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andishouldfeel · 1 year ago
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Puppy Pack &
Pot Brownies AU
"Is it me spinning?
Oh dear
Such a lovely dance"
trigger warnings: pot brownies, protective friends, careless boyfriends, Nett & Thiam
"Nolan, just how many brownies have you eaten?" Mason asked, concerned.
The freckled boy was caught by the puppy pack wandering around the party in a slow and dizzy pace, his legs looking like were about to give out any minute.
"I... Humm... Don't know? Where's Brett?" Nolan looked around, eyes heavy and blurry, trying to find the blonde tall boy in the middle of the improvised dance floor.
"Here, I got him some water" Theo handed the bottle to Mason. "Let's get somewhere for him to sit down"
"Did he knew those where pot brownies? Who gave him those?" Liam angrily asked, frustrated for his friend helpless state.
"Some seniors brought them, but I don't think he knew what they were..."
Corey was guiding Nolan gently to one of the bedrooms in the basement, supporting most of his weight.
"But Brett... Can't... Brett? Are we leaving Brett there?"
Nolan tried to leave when he saw that they were getting away from the loud music, Theo stopped in the hallway, looking for the freckled's boyfriend.
"I don't think he knew, actually... Where is Brett, the fucker doesn't answer his phone!"
Suddently, Theo saw the dirty blonde hair of his boyfriend in the crowd, looking positively fuming, heading towards somewhere.
"Heh, somebody is about to get their ass kicked" Theo laughed, and crossed his arms, waiting.
"You were supposed to take care of him! Where was you when he eaten those?"
It was a laughable scene, Liam dragging Brett by his ear.
"What?! Those were just candies! OUCH! Let go Liam! Fuck, I was right there!" The tall boy squirmed, trying to get away from Liam's tight grip.
"He is down there, go and take care of him or else I..." Theo interrupted Liam's bicker, grabbing him by his hips.
"Leave him, they will be fine." The quimera whispered in his ear. "Meanwhile, you owe me a dance."
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scatterbrainedbot · 1 year ago
okay so im looking at my first few character sheets and theres a little bit of lore/context i want to give just to clarify, specifically about the last generation (of humans) in the Hamato lineage
(long text heavy post ahead!)
so background:
in the 03 version of tmnt The Ancient One (who is not a Hamato) essentially adopts three children: Hamato Yoshi, Yukio Mashimi, Tang Shen (girls dont get surnames i guess??) They seemed to have been explicitly raised as siblings. Still, love triangle trope was hungry ig. Both boys fell in love w Tang Shen and she fell for Yoshi. to which Mashimi said ‘alright bet’ and killed her. i cant even laugh at him for his pathetic Nice Guy “i was nice to you for years and u wont have sex with me???” tantrum cos like. sir, that is ur sister. boy howdy. all of yall need to go meet some other people.
mostly i chalk that whole mess up to the fact that the writing of women in most media in the early 2000s lacking like idk?? any actual characterization?? an ounce of consideration??? not a single braincell?? they were mostly just there to be a means to some plot trope, rather than an actual character in and of themselves — like im amazed april came out as lovely as she did, with her own like life and skills and autonomy (her big sis vibes in 03 are so so nice, and tbh i love her whole character a lot — still lots of misogyny moments in her writing too but im not trying to do an analysis into that rn)
so anywho!!
for the rat sons au, i decided to go ahead and scrap all the incesty undertones (idk, are those undertones? seems p straight up to me?) and completely revamp the origins of The Ancient One, Tang Shen and Yoshi <3 (and Mashimi too ig, but he essentially got cut out entirely. sucks to suck ya entitled lil douche)
Here's the general lowdown
So, the Hamato clan is one of the oldest and well established in all of Japan. The family rose to prominence in the feudal period of Japan’s history, due to their collective skill in the art of ninjutsu, their dedication, stealth, and discretion. Like most ninja, they were assassins available to hire, either for killing or simple sabotage, for politics or personal matters – though no matter the task, a Hamato’s loyalty was always to the head of the Family over their client.
Beyond their reputation as a ninja clan though, the Hamatos also had a reputation for being extremely generous to their community and highly protective of the less fortunate. (think kinda Al Capone vibes, like oh these bitches hella dangerous. but also. will def tip over $100 soooo…) This did lead to occasional conflict of interests during assignments/contracts. Most Hamatos would then seek the advice of the head of the family, and follow their lead, be it to the benefit of their client, or not.
(This also led to several members either abandoning the clan, or being killed by their clients for failed action etc etc)
As time passes and we reach the mid twentieth century or so, there is only one final heir to the Hamato lineage. A young man, named Hamato Sho. Sho spent his youth trying to serve his family and honor their name etc etc etc. But ultimately, this got him caught up in a lot of corrupt powerful nonsense that he eventually walked away from after the death of his friend.
This friend had left behind a young daughter, Tang Shen. Since he knew she had no other family to claim her, Sho took her in, expecting to only be a temporary foster at most. Surprise! this quiet five year old kiddo melted old mans cynical heart to absolute mush. his daughter now bitch.
He only ever adopted the one child, and he adored her sm. and he tried his best to be a good papa. he nurtured her curiosity and engaged in her interests and taught her everything he knew, without ultimatums or concerns about family names. at times he could have probably been considered very lax in his parenting, or far too lenient or undisciplined, but as a kid that grew up suffocated by watching eyes and guiding hands and Destiny capital D, i think that by giving his child room to be her own person and do her own shit (especially in her teenage years) he was in fact showing her a level trust and pride than he never had been given himself. basically he did everything he could to give her the exact opposite childhood he himself had (like rise splints <3)
Because of Sho’s encouragement, Tang Shen grows up to be a very independent soul, whos never met a problem she can jerry-rig, bodily move, or roundhouse kick into being fixed. She also becomes a fucking badass ninja master (and mystic warrior, lol) though mostly all she wants in life is the maintain the quiet little farm her father has started. maybe kiss the cute boy from town who walks her home sometimes (even though he lives the other direction.)
Meanwhile, Yoshi (surname pending) is in fact not a Hamato. Yet, at least. he, however, is that cute boy from town who walks home with Tang Shen most days and has been absolutely smitten with her since like fourth grade lol
(theyre besties for like a decade before they officially start to date. They get together finally after Tang Shens been trying to figure out a good date idea (one that isnt just something they already do) to ask him on for like a month, and Yoshi just leans over and kisses her goodbye super casual one day cos he thought they already had been dating for like. six months. cue her delight and his abject horror (he never wouldve kissed her if he didnt think that was already established as okay. p sure he even like asked her before randomly like, hey is it alright if i kiss u goodbye? and she was like ????? ok??? is this cos of ur european studies class. theyre both very silly) shes gonna tease him so bad about all of this. and tell Sho. Yoshi will never know peace again /affectionate)
Mashimi doesnt make any real appearance in their story i dont think. Like he might be a friend of Yoshi’s in elementary school. probably had a tiny start of a crush on Tang Shen when they were small and tried to take the ‘pull pigtails on the playground’ route of getting her attention. what he got was a kick to the chest and a broken nose. never came near her again after that. (eventually started avoiding Yoshi too since he was with Tang Shen all the time)
All that being said though, im afraid Tang Shen is not fully free of curse of the unwanted suitor. The Hamato name still carries a fair amount of pull, after all, and there are some very dangerous people looking to make some claim to its influence.....
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rosstrytobe · 2 years ago
Devi: "You're gonna hate someone else in college"
Ben: "Not possible"
When I alredy heard this 🤔
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kiss-this · 1 year ago
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7amonathursdayinoctober · 1 month ago
The physical image of '7' and the hypothetical idea of 'two' belong together
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dreamsandstars24 · 2 years ago
Meanwhile in The tale of the nine tailed season 2...
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jestroer · 2 years ago
o/ hi! how about jleo?
Oi! Hallo Pebbl! :D Jleo is like, a thing of beauty I think. There is nothing like it. I do still like them platonic more because i do not think romance adds much of anything to their relationship, to me they are kinda like Rendoc, homies who are just like very very close, in a very different sense tho, like, they are both like, you know? Sure Joe is Cleo's eternal torment in a physical form but really, she is almost as bad. They worth each other. Also, whenever i think of those two i remember a moment from some hhh stream where Cleo said something about their friendship with Joe? Or something? And Joe said "Yeah I already know that I am more enthusiastic about you than you about me". Whatever that means man.
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heartscrypt · 2 years ago
its so insane to me that azul and jamil actually dance together in glorious masquerade . i mean they duo. like . wtf r u guys doin wearing cool masquerade outfits and dancing !!! gay ppl fr !
LITERALLY THEY MAKE ME SO SICK. the mental image of them dancing is soo. oh god. they're really feeding the demons in my head. you know the trope of where two people are dancing really well together to the outsiders eye and then you zoom in and they're just exchanging veiled death threats. so jamiazu they talk while they dance amd jamils always like If you dont shut your mouth but azul never does and jamil never actually does anything to make him shut up
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planet-poptropica · 2 years ago
I have a question, are you going to draw more things with the baron and amelia?
⋆ I would love to, eventually! ⋆
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transfemgeorgecostanza · 2 years ago
One of the actors called the director (who is usually an actor too) the „most uncynical person in the industry“ and that was so poignant and goddddd I love that director.
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vivid-badsquad · 2 years ago
i go
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vampiricbisexuality · 1 month ago
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like to charge, reblog to cast <3
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tenderwatches · 2 months ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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scaryorganmusic · 18 days ago
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what fucking hell dimension are y’all blogging from
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slightly-gay-pogohammer · 17 days ago
pokèmonize yourself!!!!
spin this wheel to see your pokemon type
spin this one to see how you'll look like
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