#Acario the wizard
madamsarrat · 3 months
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My kid-creature Wim and their father Acario in Unicorn Warriors Eternal style.
Wim is chaotic and part fae (not an elf like Edred), so they're always creating chaos to see what happens bc fae curiosity. If they were to cross paths with the Unicorn team, I could picture Edred seeing through them and being generally annoyed by them. Emmalinda could defend them in a "Can you chill? It's just a kid, they don't know better!" kind of way (A kid that's almost 100 y/o, tho). Wim would take advantage of that and mess with Edred for fun.
I also think Acario could be a known name for Merlin and maybe this Edred, if his mind wasn't fogged by the poor reincarnation, as he used to be an evil half-elf wizard before passing and becoming a magic staff for his kid.
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madamsarrat · 4 months
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I am aware that many of you only follow me for the fanart I create of their fandoms and not for me as a person, which is completely valid and I have no problem with it, but for those who are interested in my own stuff, I wanted to share this with you.
This is the first OC I ever created when I was around 13-14 years old. Every time I draw them, it brings me joy because I think about that little Sarrat and how the present me could draw her anything she wanted.
Anyway, this OC doesn't have much lore beyond being a magic user and carrying a staff with the talking skull of their late father, a powerful sorcerer. He now serves as their guide, but since he wasn't a good person when he was alive, he's not really a reliable source of guidance. And that's about it. It's probably gonna be my next Durge in BG3.
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madamsarrat · 4 months
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The skull is Acario, a powerful wizard when he was alive and the father of the kid.
In the end I named the kid "Wim", cuz I can picture Acario yelling that name.
If you want to know more about them, keep reading under the cut.
Acario got freaky with a fae, who thought could lure him to his death bc the fae didn't feel threatened by him (he was drunk and high at the time, so he didn't have his usual dangerous aura). When the fae realized he was simply not dying, it panicked and flew away. Months later, it gave birth to Wim and threw them on Acario's tower, not wanting to have anything to do with them or the wizard.
Acario shrugged, thinking about raising the kid to be his sort of sidekick? servant? little helper? in any case, Acario wasn't a good parent but at least he genuinely care for his kid creature.
Acario was sick and Wim used to help him make a special potion to soothe his symptoms, even though he knew death was inevitable.
One day he sent Wim to find the herbs for the potion, but Wim struggled to find them. When they got back, Acario was on the floor. Wim thought he was sleeping but after not responding to their calls about drinking his potion, they didn't know what to do.
Wim stayed in the tower over a decade, reading the wizardry textbooks and learning on their own. They knew it was impossible to bring Acario back but, experimenting, they decided to place Acario's skull on his magic staff to see what happens and yes, he came back... in a way.
Acario's soul and magic remain in the modified staff, being able to talk to Wim, attempting to guide them now that they decided to leave the tower and explore the world.
These were my first ever OCs and I'm a little emotional thinking about my young self. I feel a sort of "Look at where you are, look at where you started", thinking about 13 y/o me drawing these characters on my middle school notebooks. I also saw a trend about authors and the characters they create to heal themselves and I-
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madamsarrat · 3 months
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My therapist encouraged me to work on Wim's story (my kid creature) to clear out the junk from my head and heal shit, so yesterday I started designing characters and giving direction to their journey.
After Acario died, Wim remained alone in the tower for a couple of decades. A couple of decades is nothing for a creature like Wim, but not having anyone to talk to except oneself was starting to get boring. Before even thinking to place Acario's skull on the staff, they already decided to leave the tower in hopes of finding something more, because up until then, the tower was all what they knew (besides the forest around it).
Once they placed Acario on the staff and Acario regained consciousness, he disagreed with Wim leaving the tower, fearing they wouldn't survive and the staff would fall into the wrong hands (His concern isn't for what might happen to Wim, but for what might happen to himself). Yet Wim decided to leave anyway.
Reading Acario's diaries, Wim learned about a village not far from the tower, led by a human who, according to the wizard's notes, owed him a favor. This was Lord Amadeus, a man as religious as he was hypocritical, because instead of placing his faith in God, he had asked Acario for help to gain power. When Lord Amadeus saw Wim, he was about to kick them out due to their fey features and magical abilities, but Acario intervened, forcing him to begrudgingly let Wim stay (mostly out of fear).
Now, regarding the girl I designed, Amadeus had three children: two sons and a daughter named Poppy. She was the middle child, who suffered the most due to being the daughter of a highly misogynistic religious fanatic.
At first, Wim struggles to connect with her because they don't understand why she is so proper and careful, knowing she longs to jump, laugh, run, scream, in short, to LIVE. It's not until they find her roaming the castle at night that they realize she's just a normal girl that does normal stuff. Poppy explains to them what it means to be Amadeus's daughter and the complicated rules for noblewomen.
Wim finds it hard to grasp, as it's the first time they have encountered any kind of hierarchy, besides Acario who could be a jerk but let them be. It should be also noted that Wim is a creature half-fae, aka, cannot be categorized as male or female, so no one knows where they fall within that hierarchy (And out of fear of Acario, they let Wim be).
Wim is happy with Poppy's friendship, though they can only enjoy it when the kingdom sleeps, or else she would pay the consequences, like the time they made her laugh out loud. Amadeus punished her for not behaving like a lady, even though her brothers laugh all the time.
Unfortunately, this isn't a story where Wim encourages her to escape her chains, live life, fulfill her dreams... Wim won't intervene because they lack social skills or the wisdom to understand what's happening (They'll realize this too late). They will watch her grow, slowly dimming each day until she becomes the wife of another nobleman just like Amadeus, a shell of what she once was.
I chose the name Poppy because according to the internet(?), part of what the flower symbolizes is sleep and death. Sleep refers to the sedative effect of the flower (hence opium, according to the internet, don't quote me on that). Her dress is blue because it usually symbolizes serenity but also sadness. As she grows older, it will turn gray.
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madamsarrat · 4 months
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Sort of vent art I did yesterday cuz I was feeling down.
My OC who I need to name. I'm looking through the suggestions some friends made. They'll get a gender neutral name cuz I don't see them as either a boy or a girl.
When I was 13-14 I used to draw them all the time as a projection of my state of mind, my feelings, etc. It felt good to do that again, even though I don't see myself in them anymore (yet I'm giving them some of my trauma/daddy issues cuz ya know, "write what you know" and "take your broken heart and make it into art").
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