  I think because I’ve only written for TV shows, no matter how closely you’re following one character, if you’re seeing them on a screen, you’re in third person.  So it’s just an extra struggle to make that jump to another POV for me.  I have written my not-fanfic mostly in first though, and I’ve read some lovely fic in first and second.  I’m just not good at it.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?One person.
41) What’s your favourite minor character you’ve written?Hmmmm who is minor, really?  I find AJ difficult but fun.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?I don’t write anything plotty enough for this to be a thing!
44) What is the last line you wrote?“Mm, because you know how irresistible your weird old timey voices are.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?I want people to read the thing, honestly.  It’s a ‘reach out my lonely haaand’ moment with a little less melodrama.  I want it to be out in the world doing what it’s meant to do.  I also want it to be finished so I can read it – I get a very particular kind of happy feeling from reading a good sentence I wrote.
46) I really loved but if you really hold me tight. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?Lol it felt really weird to type that in there when you didn’t actually say it directly, but you said all so here we are!  I’m just gonna take that compliment even though I wrote it…  When I started coming to the end of writing that story, I started to feel really sad about leaving behind the warm domestic feel of it, so if I ever feel more domestic fluff coming on, probably it’ll be set after that.  
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?You did not insert a made up title!  Although insert a made up title has potential for Rebecca hounding everyone she knows to help her title a song she wrote.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?Is ‘let’s have an actual conversation about this’ a trope because that’s my brand so far!  I haven’t written anything particularly tropey, I don’t think, although the pull of ‘omg there was only one bed’ is strong right now!
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?Yes!  It was a Criminal Minds fic, Hotch/Prentiss, canon compliant (ish) missing scenes kind of deal.  I can’t remember the first CXG fic I read, which is ridiculous because it was a lot more recent.  I started writing CXG fic before I started looking for it, because I hadn’t been inspired to write in so long that I didn’t want to scare myself away.  I read some before publishing, but I can’t remember where I started.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?I can only dream of being mentally stable enough to have a consistent answer to this lol.  Angst comes more naturally to me, but writing angsty characters into happy situations is one of the ways I make sense of the world, so…  Fluff, maybe, as long as I can keep the characters screwed up, because they just…  Are.  And like, same.
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questions about creating your ocs + amethyst andrews
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
I think the first thing I knew about her was her very first line in the fic (“call off your bulldog”), followed by her backstory and then her appearance and overall aesthetic, then her name!
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
A little bit based around her dynamic with Archie but for the most part no!
3. How did you choose their name?
Amethyst has been my favourite name since I was like, six, and I could never find a good character for the name (dating back even to my 8-10 y/o ocs, no one deserved it lmao)
and then there was that one time in riverdale where Toni introduces herself to Veronica and Veronica makes a comment about the purple gemstone, and I had a total epiphany moment lmao!  Plus it suited my love of the Serpents all having weird/fancy/rich names but only going by nicknames, hence why only like, four people can get away with calling her Amethyst in canon!
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Definitely Serpent politics and my own headcanons about them!
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
the answer that I like to give is that it’s because people assume she’s FP’s daughter a lot so I wanted her to look like him, but the truth is that I didn’t think of that until after I’d already chosen haha, so not originally but now there is! 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color?
Not really haha!
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Yes!!  Amy is extremely short (unhealthily so) as a result of malnutrition as a child
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Her loyalty to her friends, her love of leather jackets, and her severe fear of doctors!  Also her hearing loss and asexuality though she’s much more sex positive than I am lmao
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
Yes!  Not much by any means but the hearing loss and asexuality (though again, we experience asexuality very differently) are both from my own experiences and more importantly my spite at being denied ace/hoh jughead
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
Not much!  Her dynamic with Jughead changed to make them more compatible but her actual personality wasn’t, and her character wasn’t really tailored to be compatible with Sweet Pea or the poly squad so much as they all just fell into place together!
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I did!  Like I said this totally started out as a salt fic so the fact that she was ace was a given from the get go!
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Finding specific content that I want - there’s a scene in Skins Season 1 that I adore for her and that’s perfect for an edit that I have in mind right now but I can only find very low quality versions of it
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
I have Amy’s life planned through season 3 of Riverdale and then pretty much her entire future until her mid 30s - but I’m completely separating from canon in s3 and s4 so I haven’t actually figured out exactly what’s going to be going on in those seasons lmao
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
She’s the only Serpent Malachai likes, and Sweet Pea is her be all end all soulmate!  (Also she’s 100% ride or die for her family aka the poly squad, FP, the Andrews’, and Malachai)
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
Honestly she’s such a petulant child sometimes and I love it!  Also she struggles to get into Sweet Pea’s jeep because she’s too short and the visual of that is always hilarious to me
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
I... literally everything?  I honestly don’t even know where to start, her life is such a mess?  But I think the combination of her feeling like her only value to people is as a sex object and her deep fear of disappointing people fucks me up the most (a combination that turns into a very tragic mess in chapter 24-25ish)
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
I regret adding so much angst because I hate hurting my daughter but I don’t actually regret it because I love my ideas for it
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
Amy only ever refers to Fred as her dad when she’s making a point (in front of Sheriff Keller, Hiram Lodge, or at Riverdale High), the rest of the time she refers to him as Fred or as Archie’s dad - the first time she calls him dad just because she wants to (which she’s wanted to for years) is in chapter 20 after some major angst
19. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
Amy gives most of the new Serpents their tattoos (Toni does the others)
Creation Questions
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