#they are my adrenaline
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theunderratedarteest789 · 2 years ago
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Tsugikuni brothers Pillar AU ,,,but they raise Muichiro and Yuichiro as their successors
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
I've talked about this before, but emotional dysregulation is such a mother fucker aspect of ADHD.
Like, sure, not being able to regulate my attention sucks, but it's genuinely fucking nothing compared to the absolute rollercoaster of emotions I just went on because someone said something in a shitty tone, and now I'm having to actively walk myself through DBT methods lest my idiot shit for brains 'shiny-can't-sit-still-disorder' drop the match on that particular bridge because the rejection sensitive dysphoria feels like my chest is burning and not being able to act on the hurt feels like I'm suffocating under the weight of emotions pushing down on me and lashing out in anger is quicker than taking the time to self soothe.
And the annoying fucking thing is I know it's me.
I've done enough therapy to know my emotional response to their shittiness is overblown and dysregulated. I know I'm taking it to heart more than they could ever imagine.
And I've got to fucking sit with that and process it because if I don't, I'll be the inconsiderate cunt in this interaction and hhnnggg--wailing, gnashing, biting my thumb at you in the marketplace, etc, etc.
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synodicsoma · 2 months ago
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Stan quite literally chewing his was way out of that trunk he got shoved into and left for dead ✨
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 3 months ago
probably will be FORCED by Pomp And Circumstance to go to the CLOWN HOSPITAL, for a CLOWN INJURY (may or may not be An ALLEGEDLY Fractured Foot...a MOURNFUL MALADY incurred in the most PATHETIC and LAPSIDAISICAL Fashion of TRAGICALLY UNFASHIONABLY Events......
Anyway. Forgot what I was saying. Buy me 1/25th of an x-ray or whatnot I guess
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choccy-milky · 6 months ago
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bloody beater seb🥴💞
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mythtakens · 8 months ago
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1.05 → 4.14
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lazylittledragon · 8 months ago
ok so i just experienced what i think would be the climax of the film about my breakup
i just went to see neck deep and i was supposed to be going to this show with my ex for my birthday, but i went by myself because i’m not missing it because of him, and i crowdsurfed for the first time ever during the song “heartbreak of the century” and i don’t even feel like i’m real right now
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hemlock-dreams · 3 months ago
i have a Quastion does peter enjoy the taste of blood when he bites people,,,, i need this information because of,,,,, stuff
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Blood itself doesn't do anything for Peter, but biting is almost a primal instinct and once he's clamped on, it's very difficult for him to let go.
And injecting venom straight from his fangs gives Peter the same level of euphoria as an orgasm would. A big enough release of venom leaves Peter completely fucked out and experiencing something close to subspace.
As for Wade, he absolutely gets addicted to Peter's venom, but not in the typical physical sense. He gets addicted to the quality of life improvement-
Firstly, it's one one of the few drugs that has an effect on him (still short considering his healing factor but way longer than anything on the market!)
And Secondly, not only does Spidey's venom act as an extremely powerful painkiller, it also helps slow down Wade's sense of time so he can enjoy it. Wade sleeps a full 7 hours for the first time in decades.
All that's left is to stop Spidey from spiraling into a full blown panic attack and running away anytime his fangs graze Wade.
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angelshizuka · 10 months ago
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"I don't wanna be this way... Not forever."
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potatounicoorn · 4 months ago
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Dick Grayson - Ruining non-human heroes perspective of humans since 1964
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lesbianralzarek · 6 months ago
wyll's #1 sexual fantasy: being loved for who he is and assured that hes enough, even without his blade of frontiers persona
wyll's #2 sexual fantasy: being choked out by a minotaur
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corviiids · 4 months ago
alright. i played death note game for the first time. here are my observations from the three games i played
joined an incredibly lovely lobby. if you guys see this hi im rook and i'm sorry for deceiving you
got kira follower two games in a row
won both, hell yeah
told everyone it was my first time playing the game (true) and that i didn't know how the game worked (also mostly true)
got kira my third game. literally what are the odds of this happening to me i didn't get to side with L a single time
day 1: immediately start killing aggressively with zero subtlety.
raised suspicions to the point i was the literal only suspect and everyone was talking about voting for me
i have all the evidence on me and if i get arrested i lose right here. not good. how do i get out of this
distracted them from interrogating me by asking inane questions and playing dumb
stalled out the timer and diverted conversation until everyone was confused and time ran out, forcing a skipped vote. the timer is LONG. this took a WHILE
one player was ultra sus of me and told everyone else if they died then i must be kira
day 2: immediately handed off the death note and all my evidence to my teammate
instructed them to kill the player who suspected me so that all suspicion would fall on me and not on them
deliberately acted as suspicious as possible to get myself caught at the next meeting
everyone is incredibly sus of me at the meeting because i've been standing near literally everyone
everyone votes for me apologetically ("sorry rook that this is your first experience, no way you got kira three times in a row but it's too sus, hope you get a chance to learn the game properly")
sadly conceded to everyone that i understood i must look very sus and didn't know how to defend myself :(
got arrested. no evidence on me.
guess i'm not kira!
follower killed L
kira wins again :)
monologued to the extremely lovely lobby about my evil plan incl. keikaku doori (joke i made on purpose) and maniacal laughter (this just happened naturally)
"wow. you really do know how to play this game."
(i do not. i got very, very lucky and had excellent teammates. but like, im happy to take credit for it.)
exp boost to 11
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grison-in-space · 1 year ago
Listening to Artificial Condition again, it strikes me how much Murderbot uses empathy reflexively as a survival skill. Look at this bit.
Upon meeting it, ART allows it on board and then announces that it knows that Murderbot is rogue. Then ART threatens to destroy it if it hacks ART's own systems. Murderbot is immediately terrified and shuts down all inputs, gives serious thought to spending the entire three month journey unconscious, and then considers the potential avenues of damage from ART's drones. ART, not realizing why Murderbot had suddenly gone silent, tells it to quit sulking, which understandably pisses off the still-terrified Murderbot. It dumps a bunch of memories of coercive treatment into ART's feed, and ART goes silent.
Then this happens:
Then it said, I’m sorry I frightened you. Okay, well. If you think I trusted that apology, you don’t know Murderbot. Most likely it was playing a game with me. I said, “I don’t want anything from you. I just want to ride to your next destination.” I’d explained that earlier, before it opened the hatch for me, but it was worth repeating. I felt it withdraw back behind its wall. I waited, and let my circulatory system purge the fear-generated chemicals. More time crawled by, and I started to get bored. Sitting here like this was too much like waiting in a cubicle after I’d been activated, waiting for the new clients to take delivery, for the next boring contract. If it was going to destroy me, at least I could get some media in before that happened. I started the new show again, but I was still too upset to enjoy it, so I stopped it and started rewatching an old episode of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon. After three episodes, I was calmer and reluctantly beginning to see the transport’s perspective. A SecUnit could cause it a lot of internal damage if it wasn’t careful, and rogue SecUnits were not exactly known for lying low and avoiding trouble. I hadn’t hurt the last transport I had taken a ride on, but it didn’t know that. I didn’t understand why it had let me aboard, if it really didn’t want to hurt me. I wouldn’t have trusted me, if I was a transport. Maybe it was like me, and it had taken an opportunity because it was there, not because it knew what it wanted.
The thing about Murderbot's survival is that it clearly involves quite a bit of negotiating with other constructs and bots. That's how it talks its way onto cargo hauler bots in the first place. It uses empathy--envisioning the emotional and cognitive context of the individuals it encounters--to work out what different kinds of people want, so that it can offer them fair trades. It also uses empathy to consider what humans might be looking for, so it can practice blending in and hide.
Murderbot would never have survived so long if it wasn't capable of assessing the individual desires of the people--human, bot, and construct--around it. It thinks about ART's probable fears and motivations so that it can consider whether ART is inherently an ongoing threat or a potential ally.
When your survival depends on evading detection, you get really good at assessing perceptual biases so that you can shape yourself to fit into them. People talk about murderbot being radically empathetic as a choice it makes, or as a feature of its personality that makes it a good person. But I think murderbot would be the the first person to tell you that this empathy is part of its threat assessment suite, a skill that was developed out of necessity in order to allow you to survive.
It is also a trait that makes murderbot a good person, of course: it chooses very carefully to try to survive by doing as little harm as possible and by offering things, like media, that buy it access to things it needs. But it started as a survival skill. It's part of hypervigilance.
I think one of the strengths of this series is that so many of the things we love about SecUnit are traits developed for survival in an inherently threatening world. The shape of its mind and heart have been changed by the trauma of its origin--but they don't make murderbot less good for being altered, even if that skill was developed in a traumatic context.
I like that.
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thenightblogcometh · 13 days ago
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Why don't you listen to me?
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xoxoemynn · 8 months ago
what if, just as a fun little treat, a nice little surprise, a cute little bonus, the universe decided to be nice and gave us OFMD back?
I just think that would be very sexy and right and beautiful.
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so-very-small · 14 days ago
realistically, i think climbing around inside of a giant’s walls would be scary + dangerous. like obviously less so once other borrowers cleared paths and all, but the initial exploration? i would REFUSE to do that. like, bugs, fiberglass, no light, iffy stability, there’s so many things that could go wrong. knowing me, they would go wrong. if i was a tiny i’d live outside in an old tea pot and look at wall-dwelling borrowers with the type of awe i typically reserve only for underwater cave divers
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