#they are both wrong the only person who knows is anderson and hes keeping his lip zipped on this
artcake · 1 year
Hello! I know I give you so many asks but heres another :) Could you do Ralvez looking slightly dishevelled and suspicious coming out of a supply closet??
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insert "nobody's gonna know" meme here
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
You're My Cult Leader - ,, yandere Kai Anderson
tw(s): yandere themes, Kai fuckery, graphic gore, suggestive themes, Kai threatening to cross your boundaries, descriptive depictions of anxiety and panic attacks, self harm, (Kai) glorification of self harm, talks of mental hospitals & mental illness, demonization of medication & mental health (influenced by Kai), baby trapping
ꨄ︎ He found you by pure accident. He was scrolling through Reddit on r/AITA when he found your account. You were asking if breaking up with your partner after they had a mental breakdown and pushed you down the stairs made you a bad person or not. Interest sparked in his mind. If you were this insecure that you had to get validation from others when your ex was clearly in the wrong, you must be easy to manipulate. He wanted to see more of who and what you were, so he hacked your accounts. He didn't do anything more than scroll through him and store your information and passwords marked 'Serpent' on a file put on a hard drive he keeps of all his cult members. He keeps it just in case they try to betray him. They wouldn't dare go against him if they knew he had all of their skeletons locked in his closet. 
ꨄ︎ He marks all of his files with the names of mythical animals. All cult members go under one large file named 'Serpent'. In his inner circle, he has another file named 'Sphinx'. As he learns more about you, he compiles an entirely separate file just for you. He names it 'Phoenix'—an immortal bird that cyclically regenerates, obtaining new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor. He even begins referring to himself as Phoenix when around his other members. Of course you don't know him; you two haven't even had a conversation yet, but you are already part of his cult. It was just a matter of putting a few more things in place to have the perfect meeting.
ꨄ︎ What he didn't expect was to actually begin to form an attraction to you when he had his little 'excursions' with you, stalking you wherever you went. He resents this. You aren't worth his time and attention. He is the divine ruler, a being of divinity. You are just another lamb to be slaughtered within the confines of his cult. Yet he notices how wide your hips are, how good your medical history is, and how motherly you are. He stores it away in his mind. You'd be a good possible womb to store his messiah baby in. He does need the best genetics. It doesn't matter if you are afab or amab; you are having his baby.
ꨄ︎ He introduces himself to you after you had a shitty day at work. He invites you out to your favorite cafe. Huh, how did he know? He knows everything about you. Including what you do in the privacy of your bedroom when you think no one is looking. He speaks to you like an old friend or a lover. You two really seem to have a genuine connection. He's a smart guy, 135 IQ; he toured in Iraq; and he graduated with a double degree. Not to mention, when he stood up and stretched, you could see his muscular physique underneath his gray sweatshirt and joggers. Now you want to know more about him, see him more, and get the validation you crave because you have been starved by others. Just as he planned.
ꨄ︎ It's so strange that after that, the people you hated most started disappearing. It was all over the news. People started seeing you as bad luck. Some people thought you were just a serial killer who hadn't been caught yet. Others thought it was because of some twisted secret admirer of yours. They would both have reasons to think that. The bodies came up in parts. Each on the bed in their bedroom. They were cut into chunks and placed to make little hearts. First, there was nothing else. Then the killer got bolder with the weird smiley face drawn in blood. Eventually, the killer or killers had another collective sign off: 'From F.I.T.— your divine ruler.'
Not even the police would touch you. No one would. Only Kai was there for you in those trying times. He drove you deeper into his grasp. Not suffocating at first just so you wouldn't see it until it's too late—like a boa constrictor constricting around its sleeping prey.
ꨄ︎ He offered you a place to stay and promised to protect you from the evils of the world. He makes you as scared of the outside as possible. Think of all the horrors out there. Can you not see the killings all over the news? Can you not realize that the country is being flooded with dangerous people? Are you so unaware that someone could slit your throat if you so much as stepped outside the door? Kai is there to stoke your fears, like feeding an ever-growing flame by placing more wood in the pile. He makes you so paranoid that you aren't even sure if being around him is safe. He assures you being around him is the only safe place. He subtly threatens to take his protection away if you disobey him.
ꨄ︎ You don't interact with Winter. You actually aren't allowed to. Kai expressly forbids it because he's afraid his sister might make you queer. Sure, you are allowed to look at her and maybe make small talk if she is around you and Kai, but she isn't allowed alone with you—ever. Kai just can't risk it. He knows how tempting women can be, and he can't let his precious little lamb be tempted by his sister.
ꨄ︎ He begins integrating you into F.I.T. even though you are unaware. You don't exactly know what it's called, but everyone seems to treat you kindly. Not too kindly, though; Kai doesn't want your affections to be given to one of his ungrateful, pathetic followers. This is really the first touch of human interaction you have had in months, other than Kai, of course. It's like a new breath of fresh air. You may refuse to leave the house and Kai's side, but at least you have more people to talk to. It's like torture when Kai leaves you all alone. No one else is allowed around you, not that you know that. You only know that they seem to distance themselves almost purposefully, even methodically. It's like Kai is ripping your very heart out of your chest and taking it with him when he leaves.
ꨄ︎ Sometimes it's even worse when his 'friends' are around. He acts all aloof and distant with you. He calls you slut, whore, little one, and worst of all—sweetheart. Whenever he calls you sweetheart, you know you have messed up around the others. During their meetings, you are forced to sit in his lap. Most of the time, he forces you to straddle his waist. If you speak or even squeak, he'll scold you in front of everyone. You always end up having hickeys on you the day after. You always have some sort of hickey or bruise on you. He'll occasionally kiss you on the neck during these meetings. At first, you were uncomfortable. You tried to confront him about it, and he brushed you off.
"You like it, don't lie. You like all of the attention on you. You are my little slut after all."
You wanted to argue, but he had a way of making you speechless, so flustered that you became light-headed. After that, you didn't argue much on the subject.
He doesn't actually allow you to listen, either. He makes you wear these stupid ear plugs that make you feel so idiotic. You only know he scolds you because that's when he takes the earplugs out. He calls these meetings his 'private business'. You don't press him on it because he's already done so much for you. Someone out there is stalking you. Kai is keeping you safe. It's the least you can do to stay out of business; he doesn't want you in.
ꨄ︎ If you are good during these meetings, he rewards you with an outing. You have to stay by him the entire time. That is one of the unspoken rules of being with him. However, that's not really a problem for either of you. That's pretty much the only time that you are outside. He doesn't outright say it's a 'date', but that's what it is to him. You may not know it, but you two are practically married in his eyes. He just has to train you some more. You need to be entirely dependent on him—submissive, feminine, and motherly. That's all he wants. He has given you so much. He just needs to take a little from you. It isn't that big of a deal.
ꨄ︎ You first witnessed Kai's true cruelty when he stapled that poor man to death. You pinkie promised him that you would stay by his side. You pinkie promised that you wouldn't run. So you stood there and watched, and everyone took turns stapling him in the head. The blood gently dribbled down his face, almost peaceful—in complete contrast with the monstrous act being committed. 
He made you kneel before him. He swiped a strip of the oozing blood off of the man's face. He stuck his finger in your mouth and made you lick it off. He asked if you were truly devoted to him as he planted the last staple in the back of the guy's neck. He asked again, his voice more alluring than any song a siren could sing.
"Are you completely and utterly devoted to me?"
You said yes. Why wouldn't you?
"Prove it."
He stood above you with the staple gun discarded on the floor. That night was a lot different than all the other times you 'proved' yourself to Kai. It was much more passionate and tender. You were unable to even move from your spot. It was like nothing else existed except you and Kai. It was addicting. You needed more of him, even more than before. 
It was like that night he had cast a spell on you that stripped away any personality or ideals you had from your previous life. He had broken every part of you. You were now repurposed clay. You were made into a brand new clump for him to mold with his skilled and nimble fingers. You will be his greatest creation yet, for you are completely and utterly his—forever.
ꨄ︎ However, while molding, he's careful not to be too harsh with you. In a way, it's the gentlest and most honest part of Kai you will ever see. You see the moments when he has flashbacks to those times. You get to see when his shoulders heave due to the overwhelming anxiety he feels. You see the few tears that slip from his face. Part of him feels that you have earned this part of him. Another part wants to push those feelings so deep down into the darkness of his soul that they never have a chance of getting out.
ꨄ︎ You'll only see it in subtle ways. At night, he won't force you to snuggle with him, but he'll urge you to. He'll wrap his arms around you and gently whisper about how he'll protect you from all the bad things in this world. It's true on some level. All of this is truly for you. He just can't show his love like a normal man. One thing is for sure—he promises to never be a man like his father. He shakes when he thinks about him, his muscles tightening and his breath shortening. It makes him want to hold you in his embrace forever. To kiss you like it's the last thing he'll ever know. That small and hidden part of him craves your loving touch. That part just wants to be coddled and told he's a good boy. Just telling him you're proud of him is enough for him to drag you off to the bedroom.
ꨄ︎ He makes you pinkie promise. Naturally, you have to tell him everything first—your fears, your fantasies, and how much you love him. He finally speaks a bit of his past. It's the first time you see him breakdown. The first time he has a genuine emotional response. The mask slips only for a moment, but you're hesitant. You know, sometimes he manipulates you—maybe. That's what one of the others told you before they were killed. Still, it seems real, and it feels real. You can't imagine him telling anyone else such private things. He pulls you into a hug and rocks you back and forth. He sticks his face in the crook of your neck greedily. He treats you like you'll disappear with one blink of his eyes.
"You aren't ever allowed to leave me, darling."
He's gritting his teeth, and suddenly the Kai you know all too well is back. From time to time, you can't help but wonder: How much of old Kai influenced new Kai to be so helplessly entranced by your very presence?
ꨄ︎ No part of you is hidden from him. No part of your body is left unseen or explored. There is no part of your personality that he hasn't memorized. There isn't any memory that he hasn't plucked from your head already. If you remember anything, even the most mundane, you are under strict orders to allow the words to fall from your lips—no matter what you were doing before. There are no 'boundaries', in most cases. Kai is an asshole, but he isn't that much of an asshole. If you've been a good little lamb, then there's no need to bring up painful memories. He wouldn't want his obedient servant to be plagued with fear of others in their heart. However, act bratty, and he has no qualms of making himself a new set of memories for you to gain PTSD from.
ꨄ︎ The first time his hold on you loosened a bit is something you won't ever forget. You were looking for him when you heard moaning. Meadow had gone missing earlier, and you were worried. You found her partially tied up, and your heart broke in two. Kai looked back at you with no emotion in his eyes. He simply dismissed you with a 'get out'. 
You were so horrified that you quickly packed up and ran from the house. You snatched a stack of emergency bills that Kai always kept under his mattress. You slept in some shitty motel for a few nights. You planned on escaping to another state and starting anew. If you could just get a phone, you could call someone. Yet your heart was torn in two. Those tendrils of fear were wrapped so tightly around your mind that you were paralyzed with indecision. You love him, but he was cheating on you. He was supposed to protect you from the world! You forgot the most important lesson—to protect yourself from him.
You had multiple panic attacks each day while hiding in that motel. You feared stepping out of the door. You just couldn't do it. The 'what if' was too much. You knew that, rationally, no one was going to jump out and kill you. Right? Right...? RIGHT? You couldn't even open the door. Your hand reached the knob, and yet you couldn't open it. You just sank to the floor and continuously sobbed. You couldn't stop the feeling of dread and weakness.
What was he going to do when he found you? That thought had your head spinning. Your legs just gave out then and there. It was the one question that ran through your mind like a never-ending track carrying the train of your anxious thoughts. 
You had to get breakfast delivered to your room. You had to wear your clothes for multiple days. You didn't have any toiletries except the ones provided by the hotel. You were too paranoid to even take a shower. You needed Kai. You still needed him. You couldn't even breathe correctly without him!
ꨄ︎ You finally broke down. It was like he knew you would. You went to that campaign of his. You were barely able to step outside, but the promise of seeing him made you more than eager to leave. Once you spotted him, all your fears seemed to melt away. Then you saw Meadow shoot him. Your heart broke again—she fucks him, and then she shoots him? Who the hell does this woman think she is? 
You saw her turning the gun on herself, but you beat her to it. Another woman was screaming at the both of you. She took the gun. You just kept hitting Meadow. You don't know what came over you. All the bitter jealousy and hatred from that night just came up. You let it all out on her. Eventually, you heard a snap. That same woman was screaming at you and pointing the gun at your head. You killed Meadow. You snapped her neck. You felt good, in control. A part of you even liked it.
You didn't get to mull over it because the cops arrested that woman and led you away. You rushed up to Kai, who was on a stretcher. The emergency medical responders tried to push you away. Kai grabbed your hand and pulled you down onto him. With his other arm, he dug his nails into the side of your head. He sloppily made out with you until you were pulled away.
"It was all for you, baby. Come and ride in the ambulance with me. You've been bad—and you'll atone for your sins once I get better."
Those are the words he whispered in your ear. Your mixed emotions led you to feel so much, but how could you refuse? A moth is always drawn to a flame, just like you are always drawn to Kai. Hopefully, you won't get burned again by his lies and deceit.
ꨄ︎ Once he is home from the hospital and recovering, he chastises you. He screams, pushes things, and threatens you. He can feel actual tears filling his eyes at the fact that you tried to leave him. How dare you.
"Can't you see you worthless slut!? This has all been for you. I had to get Meadow out of the way for you and for us. Yet you run off to some shitty motel and hide there? You are pathetic."
Wait, he knew about the motel? Of course he did. He just wanted to allow you to make your own choice. Sure, he was going to drag you back to him anyway, but you coming back somewhat willingly just proves the control he has over you. It feels so good to have you twisted around his finger.
ꨄ︎ He makes you cut yourself because of this. It's a punishment that he often uses. He wants you to feel what he feels when you disobey him. Sometimes he cuts you himself. He teases the burning wounds and touches them. He kisses each one of them and licks the oozing blood leaving your veins.
He sees it as just another way for him to claim you. He feels that possessive urge inside of him cool when he sees the scars you have given yourself because of him. He enjoys cutting extra deep into your skin to hear those pained whimpers escape your sweet lips. He gets even happier when you get self-conscious about them. 'No, baby, you are so beautiful with those scars.' It's just another way to control you. You have to live off that praise from him, affirming your self-harming behaviors.
ꨄ︎ It evolves into a ritual. When he gets really pent-up, he cuts you up and drinks your blood. He tells you that's the most divine thing he's ever tasted. He kisses you and makes you taste yourself. He'll swirl your own blood around in your mouth with his tongue. He'll barely allow you to breathe. It's like it restarts his mind. He's calm after. He feels like a blank slate.
He once did it in front of his cult. You were sitting in his lap. You could feel him growing more livid and tense. He pulled out a pocket knife and gently knicked the side of your neck. He licked and kissed the blood away. He promised to give some of your blood to his inner circle if they all proved themselves to him. No, they aren't going to be allowed to touch your skin. They may drink from a vial. You are dreading the day that it becomes a normal practice within the cult.
ꨄ︎ That isn't the only punishment you'll get if you severely misbehave. He isn't against locking you in the basement and chaining you up. He'll deprive you of food and water and will only give his body to you as sustenance. Later on, he builds a metal cage in the basement. He uses it both for torture and to shove you in there if you are disobeying him. The cage is much worse than being chained to a wall. If you get chained to the wall, at least he'll let you near him. If you get caged, then some random follower of his just comes down and throws whatever shitty rations in between the bars. Most of the time the food isn't even edible—mold and other infectious diseases are tainting it. The little bit of water you get is wasted when they throw it on you.
By the time you are let out, you are malnourished and touch starved. Kai always makes sure to give the most heavenly aftercare. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear and tells you that this didn't have to happen; all you had to do was behave. He gives you a bath with rose petals, and he gets out the fancy lotions, oils, and shit that he can't even pronounce. He makes sure that you have a fresh pair of clothes and the best meal one can dine on. He even took it slow with you that night. He is passionate and loving.
It's a side of him you rarely get to see...
ꨄ︎ Sometimes you want to act bratty just to see if you can get brown-haired Kai to come out and play again. It's a treacherous game. One wrong behavior, and you may end up kneeling before him, cutting yourself up for his entertainment once again. You can just do little things to manipulate him just a tiny bit. You are his well-trained bitch that occasionally loosens their collar and nips at their owner playfully. You have learned how to manipulate from the best, after all. Most of the time, Kai understands your angle, but rarely can he be tricked into misunderstanding your true intentions. 
ꨄ︎ Accidentally getting hurt can be one way to possibly soften him up. Although you do have a half chance of just being called a clumsy bitch by him. If it is someone else, accidentally or not, hurting you, not even the deities from the highest of heavens can save that person. He'll either beat them to death in the moment or plan their slow torture and subsequent death in the cage downstairs. After taking care of the filth, you may see a little bit of brown-haired Kai. He'll take care of any cuts or bruises and kiss your temple. You may or may not have paid that asshole five bucks so they could push you on the pavement and threaten you. You were scared to death that Kai would realize what you were doing, but it was more than worth it.
That's just one way that you can manipulate him into letting brown-haired Kai come out and play. 
ꨄ︎ Another one is if you cook for him. If you make him a good manwich, dressed up all pretty with an apron on, he is melting inside. He has this starstruck and dopey expression on his features. It's quickly replaced by indifference, but he is elated internally. If you bake, then all bets are off for cult leader Kai. He's oddly sweet when tasting your sweets because it allows him to regress back to a state of almost childlike innocence. It reminds him of when his mom would bake things with him and teach him to bond with him. His father always thought it was making Kai soft and a sissy, but he refrained from making those comments most of the time.
When you bake those sweets, it's like a positive trigger for him. He'll take a bite and wrap you up in his arms. He'll gently pepper kisses on your face and compliment your skills. A little bit more of brown-haired Kai comes out. He almost seems shy, nervous, and unconfident. Kai doesn't even realize he is acting like this. He just feels safe, like he is home.
ꨄ︎ He puts tracking chips in all of your things after your first attempt to leave him. Anything and everything has some sort of chip in it. He secretly enjoys hand-sowing the chips into all of your clothes and undergarments. It feels so oddly intimate to him. It's just another way to claim you as his. It makes him feel all giddy inside. All the chips are waterproof and extremely durable. He has access codes to all of them and can connect to them through any device he has. If you try to escape one too many times, he will chip you on your inner thigh. That way, he can casually rub his hand over your plush thigh and press his thumb right over where he implanted the tracking chip. It's his favorite way of reminding you that you have no way out—no possible escape from his binding grasp.
ꨄ︎ It doesn't stop there, no. He puts cameras everywhere. Some are in hidden places; others are not. He enjoys just flipping through the cameras on his phone while listening to some idiotic citizen complain about something miniscule for the thousandth time. You were wearing his clothing, just sitting in your shared bed and watching your comfort show. You were enjoying yourself with that innocently lewd expression adorning your now placid features. You just seemed like such a cute house spouse. He may have to excuse himself and go take care of a problem. What? You're just being so good for him. It makes him swell with pride.
ꨄ︎ If you are good enough, then he may allow you the privilege of having internet access. Of course, he is monitoring it. When he is in a good mood, he will act like he is your sugar daddy. Which he technically is, because he pays for everything and you are physically incapable of stopping him. Your wishlist is his. He keeps a list in your file about the types of gifts you like. 
You may just occasionally be surprised with the same exact thing that you had favorited awhile ago. You know it's always Kai doing it because he always buys some lacy or risqué for you to wear. He gifts you; you gift him with your body. Lingerie is just human wrapping paper, after all. He enjoys the present under the wrapping the best. 
He also scrolls through the media you watch. Any political content has a parental lock on it. It has to be approved by him before he allows you to watch it. If there is something intriguing that you decided to watch when you thought you had privacy, Kai may just barge in and ask if you'd like to recreate it.
ꨄ︎ If you get a period... Kai will track it. He will always make sure you have the right period products, foods, and medication. No, nuh uh—he swears he isn't doing it because he just genuinely cares and doesn't want to see you in pain he didn't cause. He's doing it because he can't have the future parent of his messiah baby harming their womb. It wouldn't be responsible if the divine ruler didn't treat your fertility with the respect it deserves. 
You're probably a lot luckier if you are able to get a period. He's a lot more lenient with you. He'll allow you to have mood swings and crying fits. He'll let you eat all the chocolate and sweets you want, as long as you eat the balanced meals he provides. He'll treat you like a god(dess) during that time. When no one is around of course. He completely focuses on your happiness and pleasure during that time.
ꨄ︎ When he gets arrested, you have another panic attack. You had finally settled into a comfortable routine with him. You had succumbed to Stolkhome syndrome. You were just content with it. Your anxiety and fears were still higher than ever, but Kai protected you from all the bad things. Now, the bad men want to take him away from you? You get interviewed many times. You refuse to speak. They call you a victim of his manipulation. They see your scars, and after a doctor gives you a physical examination, they conclude that Kai is an absolute monster. They had to give you anesthesia for the physical examination. It was the only time you talked with any of the police or detectives. It was more like shouting than talking. You thrashed, twisted, and turned to escape them.
In this way, it just proved that Kai was right. They said you were brainwashed by him. No, you weren't. Kai saw the truth in the corrupt institutions. They violated your boundaries for no good reason. Kai violated your boundaries, but for good reasons. You deserved it when he crossed them.
ꨄ︎ They declared you mentally unwell and put you in a mental hospital. You went willingly only because you wanted to be away from the scary people. You only got newer and scarier people. They made you strip, and you had to be constantly watched. It made you yearn for Kai's safety and control.
You lied to get out of it. You said that you were scared to cooperate at first. You weren't brainwashed by him. You were only acting like it because you feared him. They believed you, and within a month, you were out of there. They put you on anxiety and anti-depressants. They urged you to also get a therapist to work through your trauma.
ꨄ︎ You disregarded them. You didn't need therapy! You didn't need some bullshit medication! That's what Kai always said. The medication and psychologists were just there to warp your mind. They aren't there to help you. They are there to make you conform into what society believes is 'mentally well'. You just have a little problem. It's all just fake. Kai would tell you if you had problems. He helps you out. He keeps you safe. He'll tell you what to do.
ꨄ︎ You helped him escape prison. Naturally, it was hard to get in to visit him because some of the guards had heard whispers of what Kai had done to you. With a little bribe, you managed to secure a monitored conversation with him. He threatened the guard, and suddenly your conversation wasn't monitored anymore. Kai was so unbelievably proud of you. He was so proud of how loyal you are. He rewarded you for such a good job. He remarked you with hickeys and bruises, so people know who you belong to once again. He possessively rubbed circles into your inner thigh over your tracking chip. You wouldn't let the bad men take it out, and because of a lot of red tape, they legally couldn't do it without your consent. It just made him ready for another round. How did he get so lucky to have a person like you who loves him so dearly? A lot of abuse, manipulation, and Stockholm syndrome.
ꨄ︎ As you sit on his lap in one of the visitation rooms, he formulates a plan with you. Soon enough, you are dressed in a guard's uniform and stressed out of your mind. You were barely able to help him escape. Your hands were shaking the entire time. You must have taken over half of the bottle of that stupid anxiety medication just to get through it. You were a little out of it and threw most of the pills up after. 
Kai had to punish you for taking medication you weren't allowed to. He just worries about you, okay? They almost got his little lamb. He couldn't have your personality numbed by any 'medication'.
ꨄ︎ It all climaxes when he confronts Ally while she is running for senator. It was all such a blur. One moment they were arguing, and the next Beverly tried to kill Kai. You managed to tackle her and wrestle the gun out of her hands before she shot him. You got shot instead, in the gut. The next few months are extremely hazy for you. You kept going in and out of a coma. When you awoke, a lot had changed in Kai's world, but you remained ever-present.
ꨄ︎ You learned that Winter was gone. You didn't feel much. You didn't get to learn the details of it. It could have been way before you were even aware. Kai always kept you out of the loop about those things. He said it was to protect your pretty little head. You listened to him. You'd always listen to your divine ruler. Kai managed to slander Ally and turn everyone's opinion around. Suddenly, Ally was the one who had abused you and fed you all these lies about Kai. She was arrested and sentenced to death. Beverly met a worse fate. She was brutally mutilated in the same way that your, you forget, you had a stalker once—didn't you? You can't exactly remember.
You know Kai had a hand in it. He always has a hand in everything.
You learned that he truly was a cult leader. Your memories were so repressed and damaged that you were unable to connect the dots. You were overjoyed that Kai won the senatorial seat. He was heading towards the presidential seat next. With that, he had you married. A ring on your finger, forever. A divine ruler did need his spouse. It is crucial.
ꨄ︎ He made sure that you recovered and were right by his side while campaigning. He had a book ghost written for you about how evil Ally Mayfair-Richards was and how a vile feminist cult twisted your mind. Most of it was just sugar-coated lies. Kai's abuses were in there, but they were all said to just be minute things that Ally spun into a defaming web of lies.
He campaigned with you and made sure that all of your clothing was appropriate. He only let you show your scars when it would win him polling points. He still wanted the cutting to be just a you and him thing. He didn't need the press to see the fresher scars and cuts and run a slander campaign against him.
His possessiveness did occasionally overpower his need to dominate the world. He would always keep a hand on your waist, have at least one eye on you, and scare anyone off that tried to get too close to you.
ꨄ︎ It climaxed when he realized he needed to push family values. So he announced your pregnancy during an interview on some right-wing news platforms. You were understandably confused. You aren't pregnant. Kai plans on fixing that. All day and night, he is trying to fill your womb. He is so desperately making it so you will have his heir. Part of it is just publicity. Another wants his messiah baby really badly. He needs to baby trap you so you don't ever leave him. He needs to ultimately mark you as his. What better way than a child? The miniscule brown-haired part of him just wants to be a better father than his own. He just wants to be a better husband for you than his father ever was. He wants to make his mama proud, wherever she is in the afterlife. You wouldn't deny him this, would you? You've already given him so much. Just a little more, and he'll be satisfied. To think this all started with your silly little Reddit post. 
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⟿ taglist: @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @doll3tt33 @lacucarachapisser @etheral-moon @fear-is-truth @slutforgarlogan @newwavesylviaplath @fuckedbykai @violet1737 @marchsfreakshow
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hyuckkaiji · 11 months
even the stars do not compare to you - abby anderson × f!reader
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summary; you and abby are both fools. fools who have loved each other while thinking the other incapable of reciprocating. fools whose feelings are finally out in the open.
word count; 1.8k
warnings; momentarily sad abby
note; abby anderson brain rot. she is my precious baby girl, and I'll give her the whole world if she'll let me
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Owen had been Abby's first, well her only, everything. But truthfully, he'd never been her first choice. He was what was left when she realized she couldn't have what she wanted.
And don't mistake that for her not having love for Owen. She does. She loved him once. It was a true love of sorts. And he has cemented his place in her heart, albeit small. There wasn't much room for him to take up, not when you occupied the rest of it. You occupy it still.
You have seeped into her, mind , body, and soul. She is infected by you. It seems the more she tries to stop it, the further you spread. You've claimed her, soiled her, left her unattainable to those around her. And you don't even know it.
That's the fucked up part, gods be good, she's yours and you don't even know it. She has to satiate her desire for you with mere friendship. She feels like a dog on the streets begging for scraps, for any measly form of sustenance. But if you need her to beg, she will.
Clearly, you need her to beg. It's been almost two weeks since she's seen you. You were fine last she saw, but it feels like you're avoiding her.
Volunteering at any open tasks, never on patrol with her. She doesn't understand. For years now, the two of you have been attached at the hip. Going so far as to switch shifts just so you can patrol together, but now, all of a sudden. She doesn't get it.
She did something she not particularly proud of, she's already established she'll beg ... it just has to be in person. She can't write down these thoughts to get your attention, she'll seem ... weak. So instead she asked Manny to find you, to tell you she's looking for you and it's an emergency.
There's no emergency, no that's a lie. The lack of your presence is an emergency, and you're the only solution.
"Abby." The sound of your voice startles her out of her thoughts. You didn't knock. You never do. Abby doesn't mind. She actually enjoys that you walk into her space like you own it. Because you do, not that you know that. At the very least, it makes her happy that you know she'd never deny you her space.
"Manny said you were looking for me, something serious." Concern laced your voice but you'd still yet to walk up to Abby the way you normally would, keeping your distance. Standing at the base of the stairs as she looked up you.
Her braid was loose at the end, starting to fall apart, she'd just finished pulling the band out when you interrupted her. She looks pretty with her hair down, at least you think so. But she hardly ever has it down, it's a vulnerable thing for her. And how she's hates being vulnerable.
"Yea." She stands, rubbing a sheepish hand over the back of her neck, "I've been trying to catch you for over a week now." She's walking towards you, and you want her to come closer. Want to feel the warmth that radiates off of her, want the scent of pine waft around you. But you take a step back.
A look of hurt passes over Abby's face, stopping in her tracks. "Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Her thumb nails flicks against her forefinger, picking at the skin around her nail. An anxious habit.
"No." Your voice is small. You're not sure what else to say, how to voice what you've been feeling, if you even should. You had decided against it, decided just to distance yourself as much as possible, but now, being confronted like this, your decision wavers.
People underestimate Abby. Yes, she's big, but she's also fast, faster than you. She up the last few remaining steps, inches away from you, fingers locked around your wrist, all before you have time to say another word.
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not."
"Liar." You are a liar, you've always been a liar, at least when it came to Abby. The truth was a weight you chose to bear alone, you say choose but really your fear had forced the decision. Fear of losing her should you come clean.
"Abby." You try and pry her hand away, but her grip holds firm, just enough to keep you near her, but not enough to hurt you. Never enough to hurt you, Abby would never hurt you. You let out an exasperated sigh, giving up, letting your hands fall at your sides.
"Sometimes... people grow ... apart." She says nothing, a beat of silence before you continue, "It's a part of life. People get older, they change, friendships don't always last forever." Her brow is furrowed, she nawing at the inside of her lip. The two of you ... grow apart ... it's not possible.
"You were fine last time I saw you. How long have you been feeling like this?" Her hair had fallen loose in her rush up the stairs, falling in waves around her face. Damn every God, she looks so beautiful with her hair down.
"A while. I didn't know how to tell you." Abby looks you over, you're lying. She's known you for as long as she can remember, she's loved you for as long as she could remember. She knows you, do you not know that? She knows when you're lying.
"Tell me the truth."
"I am-"
"The truth. Now." She's angry, like she has any right to be angry at you. This is her fault. Your resolve is shattered, how dare she be mad, how fucking dare she. This is her fucking fault.
"You wanna know the problem, Abigail?" You sneer at her. "You're the problem. You. I cannot stand being around you. I can't stand seeing your face everyday, hearing your voice, smelling you in the air. For fucks sake that stupid scent  of that stupid fucking soap clings to everything and I hate it. You are the problem."
She finally lets you go. She's on the verge of tears, but the tense tick of her jaw tells you she's not going to let them fall. "Alright... if that's how you feel." The guilt settles, deep in the pit of your stomach, you feel nauseous.
"Abs..." Your voice trails off.
"Just go."
"Abby." You reach out for her hand but she pulls it away.
"I can't. I can't because you're right, I'm a liar." And a coward, damn the universe for making you, damn it for making her. She says nothing, only stares at you her anger is palpable, no, not anger, hurt, her hurt. Liar, coward, you add monster to the list.
"That wasn't true ... I don't know why I said it like that."
"It sure felt true."
"How else could you have possibly meant it?"
Liar, coward, monster, idiot. Your list of personal descriptors is ever growing.
"I do hate those things." Abby huffs, looking away from you. "But not because I hate you ... Abby, even the stars do not compare to you. I have never see so beautiful a person nor I have I been enamored with anyone other than you."
"Do you know what it's like? To be in love with someone for so long and you can't say or do anything about it? To watch as they get with some ignorant douche who doesn't treat them the way they deserve?"
"To be in love with someone who only sees you as a friend? To be the shoulder they cry on about their shitty partner?" You shake you head, running a hand through your hair. You catch Abby's eyes, she's staring at you with this look of utter shock.
"I don't know when the years just became one too many, but they did and I can't keep doing this to myself. I can't get over you if I'm always around you."
Your name slips from her lips, like a mortal who has just come across their deity in the flesh. Oh she must be dreaming, then she's laughing.
It's your turn to be hurt, to cross your arms over your chest defensively. Watching as she giggles like a mad woman before wiping away a stray tear. "Pinch me, I want proof I'm awake."
"Yes?" She smiling at you, big doe eyes watching you. Fuck you're so hopelessly in love with her, what made you think you had the self control to stay away from her.
"I'm not joking ... I'm in love with you."
She pulls your arms free just to take one of your hands in her own, running a callused thumb over your knuckles.
"Do you remember, when we were sixteen and we'd snuck out to watch the stars?" You nod.
"Do you remember asking me what I dream about? Asking me if you think the stars would grant our wishes if we told them?"
"You told me you dreamed of freedom and that the stars were just gas in space, not genies. And that they weren't even that pretty." Abby let's out a breathy laugh.
"I've never dreamed of freedom, I dreamed of you. And the stars are just gas, I'd come to realize that by then. If the stars could grant wishes they would have answered mine."
"I used to tell them my secrets, but they never made them come true."
"What...what did you tell them?"
"That I was in love with a girl, a girl so beautiful she took my breath away every time I saw her. I told them that I wanted to be hers, I wanted her to love me the way I loved her."
"When we were sixteen I hated the stars for ignoring my prayers. But it seems I was wrong, they had been listening all along. Though I maintain they really aren't that pretty, not in comparison to you."
Abby leaned in, her lips ghosting over yours, asking permission, you closed the gap. Wrapping your arms around her neck.
It was soft, sweeter than any kiss either of you had before. All gentle caresses and light wandering fingers trailing exposed skin.
Abby pulled you to her bed, pushing you down in between pecks. She hovered over you, "If i wake up and this was all a dream, I'm gonna be so fucking mad." Her lips are back on yours before softly trailing down your neck.
Her kisses are cool and open mouthed on your warm skin. She kisses her way down to your chest before letting her weight slowly settle on you. She rests her head, using your breasts as a pillow. "Promise I won't wake up by myself."
"I Promise." You wrap one arm around her, tracing random patterns on her clothed shoulders and back, the other falls into her hair running gentle fingers through her dirty blonde tresses. With in no time she's fallen asleep, feeling safer and more loved in your arms then she ever did in Owen's.
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twigg96 · 1 year
I Should Have Been There
Daryl Dixon X Bitten Reader fic
Era: Alexandria
Pronouns: She/Her/You/[Y/N]
Warnings: Cannon divergent, talks of illness and zombie bites in detail, kidnapping, descriptions of limp amputation, blood, talks about prosthetics, Angst, Hurt/comfort
Summery: After Daryl goes out for a run, Pete Anderson asks you to help him carry some records back to his office for him. What you never expected of the doctor was to be locked up in a torture chamber with a walker as a punishment and statement for Rick to take heed to not fuck with him or his family ever again. It's up to Glenn, your best friend since before the outbreak, Daryl your boyfriend, the ingenious thinking of Maggie, the invisible nature of Carol's investigation skills, and Rick your over protective leader to find you. But will they find you in time to save your life?
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Your POV
Walking around the walls of Alexandria for the 100th time that day you began to feel. The cabin fever beginning to take hold of you. Being out on the land for so long, free to go where you wanted, run where ever you wanted with the threat of walkers being the only thing keeping you awake at night truly was a luxury you were missing around now. Rick and Michonne had instructed everyone to keep your heads down. Keep to yourselves as much as possible. So you did as told even if you did wish Daryl had smuggled you on his bike on his latest run outside. But if anyone needed the escape more than you it was your boyfriend. With a deep sigh you tapped the metal of the wall with your wrench listening vaguely for any sounds of defaults or hollowness in the sound that reverberated back to you indicating a missing nut or rust that needed to be brushed away. Maggie, your chore partner for this particular job looked over her shoulder to you eyeing you with her dark eyes. "What? Am I not entertaining enough company fer ya?" She teased, knowing exactly what was bothering you. The poor brunette had her ear chewed off for hours the night before when you found out your boyfriend had taken yet another long run without even saying a word goodbye. "No..." You muttered, boredom dripping from your voice. "Just antsy." You replied not even looking to the walls anymore as the two of you continued your rounds. "How about this?" Maggie muttered, turning around on her heel so that she was walking backwards facing towards you. "We finish our shift, and I'll talk Deanna into letting us sneak past the gates for an evening stroll picking flowers?" She cocked a brow making the offer sound as enticing as she could. Picking flowers sounded like the most boring job a person could have especially when there were so many more exciting jobs to be had. But if it gave you an opportunity to escape this Hell for a little you would put up with anything. "Sure." You smiled, brushing some hair behind your ear.
"Morning ladies." A voice deep and sickeningly prideful called out to you both pulling your attention. You struggled to hide your disgust as you stared at the town's doctor, Pete Anderson. A dirty blonde towering idiot of a man who thought that using intimidation would get him places. Oh how wrong he had been once Rick had found out what he was doing to his wife... however his usual cockiness had returned and his air of superiority seemed to permeate even the space the three of you held, which worried you if you were being honest. "Can I have your help with something?" He asked, tucking his bruised hands into his pockets. "Just need help carrying some medical records and would appreciate the second pair of hands." He muttered meeting your eyes momentarily before turning them to the ground. Turning to Maggie you shared a glance, one that spoke more than words ever could. One of mistrust for the doctor but knew, in order to keep the peace with the town that one of you should at least try. Silently, Maggie glanced to the next wooden watch tower not even three tracker trailer lengths away. Atop it sat a very bored looking Glenn, his back pressed to the metal wall, his baseball cap pulled over his eyes, rifle resting comfortably over his lap. If you didn't know better you'd think the Korean was sleeping. But experience with your best friend had proved that the apocalypse had shaped him into one light sleeper. Maggie gave you a small almost indistinguishable look that told you to go. She'd stay and she and Glenn would come for you if she didn't see you by the time she reached her husband's post. Nodding you turned back to the doctor you shoved the wrench you carried deep in your pocket and stepped forward. "Lead the way, doc."
You watched the sky turn a ruddy orange as Pete lead you past rows and rows of very similar housing. If it wasn't for small lawn ornaments, flower and vegetable gardens growing, and hand made decorations you would have never been able to distinguish the houses apart. Placing his hand on your arm, Pete ushered you through a tight ally between two houses and into a space you never knew existed. Not that you ever explored beyond the main populace for fear of becoming eternally lost amongst the suburban hell. Beyond the pampered lawns of owned society were the untamed untended lawns of houses yet to find a owner. Their windows were dark and dust covered. Some were boarded with windows broken presumably from rocks thrown from the local hooligans that roamed the streets after dark. Pete lead you to one of the homes, a small nearly invisible basement door had been painted over making it nearly indistinguishable with the rest of the rest of the house's foundation aside from a rusted padlock that held the door shut and had warn with the elements. Pulling a set of keys from his pocket, Pete tried several of them with various levels of success before finally popping it open with a small click. Pocketing the lock, Pete unlatched the door and swung the door open with a loud squeak.
The basement was dark and dusty. Dirt laid on every surface that was bathed in light from the doorway. Mice droppings scattered the floor and the smell of stale air and mold filled the air making your stomach turn. The doctor however pushed forward into the darkness turning on a flashlight you never knew he possessed. Following close behind the man who craned his neck while swiping at spider webs that threatened to get in his face. "So where are these records at?" You muttered lowly, glancing at the man only now noticing how dark his bags under his eyes had gotten since your arrival. Dr. Anderson never responded instead he pointed his torch towards a wooden door locked with another series of padlocks. You cocked a brow but didn't question anything, HIPPA was a thing in the early world... you simply assumed he was one of the only ones who still adhered to it. Kicking an empty can of fruit to the side that must have fallen from one of the wooden shelves surrounding you, a sudden deep growl stopped you in your tracks. Grabbing the doctor's shoulder tight enough to bruise you quickly placed your finger to your lips. A walker?! Here in the town?! Maybe the house was inhabited at one point and the owner died? Grabbing the wrench from your pocket you wished you had been smart enough to grab your knife from the armory that morning. Pete swung his light around where you pointed. To the floor to look for crawlers then through the shelving. You saw nothing but the shadows that made you even more wary then you already were. Looking above yourself you assumed that the walker had died in the upper levels of the home... You'd have to come back with Rick later to deal with it... "Let's get these records. Just keep your voice down." You whispered gesturing to the door with the padlock. The doctor nodded pulling his keys from his pocket to unlock the lock.
As the lock knocked against the latch, the growling grew, and your patience dwindled. "Jesus can you be any fucking louder?" You whispered, glaring at the man. "Doctors are supposed to have steady hands... right?" You hissed, ready to rip the keys from the quivering man's hands yourself and do it yourself. "Shut the fuck up." Dr. Anderson growled back unlatching the lock at last. Flipping the lock and unlatching the door with one motion Pete too a step back behind you, shoving you forward through the door. The unexpectedness of it all made you trip over the high step in the doorframe. You lost your grip on your wrench and it flew from your hand and skittered onto the floor into the darkness of the room. "Ah... what the-" You called out turning to Pete, a devilish grin crossing his illuminated face. "Rick thinks he can save everyone... Lets see him save you..." He muttered darkly. Your eyes widened at the doctor's words and a deep low growl echoed from further into the room. The sickening smell of decomp hit you like a truck and the silhouette of something vaguely human limped into the light. Scrambling to your feet you tried like hell to reach the door before it was slammed shut. But only you were too late. Scratching and banging your palms against the wood of the door you could hear your heart beating in your ears. No! No no nO! This isn't how it was supposed to go! "Pete please let me out!" You begged hearing the latch close and lock click. "I wager you have three days before you die of thirst... lets see how long it takes Rick to notice you're gone." Footsteps leading away from the door were followed by a small rustling and a high pitch squeak from the other door closing.
The growls from behind you grew only louder but in the pitch dark you had no idea how close or how many walkers existed in the small space. Pressing yourself firmly to the grimy walls you slowly started to skirt along the permitter feeling the cold wet cement under your fingers. Faintly you wondered what it was that was wet before figuring it was better to live in ignorance than disgust. As you rounded the first corner you found the sharp corner of something tall and heavy protruding from the wall. An end table? No it was far too heavy for that and metal. Sliding your hand down the side of the object you found it was long and rectangular with drawers. Ah so a filing cabinet or a safe. Interesting. Skirting around the object you hugged the wall as closely as possible hoping you were near the rear of the room and at least halfway around. But as your foot came in contact with a metal can sending it rolling across the floor you felt your body tense as the deep growling came from mere inches from your face.
Glenn's POV
The sun had lowered far beyond the forest and the lights of the town began to light. From Glenn's place upon the tower he could see the approaching headlights of Aaron and Daryl returning from their run . A smile graced his lips as he sat up slinging his rifle over his shoulder. Should make [Y/N] happy to see him home safe. "Glenn!" Maggie called up the wooden latter as he stood. Looking down Glenn smiled down at his wife. Everyday was little brighter when he saw her beautiful face. "Hey Mags. Where's [your nickname]? She run off to be with lover boy already?" Glenn asked a smirk gracing his features as he climbed down the creaky latter. "No... I was just about to ask you if you'd seen her..." Maggie muttered worriedly. Glenn cocked a brow hopping the last step of the latter. It wasn't like you to skip work ever. "Why? Something wrong?" Glenn asked moving the hat on his head to wipe away the sweat that was building underneath. "Dr. Anderson came by earlier..." She drawled rubbing her arms and looking around nervously. Glenn frowned wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I saw them walk off together into the town a few hours back... want to take a walk with me up to the garage? I'm sure she just got caught up helping the doctor. She just got carried away talking with Daryl." Glenn muttered, although his voice didn't hide the worry that he felt deep inside.
Walking hand in hand with Maggie to the center of town Glenn couldn't help but notice the blinds on the Anderson home flutter closed or the way the doctor had been peeking through his front door's window at the growing group just across the road from his residence. But the skilled tactician tried his damnedest to shove his negative thoughts to the back of his mind as they rounded the corner to the garage. Surely [Y/N] would be there, pleasantly distracted by her one and only. Oh how wrong he was... Daryl stood leaning against the garage wall talking to Aaron looking to the open bay door expectantly as the two walked into view. However the small defeated sigh, and deflated stance wasn't lost on Glenn when he noticed it was just the two of them. But... Glenn tried to stay positive. He had to... for his own sake if nobody else's. "Hey guys!" He called out waving jubilantly. "How was the run?" He unable to hold back a snarky laugh as Daryl flipped him off and rolled his eyes. "How'd ya think it went? We're back early." Daryl grumbled. "Awe shit I'm sorry about that, Daryl." Maggie said softly letting go of Glenn's hand to step closer to the archer. Daryl shrugged looking past them both and into the night. "Ya'll seen [Y/N] round anywhere? Normally they're the first ta greet me. She pissed at me 'r somethin'?" Daryl asked chewing the side of his thumb. Maggie shook her head. "No... we were hoping you'd seen her." Daryl shifted uncomfortably scanning Maggie's face for a moment with sheer scrutiny. "What ya mean? I was on a run all day I just got back." Maggie nodded meeting Daryl's eyes sadly. "Yeah we were hoping she'd be here with you... and that was the reason why she missed our meet up after she went with Dr. Anderson." Daryl tensed looking past Maggie to the Anderson household. "So ya think..." Daryl paused his face morphing into something dark and possessively. More so than Glenn had ever seen before from the stoic archer. "That bastard did something ta her?" Aaron shook his head, placing the socket wrench down on the work table beside himself. "Dr. Anderson? What? No way... I mean... the man has his bad days... and he's prone to drink but everyone has their vices." But Glenn didn't think he sounded convincing, even to himself. "I-I'm not sure. But she was supposed to be back by now." Maggie muttered worriedly looking back over her shoulder. "Ok... look I saw the two of them walking through the town earlier but lost them around here... I say we get Rick and Michonne and start looking for them." Maggie sighed rubbing her arms. "I hear you Glenn but I don't want to jump the gun." Daryl huffed staring at Maggie as if she grew a second head. "Jump the gun? Ya gotta be shitting." He snarled. Glaring back Maggie simply shook her head. "No of course not Daryl. She told me earlier that she wanted to get out of the walls... she's been itching to get out, cooped up in here she feels like she's going crazy. Maybe... if we're lucky she snuck out after she helped the doctor. Hopefully she just needs to cool down and took a walk. Knowing her she'll be back by morning." Maggie muttered running her hands through her hair. It seemed to Glenn that no one trusted a single hopeful word anymore. Why would they... after everything they'd been through. "Well I aint about to just sit pretty while [Y/N] is out God know's where tonight... I'm lookin' fer her. Do what ya want." Daryl growled storming towards his bike. Anxiety surged through Glenn as he watched Daryl climb his bike. "Daryl you just got back! You should at least rest before you head back out!" Glenn yelled placing a hand on the larger man's chest. "Glenn... I apricate yer concern but I've stayed up much longer and this is more important than any rest I need... Now move Glenn." Daryl murmured meeting Glenn's gaze seriously. So with a solemn nod Glenn stepped to the side letting the bike roar to life and Daryl take off into the night.
Daryl's POV
The ride to the gate was a short one, but it felt like the longest drive Daryl had ever taken in his life thus far. Not even the last ride he and Merle took together to the safety of the Quarry felt so long as this. At least then he felt safe. Secure with a partner by his side, family. No. Now was different. Now he was in an unfamiliar hostile environment that threatened not only his very existence, but the very love of his life as well. He felt so alone and exposed. Not even the familiar sight of Rick and Michonne standing by the gate speaking to Rochelle standing guard could ease his anxiety. As Daryl pulled up to the gate's entrance, his best friend's face fell his dark eyes scanning the archer sitting atop the bike. "Leaving so soon Daryl? Ya just got back." Michonne called out over the roar of the bike. Daryl shook his head glaring straight ahead. There were no time for pleasantries tonight. "Open the gate. I gotta get outta here." He grumbled to Rochelle ignoring her furrowed brow. "Look Daryl you should rest even if-" Rick tried to reason, reaching for the key of the motorcycle to turn it off and talk at a normal level. With a swift motion, Daryl caught the deputy's wrist glaring daggers into the man. "I aint got time fer that Rick." Daryl bit out shoving Rick away. "[Y/N's] missin'. I'm gonna head out an see if I can find her." Daryl huffed gripping his bike tightly to hide the way his hands shook with anger and anxiety. The archer watched a the ease wash from Rick's face, a stern and intense concentration falling into it's place. It was a look Daryl had seen before. One Rick held when he lost Lori. "Missing? What do you mean missing?" Rick uttered the peremptory question. Daryl growled not shaken by his best friend. "Ask Maggie. I aint got time to chat." Daryl muttered, revving the engine of his bike as if to make his point clear, gesturing to Rochelle to open the gate for him. "Daryl... [Y/N] didn't come through this gate. I would have seen her if she did." Rochelle tried to reason as the archer walked his bike closer to her. "You know as well as I do that there are areas on this wall that can be climbed over. I've seen you and Abraham using the same makeshift latter [Y/N] and I do to get out of the city for a walk when we don't want to be pestered. Now shut up and open the damned gate before I do it myself." Daryl growled not missing the tiny nod Rick gave Rochelle. "Ok... but I don't like it. But, you can go. Just be back by morning... if you can't find her by then, we'll spread out. All of us. Keep your radio on. Hopefully she just got lost in town again and will stumble home sometime late tonight. I'll stay up and radio you if she turns up." Rick called over the engine of the bike. Daryl nodded feeling slightly reassured knowing that Rick was going to do whatever needed to be done to find you. With a defeated sigh the petite woman unlatched the lock to the gate, pulling them open with a metallic screech. With a flick of his finger, Daryl turned his head light on and sped into the night praying to catch sight of you somewhere deep within the woods around Alexandria.
Glenn's POV
Sleep did not come easy that night for Glenn. Worry seeped into this very bones and leaked into his dreams morphing them into venomous night terrors that twisted his body and shook him to his very core. Images of your body ripped to shreds like one of the thousands of corpses he'd seen before flashed before his eyes. A long stretch of road with you tied gagged and bound at the end. The road stretching ever longer the harder he ran to get to you. His heart pounding in his chest. It was his fault. You were his best friend. Had been since before the outbreak. You were his responsibility. You and Maggie. He should have kept a better eye on you. Especially when you went off with Dr. Anderson. Glenn woke up to early morning sun shimmering off the cold sweat that covered his body. Maggie slept restlessly beside him, her moaning and whining accompanied by subtly jerks were indication enough that she was having yet another nightmare. They seemed never ending nowadays. Sitting up slowly as to not disturb what little sleep his wife was getting, Glenn snuck out of bed, pulling on a clean pair of jeans and a clean shirt before slipping downstairs. With any hope, you had slipped back home in the middle of the night with hardly any notice to any of them. It wouldn't be the first time you had slipped away... but as he stepped into the empty kitchen to put a pot of coffee on and crept quietly into the living room to peer over the couch to see who preoccupied it, either Daryl, [Y/N] or both. He was almost astonished to find Rick laying on the plush cushions, his attention turned to the door and a sleeping Judith pulled tightly to his chest. A single glance from the grisled police officer told Glenn he was awake and alert. Yet the dark bags under his eyes saying that he'd been up way too long. "Hey." Glenn whispered, leaning over the back of the couch. "Anything yet?" he asked, still hopeful, still optimistic. But Rick just shook his head, brushing the hair back out of Judith's face earning a deep contented sigh from his daughter as she slept. "Not yet." He murmured. Anxiety tightened Glenn's chest as he shuffled his feet. "Well... it's still early." Glenn whispered, looking to the door, hoping that in that moment both Daryl and [Y/N] would come waltzing in the door like a couple after a particularly eventful prom night. But it never happened. Instead the door stayed dreadfully closed. A less than hopeful hum came from the graying man as he shifted on the couch. "We'll see once Daryl comes back... she aint with him when he comes back we're going on high alert and searching every square inch of this place. Inside and out." Rick's voice was dark and commanding. It sent chills down Glenn's spine and before he realized what he was doing. Glenn nodded in compliance. The smell of fresh roasted coffee reminded Glenn of his first mission of the morning. "Want any?" Glenn asked standing straight. "Please!"
[Y/N] was gone... she never came back with Daryl. The look on Daryl's face when he pulled up on the motorcycle was enough to make Glenn's stomach turn. It felt like the day Beth passed all over again. Daryl was beside himself, pacing and grasping at his hair, the archer looked ready to faint. "I looked all over the ridges, Rick!" Daryl growled, pulling back and punching a sizable hole into the drywall. Blood dripped from his knuckles and soaked into the plush carpet as he paced once more. "I went the whole way out to the fuckin' shoppin' district. I cleared three shops we hadn't got to yet. I looked in the library. I searched every inch of the woods I could from the walls to about three miles out each way! I crawled in the damn sewer for Christ's sake!" Daryl was in retrospect fucking filthy. He was covered in zombie guts and dirt. And now Glenn completely understood what that third smell was that emanated from Daryl. "She's not out there I just know it... somethin' had to happen in here." Daryl muttered only stopping making his track in the carpet when Carol came back with a wet wash cloth for him to wipe his face and hands off with. "I aint doubtin' ya, Daryl." Rick tried deescalating the archer. "I just think a pass in the daylight with fresh eyes would be good... " Rick started ignoring the resentful glare he received in response. "Ya think I woulda missed her? I was calling out fer her! She would have heard me!" Daryl hissed, taking a challenging step towards Rick. But Glenn knew more than anyone what Rick was insinuating... that there was a chance you couldn't have answered. Be it because you were in danger... or dead. Rick stayed silent staring Daryl down trying desperately to get this point across to him without actually being the one to say it. "I just think we need to send a fresh new team out... You need to shower... eat something... then you can join Glenn in the city looking for her." Rick muttered definitively. With a small nod Glenn tried to pull a confident nod. "Yeah! I'll head out right away ok... so don't worry." Glenn muttered stepping as close as his nose would allow to the archer. Daryl rolled his eyes but nodded heading up the stairs to take a shower. Rick watched him carefully before turning to Glenn and Maggie. "Listen... I'll need everyone on this. Maggie I need you to talk to Deanna and explain that some of our people will be searching for one of our own outside of the walls... don't go into details yet. We don't want Dr. Dickface catching wind that we're onto him. I also don't want you to tell her we'll be searchin' in the walls too. If anyone has a chore, have them search while they work to be less conspicuous. The rest of us need to be as normal as possible while we look. Carol. You need to ask about locations in the walls that anyone would know of that is secret. Or that is kept off limits for any reason." Maggie and Carol nodded mentally noting Rick's instruction. "Ok, lets fucking find [Y/N]."
Your POV
Sliding around the wall you tried like hell to keep the growling, flesh-eating demon as far away from yourself as you possibly could. Unfortunately for you a pipe pultruding from the wall caught your shirt and caught you off guard. The small ripping sound from your shirt caught the monster's attention and the growling mutilated corpse surged towards you just as you lost your balance. Holding both arms out straight you screamed as the weight of another human pinned you back against the wall. A sharp pain shot through your nondominant hand and suddenly as a slippery and slimy appendage slid past your fingers you realized that the zombie had your hand in it's mouth. Adrenaline surged through you like a drug as the poison of the bite seeped into your blood. Using every ounce of strength you had in you, you pushed back off the wall, forcing the walker to stumble back. Gripping tight to his open jaw you grabbed the zombies skull and slammed it into the nearest thing you could find. The sharp corner of the filing cabinet. Over and over again you bashed the walker's skull into the sharp metal corner until the grunting and gurgling of the monster could no longer be heard. With a dull thud you released the beast and stood shaking, trying desperately to catch your breath as the stinging in your hand was becoming harder and harder to ignore. Reaching above you, you searched for a light source for the first time in only god knew how long. Just when you were certain you would die in the dark, doomed to turn into the very thing that you just slayed, you found a long thin string hanging from a single bulb in the ceiling. Giving the string a quick yank you could have cried when the light clicked to life. A breathy jubilant laugh escaping your lips as you shielded your eyes from the near blinding light that burned your retinas. But the faint dripping of fresh blood reminded you that time was not on your side. Your hand was a mangled mess. The bite forming deep in the meat of your palm you knew the entire hand needed to be amputated and fast. Ripping a thick strip of your shirt from the bottom you tied it off high on your armpit pulling it as tight as you could. Searching the ground you were happy to find your wrench placing it in your makeshift tourniquet you twisted it until the blood stopped and tied it off.
You didn't know how much time had passed since you had been bitten but your entire arm was starting to turn a deep unappealing color and your head was beginning to spin. You had emptied your stomach into the corner of the room several times after the effects of the adrenaline had worn off. You knew one of two things were going to happen... you were either going to die here, trapped in a basement of a house no one would ever find. Or Daryl would find you... he always did... and he would have to kill you. Sweat gathered on your forehead and your stomach flipped. You had no idea if you tied the tourniquet tight enough to keep the infection from spreading... even so, you could simply be dying from sepsis. That was an old world disease wasn't it? God you couldn't even remember. Sitting up against the door you really took in the room for the first time since you got there. The filing cabinet was covered in blood and viscera. But it looked expensive. Like one of those fire safe ones that promised to keep your documents safe even in a whatever class fire. You wondered vaguely what it was doing there before deciding that you didn't have the energy to search through it. The only other things you could see were the pipe that got you into this mess that seemingly went nowhere and were the home of a lonely pair of handcuffs hanging from them, rusted and bloody. Cocking a brow you turned to the zombie laying against the wall on the other side of the filing cabinet. Sure enough the flesh on the walker's one wrist was bloodied and broken. Looked like you weren't the only one shoved in this hell hole to die... lovely. Above the pipe was a vent. Presumably for fresh air to filter in from somewhere within the house you sighed and laid your head back against the wood. Your throat was sore from screaming. But what the hell. Maybe eventually someone would hear you.
Leaning your tired body against the concrete wall directly below the vent you screamed with all your might. Your throat ached and you couldn't help the aching cough that came once your voice started to fail you. For the longest time you received nothing but silence in return. Once in a while the scurrying of mice over what you could only assume were the radiators and vent covers of the empty house echoed through the pipes of the vent sending a jolt of hopeful optimism through you that quickly died out with every pleading cry for help. After a while you gave up. Sliding down the wall you leaned your body against the cold concrete, resigning yourself to death, when finally you heard it. "Hey!" The voice echoed loud and clear through the grate of the vent so loudly that you could had sworn the man screaming was in the same room as you. Listening closely you stood once more, praying that you hadn't just hallucinated the voice or dreamed it into reality as you had seen Rick do a thousand times with his lost loved ones. "[Y/N]! Are you in here?!" Glenn cried out loud and clear, and you could have just just kissed the man had you both not already been sworn to other people. "Glenn!" You screamed, banging the vent as hard as you could to catch his attention. "Glenn can you hear me?!" You nearly begged, clutching a pipe for dear life as you heard footsteps. "[Y/N]! I hear you! Where are you?" Glenn screamed the sounds of footsteps became more frantic. Sounding nearer then farther as he presumably searched room to room for you in the house above you. "I-I'm in the basement Glenn!" You screamed, tears falling from your cheeks easily as you sobbed. "Listen! It's not safe here! There are walkers here!" You heard Glenn's footsteps slow as he listened. "Walkers?" He asked tensely. "Yes! I killed the one that was in the room with me... b-but Glenn-" A loud thud cut you off and you were sure something horrible had happened before Glenn cut you off. "Don't say it... I'm coming to get you... so just... just stay put I'll get you out." Glenn growled, his footsteps becoming more and more distant until they and his voice could no longer be heard. "Wait! Wait!" You cried desperately, tears streaming and washing the dirt and blood from your face in thick streaks. "Glenn! I need you to tell Daryl I love him!" You screamed as loudly as you could, pacing the small space, you suddenly realized just how tiny it really was. Never before had it felt so claustrophobic. Never before had it felt so much like a prison until now. Until you felt so completely isolated. Walking to the thick wooden door you slammed your good hand against it kicking and screaming with all your might praying that maybe it would give way just enough to let you pry your way out and get to Glenn.
"[Y/N]!" His voice froze you in place and melted your heart into pieces breaking you down into heart wrenching sobs that hurt your chest and burned your lungs. Daryl was somewhere outside of the door. You could hear him clear as day. But a greedy part of you never wanted him to find you... The selfish part that knew deep down that Daryl would always want to finish things himself... the one that also knew he could never finish this by himself if he needed too. He just couldn't but he wouldn't allow anyone else to do it and it could endanger everyone... Bu that was why you loved him. He loved and felt so purely. You'd have it no other way. "Daryl!" You sobbed out, hearing a distant banging turn into wood clattering onto concrete you knew that someone had broken down the basement door. And if you had to guess it was Rick or Daryl. "{Y/N]! Darlin' where are ya?" Daryl cried out frantic worry in his voice as, his footsteps paced the concrete just outside the door where you were kept. "There! There's another door." Rick growled, sounding manic and breathless. So it was him who bashed down the last door... "[Y/N] if your in there back away from the door! Rick's gonna break it down!" Glenn cried out making you scramble back from the door in time to see the blade of an axe pierce through the wood. It took six swings for rick to make a sizable enough hole for both he and Daryl to fit through. You noted that it would have only taken three if it were just Glenn and Michonne... but who was counting... Holding your wounded arm as closely to your body as you could you stood shaking, covered in blood and sweat, and shaking like a leaf. Daryl stepped through first, Rick and Glenn following close behind then Michonne. The four stooges... would have been funny under different circumstances. Daryl eyed your injured body a deep frown forming on his face as he stepped closer to you. "Sunshine..." He started, holding out a hand to touch you, but as if on instinct to protect the man you jolted away as if your simple touch would burn him. Shaking your head you let the tears fall, words unable to form as thick sobs got stuck in your throat. "Wha'-" Daryl tried again, desperate to avoid the obvious. Maybe you just cut yourself... maybe it was crushed... hell maybe there was a curse put on you and he could just... fix it! But everyone else knew better. Glenn looked devastated shaking his head and backing away into the extended storage of the basement. Michonne was already unsheathing her sword, looking to Rick for guidance. Rick... He stood stock still, a grim firm look on his face. You could tell he didn't dare say a word until Daryl gave the order to do something... anything... but you... you had to make him understand first. "Baby. I love you more than anything." You started sadly meeting Daryl's eyes. But the archer wasn't just going to take that. No... it couldn't go down like that... not after everything. Not after all this! "So... it's a bite then..." Daryl tried to sound calm, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. You could only nod. "Daryl-" You tried to reason with him... tried to explain that he and Glenn should just wait outside. You'd meet him later... that one day he'd wake up with you by his side. But the brunette archer wasn't about to take it laying down. "We'll cut it off." Daryl bit out between gritted teeth turning to Michonne who only looked shocked then sad. "Daryl... fevers set in... you know we need to-" She tried to reason, but Daryl simply shook his head grunting and glaring at the floor like a child throwing a tantrum. "If you don't do it I will." He growled, reaching for the knife he carried with him everywhere, and suddenly fresh adrenaline pumped through your blood making you shake and shiver in both anticipation and fear. Rick sighed shifting his weight. "We do this... and she turns... you're gonna have to be the one who-" Rick muttered, once again cut off by Daryl's grunt and shake of the head. "Won't happen I won't let it." Daryl growled turning to you assuredly.
Michonne tried like hell to make it quick. You'd thought that after so many heads she'd severed that the blade on her katana was as sharp as they made them. It was sharp but despite all of her best efforts, your screaming begging and crying she could not make it go through bone. So despite every ounce of begging you tried. Every time you begged Daryl to just kill you as he held you tight to keep you from moving. It was Rick's axe that freed you from your diseased arm. Your vision blurred, your voice slurred, and everything sounded like you were resting at the bottom of the ocean as you met Daryl's worried eye, the last thing you saw before everything went black.
One Week Later ~~~ Daryl's POV
All the walkers that slipped through the gates had been slaughtered by Rick and the town meeting to decide Rick's fate for his earlier spat with the Dr. had ended with both the town's leader Reg, slayed by the Dr. himself and Dr. Anderson executed by Rick as ordered by Deanna... It certainly felt as if all hell was breaking loose on Alexandria. At the town meeting Rick unloaded on the residents of the town. Telling them all about the torture room the Dr. had set up and how if Alexandria ever truly came under attack the residents would never be prepared for a fight. Rick set up trainings for the residents. A new doctor was put into place, her Dr. Denise. Her first patient, treating the infection that was setting into place in the wound of the unconscious woman that had laid in the medical office for over a week now. Daryl could tell Denise was extremely underqualified for the position. Books upon books of medical texts lain in high stacks around her as she dug for the best treatment melody to give you that wouldn't trip an accidental allergic reaction but also treat the wound, fever, and kill the infection. Daryl watched the timid doctor carefully, placing you on a heavy dose of IV steroids and an even heavier dose of IV antibiotics. "Are you just going to sit there all day..." Denise asked once she had the courage to ask. Daryl shrugged from his seat at the corner of the room. He hadn't planned on leaving yet. As a matter of fact he hardly left your side. "Well as long as your here you can keep yourself busy." Denise huffed, tossing a wet, soapy rag to the very confused archer. "It's time to redress her bandages and give her a sponge bath... figure if you're here you might as well help me bathe her."
There was nothing more intimate than bathing with your partner. Lathering each other's bodies up. feeling the way the warm suds slipped through your fingers as you ran your hands across their most intimate parts. But this... this was different on an entirely new plane of weird. Daryl felt almost like a massive pervert, touching you like this while you slept. But after a few less than gentle reassurances from Denise reminding him that it was crucial to get every bit of you body, he complied, happy to do the work himself, refusing to let another human being get this up close with you in his life. But just as soon as he finished and was certain that the bandages coming off today were actually looking better than they did the day before, he bolted for the door. Refusing to be wrapped in another medical tasks. "Should I leave the office unlocked for you tonight again?" Denise asked making Daryl turn slightly. He wanted to punch the glass out of the stupid door in frustration. He wanted to yell "I'll be back by dinner! She'll be awake and hungry by then." But he simply looked to the floor and nodded feeling a wave of shame and embarrassment wash over him as she sighed. "Ok... I'll set up a pillow and some blankets for you on the couch."
The walk to Aaron's garage was a short one but it was easy to pass up when Daryl's mind felt heavy and weighed down. "Daryl!" The archer heard his friend call out expectantly. Turning on his heel Daryl hummed darting into the garage and finding his seat on the upturned bucket next to his bike. "Hey... you looked lost in though... is everything ok?" Aaron asked tinkering with a wrench and socket joint. "'M fine..." Daryl growled reaching down between his knees to grab a screwdriver. Aaron hummed in return. A calm silence that both knew all too well. Daryl had more so vented to his friend about the entire situation days ago when Rick had to drag him out of the medical bay to let Carol and the Doctor stitch her wound. "Oh! Hey..." Aaron muttered absentmindedly reaching behind himself to pull a large project forward that was covered with a sheet. Pulling the sheet away, a robotic hand sat proudly on a pedestal hooked to various wires and gadgets. Daryl stood slowly, a look of confusion crossing his face as he stepped closer to the counter. "Wha's that?" Daryl asked glancing at Aaron. "Oh I used to work in robotics for a time... I thought it was cool and this was my version of the prosthetic my uncle should have had a chance to have." Aaron muttered taping the wires to the skin of his arm. Squeezing his hand, Daryl watched in amazement as the robotic hand followed and matched Aaron's every movement exactly. "It's all electricity based. The movement and power of the prosthetic comes from the natural electricity found in the body. I could fashion a quick joint to go along with this, just a piston that would lift the arm up and down on swivel for the elbow if you'd think [Y/N] would be interested..." Aaron muttered meeting Daryl's gaze tentatively. The archer couldn't help but smile. "We'll see what she says... but I'm sure she'll love it."
As day turned to night and Daryl bid farewell to Aaron, his belly full after a large supper at his friend's and Eric's house. Daryl strolled the darkened streets of Alexandria wondering, if he'd ever get to do this again with you. Walking into the medical office he was grateful to find the front door unlocked and a blanket and pillow setting out just for him just as promised. But something was off... something was different. Normally when he came to check on you the bed was lying flat for the night, the monitors turned on so whoever came to check you at night could check your heart beat and the lights were off. None of those things happening right now. Your heart monitor had been shut off creating an eerie quiet in the building. Your bed was sitting upright but your body was slumped over the side of the bed. Soft groaning and whining came from you and an intense panic fell over Daryl as he instantly grasped the end of the bed to steady himself. He knew Rick told him... But he hadn't truly believed he'd had too... "Fucking God... Fuck." Your voice, albeit extremely annoyed voice, threw Daryl for a loop. You were alive... More importantly you were a-fucking-wake! Scrambling to your side, Daryl hoisted you back into bed not able to contain the face splitting smile that crossed his features. "Woah there... what are ya doin' Sunshine?" Sunshine... god he'd never thought he'd ever say that word again. "Daryl!" You cried wrapping your arm around your boyfriend. "Thank God you came. I dropped the remote to the bed and it tried to make me into a sandwich!" Daryl couldn't stop the laugh that burst from his chest. kneeling down slowly he picked up the remote, handing it to his love before enveloping her as carefully as he physically could. His laughter slowly turning into heartfelt sobs as you stroked your fingers through his hair. "I should have been here." He whined. "It's ok baby..." You whispered, kissing his crown then his lips tenderly, sweetly. "You're here now. That's all that matters."
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
hockey!Abby x dancer!reader pt6
pt 1 pt 5
It’s your turn to take Abby on a date!
Tags: modern au, fluff, fem!reader, shy reader, reader is into sexy/girly dances, Abby is a sweetheart, switching pov
Notes: Kisses, book snobbism. (I didn't mention any book names that they're criticising and the name of Abby's favourite book so you could put what you want there). The butt song - Juicy, and the lyrics Abby's thinking about are "If you could see it from the front, wait 'til you see it from the back".
Special thanks to @ohlawdthebirds for helping me out with Abby's book taste!
It didn't take long for Abby to start calling you her girlfriend after your first date. It just felt… natural to her. Abby didn't even notice how she said "oh, that's my girlfriend, (y/n)" when someone asked her about you, because people asked. Abby didn't mind unless the person who was asking acted like they had a chance with you or made some inappropriate comments about your body - it was one thing to say you were hot and another thing to describe what someone’d do to you if they could. Abby now thought you were a fucking saint for dealing with these assholes as peacefully as you did, because she? She wanted to strangle them with her bare hands and she would if they didn't go away fast enough. Abby was scary, and people could definitely feel her fury just by standing next to her. 
Of course, when you first heard her calling you her girlfriend you went red in the face and had this cute wide smile that made Abby melt and buzz and be so soft she might as well turn into Baymax. She was worried for a second - what if she was moving too fast? It was hard to tell with you: your boundaries were palpable, but you were so sweet and responsive, so she couldn’t be sure you’d have a negative reaction. And then you smiled at her bashfully and now the word “girlfriend” was the most frequently used word in her vocabulary. 
The other perk - except for obvious, you were officially hers now - was how nervous her teammates got when she was sitting with them during your practice. It was like they had a fear of God in them, watching you dance and knowing Abby was right there and Abby would definitely kick their asses if they said something wrong. It filled Abby with such joy she’d act tough with them on purpose just to see them stammering - it was so fun to mess with them. 
The only person who wasn’t scared of Abby was Manny, and he’d always comment on “you got lucky, Anderson, this chick is something else”, “oh fuck me, are you telling me I can’t appreciate the beauty? The skill? Girl’s got moves”, “it’s your civic duty to keep her satisfied, Abs, she is feeding us a three-course meal”. Depending on how obnoxious Manny was, Abby would either chuckle or slap his stupid head, but she knew he was kind-hearted, so she didn’t actually fight him. 
And now Abby got to walk around the university campus and steal you to make out somewhere secluded, because now she was allowed to. It wasn't like you didn't let her kiss you - quite the opposite, you silently asking for a kiss was Abby's fucking kryptonite - but now you were more relaxed around her. Abby didn’t even notice you were tense before, but now the difference between nervous you and relaxed you was striking. It was still too easy to make you blush, but now your hands slithered around her waist like they belonged there, with familiarity Abby’s heart ached for. 
 Abby’s anatomy class just ended when she texted you to find out where you were (‘dining hall’) and she made her way to the dining hall, because she hasn’t seen you for two days - to think of it, god both of your schedules were absolutely fucked. You’ve seen each other more often at the activity centre than on the campus - which was ridiculous. So Abby collected her things, said her goodbyes and went to the dining hall.
When Abby walked into the dining hall her only goal was to find you, while a lot of people came around to say hi and ask her questions. Usually it was nice, but right now it was irritating - all those people distracted her from her search. And then she noticed you, sitting alone at the table, reading through something on your phone - Abby knew this look on you, eyes glued to the screen, brows a little furrowed and whatever you had in front of you abandoned. Fuck you were attractive like that - it wasn’t even about your looks, it was purely about your brains.
Abby quickly grabbed some food and walked to your table, watching how close she’d need to get before you notice her. The answer was: she needed to sit at your table before you looked up at her. 
“What are you doing?” Abby asked, mostly referring to the reading.
“I keep it juicy-juicy, I eat that lunch.” You answered in a flat tone, your face fully blank, as you pointed at your plate which was half-finished.
 Abby couldn’t contain her snort - you had no business to be funny, but fuck, you saying lyrics to Doja Cat in flat voice? Ridiculous. 
“I meant, what are you reading?”
“My prof’s notes on my paper.” You scrunched your nose. “She is right, mostly, but I’ve never felt more academically inferior.”
Abby laughed and you both sprang into conversation, discussing everything and nothing at the same time, just catching up for those two days - sometimes you both were so busy you couldn’t even text each other regularly, so now Abby’s hands itched. She knew she was staring at you - who wouldn’t, you were so pretty - but she couldn’t help herself. Abby listened to you, absorbing your voice like a sponge while you both ate, but she needed something else.
“Do you have free time now?”
“Around half an hour.” You said after you checked the time. “What’s up?”
“Gonna steal you.” Abby said and watched with joy how your cheeks became pink. 
You both finished your lunch and left the dining hall. The weather was nice today, though a little cold, so Abby took her jacket off and put it on your shoulders, rejoicing in her own possessiveness of you - it was her jacket on you, not someone else’s. Especially stupid jerks from your classes. And you wrapped it around yourself with a small smile that did something to Abby’s insides - in these moments she felt like she could conquer the whole fucking world. 
Abby spotted the big wide tree that could give you privacy and led you to it, not even trying to be subtle - she needed to put her hands on you. 
"I feel like I'm a teenager again." You laughed as Abby tugged to the tree. 
"And how often did you get caught kissing girls during breaks?" 
Abby tried to be polite and waited until you leaned against the tree, helping her play this little game where you talk and stand conveniently close to pretend it was a normal social situation.
"What do you think?" You asked, coy. Abby chuckled and moved close enough to put her hand on your neck. 
"I think you're too smart to get caught." Abby whispered in your lips before she kissed you. 
It was Abby's favourite part: feeling how you relaxed against her, hugging her waist and ever so slightly pressing her closer, as if she'd stop you. So Abby doubled down and pressed you against the tree hard enough so your bodies would be flush against each other, but not hard enough so your back would hurt from the tree bark. You sighed into her mouth and she deepened the kiss, her tongue slowly playing with your tongue, sharing the taste of the strawberry candy you ate during lunch. 
Abby moved her hand under your shirt, stroking your side with her thumb as you shuddered and your knees grew weak - her touch to your bare skin lit you up like a Christmas tree. Abby squeezed your side and pulled you closer, marvelling at how soft you were, how gentle your fingers were on her jaw as you kissed her back with enthusiasm. 
"I've missed you." You whispered in Abby's mouth and something warm filled her chest. 
"Me too, doll." Abby kissed your jaw, her mouth slowly moving down your neck. "Tell me if this is not okay." 
"Why wouldn't it be?" You said shortly to hide your quiet moan. 
Abby didn't say anything and kept kissing your neck, nibbling at your skin as she moved down to your collarbones, her hand caressing your stomach now. You couldn't move anywhere, her thigh pressing between your thighs all the way to the tree. Abby's head got filled with a picture of you just grinding on her thigh like this and she had to move away a little before she could help you, her self-control slowly going out of the window. 
"Fuck." Abby sighed as your foreheads met. "Did I tell you how crazy you make me?"
You blushed a little, shy smile tugging at your lips. Abby watched you, her hand still stroking your stomach. 
"Every time we end up in this situation." You chuckled. "Are you free this Saturday?"
Abby looked at you, surprised, but not sure by what: by your question or by how you looked a little bit insecure, as if Abby would reject you. She knew now it was because you didn't have a lot of experience in being forward, but it was still a little bit heartbreaking to see. 
"Yeah. You wanna do something?"
"Yeah." There you go, Abby thought as you smiled, now feeling safe again. 
"Are you going to tell me?" Abby asked playfully as she pinched your stomach slightly.
"Oh, I'm not telling you shit." You smiled deviously and Abby laughed. She knew not telling you anything about your first date would bite her in the ass.
"All right, then. Keep your secrets." Abby said as you giggled and pulled her in another kiss. 
Abby wasn’t nervous, no. Of course she wasn’t, why would she be? It wasn’t like she didn’t like being in the dark about your plans for today. No, she was chill. She was cool. She was okay with not being in control. 
Abby’s fingers were tapping a fast rhyme on the steering wheel as she waited for you to come down. At least you were merciful enough to tell Abby what would be appropriate to wear (“casual”) so Abby put on her favourite pair of jeans, her sleeveless shirt and a jacket. She was hoping she was dressed appropriately - it was very unlikely that you'd have clothes her size, unless you had a secret stack of oversize clothes she didn't know of. 
Now Abby began to understand why you asked her so many questions, but just as you trusted her, Abby decided to trust you back - that was the fun of it, surprising your girl with something she'd like. You were definitely not taking her to do any sports activities, so she'd be fine. 
Abby looked over the door to your apartment complex and once again she stopped breathing as she watched you come closer: you and your little outfits always left her speechless. She noticed in surprise that this was the first time she saw you in jeans and she was scared for herself when she'd see the back of those jeans. The fucking Doja Cat with her fucking butt song, Abby thought as she left the car to greet you. 
You smiled at her and leaned into the kiss right away, not shy anymore. Abby couldn't help herself and accidentally touched your butt, enjoying how dense and hard it was because of the denim. She didn't know if you'd noticed, but you didn't say anything so she didn't say anything too. 
"Are you going to tell me now where we are going?" Abby asked as you two sat in the car and she started the engine. 
"I'm going to give an address where we can park and then we'll have to walk a little." You said with that naughty smile you gave Abby when you wanted to be a little shit. Cute little shit, but still.
"It's not rock climbing?" Abby asked jokingly. 
"No. I'd have warned you." You said genuinely. "We can go rock climbing next time if you want."
Abby smiled, suddenly shy - she wasn't used to someone caring about her, as she usually was a carer.
The road took around twenty minutes and Abby put some music on - when you rode with her for the first time she offered you to put your music on, but you said you wanted to listen to her music and now when you both were in the car Abby'd pick something and then you both would exchange songs, turning them on through Abby's spotify. Now Abby's recommendations were fucked: the mix of her rock and classic with your rnb and kpop ("I know," you said as if you expected Abby to have some prejudice against kpop, "but they work with the best choreographers and I'm not passing up on opportunity to have a readymade tailored choreo"). But Abby didn't mind - some of the songs reminded her of your dancing anyway, and you'd dance with your hands to some of them, which was cute as fuck. 
Abby parked the car when you spotted the free space - and she pretended she didn't notice you staring at her with pink cheeks as she was going in reverse with one hand on your seat. Abby knew she looked hot when she did it, and well. She did it for you anyway.
You two left the car and you immediately took Abby's hand to tug her gently as you walked her to the place. 
"I hope you won't think I'm boring." You said as you two turned the corner. 
"Are you going to make me look at rich people's portraits?" Abby asked with suspicion. 
There was nothing more boring for her than to walk around dusty art galleries and look at dark ugly portraits. She liked nature or even good portraits, but ones that were done on black canvas with clear signs of inbreeding on their faces? No thank you. 
"Well, no. But thanks for telling me before I started planning our next date." You laughed and stopped. 
Abby looked at the place and now she understood why you said that. You were standing in front of the bookshop - and not the one that had a shop in each city, but this kind of bookshop that looks straight up from movies. It was two stories tall, with big windows and nice, interesting displays. It looked old, and maybe it was actually old, Abby didn't know. 
"I wanted to do a book date." You admitted, getting shy. "You know, when we walk around and talk about books?" 
Abby nodded, totally smitten. It was such a cute idea and it was definitely something Abby would like: geeking out about books she read while you'd geek out about books you've read? 
"And there's a coffee shop on the second floor, so we can get coffee." You continued, now looking around as the nerves got the best of you.
Abby quickly squeezed your hand to make you look at her, because she would not let you get upset. 
"Fuck, (y/n). I'm going to talk your ear off." Abby chuckled and watched how your face lit up.
"You like it?"
"Are you kidding me? Of course." Abby leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You wiggled a little in anticipation and you two went inside the shop. There were not a lot of people and it was pleasantly quiet. The first display was "most popular" and you two got stuck there immediately. 
Abby looked through the manga, sci-pop and modern novels, not really impressed with people's taste. 
"Have you read this?" You pointed at one of the books and Abby shook her head. She did recognize the book from her booktok recommendations, but it didn't catch her interest. "Good for you, because this? This is a crime against literature."
Abby suddenly felt relieved: she wasn't sure if you'd be as snobby as she was with your books. Abby knew already you had different taste in literature, and somewhere in her mind Abby was scared you'd read something she'd absolutely hate. 
"The language of this thing is just abominable. I swear to god the author doesn't know about different sentence lengths. Or it could've been done for a reason, but I definitely failed to find it." You shrugged and Abby smiled at you. 
You moved on from the "popular now" display pretty fast, and you walked through the next shelves without much pause: they were maps and cultural guides you both didn't have any interest in. Next shelves were poetry and you tugged Abby to them, showing her your favourites. Abby in return pointed at authors she couldn't understand for the life of her ("I'd need a vocabulary to understand half of it") and you giggled. Then Abby spotted a collection of ancient Greek tragedies and her nerd brain activated as she retold some of them to you in modern terms while you laughed your face off. 
"Medea invented female rage." Abby said it like she had on good authority, nodding seriously and you giggled. 
"You make ancient literature sound fun, Abby." You said as you curled to her side, your hand in her hand.
Abby melted from your warmth and kissed your temple. Then she continued her geeking out by telling how ancient Greek theatre worked and you listened with big curious eyes and Abby blushed a little from such undivided attention from you. 
Then you moved on to classic prose and discussed which books you had to read in school, which ones you hated and which ones made you cry. ("Les Misérables?" "Les Miserables") Abby loved Hugo just as much as you did - but she was the type of person to read through 20 pages of description of Notre Dame and then find out if it was accurate (but she cried about Esmeralda's fate anyway). You showed her some books you absolutely despised in school but liked them when you reread it a few years later. 
You politely ignored the shelves with modern detectives and action and moved on to fantasy. You both found out your love for books started with children's fantasy, even though you've read different series - and you gushed to each other about your childhood favourites. 
“You think you need a vocabulary for poetry? Try reading this without any prior knowledge.” You pointed at the part of the shelf where Tolkien’s books were placed. 
“There’s actually editions with annotations.” Abby shared with you as she touched some of the books, just admiring them. “I have that edition of The Hobbit, if you want to.”
“Oh. That’d be cool.” You nodded and Abby chuckled. 
Eventually you got stuck between non-fiction shelves, discussing which books you liked and which books were..not that good. Abby’s snobby side got a chance to shine when you were going through self-improvement books - she hated them. (I mean, what kind of adult can’t figure out time management? It’s like people forgot what university was like). You didn’t agree with her there (yeah, but you have a schedule that is made for you, and then suddenly you're a full on adult with zero skill in planning your time. I think it’s nice that people can at least try to learn this skill). It was a small disagreement but for Abby it was significant - the way you two had different opinions and it wasn’t a problem, but an opportunity to learn. She suddenly hoped that every disagreement you two would have in the future would be just as this one - an honest desire to understand each other. 
Abby didn’t notice how long you were in the bookshop - it felt like 15 minutes when in reality it took you almost 2 hours to get through everything and talk about it. At one point when Abby was geeking out about some cool history books, you shyly leaned in to her and asked for a book recommendation and Abby just. Stopped functioning, her brain going into overdrive - you asked her for a book recommendation. For a second Abby just stood there, but then she grinned and went to find her favourite with your hand in hers. 
Abby gave you the book and waited for your reaction - what if you read it already? What if you read it and didn’t like it? 
“It’s actually on my reading list.” You said, delighted. “Thank you, Abby.” You leaned in and left a kiss on her cheek, while she smiled bashfully. “Wanna grab some coffee?”
You bought the book after you managed to convince Abby you’d pay for it, not her - and she was standing next to you trying not to pout. Abby wanted to take care of you, doesn’t mean in which way - actually, in all ways - but she shouldn't control you. So she stopped arguing about who will pay for the book and let you handle it. 
You went to get your coffee - surprisingly, the coffee shop had more people in it than the whole book shop - and sat by the window, watching the sun go down. Abby watched how golden light hit your face, making you look downright unreal: all soft and relaxed and pretty, so damn pretty. She couldn’t look away from your eyes that changed colour under the light as you looked somewhere far away, just enjoying the company and the place. You’ve noticed Abby’s stare and blushed, confused.
“Is there something on my face?”
“Except pure unadulterated beauty? No, nothing.” Abby grinned as you giggled, your face fully red now. 
You put your hand across the table and Abby took it, intertwining your fingers together as she stroked your palm with her thumb.
“Sometimes I think you say such things just to make me blush.” You said playfully and Abby laughed.
“I’m still telling the truth.” Abby shrugged. 
You laughed  and looked at Abby like you wanted to remember every little detail of her face, absorbing her. How the existence of one person can change your life, you thought, because Abby changed your life not just for the better, but for the best.
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see-arcane · 10 months
At least maybe in this world Alucard can get the ending he wants? Sure Jonathan might not be 100% human physically anymore but he’s still human, you know? And very ready to get some Alucard murdering done.
The questions to consider:
Can Jonathan's kukri do the job of putting him down permanently?
I'm sure something could be cooked up about him and the blade having potency from back home, having successfully slain the Original Dracula and carried over supernatural juice. That or some plot rule about it being further magically honed to the point where the combo of weapon and wielder make the slaying possible. There'd be a requisite ~Thou Art Not Worthy~ moment in which some villain makes a wrong assumption, snatches up the kukri and goes for the kill--only for Alucard to once again pop back up, all smiles. No Jonathan = No potency. RIPieces.
Is Jonathan allowed the narrative opportunity to slay Alucard?
Remember, Jonathan is used to biting increasingly horrifying and/or infuriating bullets for the sake of a Greater Good (up until it involves Mina, who overrules everything). The fact that Alucard is technically Dracula doesn't automatically allow him to override the Greater Good needs just because there's an innate urge to carve the bastard up.
Because Alucard is
1) Insanely overpowered to the point that he has such a puny weak point that it takes THE ENTIRE HELL-MESS OF THE SERIES to allow Millennium the one (1) window of opportunity to poison his power well and temporarily un-exist him and
2) Unfortunately very necessary for Hellsing's whole vampire hunting mission. Seras' presence at least proves they aren't in full 'all vampires are automatically evil and need slaying!!!' mentality, which helps. But even with Hellsing's forces and Seras and (for the foreseeable future) Jonathan's own cryptid strengths in the field, Alucard is THE major player on their side. If Jonathan just up and slew him, where would that leave the heroes? Or the world?*
(*Aside, it would be hilarious if Jonathan just lopped his head off, full dust dissolve, and Walter and Millennium and Anderson all simultaneously dropped dead of a mass rage aneurysm because THEY didn't get to have their special grisly shounen battle pissing match.)
It boils down to Jonathan having to extremely grudgingly play placid with Alucard's presence. Which Alucard would happily take advantage of in two directions.
First, the obvious baiting to try and wheedle fights out of him. Both when he'd wipe the floor with Jonathan and when he's juiced up enough by the plot to take him on in full.
Second, the likewise obvious wheedling about his liminal relationship with humanity and pulling a 'we're not so different' with the whole acknowledgment of God's less than sterling record when it comes to their histories, no matter how many amens are thrown around. Alucard would be bothering this dude like a cat who's found the one person in the room who wants less than nothing to do with him.
...and then.
Then would come the slaughter in the hotel.
Even if Jonathan wasn't there, he'd see the footage. He'd know Integra technically gave the order and allowed Alucard to go wild. Soldiers slaughtered over a lie they were fed. Innocent bystanders caught in needless crossfire. Bodies speared on flagpoles. For the pageantry of it. All when it's glaringly obvious that Alucard, being Alucard, could've swatted the whole problem without killing a single one of them. (Just like he never had to shoot Seras over the vampire in the little village.)
Because Jonathan Harker, the real one, not the flimsy blotted-out stand-in Alucard likely knew in his universe, is not meant to be here. He's not meant to swallow all this aggro horror bullshit and keep trucking without issue. The fact that Seras seemingly gets over it within the night (or at least successfully represses it) also has to be a blow. All that being said, I think that arc would be the absolute closest Jonathan would come to snapping and trying to put Alucard down once he was in reach.
I imagine Walter, Pip or Seras might try to stop him. (For the first time, Alucard pulls one of his guns on Pip and Walter pre-betrayal and commands Seras to stand down.)
I imagine Integra might be on the edge of 'ordering' Alucard to stop him, whatever that might entail. (Alucard communicates, verbally or otherwise, that if she makes him kill this man, there will be such swift Hell to pay that she won't have time to articulate a single syllable in time to stop him.)
I imagine there being a surprisingly close fight. And an even more grief-inducing close to said fight when, of course, Jonathan still can't kill him--if not due to ability, then due to the Needs of the Many Outweigh the Lives of Collateral Damage. It's not allowed. Alucard is almost sickeningly sincere in his condolences. (I picture him treasuring his first and only wound in centuries--a clean red scar, just above his brow, where a shovel spade once cut him in another unlife. It never goes away. He loves it.)
Time would have to pass. The big ugly climax comes along. Jonathan has to watch the bloody purging of Alucard's internal army to put down Millennium and Iscariot's forces in the midst of an already-insane slaughter of the country. Anderson happens. Walter happens. The blimp happens. And I think, for a perfectly bittersweet irony?
Jonathan saves Alucard's life.
Specifically, by using his special kukri on Schrodinger the False Child, who was meant to poison Alucard at his core.
There's something vicious in how once upon a time Jonathan was willing to get himself killed to save a stolen child from Castle Dracula's bloodsuckers, and was unable to, only to arrive at slaying a monster in the shape of a smiling young boy to protect a version of Dracula himself. Bonus points if Schrodinger gets a full ??? reaction upon realizing, oh, wait, this blade has genuinely killed him and he won't be coming back--the cat is no longer in the box, the cat is out and he is dead--before he could taint Alucard and vanish him.
Alucard is both a little huffy and over-the-moon fucking insufferable about the revelation.
For mercy's sake, we'll say that maybe killing Schrodinger had some delayed magic effect that finally FINALLY allows Jonathan to zap back home to Mina in his proper universe before he has to put up with Alucard forcing a friendship necklace on him or something.
(No, he does not want to talk about where all this blood and evil catboy gristle came from, darling. He would like a very long nap. Wake him in a few days, please.)
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avengerscompound · 1 year
The Recruit - 33. Wanda
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The Recruit - An Avengers Fanfiction
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Word Count: 2229
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Synopsis:  When Sam Wilson is set up on a blind date, he doesn’t expect anything to come from it.  He is already in a relationship after all, and not just with one other person, but a whole group of them. You never expected to end up working for the Avengers let alone be dating six of them at the same time.  Now you’re balancing a new job, a new romance, new friends, and a secret that could destroy a lot of lives if it got out.  It’s a tricky balance to get right at the best of times, but when something happens to Steve Rogers it’s up to the people who love him most to get him back.
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33. Wanda
Wanda sat in the back of the jet with the trainees completely on edge.  Chaos magic was crackling just under her skin, making her feel like an exposed wire.  She had known there was something wrong with Steve since they’d come back from the mission.  Everyone did, but his thought patterns had been altered.  Almost like there was something in him changing who he was.  Everyone was calling it PTSD and said he was working on it, so she just let herself believe that was all it was, because what else could it be?
She felt guilty now because whatever was going on with Steve was much bigger than simply PTSD and she’d allowed people to dismiss her when she’d tried to warn them.  Now she was on the way to try to find him with Clint and a bunch of unseasoned rookies and the recruit that had initiated this off-book rescue mission was the one in a relationship with six of her teammates, including Clint.
She felt awkward and antsy and ready to fight.
There was movement at the front of the jet and you stepped out.  She could feel the nervousness radiating off you like you were sending sparks out at the group.
All the trainees looked over at you like you had two heads.  Wanda supposed that made sense, here you were getting special access to Avengers things.  They had to have all kinds of theories as to what was going on.
“What’s going on?” Zuri asked.
You took a seat and let out a breath, looking over at Wanda.  All she could think to do was nod, she hoped it was reassuring.  This had nothing to do with her, but she wanted to make sure you didn’t feel alone.
“So when we find Steve, things are going to get kind of emotional,” she said.  “There’s - things - that people haven’t wanted to become public, and I don’t want you all the be blindsided.  I’ve been lying to you.”
“You are a spy!” Qadira yelped.
“No she’s not,” Zuri said.  “She’s dating Steve Rogers.”
Wanda had to keep her face set, but she nearly started laughing.  Zuri was so close to the real answer, but she’d just missed it.
“It explains so much,” Zuri continued.  “Why she couldn’t tell us.  Why he lost his shit on the last mission.”
“No way,” Jackie said.  “Cap is dating Agent Carter. I’m sure of it.”
You clicked your tongue.  “Do you want the actual answers?” you asked.
“Right,” Zuri said. “Continue.”
“Well, you were both right,” you said.  “And not quite right.  I told you I was seeing a few people.  Well, I’ve joined a polycule.  That group contains, Steve, Agent Carter, Clint -” you gestured over your shoulder with your thumb - “Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and James Barnes.”
“What.  The.  Fuck?” Anderson hissed.  “Are you serious?”
“Yes. I can’t go into any details.  I signed an NDA when I first even agreed to this.  But I hope you can understand why I was lying to you, and why this has to stay a secret.  I hate that it’s a secret.  I have wanted to talk to you all about it for a long time.  And in case you were wondering, my recruitment and the dating were two separate things.  Tony Stark recruited me just the way I said, not knowing that I’d been on a date with Sam Wilson and that the same night Sam had asked if I wanted to join their polycule.  The only thing they have in common is that the reason I was out the front of the building to be able to save Tony’s life was that I’d just been upstairs having dinner with Sam as he explained to me his unique relationship.” 
“No one thinks you’re here because of nepotism,” Jackie assured you.
“Yeah,” Qadira added.  “You’re one of the best of us.”
The smile on your face was a mixture of genuine flattery and relief.  Wanda could feel how happy it made you that your friends had your back like this.  She was proud of them too.  It just went to show how good the recruitment process was.  Not only did they have a group of people who were tops in their fields, but they were good people.  The perfect people to have on call to help protect the world.
“Thank you,” you said.  “Well, I mostly just wanted you to know because, for Clint and me, and any of the others who manage to get to him in time, it’s not about trying to stop Captain America.  It’s trying to appeal to a man we love who’s got something really wrong with him.  It might get emotional.”
“Don’t worry,” Jordan said.  “We’ve got your back.  And no one’s gonna spill to the press after all the dust settles.”
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You returned to the front of the plane and the other trainees started whispering with each other.  It was mostly shocked murmurings.  No one was saying anything negative or worrying, so Wanda just let them be.  It was big news - she still sometimes talked to the other Avengers about the group.
About forty minutes into the flight Tony and Rhodey caught up to them, and they stayed in formation with the jet.  It was a little over an hour when Clint started to bring the jet down closer to ground level.  He was skimming the treetops along an old state highway when there was a screeching sound on the left side of the plane and an explosion that rocked the whole cabin.
“What was that?” Wanda yelled.
“He threw his shield at us!” Clint called back.  “Brace yourselves, we’re going down.”
“Jackie,” Wanda said as she stood.  “Help me steady the plane.”
Wanda flicked her wrists and the pink cloud of chaos magic spread out from her hands and surrounded the plane.  Jackie began to chant and a deep purple cloud joined Wanda’s pink and the two witches began to help bring the jet down safely.
It was still a bumpy landing, and the jet skidded into the forest, felling trees and sending wildlife scattering.
“Is everyone alright back there?” Clint called.
“Yeah,” Jordan replied.  “Let us out before we lose him!”
The back of the jet opened and the whole group got up, grabbing weapons and hurrying down the ramp.  “Distract, do not engage,” Clint called to the group as they ran.  None of you are bulletproof, and he’s not going to miss if he throws that shield at you.  Communicate through Wanda.  Focus.  We can’t have any of you getting overwhelmed.”
When Wanda reached Steve, he was locked in battle with Tony and Rhodey, throwing his shield at Rhodey as he rolled out of the way of a blast sent at him from Tony.  He looked wrong.  He was wearing his uniform, but it seemed to be covered in thick, black tar. It clung to it and changed it, making it smoother in some places and sharper in others.  Threaded through the black was a webbing of green.  It looked almost like veins, but at this chest, overlaying the star, it formed the H.Y.D.R.A. skull and tentacles.
That was not as disturbing as Steve’s eyes.  They were pitch black.  Not just the irises, but all of it.  It was like someone had colored them in with a Sharpie.  Wanda had been right all along; there was something in him.
The sounds of jets filled the air and Sam and Vision came flying in, landing amongst the group of trainees.  Steve called his shield back.  It flew through the air and he caught it, clicking it back in place on his arm as he surveyed the group with cold, dark eyes.
“Hey, Steve,” Sam said.  “How about you put the shield down.”
“Steve doesn’t exist anymore,” Steve replied.  “There is only H.Y.D.R.A.”
Some of the others ran in surrounding Steve where he stood in the middle of the road.  No one made a move, Wanda looked ever at Jackie. ‘There’s something in him,’ she sent.  ‘We need to get it out.’
“Steve,” you said.  “That’s not who you are.”
“I don’t answer to that anymore,” he spat.  “I suggest you all back-off.”
“Come on, Steve,” Bucky said, walking in through the group.  “You can shake this off, pal.”
Steve pulled a knife out of his belt and threw it, it landed just shy of Bucky’s feet, stopping him where he stood.  As soon as Steve let the blade go, Clint loosed an arrow at him.  Steve snatched it out of the air and whipped it back at Clint and it embedded into his thigh.
“Those two are free,” Steve snarled. “The next will be deadly.  Let us go.”
“Steve,” Sharon said.  “You’re just going to let this happen?  You’re just going to let this thing kill everyone you love?”
He flinched and snarled again, baring his teeth. “There is no Steve!”
Wanda and Jackie began to use their magic trying to pry whatever this was out of Steve.  It was thick and dark and it felt like it burned back through her as she touched on it.  Steve was in there, she could feel him, scared and trapped, but whatever this was felt like it was fused to his very cells.
Steve spun around, focusing on Wanda and he threw the shield at her.  Tony blasted it out of the air and it went flying in the opposite direction.  The heat of the blast made the thing that was clinging to Steve flinch and for just a moment, Steve took control.
“Please,” he begged in a quiet voice.  “I’m trying to hold it back.  Run.  Leave me.”
And then he was gone again.
“It’s scared of fire!” Jackie called.
“Keep encouraging him,” Wanda added.  “He’s in there.  He can help us fight it.”
“You’re better than this, Steve,” you said. “Please fight it.  You don’t want him to kill us.” 
“You don’t even know what you're talking about, little girl,” Steve snarled.
Clint loosed three flaming arrows at once and they landed on three sides of him.  He darted back and Clint did it again, and again, while Tony, Vision, and Rhodey took off and set the ground around him on fire, until he was circled in flame.  The thing let out an ear-splitting screech and rippled on its suit.  Steve seemed to grab hold of it and started tearing it away from him, but it seemed useless, like tearing liquid, as he pulled it away it just spread out and clung to him again.
“Double down, Jackie,” Wanda called.
The two women began to work together, grabbing the black gunk and pulling it toward the fire.
“Come on Captain,” Collins called out.  “You’re one of my biggest idols. Don’t let H.Y.D.R.A. beat you now.”
“Yeah, Cap,” Zuri yelled.  “That would be really embarrassing.”
The other recruits all start yelling out their encouragement, telling him what they meant to him and how they believed in him.  It seemed to be working but not enough.
“Come on, Cap,” Tony called out.  “Who’s going to make me look good if you’re not around?”
“You once said to me that the only thing that mattered was who I was on the inside.  That’s what matters now, Cap.  Who you are.  You would never let H.Y.D.R.A win,” Bruce called out.
“Yes!” Wanda called as she pulled more of the black goo from him. “Get personal.”
Sharon moved in closer to the flames.  “Steve, honey,” she said. “Come on neighbor.  We have a laundry date, remember?” 
Natasha jogged up beside her.  “Yeah, Steve.  You’re my favorite fossil, and I have a lot more dates to set up for you.”
Steve cried out and threw some of the goop into the flame, it screamed and caught fire, turning to ash almost at once.
Sam moved in. “On your left, Steve.  You can do this.  We can go home and I’ll make you breakfast.”
Clint jumped down from the tree.  “Time to suit up, Steve.”
“‘Til the end of the line, Punk,” Bucky said, stepping up to the others and taking Sharon’s hand.  They all linked hands and you moved in with them, taking both Sam and Natasha’s hand too.
“We all love you, Steve.  Please come back to us,” you said.
He let out an almighty roar and pulled hard on the black goo.  Wanda and Jackie grabbed hold of it and pulled with him and it let go.  The two women surrounded it with their powers and dropped it down into the fire.  It screamed as it burned but they held it down so it couldn’t escape.
When the last of it was burned away, Tony and Rhodey extinguished the flames, and Steve’s group of lovers ran in.
Steve collapsed onto the ground and curled into a ball, and Sam crouched down to hold him.  
“You okay, baby?” Sharon asked.
He looked up, trembling. “That was fucking exhausting,” he whispered.
Everyone looked at Wanda and she scanned Steve.  There was no more sign of the thing in him.  It was just Steve. Tired and in pain.  But all him.  She nodded to them.
“Language, Steve,” Natasha teased.
He let out a soft laugh and nuzzled into Sam.  “Can we please go home?”
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cinderswife · 4 months
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in honor of pride month, i now present to you my favorite ouatis oc: cimorene, general white's gay... something. they've got something a lil lesbian going on. who knows what though. certainly not them. she's essential to the plot of my ouatis au for the sheer fact of being the reason general white didn't die of a stress-induced heart attack
this ref sheet is her towards the end of the war btw
info under the cut !!
cimorene is general white's secretary, though over three decades of war her role shifted from admin assistant to more personal assistant. she functions as the smaller dragon guarding the entrance to the big dragon's lair: you don't get to talk to general white without going through her first. she's a sweet talking jack of all trades who is very happy in her support role thank you very much. if you dig into her history, you'll find out she's the youngest daughter of a planet owning count.
she is based on cimorene from patricia c. wrede's enchanted forest chronicles. i initially wanted to name her after a proper fairy tale dragon, but those... don't really exist??? especially with names and stuff. so cimorene it is!
cimorene was always the black sheep of the family. while all seven of her older sisters were golden haired ponyfolk who could (seemingly) do no wrong, cimorene was the dark haired serpentfolk who kept getting in trouble for trying and excelling at things outside her designated gender role. granted, she also had a bit of a 'not like other girls' thing going on, but she was definitely a victim to regressive gender nonsense.
want to try out sports, like say hunting or rowing? sorry, that's a boy thing. okay, what about practical things like accounting or admin work? nope, both a man's job and below your station. fine! what about cooking? well... still below your station. cimorene spent plenty of time learning these things before she got caught and forced to stop, but it was a real shame.
her parents found her out of control, so at the advice of her godmother they arranged for her to be married to some lame noble boy. closeted nb lesbian cimorene, at age 19 almost 20, wasn't having that. this combined with her burgeoning politics of "hey actually i think this empire stuff is garbage actually" meant that the new rebellion sounded like a fantastic place to go. so off she went!
despite recent victories on hamlin, the year-old rebellion was hurting for hands and desperately needed someone willing to do the admin work. lieutenant dunwich had better things to do with his time, but he was also the only person decent enough, so he was who general white trusted most. in comes cimorene, who aces boot camp and proves herself brilliant at being a secretary. general white offers her the job, which cimorene gladly accepts.
unfortunately, this does not entirely shake off her infuriating family. believing cimorene to have been kidnapped by the rebellion, their family offers a substantial reward and their hand in marriage to whatever knight can rescue them. this is deeply infuriating, but luckily cimorene has many ways to either convince them to fuck off (and keep them from discovering rebellion bases) or to join the rebellion and leave her tf alone thank you very much.
although half her job is admin work, cimorene very quickly realized that the other half was joining dr. lorenzo (and to a minor extend cinders) on the "general white care squad." general mercymourn white may be brilliant and capable, but due to a variety of reasons such as disability (her injuries from the wedding and the anderson left her with half a face among other things, intense ptsd, and undiagnosed autism that flew under the radar as rich noble politician snow), the amount of other plates she was spinning, and sheer grief/self loathing from the events of the wedding day slaughter, she doesn't take care of her body as well as she needs to. luckily, cimorene soon discovered that she was very good at and happy with the caretaker role.
she was offered promotions many a time, but cimorene always turned it down to stick with mercy. she did, however, demand raises. out of everyone in the universe, cimorene can accurately boast that she knows mercy the best. she may not know general white's biggest secret, but she's there for the myriad of minuscule mask slips and the stress-induced meltdowns and the shitty puns and anything and everything you might imagine. it's to the point that cimorene can identify what exactly general white is feeling and/or needs by the microexpression even before general white figures out why she's feeling like shit.
that's not to say that cimorene is unappreciated - far from it. alongside a stupid high paycheck and a significant amount of leeway, cimorene is granted what everyone else covets: the paranoid general white's unending and complete trust. cimorene will never, ever betray that trust. she joined the revolution for freedom from her parents and liberation for the oppressed, but she's stuck around and gotten in deep for general white. that's what you do for a badass woman a decade older than you who could lift you off the ground.
this has some downsides though: when cimorene attempts to have a very limited personal life, she runs into the fact that people associate her with general white and she doesn't have the chance to like. bond. it's very frustrating. she's made a few friends here and there, but it's a lot harder to go out and socialize.
and dating? don't get her started. despite the fact that she's willing and able to put herself out there and a real catch (seriously, she cooks so damn well. try her cherries jubilee sometime!), no one wants to date her! why? well, unbeknownst to her everyone else can pick up on the intense homoerotic tension between her and the general and have gone "whelp that's general white's girl nobody get involved with her." rip to her dreams of a lovelife
also this is what her and general white's relationship looks like, with cimorene as the moon and mercy as the earth:
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anyways, they don't properly get together romantically because there's a war to win and who has time for distractions like that? in the canon timeline this never gets resolved even after three decades because uh. general white dies. but since this is dogstar!ouatis and i made general white live (see: my fic eclosion) they get to be properly gay together in the end. yay!
in her spare time, cimorene likes to hang out at bars, cheat at cards, spread gossip (both false and true), cross stitch, and generally be a cunning little bastard. she Will kick your ass at a baking competition. she can do things with chocolate mousse that will make your girlfriend leave you.
her personal quarters are mostly decorated with weird shit she finds on the ground and her cross stitch projects. she has a lot of them. she finds them... relaxing, especially when people are getting On Her Nerves. *angry wolf portrait embroidery intensifies*
she is fluent in kingstongue & revolution sign language and has bits and pieces of a variety of languages from across the galaxy. she'd be a polyglot in her ideal world, but quite frankly she doesn't have the time nor the energy to do that.
anyways. gay people real. i hope you enjoyed reading about cimorene !!!! she Will show up in revolution era fics
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lexusiswriting · 3 months
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 17 of ?
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Warnings: language.
Tags:@multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie, @kaite1996, @coc41nn, @xxsparklezzzxx, @shilohrosechicken, @k-pop-luv04, @mariemarquess1989, @imralxmerve, @zombiedixon89, @vinyardmauro, @imralmervex, @xslavicprincess, @black-damask1999
Requests: OPEN.
My hands were shaking so bad while I tried to call Ricky. At that moment I forgot completely to check if he was on stage or if it was too late for him to pick up. Thankfully, he did.
“Hi babe, I actually was about to call you, but… are you crying?”
“Corey didn’t lie…”
“What do you mean? What’s wrong? Tell me!”
“I received a letter from the courthouse. He wants full custody of Blair, saying I’m not a good mother for her, because I let her live with my boyfriend.”
“Please tell me you’re joking. I swear I’m going to kill him.”
“Ricky, please, don’t do anything stupid! Then he will have real reasons to do this.”
I could sense from his voice how mad he was. The only thing I hoped for was for the two to not cross each other’s path’s.
“I think I have an idea. But I need both you and Blair here with me for it.”
“What’s the plan?”
“I can’t tell you over the phone. How soon can you come?”
“Right now, I’m looking for two tickets… There’s a flight at 7 a.m. and we would be there at around 2 p.m.”
“Perfect! Now, please calm down. I promise no one would take Blair from us. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do, Ricky.”
After the call ended, I just stared into the nothing. I thought this would be my day, to get all the stress out of me. Now I need to prepare for whatever Ricky has planned. Even if it doesn’t make any sense how flying over to him would help, I was glad to know I would be in his arms in a couple of hours and everything would be alright.
Blair and I just arrived at the destination, and we were looking for our taxi. She was really sleepy, even though she slept the entire flight. When we were in the car, she asked I was surprised I hadn’t got earlier.
“Are you okay, mommy?”
“Of course, sweetheart. I’m happy we’re going to see daddy in a bit.”
“You don’t look happy. Did I do something to upset you?”
“You could never do that, I assure you.”
I took her little hand in mine and tried to give her the most genuine smile. Looking into her eyes, I knew she was sure I was lying. But this was a very sensitive topic, and even after all the bad things, I still don’t want her to see her real father as a bad person.
When we arrived at the hotel the boys were staying at, I saw Ricky waiting for us in the lobby. I felt the tears forming in my eyes, but I tried to keep them under control. He took me into his arms and I finally felt like I was home. For a second, everything felt right in this world. When he kissed me, the tears came running down my cheeks, finally realized how much I missed him. He took Blair into his arms and kissed her forehead.
“How much I missed my girls. I’m so happy you’re finally here!”
We went to his room and placed Blair on the bed, who fell asleep in his arms on the way there. He took my hand in his and led the way to another room.
“I missed you so much, Lexus. I’m sorry we had to see each other in this situation.”
“I missed you too, Ricky. With you being on tour I thought I had to deal with this all by myself.”
“You would never have to deal with something alone. I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”
Then I started crying the way I wanted from the beginning. I couldn’t control myself, and I was shaking in his arms. His hand was playing with my hair, trying to calm me down.
“He would never take her. I never saw him once spending time with his daughter, and now he claims he wants full custody. This is bullshit.”
“The judge doesn’t know that.”
“We will tell him, Blair will too. You know she’ll have to be there too, right?”
I nodded while Ricky wiped my tears with his hands. He gave me a kiss that felt like a promise for all the words he said.
“So what’s your plan, Ricky?”
“You had a long day, and now it’s not time for that. What you need to do at this moment is to get some rest next to Blair, while I’ll go to do the soundcheck.”
“No, please, tell me now.”
“I promise I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay? Now, please go to bed.”
I wasn’t happy with his answer, but I knew he was right. I was exhausted, and I needed to sleep more than ever. He followed me into the room and kissed both of our heads before going to see the other boys.
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She Has No Idea (That I’m Even Here) - Chapter Four
Pairings: Steve Harrington x reader, one-sided Billy Hargrove x reader, side Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
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Work Summary:
Steve Harrington x reader Summer Camp AU with a side order of Billy Hargrove being a dick.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4387
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
Final Chapter!
warnings for slut shaming, bullying, slight ED themes, Jason Carver being a dick, Billy being slightly less of a dick, little bit of fighting/violence, ronance <3, jealousy, being kinda attracted to billy despite him being a dick, sex mentions, boner mentions, weed, (potentially underage?) drinking, hellcheer friendship, mentions of roofies (nothing dub- or non-con happens though), protective stevie, chrissy cunningham deserves to be happy, mentions of homophobia
The last couple of weeks of camp went by in a blur. Billy had avoided you since your awkward moment in the cafeteria, but you’d been so busy with activities and a surprisingly bustling social life that you hardly noticed.
Most evenings after dinner, some combination of Steve, Eddie, Jonathan and Argyle came to hang out in your cabin, which eventually got dubbed ‘the party cabin’. The staff turned a blind eye.
A few days before the camp closed at the end of summer, you and your cabinmates, plus Steve and Eddie, were playing a card game on the floor of the cabin. The windows were all open due to the sweltering heat.
Over the sounds of cicadas chirping and Steve shuffling the deck, there was a knock at the door.
“Probably Jonathan and Argyle,” you said, about to get to your feet, but Eddie was closer to the door so he made it there first.
It was not Jonathan and Argyle. On the doorstep was Jason Carver, flanked by his friends. He seemed taken aback to see Eddie.
“What the fuck are you doing in my girlfriend’s cabin, freak?” he snapped.
“I’m in my friends’ cabin, actually,” said Eddie. He didn’t back down, so Jason shoved past him to get in. Steve was on his feet immediately, blocking Jason’s path. You couldn’t help but notice that he’d positioned himself between Jason and all the girls in the room.
With considerably less grace, you got to your feet too.
“What’s your problem, man?” asked Steve, raising both hands placatingly.
Jason glared back at him. “Stay out of this, Harrington. I’ve been hearing whispers around camp that guys have been coming and going from this cabin a lot. I’m not okay with my girlfriend hanging out with other guys without telling me.”
“Without your permission, you mean?” you snarked back at him.
His gaze fixed on you then. You felt like he was trying a bore a hole right through you with his eyes. “I never said that.”
“Regardless. Chrissy isn’t only person in this cabin. We’ve all been hanging out with our friends in the evening. Chrissy hasn’t done anything wrong.”
“Oh, so all of the guys are here to see you, are they?” He scoffed, looking you up and down. “Running a train on Y/N every night? I gotta tell you, it doesn’t surprise me that you turned out to be a massive sl-”
Jason didn’t get to finish his sentence, because Steve launched himself at him, pinning him to the wall.
“You keep your damn mouth shut, Carver,” he growled at him. Chance and Andy began to advance on Steve, but you stepped into the space between them. You could feel Eddie coming to stand at your other side.
“You need to get out of my cabin, right now,” you said.
Jason glared at you. “Or what?”
“Or I throw you out,” said Steve, redoubling his grip on Jason’s shirt. “You don’t get to just come into the girls’ cabins without asking, even if your girlfriend is staying there, asshole.”
Jason shoved back at Steve, who stumbled back, letting go of his shirt. Straightening up, Jason dusted himself off, a look of disgust on his face.
“I’m here because Chrissy has barely been talking to me, and now I know why. All you little satanic freaks have been poisoning her mind.”
“Jason.” Chrissy’s firm tone cut through the air. The room fell deadly silent. “They’re not freaks. They’re my friends. You need to leave now. I can’t date someone who acts like this.”
Jason’s face went white as a sheet. “Baby, wait-”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me. It’s over, Jason.”
His brow furrowed. He pushed Steve aside and made for Chrissy. “Baby, please, let’s talk about it.”
You stepped into his path. “She said it’s over, Carver. Move on.”
“This is none of your business, slut.” He barged past you, knocking you off balance. Steve caught your arm so you wouldn’t fall, and Eddie stepped in front of Jason. Steve was poised, ready to fight, but you put out a hand, trying to calm him.
“I’m not trying to steal Chrissy away from you, Carver,” said Eddie. “She doesn’t want you here anymore. So you should get lost.”
Jason looked over his shoulder at his friends for backup, but they looked uncertain. “We don’t want any trouble,” said Patrick. “Maybe we should leave?”
“I’m not going anywhere without Chrissy.”
“Jason… We should go.”
With his friends backing away, Jason didn’t seem so tough anymore. Both Steve and Eddie were taller than him, and it was clear that if it came down to a fight, Patrick, Andy and Chance weren’t going to get involved.
He glared at Chrissy, and then at Eddie, before turning on his heel and walking out the room. The door slammed behind him, making the whole cabin shake. You let out a shaky sigh of relief.
Behind you, you heard a strangled cry. You turned to see Chrissy with her hands over her face, shoulders shaking. Eddie knelt down beside her and put a tentative hand on her arm.
“It’s okay, he’s gone, you’re alright,” he said, and she shook her head, moving her hands. She was laughing. It was a strange, hysterical laughter, but it was better than her crying.
She wiped a stray tear away with the back of her hand and said, “I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks.”
Nancy put her arm around her and squeezed. “Proud of you.”
A moment later, there was another knock on the door. You tensed, but this time, it was only Argyle and Jonathan.
“I just ran into Carver and he told me to fuck off,” said Jonathan, sitting down next to Nancy. You watched Robin’s eyes dart between them.
“Thought you were gonna get schmacked,” said Argyle, grinning hazily.
“I just broke up with him,” said Chrissy, and then she giggled.
“I’ll cheers to that. Sounds like you’re in need of a celebration.” Argyle pulled out a little baggie of weed, some rolling papers and a grinder. Eddie not so subtly sat down next to him.
“You okay?” Steve murmured to you. “Thought Carver was about to start swinging.”
“I’m okay. Are you okay?”
“Wouldn’t be my first fight,” he said, smiling at you.
“I reckon you could actually take him.” Unlike Jonathan. Unlike Billy. You hadn’t been present for either of those beatdowns, but you’d seen the aftermath.
“Thanks for your faith in me.”
On the last evening of camp, after a day of activities, there was a party for the kids. The cafeteria tables had been rearranged to make space for a dance floor, and the whole place was decorated with streamers that you and Chrissy had spent hours meticulously putting up.
The tables were laid out with pizzas and soda, and a stereo had been brought in to play music. Nancy had been in charge of putting together a mixtape for the party; Eddie had also volunteered, but had been overruled.
Even though it was for the kids, it was fun. You ate pizza until your tummy hurt, sitting on the sidelines with Eddie and Chrissy, watching the kids doing their ridiculous dances in the middle of the open space.
Jason sat across the cafeteria from you with his friends, watching Chrissy instead of the kids that they were supposed to be chaperoning. It surprised you that Chrissy didn’t seem all that bothered by it. She just sipped on her soda and clapped along, encouraging the kids to dance.
You even managed to persuade Erica Sinclair to dance. Despite her confidence, she was pretty inhibited. She was afraid of seeming ‘uncool’ for even a second. So you stood up with Eddie and Chrissy and did a few ridiculous dance moves of your own, until you noticed her out of the corner of your eye, challenging her older brother to a dance off, the winner of which was highly contested. Mission accomplished.
Once the kids had all been sent back to their cabins – full of food and sugar and caffeine – the counsellors had a celebration of their own. Your ‘party cabin’ wasn’t big enough for everyone, so you gathered in a big clearing in the woods.
Argyle brought the weed, while Eddie had managed to source a crate of beer and a couple of bottles of vodka. Nancy had squirreled away the leftover soda from the kids’ party, which meant you could have mixed drinks. Steve and Robin had built a campfire, bickering about it the whole time. Even so, it turned out pretty well.
The staff had all turned in early for the night (though you suspected they may have been having their own party in Hopper’s office) and as such, you weren’t worried about getting caught. There was no music – no one wanted to risk drawing the attention of the campers – so the air was filled with the sounds of people talking and the campfire crackling.
You were glad to see that, while Jason’s three friends were here, Jason himself was not. You imagined that he was sulking in his cabin, pining over Chrissy. Good.
There was a big, smooth-looking rock at the edge of the clearing. You squatted down and dug your hands under it, trying to lift it. It was heavy, so you only managed to get it about a foot off the ground before one side tipped to the ground again.
“Need a hand?”
You looked up to see Billy standing over you. You straightened up immediately, letting the rock fall back into its original position.
“It’s fine.”
“Come on.” He gave you a half-smile. “Where were you trying to put it?”
“Near the fire.”
“Okay.” He bent down and heaved the rocked into your arms with considerably more grace than you had. His arms and abs clenched with the effort. “Show me where you want it.”
Feeling a little embarrassed, you led him back over to the fire and pointed to the spot you’d been eyeing up (close enough to feel its warmth, but not close enough to be bothered by the smoke). He lowered it into position and even straightened it up for you. You had a perfect little bench for one.
It was a warm night, so you slipped Steve’s hoody off your shoulders and lay it down on the rock for you to sit on.
Billy cleared his throat awkwardly. “What are you drinking?” he asked.
“Uhh… vodka lemonade?”
“Alright.” You watched him walk over to the tree that the drinks were being stored under and grab you a cup.
Normally, you weren’t sure you’d trust a drink prepared by Billy Hargrove, but you had just watched him make the whole thing, step by step. Besides, you knew that Nancy, Robin and Chrissy would never let you wander off with Billy even if he did slip something in your drink.
“What was the point of me bringing this all the way over here if you’re not even gonna sit?” he asked, gesturing at the rock good-humouredly. He had a beach chair under his arm and a can of beer squeezed in the crook of his elbow. “Or you could sit on this. It’s actually designed for sitting.”
“I prefer the rock. It’s more rugged.” You sat down and he passed you your cup. With a hand now free, he unfolded the beach chair, sat down and cracked open his beer. As he took a sip, you watched a bead of condensation roll down his chin.
His attractiveness was undeniable, but it was at times like this that you realised that he was beautiful. If he hadn’t treated you so badly for all these years, you probably would’ve thrown yourself at him that night at the cafeteria, in spite of your feelings for Steve. Unlike Steve, you were sure that Billy liked you.
But in the real world, Billy had spent years finding little ways to poke and prod at your insecurities, chipping away at your self-esteem. Had he liked you back then? Or did saving his life make him see you in a new light? Was his bullying all some kind of strategy to make you feel like you couldn’t do better than him, or had he been in denial, taking out his confusion at his own feelings on you?
It didn’t matter. He was an asshole. An apology, a drink, and moving a rock weren’t enough to make up for years of ill-treatment. Could you like him in the future? Maybe, but there was a lot more work to be done before that.
Steve had been an asshole once, and now you were head over heels for him. It stood to reason that, if people could change, your feelings about them could too.
“Are we gonna talk about what happened that night at the cafeteria?” you asked.
“I’m gonna need more beers before that.” He started to stand up, but you grabbed his forearm, and he froze.
“Sit down and start acting like an adult for once.”
He met your eyes and slowly lowered himself back into his chair. “What’s there to talk about? I got the message. You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you, Billy.”
In spite of everything, you found it hard to hate him. You knew that he’d moved out of his dad’s house as soon as he turned eighteen, and at that point, he’d changed. He wasn’t nearly so violent and volatile as he had been.
Of course, you’d never witnessed it yourself, but there had been rumours about his dad. That he’d hit him. And sometimes Billy would come to school sporting a shiner, and he’d tell everyone that he’d got into a fight, but you hadn’t been quite sure.
Maybe people are all products of their environment. Steve was only ‘King Steve’ in high school, surrounded by adoring admirers who were too sycophantic and cruel to tell him when he was being an asshole. Without those admirers, he was kind and caring and sweet and protective.
Maybe Billy was Billy because of his dad. But that didn’t change anything. He’d still done everything he’d done. He’d still tormented you for years and beaten the crap out of Steve and threatened to hurt Lucas for dating Max, and probably a lot of other stuff you didn’t know about.
Maybe someday he would stop being the boy who did those sorts of things. But he would always be the boy who had done those things.
“I don’t hate you. I just don’t want to date you. You’ve spent years making me feel like shit. How could anyone build a relationship out of that?”
Billy sighed. “I know I’ve fucked up. I know I have. But I’m trying to make it better.”
“Well, keep trying.” You took a deep swig of your drink. You were pleasantly surprised to find that Billy had even put ice in it.
“Alright, you don’t want to date me. How about we just have some fun? I could show you a real good time.” He leered at you, but you now saw this for what it was. He was falling back on a defence mechanism, acting like a perv to try and push you away. Or maybe he just really wanted to fuck you. Either way you leant back in disgust.
“No thanks. I’m not interested in having a ‘good time’ with you.”
“Because you’re in love with Harrington.”
“This has nothing to do with Steve!” you snapped, far too loudly. There was a lull in conversation as people turned to look at you. Your face was hot, from the fire, the booze or the embarrassment, you weren’t sure.
“You should probably tell him that. He’s been staring at me like he wants to kill me for the last five minutes.” Billy took a sip of his beer and nodded towards the edge of the clearing. You followed his gaze and saw Steve leaning against a tree, crushed beer can in his hand. When he saw you looking, he quickly looked away.
“I’m man enough to know when I’m beat. I hope he makes you happy,” said Billy. And with that, he stood up and patted you on the shoulder.
You realised with horror that he was walking over to Steve. Steve visibly tensed, but Billy just said something to him, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at you. Steve looked up and your eyes met. While you were looking at Steve, Billy tossed his beer can on the ground and walked off into the trees.
You had told Billy that none of this had anything to do with Steve, but you wondered if you had been wrong. Steve had been a constant presence this camp season, always there to feed you that little bit of hope that maybe you had a chance with him.
If you had truly believed that nothing could ever happen with Steve, if he hadn’t showered you with compliments and carried your trays and lent you his hoody as well as a hundred other little kindnesses, would you have let Billy kiss you?
There was a time when you had felt desperate to be loved. Billy had fueled that, with all of his insults and teasing that made you believe no one desired you. Maybe in another world, you would’ve been desperate enough to let him kiss you, and fuck you, and take whatever else he wanted from you because that’s all you thought you were worth.
But in this world, there was Steve. Steve let you know that it was okay to hope for better. To want someone who made you feel like you were worth wanting.
A moment after Billy disappeared, Steve pushed himself away from his tree and walked towards you. Your heart was starting to speed up. You drained the rest of your cup nervously.
“You want another one of those?” he asked you.
“Sure. Vodka lemonade, please.”
“I know. I watched Billy make it for you.”
He took your cup and went over to the drinks. Your eyes scanned the rest of the party, looking for your friends. Chrissy was smoking a joint with Eddie, Argyle and Jonathan. Her hair, normally tied back in a tight ponytail, hung loosely around her shoulders. She looked happy.
You looked around for Robin and Nancy, but couldn’t see them anywhere.
As Steve slid into the seat next to you, you asked him, “Have you seen Robin?”
He looked around and then leant closer to you. “She snuck off with Nancy a few minutes ago, after I told her to stop being such a dumbass about it. She had to take a couple of shots, but she did it.”
“You know about Robin?” you asked in disbelief.
“I’m the first person she told.” He grinned at you, looking proud. That surprised you. You knew that her and Steve were close, but you couldn’t imagine her confiding something like that in him. You supposed you knew them both less well than you thought. “And a couple of weeks ago, she told me that she’d told you too. She’d been so nervous, but she said you took it well.”
“Robin is my friend, no matter what.”
“Good. ‘Cause she’s my best friend, and I can’t be spending time with anyone who’d hurt her.”
“I’ll cheers to that,” you said, mimicking Argyle as you clinked your cup against his beer can.
“So, I see you gave Billy the bum’s rush.”
“I was nice about it!” you protested.
“Nicer than he deserved, I’ll bet.” His fingers tapped against the arm of his chair. You wanted to put your hand on his, but you were nowhere near drunk enough.
“He, uh… He tried to kiss me a few weeks ago. I didn’t let him.”
Steve swallowed a sip of beer, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. After a moment, he said, “Good.”
“Why’s that good?” you asked, hoping that you knew the answer.
“Because he’s an asshole.” Your heart sank a little, but then he said, “And you deserve better. You deserve someone who makes you feel you could tell them anything. Someone who won’t turn around and use your insecurities to hurt you.”
“Uh-huh. You got someone in mind?” You had almost finished your second drink now, and you were starting to feel a little bold. As Steve opened his mouth, a wave of anxiety overcame you, and you got to your feet. “I’m gonna go get another drink. You want one?”
You expected him to wait for you, but after a moment, you realised that he was following you. As you poured a more generous helping of vodka into your cup, he said, “Can we talk? Somewhere more private?”
Afraid of what might come out of your mouth if you spoke, you just nodded.
You followed him through the trees, wondering how the fuck he managed to navigate through the thick foliage, until the two of you emerged into a familiar clearing. The big wide stump was waiting for you, looking enticing under the moonlight.
Steve didn’t sit down though. He took a big swig of his beer, swallowed, and then said, “I’ve been kinda messed up over you all summer. It’s been a long time since I felt this way about anyone.”
Your heart stuttered. Under the moonlight, his eyes were big and dark and bright as they stared into yours.
“Robin said I was being an idiot. And a hypocrite, because I was always telling her to shoot her shot with Nancy. Every time I was alone with you, I’d get so close to telling you how I felt, and every time, I clammed up. I was scared to make a fool of myself, which is stupid because I’ve been making a fool of myself in front of girls for years. Just ask Robin. She used to keep a tally of all the times I struck out. I wasn’t scared to put myself out there. But with you, it’s different. I was just so terrified that you’d turn me down. So I chickened out, every time.”
“Steve…” you breathed, unable to believe what you were hearing. Steve Harrington had thought you would turn him down. The world was upside down.
“But then you rejected Billy and I thought that maybe… well, maybe you might like me too? Even though every time I got close to you, you’d end up backing away. You were always the one who left first.”
“Because I was scared,” you said. “Scared that it was all a joke. Or that you were just being nice. Scared that I’d get too close and become too clingy and you’d think I was a gross creep or something.”
“I’d never think that.”
“Steve…” His name came out as half a laugh and half a sigh of relief. “I’ve had a crush on you since, like, fifth grade.”
The invisible bar that had been holding you at arms’ length from him seemed to collapse, hitting you right in the stomach. Steve crossed the distance in one stride and cupped your face in his hands. He kissed you, and you felt like stars were bursting inside you.
It was a sweet, gentle, chaste kiss at first, but you were a little tipsy and a little horny from the way Steve was touching you, so you kissed him back sloppily, licking at the inside of his mouth.
He responded in kind, hands touching you everywhere, trailing kisses down the column of your throat as you gasped for breath. He manoeuvred you both until your butt was pressed against the tree stump, his hands sliding up the outside of your thighs until they reached the hem of your shorts.
You kissed until you ran out of breath, and then you leant your head back, letting Steve nibble and suck at your neck. The moon stared back down at you, almost full. You wondered if the moon was making you crazy, or if it was just Steve making you feel like this, desperately grinding on him in the woods.
You hooked one leg over his hip, tugging him closer.
“We need to stop,” he panted, fingertips sliding up under your t-shirt. “Or else I’m gonna have a problem.”
“Feels like you already have a problem.” And it was true that you could feel him through his shorts, half-hard and pressed up against your leg.
He stilled. “As tempting as the idea of fucking you in the woods is,” your stomach swooped at the suggestion, “I want to take my time with you. Somewhere where no one is going to interrupt us.”
You swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”
A smile flitted across his face. “When camp is over, do you wanna go out with me?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
When you finally managed to drag yourselves away from each other, you helped each other straighten your clothes before heading back to the main party.
Nancy and Robin had re-emerged, sitting on a log by the fire, thigh to thigh and both looking very giggly. Nancy’s hair was messier than you’d ever seen it, and you thought that maybe you could see the trace of a hickey on Robin’s neck.
Your eyes met hers, and she stared at the way Steve’s arm was slung casually over your shoulder. She grinned at you, and you grinned back.
You passed by Eddie, who looked at you both with wide eyes and an excited smile. He was about to say something, but Steve raised a hand.
“Don’t you dare,” he warned, and Eddie raised both hands in surrender.
Steve’s hoody was still on the rock where you left it. You tried to offer it back to him, and he looked positively offended by the suggestion. He picked it up and draped it over your shoulders, and then sat down on the rock himself. You were about to sit in the chair beside it when he tugged you down to sit sideways across his lap.
“How are people gonna know you’re my girl if you’re not wearing my hoody?” My girl.
“Well, I think the fact I’m sitting in your lap right now might be a clue.”
“You’re so smart,” he said, grinning at you dopily. You couldn’t help but giggle. “My girl’s so smart.”
Thank you for reading <3
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
'Wednesday' Review (no spoilers)
Well, I'm always complaining that I get too many show recommendations when everyone knows I usually just re-watch the same 5 shows or watch YouTube & I also complain a lot about binge culture & say I like to watch shows slowly but I literally watched it in one sitting so...I must've liked it! Honestly, the Tim Burton style was perfect, the dialogue was witty, & the plot was fun & addictive.
Jenna Ortega is amazing. Wednesday Addams is such an iconic & beloved character, & this show relied heavily on her demeanor & presence. So, a strong lead actress was the most important element of the show in my opinion. I honestly can't even imagine the role being pulled off more perfectly. This is only the second thing I've seen Jenna Ortega in, & she's blown me away both times. The other thing I've seen her in is Scream 5, & as a huge Scream fan, I would argue that she made that movie what it was with her performance too - & that was a very different character. Clearly, she's just a fantastic actress with a huge range & an amazing screen presence.
Also, most of the rest of the cast did a fantastic job too. Emma Myers and Hunter Doohan (I had to Google both those names, but Enid & Tyler) both had fantastic chemistry with Jenna Ortega & so did Joy Sunday (Bianca) (yes I had to Google that too) both as a rival & frienemy. I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way but just to be honest as I think back on the series, my biggest criticism is that Percy Hynes White (Xavier) just had no charm or chemistry with the lead. The actor can hardly be blamed entirely for that, though I do think either he's part of the problem or the way he was directed is. But really, the issue with Xavier was mainly a writing problem for me, because I just found his character way too bland & that's a pretty huge weakness in a show where so much of the plot relies on this sort of love triangle. Like, I need to either hate one of the guys or struggle with who to root for or something but Xavier just gave me nothing. He had no personality or interiority as a character outside of pining after Wednesday & sometimes being sus like....literally just nothing going on with him to make him feel like a real person & give me something to latch onto as a viewer.
I thought that the rest of the family had the perfect amount of screen presence for a show focused on Wednesday going off on her own where her family is still important to the plot & to her character. They did a really great job playing that balancing act. My biggest criticism of the family aspect of the show is that Morticia's wig made me want to die. Everything else - the backstory, the plot itself, was fantastic. And I loved Fester & Thing's roles both so much as well as the element of Wednesday being protective of Pugsly. The dynamic between Wednesday & Morticia is well done & explored, & I like that they gave them a little tension & how the story used it. Gomez Addams continues to be an iconic character in every incarnation.
The mystery itself was fun, although I think maaaybe it's possible they introduced a few too many elements? This is a cursory "I literally just watched it" review, so maybe not, but it felt like there was just a LOT going on & it could sometimes be a bit much to keep up with. That said, the show is clever. It's not just witty dialogue, it's a detailed & smart mystery plot, overall. I had at least part of it - not solved, but figured out (I knew something was off with a certain character because of clues) I should say - very early on. And I did solve at least part of the mystery well before any of the characters. I think this is a sign of strong writing because a good mystery should be giving you clues early on to figure things out, so this is meant as praise.
I think that it was a very fun & satisfying show. It's 100% worth checking out if you like acerbic humor. The directing style almost reminded me a bit of Wes Anderson. The general pace & dialogue & style reminded me of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events.' I thought it was a super fun show & I hope it gets a season 2, which it's definitely set up for. But, either way, it was a fantastic ride & I had a great time.
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phantomsthought · 2 years
Bonds my Shepard has with crew mates!
Featuring a picture of my Shepard in her edgy knight armor im me3
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Jeff “Joker” Moreau and Crow C. Shepard are pretty close. They constantly throw jokes at eachother, whether it be on the battle field over comms or sitting in the cockpit, messing around. Crow and Joker cope the same way sometimes- sarcasm and horrible puns, and avoiding the topic at hand at times. They both know this, and either yell at eachother for it or join in. They’re close friend, Crow always brags about how the Normandy has the best pilot out there, and Joker says that his commander is pretty cool. Their bond has only gotten stronger through out the years. Joker constantly makes “Don’t die again Shepard,” jokes on the battle field, and Crow always replies “No promises.” They laugh about it, but joker genuinely hopes a repeat of Shepard being dead for two years, doesn’t happen.
David Anderson
Due to being practically raised by Anderson, they have a parent-child bond. They look after one another, checking in when duty allows them some breathing room. Crow tries to call him at least once every few days, saving the universe doesn’t give her a lot of wiggle room in her schedule, but she certainly tries to keep in contact with David Anderson. Anderson sends messages when they aren’t able to contact eachother for a while, quick status reports, and wishes that she is safe. Crow never had a strong relationship with her father, maybe that’s why she was so drawn in by Anderson, sees him as her father figure. She worries constantly about him while he’s on earth, praying to whatever god will listen that he lives, that he’ll make it out of the wars and be able to retire, relax.
Kaiden Alenko
Since the first mission on Eden prime, maybe before then, Shepard and Alenko were inseparable. Crow demanded Kaiden be on her team when she was on missions, and hung out with him in mess hall during down time. At some point, they were lovers. They held onto eachother so tight, they didn’t even notice how much they tried to keep the other out of harms way. When Crow died, Kaiden spent the two years in mourning. Even when he tried to go out, meet new people, he could never have the connection with them he had with Crow. On horizon, after Shepards reconstruction, he was hit with so many feelings, blaming Crow unintentionally for dying, and not being able to contact him. After wards he messaged her via extranet. When they met up again, when Crow joined alliance once again and got ungrounded, they re bonded in the hospital while Kaiden was hurt. When he rejoined the Normandy crew, Alenko was ecstatic, to be working with Shepard and the team again. Sometimes he longs for the relationship they once had, but he’s happy keeping their relationship friendly, as long as he can stay by Crows side he’s happy.
Ashley Williams
Let’s be honest, Crow heavily disliked Williams. Due to her racism, the way she acted as if humans were superior, it pissed Shepard off. They never got close, they were just people who went on missions sometimes, tolerated eachother when passing in the halls. Ashley’s death on Virmire hurt Crow a bit, but she didn’t mourn as much as some others did. She hated a soldier died under her command, Ashley just rubbed her the wrong way. She never personally knew the soldier
Urdnot Wrex
When they first met, Wrex was indifferent to Crow, untrusting. Later after proving her loyalty, Wrex and the human got along well. The krogan taught Shepard about his history, even let her in on his issues with his father. He rubbed off on her a lot, she spent most of her time with Wrex or Garrus, and most of the time, Wrex tagged along anyway if she was with Garrus. They head butt eachother and huh when greeting eachother, they make playfully violent jokes with eachother, spar together, they bonded in their own way. They had their soft moments, of course. But most of the time it was one bullying the other, and the other trying to butt back. When he became a clan leader, He made sure to talk to Shepard once discovering she was alive as much as he could. Whenever she landed on his home planet, she was respected because whoever messed with her would have to deal with the krogan leader. She’s his favorite human
Garrus Vakarian
Garrus and Shepard clicked instantly. Garrus became Crows rock, just as she became his. Having the universe on their shoulders was a heavy load, and they helped eachother carry it. Garrus after a while had conflicting feelings, unsure if he liked the human or if it was just admiration because of how strong his commander was. When she died, Garrus became Archangel. He realized how much Crow meant to him, how his feelings weren’t just admiration to a senior officer. It was love. When he saw Shepard on Omega, he thought he was dying- or going crazy. She was coming to guide him to the after life. He wouldn’t be complaining, because he’d be with Shepard again. When he realized he and the commander were alive, he was even happier. He accepted his feelings for Shepard, and eventually Crow had returned his feelings. They were separated after the Normandy got grounded after the collectors being defeated, Garrus was sad again. And when he remet Shepard, he was the same sweet but cocky turian. He was beyond happy when Crow still returned his feelings after being apart for so long. Their relationship is very strong, and stable. There is no Shepard without Vakarian
Liara T’soni
Crow and Liara see eachother as sisters, protecting and defending eachother when needed. They give eachother information, gossip, a shoulder to lean on. They grew close because Shepard listened to Liara’s endless scientific ramblings, and because she saved her life on multiple occasions. When Liara became the shadow broker, she changed. A lot. But Crow supported Liara, trusting her judgment. Liara does absolutely everything she can to help the war efforts and Shepard herself
Tali had a heavy crush on crow, ever since they met. Garrus and Tali make fun of eachother for liking Shepard. Tali was always there supporting Crow, and Crow supported tali when needed. Crow defended tali when she was tried for treason, which she greatly appreciated. When Tali became Tali’zorah vas Normandy, she couldn’t help but feel happy. Normandy was her family, and Crow was someone who meant the world to her. She always supports Crow, no matter if they’re galaxies away or not. The two will always have each others backs
Urdnot Grunt
They have a familial relationship. Since Shepard released the krogan from his tank, everyone referred to him as her ‘tank baby.’ Crow took care of and looked over Grunt as if he were her child, though Krogan mature faster than humans, he accepted this. Crow and him often messed with their model figures together, or discussed random things, such as his jumbled memories or her own experiences. Crow shows him old human Vids, and grunt offers knowledge and his loyalty. He calls her “Battle master”, but one time Crow swore she heard him slip up, and mutter “mom” before he covered it up by shouting “BATTLE MASTER SHEPARD.” Shepard is his krannt. His rock. She defended him when no one else would, she saw his worth and never looked down on him because he was tank bred. She saw him as him. Grunt defended and fought for Shepard whenever he could, she was his human, and spirits forbid someone talk down on his human
Thane Krios
Thane and Crow had an understanding of eachother. Thane deeply respected Crow, and often referred to her as Siha, a goddess in Drell religion. He always appreciated her bringing him and his son together again. Thane and Crow spent time together in his room, silently sometimes, other times talking aimlessly or about memories. They understood when the other was upset and offered company or whatever they could to help. Thane caught Shepard trying to find a cure for his disease once. She was talking to mordin, who said he could possibly make it possible. Thane has a very deep fondness for his commander
Crow and Jack don’t get along all the time, but they got along most of the time. Crow understood jacks caution whenever she tried getting to know her, and always stepped away when Jack said it was enough. Despite the playful insults they throw at eachother, they’ll have each others back when the other needs it. Crow and Jack have an unspoken friendship. It’s never brung up or asked about, it just exists, and they’re okay with that
Miranda Lawson
Neither liked eachother very much, at the very least they tolerated eachother. Crow after helping Miranda with their sister decided that they would be friends, and Miranda agreed on that. They were never extremely close, whenever back stories were brought up they avoided them completely by changing the subject. At the end of the day though Shepard was just acting as Miranda’s therapist at some point, all Miranda did was vent everything into the Shepards shoulders. Crow didn’t mind, but she wished they could’ve bonded more
Jacob Taylor
Crow Shepard and Jacob had basically absent father figures, they made jokes about it. A lot. It’s how they became good friends though. Jacob joked about sharing Anderson as their father, and Crow laughed along and said she’d “let him know he had another kid.” She saw him as family, and would do anything to protect him. Jacob was like a brother to Crow, and Jacob felt the same about the commander. He would do what he could to help her, from in battle to emotions, or anything else. They were they’re for eachother no matter what, and keep contact through the extranet
Mordin Solus
At first, Crow didn’t like him much, because of his support to the genophage. Eventually, she came to like the solarian. They bonded over sciences, and music. Mordin loved human music, older music especially. He never heard it before Shepard introduced it to him, because he brought up the fact she always listened to something with an ear piece. He knew it wasn’t communications, because she always bobbed her head to it or tapped her finger on the side of her gun. She had her own ‘mission playlist’ to help her feel in control and safer, more calm and confident. Mordin let Crow hang around his office when she wanted, and even let her mess around with some of his equipment if he deemed it safe for her to play with. None of it actually was, but he knew Crow was stubborn, and would turn out fine anyways. His death was something that hit Crow hard. She mourned over him for so long, hell she still does. You’ll hear her mutter a song he used to sing under her breath, very often: “I am the very model of a scientist salarian! I’ve studied species turian, asari and Batarian. I’m quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).” She also sings his other songs which are about: the krogan queen, random patter, acid song, grace, and mitosis. He sang often while he worked, and she sings his songs as she works. She adored the scientist. Due to the time spent with him, she picked up many of his habits. Singing while working voicing thought process out loud, speaking very fast and not taking a breath until the thought is finished, and being very blunt when it comes to certain things. One of her favorite conversations with Mordin was when they were watching musicals together, and he hyper analyzed the scenes, while she added in her own knowledge and such when he stopped talking for her input. She misses him.
Javik is fond of the commander. He is unsure why, but he knows she is particularly interesting. She sits in his room with him. She doesn’t prof with questions or annoy him with endless chattering, she just sits in the space she always sits in- a corner with boxes near where he stands - and reads, or does whatever. Sometimes they chat, play chess, one time Crow let him try to braid her hair. He did surprisingly well. For being an avatar of vengeance, Javik was a very kind and careful person. They felt a understanding between eachother, and went to the citadel often because javik so badly wanted to experience it, as it was taken by the reapers in his cycle before he could visit. They’re very close friends, and this bond seems un breakable
James Vega
Yet another victim of falling in love with Shepard. He calls her ‘Lola,’ which she doesn’t seem to mind but it confuses the other team mates. When she was grounded she worked with James often, so they got relatively close. They work out together, and when he visits captains cabin he allowed himself to be ‘soft’ and just relax with Commander Shepard. Crow is oblivious to his feelings, as his flirting was always apart of his personality. They often hang out in mess hall or fighting in the lower decks )playfully of course.) James would follow her to the ends of the world, he adored Shepard, and her charisma, her strength
Another victim of Shepard adopting someone. Crow adopted leigon when it joined the Normandy, finding it sweet when it referred to her a “Shepard-Commander.” The geth would do anything to keep her safe, and she would do anything for them. Legion and Shepard are very close, and often talk about things from their own culture. To eachother so they can learn more about the other
Crow treats edi as part of the crew even before she got a physical form. Crow has always respected and believed in Edi, and she finds that baffling. They’re very close, and Crow is happy to answer questions and teach the ai about human culture, and about joker.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
I’ve been looking through the boho/bohemian, cottage core, etc tags and I think I figured out the answer to my question about why boho has been redubbed goblin/cottage/cabin core.
It seems like bohemian culture which used to be identified by artistic eccentrics has been…..Not appropriated but taken over by rich, (white) vegans who are sometimes classist, racist, rightwing douchebags.
Cause, apparently, the trad wife movement is like huge in the cottage core community. Which doesn’t surprise me cause a lot of hearth/haus witches seem to be into cottage core stuff and we all know TERFs and rightwing assholes have been infiltrating witchy and Pagan safe spaces for years now. It seemed to escalate in 2018 which is only a few years after witchcraft and Paganism went mainstream, and was reduced to a fashion trend😒
But the reason why I think this is because a lot of things that were once associated with bohemian (and/or hippy) culture like herbalism, alternative medicine, recreational drugs, artsy shit, vintage and antiques, nature — are now associated with cottage/goblin/cabin core. Like in the 1960s the bohemian movement was kinda redefined by hippies — who were the OG hipsters — into free love and experimental drugs. And that fell out of style very quickly because of the spread of AIDS/HIV and people like Jim Jones and Charles Manson.
They were both murderous cult leaders fyi. Ever hear the saying, “Keep drinking the Kool-Aid?” Its because of Jim Jones. He had this huge commune in S. America, I think, and ordered his followers to drink some kind of sacred Kool-Aid that, unbeknownst to his followers, was laced with cyanide and all kinds of other poisonous shit. Lots of people died.
If anyone is interested in Charles Manson, I recommend reading the true crime novel Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi.
Anyway, prior to the 1960s bohemian peeps were……Eccentric artists — people like Hans Christian Anderson or Leonardo da Vinci or Mary Shelley. Sometimes they were rich people. Sometimes they were straight up starving artists. Or they were just reclusive shut ins or even witches like Alister Crowley — who you should really not emulate. They collected antiques and made art and music and wrote books.
But pretty much anyone could identify or be labeled as bohemian.
Like, obviously, there was a racist aspect to it unfortunately but that started to change as culture and the arts evolved and more people realized that it was not okay to be a racist, anti-LGBT asshole. That’s how we got people like Jimmy Hendrix and Betty Davis — basically, bohemian was the grassroots of counter culture.
I could be completely wrong about that, but that’s just how I understand it.
And, personally, I feel that the term should be reclaimed by the weirdos. Just sayin’🤷🏻
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kandadiff · 2 years
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Lux Anderson 
The leader of THE CIRCUS before it broke down and became FUNHOUSE. It isn't often that just one girl makes an impression on an entire town, but Lux always had a way of staying on people's minds. She was a mystery, even to those closest to her, and only those who were in the wrong place at the right time ever truly got to see the facade slip. To some, she was an angel walking among the ordinary. One of the nicest people they had ever met, and wholly convinced she would do anything for them. To others, she was their tormentor - even if some didn't quite realize what she was getting away with until she was gone. 
Lux was up to something in her last few days. She was distressed and snapping at everyone who asked her about it. After attending the Jenners Halloween Party, testing her friends and getting into a few arguments there. She disappeared inside a mystery persons car and went missing. She's still missing. 
Kimberly 'Hoodie' Ahn
Was actually secretly in love with Lux and tried to break her and her boyfriend up. Lux did string her along because she liked the attention but finding out about her plan she brutally rejected her. 
Hoodie is hiding the long-term affair that her mother is having afraid that her father will hate her if he finds out she knows.  
The night of Lux’s disappearance Hoodie was one of the only ones to defend her test.
Makayla Arrabah
Makaylas first trying something worse then weed was with Lux at some party they went to. Both girls did coke and while Lux could do it once in a while Makayla easily became addicted. Soon pills followed. Lux used this to her advantage, able to keep sweet Makayla on some what of a leash by her secret drug addiction. 
On the night of lux’s disappearance, Rue and Makayla were secretly getting high by the lake. Makayla and Rue were getting high away from the party and saw lux with a mystery man out in the woods. When Makayla tried approaching her Lux just told Makayla “go pop your pills, love, I'll be fine.”
She left for the summer after Lux was officially announced to be missing and told everyone she went to Greece with her family but actually went to a rehab. 
Kassandra 'Kassie' Jansen
Kassie helped a close friend from her home town who was  mentally unstable escape from a psychiatric ward, where they were being held after endangering people’s lives. the unstable friend, while appearing well upon escape, eventually snapped and murdered someone. She told the police but she has felt guilty about the death caused and never owned up to being the one who got their friend out.
Lux brutally bullied Kassie, in fact she wasn’t part of the group until after she disappeared and was actually grateful when she disappeared. 
Naomi Jefferson
Only got into the school because her father forged her SAT scores. 
Lux found out somehow and have been keeping it over Naomi’s head. Naomi terrified now that her father was removed from the school that she doesn’t have the grades anymore. But Lux promised to have her back. 
It was a late night at the Library. She were searching for a particular book when she heard a voice she thought was familiar. she heard Lux arguing with someone on the other end of the line - she heard her begging for mercy, and offering secrets as collateral. she don’t know who was on the other end of the line but Lux caught her and threatened to out her secret if she told anyone so she stayed quiet. 
Arianna 'Adi' Johnson
Used to act as a get-away driver when ex, Xavier, used to rob houses. Eventually got convinced into join and the one time she did they got caught. Let Xavier take the full blame.
Had an affair with the married police partner of her father. In the beginning to try and get Xavier’s sentence reduced. Instead started to fall for him. He was even going to leave his wife for her but she rejected him.
 Lux knew about the affair and tried to get her to admit it to marks wife. She refused and it strained the relationship between her and Lux, in the last week before her disappearance. 
During the night of the party she stood up against Lux during the test and was responsible for Lux’s bloody nose. 
Yekarina 'Katya' Leskova
Katya’s family was struggling after the death of her mother and to help her father, she took up being a cam girl as well as robbing a few of the men who tried to meet up with her. She earned a lot from loyal subscribers however, despite being masked, wearing a wig and disgusting her voice Lux caught her one day. Promising to keep her secret and get her into the sorority on a scholarship. 
A week before her disappearance Lux forced Katya to help her break into a house by blackmailing her to tell everyone her secret. She took a few things and made Katya promise not to tell anyone and she hasn’t said a word since. 
Kade Morrose
The black sheep from his family, he was doing coke with a few ' friends ' including Lux when one overdosed. Kitty went to go find him and found him with the dead kid. She was going to call the cops but Lux threatened her terrible. 
He often fantasizes about killing someone lately its been all his sisters, Angelique, Kitty and Parisa. He loved Lux and is determined to find where she went. 
Kara-Lina Kitty Morrose
Left someone for dead trying to find Kade, the boy overdosed and instead of going to help him, she listened to Kade and Lux and left him. Lux threatened to out Kade for his part in the accident if she spoke up. She tries her best to forget about him but he pops in her head every so option. 
The night Lux disappeared she followed the four girls into the woods and watched it. After they beat up Lux she helped them clean up. 
Draven Patterson
Two summers ago, Draven got high on ‘shrooms at an outdoor party. However during the party she got into an argument with a girl in the sorority who she didn't really get along with somewhere away from the group. The girl began insulting and pushing her out of anger. Draven, tripping badly on their ‘shrooms, thinks that the girl was seriously hurting them and so she freaked out and attacked. She end up smashing the person over the head with a large rock and knocking them out. The girl was discovered the next day and taken to hospital. Lux revealing to draven that she saw the whole thing but promised to keep it a secret. 
Things came to a head again, when Draven started to see Henry, the girl she attacked ex and a boy Lux had a crush on. They broke up a few days later and draven knew Lux had something to do with it and when she came back asking for Draven's help in breaking into a house draven refused. 
It was after the test when Draven, Kay and Adi confronted Lux the night she disappeared in the woods. Lux taunted the girls but got particularly vicious to Draven. . In a fit of rage, the three attacked Lux. Draven beat her bloodied - she had to be pulled off by Kay before it got too bad. After that the girls left lux beaten in the woods. 
Kalyn 'Kay' Snow
Was having an affair with Professor Jefferson when she was dating Liam and he was married. It was a very tumulus relationship ending when his daughter Naomi joins the sorority. He wanted to leave his wife and Kay refused to be with him, Lux found this out when he went to the sorority house pretending to visit his daughter. She promised to keep the secret between them and helped Kay get him removed from the school.
 Kay helped Lux break into the principals office a few days before her disappearance and the night of her appearance the girls got into a fight. Lux demanding Kay to go with her somewhere then when she refused - accusing her of not appreciating what she did for her and saying she's just there to take her spot as leader. 
Kay gave her the black eye that night and pulled draven off of her before the girl killed her. They left her in the woods. 
Edward Styles
After a particularly horrible visit from his father, Edward full of rage followed his father to a seedy casino outside of town. He pulled his father into an alley and brutally beat the shit out of him. At the time Lux was at the casino attempting to cash out her chips for extra money when she heard the commotion. She helped Edward pose the body and clean up taking him back to his house. She promised not to tell anyone as long as he always had her back. 
Marcel saw them and later on the news there father was declared to be in a serious coma where he has been for the last 2 years. Neither Edward or Lux mentioning it to anyone. 
A few days before Lux died, she showed up at his house; terrified.  She paid him to keep an eye on the girls of teh sorority to make sure they weren't the ones “scaring her.” He found nothing and the night she died he reported it to her. She was frustrated but thanked him. Offering him money, with an odd business card in it. He never told anyone but kept the card realizing it might be the key to where she disappeared to . 
Damien Thorne
While visiting Kingston Mental Asylum, Lux discovered Damiens mothers severe mental illness. She also discovered the medicine Damien uses to prevent it in himself. When she brought it up to him he nearly attacked her until she told him she’s never tell anyone as long as she keeps an eye on things for her. 
A few days before Lux died, she showed up at his apartment. The conversation was short, worrisome. She told stories of someone following and threatening her and told him she just needed one thing… A gun, to protect herself. Damien provided the gun and he kept his mouth shut after she told him not to breathe a word of what she said. 
Maddy Gomez
Is Adi’s half sister. Adi’s mother fell in lust with Maddy’s father when he visited France. He went to visit Paris and met her and they had a romantic week together. Her mother shipped Adi off to her father permanently and she got pregnant with Maddy. Not wanting another child her mother shipped Maddy off to be with her father who she left shortly after maddys birth - not even wanting to acknowledge the child. 
Maddy's father told her when she was younger that her mother left them and gave her a picture. It wasn’t until joining THE CIRCUS that she realized Adi had the same picture. She didn’t tell her and doesn’t want to in fear adi would be like there mother. 
When looking through Maddy's stuff Lux found the picture and put two and two together. Though she was keeping that secret up her sleeve. 
Jules Montgomery 
Sweet and sensitive, Jules was a brand new face to the circus and prefect prey to Lux. Lux often using her sweet nature for her benefit.
Confused with her sexuality she was conflicted with her feelings and often slept with many man before even in the sorority. Including Robert, Tyler, Harry and beck to name a few. She kept these a secret though Lux managed to get out a few names from her. Jules - racked with guilt for some of them often took her guilty feeling with destructive coping mechanisms.
Example, Lux caught her self harming and Jules profusely apologized while Lux snarked at her telling her “if you’re going to cut yourself, get the fuck out of my sorority. I don’t need any depression kittys bleeding out here.” After that Jules nickname was ‘Little Miss Wants Attention.’
Jules defended Lux during the halloween though didn’t stop the others from screaming at her. And now that she's gone - she feels a bit relieved though she won’t ever admit it. 
Madeline Mimi Blossom 
Mimi has an older brother, Ryan and was and is scared of him.  When they were kids, Ryan used to take his temper out on her whenever he could, they’d usually have arguments that ended with him grabbing and yelling at her. Once, when she was 12 and he was fourteen, Ryan actually tried to push her down the stairs of their parents large house. If he’d succeeded in pushing her the whole way, mimi most likely would have broken her neck. She did hit her head and had to stay in hospital overnight but nothing too serious happened and because of that, and due to Ryan being the “perfect son”, her experiences were downplayed and she was gaslighted. Her parents acted like Ryan’s behaviour was just part of sibling squabbles. She was sent away in order to satisfy her brother. 
Ryan came to visit her and played the doting brother. However, he did try to beat her. Lux saw and tried to get him off of her. He threw Lux into a wall and Mimi pushed him off of her. Slmming her body into him making him crack into the 5th floor window of the Cullen Building. He plummeted to the ground and ended up in a coma. Lux quickly said Ryan was depressed and Madelien was trying to stop him from jumping. It was good enough for the police but her parents still don’t believe and hate her. 
Victoria ‘Tori’ Vega 
Since the moment Tori saw Adi she was allured in. There was something intoxicatingly alluring about the girl and as soon as she saw she was apart of THE CIRCUS. Tori knew she needed in. Adi and her got along well enough but each interaction  made her feel things she hadn’t felt before and even in a room full of people, Tori often found her attention drawn exclusively to the other girl. One night, with a blood-alcohol level that would have made her father scowl, Tori was in the bathroom attempting to psych herself up to make a move on her. 
Of course Lux noticed, when Tori came out of the bathroom she was met with Adi kissing another student, in defeat she drunkenly admitted her feelings to Lux. Since then Lux subtly laughed at Tori’s obsession while baiting Adi to hate the girl. And Adi did start to hate the way Tori copied her, hated it when she would sit and watch her in the school courtyard… Nothing was ever good enough but, to Tori, even the negative attention from Adi was sometimes welcomed. She supposed that if this was all she would get she would have to find a way to make do
 Tori knew Lux had her wrapped around her finger to keep her secret and the morning of her disappearance she threatened to tell adi unless Tori gave her ‘emergency’ money. She winded up stealing from a few of the girls in the sorority to fund her. 
Amber Lui
Amber has a bit of an anger issue in fact she was arrested for aggravated assault at her last college, and should have faced jail time.  But thanks to her fathers money, the problem was hidden in the shadows and she was allowed to quietly transfer... 
However, in this town things don’t get past Lux and she used Ambers secret (& budding feelings for hoodie) in order to have her as her personal body guard. 
Amber blames herself for Lux getting beat in the woods feeling like she should have protected her. She wants to get revenge on those who did it but doesn’t know where to start looking. 
Liam Payne 
Liam should have been weary of Lux but when he was already suspicious of Kay, Lux fed on his insecurities. Saying Kay had been spending more time with Josh or even Robin. 
One night Liam was drunk and angry and decided to teach both boys (who shared a dorm room) a lesson. He took his bottle of jack Daniels and stuffed his shirt in the bottle before lighting it on fire and throwing it through the open window. The fire exploded in the dorm room instantly killing Josh and injuring about two dozen people who were in the dorm building as teh fire spread. He never told anyone what he did but suspects that Lux knows and is happy she disappeared so his secret would be safe. 
Camilla Cabello 
Was heavily bullied by Lux. Lux hated her for a variety of reasons but all came to a head when Lux beat her up as a pretend hazing ritual for joining the sorority. 
Shawn found her in the park and helped her and thats when she fell in love. She loved Shawn, she loves Shawn and was terrified of him leaving her. So what did she do? She secretly stopped taking her birth control so that she could get pregnant and she did or so she thought. Turns out Camila can't have kids and when she was looking for comfort she found lux trying to hook up Adi and Shawn. 
When Lux disappeared she was grateful to get rid of that hateful bitch. 
Elizabeth Allen
Elizabeth is prescribed pills for insomnia after she had major trouble falling asleep a few years ago but she stopped taking them as they made her feel like a zombie. She still gets the prescription refilled and has all the pills hidden in a drawer in her room. She’s having horrible sleep troubles again, including night terrors, but she hates the medication and it doesn’t occur to her that she could ask the doctor to try something different.
She writes fan fiction often about the people in school and her dorm room has notebooks full of fan fiction on the people in school. It turned a bit weird and she regretted it after she posted it on wattapad and then she just… couldn’t stop. It got so many likes anyway. She started writing stories that focused on the more popular guys liking her (Max, Edward, Robin, Damien, Shownu, act...) fantasising about them in a relationship or something. Most of it is her crazy imagination and the lack of sleep not mixing well together and she knows she sounds weird and crazed in some of them, some of the things she writes, but she can’t seem to stop. It’s therapeutic and she feels like she knows them. 
Seungri Lee
He has a son, whose mother he has been paying off ever since the kid was born. He pays her to say that the kid is the son of some other man, her now husband. The family is quite poor and he knows the money helps a great deal and while he does feel a bit guilty about not getting to know his son, he doesn’t feel ready for that kind of thing. He doesn’t know how to be a dad, he’s scared of the whole idea of it, and he’s really not up to the responsibility. It’s much easier this way and tuning it out is pretty easy too.
he often goes to the next town over and finds a girl in a bar. A girl who’s dressed up a little too much, wearing a bit too much make-up, clearly underage and having used a fake ID or sneaked in. He charms that girl and takes her to a hotel to have sex with her. It’s wrong and he knows that, they’re too young but they’re keen and they like him and it really does help him feel a bit better, feel a thrill. It gives him a bit of a kick, doing something he knows he shouldn’t be doing and sneaking around. There’s something addictive about being bad that he can’t quite seem to shake. And… how bad is it really, anyway? At least he’s not out there attacking or killing people. 
However, Lux did know one of the girls was almost Annika, Katya's younger sister. She blackmailed Seungri into getting her airline tickets in order to keep it a secret from Katya.
Ian Payne 
Has his eye on both Draven and her current fling Jiwoo Jeon. He knows that Jiwoo is a lesbian (and she looks like she could stand to lose a few pounds in his opinion) but he has always viewed that as a challenge. He doesn’t take that sort of thing seriously and believes that girls say that stuff for attention or because they’re scared of sex or something stupid. He’s made it his mission to get her into bed one way or another and he doesn’t really consider how that would affect either girl, he thinks it’s just all in good fun. he has never been that great at considering other people’s feelings.
He stole Kylie’s emergency credit card on impulse and has been using it to pay his bills while he settles into town, saving his own money. He doesn’t think he’ll get found out and he likes the idea of free money.
Olivia Rodriggo
Has a crush on Kay Snow. Olivia thinks that if Kay got to know her properly they’d hit it off, she thinks they’re quite similar and would match well. She feels a bit silly about it because she’s liked her since she started uni but she can’t seem to shake the girl. 
Isn’t a Kelpto but often finds herself going into Kay’s places and things and taking things no one would notice being gone, hair accessories, jewellery, etc. She just wants to get to know her better, even if it has to be in secret. She also gets a thrill wearing the things she's taken and no one noticing who it really belongs too.
Jiyong Kwon
His nightclub back in Seoul is in a little bit of trouble. It was discovered that some dealers were using his club as a hub to sell drugs. The police have been investigating after the dealers lied and said Jiyong is involved in it too. He is angry that his club was used by scum and he is frustrated that the police are looking into him. He’s just laying low for a while until it all sorts itself out.
Is getting too into drinking and actually likes Drunk Driving. He sees it as a challenge to safely get home. 
Knows some guys who can get fake ID’s and passports. He got some for Lux a week before she went missing. Lux knew about the hit and run he preformed and threatened him. 
Jade Thirlwall
She is stealing money from the Anne’s Bakery (she works there during the week) till every Friday when she has to count up the totals. She’s always been a little bit of a kleptomaniac but it got worse as she got older and doing this gives Jade a rush and makes her feel powerful. She tends to steal more when she’s feeling especially lonely, too. It makes her feel better somehow.
Found out that her mother is having an affair and she is quite furious about it. She wants to confront the woman, or tell her dad because he deserves better, but Jade also doesn’t want to blow up her entire family and threaten her inheritance. The prospect that they could get divorced is just so outrageous, she doesn’t want to give them the push that could cause it. But it’s affecting her and she doesn’t know what to do.
Caleb Irwin 
Is becoming a little bit addicted to visiting the local lapdancing/strip club. He likes going to the club, getting the real interaction with women, watching them dance, giving them money. It’s starting to become something he’s eager to do nearly every single weekend and he’s not sure how to stop or if he even wants to.
Had the brilliant idea with the rest of the fetuses to write a book about lux hardcore bullying them and about her disappearance. For ‘research’ they started to follow her clique around. He fell in love with Adi and now can’t stop following her. 
Stephan James 
He suspects his father killed his mother when he was 13 because he found her dead body at the bottom of a staircase and his father on top. Nothing ever came of the investigation but He still sometimes suffers nightmares brought on by guilt and the trauma of finding his mother’s body. They sometimes cause him to sleepwalk and have violent impulses while still under the influence of sleep. He once strangled a girlfriend who was staying over years ago. Needless to say she left him immediately and his father paid to have it covered up.
Andrew Hood
Two summers ago, Roberts mother married Andrews uncle making the boys cousins by marriage. Which they loved, being best friends and all. 
Whenever he and Robert get into a fight over a girl, it gets a little too tense. They both do have a love-hate thing going on, they’re friends, enemies and lovers. They love the fight getting heated and usually end up having sex at the end of it. It’s not like any of them is ready to commit to this side of their sexuality so it’s just between them and they don’t speak about it and this fits Andrew just fine.
Robert Clifford 
Two summers ago, Roberts mother married Andrews uncle making the boys cousins by marriage. Which they loved, being best friends and all. 
Robert is a furry and his fursona is a red wolf named MoonBlood. 
After they fight about the girls they had and try to have they let things escalate. When you talk about close relationship with them they’re not only best friends and cousins, they also sleep with each other whenever they get into an argument. Probably to de-escalate it but they’re also enjoying it but not really admitting to anything, extending their sexuality. Robert wants to talk about it sometimes but he knows Andrew doesn’t.
Vanessa Hudgens 
Her stepfather has always been horribly abusive of her ever since he became part of their family. Their mother is aware but turns a blind eye as she doesn’t want to lose her husband. 
Ran away a few years ago, to escape her stepdad. She was very young and terrified, after a rather horrible night, and was eager to go, taking only a few items and some money from her mother’s purse. They kept in contact on and off but it was hard not to be able to be with her sister and she didn’t want her father to track her down. She worked her fingers to the bone as a barista every day to pay for her room in a flat she shared with three other people and basically lived off tea and Nutella. She crashes on random old friends couches or in their spare rooms, so she doesn’t have to set foot back in that house. Until she got accepted in the school.
Lux blackmailed her to use her couch surfing connections. Threatening if she told anyone Vanessa would be shipped back to her stepfather. 
Victor Malik
He has never dated anybody his whole life. He gives vague mentions of girls he’s liked or kissed through his life, but he’s never had anything serious at all. Never asked a girl out, never kissed someone, never been told someone has a crush on him. He was always too busy working to really focus on relationships and now he feels left behind and pretty embarrassed about it.
Had the brilliant idea with the rest of the fetuses to write a book about lux hardcore bullying them and about her disappearance. For ‘research’ they started to follow her clique around. He fell in love with Kay and now can’t stop following her. 
Jiwoo Jeon
Her best friend, three years ago while they were staying in a hotel in another town. Jiwoo was sober and she put up a fight, attacking him back and hitting him over the head in self defence. he ended up unconscious and she fled, escaping back to Van Der Wulff and leaving him there. She watched the news religiously until she heard something about him. He ended up in a coma, in a hospital in another town, and nobody could ID him because she’d taken his wallet with her. She stupidly kept it in her school bag and Lux found it one day and threatened to tell the police everything unless she kept an eye on the girls during the day she disappeared. Jiwoo still lives in fear that she’ll be arrested to this day, terrified that Jensen is going to wake up.
Miley Cyrus 
Used to sell drugs - the family was so poor and it really helped out. This is a secret that Lux found out about her before she disappeared. She tried to blackmail him but then she vanished - back then she didn’t want to give people a reason to suspect her of anything. she stopped after and kept her stash hidden in her shed under a creaky floorboard. Recently, though, she went out to check it was all still there and she’s noticed that some of the packets have been going missing. 
Was a regular who used to provide drugs to Tyler, in exchange for either a discounted price or, more often than not, a bit of a make-out or groping session - even a couple of times as far as full blown sex.
Perrie Edwards 
Has been telling everyone since high school that she is dating an older guy from another country that she met online. She has a bunch of photos on her phone and laptop of a random guy whose profile she found and liked, and has been telling everyone he’s her very serious English cop boyfriend, Henry. It’s been going for a year and she can’t seem to find a way to stop it. It would be easy to say they broke up but… she’s grown oddly attached to him.
Atina Davis
Back in high school, Atina had much less control over her anger than she does now. She let it get the best of her. On her way home from before she transferred one winter night, she spotted a girl she had a falling out with some way ahead of her. Something just took over Atina and she rushed at the other girl, shoving her hard from behind. When the girl was down, she didn’t stop, she started to kick her, just completely seeing red. She grabbed her bag and ran off with it when she was finished, to make it look like a robbery. She felt sick with guilt after she calmed down. She still has the bag
Had to go onto medication, to help her with her mood swings and her anger issues. They were so out of control and she would get violent sometimes. She’s much mellower now as long as she sticks to her dosages but she doesn’t want anybody to know because it just makes her feel like a complete freak.
Leroy Payne 
To him THE CIRCUS were full of small town stars. Each girl bringing something new to the table. Leroy isn’t exactly sure when he began focusing on them in his little home movies or filming them with his camera, but once he started he couldn't stop. He wasn’t peeping but instead was fasinated by the group. He spent hours filming us at group gatherings, parties, school events or through windows in the sorority. It would go perfect with there documentary after all right?
Jihyo Park
Had developed a bit of an obsessive crush on her current boyfriend, Yoongi, after she heard him playing piano at there school in Japan. She thought he was incredible and she got way too obsessive and would do just about anything. She started showing up places she knew he would be and often texted him for help she didn’t even need. She once even made up someone following her home to gain his sympathy. She figured if he saw her as a friend the possibility of more would open up. It worked and she was accepted to come back to California with him and study at Van Der Wulff. 
Jihyo has had these obsessive tendencies over guys in the past and she’s even gone so far as to make up terrible lies and go to extreme lengths to keep them.  Though the problem she has now is Kay Snow and her strange relationship with Yoongi.
Became obsessed with a teacher who had a girlfriend back in high school. Kimberley had the biggest crush on him but it got out of control. She would turn up places she knew he was after school and find ways to talk to him, get extra help, and play on his sympathy. She twisted their relationship into something it wasn’t in her head and eventually things ended dramatically when she ran his girlfriend off the road, almost fatally injuring her. Jihyo was convinced they’d end up together but she only ended up put away in a hospital for a year to get treatment. She came out a year later, pretending she’d been away on an internship, and her family figured she was all better.
Daesung Kim
 It happened last year, at one of the many parties Daesung attended back in Seoul. He had been wasted, completely incapable of actually thinking out his actions before he did so. And before he knew it he was bringing some girl he didn’t recognize to the bedroom. He could hear her protests but in the time kept thinking “I’m Daesung, of course she wants me.” Since then, the girl has threatened to tell the police, to press charges. But Daesung paid her a lot of money and is willing to do anything to make sure the word doesn’t get out about it. He left to Van Der Wulff as soon as he could but realized the girls sister Momo, is in the school now. 
Zayn Malik 
Is starting to become a regular at RED HEART casino. He wins a lot but looses a whole lot more and got himself into debt with the owner. He needs money and wants to stop but just can’t.
Jennie Kim
Has been pretending that she has a job at a local cafe but honestly she has been unable to find work anywhere in town. Nowhere wants to hire her or when they do she leaves within a few days. She’s been shoplifting and selling the items online to keep up the appearance of having money, though it’s not the most lucrative option. Recently she's been stealing from people in the school, from there lockers or gym lockers. 
In high school Jennie had a vendetta against a teacher at school, Mr. Kang, and made it a mission to seduce them, get a better grade because of it, and then out the teacher for sleeping with a student. He was arrested and she quickly moved onto Van Der Wulff before anyone realized what she was doing. 
Justin Beeiber 
He was the guy Selena was pushed at by Lux one night at a party he’d been dragged to by a friend. Selena was clearly very drunk and out of it but it didn’t stop him getting a bit too touchy with her. Justin isn’t quite sure what would have happened if she hadn’t pushed him off and staggered away. He likes to think that he wouldn’t have gone too far, that he’s a good guy, but when he gets too much alcohol in him he only ever gets one thing on his mind and a quick grope or kiss never seems to be enough. He’d actually been promised by Lux the night of the party that it would be Adi, not Selena, that would be dropped into his lap - all ready and willing. 
Yoona Kim
Is a little addicted to taking risks. All kinds of risks. Whether it’s just something small like walking through the park or the woods after midnight or something bigger like getting blind drunk and going home with a complete stranger. She can sometimes seem like she’s lost her mind but things that give her a complete thrill and that makes her feel good.
she sometimes attends AA meetings·when she’s feeling especially lonely, just so that she has people to talk to, though she sometimes feels like a complete fraud because she isn’t an alcoholic. She goes out of town so that nobody recognises her and she knows it’s not exactly right but she likes feeling connected and like she can talk to the people in the meetings.
Michael B Jordan
Was having an affair with his fathers girlfriend. Of course first he didn’t like her at all, she was younger than him and dating his father which was pretty disturbing to him. And it was just an act of revenge against his father but now the girl is threatening to expose them unless he continues with the affair.
Wonho Shin 
He is actually the one who killed his brother’s friend Candace. It was a complete accident that he ran into her while she was leaving this guy’s apartment after most likely sleeping with him. Wonho had been driving home from work (he did nightshift) and he offered her a lift home. When they stopped at a red light, Candace tried to kiss him. He pushed him away and he got angry and the two fought. She stormed out of his car and he followed her. The two had an altercation and he ended up pushing her, causing the girl to fall and hit her head. He panicked and buried her in some nearby woods, Woo helping him. the burned her belongings and promised never to speak about it again. 
Lisa Manoban 
Has been following Jennie around, taking pictures of her and sending them to her in the mail. She isn’t trying to be threatening, at least not on purpose, but Jennie does confide in her about it and it makes him feel wanted by her. Lisa has always had some weird, creepy crush on Jennie despite her being childhood friends and Jennie being straight, ever since they were kids, and it makes her act in dumb, irrational ways around her. Stalking is the newest in a long line of things that Lisa has done out of her sheer frustration and jealousy and she’s in too deep to stop now. Not that she’s sure she even wants to but maybe that’s because she’s so fucked up.
Penelope Beryl
Was on the verge of being kicked out of her apartment for being consistently late with the rent. Penny took a loan from a pretty dodgy source and, though she managed to keep her flat, she is being visited by some pretty scary guys who want the loan repaid. Penny feels pretty stupid and freaked out… and she’s tempted to go down some pretty illegal lines to get enough money to pay them back for good. She’s even tempted to start begging on the street like a homeless person, though in another town so she wouldn’t be recognised. She knows she wouldn’t even get much from this but it feels so desperate that every little helps or something right now.
Seunghyun TOP Choi
Suffers from schizophrenia. he has been going to therapy and been on medication for the past few years but he struggles with hallucinations, especially when he is incredibly stressed. He travels to another town to get his prescriptions filled so that nobody can catch him and possibly discover his secret. It causes him a great deal of shame, And often self-medicates with drugs. 
Maximus Valente
Got really drunk at a party and decided to “borrow” someones car for a joyride, even though he knew he wasn’t allowed to drive yet. He was going too fast and hit someone, but was too afraid to stop and check on them. He took off, ditching the car. It wasn’t until later that he found out the person died. he doesn't drink or do any drugs ever since.
Rachel Michele
Shoplifted a couple of times in high school but one of these times, just as she was about to get caught by security, she planted the items on her friend. The friend got into a lot of trouble and has a record and though she feels guilty, she’s just relieved it wasn’t her.
Stole a few blank prescription pages when she visited her sister at the hospital where she works. She doesn’t have much of a plan for them other than she just saw the opportunity. She decided that maybe she can sell them to some desperate people for enough money.
Emma Roberts 
Since she doesn’t have much money anymore, and her father won’t send her any, she began to make her own clothes and put fake labels on them so she could pretend to belong to the crowd. To have the good stuff. She’s ashamed she’s basically living on nothing and she had to take up a job. She started working in a club in across town and has recently been approached there to be recruited for a call girl job. She’s debating whether or not to do it because that job would really bring money. 
Abusive. Beat up her last boyfriend ; current boyfriend and constantly shamed him for “not being a man”. She often blackmails her friends and beats them up too if they cross her.
Jisoo Kim
makes her money online by catfishing men. She pretends to be other women and has various profiles with different pictures and different personalities and convinces men to spend money on her and send her gifts. When they start demanding things she can’t send, like videos and such, she moves onto the next or deletes the profile and starts fresh. It’s sometimes tough and they don’t always fall for it as most men want to meet a girl first but she manages to make enough to scrape by in the dorm. It’s not something she feels she can tell anybody but it’s exciting sometimes and she feels a rush scamming guys out of their money. Especially a few of the boys around school.
Kendall Jenner
She was in love with a teacher in high school but he gave all his attention to another student in her class. Sure they were having an affair she outed her for sleeping with their teacher. the teacher lost their job was investigated. Turns out he was just tutoring her friend in private but Kendall doubled down and insitsted it was inappropriate even going so far as to create fake texts between the teacher and student. she mailed them to the teacher in an attempt to blackmail him but instead he killed himself and she's lived with that guilt ever since.
Naeyeon Im
She is a lesbian but her mother was always very, very homophobic. It really affected her and every time she would get any kind of inkling about her daughter (if she thought a girl was pretty, was caught glancing at a girl, or other things she’d rather never think about) then she would take her homophobic anger out on Naeyeon. Thats why Naeyeon left Seoul though she's scared of her mother finding out about hoodie.
When her and Hoodie are off (in there very on and off relationship) she hooks up with Jeongyeon, however the last time they hooked up was when she was on the phone with Hoodie speaking about getting back together. 
Taylor Swift 
Used to date Harry Styles a while ago. Before she had been crazy about him and was kind of furious when she found out that he had been hooking up with Kendall. She resented that girl anyway, going around and leaving her scent on practically every boy in town. After a while though, Taylor managed to get his attention and finally got to date him. It was great and she was crazy in love. However, because she could feel the end was coming and that he was bored with her… she told him she was pregnant. Trying to guilt him to stay with her and it actually worked and then she was trying to really get pregnant so she wouldn’t be found out, but it didn’t seem to work. She broke up with him after that hoping to never be found out. 
stole her best friend’s diary during a sleepover in high school. She found some pretty horrible things written about her in there and, in a rage, she put the girl’s deepest secrets online, spreading them all over social media for their whole school to see. Soon after, the girl committed suicide and Taylor still suffers guilt from it, but she also has moments where she doesn’t regret what she did because the things the girl had written were nasty.
Evan Peters
After him and Emma got together, she got psychologically abusive. She would take advantage of him trying to do everything for her, while she forbid him to go see his friends or she would look through his phone and would accuse him of cheating whenever she could. And whenever they got into a fight and where close to break up, she would cry and tell him she would kill herself and it would all be his fault. Everyday was hell for him and one day, he just couldn’t do it anymore broke up with her. She kept trying to keep him from doing so but he kept strong in that moment.
 After he’d moved himself out, she called him up a couple of times, and still writes messages about killing herself and pinning it on him or threatening too black his eyes again.  He’d gotten the police involved but they did nothing even when she openly threatened him. He has her blocked now, He’s emotionally scarred though, and really, he doesn’t know if he would ever be capable of having a healthy relationship. He doesn’t want to be manipulated anymore and tries to keep more to himself.
Ever since hes started dating Kitty, hes scared Emma is going to find out not because he doesn't want anyone to know but because he knows if Emma does anything to Kitty he’lll snap and might hurt her. 
Hyuna Kim
The real reason that she left home was because her adopted brother, started to come onto her. As they got older and she grew into her looks, he started to make odd comments about her appearance and her body. She brushed it off at first, thinking he was just making fun of her, but it got worse and he would try to spy on her in the shower, look through the crack in her door if she left it open. Then, one night, he tried to climb into bed with her. That was the last straw. she simply couldn’t take it any more, she didn’t want to feel unsafe and preyed upon in her own home, by someone who was supposed to be her brother. 
Lux knew this and threatened to tell her brother exactly where she was unless she helped her get close to GD. 
Rue Coleman
Addicted to opioids & now dealing them
Since breaking up with Jules and Makayla getting sober she's been feeling really isolated and lonely similar to how she felt with Lux heavily bullied her. 
Demi Lovato
Started lying for attention in high school when she was feeling left out and ignored by her family. She told a teacher her grandmother had died and that’s why she was upset and it got her time off the coursework. She pretended to be sick a lot so she would get sympathy. Demi even pretended that she’d been followed home one night by a strange man so that her parents paid panicked attention to her instead of her sisters. It’s silly and she still does it when she feels left out or unwanted and she isn’t sure how to stop
Lux heavily bullied her and Demi credits Lux for making her try her first joint just wanting to relax from the constant strain the popular girl put on her. Holds it against all the sorority girls for being mean to her. 
Cassie White 
During what Cassie told everyone was a “holiday to France”, she was actually in London getting work done. She got a nose job and a breast enhancement and then came back completely new and full of more confidence to suit her new persona. Cassies’s step-dad has the money and will do whatever he can to make sure his little girl gets what she wants, which is helpful when you’re trying to win over the whole school. Though she’d hate for anyone to find out and brand her “plastic” or anything like that, she knows the fallout from these types of things can be bad and she doesn’t want to be knocked off her ledge.
It incredibly insecure when it comes to men and often seeks validation from them. Unfortunately this caused her to sleep with Nate when he was still with Maddy and move in with him. Any boy who really gives her attention and a few compliments she’ll fall for especially when her and Nate fight.
Chaeyoung Son
Deeply insecure about being a lesbian. She forced herself to sleep with Jackson Wang a while back to try and force a relationship out of it since he was popular, and she needed a perfect boy to be with, a power couple… it was horrible and Chaeyoung spent a lot of time denying her attraction towards girls. 
She has a crush on Draven Patterson and feels like shit because she actually really gets along with Jiwoo. But secretly she's been trying to plan to get them to break up....somehow.... just so she can get to know her better. 
Hayley Marshall
She had a brief fling with Emma’s father years ago. She knew that Emma had always had some… issues regarding her father but Hayley couldn’t help that she found him attractive. It’s not like she ever thought she stood a chance but being so insecure it was nice when an older man like him finally paid her some attention. She was a little silly and slept with him very quickly, but Mr. Roberts was quick to drop her like she meant nothing. It hurt when he just tossed her aside. Again, she felt like she wasn’t good enough, that she never would be, and it hurt to have to see him and act like nothing had happened. She went along pretending nothing happened .... maybe a tiny part of her stuck in the past sometimes wishes she could stop by and still have him be there.
Had fallen for her mother’s boyfriend, ever since the two began having an affair a while ago. She felt dreadfully guilty but she was always still very angry at her mother for divorcing her father and blames the woman entirely for ruining her family, so she never really felt quite guilty enough to stop. Hayley felt like Lewis might be the one for her, she harboured fantasies of running away together, but had no idea that he doesn’t really see it the same way until recently. She soon broke off the affair after getting the harsh impression he only wanted to use her for sex and has been avoiding and cold with him ever since.
Yoongi Min
Hanging out with assholes when he was a teenager, he was dared to set fire to a building. He did it however workers were in it and while none died they were seriously hurt and destroyed the nearby buildings as well. They were rescued before anything horrible happened but it’s part of the reason he left Seoul when she did. They were still investigating after discovering the fire was deliberate though he regularly sends them money anonymously to try and feel better for what they caused. He was never caught but thinks about it a lot. 
Beck Avian 
Lux and him hooked up a couple of times. 
The night Lux went missing before the halloween party She pushed him out of the window after he caught her in his father’s office, trying to crack his safe. His dad keeps a gun, lots of money, and some valuable items in there. Beck confronted Lux about it and lux chased him up to his bedroom, saying that he’d ‘better not open his stupid mouth’, and ranting something about someone being out to get her and she needed ‘protection’ and ‘escape money.’ Beck didn’t understand what she was talking about, she was too worked up because of the alcohol they’d been sneaking up in his room before Lux pretended to slip out to the bathroom. Beck’s window was already open and he’d gone over to close it, maybe slam it shut in her frustration… which is when Lux shoved her, maybe out of panic, maybe out of spite, He landed on teh bushes under his window and only wound up with a broken arm. She then left to the party 
Beck never said anything because, stupid as it was, he didn’t want to get Lx into trouble. Then Lux was gone and it didn’t seem to matter if he said anything or not.
Hes also sleeping with Tyler and has been taking pills with Tyler. He feels bad because Makayla is his favorite cousin but he likes Tyler more. 
Jaebum JB Im 
his parents divorced years ago when he was still a teenager, and packed up, moving out of Seoul to go their separate ways. His father went to shack up with his new family and his mother moved to another country. They shipped him off to school, left him money and the house and often sends him extra money out of guilt at leaving him alone, even though he pretended he was fine with it. Since, JB has been embarrassed to admit it because he doesn’t want people to think his parents ditched him because he was pathetic or there was something wrong with him. His loneliness and the fact His parents ditched him has a tendency to make him seem a little distant scared to get to close to anyone in fear they will leave..
Shownu Son
Before he was at the school he took part in a stupid prank that inevitably blinded his friend. Everyone involved fled the scene and never spoke of the incident again and he moved here.
Robin Hemlock
His mother used to be a porno star / high paying escort in Europe and she made enough money that she was able to scrub her videos from the internet mostly. His father was a client of hers and she got pregnant with Romeo, while his father took neglectful responsibility, he is a porno baby.
he drowned his 'friend' as a teenager because they threatened to out what they knew about him. Everyone thinks it was an accident, but he was the one holding them under the water. 
Jackson Wang 
Thinks that he has developed some kind of a problem with alcohol and doesn’t really know what to do about it. If he’s stressed or sad or angry… he’ll go out or grab a bottle and doesn’t seem to have any other coping mechanisms and feels quite alone and helpless with it.
Jinyoung park
During a fight with his parents, he said something he regrets and convinced his father to commit suicide.
Shawn Mendes
Will go to jail for all he knows about his fathers businesses, but mostly because he helped kill a man who tried to betray his father.
Namjoon Kim
Learned how to count cards and became quite good at it. however it did give rise to a slowly building addiction to gambling.
Taehyung V Kim
Intense stress and depression is causing him to have trouble sleeping and now can't go to sleep with out popping two sleeping pills
Jungkook Jeon
Angry after Draven's rejection, Jungkook beat a man flirting with him out of the club. The man thinks it was because he was gay but in reality he was just trying to take his anger out on anything he could.
Really just wants to be friends with her again 
Jooheon Kim
Was heavily bullied growing up before his blowup in high school. One night he saw one of his bullies walking down the street and retaliated, sending the other boy to a hospital with a concussion and at a risk of having his lungs punctured due to broken ribs. He was never caught for doing this. 
Matthew Kim
While in Seoul before he found his group, Matthew found himself finally getting caught up in the party scene. He fell in with a bad crowd who got him addicted to loud music and alcohol fueled nights. He was on the verge of failing all of his exams so he seduced and slept with two of his professors in order to blackmail them to get the grades she needed to pass the course. He wouldn’t be where he is now if he hadn’t set the women up that way and he knows that he’s perfectly capable of the work… that that time in his life was just a mistake… but he does feel some guilt and worry about somebody finding out. It would ruin his credibility, possibly  get kicked out of school because his qualifications weren’t really earned.
Steven Clifford
has an online blog where they post drawings of various people around town. He mostly focuses in on Lux’s old group of friends. He sketches them with knives in their heads or even scenarios that have actually happened to them. They can get quite gruesome but his sketches can also extend to those connected to the girls too. He’s even drawn some of Lux herself. A lot of locals do gossip about this and some of the images have been taken off the site and sent to the people they were depicting (though this was not his intention). He knows it’s a bit weird and insensitive to draw these things but he’s become quite fascinated by them all.
Had the brilliant idea with the rest of the fetuses to write a book about lux hardcore bullying them and about her disappearance. For ‘research’ they started to follow her clique around. He fell in love with Adi and now can’t stop following her.
Irene Bae
Is YoungJae’s stepsister by marriage and has been hooking up with him when shes bored. She knows that her mother would be so disappointed in her if she ever found out… But its just meaningless sex to her. She doesn’t love him. Last year, the Summer that she went missing, Lux discovered the secret when she happened upon the two of them on the hill just outside of town together, looking much closer than brother and sister. She put two and two together very quickly and every time she saw Irene she would tilt her head and smile that knowing smile of hers that drove Irene mad. She was happy when she disappeared – she knew Annie’s track record at keeping people’s secrets.
Olivia Delgado
Slept with her step-sister Alison, after she was rejected by Adi during one of her many advances. When Ali had come into her room and attempted to comfort her, it had just happened… she looked so much like Adi and he was so kind and she realised the reason she’d always unsettled her was because of a crush she’d developed. However she mostly just avoids her now neither girl talking about that night knowing her parents would kill her and she would be completely blacklisted. Ali is now dating Edward  who Olivia does not like and every so often she realises she feels jealous more than annoyed. Maybe she does still have some feelings but isn’t that normal? She still wants to be with Adi.
Pressured Alison to get the plastic surgery to make her look more like Adi.
Harry Styles
has been rather promiscuous. Words glide smoothly off his tongue and he has always just been naturally charming. His curly hair and cute dimples help too, and it seems as though he could make almsot anyone fall for him within seconds. For a while, he used this to his advantage. Until he found Kitty. He actually loved her until she started showing more attention to Robin feeling insecure he cheated on her with Kendall...and Jules.....Gigi.... Irene...and Taylor. Kitty found out and broke up with him and he went to Taylor then she told him she was pregnant and he panicked. 
He seeked comfort and later wound up sleeping with Louis before he moved back to England. now he is unsure if he is actually straight or if he’s bisexual or something else. he of course likes having fun and flirting but sometimes he just doesn’t know what any of it all means. 
In the beginning of the year he did have a brief fling with Kyle. The two shared a very rocky secret relationship but he wanted to experiment more with his sexuality. Unfortunately he did / does still miss Kitty and thinks thats when he was his happiest. However he still does labor feelings for Louis. 
Seokjin Kim
Before he was at the school he took part in a stupid prank that inevitably blinded his friend. Everyone involved fled the scene and never spoke of the incident again and he moved here. He still feels incredibly guilty. 
Roman Grant 
Lost his ex girlfriend when it was found out she was sleeping with his father. When he found out he and Shawn set his father up to be jumped by Negan’s gang. 
Since then he works for Negan by shaking down clients for money to try and satisfy the part of him that craves violence.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Mycroft x reader - His soft spot
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Heya, how you doing? I was thinking maybe a Mycroft X Wife!Reader, where Mycroft keeps his wife and daughter a secret, but Sherlock insist he take them both to the Christmas party at 221B Baker Street after Sherinford. Then when they arrive everyone think is bizarre bcs his family is "normal", and he acts so soft around them. Until Anderson or Lestrade make some smart/dumb remark about his family, then he goes full Iceman mode to humiliate the person, only so Reader scolds him back, he apologize and everyone is like "WHAAAAAAAT?" And Sherlock is "Yeah, I know, you'll get used to it. Wait until I show you the wedding photos." Love your blog, honey. Have a nice day - Anon 💜
You could hear Mycroft on the phone when you came back from picking your daughter from school.
“Go get changed sweetie.” You said softly.
“Okay!” She smiled.
She ran away and you laughed, setting everything by the door as you started to make your way to the living room.
As Mycroft saw you he hung up the phone and walked over, slipping his arms arounds your waist as he sighed.
“What’s wrong dear?” You asked.
“Sherlock is having a Christmas party and he’s invited us.”
“Well that’s sweet of him.”
“I don’t think we should go. It’s safer here.”
You smiled softly and placed your hand on the side of his face.
“I understand Myc, but it’ll be safer with larger numbers. Plus Lily really wants to see Sherlock again.”
Mycroft looked at you for a moment before nodding, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Alright, we’ll go.”
A week later and you were helping Lily out of the car in front of Sherlock’s flat.
You swept your daughter into your arms and she giggled, bouncing happily in your arms as she thought about seeing her uncle again.
Mycroft spoke to the driver briefly before he walked over, giving you a kiss and knocking on the door.
“Mycroft, quick everyoens upstairs!” Mrs Hudson rushed.
She led you guys upstairs, she didn’t seem to notice you or Lily and as you guys entered he flat you were greeted by music and people talking.
“Mycroft you came.” John smiled.
“Yes, well I hadn’t much of a choice.” He sighed.
You set lily down and she ran around you excitedly.
“Sherlock! Sherlock!” She cheered.
When said man came out of bedroom she ran at him and tackled his legs making him smile and pick her up as he walked towards you all.
“I see you all came.”
“Thank you for the invite Sherlock.”
Mycroft walked over to you and handed you a drink, making sure to stand just behind you, letting you lean against him a little bit.
“So... Uhm.. who are you...?” Molly asked.
“How rude of me, sorry. I’m (Y/N) and that’s lily. I’m mycrfots wife and she’s his daughter.”
“Wait, Wait, Wait.” John said, “You’re his WIFE?!”
You laughed and nodded, wiggling your fingers to show the rings in your left hand.
Immediately you were pulled away by Mrs Hudson and Molly to talk about what it was like to be married to the iceman and how you even managed it.
At some point Lily had padded over to Mycroft so he was stood speaking to the other men with her in his arms.
“Married life is such a beautiful thing.” Mrs Hudson sighed.
“It really is.” You smiled.
“Oh, Mycroft coming over.” Molly sighed.
You turned you head to see him walking over and knelt in front of you, letting Lily crawl on to your lap with a small yawn.
“Tired sweetie?” You asked softly.
“Uh Huh...” she mumbled.
Mycroft stripped of his blazer and draped it over her, kissing her head then yours.
“I do believe we should be heading home soon.”
“We will in about 30 minutes.”
“I’ll call the car, are you wanting anything to eat along the way?” He asked.
“Maybe a burger.” You hummed.
He nodded and smiled at you, kissing your head once more before he walked away with his phone in hand.
Lily crawled across the couch and rested her head on the arm of it and pulled Mycroft blazer over her, closing her eyes.
“She’s so adorable.” Lestrade smiles.
“She really is.” John nodded.
Everyone took the conversation away from the sleeping girl and headed to the other side of the room.
“We’ll be heading home soon, it’s past Lily’s bedtime.” Mycroft said.
“You would have thought that the family of Mycroft Holmes would be so extraordinary, but honestly they’re so bland.” Anderson said.
The whole room went silent and Mycroft stepped forward.
“Well, I can see how anyone compared to you is extrodanary. You have such a dull life that you must insult my wife and child when you can barely even keep one stable relationship.”
“Mycroft enough!” John warned.
You watched as Anderson shuffled uncomfortably and with a heavy sigh you stepped in front of your husband and placed a hand on his chest, making him stop talking.
“Mycroft.” You said.
“Yes dear?”
“Enough, there’s no need to relatiate.”
Mycroft flicked his gaze between you and the police officer before nodding his head.
“There is, someone with such low standards as himself should not be insulting others family.”
“Mycroft Holmes, enough. I understand he’s annoyed you, but that’s childish behaviour. My husband is not a childish man.”
Mycroft sighed and pulled you in for a hug, resting his head on yours.
“I’m sorry.”
“So you should be, now go grab Lily, I believe it’s home time.”
He hummed and left and everyone looked at you in shock.
With a grin, you winked at them all and pulled your jacket on.
“That was amazing.” Lestrade muttered.
“Wait until you see their wedding photos.” Sherlock mused.
You rolled your eyes at him and gave him a hug before bidding everyone a goodnight.
Resting your head on Mycrofts shoulder in the car, you closed your eyes as you felt Mycroft wrap his arms around you.
“He did deserve it.” Mycroft said.
“Myc.” You warned.
“Sorry dear, I just don’t like people insulting you.”
You nodded, leaning up to kiss his chin, he would always be the cold iceman to everyone else but you knew he’d always have a soft spot for you guys
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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“Ideally, a Jedi took many months to construct a single perfect weapon that he or she would keep and use for a lifetime. Once you build it, the lightsaber will become your constant companion, your tool, and a ready means of defense.
Luke held out the handle of his own lightsaber, sliding his palm over the smooth grip, then igniting it with a startling snap-hiss. The brilliant yellow-green blade drowned out even the bright sunlight in the room. 
(...) “I hope you’ll need to use your weapon only rarely...if ever.”
- The Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers, by Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta
Say what you will about Kevin Anderson & the somewhat dubious writing style of The Jedi Academy Trilogy, but both he and his wife, Rebecca Moesta, understood the kriffing assignment when they wrote The Young Jedi Knights series, only a few years later. The fact that The New Jedi Order & the Legacy Era shit the bed immediately afterwards is almost okay, because these books are so damn good. 
Don’t go into them looking for Shakespeare, but they feature no pointless deaths, no character assassinations, no nonsensical plotting - only good characters, fun, exciting stories - they’re just pure Star Wars. And I love it so, so much.
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Here we have some pics of my personal Rudy Pando Luke V3 lightsaber (it only seemed appropriate) sporting GOTH’s Master Chassis, with a dual crystal chamber reveal, all properly modified to run a Proffieboard v2.2 soundboard. Quite nice, if I do say so myself. This post is fulfilling something of an old promise; a while ago (like, over a year ago), I hinted that I would be reinstalling this saber for one final time, and now, here it is in all its glory. My tribute to a personal hero of mine from my youth, and in the spirit of excellent ensemble  stories like The Young Jedi Knights and character pieces, like Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor. 
May they be preserved & enjoyed forever. 
Speaking of; having read Shatterpoint recently, I’m tempted to go back and read Shadows of Mindor again, if only because I’ll have a clearer idea of who Nick Rostu & Kar Vastor are, not to mention, uh, what TF is going on. It’s a great book, and it absolutely nails Luke’s character, but it’s really kriffing weird. 
Even though it’s not (in my opinion) Stover’s best work, it has a short little exchange between Luke & Kar Vastor that perfectly sums up Luke’s character, and more importantly, why he’s such a great character:
I have known Jedi. Many, many years ago. That knowing was not a gladness for me. I believed I would never know another, and I rejoiced in that belief.
But it is a gladness for me to be proven wrong.
I am happy to have known you, Jedi Luke Skywalker. You are more than they were.
“That’s -” Luke shook his head blankly, blinking against the darkness. “I mean, thanks, but I barely know anything.”
So you believe. But I say to you: you are greater than the Jedi of former days.
Luke could only frown, and shake his head again. “What makes you say that?”
Because unlike the Knights of old, Jedi Luke Skywalker...
You are not afraid of the dark.
Stover truly is the GOAT of Star Wars writers. 
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